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Youth & Adults Fall 2012 Class Schedule Guide

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Youth & Adults Fall 2012 Class Schedule Guide
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The Fall 2012 catalog cover is proudly printed on Green Seal certified paper, which is made with a minimum of 30% post-consumer fiber; and is Carbon Neutral Plus (a commitment to reduce carbon emissions) and Processed Chlorine Free. Interior paper made with 100% post-consumer recycled fiber. NON-CREDIT CLASSES FOR YOUTH AND ADULTS FALL 2012 GO PAPERLESS REGISTER ONLINE AND RECEIVE A 10% DISCOUNT. Valid for Fall 2012 classes. Use Coupon Code Youth: 10ONLINE or Adult: 20ONLINE FIND WHAT SUSTAINS YOU

The Fall 2012 catalog cover is proudly printed on Green Seal certified paper, which is made with a minimum of 30% post-consumer fiber; and is Carbon Neutral Plus (a commitment to reduce carbon emissions) and Processed Chlorine Free. Interior paper made with 100% post-consumer recycled fiber.

NoN-Credit Classes for youth aNd adults

fall 2012

Go paperless RegisteR online and Receive a 10% discount. Valid for Fall 2012 classes. Use Coupon Code Youth: 10ONLINE or Adult: 20ONLINE

Find What SuStainS You

INTRODUCTIONletter froM the direCtor

Find what sustains you this fall at Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University! our Youth and adult continuing studies program is moving to the Historic Federal Building at 17 Pearl street! this building has been beautifully renovated, true to the historic design using sustainable practices. We are very excited to have some classroom space dedicated to our program. now we will be able to hold classes and workshops during normally busy times of the college year without interruption. all youth classes will meet in the lobby of the Historic Federal Building on the first day of classes. adults will receive an email notice about their class location when they register online or in the mail when they register any other way.

new adult classes are: ecological drawing, organic Painting, Japanese still life Painting, video Photography, decorating with vintage Fabrics, costume design, Forged Jewelry, and gifts from Recycled Materials.

Professional interior designers can choose to brush up on their skills in one of our continuing education workshops: autocad Basics for designers or sketchup with instructor Matthew shoffner. Professional therapists and educators are invited to attend andrea Baier-Petiet’s using expressive visual art with students and clients on saturday, october 20.

new youth classes are: abracadabra!, eco-superheroes, tricks with Bricks, animals of the eternal Rainforests, Fishy Business, and organic Mechanics: Recycled sculpture. in addition we are offering several new after-school opportunities for youth: Halloween Madness on the night before the holiday, and assemblage art on november 8 and 15.

go to www.kcad.edu/youth-and-adults to register online, or call for more information at 616.451.2787, ext. 2012. thank you for your interest in continuing studies!


Brenda sipedirector of continuing studiesKendall college of art and design of Ferris state university17 Fountain street grand Rapids, Mi 49503

CONTENTSfall 2012

iNtroduCtioNletter from the director ........................................................................................................................................... 2

CaleNdar Fall 2012 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

adult Classesdrawing ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Painting ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Photography ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 computers ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11 interior design ................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Fashion .................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Metals .................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Writing ................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 other ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

adult CoNtiNuiNG eduCatioN

continuing education For Professionals ........................................................................................................ 15 youth/youNG adult Classes

ages 6–9 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17 ages 10–12 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19 ages 13–17 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21 youth/youNG adult WorKshops neW! after school Workshops For Youth .................................................................................................. 23 BioGraphies instructor Bios ................................................................................................................................................................ 24

reGistratioNHow to Register ............................................................................................................................................................ 28 Registration Forms ....................................................................................................................................................... 30


youth & youNG adult Classes

session i:september 4, 2012 Registration deadline september 15, 2012 classes Begin october 20, 2012 classes end

session ii:october 29, 2012 Registration deadline november 3, 2012 classes Begin december 15, 2012 classes end No classes November 21-25, Thanksgiving weekend

CoNtiNuiNG studies proGraMclasses for Youth & adults

CALENDARfall 2012

adult Classes

session i:september 4, 2012 Registration deadline september 10, 2012 classes Begin october 26, 2012 classes end

session ii:october 29, 2012 Registration deadline november 3, 2012 classes Begin december 21, 2012 classes end No classes November 21-25, Thanksgiving weekend






Register online at www.kcad.edu/youth-and-adults, or mail your registration form, p. 30, along with check or money order to: Kendall continuing studies, 17 Fountain street, nW, grand Rapids, Mi 49503. Registration is not valid without payment. visa, Mastercard and discover debit or credit cards are accepted online. a confirmation of registration will be sent automatically when you register online, or mailed within two business days after receipt of payment by mail. debit and credit cards are no longer accepted by phone. if you need assistance with online registration, call 616.451.2787, ext. 2012.

ONLINE reGistratioN!

scan to register online

Find What SuStainS You


Monday Class datessession i: september 10, 17, 24 | october 1, 8,15, 22session ii: november 5,12,19, 26 | december 3,10,17

tuesday Class datessession i: september 11,18, 25 | october 2,9,16, 23session ii: november 6,13,20, 27 | december 4,11,18

Wednesday Class datessession i: september 12,19, 26 | october 3,10,17, 24 session ii: november 7,14, 28 | december 5,12,19 No class November 21

thursday Class datessession i: september 13, 20, 27 | october 4,11,18, 25session ii: november 8,15, 29 | december 6,13, 20 No class November 22

friday Class datessession i: september 14, 21, 28 | october 5,12,19, 26session ii: november 9, 16, 30 | december 7,14 ,21 No class November 23

saturday Class dates session i: september 15,22, 29 | october 6, 13, 20 session ii: november 3,10,17 | december 1, 8,15 No class November 24

sunday Class dates session ii: november 4,11,18 | december 2,9,16 No class November 25

Monday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

NeW! eColoGiCal draWiNG session i: 12 FK d109-aseptember 10, 17, 24 | october 1, 8,15, 22tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

session ii: 12 FK d109-Bnovember 5,12,19, 26 | december 3,10,17tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

sustainability is the capacity to endure, maintain, or keep in existence. in ecology, it is how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. in this class, you will explore wildlife and plant life, eco systems, water resources, recycling, composting and more. after a discussion about sustainability in each class, you will see a demonstration of drawing relevant subject matter with pencil, charcoal, and conte. You will receive instruction on your own drawings. this class can accommodate beginning as well as advanced level students.

instructor: Jennifer Jones

tuesday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

riGht BraiN draWiNG for NoN-artistssession i: 12 FK d102-aseptember 11,18, 25 | october 2,9,16, 23tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

session ii: 12 FK d102-Bnovember 6,13,20, 27 | december 4,11,18tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

You can learn to draw! By gaining access to the part of your mind that works in a style conducive to creative, intuitive thought, you will learn a fundamental skill of visual art: how to put down on paper what you see in front of your eyes. in learning how to draw, you will learn an entirely new way to see, which can impact your creativity in other areas of your life. this class is based on the the book, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty edwards.

instructor: Michael Pfleghaar

More drawing on next page...






