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Y10 History Week beginning 15/06/20 · Nazis to ‘dial back’ and reduce their discrimination...

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Y10 History Week beginning 15/06/20 Lesson Three: How did the Holocaust happen? The Holocaust is a big and difficult topic, and it is extremely difficult to do it justice without a teacher. It is also one which needs to be treated with sensitivity. We cannot hope to teach you about it in the way we would like during the current circumstances. However, your teacher can and will answer further questions that you have about this material through Teams or via email. As a minimum, work through the tasks that describe and explain the escalation of the Holocaust over time. Much of this is connected to your earlier work about increasing Jewish persecution and the Nazis’ discrimination towards minority groups. Once you have done this, there are many more activities provided here from the Holocaust Education Trust to give you a better understanding of how and why the Holocaust occurred.
Page 1: Y10 History Week beginning 15/06/20 · Nazis to ‘dial back’ and reduce their discrimination against Jews. Murder on an industrial scale- A Timeline of the Holocaust The discovery

Y10 History

Week beginning 15/06/20

Lesson Three: How did the Holocaust happen?

The Holocaust is a big and difficult topic, and it is extremely

difficult to do it justice without a teacher. It is also one which needs

to be treated with sensitivity. We cannot hope to teach you about

it in the way we would like during the current circumstances.

However, your teacher can and will answer further questions that

you have about this material through Teams or via email.

As a minimum, work through the tasks that describe and explain

the escalation of the Holocaust over time. Much of this is

connected to your earlier work about increasing Jewish

persecution and the Nazis’ discrimination towards minority groups.

Once you have done this, there are many more activities

provided here from the Holocaust Education Trust to give you a

better understanding of how and why the Holocaust occurred.

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In order to effectively study the Holocaust, it is important to understand what

the term means. In this first activity we will consider that, whilst there are

different versions of a definition of the Holocaust, they all have certain things

in common. The Holocaust is not a simple subject, and as you study it you

might find you come away with more questions than answers. This is

absolutely fine and we encourage you to think about these questions as you

work through all of the activities to come. Ideally a definition of the Holocaust

would give some indication of a response to important questions such as:

Who were the victims?

Who were the perpetrators?

When did this happen?

Where did this happen?

How did it happen?

Why did this happen?

Answering these questions in a short definition is very difficult. One historically

accurate and academically acceptable definition that the Holocaust

Educational Trust uses is: The Holocaust was the murder of approximately six

million Jewish men, women and children by Nazi Germany and its

collaborators during the Second World War. Whilst this does not respond to all

of the questions above, a historian would accept it as a valid definition, even

if not a perfect one. In the coming activities you will explore these questions

and discover some of the complexities of the Holocaust – complexities which

make any definition seem inadequate.


The word ‘Holocaust’ comes from ancient Greek: ‘holos’ means ‘completely’

and ‘kaustos’ means ‘burnt’. The word was first used to describe religious

sacrifices. For this reason, some people have objected to the term

‘Holocaust’ and prefer to use the Hebrew word ‘Shoah’, which means

‘catastrophe’. The term ‘Holocaust’ means different things to different

people. However, there are several key themes that run through any

definition of the word. Below are three definitions of what the Holocaust was.

Each has been written by an institution that helps to commemorate and

educate about the Holocaust.

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Complete the following tasks based on the definitions below:

Read through the definitions and underline any terms or phrases they have in

common. (You may need to look up any new words you find.)

What do all of the definitions have in common? What can we learn from this?


“The Holocaust was the systematic murder of Europe's Jews by the Nazis and

their collaborators during the Second World War. For the first time in history,

industrial methods were used for the mass extermination of a whole people.

Between 1933 and 1945, Jews were targeted for discrimination, segregation

and extermination. […] The Nazis enslaved and murdered millions of others as

well. Political opponents, Roma and Sinti (Gypsies), homosexuals, prisoners of

conscience, people with physical and mental disabilities, Poles, Soviet

prisoners of war and others were killed or died in camps as a result of neglect,

starvation or disease.”

