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Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects ...

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Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 English Text: The Highway Rat Purpose for Writing: Writing to Inform and Writing to Entertain Writing Opportunities: Narrative (retelling of a story), Letter Writing Text: The Scarecrows Wedding Purpose for Writing: Writing to Inform and Writing to Entertain Writing Opportunities: Narrative (retelling of a story), Instruction Writing Spelling The /j/ sound spelled -dge. badge edge bridge dodge fudge ridge smudge The /j/ sound spelled -ge. age huge change charge bulge village range The /j/ sound spelled with a g. gem gym giant magic giraffe energy digit The /s/ sound spelled c before e, i and y. race ice cell city fancy lace space The /n/ sound spelled kn and gn. knock know knee knit knew knight gnome The /r/ sound spelled wr. write written wrong wrap wren wrecked wrapped
Page 1: Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects ...

Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Week 5

Week 6


Text: The Highway Rat Purpose for Writing: Writing to Inform and Writing to Entertain

Writing Opportunities: Narrative (retelling of a story), Letter Writing

Text: The Scarecrows Wedding Purpose for Writing: Writing to Inform and Writing to

Entertain Writing Opportunities: Narrative (retelling of a story),

Instruction Writing


The /j/ sound spelled -dge.

badge edge

bridge dodge fudge ridge


The /j/ sound spelled -ge.

age huge

change charge bulge village range

The /j/ sound spelled with a g.

gem gym giant magic giraffe energy


The /s/ sound spelled c before e,

i and y.

race ice cell city

fancy lace


The /n/ sound spelled kn and gn.

knock know knee knit

knew knight gnome

The /r/ sound spelled wr.

write written wrong wrap wren

wrecked wrapped

Page 2: Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects ...

Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021

judge wedge lodge

orange hinge stage

engine religion gentle

circle circus rice

kneel gnat gnaw

wriggle wrestle wrote

Maths Number and Place Value Addition and Subtraction

Prior Learning

Counting Forwards and Backwards Within 20 Tens and Ones Within 20 Counting Forwards and Backwards Within 50 Tens and Ones Within 50 Compare Numbers Within 50

Add by Making 10 Subtraction by Crossing 10 Find and Make Number Bonds

Small Steps

Count Objects to 100 and Read and Write Numbers in Numerals and Words Represent Numbers to 100 Tens and Ones with a Part-Whole Model Tens and Ones Using Addition Using a Place Value Chart Compare Objects Compare Numbers Order objects and Numbers

Fact Families – Addition and Subtraction Bonds to 20 Check Calculations Compare Number Sentences Related Facts Bonds to 100 (Tens) Add and Subtract 1’s Ten More and Ten Less Add and Subtract Tens Add a 2 digit and a 1 digit number – crossing 10 Subtract a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number -crossing 10 Add two 2 digit numbers not crossing ten Add two 2 digit numbers crossing ten Subtract a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number not crossing ten Subtract a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number crossing ten Find and make number bonds Bonds to 100 (tens and ones) Add three 1 digit numbers

Science Animals Including Humans

Survival Needs and Life Cycles

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Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021

To find out about the offspring of a variety of animals. Matching activity

To find out about the different ways in which animals reproduce

To explore how humans, grow as they get older.

Investigation based on growth Eg. Do the tallest children have the largest feet?

To find out what animals, including humans need to survive

Prior Learning

Review of previous learning By the end of Year 1 Children can identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense. The unit starts with finding out what pupils already know about animals including humans. It is important that pupils are allowed to do this because evidence is conclusive that alerting pupils to what they know is hugely supportive of long-term memory because you are then adding to the schema they already have, making it easier for pupils to recall key knowledge and information later


Children should be able to notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults Children should be able to find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air


Do children know that all animals, including humans have offspring that grow into adults? Can children match a variety of adult animals to their offspring? Do children know that growth to

Do the children know that animals have offspring that grow into adults? Can the children describe the different ways animals have offspring? Do children know that not all animals reproduce in the same way?

Do children know that humans grow as they get older? Do children know that body parts will grow in proportion? Can children describe the stages of human development?

Can children generate a suitable line of enquiry? Can the children record their findings? Can the children answer questions about their findings?

Do children know that all animals, including humans, need food to survive? Do children know that all animals, including humans, need water to survive? Do children know that all animals, including humans, need air to survive?

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Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021

adulthood is a gradual process?


What Was It Like To Be An Intrepid Explorer?

To find out when Christopher Columbus lived and what he was trying to achieve.

To find out about Christopher Columbus’s journey and what he discovered.

To explore the impact of Columbus’s voyages and what he brought back to Europe.

