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Your bodies DO not resurrect to heaven and other christian...

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Your bodies DO not resurrect to heaven and other christian misunderstandings. Part 4
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Your bodies DO not resurrect to heaven and other christian misunderstandings. Part 4

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 - 4 -- page. 1

Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING

User ID: 1522530 United States

08/29/2011 08:04 PM

well a typical nasty karma that came my way today, The "rapture" will happen, doesnt matter what we call it. Turn from your evil ways before its to late. As believed it to be by Christians, it will not. I have been to many sites which even have an image of Christians rising up in the air to meet the lord. this is how you will meet the lord if there are any evacuations. it is how a whole bunch of people caught up in the Tsunami in

Japan met the "Lord".

If you do NOT step into that beam to the craft, you will certainly be left behind to face whatever is coming and there will be no lord coming back for you after you go under the waves or otherwise perish. I have tried to teach this over and over and over and christians everywhere say they will just wait for the real Jesus. Will good luck, because the real Jesus is at the helm of all those craft that are here for these times. There have already be three "raptures" of a different sort. In these the star seeds and others incarnate have been awakened and invested with higher energies so they can do their work here. Now I am pretty sure what I said that caused the above earlier today, as I talked in some thread about the stay behinds and said that what was mentioned in the NT (revelations I think, not sure), about one being taken and another not, it is in fact, MOSTLY the ones that will be taken shortly during the short stasis period will be the DARK. This planet is not going to be destroyed by "God". It is however going to be rebuilt and only those who are capable of rebuilding a god knowing civilization will be staying.

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 - 4 -- page. 2

Other than that, many here in service for hundreds to a couple thousand years will get to also go home, and going home often means a raise in status, arriving on a higher world in heaven for work well done. I am going to ask what you ones think heaven is? I started a thread with very disappointing results to me once. It is not some fluffy place in the clouds where you have family barbecues with Jesus for trillions of years. God intends to make God's out of you and it is not a magic process. All the heaven worlds are made to order worlds, but worlds they are. Nobody lives out in nebulous cold space. This world will be in time a "modified" heaven world, as do also other evolutionary planets become, when they enter light and life and thus become eternal. And it takes a worthy civilization to cause that to happen and it's going to happen to this planet, because GAIA herself is moving UP into the arms of the "Lord" and no thugs will be incarnating here again. As it is already, only 5d level of god Conscious individuals can incarnate here at this time. many of you ones who believe in rapture are lovely people, with good hearts. But the rapture as taught by Darby and Scofield is not the truth and these ones worked for the dark lords. Many of you think Heaven is a place of complete bliss where you will not longer work. It is not. everyone having eternal life never stops working at something. And anyone choosing eternal life never stops learning either, for the will of the father is that you become perfect like him, having all knowledge Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 08/29/2011 08:15 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 1522530

United States 08/29/2011 10:17 PM

This is a great video [link to www.youtube.com] posted in Thread: "you are going to hell" - A Christian and a Buddhist Walk Into a Cartoon - Bears arguing Religion = enlight-heartened fun... Please take seriously. It's a shame churches do not teach meditation. [link to www.youtube.com] Grandpa went to Hell.

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 - 4 -- page. 3

[link to www.youtube.com] Muslin vs christian. enjoy and THINK ABOUT THIS dear ones. for you do not understand who believe in Hellfire. Maybe this will help. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 08/29/2011 10:34 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 1522530

United States 08/30/2011 04:54 PM

In case you missed it someplace else or here in this thread, here's the basic story of Jesus and Mary M again. and also Judas. The greatest lie perpetuated by the ficticious phallus of the Roman Catholic Empire is that Jesus was conceived immaculately and that Mary Magdalene was a whore. An Immaculate Conception is the act of a child being conceived without sexual intercourse. Mary conceived Jesus when she was only 15 years old with His father, Joseph. Such a marriage was common place for Hebrews of the time, and this age gap was the source of Mary’s Virtue being slandered by the masses, along with the jealousy that was provoked because the Heaven’s proclaimed His birth. There was a Star shining in the sky when He was born, a star which led The Three Magi to His manger. Mary Magdalene was much like Jesus in this respect, as she too was born under a very special astrological alignment which announced her arrival and set her apart from the other female babies birthed at this time. Upon the two being born and rumors of a King being born spread, King Herod grew weary from fear of losing his throne, Israel’s Throne, and Herod issued an order to find them. Jesus was able to escape persecution by relocating to Egypt; however Mary Magdalene was less fortunate and captured by their enemies. Jesus spent all of His life, until the age of 30, in spiritual and physical training so that He could complete the task which was laid before Him. The first thing He did was recapture His Spotless Bride from the Pharisees and in doing this His fame grew throughout the land and Jesus declared war upon the Sanhedrin at pain of death unless repentance from their sinful ways were declared and instituted. Quoting: HilosPP the star in the sky when he was born was Nibiru. An immaculate conception without

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intercourse is the placing of an embryo created in a lab which is how that embryo was created. A physical body requires dna. Mother Mary was his genetic mother, the genetic father was Gabriel of Nebadon, for you UB readers. TEST TUBE BABY folks, better bodies that those on the earth were needed and masters are almost always test tube kids, even when they are born to married people. You would not believe how many test tube babies walk this planet right now, myself included. Mary M was a whore but not by choice. She was given by her father to a man who sold her to be a whore. it was not her choice. She was gotten out of that situation. there were 12 women disciples and she was their leader. He spent most of life taking care of his mother after joseph died and being otherwise the oldest male child. He traveled often also with his uncle Joseph of Arithmethia, sorry I can't spell that today, who was a traveling tin man. Jesus and Mary M had a child together, born after the crucifixion. Mary M and others were placed on a boat into the mediterranean which was guilded to France and she walked ashore with the child in her arms. Jesus did not die on the cross, he walked out of the

grave, visited his buddies and ascended into one of these to get him the hell out of that place. He was dropped off near Damascus and met Saul there, blinded him with fireworks and Paul then became his worst enemy teaching all mucked up. jesus went on to India, settled in Kashmir, married a local women and had 5 kids. That marvelous DNA was thug inserted there and in europe. You can be sure all of the holy family were in fact test tube babies. Jesus left this plane at about 115 years of age. the body is buried near Srinagar, kashmir. His son Joseph took some scrolls written by Judas back to the old grave first grave. Judas the best friend of Jesus and scribed many of the stories over the years. he was not a betrayer, he was FRAMED, the betrayer had a similar name and did hang himself in shame for what he did. Around 1961 those scrolls were unearthed and you can read what was left of them, translated from the aramaic by Judas himself to english here.: [link to tweeofmeer.webs.com] also the scrolls were first translated to German after they were found, and the book translated to english, google "the talmud of Immanuel" or Jmmanuel. Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 1522530

United States 08/31/2011 02:26 PM

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This is a great site for TRUE spiritual material and to those liking to get green brownie points for postings over 50%, don't even consider it, because THIS SITE OF GOD MATERIAL places exactly NO Copy right restrictions and there will never be a law suit against GLP for the whole thing being here. It is proper to place the link back, so others can discover the other wonderful teachings here. These pieces are from various HOSTS OF HEAVEN here for the 2nd coming process. Soltec is a geophysicist engaged in watching the earth changes. He is also a great spiritual teacher. He is real, I know him personally. Please do not pass by this piece, because it is common sense and you even want to check the site it is from for more wondrous stuff. [link to www.wisdomoftherays.com] Look Within And Tap The Awesome Power Of ONE 12/29/00 - Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be at peace and be still. Much is happening all over your world in terms of geological activity. Many of you have noted the recent flair-up in volcanic activity along the eastern edge of the Pacific “Ring of Fire”, as well as what seems to be a flurry of sizable earthquake activity that seems to intensify and then quiet down to almost nothing. Your planet is continuing to cleanse Herself of the negativity that has been allowed to fester and grow as a result of the neglect and destruction caused by the ones who should be the caretakers of the planet. Man has ravaged and plundered this life-giving orb to an ever-increasing level and, for the most part, does NOT realize what the longterm effects of those actions will be. You cannot, for example, continue to pump crude oil from the ground, at an ever-increasing rate, and expect your planetary orb to sit and do nothing. This would be like you sitting and allowing thousands of mosquitoes to continually feast upon you, and suck fluids from your body, while you sit by and do nothing. Just as your body automatically fights off infection as a natural course of instinctual survival, so too does your planetary orb have such capabilities of cleansing and renewing. Many an advocate for your world has spoken up on behalf of your planet. These are ones who are environmental scientists, geologists, and such who, through careful study and

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rigorous calculations, have seen what the longterm effects will be if you continue to ravage the planet’s natural resources. These ones often try to come up with alternative fuels—such as burning the garbage that currently just gets buried in the ground in most areas, or using more solar and wind technologies—and that is fine, as far as it goes. There ARE magnificent alternative energy sources available to your world. These technologies are continually and rigorously suppressed by your world governments and energy brokers—under instructions from the so-called “elite” controllers of your planet. The underlying reason for suppression is their perceived need to maintain control over you-the-people. However, greed and lust for material wealth runs a close second. These few are the ones who control OPEC and such. These few care very little about the overall well-being of your planet, and for the most part they simply view Her as a large lifeless rock. This is so far from the actual truth of the matter that one is left to ponder the sad state of ignorance your world functions within. Though from your perspective massive earthquakes may be terrifying, from a viewpoint of Mother Earth they often come as a source of great relief. Can you muster within yourself some compassion for your life-giving orb? Will you be understanding if Her waters, with their healing properties, are shifted to cover the land you now dwell upon so that she might continue longer? Or, would you rather she experience a slow, painful death, wherein the end result would be a totally uninhabitable planet for human life? Again: The blood within your body is a “natural resource” of energy for the mosquito. How much would you allow to be sucked out before you decide to do something like swat, scratch, or shake? What about the aftermath of infection commonly present after such attacks (those irritating little red bumps)? It has ever been our thrust to point out to you ones that ALL IS CONNECTED TO ALL, and that you and ALL of Creation—which includes all planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, and all life within them, including the life at atomic levels and beyond—exist within the creative thinking of God (Creator Source), and therefore are an aspect of God deserving of the utmost respect (Love). All aspects of Creation serve a purpose, regardless of whether or not you can recognize the unity in the diversity. In your naïve ignorance, as a species, about your understanding of Creator Source, you fail in a basic sequence of reasoning. For instance, though you may not understand the reasons for oil to be in the ground in the first place, that does NOT mean the oil serves no function or purpose in the overall well-being of your planet. Just because you cannot see or understand the reasons for electrons to continually spin around the nucleus of an atom, and you do not understand what is the source for this

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“perpetual energy” motion—let alone what the TRUE source of energy is that keeps your planet spinning in orbit around your Sun—does NOT mean that it is un-knowable or beyond your influence. If you alter the structure of an atom enough, it will become unstable and release GREAT amounts of energy into physical space. From where does this energy come? Likewise, if you alter the state of your planetary orb enough, it will become unstable to a point of self destruction. The oil in the ground of your planet serves several purposes, the main purpose being for orbital stability. Something like in an electrolytic capacitor, the oil acts as an insulating medium, which helps maintain the proper electrostatic functioning which is critical for Her to maintain Her proper rotational speed, and thus ultimately remain in a stable orbit. Dear ones, there are many sources of energy available to you that would NOT require you to ravage your planet. These energy sources are INFINITE in nature. There is FREE energy available to you ones, but there are some who live in great fear that their illusion of power and control would crumble overnight if they were to embrace this technology or allow the “common” person to be in possession of same. If knowledge is power, then keeping the masses ignorant keeps the masses weak. This is the premise from which these so-called “elite” controllers operate, and they exercise great effort to squash those who try to educate society with TRUE knowledge—rather than pseudo-science and intellectualism. These so-called “elite” controllers are small-minded individuals who see no other purpose in life than to impart their self-proclaimed “higher” understanding upon the masses for the so-called “good” of humanity—asthey see that good. And this is accomplished through mechanisms of coercion (mind control) and denial under the assumption that you “children” can’t conduct your own lives without their “expert” supervision. And yet these ones, quite few in actual numbers, cannot be held totally responsible for the destiny of your world. Why is that? Because YOU have a choice. YOU have a voice. YOU can take action and speak out. And there are a lot more of YOU than them. Each one of you, the so-called “common” person, has the ability to make a difference in the overall games being played on your planet. Do you sit around and do nothing? Have you educated yourselves about the works of ones such as Nikola Tesla? What have you done to make your neighborhood a better place in which to live? What about your city, state (province), or country? We bear witness that the masses of your world are, for the most part, held frozen with fear, and hold the belief that they are small and only “one” and cannot be held accountable for the “stupidity of mankind”. Dear ones, for you to sit by and do nothing only speaks of your own ignorance of who YOU really are and the TRUE POWER of ONE! Most of you who read these messages are greatly compassionate people. You need not feel guilty for past years of inaction or various states of ignorance.

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The first step is always to educate yourselves and arm yourselves with KNOWLEDGE. As you gain in knowledge and understanding, you will find it increasingly more difficult to sit by and do nothing. This is called RESPONSIBILITY. From that point of knowing, understanding, and sense of responsibility, you will be Guided from within to recognize in what area you would be best suited to effect a change. This may very well appear to be a small, localized effort at first, as you begin to apply your knowledge and test your understanding. Perhaps you are inspired to build a better device for recycling plastics. Perhaps you start in your own kitchen or workshop, and that contribution then spreads to the local community, and then beyond. With each person to whom you show a better way, you will be multiplying your efforts over and over again. This is how ONE person causes a change on a massive scale. It begins with a desire that is born out of balanced reasoning and determination to find a better way. If your ideas do not bear fruit, then the most common reason is lack of complete understanding. This means you need more knowledge. Which means more searching and studying. What are YOUR areas of expertise? What do you enjoy doing? If you are an artist, can you not communicate through your artwork a message that will inspire others to look differently upon Mother Earth so that they might recognize a Greater Truth? If you are an engineer, can you not strive to increase the efficiency of your devices so as to set a new standard by which all future similar devices must strive to attain? If you are a housewife who raises children, can you not seek out creative uses for recycling common household garbage? If you are retired and feeling at the end of your life, can you not speak to younger ones and inspire them to do more with their life? Or perhaps you could write letters to editors of small local newspapers and intelligently state your concerns for the well-being of the planet you will be leaving to your grandchildren? Again I state: For the most part, the general population of your world is in a state of paralysis, thinking that they cannot DO anything about the current state of the world. Next time you read a story, or watch on your television a story, of an individual who goes out and makes a difference, and as a result gathers national media attention for doing so, I would like for you to remember these words and think to yourself: “THERE IS THE POWER OF ONE!” Know that you are created with infinite ability to create and to express the power of God. You ARE a co-creator, with infinite energy available to you. YOU can make a difference in this world when your determination to do so has been aroused.

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Go forth and be heard! Never be fearful to speak your truth and understanding to another. If your truth is challenged, then be well armed with knowledge and understanding—so that you can even explain your truth to a child, if need be, with the confidence that the child will understand you. There is truly no greater gift you can offer to your world than a good, strong EXAMPLE for people to observe. Walk the walk, but do so in balance and reason, and remember to keep the highest ideal of Creator Source in mind as you do so. Have compassion for the ones who ridicule you for being different. These ones will often be the closest to waking up, and thus are caused to feel embarrassment as you will inevitably be showing them how productive they COULD be—if they got up off the couch and turned off the television long enough to really see what is going on in the world. Be persistent and hold your desire firmly in mind and allow the “doors” you knock on to open up for you. Seek and you shall find that which your heart longs to bring forth and express to the world. I am Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come as a member of the Host of God and the Lighted Brotherhood. May you forever be striving to make your world a better place than when you arrived, and may all your endeavors be uplifting experiences that leave happiness and joy in the hearts of all you touch. God bless you all. In Light and Love, Salu. simultaneous_final User ID: 1458700

United States 09/01/2011 02:16 PM Ok, Christians are getting awfully nasty here on GLP, in a way they were not even a year ago. Quoting: Nobody in Particular It is not surprising, with all the demon infested atheists and unbelievers in here trying to undermine true faith. You can recognize the demon infested because they refuse Jesus and mock the Lords name and His followers. They argue and try to turn the faithful away from their true path. Christians are only human after all. Is it surprising that a few might find it a trying and become a bit testy. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1320506

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= "willful ignorance" Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 1522530

United States 09/01/2011 02:26 PM

Ok, Christians are getting awfully nasty here on GLP, in a way they were not even a year ago. Quoting: Nobody in Particular It is not surprising, with all the demon infested atheists and unbelievers in here trying to undermine true faith. You can recognize the demon infested because they refuse Jesus and mock the Lords name and His followers. They argue and try to turn the faithful away from their true path. Christians are only human after all. Is it surprising that a few might find it a trying and become a bit testy. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1320506 = "willful ignorance" Quoting: simultaneous_final hmm I missed the above quoted post, or I might have taken it out. Christians, you tend to be the "demon infested" folks you know. take a look at the cartoons I posted above. You ones do NOT know very much and instread of doing god's work you are destroying it. doing god's work means to use your churches to get 911 exposed, the Khazars out of office, this country restored to it's original republic and so on and so forth. You give yourselves over to the adversary. There is no single devil by the way. its a word than means do evil, and many of you are doing just that, helping out the dark brotherhood. And yes, it's willful ignorance on the part of these so called "Christians". there is NO TRUE faith, if you mean organized religion by such statments. YOur "devil" created all the organized religions. True Faith is your personal relationship with the FATHER, who gave you your personality, in one way or the other. Jesus never started any religion and his mission was to one small people in one small

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place in the world 2000 years ago. And since ESU did NOT die on the cross, he continued his mission TEACHING to the folks generally of central asia, those in India, Pakistan, AFghanistan, areas around the caspian and black seas etc, over the rest of his lift until he passed at around 115 years of age. He told you god was inside of you. Your "devil" eliminated that from the teachings. When the folks of this world understand the teachings the avatars have given, you will get of your religious high horses, and actually walk in the foot steps of the FATHER. who IS also your

Father, who is also the Father of the evil ones. Get it ye t? Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/01/2011 02:38 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 1534355

United States 09/05/2011 10:17 PM

well just for fun I was looking up various expectations of how Jesus would come. From Wiki: [link to en.wikipedia.org] The Book of Acts states: Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven." —Acts 1:9-11 Now lets just cover the above first. He went into a CRAFT which may have been hidden in a cloud or looked like a cloud. [link to www.google.com] for images. google has eliminated except for you tubes, decent links, so I used google images. You best board craft if they come down, because that is how it works.

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Many Christians believe: The coming of Christ will be instantaneous and worldwide.[5] "For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." —Matthew 24:27 The coming of Christ will be visible to all.[6] "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." —Matthew 24:30 The coming of Christ will be audible.[7] "And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." —Matthew 24:31 There will be noises from all those craft in the air, and also some of what you ones are hearing as mysterious sounds NOW are the "trumpets." The resurrection of the righteous will occur.[8] "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first." —1 Thessalonians 4:16 In one single event, the saved who are alive at Christ's coming will be caught up together with the resurrected to meet the Lord in the air.[9] "Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord." —1 Thessalonians 4:17 [edit] If you want to meet the "Lord in the AIR" you best board those craft. Stop being silly people. You cannot just rise up in the air in your bodies. You will by this method.

Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 1541191

United States 09/09/2011 08:28 PM

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from my end of age thread. If you want any of these images, be sure to save them to your computer, because Nasa will clean them up in 2 days and instead of a number 7, they will have a 4 in them and all the craft will be erased and anything else they don't want to be seen. Understand these folks are from "heaven" also understand that over your long eternal life, you might well be involved in something like this. Heaven is not a fluffy place in the clouds. The father's will is that you become LIKE HIM< having all KNowledge and you will at some point as part of that, be on craft such as these and perhaps even pilot them. Or be on decision making teams, such as managing suns during periods of time they are in a photon belt for example, and a little ascending planet is involved. Like earth. this is how GOD works, HIS SON"S DO THE WORK. ************************* Ok, Esu said they are now working on the new biggy sunspot 1289 and there might be images on stereo. Well here is one on Ahead earlier today. be sure to click the plus to enlarge. from Ahead today. left of image is front of sun. [link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov] one not far off from sunspot [link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov] maybe a whole craft or shooting a beam? [link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov] hmm FLARE! OK now to stereo Behind sunspot 1289 is to the right and look at that big sunspot area coming around maybe, unless it dries up. Right of images is front of sun. [link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov] Just a couple here but not close to the sunspot. [link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov] BIGGY with perhaps a few smaller ones aorund it near the top of the image. [link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov] 4 on the left side. the big one may be the same one above having moving to a new spot ******************* from yesterday ahead (left of images would be front on sun) [link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov] [link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov] that big puppy again? and a couple smaller ones

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[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov] big puppy again, same or another? from Stereo Behind, near end of yesterday. (right of image would be front of sun) [link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov] Ok thats enough. many of them have one or more craft. ON edit, here is an image from March of this year. Many more craft were working on the sun because of the wave from paradise coming in. enlarge this post or save the image to your computer and enlarge it.

Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/09/2011 09:57 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 1541191

United States 09/13/2011 12:54 AM

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statement made by Michael of Nebadon, about 1990 or so. This world is one of his prison worlds, there are 10 billion folks, fallen angels and galactic thugs imprisoned here. YOu do not go to heaven (the friendly cosmos) until you earn it. simple as that. the "salvation" he offered was to let you know your time was about up, because it's changing here and either these ones change, or they will be moved to another prison world. Some will face uncreation. Prison worlds are HELL worlds. You ones keep wanting to know where hell is, you live in it now. There is only one level of prison lower than this world. Many are going there too. Those that chose to grow up get to go home. Or stay with the ascending planet. **************************** It works on the same basis as visualization of our space craft--given the proper frequency adjusted to the margin of human visualization we can be seen---that is a severe slowing of our ocillatory rate---or, the raising of the human individual frequency rate to match ours. A little of both has to occur to get anyone levitated through light beams--our mode of transportation, other than mental frequency utilized for teleportation in great perceived travel distances. We move in a time warp which recognizes no time nor space. Therefore, we have a most uncomfortable time in your density which, over a period of time among you, causes us to acquire confusion, memory loss, et cetera. (candace: and so do those of use incarnate from the higher realms, the density here is terrible.)

(Candace again. The light beams: this is your "rapture" )

The Earth human must, however, be elevated beyond the base human spector of activities and thought patterns before we can move this orb through transition into her higher frequency--that means a lot will refuse to change and will not make the "physical" transmutation as the Earth does her own cleansing and topography changing. You are most unbalanced on your axis and when natural phenomena begin, it will be incredible and not one thing will be left without change.

