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YesMag North Wales August Edition

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The purpose of this bi- monthly magazine is to serve you, the residents of the North Wales Coast, and to support the local businesses that operate in and around the area. Studies show that people like to buy ‘on their doorstep’ whenever they can, and now you have a reference guide to enable you to do just that. In addition to featuring local businesses and trades, you will see there is plenty of useful information …and more to come over the following months as the directory grows. Each month we will run special business features giving you more information about some of the companies that advertise. If you like this directory and would like to see it continue, then please help us by supporting the businesses that appear. When you do call them, please make sure you mention The YES Mag Directory. Finally, if you own a business in the area, then you should be advertising with us. Our advertising rates are really good value, please get in touch for further details!

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    Your Everyday Services



    Featured inside ....

    Health & BeautyPlaces to Eat & DrinkHome & LifestyleTrades & BuildingMotoringPuzzles

    August / September 2013

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 1 11/07/2013 13:39

  • To Advertise in YES MAG please call Richard 01492 541627 or 07598 2340662

    North Wales First Individually Decorated Carpet and Rug Showroom

    No 1 Mostyn Avenue, Craig-y-Don, Llandudno, LL30 1YSTel: 01492 877000 Fax: 01492 877065 Email: [email protected]

    Call in and view our new and exclusive range of rugsBeautiful themed rooms set over 3 floors. Displaying Carpets, Rugs,

    Furniture and accessories.

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 2 11/07/2013 13:39

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    As reported on the BBC NEWS "These gizmos contain batteries and "e-liquid" - a solution of propylene glycol or glycerine - containing a nicotine dose. A battery inside the e-cigarette heats up a coil attached to a wick. When the liquid is presented to the hot wick it produces vapour which can be inhaled.They don't quite match the nicotine hit of a real cigarette, but they come very close enough to have won over 1.3 million users in the UK alone (compared to nine million tobacco smokers)."

    HISTORY source WikipidiaThe earliest electronic cigarette can be traced to Herbert A. Gilbert, who in 1963 patented a device described as "a smokeless non-tobacco cigarette" that involved "replacing burning tobacco and paper with heated, moist, flavored air." This device heated the nicotine solution and produced steam. In 1967, Gilbert was approached by several companies interested in manufacturing it, but it was never commercialized and disappeared from the public record after 1967.

    Hon Lik, a Chinese pharmacist, is widely credited with the invention of the first generation electronic cigarette. In 2000, he came up with the idea of using a piezoelectric ultrasound-emitting element to vaporise a pressurized jet of liquid containing nicotine diluted in a propylene glycol solution. This design produces a smoke-like vapour that can be inhaled and provides a vehicle for nicotine delivery into the bloodstream via the lungs. He also proposed using propylene glycol to dilute nicotine and placing it in a disposable plastic cartridge which serves as a liquid reservoir and mouthpiece. These inventions are the basis of the present-day electronic cigarettes.

    07766 175113

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 3 11/07/2013 13:39

  • To Advertise in YES MAG please call Richard 01492 541627 or 07598 2340664

    Dianne H

    arris - Editor

    Directors: Dianne Harris EDITOR , Marilyn Clark IT & DESIGN, Richard Clark SALES

    Featuring ...

    5 Summer Emergencies

    8 Beauty

    11 Spot the difference

    12 Wordladder

    13 Recipe

    16 A Better Life

    17 Sudoku

    18 St David's Hospice

    22 Puzzle Page

    26 Holiday Spending

    30 Jan Ruth

    36 Travel

    39 Using Neutral Colours

    41 Wordsearch

    44 Gardening

    48 A Better Reception

    50 Motoring Review

    52 Short Story

    60 Life Begins

    64 What's On

    66 Classifieds

    66 Puzzle Answers

    WANT TO ADVERTISEPlease email Richard Clark - [email protected]

    or call on 01492 541627 mob 07598 234066

    Whilst every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for loss, damage or omission caused by error in the printing of an advert. All artwork is accepted on the strict condition that permission has been given for use in the publication.Adverts are accepted on the understanding that description of goods and services are fair and accurate. Yes Mag Directory does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise - without the prior consent of the publisher. Photographs - Yesmag front cover


    Hello and Welcome to the Aug/Sept issue of Yesmag.

    By now you should all have planned your holidays with the children on their summer breaks from school. I hope you all have a great time. For those of you that don't have the time to go away, please remember there is still a lot going on in your local area. Check out our What's On pages 64/65.St Davids Hospice has quite a lot going on, see their website for more details.

    We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our advertisers and those many readers using their services and for mentioning our name. There is one advertiser that we would very highly recommend, after the professional service we have received recently ie. RHOS ON SEA CARPETS, they have done an exceptional job re-carpeting our lounge, bedroom and stairs. They are well worth a try.

    If you wish to advertise in our next issue, please get in touch as soon as possible, as we do get full very quickly. If you have been thinking about advertising with us and keep putting it off, for one reason or another. Call us before it is too late. You could be missing out on a lot of potential customers.

    Until out next edition.

    Best Wishes Dianne



    & B



    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 4 11/07/2013 13:39

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    SummerEmergenciesNow the summer Holidays are almost upon us hopefully now is the time to be out walking the dog and enjoying time as a family. However things can happen and here are a few basic first aid tips :-Out in the gardenWasp and Bee stings If your pet is out in the garden and is unlucky enough to get stung and you see it make sure you first remove the sting if it is still embedded, you can do this by gently pulling the sting out with tweezers. Then you need to neutralise that area where the sting was if you saw what stung your pet.

    Bee stings are acidic so B for BEE and Bicarbonate, bathe the affected area in diluted bicarbonate solutionWasp stings or should we say Vasp stings as they are alkaline so V for Vasp and Vinegar and bathe the area in dilute Vinegar as it is a weak acid.

    Out for a walkCuts and scrapes If you are out with your dog and they are unlucky enough to get injured carrying a poo

    bag could be invaluable. If they have a minor cut you can use the bag over the wound to keep it clean. If the wound is more severe and your dog is bleeding again use the bag tighter round the wound to help stem bleeding.

