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Ynystawe School Prospectus

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ynystawe school prospectus
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Ynystawe Primary School Clydach Road Ynystawe CITY & COUNTY OF SWANSEA SA6 5AY Telephone No: (01792) 842628 Fax: (01792) 845351 E Mail: [email protected] Website: www.ynystawe.swansea.sch.uk Ynystawe is a County Maintained, Co-educational Primary School. This information is correct and up to date at the time of printing - Spring Term 2012. Some adjustment or re- arrangement of provision may be necessary for the academic year 2012-2013. Headteacher: Mrs. C. Gwenith Davies (B.Ed. Hons.) Deputy Headteacher: Mrs. H. Houston-Phillips (B.A.Hons.) Chair of Governors: Cllr. M. J. Hedges Age range of pupils: 3 - 11 years Number on roll: 194 (including Nursery children)

Ynystawe Primary School Clydach Road




Telephone No: (01792) 842628

Fax: (01792) 845351

E Mail: [email protected]

Website: www.ynystawe.swansea.sch.uk

Ynystawe is a County Maintained, Co-educational

Primary School.

This information is correct and up to date at the time of

printing - Spring Term 2012. Some adjustment or re-

arrangement of provision may be necessary for the academic

year 2012-2013.

Headteacher: Mrs. C. Gwenith Davies

(B.Ed. Hons.)

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs. H. Houston-Phillips


Chair of Governors: Cllr. M. J. Hedges

Age range of pupils: 3 - 11 years

Number on roll: 194 (including Nursery


Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus




(Confucius 551-479BC)

Vision Statement

Our school will endeavour to provide a challenging and

stimulating experience-based curriculum for every child, and

this in the security of a happy and welcoming aesthetic learning


We envisage all children achieving their full potential as

independent learners in order ultimately to take their place in

society as confident, tolerant and courteous people.

At all times we strive to promote a culture wherein we feel a

sense of belonging and pride in our school and also a belief in

ourselves as individual members of both the school and the

wider community.

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus



Plan of Ynystawe School 1

Ynystawe Primary School Staff List 2

Teaching Staff 2

Associate Staff 2

Peripatetic Staff 2

Governors of Ynystawe Primary School 3

School Aims 4

School Organisation 5

The School Curriculum 6

Parents and School 7

Equal Opportunities 8

Special Educational Needs 9

Foundation Phase 10

English 11

Mathematics 12

Science 13

Geography 14

History 14

Art/Creative Work 15

Music 15

Design Technology 16

Information Communication Technology 16

Physical Education 17

PE Kit 18

Swimming 18

Personal, Social and Health Education 19

Sex Education 19

Religious Education 20

Welsh 20

Assessment 21

Records 21

Homework 22

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus

General Information 23

Admissions 23

Attendance 23

Absences 23

Punctuality 24

The start of the school day 24

Holidays during term time 24

Attendance Statistics for Ynystawe Primary School 2008/2009 25

Secondary Transfer 26

Out of School Activities and Educational Visits 27

Out of School Activities 27

Educational Visits 27

Charging and Remissions Policy 28

Pastoral Care Arrangements 29

Accidents and Emergencies 29

Administering of medication in school 29

School Health Service 30

Lunch/Break Supervision 30

Health & Safety Provision 30

School Security 30

Dogs in school 30

Behaviour 31

Tackling Bullying 31

Complaints Procedure 31

School Uniform 32

Summary of National Curriculum Assessment (Teacher Assessed)

Key Stage 1 Results - 2011 33

Summary of National Curriculum Assessment (Teacher Assessed)

Key Stage 2 Results – 2011 34

School Terms and Holiday Dates 2011/2012 Academic Year 35

School Terms and Holiday Dates 2012/2013 Academic Year 35

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Plan of Ynystawe School

Classroom Teacher

Classroom 1 Sarah Richards Year 5/6 Classroom 2 John Jenkins Year 4/5 Classroom 3 Alyson Crabb/Alison James Year 3/4 Classroom 4 Emma Brown/Rachel Parkes Year 2/3 Classroom 5 Lucy Green Year 1 Classroom 6 Helen Houston Phillips Reception Natalie Day Nursery

Foundation Phase

Key Stage 2



To upper level

To lower level

Lower level

Upper level 2



and pupil





Main entrance







Toilets Cloakroom




Cloakroom Toilets

Outdoor toy storage

Not to scale

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Ynystawe Primary School Staff List

Teaching Staff

Gwenith Davies (Headteacher)

Sarah Richards Year 5/6

John Jenkins Year 4/5

Alyson Crabb/ Alison James Year 3/4

Emma Brown/ Rachel Parkes Year 2/3

Lucy Green Year 1

Helen Houston-Phillips (Deputy Headteacher) Reception

Natalie Day Nursery

Associate Staff

Administration Officer

Judith Lewis

Administration Support (inc. ICT)

Helen Lascelles

School Site manager

Dorian Phillips


Joyce Sullivan

H.L.T.A. inc. ICT support (Teaching

for Learning)

Roger Pyle

Teaching Assistants

Kathryn Davies Tracy Duffy

Kathryn Thomas Jacqueline Millen

Vivienne Jones Deborah Fisher

Bethan Stote Kathryn Boorman

Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants

Vivienne Jones

Bethan Stote

Gwenneth Davies

Tracy Duffy

Kathryn Thomas

Dining staff

Nicola Banks Dining Supervisor

Caroline Minns Dining Assistant

Cleaning Staff

Jackie Hale

Tracy Hughes

Cheryl Gates

Crossing Patrol

Mike Maddocks

Breakfast Club Staff

Deborah Fisher

Bethan Stote

Caroline Minns



Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Governors of Ynystawe Primary School

The Governing Body of Ynystawe Primary School consists of twelve members whose role is to

seek individually and collectively to represent the interests of the school and the community.

Governors appointed by the Local Education Authority:

Term of Office

Councillor Michael J. Hedges AM(Chair) September 2008 - September 2012

4 Glyncollen Drive



Tel no. 791774

Mrs. Marjorie Martin September 2008 - September 2012

Mrs. Jeni James November 2011 – November 2015

Governors appointed by the Parents of Ynystawe Primary School:

Mr. T. Nigel Thomas (Vice-chair) October 2008 - October 2012

Mr D. Thompson October 2011 – October 2015

Mr T Tremelling October 2011 – October 2015


Governors co-opted to the Governing Body (Community Governors):

Mr. Richard Williams October 2008 - October 2012

Mrs. Hilary Thomas July 2009 - July 2013

Mrs. Christine S. Winson October 2011 - October 2015

Governors elected by the Teaching Staff of Ynystawe Primary School

Mrs Alyson Crabb September 2011 - September 2015

Governors elected by the Support Staff of Ynystawe Primary School

Mrs. Joyce E. Sullivan September 2011 – September 2015

Headteacher of Ynystawe Primary School:

Mrs. C. Gwenith Davies Ex officio

Clerk to the Governors:

Mrs. Helen M. Lascelles

755, Clydach Road




Tel. (01792) 843210

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


School Aims

Our aims for Ynystawe Primary School in terms of the children‟s learning are positive and will

enable each child to succeed. In order to achieve this we will provide broad experiences which

reflect both the needs and the interests of the children. We will strive to promote an open

collaborative and evaluative culture for all. We will endeavour to ensure that:

the curriculum we provide is sufficiently broad and rich to provide every child with the

opportunity to succeed, and that this success is celebrated and built upon, We will always be

aware of the destructive effect on children of incessant failure and do everything in our

power to prevent this;

children become autonomous and reflective learners, developing independence from their

earliest days in school;

our starting point will always be what the child CAN do and not where we think that he or she

should be;

our curriculum is based on first-hand experiences which are intensely lived by the children;

we create the right climate for our children to internalise these experiences and develop the

skills, attitudes and values required to externalise them through:

(i) Personal & Social Education

(ii) Speaking and listening, reading, writing and the expressing of ideas

(iii) Mathematics

(iv) Information Technology

(v) All aspects of science and technology

(vi) The creative arts

we take every opportunity to remind the children that they live in Wales and are to be proud

of their National heritage and culture. We will also teach them the Welsh language and

encourage them to use it at every opportunity;

the children are made aware of, and take pride in, the history of their locality;

we will help children understand and care for the world in which they live, making optimum

use of our resources, in particular our school grounds and the surrounding area;

children are given ample opportunities to develop their physical skills along with an

understanding of the importance of leading healthy lives;

we promote children‟s respect for religion and moral values and their understanding and

tolerance of the beliefs of others;

we have the resources needed to support a rich curriculum and that we teach our children to

respect them, how to use them with care and to take responsibility for them;

our children know how to select and use these resources confidently and with independence;

we will praise success, no matter how small, and address our children‟s weaknesses with


we provide good role models by showing respect and consideration for our children and for

each other thus developing a climate of co-operation and harmony.

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


School Organisation

Ynystawe Primary School serves the old established communities of Ynystawe and Ynysforgan

- villages situated at the lower end of the Swansea Valley, some four miles north east of the

city of Swansea and within one mile of the M4 motorway.

The main building dates from 1889 and comprises five classrooms and a staff area grouped

around a central hall. Nursery and Reception pupils (3 – 5 year olds) are housed in a light and

airy purpose-built facility linked to the main building with a spacious play area.

Pupils are organised into classes of mixed ability and in the main, mixed year groups. The age

range is restricted to a maximum span of two years in any one class. Class sizes and age

ranges are reviewed on an annual basis. This does not disadvantage children in any way as

thorough planning by the class teacher along with detailed school policies and schemes of

work guarantee continuity and progression. Each class has its own class teacher, but also

benefits from the additional support of teaching assistants.

The class teacher constantly assesses the needs of each child in the class and provides for

these needs. Your child will receive whole-class, individual and group teaching as appropriate.

Teaching groups are fluid, consisting of three, four or as many children as is best for a given

situation. Teaching Assistants play a major part in the learning programme.

This approach enables your child to get the maximum help from the teacher, who, through

careful preparation and organisation is able to allow other groups and individuals to work

unaided for a while. Teaching in such one to one and small group situations makes it easier to

ensure that each child really understands the work in hand and permits the teacher to vary

methods to suit individuals. This also ensures that each child receives equal teacher time and


Our aim is to approach the whole curriculum from the child‟s needs, seeking to achieve quality

and depth. We believe that children learn through real situations and therefore we try to

provide a thought - provoking, well - planned environment equipped to cater for the individual

needs of each child.

We offer a wide curriculum to afford every child the opportunity to experience success. We

believe that children are instruments of their own learning and structure our day and equip

our classrooms to give each child the motivation he or she needs. We use predominantly an

integrated day approach and subject disciplines are interwoven around a central termly

theme. This framework allows and encourages children to take responsibility for their own

work and progress.

We emphasise the importance of play and provide children with play-based activities

throughout all phases.

Above all, we see the primary classroom as a workshop wherein children develop the skills

necessary for learning. We hope too that our children will enjoy learning, will want to go on

learning and will be equipped to do so.

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


The School Curriculum

Foundation Phase 3 – 7 years old

Key Stage 2 8 – 11 years old

Ynystawe Primary School offers a broad curriculum,

based on the requirements of the Foundation Phase

for Children‟s Learning (3 – 7 years) and the National

Curriculum (8+ years). The National Curriculum

focuses on the 3 core subjects of English,

Mathematics and Science and the foundation

subjects of History, Geography, Information

Communication Technology, Design Technology, Art,

Physical Education and Music. Welsh is taught as a

second language, R.E. is also a statutory requirement.

All areas of the curriculum are given status in their

own right and are integrated through a thematic

approach (“The Leonardo Effect” – refer to website)

under the following Foundation Phase for Children‟s

Learning headings:

Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing

and Cultural Diversity

Language, Literacy and Communication Skills

Mathematical Development

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Physical Development

Creative Development

Welsh Development

We aim to provide good role models for the children

in our care by showing them respect and

consideration thus developing a climate of co-

operation and harmony. We hope that parents will

support us in our aim.

Parents of /and children in Years 1 to 6 are issued

with home-school agreements which have been

produced by staff and governors in good faith

following consultation with parents.

All curriculum policy documents are made available to


Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Parents and School

You will always be welcome in our school. We have adopted an „open-door‟ policy and we will

make every effort to see a parent immediately if the need arises. However, if you want to be

sure of seeing the Headteacher, it is best to make an appointment. Likewise, if you wish to

talk with the class teacher for any length of time during a busy school day. On the occasions

when you do ring the school to make an appointment with the Headteacher or classteacher, it

would be very much appreciated if you could briefly outline to the administration staff the

nature of the issue to be discussed. This will allow some preparation to be made on behalf of

the school prior to your appointment.

If you have brief messages or information to pass on to your child‟s classteacher please send

a note with your child or inform a member of associate staff, some of whom greet the

children as they enter the buildings at the start of the school day. Mrs Lewis and Mrs

Lascelles at the school reception desk will always relay messages to teachers.

Formal parent/teacher consultations are held during the Autumn and Spring Terms. During

these times parents will be given the opportunity to discuss their child‟s progress. An end of

year report is distributed in July. A Drop-in Day is held during the Summer Term when

parents and members of the wider community have the opportunity to view the school as a

“whole”. Curriculum weeks are also planned for during which these parents are invited in to

school to learn alongside their children.

At the start of a new school year you will also be invited in to school to meet your child‟s

teacher. During this informal session you will be given lots of information about your child‟s

learning and will also have the opportunity to ask questions and have a general „look around‟.

In order that the school/parent partnership is as effective as possible, we contact parents

when their children are pre-nursery and invite them to bring their child to visit the school. A

series of visits may then follow until the parent is happy that their child has settled into the

new nursery routine.

We wish parents to have very high expectations of us as a school, in serving their children

with the very best education possible, but parents in turn will need to offer their

commitment in supporting their child‟s learning. Each term you will be given a breakdown of

the work planned for your child and you are always welcome to come along to discuss your

child‟s learning and/or aspects of the curriculum with the classteacher/Headteacher.

