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Yes we would respect him more if he too banned the …hydeparkcf.com › burka terrorism hpcf...

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1 THE BURKA AND TERRORISM © 2010 DR BANDA REPORT EMAIL:[email protected] PRIME MINISTER Cameron Yes we would respect him more if he too banned the woman’s Islamic dress When was the last time you saw a man wearing a crash helmet and being served in a bank? SO WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? So what’s the difference between that and the burka? Can’t see anybody huh? Pres Barack Obama said that “it is important for Western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practising religion as they see fit—for instance, by dictating what clothes a Muslim woman should wear.”




EMAIL:[email protected]


Yes we would respect him more if he too banned the woman’s Islamic dress

When was the last time you saw a man wearing a crash helmet and being served in a bank?


So what’s the difference between that and the burka? Can’t see anybody huh? Pres Barack Obama said that “it is important for Western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practising religion as they see fit—for instance, by dictating what clothes a Muslim woman should wear.”


Not so, say many French politicians—including such prominent Muslims as Fadela Amara, the cities minister. The founder of a women’s-rights group, Ms Amara has called the burqa “a coffin that kills individual liberties”, and a sign of the “political exploitation of Islam”.

In 2007, Middle East scholar, Daniel Pipes called for a ban on burqas and niqab –not on head scarves. Pipes views the burqa as a security risk and cites literally hundreds of cases in which both common criminals and Islamic terrorists were able to commit robberies, make their escapes or blow themselves and others up, both in the West and in the Muslim world, by wearing a burqa. Male criminals and terrorists did this far more often than their female counterparts. Pipes concludes: “Nothing in Islam requires turning females into shapeless, faceless zombies; good sense calls for modesty itself to be modest. The time has come everywhere to ban from public places these hideous, unhealthy, socially divisive, terrorist-enabling, and criminal-friendly garments.”

In a burqa or chadari, one has no peripheral and only limited forward vision; one’s hearing and speech are muffled. One’s facial expressions remain unknown; no eye contact is possible. Movement is severely limited. A first-time burqa wearer may feel that she cannot breathe freely and that she might slowly be suffocating. She may feel buried alive and may become anxious, claustrophobic. (Try on a burqa, this experience is easy to confirm). Imagine the consequences of getting used to this as a way of life. But maybe one never gets used to it. I have heard many descriptions of what Saudi women do the moment their aircraft leaves the Kingdom’s terra firma: they immediately fling off their “coverings.”A burqa wearer, who can be as young as ten years old, must surely experience both isolation and sensory deprivation which are, essentially, forms of torture which can lead to depression, anxiety, even a psychological

breakdown. According to psychoanalyst and Arabist, Dr. Nancy L. Kobrin, the burqa may “create an artificially induced autistic-like environment.” Covering up the five senses is harmful to the woman in the burqa; making it impossible to recognize or identify such a woman is potentially harmful to others. How can that be? The sight of women in burqas and niqab is demoralizing, frightening, to all sensible people including Muslims, as well as to secularists. First, their presence signals the visual subordination of women; the fact that these women acquiesce and collaborate in their own subordination is also alarming, a bit terrifying.

One knows that the people who do this also publicly whip, cross-amputate, hang, stone, and be-head human beings. And, if the “ghosts”


or ''Royal Mail bags '' or ''Letter Boxes'' are here (my own names for burqa wearers) they are meant to remind us of just such practices. Pipes’s “faceless, shapeless” women are meant to terrify, disturb. And they do.

The Niqab, which allows the eyes to show but masks the face, reminds Westerners of how a masked robber or a Klu Klux Klan member looks. This is not a friendly face in the crowd…………………



These robes are authentic reproductions. They are a quality made, machine washable, 50/50 cotton polyester costume. The robes come complete with cape, belt, patch, hood, mask, and hood liner.

These robes are authentic reproductions. They are a quality made, machine washable, 50/50 cotten polyester costume. The robes come complete with cape, belt, patch, hood, mask, and hood liner.


America correctly doesn’t like these ‘’ uniforms’’








– So why not ban this horrible’’ uniform’?


