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YIELDING TO THE HOLY GHOST - Robin Harmia to the Holy Ghost update 2012.pdf · YIELDING TO THE HOLY...

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This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted upon written request. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Used by permission from the Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.

ISBN 1-931714-05-3

Copyright @ 2006 RHIM Publisher

PO Box 65947 University Place, Wa 98464




TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION...................................................... 4 CHAPTER 1: GOD CAN USE ANY PERSON WHO IS YIELDED................................... 5 CHAPTER 2: BECOMING WHAT GOD WANTS YOU TO BE...................................... 9 CHAPTER 3: THEY WERE ALL FILLED..................................................................... 13 CHAPTER 4: YOU SHOULD BE DRUNK..................................................................... 17 CHAPTER 5: RIVERS SHOULD FLOW OUT OF YOU............................................... 20 CHAPTER 6: THE WILL OF THE LORD............................................................... 25 CHAPTER 7: BEING USED BY THE HOLY GHOST................................................. 30 CHAPTER 8: LET CHRIST DWELL IN YOU...................................................... 34 CHAPTER 9: YOU MUST YIELD....................................................................... 39 CHAPTER 10: LET IT FLOW, LET IT FLOW........................................................... 45



God wants to fill His people with the Holy Ghost. He can use anybody in the Kingdom of God by having them minister and operate under His anointing through the Holy Ghost. God is not looking for people who have a certain type or amount of education. It does not take special qualifications, laws, rituals or following certain rules to operate under the anointing of the Holy Ghost. God is looking for yielded vessels He can flow His anointing through. He is looking for your availability. He wants you to allow the Holy Ghost to flow through you to do whatever He wants. In this book, I will explain how to yield to the Holy Ghost, the importance of yielding to the Holy Ghost and how to flow in the Spirit. It is my prayer for every person reading this book to learn to yield and flow in the Spirit of God. God has wonderful things for the body of Christ to share with each other and the world. He can only use you, if you know how to and are willing to yield to the Holy Ghost.


I pray and believe this teaching book has been a blessing to you. Now, I would like to ask you to not only read this prayer, but pray this prayer from your heart right now. �F ather God, I know today I need your help to live in this life. I believe in your Son, Jesus Christ, and I ask you to come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. I believe Jesus is the Son of God. I believe He died on the cross for me and went to hell for three days on my behalf. Because He arose and is alive, I can now live, Jesus, take full possession of my life, right now and have your way in my life.� Amen



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to minister to you. God wants to lay hands on you. He will lay hands on you, but you must yield to the Holy Ghost.




God wants you to stay full of the Holy Ghost. The only way you can stay full of the Holy Ghost is by drinking of God’s Spirit on a regular basis. God can use any person who will yield to His Spirit. He wants to use you in the Kingdom of God. He is not looking for special qualifications or education. He is not looking for a degree hanging on the wall. He is looking for your availability. He just wants you to yield to Him and flow with His Spirit. Just allow the Holy Spirit to flow through you to do whatever He wants. A good example of two people flowing in the Holy Ghost in the Bible were Peter and John. They were both very aware of the Holy Ghost and let Him flow in and through them. “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” Acts 4:13 (KJV)


I know several people who are used by the


Holy Ghost, who do not have a High School diploma. They open up their hearts to the flow of the Holy Spirit and let Him work through them. You don’t need a degree to flow with the Spirit. I used to think I did not have a High School diploma. A few months ago, I found out I did have one. God really doesn’t care if you have a diploma or not. He is just looking for willing people He can flow through.


God can use any person. He is looking for availability. When you are flowing in the Holy Ghost, people will take notice of God’s knowledge flowing through you. They will pay attention to what you are saying because you start speaking with a boldness flowing in the Spirit of God. When you are flowing in the Spirit, you start doing the things God wants you to do, without reservations or thinking about what people are going to say or do about what is happening. You are not concerned with what other people think because you are hooked up with heaven. God wants you to hook up in the flow of the Spirit. He wants you to hook up to the place in His Spirit where you will become totally intoxicated by the Spirit of God. He wants you to allow the Spirit of God to take over you completely. The Spirit of God is constantly trying to get you to the place where you will yield all the way to the Holy Ghost. He wants you to constantly yield to


Spirit. The Holy Ghost will guide you. Everything you need is inside of you. Just let it come out.


If you have never accepted Jesus Christ in your heart to be your Lord and Savior, you need to take the first step. Jesus loves you right where you are. He wants you to accept Him. If you have never been baptized with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking with other tongues, He wants to baptize you with the Holy Ghost. He wants to give you this free gift. If you are not right with God because you are backsliding, you need to come back home and get back in the Word of God. He loves you right where you are. He will restore you back into the relationship of His family. If you have never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, or not filled with the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues or not in the right relationship with God, you need to pray the prayer on the last page of this book. My prayer for you is for God to fill you with the Holy Ghost. May He be allowed to reach into your heart and soften it. I pray He helps you to know He loves you. God wants to use you, by you yielding to His Holy Ghost. By being drunk in the Spirit of God, He can minister to you. There is not always going to be a man or minister around to lay hands on you. The Holy Ghost is always around


