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Zen glossary

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Glossary of Zen names and terms as used in the Kwan Um SchoolAIGO (Korean): word for responding to an incomprehensible situation, such as sudden death, or grief, or even surprise. Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi (Sanskrit): "perfect universal samadhi"; the enlightenment experience in which a person becomes a Buddha. Avalokitesvara (Sanskrit): bodhisattva of compassion (see Kwan Seum Bosal). beads: a string of beads resembling a bracelet or necklace, used for counting bows or repetitions of a mantra in various sects of Buddhism. Also known as a "mala." Bhikshu (Sanskrit): a fully ordained monk. Bhikshuni (Sanskrit): a fully ordained nun. Blue Cliff Record (Chinese: Pi-Ye-Lu; Japanese: Hekigan Roku): compiled in 1125 CE, one of the most important collections of kong-ans, still in use today. bodhi (Sanskrit): "awakening"; enlightenment. Bodhidharma (Sanskrit): the first Zen patriarch; he reputedly came to China in 520 CE. and sat for nine years facing a wall at Shao-Lin temple. bodhisattva (Sanskrit): a being whose actions promote unity or harmony; one who vows to postpone one's own enlightenment in order to help all sentient beings realize liberation; one who seeks enlightenment not only for oneself but for others. The bodhisattva ideal is at the heart of Mahayana and Zen Buddhism. bodhisattva teacher: in the Kwan Um School of Zen, one who has met certain training requirements, usually over at least ten years, and has taken sixty-four precepts. bosalnim (Korean): in Korea, a lay woman who helps at a temple Buddha (Sanskrit): an awakened one; refers usually to Siddhartha Gautama (sixth century BCE), historic founder of Buddhism. Buddha-nature: that which all sentient beings share and manifest through their particular form; according to Zen, the Buddha said that all things have Buddha-nature and therefore have the innate potential to become Buddha.

center: the vital energy center of the abdomen; in many Zen traditions it is considered to be the seat of the heart-body-mind. Focusing one's attention on the hara is a technique used in some forms of Zen practice for centering and developing samadhi power. ch'i (Chinese): life force. Chogye order: the major order in Korean Buddhism, formed in 1356 by the unification of the Nine Mountains Schools of Zen. Dae Soen Sa Nim (Korean): title used by Zen Master Seung Sahn's students in referring to him; "great honored Zen Master." In the Korea tradition, all Zen Masters are referred to as "Soen Sa Nim." "Dae" (great) is added to their title when a teacher turns sixty. dharani (Sanskrit): a long, mystical chant supposed to have innate power to induce various kinds of insights or magical powers. dharma (Sanskrit): the way or law; the path; basically, Buddhist teaching, but in a wider sense any teaching or truth. dharma room: in Zen Master Seung Sahn's centers, the meditation/ceremony hall. dharma teacher: in the Kwan Um School of Zen, one who has met certain training requirements, usually over at least four years, and has taken ten precepts. DOL (Korean): shout to cut off discriminative thinking. Dok Sahn, Duk Sahn (780-865 CE) (Korean; Chinese: Te-shan): one of the greatest Zen Masters in history; trained for forty years studying the Diamond Sutra, then was stumped by a simple question from a tea-vending woman and converted to Zen. dukkha (Pali): suffering. enlightenment: awakening. five precepts: the first five lay vows of Buddhism: I vow to abstain from taking life. I vow to abstain from taking things not given. I vow to abstain from lying. I vow to abstain from misconduct done in lust. I vow to abstain from intoxicants, taken to induce heedlessness.

great freedom: freedom from all conceptual understanding and bondage that comes in the wake of enlightenment. great path: the path of liberation towards which a practitioner strives, or the path tread by a

bodhisattva. hapchang (Korean; Japanese: gassho): the gesture of placing the hands palm to palm before the chest to indicate respect, gratitude, and humility. hara (Japanese): see center HIT: the sound of a palm or stick hitting a table or floor; used to cut off discriminative thinking. inka (Korean): "public seal;" certification of a student's completion of, or breakthrough in, kongan practice. interview: a formal, private meeting between a Zen teacher and a student in which kong-ans are used to test and stimulate the student's practice; may also occasion informal questions and instruction. Ji Do Poep Sa Nim (JDPSN) (Korean): "dharma master"; a student who has been authorized to teach kong-an practice and lead retreats. The title is "Ji Do Poep Sa" for teachers who are monks or nuns. Joju (778-897 CE) (Korean; Chinese: Chao Chou; Japanese: Joshu): his Chinese name is from the town in northern China where he lived and taught for the last forty years of his life; one of the most famous Zen Masters in history; prominent during the golden age of Zen in T'ang Dynasty China (618-907 CE). kalpa (Sanskrit): an eon; the time period during which the physical universe is formed and destroyed. An unimaginably long period of time. karma (Sanskrit): "cause and effect," and the continuing process of action and reaction, accounting for the interpenetration of all phenomena. Thus our present thoughts, actions, and situations are the result of what we have done in the past, and our future thoughts, actions, and situations will be the product of what we are doing now. Individual karma results from this process. kasa (Korean): brown piece of cloth worn around the neck or over the shoulders, symbolic of Buddhist vows and precepts. KATZ! (Korean): traditional Zen belly shout; used to cut off discriminative thinking. kensho (Japanese): seeing one's own true nature; an experience of awakening. Kido (Korean): "energy way"; a chanting retreat. kimchee (Korean): spicy pickled cabbage. kong-an (Korean; Japanese: koan): a paradoxical or irrational statement used by Zen teachers to cut through students' thinking and bring them to realization. Kwan Seum Bosal (Korean; Sanskrit: Avalokitesvara; Chinese: Kwan Yin; Korean: Kwan Um; Japanese: Kanzeon): "one who perceives the cries of the world" and responds with compassionate aid; the bodhisattva of compassion.

Kyol Che (Korean): "tight dharma"; in Korean Zen tradition, an intensive retreat of 21 to 90 days. Lin Chi (d. 866 CE) (Chinese): Chinese Zen Master; founder of the Lin-chi (Rinzai) school of Zen, one of the two schools still active in Japan. Mahakashyapa (Sanskrit): outstanding student of the Buddha. Buddha's successor in leading the sangha. Mahayana (Sanskrit) Buddhism: the Buddhism practiced in northern Asia; encompasses schools in China, Korea, Japan, and Tibet. Ma Jo (709-788 CE) (Korean; Chinese: Ma-tsu): the great patriarch of Chinese Zen during the early T'ang period. mala: see beads mantra (Sanskrit): sounds or words used in meditation to cut through discriminating thoughts so the mind can become clear. moktak (Korean): fish-shaped wooden instrument used as a drum to set the rhythm for chanting. mu (Japanese): nothing, not, nothingness. Mu Mun Kwan (Korean): "The Gateless Gate"; a collection of forty-eight traditional kong-an cases composed in 1228 by the monk Mu Mun Ekai (1184-1260); usually studied before the Blue Cliff Record. nirvana (Sanskrit): a state of perfect inner stillness and peace; complete extinction of individual existence; cessation of rebirth; entry into bliss. paramita (Sanskrit): virtues or "perfections" of a Buddha. In Mahayana Buddhism, these are the six paramitas: dana (generosity), sila (restraint or morality), shanti (patience), vigor (energy or effort), dhyana (meditation), prajna (wisdom). patriarch: the founder of a school and his successors in the transmission of its teaching. prajna (Sanskrit): wisdom. roshi (Japanese): "venerable (spiritual) teacher"; a Zen Master. samadhi (Sanskrit): a state of intense concentration. samsara (Sanskrit): the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. sangha (Sanskrit): in the Mahayana and Zen traditions, the community of all practitioners; may refer to a family of students under a particular master. sarira (Sanskrit): "body"; in Korean Buddhism, small crystals sometimes found among cremated remains of monks, and regarded as sacred relics. satori (Japanese): the experience of awakening, enlightenment.

senior dharma teacher: in the Kwan Um School of Zen, one who has met certain training requirements, usually over at least nine years, and has taken sixteen precepts. sesshin (Japanese): see Yong Maeng Jong Jin. Shakyamuni Buddha (Sanskrit): "sage of the Shakya clan," the historical Buddha. shikantaza (Japanese): "just sitting"; a state of attention that is free from thoughts, directed to no object, and attached to no particular content. skandhas (Sanskrit): the five aggregates which make up human existence: form, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness. Soen Sa Nim (Korean): "honored Zen teacher," a Zen Master. sutra (Sanskrit): Buddhist scriptures, consisting of discourses by the Buddha and his disciples. Sunim (Korean): Honorific used in addressing or referring to a monk or nun. ten directions: Buddhist cosmological concept; north, south, east, west, up, down, northwest, northeast, southeast, southwest. Theravada (Sanskrit): the southern school of Buddhism, including Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma. TOK: the sound of the moktak. transmission: formal handing over of the lineage succession from teacher to student. What one receives when one becomes a Zen Master Un Mun (Korean; Chinese: Yun Men; Japanese: Ummon): Zen Master during the golden age of Zen in T'ang Dynasty China (618-907 CE). Yong Maeng Jong Jin (Korean): literally, "valorous or intrepid concentration," paraphrased "to leap like a tiger while sitting." In the west it is a short silent retreat of two to seven days involving thirteen hours of formal meditation practice a day. Participants follow a schedule of bowing, sitting, chanting, eating, and working, with an emphasis on sitting meditation. During the retreat each participant has interviews with a Zen Master or Ji Do Poep Sa Nim. zafu (Japanese): a round meditation cushion. Zen (Japanese; Korean: Son; Chinese: Ch'an; Sanskrit: Dhyana): meditation practice. Zen Center: meditation communities which may include a residence. All the Zen Centers in the Kwan Um School of Zen are under the spiritual direction of Zen Master Seung Sahn, and each offers regular practice and periodic retreats. zendo (Japanese): "Zen hall;" dharma room, meditation hall.

Zen GlossaryAgura

No. 1.

Glossary No. 2. | Glossary No. 3. | Glossary No. 4. | Glossary No. 5. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jacques.prestreau/dicozen Entries and other foreign words are Japanese (J) unless otherwise noted as Chinese (C), Sanskrit (Skt) or Pali (P).