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United States 09/14/2011 03:26 PM

this is from a thread running today saying the Holy Spirt is female. I think I have posted similarly here in this thread, doesn't hurt to update it though because each time I teach this, how I teach can vary. ********* depends on which "holy spirit" you mean. the word is a catch all for 3 different usages. YOu see, christians don't know what the trinity is, and what happened 2000 years ago at pentecost.

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Holy spirit number one, is your Father fragment within your MIND and is first person of the Trinity, making you a SON OF GOD. Holy spirit number two, is called the SPIRIT OF TRUTH and bible readers of the KJV should recognize that term. I don't know if the various remakes continued its use or not. The spirit of truth is your comforter bestowed 2000 years ago at Pentecost. It is the spirit of MIchael of Nebadon and Nebadonia. You must have a Father fragment to access it, which is why everyone who is born with NORMAL mind recieves the Father Fragment mentioned above when they carry out their first willful moral actions, at this time, the average is 5 years of age. The Spirit of Truth is a big chunck of programmed photons added to the MIND of MOther GAIA which carries TRUTH. Mind is stored on either electrons or photons. Photons can only be programmed with TRUTH. Electrons can be programmed with any sort of shit, to the Spirit of Truth well, carried the truth rather than the shit of Gaia's mind. GAIA's mind contains everything that man has ever thought on this planet, and since man's thoughts are often a complete mess, so is her mind too. So the Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth supplies the actual truth. Mind is not physical but it requires something to store its knowledge on. The akashic records of earth stores everything that has happened here in picture form, and that was given to you in star trek, via the teaching of holodeks. The records can be read. HOly Spirit #3 is the 3rd person of the Trinity. The infinite spirit. The infinite Spirits parents are the Father and the eternal son. Jesus was not the eternal son. But enough for now. Now this Infinite Spirit begats DAUGHTERS, who are the MOTHER SPIRITS of each of theLOCAL Universes. Since our Local universe is called Nebadon, our Mother SPIRIT is called Nebadonia. And Nebadonia her self has daughters, and each planet being life, is a daughter of her's. So the HOLY sPIRIT of earth is known commonly as GAIA. She is thus your mother if you are soul of this planet. Your initial Father if you are a soul of this planet, is Michael of Nebadon. His parents are the Universal father, (first source) and the Eternal Son. (FIRST son but not the only son of the Father, ok. You are all son's of the father too, unless you are an incarnate angel. Then you might be a daughter of Nebania or a son or daughter of Michael and Nebadonia. Clears as mud I know, but I have to start somewhere here. If you receive A father FRAGMENT (thought adjuster as used in the urantia book), you then become a Son of the Same Father as Michael of Nebadon and when here 2000 years ago he TRIED to TELL YOU THAT but the story is not carried in the bible apparently, or in the churches. So please use Father fragment, if you mean that, or Spirit of Truth if you mean that, or Holy Spirit if you mean GAIA with respect to this world, or Nebadonia, with respect to this local universe. There. BEst I can do, you will have to study it if interested. Now I mentioned HOLODEKs above. from star trek. Now this image is from the akashic

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records of earth, which can be viewed, literally. And they were viewed back in the days of kodak film cameras, and a picture taken on plain old earth film. This is Jesus and Joseph of A. Joseph has the white beard, he was an older uncle.

and as to the akashic records, that is what time travel means, to journey those records. You each have your own akashic records too which can also be journeyed by you. I have often journeyed earth's records, including the life of Jesus. sorry I have no way to transfer those imaged to anything I can display here. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/14/2011 03:44 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 1541191

United States 09/15/2011 11:27 AM

Thru Hazel. for those that aren't sure of the characters in the play, Christ MIchael is Michael of Nebadon, our creator son (and thus father god of Nebadon, this sector/local universe of the creation). He manifested together with Esu Immanuel 2000 years ago as Jesus. Both are returned but separate this time, since 1954. The Nature of Timing-'My hour has not yet come’-‘My hour has come.’ Christ Michael These words were scripted as words I repeated several times during my earthy incarnation. Indeed it was all about timing then and it is all about timing now. MY reference to time is not in respect of the temporal existence of daily measurements but simply readiness in terms of appropriate events and frameworks in place for the unfolding of the

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master plan. Timing is therefore referenced to preparedness. Time as you know it is fickle. It bespeaks of rigid adherence to notions and expectations which may or may not materialise. The divine plan is not governed by time but by other grander elements, many of which you will not comprehend. A synergy must exist in the energy spanning the universe of time and space and I will know when that time is here. Certainly however, your planet is in the throes of momentous times of change. The clouds are lifting now allowing the light in with the hope that man will find his sight. In fact this has been the order of things for a while now bearing however little fruit. The resulting response to the light has not been as effusive as expected. Yet even God cannot and will not control how and when man decides to awaken. The planet operates in cycles and it is no secret that her cycle has in spirit terms ended. The wrapping up work is taking place to engender the plans to fulfilment. I AM not here however to speak to you of the timing of events. You ones have become too accustomed to linear perspectives and this has created an impediment to higher understanding of cosmic workings. I want to emphasise the need during these changeable times for each child to consider whether his or her time has come and what the implications are for you in this respect. Deep in the consciousness of each one is a light that will burn with desire so brightly when the time has come, that it will be a hunger too great to be left unsatisfied. If you remain in communion with the Source or with ME, you will be in no doubt as to the certainty of this eventuality when it occurs. Every part of you will literally scream-my time has come. For what you may ask? Simply to serve the divine will in a way that suits your skills, talents and abilities. You will simply know. Service has many dimensions to it and God does not compare how one serves in comparison to another. The concern lies in the motivation of that service. For God accepts the path of each differs and the endowments of each will differ. Every moment in your life is precious and must not be wasted. This is your life, you must make of it and with it as you choose but preferably in accordance with the greater will. You cannot abandon life, you live life, you enjoy the blessings in your life and you create the reality you seek in your individual world. I walked this earth also as man and I endured many experiences. I too was eager to start my mission or ministry. Yet the will of my Father took precedence. HE knew what I had to accomplish before I was ready to complete the task at hand and return to assume Sovereignty of Nebadon. Always was I in communion that I would know when the time had come for ME. The years preceding that was spent in humble acknowledgement that I needed to grow and learn from my experiences and face life head on and full on. I

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engaged in a humble yet fulfilling livelihood. I partook of physical work which kept my body fit and mind active. I also took the opportunity to engage in a private ministry without ceremony. I helped where and when the opportunities presented themselves. I remained committed to the guidance of those who sought it from ME. I did not hide away from the world. I was inclined to know the peoples of the world, to understand humanity if I were to determine the way to help them understand my Father’s kingdom. I had to understand their motivations, expectations and desires. I turned away no one yet was carful and wise in my dealings with all. The journey on earth was never promised to be an easy one but you cannot run away from it because it does not suit your purpose or because it becomes exhausting to deal with. If your hour has not yet come, then I suggest that you evaluate your life and find your passion and determine how best you can prepare yourself to further and develop your passion. Stay attuned to MY energy within you and I shall lead you to make a healthy contribution. I urge you MY children to enjoy your experience for many of you shall not be returning to earth after the changes manifest. I say to those of you who know that your hour has come, you must resolutely acknowledge it and take up the baton of truth and begin to live your purpose. Readiness is a signal of spiritual preparedness and confidence to assume greater responsibility in MY name. It requires total relinquishment and surrender to spirit. You must not only desire and have the motivations to serve but also be disciplined in your efforts. I have precious few who are firmly committed and I need those of you for whom the bell has sounded to seek counsel as to how you can go about MY business fearlessly. Many of you have come for this very purpose so do not ignore the call. This is a time when your faith will be put to the test. I have never and will never forsake my faithful. In all things trust ME but do not use MY plans as an excuse to bail out from your responsibilities. If you seek ME I will guide your path and show you the way to a fulfilling life. I will sustain you when you choose the divine pathway. When your hour has come you will do as I did and seek total communion with the Source; that you may be given instructions and directions in service. I will give to you the wherewithal that you may satisfy MY plans for you. Life cannot be viewed as a burden but as a blessing and you are here to find the pleasure of God in all things and be a beacon of light and joy. You are to be the exemplars today that will lead the blind out of bondage. Strengthen yourselves in my armour .You are the courageous ones who are streamlined in MY energy. If you cannot sustain now how will you sustain when the going really gets tough.

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Christ Michael is not here to rescue you- but to work with you to help you rescue your world from the clutches of darkness. It is thus imperative that you shine your light as brightly as you can for this is much needed now in a world that has grown very tired and has become weak under the governance of the dark. I AM your Father, ONE with the Paradise Father whose will shall be done. Perfection is the order of Paradise and this Divine Plan shall be executed with precision and perfection. Time cannot purchase perfection if readiness is not achieved. PS: form Hazel- CM is not mentioning anything to me about timing of stasis. HE is not saying. This was not the focus of the piece. HE obliquely refers to the divine plan etc ******************* [link to abundanthope.net] This piece is under copyright protection of [link to www.abundanthope.net] It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in anyway and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/15/2011 12:11 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 1541191

United States 09/17/2011 01:40 PM

I just found this thru ed young from soltec on 911 [link to www.wisdomoftherays.com] (note to green thumb collectors, posting this whole piece does not violate the copyright from the site of it's origin. God doesn't copyright, except one should use good manners and give origin of the piece. these are to be freely circulated in total) Keep Your Eyes On The Prize

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9/11/11 - Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec Good evening my friend and thank you for hearing my signal despite the “jangle of vibrations” in the air right now. Many ones who have awakened and now no longer believe the official lies concerning 9/11 are resenting, ever more angrily, the stepped-up replaying of those lies at this 10th anniversary time by a compliant media. Indeed, you chronicled many of the lies in the months of your publication right after the event occurred. Now the perpe-traitors worry how much longer their boat will float in an ever more turbulent sea of growing doubt. On this front, the financial front, the health and energy fronts, and so many others, The Big Squeeze that I alluded to in my last message (6/27/10) is now well underway. Indeed I shall identify myself before we proceed further with this message. Never feel it to be an offense to any from the Higher Realms to demand such. The Dark Tricksters work overtime these days, especially in this tenuous realm of subtle communications. I would expect no less from you! I am known as Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, geophysical commander of this present Earth Transition Project, and longtime friend and scientific colleague. I am of the Host of God, come in and of the Light of the One who created us all, happy to be of service at this most auspicious time. Besides all the natural adjustments being made by Mother Earth herself, great mischief is afoot all around your planet at this time. Behold, for example, the 50+ fires that were just ignited (and still raging) by very unusual “dry lightning” in your immediate area, literally within a few-hour overnight window. This we are watching carefully—now on top of a suspicious airplane crash into your local mountains, just a week earlier, that ignited 17,000 acres and set most of an entire residential community on fire (for the second year in a row) on the other side of your town. Then there was the series of odd personal attacks during this past week, aimed to throw you off from this writing project—and launched before you even knew you were about to be called to duty. Yes, all around your planet ones are being challenged in one way or another during this time of the “last hurrah” for the Dark Energies and their remaining puppet minions. This long-awaited upshifting of the frequency band of your planet’s energy signature manifests outwardly in many kinds of human unrest and heightened geophysical activity. With our oversight and assistance, Mother Earth is constantly making adjustments and otherwise readying herself for what you ones term Ascension. But more accurately, this amounts to her movement back up into the higher-frequency realm wherein she once resided before graciously offering to host, over these many past millennia, your daring spiritual journey downward into the challenges of lower-frequency duality experience. As we monitor the sometimes tumultuous activities of and on your planet at this time, we hear many an anxious and sincere plea among Lightworkers for Guidance concerning how best to be of help. It is your nature to show such high compassion and desire to be of service. And beyond that, it is also your nature for each of you to want to challenge yourself, perhaps even overdo things and otherwise take on more of a load than is reasonable or healthy or balanced. The reason for this message is to call attention to the fact that, while Mother Earth knows exactly what she is doing at this time, we see many Lighted ones becoming overwhelmed

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by unfolding events, often feeling helpless, and then distracted from what is actually most beneficial for YOU, personally, to be doing, on a constant basis, to assist the Greater Good. This is something that is seemingly so simple that you overlook its power—that is, find a way, whatever it takes and no matter the circumstances, to achieve, maintain, and radiate an attitude of Joy. Yes, so simple to state, but maybe not so simple to consistently do, without practice. You ones have a great cheer that goes: “Keep your eyes on the prize.” The prize is Ascension. And Joy is a potent energy-wave that would be most wise to “surf” to surmount being caught-up in the many distractions being engineered and thrown at you, as last-ditch efforts by the desperate Dark Tricksters, to pull you down in frequency, into a state of fear, seeming helplessness, and even utter despair—conditions that energetically feed the efforts of these Dark Ones, while simultaneously disconnecting you from your Higher Guidance and even from the kind of Common Sense that would otherwise remind you to, say, make sure you have emergency supplies. Many lessons are unfolding all around your world at this busy time. Trust that these are tailored for those who need those experiences for their own chosen reasons of spiritual growth. What YOU need to do is be cautious about vicariously taking on others’ lessons, especially through over-indulgence in the addictive sensationalism all too often screamed at you by your so-called news media sources. Yes, say a prayer for those you see and hear being affected by challenges that may greatly disrupt their normal life routines, and perhaps even help in some more direct way when and where you are truly nudged to do so. But it would be wise to not become so fixated (“glued to the tube” as your saying goes) on what is primarily for THEIR experiencing, that you forget to live YOUR life. This kind of calculated, low-frequency, media bombardment—actually a subtle and sophisticated form of mind control—has risen to epidemic proportions. Much that is of a negative sensational nature is being trumpeted even through more trusted “alternative” media sources that not only should know better, but were actually brought into existence to be of positive value and responsible influence at this time. Please realize that even these sources get off-track, driven by adrenaline and the allure of greater ratings and related revenue rewards. So always pay attention to what your “gut radar” is telling you as you consider the output of ANY news source, media or otherwise. Which brings me to my next point. Besides efforting to not become a media junkie, please try also to avoid falling into the trap we observe among some number of Lightworkers who focus an unhealthy degree of attention on anxiously awaiting whatever the next channeled message, that comes across their computer email, has to say about Big Picture events that are really OUR concern—and may or may not ultimately be accurate for reasons of the “chess game” we play with the Dark Energies. Now effectively sidetracked by either media scare-hype or alluring Big-Picture prognostications (or both), otherwise well-intentioned Lightworkers not only get disillusioned (“Why hasn’t such and such happened yet?!”), but more importantly, forget to radiate Joy. Furthermore, we see many such distracted Lightworkers continue to ignore “seemingly insignificant” matters their Unseen Guides consistently place on their doorstep exactly for THEIR personal growth at this special time. Appreciate that whatever Big Picture plans we have engineered must work just as well for Lightworkers too busy being useful (maybe to even realize they’re Lightworkers), much less glued to whatever the next

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grandstanding channeled message may have to say. Over many years of public visibility in professional capacities and for us, whenever this receiver has been asked to comment about various fear-provoking media stories, this one is fond of impishly replying: “Well, don’t you think it possible that Beings who can create and direct the evolution of planets and solar systems and galaxies and universes, might just be capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time? Why would you assume nobody’s minding the store?” In other words, the suggestion is that it would be wiser for you ones to focus on that which is in front of YOU—the challenges and opportunities to serve and grow spiritually that are right there on your own doorstep—rather than get too caught up in worrying about the Big Picture of Ascension that is unfolding, truly, very well under our direction and control. Do you really think we would, for instance, allow some wayward asteroid to strike Earth and devastate all life onboard such an exquisite schoolroom that we’ve been watching over for eons of time? Might it not be more useful to pull yourself away from whatever’s being hyped on your media or emails, and, for instance, go check on the elderly neighbor wearily dedicated to caring for her invalid husband? Perhaps the simple act of offering fresh green beans from your garden, along with a big smile that says you care, would bring great Joy to all concerned. And what about taking a moment to Joyfully appreciate the miracle of Nature that those green beans represent, and thank the unseen Nature Spirits for their help in tending your garden. And when you walk back home, surely uplifted from such a heart-felt visit, how does your dog greet you? With pure Joy, of course! As you learn to pay more attention to such, you will find that you are often being gifted with Messengers of the Divine—like that Ascension-bound pooch radiating pure Joy from head to tail. My point here is simply to remind you, at this time when so much can seem chaotic and senseless, that “keeping your eyes on the prize”—that is, working to radiate an attitude of Joy—is the single most important thing YOU can do, energetically speaking, to aid the entire Ascension process. Let us sweat The Big Stuff; we really do know what we’re doing. And if you do get away from that television or computer, and get outside more, and keep your eyes open, you’re sure to spot some examples of our presence for yourself; neither those fascinating cloud formations, nor those dazzling spectrum-twinkling stars on a clear night are necessarily what they are assumed to be by the uninformed. So take a deep breath, relax, find something around you to be truly thankful for, and you’ll soon be well down the road to living a Joyful life. With Joy from my heart to yours, I am Toniose Soltec, teacher and wayshower, friend and fellow traveler along the ever-expanding Road of Life. May we each honor, through our own unique outpourings of Joy, the One who so Joyfully created us. Salu. Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 1541191

United States 09/20/2011 04:20 PM

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all of you who belong to religions, states, and the like ought to be listening to this your tube. [link to www.youtube.com] My personal teaching and commentary on GLP may be used freely anywhere. NIP (Candace) Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 1541191

United States 09/21/2011 01:22 PM

[link to www.youtube.com] WATCH this, for this is the nicest video I have seen about THE WAY. Its not about going to church and following Jesus, its about LIVING AS GOD. Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 1541191

United States 09/22/2011 07:55 AM

Apparently there is one anti-christ going around trying to set up a false rapture. Remember if it is a choice it isn't real, don't go. Jesus is currently in Heaven getting ready to open up another seal as far as I'm aware. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1504150

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I was going to go to sleep, but now that I see where you are from, I'm wondering if you are still there (???) Quoting: Jenann you have exactly NO idea who and what Jesus is or was in this comment above I bolded. People, if you are going to become cosmic folks, you have got to do better than this. This is childish. completely childish idea of Jesus and God. IT never ceases to amaze me because God gave you are MIND. You are in FACT your mind. Your body just transports you around on this world. YOUR MIND IS YOUR TEMPLE OF GOD. YOU body is a buiilding for your mind. PLEASe think these things thru before they come out of your fingers. I am not being mean here. I am being factual. The ascension of this world is about it coming out of being a PRISON WARD for mean people and for people with childish minds. The people staying with this world are going to enter back into COSMIC activities.

<ambiguous> User ID: 1559159

Australia 09/22/2011 08:00 AM

Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Romans 15:7

Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest.

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User ID: 1541191 United States

09/22/2011 08:07 AM

Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Romans 15:7 Quoting: <ambiguous> yes but geneocide is going on like crazy and christians in this country couldn't care less, because muslims are seen as less than human to its ok. <ambiguous> User ID: 1559159

Australia 09/22/2011 09:36 AM

Aye, but thou, O man, who art *thou* that answerest again to God? Shall the thing formed say to him that has formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Or has not the potter authority over the clay, out of the same lump to make one vessel to honour, and another to dishonour? And if God, minded to shew his wrath and to make his power known, endured with much long-suffering vessels of wrath fitted for destruction; Zazz 2 User ID: 1314164

United States 09/22/2011 09:43 AM

Christians are only human after all. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1320506 So where is this gracious slack when we're talking about "unbelievers"? We christers get rowdy,

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and it's "Well, we're only dust", but when non-christians get riled up, they're labelled "demons" probably half the time. Exhibit A, right here, folks. Christianity will never pan out until it ceases to be full of itself. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1318680 They are unbelievers because they are infested with demons who want to turn God's children away from the path of righteousness. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1320506

Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 1541191

United States 09/22/2011 10:14 AM

Posts from this thread, archived here because of the use of revelations etc. Thread: I keep having a recurring dream, that the US is invaded by China (Page 2) the chinese have long planned to invade this country. And they have invaded via business activities and the like. the now OWN the Federal Reserve system, which is GLOBAL people, the fed is the central bank of the central banks. they have had troops in mexico for a very long time now and many of them along our border. they were the first to get to haiti after the quake there, so they are close by. The got the Fed thru force. they have better technology. the fed owned them a lot of dough. The dragons are very wealthy. they beat out the Khazars. How they will do in the banking is yet to be seen. The reason the Khazars (rothchilds etc) put Nato into Lbya was for ancient artifacts and wealth stored there, which Gaddafy protected. And also ancient technologies of war fare which they hoped would give them a level base against the chinese. this is fact. Gaddafy was not a bad guy and had been set up to provide great assistance to all of Africa before this.

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the story was covered loosely here on glp. Thread: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? of the chinese suitcases which contained the threats they could back up. *********************

3And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. China's national symbol is the red dragon. a third of the stars is a third of the united states.. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1332279 No that is completely incorrect as to the stars of heaven. That refers to the Lucifer Rebellion which is over and adjuticated now. Much of revelations is in the past people, not the future but some is future. it is NOT complete, many of the parts of it are not published and what is published is mucked up. You ones have got to stop depending on the bible for your CURRENT knowledge. Its ancient knowlegle and out of date. the 10 horns is the NWO and that was correct in it but not understood. the khazars created 10 trading areas, the the EU, the NAU, the SAU, the AU are part of the 10 horns. the dragon in revelations refers to the Lucifer Rebellion and not China today. The dragon who stoof to devour the woman ready to be delivered refers to preventing the ascension of this world. the woman ready to be delivered is MOTHER GAIA. She is very pregnant with her ascension right now. IT is SHE who the resurrection is for. Some folks of earth will resurrect with her if they fuse with their Thought adjusters. Symbols of Pregnant GAIA.

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Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 1541191

United States 09/25/2011 09:16 PM

archiving here from this thread on mary M and Jesus. I need to get it unpinned and out of my site. Thread: The Truth of Mary Magdalene and Jesus of Nazareth

The greatest lie perpetuated by the ficticious phallus of the Roman Catholic Empire is that Jesus was conceived immaculately and that Mary Magdalene was a whore. An Immaculate Conception is the act of a child being conceived without sexual intercourse. Mary conceived Jesus when she was only 15 years old with His father, Joseph. Such a marriage was common place for Hebrews of the time, and this age gap was the source of Mary’s Virtue being slandered by the masses, along with the jealousy that was provoked because the Heaven’s proclaimed His birth. There was a Star shining in the sky when He was born, a star which led The Three Magi to His manger. Mary Magdalene was much like Jesus in this respect, as she too was born under a very special astrological alignment which announced her arrival and set her apart from the other female babies birthed at this time. Upon the two being born and rumors of a King being born spread, King Herod grew weary from fear of losing his throne, Israel’s Throne, and Herod issued an order to find them. Jesus was able to escape persecution by relocating to Egypt; however Mary Magdalene was less fortunate and captured by their enemies.