    On the beachWe commonly see jellyfish in this area and dogs love them. If your dog has been stung it can be very painful. Bathe the affected area with salt water as sometimes the tenticles may still be there and this is what is pain-ful. Don't allow your pet to drink the salt water as this can make them sick.Just remember in hot weather to offer plenty of fresh water, avoid going for walks at midday when the sun is the hottest. NEVER leave a dog in a car they can over heat quickly and like us we recommend using sun block on your pets especially if they are white, have pale or pink hairless areas.



    & B



    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 5 11/07/2013 13:40

  • To Advertise in YES MAG please call Richard 01492 541627 or 07598 2340666


    Appointments: Monday-Friday 8am-8pmSaturday & Sunday Appointments Available

    24 Hour Emergency Vets - We pride ourselves on ourout of hours emergency ONSITE care

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 6 11/07/2013 13:40

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    PET HEALTHSummer is a fun time of year in Llandudno for pets and their owners. With warm weather and sporting activities a great part of Llandudno life, pet owners need to take precautions to ensure their pets health and safety.

    WHAT SORT OF PRECAUTIONS ARE NEEDED?When out on hikes or even at the beach, it is very important that fresh water is provided for them as it is extremely easy for pets to become dehydrated during our warm weather, espeically when being active.

    WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE ABOUT TRAVELLING WITH DOGS IN CARS?Dogs like children should not travel unrestrained inside a car and should never be loose in the back seat. They should be behind a dog guard in the boot, or in a cage. Or in the cars seats but with a dog car harness/ seatbelt.These measures reduce distractions to drivers and keep the dogs safer if involved in a accident.

    WHAT ABOUT LEAVING DOGS IN THE CAR IN WARM WEATHER ? Just don't. If you're going out in the car, think very carefully about what you are going to do with your dog. You should never leave a dog alone in a car. It can get unbearably hot in a car on a sunny day, even when its not that warm.IN FACT when it 22 degress outside the temperature inside a car can soar to 47 within 60 minutes. Unlike humans, dog pant to keep cool. In a hot stuffy car dogs cant cool down leaving a window open or a sunshield on your windscreen wont keep your car cool enough. Dogs die in hot cars.

    CAN PETS GET HEAT STROKE?Cats tend not to get heat stroke as they tend to find shade somewhere. But dogs Yes definitely can. And as with humans, the youngest, oldest, sickest and the obese are at the highest risk for heat- related illnesses.One way to keep dogs safe in the heat is to avoid walks when it's very hot.Being out in the heat is especially dangerous for dogs with pushed-in faces, such as bulldogs and pugs. They can have trouble breathing on a normal day, so in the heat it can be even worse.

    EXERCISE is healthy for dogs, but they don't self-regulate as well and will keep on jogging or walking alongside their favorite humans without realizing something is wrong.

    It's up to us to keep an eye on them and watch out for the signs, . "If you start seeing a dog that is panting excessively, seems uncoordinated and

    kind of confused -- those are the danger signs of heat stroke."Dogs affected by the heat may also stop and become reluctant to continue walking or running, veer off the path to find a cool place to sit or may seek out water. Dogs may also start vomiting or have diarrhea.To cool down an animal, use cool water, not cold water. Cold water can cause vasoconstriction, which can make the overheating worse. Wet them to the skin, and if there are signs of heat stroke, get them to the vet immediately.

    HOW ABOUT HAZARDS CLOSER TO HOME. Lots of people have barbeques this time of year, can the dogs have some of the food ?1) Charcoal briquettes, which dogs seem to love to lap up or steal from the grill, can easily get stuck in the stomach, causing vomiting and requiring surgery.2) Barbecue scraps and fatty leftovers can give your pup pancreatitis, causing severe abdominal pain or death.3) Corn on the cob and bones are also a huge no-no because they can lodge in a dog's intestines or splinter and cause peritonitis.In the Garden4) Azaleas are common backyard shrubs that can be toxic for dogs and cats if ingested, resulting in drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, heart arrhythmias, or an abnormal heart rate.5) Backyard lilies (like a daylily or Asiatic, Easter, or Stargazer lily) and their pollen can cause acute kidney failure in cats. Ingestion of as little as two to three leaves can be fatal, so remove these plants from your garden if you let your cat out.6) Rose and garden plant food containing insecticides and slug pellets, can contain potentially fatal compounds. If your dog tries to eat a bag of it (or soil that's been treated with it), he could suffer diarrhea, profuse vomiting, shock, seizures, and even death.

    It wouldn't be summer without the usual stinging hazards of fleas and jel-lyfish. Many animals can develop allergic reactions and respiratory problems if stung, so always seek the help of a vet in such instances.Like any other of the year, do your best to ensure your pets remain free from fleas and lice.Seek vetinary help if your dog is bitten by an adder while out walking.

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 7 11/07/2013 13:40

  • To Advertise in YES MAG please call Richard 01492 541627 or 07598 2340668

    What Makes Them Beautiful...?

    I am ever so slightly obsessed with One Direction.Not in a creepy way, you understand (in as un-creepy a way as its possible for a 32 year-old man to be unduly interested in a boy-band). I dont actually listen to their music, or buy their merchandise, and I wont be going out of my way to visit their waxworks at Madame Tussauds - but as a musical phenomenon, I find them completely fascinating.I should probably put this in a wee bit of context. A few months ago I secured a new writing contract providing gossip updates for a One Direction fan club. When I applied for the job, I didnt know it was 1D (if youre hip you call them 1D), but when I eventually found out the identity of the act in question I didnt see it as any reason to turn down the contract. One Direction are a band and I am a musician and music writer. The fact that they happen to be aimed at teenage girls didnt seem to me a valid reason to pass on a perfectly decent freelancing job.And so now, every day, I tap away on my computer about the worlds hottest boy-stars. Which older woman does Harry Styles currently

    have his eye on? I know the answer. Who do the bookies say is most likely to turn out to be the gay one? I know the answer. Which member of One Direction has the worst flatulence? I know the answer (its Niall, by the way).I know all their surnames. I know which football teams they played for at school. I know that Harry Styles worked in the W Mandeville bakery in Holmes Chapel before going on X Factor. Indeed, I am fast approaching the point at which the Mastermind chair - special subject Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn - is easily within my grasp.And this has led me somewhere unexpected. I find myself experiencing just a teaser of what it must be like to be an adolescent caught in the grip of 1D fever. They play on my mind all the time. Should I have joined a boy-band when I was 19? I find myself wondering, for the first time ever. How would I have fared at the X Factor boot camp? You must understand this is quite unusual for me, as Ive been a professional musician for ten years now and have always maintained that its about the music, not the fame (just as well in my case). I still think that its