Common and easy way of sitting, pulling in both feet under both thighs. Buddha (Skt P) butsu (J). Awakened One. Byojoshin (kore do) Even and constant mind (is itself the [awakened] way). Chukai[-sho] One bell sound signalling the end of sitting. Daruma (J) Bodhidharma (Skt) The first patriarch of Zen in China, twenty eighth after the Buddha Gotama (P) or Gautama (Skt). Dependent Origination [paticcasamuppada (P), pratityasamutpada (Skt), engi (J)] The truth or law that all phenomena are dependently originated upon causes and conditions, thus phenomena are interrelated and relative in nature. One can rely on this truth, utilize this law, control the relationship, and attain freedom through this process. The insight (awakening) into this law and unconditioned peace [nibbana (P), nirvana (Skt), nehan (J)] comprise two elements of buddhahood. The total mastery and maturity of this law made Gotama Buddha. Dharma (Skt), dhamma (P), ho (J) Forms (of existence), norm (law) (of existential forms), and the teaching of it. Don The person in charge of the zendo, sounding signals, leading sutra recitation, etc. Furyumonji No building or relying upon letters (conceptual constructs). Gassho (J) anjali (Skt) Folding hands expressing total unity and complete harmony of the self and others.

Hakama Meditation skirt. Hankafuza Half cross-legged or half lotus position. Hokkaijoin (J), dharma-dhatu-samadhi-mudra (Skt) Dharma realm concentration seal which shows ones perfect unity with the universal truth (realm). Igi-soku-buppo Dignified forms (deportments) are themselves buddha (awakened) dharmas (forms). Isshu Folding hands at walking and standing. This is also called shashu.In Rinzai tradition the left hand covers the right hand. Jikijitsu The person in charge of the zendo, sounding signals, leading sutra recitation, etc. in the Rinzai tradition. Jikishi-ninshin Directly pointing to the human mind. Kaijo [-sho] One (bell) sound, signalling the end of sitting. Keisaku or kyosaku Wakening device, warding off sleepiness, etc. Kekkafuza (J) paryanka (Skt) Full cross-legged or full lotus position. Kensho jobutsu Seeing the nature and becoming buddha.. Kesa (J), kasaya (Skt), kasaya or kasava (P) Monks robe. (literally, decayed colored [robe]). Kinhin (J) cankama (P) cankrama (Skt) Walking meditation. Kon (J), Kun-an (C) Universal truth. In later tradition, usually meant the universal theme(s) taken from

deeds and words of the masters, given by the master to the disciple for the latters study and realization. The master tests how well the disciple understand and lives it. Kyoge-betsuden Transmission outside scriptures, i.e., realization beyond conceptual learning. Makyo Devils realm. Psychological abnormality, illusion, such as apparition, levitation, etc. Monjin Greeting, bowing with gassho. (literally, asking) Mushin No superfluous thought, no mental fabrication. Mushotoku No grasping, possession (defilement). Nehan (J), nibbana (P), nirvana (Skt) Unconditioned peace. (literally, a nautical term describing the calm following a storm). Obakushu One of the three living zen traditions, deriving from Obaku (Huan-po). Rakusu The simplest kesa with five cloth strips. Rinzaishu One of the three living zen traditions. It stresses satori (enlightenment) through kon practice. Roshi Reverend teacher, or master. Samu Manual works at zendo or zen monastery. Satori Enlightenment and insight into the existential truth. Awakening and awakened life based on it. Seiza Formal sitting posture, sitting on the lower legs. Sesshin

Intensive extended sitting (usually one week starting each day at 4 or 5 a.m. and going until 9 p.m.) (literally, embracing or [directly] touching the mind). Shikan-taza Pure (unconditioned) sitting at absolute here and now in total awakening and full functioning with no special (limited) ends (no possession, no enlightenment) and no other accessory means thereto, such as recitation, prayer, ritual, etc. Shijo Staying at stillness (zazen) Shijin totsuraku [-datsuraku] Dropping off the body/mind or freedom from/of the body and mind, essence of zazen, the awakened way. Sokkon-tosho Now-here, unique zen position. Sotoshu One of the three living zen traditions. It stresses shikantaza and igisokubuppo. Dogen later identified as the founder of Japanese Soto repudiated any sectarianism, negating Soto Sect or Zen School, and admitted only one Awakened Way. Susokukan Breath counting meditation. Sutra (Skt), sutta (P) Short sentences or aphorisms which facilitate easier memory of the essential tenet of teaching. (literally, suture). Tan Allotted seat on the platform (sho) for zazen. Tanden Three inches below the navel, where the center of gravity and life lies. Teisho Presentation of the gist of the teaching. Unyo (J), padakkina (P), pradaksna (Skt) Right (clockwise, auspicious) circumbulation to express reverence to a person or a tower depositing the persons remains, showing ones right side always to the person or the object. Zabuton

Sitting mattress. Zafu Round pillow for zazen. (Formerly called futon, probably shortened form for za [sitting]futon). Za-zen Upright sitting with no mental fabrication. (literally, sitting meditation). San-zen (entering zen) is zazen. Zazen is shikin-totsuraku. Zen (J), jhana (P), dhyana (Skt) Zen is from chan (C) the transliteration of jhana or jhan (Prakrit), meaning meditation. It is, however, not the so-called meditation using concepts or other kinds of symbols. It is unconditioned meditation. It is concretely shikantaza, total unconditioned mediation, cessation of all physical and mental fabrications, not only in sitting but also in standing, moving, or lying down. Zendo Zazen hall. Zen-ji Zen teacher or master, honorific title. Zuisokukan Breath watching (literally, following) meditation. Source: www.missourizencenter.org >Zen practice > glossary

A Zen Glossary No. 2.Acalanatha - see Fufo myo o ajari - master or teacher, senior of five years standing. Amida Butsu - Amitabha Buddha Amida kyo - Sukhavati vyuha (Skt) one of the three important -scriptures of the Pure Land School Amida Nyorai - Amitabha Buddha ango - 90 to 100 day summer training period for monks angura - loose cross legged sitting position ( not full or half-lotus ) angyo - 'going on foot' Zen pilgrimage Anja - Assistant to Abbot's personal : Jiisha Arakan - Arhat

Asgura - Asura, 'Titans' Avatanasaka Sutra - see Kegon kyo banka - evening sutra recitation banka zoji - cleaning monastery after evening sutra recitation Bato Kannon - Kannon with a fierce face and horse's head in-the crown Batto - Lecture Hall bessu - white ceremonial footwear for Soto ceremony Biko - monk Bikuni - nun Birushana/Birushanofu - see Dainich Nyorai-Vairochana Bodhisattva the-'All Illuminating One' Bo - Priest, or residence of priest bodai (=Bodhi Skt.) - Buddha wisdom Bodaidaruma - Bodhidarma bodai shin = bodhicitta (Skt.) - Bodhi-mind - intrinsic wisdom, - the inherently enlightened heart mind. Bommo kyo =Brahamajala (Skt.) - Sutra containing the 10 main and 48 lesser precepts of the Mahayana = "Sutra of Brahma's Net" Bompu Zen - sitting in meditation for its physical advantages; - the first stage of zen training bonpu nu joshijki - ordinary consciousness bonsho - large bronze bell outside the dojo (not in town temples) Bonten - the Hindu god Brahma; the lowest of the four dhyana-heavens Bosatsu - Bodhisattva bosatsu kai - Bodhisattva precepts Bukkyo - Buddhism Buppo - Buddha nature Bushido - 'Way of the Warrior' or Samurai bushin in - Buddha mind seal, sign of correct transmission bussho - Buddha nature-one's own true nature Butasuda - Buddha

Butsu - Buddha butsudan - Buddhist alter shrine, a small model of which most Japanese Buddhists have at home, with a figure of Buddha or Bodhisattva, a tablet with the names of family dead; offerings of food and flowers are made in memory of the dead and Sutras are chanted before it. Butsudanda Ryo o - one of the dragon kings, deities who bring rain and protect the dharma Butsuden - Buddha Hall enshrining the main religious image of a Zen temple Butsugen - the Eye of the Buddha Butsudo - the Buddha Way butzuzo - Buddha image byodo kan - 'view of sameness', all things are identical in their-Buddha nature byodo no sekai - undivided world of sameness and intuition cha - tea chado - 'the way of tea' Chanoyu - the Tea Ceremony Chaseki - Tea House Chashitsu - Tea House Chidoron - see Daichidoron chi e - insight from meditation Chiji - the officers under the Abbot in charge of running the -temple choka - morning recitation of sutras chudo - the Middle Way chukai - 'taking off the robes', rest period between periods of practice Cosmic Buddha - see Dainichi Nyori, also another term for the Eternal, Dharmkaya, Buddhahood dai... - great... Daibutsuji - Great Buddha Temple, former name of Eiheiji temple, founded by Dogen. Daichidoron - the Mahaprajnaparamita Shastra, discourses on the-Great Wisdom Scriptures dai fushi - 'great inflexible resolve' dai gedsatsu - 'great liberation', enlightenment

daigo tettei - complete enlightenment Daihishin Dharani - the Littany of the Great Compassionate One, a -scripture addressed to Kanzeon Bosatsu dai hon zan - great head temple, main temples of a school daiji - compassion, loving kindness towards all living beings Daijo - Mahayana Buddhism daijo kai - rules/precepts of Mahayana Buddhists daikensho - a 'great opening' leaving no doubt Daikoku ten = Mahakala (Skt.) - Kitchen guardian representing gratitude and abundance; usually depicted smiling and carrying bags full of rice Dainichi Nyorai - the Cosmic Buddha Vairocana, the All Illuminating One. Daiosho - 'great priest', honorific title of Zen Master daisan - interview with Zen instuctor daishi - 'great death' of the ego leading to enlightenment Daishi - 'great master'-posthumous title Daruma - Bodhidharma : first Chinese Zen Patriarch Daruma sojo - 'the Dharma succession', the Zen lineage of Masters datsuma or ho - dharma den - hall, temple building den'e or denne or den I - 'handing on the robe', = dharma succession Denko roku - 'Transmission of Light' by Japanese Zen Master Keizan Jikin 1268 1325 Dennan - altar attendant densho - large bell to announce service Densuryo - office in charge of the Buddha Hall Dento roku - 'Transmission of the Lamp' Dera - temple Do - the Way, = Dharma Doan - person who hits bells and gongs in temple Dogen [1200 1253] - founder of Soto Zen in Japan, wrote Shobogenzo dojo - meditation centre/room

