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ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual

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  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    ZXG10 B8018In-Door Base Transceiver Station

    Technical Manual

    Version 1.00

    ZTE CORPORATIONZTE Plaza, Keji Road South,Hi-Tech Industrial Par,Nanshan !istrict, Shenzhen,P" R" China#$%'Tel( )%*+ '## *''$&& %&&-%.&-%.&/a0( )%*+ '## *''.*1R2(htt3(44su33ort"zte"co5"cnE-5ail( doc6zte"co5"cn

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  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual



    Co39ri:ht ; &&* ZTE CORPORATION"

    The contents o< this docu5ent are 3rotected =9 co39ri:ht la>s and international treaties" An9

    re3roduction or distri=ution o< this docu5ent or an9 3ortion o< this docu5ent, in an9 ithout the 3rior >ritten consent o< ZTE CORPORATION is 3rohi=ited" Additionall9, thecontents o< this docu5ent are 3rotected =9 contractual con?dentialit9 o=li:ations"

    All co53an9, =rand and 3roduct na5es are trade or ser@ice 5ars, or re:istered trade or ser@ice5ars, o< ZTE CORPORATION or o< their res3ecti@e o>ners"

    This docu5ent is 3ro@ided as isB, and all e03ress, i53lied, or statutor9 >arranties, re3resentationsor conditions are disclai5ed, includin: >ithout li5itation an9 i53lied >arrant9 o< 5erchanta=ilit9,?tness ithout li5itation3olicies related to su33ort or trainin: are su=ject to chan:e >ithout notice"

    Revision History

    Date Revision No. Serial No. Reason for Revision

    12/15/2006 R1.0 sjzl20061976 First edition

    03/12/2007 R1.1 sjzl20061976 Updated

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    ZTE CORPORATIONValues Your Comments & u!!estions"

    Your opinion is of great alue and !ill "elp us i#proe t"e $ualit% of our produ&tdo&u#entation and offer 'etter seri&es to our &usto#ers.

    (lease fa) to* +,6- 75526772236 or #ail to o&u#entation R epart#ent4 R(R84: 4 (laza 8 ;ing

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    4"is page is intentionall% 'lan?.

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual



    About this Manual.....................................................ix


    ntended 8udien&e................................................................i)

    (rere$uisite =?ill and o! to Bet in 4ou&".............................................................)ii

    Chapter 1.................................................................1

    System Description...................................................1

    =%ste# Ca&?ground...............................................................1

    =%ste# (osition and Role in Ao'ile :et!or?..............................3

    )ternal nterfa&es a#ong =%ste# and t"er :s......................D

    =%ste# =tru&ture..................................................................,

    Chapter 2.................................................................9

    System unctions......................................................9

    =%ste# Fun&tions..................................................................9

    Chapter !................................................................1"

    #echnical $n%ices.....................................................1"

    ;or?ing Cands....................................................................15

    RF ndi&es..........................................................................17

    ("%si&al "ara&teristi&s........................................................17

    Eoltage and (o!er onsu#ption............................................17

    niron#ental "ara&teristi&s................................................1,


    lo&?................................................................................. 1,

    Relia'ilit%........................................................................... 19

    nterfa&e =pe&ifi&ations........................................................19

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    Chapter &................................................................2!

    Structure an% 'rinciple............................................2!



    lo&? istri'ution................................................................25

    4i#e =lot =!it&"ing.............................................................26

    erall >ard!are =tru&ture...................................................27


    =oft!are =tru&ture..............................................................29

    =%ste# ;or?ing (rin&iple................................................3D

    Chapter "................................................................!(

    )ar%*are Components $ntro%uction.........................!(

    a'inet o#position............................................................37

    a'inet 4op...................................................................3,

    a'inet 4op =tru&ture..........................................................3,

    a'inet 4op nterfa&es..........................................................39

    ="eles......................................................................... D9

    4opa%er ="elf...................................................................D9

    arrier ="elf.......................................................................50

    (lugin Co)es.................................................................51

    Fan (lugin Co)...................................................................51

    8ir Filter (lugin Co)............................................................51

    Ca&?plane...................................................................... 52

    Coards Aodules and =!it&"es.........................................53

    ontroller Aaintenan&e Coard +AC-...................................53

    1/41 nterfa&e Coard +C-..................................................59

    (o!er istri'ution Aodule +(A-...........................................60

    4rans&eier Aodule for B +4RU-......................................628ntenna $uip#ent Aodule +8A-.........................................65

    Chapter +................................................................,"

    Net*or-in Mo%es an% Confiuration........................,"

    :et!or?ing Aodes...............................................................,5


    :u#'er and 4%pes of =ites...................................................,7

    onfiguration (rin&iples........................................................,9

    onfiguration )a#ples of Earious =ite 4%pes..........................90

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    Appen%ix A.............................................................99


    Appen%ix /...........................................................10!

    iures................................................................. 10!

    #ables.................................................................. 10(

    $n%ex................................................................... 109

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    4"is page is intentionall% 'lan?.

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    About this Manual


    4"is #anual proides prin&iples spe&ifi&ations fun&tions and

    te&"ni&al features of GB10 C,01, +E1.00-. t des&ri'esar&"ite&ture te&"ni&al indi&es interfa&es and &o##uni&ations

    net!or?ing and s%ste# &onfiguration of oerall C4=.

    Inten$e$ Au$ience

    4"is do&u#ent is intended for engineers and te&"ni&ians !"operfor# operation a&tiities on t"e GB10 C,01, +E1.00-.

    Prere%uisite ill an$ 'no(le$!e

    4o use t"is do&u#ent effe&tiel% users s"ould "ae a general

    understanding of #o'ile &o##uni&ations te&"nolog%. Fa#iliarit%!it" t"e follo!ing is "elpful*

    GB10 C== and its arious &o#ponents

    B=A 4e&"nolog% and e$uip#ent

    GB10C4= +E2- series and its te&"ni&al and "ard!aredetails

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: ix

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    )hat is in This Manual

    4"is Aanual &ontains t"e follo!ing &"apters*

    TABL 1 - C!A" T # S$M M A#%

    Chapter Summary

    "apter 1 =%ste#es&ription

    Bies t"e s%ste# 'a&?ground position androle in #o'ile net!or? e)ternal interfa&esa#ong s%ste# and ot"er :s and s%ste#stru&ture of GB10 C,01, +E1.00-.

    "apter 2 =%ste#Fun&tions

    es&ri'es t"e s%ste# Fun&tions of GB10C,01, +E1.00-.

    "apter 3 4e&"ni&alndi&es

    es&ri'es t"e te&"ni&al spe&ifi&ations ofGB10 C,01, +E1.00-.

    "apter D =tru&tureand (rin&iple

    es&ri'es t"e "ard!are and soft!arestru&ture and s%ste# !or?ing prin&iple ofGB10 C,01, +E1.00-.

    "apter 5 >ard!areo#ponentsntrodu&tion

    es&ri'es different "ard!are 'oards andunits of GB10 C,01, +E1.00-.

    "apter 6 :et!or?ingAodes and


    )plains arious net!or?ing #odes&onfiguration prin&iples &onne&tions and

    &onfigurations of GB10 C,01, +E1.00-.

    8ppendi) 88''reiations

    ists all t"e a''reiations used in t"e#anual.

    8ppendi) C Figures 4a'les

    ists all t"e figures and ta'les appeared int"e #anual.

    nde) ists t"e i#portant !ords appeared in t"eta'le.

    Relate$ *ocumentation

    4"e follo!ing do&u#entation is related to t"is #anual*

    ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) In-Door Base Transceiver StationDocumentation Guide

    ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) In-Door Base Transceiver StationInstallationanual

    ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) In-Door Base Transceiver Stationaintenanceanual(!outine aintenance)

    ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) In-Door Base Transceiver Stationaintenanceanual(Trou"les#ootin$)

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: x

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    ,o( to -et in Touch

    4"e follo!ing se&tions proide infor#ation on "o! to o'tainsupport for t"e do&u#entation and t"e soft!are.

    f %ou "ae pro'le#s $uestions &o##ents or suggestionsregarding %our produ&t &onta&t us '% e#ail atsupportPzte.&o#.&n. You &an also &all our &usto#er support&enter at +,6- 755 26771900 and +,6- ,009,309,30.

    4 !el&o#es %our &o##ents and suggestions on t"e $ualit%and usefulness of t"is do&u#ent. For furt"er $uestions&o##ents or suggestions on t"e do&u#entation %ou &an&onta&t us '% e#ail at do&Pzte.&o#.&n or %ou &an fa) %our&o##ents and suggestions to +,6- 755 26772236. You &an also'ro!se our !e'site at "ttp*//support.zte.&o#.&n !"i&" &ontains

    arious interesting su'je&ts li?e do&u#entation ?no!ledge 'aseforu# and seri&e re$uest.

    xii onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:





  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    C h a + t e r 1

    S,ste Descri+tion

    4"is &"apter gies t"e s%ste# 'a&?ground position and role in

    #o'ile net!or? e)ternal interfa&es a#ong s%ste# and ot"er:s and s%ste# stru&ture of GB10 C,01, +E1.00-.

    stem /ac!roun$

    B=A digital #o'ile &o##uni&ation s%ste# &onsists of A== C==and A=. C== &onsists of C= !"i&" is t"e &ontrol &enter andC4= !"i&" is t"e radio trans&eier.

    C4= is &ontrolled '% C= !"i&" seres one or #ore &ells. C=

    i#ple#ents radio trans#ission and releant &ontrol of t"e airinterfa&e 'et!een C== and A= and i#ple#ent radio resour&e

    #anage#ent !it" C=.

    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- is one of t"e GB10C4= series of 'ase

    trans&eier stations and is an indoor #a&ro &ell C4= of t"irdgeneration for B=A. t e#plo%s #an% ne! te&"nologies 'ased on

    GB10C4= +E2- and a&"iees i#proe#ent in soft!are"ard!are and s%ste# relia'ilit%.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    Figure 1s"o!s t"e B=A net!or?.

