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Zimmel, Manfred () Amanita Market Forecasting Newsletter 2014-05-18

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  • Free Amanita Newsletter Copyright Manfred Zimmel http://www.amanita.at page 1 of 34

    Amanita newsletter June 3, 2014 33 bold hypotheses for the coming years!

    1. Review 2013 & Outlook 2014 (with crash course 2023)

    This article could decide whether *YOU* will experience a total loss of your wealth in the ongoing 10 years/ 40 quarters of crucifixion of mankind (as almost everyone) or

    not hard to believe? In order to raise the trustworthiness of this seemingly very bold claim I start with a review of the past few years & especially of 2013. In the past years many extreme calls have been made (partly only in the premium area), many

    of them as a global solo effort: surprisingly: almost all of them have come to pass. With this basis Id like to look into the coming decade, including a mini Amanita Investors Guide/ Crash Course until 2023-25 - as everything will change from scratch in the coming decade

    2. Amanita internal: relaunch & price increase by 50-56%

    In early 2014 the Amanita website was relaunched, unfortunately so far not all bugs

    have been fixed. The data migration did not include the existing passwords, so please request your new password here: http://amanita.at/en/reset-password

    Requesting a new password also supports the data cleansing & confirms that you are

    still interested in receiving the free Amanita newsletter. Note that your email address will be deleted from the subscriber base in the next months you are not requesting a

    new password.

    In the coming weeks the fee for one year premium subscription will be raised from EUR 998 (USD ~1,350) to EUR 1,555 (USD ~2,000), 6 months from EUR 668 to

    EUR 999. If you are interested in the premium service please order as soon as possible & save EUR 557 (USD ~750)! From the day of the price hike only the new

    higher prices do apply, without exception. Order page: http://www.amanita.at/en/market-letter/price-list-order-form-premium-subscription

    Shorter subscriptions than 6 months (1 month, 3 months) were offered for the first 10

    years, but discontinued in 2011 for these reasons:

    1. First over the years the Amanita approach has gotten so unique that it takes

    months to get really familiar with it. Please be aware that the Amanita market letter is totally different than likely every other service on this planet. And the Amanita approach 2014 has got almost nothing to do with the approach of

    2010 or before. For this reason trial subscriptions were discontinued, as they should also be least 3-6 months long.

  • Free Amanita Newsletter Copyright Manfred Zimmel http://www.amanita.at page 2 of 34

    2. The second reason is that the main target group are serious market participants, mainly financial professionals (fund managers, analysts & others) as well as private market participants with larger portfolios. But a number of

    subscribers is not or no longer active in the markets, they simply enjoy the highly interesting information . In the past 60+ years it was ok to say hello to the financial markets once in a while, but this is not working in the coming 10

    years more explanations see below in the Crash Course until 2023/25. The Amanita market letter is read on the highest levels of decision-making, it

    influences hundreds of billions of capital. Premium updates are sent out once a week on average (between 3x a week & every 3 weeks), while the free Amanita newsletter like this one is published

    just once every 3-6 months. Please find more information here: http://www.amanita.at/en/market-letter. Further questions on the content are

    gladly answered by my assistant Peter Ressmann [email protected] please use his email address for a faster answer.

    3. Victory of mankind against reptiles

    It is delighting to see the recent victories of mankind against the reptiles (New World

    Order NWO): the EU seed regulation was successfully rejected, as well as the planned EU Telecommunications data retention. Now we need to fight the Transatlantic Free Trade Area (TAFTA), also called Transatlantic Trade & Investment

    Partnership (TTIP), as well as TISA (Trade in Services Agreement). TTIP/TAFTA/TISA are the first NWO projects where I believe the odds are that they

    wont get through at all, as 2013 was the zenith for the reptiles & their power is now waning every year. A similar project already failed in 1998, the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment). The reptiles can only have an easy job with us as long as

    we dont reclaim our power & allow to be manipulated as victims. We can definitely learn from Victoria Nuland: Fuck the EU/ NWO? Yes we can!

    And in Chile the NWO company Monsanto was stopped by a verdict. An important point on genetic engineering: recent genetic tests have revealed that the Nephilim or elongated heads (often depicted in Ancient Egypt paintings) arent human at all (link). In fact their DNA doesnt resemble life of our planet. Of course it is true what hundreds of creation myths of the Holy Bible & other scripts: that we are the product of genetic engineering. The reptilian Annunaki needed hundreds of attempts until the first prototype (Adam) did work. This reptilian heritage is still governing the fate of humanity & the world problems cant be solved before the reptilian problem is addressed

    I thank you so much for your continued interest & bless you from the bottom of my heart! Yours,

    Manfred Zimmel Amanita Market Forecasting http://www.amanita.at

    Hartckerstrae 32/2/2, 1190 Vienna, Austria - European Union

    content: The free Amanita newsletter is sent out every 3-6 months, it complements the Amanita

    premium Amanita subscription, which is published about once a week on average (between 3x/ week & every 3 weeks). Order page premium subscription: http://www.amanita.at/en/my-account (further

  • Free Amanita Newsletter Copyright Manfred Zimmel http://www.amanita.at page 3 of 34

    questions: http://www.amanita.at/en/faq-eng). Unfortunately for time reasons I cant answer all content

    questions by non-customers.

    disclaimer : All information and forecasts provided here have been researched to the best of my knowledge but are by no means a solicitation to buy or sell stocks or other securities. I do not

    guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any information and I am not responsible for any errors or omissions. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. All transactions in the financial markets are risky. Any liability for losses or damages is excluded.

  • Free Amanita Newsletter Copyright Manfred Zimmel http://www.amanita.at page 4 of 34

    Review 2013 & Crash Course 2023/25

    This article could decide whether *YOU* will experience a total loss of your wealth in the ongoing 10 years/ 40 quarters of crucifixion of mankind (as almost everyone) or

    not hard to believe? In order to raise the trustworthiness of this seemingly very bold claim I start with a review of the past few years & especially of 2013. In the past

    years many extreme calls have been made (partly only in the premium area), many of them as a global solo effort: surprisingly: almost all of them have come to pass. With this basis Id like to look into the coming decade, including a mini Amanita Investors Guide/ Crash Course until 2023-25 - as everything will change from scratch in the coming decade

    Review of the year 2013: 11 amazing hits

    Most of the (long-term) calls for 2013 were light years away from a 50:50 probability (like rising or falling). Almost all calls were very unlikely (P

  • Free Amanita Newsletter Copyright Manfred Zimmel http://www.amanita.at page 5 of 34

    2. end of money printing of central banks: In late 2012 I made the (at this time

    unthinkable) call that Fed & the other central banking criminal organizations will soon start to reduce the speed of money printing. One reason was the analysis of

    money supply FTTM. To my knowledge no other (noted) forecaster made a similar call as soon as 2012 And of course almost no one would believe in this incredible call. No wonder, for many years the crowd had been conditioned like the

    Pavlov dogs to believe in 'money printing forever. But already a couple of months after this call Tapering was introduced in May 2013, with the plan to reduce the

    printing more & more. Again the Amanita premium subscribers had an invaluable edge over the crowd

    3. world economy & real estate: The economy has precisely followed the 2009 call,

    which was hardly adjusted since that year. Background: of the 33 long-term Amanita models & factors most topped in the months around August 2013 (some

    already 2011 & 2007). Meanwhile the top of the business cycle August 2013 can already be confirmed, and in 2015 even the massaged government statistics will admit that a recession had started in the fall of 2014. In the two GDP gorillas US &

    Europe (officially almost 50% of the world economy) the economic top & end of crack-up boom was set with the ideal timeline August 2013.

    (i) The 8-year high in the HMI housing price index (link) was precisely in August 2013 at 58, meanwhile the US housing market has started to falter. (ii) Moreover, the 6-year low of US initial jobless claims was precisely in early

    September 2013, jobless claims have been rising for 3 quarters now. (iii) And since mid-2013 the bank lending in the eurozone has collapsed like never

    before (Link). (iv) Exports of the 2nd largest economy China nosedived by a nasty -6.6% in March 2014, after an initial decline of 1.6% in January-February 2014. Compare that with

    the usual 7-8% growth until 2013 Imports have crashed by an incredible -11.3%, a sign that *the* formerly leading nation is even weaker than the rest of the world.

