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y,&3&M?&? ht pails...TV. m. SACI18.--Proprietor. New Spring GoocJg, IMew Millinery Goods, Latest...

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ws&&wwB&m!B rtf;3?i?M"S3'Sja! y,&3&M?&? " C ti- - ht pails II. THURSDAY EVENING; FEBRUARY J3, 1590. UBKOniPTION MONTH Vol. XIV. No 1U77. HONOLULU, J., BO OENTS PER THE DAILY BULLETIN printed and published at the ofllco, (iueon atruot, Houolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sunday excepted). Subscription, BO csnls per Month, Addrow all Communications Daily Bulletik. Advertisements, to onsuro insertion, should lie handed In boforo one o'clock p. u. WALTER MIL L. Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Bonk and Job Printing of all kinds dono on tlic moat favorable terms, linll Tulonhonc Ho. 25(1 Mutual Telephone .No. acii THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and' comprehensive publication, contains 33 oolumua of leading matter on local topics, and a complcta resume of Honolulu find Island News. It tHthe best papor uubllahed in the Kingdom to ond to filcnds ubrosiil. Mulmri'lptloit: I bland : v . : MM yf Foreign : : ' : 5 00 " Commission Merohanta. lULOKiricrD sc-- co H. General Commission Ageuti. ilosoi.ur.0 0. W. MAOFARLANE ft Co: IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (luceu street, - Honolulu. II. I. 1048 OONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers ft Wine Merchant Beaver Block, Honolulu. & COMPANY, GBHKWEU (Limited) GOKll.U, MKnOAHTILK AHD Commission Agents. List OV OMICKBS: P. 0. Jones, Jr. '. . .Prctldont & Manager . o. Uartkii. .. ..Treasurer Ss Secretary dibkctobs: Hon. 0. IL Bibhop. 8. C. Ai.len, H. Watbbuocse. S81y T. WATEQHOUSH, JOHN Importer and Dcalor in General Merchandise, Queen st, Honolulu. 1 8. N. Casllo.--J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle & OOOKB, CASTLB Shipping aud Commission Merohants. Importer! and Dealers in Ueneral Merohaadise, No. 80 King ft., Honolulu. 1 CUui BpreckeU. Wm. O. Irwin. IBWIN fc COMPANY, WO. Factors and cnta, Honolulu. 1 a- - Co., Wilder Dealers In Lumber, Taluta, Oils, Nails, Hal', and Building Materials of overy kind, cor. Fort and Queen ste., Honolulu. 1 . lowers, V. J. Lowrey U. M. Cooko. (successors to Lawcrs & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu. i ' Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort 8L, Upstairs. Tho undorslgnel begs to Inform tho; publio of thoso.IslaudBthatbo Is making WlilrtK ly JleaKurcment I Directions for will be given on application. WbJteSulrts, Ofershlrts & Nl0kt Gowns A fit guarantee by making a 'sample Shirt to every order. Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410 681y A. M. MFJLIjIM. H. G.CEABBE, . DEALER hM and GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite the Old Station Houbo. Mutual Telephone NO.-4- . 87 tr A. II. BASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank ' book Manufaoturer. No. Merchant strett. Up stairs. Professionals. JVt. MONSABRAT, nt Law & Notary Public 141) Mrrohaut Street, Honolulu, tf ALFRED MAdOON, J- - Attorney ut Law & Notary I'ubllc lltt '4H, Merchant street, Honolulu, ly i, ,,.,; .Tiragi David Dayton Will practice in tbo lower courts of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect-In- In all Hb branches, renting or houses and auy other business entrusted to him Oftlnc 01 King Street Upstairs. Feh.&89 PI03V1CKR. STEADS CANDY FACTORY AND JJAICEIIV. P. 1I011N, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and ituker. 71 Hotel St. IBtar Telephone 74. HOLLISTER ft CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, : William' Block, 310 . Honolulu, II. I. a. u. ben son. 0. W. BMITII. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Foit Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boerlckc & Bccehlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rickseckor'a Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y WENNER & CO. Jlnnnfftctni-ln- e Jeweller. NO. afOItT STlliiJST. Constantly on. hand a largo assortmeu of every dcscrlptlouofJowclry. Watches uoiu anu suvcrriaiou vvaro, ccc. t)531y Thomas Lindsay, ' ix Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewelry a Spotlally. Kins Street, Ifonolnln, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram- way Company's Office. " ty Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Jan. ) Hustace & Robertson, JL A. Y M J2 N . orders for Cartago promptly to. I'artlcular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prlcos. Offloo, next door to .las. F. Morgan's auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. J. N. S. WILLIAMS. Engineer & Contractor, Is prepared to doslgu and contract for all classes of Sugar Extraction Machi- nery, Irrigating Machinery, Evaporat- ing Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Engines of all kinds and for all purposes, Water Whoels, Water Conduit, I both pipes and Humes), Steam Boilers of various kinds, Railroad1 Material and Rolling Stock, Etc., Etc. IHI'FIIMION MACHINERY.. .In all Its branches a specially. Plantations supplied wlth'Chcmlcal nnd Analytical Apparatus of tho very best description to order. BUT Close attention paid to all orders and satisfaction to tho purchaser P. O. Box 80. Fort street, Honolulu. sept.0 80.ly LADIES' NURSE. RS. MONROE, ladies' nurso, has M removed to No. , kiikiii lutie. Feli-14-8- BEAYERASALOOU The Boat Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Houro The Finest Brand of ClPB.jJteTlhttfl Ahvuj'H on llmul. el. J. XOIrB. Proprietor. i'n J-- : mSiHSkstV Metropolitan Meat Company HI KJNO STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale ft Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRAOTOHS. 1717 ly JOS. TINKER, HUTCH Kit. City Market, Nuuaiin Street. Beef, vm Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages Fresh Kvery Day. t3FHis noted Sausages arc mado by the every bvut machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices arc as low as anywhere in thy city. C&'Try his Bologna 8aasages." oct-58- Furnished House To Iefc AT Wuiklki, n two story House, containing Bl.v rooms nirelv furnished, with kttchen. lunai. bath and servant's rooms. stablo, etc., to lot for a few months at a reasonable rate. Or rooms will ho let sinnly with pood table board. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Valuable Property For Sale a VN Nuuanu Avenue, a AfR-a- l J newly furnUhcd IJQBBli House containing 8 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, closets, carriage house, stnblc, henery, etc. arounus contain 2 0 acres, welt laid out in Iawn, shade ami fruit trees, flowers, etc. Will bo sold low, with or without furniture, horses, carriages, livestock, and nil tho appointments needed in a flrst-clas- residence, as the owner in- tends leaving these Islands. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Island Views, A LARGE assortment of Photographs aud Stercoscoplu Views of tho most attrnctlvo scenery, buildings, etc , In these Islands, for sale at reasonable priccK. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AOKNOY. Corner Fort and Merchant fUrects. 2308 tf . MULDER & CO.,. PRACTICAL OUN & LOCKSMITHS lielhol Street, "Damon's Block," Comer store. Surgical & Musical Instruments neatly repuired at reasonable rates. Sewing Machines and repairing of all kinds it specially. All kinds of Safes & Scnles repaired. Household Sewing Machines' for sale. dccl-l-81- ) VETERINARY. AR. ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon, and pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Richard streets. Scientific treatment In all dis- eases of .domestic animals. Orders' for plantation and ranch stock promptly attended to. Mutual. Telephone U54, P. O. Box 320. . mh.iaWJ PUBLIO NOTICE. undersigned having been up. pointed agent for II. M. Queen Kaplnlanl, nntico is hereby given that all tenant, by lease or otherwise, nrr ordered to make all payments to me, ho oilier rccoipt being valid. Ofllco nt the Palaco Bungalow. Hours from ) a.m. to4r. M. H.C.ULUKOU, 43'J If Agcntfor U. M. the Queen. 0 LUSO 1IAWAIIANO. ALL persons who want to commuul with tho Poitugueso, cither for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or any otkurhclps, will tlud It the most prolltablo way to advertise in the .mo ivauatio, tho new organ of tho Portuguese colouy, which Is pub- lished on Ilotol street, uud only charge! reasonable uttm for advoi'tliicmenU. To Arrive! PER S. K. AUSTRALIA -- FOR To NEW SPRING STYLES POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSft 104 Fort Street. Honolulu. TV. m. SACI18. - - Proprietor. New Spring GoocJg, IMew Millinery Goods, Latest Designs in Sateens, New White Goods, India Silks, Foulard Silks, AND ALL THE LATEST NOV ELTIES ! HOLLISTER & CO., 10!) IOHT MTHKKT. HONOJL1II.il. NEW GOODS JUST TO HAND A OF Colgate (6 Co.'s Celebrated Perfumes ft Toilet Soaps, Photographic Goods of All Kinds. -- EEEB U HACH- - WARRANTED GENUINE & TN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. Fine Chemicals, Patent Medicines Cigars. Cigarettes & Tobaccos. Moll 'XVloplione, CKO -- r Mutunl 'XVlepIiono, SM HAWAIIAN " IS will ho told AT .jji.,",'".'. 4 i Arrive! FHRRUARY Till, WINE CO.. JIMENEZ " i1 LOWEST RATE8 by ' FRANK BROWN, Mo. 24 Street, Near Street. HAVE THE BEST QUALITY EACH AND EVERY ICINDOF CALIFORNIA-:-WINE- S IMPORTED INTO, Our PEDRO SIMPLY gje- - Which A;. 2170 DUR THIS- - THIS KtNODOM. '"! SUBLIME. MftiiiiEtr, Merchant Fort NTERPRISr PLANING MILL, P I Alakca, noiir 0.ncrn St. 1 Ml TelpplionR No. Kit. BH WALKER & REDWARD, Contrnotoifi : Itulltlnrs. 'if-- Brink, Stone and Wooden Biiildinggj cs. tlmatcs given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tle-phon- e No. 2. P.O. Box, 423. apCly GKORGE LUCAH, zJKTJwrviL. and Builder,' .nlnsr 3 ft... at r f Intif.lnfn UiiUti ilUUIIIIUU. Manufactures nil klmln Of Mouldings, Brackets. Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doom, and all klndu of Wood. work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Pl'in- - tug, Mortlclug and Tenanting. Orders promptly attunded to aud work guaranteed. Orders from tho other Is- - lamb solicited sfrrtpR SONOiiULtJ inoN Works, SJIMejiStcam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attentiou paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 f. O. Box 851. -- eHr Brll Tel. 74. Corner Fort & Merchant Stieets, Honolulu, II. I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. AcronnttintK &. CnllcHni roil Til K Hawaiian Bell Telephone So. Manager of Advertising Department yon tiik "Nupepa Kuokoa." DEPARTMENTS 'of BUSINESS: Collections will receive special atten- tion. nnd returns promptly made. Real Estate bought, bold aud leased. Taxes Paid and proporty safely insured; Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Office. leased and rented, nnd rents collected. Fire and Lite Iniuranco etlcctcd in tlrat-cla- ss Insurance Companies. Conveyancing a Specialty Rcrords searched and correct Abstructs of Title furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand- somely engrossed. Copying and Translating in nil languages In general U3e In this liiugdofti. Custom Houso Business traiibuctcd with accuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated at favorable rates. Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and sold. Advertisements and Subscriptions soli cited for publishers. Any Article purchased or sold on favor ahlo terms Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti, cular attention. To Let, Furnished and Untarnished Col- lages in desirable localities at reasonable rontols. Several Valuable Properties in and around the city now for Kile and lease on easy terms. fyAll business entrusted to our care will receive prompt and faithful atten- tion at moderate charges Feb-4-8- tt WRiaHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fori Street, next Lucas' Mill, v&kMk: . 1& Carriage Builders, ' Ship's Blacksmllhing, Drays, Carts & Wagon Building ai specially. Every description of work in the above lines performed in a first-cla- n maimer and executed at shod notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 9 Orders from the other Islands solicited. Will he pleased to see all our old customers us wotl as uew ones. Mutual Telephone No. 575. apr-10-8- 9 . W.W. Wright & Son, 79 A 8 eJBgBL Bell Tele. King SLWBELNe. 381. (The Roso Premises.). All orders for wheel vehicles of every description tilled with prompluesi. First-cla- mechanics employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty TKAM OAltH, 03IMII1!MNKH, Plantation Wagons, Mule & Oi Carts, Made to order, altered or repaired. Carriage Painting, Trimming, KIT., K1C, KTC, ETC. Our HORSESHOEING Department In', under the management of R. Cay. lord, who will collect and receipts all bills due that branch of our huslncts. (Signed): oet.in.5lin W. W. WRIGHT - SON. NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : $95,000,000,00 "Facts aro Stubborn Things." At every ago, on every premium Oilde, and in every year, tho AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tonliuc PolieioH of tbo New York Lifo InMiriuicu Co. have been LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY inning Mtiiihir policiCH. For partictiliufl apply tn V. O. HKHUi'.K, Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Island. 28:i tf FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. AauU, $5,288,000 CommOrcial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) AbmU, $460,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Auurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, pald.up, $2,000,000 South British Fire aad Marine Isa. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Lifo Insurance Co. ' Ateeta, $05,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. Ueneral Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly Prussian National Insurance Comu'v XSTJUIUSIIKD 1815, Capital 9,000,000 Reichsmarkt THE undersigned, having been ap. agent of the above Company fur tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Building, Furulturc,Mcrchandlsc, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on tho most Favorable Term a Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable Honolulu. H. RIKMENSCHNKIDEK, Jly-8- 7 ly at Wilder & Co. FILTER PRESSES I Paauiuu Plaxtatioh, I Hawaii, March 0, 1888. f HIimIob Iron A Iocomotlv Work a Nun FraocUro. Qkntlkmen: We havo used twoot your Filter Preuce ibis 6eason. They aro convenient, easily handled ntid are working entirely to ou" satlaf action. lean recommend no IujJ pibvemcut on them. Very respectfully vours, . (Signed) A. MOORE, Manager Paaulmu Plantation Hkria, Sept. 28, VM9. Mil. John DvK.ii, Agent HUdon lion Works, Houolahi. Deaii Slit: Please ship us ono t your !K)Compartmeut Filler Presses, 240 siiuaie feet surface, same as the one supplied us lust Benson, which I am pleawd to say lifts given us entire satisfaction. Yours truly, Gko. R. EWART, Manager Ucela Agricultural Co These Presses aro mado extra heavy for high pressures, occupy a floor space 1 1 feet by 4 feet, aud prosem n littering surfaeo of 240 square Ittt. A limited number in stock lu Hono- lulu uud aro sold at very, low prices. Risdon Iron ft Loco. Works, Man Fmuckco. For particulars enquire of IUHN JiYKJt, Honolulu, Room No. ;t SpreckolH Rlock. 22oO if W. 0, Irwin ft Co.. Agent. Anderson & L,undy t "Dentists. Artificial Teeth from ono to an entire set inserted on gold, silver, allumlnum anu runner uascs. i;rown mut uringti Work n sttecialty. To persona wearing rubber plates which are a constant source of irritation to the mouth and throat, wo would recommend our Pro- phylactic Metal Plate. All operations performed lu accordance with the latest mprovements In dental science. Teeth Extracted without pain by the use.of Nitrous Oxide Uas. tarOftlce at Otil Tregloaii Residence Hotel street. FebW-- ' M'- '"' J ,rV!?:. ' . &f?' . . -- v" r. w a f: I. A 1 JT1I M .j..::.- - .... . jrfL. .f :iummm - 'ktiJu itA-- KfiteSte':$!i: mmtjmmmm iA.:.:--.'!- .. 'rnrnM:- miimtoVmwbm-'SmidM'-- - ; .'' f it it .j '.aa
  • ws&&wwB&m!B rtf;3?i?M"S3'Sja! y,&3&M?&? "