are worried about if you can sing or not, remember God doesn’t care. I usually don’t sing in a service unless I am totally intoxicated with the Holy Ghost. I have been told my singing in the natural is like a hound dog howling. However, when I am under the Holy Ghost, I sing pretty well. I get loose in the Spirit because I am drunk and don’t care what people think about me. God is speaking to us all the time. He will tell you the direction of the service before you arrive so you can be prepared to let Him flow in and through you. God is speaking all the time through the Holy Ghost, but often our hearts don’t listen. He isn’t going to speak a word without you knowing it and yielding to Him. In this day and age, you really need to learn to yield to the Holy Ghost. As a Christian, you must spend time with Him and let Him guide you. You need to flow with Him. If you have received something from the Holy Ghost, you need to give it. Don’t be afraid. Yielding to the Holy Ghost is the only way you learn how to do it. He will give you the boldness and assurance, when you yield to Him. Often when the Holy Ghost starts speaking to people, they become afraid. You need to get intoxicated with Him, then let Him flow. If you are yielding to the Holy Ghost, it will be Him speaking through you. Get drunk and loose in the Holy Ghost. The hardest thing is to step out and be used by God before the devil puts fear in you. Jump into the river of living waters. You need to get outside of yourself. You need to yield to the


the Spirit of God and do what the Spirit of God wants, instead of what you want. He is constantly trying to move you from the realm of the natural and the flesh, over to the spiritual realm of doing what the Holy Ghost wants. When you start moving in the Spiritual realm instead of the natural realm, you will become so intoxicated and free, you will realize you and God are a majority.


“For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.” I Corinthians 12:13 (KJV) God wants everyone to drink into one Spirit. You say, “Pastor, what Spirit is He talking about?” He is talking about drinking and being baptized into the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. When you are drinking of the Holy Ghost, which is the Spirit of God, He causes the Spirit of God to flow out of you. The body of Christ needs to get intoxicated with the Spirit of God, so they can yield easier to the Spirit of God. God wants you to get out of your head and operate out of your spirit. God wants you to get out of your thinking and hook up with Him in your spirit. This is why He will baptize you with one Spirit, His Holy Ghost.



God gives you one Spirit when you get born-again into the kingdom of heaven. You don’t get a new spirit when you get filled with the Holy Ghost and speak in other tongues. You already have been given the Spirit of God. You need to realize what He has given to you. We are all made to drink from one Spirit. That one Spirit will cause us to become intoxicated, be changed and to become bold. God wants us to become all that He wants us to be by letting the Holy Ghost flow through us.


given to the church ,before you leave the service.” Throughout the entire service, the Holy Ghost has not been allowed to move. With a tight schedule for the service, the people cannot be used by God. The Holy Ghost must be free to flow in the service, in His timing, not man’s. People need to get loose, so the Holy Ghost can flow. People should come to church filled with the Holy Ghost. They should come ready to give tongues, interpretations, prophesies, sing hymns, psalms and spiritual songs. When the Holy Ghost is allowed to move, it will be a positive service of flowing between interpretations and the Word of God. You need to understand flowing in the Spirit with the order of the Holy Ghost. He will move in, around and through the service, if there is order in following His flow. He knows the situation in the church right now. He will manifest the revelation of what should be done, if He is allowed to flow in the service.


I guarantee if every one would ask the Holy Ghost to lead them and start yielding to Him, He would enter them and reveal more than they could ever dream of. Just start yielding and listening to Him. He will minister to you. The first step is to yield to the Holy Ghost by getting drunk. Don’t worry about what other people will think. If you are yielding to the Holy Ghost, He is free to move any direction He wants through you. If you


the Holy Ghost. If no one knows the flow of the Spirit of God, it can get things out of the order of Holy Spirit. The Pastor and the leaders of the church should know the order of the Spirit of God before it happens. The Pastor is responsible for the flow of the Spirit of God. He is responsible to know what direction the Holy Ghost will flow in the service, before he gets behind the pulpit. This means he can keep order in the service and let the Holy Ghost have freedom to move among the people. Do you realize most ministers are out of the order of the flow of the Holy Ghost, when they step behind the pulpit? They are not hooked up with interrupting the flow of the Spirit. This is why things like miracles, tongues or prophecy never happen in their services. They have their programs to follow on a strict schedule. They sing five songs, have the offertory, then one song and finally everyone sits down for a 20 minute sermon followed by a short benediction.. Sometimes, they might even have an alter call for anybody who really “needs” help. Most of the time they don’t want to bother the people because the service must be over at a certain time. They say, “We have closed the service, but if you “really” need prayer, you can come forward and a someone will pray for you. If you “need” salvation, someone will minister to you, but we don’t time to do it during the service. Just make sure you put your offering beside the person next to you, before you come up front to be ministered to. That person can make sure your offering is



GOD WANTS YOU TO BE God wants you to become all He says you can become. You say, “How am I going to do that?” You are not going to do it by taking a piece of paper, writing on the blackboard or trying to figure out how your destiny is going to come out. Your destiny is not going to be the destiny you think, if you are operating in the natural. The only way you will know your destiny is by the Spirit. The Spirit of God has a different destiny for you than what your natural mind could ever think possible. He is going to take you to a higher mind level, than you ever dreamed possible. You will do more with your life than you ever expected. God will accomplish this in you, when you are willing to yield to the Sprit of God inside of you by allowing the river of God to flow out of you. God wants to take the body of Christ into the realm of being filled with the Holy Ghost and letting Him flow through each and every person. He wants them to flow in His Spirit and yield to what He wants them to do from the Spirit, not from their head. People can always be talked out of the will of God by their natural mind. It is not logical to do the things God wants you to do by your natural mind. The things of the Spirit are spiritually discerned and not understood by the natural carnal


mind. 6 “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” 7 “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” 8 “So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.” Romans 8:6-8 (KJV)


The Spirit of God flowing out of you can only be understood by a spiritually minded person. God will use the Holy Ghost to flow out of you. He will give you instruction, details and show you how to accomplish the things He wants accomplished. It is time for the body of Christ to flow in a new wave of the Spirit. We are all made to drink of one Spirit and it doesn’t matter your education. I have heard preachers say, “If you don’t have a degree, you will never get anywhere.” That is not a true statement. Kenneth Hagin never had a degree. He has done pretty well working with and through the Holy Ghost. As far as I know, he has never had a degree, but has been used mightily by God. Do you know what he has? He has a Holy Ghost degree. When you get a Holy Ghost degree, you learn from the Holy Ghost. With the Holy Ghost as


not understand what or why something is done, but you need to let Him lead you. When the Holy Ghost was leading me at Bible School, I didn’t understand it, but I was willing to submit to His guidance and order of doing things.


