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Year of the Snake: A Satanic Ritual?

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History of Major Events that occur in the Year of the Snake (2013, 2001, 1989, 1941, 1929, 1917, etc.), including Cairo Coup, 9/11, Tiananmen Square Massacre, Pearl Harbor, Great Depression, Bolshevik Revolution, Boston Tea Party, Gunpowder Plot, Battle of Kosovo, and more
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Year of the SnakeA Satanic Ritual?

By William P. Litynski

History of Mankind: A Faustian Bargain?

Faustian Bargain: Faust makes a pact with the Devil

Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made !nd he said unto the woman" #ea" hath God said" #e shall not eat of every tree of the $arden% !nd the woman said unto the serpent" &e may eat of the fruit of the trees of the $arden: 'ut of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the $arden" God hath said" #e shall not eat of it" neither shall ye touch it" lest ye die !nd the serpent said unto the woman" #e shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof" then your eyes shall be opened" and ye shall be as $ods" knowin$ $ood and evil !nd when the woman saw that the tree was $ood for food" and that it was pleasant to the eyes" and a tree to be desired to make one wise" she took of the fruit thereof" and did eat" and $ave also unto her husband with her( and he did eat !nd the eyes of them both were opened" and they knew that they were naked( and they sewed fi$ leaves to$ether" and made themselves aprons !nd they heard the voice of the LORD God walkin$ in the $arden in the cool of the day: and !dam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amon$st the trees of the $arden !nd the LORD God called unto !dam" and said unto him" &here art thou% !nd he said" ) heard thy voice in the $arden" and ) was afraid" because ) was naked( and ) hid myself !nd he said" &ho told thee that thou wast naked% *ast thou eaten of the tree" whereof ) commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat% !nd the man said" +he woman whom thou $avest to be with me" she $ave me of the tree" and ) did eat !nd the LORD God said unto the woman" &hat is this that thou hast done% !nd the woman said" The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. !nd the LORD God said unto the serpent" 'ecause thou hast done this" thou art cursed above all cattle" and above every beast of the field( upon thy belly shalt thou $o" and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: !nd ) will put enmity between thee and the woman" and between thy seed and her seed( it shall bruise thy head" and thou shalt bruise his heel ,nto the woman he said" ) will $reatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception( in sorrow thou shalt brin$ forth children( and thy desire shall be to thy husband" and he shall rule over thee !nd unto !dam he said" 'ecause thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife" and hast eaten of the tree" of which ) commanded thee" sayin$" +hou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the $round for thy sake( in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life( +horns also and thistles shall it brin$ forth to thee( and thou shalt eat the herb of the field( )n the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread" till thou return unto the $round( for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art" and unto dust shalt thou return !nd !dam called his wife-s name .ve( because she was the mother of all livin$ ,nto !dam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins" and clothed them !nd the LORD God said" 'ehold" the man is become as one of us" to know $ood and evil: and now" lest he put forth his hand" and take also of the tree of life" and eat" and live for ever: +herefore the LORD God sent him forth from the $arden of .den" to till the $round from whence he was taken /o he drove out the man( and he placed at the east of the $arden of .den 0herubims" and a flamin$ sword which turned every way" to keep the way of the tree of life 1 2 Genesis 3:4567" Old +estament 89in$ :ames ;ersion 89:;>" 4746" 4767" 473?" 477@" 47?>" 47A6" 47@7" 47B? 4C>@" 4C6>" 4C36" 4C77" 4CC?" 4C?@" 4C@>" 4CB6 4?>7" 4?4?" 4?6@" 4?7>" 4?C6" 4??7" 4?A?" 4?@@ 4A>>" 4A46" 4A67" 4A3?" 4A7@" 4A?>" 4AA6" 4A@7" 4AB? 4@>@" 4@6>" 4@36" 4@77" 4@C?" 4@?@" 4@@>" 4@B6 4B>7" 4B4?" 4B6@" 4B7>" 4BC6" 4B?7" 4BA?" 4B@@ 6>>>" 6>46" 6>67" 6>3?" 6>7@" 6>?>" 6>A6" 6>@7" 6>B? Year of the Snake: 47>4" 4743" 476C" 473A" 477B" 47?4" 47A3" 47@C" 47BA 4C>B" 4C64" 4C33" 4C7C" 4CCA" 4C?B" 4C@4" 4CB3 4?>C" 4?4A" 4?6B" 4?74" 4?C3" 4??C" 4?AA" 4?@B 4A>4" 4A43" 4A6C" 4A3A" 4A7B" 4A?4" 4AA3" 4A@C" 4ABA 4@>B" 4@64" 4@33" 4@7C" 4@CA" 4@?B" 4@@4" 4@B3 4B>C" 4B4A" 4B6B" 4B74" 4BC3" 4B?C" 4BAA" 4B@B 6>>4" 6>43" 6>6C" 6>3A" 6>7B" 6>?4" 6>A3" 6>@C" 6>BA Year of the Horse: 47>6" 4747" 476?" 473@" 47C>" 47?6" 47A7" 47@?" 47B@ 4C4>" 4C66" 4C37" 4C7?" 4CC@" 4CA>" 4C@6" 4CB7 4?>?" 4?4@" 4?3>" 4?76" 4?C7" 4???" 4?A@" 4?B> 4A>6" 4A47" 4A6?" 4A3@" 4AC>" 4A?6" 4AA7" 4A@?" 4AB@ 4@4>" 4@66" 4@37" 4@7?" 4@C@" 4@A>" 4@@6" 4@B7 4B>?" 4B4@" 4B3>" 4B76" 4BC7" 4B??" 4BA@" 4BB> 6>>6" 6>47" 6>6?" 6>3@" 6>C>" 6>?6" 6>A7" 6>@?" 6>B@ Year of the Goat: 47>3" 474C" 476A" 473B" 47C4" 47?3" 47AC" 47@A" 47BB 4C44" 4C63" 4C3C" 4C7A" 4CCB" 4CA4" 4C@3" 4CBC 4?>A" 4?4B" 4?34" 4?73" 4?CC" 4??A" 4?AB" 4?B4 4A>3" 4A4C" 4A6A" 4A3B" 4AC4" 4A?3" 4AAC" 4A@A" 4ABB 4@44" 4@63" 4@3C" 4@7A" 4@CB" 4@A4" 4@@3" 4@BC 4B>A" 4B4B" 4B34" 4B73" 4BCC" 4B?A" 4BAB" 4BB4 6>>3" 6>4C" 6>6A" 6>3B" 6>C4" 6>?3" 6>AC" 6>@A" 6>BB Year of the onke!: 47>7" 474?" 476@" 477>" 47C6" 47?7" 47A?" 47@@ 4C>>" 4C46" 4C67" 4C3?" 4C7@" 4C?>" 4CA6" 4C@7" 4CB? 4?>@" 4?6>" 4?36" 4?77" 4?C?" 4??@" 4?@>" 4?B6 4A>7" 4A4?" 4A6@" 4A7>" 4AC6" 4A?7" 4AA?" 4A@@ 4@>>" 4@46" 4@67" 4@3?" 4@7@" 4@?>" 4@A6" 4@@7" 4@B? 4B>@" 4B6>" 4B36" 4B77" 4BC?" 4B?@" 4B@>" 4BB6 6>>7" 6>4?" 6>6@" 6>7>" 6>C6" 6>?7" 6>A?" 6>@@ Year of the "ooster: 47>C" 474A" 476B" 4774" 47C3" 47?C" 47AA" 47@B 4C>4" 4C43" 4C6C" 4C3A" 4C7B" 4C?4" 4CA3" 4C@C" 4CBA 4?>B" 4?64" 4?33" 4?7C" 4?CA" 4??B" 4?@4" 4?B3 4A>C" 4A4A" 4A6B" 4A74" 4AC3" 4A?C" 4AAA" 4A@B 4@>4" 4@43" 4@6C" 4@3A" 4@7B" 4@?4" 4@A3" 4@@C" 4@BA 4B>B" 4B64" 4B33" 4B7C" 4BCA" 4B?B" 4B@4" 4BB3 6>>C" 6>4A" 6>6B" 6>74" 6>C3" 6>?C" 6>AA" 6>@B Year of the Dog: 47>?" 474@" 473>" 4776" 47C7" 47??" 47A@" 47B> 4C>6" 4C47" 4C6?" 4C3@" 4CC>" 4C?6" 4CA7" 4C@?" 4CB@ 4?4>" 4?66" 4?37" 4?7?" 4?C@" 4?A>" 4?@6" 4?B7 4A>?" 4A4@" 4A3>" 4A76" 4AC7" 4A??" 4AA@" 4AB> 4@>6" 4@47" 4@6?" 4@3@" 4@C>" 4@?6" 4@A7" 4@@?" 4@B@ 4B4>" 4B66" 4B37" 4B7?" 4BC@" 4BA>" 4B@6" 4BB7 6>>?" 6>4@" 6>3>" 6>76" 6>C7" 6>??" 6>A@" 6>B> Year of the #ig: 47>A" 474B" 4734" 4773" 47CC" 47?A" 47AB" 47B4 4C>3" 4C4C" 4C6A" 4C3B" 4CC4" 4C?3" 4CAC" 4C@A" 4CBB 4?44" 4?63" 4?3C" 4?7A" 4?CB" 4?A4" 4?@3" 4?BC 4A>A" 4A4B" 4A34" 4A73" 4ACC" 4A?A" 4AAB" 4AB4 4@>3" 4@4C" 4@6A" 4@3B" 4@C4" 4@?3" 4@AC" 4@@A" 4@BB 4B44" 4B63" 4B3C" 4B7A" 4BCB" 4BA4" 4B@3" 4BBC 6>>A" 6>4B" 6>34" 6>73" 6>CC" 6>?A" 6>AB" 6>B4 Year of the "at: 47>@" 476>" 4736" 4777" 47C?" 47?@" 47@>" 47B6 4C>7" 4C4?" 4C6@" 4C7>" 4CC6" 4C?7" 4CA?" 4C@@ 4?>>" 4?46" 4?67" 4?3?" 4?7@" 4??>" 4?A6" 4?@7" 4?B? 4A>@" 4A6>" 4A36" 4A77" 4AC?" 4A?@" 4A@>" 4AB6 4@>7" 4@4?" 4@6@" 4@7>" 4@C6" 4@?7" 4@A?" 4@@@ 4B>>" 4B46" 4B67" 4B3?" 4B7@" 4B?>" 4BA6" 4B@7" 4BB? 6>>@" 6>6>" 6>36" 6>77" 6>C?" 6>?@" 6>@>" 6>B6 Year of the $% &Bull': 47>B" 4764" 4733" 477C" 47CA" 47?B" 47@4" 47B3 4C>C" 4C4A" 4C6B" 4C74" 4CC3" 4C?C" 4CAA" 4C@B 4?>4" 4?43" 4?6C" 4?3A" 4?7B" 4??4" 4?A3" 4?@C" 4?BA 4A>B" 4A64" 4A33" 4A7C" 4ACA" 4A?B" 4A@4" 4AB3 4@>C" 4@4A" 4@6B" 4@74" 4@C3" 4@?C" 4@AA" 4@@B 4B>4" 4B43" 4B6C" 4B3A" 4B7B" 4B?4" 4BA3" 4B@C" 4BBA 6>>B" 6>64" 6>33" 6>7C" 6>CA" 6>?B" 6>@4" 6>B3 Year of the Tiger: 474>" 4766" 4737" 477?" 47C@" 47A>" 47@6" 47B7 4C>?" 4C4@" 4C3>" 4C76" 4CC7" 4C??" 4CA@" 4CB> 4?>6" 4?47" 4?6?" 4?3@" 4?C>" 4??6" 4?A7" 4?@?" 4?B@ 4A4>" 4A66" 4A37" 4A7?" 4AC@" 4AA>" 4A@6" 4AB7 4@>?" 4@4@" 4@3>" 4@76" 4@C7" 4@??" 4@A@" 4@B> 4B>6" 4B47" 4B6?" 4B3@" 4BC>" 4B?6" 4BA7" 4B@?" 4BB@ 6>4>" 6>66" 6>37" 6>7?" 6>C@" 6>A>" 6>@6" 6>B7 Year of the "abbit: 4744" 4763" 473C" 477A" 47CB" 47A4" 47@3" 47BC 4C>A" 4C4B" 4C34" 4C73" 4CCC" 4C?A" 4CAB" 4CB4 4?>3" 4?4C" 4?6A" 4?3B" 4?C4" 4??3" 4?AC" 4?@A" 4?BB 4A44" 4A63" 4A3C" 4A7A" 4ACB" 4AA4" 4A@3" 4ABC 4@>A" 4@4B" 4@34" 4@73" 4@CC" 4@?A" 4@AB" 4@B4 4B>3" 4B4C" 4B6A" 4B3B" 4BC4" 4B?3" 4BAC" 4B@A" 4BBB 6>44" 6>63" 6>3C" 6>7A" 6>CB" 6>A4" 6>@3" 6>BC