    C ti- -

    ht pailsII. THURSDAY EVENING; FEBRUARY J3, 1590.



    printed and published at the ofllco,

    (iueon atruot, Houolulu, II. I., every

    afternoon (Sunday excepted).

    Subscription, BO csnls per Month,

    Addrow all Communications DailyBulletik.

    Advertisements, to onsuro insertion,should lie handed In boforo one o'clockp. u.WALTER MIL L. Editor and Proprietor

    Bulletin Steam Printing Office.Newspaper, Bonk and Job Printing ofall kinds dono on tlic moat favorableterms,linll Tulonhonc Ho. 25(1

    Mutual Telephone .No. acii


    Weekly Summary.

    An interesting and' comprehensivepublication, contains 33 oolumua ofleading matter on local topics, and acomplcta resume of Honolulu find IslandNews. It tHthe best papor uubllahedin the Kingdom to ond to filcndsubrosiil.

    Mulmri'lptloit:I bland : v . : MM yfForeign : : ' : 5 00 "

    Commission Merohanta.

    lULOKiricrD sc-- coH.General Commission Ageuti.


    0. W. MAOFARLANE ft Co:


    (luceu street, - Honolulu. II. I.1048


    Wholesale Grocers ft Wine Merchant

    Beaver Block, Honolulu.


    Commission Agents.

    List OV OMICKBS:P. 0. Jones, Jr. '. . .Prctldont & Manager

    . o. Uartkii. . . ..Treasurer Ss Secretary

    dibkctobs:Hon. 0. IL Bibhop. 8. C. Ai.len,

    H. Watbbuocse.S81y

    T. WATEQHOUSH,JOHN Importer and Dcalor in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st, Honolulu. 1

    8. N. Casllo.--J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle& OOOKB,CASTLB Shipping aud Commission

    Merohants. Importer! and Dealers inUeneral Merohaadise, No. 80 King ft.,Honolulu. 1

    CUui BpreckeU. Wm. O. Irwin.

    IBWIN fc COMPANY,WO. Factors andcnta, Honolulu. 1

    a-- Co.,Wilder Dealers In Lumber, Taluta,Oils, Nails, Hal', and Building Materialsof overy kind, cor. Fort and Queen ste.,Honolulu. 1

    . lowers, V. J. Lowrey U. M. Cooko.

    (successors to Lawcrs & Dickson.)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allKinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu. i '

    Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fort 8L, Upstairs.

    Tho undorslgnel begs to Inform tho;publio of thoso.IslaudBthatbo Is making

    WlilrtK ly JleaKurcment IDirections for will

    be given on application.

    WbJteSulrts, Ofershlrts & Nl0kt Gowns

    A fit guarantee by making a 'sampleShirt to every order.

    Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410

    681y A. M. MFJLIjIM.

    H. G.CEABBE, .DEALER hM and GRAIN,81 King Street, opposite the Old Station


    Mutual Telephone NO.-4- .87 tr

    A. II. BASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank

    ' book Manufaoturer.

    No. Merchant strett. Up stairs.


    JVt. MONSABRAT,nt Law & Notary Public141) Mrrohaut Street, Honolulu, tf


    Attorney ut Law & Notary I'ubllc

    lltt '4H, Merchant street, Honolulu, lyi, ,,.,; .Tiragi

    David DaytonWill practice in tbo lower courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend to collect-In-

    In all Hb branches, renting or housesand auy other business entrusted to him

    Oftlnc 01 King Street Upstairs.Feh.&89



    AND JJAICEIIV.P. 1I011N, Practical Confectioner,

    Pastry Cook and ituker.71 Hotel St. IBtar Telephone 74.


    Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

    109 Fort Street, : William' Block,310 . Honolulu, II. I.

    a. u. ben son. 0. W. BMITII.


    Manufacturing and Dispensing

    Pharmacists,113 & 110 Foit Street, - Honolulu

    Depot for Boerlckc & Bccehlk's

    HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rickseckor'a Perfumes and Toilet

    Requisites, i2y

    WENNER & CO.Jlnnnfftctni-ln-e Jeweller.

    NO. afOItT STlliiJST.Constantly on. hand a largo assortmeu

    of every dcscrlptlouofJowclry. Watchesuoiu anu suvcrriaiou vvaro, ccc.


    Thomas Lindsay,' ix

    Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

    Kukui Jewelry a Spotlally.

    Kins Street, Ifonolnln, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-

    way Company's Office. "

    ty Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. Jan. )

    Hustace & Robertson,

    JL A. Y M J2 N .orders for Cartago promptly

    to. I'artlcular attentionpaid to the

    Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

    Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prlcos.

    Offloo, next door to .las. F. Morgan'sauction room.983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.

    J. N. S. WILLIAMS.Engineer & Contractor,

    Is prepared to doslgu and contract forall classes of Sugar Extraction Machi-nery, Irrigating Machinery, Evaporat-ing Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Enginesof all kinds and for all purposes, WaterWhoels, Water Conduit, I both pipesand Humes), Steam Boilers of variouskinds, Railroad1 Material and RollingStock, Etc., Etc.

    IHI'FIIMION MACHINERY...In all Its branches a specially.

    Plantations supplied wlth'Chcmlcal nndAnalytical Apparatus of tho very bestdescription to order.

    BUT Close attention paid to all ordersand satisfaction to tho purchaser

    P. O. Box 80. Fort street,Honolulu. sept.0 80.ly

    LADIES' NURSE.RS. MONROE, ladies' nurso, hasM removed to No. , kiikiii lutie.



    The Boat Lunoh in Town,

    Tea and Coffee at 111 Houro

    The Finest Brand of

    ClPB.jJteTlhttflAhvuj'H on llmul.

    el. J. XOIrB. Proprietor.i'n J-- :

    mSiHSkstV Metropolitan

    Meat CompanyHI KJNO STREET,

    G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale ft Retail Butchers




    City Market,Nuuaiin Street.

    Beef, vm Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


    Cambridge Pork SausagesFresh Kvery Day.

    t3FHis noted Sausages arc mado bythe every bvut machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices arc as low as anywhere in thycity.

    C&'Try his Bologna 8aasages."oct-58-

    Furnished House To Iefc

    AT Wuiklki, n two storyHouse, containing Bl.vrooms nirelv furnished, with

    kttchen. lunai. bath and servant's rooms.stablo, etc., to lot for a few months at areasonable rate. Or rooms will ho letsinnly with pood table board.


    Valuable Property For Salea VN Nuuanu Avenue, a

    AfR-a- l J newly furnUhcdIJQBBli House containing 8 rooms,kitchen, bathroom, closets, carriagehouse, stnblc, henery, etc. arounuscontain 2 0 acres, welt laid out inIawn, shade ami fruit trees, flowers,etc. Will bo sold low, with or withoutfurniture, horses, carriages, livestock,and nil tho appointments needed in aflrst-clas- residence, as the owner in-tends leaving these Islands.


    Island Views,

    A LARGE assortment of Photographsaud Stercoscoplu Views of thomost attrnctlvo scenery, buildings, etc ,In these Islands, for sale at reasonablepriccK.

    HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AOKNOY.Corner Fort and Merchant fUrects.

    2308 tf


    lielhol Street, "Damon's Block,"Comer store.

    Surgical & Musical Instruments neatlyrepuired at reasonable rates. SewingMachines and repairing of all kinds itspecially. All kinds of Safes & Scnlesrepaired. Household Sewing Machines'for sale. dccl-l-81- )


    AR. ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon,and pharmacy at HawaiianHotel Stables, corner Hotel and Richardstreets. Scientific treatment In all dis-eases of .domestic animals. Orders' forplantation and ranch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual. Telephone U54,P. O. Box 320. . mh.iaWJ


    undersigned having been up.pointed agent for II. M. Queen

    Kaplnlanl, nntico is hereby given thatall tenant, by lease or otherwise, nrrordered to make all payments to me, hooilier rccoipt being valid. Ofllco nt thePalaco Bungalow. Hours from ) a.m.to4r. M. H.C.ULUKOU,43'J If Agcntfor U. M. the Queen.


    ALL persons who want to commuulwith tho Poitugueso, citherfor business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any otkurhclps, will tlud Itthe most prolltablo way to advertise inthe .mo ivauatio, tho new organ oftho Portuguese colouy, which Is pub-lished on Ilotol street, uud only charge!reasonable uttm for advoi'tliicmenU.

    To Arrive!


    -- FOR



    POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSft104 Fort Street. Honolulu.

    TV. m. SACI18. - - Proprietor.

    New Spring GoocJg,

    IMew Millinery Goods,

    Latest Designs in Sateens,

    New White Goods,

    India Silks, Foulard Silks,





    Colgate (6 Co.'s Celebrated Perfumes ft Toilet Soaps,

    Photographic Goods of All Kinds.-- EEEB U HACH- -


    Fine Chemicals, Patent MedicinesCigars. Cigarettes & Tobaccos.

    Moll 'XVloplione, CKO -- r Mutunl 'XVlepIiono, SM




    will ho told AT

    .jji.,",'".'.4 i


    FHRRUARY Till,

    WINE CO..



    LOWEST RATE8 by '


    Mo. 24 Street, Near Street.





    Our PEDRO


    gje-- WhichA;.








    Merchant Fort


    I Alakca, noiir 0.ncrn St. 1Ml TelpplionR No. Kit. BH


    Contrnotoifi : Itulltlnrs.


    Brink, Stone and Wooden Biiildinggj cs.tlmatcs given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tle-phon- e

    No. 2. P.O. Box, 423. apCly


    and Builder,'

    .nlnsr 3ft... at r f Intif.lnfnUiiUti ilUUIIIIUU.

    Manufactures nil klmln Of Mouldings,Brackets. Window Frames, Blinds,

    Sashes, Doom, and all klndu of Wood.work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Pl'in- -tug, Mortlclug and Tenanting.