People have asked me, “When is the proper time to interpret what the Holy Ghost is revealing to me?” My answer is always the same. You must understand the leadings of the Holy Ghost as well as His order of doing things. The Bible clearly tells you the proper place and time to interpret. If you don’t understand the book of I Corinthians 14, you can misunderstand the order and timing of God. God has shown you in His Word the proper order to follow, but it is not all collated together in one setting. Each verse fits something else into the order of God. 27 “If any many speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.” 28 “But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.” I Corinthians 14:27-28 (KJV) The Bible says, “If there be no interpreter…” It doesn’t say someone else must interpret the tongues spoken. You must understand the flow of


the Holy Ghost. Understanding the flow of the Holy Ghost may sound like a simple thing, but unless the Holy Ghost can operate in the simple things, you are not going to let Him operate or move in the more complex things. I thank God for the good Pastor I had when I went I went to Bible School. He taught the church how to flow in the Holy Ghost. When I went to school, I learned how to operate in the Holy Ghost and listen to the Spirit of God. I would arrive at a service, but never be used in that service by God. I would know everything that was going to happen during the service. At first it would puzzled me. On Sunday morning, the Pastor stood behind the pulpit and said, “There are some people in the service today who have been praying to be used by God. They are called into the five-fold ministry, but may never be used while they are in this church, in the operations of what God speaks to and through them. They know how to interpret the flow of the Spirit of God, so they will know when God leads them to do what He says to do.” Several days before the Pastor said that, I knew what he was talking about. The Holy Ghost had told me what was going to happen. I thought, “Man, that was just for me.” It may have been for everyone else too, but I knew it was for me. I had not known why I knew what the Pastor would say before he said it, but now the answer to my questions had been revealed. There is an order to following the leadings of the Holy Ghost. Sometimes you may not


your teacher, there is no better teaching or schooling. He has the highest degree because it is coming from God. No man can take you out of what the Holy Ghost has taught you. This is where God wants to take each person. He wants to take you to the school of the Spirit. He does not want you to attend the school of the flesh or the carnal mind. He wants to impart to you and through you things of God flowing out of your Spirit.


There are things that have not been invented that are going to needed before Jesus comes back. The way we are going to receive those inventions is through the Spirit. God is going to place in your heart the ideas for the inventions. You will not be able to do them in the natural, but you can do them by the Spirit. When the Spirit reveals the invention to you, it will bless the whole body of Christ and the world. You will have prosperity coming into your household because of God’s blessing and your willingness to flow in the Holy Ghost. God will not reveal the invention to you in the natural, but by His Spirit. You are not gong to do them in the natural. You are not going to get it by sitting down and trying to make your mind figure out how you can create an idea. It is going to come out of your spirit. One way it is going to happen is by you getting and staying filled with the Spirit of God. You need to stay constantly with


the things of God. You need to be filled with God, in the Word of God, in the presence of God and constantly going after God.



It is time for the body of Christ to come to the place of understanding the timing of the Holy Ghost in a service. People need to see the manifestations of the Holy Ghost. Before they can see the manifestations, they need to see the rivers flowing out of them. People need to see things operating out of them like never before. They need to see and understand what is happening in the local church, when the Holy Ghost is present. God wants to move on His people. We are not going to see the miracles, if we don’t see tongues and interpretations in the church. We are not going to see miracles, if we don’t see prophesies coming forth in the church. People say, “I want to see the working of miracles in operation in the church.” You can’t see those things because you are not growing up with the maturity of the Holy Ghost. The church has to have the fullness of God and the development of the Spirit before the interpretations can come out of individuals to flow as gifts of the Spirit. Yielding to the Spirit and allowing Him to operate through the gift of healings and the working of miracles, can only happen when the people are yielding and obeying the Holy Ghost. Most churches do not operate with the flow of


have been told by the Holy Ghost to release the revelation of knowledge you have received. “If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace.” I Corinthians 14:30 (KJV) People need to judge when the proper time is for them to reveal what God has given to them. Most people don’t like judging. They don’t like anything being judged because they think it might be against them. It is just against being right or not, when you learn to follow the leadings of the Holy Ghost. It is a lost art in the body of Christ. Christians need to learn to operate in the right order of the gifts of the Spirit. There is a proper order to the way the Holy Ghost wants things done in a service. It is the act of the Holy Ghost taking something out of our hearts as He says something to us. We are to project it to the people through an utterance in another tongue or in a known tongue to cause the person’s heaviness to be lifted up, burdens to be broken or to encourage people to hook up to what the Preacher is about to say. The Holy Ghost wants to cause the anointing to be increased to a higher level among His people.


