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ZZ - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...'1 I Tiia PACIFIC ini: r.r. cine.Commercial...

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'1 I Tiia PACIFIC in i: r.r. cine .Commercial gUbcrtiscr (Lomiiicrciiil ViUTliscr i -I r - . I i"i i sr.sl t ,. ..,rv .i 1 rl ii t i n ir I" I )rsiM'!t Ion ; r. O.V UV.4SG..li l.r Tf.UMS. iil l!" s ace im- rn .1' r f t ir ! I to any p ir! f I 1 J m. a m. r u.. lira en. ,.,,,. ! i iT.. ie. I'i- - ri..-- Ili;)'-r4!'i- r r..lr 'l- " I"f lv ... " I "'- -. Tl v.. !r..-- t I ' f it tl - i 1 - i ii 4 'i t i. l 00 a l' 4 ll U S t Ii no tiwiT'lf : e rrt. .Itij:.' i I.. .' 4 in) 7 .'HJ 111 - id in V u a. I pil-- - ! Io l'a ill. wi.l i m -- "" " ,:u ; i ir 7 Io m 14 tl" .j 141 ! t ( lli in u mi : i i I O t h - O '.tl MI N 4M II I I t ami a' V . IK ii -- :; in 4u iii iii u I .11 III t Afjn .icn pniNTl?IC. v I, .: , Z IV III tMiO vtll IHI lill Wij.llO lit I H JU'' ' i Tut Vr.rr. r :il!i.l tl 1 v :' r',,r:'1 MRir- - :."r -- 4 . .1 h -- vin - t ir U.Mrl t UilVLf'.IK!- - ' I .i. it..- - !.i -- h style ( t" art. ;.. ii . tw.t .nmwial Advertiser. ;.irrnoi.dtme. j;,mjr-u- i F.iliH'R-"- t 'tmm. Juno, I"1"!. J r,z,R .fi.vMiKtML"- - W lial a il.Mrnt ' fr..r.i ork t i.ivrti - .. . i - i sn .Liyi. li itwith-t- u. nr.- - luran win... al'ti rn -- .n .Hay LVIU wi ln.v.Mn m-- ih oi , ..l,.M.r .ul.i Ir.Unl" ! tui int-i- .r or) ,,, lliVri.iin tri.-ii.L- i u.J th.r -- In.-, r.: r-r ,f !t. I ,,, f-- '' "I'1 l" J"u - . .:. I. I'm. . ,f t ' I fr.lkiBIl.. ! ut Kin' i " -- -"' o - i - I "I l" w.r.n ii.i" wi'i trr ; " -t- i.i- !ii''S l,,,f a"-w,- -r "'7 j .Il-ia- iit -s f Hawaii. ii ,n la!.; i'.r j UV tr:in-!.-rri- -.i ulmt a tl.irJ l 'r n I wliicii -- aiii.;. tt tn l:ii t 'V t ialittt ? -- t' 'ii' i" ...... : .i . - l..-'- .il aii'l w.-i- l uraini "ii ....i ...ut ttavin z Ixt-i- i ili lav.il tu'irv than . . . i .... t . ! r:r liiilillti". A" ,f I' i" UI' ". j r i . ...!! . I.n.lir .li-.-.- in th. hlllr. of! t ifi f 1 Vi 7 v ' 4 rfi'i'mi-n- . ti'-'"';- 1'1 in S.l:.f owr llanil, thrf l'iH-i.r!-- 'I ni'n t " nlvir j Ltn.l .r e ll'- - io-I- " ';4 "" "!'"- - ; l:l,-.k.- -.l f hk a n..-h- ty . - m th.; I..awi.s. ' !.iil. .jiitvr. tli-otl- nr. r - 11 -.- 1 i t -- tart a ro-- ii.-v- . r i ie ir'. rai.tiu . .i1e(,y..-tar- of Kmr ir-- ; tak- .- iti vy. t uvl wht. ui!...r ;. CiHih! I Ii. v it, wa t fality or all u. tl ream? The Mack, j '1 h.ii.-v- - t!ii Miitinu itcl in.-ii- , woint-- ami j L'Jrm'.tL oM an...ri;i! m-i- i. tl,.; liv,Ti.-- l ft-- m ti, tlw l..-a- vy - I.-- -., tl..; m-a- vy tl:. i.li'l iiv--ii.-iit- -i anil inaMivo 1am'i.rin f- -. :i..- - l tu inn hut .ha.Lwy, Cul.1 ill- - that I u-a- - tamling on i . . . . e ... li unfii-r- en i, t.- -.. . ' I.. fri 1 . r. I'l.nviTi tirifki. . f.rtli Tfimvmm? I caii hardly Uv it yet, : 'J..,u- -h I have Uvn h. r.; more than a w.-- ic nnu ; ri.H.n cv-- r naiiT iiiihs of ruilriKid. It inItlll i w i. " IiiJi nt tin; i.ri.- - ly on .lir nUII1.all,j nurn-i- . In the v.ill-- y lmi..rti'r ami i:t ill:"! .:(. t J??c:iauif Caltoii ii.U ami Arthur'.- - S at N ..M H .'yr ,...1 Toois, Siul il, i. l'ul.u-- , wht-n- - Vi..-t..ri- .. ....u...i-f- . f..r 1 V..S,rr.u ly lnht wh.-- n way lnm tin; mils li i.il- - k. tt. l I.I. &. stl V. m.. ral, h. r ...mi,.-- r ir.-a- t in Nrt!i.-- i n .i 1 ,,,.,, an- - IM:n in !rv i.oal . . . t t t 1 , . ... . here I "was hliuwn th.j eSinirs, h- -l ami .6" . m. ly i fa-fi- ng ranorama of curiou. quaint, wit la-- ; ,.,;;,,,,, wiiich k! e tiifiu. In that old lictur.i. lA.-rylhin- g i.i intcrcflin ; roum Htvi.I VJ- - was -- .lain h.r ey.-- i ; v .H,.ut. Ir t Ca-tl- e. from XcK.n s monument, Fort Src-- . m iirly nr.i!l.m Hill, and Author-- . S,at r Ml.-hu- ry J,: v. .,,,. 's. as it is olten called. r II X KWSI A I'F.K Tll(. ,(Il:ir f F.d.nhurgh are full of m , ,a J!aVi; HII1 .., cf uniii.i.jrtaiit kuis. ..:i.i ns. year, WIior.e V.l.XKK, .MHunearee. f.S.?6l.A inl tictur..itn-- , tr.m th.; dirty. mV-r- . civil; to the and mouldering j ast;..-;-- . The Crt ptculiaritv that Mrike. j n.i,i the new world in the duralAt, hear.j, suhstan- - ; ... -- i - . rw,l,.aIiryofer,ryM1 onty u,.,r , nJ thi-i- r i.urrounaing-- . hut the i.i. ii ami wotupn thi;ui. lvH wiu t hnve come lr..m tne nturi rat and to 1m? made to last to the j J - refill the 1iniii ' nturii'H. tiling! it!. F.ven tl.e hiMr.n apitr old. 1aW into tf.i'ir hro.i'1, lint fae-- s; tfieiii tnnJing wly iil.fi in th.-i- r h.-a- wrxsl-- n Clou". f.tir of th.-i- r hi" tlir 5iu wiil n more - - . . . . r . ; ili-.- nr.; lit IWUllft ' - r ,ltn O III Itlll'TII T 4frV 'lt-- V - j tw M I .hhin's the aus ot ' SH.n after mr arrival in i came here llmourgh, Motriir." to ran.hle .i i : ru wlm.,ti mil. hi hal n.u-- n me ia.-- j i.-.o- .. - - I through Proton, r my Turte. came r,.l r:,r!U!a t iIa-io- where I eii.nl : ... 7":;: i..ffT I,..-n- t to J.h,,' . " , .. .... Kma ami the ancient I oj.is.i ai' hard t'T. with its mngmf.eent laintca win- - of the triumt h of roiid i,w It w a I tb rr,nc.rl of Knox , it U n.,w uml a-- ) a I'r.-?- - . hjurian chaj-!- . It over oM) f,.x--t long, wa ahout I nl--o ixi lorea me ri oi "lihecitT.i'to.Hlon the the gently the end ' ramliW out la.vring Llj.ie. i t!i.-- rail th. m r- -, I liave not y t - ... . an oaiiM tor a Coincni coiur ..JniEcTiee with 61th .., New York, l,l:- t- ,w h UlU t.f roiid M...a,J,ranU. and mar-- tU, K.rn!lT brick in It. This am told is v - - r.l.. i.u,,. In illin'l c,u,e from Glasgow dinnr.lj here Siturday a wek ao. It would Is vain for to attempt to - IctiiTe tl.e grandeur, iieauty and Kidno of thin tamoiid town. T.-.I- iy I 'V the of Duid Hume, Pug.ild tMewnrt, e-or- Corn!-- -, Lord J Crey, Prof. WiUm, Hugh Miller, Dr. Chalmers, und many others of th.w.; dead hut n. tered rovcrcigns, ftill rule our ti irits Croiu their urns Home nmd monuments, r with mru' le head Moncs, but each honored in the hearts of his countrymen und of the World according what he has OptIte me-tan- ds the lofty and monument to t' u..t, . s...,.f most tverv one has - ww aiii 9 " " J the picture. is the moft in- - nnient I have ever or c.tpeci 10 re-- . if ;thitf Htylf the lower part over his tatur' the upper part resemMmg a poplar tree. It is much larger than had conjectured trie n-s, being feet high ; from eutmuit yt.u command fine view the city. Tills is liie ingle of the young architect who i:. he was drowned before its com-p.etio- ii. Near hy stands the full-lengt- h of - Christopher North." his 0 wit:g lion-lik- e mane. the nohl. m face 1 have yet ii in bronze marble; nest t Man Is the "Ryj.l Institute," of Hotie style, surmounted riy the sitting figure of (uecn Victoria, contain- ing a of statuary and Scottish anti-1'iari- an museum. Ileh ind this, on the mound, which ii thrown up acrs the long, deep that rei.arates the"" old" twn from the new," Uinds the " National Ionic order. It many originals by Van Djke, Kubens. and others of the great masters, a full length ttatue of P.urns by t 'hantrey. Next beyond the National Cailery is new. white marble statue of the Allan IUmsay. In the other direc- tion beyond .Scott's is striking fiuestrian statue of Wellington. It is a noble p..ee, but cannot retrain from two criticisms. The cry charter Unds steadily iis.'d on his hind legs ami tail principally th latlrr. The noble Iiukeftiu easily on horse, which most F.nglUhmen do not, but his btirruj! to dangle, shabbily at the instej'S, which. I Iwlieve, all Faijlishmen do. All th.se lsautiful works of art which I have mentioned, star.d in the new t.wn rang.il along on the edge of the ravine which separat.fi it from the old town. I hey f.rm side of Princes Street, which is lie; tridwiy of IMinhurgh, and beside the ravine. Eilinburh h is the finest natural a liantag- - ot ljpta.ition of any city I Lave seen, and I doubt i'i ia.!Mt:;n ccki.v nv( i mil. i. iks :r:i aM i. Ii i:lcl l. Mlli M;t. ; HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, NOVILMIiLU !?. V.M.. l ,,i.ili. hoi.k n. . I" Ajrrii::::;;!!'?. .t w- ii i'.- - rv.i t;,.- - li:!- - w f.i. ii has :ti 'j'iiri.'il '!!. Atli--:.- ' .f Kiir.iin" .:,( m hy ur.iv-r.-j- l in. ninr j ii-- r ,ui; itv in kirT !':n. Tl.i 1 uilt n.-- , hi ly jrruiitnl, with a v nr ..iin: running t!.r jUIi lli-nl- r u'lt-ry- , i.i":-u- l .t iii- -, ., her II r. c !I ...... .... ... l- -rt Km vtrry .m ie s,.,rr Cri! K .i.ti- - wfk,Y H. a o c. ail .Ml t W.-s- t mo with vthh-- It statue with 1 allows one is tin? riiit.r -- i.iri;ii tif i" ljiii tie ..Isf.w All -,:i is Ii iir- ,- t , ;..! fr..ui tj; ar,. in ,,.,.., ,.iv;, J:- - . rj mt l .r- - - -- .wr.-.l w ill. ipLms . 1 !,. ii,!.a!.itai,t.. t,:. IV..I.. ti..-t.tl,- ., ii.;w tw in r tw.r:i.v lul l.ri 1 tl..; "North," . . . .1 t' l t l.a iu: "any unu .mumiki wiiicti ; ,u;t j, ,.!M iU u.i.i;ii t?..- - X iti.nuil iJal- - hut it j 1 t.u.n-1- - I'.r t!..- - j a.i .f tin: -- .r-.. Oil tin; r... ky ..MTlianili tiii- - la ii.f t unl-- i th; 'M ti tin; Ai-r-.- - 'Iii "f iMrth. rn Atli.;ii, vli-r.- ; Marv lju--- n ! ."sti Iiw.il. I. jv.nl, Miiii.-- . iiii'l i.rr-Mi-il- , :..T: li'-- r i.i 1 jm-tiir- hufir". wlii-r.- ! t'i; lia" t" miv- - . ... . H .. ..i .... . i . i .. .. i r'-ii- ure i i.ii m j in-- , n..ri mi I cruvtn :ir. - trar.niuy viifi.i witu . . , ,. , , Hii; n. xt I )r. i ;uthri.i"s ! .hnri !i. further on vv. atl: r hut f'4- - :Tt- - ,;,!"" tt i.'" Ir.tl with it-- , airy th.; I'arlianifiit .ii-- , t'li- - oi'l imn rlmr.-Ii- . i . ,.,. .:,.,:,.., .... ... h, vtith t!i. Ir .. i .iiit l ar. !iil.c- - . . tiiui out a iuii "icy, ii.riuin :. "' 'nm'-- . .ini.jti.-a:- i l y f,)(t i ,.;tjier t;i. WaN.-iI-- ..r tin- - N..rt!i hn l- i K.j wf iviin-o- s Mrwt, in li.i; oiji-fit-- j oin-- . ti.n lr-.u- i t!; i.i Ciii ni Mill, U arin V" TT U 1 '.' j r ( f j, t lU, ,.u St.-witr- 1'Iav- - i - a t . t. .... i r .n .n i, ..,. r) . r r. , ... I' " l.ll"Ll .11.1 P'lC ..1'..4 ..I.I. ..- - I I..inil-- t ail k'-l'- as lii-ari- ay iis.-i'- in in.; were xl..wii tl-.- - .irct Mans wl.i.-l- i tl..-1- - .i.sj.i- - uSiS ! Mary wa'jinarrii- J. I j up a Irom tin; irnnM-l.- t wh. r.ibh.; knoolt d. From th.' l'ala.-- e I .1 the .rn ipit -- us hiti.- - ol l Artluir's St;at, u r.-- lu ln!l ri-n- i-' rhi.i' liV tl.e CItV. 1 1 I.-- ) a'mu t ' - , ;v 1: ild r s ;l f vrw f the irr)ln,n.ljr e,,,,,,.. .ivy ' t, ti,; s.nth rii; ili-u- nt l'ent IIii!s, . the X.,rth lif tl.e Frith of Forth, th- - jr. My town h ami r .rt i IV-lh- . Irti-k- iu i "ii . in Mn.r. . and t e ;;r.rti l.' Indi it!i -- arl.ii. mi lis lvs.ua. nt yiiur fw( lhc r(.l, ,.itVf witl i( miiv.-r-ity- , 1 '.irii.iin. nt Iioiim-i- . i.irk.i, hanks, inn- - j rruuit, liliafi.M, ..!.-- , wtluiu, t'lVVt-r-- , IIIOIIU- - I .. .. m.lil-- . uoiii'-s- . mw: ..j t :.:Ti. . hi, i "'" ' V .1 .. ihnrli is an in itself. rvmuty r.-fi- .me like Ifiiig in love. It n I'Telinial like lay of riiiake-- PMiire's. Nothing imii m..!.- - its intiinte variety, w kh - 1. . . ,. should view the city it lie woni i carry away ..u a,j,.fJate imi-r.io- of it, fr.nn S-.tt- "s u...nu- - TIU, ilnt- - ami fortl s. 1 have a.s vt mid nothing nUmt the j.--jl- e ( , -- .j.. . are i, Inrt; iu.fruotive ,,;. tIl:U, ai tl ir hin.I,. 1 -- c. all,j ,ll,,lljui. ht'.. I h.ive w li. re a we. w , h .v.; made many jil.-aiai- hav.; .Um d ...it aln.t every d iy with .... rchan.s lawvert. .Jt.r, editors, authors, .r..fe rs ami ,,,, ,,., . .,urce of vain Kh.rv r f.oli.ih rid.;, 1 - ; . i.: . 1 . ....I... ,.C t",.. S.n.ltkie i .Mr. :ion.-s,,ake- s a profmn-- l s.l ,am. resumis the 'ri liilii und remains il! statu lino or enters ......r. if'i.... witli his nearot licihlsif. He nie. t ..- - ' . .. ".:l n..t l.ve iirer-- manv sent'-Iieei- . i'r. w n.iieli :iit.iiiislilin-tit- . 1 1 W' IS , it, Mr. J .r.'-s- . t!iat vou. having grown up in those j South S-- .i Islands, have acquired s nreurate and tlueiit a rn--; of the Kxiglisli hingmige?" 'llnsi. i , . .:.i...i the si 'Hal ot lit tick, anl Air. O., Blliwui ii. ,ai..,r plunge at . , e ...!. r-- , giving a l ri.'I si.tien..-n- i oi uu.- - 'ies-.ii.- j future of the sv.-t.-- m ol common sehool ulueation in the I'nited of Hawaii ; he draws certain invidious comparisons Letween the sv-t.-- m to which he owes his pr.-sen- t " flu-ii-e- v" and thus-- ; now existing in New F.nghmd. ld I'ngland ai.d Scotland. In answer t j a of interrogations, he makes a statement ot the jsition of his native land, it climate, population, area, exports, imports, scen- ery, mountains, craters. Volcanoes, government, foreign relations, present political aspects, consti- tutions. House of lx.rds and Commons, con- stituency, forms of religion, Christianity, civili- zation and so forth, no lineni. find unexjxvtcd interest To sp.-a- an in mv little island home lying under ..ur feet. (TIMUI mih-- distant, throug'l the Solid Sllhstance of t t!ie -- 1 .',) and take j leasurc in gratifvin. it vvle-- I can. I was j n-se- the pension of the Mond.iv, Tuesday and when they closedand had the .lcastiru of -- vig and hear-i- n r most of the leading of Seotland. Doctors Can liisii, Buchanan. Duff, the eloquent India misioiiarv ; Hanna (son-in-la- w and hi.- - trrather of Dr. Ciiallil.rs), lee. iulloetl, Aiei.eo.l. tewart. lg nnd many others Dr. Guthrie s.-- ) unwell that his physician do. s not allow i A :.. r..,li. lr l!:inn:i rc:nht! , : V,;.. " v. e....,i.t ,., ..... ., Ill III4 Iilil . "S (III- II. I l IMls' W..M.t,j t.v, great length cl-- s-i here I in.w turn uiy btejis toiit.iwar.i. Yours. YiiT.-u- . in:oXu cm.'. H" CHl'XU HOOX Jt CO. ommlslon and l.ciirral lirnt. Ainauulu SuLr Plantation Ioi-..- ,;, tr.nts f.Tll.i- - .T. ..od -- ther an.l K- - r- - tn .. ls W,u-!i..l- dealers in Hawaiian l'r.Iu.-e- , brlaw Ivi.i. J.t.Wlllll.' S.C. AIL". D. A. ATl. WAI.KKIt. AI.I.KX A. CO. Inijiurters sad ( umiiiivdja .'Iirrchants, LV. it. I. Jjrntt vf th' PhD- - mntsti-.n- ..n.m'a P'arf.tion. .4,.tat.-n, I'i tot tln.ii. Plonc-- r Mult. Wilder PI I, .Inn. Suirar i 'ouitany, V. t.alua anlt:cn, lUiswa PuMHl. o. Waihiku Mil s, lioie.l.il.i su.-s- r Maiiufactjriiijr and to., punaiua li.ee C. .4mf of thr Hnwr.ii.tr. 1'i.rl.rl I .lr f r ,n Fr i v-- o. M-- 1 tr.U MuiiiaI Marine InsuritM-- e I I rn m li..urancc I o. Arnlt of thr -- .ra.ntr Kii ra. S h- - nri A M.iLn, Par, M..I U isiti, K ah ha. ly a:st:ifS dares. . . i !!.tUTUV, j liiirin-r- , j n!i- - ioam oil n.-- lrl. oaf iloor from 6- - r..i l!i ::n:il:ij r'-'t. 1 - on tml. . . t:..r..rr if. v. si.'. iiu i:. Acttii.in'i T Mil '.Vi!iiii:.:i :i 'Irrrliatit, n:t. ru niy -t ::k, III Io!itlolt 5 it i I it i .i . li iifu Slrirl. w ;i. .!,t,i.u. i.u...-,uii!- . . l!. ki;kih. I'ii-- i. inn. siiiri.ii a:i.I , t:iif !,i-i- r ..rt n. i.. r.. a i . i'iiiitjr- - .ir- f . .j & .1 ..tu a. .'. iii in .m. :i. i.. !'.':; -- i( ..;:.! i:.m OfEce l I II.1-- , Mr I! .ii- --. l r . t. IU. J. .Mo I T i.Mli II. 1. .Ifliiw rirf-li.-- f I'frt .1 . l 'rci-;:- . A. K. Jl Hi). I.irii.-- r..rl n. M'Tcla:l.'f--'- l i.4a iv K. IMoKK.M A . X. .M.I. riiiiiciuii a:nl stiir.Mi. Itlin-L- . r. -r u n ;iti.l K i.itiniit.u . II. i::! :i vi:is. !l.:'.'... fi.rnr .f Fort :n.l M- f!..int im. 1 i .h- Iu u. Ml l.v JOHN II. I'iiV. rtct.ity lu!i I if, I Ilor.nl.ilii, II. I. onic- - ut Ii.nik lti.l...j. A: f i. !" f.m . I.. 111(11 lilS i. .. SJiIji (liaiiJIrr.i Jiiia n::!!iiNv:.n f.uu ii.-ah- I a OniTi'l Vf.-- ii.sii-li-"- , Keeji ci.nJ'i.T.i'y mi haii.l a fu'' i.f.i: t:i.ont "I for th.-1..- W i i 1.11:1 61.: ly W. X. I. t III). C. II. LRWKHS. J. U. UlCK.-.l- I.KWK'iS Ai !)l('!-- . s in I.im.iIht :i:it' Vl'l'f.i'X j.iK'il.iN. .1 Mrr. l. H. VOM K'lLT. TH. C. IIKC.-K- . VoullOI'T IIKltlt. Oneial (oi!i:tiii-:.y:- i Furl Sli'i-t-l- . iy jamii.n. (;i.ki:v & t'o.. i i Imnitrli-r- s and ( iir.i;ni-si.;- .i T!crli.int n m. 'riVrour Kail.lla. (Inn - Mrrrl. I i " ' 1", DealiT In hiioilv. silks, i.r., Fort M !. iy II. HACK PKI.II .V CO.. (.rricrjil I i!;:im:-i:- i J llaiiaiulu. iy - iiiFF:-fiii.Ai:fiK:- t .t co.. f m.. m A !'.. ... i I'.i. M...l'.rit.' C.rnrr ol" Fori M.-rr!.ii.- Sir.-rl- . ' iio ly I AI.K.X. J. CA11TVIIII.-UT- . fomral-vlo- u Morrhnnt anil (.oarral S!,5ninS nl, j ill lloitollllll. Oil I.u. ly C FKi:l)'K I'Kl.t i; Kit. i Di-nl- la st.i.!r ami I'aury llry (ioods Men's (lutii- - j ins, Kuoti a Mil Miors ami aukcr aouuiii, 0ii4iil MrMKi iy ivi on oa, , liiall UlV.ZVl.VSt. ... aril i, r. .1 b..th l.v !I.K..i.an an.l r oreiirn. r. I"ri.i- - il a year in a.l- - Viin.-e- . A.ivertn.eiit iraii-l.t.-- .l into Haw - till irtc ..I thartte. inM.uth . j M. S. i; U IX II A I'M Ai CO.. I,:M,ort,rs aud XMidesilr n i ''"''' 4 hithing, ll-- ti, t :lii. Minn, ; And every ty of lienU.-m.-i- superior r .irn.iii.K o.mhi ; -- t..rc ..mi. riy y " . .t. nimn-n- , Maktr' lilitck, lurtn at. Mm m - I'i It " " Kjron II11T. 11110. . 1.. Win 'Z rrl',"n:.r:t'':hi;ran,i,'o;!;:rr, f , ,.iL.h,.f ,,.,. t.iv,.i f..r Islnml l'r.-lne- e. r t r Money a.lvance.i l..r Hill- - "f Kcl..iiiL-- e at le rat. . 1.. , v. hisiiup. w. e. balktoS IMSHOl ,V CO.. Il.iul.rrs. OlHts in I lie c:lt rorii.r of .h:cr's Ilhirk, ' k..i.I.iiih.iiiii stre.:, Ih i oiniu. llritW. nnu of K.haij:-o- ii lkMUHrc Fr:ineico. A; Co., .N. Vork. LkKI Wai.i.kh, Yi rk, Hksht A. I'kik. k. t'n., Kostoll. TllKM.IST NaTI.iAI. ll.tNK, I:. ..t .ii, Mas. IIKIIM1L l.ANt 1 .le loll. Will ,. (..n.ts. ilscunt liritla-s- '.iusi.u s. i.a.er, a: i alteinl to coll.-r'.ini- eic. l.v 1 C. WATKI4M AX O.. ( niMini-siu- n I'err'nwit'. K.i'.Tial attention paid p. h.- - interest' ..r the Fleet hy the famishing ol fands, punhas.- - ami side ol Oil, Hone, lieii. ral and the ir.t umi; of irei:ht KtFKKKNCFS. Messrs. Isa- - Howi.am.. Jk., .c Co., New lieiKord W. i. 1',11-K- . Kst.. d". !,ir,;as. Sr..SK .V Co. San Francisco. J. C. Ukkill A: Co, do 531-l- y ItOI.I.KS A. CO.. Shlw (!i:in:IIrr and fanitnis-iis- n "fpn liant, tauten wtri. j p rticllIar attention pail to the purchase a:..l sale ol Hawaiian l'r.luce. r.efers permission to B. F. Sn-.- Ms.'r. WaiKer Allen. A Co., C. A. Williams & Co. rs. C. !;rewer A: Co.. Mes.r.. Castle .v C.s.ke. Messrs. II. Hack'.-- ! 1 .V Co., M.srs. l. C Waterinan Messrs. C. L. ll.chi.r.ls A: Co. au-l- y A I.LR.V 4i COX WAV, Knivalliat, Hawaii. Will continue the tleneral Merchandise ami M.ippmc ousiness j "ZZ lv wh.tle Mni, ai D .i. m..-.- . Pirowooct on XX niicli StU L S. C A STL K. J- - . 1THKUT-K- . 1MOS S. CASTI.K A. COOKK. . .....Ii . 11 .1. . i nf iinp:ii in ..u titnti... ,t In r:repru.-- St.-re- . Ku. str . - Cl.a-I- . Ir. Jayt.es Celehrated Fiuiilv Wh.-el.-- r 4- - Wilson' sewing M.i- - hines, The ltoh.ua UJ.lr The New Kiit-UT- i l Mutual Life Insurance Cimpiny, The Sew Phenix Marine lu-- jr ince 6.i.-l- y intuatl ritl. H. A. CAhTkK. 1. UARTl.kir C. HRKWKK A- - (ornraUion and Slilppinv: "Icrihauts, llowttliilii. Oi.lni. H. I. A.JKXTS Of Ibl- - Ilosltni uil.l Honoliiln Ia-I.f- l lane. A OK NTS PrlbrMnkrr,Vnilnhn.V Iliinn IMnnliilions AUKNTS Forlhr I'urrha-irnni- l Salrsf I.I.m.l I'rotlocr. RKFEi; To J..B! M.Hooo. F.. Nvw York. Cbas. Brew rb. Co p. .st-n- Jill- - Hi IN. WILL. J.CMni!ii.tl'. 1 K. B. Swai Co. '- - s .n Frai- - co. Cuts Wolcott Ubook-- :.. V easiness (Lxcs. Jons thus. v" atikiiium'. !i:ip:; U : in.l lra!i-- i.'i .c ri;.i ':!