    . I G $ # 1 / GSM ( T ' #

    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- applies to "ea% traffi& zones and &an 'eused for rural areas and e)press!a%s.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: !

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 1 Q =%ste# es&ription

    stem Position an$ Role in MoileNet(or

    Figure 2 s"o!s t"e GB10 C,01, +E1.00- in a B=A/B(R=


    . I G $ # & / ZXG10 B8018 2)1 300 4 I ( A GSM 5G"#S ( T ' #

    n a B=A/B(R= net!or? GB10 C,01, +E1.00- is t"e radiotrans&eier for B=A C==. C= &ontrols C4= and one C4= seresa &ertain &ell or seeral &ells.

    8'is interfa&e &onne&ts C4= to C=. t "elps C= to #anageradio resour&es and a&"iee radio trans#ission !it" A= andreleant &ontrol fun&tions t"roug" U# interfa&e. t i#ple#entsla%er1 and la%er2 proto&ols on t"e radio lin? and related&ontrol fun&tions.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: "


    'osition inMobile



    bet*eenSystem an%

    ther Ns an%


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    Eternal Inter2aces amon! steman$ Other NEs

    n (A: A= &onne&ts fi)ed parts of t"e net!or? t"roug" a radio&"annel to ena'le su's&ri'ers to a&&ess &o##uni&ation seri&es.8 set of standards is set up along !it" a series of &onditionsproided to inter&onne&t A= !it" C4= for signal trans#ission

    oer t"e radio &"annel. 4"is set of spe&ifi&ations a'out signaltrans#ission oer radio &"annel is t"e U# interfa&e.

    U# interfa&e "ierar&"i&al #odel &onstitutes 'ot" &ir&uit seri&e

    proto&ol as !ell as pa&?et seri&e proto&ol and 'ot" are s"o!n inFigure 3and Figure D respe&tiel%. 4"e pa&?et seri&e proto&olis used at C= side and "ere onl% p"%si&al la%er is dis&ussed.

    . I G $ # * - C I #C$I T S #) I C "#' T ' C' L ! I #A#C!% ' . $M I(T #. AC





    =ig.F1 =ig.F1



    A= C4=

    U# 9nterfa&e

    # onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

    4m $nterface

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 1 Q =%ste# es&ription

    . I G $ # 6 - "A C T S #) I C "#' T ' C' L STAC ST #$CT $# ' . $M I (T #. AC


    U# B'

    C== =B=:











    B=A RF




    B=A RF






    n t"e U# interfa&e t"e &ir&uit seri&e proto&ol falls into t"reela%ers as follo!s*

    a%er1 +'otto#- is t"e p"%si&al la%er &onsists of arious&"annels and proides t"e 'asi& !ireless &"annels for upperleel #essage trans#ission.

    a%er2 +#iddle- is t"e data lin? la%er !it" t"e 8(# used

    !"i&" &ontrols and trans#its t"e data 'et!een A= and C4=.

    a%er3 +top- is t"e "ig"est la%er !"i&" &o#prises of arious

    #essages and progra#s and proides seri&e &ontrol. a%er3 &onsists of t"ree su'la%ers*

    Radio Resour&e Aanage#ent +RR-

    Ao'ilit% Aanage#ent +AA-

    onne&tion Aanage#ent +A-

    Releant proto&ols of U# interfa&e are as follo!s*

    B=A 0D.03 des&ri'es t"e &"annel stru&ture and a&&ess&apa'ilit%.

    B=A 0D.0D spe&ifies t"e p"%si&al la%er stru&ture.

    B=A 0D.05 spe&ifies t"e data lin? la%er proto&ols.

    B=A 0D.0, spe&ifies t"e la%er 3 proto&ols.

    8'is interfa&e sends signal fro# C= to C4= t"roug" standard 1&a'le of (A. 4"e un'alan&ed input #ode of 75 or t"e

    'alan&ed input #ode of 120 &oa)ial &a'le is used to a&&ess

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: $

    Abis $nterface

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    t"roug" trans#ission e$uip#ent su&" as digital #i&ro!ae fi'ertrans#ission +=> and (>- and t"e satellite lin?. ("%si&all% an1 interfa&e is used as 8'is interfa&e and it is &onne&ted !it" t"et"in &oa)ial &a'le and so&?et.

    8'is interfa&e "ierar&"i&al #odel &onstitutes &ir&uit seri&eproto&ol as s"o!n in Figure 5. 4"e 8'is interfa&e does notpro&ess t"e pa&?et seri&e proto&ol and it is transparent forpa&?et signaling.

    . I G $ # 7 - C I #C$I T S #) I C ST #$CT $# ' . ABI S I(T #. AC

    8'is 9nterfa&e










    n t"e 8'is interfa&e t"e &ir&uit seri&e proto&ol falls into t"reela%ers as follo!s*

    a%er1 +'otto#- is t"e p"%si&al la%er and it is t"e (A

    digital lin? at t"e rate of 2 A'ps.

    a%er2 +#iddle- is t"e data lin? la%er and it is 'ased on8(.

    a%er3 +top- transparentl% trans#its t"e la%er3 #essageson 8'is interfa&e and #anages radio resour&es.

    Releant proto&ols of 8'is interfa&e are as follo!s*

    B=A 0,.52 presents 'asi& prin&iples and rules of ot"er

    spe&ifi&ations for 8'is interfa&e and "o! t"e seri&e fun&tions

    are diided 'et!een C= and C4=. B=A 0,.5D spe&ifies p"%si&al stru&ture of 8'is interfa&e.

    B=A 0,.56 spe&ifies data lin? la%er proto&ols of 8'isinterfa&e.

    B=A 0,.5, stipulates la%er3 proto&ols of 8'is interfa&e.

    B=A 12.21 spe&ifies A #essage trans#ission #e&"anis#on t"e 8'is interfa&e.

    Figure 6 s"o!s t"e fle)i'le e)a#ple of t"e 8'is interfa&eti#eslot &onfiguration.

    % onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 1 Q =%ste# es&ription

    . I G $ # - X AM " L ' . AB IS I (T #. AC T I M S L ' T C ' (. I G $#AT I ' (

    A 4=s on t"e 8'is interfa&e are #ultiple)ed in ea&" site and

    t"e A signaling at different sites o&&up% t"e fi)ed 4= on t"e8'is interfa&e. 8t initialization AA reads signal fro# t"era&? top and spe&ifies 4= of t"e C4= A infor#ation in t"e8'is interfa&e a&&ording to t"e . For des&ription refer to=ite nterfa&e.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: &

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    4"e 8'is interfa&e "as t"e follo!ing four t%pes of 4=s*

    4> 4= for 4RA seri&e

    Fra#e Unit 8( +FU- 4= for 4RA signaling

    A 4= for operation and #aintenan&e signaling

    8A 4= for transparent eniron#ent #onitoring &"annel

    8'is interfa&e pro&essing is as follo!s*

    4ransparentl% trans#it t"e 4> FU A and 8A 'et!een&as&aded sites.

    n t"e site t"e pro&esses are a&&ording to t"e dire&tion oft"e signaling as follo!s*


    4> and FU signaling are trans#itted to ea&" 4RAtransparentl%. 4"e A transparentl% s!it&"es to Asignaling a&&ording to 4er#inal ndpoint dentifier +4-and #aster ra&? transparentl% trans#its t"e 8A



    4"e 4> signaling is trans#itted transparentl%. FUsignaling in t"e sa#e &a'inet is &o#pressed and pa&?ed

    in t"e AA. A signaling is #ultiple)ed 'ased on 4and #aster ra&? transparentl% trans#its t"e 8Asignaling.

    stem tructure

    Figure 7s"o!s t"e s%ste# stru&ture of GB10 C,01, +E1.00-.

    . I G $ # 9 / ZXG10 B8018 2)1 300 4 S% ST M ST #$CT $#

    ' onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    C h a + t e r &

    S,ste .unctions

    4"is &"apter introdu&es t"e s%ste# fun&tions of GB10 C,01,


    stem 3unctions

    arge s%ste# &apa&it% and "ig" perfor#an&e

    apa&it%* 1, 4RG/ra&?

    argest site t%pe* 5D or =1,/1,/1,

    =upport 6 &ells

    C4= po!er &ontrol* 6 leels stati& 15 leels d%na#i& 2dC ea&" step

    8'ilit% of &as&ades* =upport Dleel &as&aded net!or?ing

    o#pa&tness +s#aller in size to #a?e it appropriate forindoor installation-.

    =upports fun&tions and &"annel en&oding #odes of



    =1 =D

    A=1 A=9

    =upports t"e follo!ing &ir&uitt%pe oi&e seri&es*

    Fullrate oi&e seri&e

    n"an&ed fullrate oi&e seri&e

    >alf rate oi&e seri&e

    8AR oi&e seri&e

    =upports t"e follo!ing &ir&uitt%pe data seri&e*

    9.6 ?'ps fullrate data seri&e

    D., ?'ps fullrate data seri&e

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: (

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    2.D ?'ps fullrate data seri&e

    B(R=/B seri&e

    Read% for B B(R= +=1 to =D- and B(R=+A=1

    to A=9- o#pati'le !it" t"e follo!ing standards*

    B=A ("ase

    B=A ("ase

    B=A ("ase S

    t adopts t"e B=A ("ase standard &apa'le of s#oot"upgrading to ("ase S.

    =upports #odules of different fre$uen&% 'ands in one&a'inet.

    8djust t"e &"annel en&oding #ode d%na#i&all% a&&ording tot"e #onitoring and #easure#ent results.

