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YEAR END REPORT 2016 Recently, I received a beautiful book written by Richard Rohr, “The Divine Dance….The Trinity and Your Transformation.” This book reminds us that God is a “holy community…it calls us to be like God…to belong to each other, to be one as God is one and to refuse to do life alone….” With this as a backdrop, prayerfully I recall our last year of ministry, the giftedness, the growth, the blessings, the hurts and disappointments, the sicknesses and deaths; new life and new opportunity. I am reminded by another quote taken from The Divine Dance, and in reference to our God, written by our beloved St. Augustine, “Our God is ever ancient and ever new…” (p.39). As in every year, together as communities of faith, we have lived that vital message that Jesus gave us: “put our hand to the plough and moved forward.” Some highlights (and accomplishments) from last year:

Beginning of our participation in Revitalizing and Realigning Diocese with our own parish evaluations for Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI). Our diocese has never experienced anything as epoch as this. As noted several times before, it will affect every parish in some way. Ongoing meetings with CLI and Lay working groups. Presentations will be offered sometime in late April.

Blaine Walsh becomes the new Grand Knight.

Introduction of Taize Prayer.

Younger Companions reading at Mass (connected with our Religious Education Program).

Fundraising events such as “Spring Fling;” “Variety Show.”

Summer student employed through the Federal Government program.

Both sacristies’ reconstructed: St. Augustine’s a complete gutting and rebuild. St. Matthew’s installation of new cabinetry from the former St. Vincent’s High School.

Ongoing Outreach to organizations such as “Me to We,” “Lonewater Farms;” “AIDS Saint John.” As always, both communities have rallied to minister to these and the needs of others.

A new heating system (mini split) for St. Augustine’s Church that offers comfort of both even heat in winter and air conditioning in the summer.

$20 thousand paid on St. Matthew’s Debt.

Variety Show.

Painted posts in hall at St. Matthew’s.

Ongoing work with Theresa Bedard and our Religious Education Program-a new wall mounted television purchased by this group (for use for other groups as well).

New Webpage: This ‘new’ form of communication has really been a success (average 350 views per week).

Chase the Ace: Knights of Columbus/Relay for Life.

In June, I spent my holidays at the GTU Berkeley, Ca., taking courses that have both benefited myself and our parishes (and diocese).

Mass of Remembrance for those who have died the past year a great success at both parishes.

Ongoing ‘cost saving measures’ e.g., Bernice, our secretary now working four days a week instead of five.

Ongoing “Spirit” of ‘hopefulness’ as we move forward. Once again, I am both grateful and amazed at the various work that goes on at both parishes (acknowledged and not acknowledged) the many people who work so hard within our communities with little or no recognition given. There is so much potential that we could tap into but again, quoting St. Augustine, “Our God is ever ancient and ever new…” Once again, I am so blessed to be your parish priest and look forward to serving you and working together to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.




YEAR END REPORT 2016 Recently, I received a beautiful book written by Richard Rohr, “The Divine Dance….The Trinity and Your Transformation.” This book reminds us that God is a “holy community…it calls us to be like God…to belong to each other, to be one as God is one and to refuse to do life alone….” With this as a backdrop, prayerfully I recall our last year of ministry, the giftedness, the growth, the blessings, the hurts and disappointments, the sicknesses and deaths; new life and new opportunity. I am reminded by another quote taken from The Divine Dance, and in reference to our God, written by our beloved St. Augustine, “Our God is ever ancient and ever new…” (p.39). As in every year, together as communities of faith, we have lived that vital message that Jesus gave us: “put our hand to the plough and moved forward.” Some highlights (and accomplishments) from last year:

Beginning of our participation in Revitalizing and Realigning Diocese with our own parish evaluations for Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI). Our diocese has never experienced anything as epoch as this. As noted several times before, it will affect every parish in some way. Ongoing meetings with CLI and Lay working groups. Presentations will be offered sometime in late April.

Blaine Walsh becomes the new Grand Knight.

Introduction of Taize Prayer.

Younger Companions reading at Mass (connected with our Religious Education Program).

Fundraising events such as “Spring Fling;” “Variety Show.”

Summer student employed through the Federal Government program.

Both sacristies’ reconstructed: St. Augustine’s a complete gutting and rebuild. St. Matthew’s installation of new cabinetry from the former St. Vincent’s High School.