( !.:i!ii!Nc. .'.; ! :i rin.'t, II ul I. tini JWII.V UITSIV. J'paliT in .ii!(- -. kit r..r:.T. r 11 onoi 1. 1 l.v UVMKUK :. IltWK, ;i-"l- nf,l-.iod- . .n tlit-- l.umb. r, Shiuirlcs, Ihial'i. ..-- li, N.lil, i .uu: .-- ItU (Hi SI F:rl i tUe IUlu n,i fe. 5 in Iv i .1. W IIIM ll. Iifii'i-- r iu (.I'l.rr.il .'iii i'lii'M'Sf, in 1.'. iin.u.i... li;. u;i.iicu iii i . ni.t :.t tl'H hiir'.rst iMti' in i.lnic t Iilit9 "1 A.ill.la. K. r. M I A N 1' l. ."". TATV. !)cc!rri Iu ;r.tci Kivad aiiiUa'ticr;.! MitiIimikI:-!-- , ." L'ururf nf 1'nft ll '.I h't-l- t atl t ttS- i;ti i.v K. V. l.V-- . Siiiji ! .i!:T i:i :u "P! !:i!S-Ji-r- S.it itit i .111 . "il'iu:. Irish ami my.-- I I'..l.r. :ili oll.ti eimt..-.!l- ..11 II hai.ii an ! lor M,io ai l.w rat. . "J'i Cm ' n kv i i.i.!'. & nuiiti r r. riaQirrs a:ul (.riu-rit- l - ts Kivjit-r- . Kii.illi:l. i li '!: II IH'iir K'llli.k. ik i !'... l IT .iuc.j Uiiu'.i. Miif .u,.il..l .:li !, Jii-- . f Hinl ' . a .i s. .i;.;iii ai ii.ji....u:.i. .. s ci.Kiiii ::n. &14 ly M KI.C IIKUS A. . iMiporfi i s .Hint i.nii!ii--;- n !cr l:;ii:1 AijiiiI- - fT Ihr tvitt A KiKf. Iv-na.- k Co. K . "A I 'i I .I'.itK I'l.tNTAIi.'S. T..i:y M I'i.an'a n.'S. Ol'.-TA-V C. Mklchkks. J. I). KK. A. Pi"ll.tKFKB, itr.-m.:- ll "Hi u. liolMlltill. 5ii iy i. v. ri.rr. kji. Ci.tiimi-- i i t uii..-s-s in th- - ;ir. .r....f bull.lin?, Ksi:iIiiii:i:iii Sir.-.-l- . lip 0!ii:iti'.ritters rnt.-.- hy ..I serv ili.v. ut tin- - sun ami tars with i trui-'Pl- t nt a' ;ir4t'!y a.i'isliil tn the n .if Iluinilulu. I'ai-l- iiiar att.-iili.i- to line Wiitrli niitirini.'. ml quii-iran- t rI:iss' -i- lv.-r.il m l it Ijn.-i.-- il ami lt:.uti'al ir.tri:iU'-riT- f..tl!nIllly on 631 v:i i I '..r sal.-- . U ' ... . .. i fUTTffPVTI TT"3T,Tl A "TV uUiltrilll 1Xi a. i r;!IK FXIf:ttS!UXKl II.WK IJF.K.V AI- - JL tl.orizi-- l to f I K i: I O T. I V I K S ON Stores, Duelling Iiou-r- -. I'lirnitme and (hioils iu Stre, 7.V flO.XOlALU .I.V) VI MTV. LiiM.s aljutil and luTe l.v us in U - g"l l . V'r rate ol anil I'aiiiciiiar'. ajij-l- lo 40 litn ll. It At Kr r.1.1) is Co., ai. the iTORTKEnir ii;stjka:-tc- e goimp'y rpiMi: FVIK!tsiXK.I. ACKXTS FOI4 THK fi hIh.vu Coi.'i:iiy. have re.-- , nlly r..e-v- . .l t n- - .iin-- e li e Kati-- r f I'n iiimni on Mom- nn.l I'.i.t U Itiiil.ln.i:.- - an.l ..ll M.-- t..ie.l therein, ar- - in.w to iviit- - li -J?- -; r- - faV'TlM'- - 'erum than lnr- - t..!i.re. ... ?,,,r r.anta- - tionn. JAM'JN. (iKH.N A- - 015 ly SAN iMiAxnsco B 0 A H D OP UNDErv7HITERS i rIIK FXIF.llStfJ X F.l IIAVIMJ 11F.KX ... . a i..-iii- t il ii'eitH tor tut- rr.i.':iH'i ii-- i ....-- ril.:rs.r.-.r.-ei.ti.- . ! The I !! 1 1 for II IlliUrailCP . " " J I lie .11 ere I. .1 ll I s .'luni.ii ...... i.. Tl.e I'nciiic 1 issu rn nee Com pit y, Til f " Ii loril i ll I.loy.ls. JllllI The n.iuie .Mutual Insurance -- nninany. f.. V inform of V. s u an.l the .u!.!i- - rener- - ".I:," ar.,1 oth. r r -- ks ai or near me - h UU..w, will hve lo tM. v, riiua l.y tie 543.0111 II. HAi KFlXU A: Co. MI'Ut'llAXTS' JIT'TI'Ah Tin: HitiTisii ani riti:i(i. aIiaulxe ixm i:nu: (omimnv, Ii nill-l- . CAPITAL, ONE MILLION STEALING. lK-.u- l l.iaioe, M ti'.eh.-ste- Hiiil.Iin.-s- , l.i.er.ool A'"miIs at Honolulu. I JiVMIOrJ, tits Oo. N It T'lis Coini.any takes ri:Vs on po.i.ls only an l not on vessel,. UNION INSURANCE COKPANY! j SIX FI4A XCISCO. CA I.A. j Capital Stock, - $750,000. ; CAt-l'.- T. KAV I'llKslDEST, CI! AS. 1. II AVKS .Skch.:takv. (Jl'tfTA E TKXCllAUIi.. ..Makis;;: HiitfccT.iR. flillKI'MlKKSlUN KD lime Ih-i-- ii n isoinleil E agents the Ciii any an-- l are ed to insure c a it o o i:s. v ii i Kt: 11 r a x i trkas v ii e. For rates if premium, pply to 5i;ai W AI.KKK, AijCo.Airents ii a m mT is : n -- u it f. m r n FIRE INSURANCE COPSPAN Y. fSHK rSDKRMdXKI'i Airents of tl.e ahovo Com J i p:tny,are prepared to insvire risks fire in and ii .... .1 .il .. tor i.articulars al'i-l- at the oifice. alKlUt .tir.ut. ii r.it- - a. . o. llotin.ulu Oct. ll.lsoT. 531-l- y J. D. WICKE, A.'.KNT FOR T11K Bill. MKX Ilo.M li Or USUKRWR1TER5 4 1.1. A VK 14 A V. CLAIMS A (i A 1 N ST Sill) ; V I'n.lerwrit.-rs- . nccurnni; iu or atxiut tins rtingi"m. win , bio i Lave to he c.rtifi 'd het- re hi:n. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY, j ri-H- K. imkrsh;xki akkxts ok thk S. als-v- hnve ln authorned to insure risks on riu,:o. rici-:icir- and tukasi hk. i l.v I'll F.US from Honolulu to all ports of the Hawaiian a::d vice II. II ACKFEL1) 4- - CO. , CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COItlPANY, ! SAX K II AX CI SCO. rflHR I'XIIKKSHiXKO HAVING HEKX; fi appointed f .r the at-.- company, h. ir leave to the the puhlic. that th. y are prepared to issue M A IS. I X K 1 X s r 11 A X CK IMM.1CI K S on Freight an.l Treasure., tt and fmra all parts of the ""ril1' II. I1ACKFELD A: Co. j Il April 2 517-l- y j JONATHAN Hl'NT Presid-n- t. A. J. R I LsTCN. Secretary. PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY. CA PITA I. STOCK. S13O.O0O. .Vy. 430 California istrt't. Say. Francisco, C'-il- . rjllllS CO.Ml'AXV W 1 1.1.. TAKE MARINE i Rlsiii ON Cargo, Commissions and Profits ! In vessels not rttirc lower than A J. r iu the Ionian or liilrr.l.luinl Trmlr. n I terns ami tr- .- s are the author ied agents cf the Company for lionolu.u. A. Ij.i.lr.1 und paid hrr- - by n inl.S. , f;l.l I'oin. rates t.l i reui.um. Io , apply to il ly BIsHoP f; Co., Agents. . Hoot s- - el r.iiiIt.or ! k ivi: i n xi i w i , i i: i : i : . E;t. :ti.d ?lifi r Ma io Mini in i in !ii. ly JAS X . 221 'ilim'K, COOPER AND CA.UCCR, I'uutiiiiiis '(.' tn:.iiifs At his Old Stand o.i tLc Tsplaiiaile. All work .1.11.- - u::h en.', nn.l ir.K:s iruin:ly tcu.K.1 M. j4' HAiu.Ks Mi.iiiiiArt. ly JOHN NOTT & CO., Copper and Tin Smiths, Iron Rail riUKC I'l.KAM'K K IN A WOl'.NtIM; TO j M tlie imiI Iio thai tli. y Hf l.'- -t ar .t t- filrT.iti nil kiial ! j C... -- r V..r. r.i..M- -t iij: in .art ..t Mill., sfkikk I'ANS, j :lll M Ms. -- t.il:!-. .1.-.- , . IC W t. tti.ul.l ii!.... i::T!U- - ait nti.iri i,tt"r?i f r hknavks- - ti. iK.-- k .n.iMi. .iil ii l.uiiili:: n" in. I. ry i.ii.. wlncli no furi.nli at r. a n.i'.l.. r AIm., Kul.l ami I' ll lli-- l Sn w fur ti; tiKIii:i' aire Ifnc-- -. j All. KINIM F RIIAil.lMi IM.SK WITH SKATK- - AND i ii i. rs fr iu tin- - ..tli. r ll.unl iii ui.--- r with I ri.inpt attention, j Mi... i n l .1 um.iiiu rt., . re n.'.ir al' ivi; t linn i 54.! I.ui j JAS. L. LEWIS, j d oop t -- " xs.cl G-rt- i ! I At tdr !iiSt.iniI, ti.ru r of aiiJ Strrt-ts- . j A l.:.ree S:... k i f Oil. SIIOOKS nil t kiu.U "f '.xiarrinu .11 ii Icr in 1 C-i- - 1'AN I'I.Y "N M AM', li.'l. "i'l-- s I yutt.liti..li WltfVf,V to hn-- i s t.. m.-ri- t a . f th- - Ia!- - w-'- lji' ruin:'.. ln.'Si li.- - Imn hith. r... . ij. ye.l. an.l f.r ; which r turns his thalikii. 54 i Cm i HONOLULU SOAP Y01.ES, SJY XV. .1. KAWI.I.NS. ru'.iiK I'KiHT.iKT.ni or tiii: ai?oi: 2 W.irks N T ;.aii! to U' lV hi? cinr'iin.'r. ami the I'llli- - in ft ill. the h.! .,ii.ili:y VU.UIU Mr A I. j ' SOFT SO As itlvviiyx luin.I. Thk HnaiKsT I'Kir.: I Aii fkii Ahp Uhkase. ill ly FUR iii T UJ S SHOP. .:- - TllKrX!)E'.tSI!.Xi:i) gTVWT ! havin-.- Ink. 11 the - r.'.-i-iv:jH- .'i ""L. j..ir.iii; the Hr.it Stre if J. M. - 1 jiinith 'a.. .ii ll'-- t sr.'.-l- . f!r.rn f..r sale a ciniiiieie ass .riiii. i:t ..f SI' i I '. It I O 11 F I' 14 X IT C II K. uiaile ft '" hO.4, hOi and-hiik- Kixb YA.m.hs. Is are-- l to Hliu r.n jrn-- T ...r ...'n.', Cfnthk Tipi.ks km t'n tins. n.iks, w Annmm.:. ...ka.-- , .. t.,,.,', nun. .m.l other aiticl.-i- i in his line of ! huinesM with ruiii;.Lnts aa.l liSatcli. f.1 1 1 . tr WM. ri?'HKR. v. J .1. Is. E55'-SQS:- s, C-f- - I I IMII'.TK.It -- V MAMKAC f , i,'-:V- - 1 1 I'.I.K ol all kin.l of S nhlier.t . ar- - C: -'1 riii'-'- e Trir.imini:, tattn-i- i makitii; i Kiel .lone iih neatiie-.- - an.i ilip.it.-- j j All or ters a!ten.le.l to Corn, r of roi t an-- l Hotel sir. et. Honolulu 5S-l- y G. W. NORTON &l Co., ON THE KSPI.ANADE, "First- - ijc-o- i (t.uuw v".- - 1- - Honolulu II. I. 60,10 llARKEt A.' J.D O.O OU. CASKS. Wy "PACIFIC BRASS FOUNDRY. TIIK t'XDKRSlCXKIl WDl'I.D R ii.torm the .uhl,c lie U pre.:re.l to cast an.l finish :ll kiials of I.r a.nl iv.nniositioii work Willi ilis.iit.-liai..- l ai ia.-- iiiiiiil: rales. J r Ail kin.ls of shii an.l .l.ii.tatiuu worV furuiahe,l on 3Uon ""Vr'fonstantlv on liatnl. I.osu- - o..Us...?s of the following. j j i" 24. AUo, oil cus an.l nanjte coeka. " JA'.iis A. UOl'i'l.U, fc:1.ly liinjsireet . z xv. risen k st, Ci.hit.et Maker and frrn.!. IV.isli. r. Hotel Street, IirUL- - Store of J . Molt Smith Co. MZ iy ii . i. :t a i; .ii v. ist k u, XAII (lit Has taken the stand lately oocn.i,-- l hy 11. Fi. her, ....... on Jtuuaiiu sir.i't. ttheieh,; me j.uniit him with a share of th.-i- patruna 59 tini ROBERT NEVCOMC, Merchant Street. oppcMte the SViIor's Home. mil Urnawriilnl Iti.nlii.i: . xeciited at short C. E. WILLIAMS, Mannraitnn-r- , lniini'trr and Uraler in lumitiire , Of Ilcertl Thsrrii'litm. i Furniture War.rn. m on Fort street, o..oi:e R. T. Morgan's Family Marfcet; w orksii'.p at tne 01.1 sianu, Hotel street, near Fort. x. It. Orders from other islands roiuil!y attended to. 530-l- y J. WH'KF, AIAKKA STKEtrr BKl.OW THK THEATRE. - Furniture made and repaired at reasonable prices 515-2- y . . a, w s - HI 3 . IS. t.V i.&i.ii-i4i.ki..- , Tinsmiths and Plumbers, alwavs on hand. Johi.msr oi an ls attenuen t. uou-i- j . HAWAIIAN RICE! j (oiilie stuil Llr;i. ! For Pale in quantities to suit hy A. ?. CI.KOHORN', I . ll.r...!..!.. lt'.- - Mill 5:i3 ly "J5 - - - - mm m V , KAWAIIAIM L. t. A I fl tl . Sole Slid Saddle and lallllfd l.tlllt M.ir.S. i 53 ly i"r'a f S. CI.K0HOI.N, Ag. nt Waimea Tannery , FORT ST., FAMILY MARKET. ltOIt'T I. MOK(.A.. ..... Choicest Meats cnest i.er-.s- . Uu,.ry, r.,.., ""; c, furnished to ordr. DUFFIN'S MARKET, I. II. BOYD Ar Co., Propiietors. ' STREET. IIOXOI.VI.U. 62i-l-y W A I MA NA LO MARKET, HOXOLVLU, II. I., reet, opposite the i M " - 3 ImW (T II 53i P I VULlAliU riUUiJll : . - . - - Ttl- - rit IV 1 nnPn VX . L I v 1 KJX. . . - a w w ll A j. J C THIS F.STA11I.ISII.MKXT ISXtwf ';'ti ojien for the reception of siL Visitors to the Volcano ! Who may rely on finditiR COMFORTABI.K KOO.MS, A (iOOUTAIlI.E AND PROMPT ATTENDANCE : i,l,- - lor the Cralrr always io llca.linesS. Steam nnd Sulphnr IJaths. IlorsfX Stnf-f'- ami Grainrd if desired. OH A P.I. FS-- E A SON H LE. Parties the Volcano Ti II i lo procure animals rarranted to make the journey, l.y apd mg to D. II. Hitch . Er., Ililo. 511 ly J. L. RICHARDSON k C lioitsi-- . powers m TWO HORSK I'OWER MACIIIXES. WITH THRESHERS and A ERS f'OR WHEAT. y MiUS yoH RICE OR COFFEE. 5'.'-3- C. BUFWF.R Co. 1.1 ....lie., wn.l rfM4i.H.itv!e tClllirt. 1J ,,we it all to ln7 . "" ; C tCci.... to r. s. ru.r r...) rTAPTNE " COMPANY. . ' hy ru.s.,,, .d their ere.it numWr .are .,Mlpr , ,Uur s,ti,iN. j "'f ,f ..f-ii.,- .. KOIHSH what ol a drug HI 'air.,, ft .ua.-- t ...v j , SHOK.VJA 'KK. H-- I Ktr.it, l.etwecn n a real, live faliniKil tneii t!ie Paclhe H s.i.'J . ',.la mill: I" X DKItMt: X KI HAVIXfi HKKX j ht..l , r.iit.-- t avidity.' 1 am -k.il at, Charlton llharf, a,.,-.in.- .,l ,. r--r the ve v ,.,..y u-- K. u. . ,111 I i' tfiiu-- ' y i the thai th.y are " irt...r..l to issue 1 1 . tt. , 1. . i! I'.l ititii s .111. of the rm - " IVi.nJ Mr! ' P,.rc, ixc, am. ( M .McrcUaat. ly ; "'5,0 ly travi-h-- r all wlien n-- r, 1. v.iii " - taking on not i f. wt trophy biilt 11-V- . l.rid-ei-lmii- ng , I though ' t tliat la ah..ut .Id grave.- - mho : o:,. to done. '..f p.vn lul seen arched I from ft 20U the a of work bronze, or this gallery the ravine, " Callery," contains and the poet jusi monument, the his runs along ) t!n; i a f(,. :ir- - ami i:i; - vilt'i ri-- tlii- - an.-i.-n- t ht II wl.i. - l.y the K In.... Its a s n leeii ... ul.ir s.ui- - in 'Kingdom shower g.i.graphieal I :it Asemhn. is I will abruptly. Mrrrhant-- . I'aukaaan.l . Chinese HoNOI.t T.vs. an.1 1 i::i. of t!.-- - & Vty AzphIs hm.I Otii-- e ad vari. New A; '1 Whalnie K. hy . n...,r..l Me CO. Ks-- . t.iillili. II. (haliuliT lir i II ... h "lit I'luirt!. CI nis. an.l 111 n ...,Ve ALI.hN ajrainst ; Companv. AST now Carsro, Silxoo woiui.ii.l.Ki. Ornamental j PtrATil! K ior n. ii"W l.u.Mli'ir i.rel niar.nla.'iure iiimui'tly that 1 ami II. rrom Bethe,. P. A CLE A A: JiTdrriisrr.!t:'.b. The A 1 Iii)n- - Hark jlU !S X-i- . ! ' ' i ti'Mi Tons ier Krsisti-r- , Sailed from Liverpool on the Gth August, WITH AS ASSORTED CARGO! Exjirrssly Silccled for (his Marltfl, Consisting of DRY COO OS. clothing, iifm: caxvas, (JliOCEUIES, SADDLERY, LIQUORS, KARTIIF.N U'ARK, NAPP1KS, &c. INI). COOPE ALE, DU1JLIN PORTER, MERRIAM'S DRAUfJlIT ALE, ENGLISH HAMS, ASSORTED KAR IRON, WHITE LEAD, ZINC AND OIL, R0ILER TURES, HOOP IRON, Ac., &c, Ac. NEW STYLES PRINTS, SUPERIOR DENIMS, BLUE COTTONS, BROWN COTTONS, BLUE FLANNEL, BLACK BARATHEAS, &c, Jtc, &.c. S43 2.n JANION, GREEN & Co. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ffll AT I XV A I.I' A 151. K, I)U It A KL.E, FI.EX W. ihle. nreaervinir, anti corrosive .MF.TAIhlC 1WIXT For CiMil-r- , Itoilern, Uoofa. Steam Knt-'ine- Cast Plows, Ilnusrs Fences. Schooners, Steamers, AXO A1.I. OTIIKIt lltOX or WOODWORK. For Sale hy 528 6m C. HKEWKIt & Co. 7m. JOHNSON, Dmlrr in nlmnl la-n- f nn.l oilier Tolmrro, C'isar. lii.-s- . Ai.c, Knslih iiimI Amrriran ( nnlrrliunrrr. X ills. Itiin. Cnhfih trc. I wnol.l also take this meth' ,1 of infonnin the Chinees of Honolulu anil the generally that I have commenced the Tailoring business in connection with the above, ami am .re- - parel tn execute all or.lers in a fashinnnhle nml suhstantial uner 0n. frra the otn,.r u.AniU I)r,,ml,i!y attended to. .Store on A'uuaxit Street, one dxrr Uttitc King. 541 Hi ix t e and Popular BOOKS! ON HAND AND FOB. SALE BY II. .Tl. WHITWIiV. OASSirS MKTIIOU OFSTLIiy I X X.lT- - , .3.... ....- - - ." American Family I'livsician, Andrew a hnirhsu lexicon AnnaUof the American I'ulpit. Addison's Works, 3 vols, Autobiography. ic, of Lyman Beeeher, America Kur... Aulohi irraphy of a Married Woman, Alfred llaKarth's Household, Artists Marrie-- Life, Annual llisc-ivery- , Australian Wanderers, Adrift in Iixie. y Measures in CoiiKreSS, A Journev to Katmandu, Own Rook, i .1... I'o.itirielit. AIM' i'l!IM 1TO V ltik Sua. A untet-.n'- s Dictioi.arv of Mechanics. 2 vols. AHihi-.l- , a novel; Anecdotes .f Iv.ve, Artemas Ward's Own Bonk, Annletor.'s CvclorH-di- of Itiosrapbv, Arken-i-- l- & Iiryer's Poetical Works, Always Ifappy, A KveI.tfll, Ut- -. Aimwe!! Stories. Ahout Right and Wrong, Iteecher's Iteceit Hook, Beaton's lix k of Birds, Harr-- n a novel; Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, Burn's Ci'intikte Woiks. lialiard Jt Jarr.Ps Materia Mciica, ,,,nd Arthnr. Bird of Oreat M-- n. Biblical Lecends, Coui.try Scenes. Carrier 1'itfeons, Chil.I's or Nature, Child's History of Greece, Child's Trials, Capt. r.usstll's Watchword, Carpenter ou the Microscope. Cycloierdia of Commerce,, nnd J.iis.rvaf.iin of Forces, Cm-len'- Cor.cor-lar.e- to Holy scriptures, Cuveilhier's Anat-imy- , Crablie's Synonyms, Cotton Pl tnters Manual hy Turner, Cotton Culture or Ir. Mal'.ett. Cecilian Gift. Country Love and City Flirtation, Castle Builders. j Country Livina and Country Thmkinu, Camptsrli s p.- - iical Works, Church Ksaays. ' Capt. Maryatt's Works, Cotton Planters Manual, Culto.-n- f Cotton, Cowjr's Poetical Works. Closet Companion. lyiieer's Terrace, Don Juan, liana's Household Bok of Poetry, HlctioriHry of Love, ' Don Quixotte de la Mancha, Urydeli s Political H orks, Iai'y K1.;K.'k lii.tr. l'iary of Kitty Trevylan, , VnlH.r.t iul,.!.wiUal Dcvel- pmert of Kuroi. j Emnei Orai.t, novel; Lssaj s of Klia, j Kncy eloped a of Scienc'-- , Literature and Art, Ei'l.;h Commanumeiii, r.muy Liiesier, novel; Enoch Ar leii, txirt-litiou- Calculator, i.uiersonT Poems, Early Dawn, 3 vols. Edmoth's Eaiy End of Controversy Convert' d, 2 vols. From Georgia, Frci'k the Great, Fairy Finpers, Farmer Boy, Fontain's Fahies, 2 vo',. Family riil les with n.., Franeatele's Co.k Book, Freaks on the Fills, Fit to be a Duchess, Franranc from Fresh Flowers, Following the Flag, Goldsmith's Pit!cal W.ks, Gordon's Diptst, Greece, Rustia, Turkey and Poland, i Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson, Gbl Stones, , Gold Foil. ..real Fact. Gun's Domestic Medicine, . . . .. i . c '. 1,1 WI.......J1. Vftrll Essays, Gems from American Px-ts- , ll...-r'- Medical Dictionary, History of the Roman, Holmes' Poems, hlue am! Bold; Harry Lorn-quer- , a novel; lli.wi.iii4n SuM-tato- Hannah M.Mire'. Works. Howitt'sM.ilmar.'s and Rosrer's Works. History of Tscry. I Hidden Path, a novel; Home f tori s. Hall ou Bronchitis, Human Anatomy and Hycine, Heartsease, a novel, 2 vols. Herman's Poetical Works, j Hall on Consumpliori, Human Physiolopy l.y Draper, i Hand Book of Diniofr, History erf Greec, Hope, and Fear. 2 vols. Hil'iards an-- l Burtons, Hours anions the U.pels, Husks, a rmvel; House and Home Papers, Hymns of Hope and Faith. Henry the Fourth, History of Gei.sihis Kahn, Hitory of Madam Roland, Ui'tnry of Romulus, Ilnwitt's Prpnlnr Tal"S. Parlie's stories, Here a LittV Ttiere a Little, Hill Si le Farm. Hi-ai- t and Han I. History of Piince G.glu and Bu!bo. FALL SEASON 1888 ! C. Ij. llVllAllKte Co., HAVE NOV ON HAND AND EXPECTED TO ARRIVE rm: Xaierv find .ler-- t SELECTED STOCK OF SHIP CHANDLERY! I'vcr Imported to Ilcnoluln. Consisting in part of 150,000 Lbs. Bread, 500 Barrels Beef, 300 Barrels Pork, California and New Bedford Flour, 200 Coils New Bedford Whale Line, 500 Toggle Irons, r o r it ship's c a m ii o os 1: s , 400 Ash Oars, from 9 to 22 feet, VIFTY BOXES BOMB LANCES, Large and Small. OIL. SIIOOKS, New and OIJ. New Bedford Whale Boats, Smooth Bottom and Center Board. Manila Hope, from one to Jitc and a half in. NEW BEDFORD CUTTING FALLS. Hemp ltope from 2 to 10 inch, Landyard Stuff, Bolt Hope, Marline, Worniline, Spunyam, Seizing, &c., Sec. Sail Needles for all sorts of work, P.ilnr Vo.rn.eh arid Wh ilfniraeh Ilrncl.tto KEGS EASTERN BUTTER. Preserved iMeats, Vegetables anil Fruits in tins. Dried Apples, Beans, BEST KONA COFFEE, Spices of all description, Tcw Cala- - Potatoes. irlolasses and Sugar, IVHIYTS ol every l'criplioii. Paint Oil, Pump Boxes, Cooper's Rivets, 3d to Gd ; Uoat Compasses, Stove Linings, Cooper's Setts, Anvils, Hammers, Drivers and Punches, A Complete Assortment of Hooks and Thimbles, Patent nnd Bush Blocks, Slicivcs all sizes, Mast Hoops and Jib Hanks Boat Boards, Boat Nails, Timbers and Knees, Nautical Almanacs, Log Books, Hatchets, Axes, Ship's Scrapers, Brass He Iron Screws all sizes, Brass Jc Iron wire Seivcs, Fog Horns, Knives, Sheaths and Belts, Auger Bitts, Gimblets, Spoke Shaves, Sand Paper, Fish Hooks, Palms, Lamps, 0)'c- - Comprising in Fact a Full and Complete ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE ! Necessary to fit out Siips. 3IoneyAtlvanco(l To Whale and Merchant Shij-s- , And Exchange taken on all parts of the World at Lowest Market Rates. 5.-- 3m C. I RICHARPSfc ' 1,000 OIl aYcwsimpcrs FOR WRAPPING PAPER. SUITABLE by the 100 or 1000, by .,..
  • '1


