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Your vote matters - gov.uk · 2019-06-14 · 3 Your Vote Matters Contents Your Vote Matters poster...

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Your vote matters
Page 1: Your vote matters - gov.uk · 2019-06-14 · 3 Your Vote Matters Contents Your Vote Matters poster 4 •Print this out to advertise your session What is Your Vote Matters? 5 •What’s

Your vote matters

Page 2: Your vote matters - gov.uk · 2019-06-14 · 3 Your Vote Matters Contents Your Vote Matters poster 4 •Print this out to advertise your session What is Your Vote Matters? 5 •What’s

An activity pack for people who work in social housing and homelessness services

to provide tenants and clients with the

national politics and put their interests centre stage.

© Crown copyright, 2015. This resource is not covered by the Open Government Licence. For permission to reproduce the content please contact: [email protected]

Page 3: Your vote matters - gov.uk · 2019-06-14 · 3 Your Vote Matters Contents Your Vote Matters poster 4 •Print this out to advertise your session What is Your Vote Matters? 5 •What’s


Your Vote Matters Contents

Your Vote Matters poster 4• Printthisouttoadvertiseyoursession

What is Your Vote Matters? 5• What’stheissueandwhydoesitmatter?• Howdoesthispackhelp?• Whoisthispackfor?• HowdoIuseit?• Whatnow?

Activity 1 Who gets to be a local councillor? 7• Whosetstheagendaandwhogetselected?• StepsPickyourpoliciesworksheetPickyourpoliciesresultsworksheet

Activity 2 Creating community action 10• Howtomakeyourvoiceheard• StepsLocalvNationalissuesworksheetLocalvNationalissuesresultsworksheetCreatingcommunityactionworksheet

Activity 3 Make friends and influence politicians 14• Becomealocalcampaigner• StepsInfluencebuilderworksheet 1Influencebuilderworksheet 2Keycontactsfactsheet

Voter registration factsheet 18Registration deadlines 19Registertovote

Your Vote Matters Champion’s evaluation form 22Your Vote Matters Participant evaluation form 23

Page 4: Your vote matters - gov.uk · 2019-06-14 · 3 Your Vote Matters Contents Your Vote Matters poster 4 •Print this out to advertise your session What is Your Vote Matters? 5 •What’s

You don’t need a fixed address to register to vote.

Registering to vote gives you a voice to make a difference, but also brings a wide range of benefits, such as helping

with your credit rating.



What to bring

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What is Your Vote Matters?

The Your Vote Matters pack has been developed by Hansard Society and Homeless Link, in partnership with the Cabinet Office, to promote voter registration amongst social housing tenants and people in homelessness services.

Why does voter registration matter?Lowerlevelsofregistrationamongstsocial housingtenantsandpeopleinhomelessnessservicesmeansthatthosewhoarenotregisteredmaynothavetheirvoicesheardbythoseinpower.

Beingregisteredgivessocialhousingtenants andpeopleinhomelessnessservicesasayon theissuesthataffecttheireverydaylives,whetherit’shousing,localschoolsorbincollections.Ifanissuecomesupthat theycareaboutandwanttohaveasayon,ifthey’renotregisteredtheywon’thave avoicewhenitreallymatters.


Onlineregistrationhasmadetheprocessofregisteringtovotemoreconvenientforelectors,especiallythosewhoarefrequenthome-moversandsocialhousingtenants.It is quick and easy and takes less than 5 minutes.

Youcanregisteronlineat: www.gov.uk/registertovote

How does this pack help?


Who voted in the 2017 General Election?




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73% voted 60% voted



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Source: General Election 2017: Results and Analysis - House of Commons Library

High levelsof contact with local authority

Social tenants and politics

Lower levels of interest or knowledge of politics

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How do I use it?Your Vote Mattersprovidesbackgroundinformationandactivities,aswellasfactsheetsthataredesignedtobecopiedandkeptbyparticipants.Alltheactivitiescanstandalone orberunsequentiallyintheorderyoufeelbestfitswithyourgroup.