Dokkaku - self enlightened Pratyekabuddha dokusan - private, face to face interview with a roshi at set times [ = sanzen in Rinzai tradition ] dokusan shitsu - interview room Donai - Zendo Doshi - leader or master Doto kyo - "the Tao Teh Ching" - Chinese Taoist book e - satori wisdom egen - Eye of Widom eko - chant 'the line of sucession' Emma samma or Emma o - Yama raja - the Lord of the Dead; holds the Mirror of Karma which reflects good and evil deeds of the deceased Engaku - self enlightened Pratyekabuddha Enjudo - 'life prolonging room' = infirmary of monastery enji - law of cause and effect ; karma enso - the circle, symbol of true reality en'yu santai - the Middle way, the perfect harmony of the three truths kutai - the nonsubstantial nature of all phenomena, manifest for example in the blossoming of flowers or the speech of humans ketai - actual perceptible forms of all existence chutai - fundamental unity, non duality esho funi - the concept of the indivisibility of living beings from their environment enza - 'sitting still', = zazen Fudo myo o - 'The Immovable One', one of the Kings of Light; represents the dynamic will to enlightnment which is to be found in the middle of the flames of greed, hatred and delusion Fugen - Samantabhadra Bodhisattva of Awakening, the active love aspect of the Eternal Buddha, often depicted on a six tusked elephant Fukanzazengi - Dogen's Zazen rules; "Rules for meditation" fukatoku - ungraspable funzoe - the 7 kinds of rags used for making the kesa Fusatsu - ceremony to renew vows held twice a month ( = uposatha days of Theravada

tradition) fushinzama - community work fushiryo - not thinking fushi ogami - bow down in worship fusho - 'Unborn', true reality Fusuryo - office where accounts regarding the Zendo life are kept futon - quilt filled with cotton wool Futoroku - the Record of the Lamp, compiled by Lei an Cheng shou in 1204 gaitan - front and back porches, meditation platform/corridor outside the meditation hall, trainees sit here if they arrive late for meditation or have a cold gaki - Hungry ghost, Preta gassho - gesture ( mudra ) of putting hand together to express respect, reverence, gratitude ge - verse praising the Buddha, = gatha Skt. gedatsu - complete detatchment gedappuku = kesa gedo zen - the wrong way, zen done solely to gain powers genjo koan - a koan that appears naturally in daily life geta - wooden foot gear geza - 'summer sitting', = ango go - karma godo - 'back hall'; section of meditation hall godo - head monk (in Soto sect), head teacher in the dojo go i - the "five degrees of Zen of Master Tozan" goseki - 'traces of enlightenment' in someone not yet perfectly enlightened ( which leaves no trace ! ) Gosho Zenshu - collected writings of Nichiren Daishonin go un - the five skhandas gya tei gya tei - 'On beyond, together beyond', mantra from the Heart Sutra Gyo or Gyoji - practice, endless training gyo ju za ge - 'walking, sitting, lying', Zen practice throughout daily life

haiku - short Japanese poem - 5:7:5 syllables haiseki - 'bowing seat' hakama - skirt like garment hakushi - 'white paper', empty state of consciousness which is a precondition for the experience of awakening han - hanging wooden block struck to announce start of a period of Zazen Hanamatsuri - day of birth of the Buddha:April 8th hanka fuza - half lotus position hannya = Prajna (Skt) - Wisdom Hannya Haramita Shingyo - Heart Sutra, the Scripture of Great Wisdom hara - region of body just below the navel haramitsu = paramita (Skt). Harana - Varanasi in India where Shakyamuni Buddha first taught-after his enlightenment hashin kyoji - 'taking up needles and treating with moxa', days reserved for working, repairing, etc.; renewal days. hasshodo - noble eight-fold path Hassu - Dharma successor hasu - lotus Hekiganroku - "the Blue Cliff Record" collection of koans henro - pilgrim Hiei Zan - Mount Hiei, Japanese headquarters of Tendai sect Higan - 'the other side', weeks in March and September when people visit Temples and decorate the graves Hijo - 'ten foot square', Abbot's quarters Hijuri - holy men Hiparakutsu - cave near Rajagrha where Makakashyo was meditating when Shakyamuni Buddha entered parinirvana hishiryo - beyond thinking Ho - Dharma ho - large wooden fish drum Hodo - Treasure Hall of temple/monastery

hogen - the Eye of Law Hojin = Sambhogakaya (Skt.) - Bliss body of Buddha Hokkekyo - Lotus Sutra Hokke kyo Myoho Renge Kyo - Lotus Sutra Hokku kyo - Dharmapada Sutra hokyo - mirror Hokyo Zammai - 'Most Excellent Mirror Samadhi' scripture written by Tozan Ryokai, one of the Soto Zen founders homon - 'dharma gate', the teaching of the Buddha Hondo - hall of temple where ceremonies and lectures are held Honshi - True Master, master who confirms trainees transmission Hon'u bussho - 'Buddha nature present from the beginning' honzan - main or root monastery of sect horin - the wheel of the law hosan - days off hossen - 'Dharma duelling' Hossen - ceremony where trainee is given rank Chief Junior or Shushosho hosshin = Dharmakaya (Skt.) - 'Law Body' of Buddha, one's own True Nature Hotoke - Buddha hotsugammon - a vow or petition hussu - fly whisk, a symbol of transmission ichidaiji - 'one great affair' the Buddha's appearance in the world ichiji fusetsu - 'not a single word' was said by the Buddha and Patriarchs describing the ultimate reality ichiji kan = wato ichijo - the one great vehicle of the Buddha ichinen fusho - 'a thought not arising', consciousness free from deluded thoughts Igyo Zen - one of the 5 Chinese schools founded by Isan Reiyu Ihai - wooden memorial tablet with name and date of death written on it inga - 'cause fruit', cause and effect, karma

Inga icharyo - 'cause and effect are one' inka - seal of approval; acknowledgement by a Master that a pupil has completed his/her training Inka shomei - 'legitimate seal of clearly furnished proof' Inkin - small bowl shaped bell with the cushion beneath it innen - karma Ino - head leader of chanting in ceremonies; precentor inochi - life 'integrity' of a given thing Inryo - 'retreat room' of Roshi ishin den shin - 'from my soul to your soul', i.e. direct transmission issai shujo - 'all sentient beings' isshi injo - the training of a Zen student by a single Master issho jobutsu - the attainment of Buddhahood in one human lifetime ittai - 'one truth', the goal of training itto - unity jakujo - complete inner 'stillness [and] peace' ji - suffix after name = temple or monastery jihatsu - set of formal bowls for meals or begging bowl jihi - compassion jiisha - priest constantly with Abbot or a senior who can help, but is not a servant, often the future Abbot Jijo - attendant or assistant chaplain at services (carries incense box) jikijitsu - head monk in Rinzai sect, director of Zendo jikido - officiant who keeps time during zazen jikishi ninshin - 'direct pointing to the heart' without dualistic thought or action jikko - assistant jiisha jin - body jippo - ten dirctions; the whole cosmos jiriki - 'one's own power', endeavouring to attain enlightenment through one's own efforts rather than those of others jisha - attendant; Zen Master's personal attendant monk

Jisharyo - attendant's office attached to a Zendo jisho - 'self nature', Buddha nature Jizo - Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva of benevolence and mercy, the saviour of all beings during the time between the death of Shakyamuni and the birth of Maitreya; protector of women and children; depicted as a priest with shaven head and robes carrying a begging bowl. jo - samadhi, zazen Jodo - Pure Land Buddhism Jodo - festival of the attainment of Buddhahood on 8th December; a Zen ceremony where the Abbot ascends to the high alter to be tested in mondo (questions and answers), one of the kessai ceremonies Jodomon - Pure Land teaching Jodo Shinsu - Shin Buddhism Jodo shu - Pure Land sect Jogo ten - fourth heaven in the world of form; the personification of the world Joju - office quarters of monastery where the business side of the Zendo is conducted joriki - meditaion power Joshu Jushin - Chao chou Ts'ung shen (ch.) 788 897CE Zen master famous for Koan 'Mu' ju or juko - eulogy, poetic expression of wisdom, gatha Skt. ju - stage; the ten stages of the Bodhisattva Jugyo nozu - the Ten Ox herding Pictures (analogy for stages of practice/enlightenment) Juichimen Kannon - Kannon with eleven faces juji - the ten stages of developing Buddha wisdom Jukai - Zendo monitor who uses kyosaku Jukai - festival when trainees and lay Buddhists take/renew precepts Jukai Sesshin - week retreat when lay trainees take/renew precepts Jukai Tokudo - lay ordinataion, becoming a lay Buddhist Jukyo - Confucianism juni zuda - see zuda gyo ju riki - the ten fields of knowledge of a Buddha ju riki- the ten powers of a Bodhisattva Jushi - see Miroku

Kabira - Kapilavastu in India kado - way of flowers = ikebana kafu - 'household air' kai - precepts Kaidan - ordination hall Kaidan seki - 'Kaidan stone' tablet at the front of a Zen monastery which says 'meat, fish, alcohol prohibited' kaigen - 'opening the eye', experience of awakening or consecration of a statue kaijo - 'opening of silence', striking wooden block or gong to awaken monks in the morning or to mark the end of a period of sitting meditation Kaimyo - 'Buddhist precept name' given by a Master on the initiation of a student Kairitsu or Kai - precepts : Zen Buddhists receive the 10 Mahayana precepts at the Jukai ceremony-to refrain from : the taking of life theft unchastity lying selling,buying or drinking alcohol speaking of the shortcomings of others praising oneself and reviling others denying material and spiritual aid to others anger disparaging the Three Treasures - ( Buddha, Dharma and Sangha ) Kaisan - 'mountain founder', term for founder of a monastery, posthumous title for temple founder Kaisando - hall where founder's relics are kept kaiseki - a light meal Kanin - the Chief Administrator of a temple kanno doko - 'mutual exchange of feeling', direct and immediate non dualistic communication between Master and student Kannon or Kwannon or Kanzeon ( = Kuan Yin [Ch.] ) - Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of Compassion Kan shiketsu - 'dry shit stick', one attached to the world of appearances Kasho = Makakshyo - Kasyapa disciple of the Buddha 'Katsu' or 'khatz' - an exclamation with no exact meaning Kegon kyo - Avatamsaka Sutra, 'Flower Garland Sutra', believed to be the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha in the 3 weeks following His enlightenment

