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 · years Ive been practicing as a clinical hypnotherapist. My aim is to help you put any fears and...

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Page 1:  · years Ive been practicing as a clinical hypnotherapist. My aim is to help you put any fears and doubts aside so you can make the decision to undergo hypnotherapy and change your


Page 2:  · years Ive been practicing as a clinical hypnotherapist. My aim is to help you put any fears and doubts aside so you can make the decision to undergo hypnotherapy and change your



Congratulations on downloading this free guide 7 Things Everyone Must Know Before Trying Hypnotherapy .

There are so many myths and misconceptions about hypnosis and hypnotherapy it s no wonder you re not alone when it comes to having many questions and perhaps even doubts and fears about it.

This guide answers the most common questions I ve had from potential clients over the 7 years I ve been practicing as a clinical hypnotherapist.

My aim is to help you put any fears and doubts aside so you can make the decision to undergo hypnotherapy and change your life in positive ways.

I bet you want to find out right now what those things are!

1. How to choose the right hypnotherapist for you

2. What hypnotherapy is and how it works

3. How is hypnotherapy different to stage hypnosis?

4. What to expect during a hypnotherapy session

5. Can everyone be hypnotised?

6. Will hypnotherapy work for you?

7. How many sessions will you need?

8. Who Am I and What Makes me Qualified to Help You?

Page 3:  · years Ive been practicing as a clinical hypnotherapist. My aim is to help you put any fears and doubts aside so you can make the decision to undergo hypnotherapy and change your


1. Choose the right hypnotherapist for you

It s really important to find someone you trust and feel relaxed and comfortable speaking with so make sure you speak by phone or personally with them before making an appointment.

In some clinics the receptionist will book you in and you don t get the chance to speak with the hypnotherapist first so either ask to speak with them or find another clinic.

Ask any questions you feel are important about how they can help you with your specific issues.

If they sound vague or you don t feel comfortable on the phone with them then it s unlikely you ll feel comfortable enough to enjoy hypnotherapy with them and get the benefits you want.

Ask the hypnotherapist if they use client-centred hypnotherapy (which I ll discuss more later) and if their sessions are tailored to your specific needs. Some hypnotherapists use a standard one-size-fits-all approach but you re not the same as everyone else!

If you re a woman you may prefer to see a woman hypnotherapist and if you re a man you may wish to see a male hypnotherapist, or maybe you don t mind either way.

In Australia hypnotherapists are not required to be registered or have obtained any specific level of training. In fact, there are some people who call themselves hypnotherapists that have only done a weekend training or an online training course.

Therefore, it s important that you find someone who belongs to a professional hypnotherapy association which has specific standards of qualifications and ongoing professional development.

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When speaking with a potential hypnotherapist you should check which professional hypnotherapist s association they belong to and what level of membership they hold. Some student hypnotherapists may be eligible for membership of reputable associations but are not fully qualified to help you. Some hypnotherapists who do not belong to a reputable professional association may try to convince you that it s not important.

Also, some organisations do not meet with industry minimum standards.

For your peace of mind, I am a Clinical member of Australian Hypnotherapists Association.

Australian Hypnotherapists Association is the largest professional hypnotherapists association in Australia and has very strict requirements with regard to quality of courses, hours of training, ongoing training, regular professional supervision and code of conduct.

How Lorraine was able to Overcome Her Travel Sickness and Fly Again

My last overseas trip was a disaster with travel sickness and being admitted to hospital on arrival in London. This time I was travelling to London where I was meeting my husband and then on to Barbados for my daughter s wedding. The thought of a repeat of that made me really anxious so I booked in with Kris Kern for 3 hypnosis sessions.

I followed Kris s suggestions and prepared everything in advance. My last session with Kris was a week before departure and I was feeling calm and relaxed.

I was only a little anxious for the last hour before arriving in London because I was very tired but the flight to Barbados was great. The return journey had a few hiccups, but it didn t bother me at all! Our flight times changed in London and we had to run between terminals to catch our flight to Singapore. Then coming in to Singapore we hit turbulence and the pilot tried to land twice but couldn t. We were getting low on fuel and had to head for an island 15 minutes away.

People were gasping each time we hit turbulence and I had my sick bag ready as we were not able to get out of our seats, but I stayed calm throughout. We stayed on the tarmac for a couple of hours until the weather changed and headed back to Singapore to land perfectly, then onto Perth and home with not one moment of feeling ill. I was not sick at all!!!!!

Lorraine Alleyne, Perth

Page 5:  · years Ive been practicing as a clinical hypnotherapist. My aim is to help you put any fears and doubts aside so you can make the decision to undergo hypnotherapy and change your


2. What is Hypnotherapy and How Does it Work?

Hypnotherapy is the process of guiding you a state of hypnotic trance and then using that state to bring about positive change. It s a perfectly natural state you ve been into many thousands of times during your life. You re awake and conscious, not asleep or unconscious and you re in full control at all times. It s not mind control and you can t be made to do anything against your will!