DaEor *istorical .vents in the #ear of the /nake(anuar! )*, +, B.-.: "oman .mpire is established/ 0ugustus -aesar be1omes the first .mperor of the "oman .mpire !u$ust B" 44A ! D : Death of +raEan" .mperor of the Roman .mpire 0ugust +2, )234: The -on5i1tion and .%e1ution of S1ottish rebel 6illiam 6alla1e in 7ondon for High Treason :une 6@" 43@B: Ottoman +urkish Duslim army attacks the /erbian 0hristian army at the 'attle of 9osovo 0ugust ++, )894: :ing "i1hard III of .ngland is killed in a1tion at the Battle of Bos;orth Field in .ngland. a! +4, )4+): -harles ni5ersit! in -onne1ti1ut Februar! 9, ),+4: Death of -?ar #eter I of "ussia eter the Great' in St. #etersburg, "ussia De1ember )*, ),,2: Boston Tea #art! $1tober )9, ),@,: The Fall of The ost Serene "epubli1 of ni5ersit! Darch 3" 4@7C: Florida became a /tate within the ,nited /tates of !merica December 6B" 4@7C: !nneHation of +eHas Darch ?" 4@CA: Dred Scott v. Sanford case decided by the , / /upreme 0ourt )9*@: .stablishment of the Yasukuni Shrine in Tok!o, (apan Darch 43" 4@@4: !ssassination of 0Far !leHander )) of Russia in /t Ketersbur$" Russia :uly 6" 4@@4: !ssassination of , / Kresident :ames ! Garfield :anuary 4A" 4@B3: !bdication 8overthrow< of Jueen Liliuokalani of *awaii October 6@" 4@B3: !ssassination of Dayor of 0hica$o 0arter *enry *arrison /r Day 6A56@" 4B>C: )mperial :apanese Navy defeats the Russian Navy at the 'attle of +sushima :anuary 66" 4B>C: 'loody /unday Dassacre in /t Ketersbur$" Russia :uly 4B>C: +aft59atsura !$reement is established" leadin$ to the :apanese coloniFation of 9orea /eptember C" 4B>C: /i$nin$ of the +reaty of Kortsmouth 8peace treaty endin$ Russo5:apanese &ar< by :apan and Russia ar1h )4, )@),: 0bdi1ation of -?ar =i1holas II of "ussia =o5ember +, )@),: British politi1ian 0rthur Balfour ;rites a letter to 7ord "oths1hild, later kno;n as BBalfour De1larationC =o5ember ,, )@),: Beginning of the Bolshe5ik "e5olution &$1tober "e5olution' in "ussia De1ember )), )@),: British Field arshal .dmund 0llenb!As grand entran1e into (erusalem :une 47" 4B6B: #oun$ Klan 8German war reparations payment plan< is finaliFed at Karis" France October 3" 4B6B: Death of German Forei$n Dinister Gustav /tresemann October 6@56B" 4B6B: /tock Darket 0rash in New #ork 0ity and 'e$innin$ of the Great Depression (une 8, )@8): Death of :aiser 6ilhelm II of German! :une 66" 4B74: NaFi German )nvasion of the /oviet ,nion 8Operation 'arbarossa< !u$ust 6C" 4B745/eptember 4A" 4B74: !n$lo5/oviet )nvasion of )ran 8Operation 0ountenance< De1ember ,, )@8): Imperial (apanese =a5! atta1k on #earl Harbor &Ha;aii' ar1h 4, )@42: Death of So5iet di1tator (oseph Stalin :uly 6A" 4BC3: 9orean &ar !rmistice !u$ust 4B" 4BC3: Overthrow 80oup dLetat< of )ranLs Krime Dinister Dohammad Dossade$h :anuary 67" 4B?C: Death of former Krime Dinister of Great 'ritain /ir &inston 0hurchill November 44" 4B?C: RhodesiaLs Krime Dinister )an /mith declares a ,nilateral Declaration of )ndependence1 from Great 'ritain :anuary A" 4B@B: Death of .mperor *irohito of :apan :une 3" 4B@B: Death of Grand !yatollah Ruhollah 9homeini 8/upreme Leader of )ran< :une 7" 4B@B: +iananmen /Muare Dassacre in 'eiEin$" 0ommunist 0hina =o5ember @, )@9@: Fall of the Berlin 6all September )), +33): @D)) Traged! in =e; York -it! &6orld Trade -enter' and 6ashington, D.-. entagon'

#ear of the /nake N Roman .mpire: ! Faustian 'ar$ain%

!u$ustus 0aesar 8born on 63 /eptember ?3 ' 0 < became the first .mperor of the Roman .mpire on 4? :anuary 6A ' 0 !u$ustus 0aesar $overned the Roman .mpire from 4? :anuary 6A ' 0 until his death on 4B !u$ust 47 ! D 011ording to the -hinese 1alendar, +, B.-. ;as kno;n as Year of the Snake.

.mperor +raEan 8leftB miles southwest of Nashville" +ennessee" , / ! Deriwether Lewis was fatally inEured from multiple gunshot ;ounds 8includin$ a wound to the head< on the ni$ht of October 4>" 4@>B Deriwether Lewis was the Governor of Louisiana +erritory from Darch 3" 4@>A until his death on October 44" 4@>B 0enter: +homas Kaine 8February B" 4A3A5:une @" 4@>BBBusti-e 4e'7ami' 32 8urtis 5right, 42A2 9ar"ar) 182&6 resigned on .e#tem9er A:, &C ;, months after issuing a dissenting o#inion in the Dred Scott v. Sanford -ase. !he $red .-ott de-ision issued 9y the K... .u#reme (ourt in &C ; effe-ti+ely in+alidated the Missouri (om#romise and inad+ertently allo,ed sla+ery into federal territories that ,as on-e #rohi9ited 9y (ongress. $red .-ott ,as sold to his original Go,nersH in &C ;, ,ho e+entually freed $red .-ott from sla+ery later that yearL $red .-ott died in &C C.

!mericans appear on &all /treet in New #ork 0ity on $1tober )8, )94, durin$ the Kanic of 4@CA +he Dred /cott decision issued by the , / /upreme 0ourt induced economic and political anHieties amon$ the !merican people livin$ in the federal territories" sparkin$ an economic panic in 4@CA +he status over the le$itimacy of chattel slavery in the territories divided the !merican people for years( the slavery issue lead to a political rebellion in the slave states in the /outh that lasted from 4@?4 to 4@?C" later known as the !merican 0ivil &ar 8/ource: $bsolete Pa"er %oney &ssued by 'an(s in the )nited States, *+,-.*,// by J David 'owers" p 33Bohn (. Bre-kinridge ?+a'uary 16, 1821R May &;, &C; @ )i-e President of the K... ?&C ;6&CB&@L (onfederate .e-retary of War ?&CB @

Dathan Bedford Forrest ?+uly 1%, 1821R I-to9er '9, &C;;@ %rand Wi4ard of the 8u 8lu2 8lanL former Lieutenant %eneral in the "e9el Army

>ames *,ell Bro,n .tuart ?Fe#ruary 6, 18%%R May &', &CBE@ MaFor %eneral in the "e9el Army

William Ho,ard !aft ?1eptem#er 15, 185 6 Mar-h C, &9A:@ President of the Knited .tates ?&9:96&9&A@

0Far !leHander )) of Russia was assassinated in /t Ketersbur$" Russia on Darch 43" 4@@4 0Far !leHander )) of Russia ruled Russia from 4@CC to 4@@4 0Far !leHander )) of Russia was the 0Far of Russia durin$ the !merican 0ivil &ar

0harles : Guiteau shoots , / Kresident :ames ! Garfield in the back at the 'altimore N Kotomac Railroad Kassen$er +erminal in &ashin$ton" D 0 on :uly 6" 4@@4( :ames ! Garfield was a supporter of a $old and silver standard

'enEamin Disraeli" 4st .arl of 'eaconsfield" who served as Krime Dinister of Great 'ritain 84@?@" 4@A754@@>anuary '', &9: during the "usso6>a#anese War.

Grand Duke /er$ei !leHandrovich of Russia 8left photoC Grand Duke /er$ei was the youn$er brother of 0Far !leHander ))) of Russia and uncle of 0Far Nicholas )) of Russia

+he carria$e of Grand Duke /er$ei after his assassination in Doscow" Russia on February 4A" 4B>C

Left: +he )mperial :apanese Navy 8< defeats the Russian Navy in the 'attle of +sushima 8 < on Day 6A26@" 4B>C Ri$ht: !dmiral *eihachiro +o$o 8 C &illiam *oward +aft and Krime Dinister +aro 9atsura en$a$ed in a $entlemenLs a$reement1" later known as the +aft59atsura !$reement +he +aft59atsura !$reement virtually invalidated the ,nited /tates59orea +reaty of 4@@6 8Khoto: Library of 0on$ressa#an a-/uired Port Arthur ?later renamed 8,antung@ and southern #ortion of .akhalin 3sland from "ussia in a #ea-e treaty. "ight #hoto: >ohn Milton Hay ser+ed as the K... .e-retary of .tate from .e#tem9er A:, &C9C to >uly &, &9: L .e-retary Hay, ,ho died in offi-e on >uly &, &9: , ,as the K... .e-retary of .tate during the .#anish6Ameri-an War and the "usso6>a#anese War.

K... President !heodore "oose+elt ?-enter@ takes the oath of offi-e in front of the (a#itol in Washington, $.(., K...A. on Mar-h E, &9: . ?Photo: Li9rary of (ongress@

+heodoros Deli$iannis" the Krime Dinister of Greece" is assassinated by a Greek man 8a professional $ambler named Gherakaris< in !thens" Greece on :une 43" 4B>C

+he :apan59orea +reaty of 4B>C 8also known as the .ulsa Krotective +reaty or :apan59orea Krotectorate +reaty< was established under duress in /eoul" 9orea on November 4A" 4B>C :apanese diplomat )to *irobumi entered :un$myeon$Eeon *all 8above< in /eoul" 9orea in November 4B>C and coerced 9orean 0abinet ministers to si$n the :apan59orea +reaty of 4B>C +he uneMual treaty deprived 9orea of its diplomatic soverei$nty and made 9orea a protectorate 8and later a colony< of :apan

Bolshevik Revolution Balfour !eclaration & Worl" War #

4B4A: #ear of the /nake

Khoto$raph of a Federal Reserve 'oard meetin$ in circa 4B4A 0lockwise" be$innin$ from left: &illiam G Dc!doo 8/ecretary of the +reasurye,ish homeland in the Holy Land. Arthur Balfour, Lord Alfred Milner, >an (hristian .muts, Phili# 8err, Leo Amery, and William %.A. Irms9y6%ore ,ere mem9ers of the Milner %rou# ?also kno,n as the "ound !a9le %rou#@.