Chapter 3 THEY WERE ALL FILLED 2 “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.” 4 “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:2, 4 (KJV) The Bible says, “They were all filled...” Everyone received the infilling of the Holy Ghost because they were willing vessels. They were yielding to receiving the Holy Ghost. You must yield to God. You cannot yield an empty vessel for God’s service. If you don’t stay in the presence of God, in the Word of God, get tanked up on God by worshipping Him and getting hooked up with Him, you are not going to be able to operate in the things of God. People may wonder, “How did that person become so filled with the Holy Ghost? Why does that person act the way they do under the anointing? How did they get under the anointing and Spirit of God? How do I get the Spirit of God to come upon me? How does Holy Ghost come upon anybody?” The answer to all of these questions is “turn your head off and hook up to the Spirit of God.” The Spirit of God comes upon you by the unction of the Holy Ghost. He gives you the words to


speak out of the gospel, the uncompromising Words that flow out of your heart with boldness.


Many times people wonder how they will receive the Word of Wisdom or Knowledge. They want to know how it operates and how they can receive the gifts. The main way a person can receive is to turn off their head (carnal thinking) and hook up with the Spirit of God, through the Holy Ghost. When you hook up to the things of the Spirit, heaven starts to stir things in your heart and reveals things for you to say and witness to others. He will speak through you the words He wants you to tell other people in the service. Sometimes the Holy Ghost will ask you not to reveal His message to a certain person until you are in private with that individual. The only way you will know when the proper time to reveal what the Holy Ghost has told you, is to stay hooked up to the Spirit of God. You must stay hooked up to heaven at all times. It is not a one time event. You must take hold of His presence, get full of His presence and stay full. There are many times you need to be refilled by the Holy Ghost. Just because you were full of the Holy Ghost and His presence once, doesn’t mean you will continually remain filled, if you do not seek Him daily. Sometimes Christians say things to others when the Holy Ghost does not want the words spoken. The words revealed to you may only be a Word of


GOD WANTS TO USE US God wants to flow something out of us. He wants to flow joy and edification out of us to build up the body of Christ. He wants us to be able to sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in the church unto the Lord to build ourselves up. He wants us to be used like we have never been used before. Once we start yielding over to the Holy Ghost in the area of letting Him flow joy and edification out of us, He will start using us in the Word of Knowledge, the Word of Wisdom, tongues or tongues with interpretation. God is going to start you at the lowest level so you will learn to walk and flow with Him. Every Christian should be able to give a tongue, interpretation or a prophecy. If God is living inside of you, you should be able to do it.


When you come to church and someone gives a tongue, you need to hook up with them right away. The Holy Ghost will let you know if the tongue is of Him or of the flesh. He will also give you the interpretation of what was said. You do need to realize although the Holy Ghost may have given you the interpretation, you have to wait to see if the person who has the tongues has the interpretation. The Bible says if one person gets something, you are to hold your peace until you


different times, as the Spirit wills. I can’t make it happen. I can’t conjure it up. I am not going to try to even make it happen. Once at a Bible Study home meeting, I felt led to give a Word of Knowledge to a young girl and young man at the meeting. I called them out and asked them to stand in front of me. As they were standing in front of me, I could see everything very clearly. It was like watching a movie. I saw them committing adultery. I could even see the place, time and everything where it had happened. I had never had such a clear vision of the Word of Knowledge before. I thought I was supposed to give this information to them in front of everyone. The young man looked like he wanted to kill me. The Bible Study home meeting happened to be in the parent’s home of the young girl. I am sure the parents wanted to kill me too, but they didn’t say a word. Everything I told the young girl and the young man was 100% the truth, but I was totally wrong to have told them the way I did. I missed listening to the Holy Ghost tell me the time and place to give the young people the “word” from God. I totally missed it. Everyone misses it sometimes. Sometimes God tells us things for our knowledge, but He is not ready for us to share the information with the individual. We have to flow with God in His timing. He wants to lead and guide us, but we have to yield to the Holy Ghost and wait for His timing before we take action to do something.


Knowledge to be used at a later date or to remind you to pray for the individual.


When you believe in something with your whole heart, you don’t have to defend your beliefs. An example of that type of situation could be if someone walked up to you and said something that “popped your bubble” concerning prosperity. They asked, “You believe in prosperity, don’t you? If you believe it, then why are you not living in what you believe?” Your first reaction might be to defend your beliefs in prosperity and the Bible. You don’t have to defend yourself, when you believe in something. Just live it. You don’t need to be sorry someone said something against your beliefs. You don’t have to put up a battle, argue or defend what you believe. You say, “Well, I am going to fight you over my beliefs.” You don’t have to fight because you have already won, when you are speaking the Word of God under the direction of the Holy Ghost. People speaking unbelief are the losers.


You are to stay full of God by yielding to the Spirit, love of God inside of you and the will of God for your life. Let the Spirit of God inside of you, have control of your life, action, words and


deeds. You can stop the Spirit of God and keep Him from moving and controlling you. The Bible says the love of God restrains us, but the love of God doesn’t restrain a lot of people who are not filled. “But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.” I John 2:5 (KJV) We need to be yielding to the full potential God has for us. God wants us to walk in the steps of the ministry He has chosen for us. In order to walk in the full potential of that ministry, we must stay yielded to what He is saying and let Him direct and guide our words and actions. We need to let Him give and reveal His ideas for us to do. He wants to pull things out of us. 17 “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” 18 “He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.” John 7:17-18 (KJV)


the time, when I am on travel. I can speak under the anointing because I am willing to yield to the Holy Ghost and let Him flow in and through me. As I yield to the Spirit, I can receive the flow of God to move me by the Spirit. God wants us to move with the Spirit. The more God moves in the church, the more you are going to be able to move outside the church. You will have more confidence with the Holy Ghost, when He leads you.


