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Zhang and Mont 2004 DigitaL Elevation Model Grid Size Landscape Representation_etc

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  • 8/10/2019 Zhang and Mont 2004 DigitaL Elevation Model Grid Size Landscape Representation_etc



    Digital levationmodelgrid size, andscapeepresentation,


    WeihuaZhang and David R. Montgomery

    Departmentf Geologicalciences,niversity f Washington,eattle

    Abstract. High-resolution digital elevation data from two small catchments n the

    western nited Statesare used o examine he effectof digitalelevationmodel DEM)

    grid izeon the portrayal f the landsurface ndhydrologicimulations.levation

    dataweregriddedat 2-, 4-, 10-, 30-, and 90-m scales o generate seriesof simulated

    landscapes.requency istributions f slope tanB), drainage reaper unit contour

    lengtha), and the topographicndex (a/tan B) were calculatedor eachgrid size

    model. requency istributions f a/tanB were henused n O'Loughlin's1986)

    criterionor predicting onesof surfacesaturation nd in TOPMODEL (Bevenand

    Kirkby,1979) or simulating ydrographs. or both catchments, EM grid size

    significantlyffectscomputed opographic arameters nd hydrographs.While channel

    routing ominates ydrograph haracteristicsor largecatchments, rid size effects

    influencehysicallybasedmodelsof runoffgeneration nd surface rocesses. 10-m

    gridsize providesa substantial mprovementover 30- and 90-m data, but 2- or 4-m data

    provide nly marginaladditional mprovementor the moderately o steepgradient

    topographyf our studyareas. Our analyses uggesthat for many andscapes, 10-m

    gridsize presentsa rational compromisebetween ncreasing esolutionand data

    volume or simulatinggeomorphicand hydrologicalprocesses.


    Predicting patial patterns and rates of runoff generation

    andmany geomorphic processes equires both a hydrologic

    model nd characterizationof the land surface. Most phys-

    icallybasedmodelsof hydrologicand geomorphicprocesses

    rely on either spatially distributed or lumped characteriza-

    tionsof local slope and the drainage area per unit contour

    length e.g., Beven and Kirkby, 1979; O'Loughlin, 1986;

    Vertessy t al., 1990; Dietrich et al., 1993], and digital

    hydrologic esponseusing opographically driven models. In

    this paper, we assess how grid size affects topographic

    representation,derived topographic attributes, and hydro-

    logical simulations for two small catchments using high-

    resolution digital elevation data. In contrast to previous

    studies, we grid the same elevation data at several different

    scales o isolate the effect of grid size on landscape repre-

    sentation. Issues associated with vertical sampling resolu-

    tion are not addressed in this work.

    elevationodelsDEMs)ommonlyreusedorsuch.tudy reas

    characterizationn a wide variety of scientific,engineering,

    andplanning pplications.Although he increasing vailabil-

    ity of DEMs allowsrapid analysisof topographic ttributes

    overeven large drainagebasins, the degree o which DEM

    gridsizeaffects he representationf the land surface nd

    hydrological odelinghas not been examinedsystemati-


    Digitalelevation data are stored in one of the following

    formats:s point elevationdata on eithera regulargridor

    triangularntegratednetwork, or as vectorizedcontours

    storedn a digital ine graph. Each of these ormatsoffers

    advantagesor certainapplications,ut the grid format s

    usedmostwidely.Several ecentstudies xploredhe effect

    ofDEM gridsizeon andscapeepresentationHutchinson

    andDowling, 1991;Jenson, 1991;Panuskaet al., 1991;

    Quinn t al., 1991].Thesestudies howedhat distributions

    of topographicttributes erived rom a DEM depend o

    some egreeon grid size. None of thesestudies,however,

    systematicallynalyzed he effect of grid size on either he

    statisticalharacterization f the land surface,or simulated

    Copyright994 y heAmericaneophysicalnion.

    Paper umber3WR03553.


    The study catchments are located at Mettman Ridge near

    Coos Bay, Oregon, and Tennessee Valley in Marin County,

    California (Figure 1). Previous field investigations deter-

    mined the nature and distribution of geomorphic and hydro-

    logic processes n each catchment. High-resolution digital

    elevation data were generated for testing DEM-based pro-

    cess models in these catchments. Field mapping in each

    catchment reveals that the high-resolution data provide a

    reasonablyaccurate portrayal of the land surface.