Keisaku = Kyosaku Keisan Jokin [1267 1325] - founder of Dai Hon Zen Sojiji, dharma successor of Dogen, wrote Denkroku, Zazen yojinki, Kyojukaimon and most of the Soto Zen ceremonials keisu - bowl shaped gong used during chanting kekka fuza - full lotus position for sitting meditation kendo - 'the way of the sword' martial art kensho - 'seeing into one's true nature' ; the opening of the-Buddha eye; not as deep as satori kensho godo - Satori awakening kentan - 'looking at the tan', a round made by the Master to check rows of practitioners during zazen kesa - full outer robe of a priest or monk; robe as symbol of transmission from Master to successor kesa bunko - box in which kesa is kept kessai - series of ceremonies performed when a trainee achieves rank of Chief Junior (shusosho) ketchimyaku - 'Blood Line' unbroken lineage from master to disciple ketsuge - 'beginning the summer', the first day of anga ki - activity kikai - 'sea energy' = tanden kimono - inner white robe kinhin - walking meditation, mindful walking Kissako - 'drink tea', Zen life is not something special separated from daily life ko - a long period of time, kalpa Skt. Ko - Confucius koan - (=kung an Ch.) 'public document' or 'standard'; a formulation or story pertaining to the ultimate truth; cannot be solved by logic koh - incense kokoro - mind = shin kokoro kanashiku - the grief of the heart kolomo or koromo - wide sleeved black robe of monk worn under the kesa Kongo kyo - Diamond Sutra

koso - 'great monk' kotsu - a roshi's baton or stick about 15" long koza - discourse on a Zen textbook = teisho ku - Sunyata, emptiness, void, vacuity Kuin - Kitchen Kuo Butsu - Dharmagahana Bhyudgata Raja (Skt) : a Buddha mentioned in the Lotus Sutra who taught the understanding of the Absolute kusen - oral teaching during Zazen kutsujum - fine textured cloth resembling cotton, Bodhidharma's kesa was made of it -kyo - sutra or teaching;' a thread on which jewels are strung ' kyogai - general mental attitude kyuge betsuden - 'special transmission outside the teaching', transmission from mind to mind kyosaku or keisaku - long wooden stick applied to shoulders to encourage zazen practice; person administering kyosaku and other duties Kyudo - Zen archery kyuhai - ninefold prostration Makakashyo - Kasyapa the disciple of the Buddha makyo - fantasies or hallucinations experienced during zazen manda ryu o - dragon Mandara - diagram expressing religious view of the universe (= Mandala) mandara - blossoms, heavenly red flowers mani ju - mani jewels, wish fulfilling gems manji - swastika, ancient symbol of Indian Buddhism mappo - present era of predicted decline of Buddhism matcha - thick green tea, whipped to a froth in the Tea Ceremony mayoi - delusion Mikkyo - Tantric Buddhism Miroku bosatsu - Maitreya Bodhissatva, the next Buddha, the Loving One mokugyo - fish shaped drum used to beat rhythm during chanting mokusa or moxa - 'burn herb' or incense next to the skin causing scars

mokusho zen - 'zen of silent enlightenment' i.e. without koans Mon - temple gate mondo - 'question and answer' sessions when student asks Master about aspects of Buddhism Monju Bosatsu - Manjushri Bodhisattva of Wisdom, the wisdom aspect of the Eternal Buddha monshin - a bow from the waist with the hands in gassho mosshoseki - 'leaving not trace', an enlightened person lives completely natyrally leaving no trace mu - no/none/nothing/immaculacy/Buddha Mind - a famous koan muga - no ego mu i - (= wu wei Ch.) 'non doing' muji - mu practice; meditating on the koan Mu Mujinni Bosatsu - Aksayamati Bodhisattva of devotion mujo - impermanence mujodo no taigen - actualisation of the supreme way in daily life muku sho - serene reflection Mumonkan - famous collection of koans munen/muso - 'without concepts and thoughts', a state of meditative absorption musa - that which exists in its original unconditioned state mushin - no heart mushotoku - without any goal or profit seeking myo - mystic myo ho - mystic law Myo ho renge kyo - Lotus Sutra naisan - visiting the roshi secretly for sanzen when special circumstances warrant it namu amida butsu - "Homage to Amidhaba Buddha" mantra namu myoho renge kyo - "Honour to the Lotus Sutra" mantra nehan - nirvana, extinction of desire and delusion Nehan - day for observing the Death of the Buddha - 15th February nembutsu recitation of the name of Amida Buddha in Jodo sect = 'Namu Amida

Butsu' nembutsu shu - Pure Land sect nenge misho - 'smiling and twirling a flower' transmission from Shakyamuni Buddha to Mahakashyapa, from master to student nenju - formal thanksgiving to Roshi in Zendo ninkyo funi - 'person phenomenon not two' ni oshi - woman priest, priestess ni sodo - nun Niwa zume - 'occupying the court', one of the experiences that a novice has to go through before admittance to a monastery, left outside the monastery for several days No or Noh- Japanese dance drama nosu or noshi - patchwork robe of monk or a monk who wears the patchwork robe nyoi - wooden or jade sceptre carried by celebrant during ceremonies, can be shape of lotus representing the compassion of Kanzeon nyoi - jewel = cintamani (skt.) jewel capable of removing all suffering nyoihoju - wish fulfilling gem Nyorai - Tathagata, 'thus gone', i.e. Buddha Nyorai zo - 'Tathagata treasurehoue', Buddha nature Nyorai zo shin - 'mind of Tathagata treasure-house', the mind of human beings is identical to that of the Buddha oba san - monk or priest Obaku shu - Obaku Zen sect ocha - green tea ochazuke - tea poured over boiled rice Ohigan - Japanese festival of the equinox ojin - (Nirmanakaya Skt.) transformation body of Buddha; oneness; absorption to the point of self forgetfulness Oneness - experience of the Void or Emptiness oryoki - formal meals, set of bowls for meals and begging Osho - a Buddhist priest otoki - dinner

Ox Herding Pictures - a series of ten pictures depicting Zen training, attributed to Kaku an Shi en, a 12th Century Chinese priest rakan - arhat (lohan Ch.) humans who have achieved full enlightenment rakusu - abbreviated, less formal kesa robe worn around the neck renge - lotus blossom ri - measure of distance about 1/3 mile rinne - 'wheel of life', cycle of birth and death in the six realms Rinzai - Zen school ro - 'twelth month', marks end of ango; monks count the number of ro spent in the monastery as a rank of seniority Rohatsu or Rohachi - day of the Buddha's enlightenment - 8th December Rohatsu Sesshin -Sesshin comemorating the Buddha's enlightenment ending on 8th December rokudo - six realms of existence: jigoku - hell gaki - hungry ghosts chikusho - beasts shura - asuras ; titans ningen - human beings tenjo - devas ; gods Rokuso - 'Sixth Patriarch' Hui Neng Roshi - 'venerable teacher' Ryoga kyo or Ryogi kyo - Lankaravata Sutra. the Lanka Entering Scripture Ryogon kyo - Shurangama Sutra Ryoji or Ryozen - mountain in India known as Vultures Peak Ryo - a dragon, defender of the Buddhist faith sabetsu no sekai - world of differentiation and intellectual understanding saiketanden - see tanden saiza - dinner sakugo - 'requesting a work', question asked by a student during the Master's teisho Sambo - the Three Treasures: Namu kie Butsu Namu kie Ho Namu kie So

sammyaku smabodai - complete and perfect enlightenment sammai or zammai = samadhi (Skt.) samo/samu - physical work as part of everyday life in monastery; working meditation sampai - (triple) prostration with the forehead on the ground and the palms upwards sanakudo - the three evil realms: hell, hungry ghosts and beasts sangai - the three worlds of desire, form and no form sange - contrition, sincere repentance sanju ni so - the 32 distinguishing marks of a Buddha San Ki Kai - the Three Refuges San mon - the main gate of a Zen monastery sanshin - the three bodies = trikaya (Skt) Sanso - 'mountain monk' name a Roshi uses to describe himeslf sanzen - interview with teacher Sanzo - the Tripitaka, Buddhist Cannon Sarei - tea drinking ceremony in a Monastery satori - enlightenment experience Segaki - feeding the Hungry Ghosts ceremony held twice a year seiza - Japanese sitting posture, kneeling with the back straight and the buttocks on the heels Sekko - a Zen master Semmon Dojo - Zen Institute senge - 'entering transformation', dying Senju Kannon - Kannon with a thousand arms sensei - teacher sesshin - 'to unify the mind' - a meditation retreat setsuna jodo - to attain Buddhahood in a single moment, whilst still in a mortal body settai - giving to pilgrims Shaka Nyorai - Shakyamuni Buddha; the historical Buddha 'shako' - 'this!': a cry pointing to reality shaku - unit of measure just over a foot in length

shakujo - a Buddhist priest's staff mad from wood and metal shami - a male Buddhist novice vowed to observe the 10 precepts shamon - a novice, wanderer, monk or priest shari - relic of the Buddha or priest Sharihotsu - Shariputra disciple of the Buddha shashu - an expression of respect similar to a gassho, hands are joined with the fingers curled on the chest Shigu Seigan - the Four Vows, see Shiku seigon Shiho - dharma transmission shikantaza - 'just (nothing but) sitting '; meditation using no devices such as breath counting or a koan Shikaryo - general directing office of a monastery shiki - consciousness : realms 1 to 6 are taste, sight, sound, smell, touch, intellect; 7 is Manas (the source of persistent I Awareness); 8 is Alaya vijnana or 'seed' repository shikishin funi - concept of indivisible oneness of mind and body shiki soku ze ku, ku soko ze shiki - 'Phenomena become emptiness, emptiness becomes phenomena', the core sentence of the Heart Sutra shiku seigon - the Four Vows: Sentient beings are numberless, I vow to save them; Desires are inexhaustible, I vow to put an end to them; The Dharmas are boundless, I vow to master them; The Buddha Way is unsurpassable, I vow to attain it. shin - mind, soul, spirit, 'heart', intuition, will, True Self, Buddha Nature Shin Buddhism - Pure Land Buddhism shingi - rules of monastic daily life; also used as a suffix shingon - mantra, short religious text or word, 'true words' Shingon - esoteric sect of Buddhism shin jin datsu raku - 'body and mind dropped away' shin san shiki - Abbot installing ceremony shin to - 'new arrival', novice awaiting admission to a monastery shiryo - thinking shisho - the four modes of birth: from womb, egg, moisture or metamorphosis