!H* BALFIK" $*(LA"A!3ID ?BalfourTs Letter to Lord "oths-hild@ Foreign Office November 2nd, 1 1! Dear "ord Rothschild, # have m$ch %leas$re in conveying to yo$, on behalf of &is 'a(esty)s *overnment, the follo+ing declaration of sym%athy +ith ,e+ish -ionist as%irations +hich has been s$bmitted to, and a%%roved by, the Cabinet. H&is 'a(esty)s *overnment vie+ +ith favo$r the establishment in .alestine of a national home for the ,e+ish %eo%le, and +ill $se their best endeavo$rs to facilitate the achievement of this ob(ect, it being clearly $nderstood that nothing shall be done +hich may %re($dice the civil and religio$s rights of e/isting non0,e+ish comm$nities in .alestine, or the rights and %olitical stat$s en(oyed by ,e+s in any other co$ntry.1 # sho$ld be gratef$l if yo$ +o$ld bring this declaration to the 2no+ledge of the -ionist Federation. 3o$rs sincerely, 4rth$r ,ames 5alfo$r

$ear Mr. Balfour !here ,as one #oint 3 forgot to mention on Friday and 3 think you might dra, the Prime MinisterTs attention to thisL during the last fe, ,eeks the offi-ial and semi6offi-ial %erman ne,s#a#ers ha+e 9een making many statements, all to the effe-t that in the Pea-e Degotiations the (entral Po,ers must make a -ondition for Palestine to 9e a >e,ish settlement under %erman #rote-tion. 3 therefore think it im#ortant that the British de-laration should forestall any su-h mo+e. 3f you, as you #romised, -an arrange the inter+ie, 3 suggested #lease let $r. Wei4mann kno, as 3 am going a,ay for a fe, days on some s#e-ial 9usiness and $r. Wei4mann -an get at me /ui-ker than if the message is sent to me dire-t as there ,ill 9e no res#onsi9le #erson at !ring as my mother is a,ay also. Nours sin-erely, "I!H.(H3L$ .our-e: Rothschild6 7he 8ealth and .o+er of a Dynasty 9y $erek Wilson, #. AE&

Dr 'alfourLs letter to Lord Rothschild on November 6" 4B4A" informally known as 'alfour Declaration1

!ustralian infantrymen wear $as masks at #pres" 'el$ium durin$ the +hird 'attle of #pres in /eptember 4B4A

Robert /cott Lovett 8leftohn W. %arrett, %en. !asker Bliss, and MaF. %en. >ames %. Har9ord. All fi+e men ,ere mem9ers of the (oun-il on Foreign "elations during the &9':s and &9A:s. "oland .. Morris R K... Am9assador to >a#an ?I-to9er A:, &9&;6May & , &9':@ Henry P. Flet-her R K... Am9assador to Me2i-o ?Mar-h A, &9&;6>anuary ' , &9&9@ >ohn W. %arrett R K... Minister to the Detherlands ?I-to9er &&, &9&;6>une &C, &9&9@ %en. !asker H. Bliss R (hief of .taff of the K... Army ?.e#tem9er '', &9&;6May &C, &9&C@ MaF. %en. >ames %. Har9ord R (hief of .taff of Ameri-an *2#editionary For-e in Fran-e ?May & , &9&;6May B, &9&C, May &9&96>une &9'&@

(hinese "e#u9li-an soldiers 9esiege the gates of the For9idden (ity in Peking, (hina in >uly &9&; during the failed re-o+ery of the Man-hu dynasty.

*uro#ean soldiers a##ear in Peking in >uly &9&; during a failed attem#t to restore the Man-hu dynasty.

"o9ert Lansing ?left@, the K... .e-retary of .tate, -hats ,ith >ohn W. $a+is ?right@, .oli-itor %eneral of the Knited .tates, in &9&;. ?Photo: Li9rary of (ongress@

>a#anese s#e-ial en+oy )is-ount 8ikuFirU 3shii ?left@, a##ears ,ith K... .e-retary of .tate "o9ert Lansing in Washington, $.(. on Do+em9er ', &9&; for the signing of the Lansing63shii Agreement. ?Photo: Li9rary of (ongress@

Left: +he =immermann +ele$ram as it was sent from &ashin$ton" D 0 to DeHico in 4B4A Ri$ht: +he =immermann +ele$ram" completely decrypted and translated +he messa$e came as a coded tele$ram dispatched by the German Forei$n /ecretary !rthur =immermann on :anuary 4?" 4B4A" to the German !mbassador to !merica :ohann von 'ernstorff Kresident &oodrow &ilson received a copy of the =immermann +ele$ram in February 4B4A DeHicoLs Kresident ;enustiano 0arranFa declined the German diplomatic offer described in the =immermann +ele$ram on !pril 47" 4B4A

Left photo: !rthur =immermann 8October C" 4@?75:une ?" 4B7>< was /tate /ecretary for Forei$n !ffairs of the German .mpire from November 66" 4B4? until his resi$nation on !u$ust ?" 4B4A =immermann approved of Russian 0ommunist terrorist ;ladimir LeninLs secret train ride from /witFerland to Russia via Germany 8includin$ 'erlin< Ri$ht photo: +heobald von 'ethmann *ollwe$ 8November 6B" 4@C?5:anuary 4" 4B64< was a German politician and statesman who served as 0hancellor of the German .mpire from :uly 47" 4B>B to :uly 43" 4B4A

8omra)e ;e'i' "isits 1toc-holm, 1,e)e' i' 1&1 2 "ussian (ommunist terrorist )ladimir Lenin ?right, holding an um9rella@ takes a stroll in the streets of .to-kholm, .,eden on A#ril &A, &9&; 5Mar-h A&, &9&; "ussian 5>ulian7 -alendar7. Lenin and his -omrades de#arted Suri-h, .,it4erland a9oard a train on A#ril B, &9&;. !he 3m#erial %erman go+ernment es-orted Lenin his -omrades a9oard a GsealedH train from the .,iss6%erman 9order to Berlin and later from Berlin to the Balti- .ea. Lenin met ,ith his %erman Gs#onsorsH ?%erman intelligent agents@ in Berlin and a##arently re-ei+ed money 9efore returning to Petrograd to esta9lish a (ommunist regime in "ussia. ?Photo: htt#:PP,,,.-dd-.+t.eduPmar2istsPar-hi+ePleninPmediaPimageP&9&;.htm@

Dembers of Kresident &oodrow &ilsonLs /pecial Diplomatic Dission to Russia in 4B4A pose for a $roup portrait Dembers of the Dission standin$ amon$ those in the front row are" from left to ri$ht: 0harles .dward Russell" , / !rmy General *u$h LenoH /cott" David Rowland Francis" and .lihu Root( to the ri$ht of Root is Leon +rotsky" and standin$ behind Root" a little to the ri$ht" at the front of the crowded room" is ;ladimir Lenin 8Khoto: Library of 0on$ressuly E, &9&;. ?%elatin .il+er Print@

(4ar Di-holas 33 of "ussia #oses for a #hotogra#h ,hile in detention after his a9di-ation on Mar-h & , &9&;.

3m#erial %erman Army %en. Paul +on Hinden9urg ?-enter@ a##ears ,ith %eneral *ri-h Ludendorff ?right@ in &9&;. ?Photo: %erman Federal Ar-hi+es@

Left to right: %eneral Paul +on Hinden9urg, 8aiser Wilhelm 33 of %ermany, and %eneral *ri-h Ludendorff re+ie, 9attle #lans at the %erman %eneral Head/uarters in &9&;. ?Photo: Wiki#edia@

%erman offi-ers es-ort "ussian >e,ish (ommunist terrorist Leon !rotsky ?-enter@ at a train station in Brest6Lit+osk on $e-em9er ';, &9&; as Leon !rotsky and his "ussian delegates #re#are to attend the Brest6Lito+sk Pea-e (onferen-e. ?Photo: (I"B3.@

+he /i$nin$ of Russian &ar Loan in 4B4A /hown: 0onstantine Onou" Russian .mbassy( Frank L Kolk( /er$e ,$het" Russian .mbassy( /ecretary of the +reasury &illiam G Dc!doo 8seated" second from left>@>447?AP%sidU4Aedd4dbb4d@ad>BfB73a?c3B7@dc@b4

Prominent Ameri-an go+ernment offi-ials in the Woodro, Wilson Administration in &9&;, left to right: >ohn W. $a+is, .oli-itor %eneral of the K... ?&9&A6&9&C@L Frank L. Polk, (ounselor of the .tate $e#artment ?&9& 6&9&9@L "ussell (. Leffing,ell, Assistant .e-retary of the !reasury ?&9&;6&9':@L De,ton $. Baker, .e-retary of War ?&9&B6&9'&@L $a+id F. Houston, .e-retary of Agri-ulture ?&9&A6&9':@L and Franklin $elano "oose+elt, Assistant .e-retary of the Da+y ?&9&A6&9':@. All men e2-e#t for "oose+elt ,ere mem9ers of the (oun-il on Foreign "elations.

'ritish Forei$n /ecretary Lord !rthur 'alfour 8left< appears with , / /ecretary of /tate Robert Lansin$ 8ri$ht< in 4B4A 8Khoto: *arris N .win$ 0ollectionPLibrary of 0on$ressan (hristian .muts Winston (hur-hill Mauri-e P.A. Hankey .ir Her9ert .amuel Waldorf Astor, 'nd )is-ount Astor William %. A. Irms9y6%ore ?Baron Harle-h@ >ohn A. .imon ?)is-ount .imon@ .ir Arthur .teel6Maitland Leo#old Amery Her9ert Al9ert Laurens Fisher "ufus 3saa-s, &st Mar/uess of "eading Frederi-k !hesiger ?)is-ount (helmsford@ *d,in .amuel Montagu Phili# H. 8err ?Lord Lothian@ %eoffrey $a,son .ir >ohn Han9ury6Williams .ir %eorge Mansfield .mith6(umming .ir William Wiseman, &:th Baronet 8ing of the Knited 8ingdom of %reat Britain ?@ Baron "oths-hild 5Peerage of the Knited 8ingdom7 ?4B4C54B3A@ Prime Minister of %reat Britain ?$e-em9er ;, &9&B6I-to9er '', &9''@ (han-ellor of the *2-he/uer ?A#ril &', &9:C6May ' , &9& @ (han-ellor of the *2-he/uer ?$e-em9er &:, &9&B6>anuary &:, &9&9@ Foreign .e-retary of %reat Britain ?&9&B6&9&9@ Leader of the House of Lords ?&9&B6&9'E@L Foreign .e-retary of %reat Britain ?&9&96&9'E@ Minister Without Portfolio ?&9&B6&9&C@L .e-retary of .tate for War ?A#ril &C, &9&C6>anuary &:, &9&9@ Minister of Blo-kade ?&9&B6&9&C@L Mem9er of Parliament ?&9:B6&9'A@ Minister Without Portfolio ?&9&;6&9&9@ Minister of Munitions ?>uly &;, &9&;6>anuary &:, &9&9@ .e-retary of the (a9inet ?&9&B6&9AC@ Mem9er of Parliament ?&9:'6&9&C, &9'96&9A @L Postmaster %eneral of the Knited 8ingdom ?&9&:6&9&E, &9& 6&9&B@ Mem9er of Parliament ?&9&:6&9&9@L Mem9er of the House of Lords ?&9&96&9 '@ Mem9er of Parliament ?&9&:6&9AC@ Mem9er of Parliament ?&9:B6&9&C, &9''6&9E:@ Mem9er of Parliament ?&9&:6&9A @ Mem9er of Parliament ?&9&:6&9EE@ Mem9er of Parliament ?&9&B6&9'B@L President of the Board of *du-ation ?&9&B6&9''@ British Am9assador to the Knited .tates ?&9&C6&9&9@L Lord (hief >usti-e of *ngland ?&9&A6&9'&@ )i-eroy of 3ndia ?A#ril E, &9&B6A#ril ', &9'&@ .e-retary of .tate for 3ndia ?>uly &;, &9&;6Mar-h &9, &9''@ *ditor of 7he Ro$nd 7able ?&9&:6&9&B@ *ditor of 7he 7imes of London ?&9&'6&9&9, &9''6&9E&@ (hief of the British Military Mission to "ussia ?&9&E6&9&;@ (hief of the .e-ret 3ntelligen-e .er+i-e 5M3B7 ?&9:96&9'A@ (hief of British 3ntelligen-e Iffi-e in K...A. ?&9&;@L Partner of 8uhn, Loe9 M (o. ?&9'96&9B'@

