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ZzzLOA Free Report

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1. Can I win the lotto within the 1st 12 months of practicing the L.O.A I get a lot of questions emailed to me regarding different applications or aspects of the Law of Attraction. One of the first questions people ask me when they learn about the law of attraction is “Can I use the Law of Attraction to win the lottery?” The short answer Yes. Yes you can. You can use the law of attraction to manifest anything you want. Period. No exceptions. Ever. The more in depth answer So, why haven’t you won the lottery yet? You’ve wanted to for ages. You’ve wished for it, you’ve prayed about it, you stuck a lottery ticket to your vision board and fantasized about your Ferrari and the Mansion you’ll have when you hit the jackpot. If you really can use LOA to win a few million dollars, then why haven’t you? Well, just because you have the ability to do something, doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily the easiest or even the best way. Winning the lottery using the law of attraction can be easy if you know 100% how to apply the law of attraction, but when

1. Can I win the lotto within the 1st

12 months of practicing the L.O.A I get a lot of questions emailed to me regarding different applications or aspects of the Law of Attraction. One of the first questions people ask me when they learn about the

law of attraction is “Can I use the Law of Attraction to win the lottery?” The short answer Yes. Yes you can. You can use the law of attraction to manifest anything you want. Period. No exceptions. Ever.

The more in depth answer

So, why haven’t you won the lottery yet? You’ve wanted to for ages. You’ve wished for it, you’ve prayed about it, you stuck a lottery ticket to your vision board and fantasized about your Ferrari and the Mansion you’ll have when you hit the jackpot. If you really can use LOA to win a few million dollars, then why haven’t you?

Well, just because you have the ability to do something, doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily the easiest or even the best way. Winning the lottery using the law of attraction can be easy if you know 100% how to apply the law of attraction, but when

you 100% know how to apply the law of attraction you can attract most things, and lotto may not be the top of your list, but it will certainly help.

Here’s what it takes to win the lottery In order to win the lottery using LOA (and really, you wouldn’t win it any other way. EVERYTHING that happens, happens because of the law of attraction. The only question is whether it happens deliberately or not), you have to line up several things:

You have to believe you can do it

You have to really, truly believe that you CAN and WILL win the lottery. Any thought such as “Only other people win”, “only old people or foreigners win”, or “It’s a long shot”, will sabotage your chances. You have to remove all contradictory beliefs and thoughts. If you want to win the lottery within 12 months then you need to have the belief inside you that you can win within 12 months, not I will win one day because that is not specific enough. It is just like setting a goal e.g. “I want to lose 6 kilos in 3 months”, you need to be clear that you will win in 12 months and make plans about where you will be going on holidays within 12 months and start looking at some new houses, I mean some real big houses and when the real estate agent asks you have you got your finance arranged tell him that you will be paying cash and that you will have the funds available within the next 12 months. Go and test drive the new car and when the car salesman asks if you have your finance arranged, tell him you do not need finance because you will be paying cash.

You have to drastically raise your money vibration

You have to line up with the frequency of increasing your wealth by that much money in one go. If you’re currently making $30,000 a year, then that’s where your vibration is at. You may want to earn and have more, but your physical reality is always a representation of your current vibration. So, in order to win the lottery, you’ll have to raise your vibration around money to the degree that it allows a few cool million to come into your life. That’s quite a quantum jump. Go shopping and start looking at those expensive clothes and I mean real expensive clothes, who cares about the price tag.

You CAN manifest anything you want, but…

So yes, you can manifest truly anything you want, but some manifestations are definitely easier than others. Anything that feels like a huge deal, like it’s going to change your life in one fell swoop, is most likely a huge vibrational shift – a quantum jump. They’re incredibly difficult to achieve and nearly impossible to hold on to. If you want to be a millionaire, focus on the lifestyle you want and then gradually change your beliefs and thoughts, while letting the Universe slowly and steadily change your physical

reality to reflect those shifts. The chances are very good that using this approach, you’ll get to that million dollars much faster than if you keep concentrating on winning the

lottery. The larger the desire, the harder time you’ll have believing in its existence before it

shows up in your physical reality. If you keep checking and seeing that it’s not there yet, if you keep focusing on its absence, you will keep sabotaging your manifestation.

To learn more about Lotto and the Law Of Attraction get the full report here www.lawofattractionlottoguide.com

2. What beliefs do I need to win lotto

using the law of attraction?

To win the lottery using the Law of Attraction, you must achieve a 'state' of total BELIEF and absolute CERTAINTY that you will win.

Ask any Olympic athlete how they won their gold medal, and almost certainly they will tell you that they had absolute belief that they were going to win. So you might ask well if 5 athletes all have the same belief and they are all in the same competition then who will win?

You would have to think that it would be the person with the most belief, who believed in their abilities the most? You can apply this to every area of life.

There are people that have very limiting beliefs that the ONLY way to achieve financial goals is through working real hard, lots of sacrifices, lots of struggles.

What a load of crap! We were not born to work hard and struggle, we were born to live and enjoy all the great things in life but quite often it is our own beliefs that stop us from getting everything we want.

