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You Are Not Alone

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Letters of support and solidarity to First Nations and communities on the front lines against Enbridge, following the JRP recommendations.
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Y ou Are Not Alone letters of support and solidarity to First Nations and communities on the front lines against Enbridge, following the JRP recommendations The views and opinions expressed in this collection of letters are solely those of the original authors and do not reflect the policy or position of Sierra Club BC. © 2014
Page 1: You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

letters of support and solidarity to First Nations and communities on the front lines against Enbridge,

following the JRP recommendations

The views and opinions expressed in this collection of letters are solely those of the original authors and do not reflect the policy or position of Sierra Club BC. © 2014

Page 2: You Are Not Alone

The NorTherN GaTeway pipeliNe is far from my home, buT your coNcerNs are close To my hearT. I live close to the Fraser River in the lower mainland, where the watershed, waterfront, river waters and fish - salmon and sturgeon included - are threatened by another pipeline, the Kinder Morgan pipeline. There has already been damage done by a terrible pavement politics project, the South Fraser Freeway, and they want to ship coal out from the nearby Surrey Fraser Docks that would cause more devastation. The Kinder Morgan pipeline would be the last straw.I support your struggles to protect our environment for future generations. The insanity of fossil fuel dependency has to stop and we have to start respecting the natural riches we have, in the Northern Gateway region as well as here in the lower mainland, from destructive resource extraction threats such as pipelines, fracking, run-of-river electric dams, which are all really only about greed – but we can’t eat money.I also thank you for all you have done, are doing and will do, and will help as much as I can – getting the word out on social media, sending supplies for actions, writing letters, signing petitions. I know these are just small things, but I will also fight for transit transportation solutions here as well, since if we cut off the demand for those fossil fuels there will be no need for the supply that would mean pipelines and worse in the north.

Bernadette K.Surrey, BC

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It is with great sadness that I heard the results of the Enbridge

JRP.I had just been to see the Hobbit film, and I can’t help

feeling there is a parallel between the rising powers of the

orcs to destroy middle earth, and the growing corporate

forces, especially big oil, together with the federal government,

who are determined to spread their filth throughout the world

and destroy the planet as we know it.

Well, I’m just a little “hobbit” but I will stand with the First Nations

and other groups, in whatever way is most useful, to prevent

this happening.

In solidarity,

Michael A.

Salt Spring Island, BCI am very grateful for the leadership that First Nations

have shown in opposing further expansion of the oilsands

and the pipelines to transport their products through the

pristine B.C. wilderness and Pacific coast waters. It is

hard to understand how any thinking, responsible person could advocate a development that will not only

threaten the traditional lifestyle of natives, but also the

survival of planet earth. The facts are staring politicians

and businessmen in the face, but they are blinded by

their ideology and their greed. I hope that our judiciary

will support you if it becomes necessary to resort to the

courts to stop this madness. I will stand behind you too.Aileen T.Edmonton, AB

I am very concerned about the flora

and fauna being destroyed so I will

stand up in solidarity with the First

Nations and all other peoples against

this Northern pipeline. It is time to

honour Earth instead of ravage her

based on greed.

Patricia M.

Ottawa, ON

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i am a haida liviNG iN vaNcouver aNd will do my parT To Try aNd curb The Need for Gas aNd oil This seasoN aNd iNTo The New year. I pledge to walk the 70 minutes to the University of British Columbia often, or take public transportation. I also vow to stay involved with the rowing community in BC, which promotes the use of self propelling water vessels. I stand in solidarity with First Nations in BC that oppose the Northern Gateway Project. I vow also to educate myself on the various First Nations stances to further my understanding of these valued communities in our province. Howa’a.

Lia H.Vancouver, BC

i had The blessed Good forTuNe of GrowiNG up oN haida Gwaii. It is a magical and powerful place. These beautiful Islands are the home of my heart and I stand with all our coastal communities in complete solidarity against Enbridge’s Northern Gateway proposal. Thank you so much for continuing the fight to protect the people, the animals, the land and the waters that we cherish. Thank you!! You are not alone! Asii llnagaay gii hla glaayii isda.

