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Z5 Float Zone

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  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    Lab course Crystal Growth I, Master of Science Crystalline Materials

    Experiment: Float-Zone Growth of Silicon

    Relevant Literature:

    Attached scripts

    J. Bohm, A. Ldge and W. Schrder: Crystal growth by floating zone melting. In: Handbook

    of Crystal Growth 2a, Ed. D.T.J. Hurle (Elsevier/North-Holland, Amsterdam 1994), 213

    K.Th. Wilke and J. Bohm: Kristallzchtung. (VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften,

    Berlin 1988, and under license, Harri Deutsch, Thun 1988).

    W. Keller and A. Mhlbauer: Floating-zone silicon. Vol. 5 of: Preparations and properties ofsolid-state materials, Ed. W.R. Wilcox (Marcel Dekker, NewYork 1981)

    W. G. Pfann: Zone melting. 2nd Ed.(J. Wiley, New York 1966)


    FZ growth of an 8-10mm diameter silicon crystal in a double ellipsoid mirror furnace


    Step 1: Introduction to the furnace and equipment. Observation of an FZ experiment done by

    the advisor (1st day)

    Step 2: Setup of seed and feed rod in the furnace, FZ growth of the crystal (2nd day)

    Experiment protocol: the protocol should contain a brief introduction to the process as well as

    relevant data (material used, power used, growth rate etc.) and a short discussion of the


    Material used: doped (P or As or Sb) silicon, orientation (111) or (100).

    Dangers involved: The process involves high-voltage electricity, vacuum and pressurized

    process chambers and high temperatures. No changes to the equipment are allowed without

    consent of the advisor.

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    MHF description (in


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    2. The floating-zone process

    The general setup of the floating-zone process is shown in fig. 2-1: A

    small free melt (or solution) volume,

    held only by surface tension and

    adhesion, is suspended between the

    growing single crystal and a

    polycrystalline feed rod. Under earth

    conditions, hydrostatic pressure due

    to gravity causes the characteristic

    bottle shape of the zone. Crystal

    growth is achieved by a relative

    movement of the crystal and feed rod

    versus the melt zone, i.e. the heater.

    2.1 History and practical considerations

    The FZ process can be regarded as a special variant of the zone

    melting process invented by Kapitza [Kap28] for the crystal growth of

    bismuth, and later developed by Pfann [Pfa52, Pfa66] with respect to the

    purification (zone refining) and doping (e.g. zone leveling) of semicon-

    ductor material. Zone melting employs a container for the material to be

    processed, usually a long tube, boat or ampoule, and is used in horizontal

    and vertical configurations. A small portion of the material is kept

    molten by a suitable heater which is then moved relative to the material.

    For impurities or dopants with segregation coefficients k=cs/cl 1

    (where cs and cl are the concentrations in the solid and liquid,

    2. The floating-zone process 5

    Fig. 2-1: Schematic drawing ofthe floating-zone process.

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    respectively) a redistribution profile characteristic for the process is

    obtained (fig. 2-2, see chapter 3 for details) with a concentration reduc-

    tion in the first part of the material and a corresponding increase in thelast zone for segregation coefficients k < 1 and vice versa for coefficients

    k > 1. The impurity reduction can be further improved by several zone

    passes (fig. 2-2), including using several heaters at a time. In addition to

    the purification effect, advantage can be taken of the plateau region of

    the initial profile to achieve doping profiles of constant concentration.

    For the same reason, incongruently melting materials can be grown from

    the melt by this process, because after the initial transient the zone has

    the peritectic composition in equilibrium with the solid.

    6 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-2: Calculated (eqs. 3-Iand 3-II) axial dopant segregation curvesor a Si:P crystal (co= 61017cm-3, ko= 0.35) grown by zone melting with a

    zone length of 12mm, for 1 zone pass and 3 zone passes, respectively.

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    In the floating-zone process, the container is omitted and the melt

    zone is suspended between the growing crystal and the feed material as

    shown in figs. 2-1, 2-3 and 2-4. The floating-zone process was firstdescribed and introduced in the fifties, by Theuerer [The52], Keck and

    Golay [Kec53], and Emeis [Eme54]. Its first application was the crystal

    growth of silicon [Kec53] and this remains the dominant industrial appli-

    cation of the process to this day [Zuh89, Boh94]. Nevertheless, within

    the last 40 years a large variety of materials has been grown by this

    method, ranging from semiconductors (fig. 2-3) to refractory metals,

    oxides (fig. 2-4), halides and others (see [Boh94], pages 244, 245,

    247-249 for a comprehensive listing).

    2. The floating-zone process 7

    Fig. 2-3: Silicon (mp: 1410oC)floating zone of 10mm in adouble ellipsoid mirror furnace(see section

    Fig. 2-4: Gadolinium GalliumGarnet (Gd3Ga5O12, GGG, mp:1767oC) floating zone of 4mm in a double ellipsoid mirrorfurnace, from [Ger84]

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    Variations of the process are: a) the standing pedestal method, where

    the feed rod, located at the bottom, is much larger than the crystal above

    it, and the crystal is pulled from a pool of melt at the top of the large rod.This method, introduced by Dash [Das58, Das60] and Poplawsky and

    Thomas [Pop60], can be regarded as a cross between the CZ and the FZ

    technique and is often used for the production of crystalline optical fibers

    (see e.g. [Fei86, Ima95]); a hanging pedestal method, with the positions

    of feed rod and crystal reversed, is also possible. b) the ribbon to ribbon

    technique (RTR) invented by Lesk [Les76] and Gurtler [Gur78] for the

    recrystallization of silicon sheets for photovoltaic applications, uses a

    very asymmetric zone, where the height and the thickness of the zone are

    orders of magnitude smaller than the width. This geometry poses some

    specific problems with regard to dimensional control, interface shape and

    heat transfer [Yec95]. In addition to ribbons, the production of crystal

    tubes by the FZ technique has also been studied [Pfa66, Gle89, Lan94a,

    Lan94b, Hsi96].In principle, it is also possible to substitute the floating melt zone of

    the FZ process by a floating solution zone, resulting in the FSZ (or

    traveling solvent floating zone, TSFZ) method. It can be regarded as a

    derivation of the traveling heater method (THM, see e.g. [Ben79,

    Ben80]) invented by Broder and Wolff [Bro63], similar to the way the

    FZ process was derived from zone melting. The process appears advan-

    tageous with respect to crystal quality, because the lower growth

    temperature leads to a defect reduction, and due to the absence of the

    ampoule wall the stress in the peripheral parts of the crystal is reduced.

    That this effect is indeed possible has been shown by growth experi-

    ments with GaSb crystals from free Ga solutions [Ben80, Ben82].

    A free zone of near peritectic composition may be used for growing

    incongruently melting materials with aggressive fluxes, such as YFe2O4,

    8 2. The floating-zone process

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    Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) [Kim77, Kim78, Kit79, Shi79, Fei88], or high Tc super-

    conductors [Fei88, Gaz88, Gaz89]. Other materials grown from

    (partially) free solvent zones are CaCO3 from a Li2CO3 flux [Bri71,Bel72, Bel76], Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 from a TiO2 flux [Hen74], and LaB6 from

    La or B fluxes [Ota92, Ota93]. Due to the usually slow growth rates of

    solution growth compared to melt growth (mm/day vs. mm/h - mm/min),

    the FSZ process has been used rather seldom.

    Due to the action of gravity on the liquid, the majority of experiments

    is done in a vertical configuration, although horizontal systems employ-

    ing electromagnetic levitation to counteract gravity have been used

    [Pfa56, Pfa66]. For the same reason, the pulling direction of the crystal is

    usually parallel to the gravity vector under earth conditions (compare

    also section 2.2). Exceptions are the standing pedestal method and

    processes with very small zones (e.g. RTR) where the influence of

    gravity on the zone shape is not as important.

    The actual growth equipment differs widely depending on the heaterconcepts (section 2.1.1) and the materials used. For zone translation, it is

    possible to move either the heater or the crystal and feed rod. The first

    solution is preferable in terms of disturbances and mechanical vibrations,

    but the latter allows two independent translation and rotation mecha-

    nisms to achieve a much better control of the zone and interface shapes.

    Especially important is the fact that with two translation drives it is

    possible to employ the necking process first introduced by Dash [Das59]

    and Ziegler [Zie61] for the growth of dislocation-free silicon and germa-

    nium. In this technology, also used in Si-CZ growth, a thin "neck" of

    material is produced by employing a larger translation rate of the crystal

    compared to the feed rod. Dislocations introduced by the seed or the

    thermal shock upon melting propagate to the surface of the crystal and

    2. The floating-zone process 9

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    disappeara; after achieving dislocation-free growth, the crystal diameter

    is increased to its final value. As the critical resolved shear stress neces-

    sary to form new dislocations is much larger than the stress necessary tomultiply existing ones, the crystal remains free of dislocations. This

    process is mainly possible for elemental semiconductors (Si and Ge),

    because their critical resolved shear stress for the formation of new dislo-

    cations is much higher than that of most compound semiconductors. For

    heavy crystals such as in the industrial FZ-Si production, the thin neck

    makes the attachment of an additional supporting mechanism above the

    neck necessary [Boh94].

