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Zero to Sixty in 3.5

Date post: 05-Nov-2015
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  • Part 1 Miyoung-ah, wake up! Youre going to have your first driving lesson today! Driving wha-mmphh she groaned sleepily as she slammed her face back against her fluffy pillow. Miyoung. The voice was stern. She huffed before sitting up, squinting due to the brightness of the suns rays peeping through the window. Dad, why do I have to learn how to drive? she whined. We have a driver! Isnt that what hes here for? To drive us around so we wont have to do it ourselves? Her dad shook his head. You need to know how to drive, Miyoung-ah. What if theres an emergency and Mr. Park is not here to drive for you? You drive. What if Im not here then? Then she trailed off, not knowing how to continue. My point exactly. Now get ready. Ill take you there in about an hour. Ugh. The instructor better not be some old perverted bald dude, she groaned frustratingly before finally shuffling out of bed and walking to the bathroom. Her dad chuckled before leaving the room. - Oh gosh, Dad. Do you really want me to learn driving from them? she pointed to a bunch of slightly old men sitting at the other side of the room. She looked at them then back at her dad. Please tell me theyre not the instructors here. Please, Dad. The man chuckled something he seemed to be doing a lot today and she was starting to get irritated with it. Unfortunately, they are, Miyoung. Theyre some of the best driving instructors around so I know youll learn fast, he said and ushered her daughter to an office room. At least theyre not old bald dudes, right? he said teasingly. They can still be perverted though, she muttered while taking a seat beside him. He chuckled yet again. I dont think they are. Relax. She was about to retaliate when a man entered the room and settled on the chair behind the table in front of them. Good morning, Mr. Hwang and he read the file he was holding before looking at her with a small smile. Miyoung, right?

  • She nodded but quickly said, Yes, Miyoung, but Id prefer it if my instructor calls me Ms. Hwang, whoever he is. She didnt want some old guy being all buddy-buddy with her. She didnt want them to call her Miyoung, or worse, Tiffany. The man smiled and nodded. As you wish. Now, Ms. Hwang, please read through this and sign at the bottom if there are no problems. Please kindly wait here as I talk to your instructor and prepare the car. He handed her a folder before standing up. Mr. Hwang nodded. Thank you, Mr. Kim. Mr. Kim flashed him a smile and walked out of the room. - She sighed as she slumped back on her seat, waiting for Mr. Kim to come back. Stop sighing as if youre carrying all the worlds problems. Its just driving lessons. Learn how to drive and youll get out of here sooner. She sighed again. But Dad, fifteen days? Really? Fifteen days with an old guy, in a car thatll probably smell of his sweats? No way. You dont have to finish the whole fifteen days. You clearly didnt read the whole thing, he nodded towards the bunch of papers she just finished signing and sighed. It says that if your instructor finds that your driving is good enough even before the fifteen days are over, then you can stop having lessons. Her face lit up. Really!? Okay then! Ill learn fast! Anything to get away from some old dude. Mr. Hwang only laughed at her. Just then, the door of the small office swung open, revealing Mr. Kim, still with a kind smile on his face. The cars ready. Please follow me. Both did as they were asked and walked behind the man. He led them outside the building and into the parking lot located beside it. They stopped in front of a Silver Honda Civic. Mr. Kim took out the key and clicked a button on the remote attached to it, making the car beep as the doors unlocked. Please go in the drivers side, Ms. Hwang. Your instructor has a few papers to sign for a while and will be with you shortly. She nodded and entered the car. She closed the door and sighed, waiting (im)patiently for the instructor. She watched her dad converse a little with Mr. Kim before shaking his hand. Mr. Kim walked back to the building. Her dad knocked on the window and she opened it. Ive already told Mr. Park to fetch you at 12:30, so just wait for him inside the building, okay?

  • She nodded. Good luck, honey, and have fun. He bent a little and kissed her forehead. I doubt it, but thanks, Dad. He smiled at her before walking away. - A knock on the passenger side was heard and she straightened up before looking to the side. The door opened and she winced as she prepared herself to see a large bald man covered in a lot of facial hair sit on the passenger seat, but what she saw was the complete opposite. Smooth milky white legs made its way through the door and onto the car floor before a body of a petite woman came in right after. She gulped when she studied the girls face, thanking the heavens that the girl was too busy fixing her things inside the car to notice her staring. It was so white and looked so smooth. It made Tiffany want to reach out and touch it. Managing to hold herself back, she cleared her throat, catching the other girls attention. Er I think you might have entered the wrong car, she said as politely as she can, afraid of offending the girl. She actually didnt want her to leave, but heck, she wanted to finish all her lessons as quickly as she can. Oh my gosh, I did? The girl frowned before looking at the clipboard she was holding and flipping through the papers attached to it. Hmm she hummed then looked around the parking lot. Her frowned deepened as she focused her gaze back to the clipboard and flipped to yet another page. But this is the only Silver Honda Civic our company owns. Tiffany shook her head a bit, trying hard to focus on the conversation rather than the cute expressions the other girl was making. B-but Im waiting for my driving instructor. Im a new student here. Er She flips to another page. Ms. Hwang? Tiffany was confused but nodded anyway. The girl sighed in relief. Oh, good. I seriously thought I entered the wrong car. That wouldve been embarrassing, she chuckled. Tiffany was only staring at her, which made the other girl nervous. The girl coughed shyly before gasping. Oh gosh, no wonder. She rummaged her bag and pulled out an ID before clipping it on her shirt. She pointed at it before giving Tiffany a smile. Im Kim Taeyeon, your new driving instructor.

  • Tiffany almost laughed out loud, but thankfully, she managed to control herself. Is this some kind of joke? How in the world can this Kim Taeyeon be her driving instructor when she doesnt even look like she was in high school yet. Dont get her wrong; she was happy that she got to meet this girl, but seriously? Driving instructor? She scoffed. She saw Taeyeon frown. Excuse me, but is there anything wrong? Tiffany wanted to let out a squeal as she thought the girl was cute, but controlled herself. Im sorry, but are you serious? You? A driving instructor? My driving instructor? Er, yes? Didnt I just tell you that? Tiffany let out another scoff. Is this some kind of joke? I mean, what are you? Like thirteen? Fourteen, maybe? How can you be a driving instructor? She immediately regretted her words as a look of hurt flashed on the girls face. Im sorry to say but I am actually twenty-three years old, and I have been driving since I was sixteen. If my credentials dont impress you then its no problem, I can easily transfer you to Mr. Hans care. She gestured to a man standing not far away from them. Tiffany looked at him and saw that he was exactly what she didnt like to be a student of. Feeling guilty, she apologized sincerely to the girl beside her. Im sorry, Taeyeon-ssi. I just couldnt believe that you were my age. You look young. She saw Taeyeons face soften. Well, I guess its okay. I get that a lot. Sorry for blowing up. Its fine. She gave the girl a smile, which the other girl returned. - Okay, now before we start, Im going to ask you a few questions to know your level of knowledge. Tiffany nodded but was focusing mainly on the girls lullaby-like voice and tantalizing eyes. She wondered just exactly how good Taeyeon is for her to be teaching driving at such a young age. So have you ever driven before? Taeyeon asked as she clicked her pen and started scribbling words on the paper she was holding. No, she shook her head, eyes still wandering on the girls beautiful face. Oh, well thats okay. Taeyeon looked back at her and smiled, completely stunning Tiffany. Ill have you driving like a pro in no time!