    Tiia PACIFIC in i: r.r. cine.Commercial gUbcrtiscr (Lomiiicrciiil ViUTliscr

    i -I r - . I i"i i sr.sl t,. ..,rv .i 1 rl ii t i n ir I" I )rsiM'!t Ion; r. O.V UV.4SG..li l.r Tf.UMS.iil l!"

    s ace im-rn .1' r f t ir ! I to any p ir! f I 1 J m. a m. r u.. liraen.,.,,,. ! i iT.. ie. I'i- - ri..--Ili;)'-r4!'i- r r..lr 'l- " I"f lv..." I "'- -. Tl v.. !r..-- t I ' fit tl - i 1 - i ii 4 'i t i. l 00a l' 4 ll U S t Ii notiwiT'lf : errt. .Itij:.' i I.. .' 4 in) 7 .'HJ 111 - id in

    V u a. I pil-- - ! Io l'a ill. wi.l i m-- "" " ,:u ; i ir 7 Io m 14tl" .j 141

    ! t ( lli in u mi : i i I Ot h - O '.tl MI N 4M I I I I tami a' V . IK ii -- :; in 4u iii iii u I .11 III

    t Afjn .icn pniNTl?IC. v I, .: , Z IV III tMiO vtll IHI lill Wij.llO litI H JU'' ' i Tut Vr.rr. r :il!i.ltl 1 v :' r',,r:'1 MRir- -:."r -- 4 . .1 h-- vin - t ir U.Mrl t UilVLf'.IK!- -' I .i. it..- - !.i --h style ( t" art. ;.. ii .


    .nmwial Advertiser.

    ;.irrnoi.dtme.j;,mjr-u- iF.iliH'R-"- t 'tmm. Juno, I"1"!. J

    r,z,R .fi.vMiKtML"- - W lial a il.Mrnt'

    fr..r.i ork t i.ivrti- .. . i - isn .Liyi. li itwith-t-

    u. nr.-- luran win...al'ti rn -- .n .Hay LVIU wi ln.v.Mn m-- ih oi ,

    ..l,.M.r .ul.i Ir.Unl" ! tui int-i- .r or),,, lliVri.iin tri.-ii.L- i u.J th.r -- In.-, r.: r-r,f !t. I

    ,,, f--'' "I'1 l" J"u- . .:. I. I'm. . ,f t ' I fr.lkiBIl.. !

    ut Kin' i "-- -"' o - i

    - I "I l" w.r.nii.i" wi'i trr ; "-t- i.i- !ii''S l,,,f a"-w,- -r "'7 j

    .Il-ia- iit -s f Hawaii.ii ,n la!.; i'.r jUV tr:in-!.-rri- -.i ulmt a tl.irJ l 'r n I

    wliicii --aiii.;. tt tn l:ii t'V t ialittt ? -- t' 'ii' i"...... : .i . -l..-'- .il aii'l w.-i- l uraini "ii ....i...ut ttavin z Ixt-i- i ili lav.il tu'irv than

    . . . i .... t . !r:r liiilillti". A" ,f I' i" UI' ". jr i . ...!! . I.n.lir .li-.-.- in th. hlllr. of!t ifi f 1 Vi 7 v '

    4rfi'i'mi-n-. ti'-'"';- 1'1 in S.l:.f owr

    llanil, thrf l'iH-i.r!-- 'I ni'n t " nlvir jLtn.l .r e ll'-- io-I- " ';4 "" "!'"- - ;

    l:l,-.k.- -.l

    fhk a n..-h- ty

    . -m th.; I..awi.s.'

    !.iil. .jiitvr. tli-otl- nr.r - 11 -.- 1 i

    t --tart a ro-- ii.-v- . r i ie ir'. rai.tiu ..i1e(,y..-tar- of Kmr ir--; tak-.- iti vy. t

    uvl wht. ui!...r ;. CiHih! I Ii. v it, wat fality or all u. tl ream? The Mack, j'1 h.ii.-v- - t!ii Miitinu itcl in.-ii- , woint-- ami jL'Jrm'.tL oM an...ri;i! m-i- i. tl,.; liv,Ti.-- l

    ft-- m ti, tlw l..-a- vy - I.-- -., tl..; m-a-vy

    tl:. i.li'l iiv--ii.-iit- -i anil inaMivo1am'i.rin f-

    -. :i..- - l tu inn hut .ha.Lwy,Cul.1 ill-- that I u-a- - tamling on i

    . . . . e ...li unfii-r- en i, t.- -.. . 'I.. fri 1 . r. I'l.nviTi tirifki. .f.rtli Tfimvmm? I caii hardly Uv it yet, :'J..,u- -h I have Uvn h. r.; more than a w.-- ic nnu ;ri.H.n cv-- r naiiT iiiihs of ruilriKid. It inItlll




    "IiiJi nt tin; i.ri.--

    ly on

    .lir nUII1.all,j nurn-i- . In the v.ill-- y lmi..rti'r ami i:t ill:"! .:(. t J??c:iauifCaltoii ii.U ami Arthur'.-- S at N ..M H .'yr ,...1 Toois, Siul il, i.l'ul.u-- , wht-n- - Vi..-t..ri- .. ....u...i-f- . f..r 1 V..S,rr.u lylnht wh.-- n way lnm tin; mils li i.il- - k. tt. l I.I. &. stl V.m.. ral, h. r ...mi,.-- r ir.-a- t in Nrt!i.-- i n .i 1 ,,,.,, an- - IM:n in !rv i.oal. . . t t t 1 , . ... .

    here I "was hliuwn th.j eSinirs, h- -l ami .6" . m. ly

    i fa-fi- ng ranorama of curiou. quaint, wit la-- ; ,.,;;,,,,, wiiich k! e tiifiu. In thatold lictur.i. lA.-rylhin- g i.i intcrcflin ; roum Htvi.I VJ- - was --.lain h.r ey.-- i ; v

    .H,.ut. Ir t Ca-tl- e. from XcK.n s monument, Fort Src-- . m iirlynr.i!l.m Hill, and Author-- . S,at r Ml.-hu- ry J,: v. .,,,.

    's. as it is olten called. r II X KWSI A I'F.KTll(. ,(Il:ir f F.d.nhurgh are full of m , ,a J!aVi;

    HII1 .., cf uniii.i.jrtaiit kuis. ..:i.i ns.

    year, WIior.e V.l.XKK,.MHunearee.


    inl tictur..itn-- , tr.m th.; dirty. mV-r-. civil;to the and mouldering j


    The Crt ptculiaritv that Mrike. jn.i,i the new world in the duralAt, hear.j, suhstan- - ;... -- i - .rw,l,.aIiryofer,ryM1 onty u,.,r ,nJ thi-i- r i.urrounaing-- . hut the i.i. ii ami

    wotupn thi;ui. lvH wiu t hnve come lr..m tnenturi rat and to 1m? made to last to the jJ - refill the1iniii ' nturii'H. tiling!it!. F.ven tl.e hiMr.n apitr old. 1aW

    into tf.i'ir hro.i'1, lint fae-- s; tfieiii tnnJingwly iil.fi in th.-i- r h.-a- wrxsl-- n Clou".

    f.tir of th.-i- r hi" tlir5iu wiil n more - -. . .

    . r . ; ili-.- nr.; litIWUllft ' -r ,ltn O III Itlll'TII T4frV 'lt-- V - j twM I .hhin's the aus ot '

    SH.n after mr arrival in i camehere llmourgh, Motriir." to ran.hle

    .i i : ru wlm.,ti mil. hi haln.u-- n me ia.-- j i.-.o- .. - -I through Proton,r my Turte. came

    r,.l r:,r!U!a t iIa-io- where I eii.nl :...7":;: i..ffT I,..-n-t to J.h,,'. " , .. ....Kma ami the ancient I oj.is.iai' hard t'T. with its mngmf.eent laintca win-


    of the triumt h ofroiidi,w It w a Itb rr,nc.rl of Knox , it U n.,w uml a-- ) a I'r.-?-


    hjurian chaj-!- . It over oM) f,.x--t long, waahout I nl--o ixi lorea me ri oi

    "lihecitT.i'to.Hlon the the gentlythe end 'ramliW outla.vring Llj.ie.

    i t!i.-- rail th. m r- -, I liave not y t- ... .an oaiiM tor a Coincni coiur

    ..JniEcTiee with 61th .., New York,l,l:-t- ,w h UlU t.f roiid M...a,J,ranU. and mar--tU, K.rn!lT brick in It. This am told is

    v - - r.l.. i.u,,. In illin'l

    c,u,e from Glasgow dinnr.lj here Siturdaya wek ao.

