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Content 目錄

About Us 關於我們 5 Key Figures of the Year 年度重要數字

6 Chairman’s Message 主席的話

8 Executive Director’s Report 總幹事報告

11 Business Review 2017-2018 年度業務回顧

20 Financial Highlights 財政摘要

24 Corporate Governance Structure 機構管治架構

25 Organization Chart 組織結構

26 Corporate Governance Members 機構管治成員

Feature Stories 專題故事

32 BGCA Care Basketball League BGCA CARE 籃球聯賽計劃

38 An Aesthetic Encounter with Autism Project 「尋找•獨覺秀」– 與自閉症以藝相見計劃

44 Internet Learning Support Programme 上網學習支援計劃

48 Youth ImpACT Award (YIAA) 感創敢為 – 青年社會創新服務獎

Service Overview 服務概覽54 New Initiatives 創新服務

58 Regular Service 恆常服務

68 Work Foci 服務重點

83 Research and Advocacy 研究及倡議

84 Competitions and Fundraising Events 比賽及籌款活動

88 Scholarship Schemes 獎學金計劃

91 Service Units List 服務單位名錄

99 Stationing School Social Work Service 駐校社會工作服務學校

Acknowledgements 鳴謝

101 Acknowledgements 2017-2018 鳴謝

BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報4

Founded in 1936, The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA) has been established to serve children and youth throughout different eras with its need-specific and community-based service in its comprehensive service network.

In 1930s, there were a lot of neglected and uneducated street children in Hong Kong. At that time, BGCA nurtured these street children and helped them unleash their potential to be a constructive member in the society. Through literacy and skill-set trainings, games and sports as well as material aids for these children, BGCA aimed to improve their knowledge, skills, talents and interests needed to lead a successful life.

As time goes and with the rapid changes of Hong Kong, BGCA has been continuously evolving to meet the changing needs of our society and to offer all-round support to our young generation through a balanced development approach.

In recent years, BGCA has paid special attention to the early childhood development of children. Aside from actively developing service for young children, we have also integrated the concept of “early intervention” in early childhood development into different service areas. We have additionally develop “Child Alliance” which is a platform linking up different sectors, to encourage an exchange of ideas on children’s personal growth issues, and to promote social policies that are conducive to children’s development. At the same time, BGCA has continued to expand its innovative service, such as providing an online support platform for emotionally distressed youth, creating Makerspaces that focus on innovative thinking, and establishing the Youth ImpACT Award, which encourages youth to apply and practise human-centered design on social service innovation.

香港小童群益會始創於 1936 年,在過去數十載,我們一直透過遍佈全港的服務網絡,按照當時的地區及兒童和青少年的情況,提供切合時代需要的服務。

在 20 世紀三十年代,香港有很多流連街上缺乏適當照顧的失學街童。本會幫助這些孩子發掘潛能,培育他們成為對社會有貢獻的人。我們透過基本的識字班、技能培訓、互動遊戲和運動項目,以及物資援助,提升他們的知識和技能、發揮天賦和培養興趣,讓他們能夠成功踏入社會。



About Us 關於我們


About Us


Key Figures of the Year 2017-18 年度重要數字

Our Vision and Mission.�To help children and youth attain a well-balanced moral, intellectual,

physical, social and aesthetic development.�To nurture children and youth to become contributing citizens.�To strengthen the functioning of families.To raise parental and social awareness of our younger generation’s

welfare, particularly of disadvantaged groups, and to strive for the rights to which they are entitled, through concerted efforts with service recipients and the general public.

Our key work foci in 2017 - 2018.�Alleviating child poverty.�Assisting children with special educational needs .�Fostering child and youth mental health .�Encouraging social participation

本會訂定的四大服務宗旨.關注兒童及青少年身心均衡發展.培育兒童及青少年成為對社會有貢獻的公民.加強家庭的功能.促進家長和社會人士對兒童及青少年的關注, 特 別 是 處 於 不 利 環 境 的 組 群 ; 與 服 務 對 象 及社會人士攜手為他們爭取應有的權利和福利



Key Figures of the Year 2017-18 年度重要數字

82 years

272,264 70,753




$521,267,000$475,066,000 981




8 (Published) 206 (Given)

BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報6

Dr NG Yin-ming Chairman, Executive Committee吳彥明醫生 執行委員會主席

Chairman’s Message 主席的話

百花齊放 轉變中捉緊方向 轉變帶來挑戰,還有機遇。去年香港政府管治班子換屆,適逢本會總幹事交棒,會內會外皆有一番新景象。在萬變之中若要持續發展,機構必需有清晰明確的方向。


Steering Firmly Ahead in Times of ChangeWith change comes challenges and opportunities, and a year of change it was last year, when leadership succession at The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA) coincided with the change of leadership in the Government of Hong Kong. In times of change, having a clear direction for the way forward is all the more essential to our continued success and development.

In the past three years, BGCA maintained a clear focus on early childhood development, not only developing service for young children, but also transplanting the concept of ‘Early Intervention’ from early childhood development to other areas of service. For example, in their work to strengthen family ties, the Family Life Education units paid special attention to the parenting needs of first-time parents, while the Outreaching Social Work Service units gave special support to young parents facing family, financial and personal stress in their work to prevent juvenile delinquency. The concept of ‘Early Intervention’ has been applicable to a wide range of service because of the links between the different stages of a person’s life. A toddler’s upbringing has a great impact on his/her later development, so it is important for parents in need to receive adequate help, so that they could devote sufficient time and effort to care for their child using the appropriate approaches. Also, the values developed during one’s adolescence could influence one’s attitude towards family planning and pregnancy, to the extent that would impact the developmental environment of a foetus in its mother’s womb. By applying ‘Early Intervention’ to various service, BGCA hopes to provide efficient and innovative service models which could be taken as reference by the government and other NGOs. To adapt to the ever-changing social environment, the Board, Committee members and management of BGCA will convene again at the Board Retreat to review our strategy and discuss timely adjustments at the end of this year, so as to further lead BGCA into the future against a backdrop of change.


About Us

7Chairman’s Message 主席的話

致力倡議 保護弱勢兒童


優化管治 取信於人


最後,本人感謝前任會長陳兆愷法官,GBM,過往六年對本會的熱心服務,並願意在卸任後繼續以榮譽會長的身份支持本會。同時本人感謝前主席鍾志平博士,GBS,BBS,JP 當仁不讓接任會長一職,以及各位董事及委員在百忙中抽出私人時間義務服務本會。本人亦衷心感謝去年底榮休的前總幹事羅淑君女士,JP*、管理層及眾前線同工以敬業樂業的精神,不辭勞苦地為下一代服務。


Strong Advocates for Protection of Disadvantaged ChildrenBGCA is especially concerned about the early childhood developments of the disadvantaged. To protect the interests of these children, NGOs will need the cooperation of all quarters of society. Since last year, under the banner of the Child Alliance, BGCA has actively organised luncheons of different themes to encourage exchange among academics, educators, social service practitioners, business representatives and government officials, and reiterated to the public the importance of exercise, reading and sufficient sleep to young children. Moreover, based on our frontline service experiences, we put up recommendations on various sociopolitical issues for the consideration of the government and the public. They include voicing opinion to the government about the establishment of the Commission on Children and publishing a position paper on protecting children against abuse in light of such incidents. Be it in the communities, at schools, on the streets or online, BGCA has always been in the forefront of service to youth and children. Our extensive coverage enables us to offer valuable perspectives to the government and the society at large, appreciate how fast-changing social landscapes can affect our next generation and understand what measures are necessary to ensure their healthy growth and development. Ride on the solid foundation of BGCA’s service, I believe that, with the right methodology, each and every one of our service could possibly serve as valuable empirical research. To that end, we will continue to strengthen our research capabilities with the help of an increasing pool of research partners so that we can make greater contributions in our cause to protect disadvantaged children.