shisho - teacher, tutor shi tai - the four noble truths sho - satori, wisdom, understanding sho - sentient beings shobo - 'the true law', the first period of Buddhism Shobogenzo - book by Zen Master Dogen 'Treasury of the True Dharma Eye' sho Butsu ichi nyo - 'sentient beings and Buddha are not two (different)' shodo - 'way of writing', caligraphy Shofuku ji - Japans first Zen Temple, established in 1191 at Fukuoka by Eisai shoji - tinted paper screens forming the walls of Japanese rooms shoji = samsara (Skt.) - the realm of birth and death shoji soku nehan - 'birth and death are themselves nirvana' - samsara and nirvana are the same shojin ryori - Zen style vegetarian cuisine Shojo - Hinayana Buddhism Sho Kannon - human shaped form of Kannon, usually protrayed standing and holding a lotus and a vial/vase of water of compassion shoken or shokan - 'seeing one another', first dokusan between student and master after the student's enlightenment has been recognised shomon - 'one who hears', a disciple shoso funi - 'nature and form are not two' Shoshi - 'genuine master' Shoshigata - the Patriarchs of Zen; 28 in India and 6 in China Shoyo roku - 'Record of Great Serenity' - 100 koans shu - practice ...-shu - sect, church, school shujo honra hotoke nari - 'all beings are endowed with Buddha nature from the very beginning' shura - Buddha curl, small tuft of hair left on head which is removed during the ordination ceremony shuryo or sodo - trainee's hall

Shuso - head monk or head of designated training period, usually 3 months, ensures that the rules of the dojo are followed Shusogi - "What is truly meant by Training and Enlightenment", compiled extracts from the Shobgenzo Shushosho - Chief Junior trainee selected by Abbot to lead trainees for 100 days So - Buddhist Priest So - Sangha Sodan - Sangha sodo or semmen dojo or zendo - temple or monastery Sodo - monk's dormitory in a Zen monastery Sojo - Buddhist High Priest sokoshin jobutsu - manifesting one's Buddha Nature Sonja - honorific title of an Indian Zen Patriarch sosan - listening to roshi's lectures as a group Soto - Zen sect (ts'ao tung Ch.) Sotoba - Stupa taiko - senior member of the priesthood who has undergone at least 5 years training taiso - title meaning 'Great Ancestor' takuan - pickled raddish takushatsu - 'holding the bowl', religious mendicancy, begging for food and alms Tamo - Bodhidharma tan - wooden platform about 3 ft high around zendo where trainees sit, eat and sleep tanden = saietanden = Dantien (ch.) = hara (skt) - point just below the navel tanga or tanka - overnight stay of wandering monk in a monastery tang zume - 'staying in the guest's room', trial period for a monk requesting acceptance into a monastery tanka - short poem, 5:7:5:7:7 syllables tan to - head of the tan tariki - 'power of others', power of Amitabha Buddha to liberate those who recite his name tatami - rice straw mat, about 6ft x 3ft Tatchu - residential sub temple of a Zen Monastery

teisho - 'Dharma talks'; lecture tekiden - 'authorised transmission' Ten - Deva ; 'god' Ten - one of 6 worlds, Deva realm, heaven Tendai - (T'ien t'ai Ch.) Buddhist sect Ten doku - 'read revolving' recitation of long sutras with each monk reading the beginning and end of a volume tengetsu - clear penetrating vision, beyond normal human vision tenkien - senior priest on night duty in training temple tennitsu - clear penetrating hearing, beyond normal human hearing Tenrinno - Cakraarti Raja (Skt) - Wheel Turning King Tenzo - cook in monastery Tera - temple Toba - Stupa tokonoma - alcove in Tea House with a work of art, caligraphy or painting tokudo - monk ordination ceremony: 'leaving home' tomoe - Buddhist swastika symbol Torii - distinctive gateway to a Shinto Temple Tosotsuten - Tushita Heaven, the fourth heaven of Buddhist mythology Tosu - Lavatory of a Zen Monastery uji - existence, flow, time unno - 'cloud robe' = unsui unpan - bronze board gong with cloud design used to call monks to meals, 'cloud plate' usa - that which is removed from its native state by conditioning, hence phenomena in the natural and human worlds unsui - 'cloud water': a novice wasan - 'song of praise' to Buddha, Bodhisattva or Patriarch wato - (hua t'ou Ch.) - word or phrase from a koan Wegasa - 'circular kesa' simplified kesa worn by lay ordained trainees Yakuseki - evening meal, taken as 'medicine'

Yakushi Nyorai - the Buddha of Healing yaza - zazen done after 9pm (the usual bedtime in a Zen monastery) yo in - yin and yang the principle of polarity, e.g. earth and heaven, male and female, etc. Yuima - Vimalakirti (Skt.) - ''Spotless Reputation' a highly enlightened layman living at the time of the Buddha Yuimakyo - Vimalakirti Sutra consisting of the discourses of Vimalakirti zabutan - square sitting mat zafu - kapok filled cushion used in zazen zaku or zagu - piece of cloth carried by monk on which bowing is done; bowing mat zaniku - blanket about 1 metre square zazen - Zen meditation zazenkai - group of persons practising zazen; one day gatehring Zempanryo - quarters reserved for Roshi zenbyo - 'Zen sickness' makyo or attachment to ones own enlightenment experiences Zendo or Sodo - large hall or room where zazen is practised Zen'en Shingi - 'Book of rules for Zen Monasteries' by Chinese Master Tsu Chiao in 1101 Zenji - 'Zen Teacher' Zenshu - Zen sect Zenso - Zen priest zuda or Zudo gyo - twelvefold practice of a Hinayana monk

Zen observance days :Jan 1st : New Year-three days rest and reading sutras Feb 15th : death of the Buddha - Mehan Mar 18th to 24th : equinox called Higan; some monks undertake begging tours Apr 8th : birth of the Buddha - Hanamatsuri Jun 21st : summer solstice Jul 1st : monks change robes ( no special ceremony ) Jul 15th to Aug 15th : Obon - offering food to ancestors, especially on Aug 15th Sept 20th to 26th : equinox called Higan; some monks undertake begging tours Oct 5th : memorial day to Bodhidharma (Daruma) - monks and laity purchase Daruma dolls and the monks honour the sage with special chanting Oct 15th : monks change robes ( no special ceremony ) Dec 8th : enlightenment day of Buddha - Rohatsu Dec 21st : winter solstice-party These notes were compiled from various sources (the books of D T Suzuki, P Jiyu-Kennett,

D Katagiri, C Humphreys, T Deshimaru and the Rider Encyclopedia to name a few). The words are Japanese unless specified.


AAi-nuke Ai-uchi Akago no kokoro Amado Angya Antan Arayashiki

mutual escape mutual striking down mind of an infant; child's mind "rain door" travelling on foot: a Buddhist pilgrimage assignment of living space all conserving consciousness


tea made with plum seed and sugar served as the ceremony for the beginning of each day evening services evening cleaning limit of reality enlightenment also P'u-t'i Ta-mo or Ta-mo or Daruma; the twenty- eighth Buddhist patriarch, founder of Zen Bodhisattva or p'u-sa; a great enlightened one also, Butsudo or hondo; Guatarma Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism becoming and being; see Wu-hua

Banka Banka soji Bhutakoti Bodhi Bodhidharma

Bosatsu Buddha


Bushi Bushido Busshin-gyo Butsuden

a knight or military scholar "the way or code of the military or martial scholar" Buddha-mind act temple building enshrining an image or images of the Buddha

CCh'a-ch'a / sassatsu Chado Ch'an Ch'ang Ch'ang-tao Cha-no-yu Chen / tei Cheng Ch'eng / makoto Ch'eng-ch'eng / jojo Chen-jen Chih / jaku / chi Ch'i / ki

lively and self assured the way of tea; the ritual of the tea ceremony Zen forever "always-so-ness" the tea ceremony perseverance the state of things as they are sincerity droop and drift true man wisdom, tranquility spirit, abstract form of energy originating in the Tan Tien or Hara

Chih-jen : see Shijin Chih-mo : see Shih-mo Choka Chu-chang / shujo Ch'un ch'i Chung Yung : see Chuyo

suchness Morning services staff pure spirit doctrine of the Mean

Chuyo/Chung Yung

doctrine of the Mean

DDaido mumon

from the preface to the Mumonkan, a Zen text by Huik'ai(1183-1260, a monk of the later Sung dynasty.Discourses on the text, comprising forty-eight cases are frequently held in Zen monasteries mirror wisdom great learning ceremony of reading the sutra titles collecting white radishes for pickling an aesthetic quality perceivable in a work of art or in nature itself.The sword in the hand of a swordsman, or any activity carried out with something more than technique Japanese name for Bodhidharma memorial day for the Bodhidharma, 5th October "transmission of the lamp" a disciple or pupil of a Shisho [spiritual master or teacher] poetry of the Tao individual consultation with a Zen master; a form of sanzen that part of a monastery other than its administrative quarters chanting scriptures in the meditation hall

Daienkyochi Daigaku / Ta Hsueh Dai-hannya Daikon-hatsu Daiyu /T a-yung / Myoyu / Miao-yung

Daruma Daruma-ki Dentoroku / Ch'uan-teng Lu Deshi Doka Dokusan Donai Donai fugin

Eekagrata Enju Enjudo

one-pointedness growing vegetables life prolonging room; the healing room of a monastery

FFen / bun Fudo-shin Fuga Fugin Funi Furyu Fushiki / Fuchi / Pu-shih Fusu

mutuality immovable mind refinement of life chanting scriptures nonduality feeling for nature beyond knowledge monk in charge of the accounts and business affairs of a monastery a monk assigned as attendant to the head monk


GGaki Gyodo

hungry spirits ceremony of chanting scriptures whilst moving


form of poetry having three lines; five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, five in the third a divided skirt worn as 'over-trousers' transient vain waiting on the table of the dining room mid-term or half term day special meal upper or outer coat open on all sides