    Needless to say this is fatal because in the past 5 years China has likely produced more *real* economic growth than the rest of the world combined, so literally *everything* depends on China

    Ralf HofrathHervorheben

    Ralf HofrathHervorheben

  • Free Amanita Newsletter Copyright Manfred Zimmel http://www.amanita.at page 6 of 34

    The 4 major turning points of the world economy of the past 15 years have been

    predicted as by no other future service on this planet! The Amanita subscribers are better & earlier informed than everybody else This pre-knowledge doesnt matter for traders, but it makes a big difference for investors & big companies can save many millions with a correct business cycle forecast, to better plan their finances, strategy, staff, investments The two calls for an economic bottom in the spring of 2009 (beginning of crack-up boom) & a high August 2013 have already been discussed, the other two are:

    (a) Already in 2005 (!) the beginning of a depression (not just a plain recession) was predicted for around December 2007, because of the Jupiter-Pluto depression cycle (link). Result: according to the NBER the US contraction began in December

    2007. Needless to say this was the biggest economic crisis since WW2. (b) The previous US recession March-November 2001 was also precisely called,

    because the 2000 forecast said that Q2/2001 should be the first recession quarter.

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    The world GDP should now contract by 20-80% in real terms until 2025 (perhaps

    even into 2030-33). Countries like Greece (GDP already collapsed by -30% in the past years) are leading the way. By the way, in the mass media the Greek tragedy

    didnt begin before 2010. However, the Amanita subscribers were already warned as soon as 2009 that Greece would soon be slaughtered! Again the Amanita premium customers had an incredible pre-knowledge & therefore advantage.

    There will be 3 major contraction waves, interrupted by 2 brief recoveries (2015/16 & 2018/19):

    (a) 2014/15: without large global differences, similar to 2008 (b) 2017/18: major regional (war-related?) differences (c) 2020er: the final maximum bombshell with huge regional differences caused by

    many wars & epidemics. The most important yet hardest to estimate factor is the degree, speed & regional distribution of the world population reduction 2020-29

    (10-50% on average?). Everyone with microwave wireless WMDs like WLAN/ Wi-Fi, cell phone (without a good protection) is a warrior in the biggest war of mankind against itself. Thats how the military of the year 2014 looks like: total gleichschaltung (forcible coordination) of soldiers with highly dangerous microwave weapons, stirring the blood of every fascist

    4. population decline 2020-29: In 2009 it was forecast that the global life expectancy would top out in the coming years & then drop for a long time. This call has contradicted virtually every demographic call, so it was completely impossible in

    the standard way of thinking And yet for the first time ever a major nation (Great Britain) released data in September 2013 that since 2010 the life expectancy of

    the oldest cohort has been declining by 1 year per year. Its hardly a coincidence that this extra-ordinary news came 666 years after the biggest epidemics in history: Black Death 1347 (killed half of the European population).

    This is hardly a surprise, as Lyme disease/ borreliosis (miasm of destruction = syphilis reloaded) is the first major epidemics of the 3rd millennium. It is totally

    unknown that Lyme disease is not just transmitted by tics, but also from human to human: sexually, by breast-feeding 1/3 of the US blood bottles are polluted with Lyme disease, as there are no controls at all. The Morgellons caused by

    chemtrails are another major factor. As usually, the crowd worries about just the wrong thing! Major epidemics are inevitable, as germs get extremely aggressive

    because of (microwave) pollution. Dr. Klinghardt has found out in lab tests that under EMF radiation germs of borreliosis & fungi breed 600 times more than

    Ralf HofrathHervorheben

    Ralf HofrathHervorheben

    Ralf HofrathHervorheben

    Ralf HofrathHervorheben

    Ralf HofrathHervorheben

  • Free Amanita Newsletter Copyright Manfred Zimmel http://www.amanita.at page 8 of 34

    without. Moreover, the amount & aggressiveness of their toxins increases

    dramatically. Why is high frequency electromagnetic pollution so dangerous? Because it causes the ORANUR disease (ORgone Against NUclear Radiation), as

    described by Wilhelm Reich already 60 years ago. When the good life energy (orgone) interacts with high frequency electromagnetic radiation, then DOR (Deadly Orgone Energy) is created. This was experimentally validated in the

    1950s (with a Geiger counter) & later researched by Prof. James DeMeo, who also developed the Saharasia theory. Reichs insights were so dangerous for the scientific establishment & the nuclear power mafia that his books were burned (!) by the FDA in the US & Reich himself was murdered in jail. A similar observation was made by Ric Weinman: radiation ruins the vital webbing, which can't be

    repaired with traditional methods. High frequency spectrum: * megahertz 106 = radio

    * gigahertz 109 = microwaves (cell phone, WLAN/ Wi-Fi) * exahertz 1018 = X-ray * zettahertz 1021 = radioactivity/ gamma rays

    The physicist Barrie Trower has been a micro wave experts for the British military & secret services since 1960. He labels microwaves as the stealth weapon, tested

    & used against the population since Thatcher. Meanwhile the microwave warfare has been has been sophisticated & it is even possible to choose which physical or mental illnesses shall be produced. E.g. 6.6 resp. 6.66 hertz (number of the

    Beast!) produces sexual aggression, no wonder with 6 = sex (Link). Due to his expertise Trower demands life imprisonment for people who install WLAN/ Wi-Fi

    in educational institutions or other places where girls & young women spend a lot of their time (Link). The reason is that the radiation causes more or less irreversible genetic damage of the eggs in the ovaries, with the full effects not

    seen before the generation of the *grandchildren* - which is 30-60 years later (Link). Interestingly, the eggs already present in the ovaries at the birth of a baby

    girl are 10x more sensitive to radiation than the rest of the DNA. 15-20 year ago the biggest sterilization in the history of mankind began According to a study by Prof. Davoudi in Austria the cell phone use immediately deteriorates the sperm

    quality of men, too. But this is not a big problem because sperm is produced very day. Todays contraception is with the cell phone. There are 3 sectors where the risks cant be insured because the risks could be endless: nuclear power, genetic engineering & microwaves (mobile phones, WLAN/ Wi-Fi). Which one of the these 3 is the most dangerous? Of course the one where the crowd is least aware of: microwaves there is very little concern about it. This is even more surprising when we take into consideration that nearly

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    100% of the rich world population is subject to EMF pollution 24/7. And everyone is a victim of HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). It is hard to tell whether Frankenstein food or nuclear power will be more dangerous,

    which heavily depends upon political decisions. The bigger the danger, the less it is recognized by the crowd! GMO food faces most resistance but the danger is alleviated because it can be corrected with the aid of the Primeval Code (Link).

    Russia is fought so heavily by the illuminati because this nation stubbornly refuses to reduce its population with Frankenstein food, apart from many other

    maneuvers against the NWO.

    5. earth changes & climate changes: A climate deterioration from 2013/14 into the 2030s was predicted, a meta-factor with a deeper impact on the future of mankind than everything else. This has become reality very fast: the winter of 2013 was the coldest in Europe since records began & in early 2014 North

    America suffered from the worst cold wave in history. Its almost funny that climate researchers were surprised by the Arctic ice & trapped. They obviously did believe in their absurd theories which is hard to believe for me. According to satellite photos in 2013 the arctic coat of ice (North pole) grew in a speed never seen before.

    The brain-washed mainstream media (especially the European ones) try to convince us that this record cold weather is a consequence of the greenhouse effect. Certainly we would have heard the same when it would have been warmer.

    So we have a closed system: whatever happens, it always confirms the original hypothesis. None of the dozens of greenhouse effect models proposed since the

    1990s have worked, all have failed so far. This suggests mental insanity in the world view of the climate fascists, the so-called greenhouse effect has to be studied by psychiatry, not meteorology:

    obsessive thoughts, fixations, hallucinations, crowd hysteria, messiah complex... Mentally ill persons often get very aggressive when confronted with reality: 1.5

    years ago an Australian university professor teaching in Austria demanded that all climate change skeptics should be killed In the 1970s we were at a low of the climate cycle, at this time we had a mass

    hysteria of the new ice age looming Since the 1970s it has been clear, mainly because of research of Prof. Raymond Wheeler & others, that earth would warm

    up into the early 2000s. So the illuminati decided they would advertise the inevitable warming as man-made, especially via the Club of Rome (at present with 33+33 members). Goal: introduce the first world tax = preparation for the NWO. A

    similar cunning already saved the life of Christopher Columbus & his crew in America: when the natives refused to provide more food he warned that on day X

    the sun would get dark, as a punishment by the gods. As an astronomer & astrologer he of course knew the day of the next solar eclipse note on the earth changes: Both camps (believers & skeptics) discuss the question why we do have so many earth changes. However, as usually the crowd asks the wrong question! Since the proton super-storm & the Sirian experiment in

    August 1972 the changes in the rest of the solar system are much more dramatic (!) than on earth (Link). So the real question is: why do we have *less* (!!!) changes on our planet than on the other planets?