    (roides t"e follo!ing 4> seri&es*

    4>/F=* Fullrate spee&" traffi& &"annel

    4>/>=* >alfrate spee&" traffi& &"annel

    4>/F=* n"an&ed fullrate spee&" traffi& &"annel

    8AR oi&e seri&e

    4>/F9.6* 9.6 ?'ps fullrate data traffi& &"annel

    4>/FD.,* D., ?'ps fullrate data traffi& &"annel

    4>/F2.D* 2.D ?'ps fullrate data traffi& &"annel

    (4>* =upporting pa&?et data seri&e &"annels forB(R= and B(R= of all en&oding #odes

    (roides diersit% re&eption

    =pa&e diersit%

    Fre$uen&% diersit%

    4i#e diersit%

    (olarization diersit%

    =upports BA=< and ,(=< #odulation

    =%ste# t"roug"put* 3,D ?'ps +D, ?'ps/ti#eslot- !"en#o'ile speed is 'et!een 3 ?#p" 100 ?#p" and 1DD ?'ps+1,?'ps/ti#eslot- !"en #o'ile speed up to 250 ?#p".

    >ig" relia'ilit% t"at is auto#ati& 'ridge &ir&uit prote&tion

    >ig" &ost perfor#an&e ratio

    o#pre"ensie fun&tions

    (o!erful seri&e support &apa'ilit% +supporting B(R=/B(R=-

    #plo% ual 4rans&eier Unit +4RU- te&"nolog%. +(ossess

    t!o &arriers in ea&" p"%si&al trans&eier #odule-

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: )

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 2 Q =%ste# Fun&tions

    =upport &o#'ined &a'inet &apa&it% e)pansion !it" GB10C4= +E2-

    =upport D!a% diersit% re&eption

    =upport , 1/41 interfa&e =upport 75 T/1 and 120 T/1 trans#ission

    =upport 4ande# Free peration +4F- ersion 5

    (ossess adan&ed RF 4e&"nolog%

    ;it" dou'le densit% 4RG and adan&ed soft!are radio

    te&"nologies t"e GB10 C,01, +E1.00- ensures t"e longter# relia'ilit% of t"e RF &o#ponents and i#proes t"e'at&" &onsisten&% and #ass produ&tion of t"e e$uip#ent.

    8dopts Eiter'i soft de&ision algorit"# at t"e re&eiing end

    #proed &"annel de&oding perfor#an&e

    n&reased s%ste# re&eiing sensitiit%

    8ntiinterferen&e &apa'ilit%

    =upport fre$uen&% "opping. t i#proes t"e s%ste#&apa'ilit% against Ra%leig" fading.

    =upports is&ontinuous 4rans#ission +4G-*

    e&reasing trans#itter po!er

    o!ering total interferen&e leel of air signals

    oers long &oerage &ells !it" a #a)i#u# of 120

    ?ilo#eters in radius al&ulates 4i#e 8dan&e +48-

    8 single &a'inet supports 1, 4RGs and at #a)i#u#

    supports 5D 4RGs at t"e sa#e site. ne site supports=1,/1,/1, &onfiguration.

    (roides &o##on C> support t"at is sa#e &ell supports&arrier fre$uen&% of t!o fre$uen&% 'ands s"aring one C>.

    8'is interfa&e supports follo!ing net!or?ing #odes*





    Fle)i'le and relia'le 8'is interfa&e

    ;it" t"e adan&ed flo! &ontrol algorit"# and aria'lerate signaling lin? te&"nolog% #ultiple logi& signaling

    lin?s &an 'e &onfigured fle)i'l% on 6D

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    8uto#ati& &rossoer prote&tion fun&tion proided for 8'isinterfa&e lin? if in &ase an% GB10 C,01, +E1.00- ispo!ered off in &as&aded arrange#ent of C4=s.

    =upports prepro&essing of t"e #easure#ent reports of t"e


    =upports 'ase station po!er &ontrol*

    =tati& leel6

    %na#i&al leel15

    =upports all paging #odes spe&ified in B=A

    =upports different t%pes of "andoers*

    =%n&"ronous "andoer

    8s%n&"ronous "andoer

    (seudos%n&"ronous "andoer

    (res%n&"ronous "andoer

    U# interfa&e supports 851/852 en&r%ption algorit"#.

    =upports oerall ti#el% alar# s%ste#*

    =upports fan alar#s and internal &a'inet te#peraturealar#s.

    =upports inputs for 10 pairs of e)ternal eniron#enttrun? nodes and outputs for 2 pairs of trun? nodes.

    (roides a transparent &"annel for operation and

    #aintenan&e of t"e e)ternal intelligent e$uip#ent. =upports unattended C4= and auto#ati& alar# fun&tion.

    (roides po!er suppl% and alar# for 'uiltin to!er

    a#plifier s%ste#.

    (roides o&al Aaintenan&e 4er#inal +A4- fa&ilitating&o##issioning de'ugging and dail% #aintenan&e

    4"roug" t"e standard R=232 interfa&e or RD5 t"ernetinterfa&e A4 &an 'e &onne&ted to t"e e$uip#ent !it"outdedi&ated &a'les. 4"e A4 s"ares t"e sa#e AA as AR.Using t"e lo&al #aintenan&e gies an o'ious ie! of t"e'oardsV status !it" t"e lig"ts and sound alar# to t"eoperators. )tra safet% is adopted in &ase of soft!are ersionupgrade.

    =upport t"e follo!ing po!er &o#pensation in o!nlin?*

    ual (o!er o#'ining 4rans#ission +(4-*

    ;"en see?ing greater &ell range it is &ru&ial to "ae astrong signal fro# t"e C4= to t"e "andset. 4"is is oftenreferred to as do!nlin? &apa'ilit%. 4"e "andset representsit as signal strengt". n &onfigurations intended for

    #a)i#u# &oerage (4 dou'les t"e output po!er fro#t"e C4= &a'inet resulting in a signifi&antl% larger

    &oerage area.

    ! onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    4"is page is intentionall% 'lan?.

    # onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    C h a + t e r *

    Technical In:ices

    4"is &"apter des&ri'es t"e te&"ni&al indi&es of GB10 C,01,+E1.00-.

    )orin! /an$s

    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- &an support 900 A>z e)tended 900 A>z,50 A>z 1,00 A>z and 1900 A>z !it" different &onfigurationsalong !it" ariet% of #odules. 4a'le D s"o!s t"e !or?ingfre$uen&% 'ands.

    TABL 6 / ZXG10 B8018 2)1 300 4 ' #I (G . # ; $ (C% BA(DS

    re5uency /an% #ransmission 6in- 7alues

    900 A>z Uplin? +trans#itted

    '% A= and re&eied'% C4=-

    ,90 A>z 915 A>z

    o!nlin?+trans#itted '% C4=and re&eied '% A=-

    935 A>z 960 A>z

    )tended 900 A>z Uplin? ,,0 A>z 915 A>z

    o!nlin? 925 A>z 960 A>z

    ,50 A>z Uplin? ,2D A>z Q ,D9 A>z

    o!nlin? ,69 A>z Q ,9D A>z

    1,00 A>z Uplin? 1710 A>z Q 17,5A>z

    o!nlin? 1,05 A>z Q 1,,0


    1900 A>z Uplin? 1,50 A>z Q 1910A>z

    o!nlin? 1930 A>z Q 1990

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: $



  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    re5uency /an% #ransmission 6in- 7alues


    nteral 'et!een t!o adja&ent &"annels in an% 'and is 200 ?>z.

    8ll &"annels are &onfigured !it" sa#e interal. 4a'le 5 s"o!st"e GB10 C,01, +E1.00- &"annel &onfiguration.

    TABL 7 / ZXG10 B8018 2)1 300 4 C!A(( L C' (. I G $#AT I ' (



    ChannelNumber n:

    re5uency Calculation

    900 A>z 1 Q 12D 12D Uplin? * Fu +n- ,90 S 0.2 Z n


    o!nlin? * Fd +n- Fu+n- S D5+A>z- 1 [ n [ 12D


    900 A>z

    0 Q 12D and

    975 Q 1023 17D

    Uplin? *

    Fu +n- ,90 S 0.2 Z n +A>z- 0 [n [ 12D

    Fu +n- ,90 S 0.2 Z +n 102D-+A>z- 975 [ n [ 1023

    o!nlin? * Fd +n- Fu +n- S D5


    ,50 A>z 12, Q 251 12D

    Uplin? * Fu +n- ,2D.2 S 0.2 Z +n 12,- +A>z-

    o!nlin? * Fd +n- ,69.2 S 0.2 Z+n12,- +A>z- 12, [ n [ 251

    1,00 A>z 512 Q ,,5 37D

    Uplin? * Fu +n- 1710.2 S 0.2 Z +n 512- +A>z-

    o!nlin? * Fd +n- Fu +n- S 95+A>z- 512 [ n [ ,,5

    1900 A>z 512 Q ,11 300

    Uplin? * Fu +n- 1,50.2 S 0.2 Z +n 512- +A>z-

    o!nlin? * Fd +n- Fu +n- S ,0+A>z- 512 [ n [ ,11

    Note;\nV is a &"annel nu#'er or 8'solute Radio Fre$uen&%"annel :u#'er +8RF:-

    8ll fre$uen&% 'ands "ae duple) trans&eier interal gien in4a'le 6.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: %





  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 3 Q 4e&"ni&al ndi&es

    TABL - D$" L X T#A(S C I ) # I(T#)AL

    re5uency /an% Duplex #ransceiver $nterval

    900 A>z D5 A>z

    )tended 900 A>z D5 A>z

    ,50 A>z D5 A>z

    1,00 A>z 95 A>z

    1900 A>z ,0 A>z

    R3 In$icesGB10 C,01, +E1.00- supports D0 ; output for ,(=< and 60 ;for BA=eig"t 1600 ##

    ;eig"t 270 ?g +full% &onfigured-

    olor G(02]02 ig"t Bre%

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: &

    utput 'o*er )ih ReceivinSensitivity

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    Volta!e an$ Po(er Consum#tion

    4a'le , s"o!s GB10 C,01, +E1.00- oltage and po!er&onsu#ption.

