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LONG TERM HYDROLOGIC TRENDS IN THE NILE BASIN A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Professional Studies by Zelalem Kassahun Tesemma May 2009

    A Thesis

    Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School

    of Cornell University

    In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

    Master of Professional Studies


    Zelalem Kassahun Tesemma

    May 2009

  • 2009 Zelalem Kassahun Tesemma


    A study has been conducted to examine if and how streamflow in the Nile Basin has

    varied over the period of available records. Streamflow records from 13 flow gauging

    stations in four major river basins of the Nile and 38 precipitation stations all over the

    Nile basin were studied. Monthly measured discharge (1912-1982) and rainfall data

    for those selected stations were collected from four different data sources and Global

    Hydro Climate Data Network available at http://dss.ucar.edu/datasets/ds553.2/data/

    and Global Historical Climatology Network available at http://gpcc.dwd.de were

    selected as the main data sources except those Ethiopian stations. The remaining

    recent 20 years data were collected from countries. Monthly and annual streamflows

    (up to the year 2000, some up to 2007) were extracted and analyzed for each of the 13

    station. The raw data were validated thoroughly by comparing different sources,

    corrected and augmented if needed.

    The Mann-Kendal and Sens T non-parametric test was used to detect significant

    trends in the selected years in combination with the Trend Free Pre-Whitening

    (TFPW) method for correcting time series data from serial correlation. The slope of

    the data set was computed using the Thiel-Sen Approach (TSA). For this study a 5-

    percent level of significance was selected to indicate the presence of statistical

    significant trends. Rainfall-Runoff Modeling was done on the upper Blue Nile using

    the Thronthwait-Mather model to understand the land cover changes on runoff over

    the past 30 years.

  • The mean annual natural streamflow on the Blue Nile Stations (Bahir Dar, Kessie and

    El Diem) show no trend. The rainfall over the basin also shows no significant trend.

    The Monthly runoff showed moderate variability at El Diem with 19% and 34% at

    Bahir Dar and Kessie. This might be a result that more land was cultivated growing of

    different crops as shown by rainfall-runoff modeling over the last 30 years. White Nile

    Stations (Jinja, Mongalla and Malakal) show a significant increasing trend on both

    rainfall and streamflow. The runoff increased 72%, 67% and 20% of the mean annual

    flow at Jinja Mongalla and Malakal respectively. Stations of the Main Nile

    (Tamaniate, Hassanab and Dongolla) show significant decreasing trend in streamflow

    due to abstraction of flow before reach gauging stations. For water resources

    management the key conclusion, that Nile natural streamflows have not changed

    significantly during the last 100 years.

  • iii



    Mr. Zelalem Kassahun Tesemma April, 23, 1984 EDUCATION


    Bahir Dar University B.Sc. 2007


    Water- and Environmental-related research


    Long term hydrologic trends in the Nile basin

  • iv

    This research is dedicated to my best friend Mebrahtom Gebre Hiwot.

  • v


    I wish to express appreciation to Dr. Yasir Mohamed and Dr. Tammo Steenhuis, for

    their support and assistance, constructive comments and corrections throughout the

    period of the research. Special thanks to Dr. Yasir Mohamed for providing me helpful

    materials and for his patience and persistence in obtaining data from different


    I also appreciate Dr. Amy Collick for her fruitful comment and continuous support in

    materials throughout the research period.

    The author was granted access to internet, office and financial support for this research

    from International Water Management Institute (IWMI) expresses his gratitude for

    this privilege.

    I would like to acknowledge the Ethiopian Ministry of Water Resources, NBI-ENTRO

    and Ethiopian Metrological Agency and Sudan Ministry of Water Resources and


  • vi


    BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ......................................................................................... iii

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................................. v

    TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................. vi

    LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... viii

    LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... x

    LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................... xi

    1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1

    1.1 Problem Statement .......................................................................................... 2

    1.2 Objective of the research ................................................................................ 3

    2. LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................... 4

    2.1 Step Trend versus Monotonic Trend .................................................................... 4

    2.2 Non parametric versus parametric methods ......................................................... 4

    2.3 Trend analysis in the Nile Basin. .......................................................................... 6

    3. THE NILE BASIN ..................................................................................................... 7

    3.1 Climate, Hydrology and Water Resources of the Nile basin ................................ 8

    3.2 Description of the main sub basins ..................................................................... 11

    3.2.1 White Nile River sub basin .......................................................................... 11

    3.2.2 Blue Nile River sub basin ............................................................................ 12

    3.2.3 Atbara River sub basin ................................................................................ 12

    4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................................. 13

    4.1 Selection of variables ......................................................................................... 13

    4.2 Data validation and completion .......................................................................... 14

    4.3 Mann-Kendall and Seasonal Kendall test for trend detection ............................ 15

  • vii

    4.4 Sens T test ......................................................................................................... 20

    4.5 Rainfall-Runoff modeling of Upper Blue Nile ................................................... 21

    5. DATA COLLECTION AND VALIDATION ......................................................... 25

    5.1 Data collection and Pre-processing .................................................................... 25

    5.2 Selection of stations ............................................................................................ 27

    5.3 The Nile stream gauging stations and validation of data ................................... 29

    6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................... 40

    6.1 Results of statistical analysis .............................................................................. 40

    6.1.1 Pettitt test results .......................................................................................... 40

    6.1.2 Runoff trend results ..................................................................................... 41

    6.1.3 Precipitation trend results ............................................................................ 47

    6.2 Model Results ..................................................................................................... 49

    7. CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................... 52

    8. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 54

    APPENDIX .................................................................................................................. 61

    Appendix I: Location of stations and data availability graphs. ............................... 61

    Appendix II: Relation Curves and regression equation comparison plots ............... 65

    Appendix III Tables and figures of statistical analysis ............................................ 68

  • viii


    Figure 3.2 Map (not to scale) of the Nile Basin which shows the major supply

    structures (Adopted Alan, 2005, SOAS). ..................................................................... 10

    Figure 5.1 Comparison plot between data sources at Jinja, show a 3rd data source ..... 26

    Figure 5.2 Comparison plot between data sources at Tamaniate. ................................ 27

    Figure 5.3 Comparison plot between data sources at Aswan ....................................... 27

    Figure 5.4 Map of the Nile basin showing the locations of the precipitation station and

    stream gauges used in this analysis. ............................................................................. 30

    Figure 5.5 Comparison of Mean flow and maximum and minimum daily flow at Bahir

    Dar. ............................................................................................................................... 34

    Figure 5.6 Comparisons between Outflow at Bahir Dar and Lake Level of Tana. ...... 35

    Figure 5.7 Relation curve between flow at Tamaniate and Hassanab .......................... 39

    Figure 6.1 Natural and Observed mean annual runoff trend at Sennar station of the

    Upper Blue Nile River. ................................................................................................. 46

    Figure 6.2 Balance between natural and observed mean annual runoff at Sennar

    station. .......................................................................................................................... 46

    Figure 6.3 Mean monthly areal and average rainfall distribution over Upper Blue Nile

    and White Nile. ............................................................................................................. 47

    Figure 6.4 Coefficient of variation in rainfall for Upper Blue Nile and White Nile. ... 47

    Appendix I.2 Data availability graphs for Streamflow and rainfall stations

    (downloaded from internet). ......................................................................................... 62

    Appendix I.3 Data availability graphs for precipitation stations. ................................. 62

    Appendix II.1 Regression equations for data validation and completion. ................... 65

  • ix

    Appendix III.1 Pettit change point test result for the average precipitation over

    Victoria Nile. ................................................................................................................ 68

    Appendix III.2 Pettit change point test result for the areal precipitation over upper

    Blue Nile. ...................................................................................................................... 69

    Appendix III.3 Pettit change point test result for the runoff over Nile basin. .............. 70

    AppendixIII.8 Linear trend in monthly streamflow for the Bule Nile River Basin at

    Roseires/El Diem from 1912 to 2000.Statistically significant decreases in flow are

    highlighted with heavy line. Total and percent changes are expressed relative to the

    beginning of the trend. Annual discharge is expressed m3/s ........................................ 78

    AppendixIII.7 Linear trend in monthly streamflow for the Nile River Basin at Jinja

    from 1912 to 2000.Statistically significant increases in flow are highlighted with

    heavy line. Total and percent changes are expressed relative to the beginning of the

    trend. Annual discharge is expressed m3/s. .................................................................. 79

    AppendixIII.9 Linear trends in average monthly precipitation for the Victoria Nile

    Basin from 1912 to 2000. Statistically significant trend in precipitation are highlighted

    with heavy line. Total and percent changes are expressed relative to the beginning of

    the trend. Annual Precipitation is expressed in mm ..................................................... 80

    AppendixIII.10 Linear trends in areal monthly precipitation for the Upper Blue Nile