You need to realize the Holy Ghost is not going to hurt you, when He has you do something. He is not going to make you do something you don’t want to do. You will know in your heart what the Holy Ghost is doing. It is up to you, if you want to follow Him. Some people say, “Well, I just had to give my money because the Holy Ghost made me do it. I couldn’t control my actions.” That is not true. The Holy Ghost does not make do anything against your will. “And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.” I Corinthians 14:32 (KJV) A person’s spirit is subject to their control. I learned the hard way I was in control over my spirit concerning some things I did in the past. At least I learned from them. I know I operate in the prophetic anointing at


understanding also.” “Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit, how shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest?” I Corinthians 14:15-16 (KJV) You need to be singing in the Spirit. You don’t have to wonder if you can do it, because you can. You should come to church without your personal doctrines. You need to let the Holy Ghost flow in and through you. You should come with a tongue and interpretation and be ready to give it to the church. You should always come with something to give. Sometimes people come to church with something to give, but it is from the flesh, not the Spirit of God. For example, Sister Bucket Mouth may be running around the church gossiping about everybody. Brother Do Dad may say he has a word of knowledge, but it is the same “word” spoken at every service. People heard it the first time. God hooks up with what is going on in each service. If we are listening to our spirit, He will nudge it and use us. I go to a church I love dearly, but it has trouble flowing with the Holy Ghost. The leadership won’t let the church operate the way it needs to because they have established their doctrine under a wrong Word. It is hard to operate in the gifts of the Word, while sitting in this tiny church because of their doctrines. I have the operation of the gifts of the Word all



DRUNK Do you know you can get drunk in the Holy Ghost? Many people get drunk in the natural, but you can get drunk in the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. I am not placing the importance on being drunk. Being drunk is just a manifestation of the inner work of the Holy Ghost over flowing inside of you. What is inside you, will affect the outward man. If the Holy Ghost is not showing affects on your outward man, then whatever is inside of you is dead. The life of God wants to spring out of your inner man. The life of God is not flowing out of your natural or flesh man. The life of God flows out of your inner spiritual man. I was born-again at the age of seven years old. I never knew what it meant to be filled and get drunk with the Holy Ghost, until I was twenty-five years old. At that time, I was baptized with the Holy Ghost and my life took on a new meaning and direction. When God had me open the Bible, I started reading it. The Holy Ghost taught me to understand what the Bible said. Prior to that time, I did not understand what the Bible was really saying. For over eighteen years, I never understood the Bible. It was by God’s grace I made it from day to day.


If I had known then what I know now, I would be much farther along in the ministry and doing the things God wants me to do. I had plenty of time in my younger years to fulfill everything God wanted me to do, but I needed to yield to God’s direction. I needed to yield to the Holy Ghost. I didn’t know anything before I hooked up with the Holy Ghost.


The Spirit inside of me, never made me change. The Holy Ghost does not use force to change a person. He is a gentleman. He wants you to yield to Him and let the Spirit of God move and guide you. Several people tried to convince me to become a Mormon or a Jehovah Witness. I would invite the people to come into my home, but instead of them convincing me to change, the Holy Ghost inside of me would be bold and get them filled with His presence. They didn’t like me. When I was first saved, I knew enough about salvation to scare them. I didn’t know much about the Word of God, but the Holy Ghost would guide me every step of the way. When I first was saved, I didn’t realize the Holy Ghost was at work on the inside of me. One afternoon I was sitting on my couch in my living room, when several Mormons came to visit me. I preached Jesus to them and they were flabbergasted. They wanted to jump up and run


Chapter 9 YOU MUST

YIELD How are you going to be filled with the Holy Ghost, if you are not yielding to the Spirit? God wants you to get out of your mind and come to the place where you can minister to others. God wants you to walk in His maturity. Many people come to the church to be ministered to and receive a blessing. It is good to receive, but God wants you to go beyond just receiving. He wants you to minister His Word outside of yourself to others. He wants you to be a river of living water flowing from Him to flow to others. The only way you can become a blessing to others is to yield to the Holy Ghost. You need to get hooked up with God and become a blessing to somebody else. The way you become hooked up to God is to start doing what God says in His Word. Don’t look for God to always come to you with the Holy Ghost. You need to yield and reach out to God.

BE READY TO GIVE SOMETHING “What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the


We need to become more effective in the church. today. God wants us to be a blessing inside the church, as well as outside the church. We need to come in the church filled with the Holy Ghost and be ready to give as well as receive from God.

LOSE YOUR PRIDE OR DIE People need to get intoxicated with the Holy Ghost in church, so they can lose their pride. There is so much spiritual pride in the church that it needs to be knocked out. People are prideful about being a Christian. They can quote the Word of God from Genesis to Revelations, but they don’t live it. Scripture pride is judged faster than natural pride. God doesn’t like Spiritual pride. He will put judgment on you in this lifetime. When you have natural pride, God will let you continue to walk in it until the day you go home, if it is not hurting you or others. However, spiritual pride will be killed and God will take you home prematurely. 14 “For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.” 15 “What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.” I Corinthians 14:14-15 (KJV)


out of my house, but I wanted to preach the Word of God to them. I said, “If you want to leave, it is OK with me, but do you realize you are going to hell?” I didn’t know what I was doing. I was just following the leadings of the Holy Ghost inside of me. The Mormon people continued to come to my home for a long time to convince me to become a Mormon. I would not become a Mormon because I had found the church of the living God and was born into it. I had become a brand new person on the inside. You need to be filled with the Holy Ghost and become a new creature in Jesus Christ. You need to become what the Holy Ghost wants you to become. The only way you can accomplish this is to yield to the Spirit of God. The Holy Ghost is constantly trying to nudge us to yield to Him. He wants us to yield over to the operation of the Spirit of God, instead of our head and our own thinking. When we yield to the Holy Ghost, things run a lot smoother in our lives and we effect more people to come to the Lord.