    Orders promptly attunded to aud workguaranteed. Orders from tho other Is- -lamb solicited

    sfrrtpR SONOiiULtJ inoN Works,SJIMejiStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attentiou paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

    f. O. Box 851. --eHr Brll Tel. 74.

    Corner Fort & Merchant Stieets,Honolulu, II. I.


    GENERAL AGENTS.AcronnttintK &. CnllcHni

    roil Til KHawaiian Bell Telephone So.

    Manager of Advertising Departmentyon tiik

    "Nupepa Kuokoa."DEPARTMENTS 'of BUSINESS:

    Collections will receive special atten-tion. nnd returns promptly made.

    Real Estate bought, bold aud leased.Taxes Paid and proporty safely insured;Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Office.

    leased and rented, nnd rents collected.Fire and Lite Iniuranco etlcctcd in tlrat-cla- ss

    Insurance Companies.Conveyancing a Specialty Rcrords

    searched and correct Abstructs of Titlefurnished.

    Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carefully drawn and hand-somely engrossed.

    Copying and Translating in nil languagesIn general U3e In this liiugdofti.

    Custom Houso Business traiibuctcd withaccuracy and dispatch.

    Loans negotiated at favorable rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

    sold.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli

    cited for publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on favor

    ahlo termsInter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti,

    cular attention.To Let, Furnished and Untarnished Col-

    lages in desirable localities at reasonablerontols.

    Several Valuable Properties in andaround the city now for Kile and leaseon easy terms.

    fyAll business entrusted to our carewill receive prompt and faithful atten-tion at moderate charges Feb-4-8- tt

    WRiaHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fori Street, next Lucas' Mill,

    v&kMk:. 1&

    Carriage Builders,' Ship's Blacksmllhing, Drays, Carts &

    Wagon Building ai specially.

    Every description of work in theabove lines performed in a first-cla- nmaimer and executed at shod notice.


    9 Orders from the other Islandssolicited. Will he pleased to see allour old customers us wotl as uew ones.Mutual Telephone No. 575.

    apr-10-8- 9 .

    W.W. Wright & Son,79 A 8 eJBgBL Bell Tele.

    King SLWBELNe. 381.(The Roso Premises.).

    All orders for wheel vehicles of everydescription tilled with prompluesi.

    First-cla- mechanics employed.

    Fine Carriage Work a Specialty


    Plantation Wagons, Mule & Oi Carts,

    Made to order, altered or repaired.

    Carriage Painting, Trimming,KIT., K1C, KTC, ETC.

    Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIn', under the management of R. Cay.lord, who will collect and receipts allbills due that branch of our huslncts.

    (Signed):oet.in.5lin W. W. WRIGHT - SON.


    Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

    Assets, : $95,000,000,00

    "Facts aro Stubborn Things."

    At every ago, on every premiumOilde, and in every year, tho AC-TUAL RESULTS of Tonliuc PolieioHof tbo New York Lifo InMiriuicu Co.have been LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY inningMtiiihir policiCH.

    For partictiliufl apply tn

    V. O. HKHUi'.K,Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Island.

    28:i tf


    MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

    AauU, $5,288,000CommOrcial Insurance Co.

    (Fire and Marine)AbmU, $460,000

    Anglo-Nevad- a Auurance Corporation(Fire and Marine)

    Capital, pald.up, $2,000,000South British Fire aad Marine Isa. Co

    Capital, $10,000,000New York Lifo Insurance Co.

    ' Ateeta, $05,000,000


    Ueneral Agent, Haw'n Islands.

    1053 ly

    Prussian NationalInsurance Comu'v

    XSTJUIUSIIKD 1815,Capital 9,000,000 Reichsmarkt

    THE undersigned, having been ap.agent of the above Companyfur tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Building,Furulturc,Mcrchandlsc, Produce, SugarMills etc., on tho most Favorable Term a

    Losses Promptly Adjusted and PayableHonolulu.

    H. RIKMENSCHNKIDEK,Jly-8- 7 ly at Wilder & Co.

    FILTER PRESSES IPaauiuu Plaxtatioh, I

    Hawaii, March 0, 1888. fHIimIob Iron A Iocomotlv Work a

    Nun FraocUro.Qkntlkmen: We havo used twoot

    your Filter Preuce ibis6eason. They aro convenient, easilyhandled ntid are working entirely to ou"satlaf action. lean recommend no IujJpibvemcut on them.

    Very respectfully vours,. (Signed) A. MOORE,

    Manager Paaulmu Plantation

    Hkria, Sept. 28, VM9.Mil. John DvK.ii, Agent HUdon lion

    Works, Houolahi.Deaii Slit: Please ship us ono t your

    !K)Compartmeut Filler Presses, 240 siiuaiefeet surface, same as the one suppliedus lust Benson, which I am pleawd tosay lifts given us entire satisfaction.

    Yours truly,Gko. R. EWART,

    Manager Ucela Agricultural Co

    These Presses aro mado extra heavyfor high pressures, occupy a floorspace 1 1 feet by 4 feet, aud prosem nlittering surfaeo of 240 square Ittt.

    A limited number in stock lu Hono-lulu uud aro sold at very, low prices.

    Risdon Iron ft Loco. Works,Man Fmuckco.

    For particulars enquire ofIUHN JiYKJt, Honolulu,

    Room No. ;t SpreckolH Rlock.

    22oO if W. 0, Irwin ft Co.. Agent.

    Anderson & L,undy t"Dentists.

    Artificial Teeth from ono to an entireset inserted on gold, silver, allumlnumanu runner uascs. i;rown mut uringtiWork n sttecialty. To persona wearingrubber plates which are a constantsource of irritation to the mouth andthroat, wo would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed lu accordance with the latestmprovements In dental science. Teeth

    Extracted without pain by the use.ofNitrous Oxide Uas.

    tarOftlce at Otil Tregloaii ResidenceHotel street. FebW--

    ' M'- '"'J,rV!?:. ' . &f?' . .-- v" r. w a f: I. A 1 JT1IM .j..::.- - .... . jrfL. .f :iummm

    - 'ktiJu itA-- KfiteSte':$!i: mmtjmmmm iA.:.:--.'!- .. 'rnrnM:-miimtoVmwbm-'SmidM'-- - ; .''




  • &.h


    a xx jr.:

    ggtlg JHUqfiwPhitftA to ntilhtr Sect not lirty,Hut tstabliihtil for the benefit of all.

    THURSDAY, Ill, 181)0.

    Latest FonMHews.A lflciam troni (Juncvn, .Tan. 21.

    ,ay a Swiss paper publislies u pri-vate cable reporting a revolution inCosta llica Thursday night, the 10thhist. The Government wa9 over-turned anil the revolutionists reignsupreme. There were horriblescenes of bloodshed.

    Atortincau, the seceding lloulnn-gis- t,attended a Houlangist meeting,

    when lie was kicked and cuifed andcompelled to agree to resign hiseatin the Chamber of Deputies.

    The President of the French Com-mission at Panama thinks it is feasibleto continue the canal. He deniesthat either De Lessens or the Man-aging Council of the old companyhas anything to do with the attemptsto resume work.

    The total number of presbyteriesin the United States is 21 1. Of these35 have voted in faor of revisingthe Westminster Confession and 12have voted against.

    The wholesale infraction of theprovisions of the Act of Parliamentrestricting the immigration of Chi-nese is the cause of much dissatis-faction in Htitish Columbia, andtJonlon, member from Nanaimo,says that unless the law was mademore effective lie would intioduce anew measure of a more uompreheu-si- c

    character.The steamer Krin of the National

    line sailed from New York Dec. 28lor London, and not having hceubeaul of since is feared to be lost.Some shipping men hope she is onlydisabled and may hae reached theA.ores under sail. The Krin wascommanded by Capt. Tyson, shecarried no passengers., but bad acrew of fifty-liv- e men, and aboutlifteen cattle-me- n who had charge ofnearly 400 cattle.

    Secretary Tracy appeared beforeSenate Committee on Naval Affairsand recommended legislation in theline of the recommendation:: in bisannual report for eight le-- hips, to cost f."i,00O,l)0O each.

    . v. in roisTiorh-i.- .A Portuguese meeting at IJio du

    Janeiro resolved to suspend businesswith the English people nml to sendu telegiam to Lisbon stating thatthe. members of the colony there areprepaied to make any --.itciifice fortheir native country. The Ameri-can commcicial houses and commer-cial traveler, at LUbon arc reapingaim vest from the iinbioglio betweenPortugal and Great Uritain, whichis displeasing to the Bntwh mer-chant". The Americaus aie sellingmoie gooiK than were eer sold be-fore in the country.

    r.oi:o "Uir.it.viios.A St. Louis despatch of ,lan. L'2

    says: Letters received by W. L.Kagleson, business manager of theOklahoma Inimiynition Society inKansas, from points in North Caro-lina say that a large number ofnegroes of that State aie goingthrough in wagon- - this winter tl he new territory. Mr. Eaglesonuys that there aie now about 22,000

    negroes in Oklahoma and thatthere will be at least i0,000.

    lie claims thej' ought to have thatcountry, and says President Lincolnand the Republican party piomisedto give it to them, lie add.-.-: "AVeare determined to lake it anyhow,and we will make it one of thegrandest Stales in the 1'nion. Ifavor Colonel Morgan's scheme topurchase the Cheiokee Strip and tiioother lands in the Indian Territoryexclusively for negio settlement,l.ivc us the IJlnir bill, Indian Terri-tory anil Senator Butlei's S,"),000,-00- 0,

    and we shall be content.Oklahoma, in my judgment, is theland of promise for the laee, andmigration the panacea for every illnow affecting negroes of theSouth.'.'

    lAll.OUs WAS'I I'lKHlXIHiN.

    At the annual convention of theMerchant Tailors' National Associa-tion in Chicago, President Turnerdeprecated the practice of Englishagents soliciting trade in the Statesby promising goods at .'0 per centbelow trade prices. He also advo-cated the adoption of a style ot gar-ment based upon tastes thoioughlyAmerican and breaking away fromEnglish styles and ideas. The Exe-cutive Committee recommended theestablishment of a bureau" of in-formation which should publish amonthly rating book, to be a com-plete directory of all the dead beatsin the big cities.

    A HUMAN'i: SKIfl'KII.The Hritish baik Allonby, Captain

    I'etucry, arrived in Sau Franciscoifcently, seventy-seve- n days fromNewcastle, N. S. V. On November2d last, when the vessel was 100miles fiom Newcastle. ThomasrJrocklebank, an apprentice-boy- , lelltrom the mainmast and broke' bothhis legs. Captain Rollicry seeingthe boy could not receive propertreatment, cry humanely put backto Newcastle, so that the lad mightget the treatment that he shouldhave. Arriving at Newcastle, theCaptain hud the hoy conveyed tothe hospital nml left him theiu, whenhe bailed for San FranciMco on Nov.rtli lust.

    ai.Aurost: os aiwamums.Mr. Gladstone speaking nt Ches-

    ter declined to criticise the comae ofSalisbury in the dispute with Por-tugal until he is fully informed ofthe dotnlh of the case, lie considered it a duty to avoid cavilingat the foiclgn policy of the Govern-ment, llefcriing' to the UnitedSmtes and its plans for nu enlargednavy, ho said that country was stillenjoying the blessings and comfoitsof a icstrieled trade, theieforc itwould expend I0 or 'HO per centmore to build a nuvy than it wouldif contented to compete on equalterms with other nations. Hut itsresources arc so great it can affordto pay for the luxury of Protection.The worst was that while Americawould cite England's example as thereason for enlarging her navy, Eng-land would give a similar excuse forfurther naval increase. It is a mat-ter of deep soi row to reflect thatostentatious additions to the defenseof a country, made under real orpretended necessity, is made anapology for the increase of burdensin every other country, under theprofession of additional security tothe policy of a government. Thistended more to endanger the peaceof the world.

    ai iiksui.t or M'oi.vn iuthioxkky.A Philadelphia despatch of .Tan.