    TABL 8 - ZXG10 B8018 2)13004 ) 'LTAG A( D "' # C' (S $M " T I ' (

    Characteristics 'arameters 7alues

    Eoltage Re$uired !or?ingoltage D, E

    Range D0 E +Aa)i#u#-

    57 E +Aini#u#-

    (o!er onsu#ption 3750 ; +60 ;-

    3D00 ; +D0 ;-

    4"e &ase of ra&? s"ould 'e grounded !ell !it" groundingresistan&e 5 T at #ost.

    En+ironmental Characteristics

    4a'le 9 s"o!s GB10 C,01, +E1.00- eniron#ental&"ara&teristi&s.

    TABL < / ZXG10 B8018 2)1 300 4 () I #' (M (T AL C!A#ACT #I S T I CS

    Characteristics 'arameters 7alues

    4e#perature Aini#u# 5

    Aa)i#u# D5

    >u#idit% +:oondensation-

    Aini#u# 15

    Aa)i#u# 90

    8oid dire&t suns"ine to preent t"e &ir&uit 'oards and ot"er&o#ponents fro# aging and defor#ing. 4"e aerage illu#inations"ould 'e 300 ) D50 ).

    rosie gases s#og and s#o?ing are pro"i'ited in t"e

    e$uip#ent roo#.

    ' onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

    7oltae an%'o*er


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 3 Q 4e&"ni&al ndi&es


    8 single ra&? of GB10 C,01, +E1.00- supports 9 4RUs and 1,

    &arrier fre$uen&ies !"en full% &onfigured. 8 single &a'inetsupports t"e #a)i#u# site &onfiguration =6/6/6.

    8 single site supports 3 &a'inets and 5D &arriers.


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- proides a t!oleel &lo&? !"osespe&ifi&ations are gien in 4a'le 10.

    TABL 10 / ZXG10 B8018 2)13004 C L ' C S" CI . I CAT I ' (S

    Characteristics 7alues

    lo&? a&&ura&% W 1.0 Z 109

    (ullin range W 1.0 Z 109

    Aa)i#u# fre$uen&% 'ias 1 Z 109 / da%

    nitial #a)i#u# fre$uen&% 'ias 1 Z 107

    Reliailit4"e produ&t su&&essfull% passed t"e &ertifi&ation. t &o#plies

    !it" international standards related to personal safet%ele&tro#agneti& se&urit% +A- and !ireless fre$uen&%spe&tru#.

    4a'le 11e)plains t"e spe&ifi&ations.

    TABL 11 / ZXG10 B8018 2)13004 # L I ABI L I T % S" CI . I CAT I ' (S

    Characteristics 7alues

    Aean 4i#e Cet!een Failures +A4CF- 100000 "ours

    Aean 4i#e to Repair +A44R- 3D #in. 12 se&.

    8aila'ilit% Ratio +8- 99.9991

    8erage nterruption ti#e per %ear D #in. D, se&.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: (

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    Inter2ace #eci2ications

    8'is interfa&e adopts standard 1 interfa&e. 4"e perfor#an&e of8'is interfa&e #eets t"e re$uire#ents spe&ified '% 4U4 B.703and 4U4 B.70D gien 'elo!*

    Casi& re$uire#ents

    4"e 'asi& re$uire#ents of 8'is interfa&e are s"o!n in 4a'le


    T ABL 1& - AB I S I (T #. AC BAS I C # ; $I # M (T S

    /asic Re5uirements 7alues

    8ppro)i#ate 'it rate 20D,

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 3 Q 4e&"ni&al ndi&es

    lectrical eatures 7alues

    pulse 8t "alf of appro)i#ate pulsea#plitude* _ 0.95 1.05

    igital signal jitteringfeatures +1 U D,, ns- 1.5 U +pea?pea? alue 20 >z 100 ?>z-

    0.2 U +pea?pea? alue 1, >z 100 ?>z

    nput #pedan&e features 2.5^ 5^ +!"en it is 51.2

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    4"ere is a 6leel stati& po!er &ontrol fun&tion. t &an adjustdo!n!ards si) po!er leels !it" t"e step of 2 dC W 1.0 dC'ased on t"e #a)i#u# output po!er. 8t t"e sa#e ti#e C4="as t"e do!nlin? po!er&ontrol fun&tion. t &an de&rease t"e

    po!er fro# leel 0 to leel 15 !it" t"e step of 2 dC W 1.5dC 'ased on t"e set po!er leel.

    =pe&ifi&ations &o#pliant !it" B=A 11.21 and B=A 05.05 areas follo!s*

    4rans#itted RF &arrier po!er/ti#e enelope

    nter#odulation attenuation of trans#itter

    nter#odulation attenuation in C==

    4rans#itted adja&ent &"annel po!er

    =purious e#ission of trans#itter

    Receiver 'erformance

    4"e follo!ing &"ara&teristi&s des&ri'e t"e re&eier perfor#an&e!"i&" &o#pl% !it" B=A 11.21 and B=A 05.05*

    =tati& la%er1 re&eier fun&tion +appro)i#ate 'it error rate-'efore &"annel de&oding !"i&" in&ludes t"e follo!ing*

    Aultiple)ing and #ultiaddressing

    $ualizer de&r%ption


    "annel en&oding

    =tati& referential sensitiit% leel*

    8 leel set !"ile inputting a standard test signal under t"estati& eniron#ent. 4"e FR RCR or CR generated after#odulation and &"annel de&oding #eets t"e spe&ifiedre$uire#ents !"en t"e leel is &onfigured as t"e referentialsensitiit% leel. =tati& sensitiit% leels for referen&e of

    BA=< ,(=< are as follo!s*


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 3 Q 4e&"ni&al ndi&es

    &"annel- or an% adja&ent &arrier fre$uen&% +interferen&e ofadja&ent &"annel-.

    Clo&? and spurious response suppression

    4est t"e &apa'ilit% t"at C== re&eier re&eies t"e B=A#odulation signal !"en interfering signal e)ists.

    nter#odulation suppression

    t is used for linear degree #easure#ent of RF part of

    re&eier. t indi&ates t"e re&eierVs &apa'ilit% of re&eiinggood$ualit% e)pe&ted #odulationsignal !"en t!o or

    #ultiple une)pe&ted signals e)ist !"i&" are si#ilar to t"ee)pe&ted signal in fre$uen&%.

    8A suppression

    t is t"e &apa'ilit% of re&eiing t"e e)pe&ted #odulationsignals 'elo! t"e gien degraded $uantit% !"en anune)pe&ted #odulation signal e)ists.

    =purious e#ission

    t is t"e e#ission of fre$uen&ies ot"er t"an t"at used '% RF

    &"annel of re&eier and adja&ent fre$uen&ies.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: !"

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    C h a + t e r 6

    Structure an: "rinci+le

    4"is &"apter des&ri'es t"e "ard!are and soft!are stru&ture ands%ste# !or?ing prin&iple of GB10 C,01, +E1.00-.



    Figure ,s"o!s t"e GB10 C,01, +E1.00- &a'inet.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: !#



  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    . I G $ # 8 / ZXG10 B8018 2)1 300 4 CABI ( T

    Figure 9s"o!s t"e single &a'inet !it" full &onfiguration.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: !$

    Cabinet *ith


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    . I G $ # < - S I ( G L C ABI ( T I T ! .$ L L C ' (. I G $#AT I ' (

    !% onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    Cloc *istriution

    4"ere are t!o #ain fun&tions of &lo&? s%ste#*

    lo&? s%n&"ronization

    lo&? distri'ution

    4"e s%ste# &an !or? in free os&illation or net!or?s%n&"ronization #ode. 4"e pro&essing of 13 A>z &lo&?s%n&"ronization is t"e sa#e as in GB10C4= +E2.0-. >o!eerin GB10 C,01, +E1.00- radio &lo&? &an !or? in free os&illationor s%n&"ronize !it" t"e ground trans#ission net!or?. f s%ste#

    radio &lo&? is &onfigured for net!or? s%n&"ronization t"e s%ste#trans#ission &lo&? s"ould also 'e &onfigured for net!or?


    4"ere are t!o t%pes of 8'is interfa&e in C,01, s%ste#*

    1/41 interfa&e

    100 A'ps t"ernet interfa&e

    4"e s%ste# &an !or? in free os&illation as !ell as net!or?s%n&"ronization #ode for 'ot" t%pes of 8'is interfa&es. f t"e8'is interfa&e is 1/41 in net!or? s%n&"ronization 'ot" 2 A>zand , z s%n&"ronization &lo&?s &an 'e o'tained. >o!eer in

    t"e &ase of 100 A'ps t"ernet 8'is interfa&e t"e , ?>zs%n&"ronization &an onl% 'e o'tained fro# 2 A>z &lo&?.

    4"e &lo&? trans#ission in t"e internal s%ste# is i#ple#entedt"roug" E=.

    lo&? fro# AC to 4RU in&ludes 13 A>z 60 #ss%n&"ronization signal , A>z and ,

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    . I G $ # 10 / C L ' C D I S T #I B$T I ' ( I ( ZXG10 B8018 2)13004

    Time lot (itchin!

    Figure 11 s"o!s t"e ti#e slot s!it&"ing in GB10 C,01,+E1.00-.

    . I G $ # 11 / T I M SL ' T SI T C!I (G I ( ZXG10 B8018 2)13004

    =eri&e data s!it&"ing is i#ple#ented in AC in GB10 C,01,+E1.00- s%ste#. ;"en 8'is interfa&e is 1/41 AC re&eies t"e

    seri&e data and operation and #aintenan&e data fro# C=and s!it&"es it to ea&" 4RU of t"e ra&? au)iliar% ra&? or&as&aded site t"roug" 2 'it s!it&"ing net!or?.

