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Fr:Lo trom "*

* s!-tiao I








oNTARro LAND sufivEYo* anperureun'oioNirne ou ouisEc





oFFEE laO.[o.------ - - - nL€ {o '

; . BCTH


t€9art ts the llonour*ble the Fiinlster of Lands and F,ore6csf3r_th1 Prcryince of Quebec, and lc rhe Honqr l rsble the Ministerof Lands and Foregts for the provl*ce oi O:rcar{o.

Zul*f ;

t :

9trl' *

, :njs*ns'* !1



l - i€ , che uadersigned , "CEra: l

L€r lqusy, Q .L.S . snd* 'E. tdcrfrsr o.L.s. procea*er i as reFrese., tat lves 0f theFrovi*clc1 *overrIaerts of Quebec .nA *il**t, fra,r,:.: l f"2::<i t* Jrly 11th 1*S9, .o

"*rify-rf.,"-"#oiri"" .,the i*terpr{xrl,ncjal bor.rnci*r:y fine feiro*en Quetree and*rEsr: io f r*n iake St,F. ! :angois tc C. iver-des Outaousis.

_ 1n.the f ie ld, l 'e l rere g$si8ted l :y i l *ssra. * !een Dt: f*ur(Quebec) and Feter l {eugabeuer lontar i l } . - ,

' lhe cbject af , the inspeccic:r was tc *xasr ine chepresant condl t ion o{ the said boundary l i r :e €?:rd t ! :em'nuq**ce placer l cn the r ine, so thac rerci*$r!€ndar i .+nscculd be made for a resurvey in che neE-. fue$re.

r. &e__L*e.

l ' t r is l lne was or ig lnal ly t raced tn 1860 byE.T.Fletcher, p.L.s. , a$d revj .ewed in fg iz by F.n. i , ierc ier-q.L,S., Quebec re ' resencer lve, and g-r . , r i i t i i " ' ; ' : ; , ; : , '= ' "oatar j .o r€present;c ive.

- . ._ l fau:

consul t ing var lous docuooents rel6t lve esthfsrboundary. l lne, wa f isted that ihe l* t ter is c l j .v lder lr$ thfee secEions: I

:* F+ -i" -"#I"" uXff.::"ff:'* ::::*.;",*,liTlj'0".*jecriea our f i :om sourh to

"o"r lr ,

" t i .rr i- i" 'ao say, fronI"6kc st.Frangofs to srver des-;, lr i .rJi- l L,e th€refore

f9::.*q ln-the sane *ray sr the t i l rre o: tnsp€.t ian tof3_lg dtffi"ulries and ro ;;.;;; r",rJrJo*. sr ihlsEotndery tine -


l{oteovsre re h3'r€ f*und that the lfu:e est€bliEhed j.e 1922

\res not reestabllshed exeeely ir: the seu* posttion as the

f l rst l ine of 185O, due tc tbe rEposleioaiag et certei*

defLect ion angles.

Tti* line mees*rlRg abouc 28 nile$ tlas follaared i

a long a**ost a l l s i l te l * : i r i re l -engeh. I t !s Bl tuated' I1$ Fart , La bush ccistry for 6 cr 7:* l les, and in part jl -s across c! .es*ad f ie lds lmder t*Lt j . r :st : : .af i of hayr oata, icorn and pescure land. Ia e ::*rtber of caees ihe l"i*e icro$ses the r lghrt-of-*ey of pr3nci .Bal snd seto€ld* ly roads' i

ra i lvrays, rLvels and along fences, di tches sni i read*"

O{ the tota!. distaace correred, r*e have noted that

the sh6n!:e of elevatlon {s sllght, snd that th* ground ls

so*€-*that damp ln the i*aoded ateac and along ditches '


i* g.ea*rally g+od acd suitable for the p1-acearent of solld

aad durable sront**entg.

:. *_oi?li#!taE3q!:At th€ tilb€ of lnapectlon cf eaid tJ.ne, we fo:.md

51 *f lhe 58 aroilrffients rhat exi.ated tn 1922, and amongst

r*'hictr mar*y s.e at pf,ece$t only f rag$ents.

Acecr{ ing ls rhe date of rheir cor$truct lon' l *SC

ar 1922, the $onumerts $ere built differe*tly with reeards

ts ri!€ iqaterlat used arld ttle form €doPted.

T:e 1860 monuments sere all constructed r:f carved

stone end a:e pr{suo{daL in shape or a rectanguler colqnc.

Trleaguler lrsnun€nte a*e nst inseribed and $easure cbcut

8" ea a side and are 12" to 2l-" hlgh out of the grcund.

