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Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old...

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Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories
Page 1: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories

Page 2: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.
Page 3: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.
Page 4: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

Jayan’s story:

Joe and Harry were brothers. Joe was nine and Harry was eleven. It was the weekend and they were glad that they didn’t have to go to school. On a Saturday they normally played cricket in the garden. But on this Saturday it was raining and gloomy. They checked on the weather forecast and it looked like it was going to rain all day! They decided to stay indoors and play Monopoly instead.

Dad normally works on Saturday but it was his day off. Joe asked dad if he could play Monopoly with them. Dad said yes so they all played Monopoly in the living room.Their house was beautiful with colourful paintings on the wall. Harry was good at this game and he was winning and dad was second and Joe was third. They were all having fun until the board started glowing...

Page 5: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

Suddenly the board started spinning around and the room went black. They couldn’t see anything and they could feel themselves getting sucked up into the board. Harry, Joe and dad felt excited and confused at the same time. “Why did the board start glowing?”. “Where were they going?” they asked dad. Harry and Joe were relieved that dad was with them. They squeezed dad’s hand tightly so that they couldn’t let go. After a few minutes they fell with a thud onto the ground and the spinning stopped. They opened their eyes and looked around to see where they were. They were in a small room. There was a toilet in the corner, a sink and two small beds. It didn’t have any windows, just a door with bars. “I know where we are” shouted dad, “we’re in jail!”. “Oh no, how are we going to escape?” asked Harry…

Page 6: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

Joe, Harry and dad felt scared and confused. “Why are we here?” asked Joe. “How are we going to get out?” whispered Harry. “I don’t know” replied dad. Suddenly the door opened and the guard came into their cell and gave them food. Dad saw the key in the guards pocket. “I see the key in the guards pocket” mumbled dad “we need to get it.” The guard put the food down and went out of the room and locked the door.

The guard came back into their cell in the morning because it was breakfast time and he gently placed the bowl in front of them. “Quick.” whispered Harry. Dad reached in the guards pocket and took the key. At midnight dad turned the key and they rushed out of the door.

Page 7: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

They had to get out of jail quickly before the guard saw them so they ran really fast. They got to the door and opened it really quickly. Finally they were all outside. It was dark and windy!“How will we get home?” asked Joe. “I think we need to get to the ‘GO’ square,” replied dad. They started running through London. Along the way they saw Big Ben, the Shard, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace and the River Thames. They saw a ‘GO’ sign and started to run towards it. When they stood on the ‘GO’ square the Monopoly board started glowing and spinning around! Finally they fell with a thud and the board stopped spinning. They were back in the house! Joe, Harry and dad were very happy and relieved.They went in the garden and played lots of games like cricket, football, basketball and badminton. Dad made pizza for dinner and they all had seconds. After dinner they all watched a movie as a family. Then they sat together in bed and read a story to each other!

Page 8: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.
Page 9: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

I go to London with my parents but when I got to the Lego shop there was a monster but how did I get him to another dimension…

Page 10: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

My Mystery at the Lego Shop

It was my Dad’s birthday and we went to London on the train. I was very excited.When we got there, firstly we went to our hotel and dropped our bags off in the room. Next we went to the Lego shop and we bought something out of the Star Wars and it was called AT-ST Raider. Afterwards we went back to the hotel room so I could build it and when it was finished I went to wash my hands and suddenly, when I looked in the mirror, I had turned into a Lego character! I ran to my parents to show them what had happened but they weren't there. I had been transported to the moon with Vector.

Page 11: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

When I found that I was on the moon I saw Vector dancing because he was listening to his music. In half an hour I fell asleep and when I woke up I was back in the hotel room . I ran back to the Lego shop and there was a monster destroying the shop. I quietly went inside and was amazed by what I saw.He had teeth like a shark, a tail like a scorpion, a face like a lion and a crocodile body. Soon I got all of my kit together and started fighting with the monster. First I got my metal chain and wrapped it around its legs and pulled it to the ground. Next I got my sword out and started chopping his hairs off and while I was fighting I saw Mum and Dad watching me….

Page 12: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

My parents looked at me with shocked faces. “This is harder than I thought,” I said as my gun ran out of bullets. I had to use my imagination to decide how to overcome this monster. I got my wand and book out and looked up how to finally get rid of this thing from another planet. I pointed my wand at this creature, he magically stopped messing around and walked into the rocket. The rocket took off with a spark and a puff of smoke.

