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Your maritime advisor and innovator - Squarespace · PDF fileYour maritime advisor and...

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Working together for a safer world Contact us at [email protected] or +45 32 96 18 00 Your maritime advisor and innovator We are supporting the development of the technologies and innovations that will play a vital role in the future of shipping. This means we can support you with services and advice that will help your economic performance while still maintaining safety. orking together Working together orking together W for a safer world orking together for a safer world Contact us at copenhagen@lr Contact us at copenhagen@lr .org or +45 32 96 lr r. .org or +45 32 96 18 00 Spring Program 2016 Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering www.skibstekniskselskab.dk
Page 1: Your maritime advisor and innovator - Squarespace · PDF fileYour maritime advisor and innovator ... Danish Society for Naval Architecture and ... for Naval Architecture and Marine

Working togetherfor a safer world

Contact us at [email protected] or +45 32 96 18 00

Your maritimeadvisor and innovatorWe are supporting the development of the technologies and innovations that will play a vital role in the future of shipping.

This means we can support you with services and advice that will help your economic performance while still maintaining safety.

orking togetherWorking togetherorking togetherWfor a safer world

orking togetherfor a safer world

Contact us at copenhagen@lrContact us at [email protected] or +45 32 96lrr..org or +45 32 96 18 00

Spring Program 2016Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineeringwww.skibstekniskselskab.dk

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The program folders

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Next program: End august 2016

Contact the company’s secretariat at:

Skibsteknisk Selskab

Amaliegade 33 B, 2. sal, DK–1256 Copenhagen K

Att. Kirsten Weede,

Tel.: +45 33 33 74 88, [email protected]

Danske MaritimeBrancheorganisation for den danske maritime industri


Interested in advertising?Contact Kirsten Weede · [email protected]

SøfartNews about and for the Danish maritime industry



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Page 3: Your maritime advisor and innovator - Squarespace · PDF fileYour maritime advisor and innovator ... Danish Society for Naval Architecture and ... for Naval Architecture and Marine

Welcome to the spring season 2016

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Erik Ingolf TvedtSecretary-General of DSNAME

The autumn of 2015 has for sure been busy,with a lot of interesting seminars and mee-tings on topics like maritime risk manage-ment, Big Data and Cyber Security, the useof LNG as an alternative and all the activi-ties during the Danish Maritime Days in Oct-ober. Remarkable this has been our first "allEnglish" season.

Additionally DSNAME is member of the WorldMaritime Technology Congress (WMTC) andin 2015 the tri-annual conference tookplace in the United States from the 3rd to6th of November. Denmark had two very in-teresting papers presented, both sponsoredby DSNAME. For further information, pleaselook up:http://www.sname.org/2015wmtc/home/.The next WMTC conference will already be in2017 in Shanghai as part of Marintec Chinain Shanghai in December, and in 2019 itmay be in Copenhagen in conjunction withDanish Maritime Days - if this persists.

For the Danish Society for Naval Archi-techture and Marine Engineering (DSNAME)the WMTC conference might be a though actto follow, but we are proud to welcome youto a spring 2016 program filled with morerelevant meetings and seminars.

The planning group gathered in the end ofOctober 2015 and has since produced an in-spiring series of events in the spring. Wetake the temperature on some of the mostexiting themes within the field of NavalArchitecture and Marine Engineering. Ourscope will be broad this season – we will go

into depth with topics ranging from Intellec-tual Property rights in the industry, softwareupdate challenges into more tangible topicssuch as an update on development in theArctic as well as serious incidents focusingon liquefaction and longitudinal strength issues.

One of the really exciting news in our pro-gram will be project presentations by com-panies who has received governmentinnovation grants, initiated in the wake ofthe green growth initiatives from 2013/14.Join us for our events and go home withnew knowledge, inspiration, answers andnew contacts. See the spring program onpage 4-5.

IDA Maritim (The Maritime Society of Denmark)The society is again pleased for the supportand smooth cooperation from our partners,IDA Maritim. Without this cooperation itwould not be possible to carry out our acti-vities.