The spread of Islam was military.There is a tendency to apologize for this and we should not. It is one of the

injunctions of the Quran that you must fight to spread Islam." Dr. Ali Issa Othman, Islamic Scholar

Many Westerners, including Muslims, ex-Muslims, and those Christians and Jews who have fled Muslim lands, may feel haunted, “followed,” when they see burqas and women wearing niqab on the western

streets. Is their presence a way of announcing that Islamic supremacism and jihad have arrived?

Any religious headgear or garments that do not cover the five senses is obviously permissible. Thus, a nun’s

long, dark habit and headgear; a Hasidic Jewish woman’s wig, headscarf, and long, dark, clothing; a Muslim woman’s headscarf (as well as various male Sikh, Hasidic, and Hindu attire) all allow the wearer to breathe, hear, see, smell, and speak. Those who wear such attire are easy to recognise and identify. They can move freely and see clearly. This is not true of the burqa wearer. Wearing the burqa (and niqab ) may also lead to health hazards. Lifetime burqa wearers may suffer eye

damage and may be prone to a host of multi-factorial diseases which are also related to Vitamin D (sunlight deprivation ) deficiency e.g. “osteoporosis, heart disease, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, certain cancers, depression, chronic fatigue, and chronic pain.”

Rahila Gupta, campaigner against domestic violence, writes: "This is a cloth that comes soaked in blood. We cannot debate the burqa or the hijab without reference to women in Iran, Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia where the wearing of it are heavily policed and any slippages are met with violence." What happened to solidarity?


The Islamic countries of Turkey, Morocco, Algeria, Indonesia restrict burkas.

Turkey's old secular elite, who see themselves as upholders of modern Turkey's founding father, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's secular legacy, strongly oppose the lifting of the ban on the headscarf. They see it as a slow slide towards a full Islamic state. The headscarf ban in Turkey dates back to the 1980s. It was tightened in 1997 when the country's powerful army, with public support, ousted a government they considered too Islamic. Naturists can't parade on the streets, go to school or take up jobs unless they cover their nakedness. Why should burqaed women get special consideration? Violent enforcement is evident in Britain too. A fully veiled young

chemistry graduate visited her body covered in cuts, tears, bites, bruises, all happily

hidden from view.



Mesmerising yashmak gang: This first incident is perhaps the oddest of all. I quote from the "British Muslims Monthly Survey," which got this incident from the Chingford Guardian of October 8, 1998:

Two thefts in Chingford and Walthamstow have been blamed on "mesmeric Muslims." At an off-licence in Walthamstow, two women


wearing yashmaks with two children, asked for a bottle of Bacardi and sweets. They gave the owner of the shop a £50 note, which he changed. They then said they did not want the drink and asked for their money back. The owner of the shop said his mind went blank and he gave them the £50 note and an additional £10 note. He said: "I was just frozen and had no idea where I was. I have never known anything like that in my 16 years in the business. There was some sort of spell on me." Later the same day, in Chingford, a similar event took place at a music shop where the owner returned the £50 note plus an additional £20 note. (October 1998)

Jewelry theft in London: Two robbers, male and female, stole £200,000 worth of jewelry from the exclusive Ramot on Sloane Street in Knightsbridge by wearing burqas into the store. The robbers then flung open their garments to reveal guns, threatened the staff, took their keys to the display cabinets, locked the staff in a back room, and made off in a black Mercedes Benz getaway car with what Scotland Yard called "unique" gems. (March 7, 2002)

Attacking a church: Two assailants in burqas threw a grenade among

worshippers at a Christmas Day service on in the village of Chianwala, northwest of Lahore, killing three and wounding thirteen. (December 25, 2002)

Niqab as an accessory to abduction in the United States: Timothy Egan tells about the strange abduction of Elizabeth Smart, 14, in "In Plain Sight, a Kidnapped Girl Behind a Veil." Brian D. Mitchell, 49, flaunted Smart in public but kept her in a niqab-like garment that hid her for nine months from one of the most intense-person cases ever conducted.