    2.'1 sajs: "When the song "DownWent McGinty" first made its ap-pearance several weeks ago, Mr.Hridgel Donohue, the wife of a well-to-d- o

    store-keepe- r, who is somethingof a musician, was amused at thewords and constantly hummed them,lly-and-- she fell" into the crazyhabit of playing pi auks on the chil-dren and on the neighbois, untilthey became stale and no further at-tention was paid to her. Saturdayshe showed evidence that she wasout of her mind. Suddenly themembers of the family heard hershouting from tlie bath-ioo- : "Downwent McGinty." They ran upstairsand found Mis. Donohuo unrobedand as they approached her she ex-claimed: "I am McGinty I and here1 go to the bottom of the sea."With I lint, she jumped into the bath-tub, head lirst. severely bruising herface. She was seemed with .somedilllcully and a physician was quicklysummoned. lie pronounced herhopelessly bereft of her le.T-o-n andshe was taken to the PhiladelphiaHospital.

    i:it roMri.iiiiON rj:oMisi:ii.A New York despatch say it itt

    now established as a positive factthat the Union Pacific liailroad willparallel the Central Pacilic. Theinformation comes direct from Chas.Fiancis Adams, the Fiesident of theUnion Pacific, and there is no doubtinthewotld of its authenticity, aswill be shown by the oillcial an-nouncement, very shortly. It is inthe plans adopted to build to theAtlantic and Pacilic liailroad, andcombine with that corporation in athrough road to the Pacific Coast.When this i accomplished, therewill begin one of the greatest uUewais ever yet lecordcd.' It is thedetermination of the Union Pacificto cut rales to all points all aroundthe Central Pacilic.

    ivu is mi. AKOi.xrixi. iir.rnu.ii .Theie is a report of a great finan-

    cial smash in the Argentine Repub-lic. The film of Peretlo, Palpog-lio- ni

    Co., a jobbing house in haul-waioa-piovisions, with a large

    warehouse and shipping interest,has failed for G, 000,000. Otherfailuics will foot up an additional84,000,000 a total of $10,000,000.Cold a) the liiiu: of the fniltnc was2"i2, anil is now quoted at 210. Thefalling off since the failure is signi-ficant.

    ZWIEBACK or German Toisl, veiywell pmplr,on Fnlu ui Uie "Klite Ico Cream l'uilors."

    471 lw


    APOVl'AL .savins Hank Pas nook.will please leave the saint:il Or. Wood' ollUe. or Post Olllci.

    177 t


    ON premises litnnehHotel, AVaikikl, 2l'ijjs, which owner canhau by proving pn.

    perty anil paying expenses. I17 :it


    LP.ONO HOP, of Honolulu, htivine.day mildo an assignment olall his property to the I'wlcislgned forthe benelll of his omlltorB. All puttieshaving claims t the s.iitl l.enugHop aie hereby rocjuoutetl to presenttheir claims to the uuilerrdgnid withinUOilnys or tlicy will he hatred) and allparties owing Bald I.eong Hop mustpav their bill bninedialrlv to

    'l.. IIOFFSCI1LAKGE1J fc CO.,Assignee's of Leon-- ' Hon.

    Honolulu Keh 12, 1H)0 417 ?,t

    , St. Andrew's Cnthednil.will he hel.l. Ill theAMi:i:'iU.0 on TIIPHSDAY

    i:vi:xino, the i:ith iut., at 7::U)o'clock, for the piupo-- c of electingUhuiehwanleiiH for the piemil ,ear.A full attendance of Jhe mcmhci.s of theCongregation Is leqiutcd. I'll lit

    Oahu Railway & Land Co.rpilK nVat annual meeting of the stock.A. holdeis of I lie Onlih Hallway

    Co, will he held at the ofllec ofthe-- Company on WEDNESDAY, Keh.2(1, tbllll, nt !l o'clock I'. M , foi the elee.Hon of olllreia unit transaction of anyother bniioilmit business.

    v.(j.ashu:y,Secretary O. It & L. Co,

    Iloaolulu, Feb. 6, lSOO, 173 til



    Auction Sales by Janes P. Morgan.


    Household FurnitureA't' A.ucr.noiv.

    On MONDAY, IV.b. mil,AT 10 O'CLOCK .A. .11..

    Atthonstdcnreof M. N. KKNNJSUY.corner of Iterctunln and Kort streets, Iwill Hell ni I'ublle Am lion (on accountof ilepnrluie),

    The Entire Nouseh'ld Furniture,-- t,'oinprsbig-

    Parlor Furniture !i:isv OhitM, '


    F0HT1E !Dluinif IUom,


    Kitchen Furnitute,I'.lc., r.lc, Klc, Klc.

    ,!AS. F. MOKttAN,477 Jit Auotlouccr.

    Real Estate!llv older of A .1. CAltrWUinilT.

    Trustee ol the IMale of Joilla K. IMIkoi,1 will sell at Public Auction ut mySaleii ooiu, Queen stieet,

    On MONDAY, Miiroli .".rd,AT IS O'CLOCK XOOX.


    0 Tlouilialilo U nniil nn on T nto

    Silti ited on Koil Hireel, oppiHite theChinese Chuith.

    LOT NO. 1 Um M leil ftnntae;e onJ'oil Mlreut nml is 7;l feet deep, eont lining nn iirei of f,Wf!l Hiinr.'feel.

    LOT NO. 3 HiiHtiS ff I f i outage onTon hittet iiml Ii- - t.M i fill toel tleip,eoiitnining mi fiu.n of 4,601) MpnioLet.

    Theri- - in u 10 fool Iniie'liulween Itie --nl, thin giiiiK dnulilc finning1 to the


    Th(.e me the liifni huildingMies ofloMiMor Mile In theelly.

    A tdiiii of Hip Lot"? ran he sic n r.l myHuleioom.

    feST suhiect to eonibni'itioii liythe Court.

    .IAS. 1 MOKOAN,(71 eod Auetioneer.

    JELECTION HftW nt Klshel's Hill.U Ueitvvr Hnl, (liey Plug llntB,Slet'on Hat-- , iu aiey, bhtek itnd blown.

    471 lit


    ALLEN HliTCHIXSON willMI!.ileliver the tlrM of n eoinye ollectures nml (Irnionstifttioim on "'fieulii.line." nt the Y. M. 0. A. Hull, on PKI.OAY, Keh 21.it at 7::J0 oVIoelc I. M..As a dcmnnftratlon Mr. Hutobincon willmotltla porirnit host on the stage otfunic individual yclePlcd from the nud I.encc. Admission ?!. Tiekete may liehad :U Kin Htot' Art Store, Hotelstreet 47f! til


    AT si meeting of the Imaul of Dliee-tois-the Kiipiohinl l'.nkheld rebiunry 10, lSOo, the fol-

    lowing gentlemen w"eie to?eivi' :i. iillleeis dining the ensuingoar :Hon. A. S. Clpjjhoin lVesideiit,Hon. Ceellltiovn..Viee-liesI(len- t,Hon. 'V. (J. Iiwln Treasuier,W. f. r.liiytd Seeietiuv.

    W. M. OIFFAHU,17(1 Seereiiin .


    BY a Germftn Olrl to do light hoiihowot k or plain eooklnfr. Apply atthW oillee. 4711 3l

    SITUATION WANTEDa Cook on shore or at fft. liefu.AH eiieeBxlven if icipilreil Addrew

    "M," this ofllee. 470 lw

    TO LET

    ACOTTAOK on 1'uikIi.neiir PitUce walk. Apply on the pie.

    inlsua. i;a .It


    rPO rent or lease a BniMI1. Cottage, fuiuHhid or

    iinfiirnlHhfil, in a uond lorn.litv. Addled "M," this olllee.

    ,' 47.1 lw


    i SMALL Furnished CotIX. ttjiv of uhniit !J or J!rooms with . kliclu'ii, ele.,

    within 10 or 15 tuluiiteB' alk fiomPint Oftlre. Addieoa "A," thl office.

    474 ih"


    FINK NoiinanA Sinlllon, wellbroken to earriajrn or

    H5vs dray timirunteeilFound; a Imn'iihi

    For iinilictilftiH imulrr of47fill Oa fr. CLUNKY.

    lASTUltE !

    AHhOI.UTEJ.Y the hen hoiso pat.immhcr titlicu at3 per held n mouth.

    chas. v. nooTir,4'ifl It Fituoa.

    California : Lands1018 WAXIO !

    'PHI! undersigned wlhe,t to luforinJ. the piiblle that he. bus opened ulliuneh Cnllfornln Land Olllee, at Xo.I'J MerelmntMieet, Honolulu.

    To persons wishing to Invest InCholeo Timber, ARileulluie. Fruit orOr.whifr Lands in the flno Mtnle of Citll-foinl- n,

    or In Desiiahlf! nulldliij; Lots Intlm beautiful City nml Kuhiiibs of Oak-land, with lis unrlv.ilPil elbnate andopiiotlunllics. I urn iiepared to otfereeiy Indiieeuient in the way of bir-g.ii- n.

    The Lands whieh 1 here otfer have allboeu most carefully bv uthoroughly reliable urveyor, employed.

    ror tuat piirnoe. ami l amtherefoie enabled to give satlfaetoi vfjuaranten that every piece offered willstilctly eoiiespond with thehen by me.1 he Titles in tliew Lands nie perfect,

    bebu! in the main state school lauds.The pi r lulls pcional Inspection

    thereof at great expense, otfcis abso-lute scent lty to purchaspis and Is anInibiceinent offered by no other dealerIn state school lauds in California.

    The.pi Ice ranges fiom 83.no peraeieupward aceoiillnjx to iiiallty and loca-tion, and there Is no doubt, by takinginto account the rapid niowlh and jiro-ressl-

    of that State, that these hindsottered at these low ilfjtircs must withina few years command n much higherin lea and so wdire to every Investor aproilt not easily emialnl in any otherlinn of speculation.

    This oppoitunity will he open fo alimited time only, and 1 theiefnro extend an Invitation to all wliowiMitospciiio Rood and cheap homes in thatmaRiiltkent State and Country, and alsoto those who desire to iuet a littlemoney to so great advantage and piollt,to ca'll upon me toon and obtain fullp,u Oculars.

    Informal Ion will he eheei fully given.K- &- Olllee tooin with .1. A. Mngoon,

    alloinev, Xo. I'.' Merch'int stieet.IWlf A. MOKOPP.

    -- OCK.YIN'TO-

    Steamship Comp'y

    FOU SAN FltANl'lRCO,

    'I he Al Steamship

    "AUSTRALIA;'Will have Honolulu for the above

    port on

    Friday, Feb. 14,'90AT NOON'.

    For Freight or l'aiege, apply to

    WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agcnla.. 475 1



    rilAII'AXK !

    IX IMX'IS nod QFAKTs

    rnn -- k.v. n

    W. C. PEACOCK & CO.47 I lit


    'er. tui'cmt .uiiiiiiii him.

    IV Oooda of all dcspiiptions sold ojeouiinidfiion.

    Mfitiml 'lelephonefi.'il. fehSilO


    rpill2 underaignwl has old his inX teiest in tlie firm of Hop Ylck

    Co., doing a tliy jjiods liufllucvs at Xo.82 Nuiianu street, to Leone Hop. Allbills ueiili'Wt said llrrn will he paid byLeong Hop. TO.M FAT.

    Honolulu, Feb. 11, 1M10. 475 lw


    rpiIK underBlgned, having itincdX the mnnngement of tho WeMlorn

    tS: Hawullun Investment Co, (Limited),on account of ill health, the Dbcntoitiof tho Company in Dundee have

    Mr. .Joseph JJ. . Atherlon urManager iu Houolulii, rb of UlBt Decein-he- r

    hint W. L. fJKREX.Honolulu, .Ian, m, 1810. 4117 1 w


    A SITUATION br Sugar Cletk orNight Watchman at a mill, or aplace as Lunn on a good plantation.Has epeiiencu and can furnish goodreference. Call or address. "M. K. I'.,'Hui.t,vriN Ofll.ce. 4R7 tf


    COPIES ol the Daily IH'lliitin, ofdates specified below, M centsa copy will be paid fpr the sjime ondellveiy at this olllee:.Inn !). 188!),lcopvApr 8, lfiWi, 1 eopvi. 2. ii ;t .t i. io, .. i .

    Feb I, " .'1 " Augl!H, J "

    FI11EWOOD FOU SALE."U5T and SPLIT to older.J At the

    472 Ot F.X'ratHUSI. MILL.

    FOK SALE.1 .SF.COND.IIAM) Double Lllect.

    7V Apply to47.1 lw If. HACKTEI.D A, CO.

    FOR SALEfor sain at Hawaiian

    . Couiinerclal Balesroomc, coinei ofQueen and Nuuaim Ptrcets. 4(8 If


    ONK Hcheiblera Polailecopo withcnmplelu tel ot upniratusweights, lamps, etc.4!)fi T. II. DAVIKS ii CO.i



    It ii'iuinK a new form of instnsuiec which provides, ill nit: uvcill Ol death, for.miivmi iii im, iiwiiii.ui uiv polie.y, or, siiuiuu t uu I lis u I ii I survive


    n givenI titimlier (II years, theI company1 tlllletiini nil the premium paid with interest ; or, Instead of nceeptinp; the policy unci proflfn in cash the leual 'holdermay, WITHOUT JIEUICAI.KXAMINATION and WITHOUT lqjJtTIIHK take iulieu thereof the amount of policy nnd prollts in h'l'LI.Y PAID UP insurance, anniinlly in diidends.

    Krmember, this contract is issuedgent Financial liiHtttution in the World,

    toy For full part if'ti ln,rs rail on or




    : :Solo of & IRON

    u&r All

    3n lm


    The-- o nte easily eleiin.'eil,noil NKVr.R boeoine CltAOKKD orCltA.Kt) by lIiiiiikc of tviiipeiiitiln of

    TbeVlltei liiK Medium ls a NATURALSTON1J, mined front Ibeenitb. Itunlike any other stone.