Eachactivitysuggestsalikelyrunningtime, hasself-containedresources,aimsandastep- by-stepguide.


1 Activity1–Who gets to be a local councillor?


2 Activity2–Creating community action


3 Activity3–Make friends and influence politiciansExploreshowtotakethefirststepstowardsbuildingalocalcampaign– Page14

4 Nextstepsresources:

• Voter registration factsheet

• Key contacts factsheet

• Access to the onlineregistration page:www.gov.uk/registertovote or

• Voter registration form(if you don't have internetaccess)

What now?• Getstuckintotheactivitiesoverthepageandsharephotos,videosandquotesonTwitterusingthehashtag#RegisterToVote

• Makesureyoupostanyregistrationformstoyourlocalcouncil’selectoralservicesteamingoodtime.ForregistrationdeadlinesseetheRegistration factsheet (page18).

What is Your Vote Matters?

Who is this pack for?This pack is aimed at those working in social housing or homelessness services, their tenants or clients. It provides all you need to run a workshop as a 'champion', with fun and engaging activities to explain different aspects of democratic engagement.

Page 7: Your vote matters - gov.uk · 2019-06-14 · 3 Your Vote Matters Contents Your Vote Matters poster 4 •Print this out to advertise your session What is Your Vote Matters? 5 •What’s


Activity 1 Who gets to be a local councillor?

Who sets the agenda and who gets elected?Aim: Todemonstratetheimportanceofbeingregisteredandhowthismakesitpossibletoinfluencethepoliticaldecisionsthataffectyoureverydaylife.

Time: 15-20minutes

What you need:

• EnsurethatallparticipantsbringalongtheirNationalInsurancenumber

• PhotocopiesofPick your policies worksheet– onepergroup

• PhotocopyofPick your policies results sheet– oneforyou

• PhotocopiesoftheVoter registration form (atthe back of the pack)– oneeach (if you don't have internet access)

• PensOptional:

• PhotocopiesoftheVoter registration factsheet– oneeach

• PhotocopiesoftheKey contacts factsheet– oneeach

Steps1 Askthegrouptoputtheirhandsupiftheyare

registeredtovoteoriftheyhaveevervoted.Discusswiththegroup:• Howtheyfeelaboutvotingandiftheythinkit’simportanttovote.

• Whatdotheythinkmightbetheconsequencesofnotvotingtoindividualsandgroups?

2 SplitthegroupintosmallteamsanddistributethePick your policies worksheet. Explainthateachgroupisgoingtoputthemselvesintheshoesof apoliticianstandinginalocalelection.Eachgroupneedstoselectthefourpoliciestheythinkaremostimportantforthelocalareabyputtingacrossin theboxatthetopofthecards(5mins).

3 UsingPick your policies results sheetannouncethe“popularitypoints”(howpopulartheissuewouldbeamongstalllocalpeople)foreachpolicy.Each

groupshouldmakeanoteoftheirpopularityscoresintheboxontheleftofeachofthepolicycards. Askallthosethatgotover100popularitypointsacrosstheirfourpoliciestoraisetheirhands.

4 Nowannouncethe“votingpoints”forallthepoliciesandaskparticipantstomakeanoteoftheirscoreintheboxontherightofeachofthepolicycards.ExplainthatthevotingpointsrepresentthenumberoflocalpeoplewhosupportthepolicyANDareregistered tovotesocaninfluencewhichpoliticiangetselected.Askallthosethatgotover100votingpointstoraisetheirhands.

5 Discusswiththegroupstheiropinionsabouttheresult.Some ideas:• Whogotmorethan100popularitypointsbutfewerthan100votingpoints?• Whatcanpeopledotomakesurethattheirfavouredpolicieshaveabetterchanceofbeingheardbypoliticians?