Hakama Haka naki Handaikan Hange Hansai Haori Happo biraki

Hashin kyuji

rest, mending and preparation; taking up the needle and moxa treatment everyday mind Higan-hatsu poverty receiving visitors at the head temple skillful means dharma drum escapade at night 'main hall'; alternative name for the Butsuden or Buddha Hall original face original mind runaway mind chanting, used by monks whilst walking in the street, begging."The rain of Dharma" wreathed in smiles sudden awakening of thought

Heijo-shin Hin / P'in Hinsetsu Hoben Hokku Hoko Hondo Honrai no memmoku / Pen-lai mien-mu Honshin Hoshin / Fang-hsin Ho....u

Hsi-hsi / Kiki Hu-jan nien ch'i/Kotsunen nenki

Ii/gi ichinen/i-nien iho / ihori Inji [sanno] Inji gyo innen isagi-yoku

justice one thought hut attendant to the master secret good deeds anecdote or incident leaving no regrets; with a clear conscience; like a brave man; with no reluctance

Jjaku jaku metsu

tranquility absolute tranquility; absolute nothingness; complete annihilation of the ego love the particular, as distinct from the universal ri/li the bowl used by a monk for meals and begging the elder monk who supervises the others during meditatin, worship, etc. 'parting-with-life verse' self-reliance self being "always-so-ness" the administrative quarters of a monastery; such as offices, kitchen, etc. chanting scriptures in the administrative quarters a day or period of relaxation from monastery routine softness

jen-jin ji / shih Jihatsu Jikijitsu

jisei jiyu/tzu-yu jizai/tzu-tsai jodo / ch'ang-tao Joju

Joju fugin Josaku juan ho ho ti

KKaichin Kaihan Kaijo Kaiko Kaisan-ki Kaisei Kaiyoku

"Release from the samadhi meditation"; retiring at night "opening the han"; the thrice-daily announcement of time "opening the samadhi meditation"; arising in the morning an opening discourse by the master memorial day for the founder of the monastery end of training term "opening the bath"; bathing

kake mono

scroll kami nagara no michi gods; non interference with natural affairs the 'taste' of sabi a summon from the master a small kesa

kan-mi Kansho kara karma karuna / hi / pei Kashaku Katan kaya Kayu Keisaku

love for sentient beings "hanging up the priest's staff" participation in a large general Zen meeting bodily existence soft cooked rice the staff or stick used to administer discipline during meditation the art of swordsmanship "seeing one's nature"; another term for satori "inspecting the platform"; the master's visit to the meditation hall a garment worn by a Zen monk around the neck, covering the chest see ch'i returning to the monastery spiritual rhythm the master's address of encouragement rules for daily routine "sutra-going"; the practice of meditation while walking in the meditation hall end of term examination affect

kendo Kensho Kentan

kesa / kasaya

ki Kiin ki-in / ch'i-yun Kikan Kiku Kinhin

Kitan ryshaku klesa/bonno

ko/heng Koe Koju-sai kokoro/hsin kokoro tomeru / kokoro tomuna kokoro wo tomeru

success seasonal change of robes reception day for lay followers the mind or heart not to have the mind 'stopped' drifting or shifting from one thing to another; the attention being taken by an object, transferred to it and staying there informal encouragement suchness striking the evening bell exchange or rotation of duties meakness of spirit emptiness a device, or means, usually used for aiding satori escape from dilemma the emptiness in which infinite possibilities exist the field of conscious thought a treat or special meal day of rest

Kokuho kono-mama Konsho Kotai ksanti ku / k'ung kufu kufu / kung-fu kyo / hsu kyogai / ching-chieh / ching-ai Kyoo Kyusoku

LLi / rei Li / ri Li / ri Liao-hsi / ryotari

propriety furthering reason blown adrift

MManjusri [name] meijin misai no ichinen Miso Mogusa mondo / wen-ta Monju Bosatsu [name] moshin mu / wu muga mujushin-ken Mumonkan

Monju Bosatsu genius subtle trace of thought bean paste the plant 'yomogi' used in moxabustion questions and answers; discussion Manjusri delusive mind nothing, negation no ego sword of no abiding mind a collection of forty-eight koan compiled in China in the thirteenth century abiding state of ignorance no-mind-ness no mind's mind recognising the reality which is not subject to birth and death; supreme enlightenment no thought wonder something mysterious arising from the inner being, without intellect

Mumyo mushin mushin no shin Musho-bonin

muso myo / miao myoyu / miao-yung

Nnaniyara yukashi Nikki

moved, without knowing why, by something aesthetic diary or journal

Nisshitsu Nitten soji Niwa-zume Niya sannichi nyunan-shin

entering the master's room daily cleaning "occupying the courtyard" two nights and three days soft heartedness

OObon omou omowanu O-shikunichi

a mid-August festival celebrating the return of ancestral spirits to think of or long for to keep the mind empty twice monthly day of rest; the fourteenth day and the last day of the month master



"the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month" a week of training beginning on the 1st December and finishing on the 8th December, commemorating the Buddha's enlightenment day on the latter of these dates Old scholar or old teacher; a Zen master


SSaba Sabi Saiza Samu Sando

left over rice loneliness lunch working in the garden proceeding to the hall

Sanno Sanzen

attendant; attending to the master going to a Zen master to receive instruction, usually by the use of a koan daily tea ceremony enlightenment feeding the hungry spirits [gaki] the 'Buddha-selecting place', another name for the Zendo or meditation hall a twice yearly week of intensive meditation and special lectures meditation in complete quietness 'gathering one's thoughts?' the head monk or chief administrator of a Zen monastery the quarters of the head monk or administrator days in the month containing the digits four or nine a teacher or master of scholarship, religion or art; the spiritual father of a student or disciple preparation preparations for the new year a brief rest whilst out begging "mutual seeing"; the first interview between a novice and master an eclectic religion consisting of Buddhism, Shinto, Taoism and shamanism, its priests known as yamabushi [priests who lie down in the mountains] staff going to service at the Buddha hall of the head temple on the first and fifteenth day of each month breakfast "gathering rice" serving special Zen dishes to lay followers

Sarei Satori / Wu Segaki Sembutsu-jo


Shijo Shika Shikaryo Shikunichi Shisho

Shitaku Shogatsu shitaku Shokei Shoken


Shujo : see Chu-chang Shukushin

Shukuza Shumai Shussai

Shutto Shuya Sodo Soji Sosan Sozarei

to put in an appearance [usually at a ceremony] fire watching "priest or monk hall"; a Zen monastery house cleaning general consultation with a Zen master; a form of sanzen "general tea ceremony"

TTa Hsueh : see Daigaku Takuhatsu

great learning "carrying the bowl"; the practice of begging carried out by monks "platform"; seat honouring family ancestors staying overnight as a guest a room set aside for overnight lodging, used by pilgrims or novices who desire to enter the monastery "occupying the overnight room" shaving the head discourse or commentary by a Zen master visiting a lay follower's home kitchen a party on the night of the winter solstice pickled Japanese vegetables

Tan Tana-gyo Tanga Tanga-ryo

Tanga-zume Teihatsu Teisho Tenjin Tenzo Toya Tsukemono

WWabi wu

solitariness; transcendentiality see mu

wu chi Wu-hua Wu-ming

limitless becoming, being abiding state of ignorance

Yyamabushi Yawaragai Yaza

priests who lie down in the mountains gentleness of spirit individual seated meditation by night

ZZanka Zazen Zendo

returning to one's home temple, monastery or school seated meditation "meditation hall"; building in which monks live and practice zazen; zen monastery or school a Buddhist Zen sect "sitting as one pleases"; release from daily routine

Zen-shu Zuii-za

This file is the work of Stan Rosenthal. The author has asked that no hard copies, ie. paper copies, are made. Stan Rosenthal may be contacted at 44 High street, St. Davids, Pembrokeshire, Dyfed, Wales, UK. Bill Fear may be contacted at 29 Blackweir Terrace, Cathays, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales, UK. Tel (0222) 228858 email [email protected]. Please use email as first method of contact, if possible. NOTE: You may find and odd sentence or missing information every now and again in the files. Hopefully not too frequently. This is because the files were originally written

on a machine using CP/M and had to be converted to dos format. Many of the 5.25 disks were very old and had bad sectors - thus missing info

Source: www.swzc.org/Html/ZBGlss ry.htm

Zen Glossary No. 4.Bodhisattva - An awakened or enlightened being who renounces the experience of nirvana in order to remain with unenlightened beings and work for the liberation of all. The bodhisattva ideal is closely associated with Mahayana Buddhism. Ch'an - The Chinese word for zen. The word ch'an predates the Japanese word zen, of course, since zen originated in China and came to Japan later. Dharma - The dharma (almost as difficult to define as zen) is thought of variously as the Way, the Path, Cosmic Law and Universal Truth. The dharma is often thought of as the teachings of the Buddha, and this is a legitimate view, but it's important to note that the Buddha didn't create the dharma; it was always there. The ethical rules of Buddhism are included but the dharma encompasses far more than that. It is the fundamental spirit underlying zen and Buddhism. The dharma is as much something to do as it is something to discuss or read about. Dojo - Literally: the room or hall (do-) of the way (-jo). Dojo is often used interchangeably with zendo, however, the 'way' referred to by 'dojo' does not necessarily have to be zen. Technically speaking, dojo could also refer to a room where judo is taught, for example. For our purposes, however, it refers to a room or building in which zen is practiced. Dokusan - A private interview between a student and a zen teacher or master. The format and length of the interview, and whether it revolves around koan work or involves another kind of exchange, varies depending on the teacher. As a general rule, dokusan pertains more to a student's personal practice and experience than it does academic, theoretical matters. Theoretical questions are usually discouraged but often permitted (again very much of this depends on the teacher). Dokusan is a critical element of zen training and an important part of sesshin, though it is by no means limited to sesshin: some modern teachers have expanded the practice of dokusan to include communication by telephone and e-mail. Eightfold Path - The Eightfold path was given by the Buddha as part of the Four Noble Truths and as such, as the main way out of suffering. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Right View (or Understanding) Thought (or Resolve) Speech Conduct Livelihood Effort Mindfulness Concentration

Four Noble Truths - The Buddha's motivation for leaving his home and taking up a spiritual life was to understand duhkha (suffering) and find a solution to suffering. The Four Noble Truths are the answer that came to the Buddha as part of his enlightenment. 1. 2. 3. 4. Suffering is all around us; it is a part of life The cause of suffering is craving and attachment There is a way out; craving can be ended and thus suffering can be ended The way to end craving is the Eightfold Path

