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Youth Frontiers Annual Report

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2 Board of Directors 3 A Note From our Founder 4–5 Stories From the Front 6–7 YF’s 3 Key Findings 8–9 Your Impact 10–11 Financial Summary 12–15 Our Donors Annual Report 2009
Page 1: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

2 Board of Directors

3 A Note From our Founder

4–5 Stories From the Front

6–7 YF’s 3 Key Findings

8–9 Your Impact

10–11 Financial Summary

12–15 Our Donors

Annual Report 2009

Page 2: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

Carol CulpCommunity Leader

John Estrem Executive DirectorCarmen Pampa Fund

Nate GarvisSenior Public Affairs Offi cerTarget Corporation

Marialice HarwoodPublisher of Delta Sky MagazineMSP Communications

Steven KennedyPartnerFaegre & Benson LLP

Dean Phillips PresidentPhillips Distilling Company

Rev. Efrem Smith Senior Pastor Sanctuary Covenant Church

David Walsh President National Institute on Media and the Family

Joe Cavanaugh Founder & CEOYouth Frontiers

Dave DornPresidentSpecial Olympics Minnesota

Paul Maenner, ChairPrincipalJMW Development, LLC

Mike ManeyPartnerThe Excelsior Group

Margrette NewhouseMyers Chair in ManagementCollege of Saint Benedict/St. John’s University

Mary NordPresidentWeber-Nord Consulting

Hank SheaSenior Distinguished FellowUniversity of St. Thomas School of Law

Youth Frontiers Board of Directors




Connie GradySenior DirectorCushman and Wakefi eld

Jeff HeegaardExecutive Director1000 Friends of Minnesota

Mary PaoliCommunity Leader

Colleen Needles StewardPresidentTremendous! Entertainment & The Family Catalog

Tim ThorpeExecutive Director of PathwaysPresident of James R. Thorpe Foundation

Kenneth Dragseth Retired Superintendent of Edina Public Schools Dragseth Consulting

Craig Vana Executive Director for Emergency Management and Safety Minneapolis Public Schools

Tony EnricoPresident 2nd Wind Exercise

Scott LutzChief Marketing Offi cerLife Time Fitness

David McFarlandSenior Vice President & Chief Credit Offi cerMarquette Transportation Finance

*As of October 1, 2009




Page 3: Youth Frontiers Annual Report


— Paul Maenner, Chair, Youth Frontiers Board of Directors

I want to thank the Youth Frontiers Board members for their dedication and service. These are volunteer positions for which there is little recognition. The mission of Youth Frontiers drives each of us in different ways to contribute time and talents so that more schools can experience the power of YF’s programs. Thank you!

Joe Cavanaugh, Founder & CEO

Dear Friends,

Throughout the nonprofi t, government, and business sectors, the last 12 months presented a tremendous challenge. Schools faced budget defi cits and many nonprofi ts suffered greatly as their donors’ resources dwindled.

In our world at Youth Frontiers, we certainly weathered our share of storms. Facing the challenges of the economy head-on, we tightened our belts by cutting 1/6 of our spending to keep our organization and mission strong. And we did so while maintaining staff morale and providing the same quality programs to schools—90% of schools brought us back despite their own fi nancial struggles. We pride ourselves on serving a critical mission and being a good investment for our donors, and this year was no exception. Sound fi scal management by our Board of Directors helped grow our revenue by double digits, beating our budget for the 7th consecutive year.

This, of all years, was a record-breaking one for us. For the fi rst time in our 22 years we:

• Delivered 664 retreats in 15 states throughout the country;• Began a partnership with CAREI at the University of Minnesota to measure our impact and put data behind what we’ve intuitively known all along; and• Raised more than $1 million to support our important work with schools.

We could not have done it without you, and we are truly grateful. With this in mind, we wanted to share the story of the past year with you from the perspective of our donors, staff, and students—past and present. After all, we could not realize our mission without them. Enjoy!