    just now there is also the teeniest part of me that would like to be in One Direction for a day.So there you have it. I shunned boy-bands when I was a teenager because I wanted to be cool. I shunned boy-bands when I was in my twenties because, well, obviously I did. But now I am embracing them - or at least, this particular one - and I felt it was time for me to come out of the closet.So, I love One Direction. Not in a creepy way (that warrants a second mention), but well just because theyre, like, SO SUPER AWESOME, and OHMYGODHARRY-STYLESHASTHEBESTHAIR etc.Please dont tell anyone.Chris is a freelance writer and musician with internationally-renowned rock band The Lightyears. The Lightyears, voted the UKs BEST POP/ROCK ACT at the Indy Awards, have played Wembley Stadium, toured across four continents and released a record with Stings producer. Chris has recently completed his first book, Mockstars, based on The Lightyears tour diaries. www.MockstarsTheNovel.com.

    One Direction - why have one Justin Bieber when you could have five?

    by Chris Russell

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 8 11/07/2013 13:40

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    01492 53526720 Abergele Road, Colwyn Bay, LL29 7PA

    15% Discount With this Advert

    Natalie - Worked in the salon for a year. Qualified in Nails - Acrylics, gels, manicures and Pedicures.Make-up for any occasionSemi-Permanent and weekend lashes. Waxing and Tinting.Eventually training to become a hairdresser

    Gemma - Holistic Therapist, qualified in Swedish Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Thai Foot Massage, Facials, Waxing, Tanning, Paraffin Wax Treatment, ideal for eczema, joint problems and arthritis. Qualified also in body wraps, chocolate, seaweed and also the famous Shrinking Violet fat deposit loss wrap. Lose inches in an hour.

    Ella - Junior Stylist. Three years as a hair dresser mostly specialises in hair-up

    Kirsty - Owner, 16 years experience and having worked in salons across the UK including the Aveda Academy in London, Kirsty is rated as one of the best hair stylist's in North Wales with clients travelling from far and wide to have theirs styled, knowing that their new hair style will be the talk of dinner parties and events. Kirsty specialises in wedding hair and creative styling for that special occasion.


    What Makes Them Beautiful...?

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 9 11/07/2013 13:40

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    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 10 11/07/2013 13:40

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    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 11 11/07/2013 13:40

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    B. CRAVENChartered Physiotherapist

    General & Sports Physiotherapy(Home visits available)

    Oxford House ClinicOxford Road

    Llandudno LL30 1DH Email: [email protected]

    01492 877888 / 878605Mob: 07857 675422

    Associate to Mr Tony Jones


    Stylist RequiredChair to Rent

    Would you like to be a part of a leading salon.

    If so please call Charlotte on:

    01492 87779322 Augusta Street, Llandudno

    Conwy LL30 2AD


    Mon ClosedTues - Thurs 08.30am - 6 pm

    Fri 08.30am - 7pmSat 8.00am - 5.30 pm

    20 Queens RoadCraig-y-DonLlandudno LL30 1AZ

    Tel: 01492 868660




    Word LadderChange one letter at a time (but not the position of any letter) to make a new word - and move from the word at the top of the ladder to the word at the bottom, using the exact number of rungs provided.

    F O U R

    F I V E

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 12 11/07/2013 13:40

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    Peach Melba ShortcakesServes 8 Ready in 35 minutes, plus cooling

    These shortcakes are perfect for a speedy summer dessert. They take just minutes to make and bake and can be filled with whatever seasonal fruit you have to hand. Here they are filled with a rich and sweet mascarpone cream with juicy peaches and fresh raspberries but a simple dollop of extra thick cream and some sliced strawberries will be just as impressive.

    Ingredients: 175g self-raising flour 1/2 tsp baking powder 75g butter, chilled and diced 55g caster sugar, plus extra

    for sprinkling 1 large egg, beaten 1 tbsp milk

    Filling 125g mascarpone cheese 2 tbsp icing sugar 6 tbsp single cream 175g fresh raspberries 2 ripe peaches, stoned and


    TipThe shortcakes can be made a day in advance and stored in an airtight container. Fill with the cream and fruit 1-2 hours before serving.

    Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4. Lightly grease a large baking sheet.Sift the flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Add the diced butter and rub into the flour with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar then add the beaten egg and milk and mix to a soft dough.Knead the dough lightly on a floured surface and roll out to a 1cm thickness. Using an 8cm round cookie cutter stamp out 8 rounds, gently re-rolling the trimmings as necessary. Place on the prepared baking sheet, prick the top of each round lightly with a fork then sprinkle with a little caster sugar. Bake in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes, or until risen and pale golden. Carefully transfer to a wire rack and leave to cool completely.To make the filling, beat the mascarpone cheese with the icing sugar and cream until smooth. Push half the raspberries through a fine-holed sieve to make a puree.

    Slice each shortcake in half horizontally and top the bottom halves with the cream mixture, peach slices and remaining raspberries. Drizzle over the raspberry puree and top with remaining shortcake halves.


    ES T

    O E

    AT &



    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 13 11/07/2013 13:40

  • To Advertise in YES MAG please call Richard 01492 541627 or 07598 23406614

    Superb food, a choice of quality Real ales, Lagers and a selection of winesOur cosy restaurant serves delicious home style cooking, a traditional Sunday roast and a wide range of desserts



    Penrhyn Old HallPenrhyn Old RoadPenrhyn BayLlandudno LL30 3EE

    01492 549888

    01492 876601




    [email protected]



    Retail & Wholesale

    The Plaice to go for the Finest Fish & Seafood

    We Specialise in local Fish & Shellfish when available

    Units 12/13 Builder StreetLlandudno LL30 1DR01492 878014 / 874474

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 14 11/07/2013 13:40

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    New Exciting Tasty Dishes

    Opening Hours12.00 noon - 2.30pm & 5.30pm - 11.30pm

    Friday: 5.30pm - 11.30pm

    Sunday: 12.00 noon - 11.30pm

    1 North ParadeLlandudno, LL30 2LP

    01492 875928/878445www.thebengaldynasty.com


    Sunday BuffetAdults 8.95

    Children 4.95Between 12 - 8pm

    The Service

    The Bengal Dynastys reputation for first-class presentation and efficient, personal service is


    PartiesCelebrating a birthday, anniversary,

    or other special occasion?