With a veiled Elizabeth Smart and his wife in tow, Mr. Mitchell showed up at a downtown block party here, a grocery store, a restaurant, even living for about a week just one block from the Salt Lake City police headquarters, numerous witnesses say.

Throughout much of last summer [i.e., 2002], while the police and volunteers were looking day and night for Elizabeth after her kidnapping,


it turned out she was moving among them in the open, dressed in the most flamboyant of outfits, and at times even camped just three-and-a-half miles from the Smart home. Mr. Mitchell was stopped by the police several times, and later arrested in San Diego on a burglary charge - all while still holding Elizabeth captive, the authorities said. …

Late last summer, the police say, Mr. Mitchell was moving all around Salt Lake City. At the block party in early September, other people approached the three and asked about the small, veiled girl. "I went up to Mitchell and asked, 'How come she can't even look at people?' " said Ron Lewis, 37, a banquet crew leader who was at the party. "I said, 'What's up with a religion that won't even let women speak?' " said Mr. Lewis, who told his story to the police today. "Her eyes were all I saw of Elizabeth," Mr. Lewis said. He said at times, Mr. Mitchell and his wife held Elizabeth's hand. (March 14, 2003)

Burqa'ed commandos capture burqa'ed Al-Qaeda fugitive: On the plus side, a group of Pakistani commandoes disguised itself as women to wait out a ranking Al-Qaeda operative, Abu Faraj al-Libbi. And why were they in burqas? Tim McGirk of Time explains: "U.S. and Pakistani intelligence had received a tip that a suspected al-Qaeda operative would be traveling to [the town of] Mardan disguised as a burqa-clad woman. Because any plainclothesmen seen grabbing a woman would attract a hostile mob, the commandos had donned female garb and accosted the suspect as his motorcycle crossed a graveyard." (May. 8, 2005)

Afghan MURDER (suicide) Bombers hides under burqa: Five Afghan soldiers were killed and four wounded when a HOMICIDE BOMBER, whom the police think was a Taliban member, disguised himself as a woman and sat in the backseat of a car, then set off a bomb hidden under his burqa at an army checkpoint in Khost province of eastern Afghanistan. According to Mohammed Ayub, the regional police chief, "The bomber probably wanted to go into Khost city for a suicide attack there, but panicked and blew himself up when the soldiers started checking." (February 2, 2006)

Al-Qaeda leadership in Iraq: Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, eluded Western forces over a three-year period through wiliness. In the description of Bill Powell and Scott MacLeod of Time, "al-Zarqawi was a maddeningly elusive target—a master of disguise who could pass as a woman in a burqa one day, an Iraqi policeman the next." (June 11, 2006)

Palestinian gunmen escape Israeli forces in Gaza: The IDF suspected that Palestinian gunmen dressed up as women to escape a 19-hour standoff with the


IDF that tried to dislodge them from a mosque where they were hiding. A report by Sa'id Ghazali in The Independent provides more details about women injured while taking burqas to the gunmen:

Lying in a hospital bed, covered from head toe in a black cloak, Asma Hamad, 23, said that she and two relatives were wounded while serving as human shields for dozens of fighters, who had taken refuge in neighbouring houses. The women were summoned by phone calls and local radio stations to rush to the area of the 700-year-old al-Nasr mosque.

"We went immediately to the streets," Mrs Hamad said. "Some of us carried food, some brought traditional women's cloaks and head covers to help the fighters. The army immediately shot at us. I was hit in my left leg." … One woman told Maan, an independent Palestinian news agency, that she smuggled women's clothing into the al-Nasr mosque, where the gunmen were holed up , and helped them escape in disguise.

November 21,


Mustaf Jama, Britain's most wanted fugitive, apparently fled the country for his native Somalia by donning the niqab.

