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Year Six Learning from Home Summer 2 Week 6 · 2020-07-03 · 3 Year Six Summer 2 Spellings Please...

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1 Year Six Learning from Home Summer 2 Week 6
Page 1: Year Six Learning from Home Summer 2 Week 6 · 2020-07-03 · 3 Year Six Summer 2 Spellings Please continue to use Spelling Shed to practise your spellings. Assignments will be available


Year Six Learning from Home

Summer 2

Week 6

Page 2: Year Six Learning from Home Summer 2 Week 6 · 2020-07-03 · 3 Year Six Summer 2 Spellings Please continue to use Spelling Shed to practise your spellings. Assignments will be available


Year Six Learning from Home – Weekly Overview Each week, the Learning from Home activities will include: Daily English, Maths, Physical Activity and Reading for Pleasure

At least three Foundation Subject activities

A weekly Art/DT activity

Spelling focus – set on Spelling Shed

Week 6 Learning from Home Overview

Monday Suggested time of day

Subject Focus when


AM English Shakespeare Biography – Research and Planning

AM Maths Arithmetic and Problem Solving – Position and Direction: The First Quadrant

PM Computing Digital Photography

Your choice Reading Reading for Pleasure / Class Novel

Your choice Physical Activity Visit Joe Wicks YouTube Page and choose a session to complete: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1/playlists

Tuesday Suggested time of day

Subject Focus when


AM English Shakespeare Biography – Begin to write

AM Maths Arithmetic and Problem Solving – Position and Direction: Four Quadrants

PM Year 6 Leavers End of Year Six Report

Your choice Reading Reading for Pleasure / Class Novel

Your choice Physical Activity Choose one of the Zumba workouts: https://family.gonoodle.com/channels/zumba-kids

Wednesday Suggested time of day

Subject Focus when


AM English Shakespeare Biography – Assignments on Microsoft Teams

AM Maths Arithmetic and Problem Solving – Position and Direction: Translation

PM Science Exercise Investigation

Your choice Reading Reading for Pleasure / Class Novel

Your choice Physical Activity Daily mile

Thursday Suggested time of day

Subject Focus when


AM English Reading Comprehension – Macbeth

AM Maths Arithmetic and Problem Solving – Position and Direction: Reflections

PM - CATCH UP AFTERNOON* (+ Create own WordArt)

Your choice Reading Reading for Pleasure / Class Novel

Your choice Physical Activity Cosmic Kids Yoga – you choose a video and join in and relax

Friday Suggested time of day

Subject Focus when


AM English SPaG – Word Classes Consolidation

AM Maths Arithmetic and Review of Learning

PM Friday Challenge Dance Challenge

Your choice Reading Reading for Pleasure / Class Novel

Your choice Physical Activity Sibling or family game of something (football, tennis, relay etc)

Video tutorials published by White Rose Maths will be available each day – the link for session tutorials will be included as part of the daily activities in this pack

*CATCH UP AFTERNOON – As we are welcoming you in one afternoon each week, we have set aside one afternoon to catch up on the work from this pack you may have missed because of being in school.

Page 3: Year Six Learning from Home Summer 2 Week 6 · 2020-07-03 · 3 Year Six Summer 2 Spellings Please continue to use Spelling Shed to practise your spellings. Assignments will be available


Year Six Summer 2 Spellings

Please continue to use Spelling Shed to practise your spellings. Assignments will be available on Spelling Shed each Monday and will include the 5

words for that week (see table below). If you can, ask an adult to test you on these words at the end of each week.

This week’s spellings are:

Week Words to practise

Week 6






(These spellings are a selection from the 20 words of Summer 2)

Page 4: Year Six Learning from Home Summer 2 Week 6 · 2020-07-03 · 3 Year Six Summer 2 Spellings Please continue to use Spelling Shed to practise your spellings. Assignments will be available


Class Novel – Who Let the Gods out by Maz Evans You will find it saved in Class Materials Class Novel – Who Let the Gods Out

Reading Activity - Summarise each chapter as you go

As a way of keeping track of what is happening in the story, after each chapter why don’t you

summarise it on a post-it-note / piece of paper and then keep all of these together! You could

even draw little images to go with each one if it helps to remember.

Remember, when summarising you need just the key points – it shouldn’t be too long or too


Reading Activity - Character Profile

Create a character profile for one of the characters we’ve been introduced to so far. This may

be a character description, an annotated drawing or picture (annotated with what you know

about the character – looks, personality etc) or may be a ‘Top Trump’ card stating the

character’s qualities and/or powers.