Finally, parents can offer their support by helping in school. We welcome parents to assist

with school and class libraries, cookery, textiles, accompanying visits and generally working in

class situations. All help will be greatly appreciated. If you are unable to spare time in

school during the day, perhaps you would like to assist with fund-raising by serving on the

Parent Teacher Association Committee.

We are fortunate in having a very active P.T.A. They organise a number of events throughout

the year and raise considerable funds for the school. Without their support, we would not be

able to resource the school as effectively as we do. New committee members are always

welcome and if you are interested, please contact the Headteacher or the Chair of the


Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Equal Opportunities

At Ynystawe Primary School our belief with

regard to equal opportunities is straight

forward - to give the children in our care

equal opportunities to develop all their talents

and to take advantage of all that the school

has to offer.

All pupils are actively encouraged to

participate in all aspects of the curriculum.

Curricular and extra-curricular activities are

planned in order to avoid discrimination taking

place on the grounds of gender, race, colour

or religion. The school has detailed policies

covering all aspects of equal opportunities.

The school gives full consideration to the

requirements of pupils with a range of


Governors have adopted LEA policies relating

to all aspects of equality.

A detailed Race Equality policy is available at

the school for parents.

Equalities Governor: Chris Winson

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Special Educational Needs

The school has a detailed policy for Special Education Needs which reflects the requirements

of the „Code of Practice‟ and is the product of whole staff discussions and Local Authority

(L.A.) advice.

Children requiring special educational needs support both with and without statements are

identified by L.A. surveys, classroom observations and assessments. (including formal

assessment procedures carried out by the school‟s Educational Psychologist).

Special Educational Needs „workshops‟ are held regularly within the school and provision for

children‟s needs is discussed and future action agreed upon. Such actions might include

monitoring, hearing and sight assessments, differentiated work, Individual Education Plans

(IEPs) or the involvement of outside agencies. Provision is also made for pupils who have been

identified by the teacher as being particularly able in certain aspects of the school

curriculum. Individual Action Plans (IAPs) are provided if appropriate for these pupils.

Ynystawe Primary school has sought advice from the Education Psychologist, Schools‟ Medical

Officer, Education Welfare Officer, Speech Therapist, Social Services, Advisory Teachers

for S.E.N. (including behavioural support) and Primary Mental Health workers.

Record keeping is completed by teachers throughout the term as necessary, but is monitored

and co-ordinated at the teachers‟ Special Education Needs Workshops.

Resources are allocated to the school as a result of the L.A.‟s annual Special Educational

Needs survey, which is administered in October. All year 2 pupils are entered, along with

other pupils for whom there is a concern. The L.A.‟s S.E.N. personnel collate all scores and

funding is apportioned accordingly.

Special Educational Needs staff attend courses and meetings organised by the L.A. on a

regular basis in order to receive information on management matters and practical classroom

issues and strategies.

During the summer term S.E.N. staff from the secondary sector visit Ynystawe Primary to

discuss those children who have been identified as having Special Educational Needs and

their provision for Year 7 thus planned.

Should a child with Special Educational Needs be transferred from or to another school then

consultations will automatically follow along with appropriate documentation and funding.

All staff at Ynystawe Primary are well informed and totally committed to S.E.N. practices

and procedures. Workshops are always fully attended and staff contrive to display a caring

and positive approach to all children within the school.

The school gives full consideration to the requirements of pupils with a range of disabilities

and ensures access to the curriculum in the broadest sense. Wheelchair access is available.

Parents may discuss the school‟s S.E.N. policy with the S.E.N.C.O. or the Headteacher. An

appointment would be appreciated.

S.E.N. Co-ordinator Lucy Green S.E.N. Support Teacher Alison James School‟s Educational Psychologist Susan Sheridan S.E.N. Governor Nigel Thomas

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


THE FOUNDATION PHASE “Being three and being four should be fun”

Audrey Curtiss

“The curriculum 3-7”

We believe that good and appropriate early education lays the foundation for effective

learning and sound development.

During the Foundation Phase children are provided with a range of first hand experiences and

associated activities in the following broad areas of learning:

Language, Literacy and Communication Skills.

Personal and Social Development, Well Being and Cultural Diversity.

Mathematical Development.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World.

Physical Development.

Creative Development.

Welsh Development.

Provision begins at 3 years with entry into the nursery year group and continues until the

child is 7 years old (Year 2).

Early Years Co-ordinator & Reception teacher: Helen Houston-Phillips

Nursery teacher Natalie Day

Nursery Nurse Joyce Sullivan

Teaching Assistant (Higher Level) Roger Pyle

Year 1 teacher Lucy Green

Year 2/3 teacher Emma Brown/Rachel Parkes

Teaching Assistants Kathryn Thomas Deborah Fisher

Tracey Duffy Kathryn Boorman

Bethan Stote Vivienne Jones

Jackie Millen

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Language Literacy and Communication Skills


(A Core Subject)

We want children to be able to listen

intelligently, think for themselves and to express

their ideas, feelings and thoughts effectively in a

variety of situations including class and group

discussions and role play. Role play is planned for

throughout our primary curriculum for children

from 3 – 11 years. It is also an aim that children

understand and enjoy written English and become

competent communicators, writing imaginatively

and accurately in the style appropriate to a

variety of contexts.

When learning to read, children will quickly be

introduced to a whole variety of fiction books and

at all times the emphasis is placed upon reading

for pleasure. Children cannot be forced to read

and individuals are ready to read at different

times. It will be the role of the teacher to

encourage, support and offer help at the appropriate time.

Children will be reading a variety of scheme books

and carefully colour coded, graded “real” story

books. Picture books also play an important role in

encouraging children to read for pleasure and even

the best readers benefit if they are able to “read”

the detailed implications of illustrations. Children

have access to a central resource library which is

situated in the main school hall. All classes

benefit from „fiction libraries‟ some of which have been

organised into specific „genres‟ of interest to the children. Guided and

shared reading activities are planned for at all phases.

Handwriting is practised regularly as we consider the development of clear, fluent

speed writing to be of the utmost importance for the child, as well as it developing a

pride in their work. Children are encouraged to use a variety of different writing

tools. When pens are introduced we encourage the use of black only fibre tip pens as

we consider these to be far more controllable than a ball point pen. Fountain pens are

introduced in Years 5 and 6.

Curriculum leader: Alyson Crabb

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Mathematical Development


(A Core Subject)

In our teaching of mathematics we are trying to

equip children with the basic mathematical skills

they will need in everyday adult life.

Throughout the school we attempt to develop in

children an understanding of how numbers work and

the use of basic operations such as addition,

subtraction, multiplication, division etc. We do this

by providing a wealth of practical experiences which

we know to be preferable to teaching children a

series of rules. We always attempt to present

realistic problems and investigations for children to


Confidence, understanding, logical thinking and

enjoyment are all ingredients of mathematical

development. We try to help children to

understand number relationships and mathematical

concepts, to master basic number skills with

understanding and to be confident in their work.

They are introduced to a wide variety of

mathematical experiences from the earliest years

and have a great deal of practical experience upon

which to build.

