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Zaha Paper 1

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  • 8/10/2019 Zaha Paper 1



    The basic purpose of the research is to find out how brand image of a company is significant for

    the company as well as customers. This research is undertaken because branding is an emerging

    topic these days and plays a vital role in our daily life. People now are more brands conscious

    and brands are now found everywhere that hardly anything is unbranded and only products with

    good brand image succeed. This research will show how brand image of the company is

    important to the consumers and people prefer quality of the products. This research will guide

    other authors who have shared their views on the brand image in various studies. Primary

    research is conducted by questionnaires, surveys and interviews. This study plays an important

    role in depicting the awareness of brand among people and the image of brand in consumers


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  • 8/10/2019 Zaha Paper 1


    Chapter 1: Introduction

    Exploration indicates that brand image alludes to the data and desires connected with an item or

    the organizations connected with it. .The thought behind a great brand picture is that buyer is

    obtaining an item as well as the picture connected with the item. It is key for characterizing and

    figuring out a target market and positioning item individually and likewise for measuring a

    business sector reaction. It assumes an essential part for the contenders as well as for the

    customers too.

    1.1: Statement of the Problem:-

    Brand image is a significant issue that impacts over all organization notoriety and hence

    effecting the offers of the organization. Along these lines it ought to be managed most extreme

    consideration. The more organization chips away at branding, the more brand awareness is made.

    Improving the brand image will help the organization to enhance their piece of the overall

    industry too and enhance the goodwill of the organization and rival the contenders. Legitimate

    statistical surveying and dissection can help the organization to delineate the explanations

    bringing about the issue and discover answers for the issue. Far reaching investigation on the

    organization notoriety, items quality and purchasers conduct must be completed with a specific

    end goal to figure out purposes for the poor image of the organization.

    1.2: Significance of the Problem:-

    The exploration is particularly intended to answer the questions of the organization with respect

    to the investigation of every one of the aforementioned elements that might help in enhancing the

    brand image of an organization. As the greater part of the individuals are not conscious of either

    of the brands in exploration and it is to make individuals attentive to these brands and make an

  • 8/10/2019 Zaha Paper 1


    exceptional brand image is their personalities as this brand awareness will help organization to

    make their brand position in shoppers personality and expansion their deals and in addition it

    will help the organization to support a great notoriety in the nation.

    1.3: Objectives of the Study:-

    i) To identify the relationship between perceived value and brand image

    ii) To identify the relationship between advertising and brand image

    iii) To identify the relationship between brand awareness and brand image

    iv) To identify relationship between brand association and brand image

    v) To identify the relationship between quality and brand image

    1.4: Scope of the Study:-

    i) What is the relationship between perceived value and brand image?

    ii) What is the relationship between advertising and brand image?

    iii) What is the relationship between brand awareness and brand image?

    iv) What is the relationship between brand association and brand image?

    v) What is the relationship between quality and brand image?

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    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    Brand Associations:-

    Branding is a key component of the brand value, client situated and alludes to the associations,

    which is the possessor of the shopper in the store. These associations are frequently directional;

    It is important to recognize the brand for trait and the characteristic checking. Data about these

    associations of two approaches to gather information or: assessments of brand de brand

    characteristics trait traits and assessments of all brands. In this article the writers exhibit a

    methodological methodology, the correspondence examination i.e. grids balanced, to evaluate a

    few times additionally the asymmetries between the brand for characteristic and the property

    checking. This permits to assuming that it in a brand positioning (brand of quality associations)

    thrashing and profit (property brand associations) to study. The system interprets perceptual

    visualization of brand of image maps. The methodology is in a two specimens assessed the

    purchaser business sector of observational examination extends 10 imprints spoke to

    antiperspirants and eleven attributes. (Torres, 2008)

    Perceived Value:-

    In this paper we examine these contrasts by testing the speculations about the impacts of brand

    image on perceived client value. The overview inspired perceptual appraisals for the drivers and

    sub-drivers of perceived client value and client devotion utilizing 10-focus scales secured by

    1=poor and 10=excellent. It attained an example of 377 salons which spoke to 20% of the

    aggregate number of hair salons in New Zealand.the effects show that the client perceived value

    is decidedly related with brand image (Cretu, 2005)

  • 8/10/2019 Zaha Paper 1



    Volitional youngsters' responses to the brand, and also their state of mind towards the diversion.