    Make a party booking at the Bengal Dynasty.Well take care of every detail.

    Your guests will celebrate with a first-class meal, excellent service and a welcoming atmosphere.

    Celebrating 25 years in businessThank you to all our customers who have

    supported us over the past 25 years

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 15 11/07/2013 13:40

  • To Advertise in YES MAG please call Richard 01492 541627 or 07598 23406616

    On days one and two, all was well and the cat spent more time with her nose pressed against the chicken fence, keeping guard. Day three, all was not well at all. Is it me, or is Pepperami acting a little strange? The cat ignored me, so I asked a neighbour (whod once had her own brood) to cast an expert eye. Yes, she said, Pepperami is definitely waddling. Shes probably egg-bound. My polite inquiry determined that: a) Any finger and petroleum

    jelly treatment was best left to the professionals.

    b) The vet would be unlikely to make a house call for a chicken.

    Twenty minutes later, we were in the vets waiting room - me, Pepperami in the cat box and our neighbour offering support - surrounded by dogs and cats, who thought Id brought them chicken in a basket. Eventually the veterinary nurse called out, Pepperami, and we went through to a chorus of laughter.The vet examined Pepperami with the utmost care and

    attention, and gave her a scan. Hmm...looks more like egg peritonitis, she concluded, but Id like to consult a colleague just to be sure. We left Pepperami there and I returned home to keep Sweet Pea company.The veterinary poultry expert telephoned me an hour later. Hed examined Pepperami again and confirmed the egg peritonitis. Having drawn off as much fluid as he could, he was ringing to discuss the options. Options? I heard my voice waver. Well, you see, the vet said softly, Pepperami is very poorly indeed. And while we could try antibiotics, I think the kindest thing... He didnt need to finish the sentence. I looked out the window at Sweet Pea, who was wandering around the pen in search of her companion, and gave my consent. Dont become too attached to them, wed been told when we first bought the chickens from a poultry farmer. But isnt that the point? A Better Life for everyone involved, including the chickens.

    On the way back from the vets I glanced at the empty cat box beside me and thought about what a difference the chickens had made to our lives. Sweet Pea and Pepperami had marked a milestone in our desire to live greener, and nearly every neighbour had been keen to share their own chicken story.Anne and I discussed whether to buy more point-of-lay chickens, but, mindful of Sweet Peas probable lifespan and the size of the coop, we decided to retire her. Not in any mafia sense, you understand.We quickly found Sweet Pea a new home at a local animal sanctuary, where - tentatively at first - she joined a small flock. When we visited her a couple of weeks later, she didnt seem to recognise us, but she certainly recognised the raisins on offer. Old habits die hard, I suppose. Apparently she doesnt put up with any funny business from the rooster - so it seems you cant teach an old hen new tricks either.

    The Better LifeA Chicken and Egg Story by Derek Thompson

    Every household has its traditions and one of ours is that bad things tend to happen when Im in charge. Like when Anne popped up to Scotland, to see the rellies, and I was promoted from Deputy Chicken Keeper.

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 16 11/07/2013 13:40

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    Come pay us a visit and enjoy home cooked food with fantastic views over

    Puffin Island & Anglesey

    01492 622565Conwy Old Road, Penmaenmawr, LL34 6SP

    Half mile from Penmaenmawr Golf Club


    The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.

    .........William James

    2nd August 23rd August 13th September

    27th September 25th October 8th November

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    & L



    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 18 11/07/2013 13:40

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    KITCH N SINK01492-535347

    9 Greenfield Road, Colwyn Bay, LL29 8EL


    Kitchens starting from 850.00 Replacement doors starting from

    8.00 a door Fitted Bedrooms and Sliding doors


    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 19 11/07/2013 13:40

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    0800 043 2452 or 01492 879 133Email: [email protected]

    Bodnant Garden & Conwy Valley (Mon) Snowdonia Spectacular (Tues)

    The Amazing Isle of Anglesey (Wed)Welsh Dinner Evening with Ghostly

    Castle Visit (Wed & Thurs)

    Snowdonia Scenery by Heritage Train (Thurs & Sun)

    Caernarfon Castle & SnowdoniaScenic Drive (Fri)

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 20 11/07/2013 13:40

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    Great Orme TourAlpine Travels Great Orme Tour uses vin-tage coaches to transport guests around the famous Great Orme in Llandudno. The tour lasts for one hour and departs at 11am, 1pm and 3pm daily from March to December.

    The tour is a four mile scenic drive round the Great Orme headland to Llandudnos West Shore. During the tour you will enjoy spectacular views at every turn. By travelling on the vintage coach, you will witness the Great Orme from an elevated position and observe this wonderful natural asset from a comfortable seat.

    There are stunning views in all directions, all year round, from the brilliant flora and fauna of the summertime to the crashing of the waves below on a stormy winters day.


