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Zodiac Sign Language: A Celestial Guide revealing the Sign Language of the Zodiac

So many women lose out on becoming closer and more compatible with their man because they rely so heavily on verbal expressions of affection. Often times it’s what men don’t say and instead what they do that shows you how they really feel. Knowing what to look for is what Zodiac Sign Language is about.

Each Zodiac Sign has its own form of Sign Language or way of operating that either hides or expresses their true feelings.

These signs are more reliable than words in many cases. For instance, a man can repeat or say something that hurts your feelings to protect his own feelings or ego. Later that same man may go home and unconsciously feel anxiety which stems from a loneliness they don’t want to face.

Giving that scenario, you may hear a man say he is comfortable being a bachelor and never wishes to settle down. Two months later you find them connected at the hip with someone. That someone was able to cut through the verbal garbage and really identify with the under lying wishes and desires he had.

You don’t want to be the one who misses out on truly understanding the man of your dreams. You want to be the one who figures him out and captures his heart. Don’t let the next female have him!

Read about the different Zodiac signs below to find out what Sign Language each one uses to express their deepest emotions. Also find out what signs to overlook when trying to figure out if he’s not into you.

Signs that he is annoyed by you….

An Aries will show you he is annoyed by you pretty openly. He is easily annoyed and will fly off the handle with put downs and insults. Luckily Aries men are also easily diffused.

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With these men you don’t have too many nonverbal signs to look for. This may be a good or bad thing depending on how well you handle verbal confrontation. Otherwise his non-verbal signs would include shutting you out from his plans as he focuses more and more on his own goals. If you aren’t getting invited to go places with him then you know he is annoyed. Try winning him back by showing an interest in his goals.

A Taurus will show you he is annoyed by trying to control your behavior. He will make it so you do everything the way he likes it. Of course this will eventually make you frustrated. The best course of action here is to stay out of his way and let him do what needs to be done. In other words take the back seat for a while. Once he is done brooding you’ll notice that he lets up on being in complete control.

A Gemini’s non-verbal signs may be the only way you will notice that they are annoyed with you. Watch their eyes. If they narrow then you will know they are upset. Also look at their hands to see if they become shaky or clinched. They may also do little things that they know will bother you to get a rise out of you. These non-verbal actions might bewilder you but you can rest assure they are intended to outwit and annoy you back. The best way to disarm them is to talk about what you notice. Gemini men are willing to talk things out.

A Cancer will show you he is annoyed by becoming withdrawn and silent around you. They will still stay in close contact, for instance not leaving the house, because subconsciously they want you to notice that they are emotionally upset. They will also talk about you behind your back because they tend to gossip and complain to family and friends. So if you are feeling left out of the circle of trust, it’s probably because he mentioned something to someone in your circle and it spread. The best way to work this out is to tell him you know he is upset and then apologize for whatever. Then ignore him. Eventually he will want your attention back. Make it easy on him when he does resurface.

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A Leo shows that he is annoyed by you when he stops performing. He will seem less enthusiastic around you. He will also stop giving you attention. You will immediately notice the drastic change in his normal behaviors. When you ask him a question, he will look at something other than you, and answer you with short rapid responses. Luckily a Leo will change his tune once you make him the center of attention or complement him on something he does well.

A Virgo will show you he is annoyed by picking up the pace of what he is doing. For example if he stops for gas he will rush out his credit card, type in the numbers quickly, and yank out the gas hose and quickly stuff it into the tank hole. Then he might even check his watch to see what time it is. So if you see him rushing even more than normal, he is most likely annoyed with you. The best way to handle this is to give him some space. Don’t try to talk about it, just let him sort it out on his own. He is quite capable of forgiving you in due time.

A Libra will generally not show you that he is annoyed in any way. They really despise confrontation. If they are annoyed they will most likely disappear or become very quite. If you find that you aren’t able to reach your Libra they may be getting attention from somewhere else. Generally these men have an array of women they can choose from. Even if you ask him what‘s wrong he will say that everything is fine. If you push him too far he will eventually admit that he is annoyed. Winning back a Libra’s attention requires that you say something interesting and provoking. Luckily when they are annoyed they are easily changed back to happy.

