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You Are Amazing

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    you are amazing!

    Published by Sirius Communications 14 Julian Terrace, Aberavon, Port Talbot, SA12 6UG, South Wales, UK First published 2013 Copyright 2013 by Sirius Communications All rights reserved. This entire PDF document may be freely distributed in any medium, so long as it is not changed in any way, and no charge is made for its distribution or use. No part of this publication may be otherwise reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.

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    You are miraculous .............................. 4

    You are amazing .............................. 6

    You are unique .............................. 9

    You are important .............................. 11

    You can be healthy .............................. 15

    You can be wealthy .............................. 17

    You can be wise .............................. 19

    You can be happy .............................. 21

    Links .............................. 25

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    you are miraculous

    If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change


    Do you think that life arose on this Earth by accident? According to the late Professor Sir

    Fred Hoyle the chances of this are about the same as the probability that a tornado

    sweeping through a junk yard could assembly a Boeing 747 from the contents therein!

    The likelihood of life arising by chance has also been compared to the chances of 1050

    blind people each solving a Rubiks Cube at precisely the same moment!

    Mathematicians say that any event with an improbability greater than one chance in 1050

    (10 followed by 50 zeroes) is in the realm of metaphysics: a miracle. But the physicist

    Harold Marowitz has calculated that the odds of even the simplest bacterium arising by

    chance are only one in 10100,000,000,000 (10 followed by 100 billion zeroes)!

    In the face of such evidence, how can even the most sceptical of us doubt that there is

    something very special about life? Francis Crick, the Nobel Prize winner, suggests that ...

    An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in

    some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle.

    And faced with such a miracle, surely we should take time out to contemplate it? As the

    Welsh poet William Henry Davies (1871 1940) so aptly put it:

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    What is this life if, full of care,

    We have no time to stand and stare.

    No time to stand beneath the boughs

    And stare as long as sheep or cows.

    No time to see, when woods we pass,

    Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

    No time to see, in broad daylight,

    Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

    No time to turn at Beauty's glance,

    And watch her feet, how they can dance.

    No time to wait till her mouth can

    Enrich that smile her eyes began.

    A poor life this if, full of care,

    We have no time to stand and stare.

  • 6

    you are amazing

    People travel to wonder at the highest of mountains,

    at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers,

    at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars;

    and they pass by themselves without wondering. [St. Augustine, 399 A.D.]

    Did you know that the average adult human body is made up of between 75 and 100

    trillion cells... and that each of these has between 6 and 8 feet of DNA (the chemical

    blueprint, or set of instructions that determines what kind of being you are)? The brain,

    alone, has over 100 billion nerve cells, which make it more complex than the most

    powerful computer ever built. And many believe that we use only a small percentage of its

    potential computing power.

    While you are reading this sentence, 50 million of the cells in your body will have died and

    been replaced with new ones! Every second, around 2 million new red blood cells are

    created. Dead cells go to the kidney for excretion.

    In one square inch of your skin there are 12 feet of nerve fibres, 9 feet of blood vessels

    and around 3 million cells. The smallest blood vessels capillaries are so tiny that red

    cells travel through them in single file: ten capillaries together only equal the thickness of a

    human hair. On the other hand, the largest blood vessel (the aorta) is almost the diameter

    of a garden hose. Five and a half litres of blood circulate through this system, three times

    every minute in one day, your blood travels a total of 12,000 miles. To achieve this, your

    heart beats around 100,000 times per day. In one hour it works hard enough to raise

    nearly a ton weight by three feet from the ground.

    The average human produces a quart of saliva a day. Our bodies consist of around 70-

    75% water. Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of water

    to the boil, and your brain generates more electrical impulses in a single day than all of the

    world's telephones put together.

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    We each have over 600 muscles. You use 200, just to take a single step. The face has

    around 60, and more than 30 of these are used for a smile, while around 45 are required

    for a frown. If all the muscles in your body were able to pull in one direction together they

    would create a force of 25 tons.

    Humans are born with 300+ bones in their body, but by the time they reach adulthood they

    only have 206, because many have joined together to make single bones. Fifty-four of

    them are in your hands. Your face is composed of fourteen. Your thigh bone is the

    strongest bone in your body: it is stronger than concrete... and it is hollow.