    It would Is vain for to attempt to - IctiiTetl.e grandeur, iieauty and Kidno of thin tamoiid

    town. T.-.I- iy I 'V the of

    Duid Hume, Pug.ild tMewnrt, e-or- Corn!-- -,

    Lord J Crey, Prof. WiUm, Hugh Miller, Dr.Chalmers, und many others of th.w.; dead hutn. tered rovcrcigns, ftill rule our ti iritsCroiu their urns Home nmd monuments,

    r with mru' le head Moncs, but each honoredin the hearts of his countrymen und of theWorld according what he has OptIteme-tan- ds the lofty and monument to

    t' u..t, . s...,.f most tverv one has- ww aiii 9 " "J the picture. is the moft in--

    nnient I have ever or c.tpeci 10 re-- .

    if ;thitf Htylf the lower part over histatur' the upper part resemMmg a poplar tree.

    It is much larger than had conjecturedtrie n-s, being feet high ; from

    eutmuit yt.u command fine view the city.Tills is liie ingle of the young architectwho i:. he was drowned before its com-p.etio- ii.

    Near hy stands the full-lengt- h

    of - Christopher North." his 0 wit:glion-lik- e mane. the nohl. m face 1 have yet iiin bronze marble; nest t Man Is the"Ryj.l Institute," of Hotie style, surmountedriy the sitting figure of (uecn Victoria, contain-ing a of statuary and Scottish anti-1'iari- an

    museum. Ileh ind this, on the mound,which ii thrown up acrs the long, deepthat rei.arates the"" old" twn from the new,"Uinds the " National Ionic order. It

    many originals by Van Djke, Kubens.and others of the great masters, a full lengthttatue of P.urns by t'hantrey. Next beyond theNational Cailery is new. white marble statueof the Allan IUmsay. In the other direc-tion beyond .Scott's is strikingfiuestrian statue of Wellington. It is a noblep..ee, but cannot retrain from two criticisms.The cry charter Unds steadily iis.'d on hishind legs ami tail principally th latlrr. Thenoble Iiukeftiu easily on horse, which mostF.nglUhmen do not, but his btirruj! todangle, shabbily at the instej'S, which. I Iwlieve,all Faijlishmen do. All th.se lsautiful worksof art which I have mentioned, star.d in the newt.wn rang.il along on the edge of the ravinewhich separat.fi it from the old town. I heyf.rm side of Princes Street, which is lie;tridwiy of IMinhurgh, and besidethe ravine.

    Eilinburh h is the finest natural a liantag- - otljpta.ition of any city I Lave seen, and I doubt

    i'i ia.!Mt:;n ccki.v nv( i mil. i. iks :r:i aM i.Ii i:lcl l. Mlli M;t. ; HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, NOVILMIiLU !?. V.M.. l ,,i.ili. hoi.k n. . I" Ajrrii::::;;!!'?..t w- ii i'.- - rv.i t;,.- - li:!- - w f.i. ii has :ti 'j'iiri.'il

    '!!. Atli--:.- ' .f Kiir.iin" .:,( m hy ur.iv-r.-j- lin. ninr j ii-- r ,ui; itv in

    kirT !':n. Tl.i 1 uilt n.--, hi lyjrruiitnl, with a v nr ..iin: running t!.r jUIi

    lli-nl- r u'lt-ry- ,

    i.i":-u- l .t iii- -,.,her II

    r. c !I...... .... ...l- -rt Kmvtrry

    .m ie s,.,rr

    Cri! K.i.ti- - wfk,Y H.



    c. ail



    W.-s- t





    statue with





    tin? riiit.r -- i.iri;ii tif i" ljiii tie..Isf.w All -,:i is Ii iir- ,- t , ;..! fr..uitj; ar,. in ,,.,.., ,.iv;,J:- - . rj mt l .r- - - -- .wr.-.l w ill. ipLms

    . 1 !,. ii,!.a!.itai,t.. t,:. IV..I.. ti..-t.tl,- .,

    ii.;w tw in r tw.r:i.v lul l.ri 1 tl..; "North,". . ..1 t' l t l.aiu: "any unu .mumiki wiiicti

    ; ,u;t j, ,.!M iU u.i.i;ii t?..- - X iti.nuil iJal- -hut it j 1 t.u.n-1- - I'.r t!..- - j a.i

    .f tin: --.r-.. Oil tin; r... ky ..MTlianilitiii- - la ii.f t unl-- i th; 'M ti tin; Ai-r-.- -

    'Iii "f iMrth. rn Atli.;ii, vli-r.- ; Marvlju--- n ! ."sti Iiw.il. I. jv.nl, Miiii.-- . iiii'l i.rr-Mi-il- ,

    :..T: li'-- r i.i 1 jm-tiir- hufir".wlii-r.- ! t'i; lia" t" miv- -

    . ... . H .. ..i .... . i . i .. ..i r'-ii- ure i i.ii m j in-- , n..ri mi I cruvtn:ir. - trar.niuy viifi.i witu

    . . , ,. , ,

    Hii; n. xt I )r. i ;uthri.i"s !.hnri !i. further on vv. atl: r hut

    f'4- - :Tt- - ,;,!"" tt i.'" Ir.tl with it-- , airy th.;I'arlianifiit .ii-- , t'li- - oi'l imn rlmr.-Ii- . i

    . ,.,. .:,.,:,.., .... ...h, vtith t!i. Ir .. i .iiit l ar. !iil.c- -

    . .tiiui out a iuii "icy, ii.riuin :.

    "' 'nm'-- . .ini.jti.-a:- i l y

    f,)(t i ,.;tjier t;i. WaN.-iI-- ..r tin- - N..rt!i hn l-i K.j wf iviin-o- s Mrwt, in li.i; oiji-fit-- j

    oin-- . ti.n lr-.u- i t!; i.i Ciii ni Mill, U arinV" TT U 1 '.'j r ( f j, t lU, ,.u St.-witr- 1'Iav- -

    i - a t . t. .... ir .n .n i, ..,. r) . r r. ,...I' " l.ll"Ll .11.1 P'lC ..1'..4 ..I.I. ..- - II..inil-- t ail k'-l'- as lii-ari- ay iis.-i'- in in.;

    were xl..wii tl-.- - .irct Mans wl.i.-l- i tl..-1-- .i.sj.i- -uSiS !Mary wa'jinarrii- J. I j up a Irom tin;irnnM-l.- t wh. r.ibh.; knoolt d. From th.' l'ala.-- e I

    .1 the .rn ipit -- us hiti.- - oll Artluir's St;at,u r.-- lu ln!l ri-n- i-' rhi.i' liV tl.e CItV. 1 1 I.--) a'mu t '- , ;v 1: ild r s ;l

    f vrw f the irr)ln,n.ljr e,,,,,,.. .ivy 't, ti,; s.nth rii; ili-u- nt l'ent IIii!s, . theX.,rth lif tl.e Frith of Forth, th- - jr. My town

    h ami r .rt i IV-lh- . Irti-k- iu i "ii. in Mn.r.. andt e ;;r.rti l.' Indi it!i -- arl.ii. mi lis lvs.ua.nt yiiur fw( lhc r(.l, ,.itVf witl i(

    miiv.-r-ity- , 1 '.irii.iin. nt Iioiim-i- . i.irk.i, hanks, inn- - jrruuit, liliafi.M, ..!.-- , wtluiu, t'lVVt-r-- , IIIOIIU- - I

    .. ..m.lil-- . uoiii'-s- . mw: ..j t:.:Ti. . hi, i"'" ' V .1 .. ihnrli is an

    in itself. rvmuty r.-fi- .me like Ifiiig inlove. It n I'Telinial like lay of riiiake--PMiire's. Nothing imii m..!.- - its intiinte variety,

    w kh- 1. . . ,.should view the city it lie woni i carry away ..ua,j,.fJate imi-r.io- of it, fr.nn S-.tt- "s u...nu- -

    TIU, ilnt- - ami fortl s.1 have a.s vt mid nothing nUmt the j.--jl- e(

    , --.j.. . are i, Inrt;iu.fruotive ,,;. tIl:U, ai tl ir hin.I,. 1 --c.

    all,j ,ll,,lljui. ht'.. I h.ive w li. re a we. w, h .v.; made many jil.-aiai-

    hav.; .Um d ...it aln.t every d iy with .... rchan.slawvert. .Jt.r, editors, authors, .r..fe rs ami,,,, ,,.,. .,urce of vain Kh.rv r f.oli.ih rid.;, 1

    - ; . i.: .

    1 . ....I... ,.C t",.. S.n.ltkie i .Mr.:ion.-s,,ake-

    s a profmn-- l s.l ,am. resumis the'ri liilii und remains il! statu lino or enters

    ......r. if'i.... witli his nearot licihlsif. Henie. t ..- - ' . ..".:l n..t l.ve iirer-- manv sent'-Iieei- . i'r.

    w n.iieli :iit.iiiislilin-tit- . 1 1 W' IS ,it, Mr. J .r.'-s- . t!iat vou. having grown up in those jSouth S-- .i Islands, have acquired s nreurate andtlueiit a rn--; of the Kxiglisli hingmige?" 'llnsi. i, ..:.i...ithe si 'Hal ot lit tick, anl Air. O., Blliwui ii.,ai..,r plunge at . , e ...!. r--, giving al ri.'I si.tien..-n- i oi uu.-- 'ies-.ii.- jfuture of the sv.-t.-- m ol common sehoolulueation in the I'nited of Hawaii ; hedraws certain invidious comparisons Letweenthe sv-t.-- m to which he owes his pr.-sen- t " flu-ii-e- v"

    and thus-- ; now existing in New F.nghmd. ldI'ngland ai.d Scotland. In answer t j aof interrogations, he makes a statement ot the

    jsition of his native land, itclimate, population, area, exports, imports, scen-ery, mountains, craters. Volcanoes, government,foreign relations, present political aspects, consti-tutions. House of lx.rds and Commons, con-stituency, forms of religion, Christianity, civili-zation and so forth, no lineni.

    find unexjxvtcd interestTo sp.-a- anin mv little island home lying under ..ur feet.(TIMUI mih-- distant, throug'l the Solid Sllhstanceoft

    t!ie -- 1 .',) and take j leasurc in gratifvin. itvvle-- I can.

    I was j n-se- the pension of theMond.iv, Tuesday and when theyclosedand had the .lcastiru of --vig and hear-i-n

    r most of the leading of Seotland.Doctors Can liisii, Buchanan. Duff, the eloquentIndia misioiiarv ; Hanna (son-in-la- w and hi.- -trrather of Dr. Ciiallil.rs), lee. iulloetl, Aiei.eo.l.

    tewart. lg nnd many others Dr. Guthries.-- ) unwell that his physician do. s not allow

    i A :.. r..,li. lr l!:inn:i rc:nht!, : V,;.. " v. e....,i.t ,.,..... .,Ill III4 Iilil . "S (III- II. I l IMls' W..M.t,jt.v, great length cl-- s-i here Iin.w turn uiy btejis toiit.iwar.i.

    Yours. YiiT.-u- .

    in:oXucm.'. H"CHl'XU HOOX Jt CO.

    ommlslon and l.ciirral lirnt.Ainauulu SuLr Plantation Ioi-..- ,;,tr.nts f.Tll.i- -

    .T. ..od -- ther an.l K- - r- - tn .. lsW,u-!i..l- dealers in Hawaiian l'r.Iu.-e-


    brlaw Ivi.i.

    J.t.Wlllll.' S.C. AIL". D. A. ATl.WAI.KKIt. AI.I.KX A. CO.

    Inijiurters sad ( umiiiivdja .'Iirrchants,LV. it. I.

    Jjrntt vf th'PhD- - mntsti-.n- ..n.m'a P'arf.tion.

    .4,.tat.-n, I'i tot tln.ii.Plonc-- r Mult.Wilder PI

    I, .Inn. Suirar i 'ouitany, V. t.alua anlt:cn,lUiswa PuMHl. o. Waihiku Mil s,lioie.l.il.i su.-s-r Maiiufactjriiijr and to.,punaiua li.ee C. .4mf of thr

    Hnwr.ii.tr. 1'i.rl.rl I .lr f r ,n Fr i v-- o. M-- 1 tr.UMuiiiaI Marine InsuritM-- e I I rn m li..urancc I o.

    Arnlt of thr-- .ra.ntr Kii ra. S h-- nri A M.iLn, Par, M..I

    U isiti, K ah ha. ly

    a:st:ifS dares.. . i

    !!.tUTUV, jliiirin-r-, j

    n!i-- ioam oil n.-- lrl. oaf iloor from6- - r..i l!i ::n:il:ij r'-'t. 1 -


    . .


    if. v. si.'. iiu i:.Acttii.in'i T Mil '.Vi!iiii:.:i :i 'Irrrliatit,

    n:t. ru niy -t ::k,III Io!itlolt 5 it i I it i .i . li iifu Slrirl.

    w ;i. .!,t,i.u. i.u...-,uii!- . .

    l!. ki;kih.I'ii-- i. inn. siiiri.ii a:i.I , t:iif !,i-i-

    r ..rt n. i.. r.. a i . i'iiiitjr- - .ir- f . .j & .1 ..tua. .'. iii in .m. :i. i..

    !'.':; -- i( ..;:.! i:.mOfEce l I II.1-- , Mr I! .ii- --. l r . t.

    IU. J. .Mo I T i.Mli II.1.

    .Ifliiw rirf-li.-- f I'frt .1 . l 'rci-;:- .

    A. K. Jl Hi).I.irii.-- r..rl n. M'Tcla:l.'f--'- l i.4a iv

    K. IMoKK.M A . X. .M.I.riiiiiciuii a:nl stiir.Mi.

    Itlin-L- . r. -r u n ;iti.l K i.itiniit.u

    . II. i::! :i vi:is.!l.:'.'...

    fi.rnr .f Fort :n.l M- f!..int im. 1 i .h- Iu u. Ml l.vJOHN II. I'iiV.

    rtct.ity lu!i I if, IIlor.nl.ilii, II. I. onic- - ut Ii.nik lti.l...j. A: f i. !" f.m

    . I.. 111(11 lilS i. ..SJiIji (liaiiJIrr.i Jiiia n::!!iiNv:.n f.uu

    ii.-ah- I a OniTi'l Vf.-- ii.sii-li-"- ,Keeji ci.nJ'i.T.i'y mi haii.l a fu'' i.f.i: t:i.ont "I for

    th.-1..- W i i 1.11:161.: ly

    W. X. I. t III).

    C. II. LRWKHS. J. U. UlCK.-.l-

    I.KWK'iS Ai !)l('!-- .s in I.im.iIht :i:it' Vl'l'f.i'X j.iK'il.iN.

    .1 Mrr. l.H. VOM K'lLT. TH. C. IIKC.-K-


    VoullOI'T IIKltlt.Oneial (oi!i:tiii-:.y:- i

    Furl Sli'i-t-l- . iyjamii.n. (;i.ki:v & t'o.. i

    iImnitrli-r- s and ( iir.i;ni-si.;- .i T!crli.int

    n m. 'riVrour Kail.lla. (Inn - Mrrrl.I


    " ' 1",DealiT In hiioilv. silks, i.r.,

    Fort M !. iyII. HACK PKI.II .V CO..

    (.rricrjil I i!;:im:-i:- i J

    llaiiaiulu. iy-

    iiiFF:-fiii.Ai:fiK:- t .t co..f m.. m A !'.. ... i I'.i. M...l'.rit.'

    C.rnrr ol" Fori M.-rr!.ii.- Sir.-rl- . 'iio ly IAI.K.X. J. CA11TVIIII.-UT- .

    fomral-vlo- u Morrhnnt anil (.oarral S!,5ninS nl, jill lloitollllll. Oil I.u. ly

    C FKi:l)'K I'Kl.t i; Kit. iDi-nl- la st.i.!r ami I'aury llry (ioods Men's (lutii- - j

    ins, Kuoti a Mil Miors ami aukcr aouuiii,0ii4iil MrMKi


    ivi on oa, ,liiall UlV.ZVl.VSt.

    ... aril i, r. .1 b..thl.v !I.K..i.an an.l r oreiirn. r. I"ri.i- - il a year in a.l- -

    Viin.-e- . A.ivertn.eiit iraii-l.t.-- .l into Haw -till irtc ..I thartte. inM.uth.


    M. S. i; U I X II A I'M Ai CO..I,:M,ort,rs aud XMidesilr n i ''"'''

    4 hithing, ll-- ti, t :lii. Minn, ;And every ty of lienU.-m.-i- superior r .irn.iii.K o.mhi ;

    --t..rc ..mi. riy y " . .t. nimn-n- ,Maktr' lilitck, lurtn at.

    Mm m - I'i I t" "

    Kjron II11T. 11110. . 1..Win 'Z rrl',"n:.r:t'':hi;ran,i,'o;!;:rr,f , ,.iL.h,.f ,,.,. t.iv,.i f..r Islnml l'r.-lne- e. rt r Money a.lvance.i l..r Hill- - "f Kcl..iiiL--e at le rat. .1..

    , v. hisiiup. w. e. balktoSIMSHOl ,V CO.. Il.iul.rrs.

    OlHts in I lie c:lt rorii.r of .h:cr's Ilhirk,' k..i.I.iiih.iiiii stre.:, Ih i oiniu.llritW. nnu of K.haij:-o- ii

    lkMUHrc Fr:ineico.A; Co., .N. Vork.LkKI Wai.i.kh, Yi rk,

    Hksht A. I'kik. k. t'n., Kostoll.TllKM.IST NaTI.iAI. ll.tNK, I:. ..t .ii, Mas.IIKIIM1L l.ANt 1 .le loll.

    Will ,. (..n.ts. ilscunt liritla-s- '.iusi.u s. i.a.er, a: ialteinl to coll.-r'.ini- eic. l.v

    1 C. WATKI4M AX O..( niMini-siu- n I'err'nwit'.

    K.i'.Tial attention paid p. h.- - interest' ..r the Fleet hythe famishing ol fands, punhas.- - ami side ol Oil,Hone, lieii. ral and the ir.t umi; of irei:ht

    KtFKKKNCFS.Messrs. Isa- - Howi.am.. Jk., .c Co., New lieiKord

    W. i. 1',11-K- . Kst.. d".!,ir,;as. Sr..SK .V Co. San Francisco.

    J. C. Ukkill A: Co, do 531-l- y

    ItOI.I.KS A. CO..Shlw (!i:in:IIrr and fanitnis-iis- n "fpn liant,

    tauten wtri.j p rticllIar attention pail to the purchase a:..l sale ol Hawaiian

    l'r.luce.r.efers permission to

    B. F. Sn-.- Ms.'r. WaiKer Allen. A Co.,C. A. Williams & Co. rs. C. !;rewer A: Co..

    Mes.r.. Castle .v C.s.ke. Messrs. II. Hack'.-- ! 1 .V Co.,M.srs. l. C Waterinan Messrs. C. L. ll.chi.r.ls A: Co.

    au-l- y

    A I.LR.V 4i COX WAV,Knivalliat, Hawaii.

    Will continue the tleneral Merchandise ami M.ippmc ousinessj "ZZlv wh.tle Mni, ai D.i. m..-.- .Pirowooct on XX niicli

    StU L S. C A STL K. J- - . 1THKUT-K- . 1MOS S.

    CASTI.K A. COOKK.. .....I i .11 .1.. i nfiinp:ii in ..u titnti... ,t

    In r:repru.-- St.-re- . Ku. str . - Cl.a-I-.

    Ir. Jayt.es Celehrated FiuiilvWh.-el.-- r 4-- Wilson' sewing M.i- - hines,The ltoh.ua UJ.lrThe New Kiit-UT- i l Mutual Life Insurance Cimpiny,The Sew Phenix Marine lu-- jr ince

    6.i.-l- y

    intuatl ritl. H. A. CAhTkK. 1. UARTl.kirC. HRKWKK A- -

    (ornraUion and Slilppinv: "Icrihauts,llowttliilii. Oi.lni. H. I.

    A.JKXTSOf Ibl-- Ilosltni uil.l Honoliiln Ia-I.f- l lane.

    A OK NTSPrlbrMnkrr,Vnilnhn.V Iliinn IMnnliilions


    Forlhr I'urrha-irnni- l Salrsf I.I.m.l I'rotlocr.RKFEi; To

    J..B! M.Hooo. F.. Nvw York.Cbas. Brew rb. Co p. .st-n-Jill- - Hi IN. WILL.J.CMni!ii.tl'. 1K. B. Swai Co. '-- s .n Frai- - co.Cuts Wolcott Ubook-- :.. V

    easiness (Lxcs.

    Jons thus. v" atikiiium'.!i:ip:; U : in.l lra!i-- i.'i .c ri;.i ':!( !.:i!ii!Nc.

    .'.; ! :i rin.'t, II ul I. tini

    JWII.V UITSIV.J'paliT in .ii!(- -. kit r..r:.T.

    r 1 1 onoi 1. 1 l.vUVMKUK :. IltWK,

    ;i-"l- nf,l-.iod- . .n tlit-- l.umb. r, Shiuirlcs,Ihial'i. ..-- li, N.lil, i .uu:

    .-- ItU (Hi SI F:rl i tUe IUlu n,i fe.5 in Iv


    .1. W IIIM ll.Iifii'i-- r iu (.I'l.rr.il .'iii i'lii'M'Sf,

    in 1.'. iin.u.i... li;. u;i.iicu iii i . ni.t :.t tl'H hiir'.rstiMti' in i.lnic t Iilit9 "1 A.ill.la.

    K. r. M I A N 1' l. ."". TATV.

    !)cc!rri Iu ;r.tci Kivad aiiiUa'ticr;.! MitiIimikI:-!-- ,

    ." L'ururf nf 1'nft ll '.I h't-l- t atl t ttS-i;ti i.v

    K. V. l.V-- .Siiiji ! .i!:T i:i :u "P! !:i!S-Ji-r-

    S.it itit i .111 . "il'iu:.Irish ami my.-- I I'..l.r. :ili oll.ti eimt..-.!l- ..11 II

    hai.ii an ! lor M,io ai l.w rat. . "J'i Cm '

    n kv i i.i.!'. & nuiiti r r.riaQirrs a:ul (.riu-rit- l - ts Kivjit-r- .