Gatha - A short sutra. As an example, here is a meal gatha often spoken before eating: We venerate the three treasures, And are thankful for this food; The work of many hands, And the sharing of other forms of life. Hinayana - Literally: "Small Vehicle". One of the three main branches of Buddhism, the other two being Mahayana (great vehicle) and Vajrayana (indestructable vehicle). Considered by most to be the oldest form of Buddhism. Because 'small vehicle' has at times been used as a derogatory term by other traditions, many followers prefer to use the term Therevada (Teaching of the Elders) to describe their beliefs. Ino - One of the four or five main leaders of a sesshin, the others being the jiki-jitsu, jisha, tanto and often the tenzo. The Ino leads chanting at sesshin and also directs oryoki-style meals. At sesshin, the Ino is in charge of any matter that involves the mouth. An ino is often present and leads chanting at other zen gatherings besides sesshin. Jiki-jitsu - The timekeeper for a sesshin or for any meditation gathering. All matters having to do with time are the responsibility of the "jiki" (provided the decisions do not conflict with the activities or wishes of the roshi). The jiki usually leads kinhin as well. Jisha - The roshi's attendant during sesshin. Those attending a sesshin are most aware of the jisha's role as the person who directs dokusan; the jisha announces when dokusan begins and guides students in and out. Jukai - Taking the precepts, taking refuge in the precepts or taking up the way of the bodhisattva. A significant step marked by a ceremony of the same name(s), jukai signifies a serious commitment to zen, to the ten main precepts of Buddhism and to the salvation of all beings. Each student will recite the ten precepts during the ceremony and explain to the assembly what each precept means to him or her personally. Karma - The Buddhist doctrine of cause and effect. The effect of an action taken today (or thought or word spoken, etc.) might not occur today. The effect, whether good or bad, may come to pass many years from now or even in a subsequent lifetime. The important point to remember is that no actions are isolated and independent; all are tied together in cause and effect. Kensho - An enlightenment or awakening experience. It is folly to try to describe this experience in words, however, a kensho reportedly gives one a glimpse of one's own nature and the true nature of reality. It is said that koan work can lead to kensho, though koan work is not the only way. Kinhin - Walking meditation. Although its meditative aspect is of prime importance, kinhin

also serves the purpose of moving one's legs after a long period of zazen, thus making physical problems unlikely. Hands should be held in the shashou position. Some schools of zen perform kinhin extremely slowly while others do it rapidly. It has become traditional, in North America at least, to combine the two: kinhin begins very slowly at first and then switches to a brisk pace (the change is marked by an audible signal). Koan - Originally: a public record. A zen paradox, question or episode from the past that defies logical explanation. Koans are sometimes thought of as zen riddles, but this is not entirely accurate since most riddles are intended to be solved through reason. A student undertaking koan work is meant rather to exhaust the use of reason and conceptual understanding; finally making an intuitive leap (see kensho). Koans were originally recorded and used by the rinzai school of zen, but the old distinctions have become less important so that today some teachers closer to the soto school have also used koans. Kyosaku - Wake-up stick or encouragement stick. Used during long periods of zazen (mainly during sesshin) to strike practitioners on the back or on the part of the shoulders close to the neck. The kyosaku is not used for punishment: this is made clear by the fact that receiving the kyosaku is voluntary; it is never given to those who do not request it. Some request it simply to shake off sleepiness, but others say the blows can actually relax tense muscles. Ceremonial walking of the kyosaku (without any striking) is done early in the morning to signify opening the dojo and late in the evening to begin the closing. Mahayana - Literally: "Great Vehicle". One of the three main branches of Buddhism, the other two being Hinayana (small vehicle) and Vajrayana (indestructable vehicle). Although this is the branch to which zen belongs and zen traces its origin back to the Buddha himself, generally Mahayana is considered to be a newer form than Hinayana. There is less emphasis placed on nirvana and individual salvation in this tradition and more emphasis placed on saving all sentient beings. Mindfulness - Awareness; remembering that all things are interrelated; living in the present moment. It would be difficult to overemphasize the importance of mindfulness in zen and Buddhism. The master Muso Kokushi said: "When you walk, watch the walking, when you sit, watch the sitting, when you recline, watch the reclining, when you see and hear, watch the seeing and hearing, when you notice and cognize, watch the noticing and cognizing, when joyful, watch the joy, when angry, watch the anger." Mondo - A short zen dialogue between master and student, usually from the past. The student asks a question that is troubling him or her, and the master responds not with theory or logic, but instead in a way that encourages the student to reach a deeper level of perception. Many great mondos became koans. Mudra - A position of the body which is symbolic of a certain attitude or activity, such as teaching or protecting. Although mudra technically refers to the whole body and the body does not have to be that of the Buddha, in common usage this term most often refers to the hand positions chosen for statues of the Buddha. Each hand position is symbolic of a certain characteristic such as supreme wisdom or serenity. Nirvana - Literally: cessation or extinction. Although nirvana is the ultimate goal of many Buddhists it should never be confused with the Western notion of heaven. Instead, nirvana simply means an end to samsara. In the Mahayana tradition, the bodhisattva eschews nirvana until all sentient beings are saved. Oryoki - This has come to mean a certain kind of formal, ritualized eating, but the word

oryoki actually refers to the specific collection of napkins, utensils and especially bowls used for this style of eating. This set, which is held together by tying one of the larger napkins around it, was traditionally given to a nun or monk upon ordination. Eating is commonly done while seated on one's cushion in a position similar to meditation posture, though on occassion one can be seated at a table. The sequence in which the pieces are used and the actions performed are carefully done by ritual. Silence is maintained except for the chanting of certain meal sutras. When done, the utensils and bowls are immediately washed with tea (while still at one's seat) and wrapped up again in the same specific way. Raihai - Also known as deep bows or prostrations. Normally done in a set of three and normally done towards the altar, these are bows that lead immediately into a kneeling position and then quickly into a position with one's forehead gently touching the floor. The hands, palms upwards, are raised in a gesture symbolic of lifting the Buddha's feet over one's head. It's appropriate to cultivate an attitude of emptying, letting go, receptivity and gratitude. As mentioned with regard to other matters, one should seek out instruction from a knowledgeable practitioner or teacher for the correct form and mental approach. Rinzai - One of the two main schools of zen still active in Japan, the other being soto. Rinzai, which originated in China, was the first school of zen to be brought to Japan. Its initial introduction near the end of the 12th century did not take hold, but a subsequent transfer from China did succeed. The rinzai tradition places more emphasis on dokusan and koan work than the soto tradition. However, a positive trend seen in North American today is that the distinctions between the two schools are not considered very significant and teachers often quote zen masters from both schools, or from non-Japanese sources, equally as often. Rohatsu - The day set aside to commemorate the enlightenment of the Buddha, which traditionally is celebrated on the eighth of December. Many zen centers and sanghas will organize a rohatsu sesshin early in December to mark this zen "holiday." Roshi - Venerable master of zen. A roshi can be a man or a woman, a monk or a layperson. Although the approach has varied down through the centuries, certainly many years of training and some degree of "enlightenment" are required before becoming a roshi is even considered. Some of these years of preparation are often spent teaching the dharma as a sensei. In most zen traditions, an established master will elevate a teacher to the level of roshi through a process known as "dharma transmission." This also establishes an important link; the new roshi is considered a dharma heir or dharma successor of the established roshi. Samsara - In Buddhist thought this is the continuing cycle of birth, death and rebirth. All beings are trapped in this unpleasant cycle until they reach enlightenment. Samsara is looked upon in a negative light because of all the suffering that life entails (as elucidated in the First Noble Truth). The cause of this cycle is craving as eludicated in the Second Noble Truth. Belief in samsara does not necessarily require a belief in reincarnation in it strictest, traditional sense and it should be mentioned here that many people practice zen but do not believe in reincarnation. Samu - Work Practice. This is work, usually physical, done in a mindful and aware manner. Tasks should be carried out in silence, though speaking in hushed tones is permitted when clarification or further instructions are needed. Periods of samu are often part of a sesshin, though it can be performed at any time during one's daily life. Simply stated, samu is a form of meditation done while working.

Sangha - Zen family, community or group practicing together. In its largest sense, all living beings make up our sangha, though when commonly used sangha means our fellows in the local zen center or the group in our area with whom we practice. Satori - A very deep state of meditation in which notions of duality, self and indeed all concepts drop away. Profound satori is very close to an enlightenment experience (see kensho). Sensei - A recognized teacher of zen. The title sensei, like the title roshi, traditionally is positioned after the teacher's name rather than before. This convention is not adhered to rigidly, however. Sesshin - Most easily translated as a meditation retreat, though the wrong impression may be given by using this 'shorthand' definition. Many feel the word retreat has the wrong connotations, since the effect of a sesshin is often to let more of the world into our lives instead of escaping from it. Suffice it to say that a sesshin is a silent retreat that involves many periods of zazen and also private interviews with a teacher (see dokusan). Meals are often eaten oryoki style, and periods of samu are generally included. The duration of a sesshin, at least in North America, is usually 3, 5 or 7 days, though the length can be shorter or longer and an odd number of days is not required. Shashou - The position in which to hold the hands for kinhin and whenever moving about in the zendo. To form this position, first one hand should gently be made into a loose fist with the thumb held inside. The other hand is then wrapped around the fist with the thumb resting in the slight indendation at the top of the first hand. Together the hands are held at the upper part of the stomach area, near the base of the ribs. During sesshin it's good practice to hold the hands in shashou not only in the zendo or just during kinhin, but during almost any time that's spent standing or walking. Shikantaza - "Just sitting." An intense form of zazen where no mental aids such as counting the breath are used. A state of great mental alertness is cultivated, but no concepts or objects of thought are in the mind (ideally). Some consider shikantaza, which is strongly recommended in the soto tradition, to be the highest form of zazen. Soto - One of the two main schools of zen in Japan, the other being rinzai. The tendency towards caution (one could even say mistrust) regarding words and concepts which is a common thread in zen finds its greatest expression in the soto school. Thus it follows that there is less emphasis placed on dokusan and koan study in the soto tradition and more emphasis placed on shikantaza. Zen practiced this way is sometimes called mokusho, which means the zen of silent enlightenment. Perhaps following the Buddhist doctrine of nonduality, it should be noted that many zen teachers and students in Western cultures today do not consider the line between soto and rinzai to be of great importance. Sutra - A Buddhist cannon written in prose form. The chanting of sutras can at times be a form of singing, but more commonly it is done in a rhythmic way in a normal tone of voice. Some sutras are intentionally recited in a monotone. Sutras are chanted as part of most zen gatherings, whether the occasion is for a special ceremony or regular weekly zazen meeting. One of the best known is the Heart Sutra. A short sutra is often called a gatha. Tanto - One of the main leaders of a sesshin, the tanto is in charge of the smooth running of the zendo. The tanto is usually an experienced senior student who is familiar with the roles of the other leaders and thus is able to offer guidance if any confusion arises.