“Buckets of Thinking” - a maths logic/games club

takes place after school each week for pupils.

Curriculum leader: John Jenkins

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Knowledge & Understanding of the World


(A Core Subject)

Science in the primary school is concerned with encouraging the

development of critical and enquiring attitudes.

We try to help children to develop a scientific way of

thinking, mainly through the practical use of the

classroom and school environments. The emphasis is on

learning through experience rather than from factual

teaching. Such learning involves accurate observation, a

questioning approach and investigation. (“The Leonardo

Effect” – refer to website)

Records are made as necessary, but the traditional

written format is often not the most suitable. A careful

drawing may provide better evidence of good observation

than a written report so strong links exist between science

and art. Many children of 10/11 years reach the stage of

formulating hypotheses to explain their observations,

subsequently testing them with investigations of their own

design involving a variety of observational, manipulative,

recording, mathematical and language skills.

Environmental work from the locality and in particular our

own school grounds provides a wealth of material to enrich

the curriculum. We are fortunate to have developed outdoor

classrooms with a pond and planting areas in the school

grounds. We also have access to fields,

hedgerows, the river and urban

developments. By relating what we teach to

where we are, children can easily recognise

the relevance of their learning experiences.

“Nature Detectives” - a weekly gardening/

eco club takes place after school for pupils.

Curriculum leader: Alison James

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Knowledge & Understanding of the World


Geography is concerned with developing the child‟s

sense of place. Starting with their own local

environment we endeavour to help children make sense

of and learn to care for their own surroundings and the

wider world.

Through their own investigations children come to

understand how human and physical factors can shape and

change places and lives.

There are close links between geography, science,

mathematics and history and for this reason, the

subject is taught through thematic work.

As children develop, they will have opportunities to

extend further understanding and awareness of

contrasting places to their own locality through

residential visits and other day visits linked to

particular themes, as well as studies of foreign


Curriculum leader: Alison James

Knowledge & Understanding of the World


At Ynystawe we believe that history is always best

approached through first-hand experiences. The

past influences all our lives, it shapes the customs and

beliefs of communities to make sense of the world in

which we live. We try to provide the children with

something concrete to work from whichever period of

history they are studying. They are given

lots of opportunities for hands on

experiences using artefacts, photographs

and visits to places of historical interest

and significance. The work is always

meaningful and relevant to the children

and their stage of development.

Curriculum leader: Natalie Day

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Creative Development


Creativity is not something we view in isolation. It

is an essential feature of all aspects of learning

Children may have differing abilities and their

individual talents may vary. We believe it to be

important that they have many opportunities to

experiment with a wide range of techniques and

materials. Much of the work that children do is

likely to be related to the rest of the curriculum

but they are also encouraged to develop such

skills in their own right. (“The Leonardo

Effect” – refer to website)

At all phases children will have opportunities

to visit Art Galleries and/or work with

specialist artists during residencies.

Curriculum leader: Sarah Richards

Creative Development


Music should be part of every child‟s life and we aim to encourage enjoyment and

understanding of this subject through our sharing in the making of and listening to music.

At all phases music is experienced through musical activities linked to a theme. Children aged

8+ have the opportunity to learn to play the recorder and to have private stringed and

brass/woodwind instrument tuition with peripatetic music teachers employed by the school.

In the life of the school, music plays an important part in our daily sharing in collective

worship and in our celebration of major festivals.

The school has an active choir which takes part in community performances. Admission to

the choir is by audition.

Curriculum leader: Alyson Crabb

Tutor for stringed instruments: Helen Gooding

Tutor for brass/woodwind instruments: Dr. Bruce Perkins

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Creative Development

Design Technology

Construction is a natural activity to a child and this interest can be fostered

into ways of discovery when your child comes to Ynystawe Primary by

following a design technology programme. Activities are designed to enable

children to develop their skill and knowledge.

Children will have opportunities to investigate, disassemble and evaluate existing

products. They will also take part in focused practical tasks and „design and

make‟ assignments. Children are encouraged to work independently, in pairs and

in groups. The teacher‟s role is to provide meaningful contexts in which the

children carry out activities in a stimulating environment.

Children have opportunities to work with a range of materials including sheet

materials, materials for making frameworks, mouldable material, textiles,

food, electrical and mechanical components and construction kits.

At Ynystawe we encourage children to apply skills, knowledge and understanding from

other subjects, particularly, Mathematics, Science, I.C.T and English within Design Technology.

Curriculum leader: Rachel Parkes

Communication Skills

Information Communication Technology

Information Communication Technology is now part of most aspects of our

daily lives. We aim to provide children with opportunities to develop their

confidence, skills and knowledge of I.C.T. by using computers, programmable

robots, calculators, cameras and digital microscopes. All teaching areas

have been provided with an interactive whiteboard.

There are at least three „up-to-the-minute‟ Personal Computers in every

classroom readily available to all children. Each class also has access to the

Internet through a controlled L.A. server. Please log on to our website for

general information.

The nature of I.C.T. means that it is used in all curriculum areas supporting

and enriching the children‟s learning experiences.

A variety of software programs is used to stimulate and support class work throughout the

school. These include developing language and mathematical skills, word processing, logical

thinking and reasoning, handling data, creating music and pictures and problem solving.

L.A. based I.C.T. support teachers are available to assist classteachers and associate staff in the

effective delivery of the I.T. curriculum and thus support children‟s learning. “The Biz” - an

after-school club for Entrepreneurial and Computer skills takes place weekly for pupils.

Curriculum Leader: Sarah Richards I.C.T. support (Teaching & Learning inc. training): ICT Governor Jeni James Roger Pyle

I.C.T. support (Training): Helen Lascelles

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Physical Development

Physical Education and Sporting Activities

During their time at Ynystawe Primary School

children will follow a programme of physical

education which will include aspects of dance,

educational gymnastics, games, athletics,

swimming and adventurous outdoor activities

(walking, canoeing, abseiling, orienteering and

cycling). All pupils are involved in two 40 minute

P.E. lessons every week.

The school has access to playing fields and a

M.U.G.A. (Multi Use Games Area) at Ynystawe

Park. The development of the school grounds

allows for the provision of a low level adventure

area and Dragon Sport (in which all teaching

staff have received training).

A wide range of sporting activities are

undertaken during each year which allow

children the opportunity to represent the school. These

include rugby, cricket, netball, rounders, athletics,

soccer and cross country. Representing the school is

considered by us to be an achievement and is recognised

as such. We aim to give all children of all abilities the

opportunity to participate in competitive events if they

so desire. We feel that taking part in such activities

fosters a team spirit within our pupils.

“Sportacular” - a weekly after-school sports club is

organised for pupils.

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


PE Kit

Children are expected to change for physical education lessons. Girls wear P.E.

briefs/shorts/games skirt and tee-shirts. Boys wear shorts and a tee-shirt (kits are

to be preferably in the school colours of royal blue and white). Children 3 – 7 years

old may wear pants/vest for indoor lessons. In colder weather children are

encouraged to bring a tracksuit for games lessons held outdoors. Tracksuits are not

to be worn during indoor lessons when apparatus is used. All lessons in the hall are

worked barefoot but for outdoor activities trainers are necessary. For safety

reasons the wearing of jewellery is not allowed during P.E. lessons (this includes the

wearing of earrings other than studs.)