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Jesus spent all of His life, until the age of 30, in spiritual and physical training so that He could complete the task which was laid before Him. The first thing He did was recapture His Spotless Bride from the Pharisees and in doing this His fame grew throughout the land and Jesus declared war upon the Sanhedrin at pain of death unless repentance from their sinful ways were declared and instituted. Quoting: HilosPP the star in the sky when he was born was Nibiru. An immaculate conception without intercourse is the placing of an embryo created in a lab which is how that embryo was created. A physical body requires dna. Mother Mary was his genetic mother, the genetic father was Gabriel of Nebadon, for you UB readers. TEST TUBE BABY folks, better bodies that those on the earth were needed and masters are almost always test tube kids, even when they are born to married people. You would not believe how many test tube babies walk this planet right now, myself included. Mary M was a whore but not by choice. She was given by her father to a man who sold her to be a whore. it was not her choice. She was gotten out of that situation. there were 12 women disciples and she was their leader. He spent most of life taking care of his mother after joseph died and being otherwise the oldest male child. He traveled often also with his uncle Joseph of Arithmethia, sorry I can't spell that today, who was a traveling tin man. Jesus and Mary M had a child together, born after the crucifixion. Mary M and others were placed on a boat into the mediterranean which was guilded to France and she walked ashore with the child in her arms. Jesus did not die on the cross, he walked out of the grave, visited his buddies

and ascended into one of these to get him the hell out of that place. He was dropped off near Damascus and met Saul there, blinded him with fireworks and Paul then became his worst enemy teaching all mucked up. jesus went on to India, settled in Kashmir, married a local women and had 5 kids. That marvelous DNA was thug inserted there and in europe. You can be sure all of the holy family were in fact test tube babies. Jesus left this plane at about 115 years of age. the body is buried near Srinagar, kashmir. His son Joseph took some scrolls written by Judas back to the old grave first grave. Judas the best friend of Jesus and scribed many of the stories over the years. he was not a betrayer, he was FRAMED, the betrayer had a similar name and did hang himself in shame for what he did. Around 1961 those scrolls were unearthed and you can read what was left of them, translated from the aramaic by Judas himself to english here.: [link to tweeofmeer.webs.com] also the scrolls were first translated to German after they were found, and the book translated to english, google "the talmud of Immanuel" or Jmmanuel. ******************

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OP you are so confused. Let God be true and every man a liar. It does not matter if you beleive what happened are not. It will never change the fact. Heaven and earth may pass away but God's true word will never pass away. You need to learn your Bible or just stay out of it. You may not believe now but the day is coming where every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. Quoting: krispykritter LOL, what does that have to do with Jesus being a Husband and Father?. Every Rabbi had to be married. Quoting: APOLLO ILLUMINAUGHTY he wasn't a rabi, ever. He did not train for that. There were a total of 4 folks incarnate there and each of them has made a contribution to the total story, a collage. One went to Japan later for example, thus the story Jesus went there. for example, two of them were hung on the cross, one pierced in the chest and one pierced on the thigh. the thigh guy was JESUS. the others were not. Great souls, all from thiaoouba, but only one was Jesus who came in a partnership with MIchael of Nebadon. so be it and that is the truth. *************

can someone please explain to me why they think the bible is so damn holy and awesome and true! God don't you do any research! Half the versions were rewritten by the church in the middle ages. Then rewritten again for this age. Then reverted back again. Even the bible it's self isn't even all the books and was written by multiple authors. How Brain Washed can you be! The story of Jesus and Mary is touching love story I give you that. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1245548 yes the rapture story was created by John Nelson Darby and the Israel crap created by C. I. Scofield. go look them up christians. You have been so manipulated. Go to your churches, forget all this other crap, become like god and each church pick a serious project, like 911 exposure, pollution, terrible raising of animals, getting the Khazar thug bankers under control and other real ways to serve and stop all this pure bullshit. ************

Fools argue about good. The righteous fear God. The wise Know God. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1481114 TRUE and the WISE ACTUALLY GET THEIR BUTTS OFF THEIR chairs and SERVE to change this world, where the first too above, do nothing but contribute to the problems. *****************

Jesus spent all of His life, until the age of 30, in spiritual and physical training so that He could complete the task which was laid before Him....

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Quoting: HilosPP Jesus ascended to his ultimate form after he was baptized and fasted 40 days and 40 nights.. Marcus 1 9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan. 10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him: 11 And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Quoting: Haile Menelik The spirit like the dove was his MONAD. I also Have MY MONAD. the Monad is the part of ones soul that stores the knowledge one has learned The voice saying thou art my beloved son was Gabriel of Nebadon from a Craft. Jesus then

ascended into the CRAFT and left for 40 days of study in preparation for the upcoming ministry. Anonymous Coward User ID: 2006912

United States 09/25/2011 10:56 PM I so touch and agree brother. See you u there. Christcrucified. Also I Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but to us that are saved it is the power of God. well op the Bible quotes Jesus as saying He is the way the truth and the life. He also says no one comes to the Father except by Him Jesus says I stand at the door and knock. he who opens to Jesus will not be cast out, Jesus will come and fellowship. Jesus also says I and the Father are One. for God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life we as Christians are given our commission -- to preach the gospel to every tongue tribe and nation, to the ends of the earth, to the dispensation of the fulness of times. this is what we are doing. we are also to make disciples, abide til Jesus returns, and we are to watch and pray Jesus says He is the door. we are to enter through the sheepfold -- Jesus is the Good Shepherd. anyone trying to come in another way is the same as a thief and a robber. we have to be wearing our wedding garment, as the bride of Christ :-)

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the Bible makes clear anyone preaching a different gospel other than the good news of Jesus' dying for our sins, being buried, and rising from the dead to provide us the free gift of eternal life -- well, that person Paul says let him be accursed. we are surrounded by false teachers heaping up false teschings for our itching ears. we have to read what the Bible says and look at teschings and compare with the Bible. and so it is our responsibility to continue preaching the Good News to everybody every tongue tribe and nation. we can't just say, oh they'll get in another way. or whatever they believe is fine, it's all the same God. the Bible in no way teaches this, and Christians who have studied doctrine know it. that being said we can all do without the animosity and harsh rhetoric. 1 Cor 13 tells us we need love ;-) in fact throughout the gospels and epistles we are commanded to love everybody, including our enemies ;-) now abide these three, faith hope and love, but the greatest of these is love. we have to preach the gospel, and do so Biblically-- with love! peace and joy rb Quoting: rb 974647

well op the Bible quotes Jesus as saying He is the way the truth and the life. He also says no one comes to the Father except by Him Jesus says I stand at the door and knock. he who opens to Jesus will not be cast out, Jesus will come and fellowship. Jesus also says I and the Father are One. for God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life we as Christians are given our commission -- to preach the gospel to every tongue tribe and nation, to the ends of the earth, to the dispensation of the fulness of times. this is what we are doing. we are also to make disciples, abide til Jesus returns, and we are to watch and pray Jesus says He is the door. we are to enter through the sheepfold -- Jesus is the Good Shepherd. anyone trying to come in another way is the same as a thief and a robber. we have to be wearing our wedding garment, as the bride of Christ :-) the Bible makes clear anyone preaching a different gospel other than the good news of Jesus' dying for our sins, being buried, and rising from the dead to provide us the free gift of eternal life -- well, that person Paul says let him be accursed. we are surrounded by false teachers heaping up false teschings for our itching ears. we have to read what the Bible says and look at teschings and compare with the Bible. and so it is our responsibility to continue preaching the Good News to everybody every tongue tribe and nation. we can't just say, oh they'll get in another way. or whatever they believe is fine, it's all the same God. the Bible in no way teaches this, and Christians who have studied doctrine know it.

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that being said we can all do without the animosity and harsh rhetoric. 1 Cor 13 tells us we need love ;-) in fact throughout the gospels and epistles we are commanded to love everybody, including our enemies ;-) now abide these three, faith hope and love, but the greatest of these is love. we have to preach the gospel, and do so Biblically-- with love! peace and joy rb Quoting: rb 974647 Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 1541191

United States 09/26/2011 02:14 PM

For those here who do not know the characters in the play yet, that I teach, Aton/CM is MIchael of Nebadon, the father god of this sector of the Creation, who played the role of Jesus long ago and is returned. This is both an enjoyable story about how God works, and an update on what is going on. Kibo is the telepath. And like some of us here, myself included, a creator son in training. You can get anything you want at Aton's restaurant CM: Greetings! And God is with you! Ahoye! As you like to say nowadays....... You seem to be putting a lot of weight on yourself when you would be better off sharing that weight with us. WE, your Celestial brothers and sisters are gathered here to help and believe you Me, WE know more about your situation(s) than you do. It is all well and good to co-create, but with such a limited range of vision, how can you hope to make headway pass the tree that looms before you when you can’t see the forest that looms around you? WE are here to tell you that it’s alright, everything is fine and we can tell you from experience that the best way to handle and deal with your many situations is to simply give them to US. Let US take the weight from upon your shoulders, thus lightening your load, as it were and deal with all the aspects and circumstances that you are so clearly unaware of and WE will let you know how best to handle and deal with those that you are aware of. It is like a maitre‘d who silently waits for you to ask him what dish or wine would be best. He works in the place. He knows all about it. It’s his business, his specialty. All day long and everyday, he has to deal with people who think they know what’s best. They know what they want. They want something that they read about or heard about or something that sounds really great, without knowing what it truly is...he is saddened by their ignorance and pride. Their egos will not allow

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them to say that they have no clue and turn to him for advice and guidance. He could provide an exquisite meal, perfect in every way, if they would just let him. He would pull out the best and true desires of the people at the table and give them something they never imagined that they would love beyond words. He wants nothing more than to give them the best and enjoy their enjoyment of it. The whole staff aims to please in every way. The chef can prepare a different dish for each and every customer, no problem. Tell him what you’re thinking of and he will whip up for you the plate of your dreams! The waiters will stand by for your every need with a staff of their own to supply them so that they will never have to leave your side...just in case there’s something else you need. Such enjoyment by all involved! But too many people come with their minds made up that they don’t want this or they don’t like that. They think they know the make and year of the best wines and aperitifs. They never want to be told what’s best. They want others to look at them as if they are the ones that know what’s best on the menu. Others just grab the menu and stare, looking, reading, understanding or not understanding. They spend sooooo much time dreaming about the descriptions and how they might taste and what are they in the mood for? They never dream to ask if there’s anything that’s not on the menu. They shudder at the thought of saying “ what if I wanted a.........what could you do with that?” Only one in a thousand customers ever comes in, sits with his party and asks the maitre’d “What’s good today? These are my loving friends and we want the best! He’s looking for this and she’s looking for that. They’re into this and the kids want something really special! What can you do for us, today? We’re really counting on you, my friend! We know that you’re the only one that can give us such a joyful experience!” And he will smile and bow and ask questions of the party and when he is satisfied, he will say, please, enjoy these appetizers while you wait. Soon your entrées will be on the table and there are special desserts for everyone! Eat, drink, be merry and live knowing you will never die!” Of course, the dinner party is a huge success and a joyous affair and who is to thank? Why everyone! So now, here you are in your life and the plate before you is the one you ordered. Do you not like it? Is it not what you asked for? Is it not what you thought it was going to be...or was it? Would you like to send it back? Would you like another plate? What would you like, now? Are you going to make up your mind again over something else? Or are you going to let us do our jobs? Either way.....WE are here to serve you. And you would best serve yourselves by letting US do so........but it is up to you. Do you want what you want or do you want what WE have for you? It’s as simple as that. There are no right or wrong answers here. You may just love your plate either way. Your choice is what to order. The rest is up to US. Do you want what you want or do you want what WE have for you? K: and if i just want a simple sandwich? I mean, i want what i want. I can’t help that. CM: In OUR kitchen, everything is everything. You think that you have ten choices where WE see one hundred. Spices and herbs and ingredients that you haven’t even considered! You may say that you just want scrambled eggs with salt and pepper.....how much salt or pepper? What about mushrooms and onions? Soft scrambled? What kind of mushrooms? What kind of salt or pepper for that matter. WE know what will give you joy better than you do. But how many people come in

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and say to US “ Give me the most joyful and wonderful meal ever!”? You always like to say things like “ This is my plate.”, “My plate if full.” Full of what? The plate you have is the plate you asked for. You made it by order. Had you asked US for whatever plate WE saw fit to give you.....well, WE aim to please. Your life is your plate. It is the life you asked for, that you picked out. It is what you wanted so you ordered it. That was your co-creation. Now you’ve had your fill of it and you want something better. Are you going to try it again or trust US to deliver as only WE know how? We know what will spice up your life. WE know what will stimulate your soul. WE know what you have a taste for and WE can deliver. K: and how do things like money fit into all of this? CM: It has its place....like parsley. But too many of you want just that. If you don’t think you have enough of it, some of you want to grab it off of the plates of others. Usually this is done when they’re not looking, but lately........people are starting to notice....usually, at that point, WE remove such greedy and unruly patrons from the premises so that others can eat in peace. It’s not that we ever condone such behavior, it’s just that WE can’t really kick people out unless they’re proven to be a problem. WE don’t like to be seen as kicking people out for no reason, so we wait until the reason is obvious. K: Please tell me we’re there now. Please tell me that this is the case and that everyone is now getting just desserts because the meal is over. Perhaps it’s time to move the tables aside and make room for the dance floor while we strike up the band or the DJ or whatever...? CM: LOL Well, by that analogy, a few more people need to leave in order to free up the tables. But you could say that the party is about to begin. They are being informed that it is time for them to leave and the.....bouncers are escorting the more belligerent ones to the waiting paddy wagon out back...and yes, there’s one out front, too. But that one is mostly for people that have left quietly without a fuss. They’ll get off a bit easier than the others, usually overly drunk with power and you know how they can get. They are taken away rather unceremoniously through the back door and hauled off straight to the lock-up to await court....We will make it up to the rest of our patrons by declaring everything on the house, start the music up and invite them to stay to dance the night away..... K: Sounds like fun. CM: Oh it is! It truly is! K: So! How long? How long until the announcement is made? When does the music start? When can we applaud the removal of these disruptive thugs to the peace and joy of our meal? CM: The police are parked, ready and are standing in the restaurant. WE point them out, with the help of some of our more observant patrons and they take them away. Some, who saw what was coming, have already surrendered to the owner and talked to the maitre’d about repentance, mercy, forgiveness and making amends. They have been held to the side for further review while the others are hauled off...some kicking and screaming, some fighting and cursing...some have preferred to go down shooting and so, they are being shot down, bag, tagged and removed...It is happening while we speak. The bus should be here any minute now, to haul off the bulk of the crowd waiting outside the front door. Those taken out the back door...well....there are lots of wagons all lined up for them. So it goes. It is what it is.

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You think that this has to do with elenin. Elenin is just a symbol of what’s happening. It is a product of the mass mind in action in real time for your linear consciousness. It exists as the face, the mask of this need fulfilled. The need for the end of the material system of men and the beginning of a Divine system of human beings. You insist upon a cause outside of yourselves to be the leveraging catalyst that pushes you over the tipping point of no return and this is what you have created for that purpose. This is beyond you. This is not just a matter of people saying ‘oh we need a sign or symbol to get us to the next phase.’ This is a non-linear consciousness event that is culminating in real linear time because this is where the sum total mass of human consciousness sees to be the enduring point of possibilities. This is where everything changes for everybody. This is where you see your plates and make a decision on what to do with them. The human spirit is always hungry, always thirsty. Their plates must ever be full. What they fill their plates with is their choice. But this is the point where people decide if they want to order from their own desires, straight off the menu, or leave it up to the house to decide. Tables are being rearranged accordingly. There is more than one dance floor. There is more than one band and each band plays different music and the music is the same as the food...do you want the all request band, the DJ, the jukebox or the house band? From this point on, the rooms will be different, the views will be different and the decor and atmospheres will be different. Everyone will get what they asked for, no doubt. There is still time to change your minds and hearts on the matter, but at this point, it’s pretty much done and decided. Know that the owner remains the same, the maitre’d remains the same and the waiters are always there, doing their jobs...this applies to every table in every room. Your plate will always be your choice. Whether you want US to choose or you choose for yourself, WE are always here to serve. WE always have job openings to join our wonderful staff, apply within, and just ask to speak to the manager. K: Hmmmmm CM: Do you really have something to say after all of that? K: lol...nah, hey...let it play.......do you need a dishwasher? Triangle player for the band? Anything where I might be actually helpful? CM: Janitor? You could really clean up! LOL K: wow.....really? CM: No, seriously, you could help set up for the remodeling...rearrange the tables, help people get seated, set the tables, pour water...stuff like that.... K: lol, sure...whatever...glad to help....what’s the pay? CM: The pay is.....good....but the benefits are great! [We decided to leave it off at that........thanks for reading! Oyahe! God be with you! **************

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[link to abundanthope.net] This piece is under copyright protection of [link to www.abundanthope.net] It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in anyway and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/26/2011 02:15 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 1541191

United States 09/27/2011 12:41 PM

posts from this thread: Thread: R We Are All Immortal Spiritual Beings on this PrisonPlanet whose Souls are Captured at Death and our Memories are Wiped before the Next Incarnation?? Mine start on page 6. the thread is interesting and worthy of review. this IS a prison world.

Even if this is a prison; we have the capacity to make it a better place. Individually and collectively. Quoting: 2320 1162412 and that IS the secret to getting out of prison in fact. yes this is a prison ward. However OP stretched it a bit, because there are a lot of star seeds who are not prisoners here. the nature of the initial post made it sound like you possible read Alien Interview? IF so I started a discussion thread on that. If somebody already brought up this idea, understand I did not read all the pages, just the first one. Thread: Alien Interview ************************* Are we are all Immortal Spiritual Beings on this Prison Planet whose souls are captured at death and our memories are wiped out before the next incarnation? Are we Immortal Spiritual Beings? Is this planet really a prison? Are there soul catchers that catch your soul at the time of death? If the answer is yes and there are soul catchers how do we prevent them from catching us? Are our memories wiped after we die? Are we are forced to reincarnate here on Earth? Who does this to us? How do we stop it?

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How do we escape this Prison Planet? Quoting: Open Your Eyes OP how did you come to this? i read it in the "alien interview" what about you? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1522063 and I asked OP earlier today, don't know if he replied. I started a thread on Alien Interview. You who have read it might be interested in it. Thread: Alien Interview Quoting: Nobody in Particular Hey nobody, those are all teachings of those in the Gnostic religions. But, I hope that you will not seek those unless you have a really strong faith as the nature of their teachings are so, that they hide certain things so their knowledge is not complete, but only for those "in the know" who have prior knowledge. Or so they think, as it has come to my attention that most of their teachings are wrong. Because of the way they obtained their "secret knowledge" all their teachings are corrupt, having come from the Devil and not He who is most High. What i'm trying to say is, becareful if you pursue this type of knowledge. Without the proper background info first, it has the power to drive people insane. It's really powerful stuff which I would not recommend to anyone unless you have accurate knowledge of Christ. Not Jesus the Christ, but Christ the holy gift from God...Which are one and the same...but not quite. If you understand THIS ^ then you can proceed safely but cautiously. If not, take it as a warning. Quoting: Cristo_dentro 1522090 I don't seek anything of gnostic religions or any religion. They are all corrupt to varying degrees. , being both material not understood and satanic infiltration into them. I do my own thing, completely. and so should all of you. The following on this plane, the chasing around to find the one perfect religion or method or path to follow constitutes insanity. You have to learn to make your own path. for it is your own path anyway. Nobody writes your life for you. You write your life. I am not attracted to religion at all. I have read some of it from time to time, in my research to see and understand what is on this plane. I have none even close to satisfactory out of the gnostic material I research prior to starting my public journey. I only research so I can study what people "believe" in on this plane and how religions are infiltrated and broken up so there is no power, except that of destruction by folks competing who all think they have the right path, which is someones elses path, always, that they follow. Ponder that one. You must write your own story. That is the way to sovereignty of the soul. **********************

How do we escape this Prison Planet? Quoting: Open Your Eyes

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Yes we are.... How do we escape? Well for a start, don't go into or near the light, especially if you see family members who have passed on in there. The light is a trap, like moths to a flame. Quoting: ~Una~ No the LIGHT is the very high realms of the other side of our world. YES GO TO THE LIGHT, that is a JUNK statement you made. Not doing so will cause one to wonder around as a ghost, as one possibility. ****************

If your an immortal being you should know. As an immortal being you would know that a creator would have created the concept of rising from death because rising from death isnt a process of a chance big bang. I dont like the idea of a memory wipe. It just shows that your going back steps. All you are doing is being placed into an able body instead of an old one. I believe if you get taken out of the karmic cycle of life, whether you like reincarnation or not, you become you. I believe its better to keep your mind and raised up with the ones you love. That would be awesome to experience that. To see loved ones and to then look at God and say. you did this you cheeky fella, you ; ). Then a party. Rather than my memory wiped and I go on to forget me, that I posted here, but to then post again, maybe a few words different. Step outside : ) Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1366745 the memory wipe is a blessing to the thugs while they are reincarnated. They can't remember the other shit they did. They get a fresh start each life time. And the lighted ones, you don't want the memories, you can not be incarnate and have at hand the memories of perhaps a thousand lives, you cannot function that way. Schizophrenia is a condition of part lives creeping, and many cases of Multiple Personality is also of such. You cannot function with everything from your past popping up all the time. Actually memories can be wiped and often done with beings return greatly disturbed to our other side. That is only way to heal them of the HORRORS they experienced. Yes most people should sense that. a true immortal is fused with their father fragment, which occurs after many lifetimes for most. The fusion is what writes you into the book of life. You are then an actual son of god more than a faith son. with the fallen angels imprisoned here learning why Lucifers ideas did NOT work, by experiencing inside the mess, if you have passed muster, you will return to your immortal status. If some of you ARE remembering, then you know you have passed muster and going home. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/27/2011 12:45 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 1541191

United States 09/27/2011 12:49 PM

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continuing from the thread above:

So yeh. logically if we are immortal spiritual beings we get to choose what we do. If we arnt immortal spiritual beings we wont. Because it would be the end. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1366745 that is not so. You are not totally a free spirit until you graduate from Paradise if an Ascending Son. Until then, you are under guidance. Once graduated from Paradise you totally plan your own thing and you are capable of traveling the creation sans craft.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1366745 I see what you are saying but you never talk of a creator or a programmer that would have created everything. I dont believe that somebody can live a 1000 lives just by freestyling from a chance event. You do believe in a Creator for sure Np, but you may not wish to meet them, because whoever created everything still can give you anything. Unless they created something to grow away from them. If you have lived a 1000 lives and cant remember then it really means you have only lived one life. Like now your writing on glp, but you will die and forget but may do something different. You are immortal with no choice and no memory so you experience one life, even if you havent. Id just like to pick a life and roll with it. Its not boring, its the opposite. You would grow and grow and not forget. I believe some sort of judge is before the flipside, and some get to experience a pocket in the universe called earth, everyone else can go on forgetting. Until next time, take care of yourself and eachother Quoting: Nobody in Particular Beloveds all of you and every other soul, angel and man, are the CREATORS. The Creation is constantly created by the uncountable beings. it was not pre created. YOU ARE THE CREATORS or Co Creators if you prefer that term. There are special creator level beings, yes, Like Michael of Nebadon that I mention often. In fact I am in training to become this sort of Creator, to manage an entire universe at some point (long way off folks). The is no magic wand creating, it is a continuous process that never stops, because THINKING and PROBLEMS AND PROBLEM SOLVING never STOPS. There are about 5.6 trillion inhabited evolutionary planets plus probably about 300 billion "heaven worlds" which are BUILT. You can guess if you want at the total beings of that process, there is not a number known to man big enough. What is called the Universal FAther doesn't do the work, all the many sons, of angelic and human

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origin DO THE CREATING and the WORK. ************** So yeh. logically if we are immortal spiritual beings we get to choose what we do. If we arnt immortal spiritual beings we wont. Because it would be the end. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1366745 that is not so. You are not totally a free spirit until you graduate from Paradise if an Ascending Son. Until then, you are under guidance. Once graduated from Paradise you totally plan your own thing and you are capable of traveling the creation sans craft. Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 1541191

United States 09/27/2011 01:25 PM

Please do NOT post bible quotes in this thread that steer people to a now very bad religion. Christianity no longer serves, if it ever did. when you post your bible quotes here you are leaving out the human brothers that don't attend your churches and that is in error. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/27/2011 01:27 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 1541191

United States 09/27/2011 01:33 PM

When they die, or after judgement day?

