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YOUR PISCES LIFESTYLE & WELL-BEING PROFILE · journal-writing practice. Cancer and Scorpio are most...

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The Cosmic Collection: PISCESYour Pisces Lifestyle & Well-being Profi le

Finding Your Center: Your Well-being According To Your Sun Sign Well Being is far more than just physical health; it involves feeling centered and strong on emotional and spiritual levels as well. You may have noticed that feeling physically unhealthy or even just low-energy can throw off the balance of your entire system, and the same is true of emotional depression and spiritual disconnectedness. Thus, achieving a state of well-being depends

on feeling balanced in all areas of our lives. Fortunately, the Zodiac holds keys to creating that harmoniously centered sense of stability. Based on your Sun sign’s Element along with certain other specifi cs of your sign, you can learn vital ways of promoting a greater and more integrated sense of thriving in body, mind and soul.

The Water SignsSince Water signs are especially sensitive to other people and their surroundings, it can be tricky for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces to maintain a holistic state of wellbeing. Being in any type of high-stress environment — anger-fi lled relationships, for example, noisy crowds of people, or a demanding workplace — can lead to all sorts of physical and emotional symptoms that signal a system out of balance. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Water signs fi nd great benefi t in all things related to water, such as an invigorating swim, a day spent fi shing, or a relaxing soak in the bath, pool or hot tub. But whenever you feel ill or simply off center, whether physically, mentally or emotionally, remember that these systems are intertwined.

Holistic health cannot be achieved without paying due attention to emotional wellbeing. Especially for Water signs, many physical conditions are

closely bound with the emotions; unhappiness and stress, for example, can manifest in the body as muscle strains, headaches or digestive problems. Thus, in order to gain the most comprehensive picture of your health possible, it’s important to consider not just individual physical or emotional complaints, but to see these as interconnected. Many sensitive Water signs can be somewhat moody, so fi nd an outlet for your emotions, whether that means confi ding in a close friend or a therapist, or keeping a regular journal-writing practice. Cancer and Scorpio are most likely to bottle up hurt or angry feelings until they boil over or simply stagnate within your soul. Pisces, on the other hand, tends to feel overwhelmed by the intensity of feelings such as grief or anger. For all three signs, it is important to write or talk honestly about these emotions in order to process them and defuse their power.

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DietAnother important aspect of wellbeing is diet. Drinking plenty of water will help fl ush and support your system. When you’re dehydrated or experiencing sleep problems, turn to melons, cucumbers, grapes or any other food that contains lots of water for relief. On the other end of the spectrum, excess mucus in the system can

be aggravated by consuming too much water; vigorous exercise can increase your metabolism and help correct the imbalance. Water signs need to be especially wary of emotional eating — using unhealthy comfort foods to combat feelings of sadness, anger, loneliness or stress.

Associated Body PartsEach Zodiac sign is associated with certain body parts, and should be aware of the potential for related illness. Cancer is associated with the stomach and chest, so steer clear of greasy, heavy or rich foods that might upset the digestion. Core strength training is also important for keeping the abdomen, back and chest strong. Since Scorpio

is associated with the reproductive organs, it’s especially important for this sign to maintain a healthy sexual relationship with yourself as well as your partner. Finally, Pisces is associated with the feet, so wear supportive shoes, take regular walks, and incorporate balancing exercises into your exercise regimen.

Lasting HappinessThe most empathetic, nurturing and selfl ess of all the signs of the Zodiac, Pisces is also the most intuitive. This means the Fish can be like an emotional sponge, sopping up the moods and inner feelings of everyone around. Thus, on several levels, happiness for Pisces depends on the people you care about most. On one level, when your loved ones are content, you feel content; you’re simply that invested in their well-being. On another level, however, it’s important for Pisces to take care to surround

yourself with positive-minded, loving people, since you’re so vulnerable to absorbing others’ feelings of depression, anger or despair. Thus, developing true, deep and lasting happiness for Pisces depends on learning to set fi rm personal boundaries. It may seem counterintuitive to such a giving and self-sacrifi cing sign, but once you learn to set limits on what others may take from you — materially, emotionally and otherwise — your newfound strength will become a wellspring of happiness.