    Kii.illi:l. i li '!: II IH'iir K'llli.k. ik i !'... lIT .iuc.j Uiiu'.i. Miif .u,.il..l .:li !, Jii-- . f Hinl '. a .i s.

    .i;.;iii ai ii.ji....u:.i. .. s ci.Kiiii ::n. &14 lyM KI.C IIKUS A. .

    iMiporfi i s .Hint i.nii!ii--;- n !cr l:;ii:1AijiiiI- - fT Ihr tvitt A KiKf. Iv-na.- k Co.

    K . "A I 'i I .I'.itK I'l.tNTAIi.'S.T..i:y M I'i.an'a n.'S.

    Ol'.-TA-V C. Mklchkks. J. I). KK. A. Pi"ll.tKFKB,itr.-m.:- ll "Hi u. liolMlltill.

    5ii iy

    i. v. ri.rr. kji.Ci.tiimi--i i t uii..-s-s in th- - ;ir. .r....f bull.lin?,

    Ksi:iIiiii:i:iii Sir.-.-l- . lip0!ii:iti'.ritters rnt.-.- hy ..I serv ili.v. ut tin- - sun ami tars

    with i trui-'Pl- t nt a' ;ir4t'!y a.i'isliil tn then .if Iluinilulu. I'ai-l- iiiar att.-iili.i- toline Wiitrli niitirini.'. ml quii-iran- t

    rI:iss' -i- lv.-r.il m l it Ijn.-i.-- il amilt:.uti'al ir.tri:iU'-riT- f..tl!nIllly on

    631 v:i i I '..r sal.-- . U

    ' ... . ..i

    fUTTffPVTI TT"3T,Tl A "TV uUiltrilll1Xi a. ir;!IK FXIf:ttS!UXKl II.WK IJF.K.V AI- -

    JL tl.orizi-- l to

    f I K i: I O T. I V I K SON

    Stores, Duelling Iiou-r- -. I'lirnitme and(hioils iu Stre,

    7.V flO.XOlALU .I.V) VI MTV.LiiM.s aljutil and luTe l.v us in U - g"l l .

    V'r rate ol anil I'aiiiciiiar'. ajij-l- lo40 litn ll. It At Kr r.1.1) is Co., ai.

    the iTORTKEnir ii;stjka:-tc- e goimp'yrpiMi: FVIK!tsiXK.I. ACKXTS FOI4 THK

    fi hIh.vu Coi.'i:iiy. have re.-- , nlly r..e-v- . .l t n--.iin-- e li e Kati-- r f I'n iiimni on Mom- nn.l I'.i.t U Itiiil.ln.i:.-- an.l ..llM.-- t..ie.l therein, ar- - in.w to iviit- - li-J?--; r-

    - faV'TlM'- - 'erum than lnr- - t..!i.re. ... ?,,,r r.anta- -tionn. JAM'JN. (iKH.N A- -

    015 ly

    SAN iMiAxnscoB 0 A H D OP UNDErv7HITERS


    rIIK FXIF.llStfJ X F.l IIAVIMJ 11F.KX... .a i..-iii- t il ii'eitH tor tut- rr.i.':iH'i ii-- i ....- -ril.:rs.r.-.r.-ei.ti.- . !

    The I !! 1 1 for II IlliUrailCP ." " JI lie .11 ere I. .1 ll I s .'luni.ii ...... i..Tl.e I'nciiic 1 issu rn nee Com pit y,Til f " I i loril i ll I.loy.ls. JllllIThe n.iuie .Mutual Insurance

    -- nninany.f.. V inform of V. s u an.l the .u!.!i- - rener- -

    ".I:," ar.,1 oth. r r -- ks ai or near me - h UU..w, will hvelo tM. v, riiua l.y tie

    543.0111 II. HAi KFlXU A: Co.

    MI'Ut'llAXTS' JIT'TI'Ah

    Tin: HitiTisii ani riti:i(i.aIiaulxe ixm i:nu: (omimnv,


    lK-.u-l l.iaioe, M ti'.eh.-ste- Hiiil.Iin.-s-, l.i.er.ool

    A'"miIs at Honolulu. I

    JiVMIOrJ, tits Oo.N It T'lis Coini.any takes ri:Vs on po.i.ls only an l not on




    Capital Stock, - $750,000. ;CAt-l'.- T. KAV I'llKslDEST,

    CI! AS. 1. II AVKS .Skch.:takv.(Jl'tfTA E TKXCllAUIi.. ..Makis;;: HiitfccT.iR.

    flillKI'MlKKSlUN KD lime Ih-i-- ii n isoinleilE agents the Ciii any an-- l are ed to insure

    c a it o o i:s. v ii i Kt: 1 1 r a x i trkas v ii e.For rates if premium, pply to5i;ai W AI.KKK, AijCo.Airents

    ii a m mT is : n -- u it f. m r nFIRE INSURANCE COPSPAN Y.fSHK rSDKRMdXKI'i Airents of tl.e ahovo ComJ ip:tny,are prepared to insvire risks fire in and

    ii .... .1 .il .. tor i.articulars al'i-l- at the oifice.alKlUt.tir.ut. ii r.it- - a. . o.

    llotin.ulu Oct. ll.lsoT. 531-l- y

    J. D. WICKE,A.'.KNT FOR T11K Bill. MKX Ilo.M li Or USUKRWR1TER5

    4 1.1. A V K 14 A V. CLAIMS A (i A 1 N ST Sill) ;V I'n.lerwrit.-rs- . nccurnni; iu or atxiut tins rtingi"m. win ,bio iLave to he c.rtifi 'd het- re hi:n.


    ri-H- K. imkrsh;xki akkxts ok thkS. als-v- hnve ln authorned to insure risks onriu,:o. rici-:icir- and tukasi hk. i

    l.v I'll F.US from Honolulu to all ports of the Hawaiiana::d vice

    II. II ACKFEL1) 4- - CO. ,


    rflHR I'XIIKKSHiXKO HAVING HEKX;fi appointed f .r the at-.- company, h. ir leave tothe the puhlic. that th. y are prepared to issue

    M A IS. I X K 1 X s r 11 A X C K IMM.1CI K Son Freight an.l Treasure., tt and fmra all parts of the""ril1'

    II. I1ACKFELD A: Co. jIl April 2 517-l- y j

    JONATHAN Hl'NT Presid-n- t. A. J. R I LsTCN. Secretary.


    .Vy. 430 California istrt't. Say. Francisco, C'-il- .

    rjllllS CO.Ml'AXV W 1 1.1.. TAKE MARINEi Rlsiii ONCargo, Commissions and Profits !In vessels not rttirc lower than A J. r iu the Ionianor liilrr.l.luinl Trmlr. n I terns ami tr- .-s are the author ied agents cf the Company forlionolu.u.

    A.Ij.i.lr.1 und paid hrr- - by n inl.S. ,f;l.l I'oin.rates t.l i reui.um. Io , apply toil ly BIsHoP f; Co., Agents. .

    Hoot s- - el r.iiiIt.or !k ivi: i n x i i w i , i i: i : i : .E;t. :ti.d ?lifi r

    Ma io Mini in i in !ii. ly

    JAS X . 221 'ilim'K,COOPER AND CA.UCCR,

    I'uutiiiiiis '(.' tn:.iiifsAt his Old Stand o.i tLc Tsplaiiaile.

    All work .1.11.- - u::h en.', nn.l ir.K:s iruin:ly tcu.K.1 M.j4' HAiu.Ks Mi.iiiiiArt. ly

    JOHN NOTT & CO.,Copper and Tin Smiths, Iron

    RailriUKC I'l.KAM'K K I N A WOl'.NtIM; TO jM tlie imiI Iio thai tli. y Hf l.'- -t ar .t t- filrT.iti nil kiial ! jC... -- r V..r. r.i..M- -t iij: in .art ..t Mill., sfkikk I'ANS, j:lll M Ms. --t.il:!-. .1.-.- , . IC

    W t. tti.ul.l ii!.... i::T!U-- ait nti.iri i,tt"r?i f r hknavks- -

    ti. iK.-- k .n.iMi. .iil ii l.uiiili:: n" in. I. ry i.ii.. wlnclino furi.nli at r. a n.i'.l.. r AIm., Kul.l ami I' lllli-- l S n w fur ti; tiKIii:i' aire Ifnc-- -. j

    All. KINIM F RIIAil.lMi IM.SK WITH SKATK- - ANDi ii i. rs fr iu tin- - ..tli. r ll.unl iii ui.--- r with I ri.inpt attention, jMi... i n l .1 um.iiiu rt., . re n.'.ir al' ivi; t linn i 54.! I.ui j

    JAS. L. LEWIS, jdoop t-- " xs.cl G-rt- i ! I

    At tdr !iiSt.iniI, ti.ru r of aiiJ Strrt-ts-. j

    A l.:.ree S:... k i f Oil. SIIOOKS nil tkiu.U "f '.xiarrinu .11 ii Icr in 1 C-i- -

    1'AN I'I.Y "N M AM', li.'l. "i'l-- s I yutt.liti..liWltfVf,V to hn-- i s t.. m.-ri- t a . f th- - Ia!--

    w-'- lji' ruin:'.. ln.'Si li.- - Imn hith. r... . ij. ye.l. an.l f.r ;which r turns his thalikii. 54 i Cm i


    ru'.iiK I'KiHT.iKT.ni or tiii: ai?oi:2 W.irks N T ;.aii! to U' lV hi? cinr'iin.'r. ami the I'llli- -

    in ft ill. the h.! .,ii.ili:y VU.UIU Mr A I. j'SOFT SO As itlvviiyx luin.I.Thk HnaiKsT I'Kir.: I Aii fkii Ahp Uhkase. ill ly

    FUR iii T UJ S SHOP..:- - TllKrX!)E'.tSI!.Xi:i) gTVWT !

    havin-.- Ink. 11 the - r.'.-i-iv:jH- .'i""L. j..ir.iii; the Hr.it Stre if J. M. -

    1 jiinith 'a.. .ii ll'-- t sr.'.-l- . f!r.rn f..r sale aciniiiieie ass .riiii. i:t ..f SI' i I '. It I O 11 F I' 14 X IT C II K.uiaile ft '" hO.4, hOi and-hiik- Kixb YA.m.hs.

    Is are-- l to Hliu r.n jrn-- T ...r ...'n.',Cfnthk Tipi.ks km t'n tins. n.iks, w Annmm.:. ...ka.-- ,.. t.,,.,', nun. .m.l other aiticl.-i- i in his line of !huinesM with ruiii;.Lnts aa.l liSatcli.

    f.1 1 1. tr WM. ri?'HKR.v. J.1. Is. E55'-SQS:- s,

    C-f- - I I IMII'.TK.It --V MAMKACf , i,'-:V- - 1 1 I'.I.K ol all kin.l of S nhlier.t . ar- - C:-'1 riii'-'- e Trir.imini:, tattn-i- i makitii; i

    Kiel .lone iih neatiie-.- - an.i ilip.it.--jj All or ters a!ten.le.l toCorn, r of roi t an-- l Hotel sir. et. Honolulu 5S-l- y

    G. W. NORTON &l Co.,

    ON THE KSPI.ANADE,"First- - ijc-o- i (t.uuw v".- - 1- -

    Honolulu II. I.60,10 llARKEt A.' J.D O.O OU. CASKS. Wy"PACIFIC BRASS FOUNDRY.

    TIIK t'XDKRSlCXKIl WDl'I.D Rii.torm the .uhl,c lie U pre.:re.l to cast

    an.l finish :ll kiials of I.r a.nl iv.nniositioii work Williilis.iit.-liai..- l ai ia.-- iiiiiiil: rales.

    J r Ail kin.ls of shii an.l .l.ii.tatiuu worV furuiahe,l on 3Uon""Vr'fonstantlv on liatnl. I.osu- - o..Us...?s of the following.

    j j i" 24. AUo, oil cus an.l nanjte coeka." JA'.iis A. UOl'i'l.U,

    fc:1.ly liinjsireet. z

    xv. risen k st,Ci.hit.et Maker and frrn.!. IV.isli. r. Hotel Street,

    IirUL-- Store of J . Molt Smith Co. MZ iy

    ii . i. :t a i; .ii v. ist k u,XAII (lit Has taken the stand lately oocn.i,-- l hy 11. Fi. her,.......on Jtuuaiiu sir.i't. ttheieh,; me j.uniit

    him with a share of th.-i- patruna 59 tini


    Merchant Street. oppcMte the SViIor's Home.mil Urnawriilnl Iti.nlii.i: . xeciited at short

    C. E. WILLIAMS,Mannraitnn-r- , lniini'trr and Uraler in lumitiire ,

    Of Ilcertl Thsrrii'litm. i

    Furniture War.rn. m on Fort street, o..oi:e R. T. Morgan'sFamily Marfcet; w orksii'.p at tne 01.1 sianu,

    Hotel street, near Fort.x. It. Orders from other islands roiuil!y attended to. 530-l- y


    Furniture made and repaired at reasonable prices 515-2- y. . a, w s - HI

    3 . IS. t.V i.&i.ii-i4i.ki..- ,Tinsmiths and Plumbers,

    alwavs on hand. Johi.msr oi an l s attenuen t. uou-i- j .HAWAIIAN RICE! j

    (oiilie stuil Llr;i. !For Pale in quantities to suit hy A. ?. CI.KOHORN',


    . ll.r...!..!.. lt'.- - Mill5:i3 ly "J5 -- - - mm m V ,KAWAIIAIM L. t. A I fl tl .

    Sole Slid Saddle and lallllfd l.tlllt M.ir.S.i

    53 lyi"r'a f S. CI.K0HOI.N, Ag. nt Waimea Tannery ,FORT ST., FAMILY MARKET.

    ltOIt'T I. MOK(.A.......Choicest Meats cnest i.er-.s- . Uu,.ry, r.,.., "";c, furnished to ordr.

    DUFFIN'S MARKET,I. II. BOYD Ar Co., Propiietors. '

    STREET. IIOXOI.VI.U. 62i-l-y


    reet, opposite thei M


    3 ImW (T I I 53i P IVULlAliU riUUiJll :. - . -

    - Ttl- - rit IV 1 nnPnVX . L I v 1 KJX. .. - a w wll A j. JC THIS F.STA11I.ISII.MKXT ISXtwf';'ti ojien for the reception of siL

    Visitors to the Volcano !Who may rely on finditiR


    : i,l,-- lor the Cralrr always iollca.linesS.

    Steam nnd Sulphnr IJaths.IlorsfX Stnf-f'- ami Grainrd if desired.

    OH A P.I. FS-- E A SON H LE.

    Parties the Volcano Ti II i lo procure animalsrarranted to make the journey, l.y apd mg to D. II. Hitch

    . Er., Ililo.511 ly J. L. RICHARDSON k C

    lioitsi-- . powersm TWO HORSK I'OWER MACIIIXES.



    5'.'-3- C. BUFWF.R Co.

    1.1 ....lie., wn.l rfM4i.H.itv!e tClllirt. 1J,,we it all to ln7 . "" ; C tCci.... to r. s. ru.r r...) rTAPTNE " COMPANY. . 'hy ru.s.,,, .d their ere.it numWr .are .,Mlpr , ,Uur s,ti,iN. j "'f ,f ..f-ii.,- .. KOIHSHwhat ol a drug HI 'air.,, ft .ua.-- t ...v j , SHOK.VJA 'KK. H-- I Ktr.it, l.etwecn na real, live faliniKil tneii t!ie Paclhe H s.i.'J . ',.la mill: I" X DKItMt: X KI HAVIXfi HKKX j ht..l, r.iit.-- t avidity.' 1 am -k.il at, Charlton llharf, a,.,-.in.- .,l ,. r--r the ve v ,.,..y u-- K. u. . ,111 I i'tfiiu-- ' y i the thai th.y are " irt...r..l to issue 1 1 . tt. ,1. . i! I'.l ititii s .111. of the rm

    - " IVi.nJ Mr! ' P,.rc, ixc, am. (M .McrcUaat. ly ; "'5,0 ly





    r,1. v.iii " -

    taking on





    biilt 11-V- .l.rid-ei-lmii- ng


    I though 't



    .Id grave.--



    to done.

    '..fp.vn lul


    I from

    ft 20U thea of



    or this

    gallery the





    jusi monument, the


    runs along


    t!n; i


    f(,.:ir- - ami


    - vilt'i


    tlii- -

    an.-i.-n- t











    n leeii



    s.ui- -






    :it Asemhn.


    I will abruptly.

    Mrrrhant-- .

    I'aukaaan.l. Chinese






    t!.-- -





    Otii-- e











    Ks-- .








    h "lit

















    Ornamental j






    i.rel niar.nla.'iure



    1 ami




    P. A

    CLE A



    The A 1 Iii)n- - Hark

    jlU !S X-i-. ! ' 'i

    ti'Mi Tons ier Krsisti-r- ,

    Sailed from Liverpool on the Gth August,



    Exjirrssly Silccled for (his Marltfl,

    Consisting of


    clothing,iifm: caxvas,












    HOOP IRON, Ac., &c, Ac.






    BLACK BARATHEAS, &c, Jtc, &.c.

    S43 2.n JANION, GREEN & Co.


    ffll AT I XV A I.I' A 151. K, I)U It A KL.E, FI.EXW. ihle. nreaervinir, anti corrosive.MF.TAIhlC 1WIXT

    For CiMil-r- , Itoilern, Uoofa. Steam Knt-'ine- Cast Plows, IlnusrsFences. Schooners, Steamers,AXO A1.I. OTIIKIt lltOX or WOODWORK.

    For Sale hy528 6m C. HKEWKIt & Co.

    7m. JOHNSON,Dmlrr in nlmnl la-n- f nn.l oilier Tolmrro,C'isar. lii.-s- . Ai.c, Knslih iiimI Amrriran( nnlrrliunrrr. X ills. Itiin. Cnhfih trc.

    I wnol.l also take this meth' ,1 of infonnin the Chinees ofHonolulu anil the generally that I have commenced theTailoring business in connection with the above, ami am .re--parel tn execute all or.lers in a fashinnnhle nml suhstantial

    uner 0n. frra the otn,.r u.AniU I)r,,ml,i!y attended to..Store on A'uuaxit Street, one dxrr Uttitc King.


    Hi ix t e and PopularBOOKS!



    ,.3.... ....- - - ."American Family I'livsician, Andrew a hnirhsu lexiconAnnaUof the American I'ulpit. Addison's Works, 3 vols,Autobiography. ic, of Lyman Beeeher,America Kur... Aulohi irraphy of a Married Woman,Alfred llaKarth's Household, Artists Marrie-- Life,Annual llisc-ivery- , Australian Wanderers,Adrift in Iixie. y Measures in CoiiKreSS,A Journev to Katmandu, Own Rook,i .1... I'o.itirielit. AIM' i'l!IM 1TO V ltik Sua.A untet-.n'- s Dictioi.arv of Mechanics. 2 vols. AHihi-.l- , a novel;Anecdotes .f Iv.ve, Artemas Ward's Own Bonk,Annletor.'s CvclorH-di- of Itiosrapbv,Arken-i-- l- & Iiryer's Poetical Works, Always Ifappy,A KveI.tfll, Ut- -. Aimwe!! Stories. Ahout Right and Wrong,

    Iteecher's Iteceit Hook, Beaton's lix k of Birds,Harr-- n a novel; Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy,Burn's Ci'intikte Woiks. lialiard Jt Jarr.Ps Materia Mciica,,,,nd Arthnr. Bird of Oreat M-- n.Biblical Lecends, Coui.try Scenes. Carrier 1'itfeons,Chil.I's or Nature, Child's History of Greece,Child's Trials, Capt. r.usstll's Watchword,Carpenter ou the Microscope. Cycloierdia of Commerce,,

    nnd J.iis.rvaf.iin of Forces,Cm-len'- Cor.cor-lar.e- to Holy scriptures,Cuveilhier's Anat-imy- , Crablie's Synonyms,Cotton Pl tnters Manual hy Turner,Cotton Culture or Ir. Mal'.ett. Cecilian Gift.Country Love and City Flirtation, Castle Builders.

    j Country Livina and Country Thmkinu,Camptsrli s p.- - iical Works, Church Ksaays.


    Capt. Maryatt's Works, Cotton Planters Manual,Culto.-n- f Cotton, Cowjr's Poetical Works.Closet Companion. lyiieer's Terrace, Don Juan,liana's Household Bok of Poetry, HlctioriHry of Love,

    ' Don Quixotte de la Mancha, Urydeli s Political H orks,Iai'y K1.;K.'k lii.tr. l'iary of Kitty Trevylan,

    , VnlH.r.t iul,.!.wiUal Dcvel- pmert of Kuroi.j Emnei Orai.t, novel; Lssaj s of Klia,j Kncy eloped a of Scienc'-- , Literature and Art,

    Ei'l.;h Commanumeiii, r.muy Liiesier, novel;Enoch Ar leii, txirt-litiou- Calculator, i.uiersonT Poems,Early Dawn, 3 vols. Edmoth's EaiyEnd of Controversy Convert' d, 2 vols. From Georgia,Frci'k the Great, Fairy Finpers, Farmer Boy,Fontain's Fahies, 2 vo',. Family riil les with n..,Franeatele's Co.k Book, Freaks on the Fills,Fit to be a Duchess, Franranc from Fresh Flowers,Following the Flag, Goldsmith's Pit!cal W.ks,Gordon's Diptst, Greece, Rustia, Turkey and Poland,

    i Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson, Gbl Stones,, Gold Foil. ..real Fact. Gun's Domestic Medicine,. . . ..i . c '. 1,1 WI.......J1. Vftrll

    Essays, Gems from American Px-ts- ,ll...-r'- Medical Dictionary, History of the Roman,Holmes' Poems, hlue am! Bold; Harry Lorn-quer- , a novel;lli.wi.iii4n SuM-tato- Hannah M.Mire'. Works.Howitt'sM.ilmar.'s and Rosrer's Works. History of Tscry.