Optimising Governance to Reinforce TrustBGCA prides itself on the trust it has earned from its years of hard work in the pursuit of its mission. We are also grateful for the precious resources afforded by the government, businesses and members of the public. We understand that in order to provide high-quality and uninterrupted service, it is important to reinforce our whole gamut of skills relating to social work, including human resources and financial management. The Board and the management are also committed to further enhancing two-way communication channels and the management model. Right after taking office, our new Executive Director, Mr Charles CHAN Kin-hung visited our service units to listen to the voices of colleagues. With his extensive experience in administration and service management, he will work alongside all staff to boost the organisation’s ability to achieve the mission of nurturing the youth.

In closing, I would like to thank the former President, the Honourable Mr Justice Patrick CHAN Siu-oi, GBM, for his six years of dedicated service to BGCA and for his willingness to continue to serve as Honorary President. I would also like to thank the former Chairman, Dr Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, GBS, BBS, JP, for stepping up to the plate to take on the office of President, and the Board and Committee members for taking time off from their busy schedules to serve pro bono. I also sincerely thank the former Executive Director, Ms Lilian LAW, JP*, who retired last year, the Management and our colleagues working in the frontline, for honouring their profession and doing their utmost to serve the young.

Even with changes, I believe that we will continue to seize every opportunity to do our part in ‘Nurturing the Youth’. Our unity and enthusiasm for what we do will make sure of that.

* Received the Medal of Honour (MH) on 1st July 2018 於2018年7月1日獲頒授榮譽勳章

BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報8

Ms LAW Suk-kwan, Lilian, JP* Executive Director總幹事羅淑君,JP*

Executive Director’s Report 總幹事報告

2017/18 對香港小童群益會來說特別有意思。因為這一年政府成立兒童事務委員會 1,是本會歷年爭取兒童權益的一個重要里程碑;這同時是本會總幹事交替的一年 2,我們慶幸在轉變中,本會上下同心繼續以各種優質服務積極回應年青一代的需要。

2017/18 was a special year for The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA). First, it was the year the government established the Commission on Children1, marking a milestone in the long journey of BGCA in championing children’s rights. Moreover, it was also a year during which BGCA had a change of the Executive Director2. It was encouraging that the challenges of the transition did not in any way impact the strong team spirit exhibited by all levels of BGCA, as they continued to meet the needs of the younger generation by providing service of the highest quality.

Dr WONG Kwai-yau, MH Acting Executive Director署理總幹事黃貴有博士,MH


About Us


本會去年延伸 80 周年學術會議所啟發,在培育新一代的工作上有不少令人鼓舞的進展: 實證為本

本會有幸得到賽馬會支持合作開展大型項目「童亮計劃」,並負責支援 16 間天水圍幼稚園的弱勢兒童及家長。而本會之執行委員會主席吳彥明醫生及早期兒童發展督導委員會主席葉柏強醫生,分別獲邀擔任該項目的主力籌委及首席調查研究員,領導項目團隊透過「隨機對照試驗」3



在賽馬會贊助下,本會去年籌備設立「青年網上情緒支援平台」,24 小時全天候支援受情緒困擾的青年,並運用人工智能技術去偵測有自殺危機的求助青年更有效地防止悲劇發生。另外配合本會早年提出中心創新服務,本年度其中三間兒童及青少年中心把部分空間改建成自造者空間,以更有效運用 STEM4 去啟發年青人的創新思維。再者,本會和陳廷驊基金會攜手策動的「感創敢為 - 青年社會創新服務獎」去年亦啟發年青人設計出 230 個令人感動的方案解決其關注的社會問題;而計劃著重培訓年青人的設計思維,由他們自己動腦筋和用同理心去建構美好的社會,這種授之以漁的服務方式本身也是一個新思維。

Executive Director’s Report 總幹事報告

BGCA saw several heartening achievements inspired by the 80th Anniversary Scientific Conference in its work of nurturing the young over the past year.

Evidence-Based Approach BGCA was fortunate to partner the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) on ‘KeySteps@JC’, a major project that supported vulnerable children and parents at 16 kindergartens in Tin Shui Wai. Dr NG Yin-ming (Chairman of the Executive Committee) and Dr Patrick IP (Chairman of the Steering Committee on Early Childhood Intervention) of BGCA were also respectively invited to be the Project Co-lead and the Principal Investigator to lead the team in search of more effective service models in early childhood intervention for vulnerable children through the Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT)3 research method. The ‘Jockey Club Trauma Treatment Service for Children’, an existing service of BGCA based on the concept of early childhood intervention, would also collaborate with the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in conducting a three-year research, looking into how different media could be better employed to treat children suffering from trauma.

Innovative Service

Under the sponsorship of the HKJC, BGCA has been setting up the "Jockey Club Online Youth Emotional Support" to provide round-the-clock support for youth grappling with emotional issues, developing artificial intelligence to identify youth at risk of suicide. In line with the innovative service initiatives launched at some BGCA’s centres some years ago, three Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres redesigned part of their premises as Makerspace this year to inspire creativity and innovation in the young through STEM4. In addition, BGCA partnered the D. H. Chen Foundation in inspiring the youth to come up with 230 impressive solutions addressing various social issues through the "Youth ImpACT Award". The nurturing approach of the programme, which placed special emphasis on cultivating a design mindset so that the youth would exercise creativity and empathy in their attempt at building a better society, was itself an innovation too.

1. The government announced the establishment of the Commission on Children on 31st May 2018. 政府於2018年5月31日宣布正式成立兒童事務委員會。 2. Ms Lilian LAW Suk-kwun, JP* retired from the position of Executive Director (ED) on 24th November 2017 and the new ED Mr CHAN Kin-hung assumed office on 24th May 2018.

During the transitional period, Dr WONG Kwai-yau, MH was appointed by the Board to be the Acting ED. 前總幹事羅淑君女士,JP*於2017年11月24日榮休,本會新總幹事陳健雄先生於2018年5月24日正式就任。董事會委任黃貴有博士,MH於過渡期間出任署理總幹事。3. Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) is a method to gauge the efficacy of a medical treatment or drug, and is commonly applied in the social sciences. 隨機對照試驗(Randomized controlled trial,RCT)是一種對醫療衛生服務中的某種療法或藥物的效果進行檢測的方法,亦常應用於社會科學領域。 4. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報10


本會去年積極推動兒童事務委員會成立的諮詢工作。其中包括於 2018 年 2 月 3 日在本會總部舉辧了一場別出心栽的兒童論壇。政務司張建宗司長和勞工及福利局羅致光局長及部分籌委會成員亦親臨參與,從互動遊戲中深入了解 150 名中學生的想法及需要。除此之外,本會總幹事層在兒童事務委員會成立前後一直出謀獻策:本會前總幹事羅淑君,JP* 和前署理總幹事黃貴有博士,MH ﹙現為本會副總幹事﹚,分別擔任其成立前的籌備委員及成立後的正式委員。本會未來將繼續運用兒童事務委員會這重要平台及推動兒童積極參與,以提升兒童福祉及權益。


