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Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek,...

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Page 1: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič




Priložnosti, potenciali, izzivi




Opportunities, potentials, challenges

Zbornik povzetkov

Conference Proceedings Abstracts






Opportunities, potentials, challenges

Page 2: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

Zbornik povzetkov | Conference Proceedings Abstracts

4. mednarodna znanstvena konferenca razvoja industrijskega inženiringa: PRILOŽNOSTI, POTENCIALI,

IZZIVI, Otočec pri Novem mestu, 8.-9. april 2019

4th International Scientific Conference on the Developement of Industrial Engineering: OPPORTUNITIES,

POTENTIALS, CHALLENGES, Otočec pri Novem mestu, 8.-9. April 2019

Organizator konference in založnik zbornika | Conference Organizer and Publisher of Proceedings:

Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto | Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto

Kraj | Place: Šegova ulica 112, Novo mesto

Leto izida | Year: 2019

Urednica zbornika | Editor of Conference Proceeding Abstracts: mag. Iris Fink Grubačević

Recenzenti | Reviewers: dr. Rudolf Pušenjak, mag. Iris Fink Grubačević, dr. Urška Florjančič, dr. Anatolij Nikonov,

dr. Darko Števančec, dr. Damjan Balabanič

Tehnična urednica | Technical Editor: Lucija Galič, mag. posl. ved

Tisk na zahtevo.

Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto je izključni imetnik vseh materialnih avtorskih pravic na tej

publikaciji. Prepovedano je kopiranje ali kakršnokoli razmnoževanje dela brez dovoljenja urednika. Jezikovno,

znanstveno in strokovno pravilnost zagotavljajo avtorji gradiva.

The Faculty of Industrial Engineeering Novo mesto is the sole owner of all material rights of this publication. It is

prohibited to copy or distribute in any manner without the permission of the editor. Authors in this publication are

accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of

the work, including, but notwithstanding language, style, data, interpretations, are appropriately investigated and


CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji

Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana


MEDNARODNA znanstvena konferenca razvoja industrijskega inženiringa (4 ; 2019 ; Otočec pri Novem


Priložnosti, potenciali, izzivi : zbornik povzetkov / 4. mednarodna znanstvena konferenca razvoja

industrijskega inženiringa, [Otočec pri Novem mestu, 8.-9. april 2019] = Opportunities, potentials, challenges

: conference proceedings abstracts / 4th International Scientific Conference on the Developement of Industrial

Engineering, [Otočec pri novem mestu, 8.-9. April 2019] ; [organizator Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring =

organizer Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto ; [urednica zbornika Iris Fink Grubačević]. - Novo

mesto : Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring = Faculty of Industrial Engineering, 2019

ISBN 978-961-94246-6-7

1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Vzp. stv. nasl. 3. Fink Grubačević, Iris 4. Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring (Novo mesto)


Page 3: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

Kazalo | Table of Contents

SKLOP 1: Razvoj sodobnih tehnologij ................................................................................... 3

Development of modern technologies

Food products obtained from fruit and vegetables by different preservation methods .............. 4

Jelena Marković, Jasmina Stojiljković

Razvoj trajnostnih tehnologij. Izboljšan proces priprave farmacevtske učinkovine .................. 5

Development of the sustainable technologies. Improved process of an active pharmaceutical

ingredient manufacturing

Igor Simonič

Metoda za analizo pametnega orodja za oblikovanje ploščevin ................................................. 7

Method for analysis of smart sheet metal forming tools strip layout

Stjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga

SKLOP 2: Aplikativne raziskave ............................................................................................ 8

Applied research

Aluminijeve zlitine komponent podvozij vozil .......................................................................... 9

Alluminium alloys of vehicle chassis components

Mitja Muhič

Meritve modelne vetrne turbine v vetrovniku .......................................................................... 11

Experimental measurements of wind turbine in the wind tunnel

Matej Fike, Gorazd Hren, Andrej Predin, Marko Pezdevšek

Koeficienti vzgona in upora za različne konfiguracije Magnusovega rotorja .......................... 12

Lift and drag coefficients for various Magnus rotor configurations

Marko Pezdevšek, Gorazd Hren, Andrej Predin, Matej Fike

Inovativna oblika elementa za preprečevanje utrujenostne poškodbe pritrdilnega traka

rezervoarja goriva ..................................................................................................................... 13

Innovative design of an element for prevention of fatigue crack of fastening strap of fuel tank

David Stušek, Jurij Švegelj, Tomaž Savšek, Matic Muc, Vili Malnarič

Izbor optimalnega frezala za frezanje orodnega jekla .............................................................. 15

Selection of optimal milling cutter for tool steel milling

Janez Jamnik, Marica Prijanovič Tonkovič

Vpliv meritev na kakovost led žarometov ................................................................................ 17

The impact of measurements on the quality of headlamps

David Štine, Marica Prijanovič Tonkovič

Študija izbire aluminijastih materialov in tehnologij za «z« nosilec ........................................ 19

Study of selection of aluminium materials and technologies for "z" bracket

Mirko Zupanc, Matej Steinacher, Matej Ernecl, Vili Malnarič

Page 4: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

SKLOP 3: Raziskave na projektu MARTINA ..................................................................... 21

Research on MARTINA project

Napredni multikomponentni materiali: duroplastomagneti in termoplastični nanokompoziti . 22

Advanced Multicomponent Materials: Thermoset-based multicomponent Magnetic Materials

and Thermoplastic Nanocomposites

Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

MARTINA - AM, 3D tisk in inovativne tehnologije obdelave materialov za končno

uporabo ..................................................................................................................................... 25

MARTINA - AM, 3D print and inovative materials manufacturing technologies for end use

Mina Kralj, Boštjan Podlipec, Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Damjan Klobčar, Mitja Petrič, Jaka


Razvoj orodnih jekel za delo v vročem z izboljšano toplotno prevodnostjo ............................ 28

Development of hot work tool steel with improved thermal conductivity

Peter Kirbiš, Tatjana Večko Pirtovšek, Borut Urnaut, Andrej Vrečič

SKLOP 4: Temeljne raziskave ............................................................................................... 30

Fundamental research

Metodologija za disperzijsko analizo tankih plošč z uporabo MKE inženirske programske

opreme ...................................................................................................................................... 31

Methodology for Dispersion Analysis of Thin Plates using FEM Engineering Software

Anatolij Nikonov, Barbara Zupančič, Simon Muhič, Julius Kaplunov

Dinamične napetosti v simetričnih 3-plastnih kompozitnih ploščah ........................................ 33

Dynamic stresses in symmetric 3-layered composite plates

Milan Ambrožič

Spektralna analiza večplastnih nosilcev s kontrastno različnimi snovnimi lastnostmi plasti .. 35

Spectral analysis of multi-layered beams with high-contrast material properties of layers

Anatolij Nikonov, Rudolf Pušenjak

SKLOP 5: Mladi raziskovalci ................................................................................................ 37

Young researchers

Zmanjšanje teže konstrukcijskih elementov z uvajanjem hibridnih struktur ........................... 38

Reducing weight of structural elements by implementation of hybrid structures

Danilo Jereb, Vili Malnarič, Tomaž Savšek, Anatolij Nikonov

Razvoj interdisciplinarnih veščin na področju glasbe in tehnike z vključevanjem študentov . 40

Development of Interdisciplinary Skills in Music and Engineering by Involving Students

Urška Florjančič, Mladen Bucić, Anatolij Nikonov

Page 5: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

SKLOP 6: Razvoj družbe in okolja ...................................................................................... 43

Development of the society and environment

The improvement of citizens' social standards and benefits through enabling better interaction

in public administration sector ................................................................................................. 44

Aleksandra Dimitrijević

Znanje kot družbena vrednota — človeški viri in regionalni razvoj ........................................ 45

Knowledge as value for the society - human resources and regional development

Marjan Ravbar

Era digitalnega marketinga ....................................................................................................... 47

The digital marketing era

Darko Števančec, Mitja Košak, Iris Fink Grubačević

Trajnostni razvoj logističnih procesov...................................................................................... 49

Sustainable development of logistics processes

Sašo Murtič, Ingrid Uhernik Franko

Učinki strojne opreme v logistiki ............................................................................................. 51

The effects of hardware in logistics

Sašo Murtič, Ingrid Uhernik Franko

Page 6: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019



Pred nami je zbornik povzetkov 4. Mednarodne znanstvene konference o razvoju industrijskega

inženiringa, ki ga sedaj z že uveljavljenim podnaslovom: Priložnosti, potenciali in izzivi organizira

Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto. Na vabilo k sodelovanju se je odzvalo veliko število

avtorjev s skupaj 23 prijavljenimi povzetki. Za fakulteto, ki je nosilka razvoja posameznih ved o

industrijskem inženiringu, je tako velik odziv razlog za veliko zadovoljstvo, ki vzbuja upravičeno

upanje, da bo konferenca uspešno dosegla svoj namen.

V pričujočem zborniku so povzetki avtorjev smiselno razvrščeni v šest tematskih sklopov. Vsebina

posameznih povzetkov je zelo raznolika in obravnava sodobne metode in posamezne inovativne rešitve

problemov na področju industrijskega inženiringa. Prvi sklop se ukvarja z uvajanjem novih tehnologij

v prehrambeno in farmacevtsko industrijo ter industrijo 4.0. Drugi sklop obsega 7 povzetkov iz

aplikativnih raziskav in pri tem obravnava uporabo aluminijevih zlitin v proizvodnji komponent

podvozij vozil in izbor aluminijastih materialov in tehnologij za izdelavo nosilca motorja v avtomobilski

industriji, tehnologijo 3D tiskanja vetrne turbine in izvedbe meritev v vetrovniku, numerične simulacije

različnih konfiguracij Magnusovega rotorja, snovanje inovativne oblike konstrukcijskega elementa za

preprečevanje utrujenostne poškodbe pritrdilnega traka rezervoarja goriva, izbor optimalnega frezala za

frezanje orodnega jekla ter pomen testiranja in meritev na kakovost led žarometov. V tretjem sklopu so

zbrane raziskave v okviru projekta MARTINA pri razvoju kompozitnih in hibridnih polimernih

materialov, naprednih dodajnih tehnologij obdelave materialov za izdelavo kompleksnejših industrijskih

komponent in orodnih jekel za delo v vročem. Četrti sklop obsega temeljne raziskave na področju

disperzijske analize tankih plošč, dinamičnih napetosti in deformacij triplastnih kompozitnih plošč ter

spektralne analize večplastnih nosilcev. V petem sklopu se na konferenci prvič predstavljajo

perspektivni mladi raziskovalci. V prvem povzetku predstavljajo za avtomobilsko industrijo izjemno

aktualne koncepte zmanjšanja teže konstrukcijskih elementov z uporabo hibridnih struktur, v drugem

povzetku pa je predstavljen zanimiv skupni projekt Fakultete za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto,

Konservatorija za glasbo in balet v Ljubljani, Kulturno umetniškega društva Nasha produkcija in Zavoda

za gradbeništvo v Ljubljani o komplementarni uporabi dinamike konstrukcij pri razvoju kitarske glasbe.