    Mettman Ridge

    The MettmanRidgecatchment ccupies.3 km2 of an

    area in which previous ield mapping documented he extent

    of the channel network [Montgomery, 1991]. Channel head

    locations in this area are controlled primarily by shallow

    debris flows from small unchanneled valleys [Montgomery

    and Dietrich, 1988]. The catchment is highly dissected with

    hillslope engthson the order of 30-50 m [Montgomery and

    Foufoula-Georgiou, 1993]. Slopes of 30o-40 are common,

    and there are a substantial number of slopes that locally

    exceed 45 .

    A 1:4800 scale topographic basemap derived from low-

    altitude aerial photographsaken prior to timber clearingwas


  • 8/10/2019 Zhang and Mont 2004 DigitaL Elevation Model Grid Size Landscape Representation_etc



    ME' -I'MA




    Figure 1. Location map of the study catchments.

    usedas the sourceof digitalelevation ata. The basemap

    was scannedand vectorized usingan automated outine to

    reproduceontoursdenticalo thoseon the originalopo-

    graphicmap. Althoughseveraldiscrepancies ere noted

    between his map and the groundsurface,herewe assume

    that this data providesan accurateportrayalof the land

    surface Figure 2a).

    Tennessee alley

    The Tennessee alley catchment ccupies .2 km2 in

    whichprevious ield mapping lsodocumentedhe extentof

    the channelnetwork [Montgomery nd Dietrich, 1989].

    Shallowandslidingominatesedimentransportn steep

    hollows nd sideslopes, iffusiveransport ominatesn

    divergent noses, and saturation overland flow and channel

    processes ominatesediment ransport n lower-gradient

    valleys.The catchments rhythmically issected, ith hill-

    slopeengthsn heorder f 30-50m [Montgomerynd

    Foufoula-Georgiou,993].he opographyf he ennessee

    Valley atchments less teephan hatof theMettman

    Ridgeatchment;lopesf200-30arecommonnd lopes

    in excess of 40 are rare.

    Digital levationatawereobtainedrom ow-altitude

    aerial hotographssing stereo igitizerta densitybout

    every 0m [Dietricht al., 1993]. hespot levationsere

    griddedo generate 5-m contourntervalmapof the

    catchmentFigureb).Field nspectionevealshat hedata

    providean excellentportrayal of the land surface.


    Spot levationata or the wocatchmentsere ridded

    at scales f 2, 4, 10, 30, and90 m using hegridmodulef

    Arc/Info,with gridded levationsecordedo the nearest

    centimeter. umulativerequency istributionsf threeo-

    pographicttributes,ocalslopetanB), drainagerea er

    unitcontourengtha), and opographicndex a/tan

    werecalculatedor eachDEM of the two study atchments

    using he modelof Jensonand Domingue 1988].Their

    modeldefines he downslope low direction or eachcell

    correspondingo the orientation f the neighboringellof

    lowest elevation. The tan B for the cell is then calculated

    basedon the elevationdifference etweencells.Definitionf

    the spatial distribution of flow directions allows determina.

    tion of the total numberof the cells that direct flow to each

    cell, and husdrainage reas.Here, a is the drainagerea

    dividedby the grid cell dimension alculated or the center f

    the cell. Although he assignmentf all flow to a single

    downsloperid cell distorts low paths n both divergent

    topography nd for slopesorientedat anglesother han he

    eightcardinal irectionsQuinnet al., 1991], he algorithm

    has been widely used in many topographicmodels e.g.,

    Marks et al., 1984; Band, 1986; Jenson, 1991]. Several

    workers e.g., Quinnet al., 1991;CabralandBurges, 992;

    Lea, 1992] ecentlyproposed lgorithmsncorporatingul-


    300 200


    3 180 ,


    a. b.

    Figure . Contour apof he a)Mettman idge nd b)Tennesseealley atchments.

  • 8/10/2019 Zhang and Mont 2004 DigitaL Elevation Model Grid Size Landscape Representation_etc



    tiple ownslope-flowirectionshataremore uitableor

    representinglowondivergentillslopes. hileweareeager

    to explore hese newer algorithms, his study does not

    examineheir nfluenceon topographicepresentation.