  • Tiffany gulped, wanting more of that smile. Do you have an idea how to start the car? No idea whatsoever, she answered truthfully, earning a cute chuckle from the cute instructor. Well, thats fine. Im here to teach you anyway so lets get right to it. They spent the next fifteen minutes or so with Taeyeon explaining the parts of the car and their function. She also taught Tiffany how to start the car properly, which Tiffany learned quite easily because of Taeyeons very helpful instructions, much to the latters delight. The instructor clapped her hands as the car roared in to life. Omo! You learn easily! Very good! Tiffany smiled, happy to have impressed Taeyeon. Thanks. Youre a really good teacher, thats why. Taeyeon blushed and Tiffany swore it was the cutest thing she has ever seen. Taeyeon coughed embarrassingly. Er, thanks. Anyway, how about you start driving, huh? Remember when I told you about the gear shift and the clutch? Tiffany nodded. Okay, now step on the clutch pedal all the way down. Tiffany did as she was told. Now move the shift gear to the 1st gear. Taeyeon waited for the girl to do that. Push the handbrake down and slowly lift your left foot, decreasing the weight on the clutch. The car slowly moved and Taeyeon was all smiles. Alright, apply a bit of pressure on the gas. The car moved a little bit faster. Thats it! Good! - Instead of having Mr. Park fetch her daughter, Mr. Hwang did it himself. He waited inside the building patiently. Soon, the sliding doors opened and in came his daughter with a shorter girl. They seemed to be engrossed in their conversation that Tiffany didnt notice him. He stood up and walked over to them with a smile. Miyoung-ah. He chuckled at his surprised daughter. Dad! She ran up to him and hugged the man. They both pulled away and Mr. Hwang turned to the other girl with them. Taeyeon bowed at the man and Mr. Hwang returned it. Good afternoon, sir.

  • My, my, Taeyeon-ah. Look how much youve grown. You look so much like your mother now. Very pretty. Taeyeon blushed and bowed again. Thank you, Uncle. Eh? Uncle? Mr. Hwang turned to her daughter. I see youre getting along with your instructor. Tiffany was confused about how her dad and Taeyeon knew each but smiled and nodded nonetheless. Good. See? I found you an instructor that wasnt some old perverted bald dude, he said, purposely using the words she used earlier. Taeyeon laughed at that. I guess thats why you looked surprised earlier. But the guys here are anything but those things youve mentioned. Theyre really good guys. Experts, even. Tiffany was embarrassed. Sorry. I just didnt really want to end up with those types. Its okay, Taeyeon smiled. Anyway, may I be excused? I think I need to report to my boss, she chuckled. Nice seeing you again, Uncle. See you tomorrow, Ms. Hwang. She smiled at them before waving goodbye and heading towards one of the offices. - So how was your first day? It was fine. Pfft. It was easy as pie. Well, Im glad. I knew Taeyeon would be able to teach you well. Oh yeah, about that. How do you know her? Yes. I know you dont want old guys teaching you so I asked Mr. Kim if Taeyeon would be up for the job. Tiffany looked at him, confused. He glanced at her and chuckled before focusing back on the road. Taeyeon is the daughter of Mr. Kim, the man we talked to earlier, remember? Tiffany nodded. Well, their family owns the driving school and Mr. Kims an old friend of mine. We go way back, him and me. And since you kept complaining, I asked him a favor and he gladly complied. He glanced at her again. Taeyeon doesnt usually teach, but for family and friends, she does so willingly. But shes so young. And beautiful. Cant forget beautiful.

  • Mr. Hwang chuckled. She is, isnt she? Shes your age, I assume you know, but she has had an interest in cars since she was little so it wasnt a surprise to anyone that she ended up being a really good driver. Tiffany nodded, trying to digest every bit of information she can about her crush. How come Ive never seen her or Mr. Kim before And how come you call Mr. Kim, Mr. Kim if you go way back? We were doing business, so its only proper to call him that. And you were never interested in coming with me to the parties I go to so you didnt have a chance to meet them. Taeyeon was always with her dad because it was apparently one of the conditions before she could start learning about cars and driving. Well, since you know Taeyeon now, I think itll be easier to force you to come with me. Tiffany nodded once more and smiled to herself, happy that she got to know more about that cute instructor of hers. - It was a Saturday and although she enjoyed the whole week with Taeyeon, she was happy to be sleeping on her comfy bed with her fluffy pillows and stuffed toys surrounding her. She heard her door open but didnt open her eyes to see who it was. She assumed it was one of their maids so she didnt bother looking. She suddenly felt someone shaking her shoulders. She groaned. Im sleeping. She heard a low chuckle and instantly knew that it was her fathers. She hid herself under her covers, hoping her dad would get the idea that she wants so sleep some more. Wake up, Miyoung-ah. Its a Saturday, I dont have driving lessons. Let me sleep in. She didnt need to look to know that her dad shook his head. She felt him move away and sighed in content. She was about to resume her sleep when she heard her dad say something he was probably on the phone. Oh well, Jaewoo, Tiffany doesnt want to wake up. Shes probably tired from all the driving she did this week, he chuckled. Please tell Taeyeon that Im sorry. Maybe next time Ill force Tiffany to come along. Her eyes instantly fluttered open upon hearing Taeyeons name. She sat up and saw her dad by the door with his phone against his ear.

  • Alright, Jaewoo. Ill see you later. He ended the call and was about to close the door when he noticed Tiffany looking at him while sitting on her bed. Good morning. I thought you wanted to sleep in? Who was that? she said, completely ignoring her dads question. Kim Jaewoo, the owner of the driving school you attend. Taeyeons dad? He nodded. Oh She wanted to ask him but didnt know how. Theres a small gathering at their house later at lunch and he invited me. He told me that Taeyeon wanted you to come, but I told him that you wanted to sleep in so Ill just go by myself. Whats the occasion? His youngest daughter, Hayeon, won an art competition and theyre celebrating by inviting a few friends over. Ah she nodded. Well, I better get ready. Its already 11 and I promised to be there at 12. Ill see you later, Miyoung. Wait! Her father looked back at her. I want to come. Are you sure? I thought you wanted to sleep in? Actually, never mind that. Get ready and get dressed as quickly as you can. I dont want to be late. She nodded and scurried her way to the bathroom, earning a chuckle from her dad. - She looked around the garden; trying to find the only other person she knows other than her dad. She squinted her eyes when they landed on the desserts table. There she saw a petite figure seemingly trying to devour all the cupcakes available. She laughed silently and made her way there. She tapped on the figures shoulder and laughed loudly as the girl faced her. Taeyeons mouth was filled with the Red Velvet cupcakes. Yah, are you that hungry?

  • Taeyeon almost choked. Ms. Hwang! Youre here! Tiffany frowned. I told you not to call me that anymore. Well, it was part of what my dad told me when teaching you so You arent teaching me now, so call me Tiffany. Alright, Tiffany. She smiled. Anyway, are you that hungry? Taeyeon smiled sheepishly. I just love cupcakes, thats all. And Im afraid I might not be able to eat some when Hayeon sees them. Ah, Hayeon. The celebrant? Taeyeon nodded. Have you met her? She shook her head. Oh hold on. Taeyeon looked around the garden and smiled widely when she spotted her sister. Hayeon-ah! She shouted and Tiffany turned to see a young girl, looking so much like Taeyeon, walking towards them. Unnie? Ah, Hayeon-ah. This is Tiffany. Tiffany, this is Hayeon, my talented sister. Hayeon blushed and pushed Taeyeon slightly. Unnie, she whined. Taeyeon only laughed and ruffled her sisters hair. Tiffany smiled at the display of sisterly affection. Hi, Hayeon. Its nice to meet you. And congratulations. Hayeon grinned. Thank you, pretty unnie! Are you the same Tiffany Taeyeon unnie keeps talking about? Taeyeon unnie was right! You are gorgeous! No wonder she wanted to see you so much! Tiffanys eyes widened while her cheeks reddened furiously. Taeyeon wasnt doing any better as she pushed the laughing Hayeon away while her face was flustered. She went back to Tiffany but refused to look at the girls face. Dont mind her. Kids, you know. Tiffany came back to her senses, but was unknowingly very happy at the little girls revelation. Y-yeah. Kids. Taeyeon cleared her throat. A-anyway, I thought you wouldnt come. Appa told me your Daddy said youre sleeping in?