Page 4: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

EricYouth Frontiers Retreat Staff Musician


I attended a Respect Retreat in 9th grade, and I remember—very vividly—the bus ride back to school. We were a changed class. The social barriers and cliques seemed to be broken down. And for that moment, we were united as a class. It was amazing to me, the power and impact that one day had on our class. I know that I took a lot from it personally, and our school was a better place because of Youth Frontiers.

Fast forward 10 years... I had been working in radio for my entire professional career. I was ready for a change, for something more personally fulfi lling. I had been a camp counselor for many years, so I knew that working with youth was something I enjoyed and was good at. It wasn’t until I went to the YF website and saw Joe Cavanaugh’s name that I realized it was the same company that had done my 9th grade Respect Retreat. Once I put the connection together, I knew where I wanted to be in my life. I’ve enjoyed the last 4 years. I love having a job that is new and different every day—a job that gets kids thinking about how they treat themselves and others. And, to have the opportunity to share my own personal experiences through music on retreats. I really couldn’t ask for a cooler job.

— Eric


Eric, YF Retreat Staff Musician

Page 5: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

Erin and KevinYouth Frontiers Interns, May 2009

ClaireYouth Frontiers Retreats Participant

I attended a Youth Frontiers retreat my sophomore year of high school and can still remember the impact upon leaving that afternoon. It gave me the unique opportunity to see my classmates in a new light and allowed me to see the incredible community of people that surrounded my high school experience. Youth Frontiers calls individuals to rise above the perils of not only school, but personal hardships and struggles. This takes an extreme amount of courage, respect, and kindness that in turn helps students become strong characters, role models, and leaders for all.

— ClaireM.Ed. candidate and high school teacher


By the time it was my grade’s turn to attend the ever-famous Youth Frontiers Courage Retreat, we had heard many stories about past grades’ experiences. It had been referred to as “the day where all the girls cry” or simply “the day when all the 8th graders get to skip school.” These ideas were shattered within the fi rst few activities of the day. Through the retreat, our grade was given the oppor-tunity to step up and take some responsibility for ourselves.

As a part of my school’s senior year, each student chooses a place to intern for the month of May. Youth Frontiers was on our list and popped out at me immediately. A friend and I decided that this was where we wanted to spend our last few weeks of high school.

I truly believe that many students and schools benefi t from these retreats. It was awesome to be both a recipient of the benefi ts as well as a contributor, helping lead retreats and assisting in the administrative side of the organization.

— ErinStudent at Boston College

Erin and Kevin, YF Interns

Claire, YF Retreat Participant (pictured with her brother at her college graduation)

Page 6: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

1. Students learn how to treat each other better.

• 93% of students on the Kindness Retreat reported that they learned ways to be kinder to their peers and how to include others in activities. (Sass, 2005)

• Over half of teachers surveyed regarding the Courage Retreat felt that there had been a noticeable change in the ways students treated each other even 60 days after the experience. (Sass, 2005)

• 74% of students on the Respect Retreat reported that they had been more respectful of others since the retreat. (Sass, 2005)


I have been bullied before, but the 3 rules you told me about are really helping. My life is really changing.

— 5th grade participant on our Retreat

YF exists to support schools in their efforts to develop both smart and good kids—because we know that both elements are essential for a positive school community.

In our ongoing quest to learn more about the impact of our work, we have been pleased to see that students and educators perceive that their school community is more

positive after a YF retreat, as evidenced by our 3 Key Findings.

Measuring Our ImpactYF’S 3 KEY FINDINGS

Page 7: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

3. Youth Frontiers delivers a consistently high-quality retreat experience.

• 95% of teachers reported that the Respect Retreat was of a very high quality. (Sass, 2005)

• Youth Frontiers has incorporated many best practices into the retreat format, including using upper-class students as role models, using a variety of formats that are relational and youth-centered, and providing opportunities for personal refl ection. (CAREI, 2009)

• 100% of educators rated the quality of the Youth Frontiers retreat staff facilitation as very high. (Johnston, 2008)

2. Students are more engaged and willing to stand up for others.

• 86% of students on the Courage Retreat reported that they learned what it means to act with courage, the impact of fear, and skills on how to show courage. (Sass, 2005)

• Through the direct instruction on the retreat, students have an increased awareness of their choices and use this experience as a catalyst to change their behavior. (Johnston, 2008)

• Youth Frontiers retreats assist educators with behavior management and problem-solving strategies. (Johnston, 2008)

YF Longitudinal Evaluation Project, 2002-2005, Ed Sass, Ed.D. YF Client Review Evaluation Project, 2007-2008, Bill Johnston.Preliminary Report, 2009, Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI), University of Minnesota.



