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Zaiqa Tul Moat

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  • 8/12/2019 Zaiqa Tul Moat


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    Death, Grave, Punishment andLife After Death

    Life ends with death. Mola Aliaswssays1 every grain you eat ispredestined for you and you arethe diet of the death, withpunishment for the unsuccessful

    and reward for the successfulones, as Allahazwj Says in thefollowing Verses:

    1 Nahjul Asrar, referene, Usool-e-Kafi, vol, 1,chapter 20.

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    Every soul will be tasting death:You will merely be repaid your

    earnings on Resurrection Day.Anyone who is snatched fromthe Fire and shown into theGarden will have triumphed.What does worldly life meanexcept the enjoyment of illusion?

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    God has knowledge about theinstance. He sends downshowers and knows whateverwombs contain. Yet no personknows what he will earntomorrow, nor does any person

    know in what land he will die.Still God is Aware, has theknowledge.

    ) )63:11

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    But never does God grant adelay to a human being when histerm has come; and God is fullyaware of all that you do.

    Death is Punishment for a non-

    believer but Life for a Momin:


    Let them laugh a little and weepa lot as a reward for what theyhave been earning.


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    Say: If a home in the Hereafterwith God is exclusively yoursinstead of [other] peoples thenlong for death if you are sotruthful.

    A non-believer will be reluctantto leave this world and will notlook forward to the life afterdeath. However, for amomin/momina this life is like a

    prison and he/she alwaysdesires for transferring to his/hereternal residence where aluxurious life with countlessbounties and blessings havebeen guaranteed, but moreimportantly an eternal proximityto Masomeenasws is the reality,

    which makes a momin restless

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    and he craves to leave this worldwithout any delay.

    Death is Good News for aMomin

    : : : :


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    A person requested Amir-ul-momaneenasws to explainimplications of death, Imamaswsreplied: A person wouldencounter one of three scenariosafter death, either he gets good

    news about eternal blessingsand peace, or is given bad newsfor everlasting punishment or(the third one) remains in griefand fear without being informedabout his fate in the hereafter-without knowing which categoryhe belongs to (Kafir or momin).

    Our devout follower will get thegood news for eternal bounties

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    but our enemy will be told onlyabout his never endingpunishment. The one who willnot be told about his fate will bethat Momin who had pollutedhis/her soul with Allahazwjsforbidden deeds and will be indoubt about his future and willperceive terrible outcome aftergetting ambiguous and fearfulmessages. Allahazwjwill not puthim together with our enemiesbut will release him from hell firethrough our intersession. Thus,O my followers, keep on doinggood deeds, obey Allahazwj, anddo not become careless throughself-reliance (on your deeds).Do not underestimate Allahazwjswrath because there will besome among third categorysinner musrafeen (who were

    careless) who will not get our

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    intercession and will get threehundred thousand yearspunishment in the hell prior tobeing pardoned.2

    Imam Mohammed Taqiasws wasasked why people do not like to


    Nahjul Israr, vol. 2, pp. 375, original Ashenalfowaid, pp. 208, also Mani-Al-Akhbar-Page-288.

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    die? Imamasws replied becausethey are unaware of reality ofdeath and its bounties. Surely,they will like it if they are truebelievers and obey Allahazwj andwould recognise life in thehereafter is far better than whatthey are used to (in this world).They may be exemplifying bysuch a child or an insane personwho would not like to take amedicine, although it is going tocure his illness and provide himcomfort. If they knew how muchbetter off they will be in thehereafter they would certainlywish to die, their desire would bemore intense as compared withthat patient who is desperate forhealth and life.3

    3 Nahjul Israr, vol. 2, pp. 377

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    Momin Dies from VariousCauses but Never Commits


    : ) :( : :

    - :


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    I enquired from Imam


    that Mughairahsays : The believer is neithertested with the leprosy (juzaam)nor with the vitiligo (phool berri)nor by such and such?(Imamasws) nodded in surprise(over this statement) andresponded, in the Verse of

    Yaseen, (regarding the tale ofHabib ibn Nijar, who was aMomin): A believer may beexamined from various diseases,but he would never commitsuicide.4

    4 Al-Kafi Vol-2 Page 254

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    Sudden Death:

    : "


    The Prophet of Allahsaww Said:Sudden death is easy andcomfortable for a believer butregretful for an infidel.5

    Pain and Discomfort Leadingto Death:

    " :

    5 Manlayazahoor Alfaqi Vol-1 Page-134

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    Rasool Allahsaww was asked:How would the angel of deathtreat a momin? Hesaww replied:

    The angel of death appears andstands in front of a believer nearhis time of death; the angle actslike a submissive slave would doin front of his master. And donot initiate his extraction of soul,until the believer agrees to go toheavens with him.6

    6 Manlayazahoor Alfaqi Vol-1 Page-135

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    ) (: :

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    It is narrated from ImamMohammed Baqirasws, If Allahazwjwants to raise His servantsstatus in the hereafter who hascommitted some sins in his life,Allahazwj makes him either ill inthis world or let him suffer fromthe lack of resources, or, insteadwill make death more painful forhim. Allahazwj does this toeradicate His servants sins sohe is raised in the hereafterwithout any burden of sins. Butif Allahazwj wants to disgracesomeone in the hereafter whohas done some good deeds inhis life, Allahazwj awards thisfellow with good health, orincreases his sustenance, orotherwise makes death easierfor him in order to payback the

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    reward of his good deeds in thisworld.7

    Attending a Patient:

    Zarara narrates from ImamMohammed Baqirasws or ImamJafar-e-Sadiqasws that when youvisit a patient then recites: I give

    7 Usool-e-Kafi, vol.2, pp. 444

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    you in the protection of TheGreatest Rub, Who is thecreator of Arsh-e-Azim, fromevery harm embroiled in yourveins and the damage of theshooting temperature (repeat it 7times).8

    Prepare Kafin Shroud duringLifetime:

    )(: .

    Imam AbuAbdullahasws said: Ifone prepares his shroud in his

    8 Usool-e-Kafi, tradition 12, vol. 5, pp. 216.

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    life, he gets Sawab (reward)upon looking at it.9

    )(: .

    It is narrated from ImamAbuAbdullahasws: He, who hashis shroud at home, he will not

    count among heedless people.And he gets reward, each time,upon looking at it.10

    ) ( ):) :

    9 Al-Kafi Vol-3.Page-253.10

    Tahzeb ulisalamVol-1.Page-449.