37 “In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, ‘If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.” 38 “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7:37-38 (KJV) The Bible says, “Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” Something should be flowing out of you. It should not be bad things. Sweet and bitter water cannot come out of the same vessel. 10 “Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.” 11 “Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?” James 3:10-11 (KJV) God wants only one water to flow out of our insides. He wants us to be filled with His heavenly water, until we overflow with it on the outside of us. When bitter water flows out of our inter most being, it is because we are operating in the carnal, natural, flesh realm of our lives. We are operating



Sometimes, people do not see the move of the Holy Ghost because they are not willing to yield themselves to the Holy Ghost. I have known several ministers who operated similar to Rodney Howard Brown, but they were not filled with the Holy Ghost and yielding to Him. They would try to make the Holy Ghost manifest Himself to the people, but it would not happen. You can’t make the Holy Ghost “just” happen. You can only do what the Holy Ghost wants to do. The manifestation of the Holy Ghost is given as He sees fit, not as we see fit. The anointing manifest as He wills, not as we will. Sometimes the Holy Ghost is not manifesting because the hearts of the people are not willing to yield to Him. Sometimes the Holy Ghost will want instructions and teachings about Him given to the people, before He will manifest. When people do not understand the moves and manifestation of the Holy Ghost, they will not yield to Him. Often instructions about the Holy Ghost must come first in a service, before He can manifest. The Holy Ghost wants to fall on the people and help them to grow, but the people must be yielded to Him. People’s lives are not going to change unless they yield to the Holy Ghost. Without instruction, it doesn’t matter how much the Holy Ghost falls, He cannot help you grow. God wants to take you beyond laughter and get intoxicated by the Spirit of God.


They fall on their face and get up from the floor a changed person.


Being changed doesn’t happen all the time. You must want the Holy Ghost to change your life. If a person is just coming to the service to get drunk, they have missed the purpose of the Holy Ghost falling on them. If you are coming for God to fall on you by yielding yourselves and submitting to Him, you will step into His glory and move to a higher level. The Holy Ghost will change your life, when you yield to Him. The Holy Ghost doesn’t do the same thing all the time. He moves in different ways in different services and through different people. You must yield to the move of the Holy Ghost. Often the Holy Ghost will fall on a person and the anointing will start to flow out of the person in a great way. A wonderful example of the Holy Ghost flowing through a person is Rodney Howard Brown. He is filled with the Holy Ghost and stays under the anointing. He allows the Holy Ghost to move in and through him through out his entire service. Although the anointing is on him, the Holy Ghost doesn’t always move the same way in every service. Rodney Howard Brown must continually stay yielded to the flow of the Holy Ghost.


out of our natural minds. When sweet water flows from heaven out of our inner most being, we are yielding to the Holy Ghost inside of us. He can develop, train and mold us to become all God wants us to become in this life. Now, we can be used for revival on the earth. The only way for revival to happen on the earth today is to have the Holy Ghost flowing out of His people. It is not going to happen any other way. The Holy Ghost is not going to kick you into heaven. He wants to mold, change and work on you. He wants to use you here, on earth.


The Bible says, “Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” Out of you, something should be flowing. Do you know why people don’t get drunk in the Holy Ghost? It is because they are afraid they are going to act different than normal and lose control of themselves. They fear someone might laugh at them. When you are drunk in the Holy Ghost, someone might laugh with you, but they will not be laughing at you. Many times a person will observe another person laughing in the Spirit. The joy of laughter comes upon them, but they are not really drunk in the Holy Ghost themselves. They are only laughing with the person who is drunk. Sometimes they think God is blessing them, but they are most likely only receiving the overflow.


The person who is drunk and laughing is really flowing with the Holy Ghost. They can’t hardly get up or function. The joy of God is flowing out of them. Many times everybody else is just getting the overflow because they are laughing with them. They usually are not laughing at them, but some people may be. Usually a person laughing at someone does not understand the way the Holy Ghost operates through a person under the anointing. A person flowing in the Holy Ghost and acting drunk may seem to be acting strange in front of you and me. If you haven’t seen anyone get that loose before or if you have never been that loose before, you may have trouble understanding the drunk person and their actions. Often Christians who do not understand flowing with the Holy Ghost, become offended when someone gets drunk in the Spirit. They say, “I am not going to act the way that person is acting on the floor!” If they understood how the Holy Ghost operated, they would become loose and yielded to the Spirit. The reason people don’t act the way the Holy Ghost is leading them is because they are not sure they are really in the Spirit.


Sometimes people have fear when they think they might hear from heaven. I believe about 99% of all Christians don’t hear from heaven. They hear from their flesh. They feel a tickle or an


thanks to God the Father, through the Holy Ghost. When you are speaking psalm, hymns or singing spiritual songs, you might be correcting your outward man. Often when you let the Holy Ghost flow through you, the outward man in your mind realizes you have to let go of something. This is good correction. It is not a rebuke. It is correcting you or reminding you of what you already know. God will not rebuke anybody in a public assembly. He only rebukes you in your personal life. He wants to take you to another level of the spirit.