    Basin from 1965 to 2000. Annual Precipitation is expressed in mm ........................... 81

  • x


    Table 3.1 Major Nile Basin supply-side structures (Adopted from Alan, 2005). .......... 9

    Table 5.1 Total number of data corrected during validation and then completed. ....... 26

    Table 5.2 List of data availability. ................................................................................ 28

    Table 5.3 List of data sources used in the analysis. ...................................................... 29

    Table 6.1 Results of change points with pettitt test for runoff and precipitation. ........ 41

    Table 6.2 Results of the runoff trend test for Upper White Nile .................................. 42

    Table 6.3 Results of the runoff trend test for Upper Blue Nile .................................... 44

    Table 6.4 Results of the precipitation trend test for White and Upper Blue Nile. ....... 48

    Table 6.5 Calibrated and validated parameters showing land use/cover change during

    the past 30 years. .......................................................................................................... 50

    Appendix I.1 Names and Location of rainfall stations. ................................................ 61

    Appendix III.4 Trend analysis results for flow gauges in the Nile Basin by months for

    different time periods. .................................................................................................. 71

    Appendix III.5 Trend analysis results for flow gauges in the Nile Basin from 1912-

    2000 by months ............................................................................................................ 75

    Appendix III.6 Trend analysis results for average and areal precipitation in the

    Victoria Nile and Upper Blue Nile Basin by months. .................................................. 77

    Appendix III.11 Trend analysis results for Precipitation Station in the Nile Basin by

    Months for different time period. ................................................................................. 82

  • xi


    TSA-Thiel-Sen Approach

    GHCDN- Global Hydro-Climate Data Network

    GHCN Global Historical Climatology Network

    MN- Mann-Kendall

    SM-Soil Moisture

    WOM- World Meteorological Organization

  • 1



    The hydrology of Nile basin has been studied from many perspectives. Several studies

    concerned with the long-term climatologic trends and especially precipitation

    (Conway, 2000; Yilma and Demarce, 1995 and Sutcliffe and Parks, 1999). Other

    studies relate the effect of climate change and spatial variability of precipitation to

    streamflow; (Conway and Hulme, 1993) and developing water balance model for

    water resource management (Conway, 1997; Kebede and Travi, 2006) and for

    sensitivity analysis of lake level and outflows such as Lake Victoria (Lyons, 1906).

    Egypt and Sudan almost completely depend on the Nile water as water source, with

    water demand in Egypt alone set to increase (Conway, 1993). It is critical that the role

    of future climate change on Nile water management is well understood. On the other

    hand, other Nile basin countries want to increase their share of the Nile Water for

    economic development which may be a cause for a potential conflict between the

    riparian Countries (Shiva, 2002). Similarly, the Nile riparian acknowledges the need

    for basin scale management of the Nile water resources (e.g., the Nile Basin

    Initiative), if they want to achieve maximum benefit of the resource. Because of these

    challenges towards utilization of the Nile waters resources there is great anxiety about

    reduction in available water due to future climate changes. Since experts do not agree

    on how the streamflow will change in the future, one of the few remaining ways is

    studying past trends in streamflow and rainfall. This will help a better understanding

    of the change in discharge caused by implementing past practices and use this

    information in developing strategies for better utilization of water resources in the


  • 2

    The particularities of the trend analysis given in this study it cover the entire Nile

    basin as a study domain, consider both the effect of serial correlation and cross

    correlation effect on the analysis of the statistical Mann-Kendall test, not only

    interblock procedure such as the Mann-Kendall test but also will include an aligned

    procedure such as Sens T test to obtain extra confidence in the results and this

    research will examined trend characteristics for different time interval at the same

    time, such as monthly, seasonal and annual bases, to see whether or not a dramatic

    change occurs.

    1.1 Problem Statement

    The hypothesis is that the assessment of long term trend of time series of discharge

    and precipitation at selected locations within the Nile basin will lead to insights into

    future Nile water availability. The key questions to be asked in this research are then:

    What is the long term trend (100 years) of monthly and annual stream

    discharge at key locations in the Nile basin?

    What is the long term trend (100 years) of monthly and annual precipitation at key location in the Nile basin?

    How is the relation between discharge and rainfall changes with time and also land use/cover change during the last 30 years (1961-1970 and 1991-


    Using discrete statistical indicators can we determine the trends and long term variability of Nile flows and precipitation?

  • 3

    1.2 Objective of the research

    The main objective of this research is to determine whether there is evidence of long-

    term trends in streamflow as well as precipitation over the entire Nile basin, and if so,

    to determine the long term mean annual streamflow from the Nile basin. Another

    objective is to investigate relationships between streamflow and precipitation.

    This research will provide updated information on the effect of climate change and

    climate variability on streamflow in the Nile basin. Such knowledge is vital for the

    riparian countries, as well as for their joint effort for cooperative management (e.g.,

    Nile Basin Initiative).

  • 4



    Information has been gathered from both published, grey literature and basin water

    resource management plans such as Abbay river basin master plan (Ethiopia).

    Hydrologic studies of the whole basin, workshop proceedings and annual reports of

    the countries in the Nile Basin were reviewed. Based on this literature, the

    methodology has been developed.

    2.1 Step Trend versus Monotonic Trend

    Two primary types of long-term trends can be considered in hypothesis testing and

    trend estimation. One is the Monotonic trend; the other is the step trend. (Hirsch et al.,

    1991). Monotonic trend tests are applied in this study. Step trend test is applied for

    those stations with naturally broken in to two distinct periods with relatively long time

    gap between them (Helsel and Hirsch, 1992). The other is when human influence or

    diversion structure which likely result in a change in streamflow. Monotonic trend test

    is applied for those stations with no human influence and diversion.

    2.2 Non parametric versus parametric methods

    The assumption of the parametric approach (i.e. normality, linearity and

    independence) is mostly not satisfied by hydro-climatologic data (Huth and Pokorna,

    2004; Van Belle and Hughes, 1984; Helsel and Hirsch, 1988). A statistical trend

    analysis will be performed to determine if significant time trends existence for mean

  • 5

    monthly and annual streamflow and precipitation at each of the representative

    locations. For a detection of the statistical signification of a trend, non-parametric

    methods have been used in several studies (Zhang et al, 2001; Huth and Pokorna,

    2004; Harry et al, 1999; Kahya, and Kalayci, 2004; Xu et al, 2003; Partal and Kalya,

    2006 and Yue and Hashimoto, 2003).

    Non-parametric methods were found to be suitable for data commonly skewed, and

    the sample size is large. (Hirsch et al, 1982) Non-parametric methods not only tend to

    be more resistant to a misbehavior of the data (e.g. outliers) but also are give results

    close to their parametric counterparts and lay well within the confidence limits even

    the distributions are normal (Huth and Pokorna, 2004). Regarding all the point

    discusses above it is suitable to use non parametric methods for trend analysis. Some

    of the research used non parametric method and the results were satisfactory (Zhang et

    al, 2001; Huth and Pokorna, 2004; Harry et al, 1999; Kahya and Kalayci, 2004; Xu,

    2003; Partal and Kalya, 2006 and Yue and Hashimoto, 2003).

    Non-parametric tests are more robust compared to their parametric counterpart.

    Speaking on the power of the test, i.e. ability to distinguish between the null

    hypothesis and alternative hypothesis, the Mann-Kendall tests (Mann, 1945 and

    Kendall, 1975) for monotonic trends perform well in comparison to the parametric t-

    test (Van Belle and Hughes, 1984). Mann-Kendall test will be used to test for trends

    over time. This test is non-parametric test, has been widely used to test for randomness

    against trend in hydrology and climatology (e.g. Burn and Elnur, 2002; Zhang et al

    2000; and Pokorna, 2004; Harry et al, 1999; Kahya and Kalayci, 2004; Xu, 2003;

    Partal and Kalya, 2006 and Yue and Hashimoto 2003).

  • 6

    The problem in using Mann-Kendall test is the result is affected by serial correlation

    of the time series. If there is a positive serial correlation (persistence) in the time

    series, the test will suggest a significant trend in a time series which is actually random

    more often than specified by the significance level Kulkarni and Von Storch (1995).

    To remove the effect of serial correlation Von Storch (1995) suggest that the series be

    pre-whitened before applying the Mann-Kendall test.

    2.3 Trend analysis in the Nile Basin.

    Some literature has considered climate change and variability of Nile flow. Conway

    and Hulme (1996) studied the variability in precipitation and streamflow on the whole

    Nile and found causes for the historical fluctuation in main Nile runoff was the

    fluctuation in precipitation. In addition they found no correlation in precipitation and

    runoff between Blue Nile and White Nile and the precipitation and runoff over the

    upper Blue Nile basin displayed no significant temporal trend. Sutcliffe and Parks

    (1999) work showed Blue Nile and Atbara flow are variable and declined in the 1970s

    and 1980s and Main Nile stations showed high flow up to 1990 and the variable flows

    until 1970 and low flow since 1970.