Imperial War Museum, London, UK

“The Holocaust was the murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazis

and their collaborators. Between the German invasion of the Soviet Union in

the summer of 1941 and the end of the war in Europe in May 1945, Nazi

Germany and its accomplices strove to murder every Jew under their

domination. Because Nazi discrimination against the Jews began with Hitler’s

accession to power in January 1933, many historians consider this the start of

the Holocaust era. The Jews were not the only victims of Hitler’s regime, but

they were the only group that the Nazis sought to destroy entirely.”

Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel

“The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored

persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime

and its collaborators. During the era of the Holocaust, German authorities

also targeted other groups because of their perceived “racial inferiority”:

Roma (Gypsies), the disabled, and some of the Slavic peoples (Poles,

Russians, and others). Other groups were persecuted on political, ideological,

and behavioural grounds, among them Communists, Socialists, Jehovah’s

Witnesses, and homosexuals.”

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C., USA

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Read through the article below, detailing how persecution against the Jews

escalated. For each year, explain how these events either made it easier for the

Nazis to push for further discrimination against Jews, or how it made it harder for the

Nazis to ‘dial back’ and reduce their discrimination against Jews.

Murder on an industrial scale- A Timeline of the Holocaust

The discovery of Nazi concentration camps towards the end of WW2 revealed the full horror

of Hitler's plans to exterminate Europe's Jews and other minorities. The media reports of the

systematic slaughter shocked the world.

What happened in Germany to lead to these events? And how much was known about the

mass murders during the years that led to one of the darkest chapters of the 20th Century?

1933- Nazis in power

Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Hitler rose to power in Germany by

offering a version of history in which the depression of the 1930s was the fault of the Jews.

In January, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of a coalition government, his own

National Socialist party being the largest in parliament. Hitler quickly moved to cement his

power by suspending many civil liberties and allowing imprisonment without trial. By March,

the first Nazi concentration camp was established at Dachau, not to imprison Jews but to

hold political dissidents. Further laws targeted Jews, restricting the jobs they could hold and

revoking their German citizenship. Anti-Semitic sentiment increased as the Jewish population

was blamed for many of Germany's recent and historical problems.

“I refuse to admit that the police are a defence squad for Jewish stores.” - Herman Göring,

reported in the Times, 11 March 1933

1934- Hitler declared Führer

In a speech broadcast on BBC radio in November 1934, Churchill warned of the Nazi ‘gospel

of intolerance and racial pride'. By August, Hitler’s grip on power was secured after a bloody

purge that destroyed all opposition in the party. He declared himself Führer, or leader.

His grip on German society tightened and those who publicly objected to Nazi policies were

often sentenced to hard labour in the rapidly expanding concentration camp system. Jews

were subjected to further laws restricting their rights, but rising anti-Semitism in Europe wasn’t

limited to Germany. In the UK, Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists gained support from

sections of the public and press, even filling the Royal Albert Hall in April.

“Hurrah for the Blackshirts.”- Daily Mail, January 1934. ‘Blackshirts’ was the nickname for the

British Union of Fascists.

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1935- Anti-Semitism as law

The Nuremberg Laws defined a Jew as anyone with three or more Jewish grandparents. Four

German grandparents were needed to be classified as German. In September, policy

escalated. The Nuremberg Laws reduced Jews to second-class citizens because of their

'impure' blood.

Defined by the religion of their grandparents rather than by their own beliefs, Jews were

viewed as having impure blood lines. The new laws were taught in schools, cementing anti-

Semitism in German culture. Most Germans kept quiet, often benefiting when Jews lost jobs

and businesses. Persecution of other minorities also escalated: the police were given new

powers to arrest homosexuals and compulsory abortions were administered to women

considered to be ‘hereditarily ill’.

“Like so many Nazi catchwords… “May Jewry perish!” – was meant literally and will be

literally brought to pass if the fanatics have their way.” -The Times, 8 November 1935

1936- The Third Reich on show

The Berlin Olympics of 1936 was a propaganda success and marked Germany's return to the

world stage after the First World War. Hitler's anti-Semitic rhetoric had turned many Germans

against the Jews. But a different propaganda strategy was needed for a global audience.