    The average person takes 5 million steps per year and walks the equivalent of twice

    around the world in a lifetime.

    Your feet contain a total of a quarter of a million sweat glands and together they are likely

    to have around 2,000,000,000,000 bacteria on their surface. Around 10% of the dry

    weight of the human body consists of bacteria, many of which are essential to the body's

    healthy functioning. The colon (large intestine) generally contains 400 different types of

    bacteria. Your mouth contains more bacteria than the combined US/Canadian human


    It takes food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach. Your stomach

    produces a new lining every two weeks otherwise it would digest itself. The acid in your

    stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades.

    Maintaining body functions accounts for 60-75% of your daily caloric expenditure.

    Your liver is known to carry out at least 500 different functions. Up to 2,000 litres of blood

    flow through it every day. It is the only internal organ that will completely regenerate itself

    if partly damaged. Up to 25% can be removed and within a short period of time it will grow

    back to its original size and shape.

    Your brain generates as much energy as a small light bulb even when you are asleep.

    In fact, your brain is more active at night than it is during the day.

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    You need sleep as much as you need food. The record for the longest period without

    sleep is 18 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes. The record holder reported hallucinations,

    paranoia, blurred vision, slurred speech and memory and concentration lapses. Women

    may need up to an hour's extra sleep a night compared to men, and not getting it can

    make them more susceptible to depression than men.

    Dreaming is the succession of visual images experienced during the stage of sleep when

    our brains are most active. It occurs several times a night and can last anywhere from a

    few seconds to three-quarters of an hour. The higher our I.Q., the more we dream.

    Everyone does it, but some simply dont remember, on waking. There are various theories

    about why we dream it's generally believed to have some role in memory organisation

    and consolidation but we still don't fully understand its true purpose. Other species are

    also thought to dream. One apparently unique characteristic of the human species,

    however, is its ability to consciously 'dream'... i.e. to entertain visions of what might be, and

    to make long-term plans. To have a sense of direction in life. Indeed, Rabbi Zadok

    Rabinwitz suggests that A man's dreams are an index to his greatness. And in Proverbs

    it says, Where there is no vision, the people perish.

    All of this, of course, is fine just so long as dreaming doesnt become a substitute for

    action. Or as Henry David Thoreau said, If you have built castles in the air, your work

    need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

  • 9

    you are unique

    Know that although in the eternal scheme of things you are small, you are also unique and irreplaceable,

    as are all your fellow humans everywhere in the world. [Margaret Laurence]

    As someone has said, Think what a remarkable, unduplicatable, and miraculous thing it is

    to be you! Of all the people who have come and gone on the earth, since the beginning of

    time, not ONE of them is like YOU! No one who has ever lived or is to come has had your

    combination of abilities, talents, appearance, friends, acquaintances, burdens, sorrows

    and opportunities. You are absolutely unique!

    This is scientific fact. For example, all living things come with a set of instructions known

    as DNA. Whether you are a human, a rat, a tomato, or a bacterium, each cell will contain

    an entire copy of the same set of DNA instructions... the blueprint for that organism. But

    although each of us is 99.9% the same as the next individual, small variations occur, which

    make everyone unique this is the basis for DNA fingerprinting. Despite the fact that this

    technique takes immense shortcuts, in order to be within the limits of practicality, it still

    achieves matches that could occur by chance only once in 5,000,000 cases.

    For many years fingerprints have been recognised to be very accurate as a way of

    differentiating individuals: no two identical fingerprints have ever been

    found. And everyone has a unique tongue print. Even teeth

    impressions can be identifiable. And most of us are now familiar with

    the concept of retinal scans and iris recognition as forms of biometric

    identification that depend on the uniqueness of our eyes sufficiently so, that these are

    now used for passports and border controls, and to give access to sensitive areas.

    But it's not just about physical, biological differences we all differ, too, in our characters,

    our abilities and our likes and dislikes. Even if scientists cloned your DNA and created

    another human that physically looked like you, it wouldnt BE you, because only you

    experienced your particular and unique set of circumstances and thought processes.