6 UsetheKey Facts fromthePick your policies result worksheettoexplainthatwhilstthepopularitypointsandvotingpointsarefictitious,theybroadlyreflectthecurrentsituationintheUK.Thisactivityillustrateshowonlyregisteredvoterscanhavetheirsayandareabletovoteinelections.Discusswhateffectthisismayhaveonhowpoliciesaredeveloped.

7 Askparticipantstoregistertovoteonlineat:www.gov.uk/registertovote.Ifyoudonothaveinternetaccesspleaseaskthemtofill out aVoterregistrationform.

8 Collectupvoterregistration formsandsendthemtotherelevantlocalcouncilofficesfortheattention of“ElectoralRegistrationOfficer”.Don’tforgettotelltheDemocraticEngagementTeamattheCabinetOfficehowmanypeopleyouregisteratthesessionbyemailing: [email protected]. Wewelcomeyourfeedbacksopleasefillintherelevantevaluationformsonpages22and23 andsenditto: [email protected]. sothatwecanhear yourviews.

Optional:9 GiveeachparticipantacopyoftheKey contacts

and Voter registration factsheettotakeaway(onpage18).

Page 8: Your vote matters - gov.uk · 2019-06-14 · 3 Your Vote Matters Contents Your Vote Matters poster 4 •Print this out to advertise your session What is Your Vote Matters? 5 •What’s


Pick your policies worksheet

Policy 1Freetravelforallover65sinthearea.

Policy 5Anewsocialhousingdevelopmenttorelievelocalovercrowding.

Policy 2Plantinganewcommunitygardeninthelargestsocialhousingestateinthearea.

Policy 6Freechildcareforthepoorest10%inthearea.

Policy 3Openanewhostelforpeoplesleepingroughinthelocalarea.

Policy 7Removingallparkingchargesandpermitsinthearea.

Policy 4Acounciltaxfreezeuntilthenextelection.

Policy 8Freetraveltocollegeforall16-17yearoldsinthearea.

Page 9: Your vote matters - gov.uk · 2019-06-14 · 3 Your Vote Matters Contents Your Vote Matters poster 4 •Print this out to advertise your session What is Your Vote Matters? 5 •What’s


Policy 6Freechildcareforthepoorest10%inthearea.

Popularity 20 Voting 5

Policy 2Plantinganewcommunitygardeninthelargestsocialhousingestateinthearea.

Popularity 15 Voting 4

Policy 3Openanewhostelforpeoplesleepingroughinthelocalarea.

Popularity 18 Voting 8

Policy 4Acounciltaxfreezeuntilthenextelection.

Popularity 65 Voting 50

Popularity pointsrepresentthenumberofpeoplethatsupport thepolicy.(Theaimistoget over100points).

Voting pointsillustratesthenumberofpeoplethatsupportthepolicyANDwhoare registeredtovote.

Pick your policies results worksheet

Policy 1Freetravelforallover65sinthearea.

Popularity 40 Voting 38

Policy 5Anewsocialhousingdevelopmenttorelievelocalovercrowding.

Popularity 30 Voting 8

Policy 7Removingallparkingchargesandpermitsinthearea.

Popularity 50 Voting 30

Policy 8Freetraveltocollegeforall16-17yearoldsinthearea.

Popularity 15 Voting 8

Source: General Election 2017: Results and Analysis - House of Commons Library

73% 64%60% 72%65% 73% 73% 61%





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Housing tenure Age Social Class

The percentage of eligible voters that voted (overall)

18 – 24 45 – 54 A&B(most well off)

(72% mortgaged)

(least well off)D&E65+


Page 10: Your vote matters - gov.uk · 2019-06-14 · 3 Your Vote Matters Contents Your Vote Matters poster 4 •Print this out to advertise your session What is Your Vote Matters? 5 •What’s


How to make your voice heardAim: Toexplorethedifferingrolesof councillorsandMPs,howtocontactthemtotryandresolveaproblem,raiseanissueofconcern,proposesomecommunityinitiativeorinitiatesomepositivesocialaction.