Page 5: Year Six Learning from Home Summer 2 Week 6 · 2020-07-03 · 3 Year Six Summer 2 Spellings Please continue to use Spelling Shed to practise your spellings. Assignments will be available


Year Six Monday 6th July 2020 English – Shakespeare Biography (1/3)

For the next couple of weeks, we will be using our last book on our bookshelf ‘Mr William Shakespeare’s Plays’ by Marcia Williams. But before we look at one of his plays, we would like you to find out more about Shakespeare himself. This week you will be writing a biography about the famous playwright Shakespeare.

The plan for this week is:

Monday: Research and Planning

Tuesday: Planning and begin to write your Biography

Wednesday: Final, completed Biography submitted on Microsoft Teams

Links to support your research:

Who was William Shakespeare (The School Run):


William Shakespeare Biography (Ducksters):


Top Shakespeare Facts (National Geographic):


William Shakespeare Facts (Kids Konnect): https://kidskonnect.com/people/william-



Opens with an attention grabbing introduction

that summarises the main events and makes

the audience want to read on.

Key events are written in chronological order.

Relevant images, captions and/or quotes to

be used for interest.

Concludes with what they are doing now, or

how they remembered and the legacy they

have left.

Specific facts about life and achievements to

be included.

Language Features: Past tense

Formal tone

Descriptive and factual language (no opinions)

Third person (no ‘you’ or ‘your’)

Cohesive devices within and between


Adverbials (e.g. accordingly, consequently, therefore, hence)

Time conjunctions (e.g. then, after that)

Biography Purpose: To give an account of someone’s life

Videos to support your


Introducing Shakespeare

(BBC Teach):






Shakespeare Biography

(short animation)



For today you will need to research William

Shakespeare and start planning your


Below are links to videos and websites to support

your research.

A planning template has been included on Page 6

for you to add your notes into.

A ‘William Shakespeare Scavenger Hunt’ has also

been included (Page 7) to help you find facts that

you may wish to include in your biography!

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Year Six Monday 6th July 2020 English – Shakespeare Biography (2/3)

Plan for Biography Do not use a subheading for your introduction paragraph

Below are just suggested subheadings, you can of course create your own

Introduction paragraph

Give a summary of William Shakespeare and his life without going into too much detail.

WAGOLL: William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer of the English language. Having written 37 plays and composed many poems throughout his life, Shakespeare also invented over 1700 words, many of which make up our English language now. Despite passing away in 1616, his work is still performed all over the world and loved by many.

Early Life Where was he born? When?

Who were his family? Include information about what life was like in

those times.

Family Life Include information about his wife and children

and where he lived.

Being a playwright How did his career start?

Include information about Lord Chamberlain’s Men

Plays Include information about some of his plays

(themes, relatable etc) Include information about where performed

(Globe Theatre) and what this was like

Death and legacy When did he die? Why?

What is his legacy? Include information about how plays still performed now, and studied in

schools, how Shakespeare created phrases/words in the English language, information about the Royal Shakepeare

Company (RSC)

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Year Six Monday 6th July 2020 English – Shakespeare Biography (3/3)

Answers to this can be found in the Week 6

Learning from Home Answer pack

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Year Six Monday 6th July 2020 Maths Arithmetic and Flashback

Please choose your own level of challenge. You can mix between the levels if you wish. We

would like to complete at least 10 questions, but of course you may do more if you wish!

Have a go at the daily flashback:

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Year Six Monday 6th July 2020 Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning (1/2)

White Rose Maths have provided a video tutorial to support you in your Learning from Home: The First Quadrant

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Year Six Monday 6th July 2020 Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning (2/2)

White Rose Maths have provided a video tutorial to support you in your Learning from Home: The First Quadrant

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Year Six Monday 6th July 2020 Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning – Extra Challenge (optional!) These problems from NRICH are extra challenges and are entirely optional.

Transformations on a Pegboard

Someone using an elastic band and a pegboard used four pegs to make the blue square you see below. They challenged another person to double the area by just moving two of the pegs. You can see what

they did here.

Have a go at these:

Can you make this into a right-angled triangle by moving just one peg?

Can you enlarge this to the same shape with all the sides twice the length, moving just two pegs?

You could use our interactive geoboard below to try out your ideas. Choose the size of your pegboard then select the line tool and click on two dots to draw a line between


There is an interactive one here: https://nrich.maths.org/1813

Solution: https://nrich.maths.org/1813/solution

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Year Six Monday 6th July 2020 Computing – Digitial Photography Project (1/3)

We would like you to explore and experiment using digital photography and use this to start a photography project. You can use a traditional camera, digital camera or a mobile phone/tablet.