    !' onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    O+erall ,ar$(are tructure

    4"e ra&? is diided into seeral fun&tional parts. 4"ese parts are

    lo&ated in four s"eles. 4"e s"elf la%out in"erits t"e tradition inGB10 series.

    4"e interfa&e #odule &ontrol #odule and po!er distri'ution

    parts are &on&entrated at t"e top of t"e ra&?.

    1/41 nterfa&e Coard +C- is dedi&ated for t"e interfa&e to

    proide 1/41 interfa&e.

    Fast t"ernet nterfa&e Coard +FC- is an optional #odule to#eet furt"er ( 'a&?'one de#ands.

    4"e rest of t"ree s"eles are dedi&ated for t"e trans&eier

    and antenna distri'ution #odules.

    4"e &o#'iner #odule &an 'e &onfigured as re$uired to for#

    =1,/1,/1, sites or 5D.

    Figure 12s"o!s t"e ra&? la%out.

    . I G $ # 1& / # AC LA%'$T

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: !(

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- "ard!are stru&ture is s"o!n in Figure 13.

    . I G $ # 1* / ZXG10 B8018 2)1 300 4 ! A#DA# ST #$CT $#

    ") onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    Fun&tion des&ription of ea&" part of t"e&a'inet is gien in 4a'le 1D.

    TABL 16 - .$ ( C T I ' (D S C#I " T I ' (S ' . !A#DA# "A#T S

    Mo%ule Description

    C/FC C supports 1/41 interfa&e.

    FC supports 100C8=4 interfa&e.

    AC AC proides t"e 'asi& operation and &entral &ontrol fort"e C4= in&luding alar# &ontrol s%n&"ronization radioresour&e &ontrol et&.

    4RU (roiding all t"e radio fun&tions related !it" ter#inal&o##uni&ation.

    4RU #odule &onsists of four parts* 4(C (C (8Cand RC.

    8A 8A is in &"arge of &o#'ining seeral 4G signalsto!ards antenna in&luding U U U4.

    (A (A proides t"e po!er distri'ution fun&tion.


    o2t(are tructure

    4"e GB10 C,01, +E1.00- soft!are &onsists of t"e follo!ing#ain su's%ste#s*

    dAA soft!are su's%ste#

    dFU soft!are su's%ste#

    d>( soft!are su's%ste#

    FU soft!are su's%ste# +optional-

    Figure 1Ds"o!s t"e 'asi& soft!are stru&ture of GB10 C,01,+E1.00-.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: "



  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    . I G $ # 16 / ZXG10 B8018 2)1 300 4 S ' . T A# ST #$CT $#

    dAA soft!are su's%ste# ta?es &"arge of t"e s%ste#initialization after po!er on. t do!nloads all 'oard soft!are and

    operation and #aintenan&e #anage#ent s%ste#.

    dFU and d>( soft!are su's%ste# ta?e &"arge of seri&e

    pro&essing 'ase'and signal pro&essing and operation and#aintenan&e on t"is 'oard.

    FU soft!are su's%ste# is responsi'le for t"e &onne&tion !it"C= !or?ing flo! &ontrol of 'oard resour&e &onfiguration#anage#ent and operation and #aintenan&e #anage#ent.

    8ll 'oard soft!are run on respe&tie (U of ea&" 'oard. 4"e&o##uni&ation a#ong 'oards is i#ple#ented '% >&o##uni&ation proto&ol and all 'oard soft!ares are installed inp== +E2.0- operation s%ste# fro# ;indRier.

    dAA soft!are 'lo&? diagra# is s"o!n in Figure 15.

    "! onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:


    Soft*are Sub=system

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    . I G $ # 17 / D CMM B L ' C D I AG #AM

    4"e dAA soft!are su's%ste# seres t"e follo!ing fun&tions*

    (erfor#s re#ote operation #aintenan&e of C4= of t"ereleant su's%ste#. 4"ese fun&tions in&ludes t"e follo!ing*

    (ara#eters &onfiguration

    Aanage#ent of status and alar#s

    Aanage#ent of ea&" soft!are ersion

    $uip#ent test

    (roides lo&al operation #aintenan&e fun&tion to #a?e onsite &o##issioning &onenient.

    (roides alar# &olle&tion and #anage#ent of e)ternale$uip#ent to &olle&t t"e state and alar# of t"e e$uip#entt"at &annot &o##uni&ate !it" AC dire&tl%.

    (roides intelligent po!er :/FF #anage#ent to C4=e$uip#ent.

    =%n&"ronize t"e fra#e nu#'er and &lo&? in one site.

    n&reases t"e relia'ilit% of t"e s%ste# '% e#plo%inga&tie/stand'% "ot 'a&?up in dAA #odule +'a&?up in&ludesstati& &onfiguration para#eters and fra#e nu#'er-. 4"is#a?es sure t"at t"e seri&e and signaling &"annels of d4RA

    #odule are in good status during a&tie/stand'% dAAs!it&"ing. t "elps t"e fra#e nu#'er of ea&" 4RU in t"eC4= to s%n&"ronize !it" t"e !"ole site.

    (roides interfa&e fun&tion of t"e site. For e)a#ple t"e#ultiple)ing of p"%si&al ti#e slot and to proide transparentpassage for so#e e)ternal e$uip#ent.

    (roides a series of de'ugging and test tools for errordiagnosis and lo&ation.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: ""

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    Case'and pro&essing unit !it" 4(C is &alledd>( for s"ort. 4"in "ip ntegration +4- 100 =( dei&e ist"e "ard!are platfor# for d>(. 4"ere is one =( &"ip on ea&"


    Aain fun&tions of d>( soft!are su's%ste# are as follo!s*

    e#odulation of 'ase'and dual &arrier I signal supportinge$ualization de#odulation of BA=< and ,(=(

    8lar# &olle&tion and report of d4RA unit

    (erfor#an&e 4est

    =upport perfor#an&e test ite# of C4= for e)a#plenu#'er of lost paging #essages o&&upation ti#e of#a)i#u# po!er leel et&.

    Aonitor running state d%na#i&all% of lo&al and d>(

    o'je&t '% lo&al operation and #aintenan&e.

    FU soft!are 'lo&? diagra# is s"o!n in Figure 17.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: "$

    $4 Soft*are


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    stem )orin! Princi#le

    4"e !or?ing prin&iple of GB10 C,01, +E1.00- is s"o!n inFigure 1,.

    . I G $ # 18 - ZXG10 B8018 2)1 300 4 S I G (AL I (G .L '






















    (o!er 0istri'ution Aodule

    .D,E or S2DE06





    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- s%ste# in&ludes follo!ing units*

    ontroller Aaintenan&e Unit

    Case'and (ro&essor

    RF Unit

    8ntenna Feeder (ro&essor

    (o!er istri'ution Aodule +(A-

    ;or?ing prin&iple is as follo!s*


    i. C4= re&eies data fro# C= in&luding oi&e and signaling

    data.ii. ontrol #aintenan&e unit re&eies signaling data for


    iii. Case 'and pro&essor re&eies oi&e data for pro&essingsu&" as rate &onersion en&r%ption and interleaing.

    i. Eoi&e is sent to RF unit !"ere it is #odulated to >ig"fre$uen&% signals.

    . 4"e signals are t"en trans#itted ia t"e antenna feederpro&essor.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: "&

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual


    i. 8ntenna feeder pro&essor re&eies RF signals fro# A=.

    ii. 4"e signals are t"en trans#itted to t"e RF unit to &onert

    t"e# into digital signals.iii. ata is sent to t"e 'ase 'and pro&essor for rate

    &onersion de&r%ption and deinterleaing.

    i. 8fter &onersion to suita'le &ode pattern for longdistan&e trans#ission t"e signals are sent to C=

    t"roug" t"e 8'is interfa&e.

    "' onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    4"is page is intentionall% 'lan?.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: "(

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    TABL 17 - I (T #. AC S ' ( T ! CABI ( T T ' "


    Soc-et #ype Description

    >YA1 Q>YA12

    8ntenna feeder interfa&es

    (;R481 C9 fe#ale so&?et(o!er interfa&e of t"e firstla%er of to!er #ounteda#plifier

    (;R482 C9 fe#ale so&?et(o!er interfa&e of t"e se&ondla%er of to!er #ounteda#plifier

    (;R483 C9 fe#ale so&?et(o!er interfa&e of t"e t"irdla%er of to!er #ounteda#plifier

    1 (R41 C25 #ale so&?et 1 interfa&e +8 C -

    1 (R42 C25 #ale so&?et 1 interfa&e + F B >-

    R8Y8A C25 #ale so&?et r% &onta&t alar# interfa&e

    (R4 C25 #ale so&?et =ite interfa&e

    =Y: C25 #ale so&?et nter&a'inet s%n&"ronizationsignal interfa&e

    13A C: fe#ale so&?et 13A &lo&? test interfa&e

    F< C: fe#ale so&?et F< &lo&? test interfa&e

    (;R D, E po!er 'inding post +in

    t"e po!er 'o)-

    B: D, E po!er grounding post

    +in t"e po!er 'o)-

    ( Brounding post

    RD5 t"ernet interfa&e

    Cainet To# Inter2aces

    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- uses QD, E po!er.

    4"e pri#ar% po!er is introdu&ed fro# t"e po!er interfa&e on t"e

    &a'inet top.

    4"e interfa&e 'et!een pri#ar% po!er and t"e C4= e$uip#ent is

    des&ri'ed in 4a'le 16.

    #! onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:


    bet*een'rimary 'o*er

    an% /#S


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    TABL 1 - "#I M A#% "' # I (T #. AC S I G (AL D S C#I " T I ' (

    'in No. Sinal

    Name Sinal Definition Connector

    1 D, E B: 0 E . 4"e t!o

    po!er 'indingposts2 D, E D, E .

    4!ele antenna feeder interfa&es are proided on C,01, &a'inettop* >YA1 X >YA12. 8ntenna feeder &a'les pass t"roug"

    t"ese interfa&es.