Trance is different to sleep, and this has been shown through EEG or brainwave pattern tests. However, the feeling you have as you re drifting off to sleep is similar to the feeling you have when you re in the state of trance. You re also in trance when you become so engrossed in a book or movie, or something else that you don t notice other things happening around you or someone talking to you.

In trance your mind can become open to new understandings, awareness, ideas, suggestions, solutions, opportunities and change.

You ve experienced this before, just like a time in the past when you were perhaps under the shower, out walking, driving or lying down relaxing and a new idea or solution popped into your mind that you d never thought of before. It might have even surprised you that you could have come up with such an awesome idea or solution!

By thoroughly discussing your issues and desired outcomes, as your hypnotherapist, I can help you unlock and access that power.

I believe that you already have the inner resources to make the changes you want. You may have simply forgotten about them or don t know how to transfer them to different areas of your life.

I simply help you to access those resources and take action on them.

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You ll draw on your strengths and resources and learn to apply them across different areas of your life.

This style of hypnotherapy is known as client-centred therapy, as opposed to giving you strong external or direct suggestions (commands) which does not give a lasting effect for most people.

Each session with me is tailored for your specific needs rather than using a cookie-cutter or one size fits all approach, which some hypnotherapists use.

We do not focus so much on the past but rather more on the present and future. There is no point in reliving past trauma! When you do that your body reacts physically as if the trauma is happening again now and why would we want that? That s why I do not do regression therapy.

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Hypnotherapy helps to reset your mind so you can:

Tap into your inner resources

Change how you feel and react

Be more creative

Find new solutions to old problems

Become open to new ideas

See new opportunities

Develop new awarenesses and understandings about yourself and your life

Change unhelpful beliefs and behaviours

Change your perceptions

Control your physical symptoms including relieving pain

Leave the past behind and move forward in your life

How Hypnosis Helped Katie with her Stress and Teeth Grinding

"I contacted Kris as I was suffering from severe teeth-grinding which caused on-going tension headaches and neck pain. Kris helped me identify the stresses in my life which were causing the grinding, prescribed natural supplements and taught me calming techniques.

I also undertook several hypnosis sessions with Kris. Although I was initially quite sceptical about hypnosis, I found Kris to be a highly skilled hypnotherapist and am now a firm believer in its effectiveness in calming the mind and body. I am happy to report a significant improvement in my teeth grinding and overall well-being as a result of Kris's treatment.

Kris is a kind person with a genuine care for others and is very generous with her time. I would recommend Kris to anyone who is suffering with teeth-grinding or just wanting to better manage their stress."

Katie, Mount Hawthorn WA

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3. How is Hypnotherapy Different to Stage Hypnosis?

Stage hypnosis is for entertainment and the participants on the stage have volunteered to be up there.

They know they ll be asked to do silly things which could be embarrassing and are happy to make fools of themselves and have some fun at the same time.

Why else would someone volunteer to do that when most people s number one fear is public speaking and making a fool of themselves in public?

And contrary to popular opinion, most clinical hypnotherapists do not use a watch as a pendulum or some psychedelic coloured circle that spins to take you into trance!

Professional clinical hypnotherapists leave those kinds of things to the stage hypnotists!

How Natasha Changed Her Old Habits and Lost 15kg

"I tried lots of diets in the past and only ever lasted a couple of weeks before going back to my old ways. This time with Kris's program and support I've already lost 15kg and I've managed to break some of my old habits and create healthier habits. Plus as an extra bonus I'm feeling much healthier and happier.

I never thought I'd enjoy exercising but I've been going to the gym 3 times a week and am actually enjoying it! I've still got a way to go but I feel much more positive about achieving my goal weight.

Natasha, Noranda, WA

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4. What to Expect During a Hypnosis Session

A hypnotherapy session is a two-way relationship where you can expect to participate rather than just be magically hypnotised to do whatever you wish.

I ll ask you to fill in a questionnaire before your first session. This will save us time and give me a bit more insight into what you re aiming to achieve before the session starts.

In the first session I ll ask you some more questions about your goals and what s stopping you from achieving them.

The more specific you are about what you want, the better your results are likely to be. If you re not already clear on what you want to achieve we ll spend some time to help you get crystal clear about that, work out what needs to change and how you re going to achieve your goals before starting the hypnotherapy.

And together we ll come up with some solutions and strategies that work for you.

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There may be a number of things that need to change so it s important to for us to decide together which 1 to 3 things have the highest priority and work on those. Trying to make too many changes at once can cause overwhelm.