All P.E. kits may be purchased from:

Sportscene, 97, Clase Road, Morriston Tel: 798771

Please save yourself expense and us valuable time by making sure that every garment

likely to be taken off, is clearly and permanently marked with your child‟s name.

Sweatshirts and cardigans are particularly prone to confusion. If lost property is not

named it will be placed in a lost property box in the staff area, but named items will

be returned to their owners. The school cannot be held responsible for lost property.

For safety reasons, please ensure that girls‟ P.E. shorts have loose fitting legs.

Cycling shorts are not to be worn on the climbing apparatus. Please discuss with a

classteacher if in doubt.


Years 4, 5 and 6 pupils have swimming lessons at the Leisure Pool at Penlan during

each academic year. Children are encouraged to develop a good swimming style and

aspects of Water Safety are also studied. A specific swimming programme is


Children are expected to dress appropriately during swimming lessons with girls

wearing plain one-piece bathers and boys wearing swimming shorts. Fashion swim

shorts with pockets etc. are considered to be inappropriate. Swim caps are also to be

worn at Penlan Pool.

Curriculum Leader: John Jenkins

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity

Personal, Social And Health Education (P.S.H.E.)

P.S.H.E. is an integral part of the school curriculum. During all phases opportunities

will arise during certain themes to include such topics as:

Our Senses

Human Development (including the sexual aspect)

Personal Hygiene

Personal Safety

Sustainable Development And Global Citizenship i.e.

Taking care of the Environment

Living in the wider community and citizenship

Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and moral wellbeing.

During each Summer Term there is an emphasis on „Respecting Others‟ and much work

is carried out. We are very well supported by the school‟s allocated Police Liaison


The school has an active pupil council and ecogroup. Peer supporters are pupils who

have been trained in mediation techniques and help to support others during playtime.

Sex and Relationship Education (S.R.E.)

The school‟s policy on S.R.E. is based on the policy document produced by the L.A.

using Welsh Assembly guidelines. There is not a specific allocation at any time for

S.R.E., rather it is considered to be a part of our total integration programme.

Children‟s questions are answered as they arise and pupils will be introduced to the

reproduction cycle through the wider context of the study of science as a core

National Curriculum subject area. By drawing children‟s attention to caring and

loving, it is hoped to foster an awareness and an understanding of sex being only part

of a much wider vision of life as a whole. The majority of work is covered by the

individual class teachers with support when needed from the school medical officer

and health visitor. The sex education programme is an integral part of the school‟s

curriculum and participation of pupils is as much a requirement as for other parts of

the Secular Curriculum.

The school has a comprehensive policy statement for „S.R.E.‟ which has been drawn up

following much discussion and advice. During the academic year 2010-2011 Governors

and parents were involved in the drawing up of the S.R.E. policy. They have agreed to

the resources being used by the school (Welsh Assembly Government resources).

The Headteacher is available to discuss the policy with any parent who so desires.

Co-ordinator: Rachel Parkes/Emma Brown

School Nurse: Clare Kirk Police Liaison Officer: P.C. Dawn Mort

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Cultural Diversity

Religious Education

Religious Education is a

compulsory element within the

curriculum and is taught in

accordance with the Agreed

Syllabus for R.E.

An awareness and understanding

of Christian teaching has a

direct bearing on the attitude and behaviour of all involved

in the work of the school. Whilst emphasis is given to the study of

Christianity, attention is given to the significance of other faiths

both in collective worship and in the class situation through termly

study weeks.

Acts of collective worship are held on a daily basis, either whole

school or in classrooms, incorporating biblical/moral readings and

stories, hymns, songs, poetry, prayers and reflection. Children are

encouraged to plan and participate in the services on a regular basis.

Parents may exercise their right to withdraw pupils from R.E. and

collective worship and appropriate supervisory arrangements will be


Curriculum Leader: Emma Brown

Welsh Development


Ynystawe was once considered to be a traditional Welsh Lower Swansea Valley Community.

Over the years however the village has expanded due to housing developments and the

community has become increasingly anglicised as a result. There is therefore the need to

create and encourage “the welshness” within the school in order to stimulate and encourage

pupil‟s learning and general awareness of the Welsh Language. Children are encouraged to

respond in Welsh as often as is possible during the school day.

Welsh is thus taught as a second language as part of the National

Curriculum It is taught in a meaningful way reflecting daily events and experiences. We aim

to make the learning of Welsh a pleasurable, interesting, and lively experience through song,

dance, drama, games, stories and legends.

Through stories and legends we aim to develop in the child an awareness of the cultural

heritage of Wales.

Teaching staff and pupils are supported by a teacher advisor for Welsh as a second language

who visits the school regularly during the year.

Curriculum leader: Natalie Day Athrawes Bro: Alwena Wardle

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus



At Ynystawe Primary children‟s development is continually assessed. This is carried

out in a variety of ways, by observation, listening, talking and marking work produced.

We use assessments to consider a child‟s needs and thus plan future work. In-house

“Baseline” assessments of nursery pupils are carried out soon after admission and are

continued throughout Nursery and Reception.

A formal „Baseline‟ assessment is carried out during children‟s first 6 weeks in the

Nursery class. All Reception and Year 3 children are routinely screened for dyslexia

(parental permission is sought).

Children of 6 years old (Year 1) are assessed during the Summer Term using the

„Middle Infant Screening Test‟. Parents of children who need a little extra support

become involved in a „follow up‟ programme the following term.

Year 2 pupils take part in a Special Educational Needs survey (L.A.) during the

Autumn Term, along with pupils from other year groups whose teachers feel would

benefit from additional support.

All children in Years 2 - 6 are assessed annually in the Summer Term using

standardised assessments in English and Mathematics. Analysis of data is used to

inform teachers‟ planning and for target-setting purposes.

On-going informal assessments are continuous throughout your child‟s time in school

and are carried out in a variety of ways – by listening, talking, observing, discussing,

testing and marking work produced.


Records of home and progress are necessary:-

1. When your child is admitted to this school you will be asked to complete

forms giving details of your child‟s name, position in family, date of birth etc.

Also recorded are the parents places of work, if appropriate, along with

contact personnel and the family doctor in case of an emergency. One of

these forms is placed in the child‟s personal file, and the information from

the second form is placed on the school‟s computer filing system. Parents will

need to inform the school with regard to changes in circumstances in order to

update our information. Parents of Nursery pupils will also be asked to

complete a home-to-school booklet which allows you to give us important

information about your child.

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


2. Class teachers keep on-going records which show the work the children have

covered, and whether or not they appear to understand the task. These

records can be used as a guide for future work and the setting of individual


3. We also keep a whole school pupil profile system which is a record of all

children‟s progress from nursery to year 6. All assessment information is

entered into the „Profile‟.