    As starting material for FZ growth a compact (and preferably cylindri-

    cal) rod is necessary; this can either be obtained from solid (poly)crystal-

    line material prepared by other melt growth processes, deposited from

    the gas phase, or be pressed and/or sintered from powder. In the latter

    case the remaining porosity of the rod has to be taken into account in the

    mass balance, i.e. the pulling speeds of crystal and feed rod. Additionalproblems can arise through the formation of bubbles released from a

    porous feed rod [Ger90] or an absorption of zone material through capil-

    lary action by a feed rod with open porosity. An additional run for

    compacting the material is helpful in these cases, see e.g. [Pfa66, Hig95].

    Employing an oriented seed crystal to achieve single crystal growth is

    the most common method, but it is possible to make a seed selection by

    necking if no single crystal is available.

    For the translation/rotation mechanisms, avoiding mechanical vibra-

    tions is of paramount importance; floating zones are very effective vibra-

    tion sensors. Likewise, the resonance frequencies of the growth

    equipment should be far from those of the zone (the latter are usually in

    10 2. The floating-zone process

    a an exception are orientations where the directions of growth and dislocation

    movement coincide, such as [110] in the diamond lattice.

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    the range of 0.1 to 10 Hz, depending on the size and material) and the

    crystal. Otherwise, resonance in the system can lead to a disruption of a

    zone near its stability limit, or even break the crystal in the neckingregion [Boh94].

    Control signals used for automation include image analysis of video

    pictures, scanning of the zone and crystal shapes by lasers, absorption of

    radiation from a radioactive source [ Aut75, Lub86], or analysis of the

    torque when employing differential rotation [Que75, Lub86]. Weighing

    the crystal and/or the feed rod, as in some Czochralski systems, is not

    very common. Manual control and observation of the zone, especially in

    the critical phases of seeding, necking, and increasing the diameter is

    still widely employed.

    2. The floating-zone process 11

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    2.1.1 Heater concepts

    The fact that only a small volume of the material to be processed isheated to temperatures above melting point (mp), and that usually no

    other material must be heated, allows for a much larger than usual

    variety of furnace types for the FZ process. A rough classification leads

    to the main groups of radiation heating (fig. 2-5), high frequency heating

    (fig. 2-21), electron beam and plasma heating (fig. 2-24), and direct

    heating (figs. 2-26, 2-27).

    12 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-5: Radiation heating methods: (a) electrical resistance heating,(b) heating by focused light, employing either an ellipsoidal mirror(top) or two parabolic mirrors (bottom), (c) laser heating (adaptedfrom [Car91]); E is a conventional beam expander and A an axicon-based ring beam expander.

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    16/113 Radiation heating

    Radiation heating includes the classic resistance heater concept,heating by focused light (image/mirror furnaces), and laser heating. Fig.

    2-5 illustrates the principles of these methods. Resistance heating

    Resistance heating furnaces for floating-zone processes can be

    anything from a simple ringwire as in fig. 2-5a to elaborate versions withseveral central heaters, cooling rings, isothermal heaters and after heaters

    as in the so-called zone melting facility (ZMF) shown in fig. 2-6. The

    more elaborate furnaces allow the individual tailoring of the temperature

    profile for a given material system, e.g. an optimization of the axial

    temperature gradient with respect to growth conditions at the interface

    and with respect to thermal stress in the grown crystal region. Most resis-

    tance heating elements are made either from Kanthal (operating tempera-

    tures up to 1200oC) or from PtRh alloys (usual operating temperatures up

    to 1400oC). For higher temperatures, resistance heating is more difficult,

    possible heating elements being made from Pt/Ir, MoSi2 (Super Kanthal),

    SiC, or carbon (graphite, CFC, or carbon on BN), the latter requiring an

    inert gas atmosphere or vacuum for operation.

    A major drawback of most resistance heaters with operating tempera-tures above approximately 800oC is that visual control of the melt zone,

    either directly or via some optical and/or electronic system, is nearly

    impossible or leads to a significant disturbance of the thermal field. This

    problem complicates crystal growth considerably, as the knowledge of

    the zone shape is vital for the control of the process (see section 2.2).

    Under such circumstances, one has to rely on temperature information

    2. The floating-zone process 13

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    from the heating elements, experience and/or numerical simulations of

    the heat transfer in the system for optimizing control parameters. Heater

    control itself is easily achieved with thermocouples and the usual PID

    controllers; for high precision requirements (relative accuracies of

    14 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-6: Concept of the zone melting furnace ZMF developed by theaerospace company Dornier, after [Beh89, Len90, Sch92].

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    0.01K), optical fiber thermometry of the heating elements can be used

    [Dol95]. Imaging furnaces

    Imaging furnaces using focused light are a rather special type of heater

    with a distinct set of advantages and limitations. They can be very

    energy efficient, there is no principal limit to processing temperatures,

    and the visual control of the zone and the crystal growth process is excel-

    lent. On the other hand, temperature measurements during growth are

    practically impossible. The temperature in the heating elements (i.e. the

    lamps) is only indirectly related to the sample temperature, and contact-

    less measurement of the sample temperature by pyrometry is also nearly

    impossible due to the much higher level of light reflected versus radia-

    tion emitted from the sample [Eye77, Eye81]. Information on the

    temperature field can only be obtained from special measuring samples

    with incorporated temperature sensors, and from numerical simulations.

    Starting in the fifties and sixties [Wei56, Bau59, Koo61], different

    imaging furnaces have been developed over the years for floating-zone

    applications, e.g. [Fie68, Aka69, Tri70, Sau71, Cox72, Ars73a, Ars73b,

    Miz74, Kit77, Eye77, Eye79, Eye81, Bal81, Bed84, Car84, Car86a,

    Len90, Mat92, Bal93], some of them for microgravity experiments on

    manned and unmanned space flights (compare figs. 2-7, 2-8, 2-10 and

    2-16). The original rationale for preferring image furnaces for that appli-

    cation was the absence of electromagnetic interference in comparison to

    radio frequency heating (section and, in comparison to resistance

    heating, the small weight and volume in relation to the maximum

    temperature obtainable. At the moment, commercial systems specifically

    designed for floating-zone growth are available from three different

    2. The floating-zone process 15

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    16 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-7: Monoellipsoid mirror furnace ELLI developed at the Crystal-lographic Institute in Freiburg [Eye81, Eye84], with half-axes 80mmand 90mm. Furnaces with the same internal geometry have been flownon several sounding rocket campaigns (TEXUS, module TEM02-ELLI) and the Spacelab mission D1 (MEDEA-ELLI, old version).Compare fig. 2-8. Also shown is an ampoule for the FZ growth of Si.

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    companies, NEC and Tsukuba Asgal in Japan, and the Moscow Power

    Engineering Institute in Russia. Practically all mirror furnaces employ

    catoptric, not refractive or catadioptric elements because the geometric

    efficiency of lenses is quite limited [Eye77] and the heat exposure of the

    optical elements excludes most refractive materials except fused quartzor sapphire.

    Either ellipsoidal or parabolic mirrors (or a combination of both) are

    used to focus the light from one or several lamps as shown in fig. 2-5b.

    Monoellipsoidal mirrors as in figs. 2-7/2-8 have a better efficiency

    because nearly all of the light is focused onto the sample; parabolic

    mirrors do not use the radiation not reflected by the first mirror shell, but

    2. The floating-zone process 17

    Fig. 2-8: The monoellipsoid mirror furnace ELLI, half-axes 80/90mm.Left: Laboratory version plus an additional mirror shell at the bottom.

    Right: Module TEM02 for experiments on sounding rockets (TEXUSprogram), built by the aerospace company ERNO.

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    have the advantage that the distance between the foci is variable. A

    somewhat better efficiency of parabolic mirrors or of ellipsoidal reflec-

    tors using only partial ellipsoids [Ars73a, Ray88] is possible by theintroduction of an additional hemispherical mirror as shown in fig. 2-9.

    Another division can be made between furnaces where the sample axis

    and the main axis of the furnace coincide, and furnaces where the main

    axis is at 90o to the sample axis. The former concept as shown in figs.

    2-5b, 2-7 and 2-9 allows a very good rotational symmetry of the radia-

    tion field (i.e. the thermal field), but the accommodation of different

    translation mechanisms for the feed rod and the crystal is quite difficult

    (e.g. see the construction in [Bed84]) and the maximum processing

    length is usually limited to a value smaller than the distance of the two

    foci. In this type of furnace, ampoules are necessary to fix the feed rod

    and the growing crystal (fig. 2-7). With the second type of construction,

    the processing length is only limited by the translation mechanisms, but

    the thermal symmetry is degraded considerably, making crystal rotationa necessity. Often several mirrors are combined to alleviate the thermal

    asymmetry as in the double-ellipsoid mirror furnace in figs. 2-10 and

    18 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-9: Image furnace with twoparabolic mirrors and ahemispherical additional mirror,1/4 the diameter of the mainmirrors, to increase the solidangle from W=5.9sr to 11.2sr.The additional mirror, if activelycooled, also shields the top of thesample from direct radiation,thus improving the axialtemperature gradient.

