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Young people demonstrating academic excellence … Reflections from May 2011 Graduation Events Young...

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1 Reflections from May 2011 Graduation Events Young people demonstrating academic excellence enrich the lives of others and honor the sacrifices of those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect American opportunities. ...The fruit of LOVE is SERVICE. The fruit of SERVICE is PEACE. Mother Teresa's Business Card


Reflections from May 2011 Graduation Events

Young people demonstrating academic excellence enrich the lives of others and honor the sacrifices of those

who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect American opportunities.

...The fruit of LOVE is SERVICE. The fruit of SERVICE is PEACE.

Mother Teresa's Business Card


Rewards of Faith in May

―Faith is to believe what you cannot see and the reward of faith is to see what you believe.‖

St. Augustine

My Obedience Memo for May 2011 instructed me to attend some May graduations. The locations were in New

Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Florida, and Indiana. The memo hinted that these events might further fuel my

passion for ―fostering academic excellence in my community.‖ On faith, I proceeded to follow the instructions.

Raphael Waruinge and Kylila Bullard graduated from the US Military Academy Preparatory School on May 12

and May 13. They were members of the last class to graduate from Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. Future Prep

School cadet candidates will train at the Military Academy campus, West Point, New York.

The following week, West Point held Graduation Events for its Class of 2011. The graduating class consisted

of 1,000 young men and women who received their commissions as Army second lieutenants at the end of the

week, on May 21.

Mailoha Albaledejo was among the members of the Class of 2011 graduating from Eastern Connecticut State

University on May 22 in Hartford, Connecticut. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting to go

along with her 2009 Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of Connecticut.

Academy Prep of Tampa invited me to serve as commencement speaker on May 25 for its Class of 2011 eighth-

graders, most of whom are about to enter private high schools.

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana, held its Class of 2011 Commencement on May

28. Jasmine Browne received her Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Magna Cum Laude during

the ceremony.

I did not create these opportunities to acknowledge the strengths of young people to demonstrate academic

excellence. America does.

I spent a little time on Memorial Day at Notre Dame’s Grotto where I said some prayers for those who made the

ultimate sacrifice in service to the nation. I reflected upon the graduations I attended (and the ones I missed—

Notre Dame’s and Eastern Connecticut). I reflected upon the young people—and their families—who honored

the sacrifices of the fallen by ―making it count.‖

Along with other veterans, I have faith in an emerging generation that includes young people willing to work

hard and demonstrate academic excellence. They will create opportunities for others to demonstrate excellence

and secure America’s future.

Jason D. Mims

Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, Retired

CELL: (813) 787-0392

[email protected]

The MIMS Institute www.mimsinstitute.com

Promoting academic excellence in key urban zip codes


I made a partial list of blessings I experienced the first

month after receiving the William D. Reynolds award

from the Notre Dame Alumni Association for ―fostering

academic excellence in [my] community.‖

The Big Sur Invitational Marathon was on May 1st in

Monterey, California. While in the Midwest in April, I

spent time with my goddaughter, Jane, an English

teacher at a charter high school in Chicago. When I

looked up the marathon results, I found that Jane had

placed second among the women from Chicago who ran

and completed the marathon.

Jane and husband Kevin after Jane’s12-mile practice run

for her first marathon.

Two Army brigadier generals visited Café Kili with

Brian Butler in early May. I was there to capture a

picture of them with owners of the Café, Rose and


Rose, Patrick, and I flew to New Jersey to attend their

son’s graduation from the United States Military

Academy Preparatory School. The graduation review

(parade) and dinner were on May 12, followed by the

Class of 2011 Graduation on May 13. Raphael is a 2010

graduate of Hillsborough Community College. He and

Kylila Bullard, a graduate of Middleton High, have

appointments to the US Military Academy and the

opportunity to join the ―Long Gray Line‖ of Army

leaders for America’s soldiers.

Rose’s cousin, Beatrice, also received a Master’s Degree

in Nursing the same day.

Immigrant Granddad’s Memo to Grandson:

―America is like a cafeteria. You can get anything you

want—including success. Don’t wait for someone to

bring it to you, though. You just have to get up and get

it yourself!‖


I spent just over a week in Highland Falls, New York, with my cousins. Jason II came up with me from

the City for a night. A scheduled fellowship with Mailoha and Safiya in New York City was canceled

due to weather. So was my fellowship with LT Broxton at the US Merchant Marine Academy at

King’s Point and my attendance at Mailoha’s graduation from Eastern Connecticut State University.

Highland Falls Intermediate School held its Spring Concert while I was there. Cousin Malik Johnson is

a member of the school’s award-winning Mixed Chorus. The seventh- and eighth-graders played and

sang to an audience inspired by their message of hope for America’s future.

Graduation Week at the US Military Academy

Friday’s Graduation Review was on my birthday.

On Saturday, I witnessed 1,000 young men and women take the oath of office as newly commissioned

Army second lieutenants.