V zadnjem, šestem sklopu najdemo 5 povzetkov, ki predstavljajo raziskave posodobitev v javni upravi,

razvoja družbe znanja, vedenja potrošnikov v dobi interneta in socialnih omrežij, trajnostnega razvoja

logističnih procesov in pomena strojne opreme v teh procesih.

Kot avtorji ali soavtorji posameznih povzetkov so se na udeležbo v delu konference odzvali mednarodno

uveljavljeni raziskovalci in eminentni visokošolski učitelji iz tujine, med njimi iz Anglije, Hrvaške in

Srbije, katerih prispevek v programskem odboru še posebno cenimo.

Dr. Rudolf Pušenjak

Predsednik programskega odbora

Page 7: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019



Before us are the proceedings of abstracts of 4th International Scientific Conference on development of

the industrial engineering, organized by Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto under now well

established subtitle: Opportunities, Potentials and Challenges. On the invitation to the participation a

large number of authors responded with a total 23 abstracts. For faculty, which is a carrier of

development of several sciences in the field of industrial engineering, such a great response is a reason

of a pleasure, that justified excites the hope for the successful execution of the conference.

In the present proceedings, abstracts submitted by authors are classified inside the scope of six

thematical sections. The contents of each individual abstract is very diverse and treats the modern

methods as well as inovative solutions of problems of industrial engineering. The first section deals with

the introduction of new technologies in the food and pharmaceutical industry, and the industry 4.0. The

second section encompasses 7 abstracts of applied research, and discusses the use of aluminium alloy

in the manufacture of vehicle chassis components, and a selection of aluminium materials and

technologies for the production of the bracket of the engine in the automotive industry, technology of

3D printing of wind turbines and execution of measurements in the wind tunnel, numerical simulations

of different configurations of Magnus rotor, innovative design of the structural element for the

prevention of fatigue damage to the attachment tape of fuel tank, a selection of the optimum miller for

milling tool steel and the importance of testing and measurement of the quality of led headlights. The

third section collects the investigations in the framework of the project MARTINA in the development

of hybrid and composite polymer materials, advanced materials processing technologies for the

production of complex industrial components and hot work tool steels. The scope of the fourth section

is the fundamental research in the field of dispersion analysis of thin plates, of dynamic stresses and

strains of three-layered composite plates and spectral analysis of multilayered beams. In the fifth section

of the conference for the first time a prospective young researchers are presented. In the first abstract

authors treat the newest concepts in the automotive industry, which goal is the reducing of the weight

of structural elements with the use of hybrid structures. In the second abstract an interesting joint project

of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto, Conservatory of Music and Ballet in Ljubljana,

the Culture- and Art Society "Nasha produkcija" and of Institute for Civil Engineering in Ljubljana on

the complementary use of dynamics of structures in the development of live guitar music is presented.

In the last sixth section we find 5 abstracts, representing the research of updates in the public

administration, development of the knowledge society, consumer behavior in the age of the Internet and

social networks, the sustainable development of the logistic processes and the importance of the

hardware in these processes.

Many internationally renowned researchers and eminent faculty teacher from abroad, including

England, Croatia and Serbia, participate as authors or co-authors of individual abstracts in the work of

Conference. The Program Committee of Conference appreciates with great gratitude their contribution.

Dr. Rudolf Pušenjak

Chairman of the Program Committee

Page 8: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Sklop 1

Razvoj sodobnih tehnologij

Development of modern technologies

Page 9: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Food products obtained from fruit and vegetables by

different preservation methods

Jelena Marković1, Jasmina Stojiljković1

1Colledge of Applied Professional Studies, Filipa Filipovica 20, Vranje, Serbia

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected]


The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that procedures and methods of conservation are very

important for the production of good and quality fruit products. The use of preserving methods

is essential in order to preserve the quality for a long period of time in most fruit products.

Conservation methods are divided into three groups: physical, chemical and biological

methods. In these methods, the temperature and the quality of the raw materials are very

important. In order to obtain various fruit juices, pulps, various fruit products, all the conditions

and in particular the method, temperature and conservation conditions must be taken into

account. The most common and most used methods are pasteurization, sterilization, drying and

freezing. In the pasteurisation method, latent heat and air effect must be taken into account,

which directly affect the quality of the products obtained by this method.

Keywords: methods of conservation, processed fruit and vegetables

Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 10: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Razvoj trajnostnih tehnologij. Izboljšan proces priprave

farmacevtske učinkovine

Development of the sustainable technologies. Improved

process of an active pharmaceutical ingredient


Igor Simonič1

1Krka d.d., Novo mesto, Šmarješka cesta 6, 8501 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Izdelava farmacevtskih učinkovin zahteva uporabo različnih metod organske kemijske sinteze,

ki praktično nikoli niso izvedljive brez uporabe organskih topil. Posamezna sintezna metoda

pogosto zahteva organsko topilo ali zmesi topil s specifičnimi lastnostmi, kar lahko bistveno

vpliva tako na izid procesa kot na njegovo ekonomiko. Ravno tako se topila medsebojno močno

razlikujejo glede varnosti in okoljskih učinkov, kar po drugi strani lahko vpliva tako na stroške

regeneracije kot stroške končne pretvorbe v okoljsko sprejemljive produkte. Pri proizvodnji

učinkovin po starejših postopkih so tako pogosto uporabljali topila, za katere se je sčasoma

izkazalo, da so ekološko manj primerna ter zato težje obvladljiva tako znotraj procesa kot po

koncu procesa, ko jih je potrebno varno regenerirati, in ko to ni več ekonomično, tudi predelati

v nenevarne produkte. Predstavili bomo primer razvoja trajnostne tehnologije na procesu

sinteze učinkovine, pri katerem smo uspeli zamenjati prvotno uporabljena klorirana topila z

ekološko bistveno bolj prijaznimi topili, brez da bi vplivali na ekonomiko procesa. S tem pa

smo vnaprej preprečili morebitne težave tako znotraj proizvodnega procesa kot težave pri

odstranjevanju odpadkov po končani proizvodnji učinkovine.

Ključne besede: farmacevtske učinkovine, proizvodnja, trajnostne tehnologije, organska

topila, klorirana topila

Razvrstitev: Znanstveni članek

Page 11: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019



The manufacturing of pharmaceutical ingredients requires the use of various methods of organic

chemical synthesis, which are practically never feasible without the use of organic solvents. An

individual synthetic method often requires an organic solvent or mixture of solvents with

specific properties, which can significantly affect both the outcome of the process and its

economics. Similarly, solvents vary greatly in terms of safety and environmental impact, which,

on the other hand, can affect both the cost of regeneration and the cost of final conversion into

environmentally acceptable products. In the manufacturing of active ingredients according to

older methods, they often used solvents, which eventually proved to be ecologically less

suitable and therefore more difficult to manage both within the process and after the end of the

process when they need to be regenerated safely, and when this is no longer economical, also

transform into non-hazardous products. An example of the development of sustainable

technology in the process of synthesizing the active substance will be presented, in which the

initially used chlorinated solvents has been replaced with ecologically significantly more

friendly solvents without affecting the process economy. By doing so, possible problems in the

production process as well as the problems with the disposal of waste after the finished product

production has been prevented.

Keywords: active pharmaceutical ingredients, manufacturing, sustainable technologies,

organic solvents, chlorinated solvents

Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 12: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Metoda za analizo pametnega orodja za oblikovanje


Method for analysis of smart sheet metal forming tools

strip layout

Stjepan Flegarić1, Mihael Volk2, Tomaž Savšek3, Mario Štorga1

1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Ivana Lučića 5,

Zagreb, Croatia

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected]

2Gorenje Orodjarna d.o.o., Partizanska 12, 3503 Velenje, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]

3TPV d.o.o., Kandijska cesta 60, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Smart sheet metal forming tools as a specific segment of “smart products” became part of

Industry 4.0, and its components should be connected on the Internet of Things in a production

company. In the opposite of traditional sheet metal forming tools design, smart sheet metal

forming tools design includes controllable actuators in the direction different from the press

opening and sensors that give information about workpieces, tools and process regulate the

production process parameters in real time which affects the product design process. This paper

presents a method for analysis and presentation of smart sheet metal forming tool strip layout.

This method enables the integrated processing of complex requirements that exist in such a

design, and it is appropriate for use as a methodological approach to the development of the

smart product in the industry.

Keywords: smart sheet metal forming tools, industry 4.0, strip layout

Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 13: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Sklop 2

Aplikativne raziskave

Applied research

Page 14: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Aluminijeve zlitine komponent podvozij vozil

Aluminum alloy components of vehicle chassis and


Mitja Muhič1

1Šolski center Novo mesto, Višja strokovna šola, Šegova ulica 112, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Aluminijeve zlitine so lahki materiali, ki se vse pogosteje uporabljajo v avtomobilski industriji.

Vse pogosteje se uporabljajo zaradi majhne gostote in velike specifične trdnosti kar zmanjšuje

maso – težo vozil. Manjša masa – teža omogoča manjšo porabo goriva oziroma energije,

ogljični (CO2) odtis in ostale škodljive emisije (NOx). Manjša masa – teža izboljša vodljivost

in aktivno varnost vozil.