The fectangulSr mdruments are engraved o{I Che appropriate

sldes IPPER C.ANADA OR LSJER f"Al'tADAr and mea*ure 6" x 8" sgl

a side and ar* betseen 15" aad 26t' high sut af the Flround'

The 1922 nonl,lnent6 vtere eoRstre'.reted Ef ccacrete

in ehe form of a trnncsted pyramld, areasr:ring 8" an e gl"Ce

at th€ top and 24" an a side at the grotrnd, anC rlse 17"

co 43" above th€ ground. Some of these Eronume*ts bear sr

th€lr r€speetive sldae brass plaques engteved l'ith thg

e*ri:1ens of the Prcvlnces, and s:!-th the words Q$ebec Ss.and S*tarlo l.ta, and tthers have no ir:seription or plaques'

i lUI

S !D[S









}ES SFPAPE€ After having .€r*f"=:1ly *xerni*.ed the cfr{:diEion of

ea-*h **nument f*r:ad, n€ have come to the eo*ctrusion Eh€tlhe +aior i ty are damaged with nurperous braeks" cxecks or1*: t f ragm*ntB. A= fes ss rhelr locaf lc& is concerned,qre c€n say that 1* many cases they are nots SLtuat€d fc:stabl l i ty .and cs: :servat icn, Cue :* g*:h ereas as r ighis*of-uey, f le lds r : : :< ier cul t ivst ioslr dt tehes clcng prspert ie$aad rcada ar:d p;+xi*ily of treee ':al":ere destructl.*n and: iFFtErg sf ,s very e3sy,

Fcllcn+inp is e list of ihe mcrruinents found andindf idr:al descripriarrs. ?he nturbers anel l-etters refer:.erlto are the s*$e 6s those listed in r rep*:t dafed t{*te:**r15eh, 1922, s ig: :ed by E.?.Wtlk le! S,L.S, and faul E. t4erc!_er,nT c

A- found the base of eraonu&errt 5" i:eloqfhe surface

- 13.5r *o: th of aretElnlng sr:-:arf oa thethore of teke 5e.F'raagois

- a 2il" s 2C" *crtcree*

-Lg ge

- th€ t*p wae reFcr**dts havs beer: "broken

cff by a bul ldazer

- ti:1s msiur*eEe ele*ldba repl€ced €t the€*ee Fe€l t lsr .

l- 9+uErd hhe base of, acut sEore :rort|}rneilt9" x J-3", *" belm*1:e gratnc s*rfee*

- 3"*? eorth * f

F r4.r !L€

eor.J 'h nf htFh,s?-\? .2

--r , +^ L-- , - ! -^-

1-+oLa* {r =- E!! .n*

-+]r{ ' l+ *er i do-t

: e! 'a. ' t l i 'ha ?ah:e.s.-*

i*. f *s'the:: southLt Lrr LEte !1r tsars€/ .

2- found 2t x 2r con-crete p:/rattii<l l*itirbre€* plates Garkedft3tsr lo and Quebec

- 3r seq"rgh of C" l ' : "R,r - l ry!*-nf

-u 'er

- +n'r1C i ra r i n+ed

3*Uth-er€g:, du€ e*la** a^11 L"-F i*!+aF ev!r t

etoo{i ierld1*:sa

- need nst be:epLsced, but s i :ou1dbe straightened end*3tched,


cl i

7- ")

! ) o l

:{ {:<1;



' . ' s1


r r i

horr:-rAPE'q 3- half leagu* s.le:nrflnent

found a cut stonemgausenc 8! x 6"--?tr-" exposed

* carved UPper Cenedea:rd l"ower Canada

* ehe Glont'rrl:ane is so1i.dbut cracked

- : !€" iJ not be rePlecedbecsuse of tir eprox{.nJ,ty of menulaec-il4

4* fousd e <i*flactianmotlu!:ent

- cut stone, t r iengui€r"8tt on a e'.de

- the c:orunent wes brolqenoff at Ehe grcund levelbut Ehe ?1' ' top *asicund near ghe bise

* this Borrume*t nset *srepLec*d i:: ths ga:re

Fosi t ica, Gr: a .Lsewhere the ssl l isgood


i fua\

4A- found a eorlcf,elepyrenid ?t : { ?rr iehoue b: 'ase nle:es

- a iFr, . tsa. l f f i the

ssulh 3'i*€ tt theeight*cf-**y betr*s€*?:1e 2nd and jrd

Concesgicns c1" theTenftsh. tp of LsncasterJ - -^-J - - . - . i { +; ^*- rr t HUqv

Leai ' r : .qtg s laF{:L r I *esu

- eh*rr ' i r l hp sr :* i cr tened

*n<i tep=j-red arr4 l*ft€t lh ls s lg€.

F^-.- ; o - i : f

6f .H+

L*^^ 4 ' r . - 0 ' i * - ; r=ha

l .q r^*-^^t -^-

, rh { $ i ii i u€l j texEs Lv ? E:: r l r .

- - :1--^ i { -

the s€r:le P*Eitlon2*r *cuth * i thesoueh shor€ 0f theAeaudecte Ri : rer ,





:< i.; ! z,r laO 3i, . , : ; .

q' ,: :;:i








i {r i l

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g1 t

S* 1 lesgue $orlu{n€fli- fau:rd a cut st{r(ie

8" x 6" -- 22"exposed

- carved Upper fat"!6d€snd tsner Canads

- s i*uated in a fe:rcel l*e near I l t creeand has be*n * ippedeast due tc r f* tact ion

- so,-rh sJde is darneped

- qherr ' !c hp rpai+rpr i

in e ac\€ lceellcn40*r l- s*uri"i ef t':r€Be€udetL€ River.

