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Your Special Gift 2015

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CEO CEO Council of Executives Online “Creating Exciting Opportunities” Your Special Gift


Council of Executives Online “Creating Exciting Opportunities”

Your Special Gift

Have you ever wondered . . .

how some people seem to reach more of their full potential and others don’t? Why does one enterprise flourishes while another one wallows in mediocrity or fails altogether? I have thought about this dilemma for many years. What distinguishes an average leader from a successful leader? As a Leadership Archaeologist, I have searched the pages of ancient and modern history to find answers to these questions. What I have discovered is truly amazing! In every single case, there is a Master Key that unlocks the secret to success. It is so simple and so profound most of us cannot see it because we are looking at accomplishments and miss the underlying reason for their overwhelming success.

Let me ask you . . .

• As you lead your organization, do you sometimes feel you are alone and isolated?

• Currently, do you have means to confidentially share your personal, professional,

and spiritual challenges or successes with other like-minded faith-based leaders?

• Would it make a significant difference in your organization for you to have faith-based interactions of "best in business" that are integrated with biblical values?

• Could a “small group” of faith-based senior executive peers committed to journey with you over time be of any value to you as you lead your organization?

• Currently, are you lacking solid biblical business strategies to handle those tough issues you have with your employees, customers, vendors and/or competitors?

• If you answered “yes” to any question, consider opening Your Special Gift: CEO’s mastermind peer group of faith-based senior executives i.e. Conference Council.

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, business enterprises and nonprofit organizations start and fail at an alarming rate. Over ½ million people start a profit or nonprofit enterprise. By the end of the first-year, 40% of them will have failed. In the first five years, more than 80% or 400,000 of those who succeeded in the first year will have failed. If that's not alarming enough, approximately 80% of those enterprises that do succeed within the first five years, will fail during the next five years. It’s horrible! How does this happen? What causes it? Why do small businesses including larger ones fail? What key lessons are they not learning? Why is it with all of our business books, seminars and information that are available, so many organizations crash and burn? If this isn’t your present situation, are you satisfied with your current progress or success? Now you have an opportunity to receive something with historical and entrepreneurial relevance. This is historical because some of the most important leaders of the day were involved. It also has entrepreneurial relevance with a proven track record throughout the last 2,000+ years, including numerous successful executives today. What is it? It is their Master Key to Success. Ever heard of an executive mastermind or peer group?

Master Key to Success

What do these leaders have in common?

* Ben Franklin * Martin Luther King, Jr. * Abraham Lincoln * Mother Teresa * Henry Ford * Oprah Winfrey * Thomas Edison * Steve Jobs

They had a commitment to a small group of trusted advisors as their mastermind group. The rest is history. These individuals are a small sampling of highly successful leaders who utilized this time-tested concept of interacting and brainstorming in a small group with like-minded peers. It is an overlooked element that is their Master Key to Success. Imagine what it would be like to be in the company of these leaders for candid counsel!

What about you?

Let’s talk about you. Would you like to find your Master Key to Success and turn it into reality? Would it be an advantage for you to brainstorm, seek advice and learn from a group of faith-based senior executive peers who are not direct competitors? Could you benefit from a Council of supportive accountability partners? Wouldn’t you thrive in a supportive environment where you could share your challenges, ideas and information? Imagine having for maybe the first time in your career ongoing access to a Diagnostic Assessment Center for continual professional and organizational health. Now you can!

Our online video Conference Councils would offer you a combination of brainstorming, education, peer accountability, encouragement and real support within a group setting to sharpen your own personal and professional skills. Our Council sessions and the wisdom benefits it provides would encourage you and each member to achieve higher levels of success than you could ever reach on your own. Remember, there is power in numbers.

“The next best thing to being wise oneself

is to live in a circle of those who are.” C. S. Lewis

What is a Conference Council?

In its simplest form, it is a small group of 6 creative and committed faith-based senior executives who meet each month to help each other grow personally, professionally and spiritually. CEO offers creative problem-solving, brainstorming, education, goal setting, and peer accountability to sharpen our personal and professional skills. It is not a group coaching session, group counseling or therapy session or a monthly networking event. Our Members challenge each other to set priority goals and, more importantly, achieve them. We require commitment and confidentiality with a willingness to be creative and generate solutions. We help one another in complete honesty, respect and compassion.