    0800 043 2452 or 01492 879 133Email: [email protected]

    Snowdonia Spectacular (Tues) Mt. Snowdon Summit by Train (Tues)

    Welsh Dinner Evening with GhostlyCastle Visit (Wed & Thurs) Snowdonia Triple Crown (Thur & Sun)

    Caernarfon Castle & SnowdoniaScenic Drive (Fri) Delightful Denbighshire (Sat)

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 21 11/07/2013 13:40

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    1 2 3 4 5 6

    7 8

    9 10

    11 12 13


    15 16 17 18


    20 21 22

    23 24

    Quick CrosswordAcross7. Take away (6)8. Irish lochs (6)9. Couch (4)10. Wraps around (8)11. Disregarded (7)13. Hard, strong alloy (5)15. Hints (5)17. Supply (7)20. Easy going (8)21. Ashen (4)23. Heavy mass (6)24. Woken up (6)

    Down1. Nothing (4)2. Vegetable (6)3. Umpire (7)4. Drudge (5)5. Type of fish (6)6. Tends sheep (8)12. Ran very fast (8)

    14. Authors (7)16. Power, stamina (6)18. Gas (6)

    19. Prickly plants (5)22. Untruths (4)

    CODEWORDEach letter in this puzzle is represented by a different number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. Once you have filled these throughout the grid you can start guessing words and reveal other let-ters. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

    1 2 3 4

    5 6 7 8

    9 10 11 12

    13 14 15 16

    17 18 19 20

    21 22 23 24

    25 26

    2 24 23 5 14 17 2 12 4 23 23 18

    10 2 26 25 2 2 5

    25 3 5 23 19 23 5 17 2 5 1 3

    9 6 3 2 13 26 9

    6 3 20 2 6 14 26 12 4 23 2 16

    19 16 12 6

    14 26 17 7 23 12 10 3 5 4 7 20

    26 2 16 15

    12 22 9 23 23 21 23 8 9 24 18 12

    9 12S

    14 25 23 23 2

    6 20 14I

    26 1 23 11 17 14 4 23 16

    4 26N

    7 26 4 2 6

    12 14 1 7 4 16 14 12 18 6 2 20

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 22 11/07/2013 13:40

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    Social Care WorkersDomiciliary and Live in

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    www.penelwy.co.ukneu ffoniwch i gael dyfynbris am ddim | or call us for your free quotation

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  • To Advertise in YES MAG please call Richard 01492 541627 or 07598 23406626

    Holiday SpendingMaking your money go further

    Affording a family holiday isnt easy in these cash-strapped times. According to recent research by the Office for National Statistics, nearly a third of Britons dont have the money to afford a week-long break.So, if youve managed to stretch your finances and save up for a holiday this summer, you want to make sure your hard-earned cash goes as far as possible. After all, you want your money to be spent on creating memorable moments rather than paying out for avoidable charges:Think aheadDont buy your currency at the airport or youll be stung with poor rates and big commission fees. A Which? investigation looking at rates on changing 500 in 10 places across the country found a difference of 13 euros. That could easily buy you a lunchtime menu du jour or a couple of Tequila Sunrises. The best idea is to order your money online in advance. You usually have to exchange a minimum of 100 to avoid delivery fees, but thats a lot less than youd need on your family holiday anyway. ICE, Travelex, the Post Office and The Currency Club consistently have good rates and you can order and pick up at the airport.

    If youre changing a small amount, the high street can still be a good option. Try the Post Office or M&S for 0% deals. Card or cash?If youre just nipping out of the country for a long weekend, you might like to rely on hard cash alone but most people dont want to carry wads of money around with them. Thats where plastic comes in. But its important to make sure you have the right card otherwise you could be hit with hefty withdrawal and transaction fees. Pre-paid cards can help you to budget more effectively as you load them with money before you go. There are various types available, so make sure you choose one that doesnt charge you fees to load, spend or withdraw cash. ICE and My Travel Cash often have extra incentives like free Hi-Life diner cards or cashback on purchases too.If youd rather take a debit or credit card, then check the charges with your bank before you travel. It might pay you to switch. Spend on most credit cards and you face an exchange or commission fee on transactions you make abroad, usually around three per cent of your purchase. The Halifax Clarity Credit Card

    is widely recommended as it doesnt charge for overseas use and you can withdraw up to 500 a day without incurring ATM charges.Remember that for debit cards, most banks charge a foreign exchange fee of around three per cent, just like credit cards. Then, add on withdrawal fees of around two per cent and extra charges every time you use your card and you could soon end up spending a small fortune. When in RomeDo what the locals do and eat out at lunch time rather than going to a restaurant for dinner. You can usually enjoy a three-course meal, including local wine for a snip. Shop in the local markets, rather than supermarkets designed for tourists, and youll pick up fresh produce at bargain prices. And, if youre planning any excursions during your trip, whether thats a day out at a waterpark or a visit to the zoo, then search for web vouchers before you go. Once you arrive, pick up free leaflets and newspapers to find money-off coupons. With a bit of forward planning, you can make sure your euros, dollars or lira go the extra mile.

    By Liz Hands

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 26 11/07/2013 13:40

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    Jan's titles have been re-edited and formatted; now available in all e-book formats from all good on-line booksellers.

    For all the information and links visit http://janruth.com/

    ..... by Jan Ruth

    Getting Back into the Saddle.I do wish my mother wouldnt answer the door or phone in my absence with, Oh, shes not in, shes riding Tom.

    Most callers probably wouldnt bat an eyelid, but I can guess that the postman probably smirked

    Let me tell you about my love affair with Tom. Hes so tall I have to stand on a box to mount him. Hes very dark, apart from a couple of white socks, very male, and impossibly handsome but he knows this, so thats possibly a minus. He always smells divine too, although I appreciate this is an acquired taste. He ran away with me once, and you might think that an incredibly romantic thing to do, but Toms idea of excitement was tearing hell for leather across open parkland whilst I danced that crazy line between exhilaration and terror.

    Tom is, of course, a horse. A Thoroughbred-Welsh cross, no less. Im not new to riding horses but Tom sometimes makes it feel like the first time I should probably stop with the double entendres now, but in some ways I can draw comparisons with riding beyond middle-age, with getting back into writing from a long, dormant absence. Getting back into the saddle as an author has been challenging, sometimes painful, sometimes rewarding, much like my obsession with horses.

    I thought Id reached the finishing line about twenty-five years ago when my third attempt at a novel (Wild Water) attracted the interest of an agent. If you are a self-published author yourself, you can probably guess the rest of the story. I fell between genres. The experience was not unlike hurtling across a cross-country course, bravely leaping the enormous fences, not always with style but nevertheless safely over, even to a smatter of applause here and there, before stumbling over an inconsequential rut in the ground, to fall between a rock and a hard place a few feet before the winning post, no podium, not even a mention, despite the glory of the race.