A Scorpio will most likely not show you that he is annoyed by you. These men won’t let you see their emotions because it exposes a weakness. To them showing a weakness is an open invitation to your using it against them in the future. Instead a Scorpio will let you think all is okay but will secretly indulge in some type of revenge. If you get less and less of his

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time plus he is becoming selfish with his affections, he is probably also doing something that he knows you won’t like behind your back. The best way to deal with this is to demand his attention. Tell him that your devotion towards the relationship is worth his affection and honesty.

Unlike other signs, a Sagittarius really doesn’t give you any non-verbal clues that they are annoyed by you. They will tell you straight up and to your face what it is that annoys them. You simply need to say you’re sorry and move on.

A Capricorn will show you that he is annoyed by cutting his eyes at you or giving you a look of disgust. They will also ignore you and dive into work even harder. They also fidget and straighten their clothes when near you. When a Capricorn male is annoyed it gives him a great deal of anxiety. He doesn’t want to be affected by more negativity. He is stressed out enough on his own. The best way to handle this is to change all your conversations with him into something positive to cancel out whatever negativity he is feeling towards you.

An Aquarius man will show you he is annoyed by rubbing his eyes or sitting with his knees up on a chair or sofa. They do this because they actually feel sad when they are annoyed. They feel some sort of injustice over the low level of peace they are being forced to deal with. It’s best to comfort them in this situation and tell them you’ll mellow out.

A Pisces man will show you he is annoyed by avoiding you all together. If you live together he will just tune you out with music or the television. He might also sleep more to avoid you. These guys really need their space more than any other sign. When they are annoyed it emotionally drains them. Then they need time to reflect on or more likely time to suppress the way they are feeling. The best thing to do is let him know that you can tell he is annoyed and that you’ll be there for him when he is ready to hang out. But don’t hold your breath. It could take a day or two.

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Signs that he is at peace with himself….

If a man is not at peace with himself, you may misinterpret his bad moods as having something to do with you personally. Understanding that it’s not you and giving him the tools to find that peace will insure a stronger bond between the two of you.

An Aries will show you that he is experiencing unrest when he becomes pushy with you and other people. They have a fiery drive and tend to take on too many projects at once. They also expect you and others to get on board with their ideas and help. When that isn’t happening they can become restless, boastful, and bossy. On the other hand, when they are at peace, they are able to follow through on their projects with enthusiasm and creativity. At this time the Aries man is ready for love. He is on top of his game and feels open to all possibilities. Helping him get to this point would mean encouraging him to follow through on all the projects holding him back.

A Taurus will show you that he is experiencing unrest when he becomes unbearably stubborn. You may find yourself at your wits ends trying to deal with his lack of cooperation. Keep in mind that this has nothing to do with you. He is probably putting in a lot of effort at work and getting no results. When he gets home he can’t relax at all. On the other hand when he is at peace he will be able to hear out your ideas. He will also spend a little extra money on you. This is a good time to bring up any plans you would like to make with him. Getting him to this point may be out of your control because it’s his external circumstances that he can’t control. The best thing to do is to try to give him some non-expensive comforts, like a massage or home cooked meal. Also let him do things his way for a while. This lets some of the pressure off.

A Gemini will display erratic behavior when they aren’t at peace. They will seem to change moods faster than you can keep up with. They will jump from one idea to the other

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without accomplishing anything. One moment he will seem like he is very interested in you, then the next minute he seems cold as ice. When they are at peace you get a sense that the dust has settled and you find him to be more stable and reliable. When he is not a peace you want to provide some kind of anchor for him. Focus on what you think is the most important area in his life that if worked on will calm him down. Don’t tell him that you are trying to help. Just mention over and over again that he might want to do x, y or z. Sooner or later he will focus more and more attention on you as the other distractions in his life are wrapped up.

A Cancer will become overly sensitive when they aren’t at peace. They will tell you all their worries even on a first date. They will stop being good listeners and only focus on their own feelings. If you meet a Cancer in this state, you aren’t really getting a true sense of who they are. A Cancer man is usually very sensitive to the needs of his lover and will listen carefully. If you feel like your Cancer man is just whining and complaining all the time and not listening to you, he may just be at unrest himself. This Zodiac sign will give off many non-verbal clues like looking down and away from you when they talk. They also stay in their bedrooms a lot. Also they can cling on you. When you are ready to get up in the morning, they will want to hold you more even if it’s past noon. They may also want you to stay in for day with them instead of going out. When a Cancer is at peace they are more open to going outdoors and out with friends. To get a Cancer man in a good state you want to get him to tell you stories about himself that make him happy. They like reminiscing about family and friends.