    4"e (;R48 interfa&e is lo&ated on t"e &a'inet top. a&" C4=&a'inet proides t"ree su&" interfa&es* (;R481 X (;R483.

    =ignals of t"e t"ree interfa&es are defined in 4a'le 17.

    TABL 19 - S I G (AL D S C#I " T I ' ( ' . "#TA>1 ? "#TA>*



    ignal -e.nition/onnector

    1 48(;R0 4A8 po!er 0


    2 48(;R1 4A8 po!er 1

    3 48(;R2 4A8 po!er 2

    D 48(;R3 4A8 po!er 3

    5 8B: 8nalog ground

    6 8B: 4A8 po!er 0 analog ground

    7 8B: 4A8 po!er 1 analog ground

    , 8B: 4A8 po!er 2 analog ground

    9 8B: 4A8 po!er 3 analog ground

    4"e C4= &a'inet top proides a ( interfa&e dire&tl% &onne&ted!it" t"e prote&tion ground of t"e e$uip#ent roo#. 8ll digital

    grounds analog grounds and prote&tion grounds inside t"e

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: #"







  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    &a'inet are grounded to t"e ( interfa&e and t"e e$uip#entroo# ground.

    =ignals of t"e 13 A test interfa&e are defined in 4a'le 1,.

    TABL 18 - S I G (AL D S C#I " T I ' ( ' . 1* M T S T I(T #. AC

    Pin ignal *ame ignal -e.nition/onnector


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    4"e dr% &onta&t signal interfa&e is e)plained in 4a'le 20.

    TABL &0 - S I G (AL D S C#I " T I ' ( ' . T ! D#% C'(TACT S I G (AL I (T #. AC

    'in No. Sinal Name Sinal Definition Connector

    1 8A:0S r% &onta&t input


    2 8A:0 r% &onta&t input

    3 8A:2S r% &onta&t input

    D 8A:2 r% &onta&t input

    5 8A:DS r% &onta&t input

    6 8A:D r% &onta&t input

    7 8A:6S r% &onta&t input

    , 8A:6 r% &onta&t input

    9 8A:,S r% &onta&t input

    10 8A:, r% &onta&t input

    11 8A:9S r% &onta&t input

    12 8A:9 r% &onta&t input

    13 8AU40S r% &onta&t output

    1D 8AU40 r% &onta&t output

    15 8AU42S r% &onta&t output

    16 8AU42 r% &onta&t output

    17 8A:1S r% &onta&t input

    1, 8A:1 r% &onta&t input

    19 8A:3S r% &onta&t input

    20 8A:3 r% &onta&t input

    21 8A:5S r% &onta&t input

    22 8A:5 r% &onta&t input

    23 8A:7S r% &onta&t input

    2D 8A:7 r% &onta&t input

    25 B: igital ground

    4"ere is a &onne&tor on t"e top of ea&" GB10 C,01, +E1.00-&a'inet. nside t"is &onne&tor t"ere is a &ir&uit 'oard C !it"t!o ( s!it&"es used to set t"e site .

    4"e site interfa&e is des&ri'ed in 4a'le 21.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: #$

    Site $D


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    TABL &1 - S I T ID I(T #. AC S I G (AL D S C#I " T I ' (

    'in No. Sinal Name Sinal Definition Connector

    1 0 Cit 0 of t"e site


    2 1 Cit 1 of t"e site

    3 2 Cit 2 of t"e site

    D 3 Cit 3 of t"e site

    5 D Cit D of t"e site

    6 5 Cit 5 of t"e site

    7 6 Cit 6 of t"e site

    , 7 Cit 7 of t"e site

    9 , Cit , of t"e site

    10 9 Cit 9 of t"e site

    11 10 Cit 10 of t"e site

    12 11 Cit 11 of t"e site

    13 12 Cit 12 of t"e site

    1D 13 Cit 13 of t"e site

    15 1D Cit 1D of t"e site

    16 15 Cit 15 of t"e site

    17 B: igital ground









    4"e AC reads !"en 'eing po!ered on and initialized tode&ide t"e &a'inet leel +'asi&/e)tended- s%n&"ronization &lo&?port of => net!or? and t"e A ti#eslot position.

    ;"en t"e s!it&"es are set to : t"e status &olle&ted '% t"e

    AC is 0 ot"er!ise t"e status is 1.


    For ( s!it&"es =1 and =2 \0V #eans \:V and \1V #eans\FFV.

    Cits 1 X , of ( s!it&" =1 stand for 'its 0 X 7 of t"e

    !"ile 'its 1 X , of =2 stand for 'its , X 15 of t"e .

    #% onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    is a 16'it serial nu#'er as s"o!n in Figure 21.

    . I G $ # &1 - C ABI ( T -T ' " D I" S I T C! S

    4"e #eaning of ea&" 'it is e)plained as follo!s*


    1100* C,01,

    1101* C,112

    1110* A,202

    1111* A,20D


    a'inet nu#'er in t"e sa#e site

    00* Casi& &a'inet

    01* )tended &a'inet 1

    10* )tended &a'inet 2


    4"e 1 port of t"e 'asi& &a'inet to &onne&t e)tended &a'inet1

    00* (ort of t"e 'asi& &a'inet

    01* (ort F of t"e 'asi& &a'inet

    10* (ort B of t"e 'asi& &a'inet

    11* (ort > of t"e 'asi& &a'inet


    4"e 1 port of t"e 'asi& &a'inet to &onne&t e)tended &a'inet


    00* (ort of t"e 'asi& &a'inet

    01* (ort F of t"e 'asi& &a'inet

    10* (ort B of t"e 'asi& &a'inet

    11* (ort > of t"e 'asi& &a'inet


    ;"et"er to use t"e satellite 8'is lin? or not

    0* o##on 8'is

    1* =atellite 8'is

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: #&

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual


    A port nu#'er

    00* (ort 8

    01* (ort C

    10* (ort

    11* (ort


    4"e A 8( ti#eslot on 8'is interfa&e

    000* 4=16

    001* 4=31

    010* 4=30

    011* 4=29

    100* 4=2,

    101* 4=27

    110* 4=26

    111* 4=25

    4"e nu#'er of t"e 1 port of t"e 'asi& &a'inet to &onne&t t"elo!erleel site &annot 'e t"e sa#e as of =8E(R41 or


    n GB10 C,01, +E1.00- t"e 8'is interfa&e and t"e inter&a'inet &as&aded interfa&es all use 1 interfa&es.

    4"e signals of 1 interfa&e are defined in 4a'le 22and 4a'le 23.

    TABL && - 1 "'#T1 I (T #. AC S I G (AL D S C#I " T I ' (


    Sinal Name Sinal Definition Connector

    1 8:S 18 interfa&e signal input C25

    2 C:S 1C interfa&e signal input


    D :S 1 interfa&e signal input

    5 :S 1 interfa&e signal input



    , 8U4S 18 interfa&e signal output

    9 CU4S 1C interfa&e signal output

    #' onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

    1 $nterface

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion


    Sinal Name Sinal Definition Connector


    11 U4S 1 interfa&e signal output

    12 U4S 1 interfa&e signal output


    1D 8: 18 interfa&e signal input

    15 C: 1C interfa&e signal input


    17 : 1 interfa&e signal input

    1, : 1 interfa&e signal input


    20 8U4 18 interfa&e signal output

    21 CU4 1C interfa&e signal output


    23 U4 1 interfa&e signal output

    2D U4 1 interfa&e signal output


    TABL &* - 1 "'#T& I (T #. AC S I G (AL D S C#I " T I ' (


    Sinal Name Sinal Definition Connector

    1 :S 1 interfa&e signal input C25

    2 F:S 1F interfa&e signal input


    D B:S 1B interfa&e signal input

    5 >:S 1> interfa&e signal input



    , U4S 1 interfa&e signal output

    9 FU4S 1F interfa&e signal output


    11 BU4S 1B interfa&e signal output

    12 >U4S 1> interfa&e signal output


    1D : 1 interfa&e signal input

    15 F: 1F interfa&e signal input

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: #(

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    4"e inter&a'inet s%n&"ronization signal interfa&e is defined in4a'le 2D.

    TABL &6 - S I G (AL D S C#I " T I ' ( ' . I(T # -C ABI ( T S% (C! #' (I Z AT I ' ( S I G (AL I(T #. AC

    'in No. Sinal Name Sinal Definition Connector




    3 B: igital ground

    D =Y:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    4"e signals of t"ernet interfa&e are defined in 4a'le 25.

    TABL &7 - S I G (AL D S C#I " T I ' ( ' . #@67 I(T #. AC


    No. Sinal Name Sinal Definition Connector

    1 8C=4>4GS 8'is interfa&e 4G signal


    2 8C=4>4G 8'is interfa&e 4G signal

    3 8C=4>RGS 8'is interfa&e RG signal



    6 8C=4>RG 8'is interfa&e RG signal




    To#45aer hel2

    n t"e topla%er s"elf one (A one C/FC and t!o ACs &an'e installed.

    4"e stru&ture of t"e topla%er s"elf in its full &onfiguration iss"o!n in Figure 22.

    . I G $ # && / T ' " -L A%# S! L . . $L L C' (. I G $#AT I ' (

    $! onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    4"e (A distri'utes D, E po!er to t"e AC 4RU and ot"er#odules and proides t"e oerload prote&tion fun&tion.

    4"e C/FC proides t"e 'ase station interfa&es.

    Ceing t"e #ain &ontrol unit of t"e C4= t"e AC i#ple#ents t"efollo!ing fun&tions*

    (roides all t"e &lo&?s needed '% C4=

    o#pletes re#ote operation #aintenan&e of C4=

    o#pletes lo&al operation #aintenan&e of C4=

    olle&ts e$uip#ent alar# infor#ation and proides "ot

    a&tie/stand'% fun&tion.