    Before Tom came along, I had Ted. He was a racy fellow, a

    little out of my comfort zone. If Ted had been a man, hed be very upper class with a dicky bow. If Ted had been a book, he may well have been hovering on the periphery of my reading list, like those books you know you ought to read and admire but find them too hard going to really enjoy. The afternoon started well, with Ted and I leaping gorse hedges and huge granite rocks with no effort whatsoever on his part. I dont mind admitting that I started to feel youthfully confident. Hey, I thought, as we cantered along the tracks, I can still do this! He made me look rather good too, with his

    elegant prancing and the flicking of his fancy forelock.

    My companion took up the pace and we galloped side by side, slowing only to take a watery ditch shivering with sunlight, and cantering on. Far more athletic than myself, Ted turned on a sixpence to head back, but I didnt. I fell between

    a rock and a hard place. Ted careered back over the ditch, stirrups flying, and disappeared over Halkyn Mountain. My friend caught up with him eventually - he was discovered browsing the borders of a rare cottage garden - and yes I did get back on, despite a bright blue hand and a broken finger. Ive lost count of the number of times Ive fallen from horses, probably on a par with the number of times Ive fallen off the keyboard, so to speak. So, my mixed genre novel went in the bottom of the wardrobe and that was that.

    The advent of e-books coincided with my sons passion for web development and computer programming, and so began the process of converting typed manuscripts into computer files. And now here I am, pulling on my body protector and logging onto the internet. Body protector, you ask? Oh yes, I decided it would be sensible to invest in one of those. I went to have a fitting at the local saddlery and equipment suppliers, whereupon a handsome young chap strapped me in to the equine equivalent of a bulletproof vest. It was awfully uncomfortable but he told me it would mould to my body in time, and to wear it around the house, you know, to break it in.

    So here I sit many weeks later, astride the old kitchen chair, alarmingly upright and still un-moulded. It doesnt help with writers block but at least Im protected from spinal injuries, should I fall to the floor.

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 30 11/07/2013 13:40

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    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 31 11/07/2013 13:40

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    Sparkling gold leaf, glistening water, cloisters, domes and shrines, the Golden Temple is as stunning as the Taj Mahal but it is no mere mausoleum. Set in Amritsar, in north-west India, Harmandir Sahib is a living place, beautifully mirrored in a sacred lake, a once in a lifetime pilgrimage for most Sikhs though everyone is welcome, regardless of creed.Step through the gate and the temple takes your breath away, rising at the far end of a marble pathway followed by myriads of pilgrims from dawn to dusk. Women in colourful saris, gurus in bright blue turbans, young men with orange headscarves symbolising the Sikh flag, barefoot visitors, its a hive of activity yet an oasis of peace at the heart of town, just a few miles from the Pakistan border. Some meditate at the waters edge, others sprinkle rose petals around the holy trees, men take a ritual bath in the designated area, holding on to dangling chains for safety. Then all make their way along the causeway to the inner sanctum, quietly joining the queues clutching prayer books. Beyond the silver gates, the holy scriptures are read aloud

    throughout the day before being returned ceremoniously at night to the safety of the Akal Takhat. Holy men had gathered on this spot long before Guru Nanak founded Sikhism around 1499 but Amritsar, the pool of nectar which gave the town its name, was later extended and a temple was built on land donated by the great Mughal Emperor Akbar. Centuries later, the upper floors were covered in gold leaf by Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Lion of Punjab and founder of the Sikh Empire.

    When the sun sets, the Golden Temple comes into its own

    But despite a troubled past at times, Sikhism remains true to the gurus teachings, a way of life based on worship, equality between all human beings and volunteering in the service of others, three principles which shine in Amritsar as brightly as the dazzling layers of gold leaf. Here, in the worlds largest communal kitchen, up to 100,000 visitors a day receive free meals prepared by volunteers. Chopping, cooking, serving or cleaning, everyone can help, though

    there is no pressure, and in the dining hall, people of all castes, men, women and children, sit together to eat in silence. Beggar or Head of State, all are equal and even the great Akbar pushed aside the rich rugs laid out for him to sit on the floor like everyone else. Food is donated and volunteers may be visitors or locals happy to give a few hours of their time, the latter often on a daily basis.Outside, the midday sun blazes down on the steps, the shrines, the lake, a flock of parakeets screeches high up in the sky while half way along the path, volunteers hand out cold water to the never ending flow of pilgrims. Many come to celebrate a special occasion, birthday, wedding or the birth of a child, hoping for auspicious times, but festivals draw the largest crowds, be it a Gurus birthday, Diwali or the anniversary of the Holy Book. There are prayers and prostrations, tinsel garlands and marigolds and when the sun sets, the Golden Temple comes into its own, garlanded in festive lights, resplendent in the moonlight.

    IndiaThe Golden Temple of Amritsar

    By Solange Hando

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 36 11/07/2013 13:40

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    Experts agree that you should always paint walls a neutral colour. Unless a potential buyer shares your exact taste, they will be put off by rooms painted in vibrant colours. But what if youre building or renovating a home that you plan to stay in? Arent neutrals just a little boring? Only when you get it wrong. A well-planned neutral scheme is good-looking yet understated, harmonious, calm and inviting. Neutrals work well in both old and new houses, small or large spaces and are brilliant at providing cohesion between rooms. Lets start with white. Rooms painted pure white can appear bigger and brighter, thanks to the way the colour reflects light around. A clean white wall is a great background for vibrant paintings, for the coloured spines of books, or simply for a jug of flowers. On the other hand, though, white can appear cold, stark and unwelcoming, especially when a room is north- or east-facing and doesnt have the benefit of direct sunlight. A white with an added touch

    of yellow or pink can warm up such a space. White can also look odd in period homes. Slightly muddier off-whites are often a better choice for an old cottage, Georgian terrace or a barn conversion. The lesson is to use pure white with care.Beyond white, neutrals vary in hue from cream to sand, through beige to stone. How do you choose? The best advice is to eliminate neutrals that you dont like and those that wont suit the architecture of your house or colours of your furniture. Next, paint at least two coats on a large piece of white card, or better still, on several pieces of card, and stick them on every wall around the room. Observe the colours at different times of day and with your lights both on and off. Having chosen your favourite colour, avoid using it everywhere. Even the nicest neutral can be boring if used indiscriminately. Be careful, however, when combining neutrals: another big mistake is to use different hues that are all of the same tone

    (slightly different colours but the same degree of lightness or darkness). The solution to both these problems is to take a colour chart and go up or down (dark to light) within the same colour family, rather than working across from colour to colour. Use darker tones for woodwork, with lighter ones for walls or, if you have features such as cornices and dadoes, you may wish to vary the wall tones with lighter ones above and darker ones below the divisions. You can also use different neutrals to provide a gentle visual link from room to room.Finally, bear in mind that the plainer the colours, the more important texture becomes, so choose your finishes with as much care as you do your colours. The shinier the finish, the paler the colour will appear, so you may need to compensate by choosing a slightly darker shade. The results should be stylish and easy to live with, as well as adding value to your property. Now who said neutrals were boring?

