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Y3 Pupils who access Lexia - Password: read / Teacher ...

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Y3 Pupils who access Lexia - Password: read / Teacher email: [email protected] Letterjoin – Username: lj0107 password: home Hello Year 3, I hope that you have had a fabulous half term break. We are having such wonderful weather, so you will find that a lot of the activities that I am asking you to do will be outside, just like we would be doing if we were in school. If you prefer I will give you an alternative option that you can do indoors. In maths this week you will be looking at time. In year 2 you learned about o’clock, quarter to and past and half past, this weeks learning will focus on the time to 5 minutes and 1 minute. Morning Timetable English (If you access Lexia, make sure that you complete 15 minutes each day.) Handwriting and spelling Maths (Time) Mon 1. Head out into the garden or the local area and go on a minibeast hunt. Check underneath stones, on fences and on leaves! 2. Study the bug and make a note of the following things: a. What colour is it? b. Is the body hard or soft? c. How many legs does it have, if any? d. How big is it? e. Does it have wings? How many? f. Where did you find it? g. How does it move? h. Is it eating anything? Come back indoors and write about your favourite minibeast. Include the information that you found when you asked the questions above. If you prefer not to do the hunt then you could just use your imagination. You could even draw and label the minibeast. This week you will be using work sheets produced by Oxford Dictionaries. There are five different units of work to complete 1 – Grouping words by sound. 2 – Which spelling. 3 – How many sounds? 4 – Alternative Spellings 5 – Long vowel sounds Aim to complete one unit per day, the order does not matter. I have included the answer sheet so that you can check your work. Watch this about leap years, months and calendars (You only need to watch until 3.24mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8ZQTsbJ55w Complete the sheet marked for Monday. If you find the video a challenge, only answer the questions on the first sheet (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), if you feel comfortable with the learning, go straight to the second sheet (3, 4, 5 , 6 and 7). Tues Write the alphabet down the page in your margin, with one letter on each line. You then need to head into the garden, or go for a walk with a grown up. You will need to listen, smell, touch and look around you. Try to find a word for every letter in the alphabet. For example, A= Ant, B = Butterfly, C = Clouds, D = Damp If you find this easy, then challenge yourself to see how many words you can find. If you prefer to do this indoors that is ok too. Watch this about hours in a day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEStq1e1Qrc Complete the sheet marked for Tuesday. If you find the video a challenge, only answer the questions on the first sheet (1, 2, 3 and 4), if you feel comfortable with the learning; answer the questions on the second sheet (5, 6 7, 8 and 9). Wed Today you are going to be using similes to describe your environment. Watch https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zmfc7ty/articles/zrrhpg8 Go outside, into your garden or park with a grown up. Sit down somewhere quiet and look around and listen. What can you see? Grass, clouds, houses? What else? I would like you to use similes to describe what you see. For example, the houses are as tall as giraffes or the grass moved like a feather blowing in the wind. If you prefer to do this indoors then you could look around you or through the window. Watch this about learning to tell the time to 5 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJkYONqIYQM&fea ture=youtu.be Complete the sheet marked for Wednesday. If you find the video a challenge, only answer the questions on the first sheet (1, 2, 3 and 4), if you feel comfortable with the learning; answer the questions on the second sheet (5, 6, 7 and 8). Thur Find a comfortable spot. In the garden, in the park, or at your window. Look at the clouds in the sky. Can you see a face? Can you see a unicorn? Can you see a fairy-tale castle? Can you see a whale or a dolphin? What do the clouds make you think of? Can you make up a story to link the different things you can see amongst the clouds? If we are lucky and it is a sunny day with no clouds, you could swap this task with the one for tomorrow, or even draw your own clouds for your story. Watch this about telling the time to 1 minute. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohgPN0jOcf4 Complete the sheet marked for Thursday. If you find the video a challenge, only answer the questions on the first sheet (1, 2, 3 and 4), if you feel comfortable with the learning; answer the questions on the second sheet. (5, 6, 7 8 and 9).