面對總幹事的更替,我們感謝董事會對總幹事層作出署任的安排,讓機構的領導層平穩交接,減少服務因人事更替所受的影響。其中包括於2017 年 6 月委任陳碧輝先生及黎小玲女士為署任助理總幹事。其後,黎小玲女士於 2018 年 2月正式晉升為助理總幹事。在此,我們非常感謝本會 86 位董事、委員及顧問,他們無私且睿智地用心用力支持會務,推動年青一代的福祉,實是機構和社會的福氣。

本會去年能有如此成就,除了有董事會的支持,還多得同工們緊守崗位。另外,我們感謝23,369 多名義工與我們並肩作戰,還有 272,264服務使用者的不離不棄,讓我們能秉承培育新一代的宗旨,繼續造福人群。

Active Role in Establishment of Commission on Children

BGCA was an active participant in last year’s consultation on the establishment of the Commission on Children. BGCA held an innovative children forum at our headquarters on 3rd February 2018 in which the Chief Secretary for Administration Mr Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung and Secretary for Labour and Welfare Dr LAW Chi-kwong, as well as some of the preparatory committee members, participated and gained insights through playing interactive games with about 150 secondary school students. The Directorate of BGCA has also been actively making recommendations to the Commission on Children, both before and after its establishment. In addition, our former Executive Director, Ms Lilian LAW Suk-kwan, JP*, was a member of its preparatory committee while the former Acting Executive Director, Dr WONG Kwai-yau, MH, (now the Deputy Executive Director) has been a member of the official committee since its inception. BGCA will continue to leverage this important platform and encourage the participation of children in its work to safeguard the well-being and interests of the young.

Over the past few years, BGCA has identified Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) central to the sustainability of its development. Last year, BGCA went a step further to synergise governance, key areas of focus and budgets for greater efficiency. To that end, BGCA invited related management experts to guide the middle management so that they could get familiar with the new management tools. Just a year on, improvements have already been observed in some units where the new practices are adopted.

Given the change of the Executive Director, we are grateful to the Board for the interim arrangements such as appointing Mr CHAN Pik-fai and Ms Dilys LAI Siu-ling as the Acting Assistant Directors in June 2017. Ms Dilys LAI was later officially promoted to the position of Assistant Director in February 2018. The leadership succession was smooth, thus effectively cushioned the impact on our services, and we have the dedication, wisdom and unwavering support of our 86 Board members, Committee members and Advisers to thank for that. It is a blessing to both the BGCA and to the community to have them with us in our journey to better the lives of our young.

Last but not least, our success in the past year was in no small part due to the commitment of our colleagues, as well as more than 23,369 volunteers and some 272,264 service users who stood by us so that we could do our part for society by nurturing the young.

* Received the Medal of Honour (MH) on 1st July 2018 於2018年7月1日獲頒授榮譽勳章


About Us


Overview In 2017/18, BGCA put emphasis on the identified service direction of early childhood intervention and families and parental support when serving children, youth and their families in Hong Kong. We continued refined relevant management structure and processes to support the growth and development of our service. We equipped our staff with the knowledge, skills and mindset to drive changes and make impact on our society, not alone, but with the extended arms of partners and volunteers.

There were several leadership changes in 2017/18. On the governance level, our former Chairman, Dr Roy CHUNG, GBS, BBS, JP was elected to succeed the former President, the Hon. Mr Justice Patrick CHAN Siu-oi, GBM, who, after serving the Association for six consecutive years, retired in accordance with the Articles of the Association at the annual general meeting held in September 2017. We were honoured to have the Hon. Mr Justice CHAN continued his support to the Association in accepting the appointment as the Hon. President. On the management side, we were thankful to Ms Lilian LAW, JP* who retired on 24th November 2017 after serving BGCA for 20 years and taking the helm of the Association as the Executive Director for 9 years. We were also pleased to have Dr WONG Kwai-yau, MH, stepping up as the Acting Executive Director during the interim period until the new Executive Director Mr Charles CHAN Kin-hung came on board on 24th May 2018.

With clear direction and alignment on our service, we have experienced smooth transition during the year. We are confident to roll out a number of exciting initiatives and service development under the leadership of the new Executive Director in the coming years.

Strategies Early childhood intervention and parental support BGCA engages a wide spectrum of audiences and provides multifarious kinds of service. Having identified early childhood intervention and family and parental support as the pivotal and evidence-based strategies in achieving our mission, we capitalise on our wide community bases and network across 17 districts in Hong Kong, for actualising the desired outcomes in a few years’ time.

Among them, the Steering Committee on Early Childhood Intervention (ECI), set up in 2017 and chaired by Dr Patrick IP, a paediatric specialist, has kicked off the work to lead the formulation of BGCA’s flagship ECI programme. BGCA being a collaborating partner for the early childhood intervention project “Keystep@JC” of the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) was granted $28.55 million to support the intervention at schools and set up a community hub in Tin Shui Wai as networking and engagement platform to empower family functioning; our staff team have visited Australia to learn about the early childhood community hub concept.

Business Review 2017-2018 年度業務回顧

Business Review 2017-2018 年度業務回顧

概述2017/18 年度,香港小童群益會在服務本港兒童、青少年和其家人的工作中,聚焦於已確立的兩大服務方向:早期兒童發展及支援有需要的家庭和家長。為有效拓展服務,我們持續優化相關的管理結構和流程;同時我們在知識、技能和思維上積極裝備員工,以讓他們更有力量,與一群熱心的合作夥伴和義工朋友攜手為社會帶來正面影響。

這一年來,本會領導層經歷了一些轉變。在管治層面,前任會長陳兆愷法官,GBM 連續服務本會六年後,按會章規定,於 2017 年 9 月份的周年大會正式卸任。本會十分榮幸陳法官願意於卸任後接受委任,以榮譽會長的身份繼續支持本會;本會前主席鍾志平博士,GBS,BBS,JP則於周年大會中被推舉為新任會長。在管理層面,本會衷心感謝前總幹事羅淑君女士,JP* 過去 20 年在本會不同崗位不遺餘力地付出,並以總幹事身份帶領本會長達九年後,於 2017 年 11月 24 日榮休;新任總幹事陳健雄先生於 2018年 5 月 24 日正式上任。本會亦感謝黃貴有博士,MH 在過渡期間擔任署理總幹事身份主持工作。


策略早期兒童發展及家長支援本會服務種類多元化,服務對象廣闊。本會所觸及的社區和網絡也遍佈本港 17 區,為完成本會使命以及在未來幾年內取得預期成果,本會每項服務都認真貫徹早期兒童發展與扶持家庭和家長的理念。

本會在 2017 年成立早期兒童發展督導委員會,並在兒科專家葉柏強醫生的領導下展開本會的早期兒童發展旗艦項目「賽馬會童亮計劃」。作為香港賽馬會早期兒童發展介入項目的合作夥伴,本會獲得 2,855 萬港幣捐助,在學校展開介入工作,同時在天水圍設立社區中心為基層家庭提供全方位協助,並加強家庭凝聚力。為進一步了解設立此類社區中心的理念,本會員工也組隊前往澳洲實地考察。

BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報12

Sound management structure and operational procedure Strategies would be in vain if they were not translated into actions. To support our early childhood service development, Ms LAM Yee-mui, former Assistant Director (Services Operation) was appointed to a new management role as Senior Service Consultant effective from 1st September 2017 to lead this effort. To support the service expansion, Dr WONG Kwai-yau, MH was promoted to take up the newly established role of Deputy Executive Director with effect from 24th May 2018.