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    No two people are exactly the same even supposedly 'identical twins'. Every one of us

    has a number of areas in which we excel. We all consist of an infinity of characteristics

    that define who we are. And whatever else we may think about our capabilities, we can all

    make a pretty good stab at just being ourselves. Dont try to be someone else, or to hide

    the parts of you that are different to others. As St. Francis De Sales (1567 1622) said,

    Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly. Treasure your

    uniqueness enjoy and share it. Let it touch family and friends and everyone with

    whom you come into contact.

    OK so there may be things about yourself that you would like to change: thats actually

    something that you do share with others, because none of us is perfect! Were all a work

    in progress, with our own particular issues and concerns seeking to perfect the many

    little imperfections of which we are sometimes only too well-aware! We just need to

    remember, though, that absolute perfection is an unrealistic goal.

    Many of the unique features mentioned above may appear at first to be trivial, but if we

    make the effort to be useful to others around us we will soon find that we all have our own

    particular role to play in this world. Celebrate being you you are the only YOU on earth!

    Wouldnt it be boring if we were all the same? Remember, though, that you are unique

    only in relation to the rest of humanity as Chuck Gallozi reminds us, if nothing existed

    other than yourself, you would no longer be unique; you would merely be. Our uniqueness

    arises only when we have others to compare ourselves to. So we must respect others

    uniqueness, too. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 1900) stated this clearly when he said You

    have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it

    does not exist. Therein lies the basis for the Platinum Rule treating others as THEY

    would wish to be treated. (This is regarded as preferable to the better-known Golden Rule

    of treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves, as it is less ego-centric and

    allows for cultural and other differences.)

    As someone once said, We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents.

    We do not choose our historical epoch, the country of our birth, or the immediate

    circumstances of our upbringing. We do not, most of us, choose to die; nor do we choose

    the time and conditions of our death. But within this realm of choicelessness, we do

    choose how we live.

  • 11

    you are important

    When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. [Lao Tzu]

    The best things in life are yours, if you can appreciate yourself. [Dale Carnegie]

    And if you are so miraculous, amazing and unique, then surely it follows that you have a

    particular purpose for being here, at this point in the Universe, at this very moment in Time.

    If you dont make your unique contribution youll be missed. Mother Teresa (1910 1997)

    said, We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop

    was not in the ocean, I think the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

    Just think of the parable of the old typewriter...

    v n though my typ writ r is an old mod l, it works quit w ll,

    xc pt for on of th k ys. I hav many tim s wish d that it would

    work p rf ctly. It is tru that th r ar forty-on k ys that

    function w ll nough, but just on k y not working mak s all th

    diff r nc . Som tim s it s ms to m that our famili s,

    communiti s and n ighbourhoods ar som what lik my typ writ r

    not all th p opl ar working prop rly. As on of th m, you say

    to yours lf, W ll, I am only on p rson, I dont mak or br ak th

    whol . But it do s mak a diff r nc . To hav succ ss you n d th

    activ participation of v ry p rson. R m mb r my typ writ r and

    say, I am a k y p rson in my family, community and n ighbourhood.

    I am n d d v ry much. Dont b a brok n k y b a usabl on .

    Right now, you may not feel particularly important in fact, you may even be wondering

    why you were ever brought into this world!

    As the 1946 film Its A Wonderful Life so poignantly reminds us, the world would be a

    poorer place without even the apparently most insignificant and unsuccessful of us.

    Maybe there are one or more family members who would miss you, if you werent here any

    longer or perhaps friends, acquaintances or neighbours. Even the person you smiled at

    as you passed them on the street would be worse-off without that brief contact. (Whats

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    that, you sayyou never smile at strangers? Well, give it a try, today: youll be astonished

    by the results at least on yourself, and perhaps even on them!)

    Although you may feel at the moment that to the rest of the world you are just a nobody, to

    somebody you may be the world if not right now, then perhaps at a point still to come.

    The future holds an infinite number of possibilities, including friendships that have yet to

    develop and opportunities not yet formed. As Anne Frank said, Everyone has inside of

    him a piece of good news. The good news is that you dont know how great you can be!

    How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!

    And just in case you think I dont know what Im talking about, let me tell you a secret

    Although you and I have probably never met (OK so a few people who already know me

    may be reading this, but chances are that most of my readers will currently be strangers

    right?) to me, YOU ARE IMPORTANT! Let me repeat it YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO ME!