4. Each child has a Record of Personal Achievement which is set up on admission

into nursery. All assessment results and annual reports are contained within

this portfolio. These individual files are passed on to other schools when

pupils transfer.

Reporting, Recording and Assessment Co-ordinator: Helen Houston-Phillips


Homework is set by individual classteachers as and when it is considered appropriate

in their professional judgment. Activities will always include reading to or with your

child. Other activities may include areas of mathematics, art, research, writing and

spelling or an extended project. Please do not forget that your child works

extremely hard during the school day and any help you do give at home needs to be

positive, enjoyable and free from pressure.

Every term your child‟s classteacher will provide you with a breakdown of the work to

be carried out within the termly theme. Each class teacher is happy to provide you

with lists of books you may purchase or web sites you may access in order to further

supplement your child‟s work in the home environment if you so wish. We are more

than willing to answer any of your questions regarding homework. Simply contact the

class teacher, the Headteacher or visit our school website for „working at home with

parents‟ links.

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


General Information


Children receive three terms nursery education during the academic year which

includes their fourth birthday. However, if a placement is available children can be

admitted to the nursery following their third birthday. Nursery provision is on a half

day basis (currently morning only). Prior to admission parents will receive notification

of the admission date and “visit” times in order for their child to have the

opportunity of spending a little time in the class before actually starting school.

Pupils enter full-time education (Reception) in the September of the year in which

they are five.

The school gives full consideration to the requirements of pupils with a range of



School hours:-

Morning Session 8.50 am to 11.55 am

Afternoon Session 12.55 pm to 3.20 pm

Nursery a.m. 8.50 am to 11.30 am

We expect children to attend school every day. However, when problems arise please

discuss with either the Headteacher or class teacher. We will advise and support you

if we can.


Under the 1991 Pupil Attendance Regulations, every school absence must be

accounted for by a satisfactory explanation. This can be done by means of a note

from the parent, a telephone message or personal contact. Failure to provide a

satisfactory explanation for absence will lead to that absence being classed as

“unauthorised”. Regular unexplained absences will subsequently lead to the

involvement of the Education Welfare Officer.

The school has adopted a „first day contact‟ policy. Following registration, if your

child is not in school and we have not received an explanation, you will be contacted by

a member of the school‟s associate staff team.

Education Welfare Officer: Jeannie Ellis

Teachers2Parents Texting Service

We are able to use this service in order to keep parents informed and up-to-date

with regard to school activities etc.

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus



Registers are marked at the start of the morning and afternoon sessions. In the

morning children arriving late (i.e. between 8.50 – 9.00am.) will be marked as present

but late. However, if children arrive following closure of the register at 9:20am.

they will be marked as absent for that session (unauthorised). The school‟s Education

Welfare Officer will gladly discuss issues with parents who sometimes find it

difficult to bring their child/children to school on time. The E.W.O. carries out

punctuality checks/awareness-raising for parents during the school year. We are

very conscious of the detrimental effect of continuous lateness on children‟s

attitudes to their learning, particularly in later years. The school adheres to L.A.

guidelines and policy.

The start of the school day

We expect children to be punctual, but if on occasions it cannot be avoided, it is

better to be late than not to arrive at all. (NO child is ever reprimanded for arriving

late in school). No child should be left unattended in the school yard early in the

morning. There is no adult supervision until 8:40am. At 8:40am. all school doors are

opened by staff members and children may enter. Class teachers will greet children

in their classrooms. At 8:50am. following the „buzzer‟ all children are expected to be

entering the building. For safety reasons doors are secured shortly after 8:50am.

Pupils who arrive late, including those in Early Years, need to report to the school‟s

main Reception area.

Breakfast Club

Free Breakfast Club in the Main School Hall begins at 8am. and ends at 8.30am.

Breakfast Club is available for children in Reception to Year 6. Please contact Mrs

Judith Lewis in the school‟s Main Reception for further details.

Holidays during term time

Parents DO NOT have an automatic right to withdraw pupils from school for holidays

during term time. A written application to the Headteacher for permission must be

made. Only in exceptional circumstances should a pupil be granted more than 10

school days absence in any one academic year. Time taken out of school without

permission for more than 10 days is marked as unauthorised.

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


School Attendance Report for the academic year 2010 – 2011

Term Max. no. of pupils

Sessions possible Presents

Auth. absences

Unath. absence % Att.

% Absences

% unauth. absence


2010 197 24593 22826 1507 18 92.8% 6.6% 0.1%


2011 201 27577 25601 1893 14 92.8% 7.4% 0.5%


2011 202 17574 16062 1339 26 91.9% 8.3% 0.2%


2011 69744 64489 4739 58 92.5% 6.8% 0.1%

Attendance Matters

Why is good attendance important?

School work is easier to cope with

Pupils feel more secure

Work is more satisfying

Better results

Better job prospects

What is meant by Unauthorised Absence

Some absences are allowed by law. For

example, if the child is ill or there is a

family crisis such as a funeral. However,

there are other times when pupils are

absent which is not permitted e.g. going

shopping, having a hair cut, sleeping in, a

family day out.

We need the help of parents to cut down

on this kind of absence.

What can we do to help you?

If there is a problem let us know

the person to contact at the school is

Mrs Davies, Headteacher.

What can you do to help us?

If your child is absent please could you

phone 01792 842628 on the first day of

absence and follow the verbal instructions

to leave a message.

Coming to school on time

If your child is 10 minutes late a day they


50 minutes learning a week;

633 minutes term:

1900 minutes a year.

Over 32 hours a year.

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Secondary Transfer

On leaving Ynystawe Primary at 11 years pupils enter secondary education. Morriston

Comprehensive is the catchment school for the Ynystawe and Ynysforgan area.

However, placements at other comprehensive schools are sought by parents.

Information is as follows:-

Morriston Comprehensive School

Heol Maes Eglwys





Telephone Numbers: (01792) 797745

(01792) 795883

Fax Number: (01792) 795883

Headteacher : Mr. K. W. Newton

Birchgrove Comprehensive School

Birchgrove Road




Telephone Number: (01792) 535400

Fax Number: (01792) 535444

Headteacher : Mr. J. Doroszczuk

Bishop Vaughan Comprehensive


Mynydd Garnllwyd Road,




Telephone Numbers: (01792) 772006

(01792) 771589

Fax Number: (01792) 790565

Headteacher : Mr. J. Blackburn

Cwmtawe Comprehensive School

Ynysderw Road

Parc Ynysderw




Telephone Numbers: (01792) 863200

(01792) 862213

Headteacher : Mr. A. T. Jones

Meetings and opportunities for parents and children to visit the Secondary schools

begin during the Academic year preceding your child‟s admission.

Opportunities also arise during your child‟s final year at Ynystawe Primary to be

involved in curricular activities organised by Morriston Comprehensive School (the

catchment school) e.g. sporting events, music/drama activities and workshops in

science and mathematics. Visits to the school‟s impressive library are also planned.