Now you can set up a photo with some of your ideas. However, usually the best

photos are unplanned – so keep your eyes peeled for good opportunities,

whether that is playing in the garden, seeing friends or out with your family.

There are some tips on the next page,

Have a go at taking photographs based around a theme (mine is usually always Chester!) Let’s start with Fun, Family and Excitement.

First take a moment to think about what these words mean to you, use the space below to list some ideas for each word. It might be a situation that you think of or an activity or a memory. Any ideas

you have, jot them down here.

Fun Family Excitement

Now, look at your ideas and think about some situations that would make a good photograph. Fill in the table to organise your ideas.

Fun Family Excitement

Who might be in your photo?

What might be in your photo?

Where might your photo be taken?

What are people doing?

What else could be in your photo? Pets?


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Year Six Monday 6th July 2020 Computing – Digitial Photography (2/3)

Getting the Right Shot Once you’ve got your equipment ready, it then becomes about composition and your subject.

Composition = This is what the photograph is made up of – what is in it and how they are placed. Subject = The thing or person that you are taking a picture of.

You might also want to change some settings to decide whether you want the background in focus or blurred.

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Year Six Monday 6th July 2020 Computing – Digitial Photography Project (3/3) Some key things to remember:

Today’s ‘Digital Photography’ is more of a project that you can keep going with, rather than just one afternoon of something to do. It would be great to see how you are experimenting with different styles

of photos, different photo techniques and effects. Extra Challenge – you could combine your photos in a collage or montage. This could be done in the style of David Hockney (like the Friday Challenge from Week 4) or just a PicCollage grid to show the stages and/or different photos you have taken.

Example: Mrs Thompson’s David Hockney inspired photo

Please do make sure you share your photos with us!

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Year Six Tuesday 7th July 2020 English – Shakespeare Biography (1/2)

Checklist – have I used/included?

Introduction paragraph

Paragraphs in chronological order


Written in past tense

Written in third person

Formal tone


Range of cohesive devices


Adverbials/Fronted adverbials


I have checked:

That my writing makes sense

Basic punctuation is correct

For any spelling mistakes

This week you will be writing a biography about the famous playwright Shakespeare.

The plan for this week is:

Tuesday: Planning and begin to write your Biography

Wednesday: Final, completed Biography submitted on Microsoft Teams

Today you need to finish off any research and

planning and begin to write the biography.

You can either:

hand write your biography – and take a photo

of the final piece for submission tomorrow

type up using Word or PowerPoint – and then

upload the final piece for submission tomorrow

type up on the blank template on Microsoft

Teams Assignment – and then finish off on

there tomorrow before clicking ‘hand in’

On this page you will find a checklist and an ‘adverbial for

cohesion’ word bank.

On the next page you will find the planning template (from

yesterday) with a WAGOLL per paragraph.

You have got today and tomorrow to complete this biography.

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Year Six Tuesday 7th July 2020 English – Shakespeare Biography (2/2)

Plan and WAGOLL for Biography

Introduction paragraph

Give a summary of William Shakespeare and his life without going into too much detail.

WAGOLL: William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer of the English language. Having written 37 plays and composed many poems throughout his life, Shakespeare also invented over 1700 words, many of which make up our English language now. Despite passing away in 1616, his work is still performed all over the world and loved by many.

Early Life Where was he born? When?

Who were his family? Include information about what life was like in

those times.

WAGOLL: William Shakespeare was born in the English city of Stratford-upon-Avon to John and Mary Shakespeare. William was one of six children - he had two older sisters, Joan and Judith, and three younger brothers called Gilbert, Richard and Edmund. It is thought that William was born on 23rd 1564, although this is not definite. However, his baptism was recorded on April 26th 1564 and at that time children were often baptized three days after their birth. William’s father was a leather merchant and had held official positions as an alderman and a bailiff, which was almost like being a mayor. His mother was a local-landed heiress, which meant she came from a wealthy family. There are no official records of where William was educated, however it is thought he went to the local grammar school, where he learned about poetry, history, Greek and Latin.

Family Life Include information about his wife and children

and where he lived.

WAGOLL: In November 1582, at the age of eighteen, William married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years older than him. The following year they had their first child a daughter called Susanna. Two years later, Anne gave birthday to twins – a boy called Hamnet and a girl called Judith. Sadly, at the age of eleven, Hamnet died.

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Year Six Tuesday 7th July 2020 Maths Arithmetic and Flashback Please choose your own level of challenge. You can mix between the levels if you wish. We

would like to complete at least 10 questions, but of course you may do more if you wish!