To find out who Neil Armstrong is and why he is remembered today.

To find out about Neil Armstrong’s landing on the moon and the impact this had on the world.

To be able to compare the lives and achievements of Columbus and Armstrong.

Prior Learning

Review of previous learning Children should know about events that happened before they were born from the learning they did in Year 1. Children should be aware there have been changes to life over time. Words and phrases related to the passing of time. Children should be aware of how things fit into a chronological framework. Children should be able to talk about the famous people from the UK they considered during Year 1. The Royal family, sportspeople, musicians, film stars and youtubers could be considered. Children should have a strong sense of what being famous means from the learning they did in Year 1. Children should be able to articulate that some people are famous for a short time but others are famous from long ago.


Children will know who Christopher Columbus was, when he lived and what he was trying to achieve by sailing west from Europe. They will know what life was like in the 15th century and how it differs to life today, as well as discovering further facts about Columbus and his life. Children will know what a sea voyage at this time would have been like and how this differs to a modern sea voyage. They will know about the challenges of the famous voyage of 1492 and what they found when found land. Children will know why the discovery of the Americas was so significant and how this impacted people's lives in Europe. Children will know how exploration of the world changed after Columbus and think about other possibilities in exploration. Children will know about the Apollo 11 mission and man's first landing on the moon. Children will be able to think about how Armstrong and the other astronauts might have felt and discover what everyday items have been developed thanks to space exploration. Children will be able to compare the two men, their lives and their achievements.

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Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021


Do children know that Christopher Columbus lived a long time ago? Do children know that Christopher Columbus was an explorer? Can children identify ways in which life was different when Christopher Columbus was alive?

Can children describe what a sea journey in the 15th century might have been like? Can children compare a modern sea journey with a sea journey in the 15th century? Do children know what Columbus discovered and why this was significant?

Do children know that Columbus bought new things to Europe from the Americas? Do children know that Columbus did not discover what he thought he discovered? • Can children ask and answer questions about the life and achievements of Columbus?

Can children find out and describe facts about Neil Armstrong? Can children describe some of the aspects of life in the 1960s? Can children compare life in different time periods?

Can children describe the events surrounding the first landing on the moon? Can children express how the astronauts might have felt during the Apollo 11 mission? Can children describe some of the ways in which space exploration has had an impact on our lives today?

Do children understand how to compare two individuals? Can children identify and describe ways in which Armstrong and Columbus were similar to each other? • Can children identify and describe ways in which Armstrong and Columbus were different from each other?


Not Taught This Term


African Art

To explore the colours, patterns and textures of African textiles.

To explore knotting, twisting, fraying and plaiting fabrics. (examples may be stuck into sketchbooks)

To apply decoration using beads, buttons and feathers.

To know how to weave fabrics. (examples may be stuck into sketchbooks)

To design and plan African textile.

To follow plan to create own African textiles. (Photographs and evaluations in sketchbooks).

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Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021

Prior Learning

Review of previous learning Know how to create a repetitive pattern Know how to mix and match colours to objects. Know the names of primary and secondary colours.


Children to create their own African textiles.


Can children name primary and secondary colours? Can children express their likes/dislikes on the colours and patterns used in the textiles? Can children explain how African textiles are different to ours?

Can children knot, twist, fray and plait fabrics independently? Can children explain how they completed the techniques? Can children to express which techniques they preferred and found trickier?

Can children apply decorations to fabrics independently? Can children explain how they completed this technique? Children to explain which techniques were easier?

Can children to weave fabrics independently? Can children to create a repeated pattern?

Can children design their own textile inspired by Africa? Can children identify which colours would normally be used in African textiles?

Can children follow their plan? Can children apply decorations to fabrics independently? Can children explain how they completed this technique? Can children knot, twist, fray and plait fabrics independently?


Is It Possible To Be Kind To Everyone All Of The Time? What is kindness?

Conscience Alley

What did the Good Samaritan do?

To find out about the story of Jesus

healing a paralysed man

How do some Christians show

kindness? Christian Aid

Salvation Army

Is it possible to be kind to everyone all the time?

Prior Learning

Review of previous learning Children will know that a Christian is someone who believes in Jesus Christ and follows his teachings

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Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021

Children will know that Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God Children will know that the Bible is a special book to Christians


Children should be able to talk about a time when they have been kind. Children should be able to remember a story about Jesus when he was kind or one of the parables that he told people Children should be able to say if they think Christians should be kind and give a reason.


What does it mean to be kind? Do you think you are a kind person? Can you tell of a time when you were kind to someone even though it was difficult?