Register online at www.kcad.edu/youth-and-adults

thursday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

draWiNG level oNesession i: 12 FK d100-aseptember 13, 20, 27 | october 4,11,18, 25tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

session ii: 12 FK d100-Bnovember 8,15, 29 | december 6,13, 20no class november 22tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

intended for beginners, you will develop skills through still life and basic figure observation. through individual instruction, you will come to an understanding of gesture, contour, shading, and overall composition. You’ll explore a variety of charcoal, pencils, ink, and other materials.

instructor: Hallie leBlanc

friday Classes9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

oBservatioNal draWiNG: froM peNCil to paiNtsession i: 12 FK d126-aseptember 14, 21, 28 | october 5,12,19, 26tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

session ii: 12 FK d126-Bnovember 9,16, 30 | december 7,14, 21no class november 23tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

Working first with drawing tools and techniques, learn how to transition into painting with either oil or acrylic paint. subject matter will include still life, landscape and the figure. this class is suitable for both beginners and those with painting and drawing experience.

instructor: gregory nathan Johnson

Wednesday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

NeW! draWiNG huMaN aNatoMy session i: 12 FK d113-aseptember 12,19, 26 | october 3,10,17, 24tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

session ii: 12 FK d113-Bnovember 7,14, 28 | december 5,12,19no class november 21tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

using photo reference and live models, focus on learning to see and draw the human body expressively in proper proportion. You will create studies of hands, feet, heads, facial features, and whole body poses. this class is suitable for beginners or more advanced artists seeking to improve their skill at rendering the human form.

instructor: casey snyder

ADULT CLASSES draWiNGContinued...

sunday Classes1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

portraituresession ii: 12 FK d107-B november 4,11,18 | december 2,9,16no class november 25tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

learn the art of portraiture! Beginning with contour line, develop shading techniques and lighting effects that will bring your drawings to life. Begin drawing from photographs, and later in the class, work from a live model. this class is suitable for beginning or intermediate level artists.

instructor: in soon Felch


We’re oN faCeBooK! for proGraM updates aNd speCial eveNt iNfo, please joiN our faN paGe: http://www.facebook.com/pages/grand–Rapids–Mi/Kendall–Youth–and–adult–continuing–studies/267451585636

Art Classes Make Great Gifts!

Wednesday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

paiNtiNG With aCryliCssession i: 12 FK d210-aseptember 12,19, 26 | october 3,10,17, 24tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

learn techniques such as textural painting, surface preparation, color mixing and glazing with acrylics. this course has the flexibility to accommodate the needs of both beginning and intermediate level painters. More advanced students will work on compositional problems with guidance from the instructor. students will complete two to five paintings.

instructor: david White

Color theory session i: 12 FK d203-aseptember 12,19, 26 | october 3,10,17, 24tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

session ii: 12 FK d203-Bnovember 7,14, 28 | december 5,12,19 no class november 21tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

learn what color can do for your paintings and art projects. explore color theory in either oil, acrylic, or watercolor paint. By using color combinations on studies and a few completed paintings, you will learn to fully control mood or effect through color.

instructor: elizabeth ivy Hawkins

Monday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

paiNtiNG With oilssession i: 12 FK d204-aseptember 10,17, 24 | october 1, 8,15, 22tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

session ii: 12 FK d204-Bnovember 5,12,19, 26 | december 3,10,17tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

explore the medium of oil using still life and photo reference to develop paintings from sketchbook studies. learn how to enhance your compositions with an understanding of the principles of design and color. this course has flexibility for both the beginner and more advanced oil painter.

instructor: Michael Pfleghaar

tuesday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

vivid WaterColor session i: 12 FK d200-aseptember 11,18, 25 | october 2,9,16, 23tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

session ii: 12 FK d200-Bnovember 6,13, 20, 27 | december 4,11,18tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

learn to use watercolor expressively. You will study color intensity and combination as well as basic watercolor techniques, including paper preparation, washes, dry brush, and masking. use still life and landscape as sources. this course has the flexibility for both the beginner and intermediate watercolor artist.

instructor: corinne Roberts

thursday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

NeW! japaNese style still life paiNtiNG session ii: 12 FK d216-Bnovember 8, 15, 29 | december 6,13, 20no class november 22tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

learn to paint still life objects relating to Japan in realistic detail while learning about Japanese culture. this class has the flexibility for both beginning and advanced painting students.

instructor: tatsuki Hakoyama

saturday Classes 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

NeW! orGaNiC paiNtiNGsession i: 12 FK d227-aseptember 15, 22, 29 | october 6, 13, 20tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

session ii: 12 FK d227-Bnovember 3,10,17 | december 1, 8,15no class november 24tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

use natural plant materials such as onion skins, berries, leaves, grasses, and seeds to create dyes, paint, brushes, stamps and handmade paper surfaces. learn to draw and paint using these homemade materials while increasing your compositional skills.

instructor: Beth Jacobson

More painting on next page...







*Class supply lists will be attached to your automatic registration confirmation when registering online, or mailed to you when registering with check or cash.

Monday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

photoGraphy iN the fieldsession i: 12 FK d535-aseptember 10,17, 24 | october 1, 8,15, 22tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

session ii: 12 FK d535-Bnovember 5,12,19, 26 | december 3,10,17tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

learn the basics of digital photography while gaining hands-on experience with your personal camera. Meet at a new location each week to practice using the camera in different environments. camera functions such as shutter speed, aperture, white balance, and iso will be covered. Bring a digital camera with changeable lens to each class.

note: students are responsible for field trip entrance fees.

instructor: ashlee lambart

saturday Classes (one day only) 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

alla priMa paiNtiNGsession i: 12 FK W352-a | october 20tuition: $49, supplies additional *Supply list will be mailed to you.