Major Character ChallengesHave you ever encountered a stubborn Taurus or a brassy Leo? How about a sneaky Scorpio or a playboy Sagittarius? Do any of these undesirable characteristics ring a bell? Each sign has a positive side as well as a negative one. The not so nice characteristics are the ones we can grow and learn from, particularly when it’s someone else who’s rubbing us the wrong way. Once we gain an understanding of where someone is coming from it’s easier to have empathy and understanding. For now, let’s take a fun poke at your sign and their not so charming traits!

This sign is the doormat of the zodiac. They

attract the down and out’s and are suckers for anyone with a loser sign on their back. When the going gets tough they hit whatever can remove them from the mundane - drugs, alcohol, religion or food. They seek to escape the cold hard reality of life and prefer living life wearing rose colored glasses.

Pisces are romantics and have probably had their tender-heart broken on more than one occasion. They usually see only the good in others so are easily deceived and often deluded. They are extremely emotional and no doubt their friends call them a cry baby behind their back. Even their

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grandmother is probably sick and tired of their constant blabbering.

They have no clue when it comes to practical matters and are completely disorganized which means their life is a mess. They tend to hear voices and can be psychic…or is that psycho? They are self-sacrifi cing to the point of masochism and just about anyone or anything can pull at their heartstrings such as a homeless person needing a hot shower or an acquaintance wanting to lend a large sum of money. Tragedy moves them so they seek it out and take it on.

They are generous and not concerned with materialism so will be taken advantage of in money matters. They are a very charitable type and would think nothing of squandering their inheritance or holiday bonus money.

Their moods can range from euphoric to miserable in a matter of minutes. They are hypersensitive and pick up on others moods like a sponge. Some see their chameleon nature as insincere but it’s really that they’re impressionable and are easily led or taken for a fool.

Your Stress Profi lePsychologists and personal trainers off er many suggestions to help people cope with stress. Nevertheless, these techniques are not useful for everyone. It is possible to use the techniques, but you must know which ones are best suited for your sign. Astrology can help you identify diff erent aspects of your personality, while providing resources to heal negative traits. Whether it is to pay karmic debt or learn a lesson in this life, you need solid methods to alleviate stress and anxiety. This information will allow you to cut your stress in half. By using these methods in combination with anything you have, you can begin to heal the mind, body, and soul.

As a Pisces, you can cut your stress in half by fi nding an emotional outlet. This can be accomplished by communicating with others or writing on a daily basis. It is important for all water signs to have a person to confi de in. It can be diffi cult for sensitive Pisces individuals to cope with negativity in their surroundings. You will benefi t from spending time in or around water, which includes swimming, relaxing in the tub, and fi shing. As a Pisces, you should be attentive to the condition of your feet. It is imperative to wear comfortable shoes, exercise, and walk on a regular basis.

Your Parenting Profi leAnyone who has ever had a child knows parenting is one of the most rewarding jobs there is — but also one of the toughest. The way we raise our children is inevitably a combination of strategies learned from our own families of origin along with those techniques we pick up from books, magazines and websites devoted to parenting advice. Our natural instincts go into it along with the social, cultural and religious traditions we are a part of, whether by birth or by choice. What is your approach to raising a child? Is your style your own, or are you carrying on patterns and rituals you learned from your own parents? Chances are, you’re enacting a combination of both — and everything you do regarding your child is fi ltered through your Sun sign, which has everything to

do with how you comfort, nurture, teach and discipline the young person you’re in charge of.