  • O-oh. Well, I didnt have anything to do at home so Taeyeon-ah! They heard a man calling for Taeyeon and both turned to see Mr. Kim nearing them. He smiled at Tiffany before facing Taeyeon. Taeyeon, I thought I told you not to eat all the cupcakes? Save some for your sister! This is her party and those cupcakes were her special request. But Appa, Im only getting two! She showed her hands that were now holding a cupcake each. Oh yeah? And what about the three that I saw youve already eaten? Er Tiffany smiled at the sight of an embarrassed Taeyeon. It was definitely cute. Right. Return those cupcakes. Actually, on second thought, give one to Ms. Hwang and return the other. Taeyeon frowned but gave up one cupcake to Tiffany and returned the other one at the table. - Mm, this is great! I know right? We order them from a family friend. She makes great cupcakes. Now I know why you were eating them like crazy earlier, she teased. Taeyeon blushed. Yah. Dont tease. Theyre really good so I couldnt resist. Tiffany chuckled. I know. Silence. So have you been practicing? I have. Great! Then youll be driving like a pro in no time! She smiled that smile that Tiffany loves. Throughout the week, Tiffany has been trying to figure out her feelings towards this young-looking girl beside her. Just seeing the girls proud smile whenever she accomplishes something makes Tiffanys heart flutter. The moment her heart beat fast at the sight of Taeyeon cute, dimpled smile, Tiffany knew what she has for the girl wasnt just a simple crush or admiration. She liked her.

  • Though it had never crossed her mind to like the same gender, somehow, liking Taeyeon wasnt that bad. She found it very helpful, actually. Not only did she pester Mr. Park to help her practice every afternoon after driving class, but she would also take the initiative of asking the man about more advanced techniques on driving just so she could impress Taeyeon the next day. She also started waking up early earlier than her father even much to everyones surprise. That lazier-by-the-minute Tiffany Hwang was finally taking initiative in something as simple waking up early was something none of the people in their household would ever thought of seeing. But here she was waking up way ahead of everyone, even with a big smile plastered on her face. Taeyeon smiled brightly at her. Tiffany was growing accustomed to that innocent child-like smile. It had been five days since she started driving lessons and she loved every bit of it. The two of them also grew closer as they spent more time together. Although she didnt know if the feeling was mutual, Tiffany was just as happy spending time with Taeyeon. Oh, by the way, I have this car show tomorrow, and I was wondering if youd like to come? Omo! M-me? Calm down, Tiffany. Its not like shes asking you to go on a date with her or anything. Taeyeon nodded. Yeah, I mean, only if you want to. Would it be just the two of us? Play it cool, Miyoung. O-oh. Okay. Ill ask Dad if I can go. Really?! Yay! Oh, text me if your father allowed you. Heres my number. They exchanged phone numbers. Thank you, Tiffany! No problem, Tiffany said as she wiped her mouth clean of the cupcake remnants. Oh, you missed a spot. Tiffany didnt hear Taeyeon and turned her head. Her eyes widened. So close to her face was Taeyeons. Taeyeon seemed to notice their proximity too as she had the same expression of shock. Tiffany took the chance to observe Taeyeons face up close. The girl was definitely beautiful; no one can ever deny that, which makes her wonder if Taeyeon was taken. She was then drawn to the girls mesmerizing orbs. She gulped and unconsciously leaned forward. She wasnt sure if she was seeing things but it seemed to her like Taeyeon was leaning towards her as well.

  • No one said a word as both continued leaning towards the each other. Their faces were so close to each other that she could feel Taeyeons breath on her lips. She was about to close the gap when a loud shout from behind brought them out of their trance. UNNIE!

  • Part 2 Tiffany huffed in annoyance as she remembered the earlier events. She remembered how both of them looked at Hayeon with flushed faces, as if theyve been caught doing something illegal which wouldnt be as irritating for Tiffany if that stupid kiss did happen. Taeyeon refused to look at her after that incident, and it irked her. She spent the rest of Hayeons celebration avoiding Taeyeon.

    But didnt she want that too? Or was I only assuming things? Maybe she wasnt even leaning forward! She shifted on her seat for the tenth time during the fifteen-minute ride. Whats wrong? She glanced at her father briefly before looking out the window. Nothing, Dad. Oh come on, Im your father. I know its not nothing. She contemplated. Should she ask him if she could go to the car show tomorrow? Wait, does the offer even still stand? Does Taeyeon still want her to come? She was confused and bothered. She sighed and shook her head. Unknown to her, Mr. Hwang was observing her from the other side of the car. He chuckled silently at how her expression would change from confusion to that of irritation. He shook his head and decided to just let his daughter be. - She groaned when her phone beeped, fighting the urge to throw it against the wall. She massaged her aching head, which was the result of a sleepless night. She was still frustrated about that kiss if you can even call it that that she found it hard to get some shut eye. She grabbed her phone from her bedside table and tapped the screen to open the message. Good morning, Tiffany! Have you asked your dad about that car show? Her brain instantly started working and her eyes widened. It was Taeyeon. She still wants me to come? She fumbled on her phone, trying to think of a reply. She ruffled her head and just let her fingers do the work. You still want me to come? She waited for the reply. It soon came.

  • Of course, silly. Why wouldnt I want you to come? I invited you, didnt I? She indeed felt silly but she had to make sure. She didnt want to assume again and get disappointed again. Yes, you did. Okay then. So what did he say? Oh right. I havent asked. She jumped off her bed and practically ran to her fathers room. She furiously knocked on the mans door, only to receive no answer. She knocked harder until she felt a tap on her shoulder. Ms. Hwang, is there a problem? Ahjumma, wheres Daddy? Oh, hes having breakfast downstairs. Oh, right. She thanked the old lady and rushed to the dining room, finding her dad sipping his coffee while reading the newspaper. Daddy! The man was startled by the sudden appearance of his daughter, who shouted and was panting. Yes, darling? Youre up early today. Do you have any plans? Dad, can I go to a car show? Car show? He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Since when was his daughter interested in cars? Yes. Taeyeon invited me to come with her. Ah He finally understood. I got confused there for a second, he chuckled, but go ahead. Im sure Taeyeon will take good care of you. She squealed in delight and hugged her father tightly. Thanks, Dad! She pecked his cheek. Ive never thought Id see the day youd be this interested in cars, he shook his head and went back to reading the papers. She grinned at him, happy that he didnt know her true reason for being this excited. She ran back to her room and grabbed her phone again, only to see another message from Taeyeon. Tiffany? Did he allow you to go? I can talk to him if he didnt agree. She smiled.

  • No no. He said yes. What time is it again? Ah, good. Its at 10:30, so you have about an hour and a half. Okay, Ill meet you there at around 10:15? Can you text me the address so I can tell our driver? She waited for the reply but when none came, she shrugged and took her bathrobe from her closet then went inside her bathroom to get ready. - She came out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed. She grabbed her phone from her table again and frowned when there was still no reply from Taeyeon. How was she supposed to go to the show if she doesnt know where it will be? She decided to text Taeyeon again. Taeyeon? Wheres the show going to be? She pushed her phone aside while waiting for the reply and dried her hair. She let out a frustrated sigh when there was still message from her crush. Was this all a joke? Just then, she heard a knock from her door. She huffed and walked slowly to the door. She opened it and was shock to see the person standing in front of her. Taeyeon? She saw Taeyeon freeze in her spot as she looked at her from head to toe. Following the girls gaze, she realized that she was only in her bathrobe. She let out a gasp and slammed the door on Taeyeons face. She frantically searched for a shirt and a pair of shorts and put them on quickly. She checked herself in front of the mirror. She grimaced at the sight. Her hair was all over the place and her clothes were not worn properly. She grabbed her brush and quickly fixed her hair. She then ran to the door and opened it, only to see Taeyeon still frozen and dazed. She smiled at the cute sight. She snapped her fingers in front of Taeyeon. Taeyeon? Taeyeon shook her head and blinked rapidly. O-oh. Sorry. Tiffany grinned, happy to have that kind of effect on Taeyeon. Its alright. Oh! Wait! Why didnt you reply to any of my messages? Oh! I was driving so I cant be bothered with my phone. Where were you going?