Ongoing Outreach to organizations such as “Me to We,” “Lonewater Farms;” “AIDS Saint John.” As always, both communities have rallied to minister to these and the needs of others.

A new heating system (mini split) for St. Augustine’s Church that offers comfort of both even heat in winter and air conditioning in the summer.

$20 thousand paid on St. Matthew’s Debt.

Variety Show.

Painted posts in hall at St. Matthew’s.

Ongoing work with Theresa Bedard and our Religious Education Program-a new wall mounted television purchased by this group (for use for other groups as well).

New Webpage: This ‘new’ form of communication has really been a success (average 350 views per week).

Chase the Ace: Knights of Columbus/Relay for Life.

In June, I spent my holidays at the GTU Berkeley, Ca., taking courses that have both benefited myself and our parishes (and diocese).

Mass of Remembrance for those who have died the past year a great success at both parishes.

Ongoing ‘cost saving measures’ e.g., Bernice, our secretary now working four days a week instead of five.

Ongoing “Spirit” of ‘hopefulness’ as we move forward. Once again, I am both grateful and amazed at the various work that goes on at both parishes (acknowledged and not acknowledged) the many people who work so hard within our communities with little or no recognition given. There is so much potential that we could tap into but again, quoting St. Augustine, “Our God is ever ancient and ever new…” Once again, I am so blessed to be your parish priest and look forward to serving you and working together to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Blessings,

~Fr. David February 20, 2017



2016 2015 2014

Number of families (estimated) 410 420 400

Average Number of Attendance 315 275 200

Average Number in Catechism 69 117 60

2016 2015 2014

Baptisms 9 10 18

First Communion 14 14 12

First Reconciliation 14 12 12

Confirmations 15 24 19

Marriages 2 2 2

Deaths 33 20 23

Opportunities for the coming year:

Fix back parking lot

Continue to discuss and adapt new Religious Education program

Continue to examine possible Social Justice Outreach projects

Continue to promote the use of PAD

Sharing our gifts with the greater community

Workshop for various Ministries

Encouraging spiritual development through the Mass, retreats, spiritual direction, prayer

services, and so on

Scripture study



MEMBERS: Chair - Keith Doiron, Secretary - Gayle Brown, Woman’s Society Chair - Lucille

Chamberland, Jackie Saulnier, Finance Committee Representative - Jennifer Duplisea, Music Ministry –

Mary-Rose Daigle, Religious Education - Theresa Bedard, St. Matthew’s Secretary - Bernice Martin,

Fundraiser Chair - Patti Blake, IT Rep - Mike McKay

The Council meets every second month. The various representatives give their reports and new ideas

are discussed.

We would like to thank all those who have worked on improving the sacristy. It looks great! As well, we

would like to thank the Knights of Columbus for their $25,000.00 contribution, which will go towards

repairing the back parking lot, a project we hope to complete this year.

We encourage you, the parishioners, to continue to support the Knights as they are great contributors

to both parishes.

The Women’s Society has also contributed in multiple ways. They consistently provide the lunches for

funerals and other various events, while also being involved with church preparation during the

Christmas and Easter seasons. As well, their financial contributions to our parish are always appreciated.

Last May, a Spring Fling/lobster dinner was held with volunteers from both parishes raising $5500.00,

which was divided between the two parishes.

We are presently seeking people for the following: Youth Director and Fundraiser workers to assist Patti

Blake. Please contact a Council member if you are interested.

I would like to add that if you ever have any suggestions or concerns that you would like addressed by

your Parish Council, please pass them along by placing them in the Parish Council slot by the door to the


In closing, I would like to thank the Council members for their hard work, dedication and support.






OPERATING REVENUE Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2016 Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2015

Offertory Collection $112,866.49 $117,617.10

Building Fund 17,690.20 20,779.50

Bequests and Donations 1,100.00 -

Special Collections: (Dev& Peace, Can.