“alla prima” comes from italian, literally meaning “at once”. instead of building colors up with layers or glazing over an underpainting, alla prima paintings are completed while the paint is still wet. learn to start and finish a painting (oil or acrylic) in one session, also developing the expressive quality of your work. view examples from the history of art while learning techniques to achieve similar results.

instructor: elizabeth ivy Hawkins


tuesday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

diGital photoGraphysession i: 12 FK d528-aseptember 11,18, 25 | october 2,9,16, 23tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

session ii: 12 FK d528-Bnovember 6,13, 20, 27 | december 4,11,18tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

Ready to move past auto mode and explore your camera’s program, manual, and priority capabilities? Produce creative photographs by controlling light, speed, and depth-of-field. color management, digital workflow and image enhancement methods will lead to higher quality prints. You should be able to shoot photos in auto mode and transfer to the computer. Your digital camera must have aperture priority, shutter priority, and manual shooting modes.

instructor: dianne carroll Burdick

Wednesday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

NeW! video photoGraphysession i: 12 FK d523-aseptember 12,19, 26 | october 3,10,17, 24tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

session ii: 12 FK d523-Bnovember 7,14, 28 | december 5,12,19 no class november 21tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

learn to use iPhoto and iMovie software to create films with still images and video. You will explore image sequencing and basic video concepts while being challenged to use these tools expressively.

instructor: emily gerlach


ADULT CLASSES paiNtiNGContinued...

Monday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

art iN photoshop®

session i: 12 FK d623-aseptember 10,17, 24 | october 1, 8,15, 22tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

session ii: 12 FK d623-Bnovember 5,12,19, 26 | december 3,10,17tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

What’s so hot about adobe Photoshop? Find out while creating your own digital artwork. You will explore mimicking traditional coloring such as pencils, painting, and paper cutouts, as well as thoroughly digital coloring techniques. You will be able to both scan hand drawn work into the computer, as well as draw directly on Photoshop. Focus on the style and project that most appeals to you. this class is open to both beginning and advanced students. instructor will work with students individually at their own level.

instructor: Jackie endres

thursday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

diGital photoGraphy session i: 12 FK d528-cseptember 13,20, 27 | october 4,11,18, 25tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

session ii: 12 FK d528-dnovember 8,15, 29 | december 6,13, 20no class november 22tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

Ready to move past auto mode and explore your camera’s program, manual, and priority capabilities? Produce creative photographs by controlling light, speed, and depth-of-field. color management, digital workflow and image enhancement methods will lead to higher quality prints. You should be able to shoot photos in auto mode and transfer to the computer. Your digital camera must have aperture priority, shutter priority, and manual shooting modes.

instructor: ashlee lambart

saturday Classes9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

portraits iN photoGraphysession ii: 12 FK d521-Bnovember 3,10,17 | december 1,8,15no class november 24tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

learn about portrait photography while developing skills that will be useful in commercial or artistic work. You will learn advanced lighting skills and other techniques that will enhance your own unique work through portraiture.

instructor: emily gerlach

tuesday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

adoBe iNdesiGN®

session i: 12 FK d418-aseptember 11,18, 25 | october 2,9,16, 23tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

session ii: 12 FK d418-Bnovember 6,13, 20, 27 | december 4,11,18tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

adobe indesign is used to create printed documents including brochures, newsletters, magazines, menus and more. learn how to format text; develop layouts using columns, grids, and styles; add photos and graphics, prepare your files for print, and create PdFs.

instructor: tim nielsen

Wednesday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

iNtroduCtioN to adoBe illustrator®

session i: 12 FK d400-aseptember 12,19, 26 | october 3,10,17, 24tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

session ii: 12 FK d400-Bnovember 7,14, 28 | december 5,12,19no class november 21tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

adobe illustrator is the premier vector program used by professional designers and illustrators today. learn how to use illustrator to create original logos, graphics, page layouts and illustrations.

instructor: cody eckert

More Computers on next page...







Go to our WeBsite tosiGN up for Classes:WWW.KCad.edu/ youth-aNd-adults

ONLINE reGistratioN!

Wednesday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

adoBe flash®

session i: 12 FK d435-aseptember 12,19, 26 | october 3,10,17, 24tuition: $205, lab fee: $10 Additional supplies may be required.

session ii: 12 FK d435-Bnovember 7,14, 28 | december 5,12,19 no class november 21tuition: $205, lab fee: $10 Additional supplies may be required.

interested in animation or interactive design? You will learn about buttons, animation shortcuts, simple scripting and how to work between Flash and other adobe programs.

instructor: in soon Felch

thursday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

iNtroduCtioN to adoBe photoshop®

session i: 12 FK d402-aseptember 13, 20, 27 | october 4,11,18, 25tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

session ii: 12 FK d402-Bnovember 8,15, 29 | december 6,13, 20 no class november 22tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

learn how to use adobe Photoshop® to edit and combine photos, create simple page layouts and more! this class will cover basic and advanced features of Photoshop cs5.

instructor: tim Pospisil

ADULT CLASSES CoMputersContinued...

Monday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

fuNdaMeNtals of iNterior desiGNsession i: 12 FK d510-aseptember 10,17, 24 | october 1, 8,15, 22tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

explore the practical interior design applications of space planning, lighting, color principles, architecture, and furniture arrangement. this course has the flexibility for students to work on design solutions for either residential or commercial interests.

instructor: c. J. vandaff-Zondervan

iNterior desiGN level tWosession ii: 12 FK d526-Bnovember 5,12,19, 26 | december 3,10,17tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

use interior design elements to create beautiful spaces, including kitchens and baths. You will design spaces in several different styles and colors, using modern techniques. view examples of the work of eames, Frank lloyd Wright and saarinen. learn the fundamental principles of the client and designer relationship. this class is intended for those who have already completed the Fundamentals of interior design class.

instructor: c. J. vandaff-Zondervan



thursday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

NeW! deCoratiNG With viNtaGe faBriCssession ii: 12 FK d662-Bnovember 8,15, 29 | december 6,13, 20 no class november 22tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

sew or assemble wreaths, centerpieces, garlands, pillows, wall art, and more for your home using vintage fabrics with patterns and color schemes inspired by a professional designer. no sewing skill required for this class.

instructor: c. J. van daff-Zondervan

Art Classes Make Great Gifts!

*Class supply lists will be attached to your automatic registration confirmation when registering online, or mailed to you when registering with check or cash.


thursday Classes (4 Week Workshop)6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

NeW! CostuMe desiGNsession i: 12 FK d663-aoctober 4,11,18, 25tuition: $119, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

learn to make clever and creative costumes for the entire family. ideas and patterns will be presented with minimal sewing. no sewing skill required for this class.

instructor: c.J. vandaff-Zondervan

thursday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

upstyled fashioNsession ii: 12 FK d664-Bnovember 8,15, 29 | december 6,13, 20no class november 22tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

create your own unique fashions by restyling clothing, sweatshirts, denim, and much more. Make a no-sew t-shirt in the first class. Bring your sewing machine to subsequent classes and go to work making fashions similar to those found in upscale galleries and boutiques. Basic sewing skills required.

instructor: Judy Huyck

Monday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

fashioN patterN draftiNGsession i: 12 FK d909-aseptember 10,17, 24 | october 1,8,15, 22tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

session ii: 12 FK d909-Bnovember 5,12,19, 26 | december 3,10,17tuition: $205, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

learn how to construct women’s fashions by drafting your own patterns. draft basic sleeve, pant, skirt, and bodice styles into patterns, then go to the sewing machine and make corrections to achieve a perfect fit. Basic sewing skills required.

