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Youth Net Policy Manual

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Policy Manual created for a fictional company for my Legal Aspects of Human Resources course.
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Policy Manual

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Table of Contents

I. Employment Contract

II. Personnel Policies

1. Selection of Personnel

2. Employment Records Requirement

3. Personnel Evaluations

4. Resignation Policy

5. Employee Benefits

A. Leave Benefits

B. Paid Personal Leave

C. Holidays

D. Family Leave

E. Emergency Leave

F. Worker’s Compensation

6. Dress Code

III. Agency Policies

1. Code of Ethics

2. Drug Free Workplace Policy

A. Drug Testing Policy

3. Harassment Policy

A. Hostile Work Environment

B. Quid Pro Quo

4. Discrimination Policy

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4. Internet Policy

5. Whistleblower Policy

IV. Procedures

1. Pay Procedure

2. Emergency Instructions

A. Fire Drills

B. Evacuation

C. Lockdown

3. Grievance Procedure

4. Termination Procedures

V. Job Descriptions

1. Executive Editor

2. Assistant Editor

3. Operations Manager

4. Training Specialist

5. IT Specialist

6. Reporter

VI. Safety Regulations

VII. Training and Development

VIII. Disciplinary Policies

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Employment Contract for YouthNet

For the Staff File of: ________________________________________________________.

I have received the following policy manual as part of my employment under YouthNet and I fully understand all of the following rules and regulations regarding personnel, this agency, the procedures, job descriptions, training and development, and discipline. I fully responsible for reviewing and adhering to all these policies procedures, and information herein:

Section One: Employment Contract for YouthNet

Section Two: Personnel Policies - Selection of Personnel, Employment Records Requirement,

Personnel Evaluations, Resignation Policy, Employee Benefits, Leave Benefits, Extended Sick

Leave, Personal Leave, Holidays, Family Leave, Emergency Leave, and Dress Code.

Section Three: Procedures - Agency Policies, Code of Ethics, Drug Free Workplace Policy,

Drug Testing Policy, Harassment Policy, Hostile Work Environment, Quid Pro Quo,

Discrimination Policy, Internet Policy, Whistleblower Policy

Section Four: Procedure - Pay Procedure, Emergency Instructions, Fire Drills, Evacuation,

Lockdown, Grievance Procedure, Termination Procedures

Section Five: Job Descriptions – Manager, Assistant Manager, Group Leader, Assistant Group

Leader, Training Specialist, IT Specialist, Reporter

Section Five: Safety Regulations

Section Six: Training and Development

Section Seven: Disciplinary Policies

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Section Two: Personnel Policies

1. Selection of All Personnel

All applicants must satisfy all current minimum requirements for each position as stipulated by

YouthNet management division. Educational experience may be overridden by actual work

experience only. If an employee does not meet the minimum educational requirement then they

must show progress towards obtaining the minimum educational requirements.

Regular Personnel: permanent, full-time staff that receive regular payroll checks from

YouthNet payroll services.

Contracted Personnel – contracted, temporary full-time or part-time staff who receives

pay any other service besides YouthNet payroll services.

2. Employment Records Requirement

All employees are required to provide all prior full-time job-related work experience. Employees

must provide I-9 paperwork and attachments, two references, proof of college diploma or proof

of GED or high school diploma, and YouthNet signature pages before commencing employment.

3. Personnel Evaluations

All employees will be in a probationary period for two months after hiring. At any time during

this probationary period employees can be terminated by management. Personnel evaluations

will be done on a quarterly basis. All managers, assistant managers, and group leaders, will

submit a least one evaluation for every employee that reports to them every four months.

Personnel evaluations will contain all complaints, positive customer feedback, and employee

rating. Recommendations can also be added.

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4. Resignation Policy

All employees must give a written resignation letter to their direct supervisor two weeks prior to

resignation. All resigning employees must fill out a survey that will contain why they are

leaving, how they felt about working at YouthNet, and a manager evaluation. Recommendations

are encouraged.

5. Employee Benefits

A. Leave Benefits

1. Leave Requests – All leave requests must be submitted to a supervisor two weeks in advance.

The supervisor will then provide a copy of the leave request stating whether it is approved or

denied within one week of submittal. Approval or denial will be determined by availability of

coverage and a first-come first-served basis. Exceptions may be made for emergency situations.