Microsoft Word - Week 1--Year3- Summer2.docxY3 Pupils who access Lexia - Password: read / Teacher email: [email protected] Letterjoin – Username: lj0107 password: home
Hello Year 3, I hope that you have had a fabulous half term break. We are having such wonderful weather, so you will find that a lot of the activities that I am asking you to do will be outside, just like we would be doing if we were in school. If you prefer I will give you an alternative option that you can do indoors. In maths this week you will be looking at time. In year 2 you learned about o’clock, quarter to and past and half past, this weeks learning will focus on the time to 5 minutes and 1 minute.
Morning Timetable English
(If you access Lexia, make sure that you complete 15 minutes each day.) Handwriting and spelling
Maths (Time)
Mon 1. Head out into the garden or the local area and go on a minibeast hunt. Check underneath stones, on fences and on leaves! 2. Study the bug and make a note of the following things: a. What colour is it? b. Is the body hard or soft? c. How many legs does it have, if any? d. How big is it? e. Does it have wings? How many? f. Where did you find it? g. How does it move? h. Is it eating anything? Come back indoors and write about your favourite minibeast. Include the information that you found when you asked the questions above. If you prefer not to do the hunt then you could just use your imagination. You could even draw and label the minibeast.
This week you will be using work sheets produced by Oxford Dictionaries. There are five different units of work to complete 1 – Grouping words by sound. 2 – Which spelling. 3 – How many sounds? 4 – Alternative Spellings 5 – Long vowel sounds Aim to complete one unit per day, the order does not matter. I have included the answer sheet so that you can check your work.
Watch this about leap years, months and calendars (You only need to watch until 3.24mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8ZQTsbJ55w Complete the sheet marked for Monday. If you find the video a challenge, only answer the questions on the first sheet (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), if you feel comfortable with the learning, go straight to the second sheet (3, 4, 5 , 6 and 7).
Tues Write the alphabet down the page in your margin, with one letter on each line. You then need to head into the garden, or go for a walk with a grown up. You will need to listen, smell, touch and look around you. Try to find a word for every letter in the alphabet. For example, A= Ant, B = Butterfly, C = Clouds, D = Damp If you find this easy, then challenge yourself to see how many words you can find. If you prefer to do this indoors that is ok too.
Watch this about hours in a day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEStq1e1Qrc Complete the sheet marked for Tuesday. If you find the video a challenge, only answer the questions on the first sheet (1, 2, 3 and 4), if you feel comfortable with the learning; answer the questions on the second sheet (5, 6 7, 8 and 9).
Wed Today you are going to be using similes to describe your environment. Watch https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zmfc7ty/articles/zrrhpg8 Go outside, into your garden or park with a grown up. Sit down somewhere quiet and look around and listen. What can you see? Grass, clouds, houses? What else? I would like you to use similes to describe what you see. For example, the houses are as tall as giraffes or the grass moved like a feather blowing in the wind. If you prefer to do this indoors then you could look around you or through the window.
Watch this about learning to tell the time to 5 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJkYONqIYQM&fea ture=youtu.be Complete the sheet marked for Wednesday. If you find the video a challenge, only answer the questions on the first sheet (1, 2, 3 and 4), if you feel comfortable with the learning; answer the questions on the second sheet (5, 6, 7 and 8).
Thur Find a comfortable spot. In the garden, in the park, or at your window. Look at the clouds in the sky. Can you see a face? Can you see a unicorn? Can you see a fairy-tale castle? Can you see a whale or a dolphin? What do the clouds make you think of? Can you make up a story to link the different things you can see amongst the clouds? If we are lucky and it is a sunny day with no clouds, you could swap this task with the one for tomorrow, or even draw your own clouds for your story.