Prispevek obravnava uporabo aluminijevih zlitin komponent podvozij vozil. Podvozje je

pomemben konstrukcijski sklop, ki je povezan s karoserijo in pogonom. Prikazane so fizične in

mehanske lastnosti materialov iz aluminijevih zlitin. Opisane so uporaba in prednosti

aluminijevih zlitin. Predstavljeni so konkretni primeri in trendi uporabe materialov iz

aluminijevih zlitin na področju komponent podvozij vozil.

Ključne besede: aluminijeve zlitine, lahka gradnja – nižanje mase - teže, avtomobilska

industrija, komponente podvozja

Razvrstitev: Strokovni članek


Aluminum alloys are lightweight materials, which are increasingly used in the automotive

industry. They are used because of low density and high specific strength, which reduces the

mass - weight of vehicles. Lower mass - weight reduces fuel and energy consumption, carbon

(CO2) footprint and other harmful emissions (NOx). Lower mass - weight improves handling

and active safety of vehicles.

Page 15: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


The article deals with the use of aluminum alloys of vehicle chassis components. The chassis

is an important construction module that is connected to the body and power train. The physical

and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy materials are shown. The use and advantages of

aluminum alloys are described. Examples and trends in the use of aluminum alloy materials in

the area of vehicle chassis and suspension components are presented.

Keywords: Aluminum alloys, Lightweight construction – mass / weight reduction, automotive

industry, chassis and suspension components

Article Classification: Professional Paper

Page 16: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Meritve modelne vetrne turbine v vetrovniku

Experimental measurements of wind turbine in the wind


Matej Fike1, Gorazd Hren1, Andrej Predin1, Marko Pezdevšek1

1Fakulteta za energetiko, Hočevarjev trg 1, 8270 Krško, Slovenija

E-naslovi: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


V prispevku je predstavljeno modeliranje, izdelava ter meritve modelne tri lopatične turbine, s

profilom lopatic NREL S826. S programskim paketom SolidWorks je bil kreiran model vetrne

turbine, ki smo ga nato izdelali s postopkom 3D tiskanja. V vetrovniku so bile opravljene

meritve sile oziroma navora in vrtljajev vetrnice v odvisnosti od hitrosti vetra. Na podlagi

meritev je bila določena karakteristika moči in koeficient moči v odvisnosti od hitrostnega


Ključne besede: vetrna turbina, meritve, 3D tiskanje, vetrovnik

Razvrstitev: Strokovni članek


The paper presents modeling, manufacturing and measurements of a three-bladed model wind

turbine, with an airfoil NREL S826. The turbine model was designed using SolidWorks design

software. 3D printing technology was used to manufacture the model. Force and rotating speed

measurements were conducted in the wind tunnel. Power characteristic curve and power

coefficient in dependence of the tip speed ratio were extracted from the measured data.

Keywords: wind turbine, measurements, 3D printing, wind tunnel

Article Classification: Professional Paper

Page 17: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Koeficienti vzgona in upora za različne konfiguracije

Magnusovega rotorja

Lift and drag coefficients for various Magnus rotor


Marko Pezdevšek 1, Gorazd Hren1, Andrej Predin1, Matej Fike1

1Fakulteta za energetiko, Hočevarjev trg 1, 8270 Krško, Slovenija

E-naslovi: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati numeričnih simulacij različnih konfiguracij

Magnusovega rotorja. Za vsako konfiguracijo smo s programom ICEM CFD izdelali blokovne

strukturirane numerične mreže. Numerične simulacije so bile izvede s programskim paketom

Ansys CFX. Preučili smo vliv geometrijskega razmerja Magnusovega rotorja na potek

koeficienta vzgona in upora v odvisnosti od hitrostnega razmerja. V nadaljevanju smo še

preučili vpliv končnih plošč. Iz rezultatov simulacij je razvidno, da uporaba končnih plošč

povečuje koeficient vzgona in koeficient upora.

Ključne besede: Magnusov rotor, numerične simulacije, končna plošča, geometrijsko razmerje

Razvrstitev: Znanstveni članek


In this paper the results of numerical simulations for various Magnus rotor configurations are

presented. For each configuration a blocked structured mesh was designed in ICEM CFD.

Numerical simulations were conducted using Ansys CFX. We investigated the influence of

aspect ratio on lift and drag coefficients in dependence of spin ratio. Furthermore we

investigated the influence of endplates on a Magnus rotor. From the obtained results we

concluded that adding endplates to a Magnus rotor increases lift and drag coefficients.

Keywords: Magnus rotor, numerical simulations, end plate, aspect ratio

Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 18: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Inovativna oblika elementa za preprečevanje utrujenostne

poškodbe pritrdilnega traka rezervoarja goriva

Innovative design of an element for prevention of fatigue

crack of fastening strap of fuel tank

David Stušek1, Jurij Švegelj2, Tomaž Savšek2, Matic Muc2, Vili Malnarič1,2

1SiEVA, PE Novo mesto, Kandijska cesta 60, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected]

2TPV d.o.o., Kandijska cesta 60, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslovi: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Pričujoč prispevek predstavlja koncept in zamisel prototipnega dizajna elementa v sestavu za

pritrditev rezervoarja goriva tovornega vozila vodilnega proizvajalca. Raziskovalno – razvojna

ekipa podjetja TPV d.o.o. je razvila rešitev za preprečitev pokanja pritrdilnega traku rezervoarja

goriva, ki je bila posledica dinamičnega utrujanja.

Predlagana rešitev proizvajalca tovornih vozil je bila sprememba materiala in debeline

pritrdilnega traku, kar se je izkazalo za finančno izdatno in neučinkovito rešitev. S

preliminarnimi analizami po metodi končnih elementov je bilo ugotovljeno, da ima na

poškodbo velik vpliv ohlap sestava pritrdilnega traku, plastičnega elementa in sornika. V

primeru trenutnih definicij izdelkov v sestavu se pojavi upogibanje pritrdilnega traku na

majhnem radiju, kar privede do velikih gradientov napetosti in posledično utrujenostne

poškodbe. Predlagan dizajn plastične elementa eleminira ohlap v sestavu ter na podlagi

utrujenostnih analiz predstavlja rešitev pokanja pritrdilnega traku, ki je robustna in neobčutljiva

na ohlap, material in debelino pritrdilnega traku.

Ključne besede: utrujenostna poškodba, tovorno vozilo, ohlap v sestavu, gradient


Razvrstitev: Znanstveni članek

Page 19: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019



Presented article presents a concept and an idea of prototype design of an element in an

assembly of fixture of fuel tank on one of the leading truck manufacturer. R&D team of TPV

developed a solution for prevention of cracking of fastening strap of fuel tank, which was

consequence of fatigue damage.

The manufacturer suggested to change material and thickness of fastening strap, but those two

suggestions turn out to be expensive and non-robust solutions. With preliminary FEM analyses

was discovered that fatigue crack is greatly affected by gap in assembly of fastening strap,

plastic bushing and steel pin. In case of current design definition of those products in assembly

bending in small radius of fastening strap appears which leads to big stress gradients and

consequently fatigue damage. Suggested design of plastic element eliminated gap in assembly

and on basis of numerical analyses of fatigue damage represents solution for cracking of

fastening strap. In the meantime, it turns out to be robust solution, which is independent on gap

in assembly, choice of material and thickness of fastening strap.

Keywords: fatigue damage, truck, gap in assembly, stress gradient

Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 20: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Izbor optimalnega frezala za frezanje orodnega jekla

Selection of optimal milling cutter for tool steel milling

Janez Jamnik1, Marica Prijanovič Tonkovič2

1 Polycom Škofja Loka d.o.o., Dobje 10, Poljane nad Škofjo Loko, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]

2 Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto, Šegova ulica 112, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Na obstojnost orodij za odrezovanje vplivajo različni faktorji, med katerimi ima velik vpliv

material, ki ga obdelujemo. V članku smo raziskovali frezanje orodnega jekla z oznako 1.2343.

Frezalo se je med obdelavo prehitro obrabljalo in je prihajalo do dodatnih stroškov ter

neskladnosti s terminskim planom. Glede na to smo izvedli preizkuse z različnima frezaloma

in sicer s frezalom 1 in s frezalom 2. V proizvodnem procesu se običajno uporablja frezalo 1.

Da bi ugotovili obrabno obstojnost frezala, smo na istem materialu izvedli preizkuse z

obstoječim in novim frezalom.

Za preiskavo smo pripravili testni vzorec, izdelali NC-kodo in ga nato obdelali na frezalnemu

stroju. Rezultati preiskav so pokazali, da je frezalo 2 obstojnejše od obstoječega frezala 1.

Ugotovili smo tudi, da se je čas frezanja podaljšal. Strošek obdelave sestavnega dela pa se je

kljub daljšemu času frezanja zmanjšal zaradi stabilnejšega procesa.

Ključne besede: frezalo, frezanje, orodno jeklo, obstojnost, optimizacija

Razvrstitev: Znanstveni članek


Stability of cutting tools depends on different factors one of which a very big effect has the

material that is being machined. This article studied the milling of tool steel labelled 1.2343.

The miller was wearing out during the machining process too quickly which caused additional

costs and discrepency with the time schedule. We took this into cosideration when we carried

Page 21: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


out the tests with two different millers, miller 1 and miller 2. The production process usually

uses miller 1. In order to determine the wear stability of the miller, we carried out tests on the

same material with the existing and new miller.

A test sample was prepared for the test along with the NC code and then it was machined on

the miller. The results of these tests showed that miller 2 was more stable than the existing

miller 1. Also the milling time was longer. The costs associated with the machining of the

component decreased despite prolonged duration of milling because the process was more


Keywords: miller, milling, tool steel, stability, optimization

Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 22: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Vpliv testiranja in meritev na kakovost led žarometov

The impact of measurements on the quality of headlamps

David Štine1, Marica Prijanovič Tonkovič2

1 SIQ, Institut za kakovost in meroslovje, Ulica Mašera Spasića 10, Ljubljana, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]

2 Šolski center Novo mesto,Višja strokovna šola, Šegova ulica 112, Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Razvoj izdelave sestavnih delov avtomobila nenehno napreduje. To velja tudi za tehnologijo

izdelave žarometov, kjer se je zgodil velik preskok s prehodom izdelave iz ksenonskih

žarometov na LED tehnologijo. Za zagotavljanje pravilnega delovanja več sestavnih

komponent v žarometu skupaj, je potrebno opraviti veliko količino testiranj, ki nam podajo

rezultate o varnosti ter pravilnem delovanju žarometa. Glede na dobljene rezultate pa dobimo

povratno informacijo, ki nam pove, kako dober je proizveden izdelek.