— 7th ggrraddee particippannt on our Reeetreeat

My act of courage is to stand up for other people. Jenny, I’m one of those people who called you names in the past, and I want you to know I’m really sorry. I promise to stop and also to stand up for you if I hear my friends picking on you.

— 9th grradde pparticipant on oour Retreaat

One of the best, realistic, eye-opening experiences. I’ve changed for the better.

Page 8: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

Thank you! Because of our supporters’ faithful and selfl ess generosity in a diffi cult year, YF was able to reach a record 100,000 students and educators, enriching character and building community in schools.


How Your Generosity Impacts our Mission

$1,035,000 The total amount raised last year—up 7% from fi scal year 2008’s total of $968,000

42% of YF’s total revenue came from donors like you, which keeps the costs of our retreats affordable for all schools

100% of Youth Frontiers staff gave fi nancially to YF—in addition to this generosity, every YF staff person sacrifi ced between 1 and 4 weeks of pay to help maintain our programs despite signifi cant budget cuts

88 individual supporters and foundations generously increased their investment by a total of $203,831, over and above their previous year’s gift

During the 2008–2009 school year:

A special thanks to the Frey Foundation for their generous grant allowing Youth Frontiers to expand and professionalize our development department.

Page 9: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

“I support Youth Frontiers because they’re everything a charity should be. They provide needed, innovative, and highly effective programs at a responsible and sustainable cost through dedicated, mission-focused leaders, staff, and volunteers.”

— Dan MMoM ooore, YF SSupppporter


$35 gives “Courage” buttons to 250 seventh graders to remind them to live out their Act of Courage

$300 helps 30 kids attend 1 of our retreats

$1000 covers our transportation costs to 30 rural and suburban schools for 1 week

$10,000 reaches 4 more schools, impacting another 600, 800, or even 1000 students

$25,000 covers salary and modest benefi ts for 1 new retreat staff person, which opens up capacity to work with 80 additional schools

Your money makes a difference.

Page 10: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

Program $1,835,954Development $337,886Mgmt & General $245,721

Program Fees $1,380,205Donations $1,035,656Other $13,754








For fi scal year July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009



Revenue Net Assets Released Expenses Change in Net Assets

















IInnccoome Stateemmmeennt

Unrestricted Funds and Working Capital Temporarily Restricted Assets Net Property and Equipment Total Net Assets



JUNE 30,2008



JUNE 30,2009

BBBaallaance Sheeett



Page 11: Youth Frontiers Annual Report


*Note: In June 2007, the Board of Directorsmade the strategic decision to invest in our organizational growth, using fi nancial reserves built up over the last 7 years. For the second year in a row, we budgeted for a fi nancial loss, and will continue to do so through FY 2010, returning to profi tability in FY 2011. Given the current economic environment, we are closely monitoring this investment.





$$22,500,000 $2,429,615Total Revenue



FYFY ‘‘04FFY ‘‘03 FFY ‘‘05 FFY ‘‘06 FYFY ‘‘07 FFY ‘‘08 FFY ‘‘09


Net Assets

FFY ‘‘05 FFY ‘‘06 FYFY ‘‘07 FFY ‘‘08 FFY ‘‘09





When we saw the economic storm coming early last school year, we realized that we would not meet our revenue goals. We made a commitment to our board not to exceed our planned loss of ($200K). In response, we made signifi cant spending cuts that impacted everyone at Youth Frontiers. We kept staff informed and asked for their input, keeping the impact on our staff as minimal as possible (a challenge when over 75% of our spending is payroll and benefi ts).

Despite these diffi cult decisions, we were able to grow our sales revenue by 18% and our donations by 7%.