During the year, we have further enhanced the service planning, project review and budgeting processes, which have facilitated the alignment between and among the Board and the management that were conducive to an effective service development and delivery at the forefront. Senior and middle management have also adopted a more systematic planning and implementation approach that enabled a better progress management towards achieving the strategic objectives and goals for service advancement.

Impact at root – advocacy and research work As one of the leading NGOs in providing children and youth services, BGCA has amplified its impact through strong advocacy and research work. Keeping abreast of the external environment has enabled us to proactively prepare and act to address the emerging needs and societal trends. During the year, we have voiced our opinion to critical social issues, including to the policies initiated by the new HKSAR Government after 1st July 2017, such as submitting our opinions to the Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of a Commission on Children and to the Legislative Council on children’s rights, as well as advocating our stance for “zero-tolerance” towards child abuse and the significance of child protection. We have extended our annual survey on child happiness to include children’s exercise habit in this year’s survey1 as a core index to reflect the well-being of our future generations. Moreover, we have conducted a comprehensive evidence-based research and analysis2 that illustrated Creative Arts Therapy as an effective intervention for children with special educational needs, through enhancing their self-expressions, emotional control, and therefore facilitating their interpersonal skill and self-efficacy. We have also advocated for the improvement of social work service in nurseries/ kindergartens and primary schools.

Our Core Service In 2017/18, BGCA has served over 272,264 children, youth and their families through 70,753 initiatives and 151,103 programme sessions, with the contributions from over 23,369 volunteers.

Total membership experiences In addition to the regular service delivered through our 20 Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres (ICYSCs) and 3 Children Centres, we have made conscious efforts to enhance the total membership experiences of children and youths who participated in different BGCA programmes, through various means and measures to ensure their engagement and relationships with BGCA would be intact, and that the service impact go deep and beyond the physical location and single

完善管理結構與運營程序好的策略需要謀劃,更需要執行。為了加強本會在早期兒童發展方面的工作,本會委任前任助理總幹事 ( 服務營運 ) 林綺梅女士自 2017 年 9 月1 日起為高級服務顧問負責領導相關工作,而黃貴有博士,MH 也於 2018 年 5 月 24 日獲擢升為副總幹事,以更好支持本會服務擴展。


正視問題根源 展開倡議工作 作為本港在兒童與青少年服務範疇中具領導地位的非政府組織之一,本會通過其紮實的倡導與研究工作加強能為社會帶來的正面影響。本會持續不斷地洞察外部環境的變化,以及時響應新增的需求和社會的變遷,並針對多個社會核心問題及就新一屆香港特區政府 2017 年 7 月 1 日以來出台的新政策發聲:當中包括向「兒童事務委員會」籌備委員會發表意見;向立法會兒童權利小組委員會提交立場書,明確表明對虐兒事件的零容忍態度及對保護兒童的高度重視。從今年開始,我們的年度兒童快樂指數調查 1,新增兒童運動習慣這一關鍵指標,以更準確地反映下一代的幸福感。另外,本會還通過全面的實證研究與分析 2,介紹創意藝術療法如何幫助有特殊學習需要的兒童表達自己及控制情緒,從而幫助他們與人相處及增加自信。與此同時,本會也一直不斷倡議提高幼兒中心 / 幼兒園和小學的社會工作服務水平。

我們的核心服務2017/18 年度,本會的 70,753 個活動、151,103個 活 動 節 數 以 及 23,369 位 義 工 服 務 了 超 過272,264 名兒童、青少年及其家庭成員。

重視會員成長歷程除了本會 20 間綜合青少年服務中心和 3 間兒童中心所提供的服務之外,我們還透過多種渠道和措施確保參與本會各項活動的兒童及青少年能擁有更好的服務體驗,並且願意與本會保持緊密連繫,讓本會的服務成效不局限於某個活動或場地,而是帶給參與者更深遠的積極影響。這一年來,本會為會員舉行了「BGCA CARE 籃球聯賽計劃」和「音樂同盟」等多元活動,並透過「書出愛心」和「團隊挑戰 36」等籌款活動的義務工作機會培育會員成長。我們所有項目和活動的最終目的就是培養會員德智群體美的全面發展。


About Us


activity. Diverse programmes such as “BGCA CARE Basketball League” and “Band Union” have been organised during the year for our members. We also groomed our young members by engaging them as volunteers in agency fund raising events such as "Books for Love" and "Team Challenge36". The ultimate objectives of all our programmes and events were to strengthen their all-rounded development in five domains:moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic.

Stepping up in youth mental health service While we have always provided service to promote the mental well-being of children and youths, BGCA has put special effort in this aspect to promptly respond to the surge in youth suicides during the year. In particular, we have reached beyond our school social work serving schools to collaborate with 46 schools on the Joyful@School projects and have

Business Review 2017-2018 年度業務回顧

強化青少年精神健康服務雖然本會一直推動社會關注兒童與青少年精神健康並提供相關服務,但為了適時應對青少年自殺率的上升,本會在過去的一年特別加強這方面的工作。除了本會一向所提供駐校服務的學校之外,我們共與 46 間學校合作展開「好心情 @ 學校」計劃和「# 有你真好」附加項目,以預防悲劇發生及增進學生之間的連繫,並支援受自殺事件影響的學校、學生和家屬。

開展大型項目 填補服務短缺除了一直進行的多種服務,本會有幸得到善款支持開展橫跨各區服務單位的數個新大型項目。這些新項目旨在為兒童與其家屬提供及時的幫助,

Current Service/ Programmes Offered 我們的服務

SWD Subvented Services



Special Projects特別服務計劃57 (Units 單位)

Education 教育4 (Kindergartens 幼稚園)

Leisure & Recreational休閒及康樂

1 (Camp 營舍)

Self-funded service with independent office*擁有獨立辦公室的自資服務 *5 (Units 單位)

School Social Work [Independent Unit]

學校社會工作( 獨立模式 )


Community Support Service Scheme社區支援服務計劃1

Youth Outreaching Teams青少年外展社會工作隊

2Young Night Drifters Service

青少年深宵外展服務2Children Centre &

Library Service兒童中心及圖書館


Small Group Homes


Family Life Education Service

家庭生活教育服務5Integrated children and

youth service綜合青少年服務


Key Work Themes of 57 Projects# 57 個特別服務計劃的重點主題 #

Alleviating child poverty 關注貧窮兒童 11

Career & life planning 職業生涯規劃 4

STEMCA 六系創技 5

Encouraging social participation 鼓勵兒童社會參與 8

Assisting children with special educational needs


Fostering child mental health關注兒童及青少年精神健康


* 5 Units: “SMILE” On-site Pre-school Integrated Services, Guangzhou Growth Dynamics Social Work Professional Development & Resources Centre, Community Creativity Learning Centre, Counselling Centre and HSBC TSW Children Learning & Support Centre

5個單位: 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務、廣州市成長動力社會工作專業發展與資源中心、社區創意學習中心、輔導中心及匯豐天水圍兒童學習及發展支援中心

# Since the work theme “Strengthen the Functioning of Families” of 2016/17 had already penetrated into other work foci in 2017/18, it will not be showed in the diagram. 由於上年度 (2016-2017) 的「加強家庭功能」主題於本年度 (2017-2018) 已經滲透於其他服務重點之中,因此將不會顯示於圖表。

BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報14

launched a ride-on campaign #Goodtohaveyou as preventive education and promotion of interpersonal connection among students, as well as rendering support to the schools, students and their families and peers who were deeply saddened by the incidents.