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    Imam Jafar-e-Sadiqasws reports

    from his fatherasws

    that ProphetMohammedsawwsaid: If a personprepares his shroud, he gets,reward each time, he looks atit.11

    Preference for Top-QualityShroud:


    ):( :


    Wasilushia Vol-3.Page-50

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    Younis bin Yaqoob narrates fromImam Jafar-e-Sadiqasws thatImamasws said: My fatheraswsasked me while leaving from thisworld: O Jafarasws give measwsshroud in the such and such

    garments and buy for Me


    asingle and the best sheet of clothand a turban, and also informedme that the deceased (souls)like and praise superiorshrouds.12


    Wasailu shai. Vol-3. Page-39.

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    ) (: .

    Mohamed Bin Ahmed Bin Yahyanarrates from Mohamed BinIssa, who from Ibn Sinan whosays that Imam AbuAbdullahaswssaid: Prepare good qualityshrouds; with them you will beresurrected.13

    ) ( : :

    ) (


    Al-Kafi Vol-3.Page-149.

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    It is narrated from Imam Ali binHussainasws: My grand father,Imam Abul Hassan Al-Awwalasws(Amir-ul-momaneenasws)enshrouded his fatherasws in two

    garments Shatoween (specialcloths from Yemen) theAharaam and in one of his shirtsand a turban. And in a cloth(chadar) Amir-ul-momaneenaswsbought for forty dinars, whichwould be, if bought today, fourhundred dinars.14

    14 Wasailu shia Vol-3 Page-39.

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    ) (

    It is narrated that Imam Musa binJafarasws was enshrouded inHubrat (chadar) that was boughtfor himasws for two thousandsand five hundred dinars, wholeQuran was written on it.15

    White Coloured Shroud isPreferred:



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    ) :(

    Imam AbuAbdullahasws quotedfrom the messenger of Allahsaww:You better wear white colouredoutfit, its pleasant and healthylife-style and use the samecolour for enshrouding yourdeceased.16 ): :( :



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    It is narrated from a number of

    companions that Al-Hussain binMukhter asked from ImamAbuAbdullahasws: Can one useblack cloth(s) for Ahraam?Imamasws replied: One shouldneither use black cloths forAhraam nor for giving Kafan toa deceased.17

    What shall be written on theShroud?

    ):( ) (

    : )17

    Al-kafi v-4 p-341

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    ( : :


    A question was asked from

    Imam-e-Zamanaasws ajtf, that is ittrue that Imam Al-Sadiqaswswrote on his sons (Ismail)shroud: Ismail testifies: There isno God but Allahazwj? And it ispermissible for us to write likethat with dust (Khak-e-Shafa) orsomething similar? Imamasws,ajtf

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    replied, yes, this is permissibleand all praise due to Allahazwj.18

    What to Recite When SoulLeaves Body:


    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-53

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    Imam Ali Razaaswsvisited, one ofhis companions whowas on hisdeath bed and enquired fromhim about his condition. Hereplied; I had gone through a lotof pain and un-comfort after youhad visited me last time.Imamasws replied you have notbeen troubled by theapproaching death but gotanxious by your disease.

    Imamaswsthen told him about thedeath and that there are twotypes of people, the ones whoare relieved after meeting theirdeath and the other kind whosedeath is a sigh of relief forothers. And asked him to renewhis pledge to Tauheed and

    Risalat and our Wilayat, so

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    that you ensure you are amongthose who get pleasure andbounties after death. He,immediately, reiterated theabove. 19

    Dead Body Should be FacingKiblah:

    ) ()(:

    Mohammed bin Hassan narratesfrom Imam AbuAbdullahasws,

    19 Nahjul Israr, vol. 2, pp. 377

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    through a chain of narrators thatImamasws said: Contrary to ourfoes, you should place the deadbody in the direction of Qiblah sothat his face is towards Qiblah.20

    : ) (:

    Mohammed bin Yaqoob saysthat he has learned through achain of narrators that Salamanhas heard from Imam

    20 Wasil u Shia Vol-2,Page-491

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    AbuAbdullahasws: When one ofyou would pass away thenensure that the dead is facingQiblah, after death as well asduring the Ghusal-e-Maiyat(bathing of dead-body) in such away that both the face and thefeet are in the direction ofQiblah.21

    The way of washing the dead:

    ) :) :


    Wasil u Shia Vol-2,Page-452

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    It is narrated from Imam


    : Dead body tobe given three washes prior togiving shroud, first with berryleaves soaked in water, secondwith water containing camphor,and third time with only purewater.22

    )(- -: ) ( :


    Wasil u Shia Vol-2,Page-481

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    Once Imam AbuAbdullahaswswas asked by a person: Why adead body is to be washed in a

    similar manner as one wouldperform ritual purification(Ghusal-e-janabat)? Imamaswsreplied: The Nutfa23from whichthe body was built, also comesout when soul leave the body,regardless of age or gender,being young or old, male or

    female, therefore, it is important23

    The starting cell, sperm.

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    to purify the dead body after itbecomes Najis due to itsrelease.24

    ) (:



    Wasil u Shia Vol-2,Page-487

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    It is narrated from Imamaswsthrough a chain of narrators:When you want to wash a deadbody then put the body on abathing table facing the Qiblah, Ifhe is wearing shirt then cut it sothat his hands may be brought

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    out of his shirt and put his handson his loins (Sharam Ghah), andspread them from there to hislegs in order to cover his legstowards knee area. But if hewas not wearing a shirt thencover his body (from loins areato knees) with a thick cloth, i.e.,a shirt, and put some berryleaves in a washtub and startpouring some water on it and stirit with your hands until you seesome foam rising from it. Andpour some water out of smallertub into a bigger bath-Tub(Tasht) but without the foammixture (and leafs) and dilute itwith fresh water, then start withwashing bodys hands up theelbow, three times, clean themas one would wash body duringthe ritual bath (Ghusal-e-

    janabat) then wash its genitals

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    and purify it (taking handsunderneath cloth withoutexposing private parts), thenwash bodys head with takingfoam water from the smaller tuband rinse its head thoroughlywhile taking extra care to stopany water reaching bodiesnostrils and its ears. Thenturned the body on its left side,and pour water on its right handside starting from its head totoes such a way water flowsfrom right side of the head to thefeet while gently rubbing thebody, stomach and back, repeatit three times. The same, to berepeated after laying the body onits right hand side. Then discardthe remaining water from thebigger tub and wash it by normalwater. Wash your both hands

    up to elbows.