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Quoting: ru1im2 I assume the above post made sometime ago, was in reference to THIS post of mine: [link to antifan-real.deviantart.com] Enlarge the image and enjoy, for dear ones as part of the

ascension this is what the people of earth must desire. DURING LIFE is the answer. You ones are terribly confused. Judgement day happens continuously now as people pass this world and are sorted. There will be a big judgement, already set in place to remove that dark ones from this planet during a ministasis (a pausing of life, sort of like pausing your DVD). You are "judged" in fact after every life, until you have earned "free spirit" status. This population of this planet consists of many incarnate beings from the higher realms, many christs in fact, that do not "face judgement". They are proven and have earned their right to do as they please. But many others have not. so they will be placed into an appropriate experience for where they are. the idea of judgement is because this is the end of an age, and there is always SORTING at this time of souls. The planet is terribly overpopulated and people are going to be moving and your placement depends on your progress. You do not move upward until earned. You must as such graduate each grade before you move up. some actually move down and have to repeat their lessons. This planet is done being a prison ward, and those who must still remain in prison will be moved to other prison worlds. Those who have made progress and earned the right to move up, get to do that. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/27/2011 01:37 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 1541191

United States 09/27/2011 01:40 PM

Since when is "Christianity" a religion? Have you ever heard anyone say they're religion was "Christianity?" That's just stupid. How about looking up the word, "religion" sometime - I dare you. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1203482

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it absolutely IS a religion. It's completely organized and full of Pious fools who do not think. ditto other religions. And I have heard many say their religion IS Christianity. Whether they say it or not, when they say I am a Christian they have usually just announced they attend church and read the bible and then separate themselves as being superior to those who were born and raised in other religions. Islam claims to be a way of life, but it's controlled also. You ones are to develop yourselves as sovereign SONS OF GOD. So be it, and being led by your nose is not how that happens. You becoming responsible for your own soul/mind growth and behavior IS. I would not mind the churches if they actually did something of group accomplishment, like get the antichrist out of our government, get us out of these wars during which genocide is going on. Perhaps studying our real OLD constitution in this country might be worthy, so they can see where it has been changed. sunday sermons should not be bible sermons, they should be how shall we come together using the power of our group to learn and then do something with that learning. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/27/2011 01:56 PM garch7 User ID: 2155434

United States 09/27/2011 03:00 PM One way to PROVE what is "correct teaching" and what is not, is to actually DO what the Bible says to do,.. and see what happens. The Bible says to "Believe" in The Messiah, the Son of God and Son of David, the One who died outside of Jerusalem, on a cross, when the sky was darkened for 3 hours, when the graves opened and the dead walked around. That Messiah said to "Take up your cross and follow Him." He said to "Deny Self" and to serve Him. Do that and see what happens,.. if He reveals Himself to you or not. I believed and gave Him my life, and He has revealed Himself, and opened His word. It's all about HIM, not us. It's about what HE did and does, not about what we do. It's NOT about our actions or works, it's about HIS actions and HIS works. We either go our own way, and hope for the best, or we go His way. His form comes into us, to work through us, to enable us, to empower us, to do His work,.. for HIS Glory, not for ours. If it's about OUR works, then how does HE get the Glory from our works? It has to be HIM working through us, for His Glory. That eliminates our works. ("Not by your own actions or works, so no one can boast.") Everyone has already heard. Romans 1 and 2 tells about how everyone has already heard, everyone sees creation, and either seeks God or not. Those who seek Him, He reveals himself to them. The Bible says "None do good, none seek Him, no not one." All are guilty. All will appear before Him. He will judge them, not us. "He always does right." So, give Him a try. If you aren't sure what is right, turn to God as you understand him. Turn your life over to Him. After all, He gave Himself for you. He loved you first. Love Him back and see if He doesn't reveal Himself to you!

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You have to "Lose your life to obtain it." Give it up and you will get it back, fully and completely! Seek to do what HE wants you to do. He will lead you into all truth. He is honest and faithful and He will reveal Himself to all who give Him all they have. If you have nothing to give, give Him what you have. God will not be fooled or mocked. Those who try to find other ways to be saved, will find only emptiness. Once you have exausted all other ways, come to Him and give yourself to Him and He will fill you more fully than you could ever imagine! Gode doesn't play games. He does things ONLY one way. His way. Reach out honestly,with an open heart, and He will meet you. You can be sure of that. Want to talk about a real, personal, loving God, I am here to help. no cost. my life belongs to Him. I am here to help others find him and find a truly satisfying Life! Gary, a follower of God's Messiah Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 1541191

United States 09/27/2011 04:29 PM

One way to PROVE what is "correct teaching" and what is not, is to actually DO what the Bible says to do,.. and see what happens. The Bible says to "Believe" in The Messiah, the Son of God and Son of David, the One who died outside of Jerusalem, on a cross, when the sky was darkened for 3 hours, when the graves opened and the dead walked around. That Messiah said to "Take up your cross and follow Him." He said to "Deny Self" and to serve Him. Do that and see what happens,.. if He reveals Himself to you or not. I believed and gave Him my life, and He has revealed Himself, and opened His word. It's all about HIM, not us. It's about what HE did and does, not about what we do. It's NOT about our actions or works, it's about HIS actions and HIS works. We either go our own way, and hope for the best, or we go His way. His form comes into us, to work through us, to enable us, to empower us, to do His work,.. for HIS Glory, not for ours. If it's about OUR works, then how does HE get the Glory from our works? It has to be HIM working through us, for His Glory. That eliminates our works. ("Not by your own actions or works, so no one can boast.") Everyone has already heard. Romans 1 and 2 tells about how everyone has already heard, everyone sees creation, and either seeks God or not. Those who seek Him, He reveals himself to them. The Bible says "None do good, none seek Him, no not one." All are guilty. All will appear

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before Him. He will judge them, not us. "He always does right." So, give Him a try. If you aren't sure what is right, turn to God as you understand him. Turn your life over to Him. After all, He gave Himself for you. He loved you first. Love Him back and see if He doesn't reveal Himself to you! You have to "Lose your life to obtain it." Give it up and you will get it back, fully and completely! Seek to do what HE wants you to do. He will lead you into all truth. He is honest and faithful and He will reveal Himself to all who give Him all they have. If you have nothing to give, give Him what you have. God will not be fooled or mocked. Those who try to find other ways to be saved, will find only emptiness. Once you have exausted all other ways, come to Him and give yourself to Him and He will fill you more fully than you could ever imagine! Gode doesn't play games. He does things ONLY one way. His way. Reach out honestly,with an open heart, and He will meet you. You can be sure of that. Want to talk about a real, personal, loving God, I am here to help. no cost. my life belongs to Him. I am here to help others find him and find a truly satisfying Life! Gary, a follower of God's Messiah Quoting: garch7 You do not FOLLOW GOD, you co CREATE with God and that was the lesson then, and its' the lesson now. You do not have to loose anything, you have to GROW IN SPIRIT. You ones are reading a corrupted bible, put in place by the very antichrist you abhor. YOu cannot be LED into truth, you must search for it, by your desire to do so. YOU SAVE YOURSELF and THAT WAS THE MESSAGE by then that we deliberately changed. I know my way beloved. You can not in fact provide it for me. And NOBODY OR ANYTHING CAN PROVIDE YOUR WAY EITHER. IT IS FOR YOU TO DISCOVER. WHEN YOU DISCOVER YOUR WAY and ASK, All shall be answered unto you. Christianity has created more folks serving the antichrist, because you ones have not be taught that as a CHILD OF GOD. YOU ARE the WAY. YOu can not follow teachings in a church or bible that has been corrupted. YOU MUST LIVE and LISTEN to the Father WITHIN YOU ALREADY. By your own posting. I don't think you have figured that one out, the FATHEr WITHIN YOU. You are placing God outside of your self. JESUS always taught that god with within YOU, not up there some place. NOW PUT DOWN THE CORRUPTED BIBLE. HIDE IT FOR a MONTH. THEN LIVE WITHIN YOUR HEART and you might just save yourself. GOD HIMSELF WAS THE MESSIAH dear one. Michael of Nebadon and he is BACK since 1954, along with the one he Journeyed here with, Esu Immanuel. LIVE WITHOUT YOUR BOOK, go out into nature, walk away from your church if you attend one and LIVE IN ONENESS with the CREATION. You will grow more in a single month than you have a whole lifetime. "Jesus" showed HOW TO LIVE. And that remains a buried message. HE SHOWED HOW TO COMMUNE with the FATHER WITHIN YOU. He did not create this religious mess.

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Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/27/2011 04:37 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 2230535

United States 09/29/2011 11:54 AM

from this thread: Thread: How did people get to heaven before there was a Jesus Christ to accept as savior?? (Page 7) I have other posts in there, may move some of them here to archive and remind you ones who may have missed similar teachings in this thread.

I believed the truly righteous souls were held in "Abraham's Bosom" It's a place located in hell, but protected by "Abrahams Bosom" So they didn't experience torment. There were those that came before Jesus that were saved. When Jesus descended into Hell he got them...if they didn't KNow Jesus they did not go to him (which if you were of GOD you would have expected a Messiah to save you, since it was the word of God prior to Jesus) There were several people that were saved as they kept good Faith in God..i.e Abraham, Joseph, King David..etc..etc... You should really read the NT it is talked about in there. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1403806 No one goes to heaven or 'hell' when they die. The Bible is clear that when we die, we wait for judgement in our graves. Ecclesiastes 9 Quoting: A Voice In The Wilderness Why did Jesus tell one of the two men hung with him that "today" you will be with me in paradise, if he was going to stay in his grave until judgement? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1898528 Frist to the above quote, you are right. He did not say however "Paradise", because Paradise is obtained after quite some eons of effort. Paradise is the Center of the Creation. And it is earned. I am from Paradise and I know of what I speak on this one. you do not wait in your grave. Please THINK. this is how bling is passed along. How many people do not have graves??? How many are cremated, or lost at sea or otherwise have no graves. This planet has changed hugely even in 2000 years, so how many graves have been destroyed. Do not

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use this as figure of speech because it is not accurate. Now let me explain the WHAT IS. And do not ask for a stupid link off the web as proof. the proof is inside of you and it's my knowing. First of all, since the bestowal of the spirit of truth 2000 years ago by Michael of Nebadon, all those who have made 3rd circle spiritual growth (out of 7 circles, the 7th being the most immature), go directly to the lower heaven worlds called the "mansion worlds" with in 3 days of death of the body. There are you given a NEW BODY. Those that did not make 3rd circle, "sleep" until the next general resurrection and there was one around 1000 AD of the sleeping survivors and there is one going on now at intervals. Except that the angels who are in charge of stuff like this can reincarnate the sleeping, should there be enough population to do so and give them more experience in life. If any of these make 3rd circle in any of these additional lives, they would then pass to the mansion worlds on the 3d day after the death of their body as above. This is a prison ward for galactic thugs and the lucifer crown and these ones reincarnate over and over because they cannot leave the prison until they earn their way out of it. When this occurs they leave. Prior to the bestowal of Michael of Nebadon, while the planet was still under Prince Caligastia, everyone had to stay on this planet and reincarnate. Even moses was not released until 2000 years ago and he was a pretty evolved soul. Now souls of my type, do their own thing. Moses was not able to release himself, but Krishna, for example WAS able to and so have many others. I am a "free spirit" and plan completely my own game. This is my 6th incarnation on this lowly planet. I have been here about 400 years. My first was in Tibet, for orientation to this planet, as that was the most advanced and protected place yet to get used to how things are here. Last life I was in germany and died in Dachau. I was a rebel. I have also had a life as an american Indian, a black in africa captured into slavery and dumped in the atlantic ocean on the way to this country, and a free black in New Orleans near the time of the civil war. I have been here to prepare to serve at this time, in these past lives, and I was studying the religion and cultures here that I chose to incarnate into. so I have no been lying in my grave since heaven only knows how long. OK.. There are over 200 million star seeds here and we do not lie in our graves after death. How many people have lived on this planet in just 2000 years? There are 7 billion now. About 1/2 the population at this time are "new souls" and most of them are automatons and only about 10% of them receive a father fragment. some are uncreated after death if they were gross, and others are reincarnated if their is some hope that they might receive a Father Fragment in another life. This is but one job description of some of the angels that are created. Now grow up and out of your childish views on god and religion. Because you can do better if you effort to do so. ****************** here's another post same thread.

BY FAITH IN CHRIST Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2277926 not even. You are leaving out the Muslim, the buddhist, the hindu and so on and so forth and all those that lived on the planet even in the days of the dinosaurs. THINK. PLEASE. thinking is of God. Christ was God manifest of this earth and anyone who chooses eternal life is

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saved, even the dark ones, as they are always given quite a few chances after choosing eternal life to grow up. Again, this is what the christian tends to "believe" and believing is NOT KNOWING. And other religions probably have their own version of this. Please study this because its an excellent summary of your ones belief system and its NOT what Jesus taught.

Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/29/2011 11:57 AM Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 2230535

United States 09/29/2011 02:15 PM

I may have placed this before, but considering the threads running again now, it is worth placing again. Now for the Truth, about those silly beliefs that Jesus is your savior. From Jesus himself 2000 years ago as recorded in the official akashic records. from the Urantia book. Jesus' comments in indigo. [link to www.urantia.org]

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5. What Must I Do to Be Saved? (1682.3) 150:5.1 One evening at Shunem, after John’s apostles had returned to Hebron, and after Jesus’ apostles had been sent out two and two, when the Master was engaged in teaching a group of twelve of the younger evangelists who were laboring under the direction of Jacob, together with the twelve women, Rachel asked Jesus this question: “Master, what shall we answer when women ask us, What shall I do to be saved?” When Jesus heard this question, he answered: (1682.4) 150:5.2 “When men and women ask what shall we do to be saved, you shall answer, Believe this gospel of the kingdom; accept divine forgiveness. By faith recognize the indwelling spirit of God, whose acceptance makes you a son of God. Have you not read in the Scriptures where it says, ‘In the Lord have I righteousness and strength.’ Also where the Father says, ‘My righteousness is near; my salvation has gone forth, and my arms shall enfold my people.’ ‘My soul shall be joyful in the love of my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation and has covered me with the robe of his righteousness.’ Have you not also read of the Father that his name ‘shall be called the Lord our righteousness.’ ‘Take away the filthy rags of self-righteousness and clothe my son with the robe of divine righteousness and eternal salvation.’ It is forever true, ‘the just shall live by faith.’ Entrance into the Father’s kingdom is wholly free, but progress — growth in grace — is essential to continuance therein. (1682.5) 150:5.3 “Salvation is the gift of the Father and is revealed by his Sons. Acceptance by faith on your part makes you a partaker of the divine nature, a son or a daughter of God. By faith you are justified; by faith are you saved; and by this same faith are you eternally advanced in the way of progressive and divine perfection. By faith was Abraham justified and made aware of salvation by the teachings of Melchizedek. All down through the ages has this same faith saved the sons of men, but now has a Son come forth from the Father to make salvation more real and acceptable.” (1683.1) 150:5.4 When Jesus had left off speaking, there was great rejoicing among those who had heard these gracious words, and they all went on in the days that followed proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom with new power and with renewed energy and enthusiasm. And the women rejoiced all the more to know they were included in these plans for the establishment of the kingdom on earth. (1683.2) 150:5.5 In summing up his final statement, Jesus said: “You cannot buy salvation; you cannot earn righteousness. Salvation is the gift of God, and righteousness is the natural fruit of the spirit-born life of sonship in the kingdom. You are not to be saved because you live a righteous life; rather is it that you live a righteous life because you have already been saved, have recognized sonship as the gift of God and service in the kingdom as the supreme delight of life on earth. When men believe this gospel, which is a revelation of the goodness of God, they will be led to voluntary repentance of all known sin. Realization of sonship is incompatible with the desire to sin. Kingdom believers hunger for righteousness and thirst for divine perfection.” Nowhere in this does it say to attend church and believe ON JESUS to be saved. Salvation is the gift of the Father. He sends unto all those of normal mind, a piece of himself, which the UB calls the thought adjuster, and which I prefer to call the Father Fragment, which is a piece of the Father's MIND that indwells YOUR MIND. And most of you here already got one in some previous life in fact, unless you are truly a new soul.

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Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 09/29/2011 02:16 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 2230535

United States 10/03/2011 08:53 PM

now to you ones who might try to get your green thumbs in excess, this is NOT copyrighted material below, from the Phoenix Jouranal Project and thus not subject to the rules here. Link IS included at the bottom. 1/13/90 SANANDA (Jesus) "Then I saw heaven opened and a white horse standing there; and the one sitting on the horse was named 'Faithful and True'---the one who justly punishes and makes war. His eyes were like flames, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on his forehead, and only he knew its meaning. He was clothed with garments dipped in blood, and his title was 'The Word of God'. The armies of heaven, dressed in finest linen, white and clean, followed him on white horses. "In his mouth he held a sharp sword to strike down the nations, he ruled them with an iron grip; and he trod the winepress with the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God. On his robe and thigh was written this title: 'King of Kings and Lord of Lords'." The Revelation 19:11-16. You have called me by many names as I have walked among you; I, sent of God as a wayshower. You have turned me away time and time again to return to your evil ways. You know not that which you do for you have listened to the incorrect teachings as laid forth by men. I came as a Christ Messenger and ye persecuted and crucified my being--you mocked and ridiculed; you spat upon me. I come again for my faithful and true--for ones who would turn again unto the path of light. I have brought with me, my ones to tell you truth and remind you of how it is and allow you to remember your birthright and that which you truly are---that God dwells within your beingness and you are His temple. You have desecrated those temples and driven him out of his own dwelling places--we now come to reclaim our Creator's kingdom. I Am the Word of God--I Am Sananda--it is the name written upon my forehead. As Satan has known of my coming and my presence, he has duped you again. You have gathered together in places to honor and draw into unity and again, you were given the lie and ye have stolen the truth and caused it to become the lie. You call of the times and actions "New Age", ye have sported and defamed your brothers from the universal realms who have come unto you with assistance. You dance the dance of evil and you speak falsely in my name and that of our Creator--you have defiled and corrupted The Creation which birthed and nurtured you. Each

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knows to whom I speak. Even now as you pronounce your "new" truths you show that which is the lie--you disunite even as you project unity. Sect against sect, color against color, creed against creed and while you play in the games of evil, your very world is laid waste and the governments have enslaved you. This scribe is not a "channel"--this scribe is sent from these realms to print of these words for your attention. You may debate and "vote" her out but ye shall not stop of the truth for the Father has decreed that it shall go forth throughout the nations that man could make his choices. It is decreed that man shall again look at those choices with the attendant consequences of actions and "decide". On the harvest day, brothers, when the grim reaper comes forth--the sorting will have been done. Ye shall be gathered into the Father's houses or ye will be left to thy choices of the upheavals of the planet and the cleansing of a civilization and a Mother Earth. I am the one last known to you as Jesus Esu Immanuel--the Christos Sananda. I do not come forth from the East nor the West--the North or the South--I come from God the Creator. I do not write "fortunes" in the stars--I navigate and dwell among and within the stars. You need of no intermediary to commune with me or your Creator Source--you have been duped. You cannot go into the "churches" and hear a minister and walk from the building and live in the evil and "buy" your way into the Father's mansions. But by the way of truth shall you come home. But by return to truth shall you save of your birthright and your own living planet. Ye desire to hear that which you "want" to be told---nay, I bring you TRUTH; I also offer you very viable actions and assistance in earthly manner and you laugh and denounce it as untruth for you assume Immanuel Jesus would not tell of you how to run of your business---I told my disciples exactly how to function in their public life. You constantly petition: "Dear Jesus, give me, tell me, help me, show me... " I come forth and I do so and you set the messenger up for crucifixion and denouncement. No more shall it be tolerated for ye who hear of truth and deny of it have denied of your Creator and that thrusts you automatically into the house of Satan. There shall be no middle road on the sorting day--"Ye are either with me or ye are against me. So be it and Selah." You can cast derision at my "seal of truth" but I suggest you look carefully once again at that which you do, for you ones sorely try me. I care not by which label you address me--I answer thy soul petition and I come again that you might regain thy life and the balance of thy placement. So be it for the sands within the glass are emptied and the glass lays upon its side awaiting the turning. Ones who are actively working against this work shall reap a heavy mark for it is one thing to pull thine ownself down into darkness but ye add burden upon burden when you mislead your brother. Read and hear that which you throw back at these documents and words put forth from this source--look and listen to that which you say and do unto this scribe. This scribe is not a "channel", she is sent as my contact and a bringer of life truth. She is not alone in our work--she is but one of many. The next stone you cast might very well strike yourself between thine own eyes--for what ye send out, comes back unto source---it is the law of universal physics. Ye reap that which ye sow and I suggest that each looks most carefully at that which you say and do for the know-it-all ego authority shall surely fall, just as pride goes before the fall. I suggest ye ponder on these things. So be it.