Every single person at Youth Frontiers sacrifi ced, and together with our donors we achieved our fi nancial goals.

A note from our President & COO, Jack Lee

, gals.

Page 12: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

Honor Circle($25,000 and higher)

Anonymous (2)Best Buy Children’s FoundationBest Buy Co.Charisma Foundation *Frey FoundationNate Garvis—TargetGeneral Mills Foundation Timothy and Mary Gray McFarland Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationBob O’Rourke— Target Stores Leadership Fund Smikis Foundation

Wisdom Circle($10,000 to $24,999)

Anonymous (1)3M Community AffairsDavid and Debra AndreasThe David Winton Bell FoundationNed and Marlene BixbyThe Charlson Foundation *Ron and Joan CornwellFritz and Glenda CorriganKim and Carol CulpDuininck CompaniesJim and Mary FreyThe George Family Foundation *Verne and Carol JohnsonMinnesota School of BusinessPhileona FoundationJay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation Chris and Hank SheaJay and Heather StrommenWEM Foundation

Respect Circle($1,000 to $9,999)

Andy and Kristi AndersonDeb and Mike AyresBest Buy Children’s Foundation Tag Team Awards—WoLF The Bieber Family FoundationGary and Faye BurkeEd and Judy CannonKevin CashmanJoe Cavanaugh and Jane Leyden Cavanaugh **Michael and Ann Ciresi FoundationJohn and Kathy ClevelandColorado Commercial ServicesThe Cote Foundation Don and Sandy Craighead Gretchen CrowDain RauscherChris and Margaret DavisEdward and Sherry Ann DaytonCarol E. and Charles M. Denny Fund of the Minneapolis FoundationErnie and Mary DornMike and Debbie Ducar Kim and Dan Dyer **The Emmerich FoundationDick Enrico Tony and Michelle EnricoFiterman FoundationChuck and Arlene GarrityTim and Jill GeoffrionGreystone FoundationJeff and Lucy HeegaardHegman Family FoundationThe Hendry Family FoundationHenkel CorporationTom and Patty HolloranDave and Michelle HoranKathleen HumphriesInvision Services Steven and Mary KennedyKiwanis Club of Edina Golden K Foundation The Kopp Family Foundation

Leonette M. and Fred T. Lanners FoundationJohn Lavander and Nan OwenJack and Laura Lee **Mike and Cathy Lee Lee Family FoundationPatrick and Katherine LeightonKathleen and David MacLennanPaul and Sally MaennerMike and Karen ManeyBrian Mark Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationMike and Fran McCloskeyMike and Katie McElroyDavid McFarland and FamilyDick and Joyce McFarlandTom and Roberta McNellisMcVay FoundationGreg and Barb MelsenRob and Nancy MendelJohn and Judy MendeshThe John W. Mooty Foundation TrustCharles and Elizabeth MootyThomas and Jeanne Mueller Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationBrent and Anne OswaldOswald Family FoundationChris and Jane PearsJohn and Sara Peterman FoundationJeff and Suzanne PopeThe Elizabeth C. Quinlan FoundationRobins, Kaplan, Miller & CiresiArne and Edie Rovick Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationBenno and Marlys Gapstur Sand Family Fund of the Minneapolis FoundationSaunders Family FoundationSchall Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationMark and Ann SchulzeCharles and Zena Scimeca Charitable Fund at Boston FoundationFred and Heidi SennSmaby Family FoundationTed and Noa Staryk


— Dick McFarland, YF Supporter and Retired Chairman at RBC Dain Rauscher

Joyce and I have been supporters of Youth Frontiers for many years. We have four grandchildren who have all experienced the benefi ts of Youth Frontiers’ retreats. There is no doubt in my mind that their self-confi dence and compassion for others has been strengthened through their experience with Youth Frontiers. I am in awe of the fact that over 100,000 of our young people are experiencing these programs. Youth Frontiers has earned the respect and the support from all of us.