    Hydrologicimulationsmployed he steady tatemodel

    TOPOG O'Loughlin, 1986] o examinepatternsof surface

    saturationnd TOPMODEL [Beven and Kirkby, 1979] o

    predictunoffproductiono short-durationtorms. oil

    hydraulicarameters ere estimatedrom field measure-

    mentsMontgomery, 1991].Model simulations xplored he

    effect f DEM grid size on simulated ydrologic esponse.

    Landscape epresentation

    Cumulative frequency distributions of tan B, a, and

    a/tanB determined or each grid size modelreflectchanges

    in both mean and local values. Comparisonof the distribu-

    tionsof these topographic attributes allows direct assess-

    mentof the influenceof grid size on landscape epresenta-



    Cumulativeslope distributionsare more sensitive o DEM

    gridsize or the steeperMettman Ridge catchment han or

    the moderategradient TennesseeValley catchment Figure

    3). For both study areas, the percent of the catchment

    steeperhan a given slope systematicallydecreases s the

    DEM grid size increases, and the largest effect is for the

    steepest ortions of the catchments. In the case of the

    Mettman Ridge catchmerit, the mean slope declines from

    0.65 or the 2-m grid size model to 0.41 for the 90-m grid size

    model Figure 3a). This result is consistent with, but more

    pronouncedhan those of previous studies [Jenson, 1991;

    Panuska t al., 1991]. Grid size influence on slope distribu-

    tionss lesspronounced or the TennesseeVaLleycatchment

    (Figure3b), where the mean slope is 0.34 for the 2-m grid

    modeland 0.29 for the 90-m grid size model. The distribu-

    tions or both catchmentssuggesthat grid sizessmaller han

    l0 m yield only marginal mprovement n slope representa-

    tion. Since he slope of a grid cell represents n average

    slope or the area coveredby the cell, increasingDEM grid

    sizeshould esult n decreasing bility to resolve he slope

    characteristicsf steeperand more dissectedopography.

    The cumulativeslopedistribution or the Mettman Ridge

    catchment, specially or the 10-m and 30-m grid size mod-

    els,arestepped,while distributionsor both argeandsmall

    gridsizesare smoother.We suspect hat this reflects he

    smallnumberof grid cells n large grid size modelsof this

    catchment.ewer grid cells or the smallerMettmanRidge

    catchment should result in a more discontinuous cumulative

    distributionhan or the Tennessee alley catchment.

    Drainage reaper Unit Contour ength

    Cumulative istributions f a alsoare sensitive o grid size

    (Figure). Largergridsizes ias n favorof larger ontrib-

    uting reas, ithcomparableffectsn both atchments.or

    theMettman idge atchment,hemean alueof a increases

    from 0m for a 2-mgridsize o 102m for a 90-mgridsize.

    In theTennesseealleycatchment,he mean alueof a

    increasesrom19m for a 2-mgridsize o 120m for a 90-m

    grid size.

    For eachgrid size, a singlepixel defineshe smallest

    possiblealueof a and huswhere the cumulativerequency

    distributionsf a reach 100% of the catchment rea. The




    ", l. ---- 30m

    , t... ' .... 90m

    0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8







    -. x_ .... 30m

    ..... 90m

    0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


    Figure 3. Cumulative requency distributionsof slopede-

    rived for different DEM grid sizes. (a) Mettman Ridge. (b)


    algorithm used to compute a determines this minimum

    value. While it is intuitive that larger grid size limits the

    resolutionof fine-scale opographic features, the effect on

    both the mean and local a is significant or topographically

    driven hydrologic and surface process models.

    Topographic ndex

    The topographic ndex (a/tan B) is an important compo-

    nent of many physically based geomorphic and hydrologic

    models,as t reflects he spatial distribution of soil moisture,

    surface saturation, and runoff generation processes [e.g.,

    Beven and Kirkby, 1979; O'Loughlin, 1986; Moore et al.,

    1986].Derivation of frequency distributionsof a/tan B is the

    first step for hydrologicalsimulations n most topographi-

    cally driven hydrologic models.