    A test led around 2453 young ladies matured 11 to 17 years indicated that showdown with

    intelligent brand situation in the diversion brought about a more inspirational disposition at the

    amusement, higher top well known soul of the brand, more positive brand image, and more good

    behavioral expectations. Furthermore, as per the written works and hypotheses of youngster

    improvement convictions, this study indicated the trilateral association between presentation to

    making a brand, age and utilization of the prior imprint for behavioral aims. Young ladies who

    had no experience with the brand were all the more determinedly impacted by the presentation of

    the brand, the eldest young lady, who had no past knowledge of the imprint. (Reijmersdal, 2009)

    Brand Awareness:-

    With the combined showcasing correspondences point of view, this study was to figure out the

    level of cognizance between exchange station healthier buyers on the imprint. In looking to

    evaluate its effect on the structure of the capabilities and the brand distinguishment as the

    investment of the right in the asset display 194 test assets impact. War stories have reconciled

    two separate instruments (advertising and advancement of the not - cash) in the singular

    evaluation. The brand awareness (brand - known great sign vs. outside), and the arrangement of

    messages (vs. superb) theories. Comes about and control state test set that are fitting in the same

    message of the marking data. For the organization - well known for his learning of the message

    structure (recollect) to improve the system of aggregations and answer, and to distribute joins

    signature. Concerning the light extraordinary, demonstrated no critical contrasts between the

    large amount and quality of the like, recall no signs to put high by utilizing the same news. For

  • 8/10/2019 Zaha Paper 1


    remote organizations, brand chiefs to concentrate on the same brand message and assemble

    awareness for these lights obscure. Conversely, for organizations acquainted with the

    destinations of the correspondences methodology to be the investment in them in the same way

    messages can empower clients, and raise their estimations about this light. (Ballester, Sicilia,


    Brand Quality:-

    This study inspects the immediate impact of store image and administration quality of the image

    and buys aim for the private mark brand (PLB). This study likewise inspects the aberrant impacts

    intervened by perceived hazard and value awareness on this issue. The specimen in this study

    comprised of (360) customers in Watsons and Comedy chain drug stores. The effects of this

    study indicate that (1) spare the image has an immediate and positive effect on buy aim of PLB,

    (2) the quality of administration has an immediate and positive effect on the image of PLB, (3)

    perceived danger of PLB items has an interceding impact on the relationship between image and

    shoppers buy expectation PLB. Advertising directors can viably utilize the outcomes of thisstudy, since the PWB is a key method for chain stores. Directors can enhance purchaser

    observations PLB image by enhancing the quality of administration identifying with the PLB.

    Promoting chiefs can enhance the image of the store by expanding the reach of items, enhance

    item quality, offering items in value, fair values and fantastically enliven the store. These

    changes specifically build buy expectation of PLB. Advertising chiefs can take PLB item

    suitable to diminish the existing money related dangers and guarantee PLB items with great

    quality and dependable operation protected for utilization to lessen the perceived danger of

    physical execution and danger, which thusly will expand the buy proposition of customers to

    items PLB (Wu,hsiao, 2011)

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    Chapter 3: Methodology

    3.1: Research Type:-

    The sorts of examination utilized as a part of the exploration venture incorporate both the

    qualitative and quantitative strategies. These measures furnished the premise to inspect the

    explanations of poor brand image of the paint associations around its clients

    3.2: Data Type & Research Period:-

    The information utilized for the examination is essential information in addition to optional

    information. Essential information is gathered by directing different meetings with the upper

    administration of each one organization, then by disseminating polls to the overall population

    and picking up their perspectives on the perceived brand images of the regarded brand the decide

    to paint.