  • 7



    The Nile basin lies to the north east of Africa joining the Lake Victoria to the

    Mediterranean Sea. The Nile River, with an estimated length of over 6800km is

    longest river in the world flowing from south to north over 35 of latitude. The total

    area of the Nile basin (3112400 km2), covers 10% of the area of the African continent

    and is shared by 10 riparian countries: Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Tanzania, Burundi,

    Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Rwanda and Uganda (Figure 3.1).

    Figure 3.1 Location Map of the study area (Map of Nile basin).

  • 8

    3.1 Climate, Hydrology and Water Resources of the Nile basin

    The climate and vegetation cover in the Nile basin are highly related with the amount

    of precipitation. Precipitation increases southward and with altitude. The common area

    with high precipitation about 1200-1600mm/years on the highlands of Ethiopia and

    the Equatorial lakes plateaus. The potential Evaporation over the basin increases as

    one move downstream which show opposite trend to the precipitation (Mohamed et al,


    In addition to the main route of Nile there are so many tributaries and lakes which feed

    into the Nile. After the Nile leaves Lake Victoria it receives water from lakes

    (Kayoga, Albert and Edward) and streams. North of Mongalla, the White Nile is

    known as the Bahr el Jebel and flows into a vast complex of channels, Lakes, and

    Swamps in an enclosed basin. Bahr elghazal, coming from west, has very little

    contribution to the Nile flow. A comparison of the historical inflow data at Mongalla

    (33.332 km3) and outflow data at Malakal (29.714 km3) shows a Negative balance of

    3.619 km3. Taking in to account that the Sobat river contributes on average 13.53 km3

    of water per year to the flow at Malakal one can easily conclude that more than half of

    the river inflow is lost by evaporation, evapotranspiration and ground water losses

    (Sutcliffe and Parks, 1999). White Nile joins Blue Nile at Khartoum and name as main

    Nile. The source of Blue Nile is the little Abbay River originated in the Ethiopian

    highlands. The little Abbay flows in to Lake Tana, which discharges into the Blue Nile

    and runs down through the highlands into Sudan. The long term mean annual flow of

    Blue Nile measured at Roseires/El Diem is 48.65 billion m3 and contribute about 60%

    of the flow of main Nile.

  • 9

    The last tributary of main Nile is Atbara which also originated from Ethiopia and

    Eritrea highlands is highly seasonal and contributes on average about 11.05 billion m3

    per years. Use of water resource of Nile basin needs agreement and cooperation

    between the riparian countries for sustainable utilization. The major reservoirs

    constructed on the Nile river basin are Angeber and Koka in Ethiopia for irrigation

    and hydropower, Roseires, Sennar and Khashm El Girba in Sudan for irrigation and

    Aswan High Dam in Egypt for irrigation. Refer to Figure 3.2 and Table 3.1 for further

    information on the reservoirs.

    Table 3.1 Major Nile Basin supply-side structures (Adopted from Alan, 2005).

    Structure and Location Main function

    Date completed

    Old Aswan Dam (Egypt)

    For irrigation in Egypt, saving some 1 bcm of water; heightened in 1912 and later in 1934, increasing storage capacity to 5.1 bcm.


    Sennar Dam (Sudan)

    On the Blue Nile in Sudan, 350 km from Khartoum. Completed in 1925 to supply the Gezira Scheme. Storage of 0.8 bcm.


    Jebel Aulia (Sudan)

    On the White Nile 44 km south of Khartoum to store water for summer irrigation in Egypt. 1937

    Owen Falls Dam


    Built at the outlet of the White Nile from Lake Victoria to generate hydroelectricity for Uganda. 1954

    Aswan High Dam (Egypt)

    To capture an entire years Nile flood, thereby allowing Egypt complete control of Nile flows downstream.


    Kashem el-Girba (Sudan)

    Built to serve the New Halfa irrigation scheme built to its storage was 1.3 bcm, but fell dramatically because of siltation such that by 1971 this was just 0.97 bcm.


    Rosaries (Sudan)

    Supplies water to the Gezira Managil extensions and the Rahad scheme. Also produces hydropower for the Sudanese network.


    Jonglei Canal Construction halted. Anticipated increase in discharge was expected of l 7.6 bcm per year. Early 1980s

  • 10

    Figure 3.2 Map (not to scale) of the Nile Basin which shows the major supply structures (Adopted Alan, 2005, SOAS).

  • 11

    3.2 Description of the main sub basins

    The Nile basin comprises four main river reaches, White Nile, Blue Nile, Atbara and

    Main Nile. The Basin shows a great deal of geographic diversity with rugged

    mountains, plateaus, deeply incised gorges, meandering river sections and deserts.

    Elevation range from over to 4000m above sea level in the highland areas to several

    hundred meters below sea level in depressions. The topography is a major controlling

    factor in both climate and water distribution.

    3.2.1 White Nile River sub basin

    The watershed of the White Nile at Khartoum is 1.7 million km2. It contains Lake

    Victoria and comprises a complex of channel, lakes, swamps and wetlands. The

    streams which feed the White Nile River are seasonal. The average annual

    precipitation in Lake Victoria 1221mm with a bimodal seasonal distribution with

    peaks in March-May and November-December. After leaving Lake Victoria the White

    Nile flows into Equatorial Lakes (Lake Kyoga and Lake Albert) and then northward

    into Sudd sub basin and named Bahir el Jebel. The precipitation falls mostly in one

    season from April to October. The vegetation that covers in most of the swamps are

    Cyperus papyrus, Vossia cuspidate and Typha Australia (Sutcliffe and Parks,

    1999).This part of the sub basin there is more evaporation than rainfall and

    consequently the total flow in the river is decreased after it leaves the basin exposed to

    loss rather than gain due to the topographic nature of the area.

  • 12

    3.2.2 Blue Nile River sub basin

    The Blue Nile River starts at the outlet of Lake Tana and flows to Khartoum where it

    meets the White Nile with basin area of 324,530km2. Blue Nile contributes about 60%

    of the flow of Main Nile (Sutcliffe and Parks, 1999). The topography of the Blue Nile

    composed of highlands, hills, valleys and occasional rock peaks. Most of the streams

    feeding the Blue Nile are perennial and includes the Dinder and Rahad. The average

    precipitation over the Blue Nile subbasin is 1394mm and is higher than the other

    subbasin of the Nile basin. The precipitation over the Blue Nile basin varies from

    1000mm in the north-eastern part to 1450-2100mm over the south-western part of the

    sub basin.

    3.2.3 Atbara River sub basin

    The Atbara River originates in the Northern Ethiopia and Eritrea and joins the Nile

    after the lowland in the eastern Sudan with total basin area of 112,400 km2. The

    discharge of the river is extremely torrential. The rainfall is unimodall concentrated in

    August and September with mean annual rainfall 900mm relatively high value over

    the Ethiopian highlands to less downstream at the confluence with the main Nile.

    Generally the average annual precipitation is lowest among the other Nile sub-basins

    (Sutcliffe and Parks, 1999).

  • 13



    To be able to access the long term trends in streamflow and precipitation in the Nile

    basin. As discussed above the whole Nile basin will be divided into three sub basins:

    White Nile, Blue Nile and Atbara sub basins. Each of these sub basins will be divided

    further in sub basins according to the long term data availability and completeness.

    For each sub basin the steps followed are:

    1. Selection of variables to be studied. This is precipitation and streamflow variable

    are used.

    2. Selection and of stations that have sufficient long record of stream discharge and

    obtain the required data.

    3. Data analysis and interpretation which include checking for the presence of trend

    in the data and to determine the significance of the detected trends.

    4.1 Selection of variables

    A total of 13 streamflow and precipitation variables have been selected for this

    research. Theses variables include the annual mean, flow and precipitation monthly

    mean flow and monthly precipitation variables were analyzed in order to gain a bread

    understanding of the trends.

  • 14

    4.2 Data validation and completion

    Data validation started with a good representation of the collected data, tabular or

    graphical form using the various techniques provided by HYMOS software packages.

    The software was provided from IHE UNISCO and used for data management

    validation and completion together with EXCEL. The software provides both tabular

    and graphical analysis sheet. Missing data was filled in with regression equation signal

    between the neighboring stations is weak (Hastie et al., 2001). In addition for those

    stations with having preceding or successor neighboring station, sum or difference of

    the time series are used to fill in the missing data. In particular the following steps

    were taken.

    Screening of data series

    This step provides checking the data series against the data limits for total at long

    duration. To flag a few very unlikely values from the data set using two standard

    deviations from the mean as boundary values. Using the suspect value for the station

    considered, the suspicion may be dropped or accepted by confirmed using the

    comparison plot of the neighboring stations.