Page 13: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

Mike and Erin StrommenTen Times Ten FoundationJohn and Jill TrautzUniversity of Notre DameJeff and Mary WerbalowskyPeter and Christy WeumDan and Carol WolfeSteve and Kathy Woodley

Courage Circle($500 to $999)

Doug and Carole BakerJulie M. and Douglas M. Baker, Jr. Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation Ed and Patty Beadle Frank and Carol BennettDan and Judy BoulayBremer BankAmy Bryant and Rand SatoskarLisa and Greg BuckSteve and Ann BurbidgeCampbell Family FoundationJim and Carmen CampbellTim and Jennifer CaronCitizens Independent Bank Community FoundationGreg and Krysta ClarkRandy and Carol CoteCrescendo—Lisa GriebelJoe and Joan CroninPat and Molly CroninDave and Katie DornDean and Laurie EnricoRick EnricoCarolyn and E. Robert ErnestJohn Estrem Jerry and Ellen GallagherHallmark InsightsJason Howard and Chad KeastPaul and Cindy KarosTroy and Lynne KerinKent and Carolynn KiewattJerry and Cathy KoeringKim KuenziAngela and Patrick LeeJim and Kim LesinskiGuy and Suzanne LoganMichael and Denise Lorenz

Scott Lutz and Maureen MaraJohn and Sarah ManeyBob and Mardie MarshallPaul and Jean MootyD. Bradford Neary and Suzette E. SutherlandMargrette and John NewhouseOpen Door FoundationThe Palen Family Foundation of The Minnesota Community Foundation Rice Family Fund of the Catholic Community FoundationMeg and Tony RodriguezLucy Rogers and Larry Grant Fund of Headwaters Foundation for JusticeDenny and Maggie RussellTom and Gigi SchumacherJeff and Mary ScottTom and Jessica SipkinsNancy SonntagColleen Needles Steward and Tom StewardDave and Patsa SullivanKenneth SwansonJohn ThysellPhyllis WagnerBarry Warren

Kindness Circle(up to $499)

Anonymous (1)Sheri Ahl and Eric HaugenRyan and Jenn Alexander Tom and Ann AlthauserRick and Cynthia AndersonTami and Todd Anderson **Jeff Arundel Don and Geraldine AydBeth and Lynn BabcockCammy and Tim BaerAnn Bancroft and Pam ArnoldJane and Ron Barnes **Bryan and Sandy BarryJodi Barthel **Bernie and Diana BaumanJim and Brenda Becker **Tom and Caroline BeckerJoe and Jessica Beckman **

Cecile BedorKelly and Toby BentNicolle and Michael Berg **Michael and Ruth BettendorfLaVonne BigelowMary BirchardThe Blake School H.G. and Patricia BloomRita Boersma **Mark and Jane BordenChris BorekLinda and David BorrellDel and Patricia BosackerTom BoulayAudrey Barrett BowerMaureen and Chris BrackeyRalph and Mary BraunJan Brown **Mike and Connie BrownJoe and Carol BurkeDick and Danis ByrdFather Mike ByronEric and Constance CarlsonCindy Carpenter and Gregg RobertsMary Lou CarpenterTom and Anne CarrierTara Carroll **Tom and Sophie CavanaughShannon Chambers **Reed and Lisa ChristiansonRobin and Dick CohanSteve and Kathy ColemanJohn and Bonnie CollinsJulie and Duane CologneLeslie and Mike ConnellyKerry CooleyJulia Corneil-SmithGrace CosgroveMary CosgroveNicole CosgroveSam and Mary Jo CoteWalt and Edie CouillardKathleen CrandallBrian and Joy CrevoiseratSteve and Amy CulbertIngrid and Chris CulpJean Culp **Northrup and Erna DawsonRoger DickChristine Doran and Cory Hoeglund **