    It Doph Not AbMOi'h andJU'como Foul !

    I.MI'l'lUTIF.S never PKXLTKATKII, but He on the suifitce, sunt biternnllytin stone leinnlns ns pure ami whileutter years of me :h when taken fiomthe mine.

    'IheOate City Stone Killer Is a ner-fe- etsueeeif.. It Is the only leal filter I

    hne eer sren. I wonlil not be withoutone for siny coiishleiiitlon. It eonveitsonr lake water Into the best drinkingwntei In (lie woild.

    lll.NIU M. I.VMAN, M. I).,r.:i:i kt Atlains Ht , f'hleao.

    UT For .Sa'e by


    Opj o.i'o Ppirekrls .t Co.'.s I'n'ik.40J tl Fort stieet, Honolulu.

    Wanted.A N iiitlxe Aiiiericuii, Kiiallslnnnii m' (ieininn, of good lmliiln und ehnr

    aeter, who also tpcakii Hiiwalinu, nndran iiiinbh llrNt.eliisii rctuienrri, mayobtain a permanent situation ns Col.leeior, by addressing 1. (). box No.351, Honolulu.

    HOUSE to RENT.A LA ltd B 2 ftory lloiiBe,

    first flues In eve'V reflp?t, with nil nenesB.iry out.

    ImlldlnK-i- , tine l.iwn, hlnido ttee, (lowerbed, ele , very desirably loejled withintO minutes' wiill, of the Tout OlUee, willbe leased for one or morn years, ut itreasonable rental to a selcjt privntufamily. Applv at I



    AT ihe anniutl meetinR of ihiJcriniuiHeuevolenl Srtelety hi Id on .lanuiiryaw, 18!K). the following olllctis were i is.elcf.ictl for one year:

    II. A. Wltlciwini',N'lee.Piesident I. I'. Iliokfelc.feeiel.iry i. P. Eekardl,'lieusiirci K. Klainr,Autiitor , H. .1. Nolle,Truntce J. F. I lack feld.

    J. F. KCKARDT,AM .11 tieeretarv.

    NOTICE toy01t the more satisfactory aceomine.

    JC dailon of our patrom we beg tosuggest to them that In eases wheredruys arc required for shipping goodsto steamers and eonMcrH, orIn at y onsc where required, at I o'e.loeksharp nt the day, they will tlnd that byrimming up Mutunl Telephoi.e No. 20:,between '2:ti and 12:4.1 in the noonhour that Mr. llcwett will be there inperson to receive nil orders, and ourfriends will thereby gienlly facilitatobusiness to the better satisfaction ol allconcerned

    IIUnTAOK &4.17 llm

    Machine Mud loi !wishing lo get Machine

    I'ol can do so by leavingIheb conlnlniTH plainly inarkeil atHeniy Davis's (Irocery Sioto, on FArtbliett. I'ol will be ilellvcrtd on TurxdH.ys and Kridiiyc. Containers must boIntt not later thin Ihe dav helore.ItlOlm KAI.im I'OI FAOTORV.

    fjsrinaa Mavkot"I UST openetl In "Armstiong's Rlock,"1 neat King .Street llrldge. For sale

    Iresh dally llead Cheese, Kiankfuiler,Hologna, Frying, Liver, Hmoked andother Haiifaaes.

    4fi0 If Proprietor.


    QTAND: No. u, corner. Nimnnu andO King streets. llfl,Mutual Telephono 030. OlUee Hours:Fiom 7 A. m. to II i. m. Al orderspiomplly attendfd to

    107 lw Manager.


    by the oldest Life JiiHiir.inee Companylu assets exceediutf One Huudiert anil




    TELEPHONE 297.--TO -- -


    Proprietors SARSAPAMLLA

    lapr Ale, Hop Ale, Grenaaine, Baspberryaae, Sarsajarilla, Mineral Waters, Etc.


    Gale Stone Her












    3V133W Tiroi:,i

    1'AYMKNTOK FKH.M1U.MS,paitielpaiin;







    nntl orderH Bliould bo mhlrcNsed to



    it of

    andTwenty-Six- - Millions of



    the of

    is ReservedTHE

    Great Reduction Sale !AFTKll TAK'INCi I HAVK RKDlTf'Kl) MANY LINES OF



    I'M 11. February Only.124 pair of Undressed Kid Gloves!

    (5 nnd 8 UutlbiiB in poifect oilier at $1 n r fbeat Bargains.All my OTN'OIIAMS about MO pieeea to select fiom are ollereil Tt

    Cost Price. A mnll lino of

    Scotch Ginchams at a Great Reduction !KKAl) THIS A largo anaoitmonl of READ THIS

    WJHtlTJE XXIH:S$JS GOODS,Such ns PiqueH, Einbroiilorcil India Linen, Plain Swiss, Nninsook nnd

    many oilier lines of Goods. I will nell at nutli npi ico that everybody btiy theiu.

    JDtfT Ueuieniber, Fobruniy 1,1th dose Ibiri Rale. Jg

    S. EHRLICII,F,!l Corner Hotel & Fort Streets.


    Great Bargains ! Great Bargains !-- AFTER TAKING STOCK

    All Ms SoW at MyRefliiceil Prices!0

    Picsttmaking DerailmentCLARK.

    This SpaceFOR



    A (l()OI Pasture; at Waiklki, for alimited luilllberWif liorscs. at ren.Bonabln nttes ATjotOy.Hin tfffl H. ALOUIOH.


    il'IFTY URA1) of FiatKwu ? Apply toKAIIliliU ltAMUU.

    401 tf ' r - Kau. Hawaii.

    R'l EHliaor Sule.ryyfQ imwca and Lots onJL iroTjWU Lilne, Falama.'

    Convenient to steam und trnmcurs, very hnallhy iloralliv. Lot onKln street, near Hanianku'H Lane. Forparticulars apply to

    .HWN F. UOWLER.OrOhas. T. Gtillek. m 460 3m


    DRAWING anil Palntinj; lu ollucolor.'), Monocbromo,Crayon, Etc , on Tuesdays and Fridaysafiornoon, aud Saturdays morning andatteinnon.

    R. TIARNFIELT), Artist,ripreekbls' Block, Fort tieri.

    4113"- h

    icturn nil pfoniiiims p.iitl in :ui- -

    in the United Slates, the l.arHollars.

    is.Agent for the Islands.




    under management MISS







    JAMES NOTT, Jr.,l'liAorifAr. '

    TINSMITH nnd PLUMBER,Corner of King and Alakea streets, i

    Honolulu, H. I.'IVrerlKIMiONE:

    Woikiliop--Mu- t 261 Rotldence.-Mu- l 23GOS? Estimates furnished on all elasseaol plumbin),' and tlnsinithinp woik.First class workmanship and materialguaranteed In all the above branelirsof my business at reasonable rates.

    401 3m



    Just the Tiling for the Holidays-- AT TIIIC- -

    Paoific Hardware Go.4'J! tf

    mk Ui--it- it . & Ittv ;. .KCu .is Mt, 4 2uii ju .t :1 sJJ,. ii-rt- ',:'' tfei, -. al '

    I 1



    i Ii



    s "



  • IIM DAlliYl3 .11 ii T III fi I -- ..i.iiiii inBiiMiiMniiiMi bji .'


    S i


    II T3

    itTtt guT1finTHURSDAY, W, 1890.


    ivb lU- -Stmr l.etiua loin Hainukiu

    Stint .Ins Million from ICiutnlStinrlwalunl from ir.ihinloni


    Fell 1.1Sunr Moknlll for Molokal at ii p inStun-- Vic for llatual.ua at 111 a mStinr .ta Mnltoe for Kapau at I p inSehr Mllo MoriN from ICoolmiHeln Mary for IliiimlclSehr Maty K FoMer for Iliiimiiiniilii


    otmr W G Hall for Lahalna, Maalaca,Komi. Kail and, the Volcano ut 1Uo'clock a tn

    Strnr U It Jllahop for ohoitlt Oaliu at !)am.

    Haw 8 S Attlr.l!n, Ilniidlelte, forS.m Francisco at noon

    Am lik rt C Allen, for San Francisco


    From Kauai perfitmr .las Makce, Febi:t -- O 11 Wcllx, K Kopko and 21' clerk.

    The following passenger will leavefor the Volcano by the mnr W G Hall

    morning: A H Maichaud,wife and clillil, D hell. C It I'latt andwife. I 11 Illckcr and K Spring.

    shippThc N0TE&"

    Tlin hark Ilcsprr finishes unloadingcoal this aftrinoon.

    The harkentltiu Kllklt.it. Cant K WCutler, was to leave Kahulul with sugarfor San Francisco y.

    The bnrkentlnc Imgu'rd has finisheddischarging her deck load of lumber,and is now unloading from the hold.

    The tern Ko An lion Is at Knunes'wharf being repaired.

    Thft Strnr James Mukec brought 2,510lugs sugar this morning. She leavesagain this afternoon.

    The bark Lady Lampoon will com-mence receiving augur early next week.

    The strnr Iwnlatii arrived tills morn-ing from ilamakua with ,03i; bags su-g- ir

    and !)3 barrels molasses. Tho sugarwns discharged into tho foiir-ma"te- dM'hooucr Olga.

    The strnr O It Bishop brought latnight 4'Jfi bags paddy, I Hi Imgrf rice. TI7bags .sugar, 17 bags ilee brnti, aud 1,15abtiuchs baiianns.


    TI1CKE11 Iii San Fi.mclsco, Januaryi!0, of Hright'ti disease, Capt. HenryS., husband of the late Henriettas.,and fattier of Henrv T., Kdwiu W.,Joshua n., John H. and Wlllard H.Tucker, a natlvo of Darlmouth,Mubs , aged 72 years, a months and2 days.


    Who owhh the strayed jiigs?..A i'Ostai. bank hpolc !h lost.

    It in raining hardtide of thin island.

    at other

    K. llorrscitLAEQKii t Co. have anotice regarding assignment of l.congHop.

    Jas. F. Morgan willKennedy 'm fnrnitiironext.


    well M. N.on Monday

    St. Androw'b Catliedial Congiega(ion will meet lo elect ehurchwiud-i'ii- b


    .HiK Majesty the King and II. K.

    11. Princess Liliuokalani will leavemorning bv tlio steamer

    W. O. Hull.

    Tin: Hawaiian Social Club willhave tho Hu'waiiun band and a bigtime at their aociublo this evening ntthe Aiion.

    La Giippe has shortened our forcein difl'cront departments, so thatomissions will bo kindly overlookedhv readers.

    A VALnxrixK Social will be givenby the young ladies of the Y. W. C.T. U.,. Friday evening at hulf-pas- trovou, in the Y. M. 0. A. hull. Ad-mission twcnty-liv- o cents. All cor-dially invited.

    Hon. John Dillon and Sir ThomasEsmondo culled on their Excellenciestho Minister of Finance and thoMinister of Foreign Aflairs thismorning. The visitors wcro shownthiough the museum and thu Gov-ernment buildings generally.


    In Dakota and Manitoba, accord-ing to a writer in the Popular Sci-ence Monthly, tho employment ona single wheat estate of a numircureapers and an aggregate of 300laborers for a season has been re-garded as something unprecedentedIn agricultural industry ; but on onesugar estate in Cuba "El Balboa"

    jf-fr-om l,.r00 to 2,000 hands, in-

    variably negroes, are employed, whovok under severe, .discipline, In

    watches or relays, during tho grind-ing season, by- - day and night, thesamo as In tho largo icon mills andfurnaces of tho United Slates andEurope. At tho' same time tlieroare few village communities where allkv number of people' experiencethe satno care and surveillance.The mule porkers occupy quarterswalled and barricaded from thewomen, and the women from thomen. There are in every vi'lnge aninfirmary, a lying-i- n hospital, aphysician, an apothecary, a chapeland priest. At, night and morningmass' !? said in chapol, and thecrowd? arc always Jargo. Tliero is.of a Sunday less restraint, thoughceascleiq espionage is never remit-ted. On theso days and in parts ofholidays there aic rudo mirth, ruderimislc and much dancjug.

    THE WEEKLY BULLETI- N-Sdrolnmua, purely local matte- r-Mailed to foreign enumrlM. & pernTiMim.


    Hon. .Inlin Itlllon uinl Mir TliniitnHtinmutultt lOntrrlnlnrd li.V Iiii.liKrnlitriitW'.r.loqnent Miirci'hrrt bythe IHMttuiciitiOictf UtirHtn.