    Auxiliary information incorporates readings of exploration papers composed by former

    specialists and these papers were determined from sources, for example, sciencedirect,

    googlescholar and Jstor.

    3.3: Data Collection method:-

    I might utilize surveys to gather the information from the general population utilizing these

    brands and on top of it will be questioning the executives of the regarded organizations.

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    Factor Analysis

    The significance level of sphecity of bartletts test came out to be 0.000 which shows that the model isoverall good for analysis.

    Also if we look at KMOS adequacy measure it is 0.914 which shows that the factors are adequate and

    the analysis can be carried out.

    KMO and Bartlett's Test

    Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .914

    Bartlett's Test of Sphericity

    Approx. Chi-Square 4078.497

    Df 595

    Sig. .000

  • 8/10/2019 Zaha Paper 1


    Relaibiliy Analysis

    Brand Image

    Reliability Statistics Cronbach's


    N of Items

    .931 6

    The cronbach alpha statistics shows how reliable a construct is and from the table above we can

    see that the cronbach alpha here is 0.931 which means that this construct brand image is a

    reliable measurement.

    Brand Awareness

    Reliability Statistics



    N of Items

    .750 3

    The cronbach alpha statistics shows how reliable a construct is and from the table above we can

    see that the cronbach alpha here is 0.750 which means that this construct brand awareness is a

    reliable measurement.

    Brand Credibility

    Reliability Statistics



    N of Items

    .923 6

    The cronbach alpha statistics shows how reliable a construct is and from the table above we can

    see that the cronbach alpha here is 0.923 which means that this construct brand credibility is a

    reliable measurement.

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    Reliability Statistics



    N of Items

    .500 5

    The cronbach alpha statistics shows how reliable a construct is and from the table above we can

    see that the cronbach alpha here is 0.500 which means that this construct quality is not a

    reliability test so in order to make it reliable we will delete Q3.

    Reliability Statistics



    N of Items

    .787 4

    So after deleting Q3 the cronbach alpha is 0.787 which is reliable.

    Brand Equity

    Reliability Statistics



    N of Items

    .887 4

    The cronbach alpha statistics shows how reliable a construct is and from the table above we can

    see that the cronbach alpha here is 0.887 which means that this construct brand equity is a

    reliable measurement.

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    Brand Association

    Reliability Statistics



    N of Items

    .560 3

    The cronbach alpha statistics shows how reliable a construct is and from the table above we can

    see that the cronbach alpha here is 0.560 which means that this construct brand association is not

    a reliability test so in order to make it reliable we will delete bas3.

    Reliability Statistics

    Cronbach's Alpha

    N of Items

    .802 2

    So after deleting bas3 the cronbach alpha is 0.802 which is reliable.


    Reliability Statistics



    N of Items

    .724 5

    The cronbach alpha statistics shows how reliable a construct is and from the table above we can

    see that the cronbach alpha here is 0.724 which means that this construct advertising is a reliable


  • 8/10/2019 Zaha Paper 1


    Perceived Value

    Reliability Statistics



    N of Items

    .579 3

    The cronbach alpha statistics shows how reliable a construct is and from the table above we can

    see that the cronbach alpha here is 0.579 which means that this construct perceived value is not a

    reliability test so in order to make it reliable we will delete pv1.

    Reliability Statistics



    N of Items

    .623 2

    So after deleting pv1 the cronbach alpha is 0.623 which is reliable.

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    Regression Analysis:

    Multiple regression is an extension of simple linear regression. It is used when we want to

    predict the value of a variable based on the value of two or more other variables. The variable we

    want to predict is called the dependent variable (or sometimes, the outcome, target or criterion

    variable). Multiple regressions also allow you to determine the overall fit (variance explained) of

    the model and the relative contribution of each of the predictors to the total variance explained.

    Model Summary

    Model R R Square Adjusted R


    Std. Error of the


    1 .881 a .777 .764 .43265

    a. Predictors: (Constant), averageperceivedvalue, averagequality,

    averagebrandawareness, averagebrandassociation,

    averagebrandequity, averageadvertising, averagebrandcredibility

    76.4% variation in dependent variable is explained by the independent variables.