Time: 15-20minutes

What you need:• EnsurethatallparticipantsbringalongtheirNationalInsurancenumber

• PhotocopiesoftheLocal vs National issuessheet– oneforeachgroup

• PhotocopyoftheLocal vs National results sheet– oneforyou

• PhotocopiesoftheCreating community actionworksheet–oneeachoronepergroup

• PhotocopiesoftheVoter registration form(at the back of the pack)– oneeach (if you don't have access to the

internet)• Pens

Optional:• PhotocopiesoftheKey contacts factsheet– oneeach

• PhotocopiesoftheVoter registration factsheet– oneeach

Steps1 Explainthatthepurposeofthisactivity is to explore:

• WhatMPsandcouncillorshaveresponsibilityfor• Howtocontactthem• Whattheycandoforyou• Whattodoifyour your problem doesn’t get resolved. Remember campaigning isn’t just for huge organisations.

2 Dividethegroupintoteamsandaskthemtocircle

LocalorNationaloneachoftheissuesonthe Local vs National issues sheet.‘National’istheresponsibilityofParliamentandMPsand‘Local’istheresponsibilityofthelocalcouncilandcouncillors.

3 Askthegroupiftheyhaveexperienced aproblem with any of these issues on the sheet.


Did they complain aboutthesethingstoaneighbourorfriend?HowmanycontactedtheirlocalMPsorcouncillors?Didtheygettheresponsetheywanted?ExplainthatthenexttaskwillexplorehowtoseektoinfluencebothlocalMPsandlocalcouncillors.

4 DistributetheCreating community action worksheet andaskeachgrouptofilloutthesheetusinganissuefromthepreviousexercise,onetheythinkofthemselvesorthescenariobelow.(10mins)

SCENARIO: In the last six months there has been a sharp increase in the amount of anti-social behaviour in your local area. Loud motorbikes are being driven up and down streets and around housing estates at all hours of the night.

5 Askeachgrouptofeedbackabouttheissuetheychose,whattheywantdoneandwhattheywouldaskoftheirlocalrepresentatives.Points to consider:• Howcouldpeoplestrengthentheircampaign?• WhatwouldmaketheMPorcouncillortakenotice?• Howcouldyougeneratesupportforyourcampaign?Forexample:- Start apetition- Contactthelocalpress

6 ConcludethesessionbyremindingthegroupthatMPsandcouncillorsonlyholdtheirpositionsbecausepeopleregisteredtovoteandelectedthem.CampaigningisagreatwaytoimprovethingsbetweenelectionsbutregisteringtovoteandvotingcomeElectionDayistheonlywaytoensurepeoplewhoaremorelikelytocareaboutyourcauseareinpower.

7 Askparticipantstoregistertovoteonlineat:www.gov.uk/registertovote.Ifyoudonothaveinternetaccesspleaseaskthemtofillout a copy of theVoterregistrationformatthebackofthepack.

8 CollectupVoterregistrationformsandsendthemtotherelevantlocalcouncilofficesfortheattentionof“ElectoralRegistrationOfficer”.Don’tforgettotelltheDemocraticEngagementTeamattheCabinetOfficehowmanyformsyoucollectedbyemailing:DemocraticEngagement@cabinetoffice.gov.uk.Wewelcomeyourfeedbacksopleasefillintherelevantevaluationformsonpages22and23andsendittoDemocraticEngagement@cabinetoffice.gov.uksothatwecanhear yourviews.

Optional:9 Giveeachparticipantacopyofthe Key contactsand

Voter registration factsheet totakeaway(onpage18).