    A reception was given by Irishresidents and a tew others to Hon.John Dillon and Sir Thomas

    Members ot Parliament, atthe Hawaiian Hotel yesterday even-ing. The building and grounds wereilluminated with eleeliir lights andcolored lanterns. Ills Majesty sent,tho Royal Hawaiian Hand (o givea complimentary concert, and itplayed the following programme un-der (lie direction of I'rof. Ilo.gcr:Overture Kulukauiiund Knpioluni

    Jlcignrliallud The Minsticl Hoy. ...MooieSong Last Glimpse of Eiin .HalfeWnltz Kato Kearney CooleFantasia Irisdi Melodies MuaneuSelection Pinafore .. , .SullivanFantasia The Jacobites .GiifsnorFantusiu The Irish Patrol. .Puciner

    Aloha Oel Aloha elGod Savo the Queen.

    Hawaii Ponoi.Arany people sat on the veranda

    during the concert. Sir Thomasand Mr. Dillon expressed llicir de-light with Hie band's performance.They were called into the parlor fora few minutes, when a number ofcitizens were presented to them.

    Shortly after nine o'clock the com-pany marched into the main diningroom, where Mr. P. M. Lucas thesteward had a splendid collation inreadiness. The table was heapedwith fine cookery and choice fruits,while gorgeous bouquets adorned itfrom end to end.

    Mr. Dillon a.ml Sir Thomas wereseated at the head of the table.Hon. C. J. McCarthy, master of ce-remonies, occupied the chair to theright of the guests, and Mr. E. A.Mclnerny, secretary of committee,sat on their left. His Excellency S.M. Damon, Minister of Finance,was on the chairman's right, and theremainder of the company sittingdown were Messrs. Itobt. More,George Lucas, H. Mcintosh, JohnV. Howler, John Lucas, W. A. Kin-ney, W. M. Cunningham, Hugh

    M. N. Kennedy, Pat.Hughes, J. "W. CJibbs, Tho-- . Mc-Tigh- e,

    Geo. Campbell, D. Logan,W. II. Nolan, Win, II. Mclnerny,V. O'Hallnron, J. F. Morgan, J. J.

    Sullivan, John Buckley, Jas. Pow-ers, John McLean, ami Prof. Bergcr.When the material feast had slack;ened somewhat, Mr. McCartln roseand read the following address :

    Hon. John Dillon Honored Sir:Hearing that you wcro to passthrough our micl-occa- n city on yourvoyage across tho Pacific, returningto your own beloved land, wethought it proper, although strang-ers to you personally, to tender youa quiet reception, with the best hos-pitality we could command, in re-cognition of your fame as a man, apatriot aud a statesman, which hasgone into all the English-speakin- gworld. We are all, or nearly all, ofCeltic origin or ancestry, some of iibbeing your fellow-subjec- ts of theBritish Empire, and while not ad-dressing you as partisans, we arosympathisers with the distress andtroubles of your countrymen, onwhose, behnlt you are sacrificingyour time and talent, and perform-ing a jnurncv round the world, tolay before your kindred everywherethe cause of which you are a leadingchampion. We do uot presume- toexpress any opinions upon currentBritish politics, but, as observersfar from the scene, we take the pre-sent opportunity of conveying toyou our high sense of appreciationof the dovotiou, perseverance andsagacity with which your disting-uished leader, thellouorable CharlesStewart Parnell, and his associates,adhered to the Irish causo until thattribune of the English people, theUightHonorable William EwartGlad-stone- ,

    with a powerful section of hisLiberal following, has been constrain-ed to recognize the justice of yourpleadings, and to battle shoulder toshoulder with you, on constitutionalgrounds, for the concession to Ire?land of equality in tho rights of

    with the qther compo-nent parts of the United Kingdomand the British Empire. Hopingthat a brighter prospect will soonburst upon your Emerald Isle, andthat you may live to sop tho de-voutly wished consummation, andenjoy all tho lustre aecrutng to youfor your share in that achievement,as residents of this "Paradise of thePacillo," we beg to subscribe our-selves, your friends,

    E. A. McInt.ksv,John MoLain)Iawriixcu II. Dm;,T. Honan,Tuosv MuTnuir.,.C. J.'McOahtuv,Danikl Looan,M. N. JKunnkdv,.7. J. Sullivan,

    ' Jas. F. Moikjan,,7. Lucas,P. Dalton,And Othliis.

    Mix Dillon was loudly cheered onrising to reply. Ho begged to re-turn Uicm his very warmest thanksfor tlioh kind hospitality, and fortho all too llatterlug tonus of theiraddress. When in the Colonies heresolved not to pass by these islandsbut to avail himsolf of the opportun-ity of seeing their wonders andtheir beauties. But it jiover oc-curred to him in visiting these isl-ands that ko shquld meet with somany friends and sympathisers andcountrymen, although it had beentruthfully said that no corner of thoearth can bo penetrated where nnIrishman cannot ln found. Not

    BULLETIN: HONOLULU, JL L, FEBRUARY 13,'jlJl.l"!"!,U.tfSSgSgSilS2L.?

    only friends of his own race and na-tion but gentlemen who bad noIrish blood yet who believed in theIrish cause and its righteousnesshad welcomed llieiu. Whciever liehad traveled nil over the earth sym-pathy and good wishes for thatcause were not confined lo peopleof the Irish race but extended topeople of all other nationalities.Hut white these tilings were thegiealest encoutageiiient to him liemust confess that he did not won-der at nil those, of whatever race1 iey might be, when they catnu lounderstand as many now could un-derstand the true position of lie-lan- d,

    showing deep sympathy forthat country. When thelrMi ques-tion wu9 stripped of all extraneouscircumstances what was it? No-thing but an attempt in the face ofgreat difficulties lo emancipate aneonle from thu results of a longperiod ot oppress! vc law s and tyranny.Ireland is a country of small farms.The people have, to look for supportto tho cultivation of the land, andlo the cultivation of the land alone.In other days the people were dis-couraged from prosecuting other in-dustries. It was owing to tliia factthat for ages this people had been abyword nmoniz the nations of theearth for their poverty. Why shouldthe nation be condemned to contin-ual poverty, degradation, and dis-tress.? Not through any fault oftheir own but through the system oflaw which compels them lo maketheir living through that one indus-try. It would be ridiculous for himto" attempt to review their wholeposition. Even England had admitted the justice of their causo,and it was conceded that Irelandhad the worst system of land lawsor. the face of- - the earth. You findthe people discouraged from follow-ing varied industries, driven backon the land in theso facts the Irishand strangers found the explanationof their continual poverty, distress,and disturbance. lie found in Aus-tralia that Hie object before theminds of all intelligent statesmenwas lo get people-settle- d on securetenure of land. It was the samegreat consideration in the UnitedStates. He believed on personalobservation that much of the ster-ling prosperity and strength of Am-erica was baaed on the great number of farmers settled on the land.But what what do we find in Ireland?That not content with condemningthe entire population to a conditionpractically of serfdom, until everyman who tills the land was a slave,tho landlords proceeded to drive thopeople from their country. Notcontent with compelling people toliye under restrictive laws, theytook advantage of a crisis! in theprices of necessaries, and, contraryto the land policy of Australia andthe United Slates, they took pos-session ot the land to turn it into9heei) pastures arid cattle runs, sothat they could put more coin intheir pockets. Tho abominabledoctrine was put forward that theprosperity of the country was to beruthlessly sacrificed to the interestsof a few. It was not enoughthat for generation after gener-ation their land was taxed atincreasing rent. They talk of rob-bing Hie landlords of Ireland, buthe spoke of what most round thetable would know, when he said thatthree-fourth- s aye four-fifth- s of thevalue of the land was the result ofthe toil of the people who broughtthe land from its virgin sterility toits present fertility. Not only waspower given the landlords to exactruinous rack rents, but the tenure ofthe land was kept insecure. In theyear 18G0 sixty thousand tenantswere evicted. The landlords said,We can make more money by rais-ing sheep on the land. They sweptaway something like a million and ahalf of the people because theywere in the way of bullocks andsheen. No more outrageous crimehad ever been perpetrated againstany people, and there was never anyckeck to this wrong until the pre-sent movement was started. Theirparty had been assailed by calumnysuch as no other public men haveever endured,. They had beeu ac-cused of crimes that never enteredinto their minds, and they couldchallenge their accusers to produceany declarations of theirs to thecontrary. They were accused of adesire to separate Ireland from theEmpire, nt treasonable intentions,,of sowing dissensions, of inculcat-ing murder in proof of wliioh wcrocited murders and outrages occur-ring in Ireland these last ten yoars.To liston to these men ono wouldthink Ireland was a paradise whereno injustice was done to anybody,and where there was no crime untilMr. Parnell- - and his party arose,Was thero no crime or rojistanoo toEnglish rule before Parnell? Was itnot a fact that at no period between1800 and 188.0 was there a momentwhen four-fift- of the people of Irc- -land would notlmve taken arms to regain their lostsolf-govornmcn- t. Ihobontimont was so strong that nothingbut a tremendous force of soldiersand parks of artillery could havekept tho country against tho pcoplofor an hour. The population

    under the inlluenco of theland laws from eight-million- s to lessthan half that number, while that ofoilier countries increased, althoughtho Irish area prolific pcoplo. When

    .tlioy cross sea to Australia or lothat country whose! ling Is so dear tothem in Ireland the United Stales

    do the Irish porish away? No;but on tho contrary they inoreasomore ranldlv acd prosper In employ- -monts requiring ability of brain uswen as power in uurcie. Even ill

    competition with Americans, themost, clever people In the world,they succeed. The Irish were notdisposed to submit lo their conditionpeaceably, but to rusist by armswas hopeless. They look desperatemeans tiiat never succeed, but whocould wonder that men in despairshould do fo? As scripture says,oppression will drive even a wiseman mad. Long before Parnell washeard from the Hibbonmen andother organizations wcro active and

    .blood marked the years us it liasnot done any year of the presentagitation. Tlic Irish parliamentaryputy came on the scene under cir-cumstances not paralleled in the ex-perience of any public men. Theyhad ii people who from long experi-ence believed that ordinary meansof redress were closed to them.Many of them sacrificed tticir homesto send men to Westminster to begfor relief. They saw these very mensell them for the gold of Englandwhich was poured out without stint.The party had two courses open tothem. One was to do nothing butlet tlic extermination of their racego on unchecked. The other wasto make ono last effort to save theremnant of their people. Theirparty had lo win the confidence ofIreland for an attempt to securehelp from Parliament. After tenyears of this struggle the position ofaffairs was that the people were notany longer at the absolute mercy ofthe landlords, and tho.timc was pastwhen thousands of people could besent to prison for no crime. Nowtlic people arc firmer seated on theland of Ireland, but a little moreis required to be done. While somuch had been done, yet a fargreater work had been achieved,whose majesty could not be under-stood outside ef Ireland. It was mthe speaker's day hard to get thepcoplo to take any interest in tlicpolls. After these ten years theyhad succeeded in winning the peo-ple's faith to their constitutionalmethods, they had secured the ad-hesion of the people to their causewithout recourse to arms or violence.They had attached lo their views thegreat body of their countrymen inthu United States and Australia,gaining for Ireland's "four and a halfmillions the support or Hie eightand a half million Irish of Americaaud the million of Australia. Tlievhad led Irishmen lo hope in the clll-ca- cy

    of reaching the hearts of theirEnglish brethren, until now an Eng-lishman is welcomed on an Irishplatform and an Irishman on anEnglish platform, They had in tenyears largely removed a feeling ofhaired between the two peopleswhich had existed for eight cen-turies. Mr. Dillon here apologisedfor the lime he was taking, but wasurged 1)3 calls from round the tableto proceed. lie said they had succeeded in winning the sympathies ofthe great bulk of the English,Scotch, and Welsh people. One oftheir greatest obstructions wa3 thecampaign of falsehoods supportedby wealthy enemies, so that the con-test had become, in Mr. Gladstone'sphrase, a fight "between the massesand the classes." Mr. Dillon toldhow this campaign had been wagedagainst him in his tour of the Colo-nies, the daily papers before everymeeting containing despatches, man-o- f

    them false, designed to prejudicethe people against tlic cause. Oneagent had received i."000 and hisexpenses to follow them up. Butagainst all that he might say he hadtraveled through England and foundthat the working classes who opposedtheir greatest enemies, the privi-leged classes the common peoplewho gained the repeal of tho comlaws were warmly in their favor.The' would give Mr. Parnell orhimself as good a reception as Mr.Gladstone. He referred to the caseof Tipperary as an appalling Instanceof Irish wrongs, where the peoplewere forced to abandon the townevery stone of. whl6h they built, butthe amount of trouble the pcoplonow endured was nothing to whattheir ancestors had to undegn, andthat without any hopo of relief.The struggle was now drawing near aglorious termination. It was astruggle in which all was fair andhpnorable, to which thoso who en-gaged in it would look back withpride. If anything was wanted toencourago tho Irish pcoplo in theirdistress, it was in the bond of sym-pathy that he had found girdlingthe earth. Wherever tho EnglishHag floats thero aro people whosehearts beat in sympathy with thecause of Ireland. Mr. Dillon satdown amidst loud and prolongedapplause.