A Leo man will show you that he is not a peace when he hogs the limelight and becomes boastful and egotistical. You may think that he is at peace when he does this because his bragging on himself seems genuine. It seems like he is delighted with himself. In actuality he is far from secure. This is the ultimate in defense mechanisms. Meeting a Leo man in this state will most likely make you think that he is arrogant and rude. However when he is at peace he will let others have the spot light and help them achieve their goals. He won’t sulk and act conceited. To get a Leo man in his peaceful state, he needs to be reminded of his accomplishments so that he can let go of the need to convince himself.

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A Virgo will show you his unrest by becoming cold and critical. You will see one or two of his eyebrows go up and a judgmental looks on his face. He will begin to straighten his closet or the glove compartment of his car. Anything that he can organize to make himself feel better he will do. He may also look your outfit up and down in disapproval. Letting him get to you when he is like this can ruin your chances with him. Try and remind yourself of how he would be if he was at peace with himself. He would pay much less attention to appearances and opinions and focus more on his empathetic tendency to help others. You may not be able to get a Virgo to relax, but you can give him something worthwhile to focus on. Distracting him is the best way to bring him out of his funk. Try asking him to find a good place to eat for the evening for instance. He’ll most likely find the best restaurant you’ve ever eaten at.

A Libra man will show you his unrest by becoming lazy. He won’t finish anything or want to have any fun. His laziness also makes him indecisive and gullible. He just isn’t using his brain. This may make you think he is flighty and easily manipulated. Thinking this about a Libra man is a big mistake. When he is at peace, he is the most intelligent of all signs. His perception of everything around him becomes keen and on the mark. He will pick up on any doubts you have about him and just chalk you up to a lost cause. If you want to help a Libra be at peace so you can experience his true nature, then you will have to intelligently remind him of the pleasurable things in life. Tell him he is missing out by carrying on in such a state. Suddenly you will have more fun and pleasure with him than you could ever imagine.

A Scorpio man will show that he is not at peace by becoming compulsive and obsessive. He will become super focused on whatever it is that is bothering him and stop at nothing to fix the problem. You may be in mid sentence with him and suddenly he gets up and needs to leave the room. You won’t be able to understand why he feels the need to just up and go, but he can’t help it. A Scorpio man will leave you in the dust if he feels the need to get something done. You will also notice that he dwells on perfection of all sorts of things from his hair to his car or his clothes. If something isn’t right he can become immobilized until it is fixed to his satisfaction. You may find him to be exhausting in this state. When he is at peace he is more relaxed and stops his compulsive behavior. He then becomes intensely focused on you

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and more available for romance and fun. To get a Scorpio into this state you have to remind him that perfection is not always so important. Remind him of everything that he has already and how grateful he should be for it.

A Sagittarius man will show he is at unrest by becoming carless and restless. You may find that he seems dissatisfied with his co-workers, family or friends. He constantly looks on the internet for something to do. Or he might look at other women when he is with you. He wants something more. He needs adventure and excitement. He seems arrogant and takes you for granted. On the other hand when he is at peace, you will find that he is very optimistic and adventurous. He will ask you to go on a vacation with him or work on a project with him. To get him into this state you simply want to invite him to do something fun with you.

A Capricorn man may seem like his is never at peace. They tend to seem unemotional and calculated much of the time. Well if you can imagine this getting even worse, then you have a Capricorn man in unrest. He will not tolerate any illogical behavior from others. He will sit in the corner observing the world around him with his legs out straight and his hand on the side of his face not saying a word. In his head though, he is thinking…what in the hell are these people thinking. He is mentally separating himself from others. You might get the impression that he is a complete asshole. However this is not the case. He is really a very hard working man who wants to succeed. He is just frustrated when he is not where he wants to be in life. He has an uncontrollable desire to become rich and/or famous. When he is at peace he can separate his ambitious struggles from his love life. Getting a Capricorn man into this state can be near impossible at times. The best way to get him into a better place is to surprise him with something sexy. But be discrete when you do it. This will stop his one track thinking.