Intuitive parenting comes naturally to Pisces, as do aff ection and unconditional love for your child. You fi nd it easy to understand and connect with your child’s youthful, developing mind and heart. Your little one is likely to adore you, since you’re always willing to engage in storytelling, playacting and other fl ights of fancy; you encourage their creativity and teach them the value of imagination. You are also a wonderful role model in terms of compassion and empathy, passing these along to your child by example as you extend them toward other people, animals, plants and the earth. Your parenting challenge

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lies in providing the stability and routine your child needs to thrive. Many Pisceans tend to be somewhat forgetful and disorganized. You may struggle to get your little one to play dates or to school on time, and might realize once you get there that you’ve forgotten to pack them a lunch or make sure they have their jacket. You

might also have trouble keeping up with your own responsibilities at work and at home, which can rub off on your child over the long term. The good news is, your endless, selfl ess love for your little one ensures that you will strive to provide them with the guidance and structure they need.

Your Pet Profi le: What Pet Should You Adopt?According to popular lore, dogs are man’s best friend — but while many people adore the devotion and companionship of a puppy, not everyone wants to deal with muddy paws, slobbery licks or begging at the dinner table. The same goes for cats: Some fi nd them beautiful and intriguing, while others see them as little more than snooty sneeze-factories. So which furry, feathered or scaly animal could be your best friend? Your Zodiac sign is a great place to fi nd ideas. Our signs impart unique qualities and characteristics that help shape not only our personalities, but also our preferences. Your Sun sign can reveal the type of animal that might make your very best companion — your own, personal best friend.

When it comes to loving, tender-hearted Pisces,

you rarely meet an animal you don’t want to bring home with you. Strays off the street, puppies in pet shop windows and rescue animals all pull at your heartstrings. You tend to connect intuitively, even psychically, with animals. If raising an animal in captivity hurts your soul, you could work with animals in another capacity, such as volunteering your time at a shelter. Swimming with dolphins is controversial, but if anyone would enjoy connecting with this highly intelligent, intuitive species, it’s you. Fish may not be the cuddliest of companions, but since they symbolize your sign, you share a special bond. Plus, it can be meditatively relaxing to enjoy the gentle bubbling and humming of their tank as the fi sh swim contemplatively inside, their scales shimmering and throwing off tiny rainbows of light.

Your Friendship Profi le: Who To Keep Close At HeartAstrology tells us so much about ourselves; the planets in their orbits refl ect our basic life forces. They infl uence our characteristics by their relationship to each other, as measured from the moment of our birth. These relationships between the planets, their positions in relation to the place of our birth tell us of their expression in the spheres of life depicted in the astrological houses.

Many mistakenly think that is all there is to Astrology, simply watching constellations process through the Zodiac, but there is much, much more. The Zodiac is a 360 degree circle divided into 12 sections, each associated with certain characteristics based on qualities of the elements Fire, Air, Water and Earth.

Each of these four elements has three states named Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Those of us with an emphasis on Cardinal signs tend to be leaders or initiators, they’re goal oriented, never taking their eyes off of the prize. Those of us with an emphasis on fi xed signs tend to be “status quo” people. They’re effi cient, good organizers, tending to react to situations and not to initiate them. Those with mutable emphasis love change; they seek the new and have no love for the “status quo.”

So with 12 Zodiac signs each belonging to an element, each in one of the three states gives us an infi nite number of personalities and characteristics. Each of us, holding specifi c aspects of each, so there is no pure Taurus or Sagittarius. With the factors of heredity and

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infl uences of the states and elements two people born into Aries can seem as diff erent as night and day. The date, time and places of their births, separating them, giving them, diff erent relationships to the diff erent planets.

So which signs should you be friends with?

Pisces a Mutable Water sign, ruled by Neptune; Sensitive and compassionate they are one of

the most romantic signs of the Zodiac. By their nature they fall in love fast and hard. While seeming graceful on the outside, they tend to lead a private existence in daydreams. They have a desire to be on their own, but are never happier when they have someone to devote themselves too completely. People sometimes misunderstand a Pisces, because as a water sign they can seem mysterious. They are caring and giving to a fault, for the right partner they can be a dream come true.