.dward Dou$lass &hite 8left a') a mem#er of 1-ull < 4o'es ,ho gra)uate) from .ale ?'i"ersity i' 1&1 , ser"e) i' the ?212 Army as a captai' of Fiel) Artillery i' America' @Allie)A EBpe)itio'ary Forces from 1&1 to 1&1&2 Pres-ott .heldon Bush ,as a K... .enator from &9 ' to &9BA, the father of former K... President %eorge H.W. Bush and grandfather of former K... President %eorge W. Bush. Left to "ight: G*-kH Markle, Ili+er B. (unningham, La,ren-e De,9old Murray, GWoodyH Ward, 8enneth ITBrien, Pres-ott .. Bush, "i-hard Bentley, and .tuart Holmes (lement. Ili+er B. (unningham and Pres-ott .. Bush ,ere mem9ers of .kull M Bones. La,ren-e De,9old Murray, 8enneth ITBrien, "i-hard Bentley, and .tuart Holmes (lement ,ere mem9ers of .-roll M 8ey. ?Photo: Nale Kni+ersity Manus-ri#ts and Ar-hi+es@

/econd Liberty Loan of 4B4A poster

8o'gressma' ;i')#erghCs Articles of Dmpeachme't agai'st the Fe)eral 3eser"e Congressional Record 8, / *ouse of Representatives

, / 0on$ressman 0harles ! Lindber$h /r 84@CB54B67?" the eHact date bein$ unknown to the relater" the late : K Dor$an of the firm of : K Dor$an N 0o " and the said firm" private bankers and brokers" with their main office in New #ork 0ity and doin$ business all over the world( Kaul D &arbur$" of the firm 9uhn" Loeb N 0o " and the firm of 9uhn" Loeb N 0o" also private bankers and brokers" doin$ business all over the world" with their main office in New #ork 0ity( Lee" *i$$inson" N 0o " also private bankers and brokers" doin$ business all over the world with their main offices in 'oston and New #ork: 9idder" Keabody N 0o !lso private bankers and brokers" doin$ business all over the world" with their main offices in 'oston and New #ork" the National 0ity 'ank of New #ork with its office in the city of New #ork and doin$ a $eneral bankin$ business domestic and forei$n( the First National 'ank of New #ork with its office in New #ork city doin$ a $eneral bankin$ business domestic and forei$n( and various other persons and firms" known unknown to the relator " did conspire with each other to devise a means throu$h social" political" and other ways of strate$y of and by $eneral chicanery" to deceive the people of the ,nited /tates" the 0on$ress" and the Kresident of the ,nited /tates for the purpose and with the obEect to secure an act of 0on$ress providin$ for a new monetary and bankin$ system to have in in a provision for a mana$in$ board vested with unusual and eHtraordinary powers and to secure the appointment upon the board of mana$ement that should be provided for in the act persons for membership on the board who would by subterfu$e manipulation" and false administration" so mana$e as to avoid the spirit and the purpose of the people of the ,nited /tates" the 0on$ress" and the Kresident aimed at in the passa$e of an act and instead of administerin$ the act to meet with the spirit and comply with its terms" to induce and secure such board to enter in the conspiracy aforesaid" to administer the act for the special benefit and advanta$e of all of the said conspirators hereinbefore named" and their associates and contrary to the letter" intent and purpose of the act itself and in contravention of the 0onstitution and law( that in order to start the campai$n with a plan well matured to succeed in said conspiracy Kaul D &arbur$" now vice $overnor of the Federal Reserve 'oard" but then a member of the firm of 9uhn" Loeb" N 0o was a most active participant in draftin$ the main features and principles which should be embodied into whatever bill mi$ht be put throu$h 0on$ress" and did also assist in a plan for a second campai$n to be kept from the knowled$e of the Kresident with the appointin$ power" and from the /enate" with the confirmin$ power in the selection and confirmation of all hi$h Federal appointive officials in order that a board of administration should" when the time came for its selection" be appointed that would carry out the desi$ns of the conspirators aforesaid( that there that were many secret meetin$s held by the conspirators for this purpose which under the very circumstances would be screened and kept from the public and made practically impossible to discover" but nevertheless made certain of the fact because of the acts which point back to their

creation( that one of such meetin$s which your relator does not undertake to verify the truth of its holdin$" but is reliably informed that it was held 2 is described in LeslieLs )llustrated &eekly Da$aFine in the October 4B" 4B4?" number thereof" which is hereby referred to as showin$ the method most likely to have been followed for plannin$ the then contemplated act of 0on$ress which is now the act known as the Federal reserve act /econd +hat in pursuance of said conspiracy to promote the obEect of the conspirators aforesaid and as part of that $eneral scheme to induce 0on$ress to le$islate upon the monetary and bankin$ system as stated hereinbefore" said conspirators caused to be or$aniFed the so5called 0itiFens Lea$ue with headMuarters in the city of 0hica$o" to act as a mother or$aniFation and promoter to induce or$aniFation of the several states of auHiliary and affiliated lea$ues" and by misrepresentation to the public and to the ori$in of said mother lea$ue and its purpose to induce citiFens who should have no knowled$e of the said conspiracy and would be innocent of any wron$ intention" and whose motives and intent would be to act in the common interests of their country" to Eoin in the formation of auHiliary lea$ue throu$hout the several /tates in order to $ive the outward and surface appearance of respectability and honor" and that in pursuance of that plan the conspirators succeeded in or$aniFin$ affiliated lea$ues in 7C of the /tates( that when or$aniFed the conspirators hereinbefore named" themselves directed who should be sent to these or$aniFations as speakers and instructors" and also the kind of literature that should be distributed to the members and to the $eneral public" the desi$n of which was to have only such speakers" instructors" and literature as would discredit the then eHistin$ bankin$ and currency system and preEudice the people in every way possible a$ainst it( but notwithstandin$ the then eHistin$ bankin$ and currency system was bad and unfitted to the demands of the Nation and the needs of commerce and trade" and such campai$n was by its conspirators aforesaid directed not to desi$nate to the public what sort of a bankin$ and currency system would be adopted in its stead" but the promoters of the conspiracy should pretend that the obEect of the campai$n was to aid in every way to create a new monetary bankin$ and currency system to take the place of the then eHistin$ bad one" and" as far as it could be cone" the conspirators should prevent the people $ettin$ to$ether to prepare a plan of their own to be presented to 0on$ress: that the purpose of the conspirators was simply to make the public believe that a new bankin$ and currency system was absolutely necessary and at the same time keep the public from find out what would be its form and details" all this for the reason that the conspirators aforesaid had their own preconceived plan prepared as a part of their conspiracy" which they would secretly mana$e in their own way to have presented to 0on$ress as the plan in response to all this public sentiment which the conspirators themselves had in$eniously worked out throu$h the campai$n aforesaid" and with the intent that 0on$ress and the Kresident would le$islate the conspiratorsL said plan into effect( that it was part of said plan to create many offices and positions with lucrative salaries" which offices and positions would be eMuivalent to a bid for the ambitious to support it" because these offices and positions would be filled by the leaders and most active persons who would Eoin in the campai$n to put the conspiracy into effect and influence 0on$ress and the Kresident for the purpose of securin$ the le$islation +hird +hat in further pursuance of said conspiracy and to be in control of the information and literature that should be distributed throu$h the Nation" the said conspirators then havin$ control of a lar$e number of ma$aFines" newspapers" and publishin$ companies" used all of these" and proceeded to procure control of as many more as could be purchased or subsidiFed to publish articles prepared by subsidiFed writers who would criticiFe the eHistin$ bankin$ and currency system so as to create public sentiment a$ainst( that of the thousands of country newspapers" a maEority of them use Tso5called patent1 articles not edited or even practically controlled by the owners of the papers" which patent articles are commonly called boiler5place1 stuff" and no responsibility as to the influence such articles have upon the public attaches to anybody( that those writin$ this boiler5plate1 stuff so published" many of them were also subsidiFed and controlled by the said conspirators" so that the small newspapers were practically forced to carry on a campai$n a$ainst the then eHistin$ bankin$ and currency system alon$ the same lines of the others referred to hereinbefore( that readers $enerally do not have the opportunity to distin$uish between boiler5plate1 articles and the articles which the editors of the smaller papers write themselves( that the news5distributin$ a$encies throu$h the tele$raph and telephone were then and still are lar$ely controlled by said conspirators" and the operators of the news a$encies have been allowed to report only such news relatin$ to a new bankin$ and currency system as would promote said conspiracy" and reMuired to suppress and everythin$ in the way of information or news that would tend to encoura$e the people to prepare for themselves a concrete plan for bankin$ and currency in the interest of all the people( that the $eneral play of the conspiracy was to suppress every article" statement" and thin$ so far as possible" which would $ive any information as to the eHistence of said conspiracy all of which was for the purpose of enablin$ the conspirators aforesaid to deceive the people as well as 0on$ress and the Kresident" in order that said conspirators mi$ht finally consummate their aforesaid conspiracy Fourth +hat in conseMuence of the campai$n carried on by said conspirators stated and recited in para$raphs named First"1 /econd1 and +hird1 in these impeachment articles" and numerous secret" clandestine" and under$round methods employed by said conspirators" the people of the ,nited /tates" the 0on$ress" and the Kresident were deceived" and as the first official act in the consummation of the obEects sou$ht by said conspirators 0on$ress did le$islate and pass and act of 0on$ress which was si$ned by the Kresident" and is known as the Federal reserve act" which act is substantially the plan prepared by said conspirators as aforesaid Fifth +hat immediately upon the passa$e of the Federal reserve act the said conspirators disor$aniFed the so5called 0itiFensL Lea$ue1 and all the affiliated lea$ues in the 7C /tates referred to in the para$raph named 1/econd1 herein( that prior to such disor$aniFation the said conspirators had by secret and under$round methods" and for the purpose of usin$ the same in completin$ and perpetuatin$ their conspiracy" or$aniFed another association and called it the ,nited /tates 0hamber of 0ommerce"1 $ivin$ it that name in order to deceive the public by makin$ it appear that is a department of the Government" which or$aniFation is administered with more intricate machinery for mana$ement the so5called 0itiFensL Lea$ue1 was" and with a purpose of takin$ up the work of coordinatin$ everythin$