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    Then prepare camphor water bypouring fresh water in the tuband mixing some camphorgrains in the water. Then washthe body, like before, three time,starting with its hands, then itsgenitals, head, left-hand postureand right-hand posture, (asbefore), wash its abdomen verygently, if anything comes out,

    just clean it.Then wash the tub with freshwater as well as your hand up toelbows, and then wash bodyagain with fresh water, followingthe previous sequence (hands,genitals, head, left-hand posture,right-hand posture).After completion of bath, dry thewhole body with a dry cloth andput some camphor on cottonlayers/sheet and put cotton

    sheet on its genitals and prepare

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    a cotton pad put it underneath(under anal area) in orderabsorb any discharge, and thentake a piece of cloth and make alungi (under wear) and coverbodys waist to knee area with itso that no fluid comes out ofbody.25

    Dont Use Hot Water, UnlessOne Fears Harm for Himself:


    ): (


    Wasil u Shia Vol-2,Page-480

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    Imam AbuJaafaraswssaid: Try notto use hot water for washing thedead body.26

    ) (

    ()1( (: )2( .

    Imam AbuAbdullahasws said:

    Using hot water for washing thedead body is like introducing fireprior to its time to him and do notput perfume on the deceased.27: :


    Al-kafi Vol-3,Page-14727

    Al-kafi Vol-3,Page-147

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    It is also narrated in another

    tradition: In very cold weather,you may use hot water to protectthe dead body from too cold asyou would also like to protectyourself.28

    ) (:

    Imams AbuJaafarasws andAbuAbdullahasws both said: It is

    28 Manlayazahoor Al-Faqi Vol-1 Page-142

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    not appropriate to wash deadbody with hot water.29

    Dead Body should be handledwith Kindness:

    )( : ) :(

    : : : )( ) ( .

    29 Wasil u Shia Vol-2,Page-499

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    Othman says, I told ImamAbuAbdullahasws: I wash deadbodies. Imamasws enquired: Doyou wash them properly? Ireplied: I just wash them.Imamasws responded: if youwashed a dead body then bekind to it, neither squeeze it norlet camphor reach to its ears.30

    Do not Reme Something fromthe Body after Giving Shroud:



    Wasil u Shia Vol-2,Page-497

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    Imam AbuAbdullahasws said: Donot remove anything from deadbody, even hairs or nails and if athing drops from it then put itback inside the shroud.31

    Dont Rewash Dead Body, dueto Effluent Discharge:

    ) (:

    Ruh Bin Abdul Rahim narratesfrom Imam AbuAbdullahasws: Ifsomething unclean comes out of

    31 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-155

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    dead body then only wash thatarea without any need of giving ita bath again.32

    ) (:

    Ibn Abi Omair, refers to some of

    his friends who had learnt from,Imam AbuAbdullahasws: Cut-offthat part of the shroud whichbecomes impure due to it beingstained from dead body effluent,after it has been bathed.33

    32 Wasil u Shia Vol-2,Page-542

    33 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-156

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    Shrouding and itsImplications:

    : ):( :

    : :


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    Abdullah Bin Sinan says, I askedfrom Imam AbuAbdullahasws, howshould I cover the dead with theshroud? Imamasws replied: acloth to be wrapped aroundbodys genitals (to cover both

    front and back) also put someextra cotton at rear area (for thepurpose of stopping any fluidcoming out). I asked what aboutthe lion cloth? Imamasws replied:Actually, the wrapper cloth is notan essential part of shroud, it isgiven to the body so that body

    fluid may not come out. It is onlyused for this reason. Then it is

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    better to use cotton shroud.Remove bodys shirt prior togiving bath, by tearing/cuttingand taking it off from feet side.The shroud consists of a shirt,without any buttons and cuffs,and a turban for head, whichshould be wrap around the head3 to 4 times whereas, the remainto be left on the bodys shirt.34

    ) (: :

    34 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-144

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    Imam AbuAbdullahasws said :Enshroud the dead in fivegarments: (1) A shirt without anybuttons on it; (2) and loin cloth;(3) a rag (hip and thighswrapper); (4) A large sheetchaddar to wrap the body; (5) Aturban to tie on head whileleaving some of it (afterthree/four turns on head) onchest.35

    Orders Regarding Camphor: : : ) (

    ) (

    ) ( :35

    Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-145

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    ) .(

    It is narrated that the weight ofthe Al-hanout (Camphor) is ofthirteen dirhams and one third,

    (131/3) Imamasws said: Gabrielasdescended upon the messengerof Allahsaww and brought Al-hanout, equal in weight to fortydirhams, The messenger ofAllahasws divided it into threeparts: one part for himselfsaww,

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    and one part for Aliasws and partfor Syeda Fatimaasws.36

    ) (:

    Imam AbuAbdullahaswssaid: Theminimum quantity of camphor tobe given to the deceased is onemishqal (4.5 grams).37

    To Give a Garment to theDeceased in Which He used to


    ) (: 36 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-15137

    Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-151

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    . : ) :(

    Mohammed bin Muslim says thatImam AbuJaafaraswssaid: Whengiving shroud to a dead person,it is recommended, to also

    include, in the shroud, ifpossible, a clean and pure outfitin which he/she used to offerprayers.38

    38 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-15

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    Burning Impregnated SticksAgarbati are Not



    ) :(

    Imam AbuJaafaraswssaid: you donot approach your dead with the

    fire, means Al Dkhna (smokingsticks, perfume impregnatedsticks, agarbati).39

    )(: .

    39 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-20

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    Ibn Abi Omair, narrates fromsome of his friends that ImamAbuAbdullahasws said: Do nottake smoking sticks nearshroud.40

    Leaving Two green twigs withthe Grave:

    : ):( :



    Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-147

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    Zrara asked from Imam Jafar-e-Sadiqasws's father: If we do notkeep green twigs with the deadthen what would happen?Imamasws replied: These protect

    the dead from torture andinterrogation as long as theseare fresh. Interrogation and thetorture are conducted on day-one and within a single hour, thetime it takes to lay down thebody and to walk away fromthere. God willing, there will be

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    neither questions nor tortureafter the twigs are dried41. :

    ) ( : ) (

    : : :


    Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-152

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    Yahya Bin Obada Al Macci, thathe said : I heard Sufyan AlThouri asks AbuJaafarasws aboutthe green twigs. Imamaswsreplied: Once a man from thetrue followers passed away.When the messenger ofAllahsaww was informed of his

    death, Hesaww came out andasked one of deads closerelatives to put green twigs in hisshroud, and also said there willbe small number of people onDoomsday with green twigs.When asked: what are greentwigs? Heasws replied, these are

    hand-length twigs which are kept

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    with the dead in the shroud (thisis because our opponents do notkeep twigs with their dead). Inanother tradition, Imam Musa-e-Kazimasws explained: It ispermissible to use green twigsfrom any tree, althoughbranches from a date-tree arepreferred.42

    Imam Hussainaswss grave Dirtto Sprinkle on Shroud and in


    : ) (

    - 42

    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-21

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    -: . .