An Aquarius man is usually a very friendly humanitarian type, but when he is in a state of unrest he will show you by becoming very difficult. He will disagree over every little thing. He will feel that his life is full of chaos, which it probably is, and he is likely the one causing it. He will do things that are unpredictable and strange. Oddly enough some women like this off beat sort of behavior. Others do not. When an Aquarius man is at peace he becomes

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much more agreeable and lively. To get him to this place just go with the flow and be his friend. He will lighten up and give you his time and affection.

A Pisces man will show you that he is at unrest by being vague and careless. You may find it almost impossible to get to know him at all. Sometimes if you try he may toy with your affections just for spite. What’s strange is that he really does want you to get to know him but he is just not in a good place in his own head. When he is at peace, he is compassionate and kind and easy to get to know. To get him to this point you want to make him feel needed somehow. Tell him about how you are having trouble with your exercise routine and that you need some advice. They love to think that they are helping other people. Even the small gestures that he can do to help will give him a sense that he is important. He will also feel more bonded to you once he is able to help.

Signs that he is in love with you….

Now that you have insight into the way men from the different Zodiac Signs act when they are annoyed or not at peace, you may be able to look past these behaviors and see the love hidden within.

An Aries man will show you that he is in love with you by showering you with his undivided attention and devotion. He will invite you to indulge in all the things that he likes to do. He will want you to be excited over and participate in the projects that he is working on. With that said, unlike how he would treat a regular friend, he will also be willing to try some of your favorite things. He will welcome any spontaneity that you bring to the relationship. He has a strong passion for what he does in his own life. In love he will exhibit that same passion for you. Lastly he will also be a bit jealous over you because Aries men what to be number one in every thing that they do, especially love.

A Taurus man will show you that he loves you in a less energetic way than some of the other signs. Instead he will make you feel comfortable and secure. Some women mistake this as him just wanting a friendship. This may even be after a saucy night in the sack. However

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if you stay the course, the Taurus man will start to romance you by taking you out to dinner someplace special. He also likes to give small romantic gestures like flowers when he shows up to the door. He will also be protective over you. He might hold your hand as you cross the street or walk you to the other side of the road if he sees someone shady. But don’t be waiting for promises of a fairy tale life from him. His actions are more non-verbal. You will just find yourself able to rely on him every time you need him. The security he provides will be his way of saying, I love you.

A Gemini man will show you that he loves you by exploring your mind. If he is interested in you he will try to find out everything there is to know about you. You will find yourself accidently telling him your life story. Then maybe you will feel like you have told him too much. This is never going to happen with a Gemini man. He can absorb anything you tell him without any sort of judgment at all. In fact he really doesn’t use that information for much except to interact with you. Passing thoughts back and forth is his mental foreplay. He will also suggest several fun and exciting things to do. Not all of them will be realistic at any given moment, but the idea of it is what he hopes you will laugh at and imagine it with him. When he is in love, you will find yourself in a whirlwind of ideas and excitement. You’ll be falling in love with him without even stopping to question why. It will feel like a best friend type situation until you end up kissing each other at the end of a fun and exciting day.

A Cancer man will show you he loves you by giving you the full Prince Charming effect. He will try to sweep you off your feet. You will get the feeling that he is ready to carry you straight to the altar. This only comes after your making him feel very secure. He must know that you aren’t going to crush his heart if he tries making a go at you. He is extremely vulnerable and doesn’t want to get hurt. You may find him lingering around you watching and listening to you. He will want to see if you put people down or talk bad about ex-lovers. He doesn’t want to experience that same shameful fate. Once he is confident, he will shower you with thoughts of the future. He will most likely mention being together forever. He will make love to you in a passionate and soul-binding manner. Just give him time to lower his guard and then he will ride you off into the sunset.

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A Leo man will show you that he loves you by showering you with gifts or vacations. He wants you to feel like royalty. Once he wants you as his lover you will become his queen. He will noticeably be jealous over you and has no reservations in telling you he is upset. All he wants in return is for you to treat him like he is a king. You may find this to be egotistical at times, but if you can keep up the game of making him feel important he will more than happily give you back your affections ten-fold. The only thing to be careful of with a Leo man is giving him attention that he doesn’t return. He is always putting on a show for everyone especially women. Make sure he is putting on a show just for you.