    Grid size significantly affects the cumulative frequency

    distributionsof a/tan B (Figure 5). Decreasinggrid size shifts

    the cumulative distribution toward lower values of a/tan B,

    with the greatesteffect on smaller values. Again, computed

    frequencydistributions ystematicallyconverge oward that

    of the finestgrid size. For the Mettman Ridge catchment, he

    mean In (a/tan B) increases rom 3.4 for a 2-m grid size to 5.6

    for a 90-m grid size. In the TennesseeValley catchment, he

  • 8/10/2019 Zhang and Mont 2004 DigitaL Elevation Model Grid Size Landscape Representation_etc











    ----- lorn

    .... 30rn


    ' 410 6.0 8.0 10.0











    I' '', ', ; '

    I \, \ \ - lorn

    [ \', : ', " .... 30

    I \, , ',, .....

    L ,x ",

    I ',,",

    \ ',

    \'\ , ",,


    l '%'...

    2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0



    Figure 4. Cumulative requency distributionsof the drain-

    agearea per unit contour ength or differentDEM grid sizes.

    (a) Mettman Ridge. (b) TennesseeValley.

    mean n (a/tan B) increases rom 4.0 for a 2-m grid size o 6.2

    for a 90-m grid size. The influenceof grid size on both mean

    and local valuesof a/tan B demonstrateshe potential or

    affecting opographically asedhydrologicmodels asedon

    this parameter.

    The effectof grid size on spatialpatternsof a/tanB is even

    more striking Figure 6). Detailed eatures hat appearon

    finer-gridDEMs are obscured n coarser-grid EMs, with a

    progressiveossof resolutionor both he drainage etwork

    definedby the higher values of a/tan and hillslopes

    associated ith the lower valuesof a/tan . Degradation f

    these geomorphic eatures affects the simulationof runoff

    production nd geomorphic rocessesn topographically

    driven models.

    Hydrologic Simulations

    We used the models TOPOG [O'Loughlin, 986] and

    TOPMoDEL [Beven nd Kirkby, 1979] o investigatehe

    effect of grid size on hydrologicsimulations.We examined

    both representation of saturated areas within a catchment

    using OPOGand he influence n hydrographsalculated

    using OPMODEL or a rangeof rainfall ntensitiesnd

    baseflows or the study catchments.

    Surface Saturation

    Many hydrological,eomorphological,nd ecological

    phenomenarecloselyelated o thebehavior f thevariable

    saturationreawithin catchmerit.y assumingsteady

    statedrainage ondition,O'Loughlin 1986]expressedhe

    conditionor surface aturation t any location n a catch-

    merit as

    a/tanB > At/Qo (l)

    where s hemean oil ransmissivityf hecatchment,

    is the total catchmerit rea, and Q 0 is the runoff ate rom he

    catchmerit. he term on the right-hand ideof the equations

    defined s the averagewetness tateof a catchmentW).

    The total saturatedarea for a given catchmentwetnesss

    simply the sum of all the local areas which have values f

    a/tan B > W.

    The effect of DEM grid size on the computedsaturation

    area can be directly examinedusing (1) and the cumulative

    distribution f a/tan B. For a given wetnesscondition,

    predicted saturation areas for both catchments ncreasewith






    , ' ' .... 30m

    .kk ' ..... m


    x "-...

    _ --...

    2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0





    Figure 5. Cumulative requencydistributions f the topo-

    graphicndex, n (a/tanB), for different EM gridsizes.a)

    Mettman Ridge. (b) TennesseeValley.

  • 8/10/2019 Zhang and Mont 2004 DigitaL Elevation Model Grid Size Landscape Representation_etc





    .. .. ..

    , I


    Figurea. Maps fMettmanidgehowinghe patialistributionf he opographicndexn a/tan )

    for ourdifferentEM gridsizes:, 10,30.and 0m. Darker hadesepresentargern (a/tanB).

    increasingrid size. n the MettmanRidgecatchment,or

    example,W = 180 m predictsa saturated rea equal o

    about13%of the total catchmeritarea for a 2-m grid spacing,

    32% or a 30-m grid spacing, nd 50% for a 90-m grid

    spacing.he Tennessee alley catchment xhibits similar,

    althoughesspronounced,elationbetween rid size and

    saturated rea for a given wetnesscondition.

    Catchmentesponse uringa StormEvent

    We usedTOPMoDEL to explore he effectof DEM grid

    size n hesimulated ydrologicesponse f eachcatchment

    to a simple hort-durationainfall event.The modelpredicts

    thedistributionof soil moisture and the runoff on the basisof

    urface opography nd soil properties.A criticalassump-

    tion of the model is that locations with similar topography

    and oilpropertiesesponddenticallyo the same ainfall.