Is it easy to be kind to someone you don’t know/someone considered as an enemy/disliked? Why do you think Jesus told this story (parable)? Can you retell the parable of the Good Samaritan?

Children can create a story board of the story of the Paralysed man What do these stories teach us about how Christians believe we should treat others?

Children can write an answer to the questions, “Do Christians think it is possible to be kind to everyone all of the time? How could this be possible? “ and “Do you think it is possible for you to be kind to everyone all of the time? Why/why not? What could help you?”

Children can contribute to a class Kindness Charter or Kindness Poem


Me and My Relationships

Our Ideal Classroom 1+2 https://www.cora mlifeeducation.or

How are you feeling today? https://www.cora mlifeeducation.org.u

Bullying or Teasing? https://www.cora mlifeeducation.org

Don’t do that https://www.cora mlifeeducation.org

Types of bullying https://www.cora mlifeeducation.org .uk/scarf/lessonpla

Being a good friend https://www.cora mlifeeducation.org .uk/scarf/lessonpla

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Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021

g .uk/scarf/lessonplans/our-idealclassroom-1

k/scarf/le sson-plans/howare-you-feelingtoday





Prior Learning


British Values, Caring, Rules and Laws, Pupil voice, Feelings, Positive relationships, Relationships Education (formerly SRE or RSE) Safeguarding, Bullying, Support networks, Friendship, Relationships.


-Suggest actions that will contribute positively to the life of the classroom; -Make and undertake pledges based on those actions.

-Use a range of words to describe feelings; -Recognise that people have different ways of expressing their feelings; -Identify helpful ways of responding to other's feelings.

-Define what is meant by the terms 'bullying' and 'teasing' showing an understanding of the difference between the two; -Identify situations as to whether they are incidents of teasing or bullying

-Understand and describe strategies for dealing with bullying: -Rehearse and demonstrate some of these strategies

-Explain the difference between bullying and isolated unkind behaviour; -Recognise that that there are different types of bullying and unkind behaviour; -Understand that bullying and unkind behaviour are both unacceptable ways of behaving.

-Recognise that friendship is a special kind of relationship; -Identify some of the ways that good friends care for each other

Music Unit 1: Hands, Feet, Heart

Page 9: Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects ...

Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021

Prior Learning

By the end of Year 1 children should: Listen to music with sustained concentration Find the pulse whilst listening to music and using movement Use the correct musical language to describe a piece of music Recognise different instruments


Children should be able to use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. Children should be able to play tuned and untuned instruments musically. Children should be able to listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music. Children should be able to experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music

Listen and


Hands, Feet, Heart by Joanna Mangona

The Click Song sung by Miriam Makeba Hands, Feet, Heart

The Lion Sleeps Tonight sung by Soweto Gospel Choir Hands, Feet, Heart

Bring Him Back Home by Hugh Masekela Hands, Feet, Heart

You Can Call Me Al by Paul Simon Hands, Feet Heart

Hlokoloza by Arthur Mofokate Hands, Feet, Heart

Musical Activitie


Warm-up Games Flexible Games (optional) Start to learn the song Hands, Feet, Heart

Warm-up Games Flexible Games (optional) Sing the song Hands, Feet, Heart Play instrumental parts

Warm-up Games Flexible Games (optional) Sing the song Hands, Feet, Heart Play instrumental parts Improvise (optional extension activities for improvisation)

Warm-up Games Flexible Games (optional) Sing the song Hands, Feet, Heart Play instrumental parts Improvise option (optional extension activities for improvisation) f. Compose

Warm-up Games Flexible Games (optional) Sing the song Hands, Feet, Heart Play instrumental parts Improvise option (optional extension activities for improvisation) f. Play your composition(s) within the song

Warm-up Games Flexible Games (optional) Sing the song Hands, Feet, Heart d. Choose and play any of the options below, then decide which one to practise for the end-of-unit performance: . Play instrumental parts . Improvise option (optional extension activities for

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Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021

improvisation). Play your composition(s) within the song


Sing the song Sing the song and play instrumental parts within the song

Sing the song and improvise using voices and/or instruments within the song

Sing the song and perform composition(s) within the song

Choose what you perform today. Start to prepare for the end-of-unit performance

Prepare for the endof-unit performance


Agility, Balance and Coordination


Straight sprint/ Beanbag collect In small groups, pupils start at cone and sprint towards hoop filled with beanbags. Pupils to collect one beanbag at a time and return to their cone as quickly as possible. Body parts Pupils move around an area. Stop, and balance

Traffic lights Pupils move around area, when colour I shouted they are to travel in that way. RED = Hop AMBER = Jump GREEN = Run Domes and Dishes Cones to be scattered around area, some upturned (Dishes), some correct way (Domes). Pupils to be split into two teams, (Domes and

Islands A variety of hoops (islands) are placed around the area. Pupils to move around area avoiding the hoops (islands). When a colour is shouted, pupils must travel to that island as quickly as possible. Slalom/Races Cones to be laid out in a zig-zag format. Pupils travel around cones using various

Jumping/ Hopping/ Skipping route Cones to be scattered around area; pupils to move around area changing way of travelling every time they get to a different coloured cone. Rabbit hole Each pupil is to have a cone. They put the cone on the floor and that is a rabbit hole.