Large-scale initiatives to fill service gap Among the plentiful on-going special projects to address diverse needs of our service users, we were pleased to have received funding for several significant new agency-wide and territory-wide projects in support of our service priorities and missions that timely respond to the needs of our children and their families. These included the aforementioned five-year early childhood intervention initiative partnered with the HKJC, pre-school rehabilitation service, trauma treatment service for children, online youth emotional support service, financial planning programme for youth etc.

Award BGCA takes pride in our passion and commitment for service excellence. We are pleased and humbled to have received recognition for our accomplishment in HKU International Outstanding e-Learning Awards (Mobile Outdoor Learning) - Merit, 2016-17, and HKU International Outstanding e-Learning Awards (General e-Learning application) - Merit, 2017-18. We are also honoured to receive various awards for our mainland service in recognition of our professional social work service3 and outstanding programme for dispersed orphans4. BGCA will continue the effort in the process of advancing our mission.

Our Funding Total income and expenditure in the fiscal year of 2017/18 amounted to $521 million and $475 million respectively. Government subvention contributed 62%5 of the annual income which supported our recurrent social service, Bradbury Camp, special projects and programmes, as well as capital renovation. Our four nursery schools offering whole-day service have participated in the new Free Quality Kindergarten Education Policy introduced by the Education Bureau and would be provided with a basic subsidy for the provision of three-year quality half-day service for all eligible children starting in the 2017/18 academic year. Corporate sponsorships, funding supports from charitable trusts, public donations, self-fundraising, membership fees and charges, and income from the Headquarters Building and interests earned have contributed to the rest of BGCA’s income.

Staff Composition 員工團隊

Professional Teams 專業團隊Registered Social Workers 註冊社工Pre-school Principals and Teachers 幼兒教師Educational/ Clinical Psychologists 教育/臨床心理學家Drama Psychotherapists 戲劇心理治療師Occupational/ Speech Therapists 職業/言語治療師Registered Nurses 註冊護士

Professional Teams專業團隊


Supporting Teams支援團隊49%

Management / Administrations管理/行政人員

3%Supporting Teams 支援團隊Programme/ Service Assistants 活動/服務助理Project Managers/ Officers 計劃經理/主任Workmen 職工Parents of Small Group Homes 家舍家長Administrative Assistants/ Clerks 行政助理/文員Technical Support Staff 技術支援

Management/ Administrations 管理/行政人員


獎項本會以員工敬業樂業的精神為榮。他們對工作的熱忱和精益求精的態度,令服務質量和水平不斷提升。我們非常榮幸過去一年獲得香港大學國際傑出電子教學獎(流動戶外學習組)優異獎(2016/17)及香港大學國際傑出電子教學獎(電子教學應用組)優異獎(2017/18)。我們的內地服務亦得到肯定,獲得不同獎項表彰我們的專業社會工作服務 3 和優秀的散居孤兒項目 4。本會未來將會繼續竭盡所能完成使命。我們的資金2017/18 財政年度,本會總收入和支出分別達$5.21 億以及$4.75 億。政府補助達總收入的62%5,支持的項目包括恆常性社會服務、白普理營、特別服務計劃和裝修工程。本會 4間提供全日制服務的幼稚園均參與了教育局新推出的免費優質幼稚園教育政策,未來 3年將獲得基本補助,在 2017/18 學年為符合政策要求的兒童提供半日制優質學前教育服務。本會其他收入來自企業贊助和慈善信託基金、公衆募捐和其他籌款活動所得的資金、會員年費及活動收費,以及總部物業租賃與利息收入。


我們的團隊社福機構最大的資產就是員工。截至 2018 年 3月 31 日,本會涵蓋不同專業的服務團隊總共約981 人,其中有 41.7% 是註冊社工。與服務使用者緊密連繫的前線團隊還包括臨床心理學家、教育心理學家、註冊護士、各種治療師(音樂、


About Us

15Business Review 2017-2018 年度業務回顧

藝術、遊戲、物理、職業、言語),還有福利工作員、項目人員和活動助理。本會還有盡心盡力的管理人員作骨幹,在財政、人力資源、行政、資訊科技、內部審計、機構傳訊等各方面提供適時和專業的支援。此外,我們還有 47名負責教學工作的員工專職營運 4 間幼兒園;及一支訓練有素、熱情友好的教練及員工團隊,負責營運白普理營舍。 要持續發展並提升服務水平,員工規劃、培訓與溝通皆不可或缺。本會持續通過內部與外部培訓、本地與海外研討會和會議,以及組織考察團到訪與我們策略方向相關的地區,為員工提供學習機會,讓員工可以緊貼最新的服務趨勢,並參考國際認可標準及最佳實踐示範。


管理團隊的人事變動黎小玲女士自 2018 年 2 月 1 日起獲擢升為助理總幹事(服務營運)。如前所述,前任助理總幹事(服務營運) 林綺梅女士,則受委任為高級服務顧問,負責早期兒童發展的策略性發展。


監管合規這一年來,本會遵從各項法規,其中包括公司章程 2018 年 3 月 1 日起對於備存重要控制人登記冊的新規定,社會福利署的整筆撥款手冊規定(包括公布 3 層頂級工資)和整筆撥款最佳執行指引的第一組指引。另外,2017/18 年度,本會亦成功通過社會福利署所有服務素質標準的審計。

董事會及委員會董事會(本會執行委員會)共 18 位成員,皆通過每年的會員大會選出。董事會每兩個月開會處理有關策略政策、財務、機構管治和風險管理等事宜。去年提名委員會檢視董事會的人數和組成,認為現時相關的元素符合本會策略發展的需

We wish to thank the HKSAR Government, all the kind-hearted donors and corporates for the financial support. In particular, we would like to express our heartiest thanks and appreciation to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, the Lee Hysan Foundation and The D.H. Chen Foundation for their continuous support and trust on our service.

Our People Staff are the greatest assets of the Association. BGCA’s service was built on an approximately 981 robust and well-trained staff of diverse professions as at 31st March 2018. Among them, 41.7% were registered social workers who formed the teams of core front-line service providers. We also had clinical and educational psychologists, registered nurses, specialist on music, art, play, physio-, occupational, and speech therapy, as well as welfare workers, project staff and programme assistants who interacted first hand with our service users. As the backbone of the Association, there were committed management staff who provided timely and professional support in respect of leadership, financial, human resources, administration, information technology, internal audits, corporate communications, etc. ... We also had 47 teaching staff to run the 4 kindergartens, and a team of properly trained and hospitable coaching staff to operate our Bradbury Camp.

Succession planning, staff development and engagement are cornerstones for extraordinary service and continuous advancement of BGCA. We continue to provide learning opportunities for colleagues to stay current with latest service trends and international best practices, through in-house and outsourced training, as well as local and overseas workshops, conferences and visiting tours in particular to areas related to our strategic direction. We value staff’s opinions and we invite staff’s views through conducting internal surveys and consultation sessions. We also look for ways to enhance staff’s welfare. Last year, we have increased the medical subsidy, adjusted the workman’s salary structure and introduced new welfare activities. Transparency and continuous communication are pivotal to building a healthy and trusting relationship among the Board, the management and frontline staff, which contribute to how BGCA lives up its missions. Various communication channels with the Board and the management were in place to collect and hear the views of staff.