Have a go at the daily flashback:

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Year Six Tuesday 7th July 2020 Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning (1/2)

White Rose Maths have provided a video tutorial to support you in your Learning from Home: Four Quadrants

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Year Six Tuesday 7th July 2020 Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning (2/2)

White Rose Maths have provided a video tutorial to support you in your Learning from Home: Four Quadrants

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Year Six Tuesday 7th July 2020 Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning – Extra Challenge (optional!) These problems from NRICH are extra challenges and are entirely optional.

A Cartesian Puzzle

Here are the coordinates of some quadrilaterals, but in each case one coordinate is missing! The coordinates are given going round each quadrilateral in an anti-clockwise direction.

1. (2,11),(0,9),(2,7),(?,?) 2. (3,7),(3,4),(8,4),(?,?) 3. (18,3),(16,5),(12,5),(?,?) 4. (13,12),(15,14),(12,17),(?,?) 5. (7,14),(6,11),(7,8),(?,?) 6. (15,9),(19,9),(16,11),(?,?) 7. (11,3),(15,2),(16,6),(?,?) 8. (9,16),(2,9),(9,2),(?,?)

The quadrilaterals are all symmetrical. This may be rotational or line symmetry or both. Can you work out what the missing coordinates are if you know they are all positive? Is there more than one way to find out?

Now plot those eight missing coordinates on a graph like this. What shape do they make and what sort of symmetry does it have?

Solution: https://nrich.maths.org/1110/solution

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Year Six Tuesday 7th July 2020 Year 6 Leavers – End of Year Six Report (1/3)

This week we would like you to:

Write your end of Year Six Report.

Back on Changeover Day in July 2019, one of our activities was to write your own End of Year Six Report and complete a ‘Grade’ card. We would like you to do this again! This time you don’t need to imagine the end of Year Six – you are already there (well, very nearly!) We would like you to reflect on your time in Year Six and comment on achievements, progress, attitude, effort and personal qualities (and friendships). Be honest! Remember you are writing it in third person, as if you are the teacher. Mrs Thompson has written an example about herself On the following pages in this pack, we have created a Support Slide with a planning structure and suggested words and phrases to support your report writing. We have also included a template to write on.

Please share your End of Year Six Report with us. You can do this via:

Upload as an extra assignment on Microsoft Teams ‘Summer 2 Week 6 – Leavers

End Report’ (make sure you’ve signed in using your own individual login - P13)

Save on One Drive in ‘Y6 Leavers Week 6 – End Report’

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Year Six Tuesday 7th July 2020 Year 6 Leavers – End of Year Six Report (2/3) Support Slide

REMEMBER: This report needs to be written as third person – you are the

teacher writing the report about you the pupil!

Planning your End of Year Report

Introduction: Describe

yourself as a person –

sharing your qualities and

traits, include any

examples of how you’ve

demonstrated these traits

Discuss your effort and

attitude towards learning

throughout the year

Discuss the progress

you’ve made, both

academically and


Discuss the


you’ve enjoyed the most

and where you have


Discuss any other


(Sports, Pupil Parliament,

House Captain etc)

Share dreams for after

Year 6

Key words/Phrases

REMEMBER: Phrase comments positively, even if

commenting on something that still needs work

‘… has had a good year, although can still get

distracted, … has worked on developing…’

capable cheerful confident cooperative

conscientious attentive energetic friendly

generous happy hard working


quiet reliable imaginative industrious

helpful resilient

… is a popular member of the class, has a close circle of friends

... asks worthwhile questions.

… is a charming and helpful member of the class who can always be relied upon to carry out any task conscientiously.

…is a pleasant and well-motivated pupil who clearly gains much from school and gives much in return.

…has been a pleasure to teach.

… is polite and well mannered.

… demonstrates a sensible and mature attitude to school life.

… has the ability and commitment to excel in many subjects.

… has a great attitude to learning.

… has provided evidence of both working through problems and creatively generating ideas.

… is an open-minded and flexible thinker, which has allowed for progress across the curriculum.

… shows commitment to tasks and has improved tremendously.

… is a skilful and attentive listener.

… can explain, show, or help others to understand his ideas.

… works well independently and with others, always valuing their contributions in group tasks.