Your Beauty Profi leWe all want to look our best, but enhancing your natural beauty is about more than just your coloring, hair type or style preferences. If you want to jazz up your looks in a unique and natural way, try incorporating the traits of your astrological sign. Each of the twelve Sun signs is associated with certain colors and body parts along with its own element and quality. If you

pay special attention to these elements when choosing your makeup and hairstyle and putting your look together, you can play up your sign’s best strengths. Read on to fi nd out more about the specifi c colors, hair and makeup tips, and health information you need to know to look your very best.

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As a Mutable Water sign, Pisces looks best in makeup that plays up the mystery of your eyes; after all, these deep pools are the windows to your soul. Try eyeshadow and liner in blue, green or silvery hues to evoke the depths of water and the light of the moon. To keep your skin luminous, be sure to cleanse your face every day with an all-natural cleanser that won’t clog pores or irritate your skin. You might even try using just plain water, which works better than you might think to cleanse and rejuvenate. You might enjoy

the creativity involved in a look that is constantly shifting, so don’t be afraid to try out diff erent products and hair colors. Base your choices on your mood of the day or the eff ect you’re trying to create. Since your sign’s body parts are your feet and toes, nourish these with regular pedicures or foot massages, and be sure to keep your toenails neatly trimmed. Nail polish colors in shades of silver, blue, green or aquamarine will echo your connection to water.

Your Vacation Profi leIf you’ve ever returned from a vacation feeling more exhausted than when you left, you know the importance of choosing the right destination. For instance, the rush of energy in a big city might be invigorating for one person, but overwhelming for another. Plan a custom vacation that will balance and recharge you by looking to the elemental association of your sun sign.

Pisces can be as slippery as the two fi sh that symbolize the sign. But that’s only because your mutable water nature lures you into such dreamy and otherworldly depths. On your vacation, allow yourself to swim in them. Consider a spiritual retreat, or even an at-home staycation in which you abandon the television in favor of artistic supplies- your visions won’t be far behind!

Your Diet & Fitness Profi leWhether you’re setting a resolution for the new year or simply realizing that it’s time to take charge of your health, there is no time like the present to launch a new and improved diet and fi tness regimen. But mere willpower isn’t enough. Some say a failure to plan is tantamount to planning to fail — but you won’t make that mistake. Set yourself up for success by gathering the information you need before you embark on your journey toward wellness. What’s one great place to begin? With the Zodiac — specifi cally, your own Sun sign. Read on to gain insight into your astrological strengths to harness, pitfalls for your sign to avoid, and the very best ways to get your health on track.

For dreamy, imaginative Pisces, it can be tough to get a wellness routine going. You might be more

apt to think about it than to act on your many ideas; furthermore, too many ideas or a lack of information can make you feel overwhelmed, sapping your willpower. Therefore, it’s best to keep it simple: Write down a list of a few healthful meals you know you enjoy, and commit to eating them at least every other day. That way, you can shop for the same set of ingredients once a week, so you’ll have them on hand when you need them. To incorporate physical exercise into your lifestyle, try swimming — you’re a Water sign, after all — or start a neighborhood dog-walking business, so you can get your heart pumping while enjoying the company of your neighbors’ furry friends. Speaking of animals, committing to eating vegetarian for one or more meals per week will cut down on calories along with animal cruelty.

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Your Birthstone Profi le & Healing AbilityPeople have valued gemstones for their healing properties for centuries. Crystals, especially those of the quartz variety, are in widespread use today for treating everything from physical to emotional to spiritual issues. But precious and semiprecious stones also have benefi cial qualities. When used with care and respect, these mineral beauties can enhance our health,

our relationships and our wellbeing.

Most people are familiar with the gemstone associated with their birth month, but certain stones are also associated with the Signs of the Zodiac. Read about your Zodiac Sign and its corresponding gemstone, and read on to learn about the healing properties of your personal astrological gemstone healer.