Za izvajanje meritev kakovosti sestavnih delov žarometov smo z naročnikom pregledali zahteve

test plana, ki podaja zaporedje izvajanja določenih testov. Testiranje se je izvajalo v treh

paralelah, kjer je bilo točno določeno število vzorcev izpostavljenih klimatskim in mehanskim

obremenitvam. Težava se je pojavila pri izvajanju električnih testov E-18 (izolacijska upornost)

in E-20 (dielektrična trdnost), kjer je prišlo do preskoka napetosti iz PCB enote na vodnike

izdelka. Po izločitvi vseh možnih napak, je naročnik glede na ugotovitve testiranja popravil

izdelek. Ponovno smo izvedli testiranje po dogovorjenem testnem planu. Novi vzorci so imeli

18 µm večjo debelino zaščitnega laka na PCB enoti, zaradi česar se je izboljšala izolacijska

upornost in dielektrična trdnost ter s tem kakovost izdelka.

Ključne besede: testiranje, zahteve, standard, test plan, naročnik, testno poročilo

Razvrstitev: Strokovni članek


The development of the car components continues to advance. This is also true for the

technology of headlight production where there was a major breaktrough in switching from

Page 23: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


xenon headlights to LED technology. To ensure correct operation of the many components in

the headlight it was necessary to carry out a number of tests that would show us results about

safety and proper functioning of the headlight. The results give us feedback about the quality

of the manufactured product.

To carry tests about the quality of the headlight components we went through the prerequisites

of the test plan together with our contractor in which there are demands on the specific order of

testing steps. The testing was carried out in three parallel phases where the exact number of

samples were put through different thermal and mechanical loads. Some problems occured in

implementing electrical tests E-18 (isolation resistance) and E-20 (dielectrical strength), where

there was a problem of voltage breakthrough from the PCB unit onto the conductors of the

product. After the elimination of possible faults the contractor fixed the product according to

the test results. Once again the testing was carried out in accordance with the test plan. Our

samples had 18 µm thicker protective varnish on the PCB unit which improved the isolation

resistance and dielectrical strength and accordingly the product quality.

Keywords: testing, demands, standard, test plan, contractor, test report

Article Classification: Professional Paper

Page 24: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Študija izbire aluminijastih materialov in tehnologij za »z«


Study of selection of aluminium materials and technologies

for "z" bracket

Mirko Zupanc1, Matej Steinacher2, Matej Ernecl3, Vili Malnarič1,4

1TPV d.o.o., Kandijska cesta 60, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected]

2Impol Group, Partizanska 38, 2310 Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia

E-naslov: [email protected]

3TALUM Tovarna aluminija d.d., Tovarniška 10, 2325 Kidričevo, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]

4SiEVA, PE Novo mesto, Kandijska cesta 60, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Nosilec je del podvozja, ki ima za glavno funkcijo povečanje togosti konstrukcije vozila in je

povezovalni element med karoserijo in Al nosilcem motorja v neposredni bližini vzmetenja. Iz

predhodne virtualne simulacije dinamike vozila je kupec zaznal določene potrebe po povečanju

togosti karoserije. Iz izhajajočih zahtev, ki zajemajo statične, dinamične obremenitve in seveda

togosti, je bila izvedena študija možnih rešitev. Tako je bil v prvi fazi razvit koncept nosilca iz

jeklene pločevine, ki je zadovoljil kupčeve zahteve. Med samim razvojem se je večkrat pojavilo

vprašanje o možnosti izdelave nosilca iz aluminija, kar je tema študije. Aluminij ima določeno

prednost, da je trikrat lažji od jekla in tega dejstva ne smemo zanemariti.

V avtomobilski industriji se uporabljajo tako gnetne kot livne aluminijeve zlitine, kar seveda

zavisi od zahtev aplikacije. Bloki motorjev, platišča ter drugi sklopi so narejeni s postopki litja

medtem ko so deli podvozja, karoserije, pločevina in varnostni deli izdelani s postopki

preoblikovanja. Na voljo so tudi različne tehnologije izdelave, kot so taljenje, polkontinuirno

litje, homogenizacijsko žarjenje, toplo preoblikovanje v obliko polizdelka, toplo ali hladno

preoblikovanje izdelka in toplotno obdelavo. Največji izzivi so bili doseganje zahtevane togosti,

dinamična obremenjevanja in zahtevana minimalna razteznost brez pretrga nosilca. S

sodelovanjem s partnerji projekta Martina so bile dizajnirane rešitve za posamezno tehnologijo

izdelave in optimirane s pomočjo naprednih virtualnih simulacij. Na osnovi izbranih kriterijev

Page 25: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


je bila izdelana primerjava med različnimi rešitvami, poudarka so bila na ceni izdelave, teža

nosilca ter izpolnjevanje zahtev kupcev.

Ključne besede: nosilec, togost, aluminij, tehnologije, materiali

Razvrstitev: Strokovni članek


The bracket is a part of the chassis whose main function is to increase the rigidity of the vehicle

structure and the connecting element between the bodywork and the Al bracket of the engine

in close proximity to the suspension. Based on previous virtual simulation of vehicle dynamics,

the customer detected certain needs to increase the rigidity of the bodywork. On the basis of the

requirements covering static, dynamic loads and of course stiffness, a study of possible

solutions was carried out. In the first step, the concept of steel plate holder was developed,

which satisfied the customer's requirements. During the development, the question of the

possibility of aluminium bracket construction appeared several times, which is the topic of

study. Aluminium has a certain advantage that it is three times lighter than steel and this fact

should not be ignored.

In the automotive industry, they use both wrought and cast aluminium alloy, which of course

depends on the application requirements. Engine blocks, wheels and other assemblies are made

by casting methods while underbody parts and safety components are manufactured by forming

processes. There are also various manufacturing technologies, such as melting, semi-continuous

casting, homogenising annealing, hot forming into semi-finished products, hot or cold product

transformation and heat treatment. The greatest challenges were the achievement of the required

rigidity, dynamic loading and the required minimum expansion without breaking the bracket.

By working with partners of project Martina, solutions were developed for each production

technology and optimized by using advanced virtual simulations. Based on the selected criteria

a comparison was made between different solutions, the emphasis being on the manufacturing

cost, weight of the bracket and fulfilment of customer’s requirements.

Keywords: bracket, stiffness, aluminium, technologies, materials

Article Classification: Professional Paper

Page 26: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Sklop 3

Raziskave na projektu MARTINA

Research on MARTINA project

Page 27: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Napredni multikomponentni materiali: duroplastomagneti

in termoplastični nanokompoziti

Advanced Multicomponent Materials: Thermoset-based

multicomponent Magnetic Materials and Thermoplastic


Vesna Žepič Bogataj1, Alojz Anžlovar2, Ema Žagar2, Branka Mušič3

1TECOS, Razvojni Center Orodjarstva Slovenije, Kidričeva ulica 25, 3000 Celje, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]

2Kemijski Inštitut Slovenije, Hajdrihova 19, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected]

3KOLEKTOR Group, Vojkova 10, 5280 Idrija, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Multikomponentni polimerni materiali, termo in duroplastične sestave, kot so polimerne

kompozitne mešanice makro/mikro/nano-sestavin, več materialne hibridne strukture in plasto

magneti, vezani s termoset vezivi, so nov razred materialov, ki s svojimi odličnimi končnimi

lastnostmi predstavljajo nove tehnološke preboje v avtomobilski in pohištveni industriji, beli

tehniki, biomedicini, itd. Razvoj inovativnih multikomponentnih materialov v osnovi pomeni

sposobnost združevanja različnih polimernih materialov, plasti, sestavnih delov ali dodatkov,

da se doseže vzajemni učinek lastnosti posameznih komponent v izboljšani funkcionalnosti

končnih izdelkov. Glavne zahteve trga po inovativnih materialih se nagibajo k iskanju

alternativnih rešitev, ki bodo v končnem prispevale k lažjim produktom, fizikalnim, mehanskim

in toplotnim materialnim izboljšavam, zmanjšani prepustnosti za pline, vlago in ogljikovodike,

krčenju in estetskim produktnim deformacijam, samočistilni in antimikrobni površinski

sposobnosti, feromagnetnim lastnostim, električni prevodnosti. itd. Napredek v smeri realnih

aplikacij za multikomponentne materiale pa se ne opira le na ugodne materialne lastnosti,

temveč tudi na enostavno integracijo oziroma industrijsko sposobnost preoblikovanja

najrazličnejših dodatkov ali spajanja večplastnih komponent v makroskopske sklope brez

poseganja v njihove končne lastnosti.

Page 28: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Projektni sklop »Naprednih Multikomponentnih Materialov« programa MARTINA temelji na

raziskavah, razvoju, testnih analizah, optimizaciji in validaciji različnih multikomponentnih

polimernih materialov. Glavni cilj akademsko-industrijske raziskovalne skupine je razviti nove

kompozitne in hibridne polimerne materiale, ki bodo v končnem izkazali boljšo temperaturno

in dimenzijsko stabilnost, superiorne kemijske, fizikalne in mehanske lastnosti, antimikrobne

in površinsko odbojne lastnosti. Novi multikomponentni materiali z doslej neznanimi.

kombinacijami lastnosti ter inovativni postopki njihove priprave bodo predstavljeni na 4.

mednarodni znanstveni konferenci o razvoju industrijskega inženiringa, kot inovativni končni

rezultat programa MARTINA - MAteRiali in TehnologIje za Nove Aplikacije.