During lessons, …

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Year Six Tuesday 7th July 2020 Year 6 Leavers – End of Year Six Report (3/3) Template to write on __________________________































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Year Six Wednesday 8th July 2020 English – Shakespeare Biography (Assignment on Teams)

Biography about William Shakespeare Hello Year 6, A huge well done for your engagement and efforts with the work set for you in the Learning from Home packs. It has been brilliant to read the writing you’ve been uploading and great to see how you are taking on board the feedback and continuing to improve your writing. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be looking at one of William Shakepeare’s plays from the ‘Mr William Shakespeare’s Plays’ by Marcia Williams. But before we look at one of his plays, we would like you to write a biography about the famous playwright himself. The purpose of writing a biography is to give an account of someone’s life. Remember the structure of a biography:

Open with an attention grabbing introduction that summarises the main events and makes the audience want to read on

Key events are written in chronological order, organised in paragraphs with subheadings

Conclude with how William Shakespeare is remembered and the legacy he has left

Include facts about his life and achievements and write about these using a formal tone

Include a range of cohesive devices (conjunctions, pronouns, adverbials) throughout your writing to help each paragraph to flow

You may type your work on the template document provided (Word document) or upload it as a picture or file from the device you are working on (this may include a photograph of your handwritten work). Before submitting, make sure you re-read the whole of the biography to check it makes sense and that all basics (punctuation and spelling) are correct. Even though a biography is organised in paragraphs – it should still flow from one paragraph to another. As you are re-reading and checking your work, use the checklist (included on Support Slide) to ensure you have included everything needed for this piece of writing. Make sure you get the information about Shakespeare across. We look forward to reading your biography. Mrs Thompson and Mr Johnson Ps. Remember that this biography needs to be written in past tense and in third person.

Supporting Resources from your Learning from Home Pack this week:

Your plan/research/notes (from Monday)

Support Slide (Tuesday) – includes checklist and key phrases

WAGOLL (Tuesday)

An assignment has been set on Microsoft Teams

Please login to Microsoft teams using your individual login (P13) to submit your

writing for feedback.

You may complete your writing online using the template document provided.

Alternatively, you may wish to take a photograph of a handwritten piece of work and

upload this for feedback. Please make sure you click ‘Hand in’ once finished.

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Year Six Wednesday 8th July 2020 Maths Arithmetic and Flashback Please choose your own level of challenge. You can mix between the levels if you wish. We

would like to complete at least 10 questions, but of course you may do more if you wish!

Have a go at the daily flashback:

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Year Six Wednesday 8th July 2020 Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning (1/2)

White Rose Maths have provided a video tutorial to support you in your Learning from Home: Translations

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Year Six Wednesday 8th July 2020 Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning (2/2)

White Rose Maths have provided a video tutorial to support you in your Learning from Home: Translations

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Year Six Wednesday 8th July 2020 Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning – Extra Challenge (optional!)

These problems from NRICH are extra challenges and are entirely optional.

Coordinate Challenge Here is a grid:

Can you position these ten letters in their correct places according to the eight clues below?


The letters at (1,1), (1,2) and (1,3) are all symmetrical about a vertical line.

The letter at (4,2) is not symmetrical in any way.

The letters at (1,1), (2,1) and (3,1) are symmetrical about a horizontal line.

The letters at (0,2), (2,0) have rotational symmetry.

The letter at (3,1) consists of just straight lines.

The letters at (3,3) and (2,0) consist of just curved lines.

The letters at (3,3), (3,2) and (3,1) are consecutive in the alphabet.

The letters at (0,2) and (1,2) are at the two ends of the alphabet.

You can do this on an interactive grid here: https://nrich.maths.org/5038

Solution: https://nrich.maths.org/5038/solution

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Year Six

Wednesday 8th July 2020

Science – Importance of Exercise (1/5)

Activity 1: Watch the below Bitesize videos about the importance of exercise

Activity 2: Exercise Investigation

Read the below information about exercise and measuring your heart rate,

The importance of exercise https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zgqw2hv

Exercise requires effort, raises your heart rate and works your muscles. Of these three, only one – the heart rate, can be measured accurately. The amount of effort spent on an activity is subjective, it will depend on the activity and will differ person to person. While we can use specialist equipment to identify which muscles are being worked during exercise, we cannot easily measure how well the muscles are working. Heart rate, on the other hand, can be easily measured by taking our pulse.

Pulse You can measure your heartbeat by measuring your pulse. You pulse is also known as your heart rate. It is the number of times your heart beats in a minute. You can measure it by taking your pulse for a minute, or count for 30 seconds and multiply by 2, or count for 15 seconds and multiply by 4. Tips for finding your pulse:

Use your index and middle fingers to find your pulse (don’t use your thumb, because this has its own pulse!)

Press gently and lightly. If you press too lightly or too firm, you will not be able to detect your pulse

Finding your pulse

Neck – press your fingers on the side of your neck. This should be the soft hollow next to your windpipe

Wrist – hold out one of your hands with your palm facing upward and your elbow slightly bent. Put your fingers on the inside of the wrist at the base of the thumb of the hand facing outwards.

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Year Six

Wednesday 8th July 2020

Science – Importance of Exercise (2/5)

Exercise Investigation – How does exercise affect our heart rate?