    Multi-station validation

    Comparison of series may also permit the acceptance of the value flagged as suspect

    in screening of data. When two or more station show the same behavior there is strong

    evidence to suggest that the value are correct.

  • 15

    Relation curve (Regression analysis)

    The relation curve between neighboring stations which developed also strengthens the

    flagged value by looking the relation curve of two sequential station data values. Then

    the suspect values previously identified should be removed before deriving the

    relationship, which may then be applied to compute corrected values to replace the

    suspect ones. The validation was displayed river by river for the four sub basin. Each

    sub basins station was compared with other neighboring stations in the sub basin.

    4.3 Mann-Kendall and Seasonal Kendall test for trend detection

    First of all, test for the trend in annual series was made so as to get an overall view of

    the possible changes in streamflow processes. To determine if the trends found are

    significant, the Mann-Kendall trend test was used (Mann, 1945 and Kendall, 1975).

    This test was chosen over other trend detection tests based on the following factors:

    (1) the Mann-Kendall test is a rank based non parametric test. When compare to

    parametric test like t-test the Mann-Kendall test has a higher power for non-normally

    distributed data which are frequently encountered in hydrological records (Onoz and

    Bayazit, 2003; Yue and Pilon, 2004). (2) In comparison to other non-parametric tests,

    like Spearmans rho test, the power of the Mann-Kendall test is similar to the point

    where both give indistinguishable results in practice (Yue et al, 2002a, b). (3)The

    Mann Kendall test has been extensively used to determine trends in similar hydrologic

    studies done in the past (Hirsch et al, 1982; Lins and Slack, 1999; Burn et al, 2004;

    Abdul Aziz and Burn, 2006).

    The Mann-Kendall test is based on the null hypothesis that a sample of data is

    independent and identically distributed, which means that there is no trend or serial

  • 16

    correlation among the data points. The alternative hypothesis is that a trend exists in

    the data. First the statistic defined by variable S was computed which is the sum of the

    difference between the data points for a series {x1...xn} come from a population

    where the random variables are independent and identically distributed shown in


    ( ) == +=


    1 1sgn




    ijij xxS , Where



    1)sgn( If



    Mann (1945) and Kendall (1975) determined that the statistics S is normally

    distributed when n 8 allowing for the computation of the standardized test statistics

    Z which represent an increasing or decreasing trends respectively. For the statistical

    trend test used in this study a 5-percent level of significance was selected. The 5-

    percent level of significance indicates that a 5-percent chance for error exists in

    concluding that a trend is statistically significant when in fact no trend exists.








    Z If








    Where Var(S), the variance of the data point is given by,

    ( )( ) ( )( )

    ++= =


    tiii tttnnnSVar


    181)( (4.3)

    Where m is the number of tied (i.e., equal values) groups in the data set and ti is the

    number of data points in the ith tied group. Under the null hypothesis, the quantity z

    defined in the following equation is approximately standard normally distributed even

  • 17

    for the sample size n = 10. The positive values of S indicate upward trends whereas

    negative S value indicate downward trend.

    The slope of the data set can be estimated using the Thiel-Sen Approach (4.4). This

    equation is used instead of a linear regression because it limits the influence that the

    outliers have on the slope (Hirsch et al, 1982). To normalize the slopes calculated for

    streams of different size, the mean flow value of each parameter and station was used to

    find a percent change in flow rate.



    Median ij For all i

  • 18

    lag-1 serial coefficient is calculated after the trend was removed in order to preserve the

    initial trend (Yue et al, 2002c).

    ( )( )( )



    = nt













    If lag-1 serial correlation coefficient (rk) is not significant at 5% significance level, then

    the Mann-Kendall test is applied to the original time series. Otherwise it is removed from Yt


    11 = ttt YrYY (4.7) This procedure is known as the Trend-Free Pre-Whitening (TFPW) procedure. The third

    step is to add the trend back to Yt by using Equation (4.8) and then the Mann-

    Kendall test is conducted on this new series.

    tYY t += (4.8) Seasonal Kendall test

    The trend test for annual series gives us an overall view of the change in streamflow

    volumes. To examine the possible changes occur in smaller time scale, we need to

    investigate the monthly or seasonal flow series. Monthly streamflow usually exhibit

    strong seasonality. Trend test techniques for dealing with seasonality of univariate

    time series fall into three major categories (Helsel and Hirsh, 1992): (1) fully

    nonparametric method, i.e., seasonal Kendall test; (2) mixed procedure, i.e., regression

    of deseasonalized series on time; (3) parametric method, i.e., regression of original

    series on time and seasonal terms. The first approach, namely, seasonal Kendall test

    will be used in this research considering the benefit that the seasonal Kendall test

    considers the effect of fluctuation in season in both runoff and precipitation.

  • 19

    Hirsch et al, (1982) introduced a modification of the MK test, referred to as the

    seasonal Kendall test that allows for seasonality in observations collected over time by

    computing the Mann-Kendall test on each of m seasons separately, and then

    combining the results. Compute the following overall statistic S.




    1, (4.10)

    Where Sj is simply the S-statistic in the MK test for season j (j = 1, 2... m) where Sj

    (Equation 4.10). When no serial dependence exhibit in the time series, the variance of

    S is defined as




    jjSVarSVar (4.11)

    Then the quantity z defined in the following equation is approximately standard

    normally distributed:








    Z If








    The positive values of S indicate upward trends whereas negative S value indicate

    downward trend.

  • 20

    4.4 Sens T test

    This test is an aligned rank method having procedures that first remove the block

    (effect of season) from each time series and sum the data over seasons to produce a

    statistic from these sums (Sen, 1968a, b). This procedure is distribution free and not

    affected by seasonal fluctuations (Van Belle and Hughes, 1984). The computational

    steps are as follows:

    1. Compute the average for the month j, nxXn



    1 and the average for the year i,




    iji xX . Subtract the monthly average from each of the corresponding

    months in the n years of data to remove seasonal effects, i.e. calculate Xij - X.j for i = 1, 2, ..., n and j = 1, 2, ...,12.

    2. Rank all the differences from 1 to nm (number of Months times the number of

    years) to obtain the matrix (Rij), where Rij = rank of (Xij - X.j) among the 12n values

    of differences. If t ties occur, the average of the next t ranks is assigned to each of the t

    tied values.

    3. The ranks for each year are averaged, i.e. 12.12



    iji RR . Also the rank for each

    month nRRn



    1. .

    4. Calculate the following test statistic.



    += =












    )()1(12 (4.13)

    Where m=number of months or seasons for this case m=12.

    For the sample size (n) become large the distribution of T tends toward normality with

    mean 0 under the null hypothesis of no trend and unit variance. The statistic test is to

  • 21

    reject the hypothesis of no trend if T > z exceeds a pre-specified percentile of the

    normal distribution. Where z is the standard normal variate is the level of

    significance which is 5% in this work. Van Belle and Hughes (1984) showed by

    Monte Carlo simulation that the normal approximation for the statistic T was

    reasonable even for small samples. Positive value of T indicates an increasing trend

    and negative value indicate decreasing trend.

    4.5 Rainfall-Runoff modeling of Upper Blue Nile

    Change in land use/cover during the past 30 years was detected using modeling over

    the Upper Blue Nile basin. From 1961-1970 and after 30 years 1991-2000 was

    divided in to two 5 years for calibration and 5 for validation, then compare and discuss

    changes between calibration parameters. Comparing the parameter between the two

    time period give some insight on both land use and land cover change.

    Based on nature of landscape and other land cover condition, topographic index and

    saturation index the watershed will be broken up into a series of contributing areas

    with different (SM), or maximum soil moisture storage;

    a) Wettest area,

    b) Intermediate area,

    a) Hillslope area,

  • 22

    (Steenhuis et al, 2008)

    It is reasonable to assume that water stored in the topmost layer of the soil system for

    hillslope and runoff contributories area to be estimated as follows (Collick et al, 2008

    and Steenhuis et al, 2008)

    SM (t)=S (t-t) + (P AET R Perc) t....(4.14)

    Where P is rainfall (mm/month), AET the actual evapotranspiration (mm/month), SM

    (t-t) is previous time step storage water in the soil system (mm), R is saturation excess

    runoff (mm/month), Perc is percolation to the subsoil (mm/month) and t is monthly

    time step. When P (t) is less than PET, water is withdrawn from the soil system. This

    results into the exponential soil moisture depletion at time step t is defined by the

    following formula (Steenhuis, 2008).




    tPETPSMSM ttt , When P

  • 23

    If P (i) is higher than PET, the actual evapotranspiration (AET) equals potential

    evapotranspiration (PET) Steenhuis and Van der Molen, 1986. If not, it is computed






    PETAET t ....(4.16)

    The soil moisture deficit is the difference between PET and AET within the same

    month, and is given by:

    Deficit (t) = PET (t) AET (t) ............................(4.17)

    The soil moisture surplus is the difference between the effective rainfall and the sum

    of SM and AET. It is the excess rainfall when the soil layer under consideration is

    saturated with water. The surface runoff produced from wettest area and intermediate

    area can be computed from the following equation.