    Anova:ANOVA a

    Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


    Regression 82.702 7 11.815 63.116 .000 b

    Residual 23.773 127 .187

    Total 106.474 134

    a. Dependent Variable: averagebrandimage

    b. Predictors: (Constant), averageperceivedvalue, averagequality, averagebrandawareness,

    averagebrandassociation, averagebrandequity, averageadvertising, averagebrandcredibility0.000 shows ANOVA is a good fit model.

    Adjusted R2 0.764F-Value 63.116Significance 0.000

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    Brand Image= 0.38baw+0.547bc+0.194q+0.143be+0.148bas-0.011a-0.074pv

    Levene's Test of Equality of Error

    Variances a

    Dependent Variable: averagebrandimage

    F df1 df2 Sig.

    3.765 61 73 .000

    F (61,73) = 0.197,(P=0.000)

    Levenes test was significant because of which I looked at observe power which was not close to

    1 which were 0.102 , 0.340, 0.349, 0.101, 0.181 which means there was a very little impact of

    these independent variables on dependent variables.

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    6% of variation is explained by gender to tell the relationship between gender and brand image

    5.2% of variation is explained by age in telling the relationship between age and brand image

    4.5% of variation is explained by marital status in telling the relationship between marital statusand brand image

    1.1% of variation is explained by income level in telling the relationship between income leveland brand image

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    In this table we check tolerance and VIF. Tolerance should be greater than 0.2 and VIF should

    be less than 10. Through this table we came to know that the conditions are met which means

    there is no multicolinearity between the variables.

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    Descriptive Statistics:-

    Descriptive statistics is the term given to the analysis of data that helps describe, show or

    summarize data in a meaningful way such that, for example, patterns might emerge from the

    data. Descriptive statistics do not, however, allow us to make conclusions beyond the data we

    have analyzed or reach conclusions regarding any hypotheses we might have made. They are

    simply a way to describe our data. Descriptive statistics are very important because if we simply

    presented our raw data it would be hard to visualize what the data was showing, especially if

    there was a lot of it. Descriptive statistics therefore enables us to present the data in a more

    meaningful way, which allows simpler interpretation of the data.


    gender age range marital status income level which brand you


    NValid 135 135 135 135 135

    Missing 0 0 0 0 0

    Mean 1.5185 1.6963 1.3852 2.6667 2.8370Median 2.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3.0000 2.0000

    Mode 2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 2.00


    25 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2.0000 2.0000

    50 2.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3.0000 2.0000

    75 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 4.0000 4.0000

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    male 65 48.1 48.1 48.1

    female 70 51.9 51.9 100.0

    Total 135 100.0 100.0

    The total number of observations valid are n=135 of which 48.1% are male and the rest 51.9%

    are females. This shows that the number of males that participated in this study were slightly less

    than females.

    age range

    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    18-25 75 55.6 55.6 55.6

    26-35 32 23.7 23.7 79.3

    36-45 22 16.3 16.3 95.6

    46 or above 6 4.4 4.4 100.0

    Total 135 100.0 100.0

    The table reveals the proportion of the ages of respondents in this study. Respondents who were

    in-between 18- 25 were 55.6% and respondents in-between the age of 26-35 were 23.7%. Only

    4.4% above the age of 46 and 16.3% representing the age 36-45.

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    Marital status

    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


    single 88 65.2 65.2 65.2

    married 42 31.1 31.1 96.3

    divorced 5 3.7 3.7 100.0

    Total 135 100.0 100.0

    The table shows the respondents marital status. Most of the respondents in this study were

    single (unmarried) which totaled 65.2% i.e. 88 respondents. Next majority were married 31.1%

    and divorced were the least with a percentage of 3.7%.

    income level

    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    20000-40000 28 20.7 20.7 20.7

    40000-60000 38 28.1 28.1 48.9

    60000-80000 20 14.8 14.8 63.7

    80000 & above 49 36.3 36.3 100.0

    Total 135 100.0 100.0

    The table shows the income level of the respondents which indicates that most of them were

    from the income group of above 80000 with a percentage of 36.3%.28.1% showing the income

    group from 40000-60000 and with only 14.8% representing income level of 60000-80000.