    )( ) (

    Mohamed Bin Abdullah BinJaafar Al Humayri says, hewrote to Imamasws, the scholarand enquired about the use ofKhak-e-shifa for the shroud andthe grave. Imamasws answered

    after reading and signing hisreply, yes, it is appreciated if it is

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    put it in the grave and applied tothe shroud mixed with Hanout:(its use will be) God willing.Another tradition from Imam-e-Asarasws,ajtf also reports thesame.43

    The way of shrouding andLaying Down the dead body:

    ) ( :


    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-29

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    Yunus narrates fromMasomeenasws regarding thegiving shroud and putting onCamphor as: First spread thecloth, (i.e., Yamini chadar) thenspread the loin cloth (lungi) on itand then spread the shirt (sothat its collar area remains at thetop) and then lay down the dead-body. Then resort to a crushed

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    camphor then put it on bodysforehead, at its prostration place,and wipe body by camphor, onall its joints, from palms to itsfeet (soles) and on its head andneck, its shoulders and itsfacilities and in each joint fromits joints from both hands andthe two legs, And in the middleof the body. Then lift the body inorder to put shirt on with firstputting shirt from head side.Make sure there are neitherbuttons nor cuffs on the shirt.Then prepare two fresh twigs ofpalm equivalent to the length ofan arm and place one in such away that is remains half betweenthighs and half between kneesand the other twig is place underthe right armpit. Also make sureneither camphor nor cotton is

    placed on bodys nostrils, into

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    eyes, into ears, and on its face.Then put on the turban by giving2 to 4 folds around head bystarting the cloth from the middleand leave left and right end onthe chest.44

    ) ( :

    It is narrated from ImamAbuAbdullahasws: When

    enshrouding the dead, sprinkleon each garment a pinch ofground Kafour.45

    44 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-143

    45 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-143

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    The funeral prayer:

    ) (: } ) (:

    { :


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    From various references, AlHalabi narrates from ImamAbuAbdullahasws that Imamaswssaid: Say Takbeer then, reciteTashahud, In the name ofAllahazwj and By Allahazwjand Allpraise due to Allahazwj and for

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    the all best names of Allahazwj, ITestify that no god (exists)except Allahazwj alone, Who hasno partner And I testify thatMohammedsaww is Hisazwj

    messenger, sent by Himazwjwith

    truth, to reveal the goodnews and to warning againstevil- for all the time, And I testifythat Lord is most excellent Lordand Mohammedsaww the mostexcellent Messengersaww andAliasws the most excellent DivineGuardian and the Imam. YaAllahazwj send blessings uponMohammedsaww and theMohammed's Familyasws andaccept theirasws intercession forus and raise Theiraswsdegree, allpraise due to Allahazwj theLordazwj of the Worlds. Thensay: 4646

    Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-173

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    Then recite the followingsupplication: To Allahazwj webelong, and to Himazwj is ourreturn. (We are) thankful to theLordazwj of the Worlds- Who isthe Lord of death and life, sendblessings upon Mohammedsawwand Prophet's Familyasws.Allahazwj reward Mohammedsawwand his Alhul Baitasws with thebest attributes for preachingYourazwj people and showingthem the good and then says :Ya Allahazwj, he is Yourazwjslave,son of Yourazwjsalve and son ofYourazwjmaid. He is free of thisworld and is dependent on Yourmercy and Youazwj have nointention to torture him, YaAllahazwj we only know his gooddeeds but Youazwj are moreknowledgeable of his affairs, Ya

    Allahazwjif he was a good person

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    then enhance his virtues prior toaccepting them but if hadoffended Youazwj, through hisactions then please forgive himand extend Yourazwj mercy tohim and pardon him. YaAllahazwj blessing him with thenearness to Your Prophetsawwand we pray for Your mercy inthis life as well as in thehereafter, Ya Allahazwj we seekYour guidance, through Yourpreferred way, and keep us onthe Sirat-e-Moustaqeem Therighteous Path, Ya Allahazwjplease forgive us, please forgiveus. Then say the Takbeer forsecond time and repeat theabove prayer until finishing fiveTakbeers.47

    47 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-184

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    Who Should Lead Salat-e-Janaza:

    ) (:

    Ibn Abi Omair narrates fromseveral of his companions that

    Imam AbuAbdullah


    said : Heshould lead Salat-e-Janaza whois the closest familymember/relative, or the one whois given permission by thenearest relative. 48

    ) " :( 48

    Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-176

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    It is in Fiqh-E-Razaasws: The firstright of leading salat-e-Janaza isthe deceaseds Wali (guardian)himself, or the one who isappointed by him. However, if aHashemi/Syed is present then

    he should be given thepreference to lead prayers thanany one else. But if anyoneleads funeral prayer, without thepermission of Wali then hewould be the Ghasib theusurper.49

    49 Fiqh-E-Raza


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    Funeral prayer Antiquates:

    )( :


    Mohammed bin Yaqoob narrates

    from Imam AbuAbdullah


    : donot pray on a funeral with shoeson, but there is no harm if onedoes not remove his socks.50

    ) (: ) (

    50 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-176

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    Umro bin Shammr narrates from

    Imam AbuJaafarasws

    : Messengerof Allahsaww would stand, whileleading Salat-e-Janaza, facingthe body's waist/navel area formen but for women facing upperbody, chest area.51 :

    ) ( :


    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-119

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    Abudul Hameed asked fromImam AlHassan's fatheraswsShallI offer salat-e-Janaza withoutablution, under such conditionsthat if I perform ablution then Iwould miss the prayersaltogether? Imamasws replied,yes, it is more important to offerprayers, which is preferable thanacquiring purity.52

    ) (:

    52 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-110

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    Imam Ali Razaasws said : It isallowed to offer salat-e-janazawithout an ablution because, oneis not required to bow down andperform prostration, in this caseone should join prayer for deadpersons sake and offer prayersto Allahazwj on behalf of thedeceased. But it is compulsoryto offer salat with ablution forthose prayers in which one hasto perform bowing andprostration.53 )(




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    Mohammed bin Alhassannarrates from Imam Abu-Ibrahimasws (Imam Musa-e-Kazimasws), who said: O Aba Ali,I am going to leave this worldafter one week, but do not revealthis to anyone. Come back hereon next Friday and offer salat(Janaza) individually (Farada).54

    )(: ) ( .