7* far:cd * trieng'jisr cutc ls&e d€f l€ci i€cnff i r r r -eAr i " n* e q; 4a

*ad 12" high

- 3g.tu€ted 1?*: n ** : t iof eke Seaueie;Ee 1i-ver

- dae*ge<i {in the topsEd sorlch side

- tkts monument has beenrelo*aEe<i {}"922 notes)es th€ srigillslpee:tlsa :.iss i,:? ad. i r - r

* ts !* reFl€e*e.

i * l1 leegue nsni . rmenc- f *r:atl ct:A stone

*icr:utner:t 8" x 6"-- 15" expased

- .EY2ra. i f l !^e- / ' i * - r ,

a::d i.oser- fe*si*- 4.=i s i : : :* i ! : i * : i *

rigi:t-*f -Fr8F betlr*€fri:he 4th an<l 5rhCr, t leess:s ls of the'fot*nshifl sf l"ancssrel

- i r r rLe- Ef FL^ F^n__ q,rL +vy,

leeee +qe* +-"J -- , .- . . - - -s! :h

mC hee Fee.- - : r , . !^ . - ,

E-F *+"- i Fa#+! ts^

n,rn-: t &--- -^*r

*= f*:::=d cur s:ffieQ" a. 4r ,


-* i3" exp*gsi i* csr,'ed ?.jFpe:: Csneda

*'fid tcner Car:ad*- s i tL:at€d 2 chains *

sou:h ct ehe sol ; t l :shore of Ehe Beer, .et t -eLive:c,

- i :he top is : t :_pht i ;<deter ioraied { ind themo$Llnena

's leenj_rrg

norlii* i::: :,'ei:: .o-di i:i-6{:

iu==her $*..:i= +- ESnF: i b- l I










. , i ! l t

j - l





1*- f*uni .'qtl st{lrref i lElEar l

-* e5" expesed* c*rved -tleper Caaed*

*::<i :"w*e: tar:qde- eop brsken and :roc

eal id* to Le replaced €C tae

qA:* ei ia

i1- y:a inofiue*::t e+uld befsrrnd et

-h is €i te.

Tt:e line rut:e €l.eaF€ riitcil , anr3 tnenont lo ienL was prcbebtyremoved by a roar i crew.3ue to {ntervis ib lL i . tvhet*een raonusents lOead 1:, ar:d the presenc€of the dl tch, ' r l i needtrot be replaeed,

lLir* fgund a coficr€le*urrm{d 2t

- ? l

u{ r la Lead€ nl F+a- r^--J5

- rF-a r?srrnpnf i raal F

ic {* r , r*r{ .^- ; {Fl^--

uu: t ldE sEf rr i ju LI93

r. ! f ,n lare!" ' ^ , ,*


Fosl t lcn and ncq!l ies along t i re dlrchl lne

* :1a suieable plecei r FFn^El-{^.

-h ignff i t tn6nts l rora 'sca na

r i r* * .1 r+L

2 ieagre -ioal:r*!ttf*i":::d cui stFea

rEc::1:r11e'lt Full€d oiitri FsEltirn andfcElF!-etely expose{iearved i.]pper Canadaartd t{x*er C€flad$4t j " la Caeal Lerrgchr€$g:1 secne base is' t? v 1l

- eul Cop Bect ic{r6"x8u

- no Fu{table s l te forrepleeeaietr! beeeu*eof


di**h- tsk€& !:y H:":{or':is

i*r p=e*en:eti+ri,


t :

{ :*)>ldif,


,,-;s or-'APin

13- Fr,-u*r i rn: sfr e' 'srrhn*f t i l " . . A, '

-- 71" expr:**r{ ie r.:haiap:]ee:s E* be an

a^- iF;* .

- fArr . ; : ,^^- ' . - . - . " . . -


a-a lcr,+*:: ileaeda* s t ; i :ated n l f in of : ! re

r i o ' r , r - r : - r rerr

!ar- , r ^ .| :Fr L . . . r - i l4J uea4- i : t i

ehe 5rh er:d 6thCrr: :cessl-oi ls: f thelosrnship o,- Leircsster

- t : igpeci aOelhwesc all :1" , e rer ked anc i noanqral n^^r

-^=-. : { F,


- shou:-d be repi**ed4CSt + :l+rt:': *il ii:e afA sr:P11 tno!"1, reSi l l t+ngLa int*rw{,s Li}i l"i iy !.'i bh#10 "

L4- fcu::d rsly s !:*righ9tcn€ b#se ,C' ' 1on+in a f*rrca 1ir:et6* =.rreic* hsd }e*neee- -by a 1**elrc€i . i - -F L. .+ ----1-:suL cuutu

B6a b€ l*e*ee*d i+nls+ec'a*r ch-- , . : ;-+e p*sl i i *ned;:e*: :L+E i€nce at fhai*5S+5:7+15 {1S?2 ::*Ee*}16 iF^+^-- r - rL* FiuL€cL af , r rcF

f*ca r-:achi.nery,€i c€tere,

i5- f$unii cilt stanemer|uErertt Bn z 5"

- 1.5 eiral*s + rr*Tth afthe feaucetEF , lverendbcheins+sJur.h.sf a eosded a?*e

* csrved *:pper Canada6-! E * ,^-

- - -^ i -i *

- - - l -^- l r - r ,

' i r Fvw susiu LL : J- t .

