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Young Union Firebrand and the Middle-Aged Anarchist Behind Parties of Hatred

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  • 8/14/2019 Young Union Firebrand and the Middle-Aged Anarchist Behind Parties of Hatred


  • 8/14/2019 Young Union Firebrand and the Middle-Aged Anarchist Behind Parties of Hatred


    Law graduate Bryan Simpson, 24, who sits on the executive council for Britains largest trade union Unite, was

    the architect of a vile party in Glasgow.

    Using his Facebook account, he invited over 8,000 people to the street party on Monday night.

    More than 1,200 people signed up to the page to state they were going to the anti-Thatcher party.

    The Strathclyde University graduate later posted an image of himself and friends celebrating the death of

    Thatcher by spraying champagne.

    He was a central figure at the party, joining a conga line and an impromptu dance after a piper turned up.

    Simpson, who comes from a respectable Glasgow family, was seen taping up a banner to a statue in George

    Square and punching the air, and chanting Maggie, Maggie, Maggie dead, dead, dead.

    Mr Simpson later posted an image of himself and friends 'celebrating' the death of

    Thatcher by spraying champagne

  • 8/14/2019 Young Union Firebrand and the Middle-Aged Anarchist Behind Parties of Hatred


    Mr Simpson (left) was a central figure at the party in Glasgow (right), joining a conga line

    and an impromptu dance after a piper turned up

    Meanwhile, a group called the Glasgow Anarchist Federation with which he is affiliated, published details of

    the anti-Thatcher party.

  • 8/14/2019 Young Union Firebrand and the Middle-Aged Anarchist Behind Parties of Hatred


    A member of the anti-capitalist group wrote: Thatcher is Dead Party in George Square. 5pm.

    On another popular internet page, anarchist Ian Bone, 65, used his blog to tell his army of followers where the

    street parties were being held.

    Were happy to be described as disrespectful. I am being disrespectful and I am glad of

    that. We are rejoicing at her death, I dont care about her family or her friends

    - Former Unison branch secretary Rahul Patel

    Mr Bone published an image of Mrs Thatchers head being cut open by a meat cleaver. Next to the image he

    wrote: The best cut of all. He also encouraged anarchists to meet at Trafalgar Square in London this

    Saturday to rejoice at a class war party. Mr Bone claimed it would be the best night out since the poll tax


    Neither Simpson nor Mr Bone were available for comment last night.

    In Brixton, more than 300 people began gathering on Monday afternoon chanting Ding dong, the wicked witch

    is dead.

    Former Unison branch secretary Rahul Patel, 54, led vile chants and boasted that he had organised the event

    through the Brixton Socialist Workers Party.

    He told the Mail: Were happy to be described as disrespectful. I am being disrespectful and I am glad of that.

    We are rejoicing at her death, I dont care about her family or her friends.

    In Bristol, one group used a well-known anarchist website called Indymedia to urge its followers to see the evil

    Tory off in style. The internet posting told people to congregate in a particular street in the city on Monday


  • 8/14/2019 Young Union Firebrand and the Middle-Aged Anarchist Behind Parties of Hatred


    Ian Bone, 65, used his blog to tell his followers where the street parties were being held

    Organisers sent the message to thousands of activists using social media websites such as Twitter and

    Facebook. The anti-Thatcher party soon descended into violence.

    Elsewhere on the internet, Left wing agitators set up a page which said: Margaret Thatcher is dead. This

    ladys not returning.

    The authors, computer administrator Jared Earle and musician Antonio Lulic, wrote: How are you celebrating?

    Let us know... or get to one of the parties near you on Facebook. They later told the Guardian newspaper their

    provocative website had led to them receiving angry Twitter messages from Thatcher supporters telling them

    to watch their backs.

    A group calling itself the Informal Anarchist Federation claimed responsibility for smashing the window of a

    charity shop in Brixton.

    Writing on the Indymedia website: On the celebration of Thatchers death, we smashed a window ofBarnardos charity shop in Brixton using a concrete slab from a bin on the street. And it was easy. We would

    of done more if it werent for self-proclaimed pacifists violently attempting to arrest us.

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    Police grapple with protesters as celebrations turned sour and protesters blocked the

    road in Brixton on Monday

  • 8/14/2019 Young Union Firebrand and the Middle-Aged Anarchist Behind Parties of Hatred


    Police turn up wearing riot gear as celebrations in Brixton turned sour on Monday

    This action was in solidarity with all migrants detained, deported and struggling to cross borders. Barnardos

    was targeted because they fund and administrate Cedars detention centre in Croydon. They detain children,

    families and individuals who merely seek freedom from poverty, persecution, murder, rape and other

    oppression the borders.