It also helps me to know a little bit about you including your interests, hobbies, what you find relaxing, your past achievements and any fears or phobias you might have. Understanding more about you means I can tailor your hypnotherapy sessions so they re more meaningful for you and is crucial for your success.

At the start of each subsequent session we ll review changes that have happened since the previous session.

During the hypnotherapy part of the session you ll be lying back comfortably in a recliner chair. However, if you have back problems and prefer to sit more upright that s fine too.

Hypnotherapy is a pleasant, relaxing experience. I ve had many hundreds of people tell me over the years how wonderfully relaxed they were during their session, even if they ve never been hypnotised before or normally have trouble relaxing. Many clients tell me they can t wait to have their next session!

Sometimes you may not even realise that there have been changes until this time. Clients may not be consciously aware of changes and only realise they re thinking, feeling and behaving differently when asked about those things!

Sometimes family members, friends or colleagues notice the changes first!

This is what can happen when changes take place at the subconscious level.

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You can expect to be relaxed, not asleep, zonked out or unconscious. In fact, being asleep during your session is counterproductive and if I ever think you re falling asleep I ll check in with you and wake you up if you are.

Since you re not asleep or zonked out you will hear me talking to you and most likely you ll remember almost everything afterwards.

Sometimes people don t remember everything consciously afterwards even though they were fully conscious during the session, and that s OK too. These people still experience changes after their sessions.

During your sessions I may give you some tasks to do at home to help reinforce the work we ve done together and speed up your progress.

How Cherry Stopped Clenching Her Teeth and Got on Top of Her Emotions

I was rather hesitant to see Kris because I really wasn t sure if tapping and hypnosis would work for me, especially after so many expenses with my dentist recently. However, I m so glad I did as I was able to stop using my mouthguard after the first night, which was a real relief! It s now two and a half weeks since the session and I m amazed to say my teeth clenching has almost gone completely. The tapping has really helped my emotional state which led to the clenching, and it seems to continue getting better every day. I really wish I d tried this much sooner! Thanks Kris!

Cherry, Perth, WA

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5. Can You be Hypnotised?

When you ve been watching TV or reading a book and been so entranced with the story and didn t hear other people talking to you or notice what else was happening around you, you were in a trance!

These are just a couple of examples and there are many other times you have been naturally in a state of trance.

However, if you are always highly stressed and your brain is in a heightened state of alertness like when you re panicky, it may take a few sessions for you to learn to relax enough.

Having said that though, I ve had a number of clients over the years who have had chronic anxiety and even panic attacks, and found they were able to relax and go into trance quite quickly and easily during their first session.

Hypnosis is actually very effective for helping to conquer anxiety but if you want to deal with other issues and you re experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety it would be beneficial to work on those first before tackling the other issues.

Who Hypnotherapy is Not Suitable For

If you suffer with epilepsy or moderate to severe depression you will not be able to have hypnotherapy unless you have a signed letter from your medical practitioner stating that you are in a stable state of mind and they give their approval for you to have hypnotherapy.

Firstly, and contrary to popular opinion, hypnosis is not mind control! You can t be hypnotised against your will, so if you resist, then it just won t work!

However, you have been in trance, which is the state you go into when hypnotised many times before in your life. It is a perfectly natural state you ve been into virtually every single day!

If you drive a car you ve no doubt been in a trance when driving and you probably remember times when you ve gotten to your destination and couldn t remember at least part of the trip. You were in a trance!

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If you experience psychosis, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or personality disorders, you will not be able to undergo hypnotherapy. This is for your own wellbeing.

Tracey Not Only Lost 8.5kg in 5 Weeks but Gained So Much More!

Thanks Kris, you ve really changed my life! I can t believe how amazing I feel after just 5 weeks on your program. Not only have I lost 8.5kg, which is fantastic, but I m feeling so much more energetic, happier and I m managing my stress so much better too.

Since starting the program I had a few stressful family issues and I ve been able to handle them so much more easily than usual. I m waking up at 5am without my alarm and feeling much more refreshed than before. Instead of only having the energy to do the essentials like shopping and cooking on my days off I m now on the go all day - I feel my energy is just so much more stable now and I m not getting the crashes like I used to.

Another big change is not going to the shops for chocolate every evening after dinner - I haven t been once since starting the program because I just don t feel hungry or think about food except at mealtimes! This alone is just amazing!

I really enjoyed the hypnosis sessions you did with me and I find listening to your hypnosis recordings really enjoyable. I find the one in the morning especially really helps me start the day well and keep me on track.

While I ve got a way to go to achieve my goal weight, I know I can do it this time because I don t feel hungry and the program is easy to follow. I now understand more about how my body works and why I struggled in the past to lose weight and keep it off thanks to your audio recordings and I m enjoying experimenting with new healthier foods too.