Yemajha Carraballo joined me for the graduation. He is a soon-to-be junior at James O’Neill High

School. Yemajha has a goal of going to West Point and eventually medical school to become a



After attending two graduations in the Northeast, I returned to Tampa for the May 25th Academy Prep of Tampa

Commencement Ceremony. I learned that 16 of the 17 graduating 8th-graders will be going to private high schools in

Tampa Bay and beyond. This is no accident, though. Academy Prep provides low-income students the preparation to

earn access to exceptional high school opportunities—and expects its graduates to excel in high schools offering rigorous

academic classes.

Sister Ann Dougherty serves as

Academy Prep’s director of

Graduate Support. Members of

Academy Prep’s first graduating

class in 2007 returned for the

graduation. These Class of 2011

high school graduates now will

access exceptional postsecondary

opportunities, including Agnes

Smith College, Marist College, USF

Honors Program, and Florida A&M



Jasmine Browne with Grandmom Doris Todman and Mom Kathy Browne

An American Ambassador’s Granddaughter

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Class of 2011

Bachelor of Science

In Mechanical Engineering - Magna Cum Laude

What’s Possible In America…From the Same

Family…Joseph and Jasmine Browne:

Two valedictorians at Middleton High (ZIP

Code 33610) Magnet Program for Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Math;

Two Ron Brown Scholars;

A New Scientist Program Coordinator at

Brown University;

Magna Cum Laude Bachelor of Science

degree in Mechanical Engineering

―We do great things!‖

President Barack Obama



During a diplomatic career that spanned four decades, Terence A. Todman served in nearly a dozen countries—

six as a United States ambassador. Along the way he rose to the rank of career ambassador, the state

department's highest position. Todman achieved this at a time when few African Americans could break into the

American diplomatic ranks. "Of the less than two percent non Whites in foreign service, this man was the cream

of the crop—the standout," a diplomatic insider told Jet. "He was the Jackie Robinson of diplomacy."

Read more: Terence A. Todman Biography - Set Sights on Diplomatic Career, Became Ambassador in Africa,

Advanced to Highest Diplomatic Rank http://biography.jrank.org/pages/2940/Todman-


―It is the path of the needle that the thread is accustomed to follow.‖ African Proverb


―Meet the Browne’s‖

Middleton High Magnet Program Valedictorians 2005 and 2007

Joseph, 2010 Brown University Grad

Brown University New Scientist Program Coordinator

Jasmine, 2011 Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical

Engineering Magna Cum Laude

I first met Joseph while sharing ―An Optimist’s Observation‖ with black male freshmen taking

honors English in Hillsborough County Schools in 2002.

Both Joseph and Jasmine became Ron Brown Scholars as valedictorians of their graduating class at

Middleton High in ZIP Code 33610.

Their mom, Kathy, serves as the Chair of the Citizens Advisory Committee to the School Board of

Hillsborough County.

The family’s demonstrated commitment to Academic Excellence fuels my passion for ―fostering

Academic Excellence in my community.‖

America offers exceptional high school and postsecondary academic opportunities for low-income

and other students.

The role of the community is to build relationships that acknowledge, affirm, and activate the

strengths of young people to pursue academic excellence and arrive at the destiny that God and the

ancestors created for them.

Jasmine Browne with Grandmom Doris Todman and Mom Kathy Browne


Immigrants from Kenya Gain Access to West Point – They got the memo!‖

Class of 2011 ―Prepsters‖: Waruinge, Mwunfi after Graduation, May 13

Immigrant Granddad’s Memo to Grandson ―I soon learned that's how everything works in America," the grandfather told his grandson.

"Life is a cafeteria here. You can get anything you want, even success. But you'll never get

it if you wait for someone to bring it to you. You have to get up and get it yourself."

Shared by Rose at Café Kili


―From a poor family in Samoa to an appointment at the US Military Academy‖

Class of 2011 ―Prepsters‖: Pulou, Tz, Waruinge, Walker after Graduation, May 13

Polou shared a bit of his story with me during the Class of 2011 US Military Academy

Preparatory School Graduation Dinner on May 12.

His family in American Samoa sacrificed to send him to private schools. He enlisted in the

Army to help his family financially. The Army deployed him to Afghanistan. One day

while serving as a Finance Specialist, Polou received an email encouraging him to apply for

an appointment to the US Military Academy at West Point.

Polou mentioned that some ―naysayers‖ greeted the invitation with skepticism. They did not

believe that this Samoan could make it to West Point. He had his doubts, too, but

obediently—and out of respect for his family’s struggles to help him succeed, Polou

followed through on the application process.

Four years from now (May 2015), his family will see him graduate from West Point as a

leader of American soldiers.


May 12, 2011 Dear MA in Global Sustainability Candidate, Let me be the first to congratulate you on behalf of the Patel School of Global Sustainability at the University of

South Florida! You have been selected for admission into the Master of Arts in Global Sustainability degree program

beginning the fall semester of 2011.

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