You need to get drunk in the Spirit of God in order to go to another level. You need the intoxication of the Spirit. When you are drunk in the Holy Ghost, it will change your life. I knew of a lady who was drunk in the Holy Ghost for nine days. She was totally changed from that day forth in her entire life. Her husband said it was like getting a new wife. She was completely different because of her experience with the Holy Ghost. When you are drunk with Holy Ghost’s spiritual wine, it will change your life. It is God flowing in and out of your entire being. He is taking you to a higher level. Over the years of my ministry, I have seen hundreds of people get filled with the Holy Ghost.


Chapter 8 LET CHRIST


15 “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body and be ye thankful.” 16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:15-16 (KJV) The key is to let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom. You have to be full of the Holy Ghost in order to accomplish it. Something has to be flowing out of you and it is the river of the living water from God. You need to be teaching and admonishing one another. The word “admonishing” has nothing to do with correction. It does not mean to give a person a “piece of your mind” when you have a disagreement with them. When you are operating in the Holy Ghost and admonishing one another in the sanctuary, you are singing in the Spirit in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with grace in your heart to the Lord. You do not have to be in a public assembly to sing to the Lord. Whatever you do in the Word or deed, you honor the name of the Lord by giving


itch and think it is the Holy Ghost speaking to them. They have itchy ears or they hear something sweet and think God is talking to them. Most of the time, God is not itching their ears or tickling them. They are trying to receive from the Holy Ghost by means of the flesh. Most of the time when God is talking to a person, He is straightening them out. He is showing them the errors or their ways and trying to turn their hearts towards Him. He does not itch your ear, if you are tempted. He straightens you out. God speaks plain so you will understand what He is saying to you. When God is speaking to you directly, you don’t have to say, “Well, I wonder what that meant? Was I hearing from God?” Some people go so far as to say, “I see an ice cream cone. This must be a message from God. I wonder what an ice cream cone meant” God doesn’t speak to you through an ice cream cone. He talks directly to you. The ice cream cone meant nothing. It just tempted you. Sometimes people get in the flesh and think God is speaking to them through natural items and things. God wants to speak to you directly. People have come to me and said, “I had a vision. Can you give me an interpretation?” Before I even have a moment to answer them, they start telling me their vision. For the next thirty minutes they go into great details about their vision. Finally they ask, “Do you know what my vision means?” I answer the person and say, “Yes, I can tell


you the meaning of the vision. It means nothing because you don’t have the understanding of it. If God is giving you a vision, He will give you the interpretation.” When God gives you something, you are going to understand it. You don’t have to run around looking for somebody to tell you the meaning of it. If God shows you a vision, He is going to give you the meaning of it, not someone else. Sometimes people think God has given them the only eyes of understanding. They feel they are the only people God talks through. Some people believe they are prophets. A prophet has been called by God and will operate in the prophetic gifts and calling. They will do the prophet’s business. Not everyone is called to be a prophet. You should have something flowing out of you. The Bible says, “Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” It is saying rivers of living water shall flow out of you. This does not mean you have to go to other people to interpret what God is saying to you. God says rivers will flow out of you. You need to be yielding to the Spirit inside of you. The Spirit of God is trying to nudge you to get out of the operation of the norm and get in the operation of the Spirit. When you operate in the Spirit, you will see more demonstrations of the Spirit. You will see more things by the prompting of the Spirit.


Ghost to enter into your life. He wants to be used by you, but He can only flow out of you, if you allow Him to flow into you. You must allow the Holy Ghost to escape your lips by speaking psalms, hymn and spiritual songs. You are to be singing the Word of God. When you learn to let the Holy Ghost flow through you by singing and speaking the Word of God, you will discover you can also do it in the Spirit. By letting the Holy Ghost use you, will cause the church services to jump to a higher level. God wants to do more than you could ever dream of in the service. God wants to mature you and the church. He wants you to walk in the Spirit and hear from heaven. He wants you listening to Him. He wants you to yield your spirit to the Holy Ghost inside of you. You can be blessed yourself and become a blessing to others. That is what He wants.


never have a “down” or “depressed” day. We will wake up in the morning with a song in our heart. We will wake up to something that will cause a new spring in our step. You say, “Why will this happen when I start speaking to myself in songs, hymns and spiritual songs? What am I doing?” When you start speaking to yourself in songs, hymns and spiritual songs, you have finally gotten out of your fleshly, carnal head. Instead of constantly yielding to the natural realm everyday, you are looking for God to say something through you that will build you up and to minister to others. When you start stepping into this anointing, God will start the laughter in the church. When you have Holy Ghost meetings, everyone is going to get drunk. The Holy Ghost Spirit of laughter is not going to happen overnight. Do you know why? It is because people always have a problem enjoying God and letting Him minister to them. It is time for the joy of God to take over the service. Everyone should be filled with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs flowing out of their hearts, when they arrive at the church. It is just something most churches have lost. People say, “The devil stole my joy.” No, the devil didn’t steel your joy. You shut the door to your joy by not getting full of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost wants to use you to be a river of living water flowing out of you to bless others. The Bible says, “Speaking to yourselves...” You are to speak to yourself and allow the Holy


Chapter 6 THE WILL

OF THE LORD God wants us to get completely drunk in the Holy Ghost. He wants us so drunk and yielded completely to Him, we start producing fruit in our lives, instead of works. Most people want the fruit in their lives. They try to produce fruit by working in the natural. They are putting in hours, days and weeks of lots of natural work, but offering very little in the way of spiritual work to produce spiritual fruit. You may be putting in a lot of work that is not producing spiritual fruit because you are not doing it out of the Spirit. You are doing something to please other people or to look good in the eyes of someone else. God wants our hearts. God wants us to yield to the Spirit. All you have to do is unlock the door to the Holy Ghost. The way you unlock the door is to yield to Him. He wants us to get loose and get drunk in the Spirit. Most churches don’t let the people move in the flow of the Spirit of God. They may desire to move in the flow of God and want the Holy Ghost to manifest, but they do not know how to yield to Him. There is too much control over the Holy Ghost in their services to let Him flow. The Holy Ghost is unable to move because of restrictions


laid down by the leaders.