Church, Missions, Retired Priests & Sem., Prop of

Faith, Upkeep of Holy Land, Pope’s works.). 2,017.05 4,747.80

Hall Receipts 505.00 1,937.14

Recoveries: (Includes Chase the Ace, 45,233.75 10,256.33

Advertising; Government Grants; __________________ __________________


TOTAL REVENUE $179,412.49 $155,337.87


Salaries & Benefits (pastor, extra clergy, $ 44,303.57 $44,564.32

secretary, music)

Travel Allowance 3,865.78 3,222.91

Property Upkeep: (garbage removal, repair 7,044.02 18,447.44

& maintenance, security, snow & lawn cleaning)

Church Equipment 118.43 *10.035.77

*Furniture 2015

Electricity/Heat 9,645.08 11,505.01

Telephone 1,487.41 1,449.59

Insurance 4,432.99 4,514.56

Office Expenses including supplies 1,461.59 1,352.19


OPERATING EXPENSES – CONT’D Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2016 Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2015

Altar/Sanctuary 3,481.28 2,997.60

Rectory Expenses 10,313.07 7,307.77

Hall Expenses 1,568.18 83.10

Religious Education * 99.08 2,215.56

*2nd year of new program

New Freeman & Parish Bulletin 2,011.18 1,765.76

Diocesan Assessment 12,688.50 13,124.00

Loan Interest Paid 469.05 1,568.88

Special Collections Remitted 1,389.05 1,218.85

Other Expenses: (ministries/committees, 6,939.97 3,433.83

donations/charity, retreats, conferences, bank

fees, advertising, scholarships, picnic,

fundraising, professional & other) _________________ __________________

TOTAL EXPENSES $111,318.23 $128,807.14

On Deposit with Chancery *30,000.00 -

*Put on deposit with Diocese for parking

lot repairs ________________ _________________

Net Gain/(Loss) $38,094.26 $26,530.73

Major Repairs for 2016


Major Repairs for 2015


Loan Balance Dec 31, 2016


Loan Balance Dec 31, 2015





Religious Education Report

1. 107 children registered. Sacraments 7 1st Communion, 19 Reconcilliation (yr 3) and 33


2. Staffing: 9 teachers, 1 coordinators, 1 bathroom monitor

Theresa Kilpatrick-Bedard Coordinator

Erin Mackin Year 1

Sandy O'Brien Year 2

Mellita Cobham Year 3

Eden Keilty Student Year 3

Christa Clawson Year 3

Angie MacDonald Sub/when needed

Linda Spinney Year 4

Jennifer Duplisea Year 5

Paul Cormier Year 6

Pat Fairweather Year 7

Mary Johnson Year 8 Confirmation Helper

Becky Emond Year 8 Confirmation Helper

Patty & Dave Black Year 8 Confirmation Coordinators

3. Activities currently in place:

a. Teaching grades 1-7 Sunday at 10:00-10:45

b. Teaching Confirmation once twice a month with completed service work.

c. Registration and schedule provided to parents using website.

d. Emails continue to be sent to parents as needed, intent to reduce and train them to use

our website.

e. Children scheduled to bring up the gifts at St. Matthew’s on days that we have

catechism. Sporadic at best for St. Augustine’s.

f. Children did readings during St. Matthew’s mass during 2016 Advent and Lent 2017.

Sporadic at best for St. Augustine’s.

g. Baking for the children – established committee in place Dawn McGarity lead.

4. Other work

a. Poster contest for Knights – very successful with winners pictures are on our website

b. Service work for children grades 1-7

i. Soup for Romero house. Big success. All years participated and we collected the

ingredients and prepared pots and pots of soup (about 160 liters) in January and


February. We still have year 5 to cook and year 3 to help. This service work was

very well received by the children, parents and those at Romero house.

c. Youth group/class enrichment

i. We fundraised and purchased a Smart TV and have it installed downstairs. We

are working out the technical issues but we have used it a few times and the

teachers are getting used to having an additional tool to use to help with their

teachings. We raised $700 by having a paint night fundraiser and raised and

gratefully received a $500 donation from our St. Augustine’s women’s group.

We would like to thank everyone for their support in this purchase. The kids will

really find this useful going forward.

5. Longevity to our program

a. We are planning a wake up session for our parents to get them involved for next year.

We want to have the session in March so we can have our staffing in place for

September 2017.

From a coordinator perspective, I will not be continuing next year in the capacity as sole coordinator. I

very much enjoy the work but there are simply too many things for one person to do and to be

responsible for. I am hopeful that we will have parents step forward to help with the program and as a

team have a successful and rewarding Religious Education Program.