Amethyst: Amethyst assists with anxiety, depression and understanding life’s most profound transformations, including death and the grief associated with loss. Deep, sensitive Pisces will benefi t from this stone’s assistance in cleansing and detoxifying the mind and body. Amethyst is also helpful when dealing with any type of addiction. This stone relaxes the mind, alleviates headaches and generally strengthens the immune system. Imaginative Pisces tends

to have an active dream life; use amethyst to help you remember and interpret your dreams, prevent nightmares and calm your mind before bedtime. When you’re feeling sad, angry, tense or overwhelmed, turn to amethyst to increase your positive thinking and overall sense of harmony. This stone also enhances your intuition and helps build a link to your higher self. When meditating, use amethyst to help you think in a deep and focused manner.

Your Spring Cleaning Profi leIt’s spring! The air is warmer, tiny buds are beginning to unfurl on bare tree branches, green shoots are poking up through the cold earth, and the world is fi lled with a fresh sense of renewal. It’s no wonder that, as the landscape changes around us, becoming more vibrant, lush and beautiful after the monochromatic tones of winter, we’re fi lled with a corresponding urge to update our living spaces. Spring cleaning is universal: It’s all about clearing the clutter from our homes and doing a top-to-bottom deep-clean, scouring all the nooks and crannies we’ve overlooked all winter long. And there is a defi nite link between our physical surroundings and our inner emotions; setting our homes to rights makes us feel more focused, confi dent and optimistic. But the actual process of cleaning is far more individual, based on the particulars of your Sun sign. What’s your cleaning style? How can you maximize your natural strengths from the Zodiac and avoid the pitfalls common to your sign?

For selfl ess, emotional Pisces, a task like spring cleaning can be overwhelming. While you love the feeling you get from a clean and well-organized home, making that vision a reality is rather daunting, especially if you live with extra clutter and mess from pets, children or houseplants. While hiring a cleaning service may seem like an outrageous splurge, it may be the best way for you to get the job done while staying emotionally balanced. It’s only once a year, after all; if outsourcing the job spares you from feeling cowed and hopeless — and gives you that cheerful boost of optimism that comes from a shiny, refreshed home — it’s worth the cost. If outsourcing isn’t an option, you can also share the cleaning burden with family members or friends. Think about it: You help them in many ways on a regular basis. They can help you with one afternoon of hard work. Ask a practical, organized friend to make a list of specifi c cleaning tasks, such as wiping down baseboards, dusting ceiling fan blades or washing couch cushions, and ask them to issue you tasks one by one. That

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way, you’ll stay focused as you accomplish your goals.

Your Psychic Ability Profi leEveryone has some degree of innate psychic ability, but diff erent signs approach the psychic world with diff erent attitudes and talents. How psychic is your sign?

Your Psychic Talent: Clairsentience (feeling spirit) – sensing pains, emotions and states of mind comes naturally to you.

As a true empath, you’re very open to psychic vibrations and you’re among the most sensitive of all signs. You must learn to keep your emotions at arm’s length, however, otherwise they will interfere with the psychic impressions you are able to pick up.

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About the Author KELLI FOXKelli was fi rst drawn to astrology during her childhood in Sydney, Australia. As early as eight years of age, she began recording birth dates and Sun Signs for anyone willing to share. Kelli’s formal astrological studies began at the College of Humanistic Astrology. This led to her professional accreditation with multiple organizations including: National Council for Geocosmic Research (CA NCGR IV), Professional Member of the American Federation of Astrologers (PMAFA), International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR C.A.P.), and the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA).

Kelli is also the fi rst member of the Founders’ Circle of Kepler College, and is an emeritus member of its board of trustees. Kepler College is the fi rst college in the western hemisphere authorized to issue BA, AA and MA degrees in Astrological Studies.

In 2004, with Neptune on her descendant and transiting Pluto conjunct her natal Moon, she had a near death medical experience that left her in a coma and on life support for two weeks. Kelli was fortunate to survive and return from the other side. With new found life, her passion to share the knowledge of astrology with people everywhere was reignited.

Kelli views astrology as a universal language through which the unique elements that make each of us who we are can be discussed, understood and developed. She sees her role as bringing this ancient science to our modern-day life through current technologies — from web sites to mobile phones and video screens.