CEMTDSNAME is, alongside with IDA Maritim,member of the Confederation of EuropeanMaritime Technology Societies (CEMT). CEMTis an independent confederation of professi-onal institutions (those involved in educa-tion and professional development) andlearned societies (those facilitating the ex-change of information) in the field of mari-time technology.

Through its member Societies, CEMT is ableto call upon the knowledge, skills and expe-rience of over 35,000 professional navalarchitects, marine engineers and others inthe field of maritime technology. It is there-fore uniquely placed to contribute to thesuccess of the European maritime industry.Further information is available at CEMTweb-site: http://www.cemt.eu/

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Without support no societyWe would like to extend our appreciation toour contributors, the companies who sup-port our society financially – through ads inthis publication or through the companycontribution – thanks!

It is our commitment to spearhead commu-nication about development and researchwithin the field of Navel Architecture andMarine Engineering – from your feedback weknow that the events are well received, pro-fessionally performed and relevant. We ap-preciate your feedback and through ourwork we commit ourselves to continue deli-vering a first class program for the springseason!

NewsletterSign up for DSNAME’s newsletter at www.skibstekniskselskab.dk/nyhedsbrevto receive the latest news and informationon upcoming events.

Events will also be announced at the web-page of IDA Maritim (The Maritime Society ofDenmark).

Presentations from the various lectures will,

pending the permission of the individualpresenters, also be available at DSNAME’swebsite in PDF format.

Registration and meeting venueParticipation in meetings of the DSNAME isusually free.

Meetings are held at IDA's conference centeron Kalvebod Brygge, Copenhagen, in colla-boration with IDA Maritim.

During the evening events refreshments(sandwiches and drinks) will be served cour-tesy of IDA Maritim, usually at 18:00.

On account of refreshments and the size ofthe room, we kindly ask you to sign-up forthe individual arrangements throughwww.ida.dk.

If you have questions about the society, please call the society’s secretariat at +45 3333 7488 and ask for Kirsten Weede or send an email to [email protected].

Looking forward to seeing you at one of ourexciting events!

Welcome to the spring season 2016

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Spring Program 2016Monday 11 January from 1600 to 2000 hours - arrangement no. 316801

PRESENTATION OF TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS SUPPORTED BY THE “GROWTH INITIATIVE”In 2013/14 the Danish Minister for Business and Growth decided to provide a grant for maritimedeve-lopment initiatives supporting Green Growth in the Blue Denmark. Some of the projects, sup-ported by this initiative is now finalised, and will be presented at this meeting.

Monday 25 January from 1600 to 2000 hours - arrangement no. 316802

THE ARCTIC AREA – NEW POSSIBILITIES AND NEW CHALLENGESThe arctic area has been considered as a very remote area for many years, but more and more focusis given to this area, partly because unknown resources (oil and minerals) attract different stakehol-ders, but also because the global warming reduces the amount of ice in the arctic area. This opensup for the possibility to sail along the north east and the north west passage with commercial shipsshortening the sailing distance considerably between Europe and Asia, reducing the energy demandfor the sea transport between these two continents. Also more and more cruise ships operate in theArtic area around Greenland, which leads to more and more focus on safe navigation and rescuepossibilities because of the possible risk for accidents with dramatic consequences, due to the lackof rescue facilities in the vicinity of these ships. The speakers will describe how some of these newchallenges are/will be solved in the future.

Monday 8 February from 1600 to 2000 hours - arrangement no. 316803

SAFE UPDATE AND MAINTENANCE OF HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE - WHAT LIES IN THE HORIZON?As ships are built with more and more complex equipment and sophisticated integrated computer-based systems, the shipping industry faces a challenge in ensuring that all systems on board remain reliable and safe throughout the lifetime of the ship. Maintenance of electronic systems on board affects each other. This is furthermore complicated bythe fact that many different component suppliers use their own non-standard software formats.These components are frequently used in the set-up of the networks, representing a growing pro-blem in terms of cost with technology development moving at such a rapid pace. When it comes to the hardware aspect, the situation is not much better. Difficulty lies in getting the correct spare parts on a worldwide basis, and the possible lack of warranty if the original spare partsare not used; are just some of the issues added on to an otherwise complicated supply-chain.During the evening, we expect to see some clarity on what lies in the horizon with these up-and-co-ming issues.