    For wheat I was very bullish mainly because of the comet Ison. This call was revised in 2013 after it became clear that the comet will burn & thus not

    significantly influence our weather.

    6. currencies: The FX was pretty unspectacular as forecast, mostly with trading

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    ranges of just some percentage points. The Japanese yen was the weakest of the

    majors, after a decision of the Bank of Japan (in the end times everything is determined politically). In March 2013 the British pound was singled out as the

    best place to park ones liquidity: since that month sterling has been by far the best major currency (5-year high against the dollar). In the end times the global financial system is concentrated in the Freemasonic capital of the world: the City

    of London. The only huge move was in Bitcoin: a huge advance into an all-time high in late 2013 & a subsequent decline was predicted, which has fully come to

    pass. To my knowledge no other forecaster in the world was able to make similar calls!

    7. key timelines 3/29/13 & August 13-23, 2013 & (geopolitical) event risk: For 2013

    two dates were given as key timelines, expected to be a valuable indication for the coming 10 years. Both dates have precisely fulfilled the expectation:

    (a) 3/29/13 was stated as a key indication for the coming 10 years due to the highly unlikely constellations (statistically a once-in-a-century event) at 9 geocentric & 11 heliocentric (in sum the 911 of the New World Order NWO). As a

    matter of fact Cyprus suffered a bank robbery unprecedented since WW2, considered impossible by 99.9% of the financial market participants Italy has started the 2nd bank robbery by imposing a 20% tax on all bank transfer from abroad on 2/1/2014. (b) Moreover, I warned of a (geopolitical) event risk especially from August 22/23,

    2013 on (= beginning of the end times in the narrow sense of the word). Actually on this day we had the first confrontation of the two military blocks NATO versus

    SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), with the proxy Syria. Around these days Jupiter was conjunct the Center of Mass (CM, barycenter), the meaning of this constellation was discovered by Theodor Landscheidt (may he rest in peace).

    8. war activity: In the decade 2004-13 we only had 3 serious geopolitical escalations. List:

    (a) 8/8/08 Russo-Georgian War: first rekindling of Cold War (b) 2011 Middle East

    Ralf HofrathHervorheben

  • Free Amanita Newsletter Copyright Manfred Zimmel http://www.amanita.at page 11 of 34

    (c) August 22/23 Syria: confrontation NATO versus SCO, second rekindling of

    Cold War The Amanita war model showed an increase of war activity from 2009 into the high

    2011, then a brief decline & since August 2013 it is pointing up for a decade into the early 2020s, where martial activity should be highest since WW2 (possibly even higher). So far this bold call has hit the bulls eye: 2011 was the year with most wars since WW2 (according to the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research).

    As expected everything calmed down around 2012 but since August 2013 we are climbing up the escalation ladder. The 2 special dates 8/8/08 & August 22/23, 2013 were even highlighted *to the day* as geopolitical escalations. In 2008 it was

    written months in advance that the geopolitical Amanita model has a long-term high (for years) in the days around 8/8/08. I bet that absolutely *no* other

    forecaster on this planet has made geopolitical calls with a comparable precision In September 2013 an update for the premium subscribers made the following prediction on the geopolitical situation: The end times model says that until the end of the year [2013] the situation will remain calm, then the attacks continue. This has also been fully the case, as in early 2014 an even more dramatic

    geopolitical escalation started (Ukraine). Who is behind all that? The end times sects of the 3 Abrahamic religions want to create Armageddon (including WW3), so that the messiah can arrive or return.

    Klitschko is backed by the most influential end times cults: Chabad Lubawitsch, explained by Wolfgang Eggert (Link). In the Ukraine Chabad is mainly backed by

    the oligarch Ihor Kolomojskyj. 2017 will be the decisive year for Armageddon, e.g. because of the Jewish jubilees (50 years): (a) 1 jubilee after 1967 (beginning of Middle East wars with Six-Days-War)

    (b) 2 jubilees after 1917 (Balfour declaration on Palestine) (c) 10 jubilees after 1517 (beginning of Ottoman rulership in Jerusalem)

    9. Apocalypse (revelation): The beginning of the apocalypse in 2013 has already manifested nicely. In the actual (Biblical) sense apocalypse means the revelation or the removing of the veils = beginning of the global awakening over the following

    40 quarters. In the past 5,000 years the divine has created the biggest possible distance to itself by installing veils, as part of the divine play Lila.

    (a) The most important veil is the 6th dimensional core veil, therefore the most important event from an esoteric point of view was Gaia (mother earth) losing her core veil on December 23, 2012 at 0:23 Boston time. The 8th dimensional inner

    veil follows in November 2015, with more earth changes until 2022. The 8th dimension is the home of the soul, see the Unified Field Theory by Burkhard Heim.

    In late October 2013 the solar activity suddenly jumped dramatically: on 10/29/13 (to the day 13.33 months after the death of my spiritual teacher David Hawkins) there was an X2.3 eruption & 7 days later an X3.3, the strongest since March 2012

    (Link). These solar spikes mainly served one purpose: namely to provide the energy for the transformation of Gaia in the weeks afterwards. The two key

    numbers 23 & 33 in a row were a hint that something big would happen soon. This was indeed the case around 11/9/13, as 4 independent sources cross-confirm. According to the English spiritual healer Karma Singh mankind decided against

    total destruction on 11/9=9.11. (9+11+13=33, US time), resp. on 11/10/13 at 3:07 world time (37 = code since mid-August 2013). The 3 first approvals to destroy the

    planet were revoked each time at the last minute. The 37 is the number of the divine light (111=37+37+37) & part of the 76.6 year cycle (37x108 weeks), 1/137 is the fine structure constant. In the week before the holder of an influential magical

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    lineage (> 3 billion members) running the Armageddon software resigned.

    (b) From an exoteric point of view the events 2013 were also mind-blowing: (i) In February 2013 illuminati critic Beppe Grillo achieved an amazing election

    victory in Italy: MoVimento 5 Stelle missed being the biggest party by just 1%. This is an unprecedented event! (ii) From the summer of 2013 on Ed Snowden triggered the biggest espionage

    scandal in history. Earlier spying scandals were limited to a handful of persons, this time it concerns billions. Even if it is downplayed today: even the warnings of

    the most hard-boiled conspiracy theorists were dwarfed by reality by far! (iii) In late 2013 it was announced that CNN & MSNBC as the primary US brainwashing institutions almost lost half of their viewers in 2013 (Link). In the

    best-informed group 25-54 years they lost more than half: the even younger ones are still brain-washed by schools & universities, the older ones not too willing to

    revise their positions. Only Fox News (meanwhile #1 of the big 3) could do better, no wonder as Fox is opposing the NWO socialism. Especially Glenn Beck (discontinued in 2011) would have been impossible in mainstream media.

    Probably never before in history so many citizens are turning away so fast & resolutely from the brainwashing machines. Its grotesque to watch the commentaries of online media: nearly always the main message of mainstream articles on world politics tops is uncovered by more & more NWO-informed posters. This was totally different just a few years ago & is a remarkable

    development! (d) The recent truth outbursts in the parliaments are also stunning. In October 2013 the brave stenographer Dianne Reidy ranted at Freemasonry in the US Congress, as a sin against Jesus Christ (Link). This reminds us of pope John Paul I who was murdered after 33 days in office, after he discovered that the entire

    Vatican was in the hands of the Masons & he wanted to kick them out. In the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry the 33rd degree is the highest.

    In the EU parliament Godfrey Bloom from the British UKIP called the MEP as tax defrauders & warned (Link): "And I can tell you worse, as the people get your number, it won't be long before they storm this chamber and hang you. And they'll

    be right. Already a half year earlier Bloom delivered an excellent speech where he explained that all banks are bankrupt (Link). Of course he is right, as fractional

    reserve banking is nothing but legalized infidelity of the money accepted & banks in such a system are always less than 24 hours away from defaulting. 2013 was the zenith of the Dark Age (Kali Yuga) & thus the all-time high of the

    powers of darkness (NWO/ illuminati), but their power is eroding completely in the coming 20 years. One would think, oh great, so we can simply lean back, but unfortunately the opposite is true: the wounded tiger is more dangerous than a healthy! Thats why in the coming 10 years the reptiles are more dangerous than ever before Its pretty clear that the Golden Age will start in 2032-37, the years 2025-32 are a transition time. My own information aligns well with the theories suggested by Lisa Renee (Link) & Diethard Stelzl. Bitcoin was also coined with a

    kind of final year 2033.