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    Hmmm: so now youre probably convinced that Im a weirdo! Well, Ive been called worse

    than that, before now; and if genuinely feeling compassion for fellow human beings is

    weird, then I guess Ill have to accept the label! For most of my life I have been interested

    in spirituality, and I am driven by a deep desire to assist others on their path through Life.

    In the words of George Bernard Shaw, I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the

    whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I am

    therefore a charity trustee (with the Chreda Foundation a small family charity), a blogger

    on charity matters (see my website at Generosity News), and a Love Ambassador. I am

    also a trained and experienced counsellor (including suicide) and a spiritual coach with

    many years of practical experience. I have run a variety of spiritual fellowships in the past

    both non-sectarian and within traditional religious settings. Though from a Christian

    background (and having been ordained, some years ago), I have always believed in

    drawing on the best from all traditions, and I consider myself pretty libertarian. In fact, one

    of the few things I cannot tolerate is intolerance itself!

    Now, I hope that what I have just revealed about myself will back up what I said earlier,

    about your being important to me. But just in case you still have any reservations, I would

    like to make an unusual offer.

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    I want to invite you to contact me by email at [email protected], when you

    have finished reading this report. Just drop me a few lines, to say Hi! and introduce

    yourself or if there are particular issues that are vexing you and you would like to discuss

    them with me, that will be OK, too. I will endeavour to respond personally to all

    communications, and to be as helpful as I can. Whatever you say to me will be treated in

    the strictest confidence, of course. And dont forget to mention in your email that you

    came to me via this report you are amazing!

    On the other hand, if you feel that you are not yet ready for such direct and personal

    contact, you might want to check me out, first, at www.malcolmcdragon.com you can

    read a bit about me, see what I look like, and maybe follow me for a while, until you feel

    more comfortable with writing to me. You can also find out more about me through my

    Facebook profile, at http://www.facebook.com/malcolm.dragon. Facebook is where I

    am currently most active, apart from my charity work and blog. I recently set up a non-

    sectarian prayer wall there (Share for Prayer), for anyone who feels in need of spiritual

    support: it would be great if you would Like it, and check in regularly, to lend your support

    perhaps post a request of your own, if you feel it would be helpful. I and others will be

    looking in frequently and well be happy to take on-board any of your concerns health,

    relationships, physical or mental/emotional well-being, spiritual issues: whatever needs

    you have, we will remember you in our prayers. I have also just started a Facebook

    community page, entitled Pilgrims: this is probably where you accessed the report. The

    idea behind this online community is that we are all pilgrims in a strange land spiritual

    beings having a human experience, as we progress through Life. Through the Pilgrims

    community we can share the journey with each other, and with others who need

    companionship. There is a big demand out there, for people who really care and are

    willing to listen sympathetically a hunger for love and appreciation. So if, like me, you

    want to be of service to others and help them, maybe youd be willing to share your story

    there, or just leave an inspirational thought. You can also get help and encouragement for

    yourself, by regularly checking into the page and reading what others have posted. I will

    have a bit more to say about this, towards the end of this booklet.

    Oh, and by the way you are still important to me, whether or not you decide to contact

    me. You see, I believe in the innate importance of every living being: thats just how I am!

  • 15

    you can be healthy

    Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

    [World Health Organization, 1948]

    Believe it or not, you were meant to be in perfect health. The Higher Self (the you inside

    of you sometimes called the soul which is connected to the wisdom and knowledge of

    the Universe) doesnt suffer from the imperfections and disease with which we as humans

    are so familiar. The Bible touches on this when it says (Rev 21:4) And there will be no

    more death or sorrow or crying or pain. The essential you, which serves as a template

    for the creation of your physical presence in this world, was created (and remains) perfect,

    without flaws. It is in translation that imperfections creep in, resulting in an unhealthy mind

    and body.