  • Here. Huh? I drove here. It would be such a waste of gas if we go separately, so I thought Id pick you up. If her face could get any redder, it would have. She suppressed a wide smile and asked the girl to come in her room, as she got dressed inside the bathroom, mind you. She walked out minutes later clad in a pair of white short shorts and light pink button up blouse. Couple look, she heard Taeyeon mumble under her breath. Confusion was written all over her face but it soon turned into that of surprise when Taeyeon clutched her blue light blue how did she even not notice that button up blouse. Now that she had a proper look at Taeyeon, the two of them definitely looked like a couple. She thought about changing but when she took a glance at the time, she realized that should she decide to change, theyd end up running late. She took a deep breath and picked up her purse, acting like she didnt hear what Taeyeon said. Lets go? Looking like a couple isnt that bad. Right. Lets go. - They got there just in time before the opening. The place was packed with spectators and participants. It was hard for anyone to squeeze through the crowd even for Taeyeon and Tiffany. Actually, it was a little easier on Taeyeon as she was a little on the short side and her body was petite. For Tiffany, however, it was like a great challenge. Taeyeon barged through the crowd but Tiffany found it hard to follow the girl, as the people would go back to their places and block her way. She was pushed and shoved and it was making her a little irritated. I shouldnt have come here. Just as she was about to give up on making her way through, a hand grasped hers and she was pulled near the stage. When she had a proper place upfront, she looked at the hand tightly holding hers and saw Taeyeon looking towards the stage, obviously trying hard not to look back at her. The girls face was as red as a tomato but she didnt say anything. On second thought, Im glad I came. She saw Taeyeons dad come up the stage. He did the opening speech and everyone in the huge room clapped their hands except her. She wanted to clap too, but she didnt want to let go of Taeyeons hand. Surprisingly, Taeyeon didnt let go of her hand either. The girl was only smiling brightly at her father. Once the opening ceremonies ended, the crowd dispersed and went to look at the displayed cars. Not having an idea what to do next, Tiffany let Taeyeon lead the way.

  • The girl led her to the side of the stage where she sees Mr. Kim standing. He smiled at them as they walked nearer. Good morning, Ms. Hwang. Im glad you could come. She bowed to him and smiled. Please call me Tiffany or Miyoung, Mr. Kim and its my pleasure. Then feel free to call me Uncle. He then eyed his daughter. Good job with the marketing, Taeyeon-ah. Your first project, and its going great. Thanks, Dad. He smiled at Taeyeon before looking down at their hands. Tiffany followed his gaze and saw that he was looking at their hands. Oh my gosh, why is he looking at our hands like that? Friends do this right? And were friends, right? The last thought made her sad, but she didnt show it. She looked back at Mr. Kim and saw him shaking his head while smiling. Ill be going around, Taeyeon-ah, but Ill probably leave in half an hour. Do you think you can handle everything around here? Taeyeon nodded. If I need anything, I can just ask Jihae unnie or Minwoo oppa for help. Mr. Kim nodded. Alright. Enjoy you two. He waved and left. Once he was out of sight, Taeyeon turned to her. Do you want to see the cars? She nodded and felt Taeyeon squeeze her hand before leading her to the exhibit. - And that ones a Nissan GTR R35. Ive always wanted one but mom and dad told me to save up for it. She nodded, trying to digest everything Taeyeon was telling her about the different cars they saw but found it hard. How many different cars are there? Why isnt there a pink one? Taeyeon stopped walking to look at her and chuckled. Pink? Pink wont look cool in a car show. Says you. Pink can be cool too, you know. Taeyeon laughed and pulled her hand to start walking again. Alright, whatever you say. They continued walking with Taeyeon telling Tiffany about the different cars displayed. Taeyeon even introduced her to some of her friends who owned some of the cars

  • displayed in the show. She half-expected them to be big burly men with tattoos or women with huge chests, big hair, and chewing gum disgustingly. That earned a loud laugh from Taeyeon who asked her, You really like stereotyping, dont you? She had to lower her head in shame and told Taeyeon that it was because of the movies she watched from before. Fortunately, Taeyeon didnt take it badly. Taeyeons friends were anything but big and disgusting. They were actually all pretty and nice. The two of them spent about two hours in the car show before Taeyeon asked her if she would like to have lunch. She said yes, obviously. - Can I ask you something? Tiffany asked as she took a bite of her burger. Sure, go ahead. What made you interested in cars? I mean, its not usual for a girl to be this interested in cars. Oh, I dont know. Maybe its because Appa likes cars too. People often say that were like mirror images of each other, and I guess it extended until the things we like. Appa and Umma never had a problem with it anyway, so everythings cool. Ah, Tiffany nodded and took another bite. She thought about how Taeyeon looked cool earlier when she was driving. She wasnt even driving that fast! Taeyeon was driving at a normal speed but everything about her screamed cool. By now, all thoughts of liking a girl seemed insignificant to her. Whats wrong with it anyway? Okay, so maybe Dad would kill me if he found out, but... Can I ask you something too? Her thoughts were interrupted by Taeyeons sweet voice. Go ahead. Were you really going to kiss me yesterday? Tiffany choked on her burger. She coughed and tried to reach out for her drink, which Taeyeon handed to her. She completely forgot about the kiss and thought maybe Taeyeon forgot about it too because theyve been together since this morning and Taeyeon wasnt saying anything about it. Taeyeon looked on concernedly. Im sorry. I shouldnt have asked that. N-no. Its uh Taengoo! They both turned their heads at the voice and saw Yuri, one of Taeyeons friends from the car show, walking in the restaurant.

  • Hi, Yul. Tiffany just waved her hand, still thinking about what Taeyeon asked. Would it be weird if she asked Taeyeon the same question? Why would it, though? She asked first! But what if she was going to tell me that she thinks its disgusting? But but Tiffany was too preoccupied with her thoughts that she didnt notice Yuri leave. Aish, youre really a messy eater. Taeyeons voice broke her thoughts again. Her head snapped to the side, and for the second time this weekend, Taeyeons face was so close to hers. Her eyes were wide and so were Taeyeons. She gulped, wanting that kiss that never happened yesterday. She was contemplating on whether to close the gap or not. Then she remembered her thoughts earlier. What if Taeyeon didnt like to be kissed by some girl she just met not even a week ago? What if shes disgusted by the thought of girls liking girls? Her mind was a whirlwind. Luckily, or unluckily, Taeyeon pulled away and handed a napkin. Er, here. Th-thanks. And for that second time in that weekend, too, everything was awkward. - Tiffany stepped out of the car and Taeyeon followed. They walked up the stepped and Tiffany took out her keys from her bag before inserting it into the keyhole and twisting the doorknob to open the door. She then faced Taeyeon. Thanks for today, Taeyeon. I enjoyed it. I wouldve enjoyed it more if a kiss was involved but whatever. Me too. Silence. Um, well, goodbye. Bye, Taeyeon mumbled. Tiffany took one last look at Taeyeon before turning to walk inside her house. W-wait! Tiffany turned back when she heard Taeyeon but what happened next made her eyes almost pop out from its sockets. Pressed against her lips were Taeyeons.

  • She couldnt breathe. Heck, she didnt want to breathe if that would mean ending whatever this is. It wasnt even a real kiss. It was just Taeyeons lips gently pressed against hers. But it sent her to heaven. Taeyeon pulled away shortly and muttered another goodbye before scurrying to her car and driving away, leaving Tiffany breathless and wanting for more.