Murder suspect flees UK: Mustaf Jama, 26, one of Britain's "most wanted" criminals for having murdered Police Constable Sharon Beshenivsky, 38, in November 2005, fled the country during the last week of 2005 and returned to his native Somalia. The picture of Britain's most wanted man, with 21 criminal convictions, had been circulated to every police force, port and airport in the country. He got through by disguising himself as a Muslim woman. Specifically, he adopted his sister's identity, using her passport and by wearing a niqab. Turns out, security personnel at London's Heathrow Airport made no attempt to


match his face with her passport picture, even though the airport was on a heightened state of alert after the 7/7 terrorist attack. Indeed, the Times (London) writes that "British immigration officers rarely carry out a visual check to match a passport photograph with a departing female passenger's veiled face." It also adds that, in October 2006, "a male suspect in a major anti-terrorist investigation evaded capture in Britain for several days by dressing in a burka. He was eventually arrested and is awaiting trial." (For more on that case, see "Suspect in terror hunt used veil to evade arrest.") (December 20, 2006)

Jewelry theft in India: After closed circuit television cameras in jewelry stores in Pune, India (about 170 km from Bombai), revealed that burqa'ed customers had perpetrated three recent thefts of jewelry, each valued at over $8,500, the Pune Jewelers Association has applied to the police chief of Maharashtra State for permission to exclude anyone with a covered face (regardless of religious affiliation) from their shops.

Association president Fattechand Ranka explained: "Because of the burqa the police could not identify their faces. Anyone could be masquerading under a burqa, even a man." He explained that the PJA has videos of women stealing jewelry but they could do nothing about it because the faces are obscured. "We could only see their eyes because the veil covered the rest of their faces."

For his part, Pune police commissioner D. N. Jadhav has rejected the ban, for fear it would cause Hindu-Muslim problems, and suggested instead that if the jewelry shop owners "are really concerned about security, they can appoint saleswomen and women security guards in their shops."

And the PJA did back down, with Rankha announcing its withdrawing the proposed ban out of concern for religious sensibilities.

Naseem Siddiqui, chairman of Maharashtra State Minorities Commission, hailed the retreat. "The burqa is an integral part of Muslim religion and asking women to not wear it while shopping for jewellery will not be acceptable to the community." But Javed Anand, general secretary of the Muslims for Secular Democracy, was sympathetic to the jewelers. "There is a valid point here and we must see it for what it is." (December 29, 2006)


Police chief assassinated in India: Manzoor Ahmed, police chief of Pampore, Kashmir, was killed when a suspected Moslem posed as woman wearing a face covering. The subsequent gunbattle left one civilian dead and two constables wounded. (December 30, 2006)

Philadelphia bank: The report in the Philadelphia Inquirer is not explicit, so it's not clear if a niqab is involved, but one suspects so, for how else would "Muslim clothing" and eyeglasses disguise a successful bank robber:

A woman robbed a Center City bank yesterday and fled with an undisclosed amount of cash, police said. The robber, dressed in Muslim clothing and wearing a pair of silver eyeglasses, walked into the Wachovia Bank branch at Broad and Walnut Streets about 2:10 p.m. and gave a teller a demand note, police said. The robber escaped after receiving the cash, police said.(January 6, 2007)

The six accused July 21, 2007 bombers. Yassin Omar (seen here without his burqa) is on the lower left.

Bank robbers in London: you don't have to be Muslim to misuise the niqab. Anthony Roberts, 22, and Nicholas Bidar, 19, stole Muslim clothes from Regent's Park mosque in June 2006 and put them on to conceal their identities for a bank robbery later that day in Kilburn, north London. They waited in the banking hall before rushing guards as they made cash deliveries and

collections, then sped away in a waiting car. The pair of thieves pleaded guilty to three counts of theft (including a previous robbery three weeks earlier) and the Kingston crown court in south-west London sentenced them to four and three years in prison, respectively. (February 10, 2007)

UK Terrorism suspect escapes: Closed-circuit television captured Yassin Omar, 26, of north London, on two occasions wearing a burqa. Omar is one of the six accused July 21, 2005 would-be bombers (he allegedly tried to set off a hydrogen peroxide bomb at Warren Street Underground station). The first time was on the day of the


attempted bombings, when Omar (in the Daily Telegraph description) "dressed from head to toe in a black burka and carrying a brown handbag" is seen walking to Golders Green coach station and getting off a bus hours later at Digbeth, Birmingham.