Page 13: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

Later on the police came and took over. Then I helped the builders put the building back up. The next day it was all fixed and I helped the people at the check out.The first person bought a radio controlled car, the second person bought a fairy garden Lego set and the third person bought a mini pool table. As I left another boy was entering the shop. He asked for the same Star Wars Lego that I had bought. I wondered if he would have the same adventure?

Page 14: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.
Page 15: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.
Page 16: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

“Be careful you don't get lost”shouted mum as her children set off to the woodlands to pick some berries. ”I will have tea ready at six o’clock- it will be pizza and fruit salad”.

The children went to the forest and they found some yummy berries and mushrooms .They were so busy that they forgot the time.The youngest child realized that it was getting dark and cold.

“Shall we go back home please?” he asked.

“Which way is our home?” he shouted.

“I don't know!” replied the oldest child.

“Are we lost?” asked the middle child.

Page 17: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

“Don't worry Ben, we’ll find a way back to our home,” Jeff comforted his middle brother.Then suddenly they started to hear a strange sound.“Listen. What is that?” asked Sammy quietly.Sammy was the youngest but the bravest. He took a stick and fearlessly strode towards the bushes.“Be careful. Wait for us!” whispered Jeff.All of a sudden the bushes were shaking. A blue hairy silhouette emerged from the shrub and stared at them...

Page 18: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

“Run! Run!” shouted Ben as loud as he could.

”Don’t shout,’ whispered Sammy. “That thing is more scared than us.”

But Ben was running crazy fast! They ran after him because they didn’t want Ben to be lost in the forest.

Suddenly the blue hairy silhouette was walking towards them. It was closer …. and closer…and even began to babble something to them. “Bobobobooooyss!” The voice turned out to be a familiar voice. The boys couldn't believe their eyes. It was Aunty Celina in her blue furry coat! She was also lost in the woods. They were all very relieved and happy to find each other and together they found the way home.

Page 19: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.
Page 20: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

There were two boys called Bobby and Jon, they were both at a fair with their mum and dad. The two boys went to watch a show about a pyramid while their mum and dad went to another show. The man explained that a pyramid can be dangerous and that a real pyramid was going to be delivered in a few hours! The two boys had a plan that they would sneak inside the pyramid! They waited a few hours and the pyramid was here! The plan began!

Page 21: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

The two boys waited until the sun started to set so they had a good chance of getting in the pyramid! They travelled in shadow and made it to the huge, sandy and ancient pyramid! They climbed over the fence into the pyramid which was old and spooky inside There were huge cobwebs and they were very scared. Bobby nudged Jon and said “I think we should turn back”. “Why?” said Jon “because it’s sca…...I heard a noise”. “Me too!”. They huddled together in fear and hid behind a rock. They saw a bunch of warriors marching past them! “What are we going to do?” said Jon, but it was too late...the warriors had already seen Bobby and Jon and before they could do anything the warriors took them…..

Page 22: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

The two boys were taken to an emperor who put them in prison for entering their pyramid. The two boys were stuck in prison for days but outside the pyramid the door was locked and their mum and dad had called the police to break the door off the pyramid!The boys got hungrier everyday until the emperor's second in command came to rescue them because he wanted to escape this pyramid as well.The man's name was Romulus and he gave a crystal to the boys and told them, “You must put the crystal in the room of treasure but first you must get past three challenges!” So the two boys went to unlock the pyramid and escape!The first challenge was to step on stones without falling in lava. They used teamwork to get across and made it.The next challenge was to swing on a rope across a canyon. They started to swing but Bobby's rope snapped and he started to fall but luckily Jon caught him and swung Bobby and himself over the canyon! The last challenge was to get past a monster….

Page 23: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

They went towards the dark room that had a monster inside! They walked into the room and the door suddenly closed and they saw a light. It was the MONSTER! They ran as fast as they could but the monster was hot on their heels! Then they tried to open the door to get out of the room but it didn’t budge. Suddenly two swords fell from the sky! The two boys grabbed them and started to fight the monster! Bobby threw a sword at the monster but he snapped it as soon as he caught it, then Jon found some rope on the floor. He passed one end of the rope to Bobby and they tied the monster up and finally they had defeated the monster!

