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You Can Talk

Date post: 30-May-2018
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HOW WE CONDUCT OUR CLASSES You won’t need to install large software in your computer, you just have to make a WizIQ and Skype account, it’s that simple. Plus, students get  free edu- cational materials to supplement their learning during clas ses. For the class schedules, you just have to tell us your preferred class schedule and we shall arrange for its availability. If you feel that you would be unable to attend class just send us a mes- sage and we shall arrange for its resched- uling. We’re that flexible. Our classes are laid back. We ensure that our classes have a warm and relaxed ambience so that our students can have the best and most conducive environment for learning. WHAT OUR STUDENT’s THINK ABOUT US  "YouCanTalk is quite different from other online teaching services, the teachers are spontaneous, and friendly, they make the classes interesting and fun.” – Jong Suk Lim, University Student “The Business English course I took was really helpful in my work, not only did I become competent in conversational English, I also had an easy time conversing in English with other people during my travels abroad.” - Kim Ki Young, Financial Analyst "I am really happy to have spent the last five months in YouCanTalk, I’ve tried other online services but YouCanTalk is the best! The teaching quality is very high and we also have fun. I don’t just learn from the ma- terials and the presentations, I am also made more aware of global issues and the apprecia- tion of different cultures from other coun- tries.” - Hyun Su Shin, EnglishTeacher  Muntinlulpa City, Metro Manila, Philippines Visit us at: http://youcantalk.multiply.com/  SEND US AN EMAIL / YM / SKYPE MSG THROUGH [email protected] [email protected] Indicate your 1.Name 2.Gender 3.Work and Company 4.Desired Course 5.Desired Schedule 6.Contact Details a.address b.landline nnumber c.mobile number d.email e.skype account name We Offer  FREE Demo Classes to AL L interested English Learners YouCanTalk A Global Online English School    V     i    s     i    t    o    u    r    s     i    t    e        h    t    t    p   :     /     /    y    o    u    c    a    n    t    a     l     k  .    m    u     l    t    i    p     l    y  .    c    o    m     / About YouCanTalk YouCanTalk has been providing Online English Tutorial Services to mostly Asians who are eager to learn the English Language. We hold our office in Metro Manila, Philippines. We are continu- ously expanding and gaining a good reputation due to the qual- ity of service we provide at very affordable rates. YouCanTalk is widely different from other teaching i nstitutions because we are anchored on student-centered learning. We make our classes fun and exciting, we offer a wide array of inter- active activities (e.g. conversational dialogues, games, and role plays) that would suit the student and the topic. In addition our one on one online classes can be customized to the students needs making learning more efficient and effective.    C    o    n    t    a    c    t    U    s       c     i    r     i    o  .    p    a    s    t    o     l    e    r    o     @    y    a     h    o    o  .    c    o    m      /    c     h    e    n _    c    a    r     i    n    o     @    y    a     h    o    o  .    c    o    m  

8/9/2019 You Can Talk

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You won’t need to install large

software in your computer, you just have

to make a WizIQ and Skype account, it’s

that simple. Plus, students get  free edu-

cational materials to supplement their

learning during classes.

For the class schedules, you just

have to tell us your preferred class

schedule and we shall arrange for its

availability. If you feel that you would be

unable to attend class just send us a mes-

sage and we shall arrange for its resched-

uling. We’re that flexible. 

Our classes are laid back. We

ensure that our classes have a warm and

relaxed ambience so that our students

can have the best and most conducive

environment for learning.


"YouCanTalk is quite different from

other online teaching services, the teachers

are spontaneous, and friendly, they make the

classes interesting and fun.” – Jong Suk Lim,

University Student

“The Business English course I took

was really helpful in my work, not only did I

become competent in conversational English,

I also had an easy time conversing in Englishwith other people during my travels abroad.”

- Kim Ki Young, Financial Analyst

"I am really happy to have spent the

last five months in YouCanTalk, I’ve tried

other online services but YouCanTalk is the

best! The teaching quality is very high and we

also have fun. I don’t just learn from the ma-

terials and the presentations, I am also made

more aware of global issues and the apprecia-

tion of different cultures from other coun-tries.” - Hyun Su Shin, English Teacher 

Muntinlulpa City,

Metro Manila,


Visi t us at:





[email protected]

[email protected]

Indicate your 



3.Work and Company

4.Desired Course

5.Desired Schedule

6.Contact Details


b.landline nnumber 

c.mobile number d.email

e.skype account name

We Offe r  FREE Demo

Classes to AL L in terested

English Learners

YouCanTalkA Global Onl ine Engl ish School

   V    i   s    i   t   o

   u   r   s    i   t   e   —

    h   t   t   p  :    /

    /   y   o   u   c   a   n   t   a    l    k .   m

   u    l   t   i   p    l   y .   c

   o   m    /

About YouCanTalk

YouCanTalk has been providing Online English Tutorial Services

to mostly Asians who are eager to learn the English Language.

We hold our office in Metro Manila, Philippines. We are continu-

ously expanding and gaining a good reputation due to the qual-

ity of service we provide at very affordable rates.

YouCanTalk is widely different from other teaching institutions

because we are anchored on student-centered learning. We

make our classes fun and exciting, we offer a wide array of inter-

active activities (e.g. conversational dialogues, games, and role

plays) that would suit the student and the topic. In addition our

one on one online classes can be customized to the students

needs making learning more efficient and effective.

   C   o   n   t   a   c   t   U   s   —   c    i   r    i   o .

   p   a   s   t   o    l   e   r   o    @   y   a    h   o   o .   c   o   m     /

   c    h   e


   c   a   r    i   n   o    @   y   a    h   o   o .   c   o   m 

8/9/2019 You Can Talk

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Our Core Values

We value what matters most in teaching

 – the students.

We value the unique abilities, attitude

and interest of each student.

We teach with commitment and with


We value learning, we teach at the paceof the students and with activities that

make learning interactive and fun.

At YouCanTalk we measure our worth by

how our students apply their learnings in

real life situations.

Our English Courses Each of our flexible modules is designed to equip students with their ne

with their level of learning capacity. The modules we have designed are

1. ABC’s of English (Subtopics - alphabet, basic words, story telling,

2. Junior English (Subtopics - intermediate sentence construction,

Conversational English, Analytical English)

3. Intermediate English (Subtopics - advanced sentence constructi

College Level English, Making Presentations for Beginners, Engli

tional and Functional English, Cross Culture Appreciation, Intens

sity Preparation)

4. Advanced English (Subtopics – Meeting skills, Negotiation Skills,

tions for Advanced Learners, Business Correspondence, Social S


5. Prolific English – (Subtopics - Conversational English for Professi

men who want to further improve their English fluidity and acce


Our teachers come from reputable schools, they have had

years of masterful experience in teaching English to

Asians, Europeans, and other nationalities. They are

friendly, highly skilled, experienced and very dynamic pro-

fessionals that are very capable of teaching different types

of learners.


Junior Learners (6 – 12 years)

Middle Learners (13 – 20 years)

Senior Learners (21 – 25 years)

Advanced Learners (25 – onwards)

ded English skills appropriate

as follows;

basic sentence construction)

rimary School Level English,

n, Middle School level English,

h for Travelling, Conversa-

ive General English for Univer-


Telephoning, Making Presenta-

ills and Networking, Sales and

onals, Academics and Business-