AOI:C Af i . ] 5: fF" Ft t t ,c- i ! . -

- ^^^; l ;vD iL|r-

- Ere€d noE be replacei .

16- ?; leagr:e lacnu{eerit- ic'uad cue storie

8* x 5" --1.6*"exFcseil

- ealed Upp*r Ca::ada€nd l.sder Caesda

- the *onume$t is lnfs l r *<rodl t ton, belngchipped on t i ra Fl .E.corner, buE is ssl- ldend straight

- f^ La

--- t - -^ l 6- rL-"Er;4Ugtu €

- - t iu6 6,-^

- l a^

-di i lc

t r LLe,


* iDTt .


. . j

€. i9 l


ItJj41! i

{ i








PAi '




-J ;.q.E






l :n .

1Z- thle eu**ctrl: *ri**=*,.*r€e Espo:.ted brgke:: in.r . t2| *nd not r€n lecec: 'n ihr t ^*J^€-- ;vr aF r t rE &p*sitlon aitir*lgi.: en€l' mctnune€t *rASc(}ngtrucred 4O l inksnn?tsl i in 1o14_- ' - - ! . r : , . r744 r lne

c::iginal_ site -aj=s L*_ Ls !L tv6LVf r tF lcEh. i

-^ 6*---Lrdue DI EI:e

^ ' {^ i - - ! r . - .r r {F : t ld t qETEFa? t?.h

*tx:.rnBenl c*uld bei*und.

- to be repla.ed 3f l "B5Ol i r ie is rBtraced.

1"7A- found a concretepyran:d 2t x 2r wi thonly an Gntar i .o plateECi11 intaet

- * lh: r ight_oF_way

road beeween the 6thend 7Eh Coneessiai l .sor the Township cftancaat€r8t souch of tbe€!d 91r w€6t cfIlne

e f€ilcs

{c poor con<iition an.ls&suld t* ru" lu."e i -e-ile €erl,. po_lition r-liLhe lg22 1r*- +-

- ' -^

18- 9o::qd cst stone8* ' ! l< 6! ' - -??'r€:ap45ed

- cerved Upper Canadasnd Ldder Caaada

- s i lsated in r ight-* f -l ray of "La CBee St.Ceorges, L8r northof the south fenc€

- ie fa i r co*dl t ic : r ,leaxing east? brsk*:t^{

sL^ -a**L

r iJ+'aur Li i ! ruL,

but sol id-

Fn he ro- lqrod hrr ts

fag€sltiqred *:'r efence iir:e 23t 1l*ks

t s6uth of i-ts I

pf,e$"r}! preecg:sus

Pogiti.o:: ne*r etrEvelLed r*ad *ndlene,

19- nct fouad - €eilectieam$eum€rre " IE 19:2 ihlscocntfilene rsss rePo:eedbroken ani l 15rq alonaa di teh i* a e* l t iv*eedf te1d. !L FrEs :r*8reFl€ced ia lli t

{}rig:r:at Foslaic*.- *itl-s a{}eu$*rtt strauld

be repl*ced by e?:{tness if th€ 186Otr ine is retraced.



=;: i



194- f+rmd e ccacresPyranid 2t x Zt

- ier lect ton i :cnurcen(- i* ve:g p**r

condic ior i but bolhbress nleees are st i l linNect

- i i r -

- - -*^--- c;rE , , iur l1.( f ienc i s iean!nfWesf En; F-^ L^^-L, .c f ,as€ isper l iy e:{Fcsed

- LrrrJ rDni iunent must berepieced i f fhF ra?2:.l_' le ls r*t::aced orplaced cn Jlne {F rhs; - . ̂ -roDU l .Lne iS ref"eced.

2n- +-, , - r , . - ,Lt iE nEc4

^f. -* *- a

c 'J: s cone n6!rr , f tpnF-

a iFa.a-^r r .e iLudtEQ l I f ;aa;{-Ls

or - .43y 'eeEvee* the 7r l€ad Brh , r^--^^^:-_ _ "k. . -Et! ss s s lot i sot ehe i r*ns4i ; 6+LAncaAter- 6r rn+rr ^c" ( ,v( L. , ? lche scut i? ie i lcF

?1- fognd a eorrlrret€pyr*mid 2r x 2r ecfbe lerge defie*ticc.leegle

- - : t - -^L--

/ t !

nor:l: of nor.,:rnene 20*ni f* t E*{*t of afeaee

- badly det+r iarseednieh enly 1r rerna{nl : :gehG?6 r l1a er^."- i

Fr vs*u

* ts1le ElaFlsre$t n:*sE be-^- t^--r - - - r

rheJFi^-fvv: E 4ur! .