Nicola P.Williams Lake, BC

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reNewable eNerGy is The oNly way To move To save our world from vasT desTrucTioN aNd Time is ruNNiNG ouT for us To move off of fossil fuels. Canada should not be part of this continuation along the path to poisoning our environment, and our natural world. We owe it to our grandchildren to leave them a sustainable natural environment; we have no right to use up and cause destruction to our climate, our water and nature. Their future will be far poorer than ours if we continue along the path of burning fossil fuels. Canadians need to stand up and strongly resist allowing our Government to sell out to big oil and the destruction it is leading the world towards. As a rich country, we are an embarrassment on the world stage, refusing to lead the way to renewable energy and away from climate destruction caused by fossil fuels. Please think about thefuture of the world’s children and what sort of planet we will be leaving for them. Choose to turn away from fossil fuels, lead the world to renewable energy.

Mary Ann L.Tagish, Yukon

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When I get down about the current environmental situation – I remember that there are people like you who keep fighting day in and day out for all of our futures. You are heroes. Don’t forget it. All my good thoughts are being sent to you guys :)Karly L.Thorold, ON

Thank you for the strength of your

conviction that this pipeline will not be

built, and your perseverance of action

to ensure this is so. Thank you for

resolutely choosing a path in the long

term interest of your communities,

our planet, and all of us. I commit to

standing by you in this fight as long as

it takes. In solidarity,Lisa M.

Victoria, BC

I just want to let you know that I share your concern in opposition of the Enbridge pipeline. Although I do it from afar here in Colorado, my heart is with you in your fight. Persistence for the long haul is challenging especially against powerful corporate interests. However, history has shown us that movements of the populace have endured and won time and time again. I know that this will be the case for you/us.Ron B.Parker, Colorado

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we as a humaN race are Now faciNG our biGGesT challeNGe aNd biGGesT opporTuNiTy. The actions we take now will impact all beings, human and non human in the future. I am so inspired and encouraged by the strength and leadership of the First Nations people standing up against the onslaught of our Petro state government. You are my beacon of hope and I stand with you to stop this pipeline and to envision a better future for all of us. There is strength in diversity and with a wall of opposition based on respect for human rights, respect for indigenous rights, and the rights of mother nature I truly believe can stop this project.In solidarity,

Karen B.Banff, AB

you are oN The froNT liNe of commuNiTies affecTed if This Goes ThrouGh. I want to thank you all so much for standing up for all of us! You are not alone and I will be doing as much as I can to make my voice heard to stop the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline for the good of all of B.C.The politicians need to start listening to us all and take steps necessary NOW to help reverse the global warming effects we are now dealing with.In solidarity,

Jan B.Victoria, BC

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alThouGh i live iN The u.s., The proposed pipeliNe affecTs all our lives aNd The earTh we all live oN. I wanted to know that I stand with you in opposition to this, and any other proposal which threatens your land, your health and the environment. I hope 2014 will stand for landmark victories for all of us, against those who would pollute our air, water, homes, safety and wild lands, beginning with a resounding defeat of this proposal!

Betty J. V.Watervliet, New York

i’m here iN vicToria, The souTherNmosT parT of The proviNce, aNd couNTry, buT i share The same coasT, The same waTer.I love this coastline deeply, and I don’t want it ruined just so a few rich people can get richer by selling Alberta’s carbon to China. It’s outrageous. Some things are more important than money. If politicians and businessmen are too heartless to admit this, then we have to educate them by standing together so they can see us and hear us. There are a lot of people down here who feel this way, and will be honoured to help lend a voice.

Bill G.Victoria, BC

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hello, i sTaNd wiTh you iN solidariTy aNd ThaNk you for fiGhTiNG aGaiNsT The eNbridGe pipeliNe. You are trying to save the rainforest, your livelihood, the coast, all from the proposed pipeline and spills that would be sure to occur. For a few years of prosperity with the oil money, I would never want to throw away my children’s future or their children’s future either. I am writing from Alberta, being a resident of that beautiful province with the wrong vision. So, thank you very much for standing up for your children and my children, your courage and steadfastness I admire. Have a happy holiday season and may the new year bring an end to that proposed pipeline, that would be so destructive through the mountain passes and along the way to Kitimat and the Pacific coastline.

Josefine S.Edmonton, AB

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I believe the First Nations and community

groups in northern B.C. are extremely brave

and courageous to stand up for the

beautiful and life-giving land of B.C. Many

of us, not in B.C., agree with you. Continue

fighting Enbridge’s Northern Gateway

proposal. Stand strong, we are with you,

you are not alone.

Thank you,Geraldine Y.Edmonton, AB I am with you. I care about your land, your people, your health and your lives. I want you to be healthy, happy and thriving in your community up North. I pledge to do what I can to keep your land free from pipelines. I am standing with you in your fight. May your holidays be filled with love, joy and hope.