instructor: Judy Huyck

tuesday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

BasiC eNaMeliNG for jeWelerssession i: 12 FK d513-aseptember 11,18, 25 | october 2,9,16, 23tuition: $205, supply fee: $50Supplies will be provided.

enameling is a process of fusing glass onto metal; a form of art that has been used for centuries by different cultures. explore the tools, techniques, and applications of this fascinating process to create unique jewelry or small sculptural pieces.

instructor: elizabeth gaines Zoutendyk

iNtroduCtioN to jeWelry/MetalsMithiNGsession ii: 12 FK d509-Bnovember 6,13, 20, 27 | december 4,11,18tuition: $205, supply fee: $50Supplies will be provided.

learn the fundamental techniques and craftsmanship necessary to create an original metal jewelry piece. You will also learn about safety, equipment and set-up ideas for a home studio situation.

instructor: elizabeth gaines Zoutendyk

More Metals on next page...a


lt c





for proGraM updates aNd speCial eveNt iNfo, please joiN our faN paGe http://www.facebook.com/pages/grand-Rapids-Mi/Kendall-Youth-and-adult-continuing-studies/267451585636

We’re oN faCeBooK!

saturday Classes (one day only)1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

WritiNG for diGital Media aNd filMsession i: 12 FK W956-a | october 13tuition: $49, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

learn how to apply the classical argument in story writing with resource material from Youtube® as inspiration. You will see some of the best short communications in the world, from academy award winning animation, to advertising and wartime propaganda, and you will analyze how they were conceived. the process of story boarding will be discussed.

instructor: John guertin

saturday Classes (2 day Workshop)10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

NeW! Gifts froM reCyCled Materialssession i: 12 FK W958-a october 20 and 27tuition: $140, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

use vintage books, keys, buttons, wire and more to make trendy gifts to give or keep for yourself. ideas for projects such as jewelry, pincushions, kitchen linens, wind chimes, flowers, votive holders, wreaths, centerpieces, and more, will be included.

instructor: c.J. vandaff-Zondervan

friday Classes 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

NeW! stoNesettiNG for jeWelers session i: 12 FK d626-aseptember 14, 21, 28 | october 5,12,19, 26tuition: $205, supply fee: $50Supplies will be provided.

once you’ve made a ring, learn to set your own stones! start with variations on the basic bezel setting, then move into setting round, faceted stones into prongs. Finally explore more complex shapes or styles of settings like ovals and squares or bead and flush settings. You will use the state-of-the-art gRs Benchmate system to work with imitation gems, or you can bring that special gem from home to incorporate into your finished piece. some previous experience with jewelry/metalsmithing preferred.

instructor: elizabeth gaines Zoutendyk

NeW! forGed jeWelrysession ii: 12 FK d627-Bnovember 9,16, 30 | december 7,14, 21 no class november 23tuition: $205, supply fee: $50Supplies will be provided.

take your work to the next level while learning to incorporate unique, hand forged detail into your jewelry designs. discover a multitude of shapes, forms and objects made with hammer, anvil, and rolling mill techniques. the class will reference jewelry artists such as alexander calder and charles lewton Brain to create forged and fold-formed jewelry, objects, connections, and findings. You will acquire a clear understanding of basic metallurgy, work-hardening and annealing processes. open to all skill levels.

instructor: elizabeth gaines Zoutendyk

friday Classes 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

iNtro to jeWelry desiGNsession i: 12 FK d517-aseptember 14, 21, 28 | october 5,12,19, 26tuition: $205, supply fee: $50Supplies will be provided.

session ii: 12 FK d517-Bnovember 9,16, 30 | december 7,14, 21no class november 23tuition: $205, supply fee: $50Supplies will be provided.

learn the fundamental techniques and craftsmanship necessary to create original metal jewelry pieces. learn soldering, sawing, filing, buffing, polishing techniques, and incorporate stones into their settings. complete one finished piece in silver.

instructor: elizabeth gaines Zoutendyk


ADULT CLASSES Metals Continued...


Go to our WeBsite tosiGN up for Classes:WWW.KCad.edu/ youth-aNd-adults

ONLINE reGistratioN!

*Class supply lists will be attached to your automatic registration confirmation when registering online, or mailed to you when registering with check or cash.

thursday Classes6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

autoCad BasiCs for desiGNers session i: 12 FK i201-B september 13, 20, 27 | october 4,11,18, 25tuition: $205, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

learn the fundamentals of autocad including setting up a drawing, line types and weights, dimension, and text styles. You will follow industry standards in drawing plans, elevations, and sections efficiently. learn to print your drawings in multiple ways using the view ports, paper space, model space, and plot styles.

instructor: Matthew shoffner

sKetChup for desiGNers (4 Week Workshop)session ii: 12 FK i200-Bnovember 8,15, 29 | december 6no class november 22tuition: $119, lab fee: $10 Additional supplies may be required.

learn the basics of google sketchup™ as this software applies to architecture, interior, and furniture design. learn techniques for interfacing with other programs like autocad®, Photoshop® and google earth™ to achieve presentation ready documents.

instructor: Matthew shoffner

Continuing education for professionals

saturday Classes (one day only)9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m

usiNG expressive visual art With studeNts aNd ClieNtssession i: 12 FK W899-a | october 20tuition: $119, supplies additional*Supply list will be mailed to you.

designed for educators, counselors, and therapists who want to use expressive visual art with their students and clients to promote emotional growth and healing. You will participate in six expressive art exercises to promote understanding of the expressive art process and which you can later use with your own clients and students. You will learn how to support your student or client and how to process their art work. the expressive visual art exercises will utilize clay, watercolor, markers, crayons, and pencil. Meditation visualization, and journaling are intertwined with the art exercises. You will briefly learn about the objectives and benefits of expressive visual art and the difference between a diagnostic approach and a holistic approach using expressive visual art to promote personal growth and healing. no formal art training is necessary.

instructor: andrea Baier-Petiet










Registration deadline is one week prior to each workshop. Refund policy is on page 28.

Find What SuStainS You


aGes 6–9

saturday a.m. Classes9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon

NeW! aBraCadaBra! session i: 12 FK Y037-atuition: $105, supply fee: $10Supplies will be provided.

session ii: 12 FK Y037-Btuition: $105, supply fee: $10Supplies will be provided.