Ključne besede: Multikomponentni materiali, kompoziti, duroplastni magneti, antimikrobne

lastnosti, hibridni materiali, industrijska sposobnost preoblikovanja

Razvrstitev: Znanstveni članek


Multicomponent materials of thermoplastic or thermosetting polymer composition, such as

polymer blends, multilayer hybrid assemblies, plastomagnets bonded with a thermoset binder

and polymer composites from the macro- to the nano- scale, have emerged as a new class of

materials offering superior end performances in many different industrial fields: transportation,

construction, pharmacy, cosmetics, biomedicine, home appliances, etc., and have been the

focus of an ever-growing interest in the past few years due to their exceptional functionalities.

The development of advanced multi-component polymer materials is driven by the ability to

combine different polymer layers, components or additives so as to achieve a synergistic effect

in the final products. The major driving forces are pulled from the market demands, implying

new material alternatives that contribute to lightweight structures, physical, mechanical and

thermal property enhancements, reduced permeability to gases, moisture, and hydrocarbons,

shrinkage and warpage deflections, electrical conductivity, ferromagnetic properties, self-

cleaning abilities, antimicrobial activities and many others. Progress towards the real-world

applications for multi-component materials not only relies on its favourable properties, but

equally on the easy integration or transformation of the different additives or supporting layered

components into macroscopic assemblies without compromising their end functionalities. In

this sense the synthesis of unique polymer constituents with controlled mechanical properties

and the required surface chemistry, as well as an optimisation of the processing technologies

adaptable for industrial-scale production needs to be further developed and validated as robust

and repeatable methodologies.

The research and development team of »Advanced Multicomponent Materials« integrated in

the framework of MARTINA Programme, focuses on the research, development, testing

Page 29: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


analyses, optimization and validation of different kinds of multi-component polymeric

materials. The main activity of the research group is to investigate the advanced techniques for

preparing multifunctional homogeneous and heterogeneous polymeric assemblies (multilayer

hybrid systems and plastomagnet materials), to characterise their structure/adhesion on various

dimensional scales, to quantify structure-property-function relationships on the various

structural levels and to develop, optimise and validate the procedures for engineering the

properties of this class of materials during their preparation. New multicomponent materials

with previously unknown combinations of properties and innovative procedures for their

preparation will be presented at the 4th International Scientific Conference on Industrial

Engineering Development as an innovative final result of the MARTINA - MAteRials and

Technologies for New Applications.

Keywords: Multicomponent Materials, composites, thermoset magnets, antimicrobial

properties, hybrid materials, industrial transforming processes

Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 30: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


MARTINA - AM, 3D tisk in inovativne tehnologije

obdelave materialov za končno uporabo

MARTINA - AM, 3D print and inovative materials

manufacturing technologies for end use

Mina Kralj1, Boštjan Podlipec1, Vesna Žepič Bogataj2 , Damjan Klobčar3, Mitja Petrič4, Jaka


1Razvojni center Jesenice d.o.o., Cesta Franceta Prešerna 61, 4270 Jesenice, Slovenija

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected]

2TECOS, Razvojni center orodjarstva Slovenije, Kidričeva 25, 3000 Celje, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]

3Fakulteta za strojništvo, Univerza v Ljubljani, Aškerčeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]

4Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Aškerčeva cesta 12, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]

5Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, IMT, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


V okviru programa MARTINA se znotraj projekta RRP5 v sodelovanju s partnerji raziskuje

področje naprednih dodajnih tehnologij obdelave materialov za izdelavo kompleksnejših

industrijskih komponent. Končni cilj projekta je izdelava in implementacija prototipnih orodnih

vložkov za brizganje plastike izdelanih s tehnologijo selektivnega laserskega taljenja - SLM

(angl. Selective Laser Melting) in oblikovnega navarjanja žice – WAAM (angl. Wire And Arc

Additive Manufacturing). Izdelava orodnih vložkov s konvencionalnimi metodami, ki temeljijo

na odvzemanju materiala, je pri kompleksnih oblikah težko izvedljiva in z vidika materiala zelo

potratna. Z dodajnimi tehnologijami lahko izdelujemo orodne vložke s primerljivimi

mehanskimi lastnostmi, zaradi grajenja po plasteh pa je možna izdelava notranjih konformnih

hladilnih kanalov. Tehnologija SLM, se je zaradi natančnosti izdelave izkazala za primernejšo

od oblikovnega navarjanja, kjer je izdelava manjših dimenzij zaradi težjega obvladovanja

procesa težko izvedljiva. Vpeljava konformnega hlajenja t.j. hlajenja po geometriji brizganega

izdelka omogoča hitrejše odvajanje toplote in enakomernejšo porazdelitev temperature v orodju

Page 31: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


kar vodi do zmanjšanja časa tehnološkega cikla, večje produktivnosti in boljše kvalitete končnih

končnih brizganih izdelkov.

V članku so predstavljene raziskovalne aktivnosti, prednosti, omejitve in izzivi na področju

izdelave orodnih vložkov iz 3D tiskanega kovinskega prahu jekla maraging in oblikovnega

navarjanja z žico iz aluminijevega brona. Predstavljeni so rezultati primerjalnih simulacij

brizganja plastike, iz katerih je razviden pozitiven vpliv vpeljave konformnega hladilnega

sistema, ki ga je mogoče izdelati samo z naprednimi dodajnimi tehnologijami.

Ključne besede: dodajne tehnologije, selektivno lasersko taljenje, oblikovno navarjanje, orodja

za brizganje plastike, konformno hlajenje

Razvrstitev: Strokovni članek


As a part of the MARTINA programme the field of advanced materials processing technologies

for production of complex industrial components is explored within the framework of the RRP5

project. The ultimate goal of the project is to manufacture and implement the prototypical

inserts used in plastic injection moulding tools made with Selective Laser Melting - SLM and

Wire And Arc Additive Manufacturing - WAAM. The production of complex tool inserts with

conventional methods based on substracting material is difficult to implement and is very

wasteful in terms of material. With additive technologies, we can manufacture tool inserts with

comparable mechanical properties. Because of the way those tool inserts are built, adding layer

upon layer, it is possible to produce internal conformal cooling channels. In terms of the

precision of manufacturing, SLM proved to be more appropriate than WAAM, where the

production of smaller dimensions is problematic due to the challenging process control. The

implementation of conformal cooling, i.e. cooling which follows the geometry of the injected

part allows for faster heat dissipation and a more even distribution of the temperature in the

tool, thus leading to shorter technological cycle of injection processing, increased productivity

and better quality of the final injected products.

The article presents research activities, the advantages, disadvantages and challenges in the

production of tool inserts for injection molds made with SLM using maraging steel metal

powder and wire and arc additive manufacturing using aluminium bronze wire. The results of

comparative simulations of plastic injection process are presented, indicating the positive

impact of the implemented conformal cooling system, that can be produced only with advanced

additive technologies.

Page 32: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Keywords: additive manufacturing, selective laser melting, wire and arc additive

manufacturing, conformal cooling

Article Classification: Professional Paper

Page 33: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Razvoj orodnih jekel za delo v vročem z izboljšano

toplotno prevodnostjo

Development of hot work tool steel with improved thermal


Peter Kirbiš1, Tatjana Večko Pirtovšek1, Borut Urnaut1, Andrej Vrečič1

1SIJ Metal Ravne, Koroška cesta 14, 2390 Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenija

E-naslovi: [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected]


Razvoj orodnih jekel za delo v vročem je v veliki meri stimuliran s strani zahtev sektorja

tlačnega litja lahkih kovin in zlitin, predvsem za potrebe avtomobilske industrije. Ta orodja so

izpostavljena visokim temperaturnim obremenitvam, ki povzročajo ciklične termične napetosti

in s tem utrujanje orodij, ki privede do nastanka površinskih razpok. Te razpoke so zdaleč

najpogostejši vzrok izrabe orodij za tlačno litje, pri čemer je ključni omejevalni faktor nastanka

razpok toplotna prevodnost samega materiala orodja. Izboljšanje toplotne prevodnosti

obstoječih in razvoj novih jekel odpornih na termično utrujanje je ključna usmeritev razvoja

proizvajalcev orodnih jekel, ki pogosto poteka v sklopu večjih konzorcijev na skupnih

projektih, kot je npr. MARTINA (MAteRiali In Tehnologije za Nove Aplikacije).

V okviru projekta MARTINA je bilo v podjetju SIJ Metal Ravne razvito novo orodno jeklo za

delo v vročem z izboljšano toplotno prevodnostjo. Hkratni s fizikalnimi mora novo jeklo doseči

tudi preostale metalurške lastnosti, kot so delovna trdota, udarna žilavost in prekaljivost. Da bi

dosegli lastnosti, ki se običajno medsebojno izključujejo, so bili izdelani novi koncepti legiranja

in toplotne obdelave. Ti koncepti, mikrostruktura in dosežene lastnosti novega jekla bodo

predstavljeni v okviru tega prispevka.