    Disease of the body as we know it, is a result, an end product, a final stage of something

    much deeper. Disease originates above the physical plane, nearer to the mental. It is

    entirely the result of a conflict between our spiritual and mortal selves. So long as these

    two are in harmony, we are in perfect health: but when there is discord there follows what

    we know as disease. (Edward Bach, 1886-1936 physician and creator of the Bach


    So it follows that by taking thought we can rectify the situation and restore our bodies

    to perfect health. Incredible as it may sound, theres actually scientific evidence that our

    mental attitude largely determines the state of our physical health. For example, in the first

    few months of the 21st century the results of a research project at Hull University were an-

    nounced, showing that a hedonistic approach to life can be a passport to a healthy im-

    mune system. The research discovered that people who feel guilty about eating, drinking,

    smoking, watching television or having sex suffer from a poorer immune system, and are

    more vulnerable to colds and flu. There was also evidence that women tend to feel more

    guilty than men about their indulgences and are therefore more likely to fall ill. But pleas-

    urable activities undertaken without too much associated guilt resulted in improved im-

    mune system functioning. Dr Geoff Lowe, who conducted the research, said that it provid-

    ed empirical support of the increasingly held notion that pleasures are good and guilt is

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    bad, for health". "We ought to focus more on the positive things in life, he concluded. If

    we enjoy simple pleasures that are not harmful to us we should not feel guilty about them.

    We should maximise the pleasure."

    Laughter can help boost the immune system, too; it also encourages deep breathing,

    flushing out the lungs, and it can generate a general feeling of wellness. Research at the

    University of Maryland Medical Center, in 2005, also established a link between laughter

    and the healthy functioning of blood vessels. It has been shown that allergies are caused

    not only by physical allergens but also by a negative state of mind, and that a positive

    mental attitude can have the reverse effect. Laughter is one way of inducing a positive

    state of mind and reducing stress, and it has been shown to have a profound impact on

    allergies and asthma, with many practitioners reporting

    complete disappearance of all symptoms. Ten years

    ago Japanese researchers found a significant reduction

    in dermatitis caused by dust mites, cedar pollen and cat

    dander, when patients received laughter therapy. Its

    been calculated that six-year-olds laugh an average of

    300 times a day, but that adults only laugh 15 to 100

    times a day: perhaps a childlike approach to life could

    be a healthier one!

    Of course, it almost goes without saying that anyone who is serious about maintaining

    good health will pay close attention to diet and exercise. It is something of a clich that a

    healthy diet must include substantial amounts of fruit and vegetables, and that these can

    help protect against cancer, coronary heart disease, cataracts, birth defects and a variety

    of other conditions. The risk of coronary heart disease has also been shown to increase

    significantly when the diet includes high levels of saturated and partially hydrogenated fats.

    Regular exercise even just a moderate amount on a regular basis can substantially

    prolong your life expectancy, reducing the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and

    stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis and back pain, as well as improving mood and reducing

    stress. And our mental attitude, in turn, can seriously impact our physical health.

    But thats a complete topic on its own, that would need a whole new chapter, and we dont

    have space to go into it here. Perhaps a future report will explore this fascinating area.

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    you can be wealthy

    Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.

    [Earl Nightingale]

    Its a sad fact that many people spend most of their life fretting over money usually the

    lack of it. This is despite the widespread belief that the best things in life are free: as star

    of The Secret Bob Proctor says, Richness is not about what you have. It is about who

    you are. Nevertheless, the possession of adequate reserves to meet all of our financial

    commitments and the ability to constantly replenish those reserves would certainly

    remove much of the stress and distraction that tends to prevent us from truly enjoying life.

    So why is it that so few individuals seem to have the talent for creating wealth? Is it

    because of a lack of knowledge, or inadequate capital or other resources? No. Many of the

    worlds most successful people didnt start with a formal education or any capital in some

    cases they began with nothing, and even had to cope with learning a new language in

    order to survive.

    Well, maybe the problem is that you are just too busy with getting through each day, and

    getting by? Perhaps you feel that you could become richer if only you had more time

    available to devote to the pursuit of monetary wealth? Well, time is one thing that we all

    have in equal measure. Dont say you dont have enough time. You have exactly the

    same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo,

    Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. (H. Jackson

    Brown.) Its what we do with our time that determines how successful we become. We

    need to seize the day and decide right NOW that we are going to make something of

    ourselves. In the words of A. A. Milne, Time is swift, it races by; opportunities are born and

    die still you wait and will not try a bird with wings who dares not rise and try.