Perform some hocus-pocus on a variety of materials from our supply closet and turn it into fantastic art, including drawings, paintings, paper sculptures, masks, papier mache objects, and much more. While you’re at it, try your hand at a new magic trick each week too.

instructor: Mary leah Marshall

NeW! eCo-superheroes session i: 12 FK Y038-a tuition: $105, supply packet: $15 Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

session ii: 12 FK Y038-Btuition: $105, supply packet: $15Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

ever heard of captain Planet or the chlorophyll Kid? these superheroes protect our planet with their special powers. Beginning with basic figure drawing, learn to draw superhero garb and gear. after you learn the techniques, invent some of your own superheroes.

instructor: Michael Harris




es 6


NeW! triCKs With BriCKs session i: 12 FK Y039-atuition: $105, supply fee: $15Supplies will be provided.

session ii: 12 FK Y039-Btuition: $105, supply fee: $15Supplies will be provided.

using lego® building blocks, learn how to solve problems of space in 3-dimensions and how to work as a team member. activities will include a treasure hunt, viewpoint challenge, and lego Pictionary®. each week you will also make a small lego sculpture to bring home with you.

instructor: Hallie leBlanc

More youth Classes next page...


Art Classes Make Great Gifts!

saturday class datessession i: september 15, 22, 29 october 6,13, 20 session ii: november 3,10,17 december 1, 8,15 no classes november 24

Note: Youth Saturday afternoon classes are offered in Session II only, this fall.

NEW! saturday Classes meet at the historic federal Building:17 pearl


Create With Claysession ii: 12 FK Y112-Btuition: $105, supply fee: $20Supplies will be provided.

learn about ceramic art from different civilizations, and clay techniques, such as pinching, rolling, carving, and stamping. then see how creative you can become with painting and glazing techniques. instructor: Molly Bergman

saturday p.m. Classes (session ii only)12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

the 3ps: peNs, paper, peNCilssession ii: 12 FK Y101-Btuition: $105, supply packet: $15Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

draw objects, animals, and people with expression and accuracy, working with shape, texture, and pattern. develop your skills with both pen and pencil.

instructor: Mary leah Marshall

NeW! aNiMals of the eterNal raiNforests session ii: 12 FK Y040-Btuition: $105, supply packet: $15Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

visit an imaginary rainforest and check out the plants and animals. You will draw a wide variety of rainforest animals, mammals, reptiles, and even some fish. once you learn basic drawing techniques, you will choose drawings that challenge your abilities in a steady progression. color pencils will be your companion as you move through the world’s jungles.

instructor: Michael Harris


aGes 6–9saturday class datessession i: september 15, 22, 29 | october 6,13, 20 session ii: november 3,10,17 | december 1, 8,15 | no classes november 24Note: Youth Saturday afternoon classes are offered in Session II only, this fall.

NEW! after school Workshops for youth page 23

NEW! saturday Classes meet at the historic federal Building: 17 pearl

saturday a.m. Classes9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon

draWiNG fashioNs for video aNd aNiMatioNsession i: 12 FK Y206-atuition: $105, supply packet: $20Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

session ii: 12 FK Y206-Btuition: $105, supply packet: $20Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

design fashions for your favorite video characters like Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, and Princess Peach. You will also learn about the fashion figure and some of the basic elements of garment design.

note: if you have taken Fashion illustration here previously and still have your supplies, you do not need to purchase the supply packet.

instructor: Judy Huyck

NeW! fishy BusiNesssession i: 12 FK Y191-atuition: $105, supply fee: $18Supplies will be provided.

session ii: 12 FK Y191-Btuition: $105, supply fee: $18Supplies will be provided.

Fish come in many shapes and colors. create your own school of large fish in papier mache, paint them in bright colors, and display one at Kendall until the end of the semester!

instructor: Jackie endres

draWiNG the BasiCssession i: 12 FK Y401-a tuition: $105, supply packet: $15Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

session ii: 12 FK Y401-Btuition: $105, supply packet: $15Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

develop basic drawing skills through observation of still life, landscape, and people. Work with pencil and charcoal to solve the problems of line, value, form, space, and texture in a composition.

instructor: tatsuki Hakoyama

oN tour With the BaNdsession i: 12 FK Y737-atuition: $105, supply packet: $15Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

session ii: 12 FK Y737-Btuition: $105, supply packet: $15Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

design everything you need to unleash your inner rock star! create your own logo and branding, avatar, and t-shirt design. You will learn introductory adobe Photoshop skills while focusing on a rock star theme.

instructor: William Mosqueda




es 1



19Register online at www.kcad.edu/youth-and-adults


aGes 10–12saturday class datessession i: september 15, 22, 29 | october 6,13, 20 session ii: november 3,10,17 | december 1, 8,15 | no classes november 24Note: Youth Saturday afternoon classes are offered in Session II only, this fall.


aGes 10–12


CruisiN’ With aCryliCssession ii: 12 FK Y616-Btuition: $105, supply fee: $25Supplies will be provided.

try Bahama Blue, tuscan Red, and other exciting acrylic paint colors as you create ocean, river, and lake scenes suitable for framing. You will learn the basics of color mixing, composition, and paint application in the creation of several finished works.

instructor: Hallie leBlanc

NeW! orGaNiC MeChaNiCs: reCyCled sCulpturesession ii: 12 FK Y438-Btuition: $105, supply fee: $20Supplies will be provided.

learn how to harness the wind by making sculptural creations that display movement when placed outdoors. You will learn the concepts of suspension and balance with wire, found objects, and weather-hardy materials and designs.

instructor: catherine Buckley

saturday p.m. Classes (session ii only)12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Clay treKKiNGsession ii: 12 FK Y417-Btuition: $105, supply fee: $20Supplies will be provided.

Be among the first to use Kendall’s new state-of-the-art ceramics studio as you create your own global collection of clay art! explore the styles and designs of ceramics from six continents, and create a clay piece from a different continent in each class. Firing and glazing will add the finishing touches.

instructor: casey snyder

fiGure draWiNG session ii: 12 FK Y403-Btuition: $105, supply packet: $25 Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

experiment with different approaches to drawing the human figure with a variety of media. Problems of composition and proportion will be explored, using clothed models.

instructor: alyson dells

NEW! after school Workshops for youth page 23

saturday class datessession i: september 15, 22, 29 | october 6,13, 20 session ii: november 3,10,17 | december 1, 8,15 | no classes november 24Note: Youth Saturday afternoon classes are offered in Session II only, this fall.