The second time, he fled London under a burqa a day after the failed attacks. As the Times (London) account puts it:

The 6ft 2in (188cm) figure of Yassin Omar, dressed from head to toe in a black burka, could be seen with a white handbag over his left arm as he made his way with a woman to a London coach station. Mr Omar boarded the 6.20pm National Express service to the Midlands, Woolwich Crown Court was told. Three hours later the bus arrived in Birmingham and he disembarked. He sat on a bench and waited until a red Nissan Sunny car pulled up, Max Hill, a junior prosecutor, said. He then got in and was driven away.

Yassin Omar, in burqa disguise, fleeing from the police.

It bears noting that, for reasons of verisimilitude, Omar shaved his arms and carried a white handbag. (February 21, 2007) May 4, 2007 update: Giving testimony in court, Omar explained that he took one of his mother-in-law's black burqas because she "had lots of them" and put it on out of fear that the police would shoot him.

Afghanistan: Afghan soldiers captured Mullah Mahmood, a Taliban leader and expert bomb-maker, as he tried to flee a massive NATO security operation dressed in a burqa. "Alert [Afghan] soldiers at this checkpoint spotted the oddity and quickly arrested him," explained a NATO press release. (Mar. 7, 2007)

Pakistan: A male gunman wearing a burqa shot dead Masroor Alam, 35, a Sunni Islamist involved in several cases of sectarian killings, near his home in the remote tribal town of Dera Ismail Khan, north-west Pakistan, then fled on a motorbike. (Mar. 9, 2007)


Somalia: The niqab presents a whole different level of threat in Somalia, reports Reuters' Guled Mohamed in "Somali forces ban, burn Muslim women's veils," where the Western-backed government has cracked down on women's coverings in the capital, Mogadishu, to prevent the Islamic Courts insurgents from disguising themselves and then attacking.

"Every policeman and government soldier has orders to confiscate veils from veiled women," senior police officer Ali Nur told Reuters, saying various recent attacks had been carried out by people in disguise. "Some of the remnants of the Islamic Courts have been caught wearing veils. During the war, these remnants, pretending to be women, killed so many government troops." Somalis are generally moderate Muslims and most women traditionally cover their heads but not faces. Officials say some suicide attacks have been carried out by men disguised under full face-veils, known as indhasharer in Somali.

A Reuters witness saw several veiled women running away from police on Wednesday. Near the main Tarbuunka Square, a Somali woman was seen removing her face covering before approaching a government checkpoint where one soldier clutched several of the black veils, which cover the face and leave only the eyes visible. Mogadishu residents said government troops and police had been forcibly removing veils and publicly destroying them. "Yesterday, so many veils were burnt by the police," said taxi driver Abdullahi Mohamed.(May 9, 2007)

Another Philadelphia bank: Five months later, a Wachovia Bank branch in Philadelphia is again held up by a woman in Muslim garb, though this time in the Juniata Park part of town.


A robber dressed in Muslim female clothing stole $700 from a bank yesterday in North Philadelphia. … police said they were looking for a woman wearing gold-rim glasses in this case. The thief passed a note to a teller at the Wachovia Bank branch on the 1200 block of East Hunting Park Avenue in the Juniata Park section about 11:35 a.m. and fled on foot (June 5, 2007)

Pakistani horror movie features "Burqa Man": Zibahkhana ("slaughterhouse" in Urdu) has the distinction of being Pakistan's first home-made horror movie in a generation. According to its producer, Omar Ali Khan, reports Aryn Baker of Time, "the scariest local touch is the sadistic cannibalistic killer that wears a burqa," a figure whom Khan dubbed "Burqa Man." (June 12, 2007)

JUNE 2015 UK

Burka-clad white man' is arrested after police detonate suspect package in Watford town centre

• Hertfordshire police were called to town's main shopping area after 11am • They received report that a suspicious item was found outside Travelodge • Man wearing full-length niqab was allegedly carrying children's rucksacks