    10. oil: closed the year 2013 almost unchanged. It was warned that oil might see a geopolitical oil price spike from mid-August 2013 on. As a matter of fact, oil

    jumped briefly in August & formed its bull market high in late August/ early September 2013.

    11. stock markets: In 6 der 7 leading nations (in terms of the economic growth) we had a crash of 25-30% aligning with the expectations, only India could trim losses

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    to 15%. I call the 6-7 leaders BRICTI(S): Brazil, Russia, India, China, Turkey,

    Indonesia (South Africa). Why 2 more than BRIC(S)? * In my book Turkey is much more important than South Africa. Not only is the

    population of Turkey nearly 50% bigger (75 versus 52 million), but as the toehold between Christianity & Islam a geopolitical key player. The conflict between Christianity & Islam has been *the* geopolitical hot spot of the past 900+ years,

    beginning just before the year 1111 (master number) with the Crusades. It will again be crucial around 2022.

    * With a population of 240 million Indonesia is the #4 behind China, India & USA (#5 is Brazil with 195 million) & is also in the center of the gold conspiracy. Presumably Indonesia is the most underestimated of all nations.

    The only real surprise in 2013 was that the socialistic bloc (EUSApan) corrected only by some 10% & was able to print new highs after May 2013. But a half year

    ago this forecast was completely revised, so that since fall 2013 even the socialistic bloc is perfectly on track. It was warned in early 2013 that 2013 would mark the Amanita internal all-time low. However, since November 2013 there was

    only a half wrong forecast in all 6 markets covered (equities, precious metals, bonds, oil, currencies, grains). But this semi-failure was highly questionable, so no

    tactical signal was given (-> NEUTRAL). This is the biggest forecasting success in the 13.5 years since this market letter has been published. Only 2002/3 was comparable, which makes sense as Amanita Market Forecasting is totally

    governed by the Jupiter cycle 11.86 years. The Amanita internal forecast is pointing up from 2013 into fall 2015.

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    Crash course End times until 2023-25 : 33 bold hypotheses

    Now I want to offer a crash course for financial people until 2023-25 crash course in the double meaning of the word. So far I havent seen a useful & compact synopsis for the coming decade, so I had to write it myself. These 33 bold hypotheses most

    likely challenge nearly everything you believe in and are light years away from everything you read somewhere else.. Terminology:

    Kali Yuga (Dark Age): according to the Hindu tradition it began with the death of the avatar Krishna 3102 B.C. (end of Dvapara Yuga). It lasts 5,125 years = until 2023: 5,125 years (13 Baktun of 394.26 years = 144,000 days). 144 is the

    number of the end times: 144 months & the 144,000 unblemished (sealed) mentioned 3 times in the Holy Bible.

    end times in a broad sense: August 1972-August 2025

    end times in the narrow sense (Great Tribulation): August 2013-August 2025

    (144 months resp. one Jupiter cycle 11.86 years)

    crucifixion of mankind: August 2013-August 2023 (40 quarters)

    Golden Age: from 2032-37 for centuries (at least)

    The bizarreness & novelty make the following text hard to understand, perhaps you need to read it 3-7 times before it makes sense Especially since 2010 the Amanita publications channel a lot of higher dimensional information into this 3D world. But the morphic fields (see Dr. Rupert Sheldrake), the framework to understand them,

    needs time to be established. It is the same as everywhere else, ground-breaking scientific innovations usually need 30-50 years until they are fully understood & accepted.

    The 33 bold hypotheses:

    1. focus on singular events & flawlessness instead of creativity & fault tolerance: I

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    start with Pippi Longstocking because in the past 60+ years one could behave

    like her. But we will experience a backflip here: instead of playful action zero tolerance is the future motto. The past 60+ years resembled a creative open-

    ended task, similar to composing a song (right-brained). But the coming 10 years are the complete opposite, like solving a mathematical equation with 10 unknowns (left-brained). A single error can yield the wrong outcome -> possible

    total loss for a portfolio!

    2. brain fitness & nerves of steel: Needless to say this requires a totally different

    mind-set than in the past 60+ years. Nerves of steel and the capability & will to throw your whole life experience overboard are necessary but very few people will cope with that task. Brain research has revealed that our brain has the task to

    create the illusion of continuity that has got little to do with reality. One example is the continuity field proposed by David Whitney & Jason Fischer.

    Most of the time this is very helpful to increase the survival rate, so it is the key ingredient of biological economy. Challenging our world permanently costs so much time & energy and economy is the fundamental law of biology. Thats why 95% of the people will keep their usual attitude (lets see what happens, then I might change my opinion). However, this wont work! One has to be prepared in advance: without preparation you are like the person that is camping in a tent during the summer & he doesnt contacts the architect because of the planned house before the first snowfall There are only few occasions when the sweet illusion of continuity backfires, and I am convinced the next 10 years is the only window in the period 1950-2100 (I havent looked further than the year 2100). The collective main problem is that mankind has been in a mental bear market for decades. The proof is the 35-year track record of measuring electric DC brain

    potential (ULP) by the brain researcher Dr. Gerhard Eggetsberger (Link) here in Vienna, Austria especially of the amygdala & the frontal brain. In contrast, the traditional EEG only measures the AC activity of the brain. Measured values that were just average 10-20 years ago are today already good or even excellent! And this trend has accelerated dramatically since the end times began in 2013.

    There are several reasons for the ongoing mental crash, the main one being EMF pollution. The collective low of the mental bear market & collective fear all-

    time high is due in 2024/25. For individuals the capability & willingness to learn depend heavily on the biological life cycle:

    * 20s (physical top): sturm & drang of learning but without much structure, the first initiation is typically at the age 22-23.

    * 30s (mental top): The life cycle still points up but flattens out, but with more structure & life experience. Spiritually advanced people often experience a kind of rebirth around 33 & kind of blossom when they turn 37 (less frequently around 40). * 40s (financial top): The statistical mean = high point of the cycle around 40 has

    been passed. Usually this means a time of harvest & high-level consolidation, thats why on average the highest expenses are at the age of 4 * 50s: The life cycle slows starts to turn down.

    * 60s: The life cycle is pointing sharply down, thats why most retire in this decade.

    * 70s until death: crash phase, even former top-analysts spread mostly pre-senile nonsense & are unable to learn. A good example is the most successful investor on the planet, Warren Buffett (8/30/1930) who is 84 this year. Until his 60s he

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    underperformed less than once in a decade (

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    Since the 1990s the old prophecies no longer work because they were still made

    in the old timelines. Breaking the timelines is my favorite Vortex Healing method, as it allows person to break with their individual patterns of the past.

    The break of the empirical patterns can be seen in many financial numbers. In August 2007 the Goldman Sachs CFO David Viniar complained that the financial markets were more than 25 standard deviations from the mean, which should

    happen less than once in 100,000 years. The past 6-7 years have been the worst in the hedge fund history. Until 2007 hedge funds achieved excellent gains of up

    to 15% per year on average. However, from 2003 on profits began to sink & since the 2nd half of 2007 hedge funds are more hedging *against* profits, as *never* before in history. Everything would have made more money since 2008,

    even the rather weak gold has made 50% in these 6 years.

    4. trend following (the trend is your friend): A major implication of the break of the empirical patterns of the past 5,000 years is that trend following is no longer a good idea.

    5. correlations: The break of the empirical patterns is especially true of many

    correlations, which could be turned upside down & partly have already done so. (i) The most fundamental correlation of economics is the correlation between

    supply/ demand & prices. This correlation was totally reversed in gold 2013: the annual performance was the weakest since the 1980s in spite of a stable supply & demand at an all-time high.

    (ii) The historically high correlation between (true) inflation & interest rates has evaporated in the past years, or even reversed.

    (iii) A central & almost never questioned correlation is between the economy & the stock markets. However, in the Amanita market letter it was already predicted in 2010 that until the end of the crack-up boom 2013 the rule for the big nations

    is: the stronger the economy the weaker the stock market (major exception: Germany). Thats why until 2013 I warned of the booming BRIC(S) states in the premium area. No surprise the by far strongest economy China had the by far

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    weakest equity returns. Instead it was predicted that the indices of the rotten US

    economy would outperform as crazy bingo! To my knowledge no other market service has been able to predict this important trend. Needless to say this call

    sounded like total nonsense from a conventional perspective years ago when it was made. However, these absurdities should reach orgiastic dimensions in the end times.