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    2. The floating-zone process 19

    Fig. 2-10: Double ellipsoid mirror furnace MHF [Eye77, Eye79],developed at the Crystallographic Institute in Freiburg, with half-axes80mm and 90mm. A furnace with the same internal geometry has beenflown on the Spacelab missions FSLP (MSDR-MHF) and D1(WL-MHF). Compare also fig. 2-11.

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    2-11; this allows also an increase in available heating power. For ellip-

    soidal mirrors, however, the good efficiency is reduced because the

    radiation directly emitted from one lamp into a different ellipsoid is not

    focused and lost. A limitation to two joined ellipsoids has been shown to

    be the best compromise [Eye77, Eye79]. A furnace where a part of an

    ellipse is not rotated around the major axis but an axis perpendicular to it

    (fig. 2-12) can also be regarded as part of this group, or as a cross

    between a ring resistance heater and an image furnace. The rotational

    symmetry of such a furnace should be quite good, but, probably due to

    the manufacturing difficulties of making and supporting the heating

    element and the mirrors, only a few constructions have been reported to

    date [Dav78, Quo93]. The latter, used for the crystal growth of Ge and

    Bi12GeO20, employed a Super Kanthal resistance heating element,

    because it does not need as many mechanical supports as a filament.

    Mirrors are usually machined from metal, e.g. aluminum alloys (such

    as Al with 3% Mg), brass, or steel. The inner surface has to be polished

    and can either be used as is (aluminum alloy mirrors) or is electrolyti-

    cally coated with gold (reflectances see fig. 2-13). Silver, although

    20 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-11:Laboratoryversion of thedouble-ellip- soidmirror furnace(MHF-L).

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    having the best reflectance, is avoided due to its unfavorable tarnishing


    If processing in air is not possible, the processing atmosphere can be

    provided by the furnace volume itself in the case of closed mirror

    furnaces with vacuumtight feedthroughs, or by additional transparentcontainers, e.g. ampoules or fused quartz tubes. Transparent pressurized

    vessels for up to 107 Pa have been reported [Bal81].

    2. The floating-zone process 21

    Fig. 2-12: Schematicview of a float-zonefurnace with ellipti-cal reflector. Such afurnace was devel-oped and built byCANMET for thegrowth of Ge andBi12GeO20 crystals[Quo93]. It employsa MoSi2 (SuperKanthal) heating


    Fig. 2-13: Reflectivity ofseveral mirror materialsrom 200 to 4000nm

    (after [Nau87]).

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    Although some of the first furnaces developed employed carbon arcs

    [Koo61], the light sources mostly used today are either tungsten halogen

    lamps of the order of 0.5-1.5kW (fig. 2-14) or Xenon arc lamps up to

    10kW for high power requirements [Kit77, Bal81]. In the latter case, the

    spectral distribution of the radiation has to be taken from the manufac-

    turer's data. The spectral intensity I of thermal radiators such as tungsten

    filaments is given by :

    (2-I)I(,T) = (,T) $ Ib(,T)

    where e=spectral and temperature dependent emissivity of the material,

    =frequency, T=absolute temperature, and Ib=spectral intensity of a

    black body radiator given by Planck's law:

    22 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-14: Tungsten halogen lampstypically used in mirror furnaces.Left: Special development (Sylva-nia A 708, 36V, 450W). Right:Commercial type normally usedfor studio lighting, available fromseveral vendors (FEL1000, 120V,1000W).

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    (2-II)Ib(,T) =2$hc2



    k$T 1

    where h=Planck's constant, c=speed of light, k=Boltzmann's constant,

    other symbols as above.

    In all cases where lamp bulbs made of fused quartz are employed,

    wavelengths shorter than 0.2m or longer than 4m are cut off. For

    borosilicate glass the transparent region ranges only from 0.35 to 2.5m.

    The filaments or arcs should be as small and isometric as possible, as

    the focusing properties degrade rapidly for nonfocal/nonparaxial rays

    (fig. 2-15) due to the strong coma in parabolic and elliptic mirrors

    [Ray88]. Optical aberrations are more pronounced for strongly curved

    surfaces, i.e. for ellipsoids with an axes ratio

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    Feedback control of image furnaces is uncommon, because no usable

    temperature signal can be obtained from the zone without difficulties

    [Eye77, Eye81]. Theoretically, pyrometric measurements can be made in

    the far infrared where the radiation from the lamp is cut off by the fused

    quartz bulbs , but this would exclude any ampoules or fused quartz tubes

    around the sample or fused quartz/glass windows in the furnace. A

    24 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-15: Focusing properties of differently shaped parabolic andellipsoidal mirrors for focal rays and rays at axial positions 5mmfrom the focus; shown are three rays 15o apart on each side for eachposition. f is the distance from the focal point to the apex of the mirror.The progressive coma for strongly curved geometries is clearly visible.

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    chopper in front of the lamps is also not practical [Eye77]. The zone is

    usually controlled by visual observation of the zone and manual regula-

    tion of the power. If automatic processing must be used as in unmanned

    space flights, an optimum parameter set (power/translation/rotation) isfirst established by test runs and then executed automatically. A control

    loop regulates either the lamp power (or voltage if the lamp resistance

    can be assumed to be time independent) or the light intensity measured

    by photodiodes pointing at the filament. Light intensity control takes into

    account changes of the light output not only related to voltage fluctua-

    tions and filament resistance, but also to the discoloration of the lamp

    2. The floating-zone process 25

    Fig. 2-16: Paraboloid -ellipsoid mirror furnacedeveloped by theaerospace companyDornier (MEDEA- ELLI,2nd version). The foci ofthe two outer parabo-loids coincide with thefoci of the center ellip-soid. The lower focus isan annulus of 20mm .This furnace was

    successfully used on theSpacelab mission D2and, under the nameCFZF, on theSPACEHAB-4 mission.

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    bulb, or the higher light intensity under microgravity, caused by the

    absence of convective gas cooling of the filament [Eye84]. Due to the

    very nature of closed mirror furnaces, however, the photodiode signalcan be quite susceptible to changes of the light reflected back from the

    sample towards the lamp, such as changes of the zone shape. Light inten-

    sity measurement devices employing diffusers and beamsplitters are

    possible in open mirror furnaces and are better suited for control [Bal81].

    With modern computing techniques, a control loop using the zone shape

    or height determined by image analyzers might be possible, but has not

    been reported yet. With reflecting samples, the many reflections and

    backreflections in a mirror furnace (fig. 2-3 and frontispiece) make

    automatic detection of the interfaces difficult.

    The power of incandescent lamps can of course be varied between

    zero and full power, but most arc lamps allow changes of the light inten-

    sity only in a small power range (usually 3/4 to full power). In this case,

    or when a constant color temperature is desired with incandescent lamps,the light flux can be controlled by an aperture in certain geometries (see


    Temperature gradients are mainly determined by the geometries of the

    furnace, the filament, and the sample, as well as the optical and thermal

    coefficients of the solid and liquid sample material. The direct radiation

    of the lamp onto the sample top in monoellipsoid furnaces and the focus-

    ing properties lead to a considerable flattening of the temperature gradi-

    ent at the upper interface (fig. 2-17). A small absorber or reflector

    mounted between the tips of lamp and sample like the hemispherical

    mirror in fig. 2-9 can reduce this effect. It needs to be actively cooled,

    though, because otherwise it will heat up and emit radiation itself

    [Wat94]. A small (1-5mm) defocusing of the lamp towards the apex of

    the ellipsoid also steepens the temperature profile between the focus and

    26 2. The floating-zone process

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    the center of the ellipsoid (fig. 2-17), because it diminishes the amount

    of defocused rays coming from parts of the filament located nearer to the

    furnace center (green rays in fig. 2-15) in favor of rays coming from near

    the apex (blue rays in fig. 2-15). The latter are better focused, but can

    lead to a second focus below the original one for certain defocusing

    distances [Dol94]. Paraboloidal mirrors with moderate curvature allow a

    steeper axial gradient at the expense of efficiency. Trying to get the best

    of both concepts, a mirror furnace using a combination of two parabo-

    loids and an ellipsoid (fig. 2-16) has been built by the aerospace

    company Dornier [Len90]. It was successfully used on the Spacelab

    mission D2 in 1993 for the floating zone growth of GaAs crystals (mp:

    2. The floating-zone process 27

    Fig. 2-17: Numerical simulations of the axial temperature profiles in theELLI furnace (fig. 2-8) with the A708 lamp at 100W for a graphitesample of 15mm diameter and 140mm length. The conductive andconvective heat transport by the surrounding argon is taken intoaccount, from [Wat94].

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    1238oC) with 20mm diameter at 600W lamp power [Cr94b, Her95], and

    for several other materials on the SPACEHAB-4 mission in 1996.

    Temperature gradients are also determined by the reflectance, trans-mittance and emittance values of the materials in relation to the radiation

    spectrum on one hand and by thermal conductivities, dimensions,

    convection and the latent heat of melting/solidification on the other hand.