    Mr. E. A. Mclnerny in a grace-ful speech proposed the health of"His Majesty the King." lie reada letter from the Chamberlain, Col.G. W. Macfarlane, expressing bycommand Ills Majesty'ti regret sitnot being ablo to Join in tho reception to Iho guests of tho evening.Tho proposer related the King's re-pealed acts of friendly considerationtoward the visitors since their ar-rival, tho latest being the Bonding ottho band to play on this occasion.Tho toast was enthusiastically hon-ored by the company.

    Ills Excellency S. M. Damon wascalled up to speak for His Majesty'Ministers. Hu said it tliero was anycountry tha,t exceeded this In hospi-tality It was Ireland, and he gavean interesting account of his expe-tleiu'- e.

    in the Emerald Isle in proof.'Our Guests," was the next

    toast..Sir Thomas Esmondo In fining torespond said he, felt soinedillldenee,for no wards of his could convey tothem his feelings for the hospitality

    toward Mr. Dillon and himself.They were finishing a tour that In-cluded Africa, Australia, and NewZealand, and wens going lo theUnited States, and in every countryvisited they were proud lo bo ableto say that lliey had found friendsand sympathisers. They did notexpect to meet so many Iricnds heiobut their pleasure was none the lesskeen because it was unexpected. Hewished to express t licit thanks andthose of their colleagues for (he kind-ness of the King in sending his bandto play for them that night. They hadlistened to many bands but hedoubted if they liad met many bet-ter ones. Mr. Bergcr asked himnot to be too critical about tho per-formance, but after hearing it hethought it was above criticism. Butabove all they wcro Indebted to themfor Hie sympathy wtlh their cause,for, struggling as they vvcre in be-half of a poor people, it was asource of strength for them to find,wherever they went, that men whotake the trauble to look into Hiematter are their sympathisers. Theyrepresented a movement of Irishnationality. They would have aLegislature in Ireland as you havehere to settle Irish affairs. Whenlistening to the music ht thatis, tho Irish tunes it carried himback to the days when they had aLegislature for Ireland. The rightof Ireland lo a Parliament was per-haps more ancient than the Parlia-ment of England itself. They shouldkeep it up perhaps to the day ofjudgment they should never giveit up till they had a Parliament, oftheir own. They were told theywere very extravagant in their de-mands. But how would people likeif some power would come and tellyou lo give up your Parliament', thatthey would attend to that business'for .you? Was there a man presentwho would not sacrifice the last dropof his blood before submitting toit? They felt the same as the Ha-waiian people. It had been saidthat if Irishmen wcro not so ex-tremely weak having so large ashare of original sin they might beallowed to govern themselves. Yethe doubted, if Hawaiian affairs werecarried on by another country, asthoso of Ireland were by England,if our prosperity would have ad-vanced as it has. If this banquethad been held in Ireland they shouldhave in addition to Mr. Logan whowas making a better speech for himthan he was making himself (laugh-ter) they should have another re-cording angel, and he would bo ablack angel a Government reporterlo take down all their speeches, andthey should be liable lo be sent tohard labor for six months. If thiscountry had a government like theirsit would be very much worse off.As all students of Irish historyknew this struggle had gone on forsometime, but they wuro lookingforward to a time when they couldretire to the bosom of tticir familiesand give up agitation, when theyshould hare a Parliament of their ownto conduct their own affairs. Englishartisans were coming over to theirfellow-countrym- when they get anopportunity at the polls. They werewaiting for the next general elec-tion. Within three or four yearsit would be decided whether thevshould be able to give up this agita-tion. And I hope, Sir Thomas saidin conclusion, if any ot these Irishpeople come to you they will addressyou, not as members of the EnglishParliament, but as members of theIrish Parliament, bound to the peo-ple of Eugland,jiot by buckshot andSnidors, but by tho bonds of broth-erly love. We can safely say thatthe Paradise of tho Pacific full' de-serves Us name. (Applause.)

    'The PrcsB" was responded lo byMr. D. Logan, and "The Ladies'"by Mr. W. A. Kinney. Mr. Geo.Lucas made a reply to "Success ofthe Irish Cause," and Mr. McCar-thy made a few remarks in answertoa call. "Young Ireland in Hono-lulu" was responded to by Mr. Jas.F. Morgan, and after singing "AuldLang Sync" wjth joined hands thecompany bade goodnight to SirThomas and Mr. Dillon.

    Bamwiu Locomotives

    Tho undci signed having been appointedagents for tho Hawaiian I&laiiil.i

    For the Celebrated

    Baldwin-:-Locomotiv- es

    From tho works of

    Burubam, Parry, Williams & Co.,

    iliUiifitilitu nitnAm now prepared to give eistlinatcK andreceive oulera for thctu cimlncs, of anysue ami'Siyic.

    Tho Uai.dwis l.ocoMoiivr. Wokkx tunnow iniiiuifactiiriiiK a Hlylo of Lonomo.live paillcalnrly mlnptcd

    For Plantation Purposes,

    A number of which have recently beenirci'.lvoil at these Islands, itud wo willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationaifcnts and nianngurd with paitlcuhirso'l same.

    Thu superiority of theso Locomotivesover all nt her makes Is not only knownl.cio hut la ncknnsVludyt'U throughoutthu I'liltcd Blutfa.

    Wm. (. TltWIN Co.,A rteiita for Ua wall mi IfdnniR

    4R3 il.HM w.ly

    ia wiMMi am Ifiii irrrT ,dMMwfl KuiuKnatnwi

    Views of the British Press.

    Tho E.piiUiblc shows figures equal lo thoso of the national baUnceshoots of some very rcspcctabio-size- d Staid. The Insurance World ofLondon.


    The Equitable Life Assuiance Society U a colossal institution. II isunique in ils position und marvelous in its iccord. It occupies the highestplace among kindred institutions. The Irish Insurance Banking amiFinancial Journal.


    It is no ue disguising the fact that the Equitable holds a remarkableposition among the Insurance nlllces of the World. It does a larger busi-ness, holds a larger surplus and given a better contract than any othercompany. ("Leamington Spa Courier.

    Willi tlic pitiful system of state iiiMiiauee in Germany compare whatis done by some of the great private Assurance Companies, by the greatestof them till, for instance, the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the UnitedStates. Dublin Lyceum.

    The largest of American Life OHIccs and therefore the largest inis the Kquitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S. TairpluyWorld


    The office that has done the most in promoting safeInsurance is the Equitable Life Assurance Society of tin



    in 175,000,000Income for '10,000,000 00Surplus 'J2,.r.00,000


    andU. S.

    New lHSil 0018K1I


    ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance Society

    of the U. S. ' Jan-l-9- 0

    Pacific Hardware Co., Id,Hardware, Agricultural Implements, House Furnishing Goods,


    Glassware & Cutlery, Just at Hand;(i:ilviiiiicd Fence Wiie, Black Steel Fence Wire, Gulvani7ed Stapled,

    Black Staples, Special Quality Fenco Staples.

    NEW GOODS ! & NEW GOODS !In all lines by late arrival". Agents for

    Itiihlmr (tarriftii Hoso, Wire Bound Hose, Strain Homo.or VKUY fiUI'KUIOIt QUALITY.

    PACIFIC HAUDWAltE CO., (Li')(n. F. Diu.inoiiam, J. (L SenNcnn, F. L. Wintf.ii,

    jiiii-fi-U- President. Manager it Secretary. Treasuier.


    Shipping & Commission Merchants,


    -- nnu.r.im i.v- -

    Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,

    ;PliANTATtl)X MUPI'LIJiH, vi

    Ciirpoule!', Ulaekpinilbs', Machinists' Plnmbwin' Tods,


    Kitchen Utensils, P.iintH, Oil, VurniiduM, Lamp Goods and

    General 3Werolin.iidie.Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

    Wlicox St tilbbs, & Remington Sewing Macbines,

    Dr. Jayne & Family Medicines.

    K. It. IlKNimv, PresldQiit & Manager.Know', Secretary & Treasurer.

    Joii.v F.NA, Vice-Preside-Cr.oif, ItuowN,





    Oppo. Hnnk, : FortMtreel--,

    Honolulu.IMPORTERS and DEALERS. IN

    Hardware, -:- - Crockery,Chandeliers, Eleetoliera, Lamps & Lamp Fixtures,

    Oils & VarniHhea, Laid Qil, Cylinder Oil,Powder, Shot ,fe CapH, Machine-loade- d Caitridgcn, Chamheilaiii'H Patent ;

    HOUSE -:- - FURNISHING -:- - GOODS,Silver riated Ware, Table it Pocket Cutlery,Ploww, Planters' Steel Hoe, and other Agiicullutul Implements,


    llarl'H Patent "Duplex" Die Stock for Pipe A. P.nlt Ouftins,Manila A. Sisal Rope, Hose,Wire Hound Rubber lloe, Spuu!lei-iip- ;SprinkleiH & Spiiukler Stands,

    AOICNXH won








    Union Metallic Cartiid;o Co.,Hurlnmn's Steel Wire Fenco fe Steel Who Mats',

    "New Proci'Ns" Rope, .Win. O. Klhhoi'rt Wiouejit Steel llanes, Neal's Curri:v;e Paints,

    Gate City Stone FilteiH,"New Piocess'' Twiat Drills,

    nnv-i!-S"- J Hurt's Patent "DnphV Die Stocks.

    , ki &&&&- - JmJ&tedk,.& 'JMW&

    jb ' . isiKjm twwk?' . ,. ui ','... t ftufifcJfei.k4JaKrv'' JfJIit..' c: i











    'r '&

  • rt

    rjBB ...

    BMW BWARTlHi BOHOWJUT, . I. ffSSRUAJf? 19, JEW).ftgJ5JBcgfr3 MfttJiLL"HM' IMliMliaMSJEg Mjussvmri m,mm))mt u mv i ' i rmxJKrc& fgsswj?sssasrfss'jegan amm W. G, FISCHER'S tlrtmUvMQ Theo.H.Iavies&Co. Oceanic oleamshlp Gomt. Honolulu LibraryFamous Gtand Active & Golden I x

    Mrliicrny J Mode, IS'o. 77 Port Ml reel. Anvil I 1AKB'

    WltfWUNT NTEKL 0frS Rcadinq Room Association.IMI'OHTKILS OF- - TIME TABLE:Fucli, Emlisl iiiiii Auricm Dry and Fane? Hurt,



    Kill Gloves, Diamond Dye Black Hose in Eled & Plain.M)nov -27 -

    Chas. Hustace,

    HAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA,"Kith Alithkn Sou Ttont, Kits Muckuicl, KiH kilinon Bellies Kit. Tonguesunil Sounds, Cases Vienna S.iiiMigo, Hum S.iiisigt', S.iliiion in 1 nnil - ll.tint, Hams H.u'on, CodlMi, Tins Soured Mackerel, Boiled Mnekriol in To-mai- n

    Sauce, Top O'Cnn lli.ind Butter, Honed Chicken and Tuikpv, TwinIliotlier' Yi'asit C.ikes

    Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!('online Flukes. Got hum, Bioiil.m.t Gi'tn, Wliilo Oats, llilit.iml ltollcd OatsDried Apiicol, Diicd lVucliee, Pitmen, Table Finite, D.tlrw, Figs llidge'xFund, Gelatine, S.udines Wheat, Oats, Bun, Polnlnen, Oniims nnd a

    (ieneial Assortment of (iioeetie- - at Vopului ptiees

    gjtfj'.e yout oideis, 01 ling tip No. 110.


    Groceries, Provisions and Feed,.KAST CORNKR FORT AND KING STRKKTS.

    -- 0-

    Mow Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and Kurope,Kreh California Produce by every Steamer. All ordcrH faith fully attended to.and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of chaige. Island orders eoli.cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Ofllco Box 145. Telephone No. 3 f nov-- 4 83

    'telephone 40.- -

    LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, II. I.,


    King Street,

    --P. 0. Box 297

    i c rc "&i

    o--Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.

    & Plain Soda.


    By each steamer of the O. S. 8. Co. from California

    Fresh Gala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruits,

    FImIi, Gnmo, "VegrctnbleM, Etc., JLOte.A complete line ot Crosse & Blaciwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

    Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of

    ernia.ii Pates Jk Potted Meats & JlottleU Preserved Frail,1cwIb A Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured limns & Bacon,

    New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Out Flakes & Cieam Wheat Flakes,Bicily Lemons & Cala. Riverside Oranges,

    Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Ktc, Etc., Etc.

    ap-l- GJ Satisfaction. 5riiaranteel. 87


    California Hay, Oats, Bran,Oil Cake Meal, .Linseed Meal,

    Barley, J lolled Barley,Middling Ground Barley,

    Wheal and Corn Flour.FLOUR SAI(a, Golden Gale & Salinas-- ! FLOURTelephones, No. 175.