    Carrier hel2

    n ea&" &arrier s"elf t"ree 8As and t"ree 4RUs &an 'einstalled. 4"e t"ree 8As are installed on t"e t!o sides of t"e&arrier s"elf.

    8 &arrier s"elf in its full &onfiguration is s"o!n in Figure 23.

    . I G $ # &* - M ' D$L S I ( T ! CA##I # S! L .

    4"e 4RU &ontrols and pro&esses radio &"annels in B=A s%ste#

    sends/re&eies radio &"annel data #odulates/de#odulates

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: $"

    unctions an%


    Confiuration unctions an%


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    'ase'and signals on t"e radio &arrier and sends/re&eies radio

    &arrier signals.

    4"e 8A &o#'ines and diides air signals.

    Plu!4in /oes

    3an Plu!4in /o

    4"e GB10 C,01, +E1.00- &a'inet "as t"ree fanplugin 'o)eslo&ated a'oe t"e t"ree &arrier s"eles for "eat dissipation.

    4"e stru&ture of a fan plugin 'o) is s"o!n in Figure 2D.

    . I G $ # &6 - S T #$CT $# ' . .A( "L $ G - I ( B 'X




    1. Fan #odule 2. Fan panel 3. Fan &ontrol 'oard

    a&" fan plugin 'o) &an "old t!o fan #odules t"at &an 'e

    independentl% plugged/unplugged to ensure t"at t"e% do notaffe&t ea&" ot"er during t"eir running.

    4"ere are so&?ets on t"e 'a&? of ea&" fan plugin 'o) and on

    t"e rear &olu#ns to &onne&t t"e fan plugin 'o) !it" t"e rear&olu#ns.

    n t"e 'a&? of ea&" fan plugin 'o) is a fan &ontrol 'oard to&ontrol t"e rotation speed and !ind olu#e of t"e fans 'asedon t"e te#perature #easured '% t"e te#perature pro'e on t"is

    fan &ontrol 'oard.

    Air 3ilter Plu!4in /o

    o&ated in t"e 'otto# la%er of t"e &a'inet t"e air filter plugin

    'o)perfor#s t"e dustproof fun&tion.

    $# onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    /oar$s6 Mo$ules an$(itches

    Controller & Maintenance /oar$7CM/8

    AC is a #ajor digital 'oard in GB10 C,01, +E1.00- proiding

    interfa&e and &entral &ontrol fun&tions. AC !or?s ina&tie/stand'% #ode to aoid interruption and gie prote&tionto t"e seri&es.

    4"e fun&tions of AC are listed 'elo!*

    (roides eig"t 1/41 interfa&es.

    erall radio &lo&? and trans#ission &lo&? s%n&"ronization

    &an 'e a&"ieed '% &onfiguring AC for oerall net!or?s%n&"ronization at 'a&?ground.

    #ple#ents s!it&"ing of t"irt%t!o 2 A >; ti#e slots !it" 2

    'it s!it&"ing arra%.

    (roides transparent passage for e)ternal eniron#entalar#.

    #ple#ents #ultiC4= (A lin? s"aring.

    =upports star &"ain tree and ring net!or?ing at 8'isinterfa&e.

    (roides &o#'ined &a'inets &apa&it% e)pansion a#ong #an%p"%si&al ra&?s of one site.

    (roides all ?inds of &lo&? needed in C4= in&luding &lo&?

    signal of 13 A>z 2.0D, A>z 60 #s ,z 16

    A>z and so on.

    ete&ts &ontrols and #aintains t"e !"ole C4= s%ste#support nearend and farend #anage#ent interfa&e +t"e

    nearend interfa&e is 10Case4 t"ernet net!or? #anage#entinterfa&e-.

    Aanages progra# of ea&" 'oard and ersion of F(B8&onfiguration file in s%ste#. =upport nearend and farendersion update.

    Aonitoring and &ontrol of ea&" 'oard running status in&ludes*

    ete&t inposition indi&ation

    $% onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    . I G $ # & / C MB . $(CT I ' (AL D I AG #AM

    4"e AC (anel is s"o!n in Figure 27.

    . I G $ # &9 / CMB "A( L


    P)R R9N YN C5' MT TA M: RT 3P)R

    4"ere are si) s on AC panel* (;R RU: =Y:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion







    t"ers* =%ste# is




    Breen :* 8'is interfa&e

    net!or? s%n&"ronization


    Breen flas"ing at 1 >z*

    => net!or?s%n&"ronization &lo&?

    Red flas"ing at 1 >z* 1

    fra#e outofs%n& alar#

    Red :* 1 line is 'ro?enor not &onne&ted

    FF* Free os&illating


    < lo&?

    Breen :* :et!or?

    s%n&"ronization is lo&?ed

    Breen flas"ing at 1 >z*

    o&?ing t"e p"ase

    Red :* lo&? fault

    5 Breen A=48&tie/=tand'%

    Breen :* 8&tie state

    Breen FF* =tand'% state


    =48 =tatus

    FF* Running nor#all%

    Breen flas"ing at 1 >z*

    =%ste# initialization+o!-.

    Breen flas"ing at D >z*

    =oft!are loading

    Red flas"ing at 1 >z*

    8( lin? dis&onne&tion+>ig"-.

    Red flas"ing at D >z*> lin? dis&onne&tion+o!-.

    Red :* t"er alar#s

    +su&" as te#perature&lo&? and fra#e nu#'er



    \o!V refers to lo! priorit% alar#s and \>ig"V refers to "ig"priorit% alar#s.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: $(

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    :o 8( lin? dis&onne&tion alar# is defined for t"e stand'%AC.

    4"e > lin? dis&onne&tion alar# of t"e a&tie AC in t"e'asi& &a'inet is defined as o## indi&ation+&o##uni&ation 'et!een a&tie ACs of different &a'inets-.4"e > lin? dis&onne&tion alar# of all t"e stand'% ACs isdefined as Ao## indi&ation +&o##uni&ation 'et!eena&tie and stand'% ACs-.

    ;"en AC is po!ered on t"e (;R re#ains : in green&olor. uring t"e "ard!are initialization all s flas" on&e toindi&ate t"at t"e s are !or?ing nor#all%. f t"e selftest failst"e RU: turns red and t"e 'oard restarts in 3 se&onds.

    AC panel proides one )ternal 4est (ort +4(- t!o 'uttons+one reset 'utton R=4 and one #anual a&tie/stand'%s!it&"oer 'utton A/=- and one s!it&" +F(;R-.

    Cuttons and s!it&" on t"e AC panel are defined in 4a'le 27.

    TABL &9 / B $T T ' (S A(D S I T C !' ( CMB "A( L

    Name #ype Meanin unction



    4"is 'utton is inalid if t"e'oard is stand'%.

    f t"e 'oard is a&tie and

    t"ere e)ists a stand'%'oard !or?ing nor#all%

    press t"is 'utton fora&tie/stand'% s!it&"oer.


    Reset 'utton(ress t"is 'utton to reset t"is#odule.

    F(;R =!it&" (o!ert for&efull% po!ers on all4RUs.

    n t"e AC panel t"ere is onl% one test port 4(. onne&t t"e

    ( !it" C4= GB10 C,01, +E1.00- using R=232 serial port andt"e net!or? port for lo&al operation and #aintenan&e on t"e

    A4 as s"o!n in Figure 2,.

    %) onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:



  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    . I G $ # &8 - L ' CAL '" #AT I ' ( A(D M AI (T (A(C ' . ZXG10 B80182)1 300 4





    A4 ,,


    4"e 'oard la%out s"o!ing ( =!it&"es is s"o!n in Figure 29.

    . I G $ # &< - B ' A#D L A%'$T S!' I (G D I" SI T C! S

    4"e =7 ( s!it&"es are des&ri'ed in 4a'le 2, !"ile =10 (

    s!it&"es are des&ri'ed in 4a'le 29.

    TABL &8 / S9 DI" S I T C! S


    S*itch 1 S*itch 2 S*itch ! S*itch &

    >old >old : : 4o sele&t 'et!een2 A>z &lo&? and

    100 T 41 FF :

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: %

    D$' S*itches

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual


    S*itch 1 S*itch 2 S*itch !S*itch &

    net!or? &lo&?.

    efault is 1+:et!or? &lo&?-

    120 T 1 : FF

    75 T 1 FF FF

    TABL &< / S10 DI" S I T C! S


    S*itch 1 S*itch 2 S*itch ! S*itch &


    : : FF FF

    2 A>z &lo&?


    FF FF : :

    :o e)ternal



    >old : : : :

    E1:T1 Inter2ace /oar$ 7EI/8

    4"e C proides t"e 8'is interfa&e &onne&ting to t"e C=.

    Aain fun&tion of U +1/41 nterfa&e Unit- are as follo!s*

    (roide line i#pedan&e #at&"ing of , 1/41

    =ignal isolation at side and line side

    ine prote&tion at 1/41 line interfa&e

    C%pass fun&tion of 1/41 line.

    (roides t%pe infor#ation of interfa&e 'oard to AU

    Fun&tional diagra# of C is s"o!n in Figure 30.

    %! onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

    unctions unctional


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    . I G $ # *0 / IB . $(CT I ' (AL D I AG #AM

    C (anel is s"o!n in Figure 31.

    . I G $ # *1 - IB " A( L


    4"e 'oard la%out s"o!ing ( =!it&"es is s"o!n in Figure 32.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: %"

    $/ 'anel D$' S*itches

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    . I G $ # *& - B ' A#D L A%'$T S!' I (G D I" SI T C! S





    4"ere are four ( s!it&"es on C 'oard to sele&t linei#pedan&e* =2 =D =5 and =6. 4"ese are des&ri'ed in 4a'le 30.

    TABL *0 - DI" SI T C! S M A(I (G S

    = S2 S& S" S+

    (: 1 2 1 18 1B 1

    (: 3 D 1 1C 1> 1F

    4a'le 31s"o!s t"e !or?ing #ode of ( s!it&"es.