    Byassumingspatially niform echargeate anda quasi-

    steady ubsurfaceesponse, evenand Kirkby 1979]de-

    rived a functionrelating ocal soil moisturestorage o the

    topographicndex of a catchment:

    S = + m{X - In (a/tan B) - m(8 - In (T)} (2)

    where S is the local soil moisturedeficit, is the mean soil

    moisture deficit of the basin, m is a parameter that charac-

    terizes he decrease n soil conductivity with soil depth, and

    A and 8 are the mean values of In (a/tan B) and In (T) for the

    catchment. For locations where S > 0, the soil moisture

    store is not filled and there is no surface saturation. For

    locationswith S -< 0, the soil moisture store is full, and

    surface saturation occurs.

    The modelcomputes oth the relativeamountof subsur-

    face and saturation overland runoff, as well as the spatial

    distribution f these unoff processes.During a modelsim-

    ulation, he meansoilmoisturedeficitof a catchment t time

    t, t, is calculated y

  • 8/10/2019 Zhang and Mont 2004 DigitaL Elevation Model Grid Size Landscape Representation_etc



    .'.- "':f"??'":."'"." '.-..-. ..it

    -.,"' ,'.=..., .. , ... .--. .......

    ,.,...... ..-.... . ....':,: .. ......,..".'."

    ....... . : .,.. '.).,.......

    ? , . --. . .,. ,

    - ,: . . -..., '

    ;, .. .. .

    . ,.., ' , ,

    ' .. .. ..

    .. .-,... ....... ,.......

    .. '-.

    - .. , . . '., .


    Figure 6b. Same as Figure 6a except for Tennessee Valley.

    ', = .t-] + (q,-]- r)At (3)

    where q is the total catchment runoff at time t - 1 divided

    by the catchment area, r is the net recharge rate into the soil

    column, and At is the computation time step. The updated S

    at all points in the catchment are then computed using (2).

    Any area with a soil moisture deficit larger than the incre-

    mental precipitation in a unit time step will only produce

    subsurface runoff, while those areas with either a soil

    moisture deficit smaller than the incremental precipitation n

    a unit time step, or that were saturated during the previous

    time step will produce both subsurfaceand saturation excess

    runoff. The subsurface low rate q/, of the catchment s

    calculated by

    qt,= e-('-)e-g/m (4)

    The saturationxcess unoffqo is the sumof excess oil

    moisturenddirectprecipitationhat allson the saturated

    areas. This is expressed as

    qoZ +r dA

    where .,. s heareaof thecatchmentithsurfaceaturation

    (i.e.,S -< 0). Total unoff at any imesteps thesum f

    subsurfacend surface unoff.While the equationor sub-

    surfacelow s only elated o the meanvalueof a/tanB, A,

    theequationor saturationxcesslow s also elatedo he

    distribution orm. Thus the influenceof DEM grid sizeon

    predicted response differs for (4) and (5).

    We first examine he simulated ubsurface ydrologic

    responsesing 4) withoutconsideringithersurfacelo, or

  • 8/10/2019 Zhang and Mont 2004 DigitaL Elevation Model Grid Size Landscape Representation_etc







    120,0 ....... , .......

    ?'- lOO.O

    " '"

    ".,., -----4m

    -. ----- lorn

    "-.. .... 3o,,-, 80.0-

    ""' '90m



    ........ --.... 40.0

    ..................... '--


    I ...... i ' 0.0

    10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50,0 0.0

    time (hr)


    ---- lorn

    .... 30m

    ..... OOm


    0.0 I 0.0 20.0 30.0 40.0

    time (hr)


    0.80 100.0 -- 2m

    ' ----4m

    ., 80.0




    0.00 0.0

    0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0

    time () time ()

    Figure 7. Runoffhydrographsor differentDEM grid sizesunderdifferent ainfall and initial base low

    conditions. a) Mettman Ridge catchmentunder 5 mm/h rainfall and 3.5 mm/day initial base flow. (b)

    Mettman Ridge catchmentunder 100mm/hrainfalland 3.5 mm/day nitial base low. (c) TennesseeValley

    catchment under 5 mm/h rainfall and 3.5 mm/day nitial base flow. (d) TennesseeValley catchment under

    100 mm/h rainfall and 3.5 mm/day initial base flow.

    interactionsetweensurfaceand subsurfacelow paths.This

    example pproximatesconditions of small initial base flow

    and ainfall n steep catchments.For this case, it is shown

    that yadjustinghe nitialvalues f the mean oildeficit ,

    themodelwill produce he same unoffhydrographs,nde-

    pendentof the form of a/tan B distribution.