  • Part 3

    Tiffany woke up the next day with a huge smile on her face. She woke up earlier than usual and prepared for driving class. She was about to get dressed when a knock on the door stopped her. Come in. The door cracked open and her dads head popped in. Miyoung. No driving class for today. Taeyeon said she needed to do something important. She was sad. O-oh. Okay. Thanks, Dad. She forced out a smile, which her dad returned before he closed the door and left her alone. Her shoulders slumped. She was so happy waking up and thinking about howd they treat each other now after the kiss but all thoughts dispersed when her dad told her the news. Whats so important that she has to cancel classes today anyway? She huffed like a kid and sat on the edge of her bed. She was in no mood to do anything now. Without much to do, she decided to just go back to sleep. - She woke up to the sound of someone knocking on her door. She sat up and groaned. Who is it? Ms. Hwang? She heard the ahjummas voice. Ahjumma? Come in. The house helper opened the door and walked in her room. She bowed. Ms. Hwang, Mr. Park is asking me if youre going to practice driving today. What? Its too early. She looked at her clock and saw that it was already past 1PM. Oh. She didnt even know she slept that long. Mustve been very tired yesterday, she thought. Well, I guess I could practice now and impress Taeyeon again tomorrow. She looked at the ahjumma and said, Yes, Ahjumma, I am. Please tell him to wait for me. Ill just freshen up. The ahjumma nodded and bowed before leaving the room. -

  • It was a bright and sunny Tuesday and Tiffany was waiting inside the car for her lessons with Taeyeon. One of the office workers in the driver school gave her the keys so she could wait inside the car instead since her driving instructor wasnt there yet. The shorter girl was unusually late but Tiffany waited patiently and a bit nervously. She woke up extra early this morning earlier than yesterday, would you believe just to get ready. The people in the Hwang household Mr. Hwang included couldnt fathom what happened to the youngest Hwang. They were both amazed and bewildered. Tiffany snapped out of her thoughts when the door to the passenger side. She was preparing to scold the other girl for being late and maybe even offer a shy smile after, so imagine her surprise when a man in his 40s with short hair white hair sticking out came in and sat on what was supposed to be Taeyeons spot. Good morning, Ms. Hwang. The man let out a kind smile. She tried to return it but it made her look weird. Er, morning. She couldnt utter anything else. Where is Taeyeon?! Im Mr. Lee, your instructor for today. Shall we start? She nodded but wasnt really paying any attention. Should I ask him? Okay then, please start the car. Wouldnt that seem weird though? Ms. Hwang? But its okay to be curious right? Excuse me, Ms. Hwang? I mean she is my driving instructor. Hello? Ms. Hwang? She still is, right? A loud honk made her jump on her seat. She looked at the man and saw him smiling apologetically. Sorry, I was calling you and you werent answering. O-oh. Sorry. She lowered her head, feeling very embarrassed, but the thoughts about Taeyeon whereabouts were still lingering inside her head. Its fine, Miss. Shall we start now then?

  • She nodded and quickly started the car. - She walked into her house and was greeted almost immediately by her dad. Hello there, Miyoung. How was driving class? Fine, she muttered, but driving class was anything but that. The engine died on her more than five times while driving in light and I mean very light traffic. She almost scratched another persons car while attempting to park which she did smoothly last week. And the car wouldve rolled downhill if it werent for the instructors fast reflexes. She was distracted all morning and she wasnt the least bit happy about it. She was doing fine last week! How can that stupid shorty have this much effect on me? Her face scrunched up in irritation. Her dad chuckled at her face. What is wrong with you, child? She shook her head. Im tired, Dad. Call me when its time for lunch. He patted her head. Okay. Ahjummas just cooking. Ill call you. She nodded her head and went upstairs to her room. She rolled on her bed and sighed. Maybe shes just busy. Heck, I shouldnt even be bothering myself with this. But the kiss. Was it just a spur of the moment? Something she just thought of doing because she was curious? Various thoughts went through her mind and it was driving her insane. She knew she liked the girl but does the girl feel the same? She used to not care if the feeling was mutual but she kissed her! I didnt even initiate it! She did! She ruffled her hair before turning to lie on her stomach and burying her face into the thick, fluffy pillow. - It was now a Friday and Taeyeon hasnt come to class in four days. Tiffany was completely losing her mind over it. She hasnt driven well since that first class with Mr. Lee and to say that Mr. Park was surprised that she bumped into one of her dads other cars while practicing was an understatement. The man was baffled.

  • She was almost driving like a pro last week so to see her suddenly bump a car and almost completely take out its front bumper made the man worry. What happened to her? She didnt go to driving class today for fear that Mr. Lee, the new driving instructor, might be experiencing trauma after she almost ended both their lives with her madwoman-like driving more than a couple of times. She felt sorry for the man but felt more sorry for herself. What was she doing moping over someone who was probably enjoying her time somewhere out there? And she stole a kiss before leaving too. Tsk. Kiss and run. What the hell. Sure she could text the girl, but it just doesnt seem right. It didnt feel right. She wanted to, but she was afraid to be rejected. She lied lazily on her bed, looking at the ceiling as if it held answers to the countless questions circling her mind. Her dad tried talking her into going out with him for lunch but she kindly refused. She was in no mood to move. Her head was hurting and so was her heart. Kind of fast to call it love but she definitely she was sure of it liked the girl very much. And that kiss worsened it. She blamed everything on that kiss. If that didnt happen, then maybe she was still able to see Taeyeon now with a driving license to boot. Yes, she didnt initiate it, but it happened, and now Taeyeons nowhere to be seen. Her phone vibrated and she ran her hand on her bed, searching for it. She held up the device in front of her and there was a tiny part of her that hoped it was a message from Taeyeon. It wasnt. It was from her dad telling her to at least practice driving with Mr. Park. She sighed. Her dad really wanted her to learn how to drive. He wasnt even mad about the dented car. He said it was part of learning. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom to fix herself up. - Ms. Hwang, is everything okay?

  • She looked to her side and saw Mr. Park looking at her worriedly. They were parked at the side of the road after the man told her to do so when she yet again almost crashed into another car. She sighed. Yes, Mr. Park. The man eyed her before sighing too. Ms. Hwang, I know Im not part of your family, but you can still tell me everything. I have been with your family since your father married your mother and Ive always treated you as my daughter, so I know that everythings not okay. She didnt say anything, but was silently thanking the man she grew up considering her second father. Mr. Park continued. Plus, you were doing fine last week until last Monday. You were even driving better than me. He chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood. Tiffany smiled a little. Just out of my element, I guess. The man took in Tiffanys answer and figured she needed some more time alone. Alright. But if anythings wrong, anything at all, please dont hesitate to talk to your dad. She laughed at the mans attempt to joke. The man smiled. Its good to hear you laugh again, Ms. Hwang. But kidding aside, if theres anything, please dont hesitate to talk to me. She nodded and smiled gratefully. - Saturday eventually came and Tiffany woke up with a start. She tried blocking out any thoughts of Taeyeon and was a bit successful. She decided on asking her dad to go out for lunch today to catch up with him. She walked down the stairs and surprisingly, she heard an unfamiliar yet strangely, very familiar voice coming from the kitchen. Curiosity got the best of her and she headed towards the source. Her eyes widened when, standing in front of her talking and laughing with her father was the person she was hoping to not think about today. Oh great. Probably sensing another presence in the room, Taeyeon and Mr. Hwang turned towards the door to see Tiffany staring at them with wide eyes and mouth agape. Good morning, Tiffany. Taeyeon smiled brightly.

  • Good morning, Tiffany?? Thats all you can say?? Tiffany wasnt answering and was just staring at Taeyeon. Er, Tiffany? How about explaining why you didnt show up for class for four days! Mr. Hwang got worried at his daughters lack of response. Miyoung? How about explaining why you didnt even text me! Taeyeon and Mr. Hwang exchanged worried glances. How about explaining why you kissed me one day then disappeared the next! Mr. Hwang walked closer to his daughter and nudged her by the shoulder gently. Miyoung. Youre making us worried. Why arent you saying anything? Her surprised expression eventually turned into a glare directed to Taeyeon. The shorter of the two saw the look and gulped, feeling less worried and more scared by the second. Tiffany? Taeyeon squeaked out. No answer. Miyoung, Taeyeon has something to ask you. Answer her. A bit mad, but still curious about what the girl had to ask, she finally spoke. What is it? Taeyeon released a sigh of relief. Shes finally talking. Oh, Ill leave the two of your for a while, okay? Taeyeon smiled at Mr. Hwang while Tiffany only nodded, still looking at Taeyeon. Once Mr. Hwang stepped out of the kitchen, Taeyeon turned her attention to Tiffany. How are you? She asked awkwardly. Im a mess! Fine. You? Im great. Whoopie! Good for you. Good. How are driving lessons?