Who Influences You?

Deep down inside, we all want to be challenged. We want to be motivated to put forth our very best effort. We all want to be understood, supported, listened to, encouraged, energized and loved by those people we care about and those folks that care about us. We want these things, but many of us don’t have the right people to help us reach our full potential in our personal, professional and spiritual lives. We cannot do it alone!

Do you realize you will be the average of those people with whom you constantly surround yourself?

The real issue here is that our relationships early in our lives and careers are mostly a result of location. We went to school with kids who lived in our neighborhoods. We went to college with the students the Admissions Office decided were qualified to be in our incoming class. We joined organizations based on sketchy information and a lack of guidance upon graduating from college. Then one day we realize that most people we spend a lot of our time with are really not people we’d seek advice from or be the ones to influence our major decisions in life! What do we do? What is it that’s still missing?

Trusted Advisors

All of us have something in common. We need help and we want to do something about our dreams. Let me now introduce you to a new/old concept with historical precedence. It’s trusted advisors, faith-based senior executive peers, who can become an incredibly effective resource to help you reach your personal, professional and spiritual potential.

Virtual Council Time is a valuable commodity. Meeting virtually allows us to leverage our technology and bring key individuals from around the world together via our video conferencing capabilities. Meeting at the same location takes time and money. Our virtual Council is a powerful resource. Our format does require the same focus and commitment as face-to-face, but without tiresome travel. By expanding your geographical connections, you can increase your global resources. Our Councils main focus is mutual accountability.

Lack of Time

We are all busy. That is not a surprise, but do you want to know what is surprising? How we spend our time most often will determine our habits. Too busy is an illusion. If you aren’t getting the results you really want in your life now, then it is time to make some changes. Please do not fall into the trap of believing you don’t have time to add another commitment to your life or you don’t have time to listen to other people talk about their issues or that you are too busy just trying to keep up to even think about your priorities. Time is really not the issue, although we think it’s the issue. Guess what? Actually, there is no such thing as real time management. “Time stops for no man.” Sound familiar? By saying you really don’t have the time, you are in fact shifting your focus off yourself and placing it on an unchangeable and unstoppable concept. You must manage yourself. And losing several hours of work here and there twice a month is worth a wealth of clarity. After your first visit to a Conference Council, you’ll feel renewed and invigorated. It can be your professional strategy for redirecting and refocusing your time to your advantage.

“An ounce of prevention is

worth a pound of cure.” Ben Franklin

How healthy are you personally, professionally and spiritually? Do you even know how healthy your organization is today? Have you noticed any symptoms? It is one thing to guess. It’s another thing to know. This is why preventive medicine is so important. We all know someone who would still be alive today, if they had known earlier. They either ignored their symptoms or didn’t have any until it was too late. Don’t let this happen to you. If you haven’t had one recently, get a physical. Now, let’s talk about a professional or organizational physical. Ever had one? It is just as important as a personal physical. How do you assess the health of your organization? In CEO, we offer a complementary Preliminary Professional Physical ($600 value) to all our guests. Are you interested?

Video Conference Council

CEO has the only faith-based model for profits and non-profits that allows participants from industry specific niches or multi-faceted disciplines from all around the world to participate in a virtual video Conference Council similar to a mastermind or peer group.

Simply put, all of our participants meet virtually face-to-face. This provides tremendous flexibility for Council Members. It reduces the overall time commitments of travel and eliminates costs associated in face-to-face meetings. We utilize all available benefits of current cutting edge technologies to serve all of our members to “meet” virtually online using our video-conferencing capabilities to be accessed from anywhere in the world.

“Plans go wrong with too few counselors; many counselors bring success.”

Proverbs 15:22

Without a doubt modern technology has become the next best thing to literally meeting someone in person. It eclipses all audio teleconference connections and engagements for participants. Currently, we are creating virtual mastermind groups of faith-based senior executives from around the world who are now able to participate without extraordinary technological requirements on their behalf. This technology is truly amazing! Join us.