    The truth is that if we make up our minds that we are going to achieve success, and put in

    the necessary effort, the Universe will conspire to help us reach our goal. There are infinite

    resources available, if we will just tap into them. As Christians often remind us, Youre the

    Child of a King! It is only scarcity thinking that holds us back. Again, this is a vast topic,

    which we can only briefly touch upon, here: we will explore it in greater depth another time.

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    Fundamentally, all we have to do is visualise what it is that we really want. What you can

    conceive, you can receive. As Napoleon Hill reminds us, Imagination is the workshop of

    your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth. According to

    physics, everything is energy, so if we attune ourselves to the right frequencies of energy

    we will bring into our world those realities that we desire. This is the basis of The Secret

    (the Law of Attraction), Cosmic Ordering, and the Hermetic principle As above, so below.

    As Wallace Wattles says in his timeless classic, The Science of Getting Rich, Man can

    form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance can

    cause the thing he thinks about to be created. And lest you doubt that this is so listen to

    what world champion water-skier Camille Duvall has to say about this, on a purely

    practical level: I train myself mentally with visualization. The morning of a tournament,

    before I put my feet on the floor, I visualize myself making perfect runs with emphasis on

    technique, all the way through to what my personal best is in practice.... The more you

    work with this type of visualization, especially when you do it on a day-to-day basis, you'll

    actually begin to feel your muscles contracting at the appropriate times. But its not just

    the macro contraction of muscles that can be affected by the power of thought. In his

    2007 book, The Brain That Changes Itself, Dr Norman Doidge tells of numerous scientific

    experiments in which regular mental exercises, simply imagining desired actions and

    results in activities such as playing the piano or chess, have been conclusively shown to

    improve performance almost as effectively as actual practice.

    Although the process of visualisation may not always generate immediate results, it is

    important to remember that our thoughts have set wheels in motion, and therefore to avoid

    creating opposing forces through negativity. One sure way of doing this is to regularly

    practise gratitude whatever comes our way, to be thankful for it, and to keep a positive

    view of what we have, rather than focusing on what we have not yet received. This clears

    the way for us to receive more. It is also important that we give, in order to receive. And

    this generous spirit should become a habit that continues even after we start receiving, so

    that we dont block the flow of wealth. Of course, we should ideally aim to give for givings

    sake, rather than purely in order to receive. Great wealth is of little value, if it doesnt

    create a generous spirit within us. As Socrates said, If a man is proud of his wealth, he

    should not be praised until it is known how he employs it.

  • 19

    you can be wise

    The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.

    [Albert Einstein]

    In recent years increasing numbers of people have declared themselves to be spiritual but

    not religious (the so-called Nones), and it has been calculated that in the USA this

    category may now include as much as one-third of the population. Significantly, this trend

    has gone hand-in-hand with the rise of the New Age movement, along with a massive

    resurgence of interest in Gnosticism. Whereas, in previous generations, most people were

    content with a simple, largely unquestioning faith in the dogma of whatever established

    religion they happened to be associated with, the modern approach tends to be much

    more individualistic and experiential. Interestingly, despite some well-publicised exceptions

    mankind generally seems not to have been deterred from pursuing its spiritual quest by

    the advances made by science over the last few decades indeed, some fields, such as

    quantum physics, have even supported the view that there is more to the Universe than

    meets the eye. So today, more than ever, people are looking for answers to their questions

    about the meaning of life and their part in it while here on Earth. Despite criticism from

    some representatives of organised religion, and their suggestion that those who claim to

    be spiritual but not religious (SBNR) are taking a soft option, there is evidence that many

    of these refugees from the Establishment are not turning their backs on the latters

    tradition of worshiping communally, but are creating instead a new kind of fellowship,

    where different beliefs and perspectives are welcomed, rather than censured. And much of

    this trends success is due to the way in which the Internet has given us all access to

    limitless numbers of like-minded individuals across the globe contactable from the

    comfort of our own homes and whenever it is most convenient to us and them.

    One of the characteristics of this new spirituality is an increase in occurrences of

    synchronicity and intuitive insights (or perhaps our willingness to recognise and act upon

    such flashes of inspiration), as described by James Redfields hugely popular modern-day

    parable The Celestine Prophecy. And as we focus increasingly on such matters we

    attract others of like mind. A well-known Buddhist saying tells us that when the student is

    ready, the master [or teacher] will appear. It is no accident that you have been led here!