    54 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-128

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    I prayed behind ImamAbuAbdullahasws on a funeralthen he extolled Greatness ofAllahazwj five times then raiseshis hand in each directionexclaiming God is great.55

    No Need to Offer Salat-e-Janaza of a Child Under 6


    : )( 55

    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-93

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    ) ( :: :

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    Zrara says, once a child of ImamAbuJaafarasws passed away.Imamasws was informed aboutthe death. Imamasws asked forthe Ghusal and Kafan for thedeceased, afterwards Imamasws

    took part in the procession ofCoffin and offer Salat-e-Janazaon it. A mat was laid down forthe Imamasws , on that matImamasws stood for a while andhe stood for some time near thegrave and then left thegraveyard. I started walkingafter Imamasws, Imamasws startedtalking to me and told me that itwas not a custom to offer salaton children of this age, the ageof three. Imam Aliasws did notoffer prayers on children of thisage and asked people to burythem after giving them Ghusal

    and Kafan but later on people

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    started offering prayers on thechildren of this age and now ithas become a social obligationto recite prayers on children ofthis age. I asked what is the ageof a child when it becomesobligatory to offer Salat-e-Janaza? Imamasws replied, itsthe age when a child would startunderstanding salat, a child ofsix years old.56

    Praying on the weak andIgnorant:

    )( :

    ) :( :


    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-95

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    Zara and Mohammed bin Muslimnarrate from Imam MohammedBaqirasws that Imamasws said:

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    Salat for the Almustazaif-whodo not have good understandingof the religion; offer his salat bysending Salawat on Prophetsawwand ask for forgiveness forMomaneen-o-Mominat, butwhen offering salat (Janaza) onan ignorant say: Ya Allahazwjforgive the ones who repentedand followed your way andprotect them from the torture ofhell. And when praying on thosewhose belief is not known toyou, say: Ya Allahazwj, this Nafs(person) whom you had givenlife and you have given death:Resurrect him with those who hepraised and destine him withthose whom he had loved.57

    57 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-67

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    Salat-e-Janaza on the Enemiesof Islam and Hypocrites:

    )( : :


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    It is narrated from Imam Jafar-e-Sadiqasws that when offeringSalat-e-Janaza on the enemy ofAllahazwj, then instead of askingfor forgiveness ask for Allahazwjswrath for him and say: YaAllahazwj we do not know moreabout him but, nevertheless heis an enemy of Youazwj and ofYour messengersaww, Ya Allahazwjfill his grave with an exorbitant

    fire, and engulf his heart in fire,and hasten his end into the fire,it was supportive of yourenemies, and it antagonizesyour devotees. And heldanimosity against YourazwjProphetsaww and Prophet'sFamilyasws, Ya Allahazwjmake his

    grave uncomfortable for him.

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    When his coffin is carried away,say: Ya Allahazwj , I am not onhis side and do not approvehim.58

    Walking with Funeral:

    ) ( :

    Imam AbuAbdullahasws said :Walking behind funeral is betterthan walking in front of it.59

    58 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-17659

    Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-169

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    ) (:) (:

    Mohammed bin alHassannarrated from a chain ofnarrators that I heard from Imam

    Aliasws that Prophetasws advised(his companions) to walk behinda funeral instead of walking infront of it, unlike the people ofthe book (majusi used to walk infront of funeral).60


    Al-Tahzeeb Vol-1.Page-311

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    ) (:

    Imam AbuJaafarasws said: Thosewho love the path of the Noblesshould walk in the wake of afuneral.61

    ) (:


    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-148

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    Imam AbuAbdullahasws said:Neither walk in front of thefuneral of a pious Muslim, norstroll in front of the coffin of theone who denies usasws, in front ofthe funeral of a Momin Muslim,angels are there to accelerate itsentrance into the paradise

    whereas angles are present infront of the infidels funeralquickly take him/her to the hell-fire.62

    62 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-169

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    The ways of lifting of funeral:

    ) (




    Imam AbuAbdullahasws said:-The preferred way of liftingfuneral is start from front left sideof funeral (taking it on your rightshoulder) then same rear side,and walk from behind to the right

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    rear side of the funeral (taking iton your left shoulder) and in theend right front side of thefuneral63

    Recite when Carrying a Coffin

    Saad asked from Imam Jafar-e-Sadiqasws what to be recited when

    63 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-155

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    one carries a coffin? Imamaswsreplied: Say In the name of Allahazwj,no one but Allahazwj, blessings are forMohammedsaww and his pureprogenyasws, Allahazwj (please) forgiveMomaneen and Momanaat.64

    Walking and BurialProcedures:

    : ) (: ) )


    64 1454

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    It is narrated from ImamAbuJaafarasws: the one whowalks with a funeral until hissalat-e-Janaza is offered, hegets reward of one Qirat but theone who walks with it until thebody is buried, gets two Qirat.The Qirat is like mountain ofUhad.65

    ) (- - ) (:


    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-145

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    It is narrated Imam Jafar-e-Sadiqasws, through a chain ofnarrators, that Rasool Allahsawwsaid who prays for a deceased,seventy thousand angels invokepeace upon him, if he does notleave dead body until coffin isburied then Allah forgives hisprevious and future sins.Participating until coffin iscovered with dust has the

    reward like the mountain ofUhad.66

    Te reward for digging grave:

    ) (


    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-146

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    ) (:

    ) (

    It is narrated from Prophet

    Mohammedsaww: Whoever digsgrave for a Muslim with theintention of pleasing Allahazwj.Allahazwj will prohibit fire on himand reward him a house in theparadise. And will allow him todrink from spring of Kusar whichhas cups equal to the number of

    stars and the width of that spring

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    is between cities of Alae andSana (two cities of Yemen).67


    ) (:

    It is narrated from ImamAbuAbdullahasws: Digging a

    grave for the deceased is likeconstructing a house for himfrom where he will beresurrected on the Doomsday.68

    67 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-160

    68 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-165

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    The depth of grave:

    ) ( ) (

    Mohammed bin Yaqoob says,Imam AbuAbdullahasws told us

    that Prophet


    has forbiddenus to bury a coffin any deeperthan three arms length.69

    69 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-166

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    Recommended BurialProcedure


    - ) (-:

    It is narrated from ImamAbuAbdullahasws: Do not bury acoffin straight away but put itdown between two to three

    arms length prior to lowering itdown into the prepared grave,

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    say final farewell to thedeceased and slowly put thecoffin into it as you are preparinghim (for his final destination).70 :

    ) ( :