    I Hidden Path, a novel; Home f tori s. Hall ou Bronchitis,Human Anatomy and Hycine,Heartsease, a novel, 2 vols. Herman's Poetical Works,

    j Hall on Consumpliori, Human Physiolopy l.y Draper,i Hand Book of Diniofr, History erf Greec,

    Hope, and Fear. 2 vols. Hil'iards an-- l Burtons,Hours anions the U.pels, Husks, a rmvel;House and Home Papers, Hymns of Hope and Faith.Henry the Fourth, History of Gei.sihis Kahn,Hitory of Madam Roland, Ui'tnry of Romulus,Ilnwitt's Prpnlnr Tal"S. Parlie's stories,Here a LittV Ttiere a Little, Hill Si le Farm.Hi-ai- t and Han I. History of Piince G.glu and Bu!bo.

    FALL SEASON 1888 !

    C. Ij. llVllAllKte Co.,HAVE NOV ON HAND



    Xaierv find .ler-- tSELECTED STOCK OF

    SHIP CHANDLERY!I'vcr Imported to Ilcnoluln.

    Consisting in part of

    150,000 Lbs. Bread,500 Barrels Beef,

    300 Barrels Pork,California and New Bedford Flour,

    200 CoilsNew Bedford Whale Line,

    500 Toggle Irons,

    r o r it ship's c a m ii o o s 1: s ,400 Ash Oars, from 9 to 22 feet,

    VIFTY BOXES BOMB LANCES, Largeand Small.

    OIL. SIIOOKS, New and OIJ.

    New Bedford Whale Boats,Smooth Bottom and Center Board.

    Manila Hope, from one to Jitc and a half in.

    NEW BEDFORD CUTTING FALLS.Hemp ltope from 2 to 10 inch,

    Landyard Stuff, Bolt Hope,

    Marline, Worniline,

    Spunyam, Seizing, &c., Sec.

    Sail Needles for all sorts of work,

    P.ilnr Vo.rn.eh arid Wh ilfniraeh Ilrncl.tto


    Preserved iMeats, Vegetables anil

    Fruits in tins.Dried Apples, Beans,

    BEST KONA COFFEE,Spices of all description,

    Tcw Cala- - Potatoes.irlolasses and Sugar,

    IVHIYTS ol every l'criplioii.Paint Oil,

    Pump Boxes,

    Cooper's Rivets, 3d to Gd ;

    Uoat Compasses,

    Stove Linings,Cooper's Setts,

    Anvils, Hammers,

    Drivers and Punches,

    A Complete Assortment of Hooks

    and Thimbles,

    Patent nnd Bush Blocks,

    Slicivcs all sizes,

    Mast Hoops and Jib Hanks

    Boat Boards,

    Boat Nails,

    Timbers and Knees,

    Nautical Almanacs,Log Books,


    Ship's Scrapers,Brass He Iron Screws all sizes,

    Brass Jc Iron wire Seivcs,

    Fog Horns, Knives,

    Sheaths and Belts,

    Auger Bitts, Gimblets,

    Spoke Shaves, Sand Paper,

    Fish Hooks, Palms,

    Lamps, 0)'c- -

    Comprising in Fact a Full and Complete


    Necessary to fit out Siips.

    3IoneyAtlvanco(lTo Whale and Merchant Shij-s- ,

    And Exchange taken on all parts of theWorld at Lowest Market Rates.

    5.-- 3m C. I RICHARPSfc '1,000 OIl aYcwsimpcrs

    FOR WRAPPING PAPER.SUITABLE by the 100 or 1000, by .,..

  • COnirTERCIAL.SJTfRU IT. yOri MBER 17. lr-- .

    thir advice a fr m fftwuro ry the are to the 24thbItol Th t Vgr.ph hu been work:n? rath-- r fitfully of late, andfor ten da d.d ixi uucr a note. The buUttm of the 2TJJ Sregard, rig (r l :

    We n- - the rh T r Id N-- w V- - rk on the loth y.ter-da- vT!..li:i.' l. I" uv- - (rjl Jl ": the ni'.rr.:r.g

    if ttv Ii;-- f it w i. in tie- - ;vm.-- i 1;. . the l':.'.(.iM .s;erl.ng los.. ltf ;'.' tie--

    .lay, toe uiaracl sur ta:':ai'V lii- - n e. llrilr..- -l.h. .. wa.. at 1" i at.1 ':: l'i U t'i-- t. 1-T mw tr Kt.'iirl Uih. n. vol. t. lierlar.--e r.ra-ipx- s fr ati t. irope. a' ot f I 2.o ,.rl ht .J l"H re-ceived mar the ti.l- - flr.t . 1 t. . . an--l 1. the nam dea of z..l ! t':e 1 : w'.i h

    ul SlcU uiO It: n." at me l ' Was! Vir-ion. Le-- .. r have unit-vc- i ul-- r the i'i sr M. 'baying ( Tat ai.l .;lii. at 7;. A laitr J"iesou Jvi., l nr.

    1l i. n-- xl ti : jii-"- "! to fran our : ti -- ;rr; rr a. . u Fiao-e-- . a ir. i.- -l of trm .s fiver..

    hevever. t' rr. .l. f U.e -UcL 14 'eerk Vrh-- ' it. r'eaa.

    Zif-r- S. r.. 114 - ; ah. 1 I'M "o b ne.-- !, p f't-- i i. i,k ti. i- - '"' ;!ii M.r Ki-n- i. t''U h 1

    T.e Fw.V'in :Tf utit' f .r :h a 41 lui : n l'. in th- -

    & -- " Kl.U A;l - 4 1 1 IIha (t. n- - t r rrr.t.: f-- rths ' ttoe ut yr w-- r- i'J. ''! ! l- - ho;e.

    r y- -r J.!T . 3--t -. Tr.e.,tm cf-"- f f ! 1 "'! IW' rJ.ini tMii r-- nttl TJe .Se.mir. cffi Hv . . . c w ,n .,rr . Lr.w B ' ' - - . " ' V j -If L o ikikii h lie arrive.! jt ir.u. ;ro to tjci. 23. we

    b.ee nt mi" - r- -i i 'rt .f Tb t...mlf ri i-- t i.:c'.i.Ie theColdh 'cirti rf rr 4 t. in th--

    The hniwr ". itfir arr-T-- rr-nr:- from th'V.-.l- i :- - will 4 ttnl n A l l I t' rrrn.

    rr-- tr.i fi- - n cf .Iry '!. llir cr "f H--t'.u.) ll.e sale f. l ' a- - a f'Wy men at T'. h .'I '"ei in I ai lli Utrrftmy r.rt. ham; io'a Uie with IO'J.IAi'J,.! ery lwc car?--- .The i O. Ufcl imtfj fr a Ji.u. "t;

    wtber tb-t- u we the :

    IV.'e H e rene- -l .y the ..j tifftat itat tae tre:-ar- e .f the Iliyuv a .".. I rck-i- .,

    Mno--. wfce- -l w u laliHi.D Vt.t-- hat been retoer.Jnud r'. Vm liolu, n r ote to la n.T .i.tl.

    IVrre r el'it:y a S.jitti.w. the part.it? tte rfineritn e r.lT on the rr-- nf ff u--o l. h haa c i".r.l:e-- l them

    uti; a thu item 4h.wt.The M D.et:y pu!ic al i f the Fr.or ten an.! Pa. ific

    tt.kr ar-- be-- l I e the i ia .ew U U.ean-ulia- cublilan U IK I he laj !.. KB--

    tia.p'Bil'-i- t w-- r for the usual uctisaij repair tsaactuaevy. 1 ie sopeaai.ia wiu w: iria.i.

    LOCJL COMMCRtlJL.Tne pwt ha been a lively week in to.n-- x eirvV-- s

    an.1 a r anuobt of trvl- - tvaa IVea e. Utouti it ev.der.t!yhaw aot reen:re.l (r-- U.e d prewicn lat.y expenencl.

    tmrint tUe tar!y part of the we-- k tiiere were 111 p rt over Wvroe cf al kta-U- . At tbe wharves we couatrw IT mrrcb.ar.t- -

    oJ vbalm anj acbeT9, every available f.4 . fwharf reins beluif t.k'n up tla? 27 vessels alucfv.dethem, if lh wtatves were etlendel t r".ar.U theeaaw woui.1 suit t K same, a the th p la x prvlVr t- 'twitwr aa.1 eaa.--e ih'ir oil 00 rv re wtkere UVy can. I re 'wh,f swrftit easi j be conatrucl by runtimi o- -t two

    ..i.e. InsM the i.rvsvtm steaoifioat wharf ar.l tae Knot '-- -- ,f the splaoovb. arvl 00 a line wilfi slemhoat wharf. Tl.is

    vui aiiQw mux irswii vi w " - - ,Wow-- l nai aval-ria'l- y interfere wtb the pa-,- -r f. vessels cn- -

    . . . XI ..anv. ... n . . ia .. . I .. ....' wim ""' ' - e - - - - -.frSUIu. tLW ami the Sraitter it IS taett in han.1 the better.

    The Bn-U- ship l,.h,l has eleawj w.th a fuil anj vahr,.wMCar. . awl aaiW tV S-- w Be.le.rt. tlee ha 2T5.v.(WHks. but. .Ui iTaliuo. .4 .jierm, and Si.ftw gaUuM of ;whale wl, maruf-sle.- 1 at 274.1l"i, but estusale.1 to be worthia Sew Eedbiril over haif a nxtliiob of d- - lUr. Th--S is one ofDoaaiM M'Kay's crack ships, ami Captaia Cap-- -r is as proB1 suit will be to confirm the V Uf established reputatijo of II uto-o-f

    her as if she was buut at Anerdeea. We predict fr tier a j lulu a a w Lai. men's retain. g port,passage to Sew BeUforTaf about IbO .lay. rt will be due : aaaivaL Tthere wa the 2riU of etuary. We slkaU e Ui see the Cap- - ' Isbla. . bl Is. Wh. Lbs. tin.Uia an.1 his fine ship here again beat tall tu take a subilar I

    HrThe ship Mmi, tram Boston, brioor a full carro of assorted

    snerebarulMe an.1 whalesneV suites, to C. brewer it Co. jThe faritt, fruca ?aa Francucu, baa a suiail cargo to Mack- -

    'feU Co.The brig a moii' V. H in ballast from the iaao- - Lai-- j

    and, and wl l return thither shfanly. ILairs; qootaiioa of OoM in Sew Tork, Oct. 20 144. iLatest isolation of Sperm lil hi Sew York, t- - &yftil 2; '

    Whale Oil, I.H. CaH Ol. $1 10, Bone, 1 40. In SanFrancisc-J- , a tale of oil is Tinted at 55c. tr gall-ia- . j

    COMMLRC1JL. ITEMS.Errr--r r,r A Bans C.-w-. . Cakrutta tetter says the nii- - j

    rry and n n raased by the stoppage of Agra and WaaCennan'sBank in Kn ill an I promt. bi be gieakr ihan in the panic of .

    .' the ua areat houses of Calcutta la. led forX I5.0U0.WW aua paid only twenty-liv- e per cetiU j

    The commerce of tlie world is) estimated to require 3.6O0.00Oahre-vn.tie- saen tn be constantly traversins; the ocean, ofwhom 72JU die every year. 1 he amount property movedhs th water from fifteen hundred to I wo thousand mdli. ms cfdollar, ami tlie amount annually lost ty Casualties of the seaaverages twenty five snallwu dollars.

    er-i-. w n4Vf J TVn.lrf o Mx Vinre-wh- atlanrer scale than has been looked t. The most ilisfac-tiir- yfrature In the movement is the conSdence it sIh.ws iu the

    peimaaesry of peace tn America ; that so far as lovesters areciioeernerf, a renewal of the civd war is considered in the high-est degree remote."

    Sotwittistanilinx the lare quantHy of petro learn destroyedy several fires, the supply for shiaent is increasing. The

    t.llowin; statement shows the cnmrative exports bj foreigncountries in and loo rp to lac 21 Pepl.

    lso5 1H4.tiallons. Oxll.ins.

    From Sew Tork........... .....5.2M',7 l0si 2iHFran fhila-lelpti- a ....'.1.621.777 l2 04d.2UFroea balnmore oln.u-2- 1.12.64--1 rum Bootoa...... 4'iJ 41 MJ.9V7

    Total 7.7H.O02 30.1S4.142 ;Phowinc that ia tae exports are (ur times as large as :

    the preceding year. j

    r.itnii NaTTkiLstv BosT.it. Since the first of January, jli.2 ship and steamers have arrived at this J rt from f. reign Iports. st 45 la the same time last year, thus showing anincrease In five months of 57- - At the tan:' time also more jbark and brix have anivr.1 than io ls-J- j. The importations jat this foirt frncn all part rf the world baxc been very largeth year, moch rxceel;ng tlK.se oT any previous years since1 vy. We have had an unnsoU aumlier of arrivals fn m thea Itvli- -. China. Africa. Fiuripe. tir-- at Britain. .Sth Amer- -

    iu ami 'he West Indie; and the pnMnineni pitioo of ;a the second trreat cotnoiercial mart on this continent has teenful.y iienv.i4.st rat e.1.

    Il m Sew l'. alone that surpasses this city in wealth, com- - 'SBeree. an.1 Dooetary influence. Those two areat c.iie. withttteir we thooaan-- t m.llma .loiiar valuatra. (New Vork f 'ioo.- - iwuvoov. lies-to- r, ituv.tspiirw j ainxw excio.ieiy ttierreat bran.-b- e of oar for-.- ti commerce. ail entirely the fa- -

    "ine - The India, 1 h.na. Japan, lUtavia, Tenantr. Africa.k L. Mypt, Turkey. Sweden. Sorwiy. Ktls-i- a, Britishfr aincei. liu-an- a. Itteno. Ayres. Chili, Peru. if-tmii and :

    ndwuni I.iand tra-b-- The laverpe., Brax.L Fipn.peao ami ;'"t l4ia exannveree f this co.ir.Ty is divkled between P. rt-- ,bl. Sew Turk. Philal-lplua- . Bal'iuw-r- and Sew:.hrleana. hot al nf the atKive nam-- d branche . f cooitnerce, such j

    a the India and China tra-l--. c are entirely snanaeeil ami Jcootn.lie.1 Sy rto-t.- a arul Sew York mercliana. These rreat tsnarket have t, be visited by persons frn all etion iT thisootinent who are in .iU at these eouotrie. Uottvn Tratel- - jee. Jn9. :

    T".ei-- .. ,:.

    FiKi ! F rtin per F:thn Allen, n.. a.For Wisowaao Ports per K.Uuea. on M..n.lay.

    poiit or uoiJOaC.ux.u. ii. i.11111 A LH.

    Sow. In Itxw'n dippr ship I dxni. tlreen. 144 days fromHoatim. m.lse to ('. i rewer Jt C.

    11 Set 4'ii Keiki. Antime. frneo Kaholui.11 Am wh bark Car-er- . Haniblin. fr. m Aretic. with

    4J) UMa ml an.1 AW r hone.11 Otd wh sh' :rrs --n, Marumen. from Ochotek. with

    35o tiM ril arvl V na) ln bene,li ehr Mary F.lvn. We. tmm W,hee.12 S-- h Prince. II itfiei-l- . fi. llanaM.

    Sehr Marv, frn Aoah..la.chr Settle Kiunev. fr'Hn K 4

    12 H.v't bnr Katnehaiseha Fletcher, 42 days fr mMaiiko. i

    14 Col bark . W tlsun. 2id y from San Franciscoithvalelii II fk frul a I'r,

    14 Khr Kxl-xm- Makahi. Inen K4..14 Am wh hark Pern. Smith, from Arctic, w.th bids


    ml and) 7.ti1U lb bone. j15 Sehr Mart ..ia. Power from Ilito. ,1 Bark Cam' ndo-e- . D. ilenjp-tea.- 1. 20 d ay from rape- -

    ete.Tihilx, with w.s.l l.. Wa.krr. A:b-- k. Coketawt barkentme Coostitauor: Said the same ;

    .. a. ;. --str- kilaoea. Bennett, W,r..lward Porta.1 Sehr A!emi. Br;rr, lit Ixaeahae. ;



    So. 10 Schr Kte Lee, F.atruaio, far LoLams and Maaee sLarelta- -

    1 1 Steamer Kilanea. Bennett, f r W irvlwarl Torts. ,12 Schr Moi Wah.ne. limnr, f-- r Saaihwili.12 (a wh h.p Champm. . f.r Cal. Cu.tr t.1J Am wh bark Wm. .iifforrl. Fi.her, for Cala.14S. hr Mary. I Anahnla.1V Schr Prince. Hatfield, t llanalei.14 r S-- tti MemlL K.nney. r K' toa.14 Scr Moi Keiki. Aotone. Kahulut.15 Sebr Froetine. Crane, t arwi K in.1 y A in wh bark Ca'a. C'sast.1 Am wh h Beinde-- T, Kayrv-r- . for CaL Coast.1 Sen Mary, Sebastian. k.r Iltkv


    Urr'T or Ban. Kimsixiat T. Left Hmolulu Aue. II,ami touched at Kauai ; left there Aor- - 14 f.r Phenix I .lac 1.Arrived there August 2s, to-h- -. at Fioderbeiry's Island, A us.SO, left there same day fr Baker's Island, amvicr thereSejt.i Left there S-p- t. t. Arrived at McKean' Sept. il.and saileI same day foe Jama Island, where we arrived ict.2T. Iftf.IicUIa.027,.rrlvin,inp.Nov.n, .fura paeage of 42 days.

    The Am hark Aureiis, lay in off aiv! on, at McKean 's Islandwhen we sa.ed. P. J. FLrTiTtCit, Mar.a -- -

    Ifl; ,

    Tbowx-- S xr Si.-rta- t Jnr Th- - mas acd Msthew - ?'ara. tn ther2sfh of July (whi.e the lr w.s xvm-.- ng m the ,A rrt.c Ocean). w-- re drowoe.1. 1 hey were taken o by thetone becora icg fail. The tK-- ly ot cm cf Ihe j.-.-sBin was drawn up by the line.

    tuilt SaUeniy. Nov. 14th. on board American whatejhiPrttttlrnt. Il-c- ry i.!sner. a native of Artor a. Iloistrin. ared S..2 vear. 1 r.e deceased had ervet m IM I t:iun .insr.m ,wa honnntlr discharged. He bel.-- -d to Comr-ar-tr A. 6th

    Tin- - lYbaliu:. Vint.

    ln cur f nrrh e w II hr aa invr-.-sti- article takentr bx t'.r Sew y.-- n;; iy Ltt. rIauui; to wh-iii- an.l t- -tli I f .,i ...:.ea ;.f tj' ii Uj.r. tNe ; B- -t. In thto-r- y

    it,r ' f t!c may app-- ar ery !ott'k. butit. ir Ui I i ! n. .r.?trat. l -r an I .v-- r that ti.if ru; , r r --re j tft:4 4 M'i "jt.U'3 f jr

    uj-r- .T V' Ma f'raru !y or it.ii ar.y otr.erTi-- a !t r.:.;-- ia lUc al3;:rae c yxn.

    :s. t. t:.e c.r.y.l al r rr overt! e .. !T : : '.f the w !ia-n.- ::. t.e au.'.-- n ad theirtTia?tT, f.--- o !.. !. re u n ij.te-.il- . Tlitu e tare etlir tf.r m'-- i ex(- - -a wi,mt-- n t be r .anj ia the

    Nx! fort.tir-- r ai u:; nrcn who rfr 6ori thei.u.n.. 4 .t t:. aaj wV. fi..w it con nwurr. a a l.fccihn.--. lh-- t.. --t .;. .V.r- - Kiti r li, jt--l tl.es reo? fur ral Whahri i a an art w.thtbrn. ar.-- l are tfrHZ4a-- of theai no tht-- J. Then

    mai' are Kft 4'J day frum Sew Iledf-.r-- o

    tht ca( t:r. a:el o!!. cr5 letl-- r and rmperd fri.ro theirosii'n atl w.;tir.j; th-- ir arrival. Thtre i (.o ten (errcent, ibc-to- tax tJ the gillarit by, and what th y earnu th-- ir own. The .'hi. ato find prr.TL'iotva. C). nej and allkm 1 of r abuu Jatit aui reatonabie, and no delay in i('


    Ail th-4- e are alvaotagea of no unall etjceuenre, and tuaa they cootttjue. 11 tula u m jl remain par exce the

    chi- -f whxl.:. rt of thti occ;tn. j.n Francisco: lias tr.el for- vnai year v w.u away our ship-shu- t she i oti'y I'.iin.;

    f rwurl ach year, berue the Iackf the chief r qun tetliwu-h-trei- l, aiuart wlutietuen, T)iee ore n it t' b-- f uml inar.y other of .e same clan and as in II jOolulu-It- r

    ihe rea'ii, it pay Vu rerruit ia this Jrt.VTe hare wiiy tbree arrivals to antv-unc- e at this I'rt this

    week Ir- - m th- - Sorth. tbe Courtrr, Or t ton arid Htru. ff.uietwenty ier! are till out, to arrive besides tiiie bournto ?an Frucco, as per list R.Veo below.

    The ita-w.-1 of oil and b.ne brut."-- t iftu p--rt tho far stands41,'vX) bbls. oil. and 5v2.7u lb. Ivrtie, giving tu each h pTvK)bbli. oil hd.1 j.in0 its. lone.

    At lliio. we learn of the arrival of the following, air.ee ourl..r r. r-- .,Sot. Z liov. Tr are. AshU-y- . ZjJ wh frOO

    6 fM. - an. sp ".A) ah. 12.OV0 Uine."i Lw (ie- r- -. l'av.s, 10 wa. aiJ bone.