Watch this about telling the time to 1 minute. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohgPN0jOcf4 Complete the sheet marked for Thursday. If you find the video a challenge, only answer the questions on the first sheet (1, 2, 3 and 4), if you feel comfortable with the learning; answer the questions on the second sheet. (5, 6, 7 8 and 9).
Y3 Pupils who access Lexia - Password: read / Teacher email: [email protected] Letterjoin – Username: lj0107 password: home
Fri English and PSHE
Today we are linking our English time to PSHE. I would like you to think about the positive things that you can think of about this time that you have been home learning. These are a few of mine, I have learnt British Sign Language, I have organised lots of things in my house, I have baked some bread, I have had lots of fun with my family and I have not had to get up so early! I could think of lots more, I am sure you will have some great ideas. I would like you to list as many positives as you can think of, use bullet points or numbers. Take the time to appreciate these positive things.
You have done lots of learning this week about time. I would like you to make your own clock out of things you have around you, either outside or indoors, and to teach someone else in your house, for example, this could be your favourite teddy or a sibling, about what you have learned this week. You will be just like the little girl on the teaching videos.
Y3 Pupils who access Lexia - Password: read / Teacher email: [email protected] Letterjoin – Username: lj0107 password: home
Afternoon timetable
Mon Science In science this half term we wil l be looking at plants Watch the lesson at https://stemlearning.wist ia .com/medias/irrgl07t8p then complete the activity sheet where you need to group the different seed types by the way they are dispersed. You only need to watch until 10.40mins because our activities are different to the ones explained after this time. Optional activity : Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gezmuFpztAo and make your own paper seed, just like a wind pollinated dandelion seed. Tip: If you have a paper clip to add to the bottom of the ‘seed copter’ it can spin faster.
PSHE Write a kind letter to yourself, be your own cheerleader and tell yourself just how awesome you are! For example, are you kind, friendly, happy, funny, tall, short, athletic, neat or organised. You all have so many wonderful qualities. Show off all of your wonderful characteristics that I am always so proud of.
Tues Art Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j4a5ijDazE until 2.28mins
Take a look at these natural Buddhist inspired Mandalas patterns. I would like you to make one of your own, this could be a painting on a stone, using anything your could find outside to make one in your garden or collecting items in the house to make one on the kitchen table. Be creative. I would love to see what you have made [email protected]
PE – this can be done indoor or outdoors Look at the ‘wildlife yoga’ sheet. How many can you manage? Take it nice and slowly, with calm deep breaths. Can you think of any more poses that you could create with an animal theme?
Wed DT This half term you wil l be doing lots of ‘makes’ , created out of materials found outside, inside, or from your recycling. This week I would like you to look around your house, outside or inside, or during your daily exercise. I want you to notice what you like to play with to get active, maybe you have a bike or scooter, or like to climb trees and slip down slides! Draw at least three of your favourite things into your exercise book, and label the parts that are needed to make that item. For example, a slide needs steps, a safety rail and the slide part. We will need these drawings next week.
French This half term we will be learning French songs, this week we will start with ‘Alouette’, which will help you to learn body parts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uWLR-6Zbks
Thurs RE This half term we wil l be learning about the rel igion of Buddhism. Look through the PowerPoint called ‘Buddhist symbols’. Complete the task in the ppt. – design your own symbols to reflect you and your life.
PE We are learning about cricket this half term-cool catcher challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pUilVjuL0I
Y3 Pupils who access Lexia - Password: read / Teacher email: [email protected] Letterjoin – Username: lj0107 password: home
Story t ime Today we are going to listen to story time from space like we do in class. The book today is called “If I were an astronaut’ https://storytimefromspace.com/if-i-were-an-astronaut-2/ If you have been enjoying the Wizarding world readings, please do keep listening on: https://www.wizardingworld.com/
Music Log into https://charanga.com/yumu Select ‘Review, reflect, rewind and replay’ Today you need to select and work through Step 1