    A further description is given in section 2.2.2. It should be noted,

    however, that the position of the temperature maximum in mirror

    furnaces, sometimes called "thermal focus", is usually not located at the

    geometric focus, but a few mm towards the center of the ellipsoid.

    One important peculiarity of radiation heating, especially image

    furnaces and laser heating systems, is the feedback between the heating

    power absorbed and the change of absorption and reflection coefficients

    28 2. The floating-zone process







    0.060.04Al2O3 /Sapphire(633nm)









    Table 2-a: Optical material parameters in the solid (index s) and liquid(index l ) state for several materials. r: reflectivity, e: emissivity, a:

    absorption coefficient. The s and s values are for smooth surfaces.Value ranges indicate temperature dependent measurements. Note thatthe absorption coefficient is used here, not the absorptance equivalent tothe emittance (=emissivity for opaque materials with smooth surfaces).VIS: visible range of the spectrum.

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    upon melting. For some materials, these coefficients change considerably

    at the melting point (table 2-a). In figs. 2-3 and 2-4 one can easily see the

    substantial increase of the reflectivity of silicon and of the absorptioncoefficient (color change) of GGG upon melting, respectively.

    The first case, i.e. the increase in reflectivity of an opaque substance

    upon melting, leads to the formation of a pattern of crystallographically

    oriented droplets and solid material (fig. 2-18) on the surface at melting

    temperature [Cel84, Cel85, Jac85]. By this, the system adjusts the

    macroscopic average reflectivity in such a way that the melting tempera-

    ture is maintained despite the changes in absorption coefficient at the

    phase transition. In other words, between the point where the surface

    starts melting and the point where the whole surface is molten, a substan-

    tial increase in heating power is necessary to allow for the reduction of

    the absorptivity, in addition to the latent heat required. The droplets at

    the interface are not stable, but move and coalesce in the temperature

    2. The floating-zone process 29

    Fig. 2-18: Droplet formation on melting silicon rods (8mm ) in amirror furnace. Left: free surface, right: covered by SiO2 , showing

    triangular melt areas following crystallographic directions.

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    gradient due to surface tension effects, and due to gravity. This often

    gives the impression, especially with high translation rates at the feed

    rod interface, that the material is "boiling", and can introduce someirregular vibrations of the zone. These effects are enhanced for materials

    where superheating of the solid is possible, such as many semiconduc-

    tors [Wen78]. Apart from the movements, this change of reflectivity is

    advantageous in general in that it leads to a self-stabilization of the

    system; it damps the effect of a perturbation or an asymmetry of the

    radiative flux, unavoidable in real systems, on the energy flux into the

    sample (i.e. on the zone height and shape, the temperature distribution).

    Materials with a higher absorption coefficient of the melt than of the

    solid such as many oxides show the opposite effect. Upon the formation

    of the melt zone, the power must be decreased, and asymmetries in the

    30 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-19: Axial incident power distribution at the surface of a GaSbsample of 10mm in the TEM-02 ELLI furnace at 90W total power,

    calculated with and without secondary radiation. From [Wat94].

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    external radiation/temperature field can be amplified considerably.

    Constant attention is necessary for the control of these melt zones.

    The complex interplay between the different material parameters,

    temperatures, convective flows and the geometry as listed in table 2-b

    leads to difficulties in determining the temperature fields in mirror

    furnaces. Due to the recent progress in computing, numerical simulations

    by finite element methods are able to predict reasonably well some

    aspects of the processb; with some simplifications (i.e. only one

    2. The floating-zone process 31

    b The results in [Kai93, Dol94, Wat94] were obtained by combining a program

    (ELLI, see [Dol94]) calculating the radiation field of the mirror furnace (includingsecondary radiation, multiple reflections, diffuse reflections, wavelength as a

    function of the reflectivity) with the commercial finite element program FIDAP fora global numerical simulation of the temperature field in the furnace, including the

    heat conductivity of the furnace atmosphere.

    xLatent heat

    xxxConvectiveheat transport












    Crystal/feed rod


    Table 2-b: Parameters influencing the temperature field in a mirrorheating system; except for the geometry and the latent heat, the parame-

    ters themselves may be temperature dependent.

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    reflection at the mirror) analytical methods are also a possibility [Riv92,

    Hay96). For example, numerical simulations have shown that the secon-

    dary radiation, i.e. the radiation emitted by the sample, cannot beneglected in calculating the temperature field in mirror furnaces, as

    shown in fig. 2-19 [Kra85, Dol94, Wat94]. A similar result was obtained

    by a recent analytical study [Hay96]. Numerical simulations as well as

    analytical calculations depend, however, on the availability of reliable

    thermophysical data. For a lot of systems, even well-known materials

    such as silicon, these are not available with the necessary accuracy

    (compare section 3.1.2). Therefore, a check against experimental results

    is nearly always necessary.

    32 2. The floating-zone process

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone

    36/113 Laser heating

    Laser heating shares many aspects with the image furnaces described

    above. This includes the good visual control, the in principle unlimited

    temperature range, no general limitations for the processing atmosphere,

    and the effects associated with the change of reflectivity and absorption

    coefficient at the melting point. Due to their monochromatic nature, and

    in contrast to mirror furnaces, laser heaters allow straightforward

    pyrometric temperature measurements. Secon- dary radiation does not

    influence the temperature profile considerably unless radiation shields

    are used. Automatic diameter control, e.g. with a second laser at a differ-

    ent wavelength [Fej84], is also easier than in mirror furnaces. The energy

    efficiency of laser furnaces, however, is not very good compared to

    mirror furnaces, starting with a low electrooptical conversion efficiency,

    e.g. 10% for a CO2 laser [Car91]. The available optical power is then

    further reduced in the optical system (beam expander, mirrors) by

    2. The floating-zone process 33

    Fig. 2-20: Axiconbased laser heatingsystem for pedestalgrowth, employingonly catoptricelements to producea ringfocus. A:axicon mirror, P:parabolic mirror.After [Fej84] and[Fei86].

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    reflection and absorption losses. Typically, 4-10 optical surfaces are

    necessary in advanced systems. Additional pre- and afterheaters are

    sometimes used to reduce the necessary laser power. Although all typesof lasers providing the power at an appropriate wavelength might be

    used, the cw CO2 laser with a wavelength of 10.6 m is the predominant

    type. This is due to the fact that oxides, the material group where laser

    heating furnaces are most often applied, are opaque at this wavelength.

    The same reason precludes the use of this laser for standard ampoule or

    tube materials (SiO2, Al2O3) as sample containment if processing in an

    oxidi- zing atmosphere is not possible. Therefore lasers with wavelength

    in the VIS or near IR, such as YAG-Nd3+ lasers with =1.06m, are also


    The use of lasers for floating-zone growth was started in 1969 by

    Eickhoff and Grs [Eic69] with the growth of ruby crystals and has

    continued over the years, see e.g. [Gas70, Tak77, Bur77, Gur78, Kim79,

    Dre80, Elw85, Car91, Che95, Che96]. The main application in recentyears has been for pulling optical single crystal fibers by the pedestal

    method, e.g. [Fej84, Fei86, Fei88, Tan88, Nas90, Til91, Yan91, Ima95].

    Early designs employed a single laser or several lasers directed at the

    zone (sometimes with beamsplitter and mirrors, see e.g. [Gas70]), result-

    ing in strongly asymmetric temperature profiles. For a good rotational

    symmetry, axicon optics as shown in fig. 2-5 or fig. 2-20 are employed

    [Fei86, Car91]. A catoptric focusing system as in fig. 2-20 does not pose

    any difficulties for cooling the optical elements and, at the CO2 laser

    wavelength, more materials than the ones listed in fig. 2-13 are available

    as mirrors (e.g., molybdenum has a reflectivity of 98% at this

    wavelength). Another possibility is the use of a catadioptric system as

    shown in fig. 2-5. The refractive elements can be made of GaAs, ZnSe

    (Irtran4) for =10.6m; Si or Ge are not suitable for high power CO2

    34 2. The floating-zone process

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    lasers due to absorption bands (Si) or thermal runaway (Ge) [Kar93].

    The high refractive index of these materials (n=2.43 for ZnSe, n=3.28 for

    GaAs at 10.6m) leads to a considerable loss of power by reflection(17% for ZnSe) and makes antireflection coatings a necessity. An analy-

    sis by Carlberg [Car91] showed that only 50% of the power leaving the

    laser is absorbed by the sample (Al2O3), and 900W of electrical power

    (equivalent to 58W laser power reaching the sample) was needed to form

    a floating zone in 10mm LiNbO3 (mp: 1260oC) rods. Tilting of optical

    elements might be used for moving the zone without sample translation


    The axial temperature gradient in laser heated floating zones is

    normally rather high (up to 1000K/cm [Fei88]) if the profile of the laser

    beam is maintained or focused by the optical system. This can be advan-

    tageous with respect to high possible growth rates [Fei86, Fei88], but

    also introduces higher thermal stress in the crystal and strong, time-

    dependent thermocapillary convection in the zone (chapter 3). If thesedisadvantages outweigh the benefits of a high pulling rate, the axial

    gradient (as well as the interface curvature) can be changed by additional

    pre- and afterheaters, thermal shields around the sample, defocusing of

    the beam profile by the optical system, the use of several laser/axicon

    systems for producing concentric ring beams [Car91], or a combination

    of these approaches.