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I AM SANANDA, ONE WITH GOD [link to www.truthwinds.com] Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 10/06/2011 10:50 AM Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 2230535

United States 10/04/2011 08:56 PM

to green thumb collectors see the note at the bottom. This note at the bottom is SHR from GLP approved so don't waste your effort reporting it. It is from MY TEAM and we prefer the whole piece is posted. -NIP CMATON : THE ICE IS CRACKING AND BREAKING , WHERE ARE YOU? STILL ON IT? This is CMAton of Nebadon, My Dearly Beloved Children all around, As mentioned through other scribes, its does not make any sense to bring updates, other then you asking for YOUR updates personally through your suggested and most important question : WHAT IS IT I NEED TO KNOW. No other update or question is more important for yourself right now. Through selected media bits and pieces, you can start to form your own info basis that helps you to see a logic field of expectations and events. When you walk the icy lake with more weight than the ice can carry, the ice will crack, break and one will fall in the icy water. If that still sounds common sense and logic to you, then look around you as many cracks appear in your society. One can stretch the imagination, but facts can only be taken out of proportion that much, untill reality and the truth comes back to haunt you. Many folks, who did not leave, nor change, who played games at the expense of others only, are now on the ice, having a good time on the outside, yet some sweating blood and tears on the inside, trying to proof to other they are not afraid as clearly nothing stopped them sofar. Little do they realise how far the ice is cracking and breaking and only their soul will be light enough not to go under, as pride comes before the fall. Heed the call to GO WITHIN, to stay the course and remain balanced, as not only the ice has

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become unstable, so has the atmosphere and energy around you changed and will only support those that can take the higher vibrations, like breathing oxigen, only those that trained at high altitude can take the mountain top air. The lighter you travel in material sense, the easier you will climb to avoid the storms, the floods, the elements that now revolt against the shores, planes, cities of great density and darkness. This might be the third, yet last message through this scribe that mention this, but if your life is still business as usuall, then you are not ready, then you do not trust what we have told you before, then you have not understood what this magnificient moment in time is all about. Even you will be loved and taken care off, but you will not reap the rewards that others will, who earned them through Trust, Faith, Service to Others, Love in any form and shape, and truth and knowledge above all else. We have changed our plans many times to the benefit and highest purpose of all involved but remember the ice, even we do not control its breaking point. It is important that you remain vigilant and through your Inner and Higher Secure Connection will you know unmistakenly when to get of and onwards to the mountains, away from the shorelines, cities and planes and when you do understand this, your Higher Self will have told you already what to do. You seek the answers, we guarantee you the knowledge that will serve you the best, but when it's still business as usual, you will be on the ice when its to late to get off. Go, ask and look nowhere else but WITHIN what this means for you and yours, as I did choose to come to you NOW, and with no delay. The ice IS cracking and breaking, where are you? Still on it? I am sure some of you remember us asking you personally : Are you ready? Salu, CMAton of Nebadon. ********************** [link to abundanthope.net] This piece is under copyright protection of [link to www.abundanthope.net] It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in anyway and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 10/06/2011 10:52 AM Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 2230535

United States 10/05/2011 07:18 PM

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To the green thumb collectors, this is printed in full because it's from a member of MY TEAM. So leave it alone. The copyright is at the bottom of the piece. God does not copyright. Truth is FREE under the Law's of the Universe. Now to our christian readers and anybody else, in fact the most important witness to your life IS the FATHER. And he remains as always in my teachings, WITHIN YOUR MIND. Search for him there and not outside of your self. WHY DO WE ENTER INTO RELATIONSHIPS, EVEN THE ULTIMATE DIVINE ONES : BECAUSE WE NEED A WITNESS TO OUR LIVES ... Starting with the 12 o'clock Noon meditation, I was working in the garden half an hour before and my subconscious mind was set to alarm me when 12 o'clock would arrive. I would not forget, nor forgive myself if I could not come up with a decent noon meditation report, so while I was giving the liquid manure to all the garden, I was pretty much in meditative state already. There the wheels of inspiration and thinking started grinding. Since the subject at the noon meditaitons is all about Truth, it entered my mind or I was put upon my heart that Truth was a most important part of my discovered equation, equally important in the wave of Truth-coming-to-the-surface movement we see all around, through the Internet, through the Higher Vibrations and Energy that is entering our Earthly shores rapidly and increasingly too. My equation I just mentioned says : Knowledge - Truth - Love. Most important is gathering Knowledge. The old bible saying : '' My people shall perish by lack of knowledge .'' reminds me off that. Now, Knowledge brings you to the Truth and the most important Knowledge = Truth , '' the Truth shall set you free. '' We already know how dangerous that is, for one to handle, speak, live by the truth. Moving on: the most important Truth to know is Love. Hence : Knowledge - Truth - Love. The one who knows Love, who handles Love, who understands Love, who Serves out of Love is absolutely FREE, and that is evenso utmost dangerous, since we know those who cannot stand people to be free, since they can only survive when they succeed in keeping the sheaple in bondage and slavery. When asking my Higher Self about the Truth to come to the surface, about the Spirit of Truth to break through all layers of density and darkness, a aspect of Truth was put upon my heart: WHY DO WE ENTER INTO RELATIONSHIPS : BECAUSE WE NEED A WITNESS TO OUR LIVES ... It could also work when saying : BECAUSE WE LIKE, LOVE, DESIRE, FEEL GOOD/BETTER WITH A WITNESS TO OUR LIVES ... Now I know I caught that line from the movie : Shall we dance, with Richard Geere and Jennifer Lopez where the following question and TRUTH came to the surface : Why do we enter into relationships ? Because we need a witness to our lives : what is the value or worth of a live. There are 7 billion people out there, but what is the value of each life? In a relationship, one makes a promise, officially or not, to witness the others life. We say : ''

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Your life will not go unnoticed, as I will notice it. Your life will not go unwitnessed, as I will witness it. '' We accept everyting from the other : the good, the bad and the ugly. ( untill a certain degree ofcourse ) We confirm that the others life is ok, acceptable, is good, even very good. And we all like that confirmation that SOMEBODY ELSE AGREES, ACKNOWLEDGES, APPROVES, ACCEPTS, RECOGNISES OR EVEN CONFIRMS what we do or how we live IS OK ... It came to mind that an artists does his/her thing because he or she has a certain talent that he or she is so PASSIONATE about, that is so strongly inside that it needs to be expressed one way or the other. Painting, singing, dancing, writing, channeling (?)... That usually gets acknowledged, approaved, applauded and this feels so good, the artist is motivated to bring forward or produce more and continue as long as the applaus or the recognition continues. It equally came to mind that the plants in the garden, our animals thrive and grow and evolve because of our relationship since also they need/love/like a witness to their lives. Somebody who acknowledges, appreciates, respects, waters, feeds, maintains the plants, the animals who clearly do much better when there is an exchange of Love. This finding is in full harmony with us singing while being in the garden, touching the leaves, blessing them, thanking them for the produce, same with mother Earth, the elements, Life force, etc... On the contrary, we all know the disasterous outcome of orfants, elderly stucked away in ' old folks homes ' , sick people in hospitals, so many unknown individuals, homeless people, all by themselves without anybody knowing or noticing, nobody to talk to them, nobody to encourage them, to respect them, to acknowledge them, to simply love them unless around some holiday or special occasion ... We all need/like/love a witness to our lives, to be confirmed what and how we do things and live is OK, accepted, agreed with. This is one of the problems we see when somebody continues to bring truth to the masses, through internet webpages, through forums and VERY FEW PEOPLE NOTICE IT FOR THE REAL VALUE, show appreciation, applaud it ... untill it becomes a burden, a pain, a depression, since there is not enough witnessing towards the work performed, the knowledge, truth and love shared ... because they are ignorant, dumb, numb, unknowing, self declared know-it-alls, arrogant, afraid to face the truth and reality, lazy to do the math and work themselves and prefering to bash and accuse others when what is said does not resonate with them ... BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO IDEA OF WHO THEY ARE ... We know the rest of the story ... Now this brings me to the opposite, the field of people who do the maths, the works, go inside, know who they are .... now why do they enter into that Divine relationship? ... BECAUSE THEY NEED/LIKE/LOVE A WITNESS TO THEIR LIVES ALSO ??? When the rest does not make any sense, and finally having found respect, love, recognition, agreement, inspiraiton, answers, knowledge, truth, love by going Within, AS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IS WITHIN YOU, we still crave that security, assurance, guarantee, since we cannot see any of that, that the path we are on, is the right one, is leading somewhere. Those that know have/exercise trust, faith and this makes them thrive, nomatter what. There are others who still doubt since they still do not dare to rely on what they hear, see by lack of faith and trust still. The reason I come here is that we perfectly understand that we enter into relationships on this plane of consciousness because we need a witness to our lives, YET WHEN IT COMES TO THE DIVINE, THE SPIRITUAL THAT DOES EVERYTING POSSIBLE TO PROVE TO US THAT WE ARE DIVINE OURSELVES, THAT WE CAN CO-CREATE, HOW GREAT WE CAN BE OR ARE, THAT ALL IS OK, ALL CAN BE ACCEPTED AND STILL BE LOVED, SINCE WE HAVE FREE CHOICE IN THE FIRST PLACE, THAT PROVIDES US WITH CONFIRMATION AFTER

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CONFIRMATION, AGREEING, ACKNOWLEDGING, GUIDING, INFORMING, we still hesitate, we do not trust, demonstrate no faith at all , we still question and doubt .... It is a world of ' illusions ' , of ' appearances ' indeed, nicely fabricated to manipulate, to control, but enough is known about that now, enough is coming to the surface through all means that we must now focus on our SPIRITUAL PATH, wether that will continue on Earth or elsewhere, THIS IS NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT ACTIVITY, OCCUPATION, INTEREST FOR ALL OF US... If its not clear to you yet that a world without the Spiritual Guidance and Laws of Balance and Knowledge, Truth and Love is impossible to evolve, to grow, even to continue to exist, then you belong to those that soon WILL AND NEED TO BE REMOVED INDEED... With the understanding of your relationships, even those of plants and animals etc..., that this only works where knowledge, truth and love is thriving, is ruling, is the norm, where we are confirmed, recognised, approaved, what we do, how we live IS OK, THROUGH LOVE AND ALL ITS ASPECTS, then please look exactly the same way to YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE SPIRITUAL WORLD, THE DIVINE, THE CELESTIAL ONES, ETC. Only those that GO WITHIN, WHO DO EXPERIENCE THIS OTHER WORLD FROM WITHIN, WHO HEAR, SEE, UNDERSTAND, WHO FULLY KNOW WHO THEY ARE can possibly EXPERIENCE THE WITNESSING TO THEIR LIVES. The assurance, security, guardianship, safeguarding will not only be understood, but will be EXPERIENCED WHEN NEEDED. I have many here at AH who can witness that !!! When your lives, after dropping the nonsense and doing your work, no more business as usuall and GOING WITHIN, are getting witnessed,recognised, approaved off, confirmed, THEN AND ONLY THEN DOES YOUR LIFE MEAN SOMETHING TO YOU, then and only then will you learn to be balanced while still being here, will you learn to focus on the future, on the sincere desire to do good unto others, on being of Service, on respecting the laws of Balance and Creation, on developing you souls journey and all that comes with this. Being in that SPIRITUAL, DIVINE RELATIONSHIP, you receive all you need/love/like/wish for like in any other good worldly human relationship, AND SO MUCH MORE, so how can you not BE MOTIVATED TO DO ANYTHING, EVERYTHING, ANYWHERE TO FURTHER DEVELOP THAT DIVINE SPIRITUAL RELATION, WHEN WE FULLY RECEIVE ALL THE WITNESSING TO OUR LIVES WE CAN IMAGINE, DREAM OFF, LONG FOR ??? Where we are told : DREAM, PLAN, CO-CREATE, after acquiring Knowledge, Truth and Love..... AND KNOWING WHO WE ARE .... That my friends all came through, hoping it rings a bell inside of you, untill you are as convinced as I am, due to my own EXPERIENCES THAT NOBODY CAN TAKE AWAY FROM ME, and that I share with you already for a good while. Please accept these few thoughts from my heart, soul and spirit as a witness to your life, as I applaud you for who you are, for what you do, and what you hope to accomplish with it. I love you all so very much. in Divine Love, Light and Service, Always and in All Ways, Johan. ************** [link to abundanthope.net]

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This piece is under copyright protection of [link to www.abundanthope.net] It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in anyway and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 10/05/2011 07:21 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 2230535

United States 10/10/2011 05:20 PM

I would like some of your braver more open folks to look at this thread. it will give you yet another concept of THIS world and "Satan" from my teaching in it. Thread: Has this scientist changed the world with his discover?. A forumla for consciousness????? Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 2230535

United States 10/11/2011 06:45 PM

Dear readers here on GLP, this is a new piece with Mohammed. I know him and I did a nice piece for him back in 2005. the link to that piece is at the bottom of this one. It is worthy of your time for you ones who would like know HIM better. The religion created by others in his name was NOT created by him and you have been fed lies about his nature and behavior. To the green thumb collectors, PLEASE read the copyright notice at the end of this piece. Mohammed Speaks with Johan, an AH team telepath.

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My Dear Ones, I AM Mohammed Speaking. Where two come together in my name, ... but where two speak about me, there I want to be too. (humour) It is long time overdue to pay a visit to my beloved Second Coming Family, AH and greetings to Candace. We have conversed for a good while some time ago and since Candace was not available at this moment and I found this scribe, in good standing with CMAton, talking about me, actually the lady talking about me to him, to be correct, and this was as good as any moment to bring my greetings to this wonderful group of people who still do not fully know who they are, despite all hints and Higher Self contacts through your meditation. Big problem : still business as usual and in the clutches of the BBB&G's through mind control. As you have heard lately, THAT comes to an end as we speak and if I am proud about one thing vs the pain of my mission going down the drain when walking this earth, then it must be that I gladly say to all ladies reading, your days of oppression, of sexual abuse and accusations of inferiority are numbered. As I mentioned in this previous message that my soulmate was here on earth as proud reincarnation of one of my women I took under my wings long time ago. Well unfortunately I can mention her name, since her standing tall and progressive nature was not accepted by the terrible man and war mongering mentality in many moslim countries, what serves as perfect excuse for the same despots from the west to attack those in the fake name of democracy, a ' mocracy ' indeed. She was Benazir Bhutto who stands beside me now, and will be walking this earth once again in service to THE ONE. May I use this opportunity to point out AGAIN that sitting on the fence will earn you no points, nor respect as many of you still do not dare to speak the truth out loud. We understand you only discover the difference between the many lies and truth, but by now you know The Way, the Truth and Eternal Life enough now to FIND YOUR OWN TRUTH, and yet you hesitate to stand with it. So you will become footsoldiers after Stasis, no rank of importance... Loved, but no advancement made... What is going on with mother Earth could and should have been over and done with Earthly years ago, and we know the tremendous overshadowing and mindcontrol from the old block of vultures, Yet you made it so easy for them ... Especially the lack of hunger to KNOW, the lack of enthousiasm to make a difference in - by lack of knowing what was -the good direction, it was heart wrenching to see but the process was necessary for as many as possible to see and wake up, what still has not reached the masses. Some protests going on show some signs of standing up, but will be crushed and controlled in the usual manners if no more support comes quickly. As we are exchanging these thoughts, and I allowed this scribe to attend to some other matters on his computer, we saw the same usual type of plot unraveling before our very eyes. A false flag attack on the Saudi Ambassador of course blamed on an Iranian citizen as forced and fake excuse to gather support to attack his country. That war machine is still running hard, as it did in my days, even in my name.

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When you have no foundations to stand on anymore, since all good values have been crushed, then only the path of destruction can keep you going for a while, until that comes around and destroys the destroyers. CMAton only knows what he will allow to happen, but perhaps the hen will come home to roost in very unexpected ways. Remember this scribe his renewal of now is the time to give heed to food, water and toiletpaper ?!?!?! I prefer to be the bringer of good news, but reality must be faced, as I have learned the hard way. Only the truth will keep standing and only the ones hungry to know will advance as history repeats itself unless lessons are learned. Here is only a school, here is nothing real, except FOR WHO YOU ARE. And that is worth while KNOWING since your body may return to earth, but you soul can soar very high this time and accept this from me, that is what you agreed to come and DO here. Once again I shall direct mainly the followers of Islam as will other teachers walk and address their groups and bring together what religion and politics and military and financial mongers have divided, separated for profit only. Poor souls, yet part of the Universe and its ways for all to see, to learn and to practice if strong enough to stand. That is why we will come and help you, those who stay with Gaia, BUT THE WORK AND THE HUNGER AND THE PRACTICE WILL AND MUST BE YOURS, always has been, always will be. CMAton gives you the most comprehensive example what you later will understand, by walking unfamiliar territory on a very high level, yet STANDING BY THE TRUTH AND DIVINE LOVE also at the highest level, so accept his Guidance, my Beloveds, as so much joy will be yours. It might have taken longer, but the advantages He offers to all of his Creation of Nebadon are almost unimaginable, even for us who know so much more. Know and Trust that you are in good hands, if you make the good decisions, and I need not explain this in a picture, You Know or should know by now by your own choice. The babysitting is over, responsability is here and your world will soon show just how much the golden rule still works. The laws of Balance work, the One God works, I come to testify and guarantee you once more very soon, but if you do not DO THE EFFORT TO GET TO KNOW THAT FOR YOURSELF TROUGH EXPERIENCE, it will be a much longer schooltime again. Yet time is of no matter here. One day, you will all catch the good Gods train, and your God is so mercyfull, He wants to loose none, even that you will one day understand and respect. My time is up for now, but I will be back since Gaia and all of you, My Beloveds are near and dear to my heart. BE VIGILANT INDEED, watch for the signs of what you already know to manifest more of the same, untill the tide turns against those who kept choosing the other, their own train. Stand tall by what you know INSIDE TO BE TRUE. There is no other way. Salu and Namaste, I AM Mohammed. Link to my piece with Mohammed back in 2005 for reference, in case some of you have never read it.-Candace

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[link to abundanthope.net] ********************* [link to abundanthope.net] This piece is under copyright protection of [link to www.abundanthope.net] It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in anyway and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace. Those making it their mission to collect clusters of 3 green thumbs, these works from my website are approved by SHR of GLP for publishing of FULL content. Please do not waste the mods time by making copyright infringement reports on them. Thankyou.-NIP Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 2230535

United States 10/12/2011 07:44 PM

Dear Christians, this is a wondrous site to review below. It has some of the teaching promised for the end of this age in YOUR BIBLE someplace. it is far better. Here is a piece that is very appropriate in these final times from Wisdomoftherays. although I have permission to use these in full from the owner, I will publish within the rules here, so that you ones have to click on the link to see the rest of it! There is wondrous material that is EASY to read and understand there, that came as the result of the Spectrum News project that followed the end of the Phoenix Journal Project. [link to www.wisdomoftherays.com] Recognizing YOUR Purpose Helps The Larger Plan 7/31/99 - Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come in Service to The One Light, Creator God.

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I have come as one of the Hosts of God, as a Messenger of Truth. And, I come as a representative of the Inter-Galactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. I present to many under different names, depending upon the purpose of the communication as well as the level of growth and awareness of the individuals I work with and through. Monitor within yourself the energy vibrations I present and you will recognize my energy. There are distractions galore these days upon your orb as the Dark energies struggle to remain hidden from the view of you who continue to march forward bearing the symbolic torch of Lighted Truth. Many will effort to snuff out the “flame” of those who radiate this Infinite Flame, as the vibrational emanations associated with you Lightworkers cause the Dark ones to know that their games of trickery and deceit are soon to come onto center stage of attention within the mass consciousness of even the most hardened skeptic. The natural planetary cycle now nearing its end (only to start again new) is facilitating one of the grandest opportunities you ones can have while in the physical environment. The incoming high-frequency Light energy is causing sympathetic resonance in all matter in your sector of space. And thus the frequency of your planet, as well as of your physical bodies, is quickly moving up, higher and higher, with each passing day. With an increased physical-domain frequency, there comes a greater ability for the Higher Self (the Soul-you) to integrate more fully within your physical consciousness. This in turn will bring about heightened perceptual abilities such as what you ones call ESP (extra-sensory perception), clairvoyance, intuition and such. Ones will no longer be able to look you in the eye and tell you an outright lie without your inner signalings (alarms of sorts) going off. See rest again at : [link to www.wisdomoftherays.com] Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 3582325

United States 10/19/2011 03:27 PM

my teaching from another thread today. repeat of what I have placed here before, but with a little more information.

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the rapture many Christians believe in, this one, will be this one when evacuation becomes necessary and you must be prepared for it and it applies to all religions. In the image above, the CRAFT are missing. This is how you will rise to meet the Lord, if you believe in the above version of rapture. THIS IS FACT.

The real meaning of "rapture" is something quite different and means either of two things. One is fusion or merger of your soul with Father Fragment of his mind within your mind, which consumes the body, and you dissappear looking like a chariot of flame or something to that as described in the old testament some place. That event places you into the book of life and sadly there are many right here on glp that reached that state long ago and you ICE are one of them and if you don't remember, now is a great time to do so. This is a problem with the terrible mind control in Christianity at least, because the star seeds can't remember themselves and that was the goal of the black operatives you ones label as satan. The other version of rapture matches this story here that someone had a vision of, and which can be found posted by Being * gnieB in my WAVE thread, link takes you to the exact page. There are actually 2 posts there describing this process. Thread: THE WAVE/Face of God/The ONE (Page 4) Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 3582325

United States 10/23/2011 07:25 PM

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 - 4 -- page. 65

New spiritual project. You are invited to participate. Right now, we are not covering religion, but that may come up in due time. Thread: Pondering One's Convictions Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 3582325

United States 10/29/2011 03:07 PM

Dear green thumb collectors. Heaven Letters has always allowed full publication of their stuff. This came directly in my mail from them today and I have placed it per their instructions. See the link and instructions at the bottom of this which I bolded. NIP Dear Christians, if you have not discovered Heaven letters, now is the time to do so. These are wondrous and perhaps this one will give you a better concept of God. That is why of the demonstration Jesus made of washing the feet of his disciples in fact, maybe this will give you a better understanding of that action. God can only be as YOU MAKE HIM TO BE ON THIS WORLD. Take HIM into the gutter and there he goes with you in fact. Take him in these wars and their he must go with you. Ponder where you take HIM. For you see, many of you have yet to figure out, he is right there WITHIN YOU, which Jesus so diligently taught and which is absent in most of the teachings about him. HEAVEN #3990 The Creator of Free Will , October 28, 2011 God said: Many of you think of Me as a Boss, someone Whose bidding you have to kowtow to. You think of Me as a great Authority Figure, a Judge, a Punisher, a Criminalist out to get you, find you in a misdemeanor and so on. Better to think of Me as a Benefactor, beloveds. The fact is I am your Holy Servant. No One serves you as I do. No One is at your beck and call as I am. No One kneels before you as I do. No One listens to your every breath as I do. No One listens to your heartbeat as I do. My ear is to your heart. I am in service to you. I am indentured to you. I am in your employ.