social" political" business and other to work for the benefit of the said conspirators in carryin$ out their plan to force the masses of mankind into absolute and abEect industrial slavery( that the methods and the desi$n of the ,nited /tates 0hamber of 0ommerce1 are set forth to remarks which your relator placed in the 0ONGR.//)ON!L R.0ORD Darch 4>" 4B4?" and are hereby referred to for more specific detail( that the influence of the ,nited /tates 0hamber of 0ommerce1 is one of the a$encies bein$ used as an aid to further consummate the conspiracy char$ed in these articles of impeachment /iHth +hat the said Federal reserve act is so framed that it has the possibility and contains the provisions which" under proper and impartial administration" would furnish a remedy to some of the faults that eHisted in the bankin$ and currency system which it superseded" but also contains provisions which" under a bad and improper administration" makes it more dan$erous to the public welfare than ever the old bankin$ and currency system was( that the main feature of the said Federal reserve act in $ivin$ effect to it is the authority vested in the Federal Reserve 'oard and the discretion entrusted to the members thereof in its administration1( that the administration1 of said Federal reserve act is vested in the Federal Reserve 'oard" advised by the Federal reserve advisory council made up of 46 persons" 4 selected by each of the 46 Federal reserve banks( that the C active workin$ members of the Federal Reserve 'oard are the said & K G *ardin$" $overnor( Kaul D &arbur$" vice $overnor( and Frederick ! Delano" !dolph 0 Diller" and 0harles / *amlin" members( and that the Federal reserve advisory council is formed by the followin$ persons to wit: Daniel G &in$ of 'oston( : K Dor$an" or New #ork( Levi L Rue" of Khiladelphia( & / Rose" of 0leveland( : N Norwich of Richmond( 0harles ! Lyerly" of !tlanta( : ' For$an of 0hica$o( Frank O &atts" of /t Louis( : R Ditchell" of Dinneapolis( . F /winney" of 9ansas 0ity( + : Record" of Dallas( and *erbert Fleishbacker" of /an Francisco( that the said Federal Reserve 'oard and the said Federal reserve advisory council held many meetin$s and are now and have been ever since the Federal reserve act was passed" fully advised as to financial and business conditions" domestic and forei$n( that the members of the Federal Reserve 'oard and the members of the Federal reserve advisory council are men with enormous business interests" and each of them have been for more than 4C years last past" and are now eHcessive operators and speculators for individual profit and $ain in the markets" and control several of the lar$est banks in the country( that : K Dor$an :r is the lendin$ member of the firm of : K Dor$an N 0o " one of the firm hereinbefore char$ed with bein$ a party to the conspiracy aforesaid( that several of the members of the Federal reserve advisory council own stock in the National 0ity 'ank of New #ork and the First National 'ank of New #ork" they bein$ the two banks char$ed hereinbefore with bein$ parties to the said conspiracy" and said members also own stock and are interested in business and mana$ed and controlled by the parties specifically named as the conspirators in the para$raph hereinbefore desi$nated as First1( that Kaul D &arbur$" a member and vice $overnor of the Federal Reserve 'oard" was at the time of the ori$inal formation of the conspiracy aforesaid a party to the said conspiracy" and a partner and member of the firm of 9uhn" Loeb N 0o " one of the conspirators( that each of the members of the Federal Reserve 'oard and of the Federal reserve advisory council are associated with and form a part of a $roup of promoters and speculators" the individual members of which reside in various parts of the ,nited /tates" principally in the lar$e cities" and a few of them live in .urope" which said $roup individually and collectively deal in credits" stocks" bonds" securities and various promotin$ enterprises from which they have made billions of dollars in profits" and still operate and propose to continue their operations for the purpose of makin$ still $reater profits upon their future dealin$s( that in further pursuance of their said purpose" they Eoined in the ori$inal conspiracy aforesaid and it was planned as a part of the said ori$inal conspiracy to create several $reat business and financial centers in different parts of the ,nited /tates in order to facilitate with celerity a coordination of all bi$ business and all financial control( for the benefit of the said conspirators in carryin$ out their plan of personal $ain in contravention to the public welfare( that said $roup insti$ated the campai$n which finally resulted in the passa$e of the Federal reserve act( that in the administration of said act by the said five active workin$ members of the Federal Reserve 'oard" and throu$h the influence eHercised over them by the members of the Federal reserve advisory council" and collectively all of the members and membership of both the Federal Reserve 'oard and of the Federal reserve advisory council" a part of and influenced by said lar$er $roup1 in this para$raph desi$nated as havin$ Eoined in the conspiracy aforesaid" the said five active workin$ members of the Federal Reserve 'oard" each individually and all collectively" at all times since they became members of the said Federal Reserve 'oard" knowin$ly and intentionally have been improperly influenced by the said $roup"1 and because of such influence have failed to administer the Federal reserve act in accordance with the spirit" letter" and intent of 0on$ress and the Kresident when the act was passed( but" on the contrary" the said five active workin$ members of the Federal Reserve 'oard hereinbefore specifically named as such" with intent to evade and set aside by administration1 all the purposes of 0on$ress and of the Kresident in the passa$e and approval of the act" and of the act itself" have administered" and are now administerin$" the Federal reserve act with the intent to coordinate bi$ business1 and speculation1 for the benefit of the said $roup1 of operators and speculators hereinbefore desi$nated as havin$ taken part in the ori$inal conspiracy( that said National 0ity 'ank hereinbefore named" in which many of the other conspirators own stock" acts as the official mouthpiece1 for them all" to $ive technical information to enable them all to act in concert( that to facilitate its distribution said bank issues a monthly bulletin( that in its February" 4B4A" bulletin" in an article dealin$ with the present plethora of money and credit available" amon$ other tips1 intended for the conspirators to act upon" is the followin$ 2 and ) would like the *ouse to hear it 2 this is what is contained the bulletin which the National 0ity 'ank issued: >nder the 1ir1umstan1es mone! promises to be in abundant suppl!, but if bankers ha5e a proper regard for their responsibilities it ;ill not be 1orrespondingl! 1heap. -ompensator! rates for mone! and ample reser5es should be 1onsistentl! maintained. +hat said bulletin was sent to the Federal Reserve 'oard" to all the Federal reserve banks" to all the lar$er National and /tate banks and trust companies" in order to tip1 off to the conspirators and those actin$ in concert to ti$hten the rates of interest( that such tips1 are a common practice and do prevent the reduction of interest rates to borrowers for le$itimate business" contrary to the intent and purpose of 0on$ress and the Kresident and in contravention of the act itself and to the enormous loss of the people and inEury to the $eneral

welfare /eventh +hat there are approHimately 6>">>> /tate banks and trust companies in the ,nited /tates" incorporated and or$aniFed under the /tate laws of the respective /tates in which their offices and places of business are located" and doin$ a $eneral bankin$ business" /tate and interstate" many of which are eli$ible to become members of the Federal Reserve /ystem" and many not know eli$ible could become so without an increase of their capitaliFation( that of those now eli$ible and that could Mualify for membership in the Federal Reserve /ystem without an increase of their capital" they have more than half of the capitaliFation of all the banks not now included in the Federal Reserve /ystem( that the capitaliFation of /tate banks and trust companies" which are not members of the Federal Reserve /ystem eHceeds the capital of the banks which are members of the Federal /ystem( that the $overnors and other hi$h and administrative officials of the 46 Federal reserve banks" throu$h their influence with member banks" wittin$ly or unwittin$ly" but most of them wittin$ly" became accessories to the said conspiracy of the said persons and parties named in these articles of impeachment in the para$raph herein desi$nated as First1 and have caused a boycott of all banks not members of the Federal Reserve /ystem by influencin$ the member banks to hamper" inconvenience" and annoy the patrons of the nonmember banks by discrimination a$ainst them in the clearin$ of checks drawn upon them and otherwise" that they threaten and seek to caEole the nonmember banks in an attempt to force them to become members of the Federal Reserve /ystem( that the said five active workin$ members of the Federal Reserve 'oard are co$niFant of the same( that the intent" purpose" and aim of each and all of the said conspirators aforesaid is to compel the /tate banks to Eoin the Federal Reserve /ystem for the purpose of brin$in$ the said banks under the Eurisdiction of the Federal Reserve 'oard in order that all of the banks" National and /tate" may become one $i$antic combination with an absolute and complete monopoly and have the power of eHploitin$ the people for the benefit of the conspirators aforesaid .i$hth +hat 0on$ress in creatin$ the Federal Reserve 'oard had in mind" and it is the spirit of the Federal reserve act" that the said board should keep a $uardian watch over the operations of the bankin$ and currency system and report to 0on$ress and the country( from time to time such facts and occurrences relatin$ to bankin$ and currency as affect the business of the people in trade and commerce eHchan$es" domestic and forei$n" so that 0on$ress should receive information that would $ive to 0on$ress the facts upon which to base any necessary amendments to the act in order to make it responsive to the $eneral welfare( that contrary to the spirit of the Federal Reserve act" the aforesaid five active workin$ members of the Federal Reserve 'oard have willfully failed to keep the public and 0on$ress informed of the inflation of bank credits and the effect of it that has taken place under the administration1 of the said act" and in violation of the spirit thereof said members have conspired with the members of the Federal reserve advisory council and their business associates hereinbefore named and have aided and abetted in a conspiracy to a systematic inflation of bank credits for the benefit of the said conspirators and a$ainst the public welfare( that in conseMuence of said unlawful acts and misfeasance in office of the said members of the Federal Reserve 'oard the bank have" for private $ain" increased the bank credits of the country since the passa$e of said act approHimately seven thousand millions of dollars and without effectin$ a correspondin$ reduction in the interest rate" thus increasin$ the a$$re$ate amount of interest paid by the people to the said banks eMual to that char$ed upon said sum( that the effect of the inflation of bank credits has been and is to also increase speculative credits enormously more than eMual to the inflation of bank credits" and that such increase since the Federal reserve act took effect has been billions of dollars that the increase in the a$$re$ate sum of interest paid to the banks upon the said inflated bank credits and the increase caused by the said inflation in the speculative values upon commodities reMuired to supply the necessities of life for the people has been many billions of dollars" which have been added to the cost of livin$ for the people to pay( that said increase in the cost of livin$ is mainly the profits that the conspirators have added to their individual fortunes to the eMuivalent loss of the people $enerally and to the Government as well Ninth +hat as part of the said conspiracy and in furtherance of the same the said aforesaid conspirators" in violation of the NationLs heretofore established economic policy of conservation of material and natural resources" conspired .uropean speculators to draw upon the material resources of this Nation for eHport with no correlation between value of the materials eHported and the value of the materials imported( that in conseMuence of the conspiracy to affect said eHport of material resources belon$in$ to this Nation and to the people of it approHimately ei$ht thousand millions of dollars in value of the material resources have been eHported since the war in .urope be$an( that as a result thereof the said conspirators acted with the said five members of the Federal Reserve 'oard in manipulatin$ bank credits" and throu$h credits the markets increased the cost to !merican consumers in the same period approHimately siHteen thousand millions of dollars in eHcess of the real values" which eHtra cost has mainly been the profits that have been added to the fortunes of the aforesaid conspirators( that as an additional and future loss to the people of this Nation in conseMuence of the facts aforesaid" the natural material resources of the Nation are forever less" and the costs made forever hi$her than they would be if trade and commerce were not manipulated throu$h a false administration of finances +enth +hat to further carry out the said conspiracy the aforesaid conspirators have" ever since the Federal reserve act took effect" sou$ht to influence" and in fact have influenced" said five members of the Federal Reserve 'oard in an attempt to further deceive 0on$ress to secure le$islation $rantin$ to the said board enlar$ed powers of administration1( that in the /iHty5third 0on$ress the said board" concealin$ the real purpose to aid said conspirators" deceived the /enate 'ankin$ and 0urrency 0ommittee to $et it to report for passa$e the then /enate bill ?C>C and it passed the /enate and subseMuently came before the *ouse 'ankin$ and 0urrency 0ommittee and was favorably reported" your relator" however" filin$ a minority report in opposition Later" on the floor of the *ouse" the chairman of the 'ankin$ and 0urrency 0ommittee withdrew action on the bill( that the aim of said bill was to $ive the Federal Reserve 'oard $reater administrative1 power over the $old supply" so that it could" whenever the conspirators aforesaid wished it" inflate still further the bankin$ credit by an issue of the Federal5reserve notes for the benefit of said conspirators( that a$ain in this /iHty5fourth 0on$ress