Art Classes Make Great Gifts!

for proGraM updates aNd speCial eveNt iNfo, please joiN our faN paGe http://www.facebook.com/pages/grand-Rapids-Mi/Kendall-Youth-and-adult-continuing-studies/267451585636

We’re oN faCeBooK!




es 1





aGes 13–17

advaNCed draWiNG session i: 12 FK Y700-atuition: $105, supply packet: $25Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

session ii: 12 FK Y700-Btuition: $105, supply packet: $25Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

continue to improve your drawing skill and ability to “see” while trying new drawing materials and techniques. create works on a medium to large scale, using both the figure and still life as sources. study the works of famous artists from the Renaissance through contemporary as inspiration for your work.

note: if you have taken this class previously and still have your supplies, you do not need to pay the supply fee.

instructor: lydia larson

diGital photoGraphysession i: 12 FK Y514-atuition: $105, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

session ii: 12 FK Y514-Btuition: $105, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

explore the basics of digital photography. learn about custom and automatic settings. take photos, and play with composition and subject matter. learn about printing options and storage. You will review and discuss images in class. a point and shoot digital camera is recommended for this class. instructor: eleanor gatewood

saturday a.m. Classes9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon

hoW to MaNGasession i: 12 FK Y725-atuition: $105, supply packet: $15Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

session ii: 12 FK Y725-Btuition: $105, supply packet: $15Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

learn the ins and outs of character design and illustration in the distinctive style of Japanese animation and Manga. You will study the methods and techniques of figure drawing and creating expressive characters while discovering the rich history of this eastern art form and its many styles. this class is suitable for beginners or more advanced Manga artists.

note: if you have taken this class previously and still have your supplies, you do not need to pay the supply fee.

instructor: William Jones

3-d World ModeliNG session i: 12 FK Y738-atuition: $105, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

session ii: 12 FK Y738-Btuition: $105, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

create your own 3-d worlds using lightWave software. You will be introduced to the fundamentals of building objects, texturing, and rendering.

instructor: salim Muhammad

Create your oWN ‘ZiNe session i: 12 FK Y615-atuition: $105, supply packet: $18Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

session ii: 12 FK Y615-Btuition: $105, supply packet: $18Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

using mixed media, create a handmade ‘zine. ‘Zines are small booklets including original text and imagery, and are a fun way for artists and writers to get published. using a combination of collage, drawing, and text, you will use your own travels, experiences, and ideas to create up to ten small pieces that will be scanned into the computer and reproduced as a small booklet.

instructor: taylor greenfield

saturday class datessession i: september 15, 22, 29 | october 6,13, 20 session ii: november 3,10,17 | december 1, 8,15 | no classes november 24Note: Youth Saturday afternoon classes are offered in Session II only, this fall.

Go to our WeBsite tosiGN up for Classes:WWW.KCad.edu/ youth-aNd-adults

ONLINE reGistratioN!

for proGraM updates aNd speCial eveNt iNfo, please joiN our faN paGe http://www.facebook.com/pages/grand-Rapids-Mi/Kendall-Youth-and-adult-continuing-studies/267451585636



aGes 13–17

up-CyCled jeWelrysession ii: 12 FK Y419-Btuition: $105, supply fee: $18Supplies will be provided.

Making your own beautiful jewelry can be fun and easy! this class will explore different ways of making jewelry out of recycled paper. You will make beads for bracelets and necklaces out of magazines, and rings and pins out of construction paper. Jewelry will be finished with polyurethane gloss and ready to wear! instructor: Jackie endres

hoW to MaNGa iisession ii: 12 FK Y740-Btuition: $105, supply packet: $15Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

Building on the foundations laid in Manga i, this class takes the basics of Japanese Manga-style figure drawing and turns up the action. in Manga ii you will learn to draw dynamic characters and action sequences, turning basic character designs into full-fledged Manga comics.

note: if you have taken other Manga classes here, and still have your supplies you do not need to purchase the supply packet.

instructor: Joanna garza

saturday p.m. Classes (session ii only)12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

fashioN desiGN froM NeW yorK aNd MilaNsession ii: 12 FK Y706-Btuition: $105, supply packet: $25Supply packet can be picked up in the lobby on the first day of class.

For teen designers, learn to draw fashions such as those shown in new York and Milan. create a fashion figure, render a variety of fabrics, and learn basic design elements of garments.

note: if you have taken this class previously and still have your supplies, you do not need to purchase the supply packet.

instructor: Judy Huyck

paiNtiNG With oils session ii: 12 FK Y748-Btuition: $105, supplies additionalSupplies list will be mailed to you.

explore oil painting in this class, suitable for beginners or more advanced oil painters. learn about palette preparation, color mixing, surfaces, glazing, and much more. subject matter will include still life, landscape, and portraiture.

instructor: lydia larson

speCial effeCts With after effeCts session ii: 12 FK Y923-Btuition: $105, lab fee: $10Additional supplies may be required.

try your hand at creating special effects on adobe after effects, and adding video footage. You will also learn to work with a green screen.

instructor: cody eckert

saturday class datessession i: september 15, 22, 29 | october 6,13, 20 session ii: november 3,10,17 | december 1, 8,15 | no classes november 24Note: Youth Saturday afternoon classes are offered in Session II only, this fall.

Register online at www.kcad.edu/youth-and-adults

NEW! saturday Classes meet at the historic federal Building: 17 pearl


NEW! after school Workshops for youth







tuesday, october 304:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.

NeW! halloWeeN MadNess (aGes 10-14)session ii: 12 FK W898-Btuition: $15, supplies included

create spooky art the night before Halloween, and share the chill with some spine-tingling art history.‘Zombify’ the Mona lisa, scream with edvard Munch, and picture yourself with ivan albright’s Picture of dorian gray in this one-night spooktastic workshop.

instructor: Hallie leBlanc

thursdays November 8 and 15 4:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.

NeW! asseMBlaGe art (aGes 13-17) session ii: 12 FK W897-B tuition: $30, supplies included

assemblage is creating two-dimensional or three-dimensional compositions by putting together found objects. You will learn how artists like Joseph cornell, Robert Rauschenberg, and Pablo Picasso have used symbols, color, and compositions to communicate their own unique vision. explore assem-blage and create your own work of art using recycled found objects and paint. instructor: alyson dells

Registration deadline is one week prior to each workshop. Refund policy is on page 28.


andrea Baier-petiet, M.a., l.l.P., l.M.s.W., has been in the mental health field for over 30 years providing psychological assessment and counseling services. she is an artist and practices art therapy/expressive art with groups and individual clients.

Molly Bergman, B.a. in art education, aquinas college, has worked as an art teacher for northview Public schools and excel charter academy.

Catherine Buckley, B.F.a. in sculpture, Kendall college of art and design, is a frequent instructor in the continuing studies program.

dianne Carroll Burdick, B.F.a., Western Michigan university, has been a photographer for many publications, and maintains her own studio. she has participated in local and national exhibitions and has been the recipient of numerous awards.

alyson dells, B.F.a. in Painting, Kendall college of art and design, won the studio excellence award for Painting at Kendall.