Activity 2 Creating community action

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Welfare benefit levels Income tax

Council tax Housing allocation

Bin collection Local park maintenance

Consumer rights Planning for new housing

Car tax Sport/Leisure facilities

Fixing potholes in roads Pensions

























Local v National issues worksheet

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Local v National issues results worksheet













Welfare benefit levels Income tax

Council tax Housing allocation

Bin collection Local park maintenance

Consumer rights Planning for new housing

Car tax Sport/Leisure facilities

Fixing potholes in roads Pensions

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• Putideasforwardtotherestofthecounciltoimprovethingsinyourarea• Putyouincontactwithsomeonewhocanhelp• Contactoutsideorganisationstotryandinfluencetheme.g.police,NHS,media• ContactthelocalMP.

• AskaquestionoftheGovernment• Contactotherrelevantorganisationstoengagetheirhelpandsupport,forexamplepolice,NHS,media

• Contactthelocalcouncil.

MeetManylocalcouncillorshold“surgeries”inthe localareawhereyoucanmeettheminpersontodiscussanyproblemsor ideas youhave.

ContactYoucanfindcontactdetailsforyourlocalcouncilloronthecouncilwebsiteor www.theyworkforyou.comoryoucanwritetothemviawww.writetothem.com

MeetMostMPsalsoholdregular“surgeries”intheirlocalarea.TofindoutwhoyourMPisandwhentheirsurgeryishelduse: www.theyworkforyou.com

ContactYoucancontactyourMPbyemailingorwritingtothemattheaddressesprovidedbythe websiteabove.

Local Council Localcouncillorsrepresentdifferent wards/areasonthecouncilandhavelocaldecision-makingresponsibility.

Start here


What do I write/talk to them about?Thissectionistohelpyoutoconsiderhowyouwouldliketoraisetheissueyoucareaboutwiththerelevantpeople.Usethequestions belowtodescribewhattheproblemisandwhatyouwantdoneaboutit:• Whatisyourissue?• Whoelseisaffectedandhow?• Howwouldyoulikeitsolved?• WhatdoyouwanttheMP/Councillortodo?

(usetheideasfromabove)• Whataretheconsequencesofnottakingaction?

Contact details for representatives can be found on page 17.

What happens next?YoushouldreceiveadirectresponsefromtheMP orCouncillorbuttheyreceivelotsofcorrespondencefromlocalpeopleeveryday.Thebestwaytoget yourissuenoticedandacteduponistodemonstratehowmuchsupportthereisforyourcampaignfromthelocalpeopletheyrepresent:Remember• Be patient but persistent• Be clear• Generate support locally• Be polite–youmaynotgettheansweryouwant


Who has responsibility?

How do I contact them?

What can they do?

Creating community action worksheet

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Activity 3 Make friends and influence politicians

Become a local campaignerAim: Todemonstratehowtobuildsupportfor acampaignsoithasthegreatestchanceofinfluencingpoliticians,the local counciland theGovernment.Time: 15minutes

Facilitator notes:

• Acampaigning scenarioisprovidedbelowbutyoucanaskparticipantstocomeupwiththeirowncampaign

• IfyouareshortontimeyoumaywishtoskipStep5

• IfyouhavealreadyruntheCreating communityaction activityyoucanusetheworkstartedthereforthisactivity

You will need:

• EnsurethatallparticipantsbringtheirNationalInsurancenumberwiththem

• PhotocopiesofInfluence builder worksheetcutupintothedifferentcards–onepergroup

• PhotocopiesoftheKey contacts factsheet– oneeach

• Accesstotheinternetusingatablet,computerorsmartphone

• PhotocopiesoftheVoter registration factsheet– oneeach• Pens

Steps1 Askthegrouptonameanycampaignstheyare


2 Askthegroupwhattheythinkmakesaneffectivecampaign.Explainthatthestrengthofacampaigncomesfromtheclarityofitsaimandtheamountofsupportitcangenerate.Just like in elections – the numbers matter!

