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Year 5 Maths Revision

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  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision


    Year 5 Maths

    Handy Revision Guide (Autumn Term)

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision


  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision


    H T U

    Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000

    When we divide by 10 the number becomes 10 times smaller. Thedigits move one place to the right.

    When we divide by 100 the number becomes 100 times smaller.The digits move two places to the right,

    TOP TIPSThe easiest way to divide whole numbers which end in zeroes is to

    take off the same number of zeroes as you are dividing by

    e.g.3700 100 = 37 (take off 2 zeroes)

    770 10 = 77 (take off 1 zero)

    For numbers which do not end in zeroes the easiest way to hop thedecimal point to the left always remembering we are making the

    number smaller.

    1 place to the left for 10 e.g. 379 10 = 37.9

    2 places to the left for 100 e.g. 889 100 = 8.89

    Th H T U

    130 10 8800 100

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    The factorsof a number are the numbers which divide exactly

    into it (Fit into it) without a remainder.

    To find factors dont just guess by randomly thinking of numbers,work through the numbers in order.


    The factors of 16 are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16

    The pairs of factors of 12 are 1 x 12, 2 x 6, 3 x 4


    A number adding onto itself again and again

    e.g. multiples of 2 would be 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 etc.multiples of 5 would be 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 etc


    Multiples are More , Factors Fit

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision


    Square Numbers and Square Roots

    A number multiplied by itself is a square number. They are squarenumbers because they can be drawn in the shape of a square. The

    opposite of a square number is called a square root.

    Squares Square Roots

    1!= 1 "1 = 1

    2!= 4 "4 = 24!= 16 "16 = 4

    5!= 25 "25 = 56!= 36 "36 = 67!= 49 "49 = 7

    8!= 64 "64 = 8

    9!= 81 "81 = 910!= 100 "100 = 10

    Cube Numbers and Cube Roots

    A number multiplied by itself and then by itself again e.g. 2 X 2 X

    2 is a cube number. The opposite of a cube number is called acube root.

    At Year 5 we only need to learn the first 3 cube numbers

    Cube Cube Roots

    1#= 1 #"1 = 1

    2#= 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 #"8 = 2

    3#= 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 #"27 = 3

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision


    Prime Numbers

    A number which has only one pair of factors itself and 1 is a prime

    number. Nothing divides into a prime number apart from 1 and

    itself. The first prime number is 2. It is the only even prime

    numberThese are the first 10 prime numbers.

    2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29

    Prime Factors

    We find the prime factors of a number using a factor tree.For example find the prime factors of 12.Start with the number in the middle of the page.

    Write down a pair of factors as the first branches




    If the number is prime leave it alone and put a circle round it (like

    a stop sign). If not write it as a pair of factors using more



    6 2

    3 2

    Continue until all the numbers at the end of the branches are

    prime numbers.

    The prime factors of 12 are all the numbers with circles around

    themSo 12 = 2 x 2 x 3

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    When we round to the nearest 10 we need to look at the

    units column to see if we need to round up or down


    Number of people at Hall Grove School is 374, to the

    nearest 10 is 370.

    When we round to the nearest100 we need to look at the

    tens column to see if we need to round up or down

    Example: Number of people at Hall Grove School is 374, to

    the nearest 100 is 400

    When we round to the nearest 1000 we need to look at thehundreds column to see if we need to round up or down

    Example: Number of people in Windlesham is 8374, to thenearest 1000 is 8000

    Remember : If the number we are looking at is 5 or above weround up.

    Example: 285 to the nearest 10 is 290

    Decimal numberscan be rounded to the nearest whole number,


    5.78 to the nearest whole number is 632.89 to the nearest whole number is 33

    12.06 to the nearest whole number is 12

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision


  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision


    Solving Word Problems

    In mathematics there are many ways of saying the same thing.

    Symbol Words Used

    + Addition, Add, Sum, Plus, Increase, Total

    -Subtraction, Subtract, Minus, Less, Difference,

    Decrease, Take Away, Deduct

    $ Multiplication, Multiply, Product, By, Times, Lots Of

    Division, Divide, Goes Into, How Many TimesWhen solving word problems.- First Read the question carefully

    - Underline the key words look for the clue words (e.g. total)

    - Write down the Calculation- Solve the answer- Check - does it make sense?

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    A fraction is a part of a whole. There are two numbers to everyfraction:

    The top number of the fraction is called the numerator. Thebottom number is called the denominator.

    Fractions of Amounts

    To find a fraction of a quantity:

    Divide the quantity by the denominatorMultiply the answer you get by the numerator

    To find5

    2 of 15, for example:

    Divide 15 by 5 (the denominator): 15 5 = 3Multiply the answer 3 by 2 (the numerator): 3 x 2 = 6

    So 2/ 5of 15 is6

    To find6

    1 of 66, for example:

    Divide 66 by 6

    66 6 = 11


    1 of 66 = 11

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision


    Properties of Triangles

    Isoscelestriangles have 2 equal sides and 2 equalangles.