A Virgo man will show you that he loves you by being stable and serious. He will get back to you at all times when you call and will never break plans without a very good excuse. He has great attention to detail and doesn’t forget about dates. If he tells you that he forgot to call you back then he is probably lying. To show you that he is serious about you he will probably buy you a meaningful gift that he expects that you will cherish. He has a critical nature and will probably drive you up the wall with the negative things that he notices about you. This is something that he can’t help but do. However when he is in love, he will try his best to soften up on the criticism. He will also be incredibly loyal. That same guy, who was picking you apart just moments ago, will take up for you in front of anyone who is trying to break you down. Make sure you let him run his own life his way, and he will be there for you for a long as you let him.

A Libra man will show you that he loves you by offering his companionship. He will be willing to listen and be your best friend at the same time. He will spend more time with you than with his own guy friends. When a Libra man bonds, you become the focus of his world. Everyone else is secondary. He will take you to the best parties. He will want to show you the luxurious side of life. He will show you his love for art and speak about things of beauty. Try to dismiss his wondering eye, because like a photographer they find beauty amusing and intriguing. It doesn’t mean that he is going to be unfaithful to you. A Libra man in love will give you the closest relationship of any other sign.

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A Scorpio man will show you that he is in love by trying to keep you all to himself. He won’t be able to verbalize how he is feeling about you for fear of rejection…at least at first. Instead you’ll catch him stalking you with his eyes, watching your movements. He will expect you to come to him as if being seduced by a vampire. He will want you submit to him fully. Until then he will secretly try to figure you out. He wants to know you on an intimate level from the inside. He will look for signs that you are trustworthy and loyal. Once he has you in his grasp he will slowly make you into his personal possession. He will rid you of any friends who don’t approve of your relationship with him. He won’t allow anyone to influence you against him. He cannot and will not lose in love. If he feels like there is a threat arising that will break the two of you apart, he will become manipulative to gain back control. This same manipulation is why it has been said...never cross a Scorpio… you will get stung!

A Sagittarius will certainly tell you upfront and flat out that he is in love with you. However getting him to that point is full-fledged challenge. You really have to know how to be intriguing and play hard to get. The non-verbal signs that he is in love with you will be him picking you up by the waist or tickling you and expecting you to say….no, no, no, and laugh. He will want you to go on adventures with him. He doesn’t like to sit still… ever. He will shower you with gifts and plan all sorts of fun things to do. Truly with these guys, you just need to make out like you are unavailable and make them think that they are winning you over each time. Even though he likes his freedom and it’s hard for him to commit, he always wants that one special girl who he can day dream about and keep a picture of in his wallet.

A Capricorn man has trouble being all lovey dovey so you will want to really watch for his Zodiac Sign Language. The first thing he will do to show you he loves you is to become your advisor. He will want to see you do your best so don’t take any of his advise personally. Next he will do little things to protect you, like remind you to lock to the door before you leave. He will also remind you of any task that you need to take care of. He will worry about your health and suggest a certain vitamin regimen or workout. He really becomes like a father figure in many ways. Then instead of telling you he loves you he will rub your

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shoulders or stroke your hair. He just assumes that by doing these things you already know he cares. Also anytime he smiles at you or stares into your eyes, he is trying to say I love you.

An Aquarius man can love you very deeply but he won’t say it or show it in any conventional way that one would think. So you won’t get all those sweet little gestures like flowers or jewelry. The best he can do to show you that he loves you is to be there for you when you need him. He won’t go for a woman who is too needy though. He will expect you to be as independent as he is. He will however give you the sense that he would jump in front of a bullet for you. He may not commit in a conventional way like marriage or a white picket fence. But he will be your go to guy when you need a shoulder to cry on. He will care for your emotions although he doesn’t really know how to express his own.

A Pisces man will show you that he loves you by putting your needs first. He will drop what he is doing and be at your side to help you. He will want to cuddle with you on the couch and hold you tight. He will become dependent on your love. He will also become heavily influenced by you…picking up on your mannerism and habits. He will also show mood swings if you hurt his sensitive pride. This is a far cry from the way a Pisces acts when you are trying to get to know him. He will give you the impression that his feelings are indestructible and that he is emotionally independent. Once he is in love he is actually very sensitive and highly emotional. He will however make you feel like you are the one in control of the relationship. And if you like that sort of thing then this is the guy for you.

Now that you know the Signs to look for with your man, you should be able to understand him better, build compatibility, and have a long lasting relationship!


Dr. Jennifer Winters