3 SplitthegroupintosmallteamsanddistributetheInfluencebuildercards(onesetperteam).Askeachteamtothinkofanissuetheycareabout(orusethescenariobelow)andwritedownacampaignnameandaim.Explainacatchynamewillhelpwithpublicityandashortandsharpaimwillgivethecampaignaclearfocus.

SCENARIO: In the last six months there has been a sharp increase in the amount of anti-social behaviour in your local area. Loud motorbikes are being driven up and down streets and around housing estates at all hours of the night.

4 AskeachgrouptoorganisetheInfluencebuildercardsaccordingtotheordertheythinkwillbuild themostsupporti.e.shouldtheycontactalocalcouncillorbeforeoraftertheybuildsupportlocally?Theycandisregardanycardstheyfeelaren’trelevanttotheircampaign.

5 Askthegroupstofeedbackencouraginginputandobservationsfromall.Somequestionstoconsider:• Whenisthebesttimetobuildsupport?• Whatwillgetyourcampaignnoticedbypoliticians?

6 DistributetheKey contacts factsheetandasanextensionactivity,youcanaskthegroupstoattendafurthersession(orworkontheirown)andusethe Key contacts factsheettoplantheircampaign.

7 Askparticipantstoregistertovoteonlineat:www.gov.uk/registertovote.IfyoudonothaveinternetaccesspleaseaskthemtofilloutaVoterregistrationformatthebackofthepack.

8 CollectupVoterregistrationformsandsendthemtotherelevantlocalcouncilofficesfortheattentionof“ElectoralRegistrationOfficer”.Don’tforgettotelltheDemocraticEngagementTeamattheCabinetOfficehowmanypeopleyouregisteratthesessionbyemailing:DemocraticEngagement@cabinetoffice.gov.uk.Wewelcomeyourfeedbacksopleasefillintherelevantevaluationformsonpages22and23andsendittoDemocraticEngagement@cabinetoffice.gov.uk sothatwecanhearyourviews.

Optional:9 GiveeachparticipantacopyoftheVoter registration


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Influence builder worksheet 1

Contact people who feel the same way

Send letter to local press

Contact the national media

Write to your local councillor

Attend your local MP’s surgery

Organise a petition

Set up a campaign blog

Use social media: Twitter, Facebook etc.

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Influence builder worksheet 2

Send local media a press release

Attend public meeting of the local council

Find like-minded groups in the area

Ask local businesses to display posters

Organise a meeting with neighbours and

other affected peopleFundraise

Write to your local MP

Organise a demonstration

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Key contacts factsheet

FindyourMP:www.theyworkforyou.comSetupyourowne-petition:www.gov.uk/petition-government Startapetitiononchange.org: www.change.orgWritetolocalandnationalpoliticians:www.writetothem.com HomelessLink’sguidetolocalinfluencing:www.homeless.org.uk

Contact details – MP







Contact details – councillorNameofcouncillor






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Voter registration factsheet

ThesystemforregisteringtovoteinGreatBritain haschangedtomaketheprocessmoresecure andmodern.Inthepast,theheadofthehouseholdtoldthecouncilthenamesofallthepeopleliving inthepropertywhowereeligibletovote.Noweveryonewhoiseligibletoregistertovoteneeds toregisterthemselves.



You are not automatically registered, even if you pay council tax.

Who can register to vote?YoucanregistertovoteintheUKifyouare:

• Resident(usuallyliveintheUK),and• Aged16orover(butyouwillnotbeabletovoteuntilyouare18).


• ABritish,IrishorEuropeanUnioncitizen,or• ACommonwealthcitizenwhohasleavetoremainintheUKorwhodoesnotrequireleavetoremainintheUK.

How do you register to vote?Registertovoteonlineat:www.gov.uk/registertovoteIfyouareunabletoaccesstheinternet thenyouwillneedtocallyourlocalcounciland askforavoterregistrationform.Youwillneedto fillitinandpostittoyourlocalcouncilwhowill addyoutotheregister.


