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Yoga perspective - Yogalife

Date post: 15-Apr-2017
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UJJAIN YOGA LIFE SOCIETY – YOGALIFE We all are God’s creation. Everything which is living or nonliving found in this nature is created by God. God dwells in every heart, but he finds it difficult to live in a heart that is dirty. Just as you would find it difficult to live in a house that is full of dirt. If you want to experience the presence of God in yourself you should clean your home first, than only you can feel his presence in you. Along with the cleansing process of your home you will experience of your own self. At that moment you can easily understand that experience of God means an experience of your own self, because God is lying always within our self. This self realization is Yoga. In hindi there is a beautiful quote for this situation:- आमदरन परममदर न “Atmadarshan se Parmatmadarshan”
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We all are God’s creation. Everything which is living or nonliving found in this nature is createdby God. God dwells in every heart, but he finds it difficult to live in a heart that is dirty. Just asyou would find it difficult to live in a house that is full of dirt.

If you want to experience the presence of God in yourself you should clean your home first, thanonly you can feel his presence in you.

Along with the cleansing process of your home you will experience of your own self. At thatmoment you can easily understand that experience of God means an experience of your ownself, because God is lying always within our self.

This self realization is Yoga. In hindi there is a beautiful quote for this situation:-

आत्मदरर्शन सस परममात्मदरर्शन “Atmadarshan se Parmatmadarshan”

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Question arises in the mind of a commen man that :-

Can yoga explore ourselves up to this extent that we could feel the God in ourselves ?

If so, than How? What is Yoga all about?

To get answers of all these questions one should have to know,feel, experience and above alllive Yoga completely.

Yoga is art and Science of living the life at its fullest. When people come to Yoga ,most believethey are going to practice hours of asana, pranayama and meditation, awaken their kundaliniand become enlightend. After reading some books on Yoga and also watching some dvds ondhyana and meditation our yoga-sadhana is complete. now after they should be trated as Yoga-gurus in the society but no friends this is not as easy as it seen.

This is just a begining of a journey as a Yoga-sadhak. Until you have just collected the materilthrough yoga ebooks, some courses,classes,and video/audio, but you should not experiencethe truth which is written in books and seen in videos.

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When you experience all the aspects of Yoga on yourself than only you discover yourselfthrougly and transform your self completely because Maharshi Patanjali defined Yoga as

ययोगशश्चित्तववृशत्तशनरयोधध॥२|| yogah cittavrtti nirodhah.

In the process of self realisation a sadhak finds differnt ways to reach or feel the God withinhimself Shreemadbhagwat Geeta describes three ways in Yoga to reach the stage oftranconciousness.



Bhaktiyoga- along with theses three “Nishkama Karmayoga” is also describrd in Geeta.

Maharshi Patanjali refers Kriyayoga for the same.In Kriyayoga he describes Ashtangyoga, theeightfold path to reach the stage os transconcious mind.

Layayoga, Mantrayoga, Dhyanayoga,Nadyoga, and Hathyoga are also some popular ways ofYoga by which a sadhak get enlighten their knowledge of Yoga..

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When One should start Yoga

Yoga is the science of life. It is not merely the science of postures nor merely the science ofbreathing or the science of the mind. It is that science of life, the complete life in its totality,therefore, the right moment to introduce yogalife is when the life begins so that the individual isborn complete, After all if we ask the farmer at which stage should they start to seek perfectionin a plant to get excellent quality of crop, they will tell you that perfection has to be sought rightfrom very first stage at the time they decide to get a good crop. From the stage of germination ofseed to ripping of fruit each and every step should be taken very properly and in plannedmanner.

This applies in human beings as well. We all (human being, animals plants) are Gods creation.But only humans have intelligence and ability to know, feel and express the feelings.

Therefore, when we want to introduce Yoga therapy, we should think about it from the momenttwo individuals decides to conceive a child. Fortunately, in Indian society our mothers,grandmothers taking full responsibility of protecting our cultural heritage. A would be mother hasto carry forward so many ancient cultural moral values to her next generation. Yoga could beone of them rater then one, Yoga should be must of them, Because of Yoga only a would bemother can enjoy her pregnancy period with very calm and peaceful manner. She can give abetter and healthy life to her baby.

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In the epic-“Mahabharata” Abhimanyu (son of Arjuna and Subhadra) was an example of thistype of education system.

In Ujjain Yoga Life Society we all are trying to maintain this cultural heritage very well by givingYoga sessions to would be mothers in their pregnancy period. Here they get completeknowledge of Yogic lifestyle i.e. what to wear, what to eat, what should be their behavior, howthey breath, and about their physical conditions also.

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When a child become 4-5 years of age in our Kids Yoga camp He/she can learn how to sitproperly, how to breath properly, how to react appropriately in short how to live harmoniously inthis beautiful world. In very early age he/she can adopt Yoga as lifestyle not as a one or twohour session. So that we can inculcate our rich value system in them at very initial stage.

Source:- www.yogalife.co.in
