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Zoo Project- Warthog

Date post: 24-Jan-2015
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This is a zoo project about Warthog. #yolo
2N2’s Warthog group~ Zoo Project. Group members are.. - Wei Ting - Lianne - Ian - Firdaus & - Jivita
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2N2’s Warthog group~

Zoo Project.

Group members are.. - Wei Ting - Lianne - Ian - Firdaus & - Jivita

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---- SCIENCE ASPECTS. ---- Physics: How is the animal able to run so fast?

They have long legs which enables them to run fast. How is the animal able to have such superior strength?

They are tough. How is the animal able to swim well?

Warthog don’t swim. How is the animal able to camouflage itself?

It is brown and dark in color which allows it to camouflage itself in the mud.Describe any extraordinary lengths/mass/size or other measurements that the animal has.

They are 3 to 5 feet long and weigh 110 to 330 pounds.

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Chemistry: What chemicals are in the poison/venom of the animals and their

effects on the victim.

Actually, they don’t contain any poison.What are the special materials that parts of the animal are made of?

They have tusks and it’s made up of ivory.

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Biology: Describe how the animal is born.

They give birth in herds of 4 at a time in a litter.Describe how the animal’s body functions to enable it to survive in

the hot/cold.

They withstand high body temperature helping them survive and produce less perspiration.

Describe the habitat of the animal.

They are found in moist and arid savannas. / Grasslands & Woodlands!

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---- VALUES ASPECTS. ---- Characteristics of the Warthog ; - Protective of themselves

- Adaptable

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Reason being : During a fight, the males will usually use

their warts to protect them from the blows. They are able to adapt easily to threats and

climates. They become nocturnal to avoid threats when they are hunted by humans and can withstand high body temperature.

and another example is they are able to survive without water for months

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---- NATIONAL EDUCATION ASPECTS. --- What challenges arise from our history and geography?

Is there any hardships that the animals has had to encounter? The hardship that Warthog is facing is extinction. Hunters are poaching

them for their meat and skin. What is being done to help their survival? Instead of letting them wander around Africa, they are now being brought

over to many other zoos all over the world to keep them safe in their habitats. Their diet are also well taken care of.

How does it Save the environment? Because of vegetation diet, it does not feed on animals but only dead

animals. Therefore, when an animal dies, the strong smell released harms the environment. Thus, the warthog feeding on it actually helps the environment from having foul smells.

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In times of conflict and war, to whom can we turn?

What are some defense mechanisms the animal has to protect itself?

-Mature warthogs have two pair of tusk to the side of there heads. The lower smaller pair grinds against the upper pair so that they stay razor sharp. They use the tusk for opening up the soil to find food but it also serves as a defense mechanism against predators. 

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1) What does the Warthogs use during a head-on fight with the opponent?

Ans: Prominent Warts.


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2) What is one characteristic the Warthog have?

Ans: Protective of themselves/ Adaptable

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3) What defense mechanism does the warthog have to protect itself?

Ans: Their horns are used to fight when in danger.

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4) What are their habitat?

Ans: Grasslands and Woodlands.

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5) What are Warthogs known as?

Ans: They are known as the naked swine of savanna.

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Group Reflection. ^^

Wei Ting’s reflection. -It was a rather memorable experience going to the zoo

and learning about the different characteristics a animal have. This gave me a chance to be a leader because of the project we have to do.

Lianne’s reflection. -I have learnt from this learning journey that without

teamwork we would not have manage to finish this presentation on time .

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Jivita’s Reflection It was rather a memorable experience that I and my team mates had in the zoo . We have learn different methods and we even created our own clinometer. My group members were really into doing their duties. It was really a wonderful experience doing project with my classmates .

Ian’s ReflectionI had a good experience in the zoo and I also learnt many new interesting things. I enjoyed myself and learnt to work with my other group members. I wish to have another school trip to the zoo and I hope I can work on a project like this again.

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Firdaus’s Reflection I had a good experience in the zoo ,I had a memorable time with them and I get to learnt different animals and also their history.

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Warthog’s Facts Did you know … That the Warthogs got their names from the bumps on

their faces that look like warts?

That When warthogs run, their tails stick up. Baby warthog run in a line behind mom

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+ Firdaus