Allregisteredvotersappearontheelectoral registerwhichisusedforelectionadministration,creditapplicationsandpreventingcrime.Theopenversionoftheelectoralregisterisavailableforsaletoanyoneforanypurpose.

You can opt out of the open version of the register.

Registering without a fixed addressYoucanstillregistertovoteevenifyoudonothave a fixed address. You need to fill in aformcalled a ‘Register to vote' (no fixed or permanent address living in England or Wales).


On the form you need to give an addresswhereyouwouldbe living if itwerenot for yourcurrentsituation, or an address where you have lived inthepast.

Ifyouarehomeless,youcangivedetailsof whereyouspendasubstantialpartofyourtime.

Moving houseIf you have moved house, you will need toregister to vote again, and it’s important thatyou do,otherwiseyoumaynotbeabletovote!

Sowhileyou’reunpackingyourfridgeandupdatingyourTVlicence,takeafewminutestoensureyou’reregisteredtovote: www.gov.uk/registertovote


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Registration deadlines

You can register to vote at any time. There aredeadlinesforregisteringtovoteifyouwantto voteina particular election (usually 12working days beforethedateoftheelection).

What happens next?Yourlocalcouncilwilladdyoutotheregisterandsendyoualettertoconfirmthatyouareregistered.Atthenextelectioninwhichyouareeligibletovote,yourlocalcouncilwillsendyoudetailsofwhenandwheretovote.


1 In person–onelectionday,gotoyourallottedpollingstation,Pollingstationsareopenfrom7amto10pm.Youdonotneedtotakethe pollcardoranyIDwithyou(unlessyoulive inNorthernIreland)(SeeunderWhatHappens onElectionDay?forfurtherdetails).

2 By post–ifyouprefer,youcanchoosetovotebypostbyfillinginanadditionalapplicationform.Yourcouncilmustreceivetheform11workingdaysbeforeelectionday.

3 By proxy–Youcanappointsomeoneelsetovoteonyourbehalf.Youwillneedtofillinanapplicationformwhichyourlocalcouncilmustreceive6workingdaysbeforeelectionday.Yourapplicationmayneedtobesupportedbyyourdoctororemployer. For more information go to: www.gov.uk/apply-vote-proxy.

What happens on Election Day?Not relevant for postal votes Youwillhavebeensentthedetailsofyourlocalpollingstationthroughthepost, on your poll card.Allpollingstationsareopenfrom7am-10pm.

1 Whenyouarriveatthepollingstationstaffwillcrossyournameofftheirlist.Youdon’tneedapollingcardoranyotherformofID(unlessyouliveinNorthernIreland).

2 Youwillbegivenaballotpaper,whichwilllistallthecandidatesandtheirparties.Ifthereismorethanoneelectionbeingheld,youwillbegivenadifferentballotpaperforeachelection.

3 Taketheballotpaper(s)tooneofthebooths.

4 Makeyourmarknexttothecandidate(s)thatyou’vechosen.Thewayyouvoteineachelectionisslightlydifferent.Someelectionsrequireyoutoputasinglecrossnexttoyourpreferredcandidate.Inotherelectionsyou mayberequiredtomakemorethanonechoice.Askpollingstationstaffifyouareunsure.Theyaretheretohelp.

5 Onceyouhavemadeyourmarkfoldyourballotpaper(s)sonoonecanseeyourchoiceandputitintheboxfortheappropriateelection.


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Your date of birth (DD MM YYYY)

If you dont know your date of birth, please tick if you are:

Under 18 1870 Over 70

Your name and addressForename(s)


Your address


Do you live at another address?

No Yes

If we have printed information which

is incorrect, please cross it out and

write the correct information.

If you also live at another address

don't give us the address now, but we

may ask you for more information later.

Moved in the last 12 months?

No Yes

If yes, please give any previous address where you have lived during

the last year.