    Given ny wo meanvaluesof In (a/tanB), A, andX2,we

    have he ollowing ase low equations:

    qbl= e-X'-S)e-'/m (6)

    qb2 e ( : - )e S:/m (7)

    Thenecessaryonditionor qbl = qb2 s

    (S2- S) = m(,X - x )


    Once nitial values of the mean soil moisturedeficit are set

    accordingo this functional elation, the relation will hold or

    all imesteps uring storm, eadingo an dentical ydro-

    graph.n other words, DEM grid size doesnot affect he

    computedydrographs singonly the subsurfacelow equa-


    We alsoexaminedhe effectof DEM grid sizeon simu-

    lated hydrologic esponseconsideringboth subsurface nd

    saturation excess flow. We assumed that soil parameters

    were spatiallyuniform in our simulation o isolate the effect

    of topographicepresentation.We usedvaluesof 70 mm and

    360 mm/h for the parameter m and surface hydraulic con-

    ductivity, respectively. For simplicity, we only calculated

    runoff production and ignored flow routing in channels.

    Simulations were conducted with four rainfall intensities (5,

    10, 50, and 100 mm/h) sustained for 4 hours and five initial

    base flow conditions (1, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, and 9.5 mm/day). The

    lowest simulated rainfall intensity (5 mm/h) occurs fre-

    quently in these areas, and the highest simulated rainfall

    intensity (100 mm/h) represents an extreme event. At most

    times, the antecedent base flow rates for the study areas are

    less than 4 mm/day.

    The effect of grid size on computed hydrographsdepends

    on both rainfall intensity and initial base flow (Figure 7). To

    quantitativelyexamine these results, we normalized peak

    discharges omputedwith different grid size modelsby the

    corresponding eak dischargescomputed from the 90-m


    A plot of normalized eak discharge ersusgrid size or a

  • 8/10/2019 Zhang and Mont 2004 DigitaL Elevation Model Grid Size Landscape Representation_etc






    2 .o 4o.o 60.0 so.o

    grid size (m)



    1 oo.o



    . ,,,


    . .,,

    0 0.2

    0'00.0 20.0

    ..,.. ..//

    .. ..,'/ /


    ...' ..,"'/." /*

    ...' ..

    " .' / , initialbaseflow

    ..-' .,,,,"/ ./'/

    .... ..- .,." ",f .o,

    , o,-' ,,-' / /' / -- -- 2.5 am/day

    ..... ,.-' ..../ /"/ ----- 3.5mm/dy

    . ..." " /' .... 4.5am/day

    , r , , ,

    40.0 60,0 6.0 %0.0

    grid size m)

    Figure 8. Computed peak dischargeversus DEM grid size

    for a rainfall intensity of I0 mm/h and different initial base

    flows. Peak dischargesare normalized to those of the 90-m

    grid size. (a) Mettman Ridge. (b) Tennessee Valley.

    10 mm/h rainfall at various antecedent base flow rates is

    shown n Figure 8. In general, the computedpeak discharge

    increases with increasing grid size. However, as the initial

    base low increases, he effect of grid size on the computed

    discharge decreases. There are also some deviations from

    the positive correlation between the computeddischargeand

    the grid size, especially for the Mettman Ridge catchment.

    Further examination reveals that the deviations n Figure 8a

    reflect variations in the back-calculated mean initial soil

    moisture deficit. For a given initial base flow, the mean soil

    moisture deficit generally decreases as the grid size in-

    creases,but there s a deviation rom this trend at a 30-m grid

    size, where the initial mean soil moisturedeficit s larger than

    that of 10-m grid size. With a larger moisture deficit and

    thereforea smallersaturatedarea, the runoff production ate

    will be smaller. For the TennesseeValley catchment,both

    the computed nitial mean soil moisture deficit and peak

    dischargevary more systematicallywith grid size.