    Walls painted in Seldom Seen, English Muffin and Sail White from Crown Paints Matt & Silk range, RRP 19.49 for 2.5L, from Homebase and B&Q Using Neutral

    ColoursWith an almost infinite range

    of colours from pure white

    to earthy tones of grey and

    beige, neutrals are timelessly


    By Katherine Sorrell



    & B




    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 39 11/07/2013 13:41

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    Our summer weather isnt usually unbearably warm; in fact it is often pretty cool and a little bit of extra heat would be very welcome. With a little bit of planning and some careful planting, you could turn your garden into the hottest site out, regardless of the real weather. You can plant to create a mass of hot colours. All you have to do is plant beds, borders or containers full of hot reds, screaming yellows and glowing oranges. True, most of the planting is best done in the autumn, but a visit to a garden centre at this time of year will reveal a fabulous display of plants which can be put to good use in your garden now.For real energy and vibrancy, choose plenty of yellows and golds, including some of the golden rods (Solidago), which should be flowering well into September. I am a great fan of coreopsis, including the various forms of Coreopsis verticillata, which flowers well into the autumn and is unlikely to need staking.If you like to see flat looking flower heads in your garden then take a closer peep at some of the achilleas, including Coronation Gold.No late summer border is complete without the cone

    flowers or rudbekias with their deliciously bright, daisy-like flowers - these should last you through October.For some screaming scarlets and other shades of red, consider growing the dahlia Bishop of Llandaff, Crocosmia Lucifer, Lychnis chalcedonica. In damper areas you could use Lobelia Queen Victoria or many of the other moisture-loving types of lobelia which produce huge spires of red flowers, so different from those tiny blue, pink and white bedding lobelias which are more widely grown.To make sure that your summer time plantings do well, take heed of the following tips: If its a hot day, try to plant

    in early evening or at least late afternoon when the main heat of the sun has died down.

    Always make sure that plants are really well watered before you put them in the ground.

    Soak the compost thoroughly and make sure that its wetted right to the base before you begin.

    Incorporate plenty of bulky organic matter, such as garden compost, well-rotted manure or some proprietary compost from your garden

    centre, as this will help to retain moisture.

    Once the plants are in position, water them in thoroughly - the water needs to go right down to where the plant needs it, at its roots.

    Once the soil is moist, apply a good, deep mulch of 23 inches (57.5 cm), all around the soil surface. This will help to keep moisture in, protect the plant roots from the heat of the sun and at the same time keep weeds at bay.

    Dont forget to tend to your hot border again in the autumn, when you will find small versions of many of these plants readily available in garden centres, often at only a couple of pounds per pot and when you will also be able to plant some more warming oranges and reds using bulbs and corms.

    Visit Pippas website www.pippagreenwood.com for her Winter thru Spring vegetable collection, great plants for September planting and regular advice emails from Pippa. Buy a great range of gardening products including Nemasys caterpillar, slug, ant and other biological controls, Enviromesh and Envirofleece.

    Hot Favourites

    by Pippa Greenwood

    Lychnis chalcedonica

    CONWY Aug Sept 2013.indd 44 11/07/2013 13:41

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    A Better ReceptionThe upgrades that can feed your high-tech TV

    TVs been around for a long time and were all familiar with the standard roof aerials coaxial cable. But what happens when an old-style aerial isnt enough? It might be because your Freeview reception isnt up to scratch, or because you want to upgrade to Freesat - or it might be because you have a Smart TV thats just begging to be connected to your broadband, or because you want to have TVs in multiple rooms. Freeview boxes can be particularly prone to reception problems, especially if theyre the fairly cheap ones you can buy in supermarkets. If the signal isnt strong enough youll encounter picture freezes and the picture degrading into a series of large blocks. Upgrading your aerial to a better one can help address this: the better the signal going in, the better the experience youre going to get from your TV. Remember too that aerials can benefit more than just your TV: you can also buy dedicated aerials for FM radio and DAB radio.If the signals good enough, you can run the aerial to multiple rooms and install extra points without having to install a new aerial. The process is fairly straightforward - your aerial has a box called a splitter, which

    provides multiple connections for the cables to your new points but its important to use the right cable: cheap cables can suffer from interference and poor signal quality. If in doubt, ask a professional installer. Another popular option is Freesat, which offers all the benefits of satellite TV without the expensive monthly subscriptions. With over 150 channels including six free HD ones its a great service, but of course youll also need a satellite dish so you can receive it. Youll need a dedicated Freesat SD or Freesat HD box, too, although if youre an ex-Sky customer you should be able to use your existing dish with your new Freesat box.Freesat isnt the only satellite service you can access. Many European channels are broadcast by satellites, and while many are scrambled plenty arent; in most cases, accessing them requires a slightly different kind of satellite dish to the one youd use for Sky. If youve bought a TV in the last few years theres a very good chance its a smart TV with some kind of internet features: even relatively affordable sets such as Finluxs 269 32F8030-T comes with internet services including BBC

    iPlayer, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. While some such TVs include wireless network connections, including the Finlux weve just mentioned, home wireless networks arent usually up to the job of streaming HD TV - especially if other family members are using the same network for their laptops, tablets or smartphones. For best results wed recommend a wired broadband connection, which connects to your TV via an Ethernet cable - and wed make the same recommendation for smart Blu-Ray players with internet features as well as games consoles such as PlayStations and Xboxes.The problem for many households is that the TV, games console or smart Blu-Ray player is nowhere near the internet router, and while you can run Ethernet cabling over door frames and around skirting boards to connect your device to the router the results can be rather unsightly. A professional installer can run the cabling and make it invisible, and we think its well worth doing: not only will you have the best possible speeds from your internet connection, but you wont have to look at any unsightly cabling.