Monday 22 February from 1600 to 2000 hours - arrangement no. 316804

WHY MAJOR MARITIME ACCIDENTS HAPPENSThis meeting will digress into some other cases of major maritime accident which do not hit the he-adlines of the mass media, and discuss why these accidents happen. One case is the sinking of the Bahamas-flagged MV Bulk Jupiter off the coast of Vietnam, on Janu-ary 2nd 2015, where the "killer" has appeared to be Cargo Liquefaction, but complexity alone, aswell as other issues with stability and longitudinal strength is core reasons behind major accidentsin the world of maritime cargo carriage.

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Monday 7 March from 1600 to 2000 hours - arrangement no. 316805

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE MARINE INDUSTRYThe use of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the marine industry has gained increased focus du-ring the past couple of years, and production methods such as 3-D printing may further increase theneed of a joint industry definition of IPR. Right now, Shipyards, Owners and Designers are struggling with defining, defending and executingtheir rights and obligations, so in unison, the industry has been developing a set of guidelines ta-king into account the differences of opinion between yards, owners and other stakeholders.

Monday 4 April from 1600 to 2000 hours - arrangement no. 316806

IMPROVING HULL AND PROPELLER PERFORMANCE - AN ECONOMIC “NO BRAINER”Today, we are faced with a world that is increasingly being measured, quantified, and optimized. In-formation technology-driven business processes are transforming all industries – and that without adoubt includes the maritime industry.With prevailing high bunker prices, anything that can help a ship operate more economically andprofitably must be of the highest interest. Improving hull and propeller performance is an effective and quick-win solution for ship owners seeking to boost the energy efficiency of their fleet. By use of simple, reliable and accurate measurements of the hull and propeller performances, owners can make both fuel-cost and greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions savings.This evening’s presentations will highlight the road we are heading, and what we can expect in thefuture.

ATTENTION! Please check the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering’s web-site regarding the final date of the events. The dates and times shown above are only indicative.The exact date along with the program will be posted on the website about 6 weeks before theevent. On the website you can also sign up for the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Mari-ne Engineering’s newsletter and be constantly informed about the arrangements.

Details of the individual events will be announced in Ingeniøren and Søfart about two weeks beforeeach meeting.Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering welcomes any ideas and suggestionsfor lecture topics, conferences and other activities that you think the association should address.

Note: Unless otherwise stated, Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering meets at

IDAS MEETING CENTER BY KALVEBOD BRYGGE 31-33, COPENHAGENEntry is free, but remember to register via IDA’s website (www.ida.dk)

- alternative telephone registration with network’s secretary Helle Borch, IDA, tel. +45 3318 4650.

General questions regarding Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineeringand its activities can be addressed to Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine

Engineering's Head of Administration, Kirsten Weede or Mikkel Brønnum Hansen ontel. 33 33 74 88.

Spring Program 2016

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Funds distribution 2015Funds distribution usually takes placetwice a year, in April and November. Herethe Board of Directors consider incomingapplications and/or causes where theBoard of its own accord want to support.In autumn 2015, the Foundation receivedsix applications for financial support, andout of these, the Board desired to supportfive applicants.

Danish Society for Naval Architectureand Marine Engineering Foundation wasfounded by Danish Society for Naval Archi-tecture and Marine Engineering on January6th 1994. The Foundation’s objective is todisseminate vessel’s technical knowledge,including providing support to individualswho are wishing to be trained in the ma-rine engineering discipline, and also to scientific researchers or other develop-ments within the marine engineering. Inaddition, the foundation aims to providesupport for the society and other purposesrelated to shipbuilding and shipping.

The Foundation’s resources are providedfrom conferences’ profits, returns of in-vestment and contributions, which aregranted from different sources. The Foun-dation welcomes any applications for fi-nancial assistance for purposes fallingunder the Foundation’s act.

If you are interested in more informationabout the Danish Society for Naval Archi-tecture and Marine Engineering Fund andthe Foundation’s activities, you can find usat:


Consultant Hans Otto Kristensen applied forfinancial support for participation in SNA-MES WMTC 2015 conference, Rhode Island,USA. The Foundation granted 15,000 DKK.