  • Tiffany raised an eyebrow, refusing to tell the other girl about her horrible driving because that would mean indirectly confessing that shes distracted without her. A-alright. Im just going to assume its going fine. Silence. Taeyeon cleared her throat. A-anyway, I just want to ask if you want to go to another car show with me tomorrow. I-I already asked Uncle so I she trailed off, not really knowing how to continue. What?! How can you just barge into my house and ask me ever so casually to go to another stupid car show? Then what? Youre going to kiss me again then leave AGAIN?! Her inner self was on a rampage. It took a lot of self-control for her not to throw something at Taeyeon. Shes not even going to talk about that kiss, is she? She silently sighed. I knew it was just an experiment to her. Not hearing an answer from the taller girl, Taeyeon dared herself to ask the girl again. Um, Tiffany? Would you like to go with me to that car show? I-Im entering the competition. Yeah, and that helps, how exactly? Tiffany almost scoffed. Taeyeon lowered her head, not really finding this version of Tiffany very comfortable to be with. Tiffany noticed her discomfort and immediately softened. How? How in the world do you have this kind of effect on me when I dont think I even cross your mind? She sighed. Fine, Ill go. Taeyeons head snapped back up, showing a shocked face that later spread out into a wide smile. I must be a fool. That smile made her smile as well. - Tiffany walked out of her house and saw Taeyeon leaning against her car while lazily looking at her nails. Observing the girl for a few seconds, she found it cute how Taeyeon was only wearing a pair of skinny jeans and white shirt with light blue sneakers. Adorable. Hearing faint footsteps getting nearer, Taeyeon looked up from her nails and saw Tiffany walking closer to her. She smiled. Good morning.

  • Tiffany was still a little mad about the sudden disappearance, but figured she shouldnt scare the girl so much. Morning. Ready to go? Yup. Taeyeon opened the door for her and she smiled gratefully before hopping inside the car. She watched Taeyeon close her door and jog her way to the drivers side before getting in as well. Taeyeon started the car and soon enough, they were on their way to the venue. It was a quiet ride. One was thinking about her competition while the other was thinking about the girl beside her. Seriously? We arent even going to talk about it? Were just going to pretend like nothing happened? Much as she wanted to ask Taeyeon about that kiss, she was scared to know the truth. What if it was really just out of curiosity? What then? What will happen to us then? She was so busy with her thoughts that she didnt hear Taeyeon calling her name. Not until a smooth hand came in contact with her arm did she snap back into reality. She felt a tingly sensation within her as she looked at the hand and traced her way to its owners face. Are you okay? She felt Taeyeon squeeze her arm a little before letting go. She nodded but was a little disappointed at the loss of contact. Taeyeon eyed her for a moment as if seeing if she was really okay before letting out a smile. Good then. Anyway, were here. As the girl gestured at the building in front of them, it was only then that Tiffany realized that the engine was no longer on and that Taeyeon has already taken the keys out from the ignition. Have I been thinking to myself that long? Mentally shrugging, she picked up her bag from the car floor and opened the door to go out. She slung her bag over her shoulder before closing the door. She waited for Taeyeon to lock the door before they walked side by side to enter the building. They walked to a table where a tall, slender girl was sitting by. Once they were close enough, the girl looked up and smiled at them before talking to Taeyeon. Ms. Kim? Taeyeon nodded. Please sign here. The girl gave her a piece of paper and showed her where to sign. Once Taeyeon was done, she was handed two IDs. She gave one to Tiffany and put on the other one.

  • Tiffany looked at her ID and saw that it was labeled with Guest. She then looked at Taeyeon and read Participant. They were directed to an open door on the far left of the hall, where Tiffany assumed was the source of the loud music. Tiffany eyes widened in amazement at the sight. It was almost the same as the car show Taeyeon brought her to last week, but it was also different at the same time. She could hear the loud music blasting as soon as she stepped foot inside the large room. Different colored lights were dancing their way to every part of the huge space. People were everywhere too. Some were talking among themselves, while others were just standing there, enjoying themselves. The difference was that the room gave out a different feel like a more competitive feel. She then remembered Taeyeon saying that she joined the competition and the difference between her ID and Taeyeons. Theres a competition? Taeyeon stopped walking and looked at her. Yeah, there is. Its just to see who fixed up their cars the prettiest, she chuckled. I wanted to have a competition in my first car show too, but Dad said itd be too much to handle. Tiffany nodded and nudged Taeyeon to start walking again. They passed by some awesome looking cars and Tiffany felt as if all the cars she saw would win. They all looked amazing! Sometimes shed get a glimpse of a cars interior, and although she didnt know much about them, they still look pretty to her. Taeyeon suddenly directed her attention to a specific car across the room, shining under the spotlight designated for it. Tiffany saw and instantly gasped. PINK! She all but dragged the grinning Taeyeon towards the car, somehow managing to dodge the other guests. She squealed and jumped in delight as she came face to face with the Pink Audi R8 GT. Sure she didnt know the model she only saw the model name on the sign beside the car but it was very pretty. And its pink! PINK! She went around the car, admiring every inch of it. The bumper, the fender, the tires, the rims, the side skirts EVERYTHING. OMG! Who owns this? I want to congratulate them early because I know theyll win! Taeyeon laughed as Tiffany skipped towards her with a wide smile plastered on her face. Once Tiffany was finally in front of her, she pointed to the sign beside the car the same sign where the model of the car was written. Read it. Tiffany did as she was told and her jaw dropped when she read the owners name written under the car model. She turned to Taeyeon with her mouth still open in shock. C-car? Y-yours?

  • Taeyeon smiled brightly and nodded. She walked closer to the still surprised girl. You were right. Pink can look cool, too. Tiffany was still looking at Taeyeon with wide eyes. Taeyeon chuckled then suddenly blushed. She cleared her throat and swallowed before saying, I figured isnt such a bad color, especially since its your favorite color. Tiffany cannot process Taeyeons words. What is this girl saying?! Looking around, Taeyeon sighed before grabbing Tiffanys hand and pulling her to a less noisy but not really much quieter part of the room. It was so Taeyeon can be assured that Tiffany was going to hear every word she was going to say next. I like you. Tiffanys brain has shutdown. Taeyeon panicked when there was no reaction coming from Tiffany, but she decided to continue anyway. It was now or never, she thought. Tiffany, I like you. Ive liked you since her reddened face couldnt possibly get any redder, s-since I saw the picture on your profile on Appas office desk a week before your first driving class. Picture? Driving class? Tiffanys mind was slowly starting to reboot. I-I I asked Appa if I can teach you and specifically asked him and Uncle Hwang not to tell you about it, so I think they made it look like Uncle requested for me instead. She winced, expecting probably a slap to the face or punch to the gut not that Tiffany was that violent. When none came, she continued. The kiss i-it was something unexpected but I didnt regret doing it. Just as Taeyeon was slowly gaining confidence, Tiffany finally regained herself upon the mention of that troublesome kiss. She unconsciously brought her hand up to touch her lips, as if trying to remember how it felt to have Taeyeons lips on hers. Taeyeon couldnt read the expression on Tiffanys face. She was beginning to feel scared. Scared of the reaction she might get. I took a week leave from the company because I wanted to surprise you with that car. Tiffanys face suddenly darkened the complete opposite of what Taeyeon was expecting. Yah! A hit to the shoulder. You made me almost kill a lot of people this week! Taeyeon felt elated when Tiffany finally spoke but was a bit confused. How did I do that? You made me distracted! I was wondering where you were and why you suddenly vanished after that kiss! Tiffany said, unconsciously blurting out her worries.