Ključne besede: orodno jeklo za delo v vročem, toplotna prevodnost zlitin, razvoj zlitin,

tlačno litje, termomehansko štancanje, mikrostruktura jekla

Razvrstitev: Znanstveni članek

Page 34: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019



Development of hot-work tool steels is greatly influenced by the die casting sector of light

metals and alloys which is the key supplier for automotive industry. Die casting tools are

exposed to high temperature loads which induce cyclic thermal strains leading to fatigue

damage in the form of surface cracks. The formation of a surface crack network is the most

common failure mode for these tools whereby the major limitation factor of crack formation is

thermal conductivity of die material itself. Improvement of thermal conductivity of the existing

and development of new steel grades with high thermal fatigue resistance is in the centre of

research and development of tool steel producers which is often performed within a larger

consortium through joint projects such as MARTINA (MAteRiali In Tehnologije za Nove


The MARTINA project at SIJ Metal Ravne was concentrated on development of a new hot-

work tool steel with better thermal conductivity. In addition to the improved physical properties,

steel also has to meet standard requirements such as working hardness, impact toughness and

hardenability. In order to simultaneously achieve the required metallurgical properties, which

usually exclude each other, a new alloying and heat treatment concept has been developed. This

presentation will represent the design principles, microstructure and results of the new steel


Keywords: hot work tool steel, thermal conductivity of alloys, alloy design, die casting, hot

stamping, steel microstructure

Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 35: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Sklop 4

Temeljne raziskave

Fundamental research

Page 36: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Metodologija za disperzijsko analizo tankih plošč z

uporabo MKE inženirske programske opreme

Methodology for Dispersion Analysis of Thin Plates using

FEM Engineering Software

Anatolij Nikonov1, Barbara Zupančič2, Simon Muhič2, Julius Kaplunov1

1Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto, Šegova ulica 112, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected]

2 Univerza v Novem mestu Fakulteta za strojništvo, Na Loko 2, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected]


Širjenje valovanja v trdninah je velikega pomena v številnih inženirskih aplikacijah na področju

seizmologije, neporušnega testiranja itd. Razumevanje lastnosti dušenja in disperzijskih

pojavov preko identifikacije mehanskih lastnosti plastovitih struktur in reševanja drugih

tehničnih problemov pri ravninskem valovanju je ključno pri optimizaciji konstrukcijskega

načrtovanja in togostnih lastnosti tankostenskih konstrukcijskih elementov. Pri uporabi

pristopov za ta namen se pojavlja več težav. Večnačinska in disperzijska narava valovanja

namreč zmanjšuje kvaliteto rezultatov ultrazvočnega testa v povezavi z občutljivostjo testa ter

razdaljo potovanja valov. Iz tega razloga se pojavlja potreba po temeljitem razumevanju

napredovanja valovanja v tankostenskih elementih preko uporabe modelov, ki omogočajo

določevanje disperzijskih krivulj in z njimi povezanih oblik valovanja. Uporaba numeričnih

metod omogoča reševanje disperzijske enačbe za homogene in nehomogene plošče. Na osnovi

tega je nastalo več namenskih programskih orodij, ki temeljijo na razvitih numeričnih pristopih.

Kolikor je avtorjem znano, pa po drugi strani komercialna MKE simulacijska programska

oprema, ki se široko uporablja za konstrukcijsko načrtovanje in dinamične analize konstrukcij,

ne vključuje specifičnih računskih orodij za disperzijsko analizo tankostenskih elementov. Cilj

raziskave je v tem oziru razvoj metodologije za disperzijsko analizo ravninskih valov z uporabo

komercialno dostopne MKE inženirske programske opreme. Na ta način pridobljeni rezultati

za simetrične in antisimetrične oblike so v postopku vzpostavljanja metodologije primerjani z

disperzijskima krivuljama, ki pripadata prvima dvema oblikama, in ju lahko pridobimo z

uporabo prosto dostopnih matematičnih orodij za reševanje disperzijske enačbe ter izris

disperzijskih krivulj.

Page 37: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Ključne besede: disperzija, dinamična analiza, plastovite plošče, numerične metode, MKE


Razvrstitev: Znanstveni članek


Wave propagation in solids is of interest in a number of engineering applications such as

seismology, non-destructive testing of structures etc. Understanding of damping and dispersion

of plate waves appears to be important for optimization of structural design and strengthening

structural elements, identifying mechanical properties of layered structures and solving other

technical problems. But there are difficulties in applying this technique, namely, the multimodal

and dispersive nature of the waveguides can lower the quality of ultrasonic wave test in

connection with test sensitivity and the distance of propagation. Therefore, better understanding

of wave propagation in thin walled structures using the models which identify dispersion curves

and associated mode shape, is required. The application of numerical methods has enabled the

solution of dispersion equations for homogeneous and inhomogeneous plates. For this reason,

a number of specific software applications based on numerical analysis were recently

developed. However, to the best of our knowledge, the commercial engineering simulation

tools, widely used for structural design and dynamic analysis by industrial engineers, do not

incorporate the tools for dispersive analysis of thin walled structures. The goal of the research

is to develop the methodology for dispersion analysis of plate waves using the commercial FEM

engineering software. Verification for symmetric and antisymmetric modes is performed by

comparing the first two modes of the dispersion curves calculated by freely available

mathematical tool for numerical solving of dispersion equations and generating dispersion


Keywords: dispersion, dynamic analysis, layered plates, numerical methods, MKE simulations

Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 38: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Dinamične napetosti v simetričnih 3-plastnih kompozitnih


Dynamic stresses in symmetric 3-layered composite plates

Milan Ambrožič1

1Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto, Šegova ulica 112, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Teoretično raziskujemo komponente dinamičnega deformacijskega in napetostnega tenzorja v

primeru simetričnih triplastnih kompozitnih plošč. Poleg nekaterih teoretičnih vidikov se

ukvarjamo s primerjavo velikih kovinskih plošč in manjših vzorcev iz krhke inženirske

keramike. Ta je veliko bolj občutljiva na natezne napetosti kot na tlačne. Posebej nas zanima

odvisnost največjih napetosti v snovi v odvisnosti od sestave plošč/vzorcev in od frekvence

harmoničnega časovnega spreminjanja zunanjih obremenitev plošče. Vzamemo primere

različnih porazdelitev zunanjih sil. Raziskava pokaže bistvene razlike v velikostih maksimalnih

napetostih v primeru statičnih in dinamičnih sil. Navajamo možnosti optimizacije sestave in

debeline srednje plasti glede na odpornost proti maksimalnim napetostim.

Ključne besede: deformacijski tenzor, napetostni tenzor, upogib plošče, Kirchhoffova teorija,


Razvrstitev: Znanstveni članek


We study theoretically dynamic strain and stress tensor components in the case of symmetric

flat three-layered composite plates. Besides giving some general theoretical aspects we focus

on comparison of large metallic plates and smaller brittle engineering ceramic samples. The

latter are much more sensitive to tensile stresses as compared to compression stresses. We are

particularly interested in the dependence of maximum stresses in the material on the

composition of the plates and on the frequency of the harmonic variation of the external load

on the plate. We consider cases with different distributions of the external forces. The

investigation shows significant quantitative differences between the maximum stresses in the

Page 39: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


cases of static and dynamic forces. Optimization of the middle layer composition and thickness

is also discussed with the aspect of resistance to the largest stresses.

Keywords: strain tensor, stress tensor, bending of plates, Kirchoff theory, composites

Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 40: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Spektralna analiza večplastnih nosilcev s kontrastno

različnimi snovnimi lastnostmi plasti

Spectral analysis of multi-layered beams with high-

contrast material properties of layers

Anatolij Nikonov1, Rudolf Pušenjak1

1Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto, Šegova ulica 112, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected]


Uporaba večplastnih nosilcev je v tehniki zelo razširjena na področjih, kjer nosilci prevzamejo

vlogo konstrukcijskih elementov z velikimi obremenitvami oziroma visokim razmerjem med

togostjo in težo. Zelo pogosto so podvrženi intenzivnim dinamičnim obremenitvam, ki izrazito

neugodno vplivajo na njihove karakteristične lastnosti. Iz takih spoznanj izhaja potreba po

modeliranju kompozitnih konstrukcijskih elementov z lahkimi komponentami, kjer je posebni

poudarek namenjen uvedbi materialov z izrazito kontrastnimi mehanskimi lastnostmi. Za

analizo tako kompleksnih razmer je potrebno razviti ustrezna teoretična sredstva in robustne

računske metode, ki omogočajo natančen izračun in ustrezno kvalitativno interpretacijo

frekvenčnih spektrov nihanja nosilca skupaj z izračunom polja pomikov in deformacij.

Iz strokovne literature je znano, da pri razvoju natačnega analitičnega (matematičnega) modela

večslojnega nosilca naletimo na precejšnje težave. Težave izvirajo iz same narave problema, v

katerem se eden poleg drugega stikata dve ali več konstrukcijskih komponent s povsem

različnimi lastnostmi. Razumljivo je, da premagovanje teh ovir pri dinamičnem modeliranju

večplastnih nosilcev priteguje veliko pozornost številnih raziskovalcev. Številna dela na tem

področju v zadnjem času omenjajo ali uporabljajo metodo dinamične togosti.

Cilj te raziskave je ugotoviti karakteristične lastnosti prostega nihanja simetričnega večslojnega

(sendvič) nosilca, ki je sestavljen iz dveh zunanjih plasti in vmesnega jedra. V raziskavi

uporabljamo iz literature dobro znano metodologijo, ki temelji na matriki dinamične togosti.

Izvedena je spektralna analiza troslojnega nosilca z namenom, da ugotovimo, v kolikšni meri

razlike v snovnih lastnostih jedra nosilca vplivajo na naravne (lastne) frekvence nosilca. Prav

tako pa je raziskan tudi vpliv razmerja debeline zunanjih plasti nosilca in debeline jedra.

Ključne besede: večplastni nosilci, kontrastni lastnosti, spektralna analiza, metoda dinamične


Page 41: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Razvrstitev: Znanstveni članek


Multi-layered beams have widespread applications in engineering as load carrying structural

members with high strength to weight ratios. They are often subject to intensive dynamic

loading drastically affecting their performance. This inspires modelling of composite structural

elements, containing lightweight components, with a special emphasis on introducing materials

exhibiting high-contrast mechanical properties. Therefore, the development of demanding

powerful theories and robust computational methodologies involving accurate evaluation and

qualitative interpretation of vibration spectra and associated displacement and stress fields, is


It is known that obtaining an accurate analytical (mathematical) model for a multi-layered beam

causes considerable difficulties. The difficulties arise from the very nature of the problem in

which two or more structural components with different properties are joined together. The

dynamic modeling of multilayer beams has been a topic of interest for many researchers. Many

works incorporating the dynamic stiffness method have been reported ever since.

The goal of the research is to investigate free vibration characteristics of symmetric sandwich

beam consisting of two faces and a core using the well-established methodology based on

utilizing dynamic stiffness matrix. Spectral analysis of three-layered beam with the aim to

answer the question how much differences in material properties of the core influence natural

frequencies of the beam is performed. Influence of ratio of thicknesses of the face layers and

the core is analysed as well.