Associate Professor at DTU Mechanical En-gineering Ulrik Dam Nielsen applied for fi-nancial support to cover a study trip for 30people to Norway.The Foundation granted 16,500 DKK.

Associate Professor at DTU Mechanical Engineering Ulrik Dam Nielsen applied forfinancial support to cover expenses forWMTC 2015 conference, Rhode Island, USA. Ulrik is attending as a keynote spea-ker for his article within ships operationsat sea.The Foundation granted 16,500 DKK.

Christian Berggreen, Jørgen J. Jensen,Harry B. Bingham, Poul Andersen and UlrikD. Nielsen applied for financial support onbehalf of PRADS to host the internationalconference in 2016. PRADS is hold everythird year and is about PRActical Design ofShips and other floating structures.The Foundation granted a maximum of10 free seats given to students, up to amaximum amount of 35,000 DKK.

David Franz Koza applied for financial sup-port to partly cover expenses in conne-ction with a research stay at ÉcolePolytechnique de Montral, Canada. The foundation granted 20,000 DKK.

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Support DSNAME and advertisein our program folder

Contact Kirsten Weede · [email protected]

Det nye SøfartSøfart har fået mere fokus på shipping, teknik og karriere. . ereirrag ko

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Honorary Award overview 2015

The Foundation’s Honorary Award isawarded to students, who have madethemselve particularly deserved to receive the award for their work. Theautumn of 2015 the Honorary Awardwinner was not one, but three students.The Foundation’s Board agreed that allthree students’ bachelor projects wereexceptionally good and all deserved theHonorary Award, as it was not fair tochoose one over the other. Therefore, itwas decided, that all three projects should be honored with 10.000 DKKeach.

The first award winner was ChristianSimon Nielsen from DTU Mechanical En-gineering for his master thesis “Et Skibs-designværktøj til estimering af øgetmodstand i bølger” for which he wasrewarded grade A. Christian establisheda method for evaluation of ships reservepower in poorly weather, in his masterthesis.

The second award winner was Sam Jacobsen from Aarhus School of Marineand Technical Engineering for his bachelor project “Udvikling af fordamperI et RSW anlæg” for which he was rewarded grade A. Sam has throughouthis project attempted to find a solutionfor ice coatings on ships cooling systemevaporators, which he experienced during his internship on the Faeroesetrawler Tróndur í Gøtu.

The third award winner was Bruno Friisfrom MARTEC for his bachelor project“Calculation model for service proposal”for which he was rewarded grade A. The projects baseline was in optimizingthe calculation model of computation ofexpenses in relation with service propo-sitions for Man Diesel & Turbo Brazil.The project resulted in an useful modelfor the company.

Christian Simon Nielsen Sam Jacobsen Bruno Friis

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Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

The Board of Directors

Erik Ingolf TvedtSecretary General of DSNAMESpecial adviser and principal shipsurveyor, Danish Maritime AuthorityTel.: +47 52 74 52 [email protected]

Thomas S. KnudsenSenior Vice PresidentMAN Diesel & TurboTel.: +45 33 85 12 [email protected]

Per Winther ChristensenDeputy Technical DirectorDenmarks Shipowners AssociationTel.: +45 33 48 92 [email protected]

Peter BjerregaardChairman The Association for Promotion ofShippingTel.: +45 33 48 92 [email protected]

Anders Ørgård HansenManaging Director and owner of OSK- ShipTech A/STel.: +45 86 17 80 [email protected]

Bjarne MortensenArea Development DirectorDNV GLTel.: +45 30 36 29 [email protected]

Ulrik Dam NielsenAssociate professorDTU MekanikTel.: +45 45 25 19 [email protected]

Hans Otto Holmegaard KristensenDirector, M.Sc. FRINA and MSNAMEHOK Marineconsult ApSTel.: +45 40 45 90 20E-mail: [email protected]

Bo Cerup-SimonsenDirector, Center for oil and gas - DTUTechnical University of DenmarkTel.: +45 21 78 94 [email protected]