    Ali bin Mohammed reports fromMohammed bin Ahmed whofrom his father that he heard it

    70 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-168

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    from Imam Abul HassanMusaaswsto prepare the dead, byholding it near the edge of itsgrave so that he/she willrecognise his/her newaccommodation, where he/shewill be residing, except it hasbecome narrower and to allowfor some time there in order forhim to get ready to facequestions.71

    Recitation after Burial:

    - : ) (:


    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-168

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    Mohammed bin Yaqoob says,Imam AbulHassanasws said: Donot enter into the grave with

    wearing turban. And furtheradded: Seek refuge fromAllahazwj , from the accursedSatan and read the Al-Hamdand two more verses Al-Muazatain and Al-Iqlas and theverse of Al-Kursi. Turn deadbody so that its right cheek

    touches ground and read out to

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    him the two testimonies alongwith the, name by name of allImamsaswstill the name of Imam-e-Zamanaasws, ajtf.72

    ) (: : :

    ( )


    Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-192

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    Mohammed bin Ajlan says that

    he had heard it from ImamAbuAbdullahasws: The nearestrelative should enter with thebody in the grave when loweringdown dead body in grave. Loseup shroud from face and putdown the right cheek on theground. Recite Bismillah and

    seek refuge of Allahazwj

    from(mischief of) Satin, recite Al-Hamd, Iqlas, Muazatin andAyath Alkursi. Then remind himthe verdicts, There is no God butAllah and that Mohammedsawwthe messenger of Allah, andname by name of all Imamsasws

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    till the name of Imam-e-Zamanaajfj.73

    )(- -: .

    Mohammed bin al-Hassan says,he heard it from ImamAbuAbdullahasws: One better be

    with ablution while lowing thedead body into grave.74

    )(- -:73 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-17574

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    : : .

    The narrator asked fromImamasws: One should really hasto be with ablution prior tolowering dead body? Imamaswsreplied no, but one should try tobe, if possible, otherwise toperform Tayammum from the

    grave dust.75

    Be Humble When LoweringDowning Dead Body:

    : ) (75

    Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-160

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    ) (

    Mohammed bin Yaqoob narratesthat Ali bin Yaqteen heard it from

    Imam Musa-Kazim


    : Do notenter into the grave wearingturban, cap, shoes and Al-Tilsan(a type of green shawl), alsoloosen your shirt buttons (fromtop, a sign of grief). This is thesunnath of Rasool Allahsaww.76

    76 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-192

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    ) (: : :

    Imam AbuAbdullahaswssaid: Oneshould go into grave for burialwithout turban or head scarf as

    well as without robe and shoes: Ienquired about socks, Imamaswsreplied, one may wear socks ifhe fears harm (from cold).77

    77 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-192

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    Climbing Up from Grave AfterBurial:


    Imam AbuAbdullahaswssaid: Oneshould come out of grave (afterlaying down the dead body) onlyfrom south side (feet side) of thegrave.78

    Wali Decides on Who and HowMany Enter into the grave:

    ) ( : 78

    Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-193

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    Mohammed bin Yahiya narratesthrough a chain of narrators thatZrara asked from ImamAbuAbdullahasws How manypeople may enter into a gravefor burial purpose? Imamasws

    replied: This is up to the wali,even and odd numbers may be


    Lowering Down Direction ofDead Body Depends on



    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-184

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    )(: .

    It is referred to ImamAbuAbdullahasws: Lower downdead body from feet side into agrave.80

    : ) :(


    Al Kulini says, in anothernarration from the messenger ofAllahsaww: Each house has afront door and graves door is atsouth side (feet side).81

    80 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-181

    81 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-182

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    )(- -:

    Imam Jafarasws binMohammedaswstold during a talkon religious rulings that dead

    body of a man is laid down in agrave from the south side (feetside) but for ladies it has to befrom the Al-Lahad side (Qibla),after laying down pray for thedead prior to levelling theground.82

    82 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-182

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    The prince of faithfuls, Ali bin AbiTalibaswssays : A mans body is

    lowered down into a grave from(south side) and Women fromQibla side and the nearestrelative would hold the lowerside of the body.83

    83 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-188

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    Recommended Prayers DuringLowering the Dead Body:


    " :

    ) (

    ": "

    " :

    )) ) (:


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    Imam Abubdullahasws said :Lower down a mans body fromfeet side while reciting the Verseof Al-Kursi, and say : " In thename of Allahazwj and for thesake of God and the messenger

    of Allah


    , Ya Allah


    makeroom for him in his grave for thesake of Yourazwj Prophetsaww"And say: As already recitedduring the salat-e-janaza. YaAllahazwj, if he was sincere thenincrease yours favours, and if hewas offensive then forgive him

    and have Your


    mercy on himand forgive him. And seek

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    forgiveness for him as much aspossible. Imam Aliasws Bin AlHussainasws used to recite thefollowing when lowering downdead body for burial: Ya Allahazwjexpand his grave from its sidesand accept his deeds with higherrewards and greet him with yourblessings.84

    : ) (: : "

    ) " (

    " :

    ) (

    ." 84

    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-177

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    " : :

    " ) ( )" : " :(

    : " :

    " " :

    ." " :

    " " :


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    Mohammed bin al-Hassan says,I heard Imam AbuAbdullahasws:

    Recite the following uponentering into a grave: "In thename of Allahazwjand by Allahazwjand on the Messengersaww ofAllahs religion. "When you restthe body untie the shroud, andrecite: Ya Allahazwj, Ya Allahazwjhe was among Your worshipers,

    was Your slave, son of Your

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    slave, he awaits Your mercy andYou are the best reliever, YaAllahazwj if he were Your devoutbeliever, please increaseYourazwj favours, but if he wereamong arrogants then pleaseforgive him.Then puts your left hand on itsleft upper arm and shake it firmlythen say: O! so-and-so and theson of a so-and-so upon beingasked, reply: Allahazwj is Lord,and Mohammedsaww is myprophet, and Islam is myreligion, and the Quran is bookand I follow Imam Aliasws..untilImam-e-zamanaasws,ajtf. Thencongratulates him saying,: " Iexplained, O so-and-so "Imamaswssaid, he answers backto you as, I heardThen say " may Allahazwj keep

    you firm in your words, and

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    Allahazwj guide you to the Rightpath, may Allahazwjs and HisWaliaswss mercy be on you inthis dwelling."" Then says: " YaAllahazwjexpand the land aroundhis/her forehead, and make himcomfortable, and he has learntabout Yourazwjproof, Ya Allahazwjpardon him as You are the mostforgiving ". Then start covering(the coffin) with clay and thestones, and keep on reciting thefollowing prayer as long as youare covering it (coffin) with theearth: Ya Allahazwj I pray for thesake of Your unity, and I amfamiliar with it and long for Yourapproval, he believed in Yoursplendour, and he lodged to itfrom Yourazwj mercy, he is notexpecting mercy from anyoneother than Youazwj Then come

    out of the grave and says: " To

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    Allahazwj we belong, and toHimazwjis our return, Ya Allahazwjraise its degree in the loftieststatus, and compensate him asYou find it appropriate, O theLord of the Worlds "85