?2* f*::ad ri:e sEa!*

--17" *xposed- Ei tuat*d 1Br ecreh

*f ihe r*ad "du Houlin*s:.i!e**l_e,'

- Cai-ved f-IEpeT Canadaar:d Lr:=*er Canad*

- in gocd c*ndi t ionbut ' l "eaning ; ; ; ; " ' 'aftd rnust be s*rei6hteeed

- if ersnument #22 iem*ved 2 eheins +northta the eop of a*kncllr23 a:d i i24 ,*oul l thenbe tmnercqe.-*

- - - - - - - -"---_J e










- i l

ai. r - r i lut lc fOF si cULSlsn* $onr:aent

9" o 8" x i2" l "e ingly lng in a f le ld1.5 cheine south afthe Del is le Rlver

- c*r"ed Upper C5n€d€E*; ?

- . '^* L€IIdEg

- t i le b€ge cc- id nnrh+ I n--* rcn =L^ !

! ;n=:op. ids LaKeE: ly : { : , } ls?tr ; E

- ' - t a i11 Ro"- De i :erFsFervCo re p lece th i .smonumaRl,

&a- I n] 1€ ll)o$u@Ft t

- found base sf eaut stcn€ rE*-aaE:gEt

Iv i r -a F, , tL. -""-^-- ]/ - - 'F -v. ! /v

Edr iuSdu

*:? the aorth side *f€i:e **1ieLe Eiv*r

- t!:e tap coul* c.*=!e fcur:d, it !-:eci i:een?aGA*s^J !. -pur L€u Dyoken in

. j .922

- r t wi l l not be necess€ry:+ replaee this :nonurnenr

U5* i !

?4A- feund c{rccrete pyrainld21 x 2t , gr : rorctr of ,nF saFa- t

wr.n+uE P:ates. andbegl f t1[nE :o c iete{ lorsre:r Hl .Lr De ReregsErg Lc*€p.Late thj s moni,!-refrlthe presenE posi : ioe :snot good drre to theFrroxitntly lf a travelj.e<ifoad " A i re : t+r nnq. i ts. !

^ais nor=h 6 eheine r onion ni F c{r ] t u^Tr . . - - .

e fer:ce 1ir:e,

2 ni1e *i$g!u:r€?ttfclu::ii *=t stcelemRil t t , t*+h Art _ ert

-*??r i a*-^-^: : _-4sve=u

t l !

4 Str&m*y eresCeft 'ed I ln*r feeer. t=

*::d T.ser Cenadsia gced e*crd1*l{}abut r i la*<i c* the

si:6r:ld b* i**v-*ri t*firae: gro-nd l" chain+ asrEh ef ehe bu$h.










t {

,L EU; f rP; flc



?€* ji crlle ncnunent

- fouad cut stme9., x 69, ' -_15"exposed

- ra::1'€d Upper CeaadaEbri ? /4ar aEn*c 6

* fe ie ^, ' * , l !+ i^*

st€a*l!:F ir: herdernr*J

- shoul f De replacejin the sarne posi f {on.

27- 4 mlle oonument- found euc s;one g" x 6 ' ,

- -?2" expased- carved Upper Ce::ec!a

aad tor*er Caca{i*- ia soft grouad in th€

bueh, leanine eo!:ahr4€€t1p w, ly t€ i r ccndl t ior .aEd. iatsa-c^*-&r--(ursf l,!18

- should be replat-ed andaol .ed tc th€ t r r ) oF ahiLl i . * r i - r i2* eliai*c + s€*th,

l : : : " ' :;.ij --:: ::i

. .



27A- found cancrege Eyraol i2r x ?r *s i - lh ! : ras*p1*qr:esci ts! ;etsr ,4 ?l *^F-h

-+ts} ! -

-^?eta I . f * i F

^4 -L -&rr , !g u L! :e

C.F.?, s l rd 5? east ofe ieae€rqonu$eag i* tJ.:"Eed6outh 6s:d iri go*c]cor:{ii.tion{ t ah-r ' l . { l 'a ra-* { *- '+

an!- Eesec in the saqieFsslli.os "

2*- 5 *:ll* n*!:":.!s€$t

- f*r:nd euE €gof,te

o X E --LI 'expes€ii

- carved upper C*rnadeend T,cler Caxada

- in gooc condl t ionand soLid

- doas rrdt need ts bereplaced.




?SA- del lectr , o. , or l , - ,u*r . ,at I* lound eor:crete pyrseid

2t x 2 ' - - no nlequts

- e{t'dated *ar:h '3f lh€Clen Robertson road,2Cr south of a ;ence,a{)t ua{f nf enrv, :cr

* r tsE n^eir la ie oncr!

i:ul rhre ilonuaeflE itse,lfis in pcor condi t ion -b:chen top - leanjnct i*eids the eesi

* :'1111 have i:o b*replace{ i at th issi te "

?9- 5 m'i-1e nionunent

- fo-ad cut si:ofienrton*:*ent 1Or €€st*f a f*=s roadsls*g t*e boundar-vli::*

* c€n'ed iltper la*adeend Lot,er Csneda

- tlre slancnreet is .ra.k*dbut is eel i .d

- t* be t*giacedfr::ther ncrth *il e iril.l?* eha!*e + ,

3O- 7 mlle mcrtune::t- not found - reFor led

broken la 19?t- t* "ile re$!6c*d in

6 *e!r p€sitisn2C ch,.e i ns I s ou thor: top of a smai.1hi11.