2. Reporting an Absence – In the event of a unexpected absence such as a sudden illness or

another reasonable situation, the employee must notify their supervisor at least two hours before

they are required to report for work via telephone. Text messages, e-mails, or reporting to other

staff will not be accepted.

3. If an illness is reported, a supervisor may request proof of this illness at anytime during

employment. Any absence that lasts more then five days will require a medical note from a

physician guaranteeing the employee is well enough to continue work as well as the original


4. Lateness for schedule work hours will result in loss of pay at the discretion of the direct

supervisor in charge of the employee. Frequent offenses will require a written explanation from

the employee. Frequent offenses may result in termination or suspension.

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B. Paid Personal Leave

Paid personal leave is for unexcused and elective absences. These absences may be used for

vacation, illness, family emergencies, and other personal business. Paid personal leave will be

accrued over time on an hourly basis. At the end of the calendar year, only half of all unused

paid personal leave hours will be transferred to the next year.

C. Holidays

Regular, permanent full-time employees will receive full pay for agency holidays. Agency

holidays will include New Years Day, President’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Good Friday,

Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving.

D. Family Leave

Family leave can be used for a death in the family, immediate family illness, and family

emergencies. The employee will not receive pay for family leave. At the end of family leave the

employee is expected to immediately return to his/her regular assigned duties. Family leave has a

maximum of twenty days.

E. Emergency Leave

Emergency leave is considered if an employee is hospitalized, treated in an Emergency Room,

and/or needs necessary, immediate surgery. The employee will receive full pay for regular hours

for the first thirty days of absence. Emergency leave has a maximum limit of one hundred and

eighty days.

F. Worker’s Compensation

Worker’s compensation is available to any employee that has a work-related injury. In the event

of a work-related injury, the employee should immediately inform his/her direct supervisor. The

employee is then required to make a full report explaining the incident and any witnesses that

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were involved. If management finds that the incident was work related then the employee will be

fully compensated for regular hours that would have been worked as well as any uninsured,

required medical bills.

6. Dress Code

Employees may not wear sandals or flip-flops. Reporters will be required to wear a suit and tie

whenever they are on camera. Management will be required to wear appropriate office attire

when on the YouthNet premises. This dress code will be strictly enforced and violations will

receive immediate and harsh disciplinary action.

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Section Three: Agency Policies

1. Code of Ethics

Ethics – a system or code of moral principles of a particular profession. A statement

about how to conduct oneself and how to determine right from wrong.

YouthNet employees must recognize that they are a reflection of YouthNet at all times, even

outside of work. Employees must conduct themselves, at all times, in a manner that will enhance

the stature of YouthNet and the ability of YouthNet to satisfy and service its clients. Employees

will refrain from being part of any activity that violates federal or state laws or actions that

would discredit YouthNet is any way. Employees will conduct themselves in a way that shows

integrity, honesty, loyalty, and proper manners in all relationships with other individuals,

organizations, and/or representatives. Employees should strive for continual improvement of

knowledge, quality of service, effectiveness, and competence. All concerns involving other

employees will be dealt with in the proper and professional manner, no matter the circumstances.

Employees should not express views regarding personal attributes or professional conduct of co-

workers. Statements in the workplace should be truthful and work-related at all times.

2. Drug Free Workplace Policy

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of a controlled dangerous substance is

prohibited on YouthNet premises. Any employee that violates this probation will be immediately

suspended with intent to terminate. The employee will be immediately enrolled into a

rehabilitation program or will be immediately terminated.

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A. Drug Testing Policy

Before employment, all candidates will be issued a drug screening. Employees will be randomly

drug-tested at management’s convenience. Any employee who is suspected of illegal drug-use

will be immediately drug tested, suspended, or terminated.

3. Harassment Policy

YouthNet believes in a harassment free workplace. Any violations of harassment policy should

be immediately reported to the human resources department so immediate action can be taken.

Harassment is considered a form of misconduct that undermines the employment relationship.

No employee should be subjected to verbal or physical harassment. YouthNet has based its

harassment policy on the definition of sexual harassment set forth by the Equal Employment

Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual

advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature.

A. Hostile Work Environment

A hostile work environment exists when an employee when an employee experiences workplace

harassment and fears going to work because of the offensive, intimidating, or oppressive

atmosphere generated by the harasser.