    For instance in 1922/23 during the Weimar hyperinflation the German economy collapsed (the unemployment rate soared 30x from 1922 into 1923), while the

    German stock markets exploded by about 1,000% in real terms (against gold or dollar). Maybe the terrible Weimar depression was the basis for the biggest inflation-adjusted bull market in history

    6. biggest depression of mankind: The Austrian School of Economics has pointed out that the crisis after a bubble bursts is always as severe as the preceding debt

    excess. In 2013 we were at the culmination point of the biggest debt orgy in the history of mankind, even 1929 looks like a Sunday school picnic in comparison. So you know what is looming! At the previous economic highs (2000 & 2006/7)

    the US still started with rather high yields of 6.5% & 5.25% (lower in Europe). This is one reason why the coming biggest depression in history will be totally

    different than every other economic downturn of the past 60+ years.

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    7. biggest wealth destruction in the history of mankind: Similar to the recent

    economic contractions interest rates will also sink during the next economic downturn. With the current zero yields this can only mean negative interest rates,

    which will make the depth & duration of the depression bigger than anyone can imagine. Negative yields can have many different expressions: officially by banks, fines for parking money at central banks, Cyprus-style bank robberies,

    currency reforms, defaults (bankruptcies across the board have the same impact as negative yields) In a wider sense negative yields are the same as wealth destruction & without doubt we are at the beginning of the biggest wealth destruction mankind has ever seen. 12 mechanisms of wealth destruction (book values & real assets) until 2025:

    economic collapse: the general wealth level is declining

    bankruptcies: of all 3 economic actors (states, companies, households)

    crashes: of all 4 major markets (stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate)


    financial repression -> state terrorism: bail-ins, yields for sovereign bonds far from reality, cruel taxes, confiscations, capital controls, currency reforms, legal

    uncertainty Real estate & life insurances will be terrorized most. Since the ingress of Pluto into Capricorn (= state, planned economy, socialism, NWO) in early 2008 we have a massive world-wide wave of financial suppression (link).

    This will worsen into outright state terrorism until Pluto enters Aquarius in 2023. Before 2023 the governments will reach their all-time high influence & the states

    will become our greatest enemies. Afterwards we are on the safe side, because the impact of governments on our life will be much less for the rest of the 21st century.

    The political consequences of the Kali Yuga were already predicted in the Indian Mahabharata, going back more than 10,000 years (Link). Taxes would be levied

    ungodly in the Kali Yuga (= the past 5,000 years) and: Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world. As you see, everything of that has come to pass

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    In 2007 it was predicted in the premium area that with the ingress of Pluto into

    Capricorn in early 2008 the influence of the states would increase, suggesting nationalizations. Needless to say that this forecast sounded totally absurd in

    2007 as since the 1990s everything we had nothing we privatizations. But against all odds the Amanita subscribers had an incredible pre-knowledge, as Bear Stearns triggered an incredible wave nationalizations precisely in early 2008.

    collapse of law & order: theft, fraud/ embezzlement, vandalism real estate will of course be impaired most (broken window theory)

    wars (including civil wars): Wars are the mechanism that destroys most real capital, i.e. real estate & production facilities (and of course human life, but that is

    beyond market prices).

    NWO cyber-attacks (cloud computing): It is very likely that households, companies & states will suffer wealth losses after having carelessly uploaded

    data in the cloud. The illuminati double up with laughter that people voluntarily share sensitive data with their newest spyphone. Saving ones data in the cloud means to be vulnerable for: (a) spying: Since 2013 even the crowd is aware of that. (b) data manipulation: Its amazing how blind even conspiracy theorists are, but even the wildest conspiracy theories will soon by dwarfed by reality A few minor data manipulations are the ultimate stealth weapon because they are

    almost never detected. Suddenly you have totally different data on your microwave WMD (cell phone, tablet). To my knowledge this type of manipulation & warfare so far hasnt been launched against private persons: but war strategists know that surprise attacks are always best! (c) dispossessions: no one realizes that cloud-only solution are the first step of

    data confiscation (d) 'virtual death': Cloud computing is mainly promoted for one reason (which is never realized), namely to kill economic or political actors (maybe entire states)

    at the touch of a button! It is the most noble (unbloody) & most efficient form of warfare. Everyone always needs a total & redundant offline backup, which quite often doesnt exist. The reptiles do everything they can to make local data storage look as old-fashioned, annoying, expensive & inaccessible as possible so they can control us humans 100%. I assume almost no Android user knows

    the reason for the name of the brand: an Android is a cyborg, a mixture of robot & human. This concept was first introduced in the 1983 movie Terminator with

    Arnold Schwarzenegger, which returns from the year 2029 (= final NWO deadline). The soulless cyborg is of course *the* major NWO goal

    earth changes: natural catastrophes, climate changes again real estate is impaired most

    value change -> change of consumer habits -> change of demand: People will

    start to see the world totally different. For instance, most (modern) art objects actually have a negative energy attached, which to date only few people can

    sense. But from the 2020s on the collective sensitivity will go through the roof, so many of todays priceless paintings will become waste paper

    decline of earth population (2020-29): less space need for living & working ->

    vacancy rates soaring to all-time highs, bear market of real estate prices for 70 years (into the 2080s)

    innovations (from the 2030s on, partly already from the 2020s): for instance, conventional power stations & energy producers (like gasoline engines) will be almost worthless after free energy is introduced. This means that eventually

    (Golden Age 2030s?) precious metals & other high-priced elements will become

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    almost worthless, as they can be produced from cheaper elements with enough

    free energy (as well as through transmutation/ alchemy e.g. Fulcanelli). After the end of the oil age (= basic innovation of next Kondratieff cycle) the energy for

    traffic & households will be produced decentralized by small boxes, which means that 3-5% of the real estate space will become superfluous: garages, gas stations, boiler rooms, power stations, refineries Sure this will increase the pressure on real estate prices Note: energy is the ultimate currency!

    8. biggest scarcity of investment opportunities in history (end of buy-and-hold): In

    the past 60+ years you only needed to turn your investment portfolio every 10-20 years, e.g. 1950 stocks 1970 commodities 1980 equities 2000 commodities. This was not only super-easy & without time exposure, it would

    have beaten 99% of the portfolios with annual returns of 15-20%. However, the time of buy-and-hold is over now, very sophisticated strategies & active trading

    are needed. The rampant investment emergency is driving people into exotic real assets like old-timers, whine/ whisky & art. From my point of view this is the most absurd thing to do, as these asset classes have zero liquidity & there is no way to

    hedge. In the coming 10 years we only have the choice among only bad, worse & terribly bad investments. These 3 asset classes are the worst of all:

    (b) bonds: the one-eyed among the blind, i.e. light years better than death insurances & real estate. In the crisis year 2008 only bonds ended with a gain among the dozens of liquid futures (Link) gold was only slightly higher in USD but not in EUR. Sure that on 12/31/07 we still started with 3-50x higher yields than today, which means the upside potential of bonds is mathematically close to

    zero. (b) death insurances: in principle life insurances are a perverted special type of bonds (normally 85% in bonds, except the British ones). Already in the past

    death insurances have been the worst of all investments, as they mix the principles of investment & insurances. And they are the most fraudulent of all,

    beginning with the name life insurance - although the basic idea is that of a death insurance. Sure today you often find a blend of life & death, but the basic idea is & remains death. We start to get rid of the hypnotic media suggestions once we

    start to use the correct names. Moreover death insurances are by far the least transparent & most complicated of all investments. Already in normal times 75%

    of these nasty contracts are terminated early in Germany, which results in a payout of funny 28% of the contributions: nominal loss 72%, real loss 80-95%. In addition, death insurances will be hit most of all asset classes by the coming

    mass dying of the 2020s. (c) real estate: by far the worst & with a realistic risk of losing much more than

    100% of the original value.

    9. maximum drawdown >100% (in particular with real estate): In normal times you cant lose more than 100%, but in the end times you have to be prepared for (much?) more. The first example was the decision of the EU junta on Greek bonds Link): small investors would have suffered a loss of 140% (!!!) The danger is by far the biggest with real estate, where the losses might amount to 200-300%, although all registered investments are at risk. Only physical precious metals & cash are not registered, under certain conditions also Bitcoin. The

    regimes in Brainwashington & Brussels will certainly produce an all-time high of creativity how to bleed us dry.

    10. risk-free investments (safe havens): The Sharpe ratio is defined as the excess return compared to the risk free money market. This assumption was ok in the

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    past 60+ years, but in the end times safe havens dont exist, for the first time in 5,000 years. In contrast, the previously risk free money market will have one of the highest risks of all. And the safe haven of the past 5,000 years (gold & silver)

    produced only safe losses in the past 3 years.

    11. collective priorities (money #1): The life priorities of the average person are 1. love/ family 2. money 3. health. Health is #1 for the (seriously) sick, money is #1

    for people with (big) financial problems. The biggest economic crisis in history will turn everything upside down: in the coming years money will become #1.