    )( :

    Mohammed bin Yaqoob saysthat he has heard from ImamAbuAbdullahasws that fathershould refrain from resting hissons body in the grave, but soncan bury his father.86

    85 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-180

    86 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-193

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    ) (: ) :( ) (

    Imam AbuAbdullahasws says,Amir-ul-Momaneenasws narrates

    from Rasool Allahsaww

    that awoman should be buried by theperson who was allowed to seeher during her life time(Mahram). 87

    ) (:


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    Zaid narrates from his ancestors

    who from Amir-ul-Momaneenasws: The nearestrelative of woman could hold thelower side of her dead body. 88

    Son or Near Relatives shouldnot throw Dust on the Grave:


    )( ) ( ) ( :


    Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-188

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    ) ( : :


    Ebeid Bin Zrara says: Once a

    son of a companion of ImamAbuAbdullahasws passed away.

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    Imam AbuAbdullahasws attendedthe funeral. When they buriedthe boy, his father went forwardto put the dust on the grave butImamaswsheld him back and toldhim that you or your near relativeshould refrain from putting theclay on the grave. RasoolAllahsaww has forbidden fatherand blood relatives to put soil onthe grave. They asked, Ya Sonof Rasool Allahsaww is it for himonly? . Imamaswsreplied: I forbidall of you, do not throw dust onyour near ones graves as itmakes heart stiff and whoseheart becomes merciless he isunable to worship his Lordazwjsappreciably.89

    89 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-199

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    It is preferred to push the clayfrom back side of hand:


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    Ummer bin Azeena says, I sawImam AbuAbdullahasws wouldhold clay in his hand and recitesomething before dropping it onthe grave, Imamasws did it threetimes. He says, I enquired aboutthis practice. Imamasws replied:O Omar! Iaswswas reciting: Havefirm belief and believe in yourresurrection, this is what Allahazwjand its messengersawwpromised.Remember and greet thesewords, thats what messenger ofAllahasws used to say and thishas become his tradition.90

    Make Use of the Same GraveClay for Burial:


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    ) ( ) (

    Mohammed bin Yaqoob narratesfrom Imam AbuAbdullahasws thatRasool Allahasws has forbiddento put earth on the grave whichhas not been taken out from it.91

    Installation of Grave Stone:

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    : ).(

    It is narrated from Al Mahdi'smotherasws that the mother ofImam AbuMohamedasws passedaway during Imamaswss life time.Imamasws wrote on her grave:this is the grave ofMohammedaswss mother.92

    : )(

    92 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-203

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    Yunus Bin Yaqoub narrates;Abul Hassan Mousaaswsreturnedfrom Baghdad and went toMedina when one of Imamaswssdaughter passed away. Afterburial, Imamasws asked some ofHisasws slaves to white wash thegrave and write the name on a

    tablet and fixed it on the grave.93

    The dictation to the dead byWali (Guardian):


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    Imam AbuAbdullahaswssaid : one

    of you should stay behind at thegrave (when others leave afterburial) then says: O so-and-so,the son of so-and-so, you knowthat you have taken an oathregarding the Shahadateen(three or more verdicts) thatthere is no god but Allah, and

    that Mohammedsaww

    is themessenger of Allahazwj andAliasws is the Amir-ul-momaneenasws of the believersand your Imamasws, and(Hassanasws) ) recite until thename of the last Imamasws(atfj)are your Imamsasws. Upon

    reciting this, one of the angelssays to the other: we are

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    satisfied with the arrival of thisperson regarding answers to ourquestions from him, he has nowbeen fully taught. They, thenturn away from him and do not

    enter into his grave.94


    ) (:

    94 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-201

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    It is narrated form ImamAbuAbdullahasws that Imamaswssaid one (next of kin) should staybehind, at the grave after burialand when others leave, heshould pick-up some dust fromthe grave and remind the deadwith loud voice (as he is listeningto him) the shahadat, upon doingso, he will save the dead fromthe questions he was about toface.95

    Spraying water n the grave:



    95 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-202

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    It is narrated from Imam


    : It is sunnah tosprinkle water on the grave whilefacing the Qiblah, start from thehead side and come down to thefeet side and then go around tothe other side and sprinkle waterin the middle of the grave. 96

    ):( : ) (

    96 Wasil u Shia Vol-3,Page-195

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    Yunus bin Yaqoob narrates from

    Imam Abul Hassan Aliasws

    BinMousa Razaasws that Imamaswsasked me to clean and sprinklewater on myasws grave for fortydays or forty months.97


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    ) (: ) )

    Mohammed bin Yaqoob narratesfrom Imam Abu Jafarasws:, Whensomeone from the children ofHashimasws would pass away,the messenger of Allahsawwused

    to do some special rituals, whichhesaww never did for any other

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    Muslim. After praying forHashimite, the messenger ofAllahasws would spray water onthe grave and leave animpression of his palms bypressing both his hands withopen fingers at the surface of thegrave. The impression of fingersused to be so clear that any onefrom medina or any othertraveller, when would recognisethe imprint and say this is thegrave of the children ofMohammedsaww.98

    The Shape and Height of theGrave:

    ) (98

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    Mohammed bin Yaqoob saysthrough a chain of narrators thatImam AbuJaafarasws (ImamMohammed Baqirasws) said:When you bury measws, raisemyasws grave over the ground

    level by four fingers height(approximately 4 inches).99


    () :( .