    Tie; Itoi rrnvr Trouyw w ill lake all tlie o.l oil- ring atllil).f.rii t. ,n I S ni t Sew Ktrdf jrd aV.ut lectnii-- r 1

    l,Lairia. the hark f icrro, I'aon, arriv- -I last Friday, an.1shipped hr od anJ bone to Honolulu, to go fraarl Ui SewBo 1 fori.

    A nuu.lr of whaU-bi- ps are taking oil at this p rt on fr-i-. .1 - r ... . a ... ir-i- r. ....... !.. ...."a" ' - ' """'iCk vl" H'. Mnr-jm- , Ontrard, ( om'.'iu H ,ul iud. The

    a.(Cani.i 1. saooj iioKe, auj me .oiri.trs i.iyar, aoouifuii AM gJ,i , f.,r L.Kte.... . ..... . . . . . w.v e nave dux ua.e ai i.iioruu news iroin ir.e ii.eves- -

    .M. in o rt lr irtivplr rLlinl in tr.l..l.il.t.ir.il lltr ranne...j, ,.l refif.in,--, f which every facility exist.

    There is an abui.di.ice of oufat of every description, andi, ai.,bte 01. easy terms. We have uewr know,, ,

    seasna wtuo a better supply of all necessary re.ja:retn..-n:- t forw ha.ert wre to lie f itsd than tlits seas-in- . and U.e general re- -

    'pt-- 1 1 Wm f. Fiher l.aj li"JUiet. 11 I'haciLi'in. Wortn. ...... 7i"J ..nil

    al Kayn.w.. looo il 00021 W mloW. laatsus.. ...... iaiu 4J..Oil I'h-roa- .l.lr...--e 215 41 I 4'rJ's. Maxwell. Cliase & Siaio2J Saoti.o. I::ien ... .... 'Vl 225011oM ?t I.e-Te- . Salle. ...... el 7'eJ24 Uliaa A lams, r'.-- h 7uO 11'JOO24 --Three ltr..:hers. TaUr.... 115tl liioiit Lag.-l- a. Kis.'er. ......... 1 I'm 2 :J.i01't Ari.ol.la. llawra.. ....... lit m 1. SijO

    'e Navy, Iavis. .......... avt tiOOJ.1 M.niii.ello, PhHI ps...... 4 SO f)i."J2"i Mac4i)le r....... 75 l.0ie Th'. l!lk..s..ll. JeriiegaU NO li oon Siephania. ?iii la:r.. . . ... Do ;u 4ouO07 cr:fc-i- i Ijulit. Clouith-.ll&- .r0' 15uvi

    raliierlatte. x insluw.. ... cb-a-27 rpiendid, F?ber... "Xioiaj Ii llae Hawaii, l. ppinjTitolle, I00O 1 Ian0

    21 Ad.li-n- , I'lelCi. ........ I.TO --ion j:Hi r. Iloily.... 7i0 lij.100Ia) Nile. ...... ....... 70 . lsir o

    j;oT. 1 J- - ! Thompson. Ilrown.. 11.ill lluuo1 ."i.aarl. All'U. li.il lliK)1 I has. W. M..r-m- .. VM 27il OIMMI1 lien. SVt.. ...... ....... bis, li'iarO '1 Almira, UstMrne......... 4'M1 Barrett.. (am 7ian'2 I i.x r?.d, biiU. i . . . I'-'- I2 Koliot. C.'jfan. .:o J.MkteO 'i Mm K- - h.'h. I'u.v. r...... 775 j3 Corn' ll .a lund, II man. 2i03 l.un.ia, 1'ierce .......... 2?ai "euoo3 John f. Wood, Tinker... 750 l5ouJ3 Horida, Fordhaw.. ...... a7o 5eJ3 Adeline, Smle... 140 4'.0 leal3 Wm. and Henry, steton.. 4 HI amm4 Oliver Crocker. Lapham.. Hi4 Josephine, Chapman..... lloO '4 President, Kelly..... .... 750 l'looo4 Helen Snow, Campbell... 55 KO 10104 J avm. Finos 4'A14 Comet. Kire. .......... .. 5.-- 14 n--s llreez;, Hamilton.... "04 Jireu I'erry. llaisey...... bo .".V6 Norman. Childs. .... . ... 375 i,.,,5 Fagle. McKenrie... TOO5 I'.n 1 W.-.- I. Hichmood... 5o0 7"OJA Active. It l ins-.u.- o.a '6 Illinois. Davis........... llJ ..ia.6 Julian. Lubbers ......... IKK) i'w". .6 Lowland...... e.o -H Midas, liraae 7'eJ ltanxi

    11 Courser. Hamblin.. ...... 41X1 i'11 .'rezoo. Mammeu. ...... 3.eJ 4ooo14 l'eru.eSujilh. ............ 6O0 75oo t

    Laileal C'orrecletl Rrpsrl of A rrtie Skips Out.From tlie various ships that have arriveil we have .'(named !

    the fulloii.g as the latest reports from the ArcLe Ceet, yet at j" :

    Sept- - 20 Alpha.................... ..... ........4 Whales. I27 Aurora (oound to Sau F rancisco). 10

    Uct. A washe-uks- . 5Aaat. Ct Alrntr,. ...... .................. ...5Sept, 2i Can.i.la (o.ind b San Francisco).... 10

    25 Canton Packet. 6 "i l".ral 5 !5 K. Swift (bound to San Francisco)......... 12

    2o Fanny (Imund to San Francisco). 7vj en Mar to San Francisco).. ...... "'i.- - Harrison (Uiai"l to San Fran.-ico)- .25 J.ime All. n (bound to San Francisco). ....ii


    mes Mamy ....6Oct. 6 J mus.. ...2ia harr. Is.

    2 J Jin II ialan.1.... . ................ wk iles. jAujf. 1 I y lia 4 5d barrel.

    1 M isa.-hiitt- t (tieund to S,n Franri..).looO jJane 15 Martha (iiouud to ran Franc. w;. ..... ... shales.Aua-- ..a l . . ..--

    ,.. .. jrept- - 15 lef:ui ...4

    JK . XI n. rvx ........ 10yn Ml. W allasttm.. ...1 o t;. ami 5 jV.0 M.lo 12 I

    1 Trident... 5TJ Ot, .vu;:::::::::::::::::,. i

    ifHAUya ITLMS. IFn ro cor Sew Bedford exchanges, we pleao the f .llowine re-- .j

    pen fnan wh--ie sh.M, which -- id be n- e- f. most w;,a:.mcn :A letter from Cait. Barker, of bark rireyh-o- n 1. of WesrirL,

    retwrrs her at J haiina in ij,y iseoj, with 1X bbU. rperin, anl170 d .. w hale oili. aii well.

    A letter frt Mn-y- . of ship Lancer, nf Sew Bedford, irejmrts l.er at Jeliina, Jiine kb, with til. SMrm ml.Aii well. ;

    A l-- tt'r frn Cat. Wi rth. of bark B4srrt M irri.son. of Sew 'rie.1t.4si. n rt r.er at rt-- June J.Mri. with 200 IMssperm ami 70 do. whale oil on b ard Bound hurnpbackiiie!' j

    .. l"?tf Vif fT.eTr? .'M. J , - n .'13. n.-i- ui ,Oll--

    - irl'"T tT"m ClP- - "rt Java 21. reprrt h- -r inMalacca e. May loth, havmc taken 50 W is. sperm oilwithin Ihe last enrht d .ys S50 sperm all bild.

    A letter fr.Ta 'apt- - Cook, of bark Leouulas. reorts her atBerma 1a An;. 7ih. havine shippisl 50 bbi. spenu and oo .whale oil per Kit B .rss. - Sew Y.k.

    Capt. Cliari,-- . II. KuH in, of bark Cape It m Pijcon. ofDanrn.aith. arrive at Xew Unified. Aor. iith. lie b f,T., on ln, .u j..., j,, roi., N. W. of Flore,. ,; ac- - jCour,, f . ckneax. and pr.ee.l-,- 1 to Fioee.. wh.ch plice he lefton th-- - f J J-- He kit h (cl-a- n) in

    " of ttfrt rS.-rr-, Mr. Sie.w, who w.li continue theA rlabd San Frar.civ-..- . 1st Sept . Mate that bark I

    i;a.ia.u P.ckar 1 arrive. ; p, ke on t ie .1 1 of iu... no I..:. Jc , lxrk .ry A. Susan, ll.vtuJ, Sew lAUf.rd, bavin..-- taken

    462 boo. sperm od tin teas-.o- .

    vtssriot sr.tp. j

    !ma?7oouth, ar.d be tiued f r the whair g basir.es. ,

    i f h:p Fiur...a. of have en purcha.1by Cpl. T:. o.-- i s in.ilr-- ,h.-rn- Jr . purchase.1liHlh "f the a'-j- te named ship ol Tr..-rua- Lut.ha.-- of NewYork.

    Schr Ttioaias Jefferson, of Bton. 125 ton, bui't in Balt:ra..rein ls..5. has l.n purehae.i by l ata. l.ow-- u Chaa. iate ufschr Ami wl.iKj. ar.d otli-r- of New tie.af.,rtl. si;ir will

    tn the cai ng bn"ine under omtnaiHl of Capt. Chase.Bark Wtiiiam il shii r. 4 Satem 175 ton, new mea-ur- e-

    ment, lately in the African trade, ha been porchaed by JohnC. eg.asi. . and cttiers. uf Ssolein to be employed m thewnaii Lutmea.

    Tiaicrs rriMs.There are in New Wale etnplovej

    exttac'ing oil Irm car.nel coal foind about twenty f.ir iril.- -'r.o Sydney. The mal yi. Ids from 4' to 15 g ili- - n of oil toX 7. IAi..iti .! or tn Krrrxre Law.. Wittiam Wiicvix, wasarte,;-- ,! on Frulay last, by V. S. Ieputy Marslil Cobb ujwin awarrant ly tde t'isrrict Court, charzins with havingCimitttd a fraud up-- n the revr r.ue of the I'nitel States, hy jro.ari. , f certain fale invoices of certain cedar shingle im - rt- -rd in the W ai-- b. The at once cave Ibond t.r Iu apiearai.ee at Court. Lft, 11.

    Whilvsi, A larg sch'sl of whabs. says the Cape Ann A4--,r... r. I ave l- -m in the Bay djnng the past week. Iln-- .fMlt .,i,.nir us that - canard 4ii. between Thatcher'sl.tan i Leht an I littern Point, whi.e the ve-s- cl wa rur n t g 'in (.Q f n,s T f;ern. n. Th y w- -r quite lively, and tlMrir at,t:a a th-- v w .m and Mowed. iesT.e.1 an animated scene.

    - i '4 r ur olaist f.sherrae.s nrver reci ii'ct the time whenncr- - v.ti w n.iir.i .t tr.e..-n:-. n'ini m ...m. ..r... ,and th prob-- Hy a.:cr-un- t for the shyr.c-- s of the raackrrel acl

    Halter Ulimd Repwrt.

    Ju'.t; 1'". Itnl l ark U- kul'm. W.r aimHh.J'.y (trifl kirk to loailAu5 u Tw-tm- i n rc M.it. n, irait, f Sew BeUfoH Hi

    C ai. Out, 0i'J tyi'.S 4tf U.i, taUCnti eCCart. Onr.t r. ;.rti at Ap.i rrk M, . f New r.e.frl.

    26 n: 4. '.u: U'J ul.ii f il. A4o. II. li. M.'s ru hit.j a tru arun-- the Ai . r i a.

    op near . .w iloiiaiid. to Krit'.bb:rburn :'h nrtirU r.f api'rfl ir it. Jhf

    ..l-- .l !r m Ai.ia Man-- 4 . f. j-- t nruie ith jimm. Th: re- -I.rt iks r;u aary by a e..:l Lraut:.r ai'.h Ata--

    'fuauo.r I'v. 'J . a . . a utrb 111 I ' ll i 'I ruiuvu.:!. .IU KUrJ.

    MiperinteriiK-i.- t ltker'5 lianJ.

    IMfUKl.Fr. ir I .am. s .r. i- -2 cv.t!.ir c. c ke.

    l bx h'rn..:-.at-- a a c cm ai,.i n 2'2 I x n.oAhniery, 1 x mar le. 1 pitce irrat.it- -. 1 bxs.iv,r. 1f.kg ifr.. I ca- -s lv.k. 1212 ei oak .lank. 3 irriaij:...1 ei:s nail?, i ce teaii, o.tie pit'-r- i nitp. J i'o:s lijcs yrm-- . 1 t ale 12 J - w -- .i..t--, 11 j r p-- . 1 farmers 0 d-- j atN. 10 1 rck Jw.xa.3 hxs fartii- -tare. 2 C4 ffiaAawnre. 15 t"Ii and U Oka coal?.. loO 'b ce

    i.t.-.t-, i art.!- - n at-- , t c i.r iuc.r. s.ui -- i rutr

    ral! 1.5Ji k.K tKU. S lf.a.1. 1 tw.r.e. 1 hxrr.arhiie, a cs axe hai.div. 2'J bi.:i piu.'h. 'J hhis t:r. 15 ibismetai'ic paint. 8 cs 5 kc- - shiathirir r.a:!. 2iJ c bn-- r

    4 k- -r paa.:s. ii cs cr.. .;o t.t.U tine sir. J. l.Ukvlio. I case wr tiS. 4 pkps fear. I'i h- -- i. 4 I, sl.ni:, 3(.fc;rs ok M cs.s hea-!- s ar.d h rip. 1 i ith", IS cs chaiiis.

    11 cs!ii cu.ixiti.-- i .ki. 5.1 cl prvserv.-- . 1 J txs c- rn : inrh.;u M. vmpar. 20 cs & I't.is siIt. "2 cs ci0'U!-- . 10 ixsl.riiO.l brick. 2u tx yeast p'W ler. 10 jr Lxs tsh. 20 ki:t 5.!..24 l krs hardware, i.5 stoves Htid ik cs a'lie. hxs bricks. 6

    riven, 5 pkL's caps. 4 pk,rs c x pers India, l!d pkr u5peci-Be- dmdse.

    From Gran pr Orej .n. S'.v. 11 9 csks Cuc .anul oil, 3ibills wliii bone. 5 ieathen.

    FriTO IfaKKa'.-- . Istasb per Kaniebameha V, Ni.f. 12 10tni.i o! 1 iron. ltJ in.pty harr-!s- . 5 ;itrr c -- ka, 2 I bis old

    1 bx cpi-- r boil.. 1 hrse cart. 1 inn pun.p and pipe.rrom . imuhi 11 er arna. .viv. ji 1 ox ptams, 1

    bx si.ver fcare. fcl us paint ml. 44 b 011:0ns, 77-- i ptrs"21v t x appio ai.d pear. H t ale bi.-s-, 23 pk-- s dry t'-i- J. 5pk.;s 1 pe ts. 152 i.xs bread. 1'oa) 4r k fl- iir. ;i

    barley, lu4 bars M:a:.9, 1 safe. 7 pfe? furu:ture. 2 cs tin-ware. (5 sb ves. 1 case ciurs 15 pkirs spirits, 7 cs photographicmatrnal. 47 pkits nilse.


    a "e;ip" kbatter, m W" be. 1. 14 bi..s efk, s cas brrad, cc flour, 3csks Sails. M ban polabx.

    F. Srw li.r.r.iKb- -r I,al;:a. S..v. Kth-2- 357 hd!(275(t.T 1- 1- wt.al-bo- r.. Wcsk. (15 192 falls, oil. lirJo

    . Csks (J2o.U2'i (.:.! aha.e dl, V bols 1 sa..lie. 2 ca. sg:u. 3 cs assort.-.- ! l:.pa-.r- , 1 cases bread. 1 l es M .ur. 2j birsl.tai.is, cell rope, a Cases brau.iy, outs nose coupln.?, lot

    i of dulinaiet.Value f:gn. ...$li4 55 I Transhipped i27C,lal 20

    F"K s CaciSK r wl.aleship W inslow, Sov. 9th 40i skfiour, co bas ftotaioc.

    Fua a Cai ik whaieship Wm. iiiff-rd- . s .v. I3rh 31 11 -- M.b ai.ee. 1'JO bai.-- fi"Ur. oO I.J. bread 2 kes butter. 2lbl.ls b-- 5 k he.d. aial h' . ci; toalinc, 1 coil cultiuifal.oV9.p-.lalo9- , 45b Us shook.

    FoK A (. Rt'isK per whak-shi- Ct.an.pion, SuV. 12ib H sks; ptaba, ;$ bb. e.iur.i F .R rr,uT..s-p- er wh!hip Splet.di !, Sov. 9:i 1 bids

    ' ' bul W' 10 " l'r"J' d- - k c 'ar' 1 butler. 40 ski I1""- -

    . tis-i- r-r whui-sh- ip R Sov. 15th 33 bapsi ,,,1 j uil uianila, 2 cs jeikiw i:.eUl, 1 keg compositionj i,j.:ts.J .. . . . .. .'k'' I .lr.i u r.iv.-.- .. . - s. - - -I V""u7.";:'- - TV,, KeV.l ' St rJidiu Ly 1 11, Thotaas Say re,

    M.T.IM.r ldth Josei h lirewer, IVter; i,abo'.'s, JohnY.Hiiig-- a.j F,.m Hum's e--r K iui.ii .ini.-li-- i V., Sov. 12th

    Win Uabcoca, W C Mue, aud 2S laborer 3C.Fa. n Sas Fuasri.-r- .i r Sarita. Nov. 11th II C. Knitzin- -

    ' Cer. Ja-- i bun. W J Fisher. 1 A Wlsar.-n- II lu..-r- . MmmI .i. loerir. I. S lv-:- er, i II H.ir.-f-S, Ailred Uaiidail, W Voung,j tamuei sriiva, cb..r.es DetK.n-- 12.

    Ia n W iMiviiiV 1'i.i.TS pe rKilail-- a. S-- r. Inf. O P Judd.t 1 ..... 11 r. ei..., i.. k Meuaif. u li md. Z Iiai is. Cai t.- ' ''

    j l'u" ......In. V.IKnwaK ri.TS e r ixiiaii. 1..0 ...1.McCeik. Admiral II K fhaicher. lady and d ; II Turion.Mr Thursi'in and 2 childP-u- , Cspl I'aun, Mrs O It Andre w, UBeUd.i.B.t,tiai--Jt40d- k. i

    Fn.in r.i itiTfc ivr C niibri.l.'e. S-- v. . Mr an Ij lady. Mr ale:it:ne Ireher, Mr. ri. ixiitnni.-- t

    THE PACIFICCoinincrcial Advertiser.

    SAl'L'HD AY, AO VKMIl I'.R 17.Avoxu our weekly notes we rublislr a brief

    statement of the arrest of W. C. JorHs, fe-i-p,

    which incurred last week, under circumstances!which have exuted unusual interest in the com- -munity. It at) ears that this gentleman took a ;document to the nlFice ol the Public Kecoider

    '-- a- .nuro,that id's.me wav the clerk of the Minister of itVthe Interior obtained knowledge of the docu- -ment, and ehowed it to interested parties. Here

    .. . .. i.n;..;..i .im. tl1..10 ix oa.i.1 4.11. .IUI4IIVII V. UIUVIUI uuij. 1 1'VPublic Kegistry is a tacred olSee, and no manhas a right to interfere or oltruct the privileges '

    concedes equally to every citizen. A mau'may alienate all his right and interest to anyand all proj-rt- he may have, aud no govern- -""ent ofiicer has any right to interfere or even i

    . . 'know of it until it be recorded. Ihe Queen, if :she chooses, mav cive all her iroTertv into the....MM I.F II II V '.11.' XX' 1 till V..r).lll i

    . . . .. . .has ot it until recorded. 'ii,any right to Know a uu ;husiiiess of the office is privatt and sacrtd, andwhoever violates that privacy is censurable,whether it be a clerk or a crown Minister.While we hi"hly respect Messrs. Widematin andt , . . . ... . ...l.rivill, V, U ICCI UUUUVI IO J.iUOilCIJ CCII'UIC XI1I3violation of trust.

    Tu understand the wh.de of this case, it mustbe stated that for several years, Mr. C C. Ilar--!ris has acted as financial agent of Queen Ka- -'lama, and, as is generally believed, with noauthority by power of attorney. She has fre--Jqueutly called for a statement of her affairs inhis hands, but with no successful result. Shethen applied to Mr. Jones, to endeavor to obtainsome statement. This gentleman would acceptthe service, only under a full iwer of attorney,which after having been carefully interpreted to jher, in the prtsence of Ei.cor.ii r 1J row n, signedhJ 1"-- r. d ccttiliwl to by him, was ordered tobe recorded.

    tlb rerort u m, and e believe it to utrue' that Mr- - llarrl3 "e --AI"t "l 'nance.and late agent of the n, on finding,through Mr. W idemar.ii. what was in progress,TTOmjited the arrest of Mr. JolleS on the tWOwarrants referred to. If this le true, it must1 viewed as an arbitrary abuse of power, which

    ,cannot t t.x severely reprimanded. The dis--missal of the charges Would indicate that therelaJ been no good cause for the arrest and im- -prtsnnment. If there has Kt n no cause for imprisoiiincnt, then the liberty of a private citizenhas been violate--, and the guilty whoever

    citizenstramph-- mi. If the Minister of Finance canarrest Mr. Jones or employ to serve himto do f, he can on trump charge, anyother person who may chance to cross his track.No man can be arrested and imprisoned, no mat--t- -r for what cause-- , real or imaginary, withoutits his character and reputation.

    We consider this as t jo important a case to be

    !rJ ''J without notice. Government officersjire only the servants of the i?op!e. are

    from fr laithlosa can lonir hold.HIS J.isi.