said active workin$ members of the Federal Reserve 'oard alle$ed" repeatedly sou$ht the *ouse 'ankin$ and 0urrency 0ommittee to report a bill $ivin$ $reater administrative1 powers to said board than is authoriFed by the ori$inal act( in fact" to $ive said board power to force from banks all over the country the $old in their vaults and into the 46 Federal reserve banks" there to form a basis upon which to issue still more Federal5reserve notes and further inflate credit without causin$ a reduction of interests that in the a$$re$ate would eMual the char$e made on the inflated currency" but servin$ mainly as a $uaranty to reinforce the conspirators hereinbefore named in eHploitin$ of the people for private $ain .leventh +hat the Federal reserve act obli$ates the ,nited /tates to redeem in $old at the ,nited /tates +reasury all Federal reserve notes" and as a part of the said conspiracy and in furtherance of the same" and to eHtend the speculation of the operators and perpetrators of the said conspiracy to include .urope and other forei$n territory" they" most of them bein$ international as well as domestic bankers" seek to dominate the relations of the ,nited /tates with forei$n countries and to selfishly influence the same by means of the control of finances" and in furtherance of said branch of their speculations have conspired with the said five active workin$ members of the Federal Reserve 'oard to secure aid from the Federal Reserve /ystem for said selfish purposes and not in the interest of the public" the conspirators in connivance with the said five active workin$ members of the Federal Reserve 'oard had the said board select and appoint" throu$h the Federal reserve bank of New #ork" the so5called 'ank of .n$land as its a$ent" thus puttin$ the credit of the Government of the ,nited /tates back of this forei$n corporation" or$aniFed for private $ain" which is no lon$er able to make payments in $old and fails to $ive a statement of its true conditions( that said Federal Reserve 'oard is threatenin$ to permit and also to render aid to the international bankers in !merica who dominate the bankin$ system" to enter into further entan$lin$ alliances with bankrupt countries of .urope at the very time this Government contemplates issuin$ hundreds of millions of dollars of interest5bearin$ bonds upon the credit of the people of the Nation to meet the Government eHpenses +welfth +hat durin$ the 0ivil &ar the Government of the ,nited /tates issued money commonly called $reenbacks1 ( the same bein$ issued upon the credit of the people of the Nation( that of said $reenbacks1 so issued there have been ever since their issue and now are outstandin$ and in $eneral circulation based upon the credit of the people of the ,nited /tates X37?"?@4">4?" for which a reserve of X4C>">>>">>> in $old is held by the Government to $uarantee their redemption if demanded( that said circulatin$ $reenbacks1 have already saved the Government from payin$ approHimately X4">>>">>>">>> interest durin$ the time they have been in circulation and are now savin$ the Government approHimately X?">>>">>> annually( that in furtherance of said conspiracy in these articles of impeachment alle$ed and as part thereof" the conspirators have sou$ht and by secret connivance new seek to have the said $reenbacks1 retired and the X4C>">>>">>> of $old $uarantee placed in the Federal reserve banks on which to base the loanin$ of bank credits1 as a substitute for the money owned by the people( that if the Federal reserve banks are allowed to secure possession of said $old" when the time comes that the conspirators aforesaid shall be able to use additional bank credits to their advanta$es in eHploitin$ the people" the same would become the basis for additional bank inflation" directly and indirectly" to the eHtent of over a billion dollars upon which the banks would collect a $reat sum of interest" and the speculators would scalp even $reater profits from additional manipulation of the markets" all of which would be added to the cost of livin$ for the people to pay +hirteenth +hat in furtherance of the said aforesaid conspiracy and as a part of the same the said five active workin$ members of the Federal Reserve 'oard" in their capacity as members" have arbitrarily at all times and with intent to prevent the le$itimate business interests of the country securin$ the advanta$es that 0on$ress sou$ht to $ive by the passa$e of the Federal reserve act" and in connivance with the bi$ reserve and central reserve banks controlled by the conspirators aforesaid" established rediscount rates for member banks desirin$ to borrow from Federal reserve banks above the rates char$ed by the reserve and central reserve banks" which creates an eHcuse for the member banks in the country to char$e hi$her rates of interest to le$itimate borrowers than they otherwise would( that the interest rates char$ed by the reserve and central reserve banks" on the one hand" and the hi$her rates char$ed by the Federal reserve banks on the other hand" is maintained at certain times when the conspirators aforesaid desire to draw the reserves of the country banks to the reserve and central reserve cities for the interest that these reserve banks pay on deposit balances and in anticipation of times when the country banks may wish to rediscount paper with said banks( that by followin$ the arbitrary practice of rediscounts aforesaid the said conspirators are enabled to and do $o on with their speculations" manipulate the markets" and eHploit the people" and whenever they find themselves in financial stress they can raise the rates of interest in the reserve and central reserve banks" which they control" above the Federal reserve bank discount rates" thus forcin$ the country banks" which may have rediscounted with reserve banks in order to $ive accommodations to their borrowers" to rediscount with the Federal reserve banks to enable them to repay the reserve and central reserve banks" in order to create free money and credit for said conspirators to carry on their speculations( that the Federal reserve act contains several provisions which when applied under the administrative1 power of the Federal Reserve 'oard serve as a means of takin$ or imposin$ a toll in the nature of discriminatory interest rates in order to force a shift of money and credits from one section of the country to another" or out of the country and to forei$n countries( that this discriminatory power vested in the Federal Reserve 'oard is willfully abused by the said five active workin$ members of the said board for the benefit and in the interest of the said aforesaid conspirators( that the people of the ,nited /tates have been inEured to the eHtent of several billions of dollars by reason thereof Fourteenth +hat in furtherance of said aforesaid conspiracy and to $ive the said aforesaid conspirators complete practical power to carry out and put into effect their purpose of makin$ the masses of mankind absolutely dependent upon bi$ business"1 and in order to create industrial slaves of the masses the said aforesaid conspirators did conspire and now conspire to have the Federal reserve act administered1 so as to enable the conspirators to coordinate all kinds of bi$ businessL and to keep themselves in control of bi$

business"1 in order to amal$amate all of the trusts1 into one $reat trust in restraint and control of trade and commerce" and thus be able to eHploit the masses and take from them their earnin$s" eHcept what they would reMuire for bare subsistence( that to that end and to $ive them power to accomplish the same said conspirators have marshaled all of the different kinds of bi$ business1 and induced those in control to use their means and whatever kind of patrona$e and favors they have to $ive in such way as to promote the obEects and purposes of said conspirators and to enslave the masses of humanity( that at the same time that the said conspirators marshal their own bi$ business1 supporters by a coordination of all their interests they have use every trick and subterfu$e possible to create friction amon$ the masses and divide them into hostile contendin$ factions" thus keepin$ the masses from coordinatin$ their affairs to promote the $eneral welfare that the said aforesaid five active workin$ members of the Federal Reserve 'oard have all the time" by a willful and wron$ful administration1 of the Federal reserve act" aided and abetted the said aforesaid conspirators in promotin$ and carryin$ out the obEects of their said conspiracy and have refused and failed to so administer the Federal reserve act as to have the same promote and operate in favor of the $eneral welfare Fifteenth +hat the Federal reserve act is void and unconstitutional" but that notwithstandin$" the conspirators aforesaid have so manipulated thin$s as to prevent the Muestion of constitutionality of the act from bein$ brou$ht before the courts 0*!RL./ ! L)ND'.RG* Dr /*.R&OOD Dr /peaker" ) would like to ask the $entleman a Muestion Dr L)ND'.RG* ) suppose my privile$e stops now" does it% +he /K.!9.R )t does Dr L)ND'.RG* ) ask for five minutes in which to answer the Muestion of the $entleman +he /K.!9.R +he $entleman asks five minutes )s there obEection% +here was no obEection Dr /*.R&OOD )n case the /enate should sit as an impeachment court" you have evidence to establish that char$e% Dr L)ND'.RG* ) want to say this: ) have spent enou$h time and made enou$h investi$ation of this case to know that ) can demonstrate 2 accurately" ) may say" but to a mathematical certainty 2 that the char$es in this impeachment are substantially true ) may not be able to establish by direct proof that that some of these meetin$s to which the impeachment refers were held" but that the char$es are substantially true" ) will certainly show Dr /*.R&OOD +hat is" by substantial evidence% Dr L)ND'.RG* 'y substantial evidence" and by effects which the business of this country demonstrates beyond Muestion Now" Dr /peaker" ) ask leave to insert" followin$ the readin$ of these articles" my remarks upon them and the Muestions that are incidentally involved in the impeachment articles +he /K.!9.R +he $entleman from Dinnesota asks unanimous consent to eHtend his remarks in the R.0ORD )s there obEection% Dr /).G.L ) obEect +he /K.!9.R +he $entleman from New #ork obEects Dr 9)+0*)N Dr 0hairman" ) move that the impeachment articles be referred to the 0ommittee on the :udiciary" and on that ) demand the previous Muestion +he /K.!9.R +he $entleman from North 0arolina moves that the impeachment articles be referred to the 0ommittee on the :udiciary" and on that he demands the previous Muestion +he previous Muestion was ordered +he /K.!9.R +he Muestion is on a$reein$ to the motion to refer +he Muestion was taken" and the motion was a$reed to

Note: 0harles ! Lindber$h /r 8Republican Karty5Dinnesota< was a Dember of the , / *ouse of Representatives from Darch 7" 4B>A to Darch 3" 4B4A

, / 0on$ressman F Oscar 0allaway 8Democratic Karty5+eHas< )n Darch" 4B4C" the : K Dor$an interests" the steel" shipbuildin$" and powder interests" and their subsidiary or$aniFations" $ot to$ether 46 men hi$h up in the newspaper world" and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the ,nited /tates" and the sufficient number of them to control $enerally the policy of the daily press of the ,nited /tates +hese 46 men worked the problem out by selectin$ 4AB newspapers" and then be$an" by an elimination process" to retain only those necessary for the purpose of controllin$ the $eneral policy of the daily press throu$hout the country +hey found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 6C of the $reatest papers +he 6C papers were a$reed upon( emissaries were sent to purchase the policy" national and international" of these papers( an a$reement was reached( the policy of the papers was bou$ht" to be paid for by the month" an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information re$ardin$ the Muestions of preparedness" militarism" financial policies" and other thin$s of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasersV+his policy also included the suppression of everythin$ in opposition to the wishes of the interests served 1 2 , / 0on$ressman F Oscar 0allaway 8Democratic Karty5+eHas" Darch 7" 4B445Darch 3" 4B4A: >anuary6Mar-h &9&; R "ussian -ommunist Leon !rotsky li+es in De, Nork (ity Fe9ruary A, &9&; R Knited .tates of Ameri-a ?Wilson administration@ se+ers di#lomati- ties ,ith %ermany Fe9ruary , &9&; R Me2i-o ado#ts a ne, (onstitution Fe9ruary &', &9&; R K... (ongressman (harles Lind9ergh .r. issues arti-les of im#ea-hment against Federal "eser+e Mar-h , &9&; ?Monday@ R K... President Woodro, Wilson is inaugurated in front of the K... (a#itol for a se-ond term Mar-h &&, &9&; R British army -a#tures Baghdad ?3ra/@ from the Ittoman *m#ire Mar-h & , &9&; R (4ar Di-holas 33 of "ussia a9di-ates his throne A#ril B, &9&; R Knited .tates of Ameri-a de-lares ,ar on %ermany A#ril &B, &9&; R "ussian -ommunist )ladimir Lenin de#arts from .,it4erland and tra+els to "ussia +ia %ermany 9y train May &9&; R Former K... .e-retary of .tate *lihu "oot and other mem9ers of the "oot Mission meet ,ith Lenin and !rotsky in "ussia May &C, &9&; R .ele-ti+e .er+i-e A-t is #assed 9y the K... (ongress >une &', &9&; R 8ing (onstantine 3 of %ree-e a9di-ates his throne >une & , &9&; R *s#ionage A-t is #assed 9y the K... (ongress >une & , &9&; R "ussian69orn >e,ish anar-hist *mma %oldman is arrested in De, Nork (ity for +iolating the *s#ionage A-t >uly &, &9&; R A la9or dis#ute and an ensuing ra-e riot in *ast .t. Louis, 3llinois lea+es ' : #eo#le dead >uly '&, &9&; R Ale2ander Fyodoro+i-h 8erensky is a##ointed Prime Minister of "ussia August &E, &9&; R "e#u9li- of (hina de-lares ,ar against %ermany and Austria6Hungary. Do+em9er ', &9&; R British Foreign .e-retary Arthur >. Balfour announ-es WBalfour $e-larationT -on-erning >e,ish Wnational homeT Do+em9er ;, &9&; R Bolshe+ik "e+olution 9egins in Petrograd 5.t. Peters9urg7, "ussiaL 8erensky a9di-ates as Prime Minister $e-em9er ;, &9&; R Knited .tates of Ameri-a de-lares ,ar on Austria6Hungary $e-em9er 9, &9&; R British army -a#tures >erusalem from the Ittoman *m#ire $e-em9er &&, &9&; R British Field Marshal *dmund Allen9y enters >erusalem $e-em9er '', &9&; R "ussia o#ens se#arate #ea-e negotiations ,ith %ermany at Brest6Lito+sk &9&; R Ameri-an (i+il Li9erties Knion ?originally founded as Dational (i+il Li9erties Bureau@ is esta9lished