The Summer Olympics in Berlin gave the Nazis a platform to project a crafted image to the

world. Despite calls for boycotts, the games were a success. Anti-Jewish notices were

removed and German spectators cheered black athlete Jesse Owens to four gold medals.

Visitors saw a tolerant Reich. However, three days after the games ended, the head of the

Olympic Village, Wolfgang Fürstner, killed himself as he would soon be dismissed due to his

Jewish ancestry under the Nuremberg Laws.

“This contact with many nationalities and races has made the Germans more human again.”

Frederick T Birchall reports on the Berlin Olympics, New York Times, 16 August 1936

1937- Escalation of anti-Jewish propaganda

As the world’s eyes were on the battle between Fascism and Communism in Spain, the Nazis

stepped up their erosion of civil rights in Germany.

Concentration camps began to incarcerate ‘habitual criminals’ in addition to political

prisoners. Goebbels stepped up anti-Semitic propaganda with a traveling exhibition which

cast Jews as the enemy. Nearly half a million people attended. Some guessed worse would

come. Winston Churchill criticised British relations with Germany, warning of ‘great evils of

racial and religious intolerance’, though many colleagues complained of his ‘harping on’

about Jews.

“It is a horrible thing that a race of people should be attempted to be blotted out of the

society in which they had been born.” -Winston Churchill criticises British foreign policy in

December 1937

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1938- Jewish persecution intensifies

Kristallnacht - the 'Night of Broken Glass' - was an escalation in Nazi persecution of the Jews.

In March, Germany invaded Austria and by September parts of Czechoslovakia too, drawing

new territories under the regime of Nazi persecution.

In November, attacks erupted against Jewish businesses. At least 91 Jews died and 267

synagogues were destroyed in a centrally coordinated plot passed off as spontaneous

violence across Germany. Thousands of Jews were sent to concentration camps and were

only released if they agreed to leave the Nazi territory. Many Jews decided to flee, though

options were limited. Britain agreed to house Jewish children, eventually taking in 10,000

minors, but refused to change its policy for Jewish adults.

1939- The world at war

Until this point, Nazi strategy had concentrated on getting Jews to leave the Reich but when

war broke out in September a different plan emerged.

By the end of September, the SS had started to develop plans to deport Jews to newly

invaded Poland: the first steps towards the systematic murder that would follow. In Poland

itself, thousands of Poles and Jews were rounded up and shot, early indications of the

systematic murder that would follow. Alongside this, Hitler approved a new programme of

euthanasia to exterminate the handicapped and mentally ill.

“Patients considered incurable, according to the best available human judgment of their

state of health, can be granted a mercy killing.” - Decree from Hitler, October 1939

1940- Nazi persecution across Europe

German forces marched across Europe. Of the occupied countries, some capitulated and

implemented Nazi policy immediately. Others held off for longer.

For the first time, camps were created specifically for Jews. Their conditions were far worse

than other camps. The implicit intention was that the inmates would die there. Increasing

numbers of Jews in Poland were relocated in ghettos. Non-Jewish Poles were also deported

from their farms and villages to make room for ‘pure’ ethnic Germans to populate the new


The Warsaw Ghetto was sealed on 16 November 1940. The walls were 3m high, topped with

barbed wire. Anyone trying to escape would be shot.

“…they will be driven into the ghetto forcibly. An official explanation says that Jewish homes

are known to be breeding-places of pestilence.” -The sealing of the Warsaw Ghetto reported

in the Times, 25 October 1940

1941- The ‘Final Solution’ agreed

The Nazi policy on Jews moved from expulsion to containment to commanders being

ordered to systematically murder the Jews of Europe.

Methods of mass murder evolved at local levels as well as being decreed from Nazi high

command. Killing squads rounded up and shot entire Jewish communities. Over two days in

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Kiev, 33,771 Jews were shot. The murder of Jews rapidly escalated, in part because local Nazi

leaders didn’t have enough room to place them in the ghettos. By the end of the year, plans

to implement the systematic slaughter of Jews by using gas in mobile trucks and gas

chambers were well underway.