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    which brand you prefer

    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    berger 24 17.8 17.8 17.8

    ici 56 41.5 41.5 59.3

    jotun 13 9.6 9.6 68.9

    master 41 30.4 30.4 99.3

    44.00 1 .7 .7 100.0

    Total 135 100.0 100.0

    By looking at the above table we can see that most of our respondents were using ICI with a

    percentage of 41.5% and then followed by Master with a percentage of 30.4.Berger were used by

    17.8% of the respondents and Jotun by only 9.65% of the respondents.

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  • 8/10/2019 Zaha Paper 1


  • 8/10/2019 Zaha Paper 1




    The total number of observations valid are n=135 of which 48.1% are male and the rest 51.9%

    are females. Respondents who were in-between the age of 18- 25 were 55.6% and respondents

    in-between the age of 26-35 were 23.7%. Only 4.4% above the age of 46 and 16.3% representing

    the age 36-45.Most of the respondents in this study were single (unmarried) which totaled 65.2%

    i.e. 88 respondents. Next majority were married 31.1% and divorced were the least with a

    percentage of 3.7%. Most of the respondents were from the income group of above 80000 with a

    percentage of 36.3%.28.1percent showing the income group from 40000-60000 and with only

    14.8% representing income level of 60000-80000. Most of our respondents were using ICI with a

    percentage of 41.5% and then followed by Master with a percentage of 30.4.Berger were used by

    17.8% of the respondents and Jotun by only 9.65 of the respondents.

  • 8/10/2019 Zaha Paper 1



    From the study, it is concluded that brand awareness, quality, associatins and perceived value

    plays a significant role in the improvement of the brand image of the company. Good quality

    paint is always preferred by the customers so quality helps to maintain a good image of the

    company. The more the reliable and durable the paints will be, a good image will be created in

    the customers mind. Advertising can have a negative impact on brand image as more advertising

    creates a mindset that it is a brand of low standard which is advertising more to convince the

    customers and advertisement sometimes also lie to the customers so it can have a negative effect

    on the brand image. If brand is not delivering what it promised and customers are not satisfied

    with the perceived value of the products, no association will be created between the customers

    and the brand and it will have a negative impact on the brand image. So in order to improve the

    brand image of the paint organization, companies should focus on providing good quality of

    paints and focus on brand credibility.


    The aim of the research is to understand the significance and importance of brand image for a

    company as well as for the customers. The aim of the research is to improve brand image of

    different paint organisations in Pakistan. Research on this topic has resulted in mixed results.

    Some of the previous theories and models have been supported by the research and few are not.

    The importance of the research is that it has contributed to the knowledge of the theories which

    explained how customer analyzed brand image of the company. The results of the research will

    contribute towards the improvement of the brand image of the company as well as research

    would certainly contribute to the knowledge of the management of the company.

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    The other factor was that the study would contribute to the knowledge of the factors that were

    ignored in the previous researches and also the way customers analyze the brand image of a

    company. There were various results in this study that can play a significant role in improving

    the brand image of the company.

    Managerial Implications

    The major problem faced by manager was related to the brand image of paint organizations is

    there is a need to make people aware of the quality of the brand and create a positive image in

    the minds of the customers. So in order to improve the brand image of the company, manager

    should focus on brand awareness, quality, brand associations and brand perceived value.

    Quality plays an important role in the improvement of the brand image as customers often test

    the quality and reliability of the products. Superior quality provides a competitive edge to the

    products because while buying products customers ensure that it fulfill their needs, its durability

    and above all meet their expectations. Quality is a motivator for consumers in choosing a

    particular product so managers should focus on providing good quality paints.


    Future research can be made with respect to many other factors that can affect the brand image

    that may include pricing, customer satisfaction, repurchase intention, trust, and company

    reputation. Future research may include more sample size to maintain more accuracy. Related

    studies can be conducted on different age groups and income level.

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