Keywords: multi-layered beams, contrast properties, spectral analysis, dynamic stiffness


Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 42: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Sklop 5

Mladi raziskovalci

Young researchers

Page 43: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Zmanjšanje teže konstrukcijskih elementov z uvajanjem

hibridnih struktur

Reducing weight of structural elements by implementation

of hybrid structures

Danilo Jereb1, Vili Malnarič2,3, Tomaž Savšek2, Anatolij Nikonov1

1 Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto, Šegova ulica 112, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected]

2TPV d.o.o., Kandijska cesta 60, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected],

3 SiEVA, PE Novo mesto, Kandijska cesta 60, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Ključen izziv avtomobilske industrije je zmanjšanje mase vozila, ki pomembno vpliva na sile,

ki so potrebne za premikanje vozila. V prihodnosti bo vse izrazitejša zahteva in trend

zmanjševanja mase vozila, ki ga v avtomobilski industriji poimenujemo s skupnim imenom

»lightweight«. Lightweight koncept vključuje tudi možnosti uvajanja različnih materialov, kot

so na primer polimerni in kompozitni materiali. Novo razvite tehnologije uvajanja polimerov

in kompozitov pri izdelavi avtomobilskih komponent značilno izboljšujejo tehnološki nivo

avtomobilske industrije. Ena izmed tehničnih rešitev za zmanjševanje mase konstrukcijskih

elementov je izdelava hibridnih delov sestavljenih iz kovinskih in nekovinskih materialov.

Spajanje različnih materialov, kot na primer plastika, ojačana z ogljikovimi vlakni (CFRP) ali

plastika, ojačana s steklenimi vlakni (GFRP) z jeklom ali aluminijem, se pogosto uporablja v

različnih inženirskih aplikacijah, vključno z avtomobilsko industrijo. Vendar pa se pojavijo

težave pri povezovanju izrazito različnih materialov zaradi velike razlike v lastnostih materiala

med adherentno površino. Zlasti neusklajenost togosti vodi do visokih koncentracij napetosti in

posledično šibkih stikov. Pri spajanju različnih materialov hibridna struktura izkazuje

strukturne lastnosti, ki jih posamezni materiali ne dosežejo. Raziskava je namenjena razvoju in

preizkušanju tehnične rešitve za izdelavo hibridnih konstrukcijskih elementov. Uporabljen je

bil kompozitni material na osnovi steklenih vlaken z dodajanjem epoksi smole kot veziva.

Izdelana sta bila 2 tipa nosilcev z uporabo različnih načinov spajanja aluminijskega in

Page 44: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


kompozitnega delov. Eksperimentalna analiza na osnovi izvedenih nateznih in upogibnih testov

je pokazala prednosti in slabosti obojih načinov spajanja.

Ključne besede: Lightweight, Spajanje, Hibridne strukture, Steklena vlakna

Razvrstitev: Znanstveni članek


A key challenge for the automotive industry is to reduce the mass of the vehicle, which

significantly affects the forces required to move the vehicle. In the future, the increasingly

demanding and trend of reducing the mass of the vehicle, which is called the "lightweight" in

the automotive industry, will become increasingly important. Lightweight concept also includes

the possibility of introducing various materials, such as polymeric materials and composites.

Newly developed polymers and composite based polymers for the production of automotive

components significantly improve the technological level of the automotive industry. One of

the potential technical solutions for reducing the mass of the structural elements is the

production of hybrid parts made of metals and non-metallic materials. Joining of dissimilar

materials, such as carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) or glass fibre reinforced plastic

(GFRP) to steel or aluminium, is widely used in different engineering applications including

automotive industry. However, difficulties arise when joining dissimilar materials due to the

large difference in material properties between the adherends. In particular a stiffness mismatch

leads to high stress concentrations, and accordingly weak joints. When joining dissimilar

materials, a hybrid structure gives structural properties not attainable by any of the individual

materials. The research is aimed at developing and testing a technical solution for the

production of hybrid structural elements. A composite material based on glass fibers was

prepared using an epoxy resin as a binder. Two types of beams were made using different

methods of joining aluminium and composite parts. The experimental analysis based on the

performed tensile and bending tests showed the advantages and disadvantages of both methods

of joining.

Keywords: Lightweight, Joining, Hybrid structures, Glass fibers

Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 45: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Razvoj interdisciplinarnih veščin na področju glasbe in

tehnike z vključevanjem študentov

Development of Interdisciplinary Skills in Music and

Engineering by Involving Students

Urška Florjančič1, Mladen Bucić2,3, Anatolij Nikonov1

1Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected]

2 Kulturno umetniško društvo Nasha produkcija, Kadilnikova ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]

3 Konservatorij za glasbo in balet Ljubljana, Ižanska cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Na področju tehnike imamo v Sloveniji številne vrhunske strokovnjake in močno razvita

znanja, ki jih uspešno uporabljamo za reševanje tehničnih izzivov v industriji. Na področju

glasbene umetnosti imamo med Slovenci vrhunske kitariste, ki z uporabo svojih bogatih

empiričnih znanj razvijajo tehniko igranja inštrumenta in s tem lahko prispevajo k sodobnemu

razvoju kitare. Med Slovenci so tudi vrhunski izdelovalci kitar, ki so priznani v evropskem

merilu. V prispevku predstavljamo izsledke projekta, ki je potekal v okviru Javnega razpisa

»Projektno delo z negospodarskim in neprofitnim sektorjem – študentski inovativni projekti za

družbeno korist 2016–2020 za študijsko leto 2017/2018«.

Pri izvajanju projekta smo se povezali sodelavci Fakultete za industrijski inženiring Novo

mesto, Konservatorija za glasbo in balet v Ljubljani, Kulturno umetniškega društva Nasha

produkcija, ki združuje skupino akademskih znanstvenikov in glasbenikov z znanjem in

veščinami iz različnih področij glasbe in pedagogike, ter študenti različnih programov, s ciljem

opredeliti usmeritve za razvoj interdisciplinarnega področja, ki združuje empirična znanja

glasbenikov in teoretično podprta znanja s področja tehnike. Ob pomoči mentorjev so študenti

raziskali zgodovino uporabe in izdelovanja kitare na slovenskih tleh, ovrednotili kakovost in

uporabnost učbenikov za učenje kitare, izvedli primerjalno ocenjevanje kitar različnih

proizvajalcev glede na glasnost, trajanje tona in druge akustične karakteristike, analizirali

pogostost uporabe kitar glede na vrsto lesa, izdelovalce in ceno, izvedli anketo o vrstah kitar,

Page 46: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


ki jih uporabniki največ kupujejo, ter opravili meritve kitarskega zvoka na Zavodu za

gradbeništvo (ZAG) v Ljubljani.

Izsledki projekta odpirajo mnoge nove izzive, ki so odlična podlaga za resnejše in temeljitejše

raziskave in razvoj na področju komplementarne uporabe vrhunskih znanj s področja dinamike

konstrukcij ter vrhunskih dosežkov na področju kitarske glasbe.

Ključne besede: glasba, kitara, tehnika, dinamika konstrukcij, interdisciplinarnost

Razvrstitev: Strokovni članek


In the field of engineering we have numerous top experts in Slovenia and highly developed

knowledge that we successfully use to solve technical challenges in the industry. In the field of

music, among Slovenes we have top class guitarists who, using their rich empirical skills,

develop the technique of playing the instrument, and thus contribute to the contemporary

development of the guitar. Among the Slovenians there are also top guitar producers, which are

recognized on a European scale. In the present paper we present the results of the project, which

was held in the framework of the public call "Project Work with Non-Economic and Non-Profit

Sector - Student Innovative Projects for the Social Benefit 2016-2020 for the Academic Year


In the implementation of the project, we established the collaboration between the Faculty of

Industrial Engineering Novo mesto, the Conservatory of Music and Ballet in Ljubljana, the

Cultural Artistic Society Nasha produkcija as an association of academic scientists and

musicians with knowledge and skills from different fields of music and pedagogy, as well as

students of various programs, with the aim to define guidelines for the development of an

interdisciplinary field combining the empirical knowledge of musicians and theoretically

supported engineering knowledge. Under supervison of mentors, students examined the history

of playing and producing guitars in Slovenia, evaluated the quality and usefulness of textbooks

for learning the guitar, performed a comparative evaluation of the guitars of different producers

according to the volume, duration of the tone and other acoustic characteristics, analyzed which

quitars are in usage according to the type of wood, producers and price, carried out a survey of

the types of guitars that the users mostly buy, and performed guitar sound measurements at the

ZAG in Ljubljana.

The results of the project open many new challenges, which provide an excellent basis for more

serious and thorough research and development in the field of complementary use of top-level

knowledge in the field of structural dynamics and top achievements in the field of guitar music.

Page 47: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Keywords: music, guitar, technique, structural dynamics, interdisciplinarity

Article Classification: Professional Paper

Page 48: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Sklop 6

Razvoj družbe in okolja

Development of the society and


Page 49: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


The improvement of citizens' social standards and benefits

through enabling better interaction in public

administration sector

Aleksandra Dimitrijević1

1The Secondary school of Economics and Trade, Esperanto bb, Vranje, Serbia

E-naslov: [email protected]


The modernization of public administration has been the key point in enhancing social climate

of the countries in Europe over the last past years. The purpose of this work is to accentuate the

importance of this endeavor regarding the benefits and the satisfaction of citizens. Even though

we can say that some public administration sectors work impeccably their work, the aim of this

paper is to show that an adequate customer response should be one of the guiding points for

each and every country. Ongoing reforms that countries have been pursuing over the decade,

indicated that these sectors are in need of more professional public servants, technically

equipped platforms that would be of service to citizens regardless of their social background.

The primary hypothesis of this work leans on the premises that calibration between a

modernized and professional public administration on one side and a satisfied customer on the

other side, is absolutely necessary. Another important aspect of the work is to indicate the

importance of enabling transparent and open public administration, where citizens should be

provided with their social services in a completely reliable public environment.