* Indicates a multi-year gift ** Indicates a YF staff person during FY ‘09


Page 14: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

Richard Dorn and Erika Malvey DornDon and Mary Anne DraayerKen and Mari DragsethDelphine DuffJoe and Patsy DuffyMaymie EckerJennifer EckertEdina Morningside Rotary Janine EfferdingErik and Marjorie EllingsonJan EnricoPacy ErckArt EricksonMary and Richard FalveyKate FandreyJoAnne FarleyCatherine FinchChris Fisher and Patty HoolihanMike and Diane FloodBill and Eileen FoleyDave and Marti FoleyPaul and Nancy FoleyJ. and Rebekah ForrestJoel and Mary ForsethLawrence and Mary Ann FrascellaJ.P. and Krista GallagherEarl and Virginia GeigerDorothy GiganteTony and Beth GleekelMichael and Sharon GoergenConnie GradyDebra Grahn **Grant R. GrissomGreta GroschErnest GrumblesGuaranty Commercial TitleMegan Guhl Julie and Matt GuidryDan and Erika GulbrandsonLyn and Eric Gustafson **Fred Haberman and Sarah Bell HabermanNick and Pat HaddadRebecca Haddad **Stephanie HaddadRahn and Carol Hagberg **Ralph and Ruby HagbergBill and Donna HalverstadtNeil and Uve Hamilton

Nicole HanoverJudie Hansen and Ken WindenSteve and Jan HansenTodd and Midi Hansen **Paul and Barb HansonWayne and Margaret HansonKen and Barb HartwellStewart Harvey and Mary Neal HarveyBill and Josie HeegaardEric and Carreen HeegaardRoger F. Heegaard Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationRick and Elaine HeltneJon and Teresa Herchert **Bob HildrethWilliam and Ellen HoegKaren HohertzJean and Kevin HolmMike and Kelley HoolihanCarol HoranKaren and David HoopsJames and Ann Howard Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationJohn and Marilyn HowardMike HubertyIronwood Ridge High School Student Activities FundFrank and Peggy JohnsonTalton and Carol JohnsonJessica Larson **Adam Jones and Imma CabotiJustus CornerSally KampsChris and Tom Karki **Bob and Donna KasbohmNoam KaufmannPeg and Kevin KeenanDan and Lil KelleyMartin and Esther KelloggDon Kelly and Megan DeignanWilliam Kenney and Margaret KilpatrickMike and Katie KerfootRob and Sue Kesselring **Stan and Lorna KintighAnne and Dick KleinKesiah Kolbow **Brad and Niki KorandaNick and Jodee Kozlak

Laurel and Richard KrollRobert and Kathy KulusMilford and Margaret LagerEric LarsenTom LaSalleMegan Lee-Erickson **Charles Legros and Karen HeegaardRichard and Sally LeiderSteve and Ellen LepinskiArlene Vail LeydenPeter Leyden and Sharon Hawkins LeydenChuck and Shirley LindemannShannon Lorenz **Tom LuingTom and Stephanie LundKevin Lynch and Leslie WilsonTodd and Kristen Maas **David MaennerJoe Mailander **Jeanne MakiEric Malmberg **Thomas and Dorothy MaloneyPam MarshallSteve MayJon and Lindy McClureJim McCorkell and Chris GreenhowSue McDonald and Sapphire PilneyPat McNamaraJohn and Molly McShaneHal and Wynn MeekerJean Mehrkens **Marie and L.T. MerriganDavid Midthun and Vivien WilliamsCarrie Miller **Kenneth and Sharon MillerMinnetonka Middle School EastNicole Moore WoodhouseJo MortonSydney and James MortonAnnemarie MossBud and Sally MossChris Moss **Tom and Sue MossDavid and Karen NasbyGunard and Carol NelsonJennifer NelsonMary Weber NordD. William O’Brien