Submitted by Theresa Bedard


R.C.I.A. 2016

The Team & Candidates of the R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) met at St. Matthew’s Church

on Sunday evenings from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.

We follow the program “In Memory of Me” which is an introduction to the practice of the Catholic Faith,

based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It was written by Father J. Dolan and other clergy.

For this process we use the New Testament as a guide, its focus is the Risen Christ with the energy of the

Holy Spirit. This presentation of the Catholic Faith and practice is an attempt to gradually bring

participants into the lifelong, day by day process known as Christian Conversion.

At the Easter Vigil of 2016 Matthew Tingley received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation & Holy

Eucharist at his church, St Rose of Lima in Saint John, West. Matthew was accompanied by his sponsor

Johane Levesque, his family, the R.C.I.A. team and candidates from our church were there to share in his

joy. Here at St. Matthew’s Diana White received the Sacrament of Confirmation & Holy Eucharist.

Diane was accompanied by her sponsors Bruce White, Betty & Bob Fergus, family members, the R.C.I.A.

team and as always our wonderful communities of Faith.

In the fall of 2016 we did not have any candidates for our program.

The R.C.I.A is open to anyone who may be interested in the process of becoming a full member of the

Catholic Church. If you or someone you know would like to inquire about this program, we will have a

“Come & See” in the Fall of 2017. Date to be announced in August or Early September, or by calling

Amanda Muise at 738-3108 or call the office at 738-232-.

Our 2016 team consisted of – Father David Martin our Priest & Pastor, Charles Dobson, Douglas & Linda

Hubbard, Susan Smith, Teresa Mittelholtz and Amanda Muise.

Our goal is to guide those who may feel called to this journey

…we ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will, with all the wisdom and understanding that His

Spirit gives (Colossians 1:9)

Respectfully Submitted

Amanda Muise

On behalf of R.C.IA. Team for St. Matthew’s & St. Augustine’s Parishes.



Once again it was a very busy and productive year for our Ladies Society. All of the women of the parish are considered automatic members and are called upon regularly to help out at dinners and receptions. The response is tremendous and we are very thankful. We had a core group of 15 or so members who regularly attend meetings and participate in all events. But in the last two years we have lost thru sickness and dead 8 of our ladies that are no longer able to work and give us a hand. We have a president and treasurer and secretary to take the minute at our meeting. The treasurer and one other member (not the president) have signing power on cheques. As you can see, our ministry includes the following. Our goal for last year was as follows…

This summer we purchase paint and Norman Saulnier painted all the doors and the poles in the hall... A big Thank You to Norman.

Made donation to the Alzheimer café of $100.00.

Made donation of $100.00 to the Decoration Community to buy Thanksgiving decoration.

Made a donation to the Knight of $500 to put toward the needy family basket at Christmas.

Purchase item in the amount of $300.00 for Lone Water Farm.

We made a donation of $250.00 to Mike Murphy to buy winter jacket for refugee family. We had three major fundraisers this year.

In April we had a roast beef supper and served about 200 people --- average profit $2200.00

Annual yard sale May – average $1300.00 profit

In December we held are first Bake Sale –average profit $775.00 Ongoing ministries…

Funeral receptions for parishioners – sandwich, sweets, tea/coffee. Good will offerings vary from families, or what we are looking for is the costs of our supplies that we use for a funeral as cost of things are going up each and every year. We do the initial purchasing of food item needed.

Annual receptions – 1st communion, confirmation and Easter Vigil – sandwiches provided by parishioners, but cake our bought by the Ladies Society and refreshment, and set up and service provided by Ladies Society.

Memorial Service on Nov 8, reception provided by Ladies Society.

Reception Organ and Tissue donation reception April – made $300.00 This year’s goal is to look into gathering new member for our Ladies Society as some of our members are aging and have step back due to their health problem. In the last two years our group has lose about 8 of are ladies. We are a great group to work with and I’m looking forward for new members if interested my phone number is on the bulletin. Also I would like to take this moment to thank all our parishioners for your dedication and helping hands when we have our suppers and other fundraisers. It is greatly appreciated by all of us ladies. Respectfully, Lucille Chamberland



One day retreat was held during lent, facilitated by Pam and Yves Daigle.