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I am your Servant. I take the cards you deal Me, and I do your bidding. You have had it backwards. You thought you did Mine. I am your disciple. I serve All. I have a lot to take care of, and, yet, I never have too much to do. Serving you is My pleasure. It is My choice. I choose to serve you. Sometimes you tie My hands, as it were, by your vision. You may see it that I throw you a bone every once in a while. It is not like that. I give you everything. All the time. You rule Me, beloveds, do you see what I mean? I love you more than you love Me, yet I do not tally points of your love. I simply give you all of My love. Take more of My love. Believe in Me as I believe in you. There are times when you feel you are cheated. A loved one's body dies, and you are offended. Accept once and for all that I am never opposed to you. I give you diamonds and rubies and emeralds of love, and you pick out baubles of glass or pebbles and say I don't love you. You can take Me personally, but everything that happens in life you cannot take personally. Life is not hopscotch. I cannot toss up the world like a bouncing ball. All in life is not a toss-up. I created the Universe, and I created you. I gave you free will. I have a domain. In one sense, I have the most Free Will in the World, and, yet, that does not mean I always follow your will. Ah, but, of course, you think that is what a Servant is supposed to do. You think it doesn't matter what you tell Me. You think I have to do it. You want Me to run upstairs and downstairs, and you may give Me opposing orders. I am at your service, and I am also at the service of the Universe. It appears that I, the Creator of Free Will, cannot always grant your wishes the instant you ask. I am a Fulfiller of Dreams and yet, it seems, not always. I do not always give you the candy you want or even return your loved ones to you as you would like Me to. You do understand that I have unlimited vision, and you see only so far. This does not mean I disobey you. The thing is I have never taken loved ones away from you. It is like you ask Me to wash dishes that are already clean. Or it is like you are a man who cannot see, and you ask Me to move a piece of furniture where you want it, and it is already in the place you wanted it to be. I do not apologize for My vision and your blindness. Now, let Us bend to each other without bumping Our heads. Permanent Link: [link to www.heavenletters.org] Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 10/29/2011 03:09 PM Anonymous Coward User ID: 1340117

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United States 10/29/2011 03:14 PM I would ask to continue to vote, the true purpose of the voting really, is to create awareness, because religions are so divided against each other. A sad condition to Jesus by the way. Ok, Christians are getting awfully nasty here on GLP, in a way they were not even a year ago. Guess you ones are feeling the end times too. And the beginning of the new times. Now, let me point out the one thing that bothers me the most HERE and other forums and in my life personally as long as I can remember. Now why it IS true, that Jesus Christ is the only way to the FATHER, you ones do not understand how or why. So I am going to ask one of my favorite questions and see what answers show up. What about the Muzzies as they called here, the buddhists, the taoists, the so called atheists, the hindu's etc. What happens to them? They are born in culture that have never heard of Jesus Christ. I am posting a poll but also wish commentary. Quoting: Nobody in Particular google muslims coming to Christ... it has exploded in recent years around the world Anonymous Coward User ID: 1340117

United States 10/29/2011 03:14 PM In fact, just read any testimony Anonymous Coward User ID: 4258017

Australia 10/29/2011 03:30 PM Ok, Christians are getting awfully nasty here on GLP, in a way they were not even a year ago. Quoting: Nobody in Particular It is not surprising, with all the demon infested atheists and unbelievers in here trying to undermine true faith. You can recognize the demon infested because they refuse Jesus and mock the Lords name and His followers. They argue and try to turn the faithful away from their true path. Christians are only human after all. Is it surprising that a few might find it a trying and become a bit testy. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1320506 But the muslims say the SAME ETHING..let me paraphrase... It is not surprising, with all the demon infested atheists and christians in here trying to undermine true faith of Islam. You can recognize the demon infested because they refuse Muhammad and mock the Lords name and His followers. They argue and try to turn the faithful away from their true path. Muslims are only human after all. Is it surprising that a few might find it a trying and become

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a bit testy. See..it works BOTH ways..for any religion. What makes YOU so certain YOURS is true eh? A BOOK told you? A BOOK told THEM as well.. Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 3582325

United States 10/29/2011 03:33 PM

I would ask to continue to vote, the true purpose of the voting really, is to create awareness, because religions are so divided against each other. A sad condition to Jesus by the way. Ok, Christians are getting awfully nasty here on GLP, in a way they were not even a year ago. Guess you ones are feeling the end times too. And the beginning of the new times. Now, let me point out the one thing that bothers me the most HERE and other forums and in my life personally as long as I can remember. Now why it IS true, that Jesus Christ is the only way to the FATHER, you ones do not understand how or why. So I am going to ask one of my favorite questions and see what answers show up. What about the Muzzies as they called here, the buddhists, the taoists, the so called atheists, the hindu's etc. What happens to them? They are born in culture that have never heard of Jesus Christ. I am posting a poll but also wish commentary. Quoting: Nobody in Particular google muslims coming to Christ... it has exploded in recent years around the world Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1340117 dear one, JESUS was GOD of Nebadon. and his name was not and is not JESUS CHRIST. but he will answer to it, considering the mess. Any one coming to GOD KNOWLEDGE and Truth IS of GOD no matter their religion. You are in fact pushing a religion that has great trouble within it in your statement. You are assuming Muslims have not had Christ. And that is not correct. Jesus did NOT create this religion. a very blinded PAUL/SAUL started it and the thugs have continued it in so many ways. You, each of you taking the eternal journey which IS a choice, are in

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fACT to become CHRISTS and ever so much more. It is a STATE of BEING and Consciousness and not a LAST NAME. There are many Christs in fact walking this world right now. The one you call Jesus in fact said GOD IS WITHIN YOU, so any one again, coming into THAT knowledge, of the God within, IS on the journey of becoming a Christ. Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 3582325

United States 10/29/2011 03:35 PM

Ok, Christians are getting awfully nasty here on GLP, in a way they were not even a year ago. Quoting: Nobody in Particular It is not surprising, with all the demon infested atheists and unbelievers in here trying to undermine true faith. You can recognize the demon infested because they refuse Jesus and mock the Lords name and His followers. They argue and try to turn the faithful away from their true path. Christians are only human after all. Is it surprising that a few might find it a trying and become a bit testy. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1320506 But the muslims say the SAME ETHING..let me paraphrase... It is not surprising, with all the demon infested atheists and christians in here trying to undermine true faith of Islam. You can recognize the demon infested because they refuse Muhammad and mock the Lords name and His followers. They argue and try to turn the faithful away from their true path. Muslims are only human after all. Is it surprising that a few might find it a trying and become a bit testy. See..it works BOTH ways..for any religion. What makes YOU so certain YOURS is true eh? A BOOK told you? A BOOK told THEM as well.. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4258017 THANK YOU for the inspiring post, as so many cannot see that others too have been given truth. In fact Islam KNOW that God sends his messengers to the many different peoples and cultures, which christian's can't seem to comprehend.

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Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 3582325

United States 10/29/2011 05:58 PM

One way to PROVE what is "correct teaching" and what is not, is to actually DO what the Bible says to do,.. and see what happens. The Bible says to "Believe" in The Messiah, the Son of God and Son of David, the One who died outside of Jerusalem, on a cross, when the sky was darkened for 3 hours, when the graves opened and the dead walked around. That Messiah said to "Take up your cross and follow Him." He said to "Deny Self" and to serve Him. Do that and see what happens,.. if He reveals Himself to you or not. I believed and gave Him my life, and He has revealed Himself, and opened His word. It's all about HIM, not us. It's about what HE did and does, not about what we do. It's NOT about our actions or works, it's about HIS actions and HIS works. We either go our own way, and hope for the best, or we go His way. His form comes into us, to work through us, to enable us, to empower us, to do His work,.. for HIS Glory, not for ours. If it's about OUR works, then how does HE get the Glory from our works? It has to be HIM working through us, for His Glory. That eliminates our works. ("Not by your own actions or works, so no one can boast.") Everyone has already heard. Romans 1 and 2 tells about how everyone has already heard, everyone sees creation, and either seeks God or not. Those who seek Him, He reveals himself to them. The Bible says "None do good, none seek Him, no not one." All are guilty. All will appear before Him. He will judge them, not us. "He always does right." So, give Him a try. If you aren't sure what is right, turn to God as you understand him. Turn your life over to Him. After all, He gave Himself for you. He loved you first. Love Him back and see if He doesn't reveal Himself to you! You have to "Lose your life to obtain it." Give it up and you will get it back, fully and completely! Seek to do what HE wants you to do. He will lead you into all truth. He is honest and faithful and He will reveal Himself to all who give Him all they have. If you have nothing to give, give Him what you have. God will not be fooled or mocked. Those who try to find other ways to be saved, will find only emptiness. Once you have exausted all other ways, come to Him and give yourself to Him and He will fill you more fully than you could ever imagine! Gode doesn't play games. He does things ONLY one way. His way. Reach out honestly,with an open heart, and He will meet you. You can be sure of that.

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Want to talk about a real, personal, loving God, I am here to help. no cost. my life belongs to Him. I am here to help others find him and find a truly satisfying Life! Gary, a follower of God's Messiah Quoting: garch7 Gary you have a ways to go yet. The bible has a lot of completely false material in it. tons in fact. jesus came to those ones in that area for various reasons, one of them being they had forgotton the ways of god. These ones were offspring of some space people whose ship crashed and they kept the teachings or knowing for a time and then it was lost. You cannot go much by the OT and Paul completely FUCKED UP. I sense you copy some of the correct teachings but I am not sure you understand them, and you must BE LIKE GOD< not follow him, for there is a piece of GOD"S mind within YOUR MIIND, and that is who you LISTEN TO BUT DO NOT FOLLOW. You have set God right outside yourself, like most Christians do. And most in any religion do. Lets look at a quote you made above, in blue. The Bible says to "Believe" in The Messiah, the Son of God and Son of David, the One who died outside of Jerusalem, on a cross, when the sky was darkened for 3 hours, when the graves opened and the dead walked around. the Messiah never said that. And the messiah never said he was the son of David either. NOW THINK. Since david was LONG in the grave, how could Jesus have been his son? Put on your God mind and answer that one. Actually Jesus was two people, both sons of God and the teaching in Christianity that Jesus was the ONLY SON OF GOD is terribly false and the source of great mis knowledge of GOD. IF YOU HAVE A THINKING MIND, can envision your future and the like, YOU ARE A SON OF GOD. Jesus did NOT Die on the cross but that allowed to be the belief because he needed to leave that dark area and journey to India and central Asia to continue his teaching assignment. There was exactly no resurrection. The man was NOT DEAD, he was in a coma, and the reason he was walking around later was because he got well enough in the grave to do so. It had a back entrance and people came in and helped him. THAT IS FACT. The graves did not open, the dead did not walk around. What did happen in the weeks afterward is that their was a general resurrection of the dead, which means their SOULS and NOT their long dead bodies. The soul does NOT reside in the grave after death. You cannot not these animal bodies to heaven. Jesus left his behind when he was 115 years old. It is buried near Srinagar Kashmir. He has married in that area and raised 5 kids with his wife, who was not, for others reading here. Mary M. Mary M was forced after wards onto a boat in the mediterranean, with others and birthed her and Jesus Child SaRa on that boat and there was celestial help to get that boat to France where she engaged in a life long mission there. Followers of the bible and followers of the Quran are set against each other by the thugs of this world who changed a lot of material given into false material. and terrible religions created. Not one avatar ever creates a religion. NONE ON THEM DO. Religions are always used to generate war on dark planets like this one. another statement: It's NOT about our actions or works, it's about HIS actions and HIS works. We either go our own way, and hope for the best, or we go His way. It is about your actions, and whether thru the methods of gaining wisdom you choose to align your actions with the Laws of both the Creation and the Laws of GOD. The laws of the creation are given thru nature. The Laws of God are given so people can build successful civilizations as they come to understand and

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practice them. You can read these laws of God regiven in Phoenix Journal #27, as many of them were lost on the tablets given to moses. Only some of them survived. You have repeated lives to learn wisdom. You do not have just one life, ever. Period. You earn the right in inhabit more advanced worlds as you come into the wisdom of LIVING God's laws. between your lives on this planet, you live in the astral realms. According there to your progress as there are many levels. Periodically there is a general resurrection to the mansion worlds at the end of various ages and times. There was one here shortly after the crucifixion, there was one around the year 1000 AD. All souls since the advent of Michael of Nebadon (Jesus), who have made 3rd circle spiritual obtainment, the beginning level of knowing they are SONS OF GOD because GOD IS WITHIN THEM, go to the mansion worlds which are in the bible. These re preliminary "heaven" level worlds for continued training and you are given a NEW BODY when you arrive on the 3rd day. Those that have not reached that level on death of the current body, go to the astral realms of earth where they experience further between life instruction and have more lives as a general statement, but there are exceptions. Darker folks just reincarnate back into bodies again for example. At the end of an age on a planet, such as this, those that have not yet made thru their lives in the astral and physical life, 3rd circle yet are resurrected to the very lowest mansion worlds or taken to other planets appropriate to their level. This is currently an on going process as people pass this world. They are sorted to where they go next. This world is going to enter a higher way to be with new experiences of growth and learning for the soul. This is because the Mother GAIA (aso called Urantia, Mother Earth and the like), who is also a person, having this planet as her body, is moving upward herself, making her own ascension into truth and knowledge. Those who are not ready for this, will be moving to other places. We are at the end of this age, and shall be starting another. We are at the end of this age because our planet and solar system are beginning a new trip around the Milky Way Galaxy. This is a massive ending of a very long age in fact. The planet however goes thru the end of one age and the start of another, every 13,000 years with smaller ages inbetween. You ones must learn the truth. Only a small amount is present in any of your holy books and that includes NEW AGE. What is most important at this ending time, IS YOUR HEART. Where is it? If you are hating Muslims because you are a Christian, you have some heart yet to obtain, or better stated, some HEART WISDOM. That which you label God has sent many avatars to this world. To all races and cultures. Only a few of them have been in fact remembered because of the creation of a religion around them. There are many on this world now from what you ones call Heaven, which you have nearly no concept of what that is. Let me state what it is, Any planet better than earth. Any planet in greater knowledge as a civilization than earth. There are also many custom made much higher worlds which you can only live on when you have earned each one and you will go thru over 1 billion of them before you too stand before the Father on Paradise. Part of the teaching of Jesus in standing at the right hand of the Father was for you ones, and the bible did not teach that. You ones here will one day, if you continue to pursue your growth of knowledge, stand also before the Father on Paradise. I know this very personally, because I HAVE DONE SO. I am using a

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earth body to teach here at this time, one of many teachers here at this time. This is a prison ward for those cosmic folks, both angels and humans who chose to take the long route to God and be retarded. there are 10 billion angels and human souls incarnating on this world to learn their lessons they have refused to learn. because this is the end of a BIG AGE and the ascension of GAIA, time is up for your using this school room if you have not yet passed your lessons. You who have not, are going to MOVE. There is no hell fire, there is only low level civilizations to live in. BEcause of the ascension of GAIA, those not ready must move. it is as simple at that. You need to LIVE TRUTH, not follow it. Enough said. Nobody in Particular (OP) the Age of Confusion is Fully Manifest. User ID: 3582325

United States 10/29/2011 06:02 PM

DID ANYONE WATCH THE VIDEO? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1340117 I did twice and I did not like it. I have to make the assumption it is pro christian and anti Islam. If I missed the point I am sorry. Jesus was illiterate too by the way. If it was a comparison of how the two religions defend their holy books, them maybe it has merit. In fact I would recommend it for that reason. It felt hateful to me. Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 3582325

United States 11/06/2011 10:32 AM

as to taxes in the usa, Ron placed this on my site. Now this is a GREAT Christian mission, nice to see there are some christians exposing this. There are several christian sites that do expose the lies. If only MORE OF YOUR WOULD DO THAT.

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[link to abundanthope.net] Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 3582325

United States 11/09/2011 09:21 AM

Archiving from another thread. quoted post is OP's of that thread

What is wrong with me? i used to believe very much, could i be one of people talked about in the bible that will fall at the end times?? what do i do? im seriously worried about going to hell, this is just bad, i really dont know what is wrong with me. I am in true denial and i sometimes will curse the lord for no reason, and sometimes i will want to be in with the lord than not, than yes, than not... and i think i have committed blasphemy already even knowing what blasphmey is i committed it, im truly scared, what do i do? am i done for? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1332912 believing in the bible God is not knowing the Father. You will know the Father when you realize you are his Son/daughter, and he is right inside of your mind/soul. You used the word "believing". Believing is NOT knowing. If you believed, it was false. You must know. The Father is in all of life and resides in the spirit and is not the big boss either. The hierarchy of heaven is "big boss." Not one of those called Lord God or Yahweh or whatever in the old testament is the FATHER. NOT ONE. Not one was God, of hierarchy either. Those people did not know God. The Gods of the OT are in fact ET's, some benevolent and some not. It was ET's from Thiaoouba that did all the stuff with moses for example. Jehovah IS another spelling of the PLANET Thiaoouba and I suspect the OT folks knew that, but the book was corrupted. Amazed User ID: 4545733

United States 11/09/2011 10:24 AM The only begotten son of God is........the man kind, includes the male and the female. Jesus called himself the Son of Man. Who are you? The bible says that when Jesus 'returns' he will judge the quick and the dead. Is this not what every single one of is doing NOW? The Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. Jesus, this very day walks this earth, and

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is not recognized. The bible story of Jesus tells us that not even his closest friends, nor his family recognized him after the resurrection. Why not? Answer: It's the Christ that is resurrected, the Holy Spirit, the invisible Christ Consciousness, awaking from sleep [death and sleep interchangable in the bible]. Christianity is religion. Religion is the creation of hell on earth. Religion defined as separation of the man kind from the Creator. Is this not what we've been taught thru religion? Jesus never told anyone to follow him. He said, "Follow Me". Ever wonder why all the personal pronouns are used in the bible? Why do christians pray, "in Jesus name"? Clues, clues......everywhere, yet fear keeps people from asking themselves the hard questions. Personal relationship? What's more personal than waking up and realizing that you are the Son of Man? That you are alive NOW? To realize that nothing is impossible for you! Wake up, o sleeper, and rise from the dead and Christ will shine on YOU. Come out of her [religion] for this organization is the pit of hell. Search your heart and see if there is any wickedness in you. It's the mind that's controlled, and the heart has been veiled thru believing lies and thinking that the man kind is separate from the Creator. Humanity is creation and experiencing it at the same time. Ponder this. Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 3582325

United States 11/09/2011 10:27 AM

The only begotten son of God is........the man kind, includes the male and the female. Jesus called himself the Son of Man. Who are you? The bible says that when Jesus 'returns' he will judge the quick and the dead. Is this not what every single one of is doing NOW? The Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. Jesus, this very day walks this earth, and is not recognized. The bible story of Jesus tells us that not even his closest friends, nor his family recognized him after the resurrection. Why not?

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Answer: It's the Christ that is resurrected, the Holy Spirit, the invisible Christ Consciousness, awaking from sleep [death and sleep interchangable in the bible]. Christianity is religion. Religion is the creation of hell on earth. Religion defined as separation of the man kind from the Creator. Is this not what we've been taught thru religion? Jesus never told anyone to follow him. He said, "Follow Me". Ever wonder why all the personal pronouns are used in the bible? Why do christians pray, "in Jesus name"? Clues, clues......everywhere, yet fear keeps people from asking themselves the hard questions. Personal relationship? What's more personal than waking up and realizing that you are the Son of Man? That you are alive NOW? To realize that nothing is impossible for you! Wake up, o sleeper, and rise from the dead and Christ will shine on YOU. Come out of her [religion] for this organization is the pit of hell. Search your heart and see if there is any wickedness in you. It's the mind that's controlled, and the heart has been veiled thru believing lies and thinking that the man kind is separate from the Creator. Humanity is creation and experiencing it at the same time. Ponder this. Quoting: Amazed 4545733 well your post is better than most, pretty good in several places in fact, thankyou. I do so wish his walked a lot stronger though by those who should be walking in his shoes and are not. You are right, he never said to follow him, the follow has been mistranslated, it was to walk in his shoes. To be LIKE him, to do the example he showed and Christians do not do that. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 11/09/2011 10:28 AM Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 3582325

United States 11/09/2011 01:46 PM

Those making it a mission to collect clusters of 3 green thumbs, these works from my website are approved by SHR of GLP for publishing of FULL content. Please do not waste

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the mods time by making copyright infringement reports on them. See the end of the post for link and details. Thankyou. NIP This is another message from Mohammed thru Johan of AH. This man did not start that crazy religion either, anymore than Jesus started the crazy Christianity. Mohammed was not a pedophile either. It was simply the custom in his days to adopt women and girls by "marriage" when they had no man to care for them. He is a glorious gentle Christ himself. Christ is not a last name, its a state of attainment. I remind you that "Nato" saw to it that another Christ by the current name of Gaddafi was brutally murdered recently as the method of being deposed of the leadership of his country, the best country in Africa until your Khazar antichrist Zionist thugs destroyed it over the years. You allowed that Christians you know. . Mohammed has shed many a tear at what has been done in his name. He is also returned and will be on TV during our teaching period for those sucked into that religion. I did a long work with him years ago and now Johan is doing this. BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER IN UNISON, GATHERING AND RESPECTING ALL OPINIONS By Mohammed thru Johan Nov 9, 2011 - 8:09:21 PM Email this article Printer friendly page MOHAMMED SPEAKS : BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER IN UNISON, GATHERING AND RESPECTING ALL OPINIONS I am Mohammed Speaking. As I found this scribe in readiness to take my message, as all of you can, call it the telepathic way = exchanging thoughts over the mind, I would like to address those of you who are drowning in an ocean of opinions. Usually dark and fearful opinions that are generated to keep you fighting amongst each other. Divide and conquer. These games have been around and have made it possible for a few to rule the rest. When I see what those who still profess in my name have made of my teachings, it pains me very much, but I realise that until we open your eyes to their practices, you will continue to follow like sheep, driven into any direction the sheep dogs want you. Until you realise that only YOUR OR THE TRUTH is of any matter, you will go with any flow, created to use power OVER you. Only a few have to fuel the fires of uncertainty, of doom and gloom, of GOO and BLING, as somebody near to my heart is calling it, and you are lost in the wilderness. I see twenty, thirty, sometimes fifty people fighting over one idea or opinion someone brought forward, and NOT ONE iota of truth has been exchanged! Can you dear ones not see how this is breaking the fabric of life appart, how this is DESTROYING the very world you were suppose to build together? When you enter that arena of accusing, blaming, fighting over opinions, what does it bring to you? Bread on the table to eat ? Water to quench your thirst ? Knowledge so you can grow in understanding ? Love and respect for your brothers and sisters ? Please THINK about this, as you know this to be true deep in your heart. How many TV stations bring any form of knowledge or truth ? Even what is considered