Ingrid Marie Vincent AndersenNaval Architect Maersk Maritime Technology Tel.: +45 51 14 14 [email protected]

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Foreningen til Søfartens FremmeAmaliegade 33B, 1256 København K

Members of DSNAME:


SecretariatDSNAME & Foundation

Mikkel Brennum HansenCEOAmaliegade 33 B, DK-1256 Copenhagen KTel.:  +45 33 33 74 [email protected]

Kirsten WeedeHead of AdministrationAmaliegade 33 B, DK-1256 Copenhagen KTel.:  +45 33 33 74 [email protected]

Maritimt SelskabDSNAME partner

Valdemar EhlersChairman IDA MaritimNordic Area Environmental and Statu-tory AdvisorLloyd’s Register EMEATel.: +45 32 96 18 [email protected]

Editorial:Erik Ingolf Tvedt (chief) andKirsten Weede

Print:Grefta Tryk A/S, Grenaa

Danish Society for Naval Architectureand Marine Engineering FounadationThe Board of Directors:

Claus KruseChairman of DSNAME FoundationNaval ArchitectTel.: +45 40 45 33 [email protected]

Peter Bjerregaard,Per Winther Christensen,Anders Ørgård Hansen,Ulrik Dam Nielsen, Bjarne Mortensen

Granly Diesel A/SHovedvejen 233 B, Osted - DK-4320 Lejre Fiskerihavnsgade 34 - DK-6700 Esbjerg

Tlf. (+45) 46 42 35 50


From 76 to 4000 hp

Environment friendlyDiesel Engines

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CEMT award 2015 awarded to two Danish professorsAt the meeting at the Danish Society forNaval Architecture and Marine Enginee-ring (Skibsteknisk Selskab) and IDA Ma-ritime, Chief Executive of RINA, Mr.Trevor Blakeley, Chairman of Confedera-tion of European Maritime TechnologySocieties (CEMT) presented the yearlyCEMT award for outstanding contributi-ons to the European Maritime Industry.

Two Danish professors had received theaward this year, namely Naval ArchitectIngrid Marie Andersen and Associate Pro-

fessor at University of Southern Den-mark, Marie Lützen.

Ingrid Marie Andersen is Naval Architectat Maersk Maritime Technology and untilrecently she was Head of Centre at DTU,Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Marie Lützen is currently Associate Pro-fessor, Institute of Technology and Inno-vation at University of SouthernDenmark.

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Business ContributorsDanish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering’s events are financed by contributions from com-panies and institutions which are registered as business contributors.All business contributors freely receive our program released every spring and autumn. Also blue meetingannouncements with information of the companies’ events will be sent out via newsletters. Donations to the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering’s work are welcome.Business contributions are 1.500 DKK excluding VAT per year.The following companies and institutions provide financial support to the Danish Society for Naval Architectureand Marine Engineering’s efforts to safeguard common professional interests of vessel engineers in Denmark;

A.C. Lemvigh-Müller

A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S

A/S Dampskibsselskabet TORM

A/S Hvide Sande Skibs- og




ABS Europe Ltd.

Alfa Laval Aalborg A/S

AREPA Danmark A/S

BAC Corrosion Control


Blue Water Shipping

Bureau Veritas Denmark

Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian

Contractor A/S


Castrol Marine Lubricants

ClassNK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)

Copenhagen Malmö Port AB

Corral Line ApS

Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S

Danmarks Rederiforening

Danmarks Skibskredit A/S

Danske Maritime


DFDS Seaways

DHI - Institut for Vand og Miljø

DNV GL (Det Norske Veritas)

Dong Energy Wind Power A/S

DTU Mekanik, Institut for Mekanisk




ERRIA Consulting

Falck Formco A/S

Fjord Line Danmark A/S

FORCE Technology

Fournais A/S



Germanischer Lloyd Denmark A/S

Granly Diesel A/S

H. J. Hansen Genvindingsindustri A/S

Hans Buch A/S

Hans Jensen Lubricators A/S

Hansen Maritime Agency Aps

Hauschildt Marine A/S


Hundested - Rørvig Færgefart A/S

Hundested Propeller A/S

Hydra-Grene A/S

International Farvefabrik A/S

J. Lauritzen A/S

J. Poulsen Shipping A/S

Karstensens Skibsværft A/S

Knud E. Hansen A/S

Københavns Maskinmesterskole og

Elinstallatørskole (KME)