Changes in Management Staff We were pleased to announce the promotion of Ms Dilys LAI to be the Assistant Director (Service Operation) with effect from 1st February 2018, replacing Ms LAM Yee-mui who has taken up the Senior Service Consultant role mentioned earlier to support the early childhood strategic development.

Corporate Governance The Board of BGCA firmly believes and upholds good corporate governance to ensure that BGCA is carrying out its mission legally, ethically, effectively and in a sustainable way, that would demonstrate our accountability to funders and gain trust and respect of the community and multi-stakeholders in the course of providing professional and valued service to achieve our mission.

BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報16

Regulatory Compliance During the year, BGCA has complied with various legal requirements and statutory regulations including the new Companies Ordinance requirement on “significant controller registers” effective from 1st March 2018, the Lump Sum Grant (LSG) Manual (including the disclosure of top three tier’s remuneration) and LSG Best Practice Manual Level One Guidelines by the SWD. In 2017/18, BGCA has passed all Service Quality Standard (SQS) audits by the SWD.

The Board of Directors and Board Committees

The Board (Executive Committee of BGCA) has 18 members, elected by BGCA Members at annual general meeting, who meet bi-monthly to attend to matters affecting the Association’s strategic policies, stewardship frameworks including financial control, corporate governance, risk management etc. The Nomination Committee has reviewed the size and composition of the Board in 2017 and considered that the current Board size and composition was suitable in light of the Association’s strategy and development. Delegated by the Board were the Committees serving various functions and working within the ambit of its terms of reference that was annually reviewed.

In 2017/18, our 86 dedicated Board, Committee members and advisors with diverse expertise and experiences had volunteered over 950 hours to attend meetings and support various agency events and programmes. Among the members, we welcomed Mr Daniel CHAN and Dr Frances LAW to join our Executive Committee since October 2017; Mr Benson CHENG joining the Finance and Investment Committee, Ms Lilian LAW, JP* joining the Camp Committee and the Mainland Services Committee, and Ir Gabriel YU joining the Estate Management and Development Committee (refer to P.24-30 for the corporate governance structure, the organisation chart and committee membership list).

To keep our Board and Committee members up to date with BGCA’s service and operations, as well as the sector development and corporate governance standard, three rounds of visits to service units were organised during the year, where members got the opportunities to communicate with our frontline staff and service users in person. Management presentations were also made at Management Committee meetings to introduce latest initiatives and development of service.

We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to Dr LAW Chi-kwong, GBS, JP who has served as BGCA Committee member for 29 years and resigned from the Board with effect from June 2017 upon appointment by the HKSAR Government as the Secretary for Labour and Welfare. We are pleased to have Dr LAW Hing-chung to succeed Dr C.K. LAW as the Chairman of the Research and Advocacy Committee.

Board Retreat Regular review and plan for the Association’s strategic direction are vital to its service renewal and development. The Board has scheduled its Retreat for 2018 to come up with the next service and corporate development strategy for the Association, through an interactive exchange and sharing of wisdom from our professional members and participation of the management.

求。董事會轄下設立了不同委員會協助其完成各領域的工作。而相關委員每年亦會檢視其職責範圍。 2017/18 年度,本會 86 位來自各行各業的董事、委員及顧問義務服務本會超過 950 小時,其中包括出席會議及參與各項機構活動。自 2017 年 10月份開始,陳慶耀先生及羅亦華博士加入本會執行委員會。財務及投資委員會增添新成員鄭善斌先生,營舍委員會及內地服務委員會增添新成員羅淑君女士,JP*,物業管理及發展委員會增添新成員余鍊強先生(請參閱第 24 至 30 頁的機構管治架構、組織架構和委員會委員名單)。


本會在此由衷感謝羅致光博士,GBS,JP,任本會委員 29 年之久,羅致光博士在獲香港特區政府委任為勞工及福利局局長後,於 2017 年 6 月份辭去本會職務。本會同時熱烈歡迎羅慶琮博士接替羅致光博士,GBS,JP 出任本會研究及倡議委員會主席一職。

董事退修會 定期檢討及規劃本會的策略方向對本會的服務持續發展至關重要。董事會將於 2018 年的退修會結合來自不同專業領域的委員和管理層的參與,集思廣益,一同制定下一個服務與機構發展策略。

環境政策為持續保護環境節省能源,本會總部連續兩年簽署節能約章。另外,總部大樓和白普理營也參與了香港賽馬會贊助香港綠色建築議會的賽馬會「智綠築福」升級計劃,並將在未來幾年總部大樓和營舍翻新的工程中採納綠色建築標準。本會的服務中心也實施了多項綠色措施,在各方面提高員工和會員的環保意識,例如綠色採購、循環再生、節能節水等等。自 2017 年 8 月份以來,本會已將中心會員和興趣班的報名流程電子化,節約用紙。



About Us

17Business Review 2017-2018 年度業務回顧

Environmental Policies BGCA Headquarters has signed up for the 2nd consecutive year to the Energy Saving Charter to continue our efforts in energy conservation. In addition, BGCA and our Bradbury Camp have participated in the Hong Kong Green Building Council Jockey Club Green and Smart Community Buildings Project funded by the HKJC to pursue a green building performance of our premises when conducting renovations of the BGCA Headquarters Building and the campsite in coming years. Various green measures were also adopted by our service centres to raise the environmental awareness of staff and members, such as sourcing green suppliers, recycling, energy and water conservation etc. Since August 2017, we have adopted electronic means for membership and interest class registration in our service centres to reduce the use of papers.

Major Risks and Uncertainties BGCA believes in proactive risk management. Sets of due diligence standard and processes at different areas including service, administration and financial are in place so that risk could be early identified, managed, mitigated, reported and tracked systematically. Systematic documentation of incidents, actions taken, analysis and lessons learnt were in place for future reference and prevention.

Cybersecurity has become a dominant issue for attention. In this connection, the Information Technology Committee comprising IT experts were set up in 2017 to guide and give advice on the IT governance, security and development of BGCA.

Service As the leader operating the most number of ICYSCs (14%, 20 out of 139) and second most number of Children Centres (14%, 3 out of 22) in Hong Kong, the drop in youth population in recent decade (Ages 10-24: 19.3% to 13.9% of total population from 2006 to 20176), as well as the change in their lifestyle and priorities pose challenges to the utilisation rate of our centre service. It would be imperative for BGCA to stay connected with our core target service recipients and be innovative in our service to keep our youth engaged. Similarly the way of providing outreaching service require regular reflections and modifications to adapt to the constantly changing behavioral pattern of youths and family interaction for efficacious intervention.

We have been well aware that there might be higher level of risk when we attempt to provide innovative and contemporary service and programmes that were appealing to our children and youths. To balance the quality of the programmes and risk exposure, we have invited insurance companies for sharing sessions and provided training for our frontline staff to ensure proper procedures and measures were in place to minimise the probability and impact of risk realisation. We have also reviewed and ensured that relevant and sufficient insurance were in place to cope with contingency.