  • The shorter girl felt a boost of confidence. She grinned. Sorry. I never wanted to worry you but I couldnt tell you what I was up to. Tiffany nodded then remembered something. But Tae, your car might not win if its pink. I mean, of course it looks cooler than any other car in here, but thats just my opinion. What if the judges think that having a pink car isnt really worth giving a trophy and prize to? Taeyeon smiled and went closer to her before gently grabbing her hands. Its okay as long as I can get the girl. Tiffany frowned. Girl? Oh come on, you just confessed and now you want to win another girl? What kind of car show is this anyway? Girls as prizes? Tsk! The shorter girl laughed at Tiffanys face. She smoothened out the frown from the other girls face and said, What I mean to say is that its okay if I dont win this car show as long as I can win your heart. Tiffany stared at the flushed Taeyeon in disbelief. I know weve only met two weeks ago and thats fast by anyones standards, Taeyeon chuckled nervously, and this probably isnt the sweetest confession youve received, but what Im telling you is the truth. My heart flutters when Im with you and it aches when youre away. She almost cringed at her cheesiness. This whole week that we havent seen each other has been the hardest for me. She breathed deeply before continuing. Its not about the amount of time weve spent together, but the feeling that I get when Im with you. Hwang Miyoung, she grinned when Tiffany scowled, will you be my girlfriend? G-girlfriend? Omo. She mentally did a victory dance. It took her awhile to answer for she was thinking of what to say. When she figured words might fail her because her brain crashed again she did the next best thing she could think of. She launched herself onto Taeyeon and gave the girl a sweet, deep kiss as an answer. Both smiled into the kiss and have completely forgotten about the car show.

  • Epilogue Taeyeon. She looked up from her computer and saw her father standing by her office door. Yeah, Dad? A new applicant came in today. I want you to personally interview her and test her skills to see if shes fit to teach. Me? Interview? It wasnt the first time someone came in for an interview, of course, but being the COO child of the owner and the Vice President, she was never asked to conduct an interview and a test. They had Human Resources for that, didnt they? Which is why she found it weird that her father the CEO, no less had specifically asked her himself to conduct it. Yes. Now get up from there and do the interview. The applicants in conference room #2. Be nice, but not too nice, understand? She nodded and watched him leave. Be nice but no too nice? What does that even mean? She mumbled to herself before switching her computer off and heading towards the conference room for that interview. - She opened the door to the room and found herself staring at the back of a familiar figure.

    Ah, now I understand. She didnt even have to make the girl face her to know who she was. Deciding to be professional, she straightened her clothes and clutched the files she was holding tightly before walking to the other side of the long table and pulling out a chair. The second she was seated and faced the girl, she was instantly welcomed by a breathtaking eye-smile, one that wouldve prompted her to kiss the owner senselessly if not for the serious atmosphere she was trying to create. She cleared her throat. Ms. Hwang? Probably sensing the seriousness she was trying to maintain, Tiffany sat up straight and wiped the smile off her face. Yes. Lets start with the interview, shall we? Tiffany nodded and the interview began. -

  • The interview went fairly well if one were to ask Tiffany. Of course, she did have those moments wherein she would just blankly stare at Taeyeons serious face which she found extremely hot and sexy but other than that, she did just fine. Now they were heading towards the parking lot for her skills test. She was to be tested of her driving skills as well as her ability to teach properly and effectively. She was confident shed be able to pass with flying colors, especially since her number one inspiration was walking side by side with her. Okay, Ms. Hwang. Its time for your test. She nodded in response as she motioned for Taeyeon to go inside the car through the passengers side. Her test began shortly after. - She put the car on break and glanced nervously at Taeyeon who was busy scribbling something on a piece of paper. She was done with the test and was positive that she did well but seeing Taeyeons expressionless face made her fidgety. Alright. Thats the end of it, Ms. Hwang. Please wait for our call by the end of this week to know if you got the job or not. Thank you. She went out of the car as Taeyeon did the same. The older girl was waiting for her by the rear of the car. Taeyeon held out a hand to her and she did the same as they shook hands and exchanged smiles. - She didnt let go of the hand immediately. Instead, she pulled it, making Tiffany stumble forward towards her. She finally let go of the hand and slid both her arms around the girls waist, engulfing Tiffany in a hug. Feeling the girl relax in her hold, she pulled away just a little and gave Tiffany a couple of pecks on the lips. You did a good job. Ill see you at home. She gave Tiffany a final peck before letting her go. - Im home, she said softly as she threw her bag on the sofa and took off her jacket. She placed it beside her bag and went to the room after receiving no response from her lover. She walked inside to see Taeyeon sitting up on the bed with her eyes closed and mouth slightly opened. The girl was wearing her glasses and her laptop was resting on her lap. A bunch of papers were surrounding her, making Tiffany come to the conclusion that the girl was working before falling asleep.

  • Tiffany chuckled and shook her head. She went to their walk-in closet to get a fresh change of clothes before heading to the bathroom for a quick shower. Fresh and clean from the bathroom, she headed to Taeyeons side of the bed and put the laptop aside before gathering all the papers and setting them on top of Taeyeons table. She took off the girls glasses and patted her cheeks softly. Taeyeon, she cooed. Taeyeon stirred and closed her mouth, only to go back to sleep. Tiffany smiled and tried again. Taeyeon-ah, wake up. The only response she got was a soft snore. She stifled a laugh. She decided to use a different method. She climbed the bed and straddled the sleeping girl before leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on Taeyeons nose. She watched as Taeyeons nose twitched and repeated it a couple of times before finally hearing the older girl groan. She sat back as she felt Taeyeons hands on the soft of her back and knew that the girl wasnt in deep sleep anymore. She smiled and leaned forward again to place a chaste kiss on Taeyeons lips. She was about to pull away when she felt one of Taeyeons hands behind her neck, preventing her from doing so. Taeyeon then started kissing her back, tugging and pulling on her lower lip as she prevented the formation of another wider smile. She pushed Taeyeon by the shoulder and watched as the older girl opened her eyes slowly. Taeyeon pouted and frowned. More, please. She laughed softly before getting off the girl to lie beside her instead. Taeyeon followed suit and they were now on their sides facing each other. I only woke you up to tell you to lie down properly. I know youre tired, so sleep. She brought one of her arms up to rest it on Taeyeons waist. Im not that tired! Taeyeon tried to say but failed when a yawn followed straight after. Tiffany chuckled. You are. Taeyeon finally gave up. Okay, I am. She moved closer to Tiffany and placed one arm under Tiffanys neck while the other circled the girls waist. Im sorry for not picking you up earlier. I didnt notice the time and I kinda fell asleep. Its fine. Tiffany leaned forward to kiss Taeyeon. I know you were doing a lot of things for your next project. I understand.

  • Taeyeon smiled. How was work? Besides being boring without you there? That earned her a laugh from her lover. It was fine. A couple of new students, but they were fast learners. Thats cause youre a great teacher. Because you were the one who taught me. Well, duh. Tiffany pinched her waist but didnt say anything. Taeyeon chuckled. They laid there, holding each other in silence until Tiffany heard the slow and soft breathing coming from the person beside her. She kissed Taeyeons forehead before following her to dream land. - A knock on the door was heard and she looked up to see Tiffany smiling at her while holding up and paper bag. Hi. Busy? She smiled. Not for you. Come in. Tiffany did as she was told before walking to her lovers desk and placing the paper bag on top. She leaned forward to peck Taeyeons lips then sat down on one of the chairs. Brought you lunch. Figured youd stay cooped up in here if I dont bring it. Taeyeon laughed. I was actually thinking of buying a sandwich later but you beat me to it. Thanks. No problem. Eat it now. Im sure you still have a lot of things to do. Arent you eating with me? Taeyeon asked when she saw that there was only one sandwich and one cup of drink inside the bag. Tiffany shook her head. Took an early lunch. I have a class in thirty minutes and I dont want to be late nor do I want to smell like food when I teach especially if its a new student. Taeyeon swallowed and laughed. Ah, another new student? Youre getting popular these days, Ms. Hwang, she teased. You bet I am, which is why I dont want to ruin the students impression of me.