JS- rrqns co*cr*te pyrs$1d3t x 2i * : l th both brsp1*ees1o*aeed l -e che r ight- .or t - 'sray 05 the LongenaisQ.oad

" JO" so.rLh oF rhe

**rgh lenee of the:lght-cf'ea:1" ar.:d $ |n$r ih of the r3-ds!e*qee:ii3 E**nBeRe Ls ing**{i eonditian butposiei .on Rear eiravel led re€d shauLdbe aoved south 1.5chains I to lhs taFof a snal l h i l l .

,+ui i t'nF,: -)

ra: * *i 1e fic*i ln:€-i+ n- +-r"- ; i

:+F*r led brekea an<innt ronlareC 1'* t q??

does not : :*ed to bereplaced but an€ddi t isnel oonumenc

1r ' ! :a l : :s + t*reh ofPUri L i r i r


3lA- far:nd laa'ge cr:f,sCa'ee dei :"*=t : ioamonumeFL i ' . " x ?"- - ld eXSOSeqi

- in g**d e*edl t i -cr .ur?Li-aa1 I ge ! ,+s .

aEts.Eo. l e- l anr*r ler i

a=* l.ea::s clish?:1.:

- rEniad -nnr l 'h - : l ' Frr " f ! lF: .

3Rr! tsh -

E d , ' t 17rar

1 Q(r1

EA.AI - L{XiER flANA]iArce$t - UFPE!? fA$f,li,{

- F-h1s oosi t j on is pcoci- the mcnuserle sha,.:ld

b* etra{s?:te::cd agrel?6 E! { e- i

i13- ::ot fo...:nd - lt is

1:-otraoly un<ier av*ry heevy till. +:rs t re:"eLled rcedbelwees ioncgsgl*r :s7 agrd S ';f rhe'!o.:r:sb.:p ofEasl -tjswk*s'*.Jf,y

- E b* i :=r lseat ic: :f*r e reirlaeen*r:twsulC be o{: tL* LnFof * =rq* l"L i : i l1?* eh*i;:e + :1a.t*.

, , r2-i -

hs).i leeg,ae E!onu!!!ena€aued lsree cs;rc=et€pyr*nld br:llt o:r tap+f e cxi etcr :e i1??2!:ot* $ )42" h3"g*: ,9" x ! -S" atLhe roD, 2C" - : ?C" afthe b€e+;:o pLaques, l!: ?rcre*nd itioI:lsan; *;est is: a dLt*-rriineshculd be repla*ad.and relccateo 9 cr-s l rs

+ e* tile nsrilh,




i . , - fou-d t i re ba** c i acr: l sEone def_ecEicnmo:rcrenc 8, ' ' : 4 ' ,in e rlgllt*<}f**-a,v *eartfue il.l:rer La er6i$se

* t:ie iap r*-i:ld nct b*lacae:{ i

- f l lusi br r*pleeei i .

icuad s tri€Fis*lsriut st$ne d* l le*t ion:acnue::t, 2 ehains *ff,*n the tsa ci the*c1i f , f e lanq rhe R. i?erLs eial$se7" ei: a eJ.de and 15''htghleeeing *e:::"y :0 ehe$est and is brok*:lcn *ire ssulh rid€ ardt€. ! , .cor:re: '

- te be :eplaced i! rh€Sasr€ or in :he or j I ina 1po8i i ic l cependlnp onwhich l tne ls : .eEra:eo"ir;;'


J5- I Ieague ronur ler i f

- 'ound c+ncreir Dvrei . i . :11/

-- , !ra\ i - -au-, :Fn

- l io pie{ues* builf oc fh€ 'i:*=* *f

6n old *lrt ster:e irF_L922

- ln pood *ondigisn ar: ' lin : cr- . * . .d- : - i , -yJ- . . . i i ;

- *^^ li ru;

- f r : " : :at ?L


'- 1; le*gu* msn!:f,ei?t* f*r:::rl eca Eio!:+

. r ' _ a!rt 4 . r ee1,: i


- ! i { r ;e:Fr l i l ' r r=+ ^f

a Crrr" l i i : ; 5 .e i r

cf a ; f+ae+ alc-g gi r ra

-^- , !

- ren:+' i J i=ha- a**- .1-

= ir*n=ri*4ne l-€:ar:c l+ ih€so*lh eest an* is

- s i :ar : : .C i :a repl*c+c12-1 I j s0lr th.


'" n6



rEl$si:}g and ns*fa"- ' l *^- i L--

4 u4u i lds

bee:: recc'nstrurCed*nd qr'dened

this maRurent is $rltl le*ssssfJr .

38- f*r:ad c$a.r€t€ =yrarni*2t x 2t bul l t m an^r{^ i -*1

I r rvrrBrLla! uerteccl0r1


- Si tuated Qt nnr+F r tthe road slcng th€ i lor i_hsAore €f tke RigaudRiver

- me plate s| iseir :F, theother broke*

- ,po"I condLtt-ou, top lsbroken of f , but is at , - i lat th is s i te

- g:$*t be replaeed aadPr4teated ?rlgh e fence

., :: 1t lLes nee; € F€v*d: f,6€d eyrd driver+ay.