Manpower The Free Quality Kindergarten Education Scheme took effect from the 2017/18 school year, in replacement of the Pre-primary Education Voucher

鑒於網絡安全愈來愈值得關注,因此本會於2017 年設立了由資訊科技領域專家組成的資訊科技委員會,讓其領導及指引本會在資訊科技方面的管治、安全和發展。

服務本會經營 20 間綜合青少年服務中心(佔全港總數 139 間中的 14%),數目為全港之冠;而在22 間兒童中心當中,本會亦經營其中 3 間(佔總數的 14%),為同類服務的第 2 大經營機構。由於過去十年,本港 10 至 24 歲的青少年人數有所減少(由 2006 年佔全港人口的 19.3%,下降至 2017 年的 13.9% 6),而他們的生活方式和追求也有所改變,本會中心的服務使用率也面臨挑戰。維繫與核心服務對象的關係,以及不斷創新服務吸引兒童及青少年使用者非常重要。同樣,外展服務的形式也需要定期檢討和更新,以確保介入措施能跟得上服務對象的行為模式和他們與家人互動方式的轉變。


人力資源2017/18 學年起,免費優質幼稚園教育計劃取代學前教育學券計劃。政府撥款增加幼稚園、幼兒園和小學的社工服務,並從明年開始常規化到校學前服務,意味著對優秀的學前教師、有經驗的學校社工,以及物理治療師、職業治療師和言語治療師等專業人員的需求將大大增加,本會必須更努力挽留人才、培養新班子,以維持競爭力去持續提供優質的社會服務。 專業的前線服務人員和高效的行政和管理團隊有著重要的互補關係。這些後勤人員被其他行業爭奪的機會往往更大,因此本會不斷嘗試透過簡化工作流程和提高工作滿足感來挽留這些人才。


BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報18

Scheme. Together with the Government’s additional budget allocation for the development of social work service in aided child care centres, kindergartens and primary schools, as well as the regularisation of the on-site pre-school rehabilitation service in coming year, there would be intense competition in the labour market for competent pre-school teachers, experienced school social workers and para-medical professionals such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists. There are compelling needs for BGCA to retain the talents, as well as to groom our own successors to remain competitive in providing sustainable and quality service.

In addition to frontline service professional, robust central administration and management play a core complementary role. To retain these talents at the backend who are more subjected to the competition beyond the sector, BGCA continuously seeks alternative ways to simplify work processes and enhance job satisfaction.

Financial As elaborated above, the anticipated keen competition in the labour market would imply extra financial stress to the Association. In advancing our mission and placing our children as the top priority, BGCA leverages the infrastructure, talents and central administration support across service in the spirit of pursuing superior programme standard and quality instead of going for mediocre service. The arrangement might result in BGCA topping some of the funded programmes with its own resources and deploying senior staff. Both the Board and the management are mindful of the financial implication and have been conscious in the process of budgeting, manpower and resource deployment, as well as in seeking practical mutual agreement with the funders. We are delighted to see some progress in the on-going discussion and reflection with the Social Welfare Department on an increase and more reasonable subsidy of administrative expenses to various subvented service and programmes.

Opportunities and Challenges Prospects of service development As much as BGCA wishes to foster a happy and healthy young generation, the rising trend of youth suicides in the past year was disheartening. The need for attention and sensitivity for the emotional and mental health status of young children and youth become paramount. While we welcome the Government’s additional resource allocation to support the kindergarten and primary school social work service, the implementation mechanisms and impact were yet to become clear. The fact that these cases often require intervention through multi-systems including individual, family, school, healthcare and community, add to the complexity and challenges for prompt and effective coping. In this connection, in conjunction with the endeavours to strengthen the mental health of children and youth through centre’s service and programmes, BGCA would proactively monitor the youth’s mental health issues and develop a holistic service development and manpower deployment plan that most efficiently mobilise our resources, expertise and networks, and work as a close partner with schools to provide preventive measures and promptly support the handling of emergencies.

也不忘獲得贊助人的認可與共識。我們喜見長期以來與社會福利署的討論有所進展,以爭取各種服務及計劃能有更合理的行政補助。 機遇與挑戰未來的發展本會一直為培養健康、幸福的下一代而努力,而過去一年青少年自殺事件的增加,對我們來說確實是警號。我們更深切地體會到,關懷兒童和青少年情緒與精神健康的工作刻不容緩。雖然我們樂見政府增加資源支持幼稚園和小學的社會服務,但當中的運作機制和影響仍有待觀察。另外,精神健康個案往往需要個人、家庭、學校、醫療和社區跨體系的介入,令應對這個複雜的問題更添難度。有鑒於此,為配合中心服務和計劃加強照顧兒童與青少年精神健康,本會將積極跟進青少年精神健康課題,並建立全面到位的服務體系和人力調配計劃,以有效地運用資源、專業知識和合作夥伴的網絡,也繼續與學校緊密合作,為提供預防措施和應急支持盡最大努力。

培育下一代和解決以上層出不窮的問題,並沒有放諸四海而皆準的方法。本會 80 多年來能一直實現使命,全靠熱心服務的專業團隊和跨領域合作,以及與政府、企業和各領域機構的夥伴關系,才能在實現本會使命這條路上走到今天。我們很高興政府在施政報告和 2018-19 年度財政預算案中做出的許多重大公布,都與本會早期兒童發展的策略方向吻合,其中包括設立兒童事務委員會、到校學前康復服務常規化、增加學校社工服務資源等等。本會將善用在 2016 年舉辦的80周年學術會議上所學習的知識和建立的網絡,以及各試點和既有服務(例如幼兒園、到校學前康復服務、家庭生活教育組、綜合青少年服務中心、「樂牽」大埔早期教育及訓練中心、滙豐天水圍兒童學習及發展支援中心)所積累的經驗,還有來自外界各領域的支持和合作,去推展一個以兒童及其家長為中心的早期兒童發展旗艦計劃。

翻新與改造在未來幾年,本會總部大樓和白普理營將經歷大規模翻新和改造。本會總部在 1994 年 ( 即 24 年前 ) 搬至目前在灣仔的地址。翻新和改造後的總部大樓將更安全、更現代化,也更環保,同時更有效提供和發展服務。在物業管理及發展委員會的監督和帶領下,本會將謹慎規劃工程,以盡量減少對服務和員工的影響。



About Us


1.ChildrenHappiness and Sports Survery 2018「運動與快樂」-「香港兒童快樂調查2018」 2.Kaleidoscope of Life - Creative Arts Approach for ASD and ADHD生命萬花筒-創意藝術取向支援ASD及ADHD學生研究報告3Twoofourstaffwereawardedthe「廣東省優秀社工獎」and「廣東省社工之星獎」 兩位內地同工榮獲「廣東省優秀社工獎」及「廣東省社工之星獎」4散居孤兒項目wasawardedthe「全國最具潛力項目獎」5.Slight adjustment have been made to the service income classification this year. The percentage listed refers to the government subvention income to

the total income of the Association.本年度之服務收入分類略有調整,表列的百分比為政府資助收入相對機構整體收入。6.Reference: Census and Statistics Department of HKSAR 參考:香港統計處

Business Review 2017-2018 年度業務回顧

There was no single solution to nurturing our future generation and to tackling the ever-emerging issues faceing our young children. With over 80 years of experiences, the work of BGCA has historically been driven and embraced by teams of passionate professionals and multi-sectoral collaborations. Partnership with the Government and collaboration with corporates and institutions across disciplines have been a key success factor for furthering our mission. We are encouraged to see several major initiatives announced by the Government in its 2017 Policy Address and the 2018-19 Budget, that are in line with our strategic direction of early childhood intervention, such as setting up of a Commission on Children, the regularisation of On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS), additional resources for the school social work service etc. We would make use of the knowledge and network that we have built through the 80th Anniversary Scientific Conference in 2016, and the cumulated experiences from various pilot and existing service in relevant areas, (including kindergarten, OPRS, Family Life Education, ICYSCs, “SMILE” Tai Po early Education & Training Centre, Tin Shui Wai Children Leaning & Support Centre), and the external cross-disciplinary support and collaboration in formulating our children-focused and parent-centred early childhood intervention flagship programme.