B. Quid Pro Quo

Quid pro quo means "this for that". In the workplace, this occurs when a job benefit is directly

tied to an employee submitting to unwelcome sexual advances. Quid pro quo harassment also

occurs when an employee makes an evaluative decision, or provides or withholds professional

opportunities based on another employee's submission to verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct

of a sexual nature.  Quid pro quo harassment is equally unlawful whether the victim resists and

suffers the threatened harm or submits and thus avoids the threatened harm.

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4. Discrimination Policy

Title VII Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on race, religion,

sex or national origin. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces all EEO Laws

such as Title VII, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Age Discrimination Act of 1967, American

Disabilities Act of 1990, Rehabilitation Act, and Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.

Any employee who believes that he or she has been discriminated against may file a charge of

discrimination with the EEOC.

5. Internet Policy

No open container of food or drink is allowed near the computer equipment or other electronic

equipment at any time. All use of YouthNet file services must be in support of profitable

research consistent with YouthNet purposes, existing policies, and procedures. Transmission of

any YouthNet materials is a violation of internet policy and will be met with harsh and

immediate discipline. Users shall not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, modify

files or other data, and change passwords on accounts belonging to other users. All information

accessible via YouthNet is assumed to be private property.

6. Whistleblower Policy

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act amended the federal criminal code to create or enhance penalties for

retaliating against whistleblowers while a federal investigation was underway. YouthNet is

committed to facilitating open and honest communications relevant to its governance,

compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and finances. This policy reflects the

practices and principles of behavior that support this commitment. We encourage employees to

take immediate and appropriate actions if a crime is recognized.

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Section Four: Procedures

1. Pay Procedure

Employees are required to keep accurate time records, to calculate and sign their time sheets weekly. The

Assistant Editors will verify the accuracy of the employee’s records with his/her signature prior to the

submission to the Operations Manager. Pay periods will be every two weeks and employees will be paid

on the following second Friday. There will be no advances or changes on this schedule.

2. Emergency Instructions

A. Fire Drills

Fire Drills will be scheduled and held on a monthly basis. After the alarm has been activated

everyone in the building will proceed to the closest fire exit in a quiet and calm manner. After

everyone has exited the building they will proceed to a safe distant away from the building and

wait for directions from their direct supervisor.

B. Evacuation

The acting Executive Editor will declare an emergency for the evacuation process to begin.

Instructions will then be given to all employees, which should be followed immediately. Each

Assistant Editor on duty will be in charge of shutting off the lights, turning off all small

appliances, and turning the outside lights on. Employees will then follow the emergency

directions that will be given by the Executive Editor.

3. Grievance Procedure

The employee will discuss his/her complaint with an immediate supervisor. If a situation is not

resolved to an employee’s satisfaction the employee will then speak with the Executive Editor. If

the employee is still not satisfied, he/she may submit a letter about this complaint to the

Personnel Committee, which will suggest a resolution. If no resolution is found then the

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Personnel Committee will investigate the employee’s claim. After the investigation the Personnel

Committee will make a decision. That decision is final. In all circumstances no grievances

should last more than five weeks.

4. Termination Procedures

Termination of an employee can be recommended by any Assistant Editor. The final decision

will be up to the Executive Editor. Employees can be fired at any time for any reason due to the

fact that YouthNet is an at-will employment beneficiary. The employee can appeal this decision

to the Personnel Committee within two week of termination.

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Section Five: Job Descriptions

1. Executive Editor

The Executive Editor is the individual who oversees the editorial content of all YouthNet

publications. The Executive Editor is the newsroom leader. The Executive Editor coordinates the

publishing of the news show. A bachelor's degree in journalism or communication and

significant editorial experience are mandatory.

2. Assistant Editor

Each Assistant Editor will be in charge of a one, certain section of the YouthNet program.

Assistant Editors should have superior news judgment to lead our daily news coverage for TV,

web, mobile and social media platforms, proven ability to provide dynamic strategic and tactical

leadership to win story coverage and ratings, knows how to coach and motivate a strong team of

journalists to raise the bar on their newscasts and stories, excels and thrives on leading

aggressive breaking news and severe weather coverage in a highly competitive market, a strong

ethical compass and desire to lead high quality journalism, excellent team builder with strong

people skills, adept at administrative duties including staff scheduling, timesheets, performance

reviews and budgets.