LF Ventilation A/S

Litehauz ApS

Lloyd's Register Consulting A/S

Lloyd's Register Marine

Logimatic Engineering A/S

Lyngsø Marine A/S

MAN Diesel & Turbo

Marco Marine A/S

Marcore Consult ApS

Marine Alignment A/S

Marine Travel A/S

Maritime Danmark ApS

Marstal Navigationsskole

Maskinmestrenes Forening


Mols-Linien A/S

MS Engineering A/S

Nielsen Marine ApS

Nordic Tankers Marine A/S

Novenco Marine & Offshore

Odense Maritime Technology A/S

OSK-ShipTech A/S

Persolit Entreprenør A/S

PJ Diesel Engineering A/S

Pon Power A/S

PPG Protective and Marine Coatings

Danmark A/S

Pres-Vac Engineering ApS

Propulsion Dynamics Europe

PumPac A/S

PureteQ A/S

Rolls-Royce Marine A/S

Roxtec Denmark A/S

Royal Arctic Line A/S

Rådgivende Skibsingeniører

Jens Kristensen A/S

Scandlines Danmark A/S

Sejerøbugtens Færger

Siemens A/S



Sperry Marine, Northrop Grumman

Strömma Danmark A/S

Survey Association LTD. A/S


Syddansk Universitet,

Inst. for Teknologi og Innovation

Søfartens Arbejdsmiljøråd

Søfartens Ledere


Søværnets Officersskole

Teknologisk Institut

Tuco Marine ApS

Ulykkesforsikringsforbundet for dansk


Uni-Safe A/S

Viking Life-Saving Equipment A/S

Wencon ApS

Wärtsilä Danmark A/S

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Page 14: Your maritime advisor and innovator - Squarespace · PDF fileYour maritime advisor and innovator ... Danish Society for Naval Architecture and ... for Naval Architecture and Marine

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Is your company a contributor of the Danish Society forNaval Architecture and Marine Engineering?If you can answer yes to this, then you are a member of the core and the vast networkof firms contributing to our technical specialist association, Danish Society for NavalArchitecture and Marine Engineering. The association aims to safeguard common pro-fessional interests of their members and affiliated associations and contributors.

By being a contributor, you will receive several offers regarding technical specialist’sevents and belong to a powerful network. We thank you very much for supporting theprotection of important knowledge dissemination, exchange of experiences, ideasgeneration and innovation development within the marine engineering and the mari-time environment area.

Become a contributor to the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engine-ering, if youcan answer yes to the following:

You have a • Desire to support the vessel technical knowledge level in Denmark, so it is impro-

ved and developed.

• Desire to take home new and important knowledge for your company’s develop-ment in marine engineering; environment and innovation.

• Desire to support the future young vessel engineers’ development and knowledge.

• Desire to make sure we have a forum and a network of Danish Society for NavalArchitecture and Marine Engineering, where we can meet with peers and shareexperience and knowledge.

Then become a contributor of Danish Society for Naval Architecture and MarineEngineering!

The contributors are the focal point of the activities of the association.

The contributions, together with donations form the economic basis of the associati-on.Business contribution is 1.500, - DKK per year.

See more at www.skibstekniskselskab.dk or contact the secretariat and ask for KirstenWeede or Mikkel Brønnum Hansen – tel: 33 33 74 88.

Page 15: Your maritime advisor and innovator - Squarespace · PDF fileYour maritime advisor and innovator ... Danish Society for Naval Architecture and ... for Naval Architecture and Marine

S p r i n g 2 0 1 6 D a n i s h S o c i e t y f o r N a v a l A r c h i t e c t u r e a n d M a r i n e E n g i n e e r i n g

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Page 16: Your maritime advisor and innovator - Squarespace · PDF fileYour maritime advisor and innovator ... Danish Society for Naval Architecture and ... for Naval Architecture and Marine