    However, with the devastating epidemics starting around 2020 health will become the #1, love/ family will probably fall back to #3, even behind money #2.

    12. necessitation to actively manage your finances: In the past 60+ years you could

    afford to leave small or even medium-sized fortunes on an account or in government bonds. However, this freedom of choice & relying on the beta (=

    market performance) is totally replaced by the duty for active financial management (= achieving a beta). A *good* market letter was never before in history so important as it is the coming 10 years! Quality matters most here

    because the success of spending time with ones finances is by no means guaranteed & maybe even counterproductive which is the next point.

    13. trader lumpenproletariat arising & time-adjusted performance: Absolutely & per hour the closing balance of most traders by the mid-2020s will look devastatingI bet that in 10 years a whopping 95-99.9% of all trading & investment portfolios will have experienced a total loss. From a practical point of view I define a total loss as losing at least 80% in real terms, because that that

    means it is next to impossible to reach the initial value (requires a profit of at least 400%). This sounds terrible & like a recommendation to stay away from the markets altogether but the opposite is true. First people non in the markets will suffer the same fat & second the chances to decouple from the collective downtrend are presumably the best in the markets through savvy transactions,

    for instance because you are very independent. Of course this only works as long as the exchanges are not closed, which is a realistic risk from 2016/17 on. It is almost never discussed how much time market activities are consuming. This

    is a blind spot: but your life time is your most valuable asset! Usually the risk-adjusted performance is discussed, but actually the time-adjusted performance is

    more relevant. In the past buy-and-hold would have been better not just for small but even for mid-sized portfolios (EUR or USD 100,000-1 million), as that requires much less time than active trading. Only for large (millions) & huge

    (billions) portfolios active trading pays off on average if we assume that the performance rises with the number of transactions (which is on average not the

    case though). It is almost never realized that already in good times the average hourly return of small portfolios is small or insignificant. Lets take a small portfolio with EUR or USD 50,000, or even a piggybank with EUR or USD 30,000, with an annual performance of 10-15% per year. This is a highly optimistic assumption, better

    than 99% of the market participants. According to Hulbert's Financial Digest, the world-wide leading rating agency for market letters, the *very best* of the 170 leading services tracked could beat buy-and-hold by just 5% per year with absolute gains of just 10-11% performance per year (Link). Warren Buffett, the most successful investor in history, has been able to beat buy-and-hold by just

    10.3% p.a. since 1965 (Link). By the way, Buffett stresses the performance after taxes, the tax aspect is often overlooked: in most countries speculations have a

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    much higher tax burden compared to investments, the typical speculative period

    is quite often 1 year. Note: one should always use observation periods of (at least) 5-10 years,

    everything else is not meaningful. It is easy to perform like a superstar for some months, quarters or years, but sooner or later you return to the statistical mean. Many market services make fantastic claims regarding their performance, but

    most of the time they have got nothing to do with reality, as Mark Hulbert & other analysts have found out. And in the few cases when the claims are no lies they

    are the result of extreme risks taken. This has also been demonstrated by Hulberts performance analyses: the #1 top performer in a given year on average lags buy-and-hold in the following year by an incredible 55.0% (Link).

    With markets consuming maybe 100-150 hours per year (2-3 hours per week) translate into a profit of maybe EUR or USD 5,000 (before taxes!), which is EUR

    or USD 20-40 per hour. This is not much for well-paid people & is based on the optimistic performance assumptions mentioned above. In reality it is often just half (EUR or USD 10-20), close to the hourly rate of a cleaner in many countries.

    The financial markets will change more in the coming 5-10 years than in the past 60+ years combined & volatility. So the time requirements for hobby market

    participants will go up by a factor of at least 2-3, while performance will go down by a factor 2-3 or infinite (as almost all portfolios will shrink). This means that the trader lumpenproletariat will earn maybe a few bucks per hour or nothing at all (negative returns). Almost everything will yield higher hourly rates than the lumpenproletariat, especially risk-free (!). 4 examples:

    (a) price comparisons: internet, super market ads there is a lot to earn for people with time (b) cook instead of eating out: this is the latest trend in the crisis-shaken Italy

    (c) putter around instead of hiring craftsmen: if dont have two left feet as I do ;-) (d) clean yourself instead of having a cleaner

    14. money management (especially stops): One main reason why a new trader lumpenproletariat will arise is the use of stops & other conventional money management tools. Without doubt they were absolutely necessary & useful in the

    past 60+ years, but could wipe out portfolios in the end times. In free markets breakouts are usually real, while in socialist market regimes nearly always first a false outbreak is orchestrated in order to shave the stops of the dumb money then we see the real breakout (in the other direction). At risk are especially trading systems will large positions & tight stops: they might realize a 100 times

    (!) larger loss than defined by the stop A nice example is 2011 when the Goldman Sachs Global Alpha Fund was caught on the wrong foot by the SNB

    decision to peg EUR/CHF at 1.20. Due to the gap the GS fund could not get out & realized lethal losses, so it had to be closed. A more recent example is the crash of the Russian stock market by -15% on 3/3 after the Crimean invasion,

    partly as a gap. However, these events are just a first subtle indication of what is looming during the mother of all catastrophes in the coming decade In the past mainly institutionals were the victims of this stop problem, but soon the socialistic terror will have a negative impact on every market participants. Mental stops are still possible & meaningful, but only with excellent methods & superb mental

    discipline (the nerves of steel mentioned at the beginning). Without that mental stops will also maximize losses instead of limit them.

    15. hop or drop (totally in or out): Based on these explanations its clear that you have to make a decision, namely to fully in the financially markets or totally out

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    It was perfectly ok to play around a little bit the past 60+ years, but this is no

    option for the coming 10 years. I like to use a ship metaphor: in the past 60+ years the sea was calm (except of a few brief squalls), but now the ultimate

    super-storm is brewing. In the past 60+ years you could easily set sail with an old hooker, but you shouldnt even think of putting to sea without the best equipment in the coming 10 years. Otherwise the financial markets will cost you money,

    time, nerves

    16. capital endowment: In the past 60+ years it was ok to play around with play

    money, however in the end times you need at least EUR or USD 100,000-200,000 available i.e. without real estate. With less money you can neither diversify well nor trade professional instruments, so its better to say, hasta la vista, baby. It is next to impossible to offer general guidelines for people with less money, as this depends almost 100% on personal factors very individual solutions are needed. In most cases 50-100% liquidity are adequate.

    17. main task liquidity : In the end times the only essential overlap of people with no, little or much money is to make sure enough liquidity is available. In normal times

    the rule is default = over-indebtedness = insolvency/ illiquidity. However, in the end times even correlations supposedly carved in stone stop to work, so it will be easy to default without any debt! I think about 0.0% of the financial people are willing to accept that at present... In general you have 3 different types of liquidity: #1 immediate/ short-term (within 1 business day): cash, accounts, securities,

    precious metals #2 intermediate-term (weeks, months): real estate, death insurances

    #3 long-term (years = no liquidity in the narrow sense of the word): sometimes real estate & death insurances The main problem is that this assessment is only true of the normal times, while

    in the coming decade you may have deteriorations of one level (maybe even 2): (i) During the Cyprus bank robbery in March 2013 the ATMs didnt give out money for weeks, i.e. immediate liquidity #1 suddenly become intermediate-term liquidity #2. Only physical cash was king! (ii) Securities are normally immediate liquidity#1, however in the case of

    exchange closings they are only intermediate-term liquidity #2 (in the worst case even long-term liquidity #3).

    (iii) Real estate & death insurances as formerly intermediate-term liquidity #2 will be no liquidity at all (#3), maybe you get something for it in years - or never (temporary or final total loss).

    Heuristic for liquidity assessment: (a) independent liquidity: As a rather independent base one should have about

    EUR or USD 50,000 per person (the multiple of normal times). (b) liquidity depending on expenses: In addition one should have the expenses for at least 3-6 months ready.

    (c) liquidity depending on income: With unemployment rates of up to 30-80% in the coming decade *everyone* has to be prepared for unemployment & thus a

    total loss of income. Theoretically self-employed, entrepreneurs & traders/ investors are better off, as they have at least more control over their income than one of 10,000 employees of a multinational. Its hard to tell how much of that will turn into a practical benefit, this depends on many internal & external factors, e.g. the sector. Sure the financial sector will be hit hardest, so financial people have

    the highest risk & should therefore hold more liquidity. But is not very specific, a lot depends on the company, the position & other factors.