    Saturation excess runoff (SER (t)) = P (t) [SM + AET].........(4.18)

    Where, SM is the difference between the soil moisture content in the current and

    previous month. It is given by:

    SM = SM (t) - SM (t-t) ............(4.19)

    For hillside area, area with high infiltration capacity, the water flow as either interflow

    or percolates (Perc) and added to ground water reservoir to form a ground water flow

    (baseflow). Steenhuis et al, 2008 assumed that the after the baseflow reservoir is filled

    first, the interflow reservoir starts filling. It is possible to assume the ground water

    reservoir acts as a linear reservoir and its outflow, GWF and ground water storage

    (GWS) is less than the maximum ground water storage, GWR (max) (Steenhuis, 2008).

  • 24

    tGWFPercGWSGWS ttttt += )( ()()( ..... (4.20)

    [ ]t

    tGWSGWF tt

    = )exp(1)()(


    When the storage reaches its maximum storage, GWS (max)

    GWS (t) = GWS (max)...(4.22)

    [ ]t


    = )exp(1(max) ..... (4.23)

    Storage of a previous month is available for a surplus of a current month and so on.

    Finally, the summation of a direct storm runoff (DR), ground water flow (GWF) in

    month gives the total watershed runoff of in month.

    Q = DR + GWF (t)......(4.24)

    The model was tested and validated for the Blue Nile at the Sudanese border by three

    students of the Masters Program in Integrated Watershed Management and

    Hydrology and by Steenhuis et al (2009) for three SCCP watersheds and found that

    this model gave good predictions.

  • 25



    5.1 Data collection and Pre-processing

    Monthly river flow data were collected from different sources: Global Hydro Climate

    Data Network (GHCDN) operated by UNESCO/IHP which was used as a main

    sources for this research, available at http://dss.ucar.edu/datasets/ds553.2/data/,

    Shahin (1985) from Cairo University - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1977,

    Global Runoff Data Center operated by world metrological organization (WOM)

    funded by the Federal Government of Germany available at http://grdc.bafg.de/ as per

    requested and from Countries like Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda Ministry of Water

    Resources. The monthly precipitation data for this study were downloaded from

    Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) available at http://gpcc.dwd.de and

    recent data for Ethiopian station from Ethiopia Meteorological Agency. Appendix I.3

    for data availability graphs for both river flow and precipitation stations.

    After all data from different sources were collected comparison between sources were

    made to select the best data sources among them. All data from GRDC, GHCDN and

    Shahin (1985) agree perfectly for the period 1912-1982 except the three stations

    namely Jinja, Tamaniate and Aswan for some period. For example at Jinja the data

    from the Global River Data Center shift by two years as compared with that of data

    obtained from Uganda Ministry of Water Resources (Figure 5.1). The data from

    GHCDN for Tamaniate in month June 1947 and 1948 were not in agreement with the

    two other sources of data (Figure 5.2). Also at Aswan for the period 1912-1945 both

    GRDC and GHCDN data are from the dam release but that of Shahin book 1985 is the

  • 26

    inflow to the dam and agrees then after 1945 (Figure 5.3). After this initial check of

    the data, further data analysis and validation took place before conducting any analysis

    as described in the next sections (Table 5.1).

    Table 5.1 Total number of data corrected during validation and then completed.

    Sub basins

    Period of validation Stations name

    Numbers of data corrected

    ( % ) of data corrected

    Blue Nile

    1959-2007 Lake Tana 13 2 1953-2004 Kessie 15 2


    Roseires/El diem 12 1.4

    Sennar 6 0.7 Khartoum 2 0.23

    Main Nile


    Tamaniat 11 1.29 Hassanab 7 0.82 Dongola 2 0.9 Aswan 0 0.5

    White Nile


    Jinja 0 0 Mongolla 5 0.5 Malakal 4 0.45

    Jebel Aulia 4 0.9

    Figure 5.1 Comparison plot between data sources at Jinja, show a 3rd data source

  • 27

    Figure 5.2 Comparison plot between data sources at Tamaniate.

    Figure 5.3 Comparison plot between data sources at Aswan

    5.2 Selection of stations

    The selection of stations is one of the more important steps in hydro-climate time

    series analysis. Stations were selected with record length of above 30 years both for

    precipitation and streamflow variables. Burn and Elnur (2002) stated that the selection

  • 28

    of stations in a hydro-climate change research is substantial at the initial step and that

    a minimum record length of 25 years ensures validity of the trend results statistically.

    Hence 15 streamflow stations and 38 precipitation stations were selected. The station

    names missing data and years uses for analysis are shown in Tables 5.2 and 5.3 The

    location of the precipitation station are shown in Figure 5.4 given appendix I.1

    entitled: Names and locations of selected station. Collected data include monthly

    discharge and precipitation for the available extended period of time. After the data

    had been collected, the entire raw data was imported to Excel sheet accordingly. This

    step is a base for conducting any further analysis since data in Excel format can easily

    be transferred to any of the software package to be used for the analysis. Table 5.2 List of data availability. No. Flow

    station GHCDN GRDC Shahin,

    1985 Sudan/ Uganda


    1 Bahir Dar 1959-20072 Kessie 1953-20043 Jinja 1912-2000 4 Mongalla 1912-1982 1912-1982 1912-1973 5 Malakal 1912-1995 1912-1982 1912-1973 1965-2000 6 Jebel Aulia 1973-1982 1912-1973 1966-2000 7 Roseires 1912-1995 1912-1982 1912-1973 1980-2000 8 El Diem 1964-1996 9 Sennar 1912-1995 1912-1982 1912-1973 1980-2000 10 Khartoum 1900-1982 1912-1982 1912-1973 1980-2000 11 Tamaniate 1912-1982 1912-1982 1912-1973 1980-2000 12 Hassanab 1912-1982 1912-1982 1912-1973 1980-2000 13 Kilo-3 1912-1982 1912-1982 1912-1973 14 Dongolla 1912- 1995 1912- 1982 1912-1973 1980-2000 15 Aswan 1912 -1984 1912-1982 1912-1973

  • 29

    Table 5.3 List of data sources used in the analysis. No. Flow station GHCDN Sudan Uganda Ethiopia From

    relation curve

    1 Bahir Dar 1959-2007 2 Kessie 1953-2004 3 Jinja 1912-2000 4 Mongalla 1912-1982 1983-20005 Malakal 1912-1995 1996-2000 6 Jebel Aulia 1966-2000 7 Roseires 1912-1995 1996-2000 8 El Diem 1964-1996 9 Sennar 1912-1995 1996-2000 10 Khartoum 1900-1982 1983-2000 11 Tamaniate 1912-1982 1983-2000 12 Hassanab 1912-1982 1983-2000 13 Kilo-3 1912-1982 14 Dongolla 1912- 1995 1983-2000 15 Aswan 1912 -1984

    In the next sections the discharge data is validated and prepared for trend analysis by

    dividing the river basin in to four sub-river basins as Blue Nile, White Nile and


    5.3 The Nile stream gauging stations and validation of data

    White Nile stations


    The discharge at Jinja, hydrological station located at the outlet of Lake Victoria has

    been recorded since 1900 (Kite, 1982 and Conway, 1993). The discharge was

    originally regulated by Ripon Falls until the construction of Owen Falls, some 3 km

    downstream dam in 1954 but which was began in 1951 with construction of coffer

    dam (Sutcliffe and Parks, 1999). The lake level/ discharge relationship remained the

    same before and after dam construction.

  • 30

    Figure 5.4 Map of the Nile basin showing the locations of the precipitation station and stream gauges used in this analysis.

  • 31


    Station indicate the outflow White Nile from the Equatorial Lakes where White Nile

    before enters to marshes and swamps. This station is confined to a single channel and

    next to Jinja has reliable and long term gauging site data. Data from 1983 onwards is

    not available because of the civil war in Sudan and measurements have resumed since


    Helit Dolieb

    The discharge gauging station which measures the contribution of Sobat River located

    upstream of Malakal. Since the station is located 8 km above the White Nile

    confluence, the back water effect of the White Nile due to the rise in Lake Victoria has

    affected the levels of measurement. During some years 1965-1967 those flows may

    have been overestimated because of lack of the dry season flow otherwise the flow

    record is reliable for analysis (Sutcliffe and Parks, 1999). Hence adjustments have

    been made by comparing with neighborhood stations.