    ScaleneTriangles have no equal sides and no equal angles.

    Equilateral Triangleshave 3 equal sides and 3 equal angles.

    A Right Angled Trianglehas an angle of 90 (a right angle)

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    Fraction Equivalent Decimal Percentage


    1 0.5 50%


    1 0.3333. 33.333%


    1 0.25 25%


    3 0.75 75%


    1 0.1 10%


    3 0.3 30%


    1 0.01 1%

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    Year 5 Maths

    Revision Practice (Autumn Term)

    These examples are to help you put the revision notes into practice.

    You do not need to do them all. Perhaps a grown up could make up

    some more examples for you. Answers are available.

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000


    1. 30 x 10 = ..

    2. 210 x 10 = ..

    3. 3.45 x 10 = ..

    4. 0.3 x 10 =

    5. 56 x 100 =

    6. 777 x 10 = .

    7. 459 x 100 =..

    8. 3.3 x 10=.

    9. 8800 x 100= .

    10. 110 10 = ..

    11. 2600 100 = .

    12. 39000 100 =

    13. 4800 100 = ..

    14. 730 100 = .

    15. 6.5 10 =

    Write the missing numbers.

    1. 100 x = 5800


    10 = 200

    3. 43 x = 430

    4. 100 = 4

    5. 687 x = 68 700

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    Word Problems

    1. Sudley Primary school is having a fun run. Each child in

    Year 5 runs 10 laps of the field. If each lap is 0.3 km

    how far does each child run?

    2. If 100 wooden beads weigh 4100g, how much does

    each wooden bead weigh?

    3. A doctor spends on average 0.5 hours seeing a

    patient. Approximately how long does it take thedoctor to see 10 patients?

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    Factors, Prime Numbers, Square Numbers, Cube Numbers,


    1. Think up all the factors for:

    a. 6 (4 factors)b. 12 (6 factors)

    c. 15 (4 factors)

    2. Write the prime numbers up to 20 (there are 8 in total)

    3. What is unusual about 2, compared with all the other prime


    4. Join up the numbers to their correct square numbers and

    complete the original number (the square root) in the column to

    the right.

    Square sum

    2 x 2

    5 x 56 x 6

    12 x 12

    9 x 9

    1 x 1

    3 x 3

    8 x 8

    7 x 7

    11 x 11

    4 x 4

    10 x 10

    5. What is 2 cubed ?

    6. What is 3!?

    Square number Square root











  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    Is 1 a primenumber ?

    7. What is 1!?

    8. Find all multiples of 4 up to 48 .

    9. Find all multiples of 6 up to 72 .

    10. Look at the list of numbers

    3 7 8 9 10 11 25 96

    Which numbers are divisible by 3?


    Which numbers are even numbers?


    Which numbers are factors of 30?

    Which numbers are prime numbers?..

    Which numbers are squarenumbers?

    Which number is a cube number?


    Which numbers are multiples of 5?

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision




    1. 3766 to the nearest 100 is .

    2. 3766 to the nearest 10 is


    3766 to the nearest 1000 is ..4. 43.87 to the nearest whole number is ..

    5. 2.51 to the nearest pound is .

    6. 2m 50cm to the nearest metre is

    7. 5.33 to the nearest whole number is ..

    8. 12.8 to the nearest whole number is ..

    9. 4.22 to the nearest whole number is ..

    10. 69.5 to the nearest whole number is ..

    Ordering Numbers

    1. Order these numbers from lowest to highest:

    a) 201, 210, 21, 2009, 299

    b) 7, + 1, 0, 6, 5, 3, + 10, 11

    c) 901, 199, 99, 9009, 109

    Negative Numbers and Temperature

    1. The temperature rises by 15 degrees from -4C. What is the

    new temperature?

    2. The temperature falls from 11C to -2C. How many degrees

    does the temperature fall?

    3. The temperature is 6C. It falls by 8 degrees. What is the

    temperature now?

    4. Put the temperatures in order coldest to warmest.16C, 18C, -23C, -25C, -13C, 12C, 20C

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    5. Which of these temperatures is lowest?

    i) -4C or -2C

    ii) -8C or 8C

    iii) -16C or -17Civ) -5C or -6C

    Fractions of Amounts

    Calculate :

    "of 28 = .

    #of 56 = .

    !of 64 = .

    Measuring Lines

    Use a ruler to measure these lines (be careful with the units)

    a. _____________________________ ..mm

    b. ___________________ ..cm

    c .__________ ..mm

    Use a ruler to draw a line 65 mm long start from the dot

    d .

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    Year 5


    Revision Practice (Autumn Term)


    These examples are to help you put the revision notes into

    practice. You do not need to do them all. Perhaps a grown up

    could make up some more examples for you. Answers are


  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000


    1. 30 x 10 = 300..