We would like you to compare heart rate after completing different activities.

You will need to :

measure your (or your subject’s if you have someone else who will take part) resting heart rate

complete the exercise/activities for a set amount of time

measure your (or your subject’s) heart rate

To make it a fair test:

Ensure a resting heartbeat is taken before starting the activities – be sure to leave enough time between exercises for you/your

subject to return to their resting heartbeat. If you do it too soon after the previous activitiy the heart rate will already have been


Complete each activitiy for the same amount of time – so you can see the impact of the different exercises on heartrate.

Use the same method to measure the pulse – take it in the same place (wrist or neck) and use the same way to measure

(whether that is the heartbeat for 1 minute, or 30 seconds and multiply by 2 etc).

Use the same equipment to measure the time (and make sure you can do this accurately)

The same person (you and/or subject/s) to do all activities so you can compare the activities on heart rate.


Decide the exercise/activities to complete and how long for, use this information to complete the table to record your results

Record your results on the table (Page 31 in this pack)

Plot your results on a bar graph (Page 32 in this pack) and discuss your results, was it what you expected? Why/why not? If you

were to do it again, would you do it any differently? Why/why not?

Extra investigation:

Once you have completed the above investigation, you could also get your family involve and complete

A family investigation – in which you do one activitiy for a set amount of time and then compare heart rates (see table on Page 33 in this


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Year Six

Wednesday 8th July 2020

Science – Importance of Exercise (3/5)

Exercise Investigation – How does exercise affect our heart rate?

How long will you/your subject be completing each exercise for? _________________________

Exercise/Activities Resting Heart Rate Heart rate

(after exercise – per minute)

Suggestions for activities

Sitting Slow breathing Walking

Jogging Jumping (star, tuck, straight) Sprinting

Skipping Lunges/Squats Sit ups

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Year Six

Wednesday 8th July 2020

Science – Importance of Exercise (4/5)





























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Year Six

Wednesday 8th July 2020

Science – Importance of Exercise (5/5)

Compare Heart Rates – Family Investigation

Pick an exercise from your investigation that all the members of your family can do.

What exercise will you be doing? ______________________________________

How long for? __________________________________

Name of family

member Age

Heart rate (resting – per minute)

Heart rate (after exercise – per


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Year Six Thursday 9th July 2020 Reading Comprehension – Text to read (1/4)

A recording of ‘Macbeth’ from ‘Mr William

Shakespeare’s Plays’ is available on Microsoft Teams.

How the plays are set out in ‘Mr William Shakespeare’s Plays’. There are three parts to each of these plays:

the words that Shakespeare actually wrote are included as speech by the characters in the pictures

the story, or the plot of the play, is told underneath the pictures

the spectators – who were famously rude and noisy – can be seen and heard around the edge of the page.

Pg 1 Pg 2

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Year Six Thursday 9th July 2020 Reading Comprehension – Text to read (2/4)

A recording of ‘Macbeth’ from ‘Mr William

Shakespeare’s Plays’ is available on Microsoft Teams.

Pg 3 Pg 4

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Year Six Thursday 9th July 2020 Reading Comprehension – Text to read (3/4)

A recording of ‘Macbeth’ from ‘Mr William

Shakespeare’s Plays’ is available on Microsoft Teams.

Pg 5 Pg 6

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Year Six Thursday 9th July 2020 Reading Comprehension – Questions to answer (4/4) Please read (or listen) to the whole play carefully, then answer the questions below, remember some questions may need you to justify your answers and/or use evidence from the text (use APE if needed – see below) 1. Write the meaning of these words, you may need to use a dictionary:

Heath – ‘returning home to Inverness across a bleak heath’

Prophesied – ‘they also prophesied that Banquo would never be king’

Valour – ‘to thank Macbeth for his valour in battle’

Scorn – ‘Lady Macbeth summoned her husband, pouring scorn on his own


Reluctantly – ‘so, reluctantly, Macbeth took the daggers’

Descendants – ‘Macbeth worried that Banquo’s descendants, not his own, would one day reign’

2. Who was King and what was his relationship to Macbeth? (Pg 1)

3. One of the witches greeted Macbeth using his current title, but what did the other two witches greet him has? (Pg 1)

4. Why was Lady Macbeth plotting the death of King Duncan? (Pg 2)

5. Who is Lady Macbeth talking about when she says ‘look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t’? (Pg 2)

6. On Pg 2 it says ‘Macbeth, agonizing over the murder, saw a phantom dagger hovering before him.’ What does this tell you about how Macbeth felt about killing King Duncan? Can you find another word on the same page that supports your answer?