    Discharge measuring station on the White Nile basin indicating the contribution of

    White Nile, Sobat River, and Bahr al-Ghazel basin. The flows measurements at

    Malakal are accurate because the numbers of gauging have been sufficient and the

    rating curve is good (Sutcliffe and Parks, 1999).

    Jebel Aulia

    Streamflow measuring station found 44km south of Khartoum. The Jebel Aulia dam

    built forty kilometers upstream of Khartoum in 1937 to store water for later use in

    Egypt, has added further evaporation losses along this stretch. The rapid silt up of this

  • 32

    reservoir and the construction high Aswan dam in Egypt in 1965 stopped its function

    (Shahin, 2002).

    Validation of White Nile stations

    White Nile at Jinja, Mongalla and Malakal

    The discharge measurement at Jinja is relatively in good quality because it is

    computed from the developed rating curve between outflow and lake level so no

    adjustment was made. The monthly flow at Mongalla was compared with flow at Jinja

    by using relation curve to see pronounced outliers. The flow at Mongalla after 1982

    was inferred from Jinja in monthly bases using the regression equation between them

    r2=0.76. Refer appendix II.1,e for the relation curve and equation. The flow records at

    Malakal on March 1944 is very high as compared with the other months and also

    advance flow of Mongalla on the same month hence it is clearly an outlier. The value

    was corrected by the long term monthly mean value for the same months.

    Blue Nile gauging stations

    This sub basin has five stations namely, Blue Nile at Lake Tana, Blue Nile at Kessie,

    Blue Nile at Roseires /Eddiem dam, Blue Nile at Sennar and Blue Nile at Khartoum.


    Discharges measuring station for Blue Nile immediately upstream its junction with the

    White Nile. The flow at this station contains seasonal flow Dinder and Rahad which

    originated in the highlands of Ethiopia in addition to flow from Sennar.

  • 33

    Roseires dam/Eddiem

    The hydrological station on the Ethiopia-Sudan border indicates the inflow of Blue

    Nile from Ethiopia highlands to the Sudanese areas. This station named Roseires

    before the construction of the dam until 1965 and Eddiem afterward which was shifted

    upstream of the dam. This station is one of the long term records for Blue Nile.


    Discharge gauging station located downstream of Sennar dam on the reach of Blue

    Nile. This is located 350 km from Khartoum which was completed in 1925 to supply

    the Gezira irrigation scheme.


    The gauging station is located at the bridge where the main road to Addis Ababa from

    Bahir Dar crosses Abbay river with Bridge. Discharge was measured at Kessie started

    from 1953 to present. The records are complete from 1954 to present. The

    construction of the new bridge may affect the gauging section which is directly

    affected the stage measurements and then the discharge measurements due to the

    constructed temporary coffer dam. The data before the construction is valid and good

    in quality for analysis. Conway, 2000 also comment on the quality of the records as it

    is fear good.

    Lake Tana

    The outflow of Blue Nile at Lake Tana is recorded in three separate time period, 1921-

    1926, 1928-1933, 1959-present. Considering the data quality, before 1990 records

    show errors and needed correction. The construction of the Chara-Chara weir, which

    was completed in 1996, has affected the natural flow from the lake.

  • 34

    Validation of Blue Nile stations

    Lake Tana and Kessie

    First visual screening showed a few mistyped decimal points. These were corrected

    and flagged in the data files. Then data were subjected to a few validations the data for

    upper and lower boundary limit to identify outliers. Sometimes, when data for

    complete years were missing, the whole year was omitted which needed further

    attention when converting the data format. For flow stations at Bahir Dar (Lake Tana)

    and Kessie for which the minimum and maximum of flow data available, three time

    series were created, mean monthly discharge (m3/s), maximum daily discharge (m3/s)

    and minimum daily discharge (m3/s). The mean monthly series was validated against

    the maximum and minimum daily discharges (Figure 5.5). Whenever mean monthly

    discharge > maximum daily discharge or mean monthly discharge was smaller than

    the minimum daily discharge the record for that month was flagged and further

    investigated. Sometimes, errors resulted from mistyping one number or misplacing

    the decimal point and were fixed accordingly.

    Figure 5.5 Comparison of Mean flow and maximum and minimum daily flow at Bahir Dar.

  • 35

    Those records violated the data limit was flagged and wait to be confirmed by the next

    step which was comparison of plot between adjoining stations. Comparison was made

    between each others and with Roseires/El Diem. For the case of Bahir Dar flow

    measuring station has two periods of records, before (1959-1995) and after (1996-

    2007) the construction of chara-chara weir. Those streamflow records after the weir

    become functional have taken as it is. Those suspect value identified in screening was

    further validated using comparison plot between the lake levels records of Lake Tana

    at Bahir Dar which is in relatively good quality (Figure 5.6). The streamflow record in

    some months of 1984 and 1985 are problematic and hence corrected using average

    flow and those missed value was completed using the developed power equation

    between lake level and outflow from the lake. Since the lake level records are

    completed, the missed monthly discharge for 1984 estimated by regression with lake

    level r2=0.95. Refer appendix II.1, a for relation curve and regression equation.

    Figure 5.6 Comparisons between Outflow at Bahir Dar and Lake Level of Tana.

  • 36

    Blue Nile at Roseires / El Diem, Sennar and Khartoum

    These three stations had relatively longer records of streamflow data. The main data

    source of this research (GHCDN) compared with two other data sources (GRDC and

    Shahin, 1985) has encountered error of using month February as 28 days in leap years

    in both Roseires and Sennar stations and corrected by multiplying with 28 first and

    divided it by 29. To have a natural flow for after 1963 El Diem station which is

    located upstream of Roseires station data was used from Ministry of Irrigation Sudan

    and ENTRO since GRCDN data after 1964 shows the release from the Roseires dam.

    When the two data plotted together the low flow data from the GRCDN source was

    higher the data from Ministry of Irrigation Sudan and ENTRO. Screening was done

    independently for the three stations. Value out of the boundary limits flagged and

    further validated by comparison of plots between the remaining two stations. The

    comparison plot was made in 5 years period to easily identify problematic records.

    The suspect values flagged was removed and relation curve developed between the

    adjoining stations for correcting the suspect values. The missed data from 1997 to

    2000 were filled using the relation curve with Sennar with correlation coefficient

    r2=0.99. Refer to appendix II.1 b, c for relation Roseires/Ediem and Sennar.

    Main Nile Station


    It is located downstream of confluence of the White Nile and the Blue Nile River. This

    station records illustrate the history of flows of both White and Blue Nile. The flow

    records are based on gauge-discharge curve from gauging and some few years are base

    on a general curve or on interpolation between measurements. From October 1928 to

    September 1929 gauging was unreliable hence needed adjustment.

  • 37


    Discharge measuring station just above the confluence of Atbara river with the Main

    Nile. This station is located downstream of Tamaniat. In between these stations there

    is abstraction by Khartoum Hassanab scheme.

    Kilo 3

    The flow gauging station located at the outlet of the Atbara River immediately

    upstream of its Junction with the Main Nile. It joins the main Nile about 320 km

    downstream from Khartoum. There is a constructed dam on the river to serve for



    Discharge measuring station of the Main Nile above Aswan dam. To avoid the

    backwater effect of the Aswan dam the station first moved from Wadi-Halfa to

    Kajnarty and then to Dongola. The flow records contribution of these stations

    expressed as Wadi-Halfa 1912-1939, Kajnarty 1931-1964 and Dongola 1962 to

    present. These stations combined to form a single long term records as Dongola 1912

    to present by taking into consideration the evaporation loss from Wadi-Halfa/ Kajnarty

    to Dongola with its width and length of 450km.


    The final outlet of the Nile is measured at Aswan. This station provides the longest

    historical records. The records are moreover completed and with good quality but it

    should be naturalized because there has been considerable usage of water for irrigation

    in Sudan.

  • 38

    Validation of Main Nile station

    Tamaniat and Hassanab

    Error of using February as 28 days in leaps years in both Tamaniat and Hassanab

    stations and corrected in the same manner like those stations in Blue Nile. Data entry

    error such as instead of putting 1169 and 1223 put 116.9 and 122.3 for June 1947 and

    1984. These were clearly confirmed by comparing with other data sources Shahin

    1985 and GRDC. After correcting the above errors screening was continued to identify

    those suspect value violating the data limits. Time series graph of the two stations as

    well as sum of time series of Khartoum and Jebel Aulia in five years interval was

    plotted in the same graph for comparison. To develop more confidence on the flagged

    value relation curve between the two stations was plotted as shown below. The

    outliers shown were some of them were problems of Tamaniate and some of them

    were problems of Hassanab based on the results from the above comparison analysis

    from the three stations (Figure 5.7). All the suspect values were then removed and

    completed using regression without including those flagged value with strong

    regression coefficients 0.98 for the period 1912-1982. The data after 1982 was

    validated and completed using relation curve between Tamaniate and Hassanab from

    1980 to 2000 with correlation coefficient 0.967. Refer appendix II.2, d for the relation

    curve and equation.