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    North Wales tour for vintage Fords

    Peter Ketchel, of Chester, has organised many motoring tours of Wales and Cheshire over the years, very often consisting of impressive models such as Rolls-Royce, Bentley or Jaguar etc, but this year his tour of North and Mid Wales was on behalf of the Ford Model Y and C register, where he also holds the position of Spares Officer.

    A group of 1935 Fords might not seem the greatest attraction, but the numerous Y type Fords on the tour had a certain magic of their own, for they were the first 100 cars to go on sale in the U.K., and everybody wanted one!

    When I met the Model Y and C Register members at one of their overnight stops in the area, I had a lively and very informative discussion about the car park full of immaculate vehicles they were so proud of - and knew so much about, particularly Chairman Brian Godfrey, Secretary Bob Wilkinson and magazine editor Sam Roberts, all of whom were bursting with knowledge and full of enthusiasm for their very special Fords. Sam, who had spent 32 years in the army, has also written a book entitled Henrys Cars for Europe which is available via their website- www.fordyandcmodelregister.co.uk or from eBay no. 160981315383.

    There were several C type 10 h.p. models on display, as well as the Y types, including some with special bodies, but the model that had caused a sensation when it went on sale in 1935 was the Y Popular two-door saloon, which Ford had cleverly reduced the price of by 2, to make it the first 100, four seater saloon car! Morris had built their own 100 car in 1932 but that was only a two-seater, and although the Austin Ruby of the times was a four-seater, it cost 118. So, the two-door Y Popular was an instant sales success. It had a four cylinder 933c.c. side-valve engine which developed 23.4 b.h.p. and was rated at 7.96 h.p. ,with a 6 Road Tax. The top speed was 59 M.P.H. and the touring fuel consumption was 35-45 m.p.g. It had a three-speed gearbox with synchromesh on 2nd. and 3rd; 6 volt electrics and, disappointingly, suction operated windscreen wipers, which when you accelerated in the rain, slowed them down just when you needed them most.

    Mine work perfectly downhill! joked Sam. I told him about Ray Lambert-Evans, a good friend of mine who had once owned a rather clapped out Ford Y, which was a very temperamental starter. He always carried a little bottle of petrol around with him, which, as a last resort, he poured directly into the Zenith carburettor, before a final turn of the starting handle. If that didnt work, he sometimes flayed the tyre on the front wheel with it in anger!Just like Basil Fawlty! laughed Sam.

    So I reluctantly left this group of Yes men after such a pleasurable evening- but I hope we meet again next year!

    Terry Davies, President, Welsh Motoring Writers




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    Short StoryThe Art Competition

    Mayoress Wendy Wimpole climbed nervously onto the podium, clutching her handwritten speech. She glanced over the roomful of expectant faces towards the exit, and calculated how quickly she could reach it once shed finished speaking. She cleared her throat.Firstly, I must thank Club Chairman, Mr Eugene Greatorex, for inviting me to announce the winner of this years Erewash Society of Artists art competition. Its a pleasure and an honour to support our local arts. Secondly, I would also like to thank members of the Visually Impaired Support Group for stepping in at the last minute to judge the competition. As you know, the local Genealogy Society were originally judging but had to drop out once they discovered they were related to over half of the competitors. Though this years competition has received a record number of submissions, several pieces didnt make it to the final judging. A competition like this thrives thanks to the artists who support it, so it is worth taking time to acknowledge every artwork, regardless of whether it was deemed eligible of winning. For example, when the caretaker, Mr Fealty, who you will know as Mr Greatorexs brother-in-law, was found slumped over his Henry vacuum cleaner as a result of fumes given off by a certain brand of spray glue, drastic action was needed. The pictures which

    had been mounted with this glue were hastily removed and disqualified. I believe a strong letter to the glue manufacturers is already in draft.Four further paintings were suspected of being paint by numbers. As Mr Greatorex says, this may be acceptable in some art competitions, but not Erewash Societys. These artworks have been removed pending inspection by a forensics expert - once the society has found one.Another unfortunate disqualification was a lovely landscape submitted by Vince Goring, our famous local miniature artist. The painting did not meet the minimum size specified in the competition entry form fine print. And to quote Mr Greatorex, Goring, of all people, should be used to looking at small things.One artist made the decision to remove her painting from the competition on the discovery that it had been hung upside-down. I thought this was a huge shame, as I found Amanda Downs portrait of her late mother particularly moving - once Id seen it the right way round.Now I come to last nights unfortunate incident. The societys heartfelt apologies go out to the artist, who prefers to remain anonymous - though I can reveal has recently been referred to by the local press as Erewashs answer

    to Bansky. Again, the society cannot stress enough that if Mr Fealty had realised the canvas was in fact a work of art, and not graffiti, he would never have scrubbed it quite so vigorously with bleach.After furious debate, as last years winner was Moira Doughtys evocative painting of a tiger, the society felt a painting of a tiger shouldnt win two years in a row. This was a last minute change to the rules. Controversially, the decision meant that twelve of the thirteen remaining paintings were out of the running, and caused twelve society members to suddenly resign.So, finally, it is with great pleasure I pronounce the winner. While the winning painting was in fact the only artwork left in the competition, it is no less worthy. With his painting entitled, Self Portrait with a Shelf of Trophies, I think we all agree, given the huge effort he has put in, there is no one more deserving. Please give a warm, round of applause to our winner, Mr Eugene Greatorex.

    By Jackie Brewster

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    In search of a radical change of lifestyle, my partner and I recently moved from the secluded, detached town house where we had lived for fifteen years to a tiny terraced cottage in a village street. One of the greatest contrasts between the old life and the new was that we found ourselves completely surrounded by neighbours. It soon became clear to us that our street was blessed with a particularly strong community spirit. As soon as we arrived, several people knocked on our door to welcome us to the neighbourhood and we received a number of drinks invitations. As the old song goes: Thats when neighbours become good friends. Or is it? Although we enjoyed all this social interaction, as time passed the things we learned about our neighbours personalities made us wonder whether