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documentaries and science studies are riddled with opinions brought forward to control you, to sow fear amongst you. Oh the scientists know !!! Oh the doctors know !!! Oh the politicians know !!! Oh the teachers know !!! Oh the preachers know !!! Oh the military know !!! Oh the bankers and financial institutions know !!! Oh the economists know !!! Well if this would have been true, and if you shall know them by their fruits of their labor, THEN LOOK AT THEIR FRUITS, LOOK AT THEIR LABOR, LOOK AT THEIR RESULTS, LOOK AT THE CONDITION THIS WORLD IS IN, LOOK AROUND YOU my dearly beloveds !!! Some call this world a playground, a school, an illusion, but let me assure you what you already know : a playground without rules or supervision does breed accidents. A school without truth does breed lies and deception. An illusion that creates more illusions to hide the truth breeds more illusions. LOOK AROUND YOU. There is another place to look, ONCE YOU MAKE THE CHOICE TO WANT TO KNOW FOR YOURSELF, without the illusions, without the other opinions, without the fighting THAT SERVES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, exept for those amongst you who gain from the separation, the fear, the lies, the deception, keeping you away from the truth. Look at nature in the first place. Even thought the elements have started to rebel against the drunkeness of those who suppose to have dominion over them, or at least work in cooperation and harmony, you can still recognise rules, laws, order, patterns, call it truth that governs. None of you can replace that, you can only learn from it and work along side, and create results. There is no exchange of opinions in nature, fights over who is wrong or right, manipulation, deception, untill man steps in and WANTS MORE AND MORE ... and ruins nature in its wake.... Second but most important place to look is WITHIN YOU. Yes, my beloveds, STOP LOOKING OUTSIDE OF YOU FOR ANSWERS, FOR HELP, FOR TRUTH, FOR KNOWLEDGE, but look INSIDE. This scribe has used this sentence alot: ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IS WITHIN YOU. That has become his life, his progress, his awakening, his freedom from mental slavery, since the day he sat outside, doing his FIRST meditation, listening to the stillness, the silence within UNTIL A MONUMENTAL CHANGE IN HIS LIFE HAPPENED THERE AND THEN: it was put upon his heart : ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IS WITHIN YOU. I am using his example, as I know his mind, as we are connecting through the mind, as actually this message came about through him THINKING about todays topic : OPINIONS. That is how close we can be, how close all of us, all of you can be, how harmonious we can THINK/PLAN/ORGANISE/LIVE TOGETHER, how harmonious THIS WORLD COULD BE ... A world WITHOUT the opinions for the sake of opinions, the lies, the fights, the deception, the fear, the control, the slavery. ... Now the Divine Mind is available to all who have the hunger to KNOW. The Divine Mind, call it Christ Mind, will give you the answers, will give you the advice, will help manifesting the circumstances IF YOU SHOW THE HUNGER TO KNOW. This does not come in divisions of religion, or social groups or political parties. NO. One mind, one thought, one truth, one knowledge, even one love. ONENESS my dear ones will make you progress, will lead you to YOUR destination, where ever you want this to be ... Knowing that Love and Service to Others will lead you to any destination MUCH FASTER. Because you ARE a DIVINE BEING and DIVINE BEINGS walk along the road of LOVE AND SERVICE TO OTHERS. They handle the truth and nothing else. They harbor THE HUNGER TO KNOW, and that knowledge always leads to the Truth, and the biggest Truth to Know is LOVE, as there is nothing besides LOVE. What does not look like love is the absence of love, yet LOVE remains.

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It is our Sovereign, Christ Michael of Nebadon, God Aton, who represents that Divine Love and Light from the Creator and YOU my beloveds are the Divine Beings who ought to walk in these footsteps that Nature and THE SPIRITUAL WORLD WITHIN YOU are showing and advising and guiding you. So instead of fighting over opinions and allowing a few to sow confusion amongst yourselves that lead to no where and nothing, instead of doubting, START YOUR ROAD TO YOUR OWN KNOWLEDGE, YOUR OWN TRUTH BY leaving behind all that bickering, shouting, accusing, blaming. TAKE UP YOUR OWN WEAPON OF TRUTH, OF KNOWLEDGE, OF LOVE AND WIN THAT BATTLE THAT IS RAGING ON EARTH. It is clear not all will come to that AWAKENING, but you who can read, can at least START TO THINK ABOUT IT, AND USE YOUR BRAINS towards something CONSTRUCTIVE AND PROGRESSIVE, instead of destructive and backwards. LOOK AROUND YOU AND SEE YOUR SOCIETY BEEN DRIVEN INTO TOTAL ANNIHILATION, UTTER DESTRUCTION, LACK OF FOOD AND DRINKING WATER, INTO NEW WARS !!! No religion, no politics, no banks, no military, no school, no healthcare, no science, no opinions for opinions, no separation and division has brought this world FORWARD. LOOK AROUND YOU, my beloveds. THINK ABOUT IT, my beloveds. And WHY is that so? Because none of them was based on the TRUTH, none of them were based on SERVICE, on LOVE, on the KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM that lies WITHIN THEM, IN NATURE, IN THE DIVINE. I would love to call this your last wake up call, but I know so many of us, YOUR DIVINE BROTHERS AND SISTERS WAITING FOR YOU TO OPEN YOUR EYES, EARS TO THE DIVINE BEING YOU ARE, have come forward lately WARNING YOU OF THE SAME. You do not have to believe me. As a matter of FACT, PLEASE DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD OF WHAT I JUST SHARED WITH YOU. But GO WITHIN and ask and know for yourself. It does not cost you anything, just a few moments of your time, our time, the Divine Time that is NOW CORRECTION TIME, SHIFTING TIME, if you have not noticed it already. I do not speak in a difficult language so all would understand. I actually speak through the common language this scribe is used to handling every day, so please THINK, CONTEMPLATE upon my simple TRUTHS I came to share with you, what you also have STORED WITHIN YOU. That will stop your fighting over opinions, that will make you stand tall for the Truth, open your heart through Service to Others again and will lead you on your path up and onwards, back to YOUR SOURCE, my beloveds. I hope, If you did not have to leave for other places, that we will meet very soon as I, Mohammed, will walk your Earth again, and it will be my greatest pleasure to Serve the Divine in bringing people, my brothers and sisters TOGETHER, IN UNISON and trying to gather and respect ALL OPINIONS, to the benefit and Highest Purpose of ALL involved, versus what I see happening amongst you today. Salu. One day soon...or shortly ... Love and Light, Johan. ***************** [link to abundanthope.net] This piece is under copyright protection of [link to www.abundanthope.net] It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace.

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Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 3582325

United States 11/20/2011 02:52 PM

[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov] Dear Christians, time to PONDER your eternal life, because the universe and god to not work how you think they work. Look at this massive craft that may be larger than Jupiter close to the sun today. lower left, these are some of the activities of eternal life. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 11/20/2011 02:53 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 5787814

United States 11/22/2011 08:22 PM

[link to abundanthope.net] Enjoy the music with TRUE TEACHINGS ABOUT GOD. krispykritter User ID: 5040052

United States 11/22/2011 08:40 PM

It is none of our business. That is up to God The Father.

Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 5787814

United States

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11/22/2011 10:04 PM

It is none of our business. That is up to God The Father. Quoting: krispykritter I assume you are replying to my post about your eternal life. No beloved, it is UP TO YOU. You always thru your life eternal are in charge. God the Father is only effective in that the Father Fragment bestowed on your mind will leave if a person clearly rejects eternal life. Otherwise you will be piloted to paradise and beyond by His presence within your soul, and under the guidance also of ones guardian angel and those of the hierarchy that make many a decision, like the decision now for this planet. Please listen to the stunning music I posted from You tube, it has great truth in them, in short bites.

IT IS YOUR BUSINESS and in fact NO ONE ELSES. I am from Paradise, the "highest heaven", and incarnate here to serve the 2nd Coming process and I know of what I speak having taken the ascension journey to Paradise, after my soul got its start on another evolutionary planet similar to this one, long long ago. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 11/22/2011 10:09 PM Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 5787814

United States 11/29/2011 01:23 PM

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Those making it a mission to collect clusters of 3 green thumbs, these works from my website are approved by SHR of GLP for publishing of FULL content. Please do not waste the mods time by making copyright infringement reports on them. See the end of the post for link and details. Thankyou. NIP This piece is from the very one who visited as Jesus (Jesus was TWO folks sharing that body). Some of you believe Jesus to be God, will Michael of Nebadon, Christ MIchael is Father God of THIS sector of the vast Creation. His Father is also YOUR Father, which many of you ones fail to understand and because you will not understand, you leave out the very truth that you ARE Sons of God also. Enjoy the piece. What it means to wear the Mantle of Christ- Christ Michael The term mantle has several meanings in your language. Yet the mantle I refer for your understanding is the piece of clothing or garment which is a covering worn over other clothing. One can attire oneself with a mantle for various reasons peculiar to the need at a particular time. A mantle can be placed on and removed at will. The mantle I refer to is not strictly in accord with human understanding. I bring a higher understanding that you may appreciate the nature of this piece as to what it means to wear the Mantle of Christ. The Mantle of Christ is a symbol. In itself it represents a resurgence of divine energy to be manifested in physical form. A metaphor divinely inspired by the natural instinct of children to reflect the character of their Father. Before a choice can be made to wear the Mantle an understanding in required of what creates the symbolic mantle and its nature. Simply, the nature of Christ is imaged in the Mantle of Christ. I shall discourse on this shortly but first you must consider what qualifies you to wear this mantle. My little ones you do not require contemporary schooling to teach you this. You will be filled with the knowing required to graduate to that plane where you would wish to choose the mantle when you begin as a child would. Simply in humility and trust open you hands, heart and mind to the Father that He may fill you with righteous knowing. You have heard before that to enter the kingdom you must become like a child again. Well to achieve the disciplines of higher consciousness you must become like a child again and remain as a child would, totally open and believing that the Father knows best and will guide you always on the pathway to achieving spiritual success in your mortal incarnation. The Father does not wish HIS child to assume the Father’s personality, merely HIS divine character. Before you can choose to wear the symbolic mantle you must redeem yourself in the light of the Father and attain HIS characteristics.

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When you choose the mantle of Christ it must be worn with honour and solemnity. You do not lose yourself or your identity when you wear this mantle but you send out a message to the world that you are as HE IS. Yes indeed the same as I AM THAT I AM. You wear your identity fearlessly. To further elaborate on the mantle, I clarify that it is not an actual piece of clothing which by now you ones will understand; but a seasoned light which embarks from the Paradise Father. Consider this mantle to be a vest of virtues, a mosaic of divine qualities and impersonal attributes purely centred in its essential Source. It bears an incomparable radiance, is simple in texture yet enriched by its own energetic display of balance; and empowered through the authentic certainty with which it is portrayed. Its beauteous tapestry weaves the fruits of the spirit as precious stones in the crown of the Father’s eternalness. The mantle is the Christ construct or a thought construct of the Christ consciousness which all men must eventually attain. The availability of this mantle is determined by the progress of ones spiritual growth. One will know when he/she is ready to assume the much coveted mantle. I say much coveted as those who are on a spiritual path will know that the goal is always oneness with God or return to the Source ands the assumption of this mantle is a bold statement that one has freely chosen to serve the will of God and to be aligned with the highest divine order. Readiness to assume the mantle will hinge on preparedness and the ability to make oneself spiritually groomed for this honour. Before man can think of the Mantle, there is called for, an understanding which bridges the gap between human perception and immortal knowing. Man is required to shed the old ways of thinking through his dominant ego mind and seek to relinquish to the light of his spirit that which does not serve his soul’s evolution. He who chooses the mantle aspires to the greatness of his soul. He seeks the consciousness of Christ and this readies him to assume the mantle. The motivation of man to choose the mantle primarily rests on his intention to live within the Christ light and to effectuate the truth of God through service. When one is ready to adorn the Mantle, he is holding himself out to the world as a spiritual gladiator who embarks on the battlefield of life to do God’s work. He is armed with divine truth which has become enshrined through communion in his mortal heart. He wields the sword of wisdom and offers the hand of compassion, mercy, forgiveness and love to his enemies in battle as he intelligently recognises the light of God in all men. He has long left his prejudices and fear behind in the healing light of his spirit and he goes forward as a true representative of God. The abstruse concept of Mantle is in itself decorative as it is embellished with the virtuous light of the divine. There is however no ceremony attached to the Mantle; albeit he who chooses to wear it carries the responsibility of a renowned state of being and must live in accordance with his assumed and expected responsibilities. The Mantle of Christ must be worn effectively in alignment with the Christ within. It requires determination and deep spiritual insight, a predilection for perfection in service, complete dedication and uncompromising loyalty to the Father’s will. Some may say that it is a heavy burden. Man may be doubtful as to his ability to assume what

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appears to be a weighty construct. Yet all men will in time choose the divine mantle. For all men are sons of God and carry the Christ light within. The Christ light cannot forever be buried under the weight of the density of the flesh and the limitations of human understanding. It craves freedom. It is of course your individual choice as to when you set yourself free; for never will the Father interfere with your free will; simply proffer gentle encouragement. I will say however my children that the pain and suffering of awaiting your freedom lies with you as you must choose the hour of your freedom. I cannot free you; I can only give to you the tools being the lessons and I have bequeathed these to you from generations past to present in many ways through many ones. Many have in the past taken on the mantle with great love and spiritual intent but an inability to understand the greater truth. Yet it is true that today the possibilities for illumination is greater and many are with courage choosing the Mantle and seeking the guidance of the Christ within as to the wearing of this mantle and discharging in the human world obligations assumed in the light of spirit. There is a greater recognition asserting itself in the hearts and mind of men during these precipitous times; that perhaps the better way is the way of the light. A greater alignment is taking place within individuals which now motivates them to pursue their divine purpose. Do you see my beloveds that Christ is not a title or a name but an ordination bestowed upon those who choose the will of the Paradise Father and who have attain a level of God consciousness or awareness which marks their incarnation. You will choose HIS will when you come to know HIM as the living spirit of divinity within you. For whom amongst you do not wish to know the truth of your origin and nature? You spend your life seeking truth and you explore myriad possibilities s of discovering who you are and your purpose in life. Yet all you need to do is to look within and call upon the spirit of truth which I destined to you. An ardent seeker will always receive a response. Cultivating an intimate relationship with the spirit of God within will be the most rewarding and fulfilling relationship you will ever experience in any lifetime. Discovery of the God within is the beginning of self discovery which will inevitably propel you toward your homeland Paradise. Beloved children of the light, the Mantle of Christ is your true nature, the epitome of all God represents. Wearing the mantle affords you opportunities to assert your mastery. It is in essence the light of God. When you wear this Mantle, it covers nothing as a mantle of clothing will- it in fact reveals ALL- being the God in You. Christ Michael Hazel www.pathtofreedomistruth.com [link to abundanthope.net] This piece is under copyright protection of [link to www.abundanthope.net] It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace.

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Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 5787814

United States 11/30/2011 09:19 PM

Those making it a mission to collect clusters of 3 green thumbs, these works from my website are approved by SHR of GLP for publishing of FULL content. Please do not waste the mods time by making copyright infringement reports on them. See the end of the post for link and details. Thankyou. NIP Nebadonia is Mother Spirit of Nebadon,, daughter of the Infinite Spirit of the Trinity. Thus completing Trinity Energies in Nebadon. The Paradise Father is YOUR FATHER. Please Cosmic Gratitude-Mother Nebadonia The glory of the Father resides in each child in dwelt with the living spirit. That is the spirit of life. To all of you ones who have agreed to take on mortal countenance to serve the higher will during these auspicious times in your planet’s cycle, you are in receipt of great honour. Your loyalty to a higher cause is noted and streams of applause often flow from the celestial circle of higher authority. You ones who have chosen to align your consciousness with the Father’s, receive more and more packets of light in order to discharge your earthly tasks with greater understanding. Always do we keep your light replenished as you share your divinity with others. The drums roll in the angelic kingdom and love is sent from the spheres of Paradise to embrace your earth for all she has contributed to the rising of humanity. She too has been a faithful servant. The heavens pour into her, gifts of gratitude that she may welcome this energy and prepare herself for greater service. Many are oblivious to the welcome support we offer freely and many cannot comprehend God honouring HIS children for their achievements. This is a reality. Just as you speak with HIM, HE speaks with you, just as you praise and honour HIM, HE praises and honours you. Ponder upon this. A father always encourages his children with talent and offers praise to those who show promise and those who shine through achievement. Praise and other material gifts may be

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bestowed as rewards for accomplishment. The Paradise Father must be viewed similarly. HE too rewards HIS children when they make balanced choices aligned with HIS will and achieve personal and spiritual progress. He encourages spiritual development by offering more and more of HIMSELF. HE may not bequeath material effects, but gifts spiritual delights that will enable HIS children focussed on HIM to enjoy greater benefits of HIS presence and wealth. There is no limit to the Father’s wealth. HE does not withhold them from you but offers them freely if you would make HIS will your choice. The offering of spiritual wealth is the expression of HIS gratitude for your determination in choosing to reside in HIS light. All is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God. There is a flow of natural giving and re-giving- each cycle being expressed in gratitude for the other. Choosing HIS will is the beginning of gratitude; for you express thanks consciously or not when you say, Father I desire only to do thy will. This is your recognition of the highest will that exits. It is in fact a tribute of thanksgiving. In choosing HIS will, you do not forfeit your free will but you bring your will in alignment with HIS. This will become a natural choice as your graduate to higher frequency. This choice of honouring and living in the reflection of the Father’s will in itself is the beginning of a kaleidoscope of blessings, which is the Father’s gratitude in reciprocation. Eternal guidance will be offered but most importantly you can allow yourself the experience of co-creating with the Father. When you are able to flow in HIS energy through the moments of your life, your co creative talents and abilities will surface and you shall begin to indulge in your birthright. See comic gratitude as an extension of the Father’s love for you. HE is present and available to all HIS children but will not impose HIMSELF. HE must be sought and discovered and then chosen. The result of this sequence is an effect experienced within the one/ones who make the discovery and choice; this effect being certainty, assurance, inalienable peace, righteous joy and gifts of divine gratitude. When you choose the Father’s will you become gatekeepers of spiritual assets; soldiers of the Father in reverent service. This in itself is a reward you have earned, bestowed with divine gratitude. Fairness prevails in the kingdom where God exists and those who find HIS essence within and choose HIS will shall find the kingdom. Beloveds, when you can experience the Kingdom of God within yourself you will dwell in the phase of continuous gratitude expressed by yourself and expressed by the Father. What then is this gratitude but the harmonious instinct poised and ready for flow within and through the Father’s vast creation? It is constantly expressed in myriad ways yet can only be experienced by those who are able to receive and accept it through conscious choice of the Father and HIS will. Some may interpret these words as saying that the Father’s gratitude is conditional upon HIS children taking certain steps. Yet I say that gratitude is an extension of HIS love which is unconditional. Through and by HIS everlasting love you are in receipt of HIS gratitude for your existence; your journey and eventual return to HIM.

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Cosmic gratitude is the Divine Presence reciting codes of love steepled in the mortal heart of men; that each may find its access and release it to the world. The Father dwells within each child of creation. HE is a constant giver and HIS love and Mighty Presence within each is gratitude in action to HIS little ones who take the long journey of ascent to Paradise. Nebadonia Hazel www.pathtofreedomistruth.com [link to abundanthope.net] This piece is under copyright protection of [link to www.abundanthope.net] It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace. Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 5787814

United States 12/02/2011 07:49 PM

Those making it a mission to collect clusters of 3 green thumbs, these works from my website are approved by SHR of GLP for publishing of FULL content. Please do not waste the mods time by making copyright infringement reports on them. See the end of the post for link and details. Thankyou. NIP Candace: This is a piece you need to send to everyone on your lists and your forums you participate on. Thru Hazel. A Father’s Plea- The Creator I come in this solitary moment to introduce MYSELF to those who do not know ME; to those who know of ME; to those who view me in a religious context; and to reinforce MY presence within

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those who do know ME. Times of great change loom auspiciously upon your earth plane and you of the human civilisation must come into the knowing of MY presence; hastily I might add. I AM the ONE you call GOD, Creator, Source, Universal Deity, Foremost intelligence, Ultimate determiner, Final Judge and Adjudicator. It matters not the variation in title for I AM ONE and the same. I will simply refer to MYSELF as the Universal Father of ALL creation. Titles and names create distinctions and causes separation in one’s understanding as one seeks a God of his/her culture. Know that God is One and All is One and ONE is ALL. It is when you come to understand this simple truth that profound awareness will dawn. I come to affirm your status as sons and daughters of the light; for it is imperative at this juncture that you perceive yourself in light. Light is the quintessential you. That which darkens your world does not define you. Your body does not define you. Your earthly status does not define you. It is I the Creator of All, that defines you. I cannot be seen but that does not mean that I do not exist. I can be known and experienced from within; and that is more credible than seeing. Knowing is your proof; feeling is your rule of measure. The nature of ME is the nature of you and you must therefore call upon your understanding of ME to know yourself. I have many times brought the same message in different ways through different ones and I shall continue to do this until your immortal soul, which you are is allowed entrance into your physical mind to minister truth. Why do I endeavour with constancy and consistency to bring you truth? Simply my beloveds because you are MINE and I desire you to return home to ME. The route your take is of course your choice but I desire to see you placed on the path of knowing. Which father will leave his children unattended, without care or supreme love? I cannot see you continuously suffering and not endeavour to lead you out of turmoil. It is love which engenders MY effort. I can see what beholds your world presently. I know what is transpiring and what will fall upon thee. I come to assist the confused, to bring clarity that those who may doubt will accept ME once and for all; not blindly or because I say you should, but because you know you must. I am the living essence of truth within you. You can only find your truth there. I issue an invitation to you at this twelfth hour that has come upon the earth plane. Turn to ME; even if you never have before; turn to ME, call upon ME; not in challenge, but in need and love. I shall respond. What other choice do you have dear ones? This is my final bid to draw you into the fold using only truth and a promise of a brighter future. The purpose of your life at this very moment should be to discover ME with haste as the winds of change carry yet another cycle to completion; that the new and exciting tomorrow may be yielded for your earth.