38A- foaaci cor:c;*!€ pyreuid2tx2,

- !:oth bress p3.sques iagsod co$dl t ion exceptf+r e few s&all_ erscks -the roonunrent ts in gadcGndLeisn

* €: tge qcrth !5e::e* llneoF rne n F; d,-hf-^F,sFrt L-u; -pa7

- Iaen{*n o. : , ,+L , ! ! !L ?^r l

ErL'r 4V

of :he 'nase e=pase* *:rthe north side

- should be strc:Ehtenedand repaired.

39- 2 league mcElurarnt- spoke to a local

fsf,*e{ who haCnever seeY! the bageof th i -s s:s: !erh{s afiuaenl Frssbrckecl 1g: 19?? enq! lhe$ss nc! searehedfsr" {suld beree!eead 4f Plra

:.neers€eti*r! off^-^^-

- J

+urrLeostuals ! ! !

and :1 ' , I . l . laukesburyt*irh lhe bc:mdery.




:i.FfiTHi"ir nr



s. '


39A- far:nd cc'ncrete pyraaid?r - , 4r :1- A L' __ nO pteques

- EJ i !1Aied 1l I ^^-" ' - i ih offhc

-n?rh F^^^^ te rseen

ibe Zad a:rd _l:dlonneecinna

^f F ''ne

T'^Lr*ei . ib ^€

L '^^*vr L.e;

?rewfta66ut=* seands er€{t , ncae of

the hase exlosed- Food csndi t lon €xcept

fsr a few $F1el1 chipsehieh cen be easJ, iyreFai . red

- dses fio* need to beEeglac€d.

40- 2t league nsrrura€r"lt- fouad cuf stcfl"

8&" x 6!" --22"expcs*d

- 3{ f ! i r t - .1 i r ' . . ,^--

*f s i*r:ce e**? *helr:e *ceti: *fa cre*k

- C*f1fed l lnnpr f : -a. io

*:rd Lcr*er Caaa<ie- Eatched ant j in posr

cenCit ion, lean!west

- Co be replaced 6L :he_ _B*nr€ pesi t lon

.o. f . lonueent is 2 chns.: . $

t ron creek *- *otes* _ aiurnclcate 7 ehF ins +

i l i





+r- fou.ld cut stonedeflecf,icn $onu:r:ents iguated 18" +sst cfa Fanra f i6qi n i - E nr iuFrE

road. 5t resL ?: ssLi : 'oad=azi ? +f ,*- ! +a ae,;r l r nf

r*6d i ;* .4+ii : rL**gular **8" o;r a s{de

-- !8! 'exposeCleans east, b:aken anderecked! - ?--

-^-1-^^: -F rL-

^-^ -^- i+{^^ba:tJ= lug:Liqa.

: r r . j1:

; : , :i:r ri : i l

l r r ;j , t ij j :t , . :1

;,:.:i::ilE jl i : , :1*iti!1:t;!iii3til!




ljE:J:: .

5 i : r

l+?- fou:rd eonc?ele pyram!.dde{!€cels€ rno$usent2t x 2r -- nf p lsques

- s$l id aad $tralFbt --n9 base e:apa$ed

- ln [s i . r co-:Ci i i on --*oul"d b* E*Faired

- s{ tudred in ehe r tght-*f-e€F #1 a ra€d s:cf:g+?'+ Fc"nde:v I { t rJ -*-3,5" r**st * f * i * : rce,iOl ! rm, r i -n oi l .p nf

r?:e ea*F,r l l

* pssf-Lj , ;n :*EpFi <Fa- inr?


f " '

ou:3 l"eague no=$*e::lfound concretg Ryrai f t j { i18" x 14" ec rhe base*" x *" at ibe tsF --i?" expoeer i , no plaquesbui l* on or igtaal cutstone {1922 notes)eondi t ion and posi t iongc*C.

44- defleccion nonulnens- found L)_" l-rcn bar

sec in a c:rculargraa of cement,approxtmately 30"across

- ber is nor,r flush ,,riththe cenent *- saidto hsve beer: pushedgoEtl

- posLt ion Ecod _ {+n:re

af baf, is 1"6" east ef th*eest eide of ihe s ldevalkend 1O*i nar:h of :he

i nouth limit oi rhesl .deralk.



t i : . ! l

i' !45- found cut stone

12" x B" --24"exposed

- 11' ' s f base exaoset ic:: th€ n{rrth €ide

- lesns soueh east

- has a t ' s teei ban€i*round the rop

- crscked €long i tstentLre length

- in s bui l t up areawith ssre e$:rstructicnEctlelty st the Fr€sellt

- :o be noved l5r +nsrth end protec:edrqith a feBee

- ca$ed -nOrER - X "r-" l l ,Xrut{ i lK

c^rrFh -

Pa /< l r i r - l '

1 Xh' I

€a3i - I"*1{ES fA:q6S&dE cr

- I IFPFE f 'Al lAnA


cgqerqt n.qgmenee,-troiq . 33

Foll"onvt::g rhu ,::lrl: prevLous!.y roede regr:tring fro:rthe ingpgqtic,n we have eoo; ,u"u;-i**irr*rut on reccamrrdir:gthe re€srablishmer:r :f :1.;.lgirii.u'ir#. wirh reserd t*' ,+hlch l lne ia to be rees-tsbl isheAr, t f r*_"1*

to sey, the lg6*or rhe t92t l ine. rge feel , i r ; ; - ' i l i_" i ; a prcble* for chesolLcirars of the trdo l,re,vinees.