  • No matter. Eat lunch five minutes before and youd still smell like you came right out of the shower. Taeyeon grinned. Tiffany laughed. Youre hopeless. She stood up. I better go now. Still need to talk to Yoora unnie about that new student and the car were using. Ill see you later okay? She walked around the table to give Taeyeon a hug and a kiss before walking out of the room. - Tiffany? I bought food. She kicked off her shoes and placed the paper bag she brought on the dining table. She made her way to their shared bedroom and found it empty. She was about to walk out and look for Tiffany when the bathroom door swung open, revealing Tiffany only in a towel. She grinned mischievously as she strode her way to her freshly showered girlfriend. She wrapped her arms around Tiffanys waist and brought her closer. Hey, youre home, Tiffany said as she relaxed in Taeyeons hold and returned the hug. Yeah, I brought us dinner too. Im sorry for coming home late. She let her head rest on Tiffanys shoulder before swinging their bodies side to side. Dont worry about it. Its fine. Tiffanys fingers then expertly moved to massage her nape. They stayed that way until Tiffany pulled away. Its cold, I need to change. Actually, you dont have to get dressed. She winked. Tiffany laughed. Ew. Not gonna happen. Maybe after Im full but only then. Taeyeon pouted. Fine. Now, be a dear and fix the table. Tiffany went in their walk-in closet and she followed stealthily. She stayed by the doorframe and watched as her girlfriend rummaged her side of the closet for a fresh set of clothes. Tiffany was about to untie the knot of the towel covering her body when she felt something strange. Looking back, she saw Taeyeon watching her every move. Yah! What? Taeyeon tried to put on her most innocent look. This is not a free show, byuntae. Tiffany turned her around and pushed her out. Taeyeon groaned. Its not like theres something I havent seen before.

  • Yah! Taeyeon gave her a final push out the bedroom before slamming the door, effectively hiding her pink cheeks. Taeyeon chuckled and shook her head before making her way to the kitchen. She liked it. She liked how they were right now. She smiled to herself and prepared the table. - She strolled out of her office just in time for lunch. She headed towards the room for the instructors in hope to find her girlfriend and eat lunch with her. It was one of those few times that she could actually go out for lunch, since she was swamped with meetings and paperworks, and she didnt have to think twice to decide to have it with her girlfriend. She knocked on the door and after hearing footsteps from behind; it opened, revealing one of the senior instructors. She bowed and greeted him. Hi, Samchon. Is Tiffany there? The man bowed as well. Hello there, Taeyeon-ah. Oh, Tiffany? He looked back and tried looking for the girl. Nope, I dont see her here. She must still be in a class, but it should be over by now so maybe you can wait for her inside. Shaking her head. No its okay, Samchon. Ill just wait for her by the entrance since I need to talk to Minwoo oppa too. The man nodded. Alright then. See you, Taeyeon. Taeyeon thanked him before knocking into another door just a few steps from the entrance. The door opened and she busied herself with talking to the man standing before her. Not long after, the entrance doors slid open and in came Tiffany with an unfamiliar guy who Taeyeon believed was also their age. Hurriedly saying goodbye to her Minwoo oppa, she fastened her pace when she saw Tiffany slap the guys arm lightly. Tiffany! Tiffany looked back and smiled widely when she saw Taeyeon coming towards her. Hey. She greeted the panting girl. Hi. Taeyeon answered, completely ignoring the guy beside her girlfriend. Lunch? Sure! Tiffany answered happily. Taeyeon saw the guys face fall and smirked inwardly. Oh, by the way, Taeyeon, this is Jinho. Tiffany then faced the guy. Jinho, this is Taeyeon.

  • Taeyeon saw the guy eyeing her from head to toe. She eyed him as well. She held out a hand. Nice meeting you, Jinho. Taeyeon. Kim Taeyeon. She made sure to stress her last name although she did suddenly remember that Kim was a very common last name in Korea so she had to add, The Vice President of the company. Jinhos firm stance from before falter a bit and she caught it. She smirked. Tiffany, knowing fully well why Taeyeon did that, only rolled her eyes. Anyway, Ill see you tomorrow, Jinho? Come on, Tae. She smiled at the guy before linking her arm with her girlfriends and dragged the smirking girl out of the building. - I know what you did back there, and it wasnt nice, Taeyeon, Tiffany told her girlfriend as they made their way inside a restaurant hand-in-hand. Huh? Back where? Tiffany rolled her eyes. Back at the company. With Jinho. The guys just my student. Theres seriously nothing to be worried about. She pushed the girl to sit down before taking the seat beside her. It was Taeyeons turn to roll her eyes. You should have seen how he looked at you like a predator to a prey. I had to show him whos boss. You shouldve seen his face. She laughed. Tiffany shook her head but smiled. It was nice seeing Taeyeon get all worked up because of her jealousy. Yeah, youre the boss alright. I think he got the message. She leaned and planted a kiss on Taeyeons cheek. He better! Taeyeon exclaimed. - It was, again, one of those days when Taeyeon had no lunch meetings and no mountains of paperwork to do. She grabbed her bag and walked out of her office just in time to see Tiffany walking in the building with Jinho. Jinho saw her approaching and had a smirk on his face. Hey, Tiffany, he said loudly as Taeyeon drew nearer, want to come have lunch with me? My treat? He grinned then flashed a charming smile that could probably make any woman fall for him any woman, that is, except Taeyeon. And Tiffany. Tiffany saw right through him and was about to reject his offer when Taeyeon stood beside her and held her hand.

  • Sorry, but I dont think weve been properly introduced. Oh, we ha He was interrupted. Kim Taeyeon I already know who you Tiffanys fianc. That shut him up. He looked at Tiffany confirmation and got his answer when Tiffany nodded hesitatingly. Probably from shock, he quickly sauntered away from the scene and out of the building. Taeyeon laughed as she watched him scramble away. Well, thats minus one student for you. Tiffany shook her head and squeezed the hand in hers. Although I understand why you did that, telling him youre my fianc when youre not is considered lying. Oh but who says Im not? She smirked before reaching into her pocket and kneeling down on one knee. Yah! Stand up! Tiffany looked around and saw her colleagues and other superiors looking at them with curiosity. Okay, I was supposed to do this in a more romantic way and in a more romantic place but this will have to do since you cant seem to stop attracting guys. She cleared her throat. Tiffany Hwang, I love you and I want to spend my forever with you. I couldnt imagine my life without you. Although weve only been dating for a year, I know youre the one for me and Im the one for you, she said proudly. Will you marry me? She opened the red velvet box she was holding, revealing a white gold band with a diamond cut beautifully placed on top. She gulped. It wasnt the most romantic at all but because it was Taeyeon, she took it. She wouldnt have it any other way. She was overwhelmed with emotions and her voice got stuck in her throat. She nodded, her eyes brimming with tears. Grinning widely, Taeyeon stood up and took the ring out of its case before sliding it on Tiffanys finger. Now youre definitely mine. She pulled her fiance by the waist and kissed her deeply, ignoring the loud cheers and applause from the crowd that gathered around them. - Taeyeon groaned when she saw her girlfriend walking in the building with another new student who obviously had a thing for her soon-to-be wife. She eyed them and walked near enough for her to hear the guys irritating voice.

  • So, I was thinking. Maybe I could treat you for lunch? Just a little thanks for being such a good teacher. Taeyeon rolled her eyes. Sorry, Chunghae, but I already have plans with someone else. Oh, who? Me. Taeyeon stepped in between them. Hi, Im Kim Taeyeon. VP of the company. Oh, hi Ms. Tae Im also Tiffanys fianc. We have a date right now, so if you will excuse us. She grabbed Tiffanys hand and dragged her away before the poor guy could even say anything. Looking back, Tiffany managed to give him a smile and a wave using her ringed hand. -END-
