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You Dun Goofed Things you guys did poorly on the Benchmark.

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You Dun Goofed Things you guys did poorly on the Benchmark

You Dun GoofedThings you guys did poorly on the Benchmark


• In which of the following geographic areas were the first hominids from the early Paleolithic Era, circa 2 million BCE, found?

• A. Neanderthal ("Neander Valley") in Northern Europe• B. Great Rift Valley in East Africa• C. Indus River Valley in South Asia• D. Mesopotamia in Southwest Asia



Global Dispersion of Humankind 6


• Which of the following most directly undermines that assertion?

• F. In the few hunting-gathering societies that remain today, men and women often share in decision making concerning the entire group.

• G. Rulers of ancient river valley civilizations, such as Egyptian pharaohs or Mesopotamian kings, often claimed descent from (or affinity with) the gods.

• H. Archaeological evidence from many later Neolithic settlements in the Fertile Crescent has revealed increasing variations among the size of houses.

• J. Some pre-agricultural archaeological sites across the world have yielded evidence of significant disparities in the amount and quality of objects placed in individual graves.

• Significant social inequalities emerged only after the adoption of agriculture made it possible for some individuals to accumulate great amounts of surplus wealth, some historians have argued.



• Before 600 B.C.E., most early civilizations shared which of the following characteristics?

• F. Animal herds and portable houses• G. Large standing armies and elected governments • H. Urban centers, growing populations, and writing

systems • J. Caravan trade, underground cities, and large ships


• A major difference between the social structures of China and India between 600 B.C.E. and 600 C.E. is?

• A. Confucianism emphasized spiritual advancement for people who faithfully performed their social duties.

• B. Merchants had the highest social status in India. • C. Confucian social hierarchy privileged government

officials.• D. Slaves did most of the agricultural work on large

Indian estates.


• Which of the following is true of the Silk Roads?

• A. The Silk Roads linked the entire world into a single trade network.

• B. The Silk Roads linked the large civilizations on the outer rim of the Eurasian continent but bypassed the pastoral peoples of the interior.

• C. The Silk Roads were largely a relay trade route, in which goods were passed down the line rather than carried by one merchant along the entire route.

• D. Although important, the Silk Roads never carried as large a volume of long-distance trade as the American networks.


• What BEST explains why pre-Columbian American civilizations did not use the wheel?

• F. A lack of large domesticated animals made the wheel irrelevant.

• G. American civilizations were inherently inferior to Afro-Eurasian civilizations.

• H. Social norms of the Americas required that only human females transport heavy goods.

• J. American civilizations had no access to the raw materials necessary for the production of wheels.


• In comparison to Han China, all of the city states of classical Greece possessed…

• F. slave systems that came to associate slavery primarily with race.

• G. economies less heavily reliant on slaves.• H. more freedoms for women, including some political

rights.• J. economies more heavily reliant on slaves.


• The excerpt from the Code of Hammurabi illustrates which of the following about Babylonian society?

• F. It made provision for the economic well-being of all classes.

• G. It moved away from reliance on corporal punishment.• H. It was marked by social inequalities.• J. The king was regarded as blessed by divine forces.

 “If a [noble] man puts out the eye of another [noble] man, his eye shall be put out.  If he breaks another [noble] man’s bone, his bone shall be broken.  If he puts out the eye of a [commoner] or breaks the bone of a [commoner], he shall pay one [silver] mina.  If he puts out the eye of a man’s slave or break  the bone of a man’s slave, he shall pay one-half of its  value.”--Code of Hammurabi


• Before 600 C.E., all of the following were part of the Confucian social order EXCEPT…

• A. loyalty to the ruler • B. filial obedience to one’s father • C. respect for the old • D. marital fidelity by husbands


• Yu Huan’s purpose in the fictionalized account of the origins of Buddhism outlined in the passage, was most likely to…

• A. make it easier for his Buddhist readers to convert to Daoism • B. hint at the existence of an alternate set of Buddhist

scriptures that were different from the officially accepted ones • C. demonstrate the extent of missionary and trade links

between China and India • D. assert the superiority of Chinese culture over non-Chinese


“What is recorded in the Buddhist scriptures is analogous to the teachings contained in the scripture of Laozi [the founder of Daoism] in China, and it is actually believed that Laozi, after having gone to India, instructed the barbarians and became the Buddha.”

--Yu Huan, Chinese historian, circa 250 C.E.


• Which of the following was a distinctive feature of the Greek way of thinking in the classical era?

• F. Respect for received wisdom• G. Confidence in human reason• H. Their focus on understanding the Dao• J. Emphasis on the family as the model of the state


• We assume that the early governments in the ancient Middle East was less centralized because of…

• A. divergent and distant trade patterns• B. the weakness of their armies and the frequency with

which they were defeated by foreign foes• C. the existence of city-states• D. the absence of writing