thank you

Page 15: Youth Frontiers Annual Report

Jacquelyn OlsonBjork Ostrom **Bob and Mary PanchotMary and Robert PaoliMark and Ruth PatzloffPEO Sisterhood Wayne and Fran PetersenNancy Hartwell PhinneyEmily and Christoph Pitkin **James PoehlerTony Poehling **Elizabeth K. PojarLaura and Rich PolsonJeremy Prahm and Alicia MajkrzakBill and Donna RamsayTom Rock and Melissa RaphanDan and Lynne RectenwaldRose ReedJohn and Betty ReichertKevin and Denise ReillyLoren and Connie RetzlaffBrent ReykdalRiverBridge PartnersMichelle and Pete RochefordLarry and Terrie RoseHerb and Cyrilla RoyceRyan Companies USBryan SandahlJohn Sandahl **Mike and Sue SandahlPhilomena Morrissey SatreJeffrey and Lea SchererJames SchillingCarol SchmidtJoan and Ronald SchulzSusan Schulz and Bob HuffGreg and Stacy SchumacherJohn and Barbara SchwarzJ. Paul SeifertJack and Susan SellJoe SelvaggioNina SeppiMichael and Maribeth SherlockGail ShoreSusan and Robert ShulzePhilip and Laurie SieffLoras and Rosemary SieveShannon and John SieveAnnaka Sikkink and Tim Holton

Charlie Silverson and Elaine ElnesSimons Family FoundationAlison Sipkins **Robert and Elaine SkrentnerJoanne SmithWheeler and Guyla SmithBob and Patti SolheimJohn and Karen SomersSam Soule **Jerry and Jane SquiresBill StarrCarla and James SteffenCarol SteffenPete and Laura StoddartPat and Sandy StoneSteven Stone and Stephanie Volpe StoneLowell and Deb StortzKarla Sundem **Pete Tanghe, Esq.Bill and Bryce TenbroekCharlie and Marlyn ThomsonTim and Diane ThorpeMichael and Rachel TierneyDottie Titus Carol and Lynn TruesdellNina and John TuttleErica Ulstrom **Jim and Pat Van ValkenburgCraig VanaKay Vander Vort and Don HoltBrad and Kathy VeldboomRon and Betty VoltinDavid and Monica WalshBen and Joyce WaltersHolly WayRichard and Elizabeth Weigel Family FundLuke and Janet WeisbergBill and Linda WhiteKrystal Wiesenberg and Eric Caron **Dave and Marion WilliamsJohn and Renata Winsor Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationKecia Winter **Beverly WiseMike WitzanyBetsy WrenCanny Wright

Youth Frontiers received fi nancial or in-kind support from the listed foundations, corporations, and individuals between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. Youth Frontiers is a not-for-profi t organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota. The organization qualifi es as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Youth Frontiers, Inc. are tax deductible as charitable gifts.

We take every measure to ensure that all donors are listed correctly, as they were noted at the time of donation, and regret any inaccuracies in these lists. If you discover an error, please contact us at 952.922.0222 so that we may correct it. Thank you!


Skip and Beth WyerZekeriya and Tulun YargiciSeniz Yargici-Lennes **Jason and Megan Yates **Amanda Zimmerman **Andy Zimney and Sally Koering Zimney **Jamie and Missy Zuel **Donald J. Zurek

In Honor of:Joe Cavanaugh (from JP and Krista Gallagher; from Megan Guhl)Dr. Kari Dahlquist (from Julie and Duane Cologne)Kim Dyer (from Robin and Dick Cohan)Dave and Cherie Friend (from Mike and Katie McElroy)Rebecca Haddad (from Ali Sipkins)Dave and Colleen McMahon (from Cammy and Tim Baer)Chad Miller (from Erica Ulstrom)Beverly Plante (from Luke and Janet Weisberg)Ali Sipkins (from Brad and Niki Koranda; from Tom and Jessica Sipkins)Erica Ulstrom (from Connie Brown; from Ali Sipkins)

In Memory of:Ben Ayd (from Don and Geraldine Ayd)Hermie Johnson (from Arlene Leyden)Mary Kelly and Molly Kelly Sayles (from Don Kelly and Megan Deignan)Mary Esther Marble (from Larry Marble)Dave Nelson (from John McShane)Arlene Nogle (from Bob Panchot)Jenny Flynn Sandahl (from Walt and Edie Couillard)Darcy Secord (from LaVonne Bigelow)Linda Trummer (from Merrie Marinovich)C.G. Vail (from Arlene Leyden)Jack Yarger (from Nina Seppi; from LaVonne Bigelow)

Page 16: Youth Frontiers Annual Report











Visit our new

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• Today’s young people will be tom

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