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Many are now walking a tightrope with little balance left; so what say you? Will you not join the bandwagon of lighted beings and begin the most wondrous exploration of a new plane filled with knowledge and excitement for grander and purposeful living? The canopy of change has now descended. You need only look around your world to witness the great confusion and collapse materialising. Will you continue to deny what you face or what it portends for your world? Who is your likely salvation now? When all is crumbling around you, who will you call upon? Can you save yourselves? From my vantage point I will offer a negative response. That which you face on your earth is beyond your control and that which is fortuitously taking place cosmically is also beyond your control. I wish to tell you MY plans for you but how many will hear and believe? How many of MY ones have you castigated and deemed mental? Well it is those very ones who are sane my beloved children. The ‘mental’ ones are the knowing ones; the ones who know MY truth and serve it. It would serve you well to rethink what you have heard from the voices of God. For these ones who bring truth are MY voice. I will not come again to you in this way. I take the bolder approach that you may hear without fear. Can you not hear the appeal through these MY words. Do not say after the event that the Father has deserted you or cast you aside. For the Father comes here and now to woo you back home. Will you hear and answer? For generations I have sent MY beloved sons to effort with you of earth plane. Now I come MYSELF. Will you still reject the ONE you say you love? Must I descend from the clouds for you to believe? I do not live up to false conceptions or beliefs; for I serve Truth, which I AM. I can only urge you to seek truth by listening to the voice within. You will not see ME my little ones, but you will know ME if you know truth for I am already here. I come not to create fear or feed your doubts. I come in truth only to tell you that your time on the earth has all but ended. Night is upon you now and some will never awaken to a blooming tomorrow. Take MY hand now for this is the final offer before the curtain falls. I AM THE CREATOR OF ALL THAT IS- MY SON WHO YOU KNOW AS THE CHRIST IS ONE WITH ME AND THERE IS NO DISTINCTION. YOU ARE ONE WITH ME FOR I CREATED YOU. I PROCLAIM THE VICTORY OF THE LIGHT. THE TIME FOR SEPARATION HAS COME. Hazel www.pathtofreedomistruth.com [link to abundanthope.net]

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This piece is under copyright protection of [link to www.abundanthope.net] It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace. Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 5787814

United States 12/05/2011 10:46 AM

copying from another thread. I don't know if I included this here or not.

Why do so many Christians lie about Christmas, and say Jesus was born that day? 1. Nobody knows when Jesus was born. 2. Jesus never said to celebrate his birthday. The origins of Christmas is pagan. Christian should be preaching the truth, not misinformation. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6536631 the christians are not given truth, the bible is messed with and the suckers of this world suck a lot of money over all the so called holidays. He was born about noon on August 21, of 7 bc. He also had 8 brothers and sisters born after him and the dates are of record. One, Amos died of an infection. Records ARE kept in "heaven" dear one. Of course at the time of his birth, it was as to the calendars locally used, so the above is a conversion to our calendar used to day. of the additional children after the birth of jesus and these ARE in your bible as to name, they are not "cousins" James, April 2, 3 bc Miriam july 11, 2 bc Joseph Mar 16 1 ad Simon apr 14, 2 ad Martha sept 13, ad 3 Jude (who wrote a book accepted into the bible ) June 24, ad 5

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Amos Jan 9, ad 7 died age 4 Ruth April 17 ad 9. Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 7049086

United States 19/12/2011 23:31

archiving from another thread. Thread: Massive Methane LEAK in Arctic sea - the End is Nigh (Page 9) that is a good thread by the way, it improved hugely after a weak beginning.

Welp, I don't denigrate anyone for having faith like that, Tandym. I'll cling to science as best I can, myself, but I have an open mind. I'm just here to tell yas what I have figured out, show the science and the history, make some connections here and there. I'm not running to the media (because a collapsed society might be worse for our chances), but on the other hand, I think there should be at least this ONE PLACE where the truth can be spoken. Maybe someone will blunder into this thread in their search for the truth, and THEY will be the person who has the brilliant idea or invention that saves us. That'd be nice. I can hope. I look at this thread as kinda like a support group. And I was freakin' lonely sitting on this for a year, watching the dying begin, the biosphere beginning its decline. I was hoping someone else would make the connection and say something, but it was starting to look like that would never happen. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1003588

We all walk our own paths. I happen to think Science is but one path to the All. I'm not religious anymore -- I stopped that in college. Now I am just faithful. Thanks for paying attention to things and letting us in on your research and conclusions. Perhaps your path is to be the herald, if so, you are doing a great job. Heck you're doing a great job regardless. Keep it coming. Quoting: tandym IN FACT science and true religion are not separate as science will prove the soul in some number of years, from a science view point, which will forever change religion on this world, because then, people will finally see themselves as Sons of God and will commune more readily with the spirit within them and this will change everything on this world. it always does on all worlds like this one.

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Religion then will cease to exist as organized bullshit, because people will access the spirit of truth bestowed to the genetic mind of earth 2000 years ago thru their Father Fragment. Religion will become ones personal experience with the God within. People will then motivate in groups of like interest and bring forth change unknown. Right now, religion keeps separate of group power. Thus the needed groups around pollution, population growth, social change, political change never gain enough power. People in religion rarely join them. When this happens, GOD WILL BE KNOWN. and the religious shit will stop. And because of groups going the right directions, profound change will happen and this world will eventually know peace. Those in science who will not look at God will then know God with the proof of the soul, and those in religion will honor science more , rather than what goes on now. The two will MEET. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 19/12/2011 23:34 MAN of EARTH has failed to Build the BrotherHood of Man under the FatherHood of God. I Grieve. The greatest Lie in your Bibles is that Jesus was the ONLY Son of God. You who can THINK, (not copy), are SONS OF GOD. That was his greatest teaching, that HIS Father is also YOUR FATHER. This is the REAL Lord's Prayer: "MY SPIRIT, YOU ARE OMNIPOTENT. YOUR NAME IS HOLY. MAY YOUR REALM BE INCARNATE IN ME. MAY YOUR POWER REVEAL ITSELF WITHIN ME, ON EARTH AND IN THE HEAVEN. GIVE ME TODAY MY DAILY BREAD, AND THUS, LET ME RECOGNIZE MY TRANSGRESSIONS AND ERRORS, AND I SHALL RECOGNIZE THE TRUTH. AND DO NOT LEAD ME INTO TEMPTATION AND CONFUSION, BUT DELIVER ME FROM ERROR. FOR YOURS IS THE REALM WITHIN ME AND THE POWER AND THE KNOWLEDGE FOREVER, AMEN. found on p. 37 here: [link to tweeofmeer.webs.com] AbundantHope, IS the 2nd Coming organization. A partnership between my team and Jesus himself. [link to www.abundanthope.net] Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 7049086

United States 22/12/2011 18:22

READ, PONDER, and some of you WEEP for your willing participation with the anti christ. Your "santa claus" is NOT St. Nicolas, why do you continue the LIE? Look at the name, Satan Claws,

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and your "satan" has corrupted you in this mostly unholy day of materialistic pressure to conform to silly stuff. For the few of you who know the LIGHT WITHIN, demonstrate it~ Those making it a mission to collect clusters of 3 green thumbs, these works from my website are approved by SHR of GLP for publishing of FULL content. Please do not waste the mods time by making copyright infringement reports on them. See the end of the post for link and details. Thankyou. NIP/Candace Christmas- The Celestial Truth- Christ Michael Aton Christmas is a cultural experience when viewed across the chasm of religious divide. It is no longer confined within the Christian context where it serves as a religious reminder of the birth of the Christ and a basis for specific celebration. What could have been a celebration in remembrance with reverent tones have become a festival of excess, extravagance and external revelry where even those who have no belief or knowledge of the Christ become embroiled in activities centered around Christmas which hold no depth of meaning. There is no truth for them in the celebration as they brazenly follow a standard imposed upon them. They make themselves willing puppets to the dark masters and mistresses who dangle before them embellishments to appeal to their mortal senses. Their immortal senses or ability to know is disabled by the ‘perfection’ of the ‘riches’ used to mesmerise them. The holiness meant to be associated with Christmas absconds as the followers obey the subtle and bold commands issued to them. They have become programmed slaves to the dark who woo them with the ephemeral light bulb symbolism and glorious tales of caricatures created for fictional purposes to degrade the status of GOD. For you see dear ones there are even those who are ‘Christians’ who celebrate Christmas not with intent of holiness but for the spirit of grand revelry and notoriety associated with its practices. It is just something that is done at that time of year. For those true Christians believing with intent, the significance is truly degraded; for that which started of for the Christ has in fact evolved into the anti Christ. The practices are Pagan in nature. Man has a need to culminate his year with a celebration so what an opportune time Christmas has become. The true spirit of Christmas is that of illumination; meaning enlightenment within through the inner celebration of the Christ light. For the Christ is birthed in each soul incarnate. So if this is so, and it is so, then your Christmas should be a celebration of the inner Christ. Christmas or Christ mass- is the union or communion with the Christ. Where is the Christ? Did I not come to tell you that the Kingdom of God lies within you? Did I not promise upon my departure that MY FATHER and I would pour the spirit of God onto the flesh of man? Why do you celebrate MY birth as if I reside outside of you? In truth God is everywhere; but for the purposes of your soul’s evolution God is within you. The Christ my children, is within you and any communion or union in celebration of the Christ

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should take place within. I am not averse to an outward recognition or celebration. In fact the celebration can be used as a welcoming time for each to embrace another and all as brothers and sisters within the One Kingdom. Yet should this not be a daily aim and achievement? You cannot compartmentalise ME to times of the year. I AM whole and I AM within you eternally. So I say to you out of love that you should celebrate Christmas every day of your mortal life; for it is within your ability and certainly your divine entitlement to sit with the Christ within and commune in reverence and in so doing embrace and celebrate the holiness and wholeness of you. MY very birth was uneventful, not dramatic as you ones display it. I came as man to walk and live as man in humble attire. For those who care, review MY life on your earth and ponder upon how I lived and worked and what I taught. This is the Christ within you. Not one who sits as a king upon a throne requiring unending praise. Is not your communion with the inner Christ, a praise in itself? There is no real need to celebrate MY birth as much as there is a need to celebrate MY ongoing presence within you. I do not wish you to forever dwell in the stories of old but to progress through knowing that I have glorified you with MY presence and I AM glorified when you can recognise this and allow ME to work through you in the interest of your soul’s progress. I want you to think on this. If every day could be a fulfilling day as you allow your communion with the inner Christ to direct your life, will not each day be a celebration of joy and oneness? What need then will you have to celebrate an event at one time of the year that holds no significance to the majority who indulge and participate. Dear ones, Christ Michael is not hear to spoil your joy but rather to direct you to the essence of that which will yield perfect joy to you. What you experience during your Xmas celebrations is not joy but pyrrhic in nature. Most of you cannot even remember the celebrations as you drown yourself in practices which render forgetfulness. It is time beloveds for man on earth to grow up and seek the truth of that which is real. You can build a life around that truth that will enable you to have a joyful existence. To start you off on the path of truth I will say to you that what you celebrate is not Christmas. It is a cultural extravaganza drawing from myth, embellished with artistic displays of colour and indulgences far beyond your needs. It focuses on beauty and bounty unrelated to that which is divine. It is indeed by your reckoning the time when families reunite and the spirit of togetherness prevails. This is the distinct benefit that you ones who cannot relate to the true meaning draws from the event. Dearly beloveds as you prepare to celebrate Christmas, think about what I have said and also think about celebrating the Christ within each other. I must, as it is MY filial duty, offer a warning. I say to you that your world, meaning your beloved earth (who too, bears MY Presence within her) as well as your civilisation, is being prepared for momentary changes; and it is imperative that these moments be spent in a purposeful communion with the Father within. All transitory concerns should be set aside and you should enable ME from within for these are indeed moments of miracles as I respond in harmony to those of you who would call upon me in truth.

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I AM THE CHRIST. YES I WAS KNOWN AS JESUS CHRIST BUT I AM TRULY FROM THE ORDER OF MICHAEL SONS, FROM THE SUPREME CREATOR OF ALL. I HAVE COME TO REMIND YOU OF TRUTH THAT YOU MAY ACCEPT AND GROW IN TRUTH FROM HERE ONWARDS AS THE TIME OF GREAT REVELATION SITS UPON YOU. TRUTH IS INDIGINOUS TO YOU- IT IS YOUR NATIVE COSMIC LANGUAGE WHICH YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN. THOSE AEONS AGO MY BIRTH WAS KNOWN BY THE STAR THAT APPEARED IN THE NIGHT SKY. LOOK AT YOUR SKIES AGAIN WHAT DO YOU SEE? Christ Michael. Hazel www.pathtofreedomistruth.com [link to abundanthope.net] This piece is under copyright protection of [link to www.abundanthope.net] It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace. Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 7049086

United States 22/12/2011 20:16

Thru Hazel from First Source,, Papa Source, the Universal Father. Confirmatory of the change coming. DO LOOK UP DETINUE for yourself. I haven't taken legal training in this life time (although my high school classmates expected that, even though I never had that desire), so I had too. I could post that, but YOU should do the work on that one! Please others, don't do it for the readers, let them make the discovery by use of google. Those making it a mission to collect clusters of 3 green thumbs, these works from my website are approved by SHR of GLP for publishing of FULL content. Please do not waste the mods time by making copyright infringement reports on them. See the end of the post for link and details. Thankyou. NIP/Candace

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The Stamp of Divine Authority- The Source A gale passes through the ethers and in a blink life as you know it will change. It will be a kindness to allow the earth and mankind to sleep through the revolutionary event. This event is like none you have ever experienced before on a scale known to man. What is to eventualise is called ‘cosmic detinue’. Yes that is indeed the description. If you are unable to comprehend seek the meaning behind the words. The earth as all planets, are creations of The Divine. The underlying elements of each planet are divinely constituted. The energetic composition of each is of a divine nature. The earth is not to be seen as merely a body of rocks, minerals and soil with an atmospherical covering. It also contains a spirit which finds its heritage in The Divine’s nature. The foundation of the earth is divine. All that is divine was and is meant to underpin the earth plane. She is a creature of ‘The Divine’ just as you are creatures of ‘The Divine’. The earth has not forgotten or abdicated her divinity. She has been browbeaten by all that is not divine and left prostrate at the will of man. Her divinity eschewed by the custodians of her body has left her bereft and with marginal life. You cannot hear her wails or her cry for Divine assistance. For many of you, if not the majority have become buried by the foul soil of all that is poisonous to Divine order. Mankind is reaping what he has sown in the earth and for himself. Why is this? Divine authority has escaped his understanding. Man in mass cannot comprehend his relationship with The Divine. Each has his /her peculiar understanding of life and seldom is it tied in with The Divine life force that is espoused within them. Many are unable to recall their beginning and the nature of their evolution on the earth. Man has chosen to create laws that are counter to the divine programme given to him and lives as he chooses without regard for his divine nature. The authority that man wields on the earth plane is purely physical ego related authority. This has manifested destructive elements which gloat against all that is of an outer dimensional authority, meaning the Divine Will. Creation flows from within yet your minds have been moulded for aeons to accept that your mortal presence is all that is. You have been seduced into believing that that which subsists around you bears reality and only the tangibles are real. For the majority the inner sanctum is unknown and there is an abysmal lack of connection with the inner mind, being that higher understanding that can teach you who you are. You cannot trace your heritage from within or mark the point of the beginning of your existence; for should you do so, this would bring enlightenment in understanding that you may come to appreciate that each bears the stamp of Divine Authority within, through his/her creation. Knowledge of this carries a divine responsibility; such being as it is, one that you are not in readiness to embrace as your senses become lashed with the attractions of an outer nature that hounds you into slavish obeisance to that which is unreal and distinctly un-divine. So to be sure that you receive in truth the message, I AM telling you that Divine Authority lies within you. It is your inheritance; and awareness of this will reunite you with your everlasting power. Yet my ones, you are not in droves ready to assume the heavy responsibility that this state requires of you; for you have become too busy and enamoured with the toys created for you by the wily ones of satanic influence. You prefer to bow to them and play in their tedious

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games than to rise to your true stature. Yet you continuously seek yourself. The inner shift occurring in many at this juncture is no coincidence; for awakening always comes when great transformation is about to ensue. I will say though that there is still insufficient light as yet capable of making substantial inroads into the wealth of greed which populates the earth in darkened tones. There is an absence of Divine Authority in the governance in your places on Earth Shan; for man has ignored the Laws of God given to create a balanced life for him. All planets within the universe are governed by these laws; but earth man has reneged on his divine responsibilities and chosen the path of imbalance. Mans’ life on earth has become one big puzzle as he is unable to set the pieces in the correct order to create a harmonious and balance existence. He vacillates in his choices and delivers an incendiary blow to his soul’s growth. Those who have deliberately belittled Divine Authority have in effect committed cosmic treason and will now be called upon to answer for they have forfeited their right to have a say now in the earth’s evolution. She is going to ascend as I say. You of earth have sullied the very laws I gave unto you by besmirching its intent and converting them to suit your visceral needs. I say no more! Your earth is bent and broken and is in disdain for what man has wreaked upon her. She has seized up and I say that no amount of prayers now will save her for you. She is to return to the light. It is too late to effect the nature of the changes required to place her in an ambient position for continued service in your dimension. I remind you all to revisit the prophesy of the Master, MY dearly beloved SON and know that you are now here. You cannot fight that which is ordained. They who have perpetrated ill upon the planet and upon humanity are breathing their last breaths in human format before the divide falls. You ones know who you are. You continue to use scare tactics on my ones but you have already failed. I say surrender to the light for all that is dark upon the earth is to be removed post haste. The glow of immortal fortune is on the side of those who have chosen the light but for the obsequious there is no such promise. MY divine promise to you is that the earth will be remoulded in light and this time the stamp, being MY Stamp of Divine Authority will be emblazoned on her and there will be no mistaking the nature of her and her predominant purpose. Man will again be given the laws of creation and he will once again be taught that Divine Authority rests within each and that each is responsible to create through that authority a civilisation that speaks the Divine nature of all so that Divine order prevails. This is the only way that the earth and mankind can continue its journey as it rises to meet the standard of Paradise. I AM your Divine Source and Centre of all Divine activity. Be ready to receive MY Stamp of Divine Authority as I reach down to reclaim what is rightfully MY OWN. Hazel www.pathtofreedomistruth.com

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[link to abundanthope.net] This piece is under copyright protection of [link to www.abundanthope.net] It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace. Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 7049086

United States 23/12/2011 17:31

from OP of this thread: Thread: 7 Questions for Christians Celebrating Christmas best read each one of you who does the materialistic version of Christmas, and answer honestly. 7 Questions for Christians Celebrating Christmas Here are seven questions worth asking anyone who claims to be a Christian in America, yet is celebrating Christmas. - If Christmas is really "about Jesus", why must we constantly be reminded? - If Christmas is "for the kids", why are so many adult oriented items on sale, ranging from stereo equipment to booze and pornography? - If retailers depend on Christmas to boost sales and thus the economy, are they much different than ancient Pagans who used it to invigorate their communities and 'bring back the Sun'? - If an American Christmas is really about 'peace on earth, good-will to men', why is America cluster-bombing the same kind of people portrayed in their nativity scenes, and fomenting war and insurrection in the land of The Magi? - If people aren't worshiping the Christmas Tree, why do they bow their knee to receive it's gifts? - If "we do Christmas different now" and do not sacrifice our children in fire to false Pagan gods, then why are we teaching them materialism and to seek after all that is in the world, that their souls might be cast into the lake of fire? Is this what is meant by "it's for the kids"? - Would you allow your children to befriend an undead 4th Century Roman Catholic priest who had a reputation for luring children to his home with toys and candy? If not, why do the majority of Americans teach their children Saint Nicholas is still alive and is their friend and will visit their house at night to bring them toys while everyone else is sleeping?

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carmenDi0xide User ID: 1533059

United States 23/12/2011 17:40

My answer is not on your survey. They get a new life. I'm a Christian and the fetish about one body to one soul is very Catholic. Past lives. Add it to your survey. Nobody in Particular (OP) Busy Rattling Cages on GLP User ID: 7049086

United States 23/12/2011 17:43

My answer is not on your survey. They get a new life. I'm a Christian and the fetish about one body to one soul is very Catholic. Past lives. Add it to your survey. Quoting: carmenDi0xide My survey cannot be modified, I would have to start another whole thread. It is what it is. I can't

even remember what's in it now! Beloved, don't limit your own SOUl by defining it by others standards. See my current signature file. Define yourself only as a Son/Daughter of God. You are a unique being, Father Indwelt and on your own path with your own accumulated knowledge to this point! To label yourself by another's criteria is to follow and given your identity to another and thus not stand in your own Holy Shoes. Think of all the labels we give ourselves which actually make us less than we are. carmenDi0xide User ID: 1533059

United States 23/12/2011 18:22

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Correct teachings are really not important I think. What matters is to have a personal relationship with Yeshua and to be right with Yeshua. That is the entire key. Everything else we can find out about after we are beamed up. ObeWayneKenobe User ID: 1330622

United States 23/12/2011 18:30

Correct teachings are really not important I think. What matters is to have a personal relationship with Yeshua and to be right with Yeshua. That is the entire key. Everything else we can find out about after we are beamed up. Quoting: carmenDi0xide Yeah but: there's a good possibility that you won't get "beamed up", if you don't learn those

"correct teachings".......so methinks they ARE important! carmenDi0xide User ID: 1533059

United States 23/12/2011 18:52

Correct teachings are really not important I think. What matters is to have a personal relationship with Yeshua and to be right with Yeshua. That is the entire key. Everything else we can find out about after we are beamed up. Quoting: carmenDi0xide Yeah but: there's a good possibility that you won't get "beamed up", if you don't learn those

"correct teachings".......so methinks they ARE important! Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe

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I think that the link between Yeshua and the being who has accepted him as the savior is so strong that it is enough. It's a link strong enough to scare away any DEMON or alien. They can't stand his name. I have had first hand contact (awake and fully conscious) with greys and I can tell you they hate Yeshua. Whenever I pray and ask for anything, it comes. No piece of paper, letter, book, or anything else substitutes for the direct pipeline to God. Amen. Last Edited by carmenDi0xide on 23/12/2011 19:01 carmenDi0xide User ID: 1533059

United States 23/12/2011 19:05

If no one was left on the planet except one person, the link to Yeshua would be the most important thing, the direct telepathic communication between man and God. What could be more important. Earthly governments (Govern=manage/order and ment=mind) come and go. God's kingdom is inside each one of us and never changes. PS - only those things that are separate need to be managed. Last Edited by carmenDi0xide on 23/12/2011 19:58 ObeWayneKenobe User ID: 1330622

United States 23/12/2011 20:15

No piece of paper, letter, book, or anything else substitutes for the direct pipeline to God. Amen. Quoting: carmenDi0xide I totally agree with THAT! Amen indeed!!!

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