    2. The floating-zone process 35

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone

    39/113 High frequency heating

    Heating by high frequency (HF) is one of the major methods of

    floating-zone growth. HF heating with frequencies between several

    100kHz and a few 100Mhz is referred to as radio frequency (RF)

    heating, with frequencies from 0.5 to several GHz as microwave heating.

    It is based either on induction heating for conductive or ferromagnetic

    materials or on capacitive heating for dielectrics such as organic materi-

    als, the former being the predominant type of operation. Industrial float-

    zone processing is almost exclusively done by RF induction heating.

    In induction heating, the charge is surrounded by the HF carrying coil

    and the heating effect is due to the resistance heating by the induced

    eddy currents in the material. The setup is similar to an electric trans-

    former with the sample as a single turn secondary coil. Additional

    heating due to magnetic losses (hysteresis losses) occurs only in ferro-

    magnetic materials below the Curie point and is usually of no practicalimportance for crystal growth. Typical frequencies range from 400kHz

    to 5MHz and the maximum resistivity of the sample should be below

    100cm. For materials such as undoped semiconductors or salts, where

    the conductivity of the material is sufficiently high only above certain

    temperatures, the initial heating must be done by an additional heater,

    e.g. by radiation heating. This can also be achieved by introducing

    temporarily an additional charge (e.g. a metal or graphite ring) which in

    turn heats the sample by radiation and/or heat conduction until the

    sample conductivity is high enough to absorb a sufficient amount of the

    induced energy.

    In principle, processing can be done both under vacuum or with a gas

    atmosphere. When using a gaseous atmosphere, e.g. to reduce the evapo-

    ration of material, the voltage between the coil turns and/or the coil and

    2. The floating-zone process 35

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    the - usually grounded - sample should not exceed the breakdown

    voltage for the given gas species and pressure to avoid corona discharges

    or arcing. Argon and hydrogen, in contrast to helium, have suitably high

    breakdown voltages; in the case of Ar, a small addition of N2 is helpful

    in this respect [Boh94]. At the cost of efficiency, the inductor coil and

    the sample can be separated by a nonconducting container, e.g. to avoid

    condensation of evaporated material onto the cooled coil.

    Several other boundary conditions must be considered in the heater

    construction and choice of frequencies, namely zone dimensions, heating

    efficiency, skin depth, and the electrodynamic pressure.

    Heating efficiency is determined by the coupling between the sample

    and the primary coil; the coil shape should preferably follow the sample

    shape as closely as possible. Furthermore, the resonant resistance of the

    oscillator should be matched to the impedance of the sample, the former

    given by (after [Sha80a]):



    where Q=circuit quality factor=reactance/resistance, C=circuit capaci-

    tance and 0=resonance frequency= , L being the circuit1/(2 $ L $C)


    Due to the self induction effect, the current distribution is not constant

    across the sample diameter, but follows

    (2-IV)I= I0 $ exsk

    36 2. The floating-zone process

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    where I0=current at the sample surface, x=depth below the sample

    surface, sk=skin depth, the depth at which the current is 1/e of the

    surface current.

    The skin depth is dependent on the frequency as well as the resistivity

    and permeability of the sample and can be calculated by



    where =resistivity, =frequency, r=relative permeability (close to 1

    for most melts), 0=absolute permeability=4 10-7 Vs/Am.

    For high frequencies (MHz), the heat is thus generated in a very thin

    layer and then distributed by heat conduction and convection. For silicon

    and a frequency of 2.4MHz, sk is about 292m [Boh94]. Consequently,

    the sample resistance is no longer inversely proportional to the cross

    section, but to the circumference of the sample. For the same reason,

    tubes instead of wires can be used as primary coils without increasing

    resistance losses; in addition, they allow very efficient water cooling.

    Arcing problems and sufficient cooling of the primary coil must also

    be considered in the choice of the operating frequencies [Gup78],

    because for a given power the RF voltage goes up with 3/4 and the

    current goes down with 1/4 [Kel81]. Fig. 2-21 shows some possibilities

    for coil geometries: a) is the basic single turn coil, b) to f) are different

    possibilities for multiple turn coils, which allow higher currents in the

    sample in proportion to their number of turns. Case 2-21b, sometimes

    called a pancake coil, allows a better concentration of energy at the

    expense of efficiency, whereas 2-21c gives better coupling, but the

    2. The floating-zone process 37

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    induced current is spread over a larger area. Case 2-21f is similar to

    2-21c, but makes use of an additional watercooled concentrator to focus

    the induced currents.

    An important aspect of induction heating is the presence of the

    Lorentz force (eq. 3-XXXV), which for the case of induction heating can

    be written as [Mh83]:

    (2-VI)FL =

    2H2 +(H)H

    with H=magnetic field strength, =0r=permeability.

    The resulting electrodynamic pressure, a repulsive force between the

    induction coil and the zone, can be used to support larger zones than

    usually possible. Fig. 2-21d shows a possible shape for a levitating coil.

    The electrodynamic pressure is inversely proportional to the square root

    of the frequency (eq. 2-XXXVI, section 2.2.3), so lower frequencies

    would allow a larger levitating effect. If, due to other considerations, thepossible frequency range for the heating coil is limited to higher values

    [Gup78, Kel81], a setup with two independent coils, one mainly for

    heating, one mainly for levitation, can be used (fig. 2-21e).

    The electrodynamic pressure is also utilized in a special coil configu-

    ration called needle-eye technique (fig. 2-22). Industrial FZ growth of

    silicon is almost exclusively done with this setup. The large single turn

    "pancake" coil has an inner diameter which is considerably smaller than

    the diameters of both the feed rod and the growing crystal. It usually

    consists of two parts, electrically separated by a ground connection (gray

    section in fig. 2-22), to halve the voltage between the coil and ground,

    and thus reduce arcing problems [Kel81]. For the same reason, compara-

    tively high currents (above 1000A [Kel81]) are employed, necessitating

    very good cooling. For silicon, the electrodynamic pressure of this

    38 2. The floating-zone process

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    arrangement allows an approximate doubling of the length of a floating

    zone to values of about 30mm. In addition, the diameter of the liquid is

    considerably reduced at the center by being compressed through the

    "needle-eye", thus enabling absorption of energy not only at the circum-

    ference of the rods as it would be the case in the arrangements of fig.

    2-21, but also close to the solid-melt interfaces. The crystal interface

    shape is mostly concave or w-shaped with this arrangement and theaspect ratio external zone height/zone diameter can be much smaller than

    usual (compare chapters 2.2.2 and 2.2.3). For FZ-silicon, the maximum

    industrially produced diameter is now 150mm (6") [Zuh89].

    The coil inner diameter and the coil contours influence the interface

    shape (and the radial segregation) to a large extent [Kel81, Mh83,

    Rie95, Mh95]. For disk-shaped coils with rectangular cross section,

    2. The floating-zone process 39

    Fig. 2-21: Different coil configurations for RF heating. a: single-turn

    coil b: pancake coil c: multiple turn coil d: levitating coil e: two

    separate coils, the upper single-turn coil for heating, the lower three-

    turn coil for levitation f: coil with concentrator. After [Sch64, Jon74,

    Sha80a, Sha80b]; compare text.

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    thinner disks appear to be advantageous [Kel81]. Steps at the coil

    bottom, as well as coils with a wedge-shaped cross section (fig. 2-22)

    tend to flatten the lower interface due to an afterheater effect [Kel81].

    Further optimization leads to coil shapes with rather complicated cross

    sections [Rie95]. Another possibility to influence the interface shape -

    apart from the introduction of separate afterheaters - is a deviation from

    circular symmetry, by moving the crystal axis laterally with respect to

    the feed rod and zone axis (eccentric needle-eye float-zone technique

    [Kel81]), by moving the coil to an eccentric position with respect to the

    crystal and feed rod [Sch89], by using elliptic shapes for the coil

    openings [Sch89], or a combination of these.

    In addition to the control concepts mentioned in section 2.1, one can

    also use the feedback signals from the tuned heater circuit in the case of

    induction heating, because any changes in the shape and size of the

    40 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-22: Schematic view of a single turn watercooled RF heating

    coil for needle-eye floating-zone growth.