7. Why was Macbeth worried about Banquo’s children? (Pg 3)

8. Why does Macbeth go back to the witches for a second visit? (Pg 4)

9. What was the sixth thing that the witches predicted? (Pg 4)

10. Why did Macbeth lose many friends? (Pg 5)

11. How did the witches sixth prediction come true? (Pg 5)

12. Who became King? Why was Scotland now at peace? (Pg 6)

13. Number these events (1-5) in the order that they happen in the story.

Macbeth is killed

Macbeth and Banquo see the witches

Macbeth’s wife goes mad

Macbeth kills the king

Macbeth sees the witches

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Year Six Thursday 9th July 2020 Maths Arithmetic and Flashback Please choose your own level of challenge. You can mix between the levels if you wish. We would

like to complete at least 10 questions, but of course you may do more if you wish!

Have a go at the daily flashback:

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Year Six Thursday 9th July 2020 Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning (1/2)

White Rose Maths have provided a video tutorial to support you in your Learning from Home: Reflections

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Year Six Thursday 9th July 2020 Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning (2/2)

White Rose Maths have provided a video tutorial to support you in your Learning from Home: Reflections

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Year Six Thursday 9th July 2020 Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning – Extra Challenge (optional!) These problems from NRICH are extra challenges and are entirely optional.

Eight Hidden Squares

On the graph below there are 28 marked points.

These points all mark the vertices (corners) of eight hidden squares.

Each of the 4 red points is a vertex shared by two squares.

The other 24 points are each a vertex of just one square.

All of the squares share just one vertex with another square. All the squares are different sizes.

There are no marked points on the sides of any square, only at the vertices.

Can you find the eight hidden squares?

Solution: https://nrich.maths.org/6280/solution

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Year Six

Thursday 9th July 2020


As we are welcoming you in one afternoon each week, we have set aside one afternoon to catch up on the work from this pack you may have missed because of being in school.

If you aren’t joining us in school, have completed all your work anyway or would like

something extra to do …

Create your own Word Art!

Please visit https://wordart.com/ and create your own Word Art. Here are some examples:

Your Word Art could be anything!

It may be nice to do one linked to Gorsey Bank / Year 6 – maybe with names of your class mates,

favourite memories or words linked to Gorsey Bank etc.

Click on ‘Words’ this is where you add in the different words you want on your Word Art. Remove the ones that are there already by clicking on them and then clicking ‘remove’.

Click on ‘Shapes’ to choose the shape you want your words in. There is a selection you can choose from, or you can ‘+Add image’ which will add an image from your device and/or saved from Google, or you can ‘+Add text’ and type the text you want the shape to be (that is how we got the 6HT and 6JJ shapes)..

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Year Six Friday 10th July 2020 English – SPaG – Word Classes Consolidation (1/5)

Word Classes (Revisit and Consolidation)

Noun A noun is the name of a thing or place.

Common noun = these are places or objects E.g. park, shop, chair

Proper noun = these are the names of a particular person or place

E.g. Mrs Thompson, Gorsey Bank, New York

Verb A verb is a 'doing' or action word.

You cannot have a complete sentence without a verb.

E.g. The woman digs with a spade.

Adjective An adjective is also known as a describing word. An adjective usually comes before

a noun to provide more detail or information. E.g. Elliot is a fearless, courageous hero.

Adverb An adverb is a word that describes how an action is carried out. Adverbs can change or add detail to a verb, adjective, another adverb or even a whole

clause. Adverbs are sometimes said to describe manner or

time. To put it simply, they tell you how, when, where or why something is being done. E.g. I carefully opened the door.

Conjunction Co-ordinating conjunctions – used to join two parts of a sentence that are of equal importance

E.g. for, and, but, or, so Subordinating conjunctions – introduces a subordinate clause (a clause that doesn’t make sense on

its own) E.g. because, although, since, even though

Preposition A preposition is a linking word in a sentence,

used to show where things are in time or space. There are prepositions of place, time, direction and agent. Prepositions are generally placed before the noun or pronoun to which they are

referring in a sentence. E.g. in / before / after / behind

Determiner A determiner is a word that goes before a noun and

identifies the noun in further detail. E.g. a / an / the

Subject The subject in a sentence is the ‘do-er’ or the

‘be-er’. It can be a noun, noun phrase or pronoun. It is the person or thing that is creating

an action, state or occurrence. E.g. The bunny appeared from the hat.

Object The object of a sentence is the person or thing that

is affected by the verb. E.g. The bunny appeared from the hat.

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Year Six Friday 10th July 2020 English – SPaG – Word Classes Consolidation (2/5)

Opportunity to practise

1. Tick one box in each row to show the word class of the underlined word.

Sentence Verb Noun Adverb Adjective

They measured the length of the room.