With care, Ahava S.Salt Spring Island, BC

You have our support in opposing

the Enbridge Northern Gateway

proposal. More pollution from the

oilsands and a higher risk of

coastal oil spills is not acceptable.

We need to look much more

seriously at alternatives.

Kevin M.

Anmore, BC

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my Name is Gabriella aNd i am from Tl’azT’eN NaTioN aNd i’m cree. I oppose the Enbridge project because I want to have clean water and clean air for all of our great grandchildren. I feel that this decade we have enough technology and knowledge for Canada and the First Nations to work together, nation to nation, and provide the people with other means of clean energy. I know we as people of Mother Earth are not alone on this fight against big oil companies. Happy No Enbridge Holidays. I stand in solidarity with you. Much love and respect,

Gabriella S.Prince George, BC

ThaNk-you for sTaNdiNG up aGaiNsT eNbridGe aNd aGaiNsT The pipeliNe.Sending you strength and courage from Ontario. I have been in your beautiful province and seen so much of its splendor and natural wonders. These need to be protected for all time for you, your children and all of Canada. The government and the world needs to know and understand that BC’s precious coastline, rivers and lands need the utmost protection and it’s not negotiable.I stand with you in solidarity!

Nancy M.Markham, ON

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as a resideNT iN burNaby bc, oN The rouTe of The proposed TraNs mouNTaiN pipeliNe i feel very close To you, aNd ThaNkful for The work you are doiNG for all The people iN bc (aNd NoT oNly bc) leadiNG The fiGhT aGaiNsT pipeliNes, aNd To proTecT The resources we depeNd oN, waTer, air aNd laNd. Thank you for your commitment to protect our children and the next generations from the disastrous event of an oil spill and from the consequences of climate change. Thank you for your commitment to protect the ocean, our pristine coast and our rivers.I stand in solidarity with you.Best wishes for joyful holidays and for a new year full of good results!

Pina V.Burnaby, BC

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iT is wiTh Tears iN my eyes aNd a heavy hearT ThaT i wriTe To you abouT The decisioN of The JoiNTreview paNel To approve The NorTherN GaTeway proJecT. This is yet another sacred trust broken and an insult to First Nations people as well as to the overwhelming majority of us all as British Columbians, who do not wish to see the gifts of this province trampled by greed and political expediency.Your dedication to keeping the lands of your heritage protected and safe from the pollution and desecration of oil spills and fracking is a bright light shining is a dark time. Know that you are supported, respected, and honoured in this struggle that concerns all people of the earth.

Carla S.Nanaimo, BC

your sTaNd Gives me hope for our laNd, hope for The creaTures which call iT home aNd hope for a susTaiNable fuTure. I will continue to do what I can to help turn the tide against Enbridge with renewed energy knowing that we stand together.

Amanda V.Black Creek, BC

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iT saddeNs me To ThiNk ThaT caNada has come To This. We know that the oil conglomerates are determined to suck every drop of oil, tar, gas out of Mother Earth just for profit and this is wrong. Mother Earth will provide for us if we look after her and the only way to keep our land, air, and water safe for consumption is to stop extraction.I will use everything that I can to spread awareness and to support those that will stand tall and against this and all pipelines.I came to the Healing Walk this July and I saw for myself what is going on and what we must fight for.Have courage and please draw strength from many of us who stand with you from afar.

Dianne R.Saskatoon, SK

i value so much your couraGe aNd efforT sTaNdiNG up for The headwaTers aNd coasTal zoNe, resisTiNG The pressure from profiT-driveN corporaTioNs. As well, everyone and all our grandchildren and grandchildren’s grandchildren are at risk from deteriorating climate from the mad race to extract and burn as much fossil carbon as possible as fast as possible. For all of us and all our grandchildren’s grandchildren, thank you.

Greg H.Saanich, BC

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Dear people of the northern B.C. coast,I stand with you in all your efforts to protect your wondrous environment for future generations. I may be far away in Toronto, but my heart is with you.Kate C.Toronto, ON

Hello,I want to thank you for all that you have already done to let the Federal Government and the oil companies know that they do not have your permission to build the NG pipeline. I have been using every possible opportunity here in Vancouver to stand up against the NG pipeline, and I shall continue to do so, and to increase awareness among other citizens here. Leigh B.Vancouver, BC

I proudly and most urgently follow your leadership in protecting this life-giving land from those that would destroy her.Light and Love,Barbara R.Penticton, BCThank you for your

brave work; know

we’re with you .

Sheila M.Gabriola Island, BC