Do you have any of the following beliefs? Money is not that important to me I am not a materialistic person – money is nothing I was not born into a wealthy family

There are other things more important than money Easy money is NO good Easy money has no value (Easy comes, easy goes) Only working hard to make money has merit Getting money the easy way has no merit If something comes too easy to me, it has no value. Only Greedy people have lots of money There is only enough money for a few to be rich

Do you have any of these beliefs, if so you are blocking money from coming to you. You might want to replace some of your limiting beliefs with the following:

I am a money magnet

I love money

Money Loves Me

I am a winner

Money flows to me

There is so much money in the world

I am so lucky

I always win prizes

I love giving away money

I win the lottery, I win the lottery, I win the lottery!!

To learn more about mastering techniques for attracting wealth, be sure to get the full report here. www.lawofattractionlottoguide.com

3. What is The 3 step process to win

lottery using the law of attraction?

Using the law of attraction to win the lottery is like manifesting any other goal or desire, but sometimes it can be hard to know exactly what to do when trying to attract something very specific. This EBook is going to share a simple, 3-step process that you can use daily to begin attracting money through lottery wins.

Step One:

As with manifesting any goal, it is vital to visualize the outcome you want.

In this case, you want to visualize yourself being a lottery winner.

But there are several ways to do that, right?

Any of the following will work.

• You can visualize yourself having already won and enjoying the money.

• You can visualize yourself actually winning - seeing the winning numbers on your ticket.

• You can visualize yourself winning but focus only on the emotional joy and excitement that you feel.

• You can visualize yourself going to the lottery office to pick up your cheque.

• You can visualize yourself going to the bank to deposit your cheque . . . and so on.

Spend time each day (a minimum of 10 minutes a day) visualizing any or all of these scenes with a lot of excitement and happiness.

Step Two:

Let go of the desire to win when you are not actively visualizing. You don't want to obsess over it because that can quickly turn into "attachment" which will block the wins from arriving. (Have you noticed that when you desperately "need" to receive something it stays away?)

Instead, go about your daily activities and don't think too much about the lottery. Buy your tickets like usual - DON'T spend excessively on tickets in the hopes that you will win faster; just buy the amount you normally do unless you feel a strong nudge to buy an extra one.

Step Three:

Stay open to inspired nudges! Once you begin actively working with the law of attraction to win the lottery, you may start getting "feelings" about certain tickets, or a set of numbers may jump out at you and you'll get a feeling you should play them. Pay attention to these feelings and follow them when you can. This is your intuition guiding you or some would say a happy little nudge from the universe.

Don't be surprised at first if nothing comes from them - it's all part of the learning process as you develop your intuition and align with the outcome you are focusing on (winning). As you go along your hunches should get clearer and more accurate.

To see real life examples of people who were opened to inspired nudges, and increase your chances of winning lotto be sure to get the full report here www.lawofattractionlottoguide.com

4. Can you prove to me that people

win lotto using the law of attraction? Well have a look for yourself!

4 Time Texas Lottery Winner Rich with Money, Mystery!

BISHOP, Texas (June 14) The odds that Joan Ginther would hit four Texas Lottery jackpots for a combined nearly $21 million are astronomical. Mathematicians say the chances are as slim as 1 in 18 septillion -- that's 18 and 24 zeros.

Did you see the odds of that? 1 in 18 septillion!

Ginther won $10 million last year,

She split $11 million in 1993

$2 million in 2006

$3 million in 2008

The Texas Lottery Commission has seen repeat winners before, but none on the scale of Ginther. Spokesman Bobby Heith said the agency has never investigated Ginther's winnings -- three scratch-off tickets and one lottery draw -- for possible fraud but described the verification system as thorough.

Ok, well you might say well that was just the biggest coincidence ever, well here is another classic example my friends!

U.S. family wins lotto three times, netting some $15.8 million

A U.S. family has won the lottery three times, taking home nearly $US 15.8 million all up. Kimberly McCauley, of Charlotte, North Carolina, won $US100,000 playing the new instant scratch off game 10X the Money, the Associated Press reports.

Her mother, Amy, won $161,172 playing Carolina Cash 5 in the North Carolina Education Lottery in April 2007.

But the family's biggest prize came in 1991, when Amy won $15.5 million in the New York Lotto, according to the local paper, Charlotte Observer.

She also came home with two $1000 prizes playing the state's lottery $130 Million Blockbuster game in 2009.

How did they do it ladies and gentleman? Well I've really spent a long time studying those who have won; and there a several reasons why - to make it simple after the first time they won they were lucky enough to know what it felt like. As they had been in that state before so all they have to do is get on the same frequency of winning lotto and they keeps attracting more wins, they may not even be doing it deliberately, they could simply be thinking about how they won or talking about how they won and while they are doing this they are sending out a positive by vibration to the universe and attracting it more and more. Have a look all over the internet at all the examples of people who have won lottery multiple times. Do you think it is an accident? Seriously do you think someone is that lucky that they can win 4 times with the chances being 1 in 18 septillion? Can you see how the Law of Attraction is responding to their vibration!

This copy is only the tip of the iceberg as far as mastering these techniques go, so be sure to order the full guide and complete your lotto apprenticeship! www.lawofattractionlottoguide.com