WHO CAN PROPHECY There has been a lot of weirdness over the past few years concerning prophecy and the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost still desires to move in and through His people. Some people teach that any person can prophesy to another person, but this is not true. It is not even scriptural for just any person to prophesy to another person. I believe the Bible is very clear on the subject about prophesying to someone else. The only person who can prophecy to someone else is a person who stands in the five-fold ministry, usually a prophet. Sometimes a minister will allow an evangelist to step into the prophetic anointing. Other times a pastor will step into the anointing and say things because a prophet is coming to town or because their church is not big enough to have a prophet. “Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:17 (KJV) The Bible tells us what the will of the Lord is. Most people use the above verse of the Bible to show the reason why a person should be drunk and drink of the Holy Ghost wine. But that is not really what Paul was telling us here. We have only heard the surface part of the subject. The people have only grown to the place where they are


They usually invite people to come inside the church. Most churches think if they get five or six people saved all week, they are having a landslide. There are hundreds and even thousands of unsaved people in every town and city all over the world. It is a crying shame to God to see His people pass by so many hurting and lost people each day. Christians are to go out on the streets and invite the lost to come to the Lord. We are supposed to be telling people to come in and be set free by accepting our wonderful Lord Jesus.


You may ask, “Why does God want people to get intoxicated? Why does He want them to get full on His new wine?” He wants us to get intoxicated and full of His Spirit, so we can come into a church service and be hooked up with Him. He wants us making melody in our heart to the Lord. When we are full of the Holy Ghost, boldness will come and we can witness to the lost. “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:19 (KJV) God wants us to get filled with the Holy Ghost ourselves. He wants us to learn how we can build ourselves up, when we start yielding to our new life to Him. When we start speaking to ourselves in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, we will



THE HOLY GHOST God wants to use each person, not just in the church, but out in the street. He can use you by a Word of Knowledge or a Word of Wisdom as long as you are yielding to the Spirit of God and not your natural mind or flesh. When the Holy Ghost moves through you, it is not going to be logical to you to say or to do what He is leading you to do. That is what scares most people from operating in the Spirit. Often the Holy Ghost is a thorn in the church because He is trying to get them to flow in the Spirit. He wants them to jump into the river of God so there can be revival.


Revival is not going to take place in the church. Souls are not “only” going to be saved in the church. Hardly any souls have been saved in the church because people are not bringing the unsaved people to the church. The church has to go out to the highways and byways to call the lost into the church. I have not been in very many churches lately that drag people in the church with physical force.


starting to be touched by the Holy Ghost on the surface. “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.” Ephesians 5:18 (KJV) Most Christians stop reading the Bible after the above verse. The reason why God put this first is because Christians are carnal and caught up in their heads. If the Holy Ghost can’t get you intoxicated, you can’t be used in the flow of the Spirit. When you are not flowing in the Spirit, you are not going to do what is right, because you will be doing it out of your flesh. In one of the churches I visited, the Pastor had twenty or thirty people line up every service to give a “word”. God does not need twenty or thirty people to give a “word” for one service. God is not confused. Something is out of order. The Pastor would let everyone give a “word” for the service. By the time twenty or thirty people gave their “word” for the service, the service would become a mess. When I arrived at the church as the guest speaker, I had to wallow through all the mud, mire, quick sand, traps set by the devil and individuals and the junk of everything being said before the service. By the time I tried to conjure something up to get the church back to the normal atmosphere where the Holy Ghost could move in the service, it took twenty-five to thirty minutes. After that the Holy Ghost entered the service and the anointing


filled the church. Now, the Holy Ghost could minister to the people in the service. The reason God causes joy and laughter to come into the church and get the church intoxicated is because He wants to get His people outside of themselves. He wants them to get caught up with Him so He can use them by the Spirit, not by their natural or fleshly minds. The things of the Spirit have to come straight from the Spirit, not from the head. Many people try to operate the things of the Spirit in the natural realm and it really messes the things of God.


When a person in the five-fold ministry gives tongues in the church and later it is followed by that person giving an interpretation of the tongues, it is a sign the glory of God has dropped into that setting or surrounding. It is God’s signature of approval of what has been said by the Spirit of God. Most of the time when you hear something by the Spirit of God, it will increase the anointing instead of decreasing the anointing. When there is a decrease in the anointing, it usually means the person is operating out of their mind or out of their flesh. They are not operating in the Spirit or they were out of order. They were not supposed to give the interpretation at that time. Usually when the anointing decreases it is because the person is operating in the flesh and is


not listing to the Spirit. They are only listening to the flesh. They think they are hearing from God and saying what He wants them to say, but they really are only operating in their carnal head.


You are not going to hear God by watching television and going to eat a late night pizza. Do not say, “I ate pizza last night and God spoke to me while I was eating. I received a ‘word’ to be given in the service today in church.” You have received only a “pizza anointing,” not a God anointing. God doesn’t come through a pizza. He comes by you yielding to Him through the Holy Ghost. God wants us in the Spirit. He wants us yielding to Him in the Spirit. He wants to do things in and for us by His Spirit, not by what we want to do.