    The effect of rainfall intensity on the relation between

    computed discharge and the grid size is more complex

    (Figure 9). Within a rainfall intensity range of 5- to 10 mm/h

    for the Mettman Ridge catchment and 5- to 50-mm/h for the

    Tennessee alley catchment, he difference etweenhe

    peakdischargerom grid sizessmaller han 90 m and hat

    from a 90-mgrid ncreases ith the rainfall ntensity. s

    rainfall ntensity urther increases,however, thesediffer-

    ences ecrease.his esultsexpectedonsideringhatpeak

    discharge ouldbe the same or all grid size models or he

    extreme ases f (1) no surface aturation ndera verysmall

    rainfall ntensityand (2) completesurfacesaturation nder

    very large rainfall intensity.

    Within a rangeof reasonableainfall ntensitiese.g., ess

    than 50 mm/h), peak dischargedifferencesare less than

    for gridsizessmallerhan30 m for the Tennesseealley

    catchment,and less han 8% for grid sizes smaller han 10m

    for the Mettman Ridge catchment.This suggestshat theres

    a DEM grid size beyond which computedhydrologice-

    sponse s less sensitive o grid size, and that this grid size s

    approximately10m for TennesseeValley catchment nd4 m

    for the Mettman Ridge catchment.


    The analysespresentedabove are based on the single-

    direction flow-partitioning algorithm. This algorithm does

    not resolve hillslope divergence, introducing artifacts hat

    influence cumulative frequency distributions of a and tanB.

    Quinn et al. [1991] showed that for the same grid size he

    single-directionalgorithm yields higher tan B values, and

    therefore ower a/tan B, than a multiple-direction lgorithm.

    They also illustrated that DEM grid size influences he

    distributionof a/tan B for multiple-directionalgorithms,with

    the percentof area having arger a/tan B increasingwithgrid

    size. Thus the flow-partitioningalgorithm also affects opo-

    graphic representation, n addition to the grid size depen-

    dence documented n this paper.

    The effect of DEM size on the distribution of derived

    slopeshas mportant mplications or geomorphicand hydro-

    logic modeling and land management decisions basedon

    such models. While a coarse-grid DEM may be most prac-

    tical for modeling large-scale geomorphic processes, he

    coefficients ncorporated in process models and transport

    laws at suchscalesare not analogous o thosemeasuredn

    field studies.

    The effect of DEM size on the derived a/tan B will affect

    prediction f the spatial istribution f runoffprocesses,nd

    the associated aterial ransportprocesses ver a land

    surface.Runoffprocesses re governedby neither he inest,

    nor the coarsest scale topography within a landscape.

    Rather, they are governedby processes ctingover interme-

    diate scales. f the DEM grid size is too large, then many

    topographiceaturessuchas hollows, ow-orderchannels,

    andhillslopeswill not be resolved.We suggesthat themost

    appropriateEM gridsize or topographicallyriven ydro-

    logic models s somewhat iner than the hillslope cale

    identifiable in the field.

    Another mplications for flood orecastingn a drainage

    basin. Our results ndicate hat with the samevalues or soil

    parametersutdifferent EM gridsizes,hemagnitudef

    the peak runoff rate, and therefore the runoff volume,

    predictedn responseo a givenstormmaydiffersignifi-

    cantly.These esults, owever,are only for runoffproduc-

    tion;hydrographst thebasinmouth lso eflectoutingf

    flow hroughhechanneletwork. ridsize ffectshould

    be smalleror a largedrainage asinwhere unoffhydro-

  • 8/10/2019 Zhang and Mont 2004 DigitaL Elevation Model Grid Size Landscape Representation_etc






    " 0.60

    0 0.40






    ----- lorn

    .... 30m






    rain (rnm) ain (mm/hr)

    Figure 9. Computedpeak discharge ersusDEM grid size for an initial base low of 2.5 mrn/dayand

    different ainfall intensities.Peak discharges re normalized o thoseof the 90-m grid size. (a) Mettman

    Ridge. (b) TennesseeValley.


    graphs re dominatedby channelrouting. Even so, the

    influence f DEM grid size on predicted runoff production s

    an mportant onsiderationor interpreting ydrological im-

    ulations singa topographicallydriven model.

    A particularly ntriguing mplication s for calibrationand

    validationof dynamic physically based hydrologic models.