Children from the Religious Ed program did the first reading each Sunday of Lent.

We participated in the World day of Prayer held at St Augustine’s church.

The Liturgy Committee very busy during the Easter, coordination of Holy Thursday, Good Friday,

Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday was shared by both parish’s .

At the Easter Vigil two candidates from RCIA program became full members of the Catholic


A children’s Library was set up at the entrance of the church for children to use during mass or

to take home and bring back when finished.

Joanne Henderson, Donna Schroeder and Diane Arsenault from the Hampton Parish did a

presentation on Art and Environment and how it can add to the liturgy every week and special


The Church was decorated for fall and Thanksgiving the first part of October.

A mass for remembering our deceased was held at St. Matthews parish on November 5, a

reception put on by the Women’s society was held down stairs , very good turnout.

During the Advent season we hosted a Christmas Carol sing along with the other church’s in the

area, admission was canned good for the River Valley Food Bank, we had a social after with

cookies and cider, this was enjoyed by all.

We had a Taize prayer service during Advent. The Religious Ed. Classes did the 1st reading during


The church was decorated for Christmas with the Manger scene in front of the altar, each week

adding a new piece until the Manager was complete Christmas Eve. St. Matthew’s parish had 2

masses Christmas Eve, very well attended.

Submitted by Sue Ogden



Our Presidium, Our Lady of the Apostle, is comprised of 6 active members, 16 auxiliary members and a Spiritual Director from St. Matthew’s and St. Augustine’s Parishes. We meet weekly following Tuesday Mass or at 7 pm when there is no mass.

We are as follows:

President: Francine Doiron Vice President: Haroldine Chaisson Secretary: Amanda Muise Treasurer: Susan Smith Also: Ellen Pelletier and Gary Osborne, Father David Martin is our Spiritual Director.

Our mission is to serve the poor, the sick, especially seniors. We take Holy Communion to homes, nursing homes and hospitals. We supply baptismal packets as well as a white prayer shawl to the newly baptized. We also give prayer shawls to the sick and shut-ins. We supply the confirmation class with packets including Holy Water/pamphlet, Rosary/pamphlet, Miraculous Medal/pamphlet. We also give presentations on each of these sacraments to the Confirmation class. Our Presidium makes the rosaries for these packets and we distribute rosaries to various groups. We volunteer at Romero House, we do Adoration when possible and we recite the Rosary at Lonewater Farm the last Monday of each month. We serve Holy Communion on the first Friday of each month and many seniors are visited on a weekly basis. Two of our members are team for RCIA. We transport to and from church, RCIA etc… when possible. Several of our members belong to other committees. We have a Pilgrim Statue that is welcomed into many homes and we do Home Consecration. We recite the Rosary at the Funeral Parlor for our deceased members and we will recite the Rosary on request.

We provide some behind the scene services, such as clean the church linens, counting the offertory weekly, etc. We are visible at Masses as coordinator, proclaiming the Word, Eucharistic Ministers or where ever our services are needed.

Our vision is to expand our active and auxiliary members. Should you have an interest in either of these memberships please contact our current active members.

Our Blessed Mother Mary blesses us with many gifts that we love to share in our parish communities. We ask our Blessed Mother to continue to bless us with health, faith and courage and find us worthy to continue to be the hands and feet of her son Jesus.

We have regular participants, who join us weekly, to recite the Rosary. We would like to extend an invitation to anyone who wishes to pray the Rosary to join us at their convenience.

“Let the soul of Mary be in each of us to magnify the Lord, and the spirit of Mary be in each of us to rejoice in God.” St. Anselm


Amanda Muise – Secretary


KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 9176 The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by Father Michael McGivney, a parish priest in New Haven, Connecticut. The K of C was organized to provide charity outreach and care for the financial wellbeing of poor Catholic families and the strengthening of Christian faith of its members. Nearly 15,000 Councils have donated more than 1.5 billion dollars and 682 million hours of service to various charitable causes during the past 10 years.

Our local 9176 has a membership of 77 men. Although we haven’t taken in any new members for a

couple of years we are always open for new men as our group is aging but very active. The following are

our Officers: Grand Knight Blaine Walsh, Deputy Grand Knight Mike Murphy, Financial Secretary Roger

Gaudet, Treasure John Goddard, and Recorder Richard McLean.