Tracey Roberts, Bunbury, WA

How Cathy Became Calmer and More Confident After Her First Session

Thank you so much for the session we did last week around the bullying I was experiencing at work. I am definitely feeling the benefits of that and the supplements you prescribed for me already.

My mood has enhanced dramatically, and I feel calm and collected every day now. The little things don't seem to bother me and I m feeling more confident in my decision making.

Thank you for working your magic! :)

Cathy, Perth, WA

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6. Will Hypnotherapy Work for You?

This is probably one of the most common questions people have when considering having hypnotherapy.

It s important to understand that hypnotherapy is not a magic fairy wand. And, just like any form of therapy, there is no way to be 100% sure that it will be effective for everyone. In fact, you should be wary of anyone who offers a guaranteed outcome.

Having said that, if you are open and positive about hypnotherapy and are ready and willing to do things differently, there is no reason why you would not be successful and achieve your goals.

Understand that all change requires some effort and you may need to use conscious effort at times, but hypnotherapy makes it easier and more natural than trying to force change or rely on your willpower.

Hypnotherapy is without negative side-effects and in the very worst case will do you no harm

you ll sleep better and feel more relaxed.

Most people see rapid improvements and in many cases elimination of their symptoms.

Many clients tell me how much they love their sessions and how they look forward to them for the peace and well-being they provide.

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7. How Many Sessions Will You Need?

It s not possible to say with absolute certainty how many sessions you will need up front. Having said that though, usually people notice changes, sometimes even profound changes, after just one session.

As an example, many people who have been smoking most of their life stop after just one session. Those who don t quit after one session but who are truly ready generally just need a second session. However, these people had decided already that they really wanted to quit they were ready to change!

For other issues it really depends on what your goals and issues are, their complexity, how ready you are to change and your willingness to take responsibility for taking action after your sessions, and more.

Usually 3 to 6 sessions are enough to help bring about your desired changes and achieve your goals, but you need to be realistic when it comes to more complex and long-standing issues. Occasionally, up to 10 or more sessions may be needed.

An experienced hypnotherapist will be able to give you an idea after speaking with you about how many sessions you re likely to need. Just be open to the fact that this could change you may need more or less sessions to get the results you want. You are after all, an individual!

Of course, doing this kind of work is an investment in your health, happiness and quality of life, both now and long into the future.

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Just think for a few moments what it s costing you staying stuck where you are, and not just in dollars. How is it affecting your energy and vitality, your ability to move forward and do the things you d love to do or even just the things you need to do?

Close your eyes and spend a few moments to imagine yourself in a year s time, then 5, 10 and 20 or more years time if you don t change now. How will your emotional, mental and physical health be if you continue on your current path? Notice these things in vivid detail.

Now how will positive change in one or a few areas of your life change your life? How will you achieving health, happiness and success change your relationships, your work life and more? How will these changes benefit your loved ones?

Close your eyes again and imagine your life in 5, 10 and 20 years time, as vividly as you can, when you ve made these changes.

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Who Am I and What Makes me Qualified to Help You?

My first career was as a radiation therapist, treating cancer patients for 25 years. In my late thirties I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that left me exhausted and depressed despite being on medication. I also had anxiety and debilitating irritable bowel syndrome, amongst many other symptoms. After dragging myself around for 5-6 years and wondering if this was the best I could expect to feel for the rest of my life, I decided enough was enough.

To find answers for myself I quit my job and first became a naturopath. A few years later I studied hypnosis and became a clinical hypnotherapist. And I can honestly say that I feel better now than I did in my early twenties and thirties. I m really passionate about health because what is life without health?

For the last 12 plus years I ve run my own successful practice, Mind and Body Revival Naturally. I m a clinical member of Australian Hypnotherapists Association and belong to Complementary Medicine Association. This means I am bound to their strict professional guidelines and continuing professional development.

Hypnotherapy and naturopathy complement each other very well when it comes to turning your life around.

Not only can I help you change your mindset and develop strategies that work for you, but I can also guide you through diet and lifestyle changes wherever appropriate for a complete life makeover. You won t ever want to go back to feeling how you did before!

Firstly, I truly care, and I want to help you live your life to your fullest potential. You deserve that!

I know my clients are achieving the results they want when they give me hugs of appreciation and I see that awesome energy around them. This is why I do what I do!

For more than 12 years I ve helped several thousand people to become much happier and healthier versions of themselves with my unique, holistic approach to health.

Secondly, I ve turned my own health and life around, so I know what it s like, dealing with the challenges of change.

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What s Next?

Page 19:  · years Ive been practicing as a clinical hypnotherapist. My aim is to help you put any fears and doubts aside so you can make the decision to undergo hypnotherapy and change your


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Do nothing, continue to struggle on your own and live a mediocre life!

In case you didn t know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result