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Out of School Activities and Educational Visits

Out of School Activities

Teachers and Associate staff members organise clubs out of school hours for pupils. These

activities vary but will usually include:-

Sport „Sportacular‟ John Jenkins & Lucy Green

Entrepreneurial/ Computer skills „The Biz‟ Sarah Richards & Roger Pyle

Games/Maths logic „Buckets of Thinking‟ Helen Houston–Phillips & Joyce


Eco/Gardening „Nature Detectives‟ Rachel Parkes & Alison James

After-school activities finish at 4.15 p.m. and parental consent is required. We are always

grateful for parental help in the running of our after-school clubs.

After school choir-practice takes place in the „lead-up‟ to a performance within the


Educational Visits

During the year all children will be taken to places of interest and enjoyment

connected with the work they are doing at school. We actively encourage as many

first-hand experiences as possible, as we believe that this is the route to meaningful

learning and motivated children.

As Health and Safety Officer, the Headteacher is the person who decides whether

or not a pupil is fit and well enough to take part in an activity. The decision is not to

be made by a parent or G.P.

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


All Key Stage 2 pupils will benefit from having the opportunity to attend a week‟s

course at a residential centre.

Charging and Remissions Policy

The school‟s charging and remission policy is based on the one provided by the L.A.

which was accepted by the School‟s Governing Body.

Under Section 110 of the 1988 Education Act, the Governing Body, having adopted

the L.A. policy for charging and remissions, has determined that parents be invited to

make voluntary contributions to support a particular activity. The voluntary

contribution would help cover the cost of transport, entrance fees and insurance.

This ensures that valuable experiences such as educational visits and residential

activities continue. No parent is compelled to pay for an educational activity.

However, following the planning and organisation of a visit, if insufficient

contributions are received, we regret that we would have to cancel that particular


Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


Pastoral Care Arrangements

Pastoral care of pupils is the concern of all classteachers and associate staff members, with the

Headteacher having overall responsibility. A caring, compassionate attitude is taken towards the

general well-being of each child.

Whole-school policy statements e.g. Promoting Positive Behaviour, Tackling Bullying and Equal

Opportunities are available for parents‟ perusal at the school and for discussion with the

Headteacher or individual staff members.

Accidents and Emergencies

In the event of a child being taken ill at school, or sustaining a minor injury, the parent/guardian

or nominated contact person will be informed and appropriate arrangements made. Minor

accidents are dealt with by the school staff, most of whom have emergency first aid training, but

every effort is made to contact the parent/guardian/ nominated contact person should further

medical treatment be deemed necessary. Emergency services are summoned in the event of

major accidents which require treatment at Accident & Emergency. Again, every effort is made

to contact the parent/guardian. If contact is not possible the injured/sick child will be

accompanied by the Headteacher and a staff member to the A & E Department of Morriston


It is important for parents to appreciate that injuries/illnesses occur in school just as they do in

the out of school environment. Just like parents, school staff make every effort to assess each

individual incident to the best of their ability given the circumstances at the time.

Accident/illness records are maintained by the school. The school also maintains computer

records of a parent‟s/carers home/work/emergency telephone numbers. Parents will appreciate

the importance of ensuring that the school is kept informed of any changes in such information.

This is of particular importance for the „Teachers2Parents‟ texting service.

Designated trained First Aiders: Gwen Davies (Headteacher) (FAW) Judith Lewis (Administration Officer) Joyce Sullivan (NNEB)

ALL staff members have received First Aid Training.

Administering of medication in school

Medication (prescription only) may be administered in school at the discretion of the

Headteacher. All medication should be clearly labelled and handed to the classteacher or

Headteacher by the parent. Parents must request in writing the administering of any medication

during school hours. Request forms for medication administration are available in the schools

reception area in the main building.

Please Note: The administration of medication by school staff is at the discretion of the

Headteacher and the members of staff involved.


Children are to remain at home until they have been free of symptoms for 48 hours (Local

Authority Guidelines).

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


School Health Service

Health Service personnel visit the school regularly to carry out routine checks, inspections

and tests. You will be given notice of any medical examinations involving your child and will be

invited to be present. Should you wish your child to be tested or examined in any way, please

contact the Headteacher/Classteacher/S.E.N.C.O.

Specialist help is available for children with emotional, behavioural or learning difficulties.

Arrangements are made for the Education Psychologist to visit the school. Following

observation and perhaps assessment there will be discussion prior to further action.

Lunch/Break Supervision

Adequate supervisory arrangements are made during break and lunchtimes under the

guidance and control of the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.

During morning and afternoon breaks all teachers and associate staff members are on

playground duty. The Headteacher is on hand to deal with emergency situations.

Four supervisory assistants are employed during the lunch break to supervise pupils. To

maximise effective supervision, the N.N.E.B. carries out supervisory duties. Duties are also

allocated to trainee Teaching Assistants.

Health & Safety Provision

The Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and Site Manager regularly inspect the premises for

hazards. All teaching staff, associate staff and pupils are actively involved in the safety

provision within the school.

Fire drills are carried out at the school at regular intervals. All P.E. equipment, outdoor play

resources, electrical appliances, fire extinguishers and emergency lighting are tested

regularly by the relevant monitoring agencies.

As the designated Health and Safety Officer for Ynystawe Primary School (on behalf of the

Governing Body), the Headteacher reserves the right to refuse a child‟s attendance at school

or on an educational visit if judged by her to be unfit/unwell.

Health and safety officer: Gwen Davies (Head teacher)

Health and safety Governor: Nigel Thomas

School Security

The school has adopted a „single-point of entry‟ security system. Entrances are locked

following pupil entry. All visitors are asked to use the main entrance nearest to the office

and to report to the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher or School Administration

Officer/Support. Please inform personnel when you leave the building. These procedures are

of extreme importance to be in compliance with fire safety regulations.

Dogs in school

No dogs are allowed on the school premises at any time. (with the exception of guide dogs for the

visually impaired.)

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus



A high expectation of good manners and courtesy prevails throughout the school and

verbal correction is made. When necessary punishment, which usually takes the form of

a reprimand or the withdrawal of a privilege, is administered by a teacher, associate

staff member or the Headteacher. If there is continuing concern regarding a child‟s

behaviour the parents are invited into school to discuss the problem. The decision may

then be made as to whether or not to involve outside agencies.

Our main aim is to encourage self-discipline, consideration, and respect for other people

and for property. We have few rules, though we try to keep in mind “others before self”.

The rules we have relate mainly to safety: i.e.

Be kind, courteous and respectful at all times.

Work well in class and don‟t „bother‟ others.

The wearing of jewellery is discouraged and is not to be worn during P.E. lessons.

Glass bottles are strictly forbidden on the school premises.

The chewing of sweets/gum is forbidden at all times. (Fruit/vegetables may be

eaten during the morning break only).

Running is forbidden in the school buildings.

Valuables are brought to school at the child‟s own risk.

Generally the children realise that these guidelines are designed to ensure the smooth

running of the school and the well-being of the children and staff. It is our expectation

that parents support our rules. Parents are a child‟s „first‟ role model and good behaviour

begins in the home environment.

Tackling bullying

Bullying in any form is considered to be totally unacceptable at Ynystawe Primary School.