Page 24: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

The two boys were nearly at the treasure room. BANG the pyramid started to shake! Bobby said “Jon what's going on?” Jon replied “I don’t know!” They both looked around. Outside the pyramid their mum and dad were trying to break the doors of the pyramid. Bobby and Jon had reached the treasure room! They couldn’t believe how much treasure there was but they tried not to get distracted. They put the diamond in the right place and the door opened! Their Mum and Dad were so happy to see them. The two boys told their Mum and Dad what had happened and they all lived a happy life.

Page 25: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.
Page 26: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.
Page 27: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

Charlie and Tayler had been great friends for 10 years and every Sunday from 12pm - 3pm they would go for a cycle on the dirt path through the woods, but one Sunday they were feeling a bit adventurous… They were about half way along the path when they decided to dump their bikes on the side of the path and go explore the woods. It felt like they had walked for hours when they came to a clearing, and in the middle of that clearing is what looked to them like a pool. The air smelt like rotten eggs, and they saw that the pool was full of green, sludgy liquid. They edged ever closer wondering what it was when suddenly, they had this tingling feeling that it was toxic…

Page 28: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

They looked at each other with frightened faces and started looking for answers. Then Tayler shouted “Charlie come and look at this.” Charlie rushed over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing. It looked deserted so they crept closer and closer to get a better look. They saw a dirty window and headed towards it. Charlie rubbed the window with his sleeve and looked through it. But he didn’t see anything then suddenly they heard a loud “SNAP!” They looked around frantically looking for the source of the sound. “SNAP!” There it was again but they still couldn’t see anybody. Then they saw a misty figure in the distant forest. They both did a long blink to make sure it wasn’t an illusion but it wasn’t! The figure was running to them at lightning speed...

Page 29: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

“HIDE!”Tayler shouted to Charlie. They ran to the shed and slammed the door behind them “SLAM!”. They panted frantically trying to get their breath back. BANG! BANG! BANG! “LET ME IN” shouted the figure. Charlie noticed an open window at the back of the shed and asked Tayler if they should get back to their bikes? So they both sneaked out of the window and crawled silently past the man. They ran through the woods but when they got to the path their bikes were nowhere to be seen! They looked around for their bikes but instead of seeing their bikes they saw the man running towards them...

Page 30: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

They started to run. Tayler glanced behind and saw the man was getting closer! “Run faster Charlie!” he screamed. They ran as fast as they could, their breathing getting heavier and heavier. Then Charlie saw something up ahead. “Look Tayler, our bikes! How did they get here?” he puffed. “I don’t know Charlie, maybe we got lost in the woods and they haven’t actually moved...” Tayler panted. The boys got on their bikes and pedalled as hard as they could until they got home. SLAM! went the door as they got inside, but as soon as they sat down BANG! BANG! BANG! Someone was at the door! Who could it be? Whoever it was sounded angry. Before Charlie and Tayler could do anything, mum was there about to open the door. “WAIT!” shouted the boys together…

Page 31: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.
Page 32: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

Three boys were going on an adventure to explore animals when suddenly they crashed their jeep - do they make it back home?

Page 33: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

Safari AdventuresVirgil, Mo and Sadio were best friends and they were packing their suitcases because they were going on a safari holiday to Kenya. They all felt very excited as they were going to see animals but Mo felt a little nervous because he thought something might eat him for lunch like a lion or a tiger. After a long journey they felt really sweaty because it was a very hot day in Kenya. They were going to their hotel and they felt very tired and also happy because they were on holiday. They were going to unpack their suitcases and decided to have a little nap. Tomorrow was a big day for them because it was day one of their safari.

Page 34: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

They woke up feeling tired, first the friends got changed and they went to eat their breakfast and they all had Weetabix. They felt full after 10 bowls of Weetabix because they are big, strong boys and they need energy for a long day. The friends got into their jeep outside the hotel and Virgil decided to drive and off they went exploring animals in Kenya. It was another hot and sunny day, hotter than yesterday.

Page 35: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

They got to the safari park and the first animals they saw were a herd of elephants and all the boys looked amazed because there were so many. Mo pointed at the baby elephants and they got out their cameras and took pictures of the huge animals. After they saw the elephants, Virgil drove off and they were on their way to see more animals when suddenly Virgil took his eyes off the road and the car got stuck in a trench! They called the police and nobody answered the call for help! They felt scared but no one was hurt. Animals could be heard and it was going to get dark soon. Are they going to get out somehow or is the jeep going to stay there forever?