If this address was overseas, were you registered in the UK as an

overseas voter?

No Yes

Changed your name in the last 12 months?

No Yes

If yes, please give us your previous name.

Please tell us the date you changed your name (DD MM YYYY).

For example, you may have got


Go online


Don't know your exact date of birth?

Please give the date of birth you put on

your passport or driving licence) or tick

one of the boxes.

ITR-E-MIndividual Registration Form

You can now register to vote online at www.gov.uk/registertovoteAlternatively you can complete this form.

Register to voteOnly one person can register to vote using this form.

Use black ink and write in CAPITALS

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Contact detailsTelephone number(s)

Email address (if you have one) in CAPITALS

You don't have to give us your contact details, but if you do it will help us if we need to contact you about your registration.

Your nationality If you have more than one nationality, please include them all. You can only register to vote in the UK if you have leave to remain. We may check your immigration status

include you on the electoral register.

DeclarationTo the best of my knowledge, the information in this form is true. I understand that the information I have given on this form will be used on the electoral register.I understand that if I do not make an application for registration when

I understand that it is an offence to knowingly give false information

six months in prison.etaD erutangiS (DD MM YYYY)

Now sign and return the formSend the signed form in the pre-paid envelope or to the address on page 1 of this form.

The open register

I don't want my name and address to be included in the open register.

There is more information about the open register on page 4 of this form.

Can't vote in person?If you are unable to go to the polling station in person on polling day, please choose how would you like to vote and we will send you a form.

By post

By proxy (someone voting on your behalf)

You can also download an application form at www.aboutmyvote.co.uk.

Your National Insurance number If you cannot tell us your National Insurance number, we may need to ask you for proof of your identity. We will contact you about this, and it may take longer to deal with your application.

Don't know your date of birth, nationality or National Insurance number?Please tell us why.


Page 22: Your vote matters - gov.uk · 2019-06-14 · 3 Your Vote Matters Contents Your Vote Matters poster 4 •Print this out to advertise your session What is Your Vote Matters? 5 •What’s


Your vote mattersChampion’s evaluation form

Date of workshop Number of people

Number of voter registration applications completed

Number of people already registered to vote

Based on this workshop, how would you rate the activities?

Activity 1: Whogetstobealocalcouncillor?

Activity 2: Creatingcommunityaction

Activity 3: Makefriendsandinfluencepoliticians

Comments on Activity 1:

Comments on Activity 2:

Comments on Activity 2:

Other feedback or ideas from the group:

Suggestions for changes or additions to the pack:

Pleasereturnthisformto:[email protected]

unsatisfactory satisfactory excellent don’tknow

Thank you!

Page 23: Your vote matters - gov.uk · 2019-06-14 · 3 Your Vote Matters Contents Your Vote Matters poster 4 •Print this out to advertise your session What is Your Vote Matters? 5 •What’s


unsatisfactory excellent don’tknow

Your vote mattersParticipant evaluation form

Thank you!

Date Name (optional)

Based on this workshop, how would you rate the activities?

Activity 1: Whogetstobealocalcouncillor?

Activity 2: Creatingcommunityaction

Activity 3: Makefriendsandinfluencepoliticians

Comments on Activity 1:

Comments on Activity 2:

Comments on Activity 2:

Any other comments or suggestions: e.g.how,ifatall,hasthissessionchangedyourthoughtsonregistrationandvoting?

Pleasereturnthisformto:[email protected]


Page 24: Your vote matters - gov.uk · 2019-06-14 · 3 Your Vote Matters Contents Your Vote Matters poster 4 •Print this out to advertise your session What is Your Vote Matters? 5 •What’s


Contact us at:

Democratic Engagement Team

1 Horse Guards RoadLondonSW1A 2HQ

This is available to download at: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/democratic-engagement-resources

© Crown copyright, 2015. This resource is not covered by the Open Government Licence.For permission to reproduce the content please contact: [email protected]