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    crystal as well as the zone change the inductance of the system and thus

    the position of the resonance curve (fig. 2-23). For a given system,

    thermal or mechanical self-stabilization can be achieved by an appropri-

    ate choice of the frequency [Kel81]: For materials with a negative

    temperature coefficient of the resistivity, a fixed workpoint at a on the

    inductive slope of the resonance curve leads to thermal stabilization,

    because a temperature increase leads to a higher conductivity and thus to

    a smaller inductance, which shifts the resonance frequency 0 to higher

    values (black curve -> gray curve in fig. 2-23). By this shift, the coil

    voltage (i.e. the power) goes down, moving from a to a'. For materials

    with positive temperature coefficients of the resistivity, a workpoint on

    the capacitive slope gives thermal stabilization. In both cases, a mechani-

    cal stabilization is possible with a fixed workpoint at b on the capacitive

    slope; any movement of the melt or crystal towards the coil increases the

    power (the voltage goes from b to b') and thus the electrodynamic

    pressure at this point .Capacitive heating of insulators by high frequency electromagnetic

    radiation utilizes the interaction of the alternating electric field with the

    dielectric polarization of the material. Heating is only possible when, due

    to relaxation of dipoles, a phase difference between the electric field

    vector and the polarization vector is present. The amount of heating is

    governed by the loss factor of the dielectric, which is the imaginary

    part of the frequency dependent complex dielectric constant :

    (2-VII)& = i$

    Possible contributions to the polarization of a material are electronic

    polarization, atomic polarization, dielectric polarization and, for hetero-

    geneous systems, the so-called Maxwell-Wagner polarization due to

    2. The floating-zone process 41

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    charge build-up at interfaces. The contribution of the first two to the loss

    factor are in the VIS and IR; this leaves the dielectric polarization losses

    (sometimes called reorientation losses), and conductivity losses for the

    heating of a single phase system with high frequency. The useful

    frequency range is considerably higher than that of induction heating,

    ranging from radio frequencies of 30MHz [Sha80a] to microwaves of

    several GHz [Sch64, Met88]. The heating efficiency is given by the total

    power loss w in the dielectric, which is given by [Sha80a]:

    (2-VIII)w= U2 $C$* $

    42 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-23: Schematic voltage (power) - frequency diagram for two

    different resonance curves of a tuned RF heater circuit (after [Kel81]).

    Workpointa gives thermal stabilization, workpointb mechanical stabili-

    zation of the zone. See text for details.

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    where U=voltage, C=capacitance, =rotational frequency, =dielectric

    loss factor.

    For a given frequency, the maximum power for capacitive heating, i.e.

    the maximum voltage, is given by the electric breakdown limit of the

    material. For frequencies in the microwave range, i.e. above 0.5GHz, a

    wired circuit such as a coil cannot be used. The microwave radiation,

    usually generated by a klystron or magnetron, is transferred to the

    sample by a waveguide. A concentration of the microwave energy is

    possible by designing the growth chamber as a resonant cavity [Met88].

    It should be mentioned that in magnetic materials a magnetic loss

    factor of the complex permeability * might contribute to heating

    [Met88]. The effect, not to be mistaken with hysteresis losses, is caused

    by domain wall and/or electron spin resonance in the RF and microwave

    range of the spectrum.

    2. The floating-zone process 43

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone

    48/113 Electron beam and plasma heating

    Both methods use mainly charged particles, i.e. electrons and/or ions

    to heat the sample; their principles are illustrated in fig. 2-24. The main

    practical difference is that electron beam heating requires vacuum,

    whereas an ambient gas is necessary for all plasma heating methods. Electron beam heating

    In electron beam heating, the sample is heated by the absorption of

    kinetic energy of electrons emitted from a cathode and then accelerated

    by the applied voltage to the sample anode (fig. 2-24). Since its intro-

    duction in 1956/1957 by Davis and Calverley [Cal57], the main use in

    float-zone processing in the last 40 years has been the crystal growth

    (and zone refining) of refractory metals and alloys with high melting

    points, see e.g. [Neu62, Sel64, Mau68, Hay78, Jur82, Gle89, Jur90a,Jur90b, Sem95, Liu96]. The method is often called EBZM (electron

    beam zone melting) and requires operation under a vacuum better than

    10-4mbar. For this reason, materials with a considerable vapor pressure at

    the melting point are not very suitable, though an additional purification

    effect is often achieved by the outgassing of volatile impurities during

    processing [Sch64]. In the usual setup, with the sample as anode, the

    sample material must be conducting, excluding insulators and most

    (undoped) semiconductors. This disadvantage can be overcome by the

    use of an additional grid as anode around the sample.

    Typical voltages are several kV, the upper limit set by the generation

    of X-rays, with currents of the order of 10-2-10-1A. In most cases, the

    cathode is on ground potential and the positive voltage is applied to the

    44 2. The floating-zone process

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    sample [Boh94]. Electron beam heating can be highly efficient, with

    over 99% of the cathode current arriving at the sample [Sha81a].

    Current-voltage characteristics are similar to those of a vacuum diode:

    Up to the saturation current, the current is space charge limited, with the

    current density j given by

    (2-IX)jl 0 $2$em $



    where 0=permittivity of vacuum, e=electron charge, m=electron mass,U=voltage, x=distance between the electrodes.

    The saturation current is given by the Richardson equation:

    (2-X)jsc= A $K$T2 $ eWek$T

    2. The floating-zone process 45

    Fig. 2-24: General representation of the principles of electron beam

    heating (a) and plasma heating (b) in FZ growth. In electron beam

    heating, vacuum is necessary and the zone as anode is heated by the

    accelerated electrons. In plasma heating, requiring an ambient gas,

    there is no macroscopic charge and the heating is by excited electrons

    and ions from the plasma. See text for details.

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    where A=area, K=material constant ( 60 Acm-2 for metals), T=filament

    temperature, We=emission work function (4.54eV for tungsten),

    k=Boltzmann's constant.

    The most simple arrangement uses a ringwire as cathode surrounding

    the zone (fig. 2-24), often made from tungsten or the same material as

    the crystal to avoid contamination. If the latter is not possible, contami-

    nation by filament material can be a problem with this setup at higher

    temperatures. Similar to vacuum triodes/pentodes or electron micro-

    scopes, more sophisticated electron guns (see e.g. fig 2-25) use modula-

    tor grids, additional focusing and accessory electrodes, as well as

    electron lenses to reduce this problem and to allow better control of the

    electron beam. The cross section of the electron beam can be reduced to

    an area of m2 to produce very high power densities (up to 105 kWcm-2

    [Sha81a]) and high temperature gradients. Control of the power, i.e. of

    the emission current is achieved either by controlling the cathode-anodevoltage or the filament temperature (maximum working temperature is

    0.9 mp). Control of the emission current can be complicated by a

    positive feedback due to the outgassing of material from the sample or

    the cathode: The additional ions increase the current, which in turn

    increases the sample temperature leading to even stronger outgassing.

    This cycle can end in a voltage breakdown by glow or arc discharge.

    Temperature measurements by pyrometry are possible and have for

    instance been used to determine the temperature gradients in an electron-

    beam heated floating zone of refractory metals [Jur82, Jur90a, Jur90b]. Plasma heating

    Setups requiring or permitting operation in a gas atmosphere allow the

    use of a plasma as heat source. In a plasma the atoms or molecules of the

    46 2. The floating-zone process

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    gas are excited and ionized to a degree allowing good conductivity, but

    there is no macroscopic charge. The heating effect is due to the transfer

    of kinetic energy of the electrons, ions and sometimes excited neutral

    molecules of the plasma to the sample. A plasma can be characterized by

    a) the degree of ionization, b) the operating pressure, c) the plasma

    temperature, and d) the method of ionization, e.g. glow discharge,

    electric arcs, RF and microwave excitation, electron-cyclotron resonance

    (ECR), focused laser radiation and flame heating.

    A glow discharge plasma is a low pressure (typically 0.1-1mbar), low

    temperature and low degree of ionization (a few %) plasma. The depend-

    ence of the current density j on the gas pressure p is given by

    (2-XI)ji p2

    The plasma is generated by a suitable voltage between two electrodes.

    Often, but not always, one of the electrodes is the sample. Usually the

    glow discharge in the chamber is concentrated in two regions, the

    cathode fall region with a high electron density due to ion bombardment

    2. The floating-zone process 47

    Fig. 2-25: Setup o

    an electron gun with

    additional electrodes

    to focus the electronbeam. The contami-

    nation of the sample

    by tungsten evapo-

    rated from the

    cathode wire is

    greatly reduced by

    the larger distance

    lus the shielding o

    the upper accessoryelectrode. After


  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    of the cathode, and the anode fall region with thermally excited ions and

    electrons. Both regions have been used for plasma heating in FZ crystal

    growth, see e.g. [Tro62, Cla67, Cla68, Sto70, Bro71]. In addition to this

    naturally occurring concentration of the plasma due to space charge

    effects, hollow cathodes or anodes allow further focusing of the energy.

    According to [Sha81a], typical parameters for a hollow cathode appara-

    tus are 1.5-5kV and 0.1-1.5A in the pressure region specified above.

    Operational limits of the process are given by the transition to an arc

    discharge and sample contamination by sputtering of electrode material

    at elevated temperatures.