  • 39

    Figure 5.7 Relation curve between flow at Tamaniate and Hassanab

    Kilo-3, Dongola and Aswan

    After screening of each station independently was processed, time series graph of all

    the three stations were plotted to see the problematic months together with the

    screening results. During plotting the graph, Dongola and Aswan as it is but Kilo-3

    plus Hassanab as one series was plotted. Any station value in different behavior with

    the remaining two was identified as suspect value. Adjustment of that suspect values

    were adjusted using regression analysis between neighboring stations. With respect to

    discharge the number of values corrected as a total or a percentage noted for

    individual stations.

  • 40



    6.1 Results of statistical analysis

    The first step in time series analysis is visually inspecting the data. Significant changes

    in level or slope usually are obvious. From the visual inspection, it seems that the

    annual flow series of the upper Blue Nile at Kessie which exhibits obvious upward

    trend but the other Blue Nile station showed no significant change over the period

    under consideration. This is also supported from the 5-year moving average curve of

    the annual mean discharge at station Kessie exhibits fluctuation in recent 50 years, and

    the discharge reached higher record values started from 1995. This procedure also

    conducted on the Upper White Nile basin, the visual detection also supported by the

    statistical analysis result.

    6.1.1 Pettitt test results

    Using pettitt the possible change points were examined for the monthly and mean

    annual runoff and precipitation and the possible change-points were indicated as upper

    values of the probability curve. The change point year is consistent with the monthly

    and mean annual runoff and precipitation. Change point years were identified for all

    flow gauging stations; 1965 for Upper Blue Nile and 1962 for White Nile basin (Table

    6.1). As Sutcliff and Park (1999) stated clearly the phenomena of heavy rainfall in

    October-December season in 1961and 1962 showed over the Lake Victoria basin in

    the rainfall records. Changes in rainfall over Lake Victoria basin cause for change in

    streamflow of White Nile basin stations (Jinja, Mongolla and Malakal). Considering

    the validity of the discharge data series, it is divided into two and three stages to have

    Mann-Kendall trend test in this research, the results of the computation of pettitt test

  • 41

    are given in the next section. Refer also the change point test with probability curves

    appendix III.1, 2, and 3. Table 6.1 Results of change points with pettitt test for runoff and precipitation.

    Station of River flow series Years Probability Lake Tana (Bahir Dar) 1994 0.98 Kessie 1992 0.99 Roseires/Eddiem 1965 0.9 Jinja 1962 1 Mongolla 1962 1 Malakal 1962 1 Upper Blue Nile Arial precipitation - - Victoria Nile Average precipitation 1961 0.9

    6.1.2 Runoff trend results

    Significance of serial correlation

    Prior to conducting the Mann-Kendall test, the Trend Free Pre-Whitening procedure

    was applied to the series in which there was a significant serial correlation. The lag-1

    serial correlation test was applied to all the time series data. The majority of the

    monthly time series in the data set appear to have a significant lag-1 serial correlation

    coefficient at 5% significant level. These indicate the data series violating the

    assumption of independence. The White Nile station (Jinja, Mongalla and Malakal)

    showed a significant lag-1 serial correlation in all months and annual series. In

    addition the station on the Blue Nile (Lake Tana, Kessie and El Diem) showed a

    significant lag-1 serial correlation in low flow season and no significant serial

    correlation in Flood season.

    Seasonal Mann-Kendall and Sens T tests on Upper White Nile

    Generally, the Mann-Kendall and Sens T tests confirmed the findings of each other.

    According to Sens T test in all White Nile stations (Jinja, Mongalla and Malakal)

    there is a upward trend at 5% significant level (T= 22.10, 18.83 and 13.98) indicating

  • 42

    a tendency towards much more water on annual basis (Table 6.2). According to Mann-

    Kendall test in all White Nile station (Jinja, Mongalla and Malakal) there is a upward

    trend at 5% significant level (z = 8.6, 8.11 and 6.02) indicating a tendency towards

    much more water on annual basis (Table 6.2). Among the findings of seasonal trend

    analysis, the result of Flood and Low flow series showed upward trend indicating an

    increasing in amount of flow at 5 % significant levels according to both the Sens and

    Seasonal Mann- Kendall test.

    Table 6.2 Results of the runoff trend test for Upper White Nile

    BN station Season T values of Sens T test

    z values of Mann-Kendall test

    Jinja Flood 15.57 19.64 Low flow 15.73 20.23 Annual 22.10 8.6 Mongalla Flood 13.92 18.0 Low flow 12.67 16.29 Annual 18.83 8.11 Malakal Flood 9.22 12.86 Low flow 11.13 10.87 Annual 13.98 6.02

    Note: Bold figures are significant at 5% significance level.

    White Nile Stations

    Summary of the Mann-Kendall test for monotonic trend and non-Parametric Sens

    slope estimates for the streamflow series are given in Table 6.2. An increase of 7.12

    m3/s/year (P

  • 43

    Jinja and Malakal the higher increasing slope were estimated and runoff changed at

    the rate of 7.67 m3/s/year and 3.71 m3/s/year respectively since 1912. Also in the

    month of April at Mongalla the highest runoff changed was exhibited and runoff

    changed at the rate of 10.37 m3/s/year since 1912. However, monotonically decreasing

    trend in all months was estimated for the analysis period 1962-2000 after the change

    point at Jinja, Mongalla and Malakal. For example Annual mean runoff decreased at a

    rate 13.13 m3/s/year, 25.72 m3/s/year and 8.96 m3/s/year at Jinja and Mongalla in the

    month of September and at Malakal in the month of November respectively. Refer

    appendix III.4 for result of the trend analysis.

    Seasonal Mann-Kendall and Sens T tests on Upper Blue Nile

    Upper Blue Nile stations (Lake Tana and El Diem) there are no trend at 5% significant

    level in flood season (T= 0.34 and -1.77), low flow season (T= 0.01 and 0.4) and

    annually (T= 1.04 and -1.24) and indicating flow stay the same but at station Kessie

    there is an upward trend at 5% significant level in flood season (T= 2.67), low flow

    season (T= 0.72) and annually (T= 3.37) indicating the amount of flow increasing on

    annual basis . According to Mann-Kendall test low flow season in all Upper Blue Nile

    stations (Lake Tana, Kessie and El Diem) displayed no trend at 5% significant level (z

    = 0.31, 0.79 and 0.72) indicating no additional flow added to the basin, but for flood

    season the lake Tana and Kessie displayed an upward trend at the same significance

    level (z = 2.34 and 2.87). Among the findings of seasonal trend analysis from the

    Sens T test and seasonal Mann-Kendall test at Lake Tana and Kessie. This is due to

    the trend heterogeneity between months imply that there is an upward and downward

    trend with in the season. For such case the result from Sens T test seems better to

    explain the trend since it is not affected by seasonal blocks.

  • 44

    Table 6.3 Results of the runoff trend test for Upper Blue Nile BN station Season T values of

    Sens T test z values of

    Mann-Kendall test Lake Tana Flood -0.75 0.47 Low flow 1.74 3.45 Annual 1.04 0.4 Kessie Flood 2.02 1.5 Low flow 2.56 3.23 Annual 3.37 1.45 El Diem Flood -1.77 -1.78 Low flow 0.40 0.72 Annual -1.24 -1.10

    Note: Bold figures are significant at 5% significance level.

    Upper Blue Nile Stations

    Summary of the Mann-Kendall test for monotonic trend and non-Parametric Sens T

    test for the streamflow series for both Low and Flood flow season are given in Table

    6.3. In general no mean annual runoff trend was recorded at those stations in the

    Upper Blue Nile. Lake Tana flow station showed increasing trend for months April,

    May, June and July at a rate of 0.37, 0.31, 0.4 and 1.14 m3/s/yr respectively during

    1959-2007. In Upper Blue Nile river, at Kessie significantly increasing trend in

    monthly flow from May to June at a rate of 0.99 and 1.18 m3/s/yr respectively.