    Simpson, 24, sits on the executive council for Unite after being elected as a young observer.

    He has been involved in public disturbances before the anti-Thatcher party in Glasgow. He joined a mob thatattacked the Tory Party HQ in protest at rising tuition fees in November 2011.

    Mr Simpson hurled a megaphone towards police officers during the violent disturbances

    at Millbank, Central London, in 2010 - but missed, hitting a fellow protester on the head.

    BBC cameras captured him, in red, as a police medic's cap is pulled off

    He hurled a megaphone towards police officers during the violent disturbances at Millbank, Central London

    but missed, hitting a fellow protester on the head. Simpson admitted affray last year. He received a four-month

    prison sentence, suspended for 12 months.

    Mr Bone is a well-known rabble-rouser who regularly backs anti-establishment protests on his internet blog.

    At times he has written in gleeful terms about riots which have crippled parts of the country. His firebrand

    stance led him to be dubbed by one commentator as the most dangerous man in Britain.

    He publishes anarchist newspapers such as Class War, which, at its height, sold 15,000 copies a week.

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    Comments (84)



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    This is a free country isn't it, arnt people allowed by law to gather and party or protest?...If not why are our troops dying in other

    countries to bring them 'freedom' when you are so intent on denying it to the people in the UK?

    - tia_darcy, Bristol, 10/4/2013 06:48

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    Imature children of the something for nothing culture, they need to grow up and get a job

    - topgun54, Bolton, 10/4/2013 06:44

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    These are the people who will end up on benefits and then complain about the people who work hard and earn a good wage and say

    everything is so unfair..... I'm sick of these losers.

    - Kaiser, London, 10/4/2013 06:42

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    These so called anarchists are the first one to bleat about human rights when things kick off. true anarchy is survival of the strongest

    most of this shower wouldn't last 2 minutes without mummy and daddy to bank roll their middle class lives.

    - EssexInnit, Romford, 10/4/2013 06:42

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    I held her in contempt when she was alive and it would be duplicitious to do anything else now.- oyagdC7, scunthorpe, United

    Kingdom, 10/4/2013 2:11 +++++ Your post goes on about "ordinary people", of which I am one. My parents worked in a factory, I

    went to a comprehensive school, I didn't go to Uni or college. Following a period in the Armed Forces I WORKED and managed to

    get into Information Technology, (in the early days of PC's). I didn't have a degree or much in the way of qualifications but ended up

    running my own company VERY successfully. I was a child of the Thatcher Years and had the same background as many, so why is

    my recollection so different? Because I was PREPARED TO WORK HARD! There are always whiners but as far as I am concerned

    Baroness Thatcher was one of the BEST PRIME MINISTERS we have ever had and we could sorely do with her to sort out the

    mess we are in now! Stop the Whining and get a life!

    - True Nationalist, dorset, United Kingdom, 10/4/2013 06:41

  • 8/14/2019 Young Union Firebrand and the Middle-Aged Anarchist Behind Parties of Hatred


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    Seeing as this self-righteous little twerp was still riding a bike with stabilisers in the late eighties his "oh so right-on" anger at the

    injustices of the poor seem a little fake. Him and his fellow "revellers" are little more than pawns for the Marxist union barons and the

    nasty arm of the Labour party - The Fabian Society. This prominent Glasgow family, along with the other Champagne Socialists are

    entirely without honesty, morality, respect for themselves or others. No doubt this gives him all the necessary qualities to follow a

    career in legal profession and make himself a nuisance as a Human Rights Lawyer.

    - Jonthan Roberts, Munich, 10/4/2013 06:36

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    You have had your moment. Now crawl back under the woodwork where you came from

    - Roger, Portland. Dorset, United Kingdom, 10/4/2013 06:36

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    These two people and the rioters they are inciting are nothing but scum and vandals and no higher up the evolutionary scale than

    pond life.

    - LORD SNOOTY, EAST SUSSEX, United Kingdom, 10/4/2013 06:34

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    - True Nationalist, dorset, United Kingdom, 10/4/2013 06:31

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    Name and shame all of the clowns who took part in the vile shameful act of celebrating someone's death while vandalizing property

    and being antagonistic and violent towards the police.

    - DoubleEdge, London, United Kingdom, 10/4/2013 06:31

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  • 8/14/2019 Young Union Firebrand and the Middle-Aged Anarchist Behind Parties of Hatred