    The electric arc discharge is distinguished from the glow discharge by

    the different mechanism of electron emission from the cathode. In the

    case of a glow discharge, electrons are emitted mainly due to ion

    bombardment, whereas in an arc discharge the higher electrode tempera-

    ture leads to thermal emission of electrons. Thus the necessary voltage

    for the discharge is reduced and the current density goes up considerably(j 0.1Acm-2 [Sha81a]). In this case, the pressure dependence of the

    current density is

    (2-XII)ji p43

    By using an electric arc, very high temperatures can be attained, but it

    is quite difficult to achieve sufficient temperature control. Another

    problem is the high degree of contamination by electrode material,

    although this can be reduced or overcome by watercooling of the

    electrodes [Ger63], or by using electrodes made from the same material

    as the crystal [Ver76, Mac88].

    A plasma can be generated by RF heating with frequencies above

    4MHz at low vapor pressures [Sha81], similar in construction to a RF

    48 2. The floating-zone process

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    plasma torch used for welding. Focusing of the plasma flame can be

    achieved by magnetic and electric fields. To initialize the ionization,

    temporary additional heating of the gas is necessary, e.g. by inserting a

    conducting rod into the RF field. The method is capable of achieving

    very high temperatures in excess of 4200K and there are no problems

    from contamination; carbides of tantalum, hafnium, niobium and

    vanadium have been grown by this process [Sav78, Kum81a, Kum81b].

    Similar to excitation by radiofrequency, a plasma can also be generated

    by microwaves in low pressure gas atmospheres. The concentration and

    positioning of the microwave plasma is possible by a suitable design of

    the waveguide and the cavity.

    Float zoning with a gas burner, similar to the heating employed in the

    Verneuil method, has been scarcely used. Possible combustible gases are

    H2, propane and butane with O2 as oxidizer. It is of course only suitable

    for processes without necessity of good temperature control and where

    contamination by the burning gas or by air is not important. A fewoxides have been grown by this method [Bro64, Tie72].

    2. The floating-zone process 49

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone

    54/113 Direct heating

    The term direct heating is used for two entirely different processes.

    The first one, also termed Joule heating, uses the Joule heat of a current

    through the sample as heat source (fig. 2-26). The voltage is directly

    applied between the upper and lower ends of the sample. A resistance

    gradient is then generated either by controlled active cooling of the

    sample ends, by active additional heating of a small part of the sample,

    or passively by using a small heat reflector around it [Pfa66]. More

    power is dissipated in the hotter part than in the colder part, thus forming

    a zone by positive feedback. Joule heating is more often used as

    additional heating of the whole sample to reduce the required power of

    the main power source, or to reduce thermal gradients and influence the

    interface shape [Dor64].

    In the second process, a heater is immersed into the melt, but has no

    contact with the crystal (fig 2-27). The heat is directly transferred fromthe heating element to the melt by conduction. This arrangement is of

    course not completely contamination-free and the chemical inertness of

    the heater is of utmost importance. It might be argued that for this reason

    it is not really a floating-zone process, but it retains the advantage that no

    external stress is imposed onto the crystal by an ampoule or crucible.

    The first heater of this type was the so-called strip heater (fig. 2-27a),

    introduced in 1965 by Gasson for the crystal growth of Nd-doped schee-

    lite crystals [Gas65]. A strip (resistance) heater consists of a small

    iridium or platinum sheet inserted into the melt zone. Holes in the metal

    strip allow the necessary material transport through the heater. This type

    of heater has also been used to grow calcite [Bri71, Bel72, Bel76],

    Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 [Hen74], BaTiO3 [Tur82], and Li2CO3 [Pal82]. In

    addition to the strip heater, several other direct heater configurations

    50 2. The floating-zone process

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    have recently been investigated by Lan and Kou [Lan91a, Lan91b,

    Lan91c], namely a step heater (fig. 2-27b) and ring heaters (fig. 2-27c,

    d). NaNO3 was used as a model substance for these investigations, with

    heaters made from graphite and/or aluminum. The heaters were designed

    to act directly as a shaping die, similar to the EFG process. The main

    goals were improving diameter control over the standard strip heater

    design by reducing the melt creep caused by wetting effects, and a

    significant reduction of thermocapillary convection by reducing the free

    surface of the zone (see 3.4.3). The step heater (fig. 2-27b) and the

    completely immersed ring heater (fig. 2-27c) gave the best shape control

    [Lan91a, Lan91c]. The interface shape is of course also influenced by

    the heater design and position. For the ring heaters, larger stable zones

    than usually possible (see chapters 2.2.1 and 2.2.3) have been reported

    and were attributed to the

    additional supporting effect of the

    ring [Lan91a].

    2. The floating-zone process 51

    Fig. 2-26: Principle setup of Joule


  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    52 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-27: Immersed heater systems: a) strip heater, b) step heater, c)

    and d) ring heater. After [Gas65, Lan91a, Lan91b, Lan91c].

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    2.2 Floating-zone stability and control

    The success of a floating-zone growth experiment depends to a largeextent on the ability to control the zone size and interface curvatures and

    to understand their dependence on the growth conditions. An essential

    parameter is the hydrostatic stability of the zone (sections 2.2.1,,

    where exceeding the limits results in immediate termination of the

    experiment. In addition to this static stability, the influence of transient

    conditions during the crystal growth process must be considered; this

    includes the influence of the growth angle and of volume changes on the

    crystal size during the process (section The different variables

    determining the zone geometry, such as heater profiles and convective

    flows, are discussed in section 2.2.2; additional possibilities for control

    through external fields are given in section 2.2.3.

    2.2.1 Zone and crystal shape

    A floating melt or solution zone is held only by surface tension and

    adhesion between feed rod and growing crystal. Under the approxima-

    tion that the surface tension is not dependent on positiona and neglecting

    influences by flows in the melt zone and the surrounding medium, the

    shape of a floating zone, as that of any liquid volume with free bounda-

    ries, can be described by the Laplace (or Young-Laplace) equation:

    2. The floating-zone process 55

    a This is of course not true for a real floating zone, but the change in the surfacetension due to temperature or concentration gradients is usually a few % at maximumand thus introduces only a small error in the static calculation of the zone shape. Asthe driving force of thermocapillary convection it has, however, a considerable

    impact (compare section 3.1).

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    (2-XIII)p= $ 1R1 +1R2

    where p=pressure difference at the surface, =surface (interface)

    tension, R1 and R2= principal radii (see fig. 2-28).

    To put this equation to use one has to take into account the given

    geometry, which defines the principal radii (fig. 2-28) by functions and

    appropriate surface parameters, as well as any pressures in addition to

    the always present capillary pressure, e.g. the hydrostatic pressure undergravity. For most geometries, no analytical solutions are possible and eq.

    2-XIII must be solved numerically. Static stability

    56 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-28: Principal radii R1

    (green arrow) and R2 (red

    arrow) from the Laplaceequation (2-XIII) for the floatingzone case. Note that in contrast

    to R2, the origin of R1 is not

    necessarily located on thez-axis.

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    For axisymmetric zones, and taking the hydrostatic pressure due to

    gravity into account, eq. 2-XIII can be written as [Cor77a, Cor77b,

    Riv79, Teg95]:


    ! l$g $ z=


    r$(1+r2 )12


    (1+r2 )32

    where z=cylindrical axial coordinate, r=r(z): zone radius at axial coordi-

    nate z with r' and r'' as the first and second derivative, respectively,

    =surface tension, p0=capillary pressure difference between melt andsurrounding gas or liquid at z=0, l=density difference between melt

    and surrounding gas or liquid, g=gravitational acceleration.

    By introducing dimensionless variables, the zone shape can be

    described by four parameters [Cor77a, Cor77b], viz:

    (2-XV)rfrc ,

    Lrf ,



    ! l$g$rf2

    = Bos

    where rf=feed rod radius at interface, rc=crystal radius at interface,

    L=zone length, V=zone volume, Bos=(static) Bond number.

    The static Bond number expresses the balance between the destabiliz-

    ing effect of gravityversus the stabilizing effect of surface tension. For g

    0, as in microgravity conditions, it is close to zero and hydrostatic

    pressure can be neglected. Zone (iso)rotation introduces a fifth parameter

    similar to the static Bond number to account for the centrifugal force

    [Cor77a, Cor77b]:

    2. The floating-zone process 57

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone




    where =angular velocity, other symbols as above.

    Using numerical methods to solve the above equations, one can obtain

    the shape for a given set of parameters rf- rc - V - - l, e.g. for paramet-

    ric studies. This has been done by a number of authors, e.g. [Cor77a,

    Cor77b, Riv79, Bou85, Lan90, Mar95, Tat94, Teg95], for a variety of

    configurations.An important special case of float-zone processing is the cylindrical

    floating zone (fig. 2-29 top left), i.e. rf/rc=1, V/(r2 L)=1 and Bos0

    (either g0 ms-2 as in microgravity conditions, or the zone, i.e. rl, is

    very small) where the maximum stable zone lengths Lmax is given by:

    (2-XVII)Lmax = 2 $ $ r

    This is the famous Rayleigh limit, first observed by Plateau [Pla63]

    and theoretically derived by Lord Rayleigh in 1879 [Ray79]. It states that

    the length of a cylindrical zone cannot exceed its circumference, because

    any sinusoidal perturbation with a wavelength larger than 2 r will

    result in a smaller surface and thus a smaller energy than the cylindrical

    shape. This relation governs the floating zone process under micrograv-ity conditions. It should be noted, however, that longer zones are possi-

    ble with V>r2L, i.e. barrel-shaped zones, and that a zone can break

    below the Rayleigh limit if V

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    Bos0 the zone stability is independent of the surface tension value or

    any other material parameters.