Traffic light pace Three cones to be laid out in traffic light colours, with equal distance apart. Pupils to start at red cone and move slowly to yellow cone and then move faster to green and finally run fast to the end zone. Beanbag Transfer Two lines of cones laid out; one line to have beanbags on top and other without.

Gears Game Pupils move around in an area responding to number being shouted. (1 to be moving around slowly up to 5 to be moving around a speed.) pupils then to create a gear pathway combining the various speeds/gears. Minefield/Poles Disperse equipment around an area. Pupils

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Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021

using different body parts e.g. one hand and two feet, back, tummy.

Dishes), they are to try and make all cones their way. Winner is team with most cones turned over.

movements and directions.

Pupils travel around in various ways avoiding the rabbit holes and other people etc. When ‘Rabbit’ is called by teacher all pupils to return to their original rabbit hole.

Pupils to transfer equipment from one side to the other.

move through the area avoiding equipment.

Prior Learning

Zig zag through a series of markers spaced evenly, about 2m apart. Hop on the spot using the same foot. Jump for distance. Jump for height.


For pupils to enjoy a range of team games. To develop skills in balancing, agility and coordination.


Can pupils hold a balance? Can pupils speed up and slow down their running when appropriate?

Can pupils structure sequences of actions and skills in different orders to improve performance (speed, direction, level etc)?

Can pupils zig zag through a series of tightly spaced markers?

Can pupils structure sequences of actions and skills in different orders to improve performance (speed, direction, level etc)?

Can pupils structure sequences of actions and skills in different orders to improve performance (speed, direction, level etc)?

Can pupils structure sequences of actions and skills in different orders to improve performance (speed, direction, level etc)?


Online Safety and Coding

To know how to refine searches using the search tool.

To know how to refine searches using the search tool.

To introduce Email as a communication tool using 2Respond simulations.

To introduce Email as a communication tool using

To understand that information put online leaves a digital footprint or trail.

To understand what an algorithm is.

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Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021

To know how to share work electronically using the display boards. To use digital technology to share work on Purple Mash to communicate with others To have some knowledge and understanding about sharing more globally on the internet.

To know how to share work electronically using the display boards. To use digital technology to share work on Purple Mash to communicate with others To have some knowledge and understanding about sharing more globally on the internet.

To understand how we talk to others when they are not in front of us. To open and send simple online communications in the form of email

2Respond simulations. To understand how we talk to others when they are not in front of us. To open and send simple online communications in the form of email

To begin to think critically about the information they leave online. To identify the steps that can be taken to keep personal data and hardware secure

To create a computer program using simple algor

Prior Learning

Unit 1:1 – Online safety Children can login to Purple Mash Children will have created their own Avatar and understand why it is useful Children can add text to a picture Children can save and retrieve their work Children can search Purple Mash for resources Children will understand how to use the icons to add pictures and text to their work Children can logout of Purple Mash and understand why that is important


Children can use the search facility to refine searches on Purple Mash by year group and subject. Children can share the work they have created to a display board. Children understand that the teacher approves work before it is displayed.

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Year 2 English, Spelling, Maths and Foundation Subjects Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2021

Children are beginning to understand how things can be shared electronically for others to see both on Purple Mash and the internet. Pupil know that Email is a form of digital communication. Children can open and send an email to a 2Repond character. Children can explain what a digital footprint is. Children can explain that an algorithm is a set of instructions. Children can describe the algorithms they created. Children can explain that for the computer to make something happen, it needs to follow clear instructions.


Pupils understand how to use the Purple Mash search bar and know the implications of inappropriate searches Children will be able to explain why they should keep a password safe.

Pupils understand how to use the Purple Mash search bar and know the implications of inappropriate searches Children will be able to explain why they should keep a password safe.

Children will understand how to share their work to a display board. Children will be able to respond to open and respond to emails

Children will understand how to share their work to a display board. Children will be able to respond to open and respond to emails

Children will understand what a digital footprint is.

Children can explain that an algorithm is a set of instructions to complete a task.