The focus of the K of C is Charity by helping those in need.

Last year we were very active in both church and community by accomplishing the following:

Assisting a local scout group in cleaning the walking trails, also providing a lunch for them.

Helping the Cancer Society with their annual Relay for Life in June by setting up and dismantling

the site.

Help out at Romeo House, every 6th Saturday.

Run a Cribbage night every Wednesday which is a very inexpensive $10.00.

Set up the Christmas scene and help with the decorations.

One of our members vacuums the church every week and another one keeps the downstairs


Snow clearing.

Various church maintenance projects.

Assisted a brother Knight in hospital and helped his move to a nursing home.

Taking up collection at weekend Masses.

Altar servers for funerals.

Provide the Bibles for Religious Ed.

Helped our friends at the Baptist Church with their fund raiser for a Refugee family they were


Sponsored a successful New Year’s Dance along with the Ladies Society.

Run the Chase the Ace every Friday. The proceeds from this allowed us to give St Matthew’s

$24,000.00 to help with repairs to the parking lot.

Assisted St Augustine’s with their annual picnic. (We have members from both Parishes.)

Assisted both parishes financially by helping with their heating and plowing expenses.

The second focus is Unity. We count on the support of our bother Knights as we work to make life better for our parish and community. We have donated funds to the parish for snow plowing, building heating, repair to the back parking lot, and lots of maintenance activities.


The third focus is Fraternity. We watch out for the care of our brother Knights and there family. We support bursaries for children of the Knights, we are involved in the services of deceased Knights, and we provide support both personal and financial to Knights under duress. The K of C also has a great insurance program covering most types of insurance needs. Over 50% of our Knights use this program. The forth focus is Patriotism. The Knights stand up for the good of God and country. Many of our Knights are involved with church ministries as servers at Mass, funeral, Eucharistic ministries, lay ministers and retreats. My biggest hope for the coming year is to have some new members join our Council. Any of our Knights would love to discuss this with you. Thank you for reading our message. ~Grand Knight Blaine Walsh


St. Matthew’s Music Ministry

Greetings, Parish Family. Another year of singing God's praise has come and gone. When I reflect upon

the year, so very much of it almost seems like a blur. I don't really make notes. So, I thought I would

recall one or two things from each season that were especially important to me, and I hope significant to

you as well.

At Easter, we sang a song to a traditional tune to the beat of a drum! And then we celebrated

the Sacrament of Confirmation with our family from St. Augustine's parish, a beautiful and moving

service I am always pleased to be a part of.

During Ordinary Time, the choir takes the summer off. While I put a lot less preparation time

into Masses when I am by myself, I miss my choral family. Singing praises is always so much more fun

when we all sing together. This happens in the fall. In November, we celebrate a very solemn Mass of

remembrance for those who were lost in our community the previous year, where all of their names are

sung in The Litany of the Saints. And then, the very next day it seems, we enter the season of Advent.

This year during the Advent season, we hosted an evening of Christmas Carols with other churches in

our community. It was a beautiful evening where we all came together in preparation of the season. And

then, just before Christmas, we had an evening of Taize prayer, which is one of my personal favorite

ways to pray.

Christmas. I so love Christmas Eve at St. Matthew's parish. First, we celebrated in a packed

church where the energy is immeasurable. My very favorite memory from the four o'clock Mass was our

Christmas Choir. They were not very many, but they were mighty in sound. I was very proud of them. In

fact, I wouldn't be too surprised if they occasionally join our "Big-Kid-Choir."

Speaking of the Big-Kid-Choir, we get to lead you in song at the much quieter eight o'clock Mass.

It is much more intimate – and no one has to stand at this Mass. I like to keep the music as traditional as

possible - I want every single person to sing along. My favorite part is when we sing Silent Night after

communion by candle-light - an idea Father David suggested a few years ago. It has become a wonderful

Christmas tradition.

Now, we have two things we are preparing for: World Day of Prayer - hosted at St. Matthews,

where we gather and pray with our friends in the community - and the season of Lent. And both of

these things happen very, very soon!

My greatest memory of the year as your music minister is simply how happy I am to get to lead

you in song. I am so delighted with my ministry and I hope to continue to sing praises with you for years

to come.

Yours truly,

Mary Rose Daigle