Teisho - Literally: presentation of the shout. Commonly: a talk by a zen teacher (a sensei or roshi). The talk is not a sermon or an academic lecture; it is more a presentation of insight than an exposition of factual knowledge. Though not limited to sesshin, a daily teisho traditionally is part of the schedule during sesshin. Often a koan is discussed, and on occasion some teachers will permit a question and answer period following the teisho. Sometimes people not familiar with zen are invited. Attendees are allowed to sit in a relaxed posture and may quietly shift position to remain comfortable. Instead of peering intently at the teacher and concentrating on every word, some students will look at nothing in particular and just allow the words to wash over them; thereby placing less emphasis on concepts, yet trusting the value of the talk to sink in. Tenzo - The head cook for a monastery or sesshin. Traditionally the role of tenzo was a position of high honor in zen monasteries. Similarly today, a tenzo is often considered to be one of the main leaders for sesshin. Vesak - The celebration of the Buddha's birth, which traditionally is set in May on the day of the full moon. This is a very important holiday to Therevadans (see Hinayana), and in that tradition vesak is considered more that just a commemoration; it's a celebration of the dharma and a day to remember the entire life of the Buddha, including his birth, enlightenment and death. Zazen - Seated still meditation, usually on a cushion on the floor. Unlike meditation done in some other spiritual traditions, zazen usually does not involve concentrating one's mind on a subject, nor is the aim to blank out one's mind completely. Rather, being aware of one's breath is recommended and most practitioners of zazen do this by counting breaths in one way or another. When the mind wanders, which often happens, one gently turns attention back to the breath. Zazen is usually broken into periods of 25 or 30 minutes. Determining the correct posture for zazen can be a challenge, but sitting in a chair is also permitted. As mentioned with regard to other matters, one should seek out instruction from a knowledgeable practitioner or teacher for the correct posture, mental approach, and way to count the breath. Most zen teachers maintain that zazen is essential to practicing zen. Zazenkai - A single day devoted to meditation, usually done together with a group. This can be considered a one day sesshin, although a teacher need not be present. Zen - Zen, or ch'an as it was called originally, is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that first appeared in China in sixth and seventh centuries. Buddhism had earlier come to China from India, the birthplace of the Buddha and Buddhism. When Mahayana Buddhism was introduced it was influenced by the indigeneous Chinese religion Taoism. Most scholars believe, for example, that it was from exposure to Taoism that zen developed its great caution and reluctance towards using words and concepts as the path to enlightenment. From China zen moved on mainly to Japan, Korea and Vietnam, although it found some acceptance in other regions, as well. The word ch'an is a transliteration of the Sanskrit word Dhyana, meaning concentration (i.e. meditation). While some schools of Buddhism emphasize elaborate cosmologies, devotional practices, chanted formulas and arcane images and gestures, zen offers meditation (zazen) as the best way to discover things directly for oneself. Another distinctive chracteristic of zen is that the person of the Buddha is regarded with somewhat less reverence than in most other Buddhist traditions. Certainly zen practitioners can exhibit a degree of respect and admiration for the Buddha, especially for his solitary quest for enlightenment without the guidance of anyone before him and for his burning

desire to cure the world's suffering. However, zen Buddhists do believe the Buddha was just a man after all and that being fixated on this man is not a sensible path to enlightenment. Thus a bit of disregard for the Buddha now and then is considered healthy. One zen master, when he heard a student speak reverently of the Buddha, washed out the student's mouth with soap! (It should be noted , however, that zen is certainly not the only tradition that considers the Buddha to be just an admirable person and not a godlike figure.) Zendo - Zen room or hall. This is the main room, whether it be in a monastery, retreat center or residential home, where zazen and other zen practices are observed. An altar is not essential but usually one is present. If possible, the room should be private and quiet, free from distractions such as television, music and noise from nearby automobile traffic or pedestrians. (However, it's important to note that quiet, isolated locations are not the only place to practice! Zen should be taken out into the real world as well, and sometimes a little traffic noise is a good reminder of that.) As with the English word "hall," zendo is sometimes used to refer to an entire building or teaching center. Source: www.austinzencenter.org/azc/GlossaryOfTerms.shtml

Zen Glossary No. 5. bankaAfternoon chanting. During sesshin the entire community takes part in the ceremony, during seichu only the densu and his staff chant. At Mt. Baldy Zen Center the tradition is that dai-sesshin starts with banka on the previous day. The chanting takes place in the "Buddha Hall" which we call "Sutra Hall" at Mt. Baldy Zen Center. For opening a Dai-sesshin banka starts around 3 pm.

chkaMorning chanting. During seichu the entire community gathers for morning chanting. It is held in the Sutra Hall and lasts between 35 and 45 minutes. The morning chanting is the very first item on the schedule after the formal morning tea.

densuAt Mt. Baldy the densu takes care of the Buddha Hall, butsuden. The densu is in charge of the daily chanting as well as all other ceremonies. The densu also takes care of communicating with the "outside" world, correspondence, phone calls etc. As the "guestmaster" the densu also keeps track of who is coming or leaving. Literally den means hall and su to manage, govern.

dnaiEveryone who lives "in" the zend, i.e. the officers and students. Traditionally the dnai are the monks and nuns in training. They are given space and time to engage fully in the pursuit of their Zen studies.

handaikanEvery formal meal is served by assigned servers, called handaikan. Han literally is "meal", dai is "table", and kan to "oversee". Formal meals are served in a specific ceremonial fashion and the handaikan are selected by the shoji from the dnai. A second meal, that is also formal, is reserved for the handaikan and whoever did not take part in the first meal.

hashinkyujiThe official term for a rest day. Literally it refers to a day on which youmay pick up the needle (to mend your robes), to burn moxa (acupuncture), and apply other medicines. There is no sanzen and no samu. Residents may leave camp for walks or shorter hikes, write letters, read...

hsan sareiSarei in the time you are free from sanzen i.e. before the samu period. During seichu it is served in a formal fashion but does not require formal attire, such as robes, the zend also stays closed, there are no burning candles on the butsudan. During sesshin however it is part of the formal afternoon schedule and is held before banka.

injiThe rshi's attendant. The inji position is a very demanding job. Duties include all imaginable facets of a caretaker, such as cooking, cleaning, assisting by doing errands, driving.... The inji lives in a cabin connected to the rshi's quarters by a covered walkway. The rshi only needs to ring his bell an the inji is ready to serve.

inryAlthough we do not used this term at Mt. Baldy, it should have its place here. Inry refers to the quarters to which the rshi retreats i.e., where he lives. The person that serves in these quarters is called the inji.


The person in charge of the zend. The jikijitsu keeps time, corrects, admonishes, inspires. It is the leading position in the zend, manifesting strength, a fatherly role. The jikijitsu also carries the keisaku, the warning stick.

jjOfficers that take care of the running of the Zen Center. These officers are not required to come to the zend if their duties do not permit. The positions are shika - the director or head monk, tenzo the cook, densu, inji, and various other positions. In Japan these officers did not take part in takuhatsu, the begging - the characters literally mean "those who always stay".

jokeiHelpers to the jikijitsu, they assist in running the zend and also help people to stay on track. Each side of the zend has one jokei. They take their names for the tan on which they sit, either jiki jokei for the jikijitsu tan, or tanto jokei for the tanto tan.

jokThe main assistant to the jikijitsu who also measures time. Literally "the one who assists with the incense". Time is traditionally measured by incense burning. Jikijitsu and joko alternate the "timekeeping" duties and switch seats every night.

kaichinThe end of the formal day. Kai means "to release, loosen" and chin "arrangements, rules". Going to sleep we end our formal practice. The evening ends with the opening of a zazen period that will last until the next morning when it is time for kaijo.

kaihanSounding the han, a wooden board hung outside the zend. The ubiquitous 7-5-3 pattern with the accelerating "rolls" in-between is played with a wooden mallet. Often calligraphy is found on the board admonishing the practitioners to work hard.


Wake-up. Kai means to open, to begin and jo is silence, samadhi. Waking up we begin our samadhi. The shoji is in charge of waking up the upper camp i.e. the donai, the densu wakes the lower camp.

kanjuThe overseer of a temple. The kanju ranks above the head monk, the shika. He oversees the general activities without having to do the daily administrative work himself.

kanshRefers to the officer sitting in the sanzen waitingroom as well as to the bell itself.

keisakuThe "warning" stick. Traditionally made from hard wood (oak) in the winter, when monks wear several layers of robes. In the summer, when thinner garments are worn, the stick used to be of a softer wood such as pine. The jikijitsu and his staff walk with the stick and use it as necessary. The flattened end is used to "massage" the shoulder muscles while at the same time the sound produced wakes other practitioners as well.

kinhinWalking meditation in-between zazen periods. Ropes are used to lift the long robes to the middle of the calf as we walk in single file and unison step. Hands are held in sashu.

kanLiterally it means public plan, proposal. It refers to the zen "problem" that the master assigns to the student. The understanding of the student is tested by the master during sanzen.


A short cleaning period during the day. Everyday a brief time is devoted to cleaning and maintenance of the facilities. Restocking bathroom tissue, cleaning sinks, vacuuming, sweeping... This period of time is regarded as part of formal practice and is usually done in robes. Bigger jobs are taken care of in the samu period.

rhatsuDecember eighth, the day of Shakyamuni Buddha's enlightenment. It is celebrated in the winter by rhatsu dai-sesshin which traditionally is the most demanding retreat. Additional meetings with the master and very little sleep combined with the cold weather help to make this a unique experience.

rshiA zen master; At Mt. Baldy Zen Center it is Kyozan Joshu Rshi. The master holds personal interviews, called sanzen, and gives talks during sesshin, called teish.

rytThe dorm mas