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    (d) liquidity depending on the place of residence: Switzerland as the financial

    nation #1 will of course be hit hardest, so Swiss citizens need on average more liquidity than other nationalities. The problem is that in the end times the franc is

    the worst of all major currencies In 2009 it was predicted in the premium area that the dumb money will flee heavily into the franc, so that the Swissie will end in a bubble that bursts by mid-2011 at the earliest. This call was very accurate: from

    2009 into August 2011 the CHF shot up by 60%. No surprise that since the bubble burst in August 2011 the franc has been the weakest of all majors. Some

    will object that the Swiss government debt is very small (35% of the GDP). This is true, yet Spain had almost the same excellent value (36%) in 2007 before the real estate bubble burst and just a couple of years later it was >100%... (e) liquidity depending on property structure: In the end times its next to impossible to come up with a financial calculation for real estate holders all other assets are benign in comparison. Real estate is a financial WMD in the end times, so property holders need 2-3x more liquidity than people without that terrible burden. But the details again depend on many factors hard to estimate,

    first & foremost of course the location (state, region, urban/ rural), value & condition of building, owner structure & many more. But cruel state terroristic

    attacks against real estate sheeple are guaranteed, Greece was installed as a precedent what the NWO plan of the reptiles for the entire planet is. In Greece only few people are able to pay the special real estate tax introduced & the Greek

    model will spread out to all continents. Again Switzerland will suffer most as this is the nation with the highest mortgage debt in the world: Switzerland is the

    mother of all real estate bubbles! Per capita the mortgage debt is an incredible CHF 90,000 = USD 100,000, 60-70% more than in the country with the 2nd highest debt (Netherlands).

    18. choice of instruments (retail garbage or professional instruments): With a nominal value of more than $700 trillion (10x world GDP) the derivatives bubble is the

    mother of all bubbles. Deutsche Bank is the biggest holder ahead of JPM (Link). So it will be crucial in the next 10 years (in particular from 2016 on) which instruments are traded. The sheeple with retail instruments (certificates,

    warrants, ETFs, ADRs) were first fleeced in September 2008, when Lehman went to the happy hunting ground. A total expropriation of these small investors

    from 2016/17 on is likely, as 2014 through early 2015 was just the starter. But the choice of instruments is much more far-reaching than anyone can imagine, e.g. ADRs (American Depositary Receipt) look like stocks but are stock certificates &

    thus may face a total loss. Why from 2016/17 on? Nearly all plain vanilla astrologers did forecast that *the*

    crucial world events would be due around the year 2012, stating the following reasons: * 2008 - April 2014 cardinal climax/ Grand Cross

    * 2012 the big year (Maya & more) * 2012 until early 2015 Uranus square (90) Pluto

    Meanwhile these prophets look somewhat sheepish now that the window is (nearly) over & nothing of their daredevil calls have come to pass. In contrast the Amanita market letter did warn long in advance that the awesome or even scary year 2012 would be as dull as ditchwater (!), especially compared to what is looming some years later. No one except the premium subscribers seem to

    understand that the constellations around 2012 were nothing but peanuts compared to the super-constellations in the years around 2017/18, that should occur just once in a million years or so. Moreover, McMinns crisis cycles 56 & 36

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    years are not due before 2016 (Link) then a gap until 2025.

    19. securities custody: also a big issue, but very different in different countries. Ideally you have segregated custodial-ship accounts (link). The only problem is

    that during the 2011 MF global default even the supposedly safe segregated accounts did *not* hold. Even worse, for the first time ever the heart of the financial system didnt work either: the clearing system. The top dogs are Euroclear in Brussels (EUR 20-25 trillion in custody = 1/3-1/2 of the global GDP of EUR 50-55 trillion) & half as large Clearstream in Luxembourg. Brussels has

    always been the financial center of the illuminati & these things will end where they started. Sometime in the coming years everything will revolve around these two - almost unknown & hardly ever discussed - companies! Even the Fed &

    ECB are tiny in comparison A confirmation comes from Google Trends: in 2014 the search volume for clearing system tests the all-time low (Link).

    20. exchange closings: closings can no longer outruled from fall 2014 on, but more likely from 2016/18, either because of the wars or the collapse of the economic system. This would translates into a temporary (or even final?) total loss in the


    21. war mode: In the past 60+ years the world was in a peace mode almost all of the

    time. WW2 ended in 1945, it was still followed by wars & revolutions until 1949. The war mode especially from 2016/17 on (first signs already in 2014) has a great many implications which are hard to predict in detail. Likely consequences:

    much less legal certainty, abrupt events & changes of direction, exchange closings, extreme business slumps (e.g. of business relations to the enemy

    nation), confiscation of gold coined in the enemy country... 6,000-6,500 years ago (90 of the Galactic precession cycle of 25,6000 years) the global wars started because of a climate deterioration, according to the Prof.

    James DeMeos Saharasia theory. Soon thereafter the dark age (Kali Yuga) began. In the thousands of years of the Kali Yuga the main reason for wars was

    resources (even when other reasons were pleaded). Since WW1 (Baghdad rail link Link) most major wars were directly or indirectly caused by the need for oil, beginning with the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (today BP British Petroleum). We

    will see the final resource wars in the early 2020s before this chapter is finally closed, after more than 5,000 years - because of the break-through of free


    22. financial repression/ state terrorism at an all-time high: War is the main product of the legal violence of states. In the past centuries state (legal) criminality (mainly wars) has certainly caused a 100 times higher death toll than private (illegal) criminality. Without doubt states are the biggest & most bloodthirsty monster

    mankind has ever created! In the past 60+ years one was the master of ones financial fate to a large degree, at least in the democratic states. However, in the coming 10 years ones decisions will be just one factor of many in determining ones financial status. Large-scale confiscations are looming, as usually after wars & revolutions. But much worse than the financial repression is the

    destruction caused by the wars & the US concentration camps. In earlier times police would take you out at 5 in the morning, but in the end times this is much easier through real-time location (cell phone) & the software RIOT by Raytheon

    (divine ray"). RIOT is able to predict the location of (nearly) every human in advance with good odds.

    23. ideal forecasting period (10 years): Id like to use weather forecasts to

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    demonstrate what I mean. Lets assume its January 1st in a (Northern) temperate zone, like most of Europe & the US. Ironically there are 2 ideal forecasting periods: either 1-2 days or 5-7 months. So you can both predict with a

    high degree of certainty that it will be warmer 5-7 months later & how the weather will be 1-2 days later. However, it is next to impossible to make a reliable weather forecast with a horizon of e.g. 3 weeks or 2 months. Similarly, for the perhaps

    first time in history the ideal forecasting period *today* is about 10 years. In contrast, it is much harder to say when what will happen within this decade.

    24. fundamental analysis versus NWO plan: Calls made from the perspective of plain-vanilla fundamental analysis were good & necessary in the past 5,000 years. However, today are partly irrelevant & maybe dangerous. Instead you

    should always think like a criminal in the coming 10 years in order to understand what is going on Until 2017-22 there is just *one* crucial factor: what is the NWO plan saying? Always ask yourself: What is the most criminal, stupid, crazy & destructive in this situation? This already provides the direction, so you only need the timing A good example is gold in 2013: the performance 2013 was the *worst* in 30+ year in spite of the physical demand at an all-time high. I am quite sure that such a divergence has never happened before in the millennia

    since commodities are traded (already before Christ).

    25. topics (mainly inflation or deflation): In the past 60+ years one could & should think in terms of topics to understand & forecast the markets. Still, this is a

    double-edged sword for a customer-oriented market letter: on average the least relevant topics are the most requested, while the interest is low for what really

    drives the markets Thats why absolute price targets are such a long runner: no one needs price targets to be successful in the markets & today no one can consistently make precise price predictions (this was certainly totally different at

    the time of W.D. Gann). Quite the contrary price targets distract from what really matters & are thus a major performance destroyer.

    In the past 60+ years the topic inflation (deflation) was by far the most important macro assessment. Thats why this question was discussed intensely for more than 10 years in this market letter. But: Google Trends says that search volume

    for both deflation & inflation rose to 3-year highs (Link). Such a parallel advance is unprecedented & suggests the conviction of the mass that the question

    inflation or deflation? is important - therefore it cant be important! Of all prominent economic figures inflation rates are *today* the least meaningful and the most massaged & distorted so they are mostly irrelevant. Even worse, discussing inflation *today* is a distraction from what really matters & is based on the wrong premises. Inflation & deflation in the classic sense require a sine wave

    model of the markets: however, the brutal rape by the state terrorists is not compatible with the simple dichotomy inflation/ deflation. In my book the question inflation or deflation can only be answered like that today:

    yes, inflation yes, deflation inflation & deflation at the same time neither inflation nor deflation inflation & deflation alternating a blend of deflation & inflation something totally different/ totally new in which country? in which sector? in which month? in which income group? which perspective? how do currency reforms count?- how does the loss of purchasing power count, which

    has mostly the same consequences as inflation? officially or in reality? - how do currency reforms count? how do Cyprus-style bank robberies count? the massaged official numbers or reality? - conventional inflation or Amanita-Inflation? - ...