Cody eckert, B.F.a. in digital Media/Motion graphics, and graphic design, Kendall college of art and design, is an award winning designer and print production specialist.

jackie endres, B.F.a., university of Michigan, has taught art for detroit outreach.

in soon felch, M.F.a., Western Michigan university, is a freelance artist and web developer, and has shown her work internationally.

elizabeth Gaines Zoutendyk, B.F.a., Kendall college of art and design, has over ten years experience in both creating and teaching metal arts. With an extensive national and international exhibition record, she has most recently been awarded the c.R. Hill award by the Michigan silversmith’s guild, and has been a lecturing artist at interlochen center for the arts. she currently works as a goldsmith for a local fine-jewelry retailer, and runs the jewelry program at grand Rapids community college.

joanna Garza, B.F.a. in digital illustration, Kendall college of art and design, is a freelance artist.

eleanor Gatewood, M.F.a. in Photography, Kendall college of art and design, is a freelance artist and frequent instructor in the continuing studies program.

emily Gerlach, M.F.a. in Photography, Kendall college of art and design of Ferris state university, is a freelance photographer, and frequent instructor in the continuing studies program.

taylor Greenfield, M.F.a., Kendall college of art and design is a freelance artist and instructor at Kendall.

john Guertin, B.a. in english, university of toronto, has extensive experience in animation for television and film, and produced a script A Christmas Carl in 2009. Most recently he wrote the rhymed narrative for the Waking dream Production of “Blame Cupid Stupid”, which was adapted for use as a five minute short. it was funded by Bravo Fact! canada, and won Best of show, animation, at the 2011 Beverly Hills Film Festival. He also worked as a consultant on the film.

tatsuki hakoyama, B.F.a., central Michigan university, is a graduate student at Kendall college of art and design.

Michael harris, B.F.a., Kendall college of art and design, worked at Kendall as an admissions officer, and is now a freelance illustrator. His credits include over fourteen years of illustrating for grand Rapids Family Magazine, political cartoons for the grand Rapids Business Journal, and monthly illustrations in lakeland Boating. He is listed as a caricature artist with Kramer entertainment, Funny Business, and Jimmy Whiteside’s talent agencies, and teaches workshops at area schools.

elizabeth ivy hawkins, M.F.a., in Painting, Kendall college of art and design, has several years experience as both an artist and educator. Her paintings have been exhibited both regionally and nationally, most recently in group exhibitions in los angeles and new York city. during 2012/2011 her art was on display at the Michigan governor’s mansion in lansing.

More Biographies next page...








INSTRUCTORBioGraphies Continued...


judy huyck, has a certificate in Fashion design from school of Fashion design in Boston, Massachusetts. she graduated from aquinas college with a B.F.a. in sculpture and Photography, and a Master’s degree in Fashion studies from Western Michigan university.

Beth jacobson, M.F.a. in Painting, Kendall college of art and design and a frequent instructor in the continuing studies program.

Gregory Nathan johnson, M.F.a. in Painting, Kendall college of art and design, and is a freelance artist.

jennifer jones, is pursuing a B.F.a. in drawing with a minor in Painting from Kendall college of art and design. she has shown her work at numerous local and regional venues.

William jones, is a student at Kendall college of art and design, majoring in illustration.

ashlee lambart, is a graduate student at Kendall college of art and design, pursuing an M.F.a. in Photography.

lydia larson, M.F.a. in Painting, Kendall college of art and design, has exhibited her work in numerous venues and is an adjunct instructor at Kendall.

hallie leBlanc, B.F.a. in Fine art, ashland university, is the graduate assistant for continuing studies at Kendall and is pursuing an M.F.a. in Painting.

Mary leah Marshall, B.s. in art education, grand valley state university, has been an art teacher at lake Marion elementary school in lakeville, Minnesota, and at Muscarelle Museum of art, college of William and Mary, Williamsburg, virginia. William Mosqueda, B.F.a. in digital illustration, Kendall college of art and design, is a freelance designer.

salim Muhammad, B.F.a. in digital illustration, Kendall college of art and design, is a freelance illustrator.

tim Nielsen, M.P.a., Michigan state university, is a graphic designer and photographer. He has worked in graphic design and printing for over thirty years.

Michael pfleghaar, M.F.a., art institute of Boston at lesley university, is a professional fine artist with more than twenty years’ experience managing a private studio/gallery. His work has been shown in numerous solor exhibitions including at the grand Rapids art Museum, dezart one gallery, Palm springs, ca, absolute gallery, lansing, Frederik Meijer gardens and sculpture Park, and grand valley state university. He has taught at uica, Frederik Meijer gardens and sculpture Park, and ox-Bow Fine arts camp.

tim pospisil, B.F.a. in illustration, Kendall college of art and design, was the studio excellence award Winner for illustration in 2004. He is employed as a graphic artist and illustrator, and designs screen print and embroidery for apparel in the resort and retail industry.

Corinne roberts, B.F.a. in illustration, Kendall college of art and design, is a frequent instructor in the continuing studies program.

Matthew shoffner, B.s. in architecture, university of Michigan, is Project Manager for interactive studio in grand Rapids. His key projects include Rackspace corporate Headquarters and Kids Food Basket.

Casey snyder, B.F.a., ashland university, taught youth classes with the Birmingham Bloomfield art center and has studied in italy. she is pursuing an M.F.a. in Painting at Kendall college of art and design.

C.j. van daff-Zondervan, B.F.a. in interior design, Kendall college of art and design, is n.c.i.d.Q. certified with specialized studies in historic preservation and restoration. Her interior design commissions have included the grand Rapids symphony showhouse, the governor’s summer Residence, Mackinac island, and the nantucket Preservation trust. Her work has been featured in a number of national magazines.

david White, M.F.a. in Painting and drawing, ohio university, is a freelance artist and exhibits his work locally and regionally. He is a frequent instructor in the continuing studies program.







hoW to reGister:enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis. to register, complete the attached registration form(s), p. 30, with check or money order and mail to Kendall continuing studies, 17 Fountain street, nW, grand Rapids, Mi 49503, or register online at www.kcad.edu/youth-and-adults. visa, Mastercard and discover credit or debit cards are accepted online. debit and credit cards are no longer accepted by telephone. if you need assistance with online registration, call 616.451.2787, ext. 2012. Registration is not valid unless accompanied by payment.

reCeiptsa confirmation of enrollment will automatically confirm online payments. a confirmation of enrollment will be mailed to you within two business days when you register by regular mail. class outlines and supply lists (if applicable) are attached to the email confirmation.

Cash aNd CheCKsappropriate fees will be charged for checks which are returned unpaid due to insufficient funds. Please be aware when paying by cash or check, that if your class is cancelled you will need to complete additional paperwork in order to be reimbursed. Please allow up to five weeks processing time for refunds of payments made by check.