    Under gravity, the resulting hydrostatic pressure changes the meniscus

    to a "bottle" shape (fig. 2-29, right column, and fig. 2-30). Therefore the

    meniscus angle M at the lower interface is increased and the meniscus at

    2. The floating-zone process 59

    Fig. 2-29: Silicon float-ing zones under micro-gravity (left column),

    and 1g conditions (rightcolumn) in a monoellip-soid mirror furnace (seeigs. 2-7 and 2-8). The

    g experiment, done ona sounding rocket(TEXUS 29), and the 1gexperiment were madein the same furnace and

    with similar parametersettings (less power wasused for the g experi-ment, see section 2.2.2).Shown are the first meltzone (top row) formed

    rom a cylindrical rodof 8mm , and the zoneand grown crystal after

    about 5mm of growth(bottom row); i marksthe melt-crystal inter-ace. The translation

    rate was 5mm/min.

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    the upper interface usually bulges inward (for

    rc=rf). In this case, the limit for a stable zone

    length is given by M = 90o(if+W), where W

    is the wetting angle of the melt with its own

    solid (e.g., W is 33o for Si, 30o for Ge [Sat80]).

    Normally, the maximum possible zone length

    under this conditions is considerably smaller

    than in the microgravity case.

    Assuming flat interfaces and large equal radii

    of crystal and feed rod (approximately rf= rc

    10mm, depending on ) under gravity, the

    above condition leads to the well known

    equation [Hey56, Cor77a, Cor77b, Lan90,


    (2-XVIII)Lmax = K('M) $

    ! l$g

    where =surface tension, l=density, g=gravita-

    tional acceleration; K(M) is a factor dependent

    on the meniscus angle M (fig. 2-30).

    The dependence of K on M with M in degrees can be expressed by


    K('M) = 2.672 + 1.815 $ 102 $ 'M 7.642 $ 105 $ 'M2


    60 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-30: Basicconfiguration for aloating zone under

    gra- vity. M and M

    are the lower andupper meniscus

    angles, ic andif theangles of the crystaland feed rod inter-aces at the solid-

    liquid-gas trijunction,resp.

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    For constant diameter growth, the value of the meniscus angle M must

    be identical to that of the growth angle Gb (tables 2-d, 2-e).

    Eq. 2-XVIII was originally found by Heywang [Hey56] in an approxi-

    mate calculation; it is often called the Heywang limit. He only consid-

    ered the case M =0o and derived a value of K=2.84. The calculations of

    Coriell and Cordes [Cor77a, Cor77b] resulted in K=2.67 for M = 0o; this

    value is corroborated by eq. 2-XIX from [Teg95]. Interestingly, using a

    value ofM =11o (the growth angle of silicon) in eq. 2-XIX, results in K=

    2.86, close to Heywang's value. Table 2-d lists the surface tension,

    2. The floating-zone process 61

    b Note that the growth angle G itself is not really a material constant, but dependson several other conditions, among them the crystal orientation and the interface

    curvature (see the following section,












    !s! l!s [%]Ref.l[gcm-3]Ref.s [gcm-3]Material

    Table 2-c: Densities in the solid (s) and liquid (l, at mp) state of somesemiconductors and the resulting volume change upon melting (rt: atroom temperature, mp: at melting point). All elementary semiconductorsof the diamond lattice type (space group Fd3m)and most of the binarysemiconductors of the sphalerite or wurtzite lattice type (space groupsF$3mandP63mc, respectively) have a negative volume change.

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    density, growth angle and the resulting K and Lmax according to eqs.

    2-XVIII and 2-XIX for several materials. It is evident that except for

    silicon, having the favorable combination of a high surface tension and a

    low density, Lmax is limited to a few mm under gravity for most materials.

    Large growth angles like those of InSb or GaSb are not only favorable

    because of their higher stability in transient growth situations (seesection; they also increase static stability due to the slightly

    higher value of K(M). Lmax and the crystal diameter are independent of

    each other according to eq. 2-XVIII, which would in theory allow the

    growth of large diameter crystals. In practice, this would only be possi-

    ble for completely planar or concave interfaces. For thermal reasons

    (section 2.2.2), such conditions are usually not possible to attain for large

    62 2. The floating-zone process




    7.82.9315 [Hur63]401[Rup91]






    Lmax [mKG[o]l [gcm-3 ] [10-3Nm-1 ]Material

    Table 2-d: Surface tension , density l, growth angle G, factor K(G)calculated by eq. 2-XIX, and maximum zone length Lmax for large zonesunder 1g, calculated by eq. 2-XVIII for different materials. For otherdensities of liquid Si see table 2-c. If several material parameter values

    were available, both the best and the worst case for Lmax are shown.

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    crystals. A good rule of thumb for a lot of growth systems is that the

    maximum diameter cannot exceed the zone length without the danger of

    forming a solid bridge between crystal and feed rod, i.e. the aspect ratioL/2r should be equal to or larger than 1.

    A concave lower interface, often encountered in needle-eye RF

    heating, or through the combination of partially transparent materials

    (oxides) and radiation heating, actually stabilizes the zone and increases

    the maximum zone length by supporting the lower end of the meniscus

    [Kel81]. A concave upper interface, however, increases the hydrostatic

    pressure at the lower interface due to the larger liquid column height in

    the center and hence acts as a destabilizing influence.

    For the cases not covered by eq. 2-XVII and eq. 2-XVIII, e.g. with

    intermediate values of r or for zones with rc rf, Lmax must be calculated

    individually. An interesting result of an analysis of meniscus shapes is

    the fact that for certain combinations of r, M and L several solutions

    (fig. 2-31) of the Laplace equation - with different volumes- exist[Cor77a, Cor77b, Teg95]. Different meniscus shapes also result if the

    crystal pulling direction for a given floating zone process is reversed

    with respect to the gravity vector [Wil88]. Depending on the particular

    system, stable growth is only possible for a certain range of the ratio

    crystal diameter/feed rod diameter; this range is actually larger for

    pulling upward than for pulling downward [Tat94]. For the pulling direc-

    tion being opposed to the gravity vector, the requirement M=G 0o ,

    however, can only be fulfilled for small zones [Dur86], or a substantially

    smaller diameter of the growing crystal in comparison to the feed rod as

    in the standing pedestal technique. Pulling downward is therefore the

    most common case. Stability diagrams for various floating zones (or,

    more generally, liquid bridges) can be found in [Cor77a, Cor77b, Riv79,

    Lan90, Tat94, Mar95, Teg95]; tables 2 - 4 in [Mar95] give a

    2. The floating-zone process 63

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    comprehensive list of analyses done on the hydrostatics, stability limits,

    and dynamics of liquid columns in general. An example of Lmax as a

    function of the crystal radius is shown for silicon in fig. 2-32. As a rever-sal of the usual calculation, one can use the zone shape under gravity to

    calculate approximate values of the surface tension for new material

    systems [Nak90, Teg95, Teg95a]. Strongly bulging zones increase the

    accuracy of this method of surface tension determination, with typical

    errors of the order of 5-10%.

    In real crystal growth situations, the zone length should be kept well

    below the maximum value, because the static stability limit is derived

    from the reaction of the surface energy to an infinitesimal small distur-

    bance. Any disturbance of finite value, e.g. due to shocks or vibrations,

    might easily cause a zone to rupture if its length is close to Lmax. This is

    especially true for accelerations perpendicular to the zone axis. Floating

    zones are very sensitive to vibrations; GaAs-FZ experiments on the

    64 2. The floating-zone process

    Fig. 2-31: Two possible meniscus shapes for a silicon floating zone with

    the same values of rc=rf, L andM (11o), but different zone volumes and

    values. The higher volume mode on the (left) is obviously the morestable one. From [Teg95].

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    Spacelab mission D2 showed visible movement with accelerations as

    small as 10-3-10-2g if the disturbance frequencies were close to the zone

    resonance frequency (typical values are in the range of 0.5- 10Hz).The above considerations on the stability of floating zones can in

    principle also be applied to free solution zones. In some cases, however,

    an important difference related to the wetting between solid and solution

    might complicate the situation. In the floating-zone case, the solid-

    liquid-gas trijunctions are assumed to be located at the crystal and feed

    rod edges, because the wetting angle is usually

  • 7/29/2019 Z5 Float Zone


    angle of the liquid can be >90o, in which case a free zone would detach

    from the solid, even under microgravityc. If the wetting angle is < 90o,

    the solution zone can be anchored at the crystal/feed rod edges, but forsystems with low wetting angles it might also creep over it. It must be

    kept in mind that the usual measure (in model systems) to prevent fluid

    creep in the case of low wetting angles, sharp edges at the solid end

    disks, cannot be employed here. Any prefabricated sharp edge is

    energetically unstable in contact with a solvent due to its large surface

    and will be dissolved. A solution zone with a solvent showing this

    behavior is co