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    The by far most important factor is whether you look at plain old inflation or the

    Amanita inflation introduced in 2013. According to my estimate/ dowsing the global Amanita inflation with its implicit component was higher than 30% p.a. in

    the past years. 2 examples: * Todays excessive use of microwave WMDs like cell phone or WLAN/ Wi-Fi is a guarantee that health costs will go through the roof incredibly in the 21st century.

    * Nuclear power appears rather cheap but only because profits are privatized & losses are socialized. Thats why nuclear power will drive inflation up in the 21st century: because of the unsolved problem of nuclear waste, the costs of the nuclear accidents (e.g. evacuations), increased health costs The traditional inflation concept is the equivalent of orthodox Western medicine

    (exoteric/ explicit), which only captures manifest phenomena. In contrast, the Amanita inflation is the equivalent of the diagnostic methods of holistic alternative

    medicine (= esoteric/ implicit): tongue diagnosis, iridodiagnosis, pulse diagnosis, foot/ hand reflexology analysis, aura analysis, radionics, kinesiological tests & others. These methods tell what is building up invisibly & will become visible within 1-10 years (as a disease). It is the same with Amanita inflation, which sooner or later will translate into a massive economic deterioration. It can

    be expected that the price increases building up will take other forms because of government interventions. Nevertheless, the end result remains the same as of inflation: destruction of capital, wealth & purchasing power.

    Still, the concept of implicit Amanita inflation is not totally new, as implicit government debt has been discussed. In many countries the implicit government

    debt is 3-20 times (!) higher than the explicit government debt, as discussed by Prof. Raffelhschen (Link): * Implicit US federal debt is quite high with about 700-800% of (true) GDP,

    between Spain & Greece - 6x bigger than explicit debt (Link). Clearly, health costs are the coffin nail for the US.

    * Ireland is in the worst position with 1,500%/ GDP, Luxembourg is #2 with the biggest imbalance explicit/ implicit (almost exclusively implicit debt). * Surprisingly, the scapegoat Italy has the best ratio with very little zero implicit

    debt, Germany & Finland are almost equally #2.

    At present the exoteric headline inflation is kept low because households are

    paying a terribly high price: * with the loss of the simple, comfortable & stress-free life

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    * with the loss of their health (e.g. EMF pollution!) & their brain fitness

    * with the loss of their economic freedom (more & more socialism) * with the loss of their political freedom

    * with the loss of their private sphere (24/7 availability) * with the loss of their autonomy (new slavery) * with the loss of values

    * with the loss of diversity & an economic monopolization * with the loss of life quality on all levels, e.g. of the environment

    * and most of all with the loss of our future! and the blowback of all that is due in the next years! Regardless of what *will* happen, it is crystal-clear what *should* happen:

    inflation is always the disease, deflation is always the cure! There is nothing more healing for every economy than when the quality of money (the chi of the

    economy) gets better during the process of deflation, as inflation always means the chi is deteriorating. Inflation is always sham & illusion: sham boom & illusory wealth. All other claims are 100% socialistic brainwashing! (socialism = debt =

    inflation) Deflation is as dangerous as being sober for an alcoholic. Why are we brain-washed 24/7 & why are we not told that deflation is the biggest blessing

    you can imagine? Because all big players are profiting from inflation, at the cost of the rest of mankind: (a) The financial sector profits twice from inflation: first because of the Cantillon

    effect, which means that the financial sector is the first to receive the - still good - money, while the rest of the real economy gets the money later, when it is

    already devalued. (b) Second the financial sector has grown excessively since the gold window was closed on 8/15/1971, i.e. since we have bad money. The more inflationary the

    money, the bigger the financial sector has to grow because of the permanent pressure to offset the losses caused by inflation. With permanent deflation the

    financial sector would be less than half as large, presumably just one third! (c) The states are permanently reducing their debt burden through inflation & profit from income tax increases. Moreover, socialism can only be financed

    through inflation, never in an honest system. (d) The illuminati profit most as bad money creates permanent instability &

    therefore many boom-bust cycles. Every boom-bust cycle redistributes wealth from the sheeple into the hands of the elites, which would work much less & much slower in an environment of bubble-free stability (deflation). The main

    author of the US Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, warned: If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their

    currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

    (e) Science including economics is based on the concept of creating knowledge, which means to avoid truth. An exaggerated statement is that science has to be

    discontinued in the very moment the full truth has come out So the hidden agenda of science is to create many complex theories & avoid too much truth, as that would threaten science

    26. sine model of the markets or socialistic market regimes with extreme trend compressions & one-second events:

    Eugen Bhm-Bawerk, the main pioneer of Austrian School of Economics apart from Carl Menger, stated that politics can never override the laws of economics. While this has been true most the past 60+ years, it is just the other way round in

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    the end times. In the past 6 years one market after the after was decoupled from

    reality, so today hardly anything else than the despotism & arbitrariness of politics matters:

    (a) Since 2008 (sovereign) bonds have been beamed to a parallel universe: the bankrupt states should pay 10-100 times higher interest rates. (b) Since 2011 the FOREX has been raped by the controlled economy fans,

    starting with the pegging of EUR/CHF on 9/7/11. But the other currencies have also been kept in an artificially low range, the volatility of the cross rate #1

    EUR/USD has crashed to an all-time low (chart source: Smart Investor). A second example is the Czech crown that nosedived vertically on 11/7/13 after an announcement of the central bank. During the time some went to the bath-room

    CZK had a bigger move than in the 26 months before in total. This translates into a trend compression by a factor of far more than 10,000.

    (c) Since early 2013 the precious metals markets have been deprived of the last piece of reality connection: never before have prices decoupled so much from the demand/ supply situation.

    (d) Since mid-2013 the stock markets of the socialistic bloc EUSApan lost the last degrees of freedom.

    The most devastating wrong assumption that one can have today is that until 2023 prices will be made mainly by free market forces. But 99% of the analyses are based on exactly this assumption! In contrast, the official Amanita position is

    that many or most big trends of the end times will be determined by politics/ planned economy regimes. The portentousness of this statement may not be

    clear at first: but it is contradicting practically all market forecasts. Very few analysts are aware of the numerous (implicit) premises behind their work. Manipulations are the first step towards controlled economy: to my knowledge

    Amanita Market Forecasting was the first market service on the planet to introduce the Manipulation Index (MIX) in 2013, in order to quantify the

    manipulation activity. The Cyprus bank robbery in 2013 was the first warning shot across the bows that one has to say good-bye to the sine wave model of the markets & instead has to

    be prepared for the rectangle model of the socialistic rape of the markets! This means that trends which usually last months, years or even decades may be

    compressed to a (symbolic) second. For instance a single political decision could

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    move the gold price more in a second than in the entire previous decade.

    Historical examples are the German currency reform 1948 (reichsmark -> D-mark), when stocks & bonds lost about 80% of their value. The chart below

    shows the decline 1923 by >99.9% in a symbolic second (currency reform). Another nice example is the closing of the Warsaw Stock Exchange for 52 years (1939-91).

    27. formal & content consistency: 95-99% of the analysts work (implicitly) on the premise of formal consistency. The typical example is to analyze 100+ years of

    Dow Jones data in order to make predictions for the Dow Jones. That worked pretty good in the 60+ years until 2013 because formal & content consistency were often the same. However, since 2001-7 the divergences are getting bigger

    & bigger because the world is starting to change from scratch. In the end times since 2013 content consistency is the one & only, so world events repeat

    according to their meaning (= esoteric) & no longer according to their names (= formal/ exoteric).

    28. forecasts & implementation (trading/ investing): In the past 60+ years one could

    easily translate forecasts 1:1 into trading signals. However, in the coming 10 years is no longer as straightforward as it seems, the situation is much more

    complex. The reason is that in the past 60+ years one could simply optimize the (risk-adjusted) performance, but it is getting more difficult. In contrast to normal times one has to consciously & deliberately (!!!) make errors in the direction of

    the coming socialistic interventions. A lot depends on whether a market participant is private or institutional: it is almost never discussed that the private

    person is always LONG the stock markets - because the stock indices have a high correlation with the economic conditions & the general wealth.