    2. 210 x 10 = 2100..

    3. 3.45 x 10 = 34.5..

    4. 0.3 x 10 = 3

    5. 56 x 100 = 5600

    6. 777 x 10 = 7770.

    7. 459 x 100 =45,900..

    8. 3.3 x 10=33.

    9. 8800 x 100= 880,000.

    10. 110 10 = 11..

    11. 2600 100 = 26.

    12. 39000 100 = 390

    13. 4800 100 = 48..

    14. 730 100 = 7.3.

    15. 6.5 10 = 0.65

    Write the missing numbers.

    1. 100 x = 5800 58

    2. 10 = 200 2000

    3. 43 x = 430 10


    100 = 4 400

    5. 687 x = 68 700 100

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    Word Problems

    1. Sudley Primary school is having a fun run. Each child in

    Year 5 runs 10 laps of the field. If each lap is 0.3 km

    how far does each child run?0.3 x 10 = 3km

    2. If 100 wooden beads weigh 4100g, how much does

    each wooden bead weigh?

    4100 100 = 41


    A doctor spends on average 0.5 hours seeing apatient. Approximately how long does it take the

    doctor to see 10 patients?

    0.5 x 10 = 5 hours

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    Factors, Prime Numbers, Square Numbers, Cube Numbers,


    1. Think up all the factors for:

    a. 6 1,2,3,6 (4 factors)b. 12 1,2,3,4,6,12 (6 factors)

    c. 15 1,3,5,15 (4 factors)

    2. Write the prime numbers up to 20 (there are 8 in total)


    3. What is unusual about 2, compared with all the other prime


    Only Even Prime Number

    4. Join up the numbers to their correct square numbers and

    complete the original number (the square root) in the column to

    the right.

    Square sum

    2 x 2

    5 x 56 x 6

    12 x 12

    9 x 9

    1 x 1

    3 x 3

    8 x 8

    7 x 7

    11 x 11

    4 x 4

    10 x 10

    5. What is 2 cubed ?8

    6. What is 3!?27

    Square number Square root

    81 9

    9 31 1

    49 7

    25 5

    4 2

    121 11

    16 4

    100 10

    144 1236 6

    64 8

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision



    Is 1 a primenumber ?

    7. What is 1!?1

    8. Find all multiples of 4 up to 48 4,8,12,16,20 etc.

    9. Find all multiples of 6 up to 72 6,12,18,24,30, etc.

    10. Look at the list of numbers

    3 7 8 9 10 11 25 96

    Which numbers are divisible by 3?

    3, 9, 96 .

    Which numbers are even numbers?

    8,10, 96..

    Which numbers are factors of 30?

    3, 10

    Which numbers are prime numbers?3,7, 11.

    Which numbers are squarenumbers?

    9, 25

    Which number is a cube number?


    Which numbers are multiples of 5?

    10, 25


  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision




    1. 3766 to the nearest 100 is 3800.

    2. 3766 to the nearest 10 is 3770


    3766 to the nearest 1000 is 4000.4. 43.87 to the nearest whole number is 40..

    5. 2.51 to the nearest pound is 3.00.

    6. 2m 50cm to the nearest metre is 3m

    7. 5.33 to the nearest whole number is 5..

    8. 12.8 to the nearest whole number is 13..

    9. 4.22 to the nearest whole number is 4..

    10. 69.5 to the nearest whole number is 70..

    Ordering Numbers

    1. Order these numbers from lowest to highest:

    a) 201, 210, 21, 2009, 299

    21, 201, 210, 299, 2009

    b) 7, + 1, 0, 6, 5, 3, + 10, 11-7, -5, -3, 0, 1, 6, 10, 11

    c) 901, 199, 99, 9009, 109

    99, 109, 199, 901, 9009

    Negative Numbers and Temperature

    1. The temperature rises by 15 degrees from -4C. What is the

    new temperature?11

    2. The temperature falls from 11C to -2C. How many degrees

    does the temperature fall?


    3. The temperature is 6C. It falls by 8 degrees. What is the

    temperature now?

    -24. Put the temperatures in order coldest to warmest.

  • 8/11/2019 Year 5 Maths Revision


    16C, 18C, -23C, -25C, -13C, 12C, 20C

    -25C, -23C, -13C, 12C, 16C, 18C, 20C

    5. Which of these temperatures is lowest?

    i) -4Cor -2Cii) -8Cor 8C

    iii) -16C or -17C

    iv) -5C or -6C

    Fractions of Amounts

    Calculate :

    "of 28 = 284=7.

    #of 56 = 562=28.

    !of 64 = 648=8.

    Measuring Lines

    Use a ruler to measure these lines (be careful with the units)

    a. _____________________________ ..mm

    b. ___________________ ..cm

    c .__________ ..mm

    Use a ruler to draw a line 65 mmlong start from the dot

    d .