3. Operations Manager

The Operations Manager will be in charge of all payroll, hiring, terminating, recruiting, and

financial operations. The Operations Manager will be in charge of all everyday operations and

make sure that these operations are run smoothly throughout the day. The Operations Manager

will also be in charge of purchasing new equipment, research and development of equipment,

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and the marketing expenses of YouthNet. He/she will also provide sound legal advice to all

employees when needed.

4. Training Specialist

The Training Specialist will specialize in training reporters as well as Assistant Editors. They

will focus on management and interviewing skills and will hold one training session monthly that

will benefit the employees of YouthNet.

5. IT Specialist

IT specialists work with employees over the phone, through email or face to face. It is the IT

specialist's job to walk the person through the steps to fix their computer problem. IT specialists

may also teach people how to use certain computer programs and hardware. They generally work

40 hours a week which can include nights and weekends or being on call.

6. Reporter

A reporter collects and analyzes information about newsworthy events to write news stories for

publication or broadcast. They receive assignments or evaluate news leads and news tips to

develop story idea. They should organize material, determines slant or emphasis, and write story

according to prescribed editorial style and format standards. They may monitor police and fire

department radio communications to obtain story leads. They may also take photographs or shoot

video to illustrate stories and edit, or assist in editing, videos for broadcast.

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Section Six: Safety Regulations

The safety of our employees here at YouthNet is extremely important. If an employee recognizes

a safety violation or hazard they are to immediately report it to their immediate supervisor.

Safety violations and hazards consist of anything that violates the Occupational Safety and

Health Act. The OSH Act protects all private sector employees and is aimed at eliminating, or at

least lessening, safety and health hazards in the workplace.

To establish a violation of a standard, an employee must show the following:

1. An applicable standard exists

2. The standard was not complied with

3. One or more employees were exposed or had access to the hazard

4. YouthNet knew or should have known about the hazard

YouthNet has a general duty to keep all the employees that work for this company safe for harm

and potential hazards. If an employee feels this general duty has been violate he/she should

immediately report it to their direct supervisor.

To establish a violation of the general duty clause, an employee must show:

1. A workplace hazard was allowed to exist

2. The hazard was or should have been recognized by YouthNet

3. The hazard caused or was likely to cause death or serious injury

4. Feasible means exist to abate the hazard and were not used.

YouthNet, however, does not take any responsibility for safety hazards our reporters may

encounter in the course of reporting a story. Any and all violations of the OSH Act that take

place off YouthNet premises are not an issue YouthNet will be responsible for.

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Section Seven: Training and Development

1. All training and development will be done by YouthNet Training Specialists unless approved

by the Executive Editor.

2. All YouthNet employees must also log at least twelve hours of training and development


3. If this requirement is not met YouthNet reserves the right to suspend any employee for any

period of time management feels is necessary.

4. There will be a mandatory harassment class annually for all employees. This will count

towards the twelve hours that is necessary for employment.

5. Training and development classes will be available to all YouthNet employees no matter what

area they work in.

6. Every training and development program will make employees more productive and help them

get ahead in their careers.

7. YouthNet will pay for all training and development sessions that are created or selected by

YouthNet Training Specialists.

8. On-the-job informal training will not count towards the twelve hours required.

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Section Eight: Disciplinary Policies

Upon employment with YouthNet, the following steps will be taken to remedy infractions of

personnel policies or job performance by regular, full-time employees.

1. Written notice of any and all infractions will be immediately delivered to the direct supervisor

of the employee being disciplined.

2. The employee will sign the receipt of the written warning or will be immediately discharged.

3. The employee may attach a written explanation of the situation if desired.

4. The direct supervisor will then bring the written warning to the Executive Editor.

5. The Executive Editor will then decided what to do about the infraction.

6. Any and all written warnings will be stored in the employee’s file within the YouthNet


7. Any employee that has the same infraction three times will be immediately discharged without

compensation or unemployment benefits.

8. YouthNet reserves the right to terminate any employee for any infraction that the Executive

Editor feels deserves necessary termination.

9. Employee’s can appeal a disciplinary action or written warning to the Personnel Committee.