Keywords: benefits, standards, public administration, improvement

Article Classification: Professional Paper

Page 50: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Znanje kot družbena vrednota — človeški viri in

regionalni razvoj

Knowledge as value for the society - human resources and

regional development

Marjan Ravbar

E-naslov: [email protected]


Raziskave o družbi znanja, regionalnih inovacijskih sistemih in njihovem prispevku h

gospodarski rasti so v znanstveni literaturi že uveljavljene. Pričujoči prispevek temelji na

geografski analizi povezanosti med tehnološkim razvojem, faktorji konkurenčnosti in

gospodarskimi učinki. Izhaja iz podmene, da gospodarska učinkovitost v pokrajini izhaja iz

kakovosti človeškega kapitala, kjer so inovacije predpogoj za družbeni napredek,

konkurenčnost in razvojni uspeh. V ospredju raziskovalnih zanimanj je geografska razporeditev

razvojnih generatorjev, ki so pogosto razlog regionalnih nesorazmerij. Ustvarjalne socialne

skupine nedvoumno vplivajo na regionalni razvoj. V njem analiziramo tudi prostorsko

razprostranjenost družbe znanja na podlagi socialno-ekonomskih in razvojnih kazalnikov

Ključna ugotovitev je, da so ta območja neenakomerno razporejena. Z največjimi deleži

izstopajo predvsem zaposlitvena središča nacionalnega pomena in okoliške obmestne občine v

nastajajočih mestnih regijah. Območja z velikim deležem ustvarjalnih poklicev so bolj

inovativna, njihov ekonomski in družbeni razvoj pa je uspešnejši.

Ključne besede: družba znanja, geografija človeških virov, ustvarjalne socialne skupine,


Razvrstitev: Znanstveni članek


Studies on the knowledge society and regional innovation systems and their contribution to

economic growth are already well established in research literature. This contribution is based

on a geographical analysis of connections between technological knowledge, competitiveness

factors, and economic effects. It proceeds from the hypothesis that economic effectiveness in a

region originates from the quality of human capital, in which innovations are the precondition

Page 51: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


for social progress, competitiveness, and developmental success. Research focuses on the

geographical distribution of developmental generators, which often cause regional disparities.

Creative social groups have a clear effect on regional development. This article analyzes the

spatial expansion of the knowledge society based on socioeconomic and development

indicators in Slovenia. The key finding is that these areas are unevenly distributed. The high

share of employment centers of national importance and neighboring peri-urban municipalities

in emerging urban regions stands out in particular. Areas with a high percentage of creative

professions are more innovative and their economic and social development is more successful.

Keywords: knowledge society, human resources geography, creative social groups, Slovenia

Article Classification: Scientific Paper

Page 52: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Era digitalnega marketinga

The digital marketing era

Darko Števančec1, Mitja Košak2 , Iris Fink Grubačević1

1Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto, Šegova ulica 112, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslova: [email protected], [email protected]

2 Solos d.o.o., Dunajska cesta 114, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Poznavanje vedenja potrošnikov je najpomembnejši dejavnik obstoja kateregakoli podjetja.

Potrošnik je tisti, ki omogoča rast in preživetje podjetij. Čeprav je znanost o teorijah vedenja

ljudi največ razvoja na tem področju naredila v prejšnjem stoletju in ta dognanja še držijo, pa

so vplivi na potrošnika zaradi novih tehnologij v zadnjem času izredno veliki. Internet, socialna

omrežja in druge aplikacije vplivajo na potrošnika tako močno, da si danes ne znamo

predstavljati podjetja, ki se tem tehnologijam še ni priključilo. Zaradi navedenih dejstev je

nakupno vedenje v povezavi z novejšimi internetnimi storitvami postalo predmet intenzivnega

raziskovanja po vsem svetu. V nadaljevanju članka predstavljamo najpomembnejše rezultate

raziskave nakupnega vedenja in uporabe socialnih omrežij, narejene na vzorcu slovenskih


Ključne besede: vedenje potrošnikov, potrošnik, internet, socialna omrežja, Facebook

Razvrstitev: Strokovni članek


Knowledge of consumer behavior is the most important factor in the existence of any company.

The consumer is the one that enables the growth and survival of companies. Although the field

of human behavior theories was most developed in the previous century and most of the

findings are still considered true, the impact on the consumer has been extremely high in recent

years due to new technologies. Internet, social networks and other applications affect the

Page 53: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


consumer so strongly that today we cannot imagine a company that would still resist to use

these technologies. Due to these facts, consumer behavior in connection with newer internet

services has become a subject of intensive research all around the world. In the article we

present the most important results of a research on consumer behavior and the use of social

networks, made on a sample of Slovenian respondents.

Keywords: consumer behavior, consumer, internet, social networks, Facebook

Article Classification: Professional Paper

Page 54: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Trajnostni razvoj logističnih procesov

Sustainable development of logistics processes

Sašo Murtič1, Ingrid Franko Uhernik2

1Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto, Šegova ulica 112, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]

2Krka d.d., Novo mesto, Šmarješka cesta 6, 8501 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Logistični procesi so ključni del storitvenih dejavnosti vsake organizacije, zato jih moramo

sproti preučevati ter iskati možne izboljšave, možnosti zmanjševanja stroškov, uvajati sodobne

tehnologije in hkrati ustrezno organizirati vodenje in upravljanje organizacije procesov ter iskati

ustrezne modele poslovanja. V trajnostnem razvoju gre za več, med seboj povezanih procesov,

od katerih je posledično odvisna proizvodnja, oskrba trga, distribucija in mednarodna trgovina.

Gospodarstvo mora za svoj razvoj, obvladovanje konkurence in udeležbo v mednarodni

trgovini iskati možnosti, ki bodo omogočile širitev proizvodnje, ustrezno oskrbo, nadzor in

spremljanje trga in potrošnikov. Pomembno vlogo v tem procesu razvoja imajo transportne in

druge organizacije, ki skozi svoje procese poskušajo doseči poslovno uspešnost. Spoznanja in

izsledki trajnostnega razvoja logističnih procesov bodo v pomoč posameznikom, podjetjem in

organizacijam za prepoznavanje in posodabljanje posameznih faz poslovanja in obenem

inštrument za prepoznavanje določenih aktivnosti, ki jim bodo koristile.

V članku smo se osredotočili na trajnostni razvoj transporta in urbanizacijo infrastrukture.

Ključne besede: procesi, trajnostni razvoj, infrastruktura

Razvrstitev: Strokovni članek


Logistic processes are a key part of the service activities of each organization and because of

that, we need to study them continuously, look for possible improvements, reduce costs,

introduce modern technologies and at the same time, organize and manage process management

Page 55: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


processes and look for appropriate business models. Sustainable development involves several

interconnected processes, which affects on production, market supply, distribution and

international trade depend. For its development, competitiveness and participation in

international trade, the economy must look for opportunities that will enable expansion of

production, adequate supply and monitoring of the market and consumers. Transport and other

organizations, which through their processes try to achieve business success, play an important

role in this process of development. The knowledge and results of the sustainable development

of logistics processes will help individuals, companies and organizations to identify and update

individual phases of operations, and at the same time identify the specific activities that will

benefit them.

The article focuses on the sustainable development of transport and the urbanization of


Keywords: processes, sustainable development, infrastructure.

Article Classification: Professional Paper

Page 56: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


Učinki strojne opreme v logistiki

The effects of hardware in logistics

Sašo Murtič1, Ingrid Franko Uhernik2

1Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto, Šegova ulica 112, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]

2Krka d.d., Novo mesto, Šmarješka cesta 6, 8501 Novo mesto, Slovenija

E-naslov: [email protected]


Logistika je storitvena dejavnost v industriji, gospodarstvu, javni upravi in povsod kjer je

potrebno opraviti določene priprave dela, izpeljati določene procese ali opraviti določene faze

dela, ki omogočajo nadaljevanje proizvodnje, prodaje, oskrbe in podobno. Gre za več, med

seboj povezanih procesov, ki so pogosto odvisni od uporabe strojev, računalniške opreme,

računalniških programov, različnih aparatur in pripomočkov, ki omogočajo izvedbo

posameznih nalog. Sodobna strojna in druga tehnološka oprema, huda mednarodna,

gospodarska in trgovska konkurenca, hitre spremembe proizvodnje, vse večja digitalizacija

proizvodnih in drugih procesov, robotizacija posameznih postopkov v logistiki in vse večja

vlaganja v razvoj tehnologije so dejavniki, ki nujno narekujejo raziskave za uporabo strojne

opreme tudi v faze in procese logistike v industriji in širše. Gospodarske družbe, ki se ukvarjajo

z logistiko in logističnimi procesi, tako skupaj z industrijo iščejo rešitve, kako na kakšen način

uporabiti v postopkih logistike čim več strojne opreme in tako zmanjšati stroške poslovanja. V

članku smo se osredotočili na strojno opremo, ki čedalje bolj prodira v postopke in procese

logistike in hkrati omogoča trajnostni razvoj in spremljanje celotnega gospodarskega razvoja.

Ključne besede: logistika, strojna oprema, stroški

Razvrstitev: Strokovni članek


Logistics is a service activity in the industry, the economy, the public administration and in

other areas, where it is necessary to perform certain preparation of work, to carry out certain

processes or to perform certain stages of work, which enable the continuation of production,

Page 57: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

4th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

Challenges, April 2019


sale, supply and similar. These are several interconnected processes that are often dependent on

the use of machines, computer equipment, computer programs, various devices and utilities that

allow the execution of individual tasks. Modern mechanical and other technological equipment,

strong international, economic and commercial competition, rapid changes in production,

increasing digitization of production and other processes, robotization of individual procedures

in logistics and increasing investments in technology development are factors that necessarily

require research on the use of hardware also in the phases and processes of logistics in the

industry and beyond. Companies dealing with logistics and logistic processes, together with

industry are looking for solutions to how to use as much hardware as possible in how to use

logistics to reduce operating costs.

The article focuses on hardware that increasingly penetrates the logistics processes and

processes, and at the same time allows sustainable development and monitoring of overall

economic development.

Keywords: logistics, hardware, costs

Article Classification: Professional Paper

Page 58: Zbornik povzetkov Conference Proceedings AbstractsStjepan Flegarić, Mihael Volk, Tomaž Savšek, Mario Štorga ... Vesna Žepič Bogataj, Alojz Anžlovar, Ema Žagar, Branka Mušič