    This casj another lfn the impro-priety of Government having businesoutide oClcial duties. Wb.-- the Mini-- -ter of Finance accepted ho should have

    all private practice. Itfor any 'ioverninent officer to continue t servetwo interests sjoner later bringinjti.em in conuict. It should a lesson, too,uildcr-officer- S ' iVCmmont not lie t'MjatlX- -pjUS lend themselves ti a .! t t ri- -

    . 1Vilte I titer StS of their Ml

    t t

    I. Conway nay. St il the countryt8 01 .cotln'l is sinif n out ,f ihe..t. r, : - I,' I (r,is- TJl.-- - l W i.r.g bar cf

    ivlai I.

    Owintoth- - intttruj :i n in tho working vfthe OvcrLma ..I-n- ii h .r fou.e Uu il.ivf, wehave Lut littl Extern Anurk-a- u Euroft-a-n

    . . . .t t t i r i u:s f'V llie 11 arr. :il. llie irjut-r.i- ,p t .. m.llMt.i tl. f..r.'l wl.ir'l. WO lflt-V- , IS ill 0t!iuree. . ,

    Ol COIi'trUft 1" II but il.-- I'DpiJlcK-- tire ir.rOWIl-i-t!.e wuv .f its eomt k'tR'n It the i!i Compuiiy,hIju !;t:iu a n.u.'..Iv vf the tfl.'-m- rh rrivilt-e- ,

    is uneortiiin i w it will cutuiut iice ot.i- -.

    : The State evcti'-- nturns are rerted to, . , - - ... : . .. .. ... P.,.in

    I'ns thar tl u--t uuviccs run-J- . Ineach the ta e Legislature? tiiere are lncreayeJ, ,

    Kr JUtdK-l- ll UlUuritic-- , while the ucieat t.iL'fnr.d are is strongly l a at

    nt. In tie C i! -- ri. . the IIpublicans will lave a iii3 three or f .ur lueUt

    UlIS HvJcatC that the Will MK illlCVin2:re)-- s iti tin euntcst that Lmly andthe IVf-idt-n- t. It stated the l it. r t It ra-jisthat there i.--- sme j.ru' ability that Pnid.-n-wi.l devIJe j fdlw a uirc ciii.iiiatvry o.Kirsi.'than of late.

    We x v.j nev rof-- renet t the si ii.ati. n di-rat- chatjout the President's akieg tlie adii.-eo- f

    Lis Attorney .i.neral riyardiiit: ti.e legality ofsetting tlt authority ol x.'ci!2;ress, or CoD- -

    . vcnill UnotlltT lajdy t'J include 11 J tativeafrom the Suth-r- and rTubahly hadno ood f.nindition. Nothing otuild le MoreIirejudiii.il tie of the l'ui n than thecontinued ho?!!- - 'eteeri the twu LraTiches ofthe 'overnmeit. There is s.jiae talk of

    the ?residei:t, hut we have no ideai that t.fihis nature can sustained, an Jtrust the leading and nu-s-t influential suites--

    .Iu"n "I lljr il ln "l!.v Tlult ,1'i-'i- -tToudv the lati.mal interests and credit. Ifthe I resident, il his IlieSS:it;e, shows a dispositionto Conciliate, tie subject of iuijieacluiieiit will,no doutt. be dr .l ted.

    A somew hat c.rioU3 l.'tt.T. j ubli.-he- d at theinstance of tlie American will bj

    , .among tie foreign IleWS, w ritten I V thecnf.denf hil n,v,r f M.ivin.ili.m in which bediaries tlie rrencli i loveriiiu.-n- t itli pursuing aselCsh "and Co.vardly COUrxi dealilliT withaj ' anj nJ..:.:n.r a CJ4 wl.Tf 0f r,0Ii,.v on theoJ -part of his Sneicign. It w ul 1 appear that the

    r 11 . 1 1 1 r 1.icAicau r.iujit ror iia? luiion eu me iiuvice 01 11 1."aent, f-j- he has concluded to make terms with

    .the Church 1 - ai.d take the held ajrainst tlie

    ,bt-ril11- but silll lliere Id il lacrt ol lUoneyi.t,1e ein0W!' ' wr :l'J W ithout It he Cannot

    lung keep the CM. The Mexieau .piesti n ismuch a rid.ile imv a ever was. The letter isan intere.-tini- r die, and if autlientic sliows the

    . .Uncertainty ol t;ench rule III 31eXICD.

    fTum lirct-- ,1 ,l0 a,lviced are very in.ire..I he Athir.tie . was! Win-kin"-- . . the- c-- e

    : telegram are mostly confined to quotations of- . -Consols, CotfiTl r.nU I niteu states bjnilS, anaarrivals and d.-- t artures cf rli.i.pmg. t cry lewnews items C'dne throllirh. The terms of thetreaty w liicli has been rutilied between Austriaand Italy, arj published, and will be foundamong the Kuropeaii selections.

    Tlie New York Trilmnc gives a full and glow-ing aceount of the reception in Kusia theAmerican Naval officers, who went carry theresolutions of Congress congratulating Czaron his (scape from the attempted assassination.I recent dinner at .Mo.-co- w, with the speechesof the Mayor and others given in lull, and thereceptions along the whole line of travel, show''oW & is attachmt-n- t of thel.us-iiiri- s Amerie:r" ' 11j.j,1 like

    r!ir ol obi ocean har the shouts of thegreatest of the world go up for love of the"ost Iree.

    In the Julv number of the Fdiriburirh- - -j' a lengthy article on the American Navy, and

    more particularly to iron-dad- s. The,writ,?r the on the j ro--gress of naval science. Referring to the MonitorMiint-noma- h, now in European jMirts, be says:

    . "Sliedo.-- s the greatest cie.lit the Ameiieaiinag. Since it must be con!es-e- d that tlieie is not aVl..j ; lt. li:Uh Xav . vLh h cubl U. stiov herby cunnerv. ur Inch she could not h 'sti-ov.- The31 i ii I. CP'SI'S ,1 io, i....... ..,!... .1... ;....!..,...:..,. . r ...1.11 il i .j.v 11111. iin j. .inni.-ie- j in .1lay will (lie. will. e coliiuioii blooil and htncrii:u.'- -

    w . . !Ui Kn.riiai,,,,,.,, wi, .i,..,,.,.this will not be sb,w to rceooiiize as worthy suc- -

    .... . . . .ri.,i.r. ! ..ii. .ivi-i- i .i.i.-i- i ..I i i......names which now till with pride the hearts ourkinsfolk on the other side of the Atlantic."

    ZLf A meeting of the creditors of Messrs.Walker, Allen & Co. was held on Thursday,which the a flairs of the company were discussed,and a statement of the liabilities and assets pre-sented. The liabilities are set down GU0.H,'O

    about half of which are owing abroad. Theassets are nominally estimated at iT("",000, ap-praising the plantations at what they awluallyindebted the firm.

    A t rorositioii was made by the firm, askimr anextension from their creditors twenty months,ad fcriu, to fAJ fljrtv j,,.r Ct.,lt. jur-n- , theflt ten ,n(jnt!;9. Tilis T rj.it It0 xva, crJialivaiXti hj t,e creditors, who express-- fuUc,,nn.j,.nv.e irl Uie llt,nity v,f the lirm to carry itout. An aTeemeiit was th.-- ilrawn tin l.i.t ,.i...tW anJ iw !iv wllidl tlK.v nrcall,jWed t(J intmue on, " having the lull management of their property and business, subjectonly to the supervision and control of a Hoard,"consisting Messrs. J. W. Austin and CharlesII. 1'iishop. This arrangement dates from the 1stof November, all accounts prior to which datewill go into liquidation. The business subse-quent to Novemln-- 1st. will be as strictly cashas

    This house litis been so intimately connectedwith the agricultural interests, ar.d is so interwoven with the reneral business of the ishiniU

    must affect hundreds if nt t thousands throughoutthe group, who are more or less ir. vol ved in it.The princirals feel confident that they willabb? to their affairs so as to s.iti.-i'- v alltheir creditors. We trust it may s, and "thatthey may long continue promote tlie develop.lut'''t of aexriculture ar.d industry.

    Tm; F..ii-- on Tl.urs.biv eveninrr. cameoff as an.,.,,need. and drew out a attendance,quite as numerous as the limits of the room would

    varied than on previous occasions, and there wa- -not so much spiiit shown on this account ia thetrading dej.ariinent. The refreshment hall waswell patroniz-'- and perhaps too Soon depleted i(fits contents. The music was supplied by thei'lhiit's band, tin .1 was excellent, as usual. The

    greatest attraction of the evening were tLe tableauxwhich were most admirably exeeut.-d- . Somethe tifrures. as "Taking the l lath." and theMarble statues tin if " Paintittor. Mu-i- c andSculi'ture" we have never seen surpassed. Anunfortunate accident occurred, in the taliin ofa kerosene lamp on to ?!. stair... uhh af't.-- hum- -t : ir l!..-il- l. ;iH t.iil out hv those on the

    P.v.m 1 o,.r" tn tl .. I ., r"'r 'a ot 1...'... s ;,r..I ei.i.dreii. alio- - three case- - ofI .tilt 111'. .i.iunti'e V. as Uoiie We Jjave m-v-kie.w ,1 uu audieaee e wit! Illote Self plfi-S.-- s-si-.- dui 11. i-- a Iltv trtis than did th..--. ahhoi,"!, l ,.

    tines 01 t.-- i,:i . Mi i" ill v at one moment. Th

    it may be, should be brought to strict account. t,ia, it ot.cur,:L,s lfl0 ja.sitii.n of a public institu-Th- eliberty of is too sacred to be thus . w, ..v,,p it ..Mt n.l at,i;,:.e

    othersarrest, a








    not placed in power to further the interests of v, ell accomodate. The walls were lyor their friends, but to faithfully xe- - nt"d w ith thiga fro-- the I'.nn!--rhilt- . and with the

    cute the trusts confided to them. When they "id of some of ln-- r ni"-- f e.p, rt w ho wereviolate these, they become amenable to public detailed for th- - occasion by Cij.;. 'aii lf..rd. Thecriticism and censure, and, ifn-o- ! be, to removal varkl.v artlch-- s on sal- - wa smaller and s

    office, no officer

    affords ofofficers

    of theiroffice,

    thrown up is impossible

    without ortu

    tf toto the

    prior.M th tiath in

    :y ''rucli;r


    it .ivii




    States, it












    ju ,.w











    ."-,- -





    artisan.-- ,

    TiitM'unis.-'i- n' K.n . m: m China. Tae I.oa- -i!i.n 7'.'.i-.i- f S.':.'n.oer loth says : It appearthat in the r.ue "I :!ie ttir.v clirper v.-.-- els iromChiaa ih it arrival on Thursd tv. the T.ti'.'-- J ''the uirir,er. -!' .t- - ii. ..kx : : m . !.:!ethe .IrtV.' arriveil at 1" K v. m.. aai the .i atll:-- I". M. Ttiis a'.'a ! imiiitii:ie..us cou.pli-::oi-

    bv three ve"t-- .!' i l n.v.irt 'as.i.v I.iore tS.:nt'.iiee 111 nth-- i- ne id tin' nnt sinahir tiseid.ditsof iii uieni nairauon. The lirst . f them receivesI Os. per toll 1M1.1. li.e I.iilf of ladia- -' ol each 'worded "with 10s. per toil it lir.--t .tiu--s-s.-- l in dock with new le.iS iro-- 1". oehow.

    " and inChina ;!i--r- i.ie a'.so extreme y I.e. ivy :i2.-i-

    . d- .-

    en.'.in-.- ' upon the race. As the cargoes ! ea. hve.--el v:'l now re.ieU the Ln'i'lmi in.nket nt thesame time, it became the interest ! the r.eoiisicaeer. that the vom-- 1 witli their s; ei ial earohoi;l 1 ii..r eel :::: d ni. they would tjnis

    the payuieiit o! j r. 1.;: :iii ! I"-- - ' ,r a ir;.which can U.-- he ol 10 prae.ie .1 beie-n- t to

    tii-- m. while on ;! oth- -l : i.i.l masters id' theV fsu-el-- s ha.l every motive oil l.el.ail" of their ownersto trie tor the victory. rO'ii by a Ui.au'.e.

    We copy the alxive from one of our exchanges,and a Jd s.-m- investing piirtioulars, w hied wehave obtained frotn a gentleman who was inHongkong when the vessels loaded andon their race. There is eon.-idcrah- k' competitionU'twivii the Knglish and American houses in thetea btisins to obtain and deliver in London orNew York the first cargo. When the new teacrop comes into market, the merchants watcheach other eagerly, no use venturing for s uietime to make a purchase, as the price therebylH.voLV.es established. The tea was arriving freelyfrom the interior, when, on Saturday, one of themercantile houses stej ped forward and made itspureha.s.. That was the eignal for a rush, andthe agents of four fast clipjiers Arid, Srica,Tavying and Fury Cross bought carg-H-- s andordered them put 0:1 board as s on as possible.The captain of tlie Tatying declined to load onSunday, as a matter of principle. The captainof one of the other ships, although profesdng torespect the day being orie of those praise-tio- dbarcboiies. who sometiims get afloat in the world

    left for up-riv- Ids mate taking charge andloading his ship on Sunday. The two other shipsalso loaded 011 Sunday, hoping to get the startthereby.

    On Wednesday thrj vessels were ready forsea, and the tug-bo- at towed out first the Ariel,next the Sirica, and was engaged to take theTin yinj, but on her return from towing out thesecond vessel, broke down. The Tat ping wasthus coiujielled to wait 24 hours', and sailed onThursday. The Fury Cross was loaded, buthad not cleared, but the captain, determined notto be behind his competitors, slipped his chainand went to sea without Lis papirs, aud had noteven signed a bill of lading. This will give someidea of the competition.

    The two firt named ships left Hongkong onthe COth of May, the last two i n the 31st, andarrived at London on the Gib of September. TheTarring' passiige was 'JS days, the other twoO'J days each. Tho Fury Cross had not yetarrived. These shijs are all built for speed, andare among the fastest cliprcrs afloat. Here wasa race of lG.OOU miles, and not two hours differ-ence in the arrival of three ships. Our inform-ant says that there was great excitement inHongkong over this contest, and thousands ofpounds were staked on the result. He made amodest Venture of ii 100 on the Tar-ping- whichhas won the race, and will have the satisfactionof knowing the risult before leaving port.

    Hoxoi.t i r. Nov. 12. isilfi.Mi . EniToit : I notice in the letter of your Maui

    correspondent, in the Advertiser of the 10. h. thatsome uf the planters of M ini are extending thearea of their cultivation, in order to make up the.1 :.. ... .i ., t,j,reasoning, no doubt, that the increased expense ofproduction will be much loss per pound for such

    i increase.As no new capital for machinery, and but little

    if any increase of the expensive skilled labor wouldbe required, the reasoning would be sound if thepresent prices could continue to be realized : butas ti e . resent prices have been produced, withoutquestii.ii. by an over production or supply, whatassurance can we have that tint price will not gostill lower if we add to the surplus already goinginto the market? Have we not reason to expect afurther declin- - in such a case?

    The removal of dimes from sugars in the UnitedStales would not help the planters very much, if atall, if the tai ill" were so revised us to make the ex-emption general for all sugar growing countries,because it would leave the supply the same, asevery other country could enter its sugars for thesame that we could do ; but a reciprocity treaty,by which we could export sugars to the UnitedStates free, exempting in return certain articles ufAtneiieail production of a kind that Spain. France.Holland and 'Ircat biitain could not well furni-- h(they being suiii.r pr.sbu.ini; countries, havine treaties withthe t'nited States with puri-- articles), wouid relieve the mar-ket, as. payinp duty, they could not introduce tlieir sugars ascheaply as the SaDdaich Islands could theirs.

    The real obstacle to such a treaty, no doubt, lies in the greatpublic debt nf the L'.iited states, which renders it imtierative(as tlie authorities think, no doubt.) to continue to Mx the pro-ductions of every land to the utmost, short of prohibition.

    With thin.' as they are, incr-as- ed production will be noremedy fir the evil of t.w rices it wilt tend to depress pricesstill more, ni:.kiri2 the loss in prices ipiite tiual to the gain inq imury. The brief history of our su.-n- r m.rket, for thirtyyears past, illustrates the r..!uliou of supply and on .1small scale. In 13.17. sutrar teas in.re'rted from l! it .n and costhere-- on arrival, with .u; d itie, about 12j 13 cents per pound ;but supply and d tna.nl were both small. Stimulated by thehijih price, tao or three parties planted cane, ami soo i (;lutte.lthis home market, and ait'. in a few years beiiutiful sugar wassold in mat bas at aucti'.n for 4 rents ptr pound-- , but therewn? then only a home market, and parties who had enpaye.l inpiatttitic, fin li::ir their suu' .rs a drug, there bein absolutelyno coii peiisattt a demand, turned the cattle and h. ps into theirlauii til pr.en caiieUeids. and eo.h.irked in other enterprisi-g- .After the acquisition i f Calif, rrna by the I nited States, and

    after the discovery gold, a demand arose in thatquarter ahk-- ha kept up to the present time, and at goodprices, lilt within a year, through all phava of impost dutiesby the l i.i.ed States, from an ad val rem duty equal to 131 Jcents per p 'Uud. arid sul.seTaetitly a uniform specific duly ofj.fi 2 cent per pound just previous to the war. Subsequently agraduated sp'CiSc duty of from 2 to 4 cent per .uud wasin--r and later still 3 to 5 cents, which r.i; remains.Under ail of these dill- - rent tana" sugars continued to pay well,ar, 1 with lit much variation in the nit prtretdi to the planter,until the pries had so stimulated tioti as to overstockthe market, ir.akin g the supply o uch larger than the conump-- h

    .n and depressing pries as a nee. ssary result. To restorethe ciune of depression must he removed, the-- supply be

    reduced to the den.ai.d h.r c.r.sun.ption, ar d then, ami n- t tillthen, will sugar, experience any advance; and toput additional quantities into the market will on'.v ! pr ss itmore ar. l more. I'tilcss a treaty f recipr .cay can l obtained,I can see no oth- -r feasibie m-t- h ,d hri what I have I in-dicated. The refineries will buy our sucars in case of a treaty,

    they will have the advantage of ail duty paving sugar'!They w ii buy them, in case th-- re is no treatyinstead of g.ingelsewhere, and with the planter's in reducing thesupply io the demand, btcause itha thern Ibey have a c unm inii lere-- t in such a result.

    Yours truly, a. Castle.

    Attention AI3 ! For SaleONE BOL'RNE'S SI"A RE. KOIM.-corriere- d,

    fuil 7 octave, finished hack I'lANa.One W'heeier A; Wilson's Sewins Machine.

    One superior Spring Mattrass.A 'so. the, Fti re rf F-f'- .'..i.jcs.

    Will be Sold nt Auction Prit-ea- . Call and see,at the House, Hotel St., opposite i.eti'iMrs. C. tilLLESI'IC.


    fBMIE rXIIKRSKJXKI) ENTERED INTOa copartnership on the loth instai.t. under the lirm initioof 1. W. NoKToN A: Co., for the i urts, , f carrying on thebusiness of a co perage in all its branches.i. W. NOKTON,

    54 S. M. CAK1KK.

    Aoiici:.'HE tVI.ERSr;NKi INTENDS LFV- -I -g th s King-,- , nj. and requ -- tj a!l parties l,.,M,r,g &u.cur apa-t st to ;.ree-,- t th'-- for et'.lerr.er,t.

    aii part... int r.te,i to tf,e crm of Nr he A; Krugr. ar re! ?:i 11 to call a.. I s- -l :r:" F. Kliri.l B.

    .. "27Yt . , j3i2i.Vs"

    The Stnta had a long pa-s-a--M .ui-- .V Hi 0 t tiik considering the seasonbutfrom San Francisco,She brought hut a sma 1of the vear, not unusual.

    mail, which w:)s the New York mail of--ept. 21.

    That of Oct. 1 had not anived up to the .'Ith. and

    it isprohahle m:-- ht 'I.e. out several dayslon-.- r.

    .iwitolhe severe Mmm in the Allan. ie. whu--prevailed carl v in ( 'ct. Ler. The bark Corw.


    Sau up to Oct 21.)ha.l not arrived atwould proha dv b avr th.it port about the

    Mh orYork mails of Oct. 1loth in- -' Hiid brim: the New

    ,! nth. as K the paoi:gers by the steamers ofthose dates. Her arrival may be confidently


    pected November. Theofl.v the to --'bill.. ' f... would leave San rratieicol ! '11', " ' that lmcertaintyabout tin- - sum." lime, but there is noshe w ill touch lu re.

    (HiMiiE.-- A:i interesting letter from ourKur.-i.ea- correspondent will be found on our first

    fourth, variety of new spage, and on the a

    AFOMf i-- Aflll"CK.Importers. YVli e aud Uetail OcsltTs ia tienfral

    Mrrrli:uidir and iliiiicsr booils.Fire-pro- of Store ainnM Strt-r- f 547 lyfudir the liail.

    A. S. CI.KlillOK-- .;

    Dcalrr In tlfiirral Morrhandisflire-pro- of Store, J. V-- . t . .1. Opfi

    C oruer Kaahuiunnu "! u. rii M., ' S. (i 1 tp K I.N", Master.I tt.p,ie Makee-- s BLk.) H'o7 .II f't'V 2'i.vyii'r fr.r ttfI ..,, Retail establiihroeot on Suoano utreet, above KmT. U(,"W.! ia'atid I'roduoe boucl.t and sold. Island orders rare fully For I'.issage only apply to , ('1 r! attended to. " M !LiLKCK

    Executors' Notice.mIR F.XKd TORS OFthe a ill of TKol'HILlB Mf.TCAI-F- , late of lorno ulu.ls'an.1 orOabu. deceased, I., re y give not.ee to all persons

    l,.iv- -

    iue claims against the esta