411 nesi nenu.$€ats gleeed rq the line should tre of durabLeEr€terie:. and *Ll ilorlure:l*B nugt bear the name of bothprovinces, rhe year.* : : : b: " ; ; ; ; ;

Io io"" , r t r r r"ry f r :on sourheo north. Eae h monurent s i rouiJ Ae " i i r la.o

ae a su{tableprace and locaced bvin s t r.*e,, t s- *;;; 1, :i ff T;:T::::. i:Tjffi :,1: .*: -; n: ;-posi t ion of each msrlriy ; r;;";;,; -;J;:ff

ii, "i:# :: ;i:'i:;i*id;:";x5,::!"i lr l l ..n.

rhree secr{or,* *nJ ;.-;";;;;.e not exeeediae

rn wooded areas the_-llne should be traced and clesredro a total $idth of 12. feet. l,*rer" it.-icuRdary ru*s alcrega fence ltne tr r'ourd,,be *"r, **iliiiril ;; off$er and usethe c leared f ie lds For measurement.

, <'r.-*ErrLs rE rs fecoa&lended the €overnments of igs6g. ;*6r onrario obrain frou the"ect;-;;;;..:'rEher by pr:rchase"I rcrvltude or exoror::iati* , piJ"J-.i i*n* "a

the slee ofl the aonuaenEs to be gurr*urrded Uy * "o,*1L

m*teLllc ier:*e,: i"'ii;*lil"*i:ffin"0.. osseed.ic ri'iii-ii* erecr:.sn sr *!.1

: : , i . .ar the Fc*, ' - l j5L^r l in lmu*-*Lstgnee of lsr or , ***h " ie.--

For the preeervatlori,ald good protectigo of certain

;::;1;:-:"1:.. j ",::ly:"a.a tii" -ioi.**.,."

of ilgslsg,*6

cf the ;strbl tuh. ; i i : "** ' *a*La&ce ss l { } r on each side

rh, di*;i;;;;;;1";'l:;*,*:;":n::,i":"_ffi;::*t" r"iu;c

Y: "" : -of rhe opinion rhar ansery l ine should be made everv{nspection of the sald

IS .ar tr5 y€af,t,

-lJith regards to the restoratr.on, we are of the apini-on

L'i""i;,H:""::'I-::.:"yi;;;-3;;'";-'iilr,' rr resuireposiLion, co ieperr it ;;. r;;";iJ,'ljjo'i..i"ll.llorr.*6ents $hich are nor useful , and to add sbout 1O new

-34i,Je reesil0end rh6t the fcll{relnl eddtttonal monulrents sho8ld

be placed on che lLne:-

f . i,lear hi-5;hway 401 at boucdary'

; ' . ; ; ; ; t l$. P'c ' t ransrnlsslon l lae'

3, lott*"Y betvteen Li7 and :8 ';'. ;;;;:"-iia c re

";;r road crossing border'

5. Berween 2l e 22'

6 . Betsleeen 24A & 25 'i '. iew.*o 73 a* 2&

":"T^: tn*1 '*,.. *^-









HiiHti&t$si:ffilffil* i ; -

- i !1


!c iE fsrther recomoended t11t-:1e":"*::"*'i:":.:C !E lrtrEner rEL,-,*'r

Odt€rlo !,e' 'd*oop*li*-o: 9 Quere1.1111-t:::v::.i"1*Hro".. Gne;ffi:;:: ;;; {;;':'i:ti:: :t:1,*:I':l';,311surveYor btltn an

""":;T;;ii"t *tttrt act as a reer chaj-nra€'''irepresentatlr-e of eac.

'r.. .o*"irder of the s*rvey]ffi :;::":" ::;:,;;.X; ;: -i:!;: ; - ̂*:, :-:*":i: *.'li.ff il?l ;5ii5i"t".l";:';::.T; ;; ;;-;i"retroo tr the lneo aursevorsl

1.{e recor8oend that the rsgurvey.b:-df" durlng the rnsnth

of Seetember o. octault-in order n-ot to d{str:rb fa::tets end

ii;':;;-;;t1-r* 1*"" darrP and fros! rree'

-dereeomneadthatgnerePort 'cnepl"an,a*eone-11t.11

field nates be preparld-'"a "ig"td by the tlto rurlie:fsrs a**

rlgt"".a bY the treo Provlnces "

In wl-Eness wheteof t have signed

'r . ro

*s ix. . -ee. tu, day of the oonth o

lqree-IGE?EF and sixtY nine'

souch of i ;36 c{t a hl l l eop'S, 24 chng + soucn Q1 sru

; - is "to"

T north of tF4i on a hill toF'9. 35 chns +

In wltnesS 'chereof I harre aiEgred Ehe presenE reporE

rL{a . j - - -^rr \ dev oi Ei- le Bonth of *Lone thousano

-i". f";a;A-"d A-ixty aln* '

; tsTar:i\'.


*:ltario Land SurveYor '

t I i l. t ; , i i / - t .ut t , , .