  • 20

    This idea of events happening as and when they should or were intended to, in the

    Grand Scheme of Things (The Cosmic Plan) is also part and parcel of the related

    philosophical system known as the Tao, in which the practitioner seeks to become one

    with the Tao, harmonising his/her will with Nature.

    As this document went to print I was in the early stages of planning a new online

    community called Pilgrims (I mentioned this earlier, on page 14) a spiritual fellowship

    where the questioning attitude referred to, a moment ago, is actively encouraged. I bring

    to the table a spirit of unconditional love, a desire to be of service to the community, and

    years of experience as a spiritual coach and student. Members of groups I have run in the

    past would testify to the value of participating in such activities, and several of them are

    already on my early bird list. I have also written on spiritual topics in the past including

    an article on 2012 which I originally published on Squidoo in 2008, and then re-published

    on ezineArticles early in 2010. It compared multifaith approaches to the subject, and

    presented an up-beat view of how the underlying influences might play out on a global

    basis and within our individual lives. You can find the article here:

    http://ezinearticles.com/?2012---The-End-of-the-Age&id=5344003. See these comments

    As an SBNR seeker it is possible, of course, to pursue a lone path. But progress is usually

    much slower without the input of others, and for most of us the journey is made far more

    pleasant by sharing it with fellow travellers. So I hope that you will consider becoming an

    active member of our community. Meanwhile, do consider my earlier invitation to email me

    at [email protected], to ensure that I can keep in direct contact with you.


  • 21

    you can be happy

    A man is about as happy as he makes up his mind to be. [Abraham Lincoln]

    In this short report we have seen how you (like every living soul on this planet of ours) are

    miraculous, amazing, unique and important; and how you can start taking action to be

    healthy, wealthy and wise. I have also referred to your essentially spiritual nature.

    But I would like to ask you a question before you go on your way how happy are you,

    right now and do you feel any happier than when you started reading this report?

    I trust that some of what I have said will have made you feel more positive about yourself,

    and your role in the world. But could it be that you still feel there is something missing

    do you have a nagging suspicion that another ingredient is needed, before you can be

    truly satisfied and fulfilled? I would not be at all surprised if that is so, because to be really,

    profoundly happy we need to be doing something worthwhile for others. Unless we think

    of others and do something for them, we miss one of the greatest sources of happiness

    (Ray Lyman Wilbur). One of the criticisms frequently levelled at those people who

    describe themselves as SBNR (spiritual but not religious) is that by opting for solitude,

    rather than the fellowship of a religious community, they are being selfish becoming

    detached and avoiding relationships with others. If you are finding yourself drawn towards

    a more personal and introspective spiritual lifestyle as many of my friends and

    acquaintances are how can you balance your inner journey with an external structure

    that brings you into the essential contact with others of like mind, without the constraints of

    a formal religious organisation, or the fear of censure?

    This is a challenge that many are grappling with, today, and to meet that need I invite you

    to join me in our new online fellowship, Pilgrims. You will no doubt have already Liked

    the communitys Facebook page in order to access this report but thats only the first

    step. I would now like to contribute to your future happiness by welcoming you into full

    membership of this group, so that you can enjoy the friendship that it offers, and help

    create a welcoming environment for others who also come in search of meaning and


  • 22

    After nearly a lifetime of studying spiritual traditions, truths, and practices (and, whenever

    possible, offering guidance, comfort, encouragement and friendship to anyone that sought

    it) I have now drawn together this community of fellow seekers, to support, inspire and

    inform one another. The Facebook page is just the beginning, although it will continue to

    be our public face. Behind the scenes we will offer a more private, safe, nurturing

    environment where people can be invited in, if they are in need of spiritual help, or just

    want reassurance that they are not alone, and that there are others around who care about

    them and feel a sense of Oneness with them. It will be a spiritually-based fellowship,

    where we can explore the meaning of life, and our part in it to move forward together

    along the pathway, with a united sense of purpose and hope, yet without any of the

    constraints of organised religion. In view of obvious geographical limitations the group is

    likely to be virtual, at least in the first instance, but I would not rule out the possibility of

    real-world meet-ups, too, from time to time, if members request this. Seminars and

    retreats are also a distinct possibility for the future.