    99 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-201

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    It is narrated from ImamAbuJaafarasws that Prophetsawwleft a will with Imam Aliasws tobury himsaww in that place, andraise hissawwgrave from the landby four fingers, and spray wateron it.100

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    Imam AbuAbdullahasws wasasked: Why graves are built inthis shape (square) and what isthe logic behind it? Imamaswsreplied, because Kabbahdescended in this shape.101

    Recommendations After burialof the deceased:

    : " :( ):



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    Syed Ali bin Taaous writes inFalah alSaail that RasoolAllahsaww said, the most difficult

    time a deceased is going to faceis during the first night, if you

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    want to help him then offer onhis/her behalf Sadqa (elms), ifyou cannot afford it then one ofyou may recite two rak'ah salat,reciting after Alhamd in the fristRaqat Sura-e-Qulhowalla twiceand in the second Raqat, afterreciting Alhamd,10 times Sura-e-Tukasar, after finishing salatSay: Ya Allahazwj invoke peaceupon Mohammedsaww and theMuhammad's Familyasws, and Iforward its reward to the grave ofthat dead, the so-and-so andson of so-and-so, Allahazwjsendsfrom that instance, one thousandangels to his/her grave with eachholding a grand garment and apan with gifts, and it widens itsgrave from the boredom to Daywhen the Trumpet will besounded, And he is given the

    prayer by the number of what on

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    him the sun emerged gooddeeds, and an abstinence of himis forty degrees.102

    Visiting the Graveyard:

    : ) :( ::

    - -

    102 Mustadrekul wasail V-8 P-167

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    Mohammed bin Yaqoob, whofrom Ali bin Ibrahim, who fromhis father, who from Abudullahbin alMughira, who fromAbdullah bin Sanan, who askedfrom Imam AbuAbdullahasws Iasked AbuAbdullahasws: howshall we greet the people ofgraves? Imamasws replied: Say,peace be upon you: O people ofanother world, among theMomaneen and Muslameen, thepleased ones and the ones insadness, God willing we too willbe joining you.103

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    Mohammed bin Ali al-Hussainnarrates from Imam Al-Sadiqasws:When you enter into thecemetery then say: Peace uponthe companions of Paradise.104

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    It is narrated through various

    companions, as reported by Al-Mufeed, a prayer from Imam

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    Aliasws for the buried people: "Inthe Name of Allahazwj, the mostBeneficent, the most Merciful,peace be upon the people (Whowitness). There is no god butAllahazwj, the ones who witnesson us, there is no god butAllahazwj, O who are present,there is no god but Allahazwj.Indeed, there is no god butAllahazwj, how do you find, sayingthere is no god but Allahazwj?Surely, there is no god butAllahazwj, O (listener) there is nogod but Allahazwj, We all (agree),there is no god but Allahazwj,Who may forgive those who say,there is no god but Allahazwj, Andresurrect us in a group who saidthere is no god but Allahazwj,Mohammedsaww the messengerof Allahazwj, AliaswsWali Allahazwj.

    Aliasws said: I heard the

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    messenger of Allahsawwsaid: Theone, who recites this prayer, willbe rewarded by Allahazwj 50years of worshiping and 50years of repentance, not only forhimself but also his parents.105

    Visiting Graves and Recitationof Quran:

    : ) (


    Mustadrak ul wasail Vol-2,Page-369

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    It is narrated from Masoomaswsthat if a momin visits his brother-in Eemans grave and recites 7times Inna Anzalna while puttinghis hand on the grave and facingthe kabah, (as a reward) he isprotected from unbearabletroubles.106

    )): "


    Imam Al-Sadiqasws said" If onevisits the grave of a momin andrecites Sura-e-al-Qadar seventimes; Allahazwjwill forgive sins ofthe deceased momin as well asreciters."107

    106 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-229

    107 Mustadrak ul wasail Vol-2,Page-372

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    Recommended Days forVisiting Cemeteries:

    : ) ( ) " : )


    Imam Abu Jafaraswssaid: SyedaFatimaasws used to visit HazratHamzaasws's grave and pray forhim. Other women also joinedHazrat Fatimaasws on everySaturday, to visit martyrs

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    graves, and there they prayedand asked for forgiveness.108

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    Hashim bin Salam says, I heardit from Imam AbuAbdullahasws:(Our grandmother) Fatimaaswslived seventy five days, after her

    108 Mustadrak ul wasail Vol-2,Page-365

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    fathersaww, no one saw herasws

    smiling or laughing. The piousladyasws used to visit martyrsgraves twice in a week, everyMonday and Thursday. Uponvisiting graveyard, Syedaaswsused to say, here is themessenger of Allahsaww andthere are the polytheists.109

    Visiting and Praying atCemeteries:


    ):( :


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    Mohammed bin Ali bin

    alHussain, who from Rizwan binYahiya says that I asked fromImam AbuAlHassan Musaaswsbin Jaafarasws: When we visit thegraves of believers, do theyrecognise us and are pleasedwith us and feel lonely when wedepart from their graves?


    replied, no they do notfeel lonely.110-

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    Ahmed bin Mohammed Alkufireports through a chain ofnarrators that ImamAbuAbullahasws says that Amir-ul-Momaneenasws has said: Visit

    graves of your deceased, theyrejoice when you visit them andwhen you visit your parentsgraves, also mention your needswhen praying for them.111

    111 Al-Kafi Vol-3,Page-229

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    Circumambulation of HolyGraves and Praying at the


    Encircle those graves; the rightsof those people (who are buriedthere) are obligatory upon you,and visit them and seeksustenance there, as the deadwill be delighted if you visit them.You should ask your needs nearthe graves of your parents after

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    supplicating to Allahazwj forthem.112

    Praying on Behalf of theDeceased:

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    Toufa tul Aqool, pp. 106 (Arabic)

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    Mohammed bin Ali bin Hussainreports through a chain ofnarrators that once ImamAbuAbdullahaswswas asked: Is itappropriate to pray for thedeceased? Imamasws replied:Yes, some times it helps them,specially when they are in grief.When you pray for them,Allahazwjrelieves them from theirdifficulties and also informs them

    the relief comes to you as aresult of your brother so and sohas done such and such on yourbehalf.113 ): :(

    113 Wasil u Shia Vol-2,Page-443

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    Also said, similar to the alive,

    who rejoice upon gettingpresents, deceased are pleasedwhen blessings and prayers areforwarded to them. 114 :( ):

    The prayers, the fasts, thepilgrimage and the charitiesforwarded for a dead person

    would enter into his grave. And114

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    the reward of All these is writtenin the account of the both, thedeceased and the sender.115 ): :(



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    When some one gives alms onbehalf of a dead person Allahazwjcommands hazrat Gabrielas tovisit his grave with seventythousand angels, each angelholding a sack of blessings. Theangels go near the grave andsay: Al-Salam Alaykum Oservant of Allahazwj, so-and-so,the son of so-and-so has sent toyou these presents. They, then

    sparkle his grave with thebounties of what they havebrought in with them and say (inaddition) Allahazwj has given youone 1000 cities in the paradise,1000 lustrous-eyed devoutservants (Hoor), and beautiful

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    dresses and have fulfilled yourwishes116