“Since the Mongol invasions… there has never been methodical, merciless butchery on such

a scale… We are in the presence of a crime without a name.” - Winston Churchill could not

declare all he knew without revealing Enigma was broken (Enigma was the name given to

the Nazi’s secret codes)

1942- Mass murder

Jews from across Europe were transported by train to extermination camps. Those not

selected for work were usually dead within hours of arriving. More Jews were murdered in

1942 than in any other year of the Holocaust, the majority in the newly created extermination


Of the 430,000 sent to the first death camp at Bełżec in Poland, there were only two survivors.

700,000 were killed at Treblinka in just five months. In July, Himmler ordered that all Jews in key

areas of Poland, except for those needed for essential labour, were to be killed by the end of

the year. Most were. Despite Allied intelligence receiving detailed reports of the mass

murders in Europe, the public reaction in Britain was largely a mixture of apathy and disbelief.

“Extinction feared by Jews in Poland.” - Headline in the New York Times, 1 March 1942

1943- Jewish rebellions

Germany was now losing the war. Vital resources were still ploughed into implementing the

'Final Solution' – the extermination of all Jews in Europe.

Uprisings broke out in some extermination camps. The few remaining Jews kept alive to

dispose of bodies and sort possessions realised the number of transportees was reducing and

they would be next. Civilian uprisings occurred across Poland as mainly young Jews, whose

families had already been murdered, began to resist Nazi oppression. With reports of

rebellion and mass murder in the British press, the situation in the camps could no longer be

be ignored.

“Let those who have hitherto not imbued their hands with innocent blood beware... [we] will

pursue them to the uttermost ends of the earth.”- From the text of the Moscow Declaration,

in which Allied leaders pledged justice, October 1943

1944- The long march to Germany

By March, the Allies were driving the German army back.

Tens of thousands of Jews held in the eastern territories were marched towards the heart of

Germany so they could not bear witness to the Allies. Aware that the world had been alerted

to the horrors of the camps, the Nazis sought to destroy evidence. In June, Soviet forces

liberated the first major camp, known as Majdanek, in Lublin, Poland. The Nazis had burned

down the crematorium chimney but had failed to destroy the gas chambers and barracks.

Only a few hundred inmates were still alive.

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“The officials used to crack grisly jokes with their victims, a favourite remark being “I’ll see you

in the stove soon”.” - The Times reports on the Soviet liberation of Lublin concentration camp,

August 12 1944

1945 -Horrors revealed

As the Allies swept to victory in Europe and camps were liberated across the once Nazi-

occupied territories, the full scale of the Holocaust emerged.

The Allies found camps that were catastrophically over-crowded with no food or sanitation.

General Eisenhower ordered careful documentation of evidence by occupying troops as

thoughts turned to justice. Hitler and other senior Nazis including Himmler and Goebbels killed

themselves. In November, trials of captured Nazi leaders began at Nuremberg.

“Those officers and men who’ve seen these things have gone back to the Second Army

moved to an anger such as I have never seen in them before.” - Richard Dimbleby, BBC

report, 19 April 1945

1946- Justice at Nuremberg

The international military tribunal delivered its verdict on 21 senior Nazi officials. 18 were found

guilty and three were acquitted.

11 of Hitler’s deputies were given death sentences, including Goering, the most senior

surviving Nazi. However he too committed suicide the night before he was due to hang.

Others received prison terms. Albert Speer, Hitler's personal architect, was released in 1966

and spent his remaining years writing about the Nazi regime, donating most of his royalties to

Jewish charities. Rudolph Hess committed suicide in prison in 1987. Many Nazis evaded justice

altogether and were never tried.

“If understanding is impossible, knowing is imperative, because what happened could

happen again.” -Primo Levi, Holocaust survivor, 1979

TASK THREE: Answer the questions below:

1) What factors do you think caused persecution against the Jews to

escalate to the point where the Nazis decided that a ‘Final Solution’

was needed?