    CRYSTAL -:- - SODA -:- - WORKS,.lOHN GRACE, : : Proprietor.



    Ginger Ale,



    Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Creamcu iA.31 PJLd X.I2 CI I)JO IX. -


    Mutual Telephono 330 - o sr Bell Telephone 298?& Inland oidcis promptly attended lo.

    JOHN NOTT," rmuiul JHoclf," IVois. fC Jto Jr HIiib .Urot.

    Granite Iron and Tin Ware !Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

    WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House. Keeping Goods,

    PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER ANDM3 ' Sheet Iron Work.

    Cooking-:-Rang- es

    -- wnn-

    Broiler and Hot Water Attachments I

    Consuming nnr.tldrd LESS FUEL limnliny other sfovc In oxlsteiife,

    either wocd or coil.

    No Brick Work About HIJusl a Clean Cut Slovel

    Wlintc Hiking qualities me uinui.jiasscd.

    Reversible Grates !

    This Orate is of a triangular form,having three surfaces which are rcvorsi.ble, an that a separate top surface can heused on alternate days; or if the one sur.face incoiiiKo of use shows uuy wearthen the other can he turned up, and soon the other, making It equil in dura-bility to three distinct Orate

    FOlt 8AI.E BY TIIK

    Hawaiian RMware Co.,Fort Street, Honolulu,

    410 tf Opposite Sprcckeli' Bank.

    Union, Fire & Marino

    Insurance Co., L'd,Ol Xpiv Xenlnnil.

    Capital - - $10,000,000

    Fire risks taken on Dwellings, Store?,Storehouses mid Contents. Alfo, Sncirand Hicc Mills, Machinery, Etc , htr.

    Murine IiiMUTOiiceOn Hull's, Cargoes nnd Freights. Losipaid hcie.

    J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


    NOTICE !

    The Lessees of LotsSITUATi: IX TUT".

    Kapiolani ParkAte hcieJiy notified that the Association

    Is prepared to

    Grant a Renewal of their lease lot30 Years from date,

    Upon presentation of proper title deodsand the payment ot a nninl.

    nal rental.

    to be made to W. M.(i I FKAKD, Secretary.

    A. S. CLEOITORK,Picsldent Kapiolani Park Ahso'ii.

    Honolnln, Deo. Ill, 1889. - 450 1 in

    J.Hopp&Co.,74 King st. --JLi 74 King st

    Importers of

    Rattan & Reed Furniture.

    Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Cine.

    Matting and Carpets Laid.


    Fine Upholstering & Bedding

    A Speciality.

    CHAIRS TO RENT.apr.10.8S


    NOTICE Is heiPby given to nilthat on the IIOlli dav Decem-ber, lfeSO, n meeting of the stoVklioldcrnof the Hawaiian Pacific' Cable Co washeld ut the ofllco of E. O. Hull V Sou,Limited, Honolulu, mid lit said meetingIt vns oteil by p.ild stocklioldeis toaccept a charter of Incoipointioii a;i ant-ed to them under thu coipoiate naiuotint style of "Hawaiian Pacific CableCo." Xo ember 15,18811, aud tbut theeorpointlon iindei paid charter tint

    orgimicd tlicniiches and electedI he following olllccis:I. Klieniinii Jlait'ioloiucwof Honolulu

    l'lcMilciilHon. Edgar Crow llakcr, M. P., ol

    Victoria, R. C ntE. O. Whltu of Ilunolnlu SecietaryKrauk A. Dudley of Nlogain Palls, N.

    Y Ti c.isurerWin. W. Hall of Honolulu Auditor

    Xotlce Is fHither given that pmsuantto the tei ms of said charter, "N'o Btock-hold- er

    nlinll Individually bo Hublo fortho debts of tho Corpoiatinn beyond theainotiut which shall bt; duo upon thoiheshntoor shaies hold or owned bvhlituclf." K, 0, WHITE, '1411m Secieraiy.

    i v vw 5

    t o ;

    ?C4 j



    4M4toMM I




    M444to4ld-32-- -










    Crtio go ag B'

    rP --,

    P S T.




    Ui GO


    Per "Deanfield"131 D.iys from LiverpooL

    In ndditlmi to our regular Irnpnr-tnllon- sof



    DRY GOODS!Etc., Etc., Etc., Ktc.

    We have ueelved special lots of

    NEW GOODS,Cinckerywaie.

    Fine WcdgewoodwftTo,Fancy Umbrella Stands,

    Fanny Flower Pots,Fine Ohmware,

    Gut TumblersCut Wine Clawea,

    Cut Deeaiiterc,Fancy Vases,

    Ilaskct Trunks In all slyes,

    In New Design & Latest Pattern.



    American andPortuguese


    Dressing Cases,

    Dress Goods,ACIri'iti'M,

    lOntrllyth SnddloN,


    Fine Rlbbous,

    Kmbioideied DresKia,


    Carpets g RugsSOFA PILLOWS,

    A Fine fcVecllon.




    Lawn Tennis Shoes,


    Nets & Rackets,UHOQUI'.T SETS.


    From San Franoisco.

    Leave Due atS. 1'. Honolulu

    Maiiposa Feb U . ...Feb loZonhindia Mnr 8 .. Mar 15Alaincdii . .. Apr 5. . .Apr 12JInripoHft.. May .'I . .May 10Zcnlanilla . . .. May 31 ..Juno 7Al.imcdii . .linio 28.... July ftMniipom . .. Julv 20. .. . Aug 2Zealundin. . ..Aug 211. ..Aug HOAlameda Sept 20. .Vpt27Miuiprwi Oct 18. ". . .Oct 25Zcnlamlln Nov LI Nov 22Al imeda Dec 13 Dec 20

    For San franoisco.

    I.uavu Due atSulnov Honolulu

    Alameda . . . ,Fidi I'd.... Mnr 8Maripotu .Mnr 1W. ...Apr BZcalnntli; Apr 10 . May itAlametk . . ..M.iyM. ..May 31Mnripon Iiiiu1 11 .June 28Zonlnmlin . ..Inly ! . July 2rtAlameda Aug (1. .Aug 23Mariuosa Sept 3. . . .Hept 20Zealnndin Oct L. .Oct 18Alameda.. , Oct 20 Nov 15Mnripnsii . .. .Nov 2l Deo 13Zealandia Deo 21 .. .Inn 10

    InlermodialeS. S. Australia.Lonvo S. F. Leave Honolulu.

    Friday.. Jim 31" Friday Feb 14Friday . .Feb 28 Friday.. ..Mar 11Fridav. Mai 28 Fiiday Apr 11Fridav . Apr 25 Friday . .May 0Friday... May 23 Friday.. June (iFriday. Juno 20 Friday.. .July 4Friday.. July 18 Fiiday.. .' Aug 1Fridav .Aug 15 Friday. . Aug 29Friday . , Sept 12 Friday . . Sept 20Fridav. ..Oct 10 Fridav. Oct 24Fiiday. . Nov 7 Fiiday.. . Nov 21Fiiday ..Dec 5 Fiiday ..Dec 18


    MHt SAN FHANCIKCO,Tho new and tine Al steel stesmihlp

    "Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, vf 111

    be due at Honolulu trom Bydneyana Auckland on or auoui

    March 8, 1890.And will leave for tho above port withmalls and passengers on or about thatdate.

    For freight or passage, having BU.PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto

    ' WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

    For Sydney and Auckland

    Tho new and fine Al steel steamship

    "Mariposa,"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will

    be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

    February 15, 1890.And will havo prompt dispatch withmalls and passengers for tho above porta

    For freight or pussage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applto37 WM. 0. IRWIN & CO.. Agents

    LOVEJOY & CO.,13 Nnuann HU, Honolulu.

    Offer for sale at unusually low prleec, afull assortment and be'it brands of

    Ales, Wines, Beers, Spirits, &c.

    fSnnvlng been appointed by Messis.J.nrhmaii & Jacob! of San Fraticikcotheir Solo Agents for Hawaiian Islands,w aie enabled to offer their justlyCVlebt.ited Wines to our fi lends and thepublic at very low tales. 411 1m

    The Thoroughbred Stallion


    Will slnnd at seivice nl

    $50 aaiUi5sliisirace.

    Record 2:22), Bneramcnto, Sept. 10,1887.

    PEDionEK: Marin was siied byOuinn's Patchen, he by Geo. M. Pat-clie-

    Jr.; Marin's daai by Emigrant, heby Billy McCrftckcnj Billy McCrackenby McCrackon'a Black Hawk. 707. fthesire of Lady Dooley, and of the dam ofOverman, SilOJrf). McCrackcn's BlackHawk, 707, by Vermont Black nawk, 5;2nd dam by Marshall's Black Hawk, heby Kaston's Black Hawk. Tho dam ofQuinn's Patchen by Stockhrldge Chief,ho by Vermont Black Hawk, 0.

    R. T. Carroll of theformer owner of Marin, vouches, thatout ot thirty.six mares served by thishorso during his last season In Cult,forula, thlrty.five proved with foal.

    l'AUIi B. IHF.NBr,UG.Jly.2g.8D

    Cor. IIoU'l A Alakoa Nli'oclfi.Open eseiy Day ami Evening.

    Tho Library consists at the pieaeuttlmn of over Flvo Thousand Volumes.

    The Rending Room U supplied withabout fifty of tho lrtdmg nowepapeidand periodic ils.

    A Parlor is provided forconvcisntlonvtitl games.

    Terms of membership, fifty cents nmonth, payable cpiarteily in advance.No formality required In joining exceptsigning the roll.

    Strangers from foreign countries nndvisitors from the other Islands are wel-come to the rooms at all times as guests.

    This Association having no legularmeans ot suppoit except the dues ofmembers, it Is expected that residentof Honolulu who dcslie to avail them-selves of ltd privileges, nnd all who feelan Interest ill maintaining an Institutionot this kind, w 111 put down their iinincsand become legular onutilbtitors.

    A. .T. OARTWiUiHlT, Pros.,M. M. SCOTT, Vlui-l'resldo-Jl. A. PAUMELEE, Seerelaiy,A.li.SMlTlI.Trcasuier,U.T.RODOERSfM.D.,

    Ohalrman Hall and Library 'otnmltb?n


    Continental and Colonial

    AGENCY.36 Ruo de Dunkorque, . Paris.

    Kxecutes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swiss, German, nnd English Goods, attho best Manut'aotuters' Lowest Prices.

    Commission, Two and.a.Half per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

    Remittances, through a London orParts Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documeutr; or, direct to themanager.

    The Agency Represents, Buys, andBulls, for Home ami Colonial Finns.

    Piece Goods, 'Cashneres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvets, Lawns, Clilnt7es,Muslins,-- Carjicts, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pcaila,Boots and Shoes, Glass, nndChlua-war- e, Clocks, Watches,Jowcllry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Faus, Ecclesiastical UndOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Pcrfumory, Wines, tc.,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Carom o , Machlnory, &c., &o.



    Hardware, Shipping

    Commission Merchants.DnAtnrts ix

    General Merchandise !Plantation Agents,

    Life, Fire & MarinoInsurance Agents.

    Jan 3 HONOLULU, II. I. 18G0


    Life, Fire & Marine

    Insurance Agents !AOXNT3 roll:

    Hew England Mutual Life Ics. Co.,

    or nosTON.

    tna Fir Ins. Go. of Hartford.XINION

    Insurance Company,fc'lro A Slarlue.

    OK PN FnANOISCO, oAuronji A.Jan 3 SO


    Returned on tho Australia nnd has re.Rtimcd practice at IiIb former office, 03Hotel street. 400 if


    Has removod from Fort street to l'n.bcllo Lane, Palama. v

    Okkick Houns: 0 a. m. to 12 u. nnfftlI', m. to 0 1'. u.

    Mulutl COBffinTELEPHONESier-Bii-H 47S410 tf

    A Cure for InHiiona !

    DR. LOZIER'S HAWAIIAN CHERRY COR- -'DIAL, one of the best rcinedhsever prepared for coughs,-asthma- , lungand rhest trouble, and a great reliefto whooplne cough nnd throat affection.Ask for Or. Lozier's Hawaiian Cherry Cor-dial sold at




    HAVING bought out Mr. W. ILin the "Honolulu CarriageManufactory," at 128 Foil sticct, Iainprepared to continue tho abovo businessunder tho old name of Honolulu Car.rlage Manufactory, and being an oldexperienced carriage builder I solicitthe patronage of my old friends and the

    ublic in general, and with my thoromjhwledgo of the business and with ex.

    pent cd workmen and using only thebeat material I suaranten general satisfaction. Please call aud see mo bofoiegoing elsewhere.

    rSliinedi! GIDEON WEST. .


    Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1889, 391 If

    - mhlMki s', JmtoiaHluuiJ ., A iiffvAi..j -- !- maMtiSi ' .jA& i JMAyv .&$