• Police confirmed it had destroyed a suspicious package this afternoon

Fatah leader tries to escape Hamas: The Jerusalem Post's Khaled Abu Toameh tells the horrifying story of Jamal Abu Jadian, a top Fatah commander and a sworn enemy of Hamas who tried to avoid the Hamas steamroller in Gaza. He fled his home in the northern Gaza in the evening of June 12 "dressed as a woman to avoid dozens of Hamas militiamen who had attacked it. He and several members of his family and bodyguards were lightly wounded. But when Abu Jadian arrived at a hospital a few hundred meters away from his house, he was discovered by a group of Hamas gunmen, who took turns shooting him in the head with automatic rifles. 'They literally blew his head off with more than 40 bullets,' said a doctor at Kamal Udwan Hospital." (June 12, 2007)

Bosnian bank robbed: Two Men entered a Union bank in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo wearing niqabs. They trained their guns on the bank's customers, made those customers lie on the floor, and proceeded to empty the tills,


making off with about $40,000. "Everything happened in a moment. Two persons in black niqabs came into the bank. I thought they were ladies," bank customer Mehmedalija Komarac was quoted. (July 3, 2007)

Pakistani press ran front-page pictures of Maulana Mohammad Abdul Aziz in his usual appearance and as disrobed trying to flee the Lal Masjid complex in a burqa.

Head of the Lal Masjid in Islamabad tries to escape: The two brothers who run the large Lal Masjid complex in Islamabad, capital city of Pakistan, have led an insurrection through which they hope to topple the government of their country. Holed up in the complex, surrounded by some ten thousand soldiers, one of the two brothers, Maulana Mohammad Abdul Aziz Ghazi, 46, tried to escape by joining a group of some twenty women permitted to leave. He donned a full black burqa, even wearing gloves and high heels. Also, he was the only one of the group who stayed quiet.

What happened next is a matter of dispute. One account has a female police officer searching his body, then yelling out, "This is not a woman." Another account has a male security officer pouncing on the mysterious figure and, "as he grabbed her, the burqa came off and his beard fell out. He asked the man who he was and he said 'I am Maulana Abdul Aziz'." A third account quotes a security official saying that Abdul Aziz was picked out because of his "unusual demeanour," As he put it: "The rest of the girls looked like girls, but he was taller and had a pot belly."

Government officials had a good laugh at Maulana Abdul Aziz's expense. Deputy information minister Tariq Azeem noted: "After all the things he has said and all the oaths he took from his students that they should embrace martyrdom with him, look at this man." (July 4, 2007)


Kenyan prostitutes hide under niqabs: Now for the niqab hiding an altogether different sort of crime: Prostitution is illegal in Kenya's coastal port of Mombasa but, John Nene reports for the BBC, streetwalkers there have a history of donning the buibui (a niqab that shows more of the face). Wearing black buibuis brings two advantages, allowing them to mingle with other women and to melt into the night when the police turn up. As one streetwalker puts it, "I'm better off wearing the buibui so I look respectable. I can avoid arrest."

Of course, respectable women disapprove. "I feel so embarrassed that sometimes I contemplate removing my buibui and throwing it away. The buibui has lost its respect," says one such woman, Mariam Salma.

This is not the first time prostitutes have donned the buibui, as Nene explains: "It was popular in the 1990s until a religious vigilante organisation illegally rounded up the prostitutes hiding under buibuis and flogged them publicly."