4B6B: #ear of the /nake!he %reat $e#ression M !he "ise of the !hird "ei-h

I,en $. Noung ,at-hes *mile Moreau ?left@,%o+ernor of the Bank of Fran-e, shake hands ,ith HFalmar .-ha-ht ?right@, President of the "ei-hs9ank ?%ermanyTs -entral 9ank@, in &9'9 after they a--e#ted the terms of the Noung Plan. HFalmar .-ha-ht ,as tried in Durem9erg, %ermany for ,ar -rimes and -olla9oration ,ith the Da4is after World War 33. I,en $. Noung ,as the (hairman of the 9oard of %eneral *le-tri- (om#any ?&9''6&9A9, &9E'6&9EE@, /eputy 8hairma' of the Fe)eral 3eser"e 4a'- of !e, .or- 51&2 E 1&% 6, 8hairma' of the Fe)eral 3eser"e 4a'- of !e, .or- 51&%8E1&4$6 , $ire-tor of the (oun-il on Foreign "elations ?&9';6&9E:@, and !rustee of the "o-kefeller Foundation ?&9'C6&9A9@. ?Photo: O+en D. 3o$ng6 4 Ne+ 7y%e of #nd$strial "eader 9y 3da M. !ar9ell@

I,en $. Noung ?-enter@, $e#uty (hairman of the Federal "eser+e Bank of De, Nork ?&9';6&9A;@, and >.P. Morgan M (o. 9anker !homas W. Lamont ?se-ond from right@ ,at-h HFalmar .-ha-ht ?right@, the President of the "ei-hs9ank, sign the Noung Plan at the Hotel %eorge ) in Paris, Fran-e on >une ;, &9'9. ?Photo: X Bildar-hi+ PreuYis-her 8ultur9esit4@

I,en $. Noung, Ameri-an re#aration e2#ert and $e#uty (hairman of the Federal "eser+e Bank of De, Nork, shakes hands ,ith $r. HFalmar .-ha-ht, %erman delegate to the "e#arations (onferen-e and President of the "ei-hs9ank ?%ermanyTs -entral 9ank@, at a train station in Paris, Fran-e on >une &;, &9'9, from the ,indo, of a train ,hi-h -arried him to the .... .P. Morgan of Ameri-a, .ir >osiah .tam# of *ngland. .tanding in the rear is !homas W. Lamont of Ameri-a. Lord "e+elstoke of *ngland ,as in attendan-e during the o#ening of the %erman "e#arations (ommittee. I,en $. Noung ?-hairman of %eneral *le-tri- (o.@ and >.P. Morgan M (o. #artner !homas W. Lamont ,ere mem9ers of the (oun-il on Foreign "elations. ?Photo: X BettmannP(I"B3.@

.e-retary of the !reasury Andre, W. Mellon, -ounter -hairman of the Board of !rustees, dis-usses the "ed (ross endorsement fund #rogram ,ith the mem9ers of the Board during their annual -onferen-e re-ently in Washington, $.(., K...A. on $e-em9er &A, &9'9. Left to right: Walter Irr Woods, !reasurer of the Knited .tatesL Igden L. Mills, Knder .e-retary of the !reasuryL Feli2 M. War9urg, De, NorkL .e-retary Andre, W. MellonL >ohn B. Miller, LA, >ames Parmelee, WashingtonL >ohn B. Larner, Washington ?standing@L >ohn B. (remer >r.L Assistant

se-retary of the BoardL Ho,ard >. .imons, se-retary and W.H. Boden, !reasurer. A')re, F2 Mello', :g)e' ;2 Mills, a') FeliB M2 Far#urg ,ere mem#ers of the 8ou'cil o' Foreig' 3elatio's2 ?X BettmannP(I"B3.@

Iutgoing K... President (al+in (oolidge, standing on the far right, ,at-hes (hief >usti-e of the K... .u#reme (ourt William Ho,ard !aft ?left@ administers the oath of offi-e to in-oming K... President Her9ert (. Hoo+er on Mar-h E, &9'9. William Ho,ard !aft ,as a mem9er of .kull M Bones, a se-ret so-iety at Nale Kni+ersity. ?Photo: Li9rary of (ongress@

!homas W. Lamont ?far left@ #arti-i#ates in #romoting the Noung Plan in &9'9 ,ith >.P. Morgan >r. ?right@, and Fren-h delegates >ean Parmentier and *mile Moreau. >.P. Morgan >r. ,as not a mem9er of the (oun-il on Foreign "elations. ?.our-e: 7he 4mbassador from 8all Street6 7he Story of 7homas 8. "amont, ,. .. 'organ9s Chief E/ec$tive 9y *d,ard M. Lamont@

Dembers of the !merican Reparations 0ommission" who recently returned to !merica after ne$otiatin$ a settlement with the .uropean nations" were in conference with , / /ecretary of /tate *enry L /timson on :une 6C" 4B6B )n the front row" seated" left to ri$ht: :ohn Kierpont Dor$an :r 8Kartner of : K Dor$an N 0o bankune '' , &CBE6 .e#tem9er '9, &9'9@ Prime Minister of >a#an ?A#ril ':, &9';6>uly ', &9'9@L Foreign Minister of >a#an ?A#ril ':, &9';6>uly ', &9'9@

Gusta" 1tresema'' ?May &:, &C;C6 I-to9er A, &9'9@ (han-ellor of %ermany ?August &A, &9'AR Do+em9er 'A, &9'A@ and Foreign Minister of %ermany ?August &A, &9'ARI-to9er A, &9'9@

4er'har) "o' 4Hlo, ?May A, &CE96 I-to9er 'C, &9'9@ (han-ellor of %ermany ?I-to9er &B, &9::6>uly &A, &9:9@L Foreign Minister of Prussia ?&C9;6&9:9@

Georges 8leme'ceau ?.e#tem9er 'C, &CE& R Do+em9er 'E, &9'9@ Prime Minister of Fran-e ?'C I-to9er &9:B R 'E >uly &9:9, &B Do+em9er &9&; R ': >anuary &9':@

Feli2 War9urg and his 9rother Ma2 War9urg +isit >erusalem on A#ril 'C, &9'9. From right to left: Feli2 War9urg of 8uhn, Loe9 M (o. in De, Nork (ity and (hairman of the >oint $istri9ution (ommitteeL Ma2 War9urg of the M.M. War9urg 9ank in Ham9urg, %ermanyL $r. (yrus Adler, mem9er of the *2e-uti+e (ommittee of the >oint $istri9ution (ommitteeL "e+. H. Pereira MendesL Morris *ngelman, Mem9er of the *2e-uti+e (ommittee of the >$(. Ma2 War9urg ,as a dire-tor of 3.%. Far9en.

!he War9urg Brothers ?from left to right@ Paul War9urg, Feli2 War9urg, Ma2 War9urg, Frit4 War9urg, and A9y War9urg #ose for a formal #ortrait on August '&, &9'9. Paul War9urg ,as the )i-e (hairman of the Federal "eser+e from &9&B to &9&C. Paul War9urg and Feli2 War9urg ,ere mem9ers of the (oun-il on Foreign "elations. ?Photo: 7he 8arb$rgs 9y "on (herno,@

Ara9 terrorists terrori4e >e,s and loot the stores in the -ity of >affa in British Palestine in &9'9.

HaF Amin al6Husseini, the %rand Mufti of Muslims in >erusalem ?,earing ,hite tur9an@, a##ears ,ith a grou# of British -olonial administrators and Ara9 assistants in >erusalem in &9'9. ?BettmannP(I"B3.@

+he scene on &all /treet when the New #ork /tock .Hchan$e crashed on October 6@56B" 4B6B Krevious economic crises and depressions in !merica occurred in 4@4B" 4@3A" 4@CA" 4@A3" 4@@7" 4@B3" and 4B>A 8'ettmannP0OR')/a#anese Minister of Foreign Affairs Nosuke Matsuoka a##ears ,ith Fas-ist 3talyTs Prime Minister Benito Mussolini in )eni-e, 3taly on A#ril ';, &9E&. ?Pro+ided 9y 8eiyosha@ htt#:PP,,,.Fa-ar.go.F#PenglishPni-hi9eiPnegotiationPinde2 .html

.o+iet di-tator >osef .talin ?se-ond from right@ and .o+iet Foreign Minister )ya-hesla+ Moloto+ ?third from right@ ,at-h >a#anese Minister of Foreign Affairs Nosuke Matsuoka signs the .o+iet6>a#anese neutrality #a-t in Mos-o, on A#ril &A, &9E&. ?Pro+ided 9y 8eiyosha@ htt#:PP,,,.Fa-ar.go.F#PenglishPni-hi9eiPnegotiationPinde2 .html

*m#eror Hirohito of >a#an re+ie,s his troo#s during the im#erial ins#e-tion in !okyo, >a#an on >une &', &9E&. !he ins#e-tion featured the fifteenth anni+ersary of the esta9lishment of the Noung Peo#lesV .-hools in >a#an. More than A:,::: Peo#lesV re#resentati+es gathered in !okyo for the -ele9ration. ?BettmannP(I"B3.@ .

K... Am9assador to >a#an >ose#h (. %re, -hats ,ith 8i-hisa9uro Domura, the designated >a#anese Am9assador to the Knited .tates of Ameri-a, at the !okyo train station in !okyo, >a#an in >anuary &9E& as Domura lea+es for Ameri-a. >ose#h (. %re, ,as a mem9er of the (oun-il on Foreign "elations, an internationalist organi4ation in De, Nork (ity, at the time this #hotogra#h ,as taken. ?Pro+ided 9y Maini-hi De,s#a#er@ htt#:PP,,,.Fa-ar.go.F#PenglishPni-hi9eiPnegotiationPinde2 .html

!he 3m#erial >a#anese Army atta-ks the #ro+isional (hinese -a#ital of (hungking during an air raid in >uly &9E&. ?Photo: (arl Mydans P L3F*@

)mperial :apanese !rmy troops enter /ai$on" French )ndochina G;ietnamI in 4B74

>a#anese troo#s led 9y Lieutenant %eneral !akashi .akai and )i-e Admiral Masai-hi Diimi enter Hong 8ong on $e-em9er 'B, &9E&. ?Photo: Maini-hi De,#a#er@

Dap of *on$ 9on$ in December 4B74

K... .u#reme (ourt (hief >usti-e (harles *+ans Hughes administers the oath of offi-e to K... President Franklin $elano "oose+elt on the east #orti-o of the K... (a#itol in Washington, $.(. on >anuary ':, &9E&. (harles *+ans Hughes retired as the (hief >usti-e of the K... .u#reme (ourt on >une A:, &9E&. (harles *+ans Hughes ,as a mem9er of the (oun-il on Foreign "elations from &9A: to &9EB. ?Photo: Li9rary of (ongress, Prints and Photogra#hs $i+ision@

.#anish di-tator Fran-is-o Fran-o ?left@ and Henri Petain, head of state for )i-hy Fran-e, salute during the Fren-h national anthem during a meeting in Mont#elier, Fran-e on Mar-h &&, &9E&. ?X BettmannP(I"B3.@

0tlanti1 -harter -onferen1e, )3F)+ 0ugust )@8) 0onference leaders durin$ 0hurch services on the after deck of *D/ Prince of 6ales" in Klacentia 'ay" Newfoundland !merican Kresident Franklin D Roosevelt 8left< and 'ritish Krime Dinister &inston 0hurchill are seated in the fore$round /tandin$ directly behind them are !dmiral .rnest : 9in$" , / Navy( General Geor$e 0 Darshall" , / !rmy( General /ir :ohn Dill" 'ritish !rmy( !dmiral *arold R /tark" , / Navy( and !dmiral /ir Dudley Kound" Royal Navy !merican envoy *arry *opkins 8far left< is seen talkin$ with ,nion Kacific Railroad chairman and special envoy &illiam !verell *arriman in the back$round 8Donation of ;ice !dmiral *arry /anders" ,/N 8Retired>>Ph?A6>Bc htm

A+erell Harriman, a Partner of Bro,n Brothers Harriman M (om#any 9anking firm in De, Nork (ity, signs the first Lend6Lease Proto-ol ?Agreement@ after negotiating ,ith >osef .talin in &9E&. From left to right: Lord Bea+er9rook, .o+iet Foreign Minister )ya-hesla+ M. Moloto+, Lauren-e .teinhardt ?standing 9ehind Harriman@, Admiral William H. .tandley, and (harles !hayer.