    All hydrologicalmodels make simplifyingassumt;tions nd

    onlyapproximate eal hydrologicsystems. n practice,cal-

    ibration s required to obtain acceptable correspondence

    between field results and model simulations. Calibrated

    parametersor a particular catchment are then used for

    hydrologicalorecasting either for the same catchment, or

    for a different catchment with similar physical properties.

    However, our results show that DEM grid size, rainfall, and

    initialbase flow all affect simulated hydrographscomputed

    with he sameset of parametervalues.Consequently,model

    calibrationsre grid size specific.

    AppropriateGrid Size

    The resultsof our study nvite the questionof what defines

    an appropriate rid size for simulationsof geomorphicand

    hydrologicrocesses sing opographically riven models.

    This question s best examined n two parts; the relation

    betweenand surfaceand the spot elevationdata used o

    createa DEM and that between grid size and the original

    spot elevation data.

    The data used to create a DEM are a filtered representa-

    tion of landscape ampledat some regularor irregular

    intervalo builda collection f elevation ata.The spacing f

    theoriginaldata used o constructa DEM effectively imits

    the esolutionf the DEM. Decreasinghe grid sizebeyond

    the esolution f the originalsurveydata doesnot increase

    theaccuracy f the andsurfaceepresentationf the DEM

    andpotentiallyntroducesnterpolation rrors.The relation

    of heoriginal levation ata o the andsurfaces a crucial,

    but oftenneglected, haracteristicf a DEM. This is a

    problemwith many commercially vailableDEMs. While

    thereare data collection trategieshat could optimize


    inareasfcomplexopographynd parseamplingnareas

    withsimpleopography),he average pacingf the data

    used to derive a DEM provides a guide to the grid size that

    would take full advantageof the original spot elevation data,

    and thusprovide he most aithful landscape epresentation.

    We suggest hat the length scale of the primary landscape

    featuresof interestprovides naturalguide o an appropriate

    grid size. The mostbasicattribute of many landscapess the

    division imo topographicallydivergem hillslopesand con-

    vergentvalleys. A grid size smaller than the hillslope ength

    is necessaryo adequatelysimulateprocesses ontrolledby

    land form. For other processes, he most appropriate grid

    size for simulation models is best scaled in reference to the

    processbeing modeled.For example, a coarse e.g., 90 m)

    grid size may be most appropriate for modeling orogenic

    processes ver large areas and long time scales.

    Our results mply that it is unreasonable o use a 30- or

    90-m grid size to model hillslope or runoff generationpro-

    cesses n moderately o steep gradient topographywithout

    some calibrationof the process model. While a 10-m grid is

    a significantmprovement ver 30 m or coarsergrid sizes,

    finergrid sizesprovide elatively ittle additional esolution.

    Thus a 10-m -gridsize presents a reasonablecompromise

    between increasing spatial resolution and data handling

    requirementsor modeling urfaceprocessesn many and-



    The grid size of a DEM significantly affects both the

    representation f the land surface and hydrologicsimula-

    tions based on this representation.As grid size decreases,

    landscapeeaturesare more accurately esolved,but faithful

    representationf a land surfaceby a DEM depends n both

    grid size and the accuracyand distributionof the original

    survey data from which the DEM was constructed.These

    resultshave mportant mplicationsor simulations f hydro-

    logicand geomorphic rocessesn natural andscapes. ur

    ability to model surface processessoon will be limited

    primarilyby dataqualityand other ssues irectly elated o

    processesnderconsideration. e suggesthata gridsizeof

    10 m would suffice or many DEM-based applicationsof

    geomorphic nd hydrologicmodeling.

  • 8/10/2019 Zhang and Mont 2004 DigitaL Elevation Model Grid Size Landscape Representation_etc



    Acknowledgments. hisresearchwassupported y NationalAero-

    nauticsand SpaceAdministration rant NAGW-2652A,National

    Science oundation rant RI91-17094, ndgrantsTFW FY92-010

    and TFW Fy94-004 from the Sediment, Hydrology, and Mass

    Wastingcommitteeof the WashingtonState Timber-Fish-Wildlife

    agreement. We thank Harvey Greenberg for technical support,

    Susan ensonor makingher topographicnalysismodel vailable

    to us, and Bill Dietrich, Tom Dunne, and Romy Bauer or discus-

    sionson subjects elated o the study.


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