    But the down stream station from Kessie which is Roseires/El Diem no trend in all

    months except September with significantly decreasing trend at 9.78 m3/s/yr (appendix

    III.5) which also true for the natural monthly flow at Sennar down stream of

    Roseires/El Diem with 13.52 m3/s/yr. The observed monthly flow at Sennar decreased

    significantly between September to February and June but increased significantly

    during April and May. The trend physically explained by comparing with the flow to

    Roseires and its release, the dam hold water during high flow period and release

    during low flow period. The same pattern of trend with observed flow at Sennar was

    estimated at Khartoum station. Both stations exhibited significantly decreasing trend

  • 45

    in mean annual runoff at a rate of 5.77 m3/s/yr and 5.87 m3/s/yr at Sennar and

    Khartoum (Figure 6.1). When comparing the Natural mean annual runoff (appendix

    III.5) with the observed annual runoff, the slopes of the trend line for the Sennar

    station are noticeably reduced. In other word, the runoff reduction directly due to

    human activities has distinctly increased during the last four decades, especially after

    1964. The results of Mann-Kendalls trend test for natural monthly runoff (appendix

    III.5) show some differences with that of observed monthly runoff. The increasing

    trend in observed flow for April and June at Sennar disappeared, which means this

    increasing trend resulted from regulated stream flow due to dam control if the

    estimation of natural runoff is accurate. The decreasing trend is still exists, but the

    magnitude is remarkably reduced, which is reflected by the smaller z values and fewer

    months with a significant decreasing trend observable when comparing natural and

    observed flow in (appendix III.5) This indicates that the Upper Blue Nile runoff has a

    decreasing trend even after deducting the water withdrawn for human uses (Figure


    Main Nile Stations

    The trend analysis was made on observed runoff at three sequential stations on the

    main rout of the Main Nile Basin, at Tamaniate, Hassanab and Dongolla. The mean

    annual runoff display a strong significant decreasing trend at a rate of 5, 5.6 and 7.6

    m3/s / yr respectively. The result also showed that the rate increased as downstream

    from Tamaniate to Dongolla. Monthly runoff from July to January significantly

    decreased, while it significantly increased from March to May. The increasing trend

    exhibited from March to May do not imply the actual trend patter instead due to the

    regulation effect of dams upstream of the stations. But the peak flow period display

    significantly decreasing trend also identified in those unregulated upstream station.

  • 46

    Figure 6.1 Natural and Observed mean annual runoff trend at Sennar station of the Upper Blue Nile River.

    Figure 6.2 Balance between natural and observed mean annual runoff at Sennar station.

  • 47

    6.1.3 Precipitation trend results

    The pattern of the mean monthly rainfall on Upper Blue Nile and Upper White Nile

    differ due to seasonal variation (Figure 6.3). Upper Blue Nile has shorter wet season

    and highly variable during dry season than wet season as compared with Upper White

    Nile. The rainfall in upper White Nile have two rainfall season one having high

    amount of rainfall than the other. The seasonal coefficients of variation are displayed

    in Figure 6.4 for both the Upper Blue Nile and White Nile.

    Figure 6.3 Mean monthly areal and average rainfall distribution over Upper Blue Nile and White Nile.

    Figure 6.4 Coefficient of variation in rainfall for Upper Blue Nile and White Nile.

  • 48

    To give insight on the rainfall trend over the Upper White Nile and Upper Blue Nile

    basin the average rainfall over the lake Victoria Nile and the areal Rainfall were taken

    and the seasonal Mann-Kendall and Sens T statistical test were conducted. It is self

    evident that the results of the Mann-Kendall and Sens T test are in good agreement

    about the existence of significant trends over the Upper White Nile basin and also no

    significant trend over the Upper Blue Nile basin (Table 6.4). For the Upper White Nile

    basin, there is a positive trend indicating a tendency towards wet condition on seasonal

    basis at 5% significance level according to the Sens T test (T = 2.58) and Mann-

    Kendall test (z = 2.61), respectively. Significantly increasing trend in monthly rainfall

    wet season was display. Out of ten stations selected for rainfall trend analysis over the

    Upper White Nile basin seven of them were displayed significantly increasing trend in

    November, three in October, three in January and two in mean annual. These indicate

    much of the wet season month showed a significant increasing trend. Refer appendix

    III.11 for the full results of the trend analysis. According to Sens T test on Upper

    Blue Nile basin rainfall there is a no trend at 5% significant level on both wet and dry

    season as well in annual basis (T= -0.42, 0.27 and 0.40) indicating a no tendency

    towards wet condition. According to Mann-Kendall test on Upper Blue Nile basin

    there is no trend at 5% significant level on both wet and dry season as well in annual

    basis (z = -1.14, 0.14 and -0.57) indicating no change in rainfall on both seasonal and

    annual basis.

    Table 6.4 Results of the precipitation trend test for White and Upper Blue Nile.

    Basin Season T values of Sens T test

    z values of Mann-Kendall test

    White Nile Wet 2.58 2.61Dry -1.2 -0.9Annual 1.35 1.37

    Upper Blue Nile Wet -0.42 -1.14Dry 0.27 0.14Annual 0.4 -0.57

    Note: Bold figures are significant at 5% significance level.

  • 49

    6.2 Model Results

    Model running started before the beginning of the rainfall period; January was

    selected. The calibration parameters were selected according to suggestions from

    Steenhuis, 2008 and Collick, 2008. The data from 1961 to 1970 used for calibration

    and validation then after 30 years from 1991 to 2000 used for calibration and

    validation (Figure 6.4 A and B). The parameters calibrated are the soil moisture and

    the percentage of contributing areas. The root mean square error and coefficient of

    regression were used as a relation criterion between the observed and simulated runoff

    and the efficiency criterion by Nash and Sutcliffe (1970) represented as E is used for

    the model efficiency. The evapotranspiration was set according to Steenhuis, 2008

    recommendation 3.3mm/ day for wet season (June to September) and 5mm/day for dry

    season (October to May) the = 0.21month-1. These all parameters have been used to

    analyze the relationship between different land uses/covers with the soil physical

    properties and crop properties.


  • 50

    Figure 6.5 Calibration (A) from 1991 1995 and validation (B) from 1996 - 2000 of the model. Table 6.5 Calibrated and validated parameters showing land use/cover change during the past 30 years. Parameters 1961-1965 1966-1970 1991-1995 1996-2000

    Calibration Validation Calibration Validation Nash-Sutcliffe model eff. (e) 0.8 0.7 0.78 0.75 Root mean square error (RMSE) 13.52 15.5 12.67 15.06 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.79 0.8 0.87 0.83 AR (Saturated zone) 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 AR (Intermediate zone) 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 AR ( Hillslope zone) 0.70 0.70 0.65 0.65 SM (Saturated zone) 400.00 400.00 300.00 300.00 SM (Intermediate zone) 40.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 SM (Hillslope zone) 600.00 600.00 450.00 450.00 PET wet season 3.30 3.30 3.50 3.50 PET dry season 4.50 4.50 5.00 5.00 Note: AR-area ratio, SM-soil moisture.

    The result from the model is good indicator for land use/land cover change over the

    past 30 years. The soil moisture and percent of contributing area is a good indicator of

    land use change and the potential evapotranspiration is good indicator of the land

    cover changes. The soil moisture in forest is very high as compared with the other land

    cultivated or plantation. Hence the model result indicates clearly that more land


  • 51

    changed from forest and forest related land to plantations. More land from forest and

    related land use type changed to cultivation land. In addition to the land use change

    the land cover change from low to high water consuming crops. This may also be due

    to temperature change over the past 30 years.

  • 52



    Based on the above analysis, some conclusions are drawn as follows:

    1) Most data sources for the Nile basin shows a good agreement between them

    especially the Global Hydro Climate Data Network have good data for most of

    the streamflow considering some errors.

    2) Years through 1960 are the period experiencing abrupt changes in runoff in the

    White Nile Basin stations. Pettit test proves that years are periods most

    changes in runoff were observed. The reason for the change is due to abrupt

    changes in Rainfall over the region.

    3) All the stations located in White Nile presents an obviously increasing trend in

    the annual mean runoff, and also an increasing trend to different degrees in

    monthly mean runoff from 1912-2000. But in the last four decades all of that

    station showed a significant decreasing trend in both annual and monthly flow


    4) The Upper Blue Nile Basin presents no trend in the mean annual and the flood

    season runoff but increasing trend in the low flow season at two of the station

    located on the route of the river. In recent years saw a significant increasing

    trend in low flow period April to May due to regulation in the upstream.

    5) The trends of the runoff variation are basically consistent with the changing

    trend of precipitation in the Victoria Nile even though no correlation was

    found between the average precipitation and streamflow due regulation and

    large area lake effects.

    6) No temporal trend in precipitation over the Upper Blue Nile was determined;

    hence the display in no trend in the streamflow was expected.

  • 53

    7) Trends of low flow significantly increase after chara-chara weir started

    operation. The reason for the increment is not due to an actual increase in

    runoff but regulation effect.

    8) There was land use/cover change during the past 30 years in the upper Blue

    Nile basin. More land went for cultivation and also change in crop type which

    has high water consumption. The model is useful for evaluating the effect of

    land cover/land use scenarios on discharge and soil moisture regimes.

  • 54



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