2) Do you think that the Nazis planned to murder the Jews of Europe from

the start? Or do you think that the Holocaust developed as the

circumstances that the Nazis created changed? Explain your thinking.

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The below activities are taken from resources provided by the Holocaust

Education Trust. They are optional, but would significantly deepen your

understanding of the horrors of the Holocaust and its impact upon those who

experienced it.


After the Nazis began conquering Eastern Europe, they took control of

millions of Jewish people, particularly in Poland. The aim of this activity is to

find out more about what life was like for Jewish people who were forced, by

the Nazis and their collaborators, to live in ghettos. We recommend you do

this activity only after you have completed the activities on Defining the

Holocaust and Pre-war Jewish Life. For this activity you will need:

This short film clip: www.het.org.uk/images/downloads/Clips/Schindlers List clip.mp4

A collection of resources about different ghettos during the Holocaust

which can be found at


Think about whether you have heard or read the word ‘ghetto’ before. If you

have, write down what the word makes you think of. If you have not, don’t

worry – you’ll be finding out about ghettos in this activity.


Watch the film clip (www.het.org.uk/images/downloads/Clips/Schindlers List

clip.mp4). The clip is from Schindler’s List, a film adaptation of a novel based

on real events. It shows a conversation between a group of Jewish people in

the ghetto in Kraków, a city in Poland which was occupied by Nazi Germany

during the Second World War. Look for the following information:

What do you notice most of the Jewish people were wearing? Why

might this be?

What were conditions like in the ghetto? How can you tell?

What had happened to the Jewish people before they were forced

into the ghetto? (How did they get there and what had they already

lost before making that journey?)

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For this activity you will need:



This link will take you to a series of photographs and descriptions of Jewish

people in various European cities. The ‘cards’ focus on how the Jewish

persecution and Holocaust affected people in each city. Read as many as

you can. Then chose one of Prague, Kłodawa, Kraków, Zagreb, Paris or

Amsterdam. For your chosen city, answer the following questions:

When was this country invaded by Germany?

When did large-scale anti-Jewish persecution begin?

When, if applicable, did Jews begin to be sent to ghettos or transit


When did the Holocaust (i.e. mass murder in situ or deportation to

extermination camps) begin in this community?


In the cards found at www.het.org.uk/images/home-

learning/Dilemmas_cards.pdf, you will find 20 examples of actions by

individuals or groups during the Holocaust. Each is a real example. Your task is

to place each card into one of the following three categories depending on

which one you think best suits the situation the card describes.




You could make a table and just add the number for each example.

Task 3

Finally, read through the following questions (you will only have to write an

answer to one):

1. Why is it sometimes difficult to separate ‘bystanders’ from ‘perpetrators’

when looking at the events of the Holocaust?

2. Were some people more responsible for the Holocaust than others?

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A reasonable answer is yes. However, is this too simple? Consider how

the Holocaust was made possible by the actions of a great many

people. Hitler and a small band of radical Nazis could not carry out the

murder of six million Jewish people alone.

3. What factors might explain why people acted as they did during the


There is a range of possible answers here, indicating that the Holocaust

was made possible not merely by an ideology of hatred but also by

very human factors such as greed, ambition, group pressure and


Now choose one of these questions and write your own answer to it using at

least three examples from the cards to support your point. Try using the

following structure for your answer:

Point – what is it that you want to say

Evidence – pick (at least) three examples support your point

Explain – why these examples prove your point

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The aim of this activity is to explore some of the different ways in which Jewish

people resisted their treatment by the Nazis and their collaborators. For this

activity you will need the ten double-sided A4 cards, which can be found at:

www.het.org.uk/images/downloads/Resources/ Resistance_cards.pdf


Look through the cards at


Each tells you about a Jewish group or person who resisted their treatment. Draw a

grid like the one below. Complete it in bullet points, aiming to write at least 2 points

in each box. The first has been completed for you.