Page 36: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

The boys were feeling anxious and they were running out of food when Sadio thought of an idea to get to safety. “Let's walk to safety and we might meet someone on the way that might help us” said Sadio. So they packed their food and off they went on their journey. Along the way they heard howling noises! The boys felt scared so they ran for the rest of the journey. The boys ran 2km when suddenly they could see a flashing light ahead. The boys saw a house in the distance and Mo thought if they went there someone might be able to help them. So the boys walked towards the house to see if anyone was home. Virgil said “hello anyone home?” Mo saw a glimmer of a person moving very fast. The boys felt it was an animal and out came the mysterious thing. Are they going to get eaten or not?

Page 37: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

The mysterious thing was actually a park ranger and the boys asked him his name, he replied “it’s John.” The boys told John everything that had happened to them. As they were telling John, behind them there was a growling sound and they turned around. They were very shocked by what they saw. It had black stripes and its skin was orange. It was a tiger!! John said “don’t worry it’s only my pet Vishnu, he’s not harmful.” The boys felt so relieved. John put Vishnu back in his cage and he called a taxi to come and fetch the boys. The boys thanked John for helping them. They got back to their hotel and they all agreed this was a safari they would never forget!

Page 38: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.
Page 39: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

The bus broke down and we were nearly bored to death! We snuck out and we had some fun. Then we realised we were lost! I don’t think we prepared for this...

Page 40: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

The Forest Adventure!

It was time. Time for our super school trip to the London Dinosaur Museum. It was getting dark. We were in the bus for more than six hours. I was getting bored. What was going on? We were going down a road as usual until we came to this border of trees. We were at a forest. How did we even get here? The bus had suddenly broken down. It had been fine seconds ago. This was very mysterious. Since I was so unentertained, my friends and I decided to sneak out and explore. We walked down the path and we saw the mysterious forest next to us. We decided we were going inside...

Page 41: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

We started to have some thrilling adventures by climbing the tall,tall trees and playing in the cold, clear lake. But after we had we finished having fun, we realised we were lost! We shouted as loud as we possibly could but no one answered. It seemed we were being watched by creepy creatures in the shadows. We walked and walked hoping to find the bus, but it was nowhere to be found. It was nearly pitch black out there so we decided to try and find the bus the next day. We tried to settle down on some autumn leaves.It wasn’t comfy at all and we stayed up until midnight! Everyone finally got to sleep...

Page 42: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

It felt like the longest night ever! But it was finally the next morning.We tried to find the bus again and we heard it set off! We ran as fast as we could to the bus to catch it up but it was no use. We were now stuck in the forest and had no way to get home. We tried to find food so we would survive but we couldn’t find any. I heard another sound and it sounded like roaring and it was a strong, scary bear! I think it thought it was his dinner! So we climbed up a tree for safety. The bear wasn’t giving up though! He was trying to knock it down! We knew we weren’t going to survive up there so we climbed down and ran for our lives.

Page 43: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

We kept on running and running and didn’t stop. We were really tired so we hid in a prickly bush because we needed to rest. When the bear went past us we ran the other way extremely quietly so he didn’t see us. We saw this bright light so we walked closer to it. The bright light was actually an old rusty car with its headlight on. We thought if we could get this old car working we might be able to catch up with the bus. The door was open and it had the keys in so we got the keys and started the engine. The car didn’t start so we tried to clean it up a little so it would work. We cleaned it really well and we thought we had done enough so we started the engine and it worked! No one knew how to drive though and we thought we might crash. I saw my dad drive a lot so I drove. I drove quite fast but not past the speed limit.We could see the bus! We were saved! We arrived at the museum and no one knew we even snuck out. It was a win win for us.

Page 44: Year 3’s Adventure and Mystery Stories · over, wondering what Tayler found. Tayler saw an old run down hut camouflaged by leaves. It was approximately 1 metre away from the clearing.

We hope you have enjoyed our mystery and adventure stories!

From Year 3 at Derby Grammar Primary School.

Jayan, Tristan, Jacob, Zach, Harley, Aavai and Jack