Religious leaders are again upset. Sheikh Muhammad Khalifa, organising secretary of the Council of Imams of Kenya, worries about the police mistaking respectable women for prostitutes, and offers a solution. "For God's sake, if one has decided to join this profession, the uniform of prostitutes is well known. They should stick to their disgraceful attire." (July 11, 2007)

sit Scene of a Moslem murder (‘suicide’) bombing in Bannu,


"Ban the Burqa - and the Niqab Too"

Suspected Iraqi insurgent disguised as pregnant woman: The Multi-National Force in Iraq has posted a bulletin today indicating that several men were detained "during an air assault mission along the Euphrates River, Aug. 20. One of the men detained was dressed as a pregnant woman … in an attempt to avoid capture." (August 21, 2007)


Three men carrying explosives in Afghanistan: Itar-Tass relies on IRNA to report that a Russian citizen ("Andrei") and two Afghans were found in Paktia province, Afghanistan carrying about 500 kilograms of explosives in their automobile and were arrested as a suspected associates of terrorists; "all three men were wearing women's clothes." (August 28, 2007) Oct. 30, 2007 update: David Rohde provides a more detailed account of this incident in the New York Times:

Afghan police officers working a highway checkpoint near here noticed something odd recently about a passenger in a red pickup truck. Though covered head to toe in a burqa, the traditional veil worn by Afghan women, she was unusually tall. When the police asked her questions, she refused to answer. When the veil was eventually removed, the police found not a woman at all, but Andre Vladimirovich Bataloff, a 27-year-old man from Siberia with a flowing red beard, pasty skin and piercing blue eyes. Inside the truck was 1,000 pounds of explosives. Afghan and American officials say the Siberian intended to be a suicide bomber, one of several hundred foreign militants who have gravitated to the region to fight alongside the Taliban this year, the largest influx since 2001.

Islamic Woman blows self up at Pakistan army checkpoint: A woman in burqa carrying a basket over her head, thought to be an Afghan in her 30s, blew herself in Peshawar as she approached a checkpost, presumably on behalf of the Taliban. She was the only casualty. (December 4, 2007)

Friends Jewellers in Cape Hill, Smethwick, West Midlands, robbed by a burqa'ed thief and his accomplices.

Armed men rob British jewelry store: A 6-foot, 6-inch Asian man disguised himself on March 19 as a Muslim woman, put on a burqa, pushed an empty children's carriage, buzzing for entry at Raj Kumar's "Friends Jewellers" in Cape Hill, Smethwick, West Midlands. There was something not quite right about the height and appearance of this person, but the baby carriage persuaded staff to release the lock. On entry, he pulled out a gun and four other Asian men,


their faces covered with ski masks, used their hammers to break into the store. They sprayed Kumar, his brother and the store's two security guards with pepper spray, attacked the owners, then broke into display cabinets, took £200,000 worth of 24-carat gold jewelry, and fled in two cars.

Kumar recounted the attack to the press. His mother who first spotted the burqa'ed figure just after 1 p.m..

6'6" burqa'ed male thief outside Friends Jewellers, as the security camera caught him.

We have buzzer entry and he was trying to get my mum to let him in. She thought he looked too tall to be a woman but he had this pushchair with him. When she opened the door these men ran in from behind and used hammers to smash through the next door. It took them about five

goes to get through the glass. … They got us all in the face [with pepper spray]. One of them threw a claw hammer at me and they hit my brother's

arm - he's got a big cut down it. We think this gang have raided other jewellery


shops so we tried to prepare for something like this, but when it happened we just froze. We thought they had guns.

Almost as distressing as the robbery were the inane comments on it by two city councilors, both of whom seem to think this robbery was the first of its type.

Keith Davies said: "I am a member of the police authority and I will be asking if this kind if think has happened before. … It's the first time I have heard of

anything like this. It calls up a lot of questions about how we deal with crime. I would hate to think there could be challenges on women walking round the

streets in burkhas. It is really unusual." Mohammed Rouf added: "I am really shocked. It seems they are trying to come up with new ideas to rob people. This is

bad for the community and I am shocked that they would go this far just to steal."