Class CaNCellatioN We reserve the right to cancel classes due to insufficient enrollment, with a full refund. if you registered as part of a group and one person’s class is cancelled, registrations for classes that have not been cancelled will not be refunded. tuition paid by the preferred method of debit or credit card will be credited back to your card. Please allow up to two weeks processing time for refunds. tuition paid by check will require you to fill out additional paperwork before obtaining a refund. Please allow up to five weeks processing time for refunds of payments made by cash or check. tuition fees are based on six class meeting times, though some may meet for seven. if a class is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, we will make every attempt to reschedule classes that have met fewer than six times.

WithdraWal froM Class/ refuNd poliCythere will be a full refund of tuition and fees for withdrawal requests submitted prior to the final registration deadline. there will be a partial (50%) refund of tuition and fees for withdrawal requests submitted after the final registration deadline and up to 24 hours before the class begins. a 50% fee will be charged for course transfers after the final registration deadline. No course transfers will be permitted on or after the day of the first class. there will be no refund of tuition or fees for withdrawal requests submitted on or after the day of the first class. Please allow up to two weeks processing time for refunds of payments made online, and five weeks processing time for refunds of payments made by cash or check.

late reGistratioN aNd WithdraWalour standard withdrawal/refund policies apply to those students who register after the registration deadline.

iNCleMeNt Weather or BuildiNG Closurein the event that classes are cancelled due to weather, an announcement will be made on local television stations. tuition fees are based on six meeting times, and we will make every attempt to reschedule classes that have met fewer than six times.

adult & youNG Classes

registration deadlinessession i: september 4, 2012session ii: october 29, 2012


REGISTRATIONhoW to reGister 3 Ways to reGister: oNliNe, Mail, iN persoN





disCouNtsKendall college of art and design provides the following discounts off tuition* (excluding lab and supply fees) :

• Kendall College of Art and Design Alumni , their spouses and children under the age of eighteen (10% discount)• Kendall Adjunct Faculty (10% discount)• Kendall Continuing Studies Instructors (10% discount)• Current full-time Kendall students, their spouses and children under the age of eighteen (10% discount)

• Senior Citizens, age 62 and older (10% discount)

liMit: one tuition discount per registration.

suppliessupplies for classes are not included in the cost of the class, unless indicated by a supply fee. Photography and computer classes include a lab fee, but additional supplies may be required as well. Class outlines and supply lists (if applicable) are attached to your automatic registration confirmation when registering online, or mailed to you when registering with check or cash.

loCatioNall classes will be held at Kendall college of art and design, 17 Pearl street, nW or 17 Fountain street, nW, grand Rapids, Mi 49503, unless otherwise indicated in the course description. students will be notified in advance about the location of their class. some classes may include field trips in the downtown area. students will be notified by their instructor in advance about any change of location.

drop off aNd piCK up of youth Youth may be dropped off at the Pearl street entrance of the Historic Federal Building or accompanied into the building by an adult. a staff member will supervise the lobby area for fifteen minutes prior to the beginning and end of all classes, and during the lunch period. a fee of $15 per half hour will be charged for any child under the age of eighteen who remains in the building more than one half hour after the end of class.

sNaCKs/food iN ClassrooMs. Food will not be served as part of the curriculum in any Kendall Youth or adult continuing studies classes. Youth classes take a break about halfway through each class session in a designated area. Many students bring money for the vending machines. students under the age of eighteen will be limited to no more than one energy drink per day while in attendance. students may bring drinks into the classroom but food is highly discouraged due to food allergies. a peanut/tree nut free table is designated in the break area.

ClassrooM MaNaGeMeNtoccasionally it is necessary to remove a youth student from the classroom when they become disruptive. this is never our first course of action, but when it occurs, parents or guardians will be notified.

speCial Needs Please make sure staff and the instructor are notified about any special needs or concerns. We will try to accommodate them.

parKiNG on-street parking is free after 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and all day saturday and sunday. Parking is also available in the city ramp one block west of Kendall.

photoGraphsWith enrollment, a student consents to being photographed in classes or student activities on or off campus. these photographs may be used by the college in future promotional efforts, without specific written permission from the student.

uNClaiMed artWorKall art work produced in the Fall 2012 must be claimed on or before december 21, 2012. the college is not responsible for any work left after that date.


REGISTRATION fORMyouthStudent’s Name: DOB:

Student’s Name: DOB:

Parent’s Name:

Day Phone: Cell Phone:

Evening Phone: Email:

Street or PO Box:

City: State: Zip:

Course Title: Course #:

Course Title: Course #:

Course Title: Course #:

Course Title: Course #:

Checks should be made payable to Kendall Continuing Studies of ferris State University Refund Policy — 50% for class withdrawals after the final registration deadline, no refunds 24 hours before the class.

Registration deadlines:session 1: september 4, 2012session ii: october 29, 2012

discounts Kcad alumni (10%)

current Full-time Kcad student (10%)

continuing studies Faculty (10%)

adjunct Faculty (10%)

senior citizen (10%)

Limit one tuition discount per registration.


Registration deadlines:session 1: september 4, 2012session ii: october 29, 2012

discounts Kcad alumni (10%)

current Full-time Kcad student (10%)

continuing studies Faculty (10%)

adjunct Faculty (10%)

senior citizen (10%)

Limit one tuition discount per registration.

REGISTRATION fORMadultStudent’s Name:

Student’s Name:

Day Phone: Cell Phone:

Evening Phone: Email:

Street or PO Box:

City: State: Zip:

Course Title: Course #:

Course Title: Course #:

Course Title: Course #:

Course Title: Course #:

Checks should be made payable to Kendall Continuing Studies of ferris State University Refund Policy — 50% for class withdrawals after the final registration deadline, no refunds 24 hours before the class.






















































































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1 9 6

1 3 1

5 0 0 F E E T

2 0 0 M E T E R S

K : K E N DA L L B U I L D I N G 1 7 F O U N TA I NF : H I S TO R I C F E D E R A L B U I L D I N G 1 7 P E R A L




direCtioNs aNd parKiNGon-street parking is free after 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and all day saturday. Parking in the lot directly behind Kendall, adjacent to Pearl street, is prohibited. violators will be ticketed.

QuestioNs?call 616.451.2787, or 800.676.2787, extension 2012www.kcad.edu


Kendall Building : 17 Fountain


Historic Federal Building : 17 Pearl

17 Fountain street nW, grand Rapids Mi 49503

non-Profit orgu.s. Postage

PaidPermit no. 204

grand Rapids, Mi

The Fall 2012 catalog cover is proudly printed on Green Seal certified paper, made with a minimum of 30% post-consumer fiber; and is Carbon Neutral Plus (a commitment to reduce carbon emissions) and Processed Chlorine Free. Interior paper made with 100% post- consumer recycled fiber.