    So how do you become a full member?

    Well, let me first reassure you that there is no fee for joining this fellowship is

    open to all, regardless of their financial position. A good heart and an open mind

    are the only requirements, for basic membership. (There may, however, be fees for

    attendance at offline events, should you choose to participate in these in the future.)

    You may also be wondering how any existing associations with a formal religion

    might affect your eligibility for membership. Let me state categorically that as far as

    we are concerned being a Pilgrim is not in any way inconsistent with (or exclusive

    of) membership of any religion, but neither does it require that you have any such

    links. Please note that ultimately any decision about whether your existing religious

    affiliations prohibit you from becoming a member of Pilgrims must be a decision for

    you, and you alone. However, it is of course very likely that if you are a religious or

    spiritual person your approach to life will already be very much the one of a Pilgrim.

    We do request, however, that members avoid proselytising on behalf of any religion,

    church or sect. We ask you, please, to respect others beliefs (or lack of them).

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    That said, if you would like to become a part of this community, please send an

    email to me, Malcolm C Dragon, at [email protected], stating in just a

    short paragraph why you would like to join us. This doesnt need to be an essay

    just a sentence or two will suffice. It is simply to demonstrate that you are genuinely

    motivated by this unique opportunity to improve your self-esteem, be of service to

    others, and explore spirituality together. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, What lies

    behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us:

    the groups aim is to help you discover the real you and, through association with

    others of like mind, to receive inspiration, encouragement, teaching and

    companionship on your journey through life.

    Reflect for a moment on this: If you only look at what is, you might never attain what could

    be (Mary Jo Petersen). Dont just be content with being an amazing individual:

    acknowledge your Oneness with other seekers, and become a part of the Pilgrims

    movement today. This could be the missing piece of the jigsaw, which will bring you the

    true and lasting happiness that you desire and deserve.


    Come with me, to a distant landscape of rolling hills and endless plains. Distant, yet

    strangely familiar. We have visited this place many times before: perhaps in a dream - or

    maybe it was a race memory?

    But this time it is different. We are no longer viewing this cyberian vision from afar;

    instead, we are standing - as it were - on the threshold, and feeling the gentlest of breezes

    on our faces, as we step forward into the sunlight.

    We see a band of travellers heading our way - bards, every one. As they walk, they tell

    each other their stories, which become intertwined, and merge into a group myth. These

    aren't just wandering storytellers: their journey is a quest - a heroic quest - in search of the

    Ultimate Truth. But it is given meaning by their association with each other - the needs

    and aspirations that they share, and their mutual support and inspiration. Their inner

    contentment shows on their faces, and their happy laughter resounds across the valley.

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    We feel compelled to fall in step with them, and eavesdrop on their conversations. As

    each new vista unfolds, they celebrate it together and reinforce the group story and their

    sense of belonging to a meaningful community with a grand destiny - one that is far

    greater than any one of them or, indeed, than even the sum of the members of that

    community. Everyone a part of each other's story. For, the community has a life of its

    own, and lends to each individual purpose, support and empowerment which they would

    not experience if journeying alone. As they pass through the towns and villages - even the

    countryside - they attract others, who cast in their lot with them.

    And so the group grows steadily in size, and in its influence - on itself, but also on the

    communities through which it passes. Individuals carry with them a variety of objects, for

    their own use, but also for the benefit of the group: lights; food and water; music; books,

    art and all kinds of entertainment. But most of all, they bring their stories. Some sad,

    some inspirational, some of great adventures, some of love and some of achievements

    and battles won. Stories told simply; stories told entertainingly with humour, flair and

    confidence; stories told lovingly and humbly; some stories told a little at a time. But above

    all - stories offered willingly to fellow travellers, to encourage them on their journey and

    contribute to the larger story of the community itself. And in common with all the best

    stories, this one has a beginning, and a middle - but no end!

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    Chreda Foundation

    Generosity News

    Love Foundation

    Malcolm C Dragon - email

    Malcolm C Dragon - Facebook profile

    Malcolm C Dragon - personal webpage

    Pilgrims community page

    Share for Prayer

    "End of the Age" article