Every effort is made by all staff, both teaching and associate, to make children aware of

the effect and consequences that bullying behaviour may have through assemblies, class

discussions, termly theme, „Emotional Intelligence‟ activities, P4C and a consistency of

approach. Every incident of bullying, including racist, will be followed up and a positive

conclusion reached. The school has an active pupil council and peer support group.

Inclusion/S.E.N.: Lucy Green

P.S.E. Co-ordinator: Rachel Parkes/Emma Brown

Complaints Procedure

Under Section 409 of the 1996 Education Act should parents be unhappy regarding

curricular or any related issues, they should approach the Headteacher and in turn the

Governing Body. Should they remain dissatisfied, procedures are available to discuss the

issues with officers of the Local Education Authority. (See page 3 of the prospectus for

addresses of Chair and Clerk to the Governing Body.)

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


School Uniform

School uniform is not compulsory, but has been adopted in response to the wishes of

parents. Therefore, pupils are strongly encouraged to wear uniform at all times (with

the exception of Nursery children).

The uniform is:

Boys - Grey trousers (NOT BLACK).

Royal blue school sweatshirt with logo or fleece with logo.

Emerald green polo shirt with logo.

The summer uniform for boys consists of an emerald green polo shirt

with logo and grey shorts (NOT BLACK).

Girls - Grey skirt/ pinafore/trousers/culottes (NOT BLACK).

Royal blue school sweatshirt with logo or royal blue cardigan or fleece

with logo.

Emerald green polo shirt with logo.

The summer uniform for girls consists of a green and white summer

dress or emerald green/polo shirt with logo and grey skirt/grey

shorts (NOT BLACK)..

Royal blue jogging suits may be worn by both boys and girls throughout the year if

desired. All articles of clothing should be marked or labelled and sensible footwear is

encouraged. The wearing of elaborate jewellery is actively discouraged. The school

cannot be held responsible for loss of jewellery or indeed items of clothing.

Sweatshirts, polo shirts, jogging suits and PE kits are available for purchase at:-

Sportscene, 97, Clase Road, Morriston, Swansea.

Tel: (01792) 798771

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


All results below have been made by teacher assessment

School Comparative/Validation 2011 (KEY STAGE 1) of pupils in the

school (2011) and nationally (2010) as a percentage of those eligible

for assessment.

Percentage of Boys and Girls at each Level

N D W 1 2 3 4+ EL

ENGLISH School 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.1 52.6 26.3 0.0 78.9

Wales - 0.2 3.0 13.8 61.8 21.0 * 82.9

Oracy School 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.1 47.4 31.6 0.0 78.9

Wales 0.1 0.2 2.2 10.1 62.2 25.2 - 87.5

Reading School 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.1 52.6 26.3 0.0 78.9

Wales - 0.2 3.5 15.3 54.2 26.6 0.1 80.9

Writing School 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.3 57.9 15.8 0.0 73.7

Wales - 0.2 4.1 16.8 66.1 12.7 * 78.8

MATHEMATICS School 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.8 63.2 21.1 0.0 84.2

Wales - 0.2 1.9 10.4 65.3 22.1 - 87.5

SCIENCE School 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.8 57.9 26.3 0.0 84.2

Wales - 0.2 1.6 7.9 65.7 24.6 * 90.3

Core Subject Indicator - The percentage of pupils attaining at least level 2 in

English or Welsh (first language), Mathematics and Science in combination:

School 78.9 Wales 81.6


N = not awarded a level for reasons other than disapplication

D = Disapplied under Section 364 or 365 of the Education Act 1996, now effected

through sections 113-116 of the Education Act 2002

W = working towards level 1

- = not exactly zero, or estimated as zero or less than half the final digit shown

EL = % achieving the expected level (L2+)

* : figure is less than five or cannot be given for reasons of confidentiality

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


All results below have been made by teacher assessment

School Comparative/Validation 2011 (KEY STAGE 2) of pupils in the

school (2011) and nationally (2010) as a percentage of those eligible

for assessment.

Percentage of Boys and Girls at each Level






3 1 2 3 4 5 6+ EL

English School 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 62.5 33.3 0.0 95.8

Wales 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.7 3.0 13.6 53.0 28.8 0.1 81.9

Oracy School 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.7 45.8 37.5 0.0 83.3

Wales 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.6 2.6 13.2 52.2 30.4 0.2 82.7

Reading School 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 66.7 29.2 0.0 95.8

Wales 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.7 3.0 13.6 49.0 32.7 0.2 81.9

Writing School 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.7 50.0 33.3 0.0 83.3

Wales 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.9 3.9 19.3 52.8 22.0 0.2 75.0

Mathematics School 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 54.2 37.5 0.0 91.7

Wales 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.6 2.4 12.9 54.1 29.1 0.1 83.3

Science School 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 58.3 37.5 0.0 95.8

Wales 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.4 1.8 10.6 56.2 30.2 - 86.4

Core Subject Indicator*

School 91.7

Wales 78.2

* = The percentage of pupils attaining at least level 4 in English or Welsh (first

language), Mathematics and Science in combination

Key: N = not awarded a level for reasons other than disapplication

D = Disapplied under Section 364 or 365 of the Education Act 1996, now effected

through sections 113-116 of the Education Act 2002.

NCO1 = National Curriculum Outcome 1

NCO2 = National Curriculum Outcome 2

NCO3 = National Curriculum Outcome 3

NB NCO1, NCO2 and NCO3 have replaced Level W in previous years)

- = not exactly zero, or estimated as zero or less than half the final digit shown

National comparative data refers to 2010

EL = % achieving the expected level (L4+)

Ynystawe Primary School Prospectus


School Terms and Holiday Dates 2011/2012 Academic Year

Mid Term Holidays

Term Term Begins

Half term

Ends Begins Ends

Half term

Begins Term Ends

Total Days

per Term



Friday 2nd Sept

Friday 21st Oct

Monday 24th Oct

Friday 28th Oct

Monday 31st Oct

Thursday 22nd Dec




Monday 9th Jan

Friday 10th Feb

Monday 13th Feb

Friday 17th Feb

Monday 20th Feb

Friday 30th Mar




Tuesday 16th Apr

Friday 1st June

Monday 4th June

Friday 8th June

Monday 11th June

Friday 20th July



Schools will be closed on 7th May 2012 for the Bank Holiday.

Parents will be notified of additional dates for staff training days

School Terms and Holiday Dates 2012/2013 Academic Year

Mid Term Holidays

Term Term Begins

Half term

Ends Begins Ends

Half term

Begins Term Ends

Total Days

per Term



Monday 3rd Sept

Friday 26th Oct

Monday 29th Oct

Friday 2nd Nov

Monday 5th Nov

Friday 21st Dec




Monday 7th Jan

Friday 8th Feb

Monday 11th Feb

Friday 15th Feb

Monday 18th Feb

Thursday 28th Mar




Monday 15th Apr

Friday 24th May

Monday 27th May

Friday 31st May

Monday 3rd June

Tuesday 23rd July



Schools will be closed on 6th May 2013 for the Bank Holiday.

Parents will be notified of additional dates for staff training days.