There was a measurable increase in the temperature.

They took measurements of their heights.

2. In which sentence is lock a verb?

Tick one.

Aisha closed the box and fastened the lock.

Make sure you lock the gate before you leave.

I think I need to buy a new bike lock.

The lock can only be opened with this special key.

3. Which sentence uses the word book as a verb?

Tick one.

We decided to book tickets for the football match.

Arin wrote a book review for the school magazine.

The scientist’s ideas are explained in his latest book.

Book club meets every Wednesday in the library.

4. Circle the four verbs in the passage below.

There were hundreds of gulls circling in the sky.

They gathered near the dock, searching for scraps.

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Year Six Friday 10th July 2020 English – SPaG – Word Classes Consolidation (3/5)

5. Label each box with subject (S) or object (O).

Sam baked cakes for charity and he sold them at breaktime.

6. Circle the three determiners in the sentence below.

William didn’t have any cereal in the house, so he went out to buy some cornflakes.

7. Draw a line to match each sentence to the correct determiner. Use each determiner only once.

Sentence Determiner

At the zoo we saw _________ owl. a

There was also _________ cute baby penguin.


I thought it was _________ best day ever.


8. What is the word class of the underlined words in the sentence below?

The girl brought a sandwich and an apple to eat for lunch.

Tick one.





9. Circle the three adjectives in the sentence below.

He made his way up the cobbled street, striding like the

bold and determined man he was.

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Year Six Friday 10th July 2020 English – SPaG – Word Classes Consolidation (4/5)

10. Which sentence uses the word round as an adjective?

Tick one.

The dog ran round in circles.

There was a round of applause.

The castle had a round tower.

The team has already made the final round.

11. Tick one box in each row to show whether the underlined word is an adjective or an adverb.

Sentence Adjective Adverb

It is a direct flight to Spain.

I hate arriving late.

The door opened wide.

That is the wrong spelling.

12. What is the word class of the underlined word in the sentence below? The alarm rang and Jamal immediately jumped out of bed.

Tick one.





13. Which underlined word is an adverb?

Tick one.

The spring garden looks lovely.

My little sister has a wobbly tooth.

The clothes are folded neatly.

Her brown hair is long and curly.

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Year Six Friday 10th July 2020 English – SPaG – Word Classes Consolidation (5/5)

14. Insert a subordinating conjunction to show that we ate lunch and listened to music at the same time.

We listened to the music ____________ we ate our lunch.

15. What word class do the underlined words belong to?

You can have an apple or an orange for your snack.

Since it is sunny, you can eat your snack outside.

Although I prefer oranges, apples are easier to eat.


16. Circle the three prepositions in the sentence below.

After the game, Omar and Alisha walked home with their

grandparents, who lived across the road.

17. Circle the three nouns in the sentence below.

The fire gave the room a cosy feeling.

18. Write a sentence using the word point as a verb. Do not change the word. Remember to punctuate your sentence correctly.


Write a sentence using the word point as a noun. Do not change the word. Remember to punctuate your sentence correctly.


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Year Six Friday 10th July 2020 Maths Arithmetic and Flashback Please choose your own level of challenge. You can mix between the levels if you wish. We

would like to complete at least 10 questions, but of course you may do more if you wish!

Have a go at the daily flashback:

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Year Six Friday 10th July 2020 Maths Review of Learning – Position and Direction (1/2)

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Year Six Friday 10th July 2020 Maths Review of Learning – Position and Direction (2/2)

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Year Six Friday 10th July 2020 Friday Challenge – Dance Challenge!

Friday Challenge 4 – Dance Challenge!

This week’s Friday Challenge is a dance challenge! We would like you to have a go at learning a dance, partially choreographed by Miss Ashworth and partially taken from the original High School Musical choreography. Miss Ashworth has made video tutorials for you to watch and learn the dance from. Remember that you can pause and rewind to go at your own pace! The tutorials are split up into the verse and the chorus so you could choose your favourite or have a go at learning both if you are feeling keen!

The video tutorials have been uploaded to the Gorsey Bank

YouTube channel for you to access. To learn the different parts of the dance please click on the following links: Introduction and Verse: https://youtu.be/LxBqzcvLOY0 Chorus: https://youtu.be/e3PtkSkoOiA Full out with the music: https://youtu.be/LxXzLCiIMr0

We would love it if you share your videos with us as we are hoping to have enough footage to put together a video montage! Please share your dance either on Twitter (by tagging @GorseyBank or @GorseyY6), on Microsoft Teams or by emailing it to [email protected]
