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YOGA for Psychosomatic Disorders

Date post: 14-Jul-2015
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YOGIC APPROACH for PSYCHOSOMATIC DISORDERS By JPA Group of Doctors and Yoga Therapists


DISORDERS?PSYCHO Related to Mind SOMATIC Physical, related to Body A Disease or Disorder which is present in Physical Body (SOMATIC) But has its origin in mind (PSYCHO)


DISORDERS?Few Common Psychosomatic Disorders - Acidity - Asthma - Constipation - Sleep Disturbances - Back Pain / Neck Pain - Diabetes - BP

What is YOGIC CONCEPT of Psychosomatic Disorder ?n

For understanding the Yogic Concept of this type of Disorder we must first understand the Yogic Concept of Body called Panch Koshas



PANCH KOSHAS 1. Annamaya Kosha 2. Pranamaya Kosha 3. Manomaya Kosha 4. Vigyanmaya Kosha 5. Anandmaya Kosha

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What is YOGIC CONCEPT of Psychosomatic Disorder ?n

Any conflict between the Koshas or imbalance or disturbance in any Kosha is an illness or results into Psychosomatic Disorder Disturbance in any outer Kosha can cause problems or disorder in inner Koshas also


Any Scientific Support for Panch Kosha Theory ?

YES .. AURA PHOTOGRAPHY developed by Semyon Kirlian in 1939 Aura Photography is evidence of energy fields generated by living entities around the body and the changes in AURA indicate changes in Pranic Energy

Any Scientific Support for Panch Kosha Theory ?Change in AURA of a person due to YOGIC PRACTICES Normal Aura of a person Aura after 10 Min Pranayam Aura after 30 Min Meditaion

Any Scientific Support for Panch Kosha Theory ?

This Yogic concept about Health is accepted by World Health Organization (WHO) also Definition of HEALTH by WHO Health is not a merely an absence of disease or infirmity but a state of complete well being at physical, mental, social

What should be the Yogic treatment for Psychosomatic Disorders? Take an Example of a non working TV .. A Mechanic looks into inside systems and locates the defective system, defective part and replaces it and the TV start working again Compare this with a Medical Treatment when you have some physical problem. This is exactly what a doctors does.

What should be the Yogic treatment for Psychosomatic Disorders? Example of a non working TV .. However this may not be sufficient if the problem is repeated regularly. If so an Engineer look at not only at inside but also at outside the TV The problem may be at outside - Supply voltage, Transformer, Overhead High tension Wires or even frequent Lightening

What should be the Yogic treatment for Psychosomatic Disorders? Example of a non working TV .. After analyzing the problem, an Engineer would not only replace / correct the inside parts but will correct the outside problem also so that the failure does not happen again.. Solution is long term.

What is the Yogic treatment for Psychosomatic Disorders? Is it not the same with our Body ? The root cause of the disorder may not be at physical level - Annamaya Kosha. The problem may be at outer Koshas Pranamaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha or even at Vigyananaya Kosha Hence for a long term solution of Psychosomatic Disorders it will call for a treatment at various levels other than body - at mental or even spiritual level.

Instruments/Methods for Treatment of DisordersMedical Methods Tablets Capsules Syrups Ointments External Supports IV Fluids Injections Surgery

Yoga Methods Omkar Sadhana Shuddhi Kriyas Sandhichalan Kriyas Asanas Shawsan Kriyas Pranayam SMET Programme MSRT

Yogic Practices for various Koshas for Treatment of DisordersAnnamaya Kosha Omkar Sadhana Shuddhi Kriyas Sandhichalan Kriyas Asanas Mudras Ahar Vihar Vishranti Pranamaya Kosha Omkar Sadhana Shuddhi Kriyas Shawsan Kriyas Deep Breathing Sectional Breathing Bandhas

Yogic Practices for various Koshas for Treatment of DisordersManomaya Kosha Omkar Sadhana Tratak Pranayam Bandhas Meditation SMET Programme MSRT Bhakti Yoga Vigyanmaya Kosha Omkar Sadhana Gyana Yoga Spiritual Reading Spiritual Lectures Satsang Meditation Yogic Counseling

Yogic Practicces for Various Koshas for Treatment of Disorders Anandmaya Kosha

Dhyana Karma Yoga

(A Group of Doctors and Yoga Therapists) Offers

Need based specially designed

YOGA based Programmes for management of Psychosomatics Disorders

(A Group of Doctors and Yoga Therapists) OFFERS

YOGA SADHANAYoga Class on Saturdays & Sundays every month

Common Yoga Class for everyone for Positive Health. The course covers various basic Yogic practices such as Omkar Sadhana, Shuddhi Kriyas, Asanas, Pranayam, Yoga Nidra etc with teaching of basic concepts in Yoga. Useful for persons working under stressful conditions but not yet affected seriously

(A Group of Doctors and Yoga Therapists) OFFERS

YOGA DHARANA2 Days Yoga Camp for Stress Induced Ailments

Yoga Camp covers Lectures by Doctors on common Psychosomatic ailments and the effectiveness of Yogic practices for long term management of these disorders. Suitable Yogic practices for control of various ailments are demonstrated and taught during the camp with personal advice and follow up

(A Group of Doctors and Yoga Therapists) OFFERS

YOGA SANHITAPersonal Consultations and Yoga Therapy for Persons suffering from Psychosomatic Disorders

A complementary therapeutic personal treatment includes consultations, medical check up, psychological analysis, yogic counseling, personal yoga prescription, teaching and practice of suitable specially designed Yogic practices as per the indivisual s ailment, personality and lifestyle

YOGA based Programmes for management of Psychosomatics Disorders

Yoga Class and Yoga Sanhita Counseling in progress

(A Group of Doctors and Yoga Therapists)

The members of this group are Medical Professional specialized in Yoga Therapy, Industry Professional who is also a Yoga Therapists and well trained and experienced Yoga Teachers and are supported by a Practicing Psychiatrist.

(A Group of Doctors and Yoga Therapists)

Medical Professionals in the Group: Dr. Vaibhavi Tambitkar,Chief Yoga Therapist

Ayurvedacharya and Yoga Therapist Dr. Sulabha MalweSupporting Consultant

Practicing Psychiatrist

(A Group of Doctors and Yoga Therapists)

Industry / Management Pofessionals in the Group: Suresh PimpalkhareChief Organizer

Engineer from IIT Powai, Experienced Industrial Marketing Professional, Management Consultant and Yoga Therapist

(A Group of Doctors and Yoga Therapists)

Contacts for further Information about all the programmes and Registration: Phone :Dr. Vaibhavi Tambitkar - 9930873838 Suresh Pimpalkhare - 9869934169 Prakash Tarte - 9920542292 Bhagyashree Inamdar - 9869934169 E-mail : aarogyamitra @yahoo.in

(A Group of Doctors and Yoga Therapists)