Each Council convenes monthly in a group of 6 members with a Chair/Vice Chair for 3 hours. Then two weeks later a Triad Council of 3 members meets for 1 hour. We focus all of our sessions on leveraging the awesome power of many minds coming together for the predominant purpose of fostering personal, professional and spiritual growth. We initiate all key results by realizing the attainment of goals through mutual accountability. Also, our Chairs/Vice Chairs must have 20± years of senior leadership experience and the biblical qualifications of an elder. Please review: 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5b-9. Surrounding oneself with trusted advisors and their counsel and the personal cooperation with like-minded peers who want to give one another insight in a spirit of harmony is the Master Key to Success of nearly every great accomplishment throughout history.

Conference Council Benefits

• Counsel. In a Council, that feeling of “being alone” in your profit/nonprofit enterprise

is gone. Your Conference Council becomes your Trusted Advisors and vice versa. • Network. Your network can expand rapidly and exponentially. You’re a professional.

You know how important your network can become. In your Council, you instantly add to your network and typically gain the networks of those in the group with you.

• Learning. We all have skills, experience and connections. By sharing your challenges,

it is almost certain someone in your Council will have a solution for you. Also, you will be able to offer a solution, connection or tactic to help someone else in the group.

• Master’s Mind. Being in our Conference Council i.e. mastermind group can give you

the Master’s Mind. Biblically, you’ll be stretch beyond your boundaries because you would be among other seasoned faith-based senior executives who want to succeed.

A Council will challenge you personally, professionally, organizational and spiritually. After your Conference Council, you’ll leave your session feeling more energized, upbeat and enthusiastic. It is a tremendous experience! It’s Your Special Gift. Will you open it?


I’ll open it later. I’ll wait until I get motivated. Someday, I will get involved in a CEO Council. When exactly is “someday”? We can only take action in the present moment. All the good intentions in the world will not produce positive results without committing yourself to a focused course of action. Replace open-ended words like “someday” with a specific date on your calendar. Do you know that procrastination could be good for you? Yes! The way to make it work for you is to procrastinate doing the things that take you away from your dreams and goals. Procrastinate on watching television. Procrastinate doing low priority work. If you really want to achieve “higher levels of success” in your personal, professional and spiritual life, then procrastinate doing those other things that will stop you from moving forward and joining something like our Conference Councils.

Prayerfully Consider . . . opening Your Special Gift now! How? It’s about how you do anything that you’ve never done before. It is always helpful to recognize everything you do for the first time that you do it; you’ll never know you can with 100% certainty. It’s true. You don’t know you can do something until you are doing it. Do you remember learning how to ride your bike for the first time? It seemed impossible. You tried. You failed, but you didn’t give up. It doesn’t matter how much advice you were given, you cannot ride until you are riding. It’s not until you’re doing it that you “know how.” You don’t know how to swim until you are swimming. Also, you can’t whistle until you are whistling. If you’ve never been involved in a faith-based mastermind group, consider joining us now. Sound good? In anything worth doing, you will be uncertain about it at first. Accept your feelings of doubt and keep moving forward in faith. Create a vision of what it would be like to have a supportive Council of faith-based senior executive who believe in you. Imagine what kind of goals you could reach and what kinds of things you could accomplish, if you had a caring supportive group who believed you could achieve almost anything you put your mind to with God’s help. This is Your Special Gift. Will you consider opening it today?

Your Special Gift

Open Your Special Gift by joining other faith-based senior executives as our VIP Guest. The most exciting part of a Council is watching faith-in-action. First, you put your most desired dreams for success into words. You share your words with your members. Next, you turn those desires into goals. Your goals turn into a set of faith-action steps. A series of steps turns into a set of accomplishments. Finally, your accomplishments will become achievements. This is how ideas become a reality. Our Conference Council is a powerful resource for personal, professional and spiritual success. This is Your Special Gift! We are now accepting reservations. For more information, you may request our Council Member Prospectus by contacting the person who you gave this information to you or contact John Smith, CEO’s Founder, at 407.923.2293 or [email protected].


































707 Magnolia Drive * Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 407.923.2293 * www.ceo-360.com

© 2015 Council of Executives Online Colleagues of Executives Online Affiliate