    TABL *1 - DI" SI T C! S ' #I (G M' D S

    6ine interface mo%e 1 2 ! &

    100 T 41 FF : FF :

    120 T 1 FF FF FF FF

    75 T 1 : FF : FF

    Po(er *istriution Mo$ule 7P*M8

    4"e GB10 C,01, +E1.00- adopts t"e full% distri'uted po!ersuppl%. t distri'utes D, E pri#ar% po!er to AC and 4RU.

    4"e se&ondar% po!er suppl% for ea&" #odule is generated '%t"e po!er suppl% #odule present on ea&" #odule.

    %# onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    4"ere are 12 'rea?ers on t"e (A panel &ontrolling t"e po!er

    suppl% of t!o ACs one C and nine 4RUs.

    Transcei+er Mo$ule 2or E*-E7*TR98

    4"e 4RU &ontrols and pro&esses radio &"annels in t"e B=A

    s%ste# sends/re&eies radio &"annel data#odulates/de#odulates 'ase'and signals on t"e radio &arrier

    sends/re&eies radio &arrier signals and &olle&ts alar#s of t"efans and 8As.

    4o adapt to different B=A s%ste#s and different output po!erre$uire#ents different 4RUs "ae 'een designed for GB10

    C,01, +E1.00-. 4a'le 32s"o!s t"e t%pes of 4RUs.

    TABL *& - T% " S ' . DT#$S

    8or-in /an% Mo%ule Name

    B=A 900 4RUB

    B=A ,50 4RUA

    B=A 1,00 4RU

    B=A 1900 4RU(

    Aain fun&tions of 4RU are as follo!s*

    (ro&esses 2 &arriers at #a)i#u# in do!nlin?*

    o#plete rate adaptation

    "annel &oding and interleaing


    Benerating 4A8 'urst pulse

    o#ple#ent BA=

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 5 Q >ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion


    Rate adaptation

    #ple#ent pro&essing of uplin? and do!nlin? RF signal.

    Re&eie t"e s%ste# &lo&? fro# AC and generate t"e &lo&?needed '% t"is #odule.

    #ple#ent and read arious "ard!are #anage#ent s of

    s%ste#* ra&? nu#'er slot nu#'er 'oard fun&tion t%pe and"ard!are ersion of 'oard and so on.

    #ple#ent &o##uni&ation of seri&e data and operation and#aintenan&e signaling t"roug" one , A'ps >;.

    Re&eie s!it&"ing signal of AC to &o#plete po!er :/FFof #odule.

    =upport online update and load of soft!are ersion supportersion update of progra##a'le dei&e.

    ete&t !or?ing state of #odule &olle&t alar# signal in realti#e and report it to AC.

    =upport RF fre$uen&% "opping (4 do!nlin? trans#issiondiersit% and four diersities re&eption in uplin?.

    =upport &loseloop po!er &ontrol.

    (roide de'ugging serial interfa&e and net!or? interfa&e.

    Coard po!er interfa&e +D, E D, E ground prote&tionground digital ground- "as t"e inerse polarit% prote&tionfun&tion for po!er &onne&tion.

    ela%ed start fun&tion and intelligent po!er :/FF fun&tion.

    4RU (anel is s"o!n in Figure 35.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: %&

    D#R4 'anel

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    . I G $ # *7 / DT#$ " A( L





    R;Mard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    . I G $ # 6* / C$G5& " A( L

    CE9-:ard!are o#ponents ntrodu&tion

    8ll t"e :U/D 'oards "ae sa#e panels.

    :UB/D panel is s"o!n in Figure D9.

    . I G $ # 6< / C($G56 "A( L




    R;= &a'les and &oa)ial &a'les.=atellite lin?s &an 'e used for spe&ial trans#ission #odes.

    Figure 53 s"o!s t"e ringnet!or?ing #ode of GB10 C,01,

    +E1.00-. a&" line denotes a 'idire&tional 1 &onne&tion. 4"e( s!it&" settings of C4= s"ould 'e a&&ording to t"e

    'a&?ground &onfigurations.

    . I G $ # 7* - # I ( G -( T ' #I (G SC! M AT I C D I AG #AM

    S./E "S./E +

    S./E # S./E $


    n t"is #ode all t"e nodes are &onne&ted in a &losed loop. t &anspan larger distan&es t"an ot"er t%pes of net!or?s. 4"e

    relia'ilit% is "ig"er as it sta%s &onne&t !it" C= t"roug" t"eot"er end if t"e lin? is 'ro?en fro# one pla&e. t &an 'e

    deplo%ed in su'ur' and rural areas.


    Numer an$ T#es o2 ites

    8 radio &ellular #o'ile net!or? &an 'e diided into a &ertain

    nu#'er of &ells depending on its fre$uen&% resour&es and &ell

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: (



  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    planning. 4"e &ells in a &ellular s%ste# are adja&ent to ea&"ot"er as s"o!n in Figure 5D.

    a&" &ellular &ell in t"e s%ste# is &oered '% #ultiple radio&"annels. Cased on different field strengt" &oerage #odes t"e

    antennas are diided into t!o t%pes*


    f an o#nidire&tional antenna is used t"e 'ase station is att"e &enter of ea&" &ell as s"o!n 8 in Figure 5D. 8 'asestation !it" an o#nidire&tional antenna &oers onl% one &ell.

    8n o#niantenna &an proide o#nidire&tional &oerage!"i&" saes 'ase station &onstru&tion &ost. 4"e o#niantenna "as lo! gain and poor antiinterferen&e &apa'ilit%.

    ire&tional antenna

    f a dire&tional antenna is used t"e 'ase station is at t"einterse&tion of t"ree &ells as s"o!n C in Figure 5D. =u&" a'ase station &oers t"ree adja&ent &ells t"at is it &ontains at

    least t"ree 4RGs. n general a 'ase station in t"e se&ond?ind of net!or? is &alled a site. 8 site !it" a dire&tional

    antenna &oers t"ree &ells.

    4"e dire&tional antenna is used to ensure &o#pre"ensie

    &oerage !it" "ig" gain and strong antiinterferen&e&apa'ilit%.

    . I G $ # 76 / C L L SC! M AT I C D I AG #AM

    4"ere are t!o t%pes of sites*

    4%pe =ite

    (! onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 6 Q :et!or?ing Aodes and onfiguration

    t is an o#nidire&tional &ell t"at is all t"e &arriers of t"e

    site sere t"e 4%pe &ell.

    =4%pe =ite

    t refers to a se&tored &ell. For t%pi&al operations t"reese&tor site is preferred t"at is ea&" site "as t"ree se&tors.

    Figure 55s"o!s t"e t!o #odels.

    . I G $ # 77 / T% " S ' . S I T S

    Con2i!uration Princi#les

    f a&tie/stand'% AC is re$uired &onfigure t!o ACsot"er!ise &onfigure one AC. C #ust 'e &onfigured.

    For 4RU and 8A sele&t different unit/'oard a&&ording todifferent !or?ing fre$uen&% as des&ri'ed in 4a'le D2.

    TABL 6& / M ' D$L S . ' # D I . . # (T . # ; $ (CI S

    re5uency /an%s D#R4 CD4 CD4 C4 CN4

    900 A>z 4RUB UB UB UB :UB

    1,00 A>z 4RU U U U :

    1900 A>z 4RU( U( U( U( :(

    ,50 A>z 4RUA U U U :

    U/2 :U/3 and :U/D #ust 'e pla&ed at t"e lo&ation

    #ar?ed in Figure 56.

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: ("





  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    . I G $ # 7 / L ' CAT I ' ( ' . C$5& C($5* A(D C($56

    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- "as arious &onfiguration #odes !it"different &o#'inations. 8ll &onfigurations are 'ased on userre$uire#ents and net!or? planning. 8 site is t%pi&all% &onfiguredas an o#nidire&tional site +t%pe site !ritten in t"e for# )-1se&tor site +=t%pe site !riting in t"e for# =)- 2se&tor site

    +=t%pe site !riting in t"e for# =)/)- or 3se&tor site +!rittenin t"e for# =)/)/)-. Usuall% =t%pe site &onfiguration is t"e&o#'ination of t%pe site &onfigurations.

    (# onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84:



  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    "apter 6 Q :et!or?ing Aodes and onfiguration

    Con2i!uration Eam#les o2 Variousite T#es

    O4T#e ite Con2i!uration Eam#les

    onfigurations of 1/2/D/6/,t%pe sites are introdu&ed


    For 1t%pe site &onfiguration 4RU !or?s in (4 #ode ea&"&ell "aing t!o Us to realize Ddiersit% re&eption as s"o!nin Figure 57. 1t%pe site &onfiguration &an also adopt t!o

    US4A8 for future &apa&it% e)pansion as s"o!n in Figure 5,.

    . I G $ # 79 / '1 -T% " S I T C' (. I G $#AT I ' ( A(D L ' G I CAL C ' (( CT I ' (S 2&CD$ S 4

    onfidential and (roprietar% nfor#ation of 4 R(R84: ($

    1=#ype Site

  • 7/25/2019 ZXG10 B8018 (V1.00) in-Door Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual


    GB10 C,01, +E1.00- noor Case 4rans&eier =tation 4e&"ni&al Aanual

    . I G $ # 78 - '1 -T%" S I T C ' (. I G $#AT I ' ( A(D L' G I CAL C' (( CT I ' (S 2CD$ETMA4

    For 2t%pe site &onfiguration ea&" &ell "as t!o Us. 4"e&onfiguration "as t!o t%pes* t"roug" &o#'iner and not t"roug"&o#'iner as s"o!n in Figure 59 and Figure 60. 8dopting&o#'iner fa&ilitates future &apa&it% e)pansion. >o!eer if itre$uires e)panding &ell &oerage &o#'iner !ill not 'e usedt"at is t"e t!o 4G outputs of 4RU are &onne&ted !it" 4G port