Lend6Lease Program K... #lanes stand ready to 9e #i-ked u# at A9adan Field, 3ran in &9E', ,hi-h in the rainy season ,as re#orted as 9eing the Gdamnedest gum9o you e+er sa,.H Fi+e #rin-i#al ty#es of air-raft ,ere deli+ered to "ussia, three of ,hi-h are sho,n here. If the total, a9out ':Z ,ere P6E:s, ' Z P6A9s, E9Z A6':s, Z B6' s and &Z A!6Bs. ?K... Air For-e #hoto@

+he 'ritish army 8above< and the /oviet Red !rmy invade )ran be$innin$ on !u$ust 6C" 4B74" Eust two weeks after 'ritish Krime Dinister &inston 0hurchill met with , / Kresident Franklin Delano Roosevelt aboard *D/ Prince of 6ales in Newfoundland 'ritain and /oviet ,nion proceeded to remove ReFa /hah Kahlavi on /eptember 4?" 4B74 and installed the /hahLs son Dohammad ReFa Kahlavi 8the /hah1 who would evacuate to !merica in 4BAB< 'ritain and /oviet ,nion invaded )ran to secure a supply line from the Kersian Gulf to /oviet Russia and to secure )ranLs oil for !llied military needs Iran remained neutral at the time of the 0ngloFSo5iet In5asion of Iran in 0ugust )@8). 8/ource: 0atherine Le$rand" :acMues Le$rand: /hah5i )ran 0reative Kublishin$ )nternational 8Farsi editionanuary &, &9EEL .yria de-lared ,ar on Da4i %ermany and the *m#ire of >a#an on Fe9ruary 'B, &9E .

NaFi German army soldiers raise the NaFi German fla$ at the !cropolis in !thens" Greece in Day 4B74 'enito DussoliniLs Fascist )talian army invaded Greece on October 6@" 4B7> but was defeated by the Greek army 8Khoto: German Federal !rchives.P. Morgan M (o. 9anker !homas W. Lamont ?left@ and Wall .treet attorney Allen Ward,ell ?right@ at a "ussian War "elief dinner in &9E&. A+erell Harriman and Allen Ward,ell ,ere Nale graduatesL !homas W. Lamont ,as a Har+ard graduate. ?.our-e: 7he 4mbassador from 8all Street6 7he Story of 7homas 8. "amont, ,. .. 'organ9s Chief E/ec$tive 9y *d,ard M. Lamont@

K... President Franklin $elano "oose+elt 9uys the first of the K... go+ernmentVs $efense .a+ings Bonds from .e-retary of the !reasury Henry Morgenthau >r. ?left@ at a #ress -onferen-e in Washington, $.(., K...A. on May &, &9E&. ?Photo: htt#:PPhistorysidesho,.9logs#ot.-omP'::C[:A[:&[ar-hi+e.html@

(a9inet Mem9ers of the "oose+elt Administration organi4e the *-onomi- $efense (oun-il in August &9E&. .eated, left to right: .e-retary of the !reasury Henry Morgenthau >r., .e-retary of the Da+y Frank 8no2, K... )i-e President Henry A. Walla-e, and .e-retary of War Henry L. .timson. .tanding, left to right: K... Attorney %eneral Fran-is Biddle, .e-retary of (ommer-e >esse >ones, Assistant .e-retary of .tate $ean %. A-heson ?Gthe authorH@, and .e-retary of Agri-ulture (laude ". Wi-kard. .timson, Biddle, and A-heson ,ere mem9ers of the (oun-il on Foreign "elations. .

Franklin $elano "oose+elt ?left@, President of the Knited .tates of Ameri-a, greets Winston (hur-hill ?right@, Prime Minister of %reat Britain, on 9oard &'S .rince of 8ales at Pla-entia Bay during the Atlanti- (onferen-e on August &:, &9E&. ?Photo: 3m#erial War Museums@

K... President Franklin $. "oose+elt asks (ongress to de-lare ,ar on 3m#erial >a#an on $e-em9er C, &9E& follo,ing 3m#erial >a#anTs atta-k on Pearl Har9or the day 9efore. .eated 9ehind "oose+elt are )i-e President Henry Walla-e ?left@ and House .#eaker .am "ay9urn ?right@. ?AP Photo@

.e-retary of War Henry L. .timson ?left@ entertains his assistants >ohn >. M-(loy ?-enter@, the Assistant .e-retary of War ?&9E&6&9E @ and "o9ert A. Lo+ett ?right@, the Assistant .e-retary of War for Air ?&9E&6&9E @, on A#ril '', &9E&. Henry L. .timson and "o9ert A. Lo+ett ,ere mem9ers of .kull M Bones. Henry L. .timson and >ohn >. M-(loy ,ere mem9ers of the (oun-il on Foreign "elations during World War 33. >ohn >. M-(loy ser+ed as (hairman and (*I of (hase Manhattan Bank in De, Nork (ity after World War 33L "o9ert A. Lo+ett ser+ed as Partner of Bro,n Brothers Harriman M (o., a 9anking firm in De, Nork (ity, 9efore and after World War 33. >ohn >. M-(loy ser+ed as a mem9er of the Warren (ommission in &9BA and &9BE. ?Photo: 7ime Maga4ineP7he 8ise 'en 9y Walter 3saa-son and *+an !homas@

President Franklin $. "oose+elt signs the Foint -ongressional resolution de-laring that a state of ,ar e2ists 9et,een the Knited .tates and >a#an in the e2e-uti+e offi-e of the White House at E:&: #.m. on $e-em9er C, &9E&. ?Photo: X BettmannP(I"B3.@

Dembers of Kresident Franklin Delano RooseveltLs committee to investi$ate the :apanese attack on Kearl *arbor and the island of Oahu 8also known as the Roberts 0ommission< on December A" 4B74 are photo$raphed as they returned to the Royal *awaiian *otel where they have been stayin$ since December 66" 4B74 +he $roup photo was first published on December 6B" 4B74 Left to ri$ht are !dmiral &illiam * /tandley" !ssociate , / /upreme 0ourt :ustice Owen : Roberts" !dmiral :oseph N Reeves" 'ri$ Gen :oseph + DcNarney" and DaE Gen Frank R Dc0oy !dmiral /tandley" !dmiral Reeves and General Dc0oy were retired !dmiral /tandley and General Dc0oy were members of the 0ouncil on Forei$n Relations in 4B74 8Khoto: http:PPlibweb hawaii eduPdi$icollPhwrdP*&RDZhtmlP*&RD74 htmla#anese en+oy .a9uro 8urusu ?left@ and 3m#erial >a#anese Am9assador to Ameri-a 8i-hisa9uro Domura laugh ,hile ,aiting for talks ,ith President Franklin $elano "oose+elt and .e-retary of .tate (ordell Hull a9out redu-ing tensions 9et,een Ameri-a and >a#an at the .tate $e#artment in Washington, $.(. in &9E&. (ichisa#uro !omura a') 1a#uro (urusu met ,ith *resi)e't Fra'-li' /2 3oose"elt at the Fhite 9ouse o' !o"em#er 1 , 1&41 a') agai' o' !o"em#er 2 , 1&412 .a9uro 8urusu arri+ed in Washington, $.(. 9y shi# on Do+em9er & , &9E& from >a#an +ia Honolulu. .a9uro 8urusu ,as the 3m#erial >a#anese Am9assador to Da4i %ermany from &9A9 to Do+em9er &9E&. .a9uro 8urusuTs ,ife Ali-e >ay 58urusu7 ,as an Ameri-an of *uro#ean des-entL .a9uro 8urusu and his ,ife li+ed in >a#an throughout the remainder of World War 33. ?Photo: !homas $. M-A+oyP!ime Life@

NaFi German5occupied Karis" France in 4B74

+he NaFi German police participate in a parade in front of Reichsminister !rthur /eyss5)nMuart in !msterdam" Netherlands on February 4>" 4B74

Ford Dotor 0ompany workers and their children picket in !pril 4B74 with si$ns comparin$ *enry Ford to !dolf *itler 8Khoto: http:PPwww autolife umd umich eduPLaborPLZOverviewP4B74/trikeZRou$e htmon )orys, IhioL .en. Pres-ott Bush, (onne-ti-ut. !hird ro,: >ohn ". WilliamsL $a+id >. M-$onald and >ohn Hay Whitney. Fourth ro,: "e#. >ere (oo#er, !ennesseeL .en. Walter %eorge, %eorgiaL .en. *ugene Milliken, (olorado. Fifth ro,: "e#. Laurie Battle, Ala9amaL (ola %. ParkerL "e#. $aniel "eed, De, NorkL Lamar Flemming and .en. Harry Byrd, )irginia. ?BettmannP(I"B3.@

K... .enator "o9ert A. !aft ?right@ shakes hands ,ith (alifornia %o+ernor *arl Warren ,hile attending the "e#u9li-an Party national -on+ention in (hi-ago in >uly &9 '. ?212 1e'ator 3o#ert A2 Taft )ie) i' !e, .or- 8ity o' +uly %1, 1&5%2 *arl Warren re-ei+ed a re-ess a##ointment from K... President $,ight $. *isenho,er on I-to9er ', &9 A to ser+e as (hief >usti-e of the K... .u#reme (ourt follo,ing the death of K... .u#reme (ourt (hief >usti-e Fred M. )inson, ,ho died in offi-e on .e#tem9er C, &9 A. ?Photo: Mark 8auffmanP!ime Life@

9in$ )bn /aud !bdul5!FiF of /audi !rabia 84@A?54BC3< died on November B" 4BC3

Fidel 0astro and other captured 0uban 0ommunist rebels arrive at the /antia$o city Eail in /antia$o" 0uba in :uly 4BC3" followin$ his arrest after the failed coup at Doncada 'arracks in /antia$o" 0uba on :uly 6?" 4BC3

David Rockefeller 8leftohn Foster $ulles, left, .e-retary of .tate6designateL Bernard Baru-h, se-ond from rightL and 8hase !atio'al 4a'- chairma' Winthro# W. Aldri-h, K... Am9assador6designate to %reat Britain, in Bernard Baru-hTs home in De, Nork (ity on >anuary B, &9 A. >ohn Foster $ulles and Winthro# W. Aldri-h ,ere mem9ers of the (oun-il on Foreign "elations. ?AP PhotoPMarty Lederhandler@

,nited /tates /ecretary of /tate :ohn Foster Dulles 8left< and Kresident Dwi$ht D .isenhower 8center< meet with !rthur * Dean" special envoy to the 9orean peace talks at KanmunEom" at the &hite *ouse in &ashin$ton" D 0 on December 64" 4BC3 !ll three men were members of the 0ouncil on Forei$n Relations" a private political or$aniFation in New #ork 0ity 8!K Khotoa-k )alenti, Hora-e Bus9y ?9ehind )alenti@, Leonard Knger, William Bundy, %eorge W. Ball, .e-. $ean "usk. *+eryone e2-e#t for LB>, "o,an, "a9orn, and Bus9y ,ere mem9ers of the (oun-il on Foreign "elations. ?Photo: Frank WolfePLyndon B. >ohnson Presidential Li9rary@

With President Lyndon B. >ohnson looking on, Henry (a9ot Lodge >r. is s,orn in as K... Am9assador to .outh )ietnam 9y .e-retary of .tate $ean "usk in a White House "ose %arden -eremony on August &', &9B . )isi9le in 9a-kground are Mrs. Lodge and .e-retary of $efense "o9ert M-Damara. ?BettmannP(I"B3.@

Army (hief of .taff %en. Harold 8. >ohnson, .e-retary of the Army .tanley "esor, Dational .e-urity Ad+isor M-%eorge Bundy, President Lyndon B. >ohnson, and .e-retary of $efense "o9ert M-Damara meet to dis-uss the )ietnam War on >uly '', &9B . 1ta'ley 3esor a') McGeorge 4u')y ,ere .ale gra)uates2 ?Photo: Lyndon B. >ohnson Presidential Li9rary@

+he confused nature of this conflict cannot mask the fact that it is the new face of an old enemy Over this war 55 and all !sia 55 is another reality: the deepenin$ shadow of 0ommunist 0hina +he rulers in *anoi are ur$ed on by Kekin$ +his is a re$ime which has destroyed freedom in +ibet" which has attacked )ndia" and has been condemned by the ,nited Nations for a$$ression in 9orea )t is a nation which is helpin$ the forces of viole