Armed man threatens British security guard: A man "dressed in black and wearing a face covering believed to be a burka" threatened a Securicor security driver outside a supermarket in Birmingham on March 14 with what is thought to

be a firearm wrapped in a black plastic bag. The driver got into his van and shut the sliding door, trapping the weapon in the door before the attacker could spring it, and ran off to the passenger seat of a nearby parked car. The police issued a statement: "Due to the similar circumstances, officers are exploring possible links with the robbery that took place at Friends Jewellers last week." (March 22, 2008)

Two men robbed the Bank of American branch inside the ShopRite in the Port Richmond section in the late morning today, then fled. When Police Sergeant Steven Liczbinski, 40, confronted them about 15 minutes later, they shot him three times with an AK-47 and he died soon after. Other police officers chased


the two men and killed one of them, Howard Cain. The police also searched a wooded area for another man and a woman connected to the bank robbery. According to an Associated Press report, "The man was described as black, stocky and wearing a white hospital mask. He had shoulder-length dreadlocks, but Little said officers

cautioned that that could be wig. The woman, whose race was not known, was dressed in a head-to-toe light brown robe." Another report described the woman wearing "Muslim-type garb."

Howard Cain of Philadelphia, who disguised himself in a niqab to rob a bank.

Comment: May 5, 2008 update: That person was a man. Here are more details of the crime: Two of the robbers, Howard Cain A MOSLEM and Eric DeShawn Floyd, donned Muslim women's clothes - a hijab covering their heads; long dresses, called an abaya; and face veils, called nik-ab - to prevent detection," while Lavon Warner wore a dreadlock wig and dust mask." Then, the trio marched into the bank, and Sgt. Liczbinski responded to the bank robbery alarm at 11:26 a.m. The trio hopped in a blue Jeep Liberty. Hearing flash information about the Jeep, Liczbinski chased the vehicle, which stopped twice before hitting a pole. Cain jumped out and fired the high-powered SKS assault rifle five times at the officer, hitting his left trunk and leaving him in a pool of blood, at Schiller and Almond streets.

Police patrol attacked in western Afghanistan: A suicide bomber in burqa attacked a police patrol in the Dilaram district of Farah province. Striking in a crowded market, he killed at least 12 people (7 police, 5 civilians) and wounded 27 others (11 police and 16 civilians). The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack and named the perpetrator as Mullah Khalid. (May

15, 2008)

BRITAIN IS JUST TOO SOFT ON ISLAMThese news pieces over the past years show how deadly the burka is. Double standards are evil.



A 1-3 The GODly B 4-5 The Ungodly

A 6 The GODly B 6 The Ungodly

A1-3 Oh how Happy (Blessed) is the man that Walks not in the Counsel of the Ungodly (rasha--outlaws), nor Stands in the Way of Sinners (chata), nor Sits in the Seat of the Scoffers (luz--scorners). But his delight is in The Torah (Law) of YAHWEH; And in HIS Torah does he meditate day and night.

and he shall be like a Tree trans-planted in a garden by the Rivers of Water (palgey-mayim--irrigating a garden) that brings forth his Fruit in his season; his Leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he does shall prosper.

B 4-5 The outlaws are not so: but are like the Chaff which the wind drives away. Therefore the outlaws shall not stand in The Judgement, nor sinners in The Assembly of the Righteous.

A 6 For YAHWEH knows the way of the righteous: B 6 but the way of the outlaws shall perish.



A 1-3 Why do the heathen rage,

and the peoples imagine a vain thing? the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers have gathered by appointment (take counsel together) , against YAHWEH, and against HIS MESSIAH (ANOINTED) saying, 3 Let us break THEIR bands asunder, and cast away THEIR cords from us.

B 4 -5 HE that sits in the Heavens shall laugh: YAHWEH shall have them in derision. Then shall HE speak unto them in HIS Wrath, and vex them in HIS Sore Displeasure.

C 6-9 Yet have I set MY KING upon MY Holy Hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: YAHWEH Has said unto ME THOU art MY SON; this day have I begotten THEE. ask of ME, and I shall give THEE the heathen for THY inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for THY possession. 9 YOU shall Break them with a Rod of Iron; YOU shall Dash them in pieces like a Potter's Vessel.

A 10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

B 11 Serve YAHWEH with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

C 12 Kiss THE SON, lest HE be angry, and ye perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Happy (Blessed) are all they that put their trust in HIM.







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Mustaf Jama, Britain' most wanted

fugitive, fled UK for his native Somalia by donning the niqab