Re-development We are expecting some busy years ahead for BGCA in two of our major premises that would undergo major renovations and re-developments: the BGCA Headquarters Building and the Bradbury Camp. The move of the Headquarters Building of BGCA to its current site at Wanchai dated back to the year 1994. After 24 years of service, an overhaul of the building is under careful planning with the objective for a working environment that would be safe, contemporary, and environmentally friendly, as well as for the efficient use for service delivery and development. Systematic planning to minimise the interruption to service in the Headquarters Building and our staff during the time of renovation are underway with the guidance and monitoring of the Estate Management and Development Committee.

Under the stewardship of the Camp Committee, after review and consideration of the existing service conditions and future development, we decided to revamp our campsite situated in Wong Yi Chau, Sai Kung that has been in service for 33 years, for a more vibrant, user-friendly, environmentally-friendly and unique experiences for our service users, taking advantage of its nature-rich characteristics inherent in its physical location.

Transparency and engagement for success With the many exciting initiatives and refurbishments ahead, alignment and joint effort of the Board, management and frontline are one of the determining factors for success. The Board and management would ensure that the transition and organisational change would be managed and led systematically and conscientiously.

的營舍。該營舍已使用 33 年,改造後將更具活力、更環保、更能展現周圍大自然魅力。對使用者來說,也是一個更環保並能給予他們更良好且獨特體驗的地方。


* Received the Medal of Honour (MH) on 1st July 2018 於2018年7月1日獲頒授榮譽勳章

20 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Financial Highlights 財務摘要

Statement of Income and Expenditure for the Year Ended 31st March, 2018收入與支出結算表截至2018年3月31日止年度

2017-18 2016-17 HK$’million HK$’million

TotalIncome 總收入 521 495

TotalExpenditure 總支出 475 455

TotalIncomelessTotalExpenditure 總收入減總支出 46 40

TaxExpensesandFundTransfer 稅務支出和指定用途 46 39ofDesignatedFundsandReserves 基金及儲備撥款

Surplus/(Deficit)fortheyear 盈餘/虧損 0 1

Income and Expenditure 收入與支出

Remark:The financial report relating to the year ended 31st March 2018 on page 20 to 23 is not BGCA’s statutory annual consolidated financial statements for that year. BGCA will deliver those financial statements to the Registrar of Companies as required by section 662(3) of, and Part 3 of Schedule 6 to, the Companies Ordinance in due course. BGCA’s auditor has reported on those financial statements. The auditor's report was unqualified; did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying its reports; and did not contain a statement under sections 406(2), 407(2) or (3) of the Companies Ordinance.備註:第20至23頁內截至2018年3月31日之財務報告不是本會的法定年度財務報表。本會將按照公司條例第662(3)條及附表6第3部提交年度財務報表。本會核數師已就該財務年度的財務報表作出報告,核數師報告是沒有保留意見,及不就該報告作保留意見情況下以強調方式促請有關人士注意任何事宜;或載有根據公司條例第406(2)或407(2)或(3)條的陳述。

2017-18 2016-17

Income 總收入 Expenditure 總支出



475 495

455 458 438

( ) ( )

( ) ( )












About Us

Financial Highlights 財務摘要


Total Income總收入

2017 - 2018 Income 收入




HK$521 million

2016 - 2017 Income 收入








HK$495 million

* Slight adjustment have been made to the service income classification this year. The percentage listed refers to the government subvention income to the total income of the Association.本年度之服務收入分類略有調整。表列的百分比為政府資助收入相對機構整體收入。


22 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報






Renovations,Fitting-out&EquipmentforUnits中心裝修工程及設備添置﹤1%BradburyCamp白普理營2% HeadquartersBuilding


Total Expenditure 總支出

2017 - 2018 Expenditure 支出

2016 - 2017 Expenditure 支出

HK$455 million

HK$475 million





About Us

Financial Highlights 財務摘要

LotteriesFundBlockGrantforF&E 獎券基金-整筆撥款用作 2,312 2,570ReplenishmentandMinorWorks 傢具設施添置及維修SocialWelfareDevelopmentFund 社會服務發展基金 1,192 1,005ChanPoFunFund-ForCampRenovation 陳普芬營舍基金 507 493CampDevelopmentFund 營舍發展基金 15,402 15,116StaffDevelopment&WelfareFund 職員福利發展基金 1,752 1,268NurseryService-EducationBureauFund 幼兒服務基金 2,156 2,156SirRobertHoTungCharitableFund 何東爵士慈善基金 95 95EstatesRe-developmentFund 物業發展基金 28,091 27,919Hiring-outFacilitiesFund 租場設施基金 27,080 25,334OtherDesignatedFund 其他指定用途基金 21,809 18,647TheSocialWorkDevelopmentFundforMainland 內地社會工作發展基金 554 552CheerlandNurseryFund 樂緻幼兒園基金 7,690 7,628TangShiuChoMemorialFund 鄧兆初紀念基金 4 11AfterSchoolCareServiceDevelopmentFund 課餘託管服務基金 25,177 25,136ServiceImprovementFund 服務改善基金 37,307 25,533FacilitiesImprovementFund 設施改善基金 24,474 16,816EducationDevelopmentFund 教育局程序計劃基金 12,875 12,659BGCACharityFund 香港小童群益會慈善基金 9,504 9,648

217,981 192,586

18 18276,338 240,934

SocialWelfareDepartment:- 社會福利署:-

LumpSumGrantReserveNote1 整筆撥款儲備 25,262 12,060ProvidentFundReserves-SnapshotStaffNote2 公積金儲備-定影員工 6,079 5,756ProvidentFundReserves-Non-snapshotStaffNote2 公積金儲備-非定影員工 18,268 18,605Subvention(Deficits)SurplusesAccount 撥款(赤字)盈餘儲備 5,301 2,133

44,308 34,288

For the financial year of 2017-18, the funds employed and reserves of the Association started from $240,934,000 and ended with $276,338,000 made up as follows:


2017-18 2016-17 HK$’000 HK$’000

Accumulated Fund 累積基金 14,031 14,042 Reserves 儲備

Note 1: As at 31st March 2018, the Lump Sum Grant Reserve was HK$25,262,000. The reserve will be used to support on-going operation cost of subvented services, such as fulfilling the contractual commitment to staff.

Note 2: As at 31st March 2018, the Provident Fund Reserves amounted to HK$24,347,000. The additional employer's contribution rate would be subject to annual review and could be changed according to the level of the Provident Fund Reserves.

Designated Funds 指定用途基金

Total Funds Employed and Reserves 基金及儲備總值


( )( )




Investment Revaluation Reserve 投資估值儲備

BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報24












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About Us




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BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報26

Corporate Governance Members 機構管治成員

Photo taken date : 6th October 2017 相片拍攝日期 : 2017 年 10 月 6 日

PatronsThe Hon. Mrs Carrie LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (since 1st July 2017)The Hon. C Y LEUNG, GBM, GBS, JP, Former Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(till 30th June 2017)

贊助人香港特別行政區行政長官林鄭月娥女士 GBM,GBS ( 自 2017 年 7 月 1 日 )

香港特別行政區前任行政長官梁振英先生 GBM,GBS,JP ( 至 2017 年 6 月 30 日 )

Hon. PresidentsThe Hon. Mr Justice Patrick CHAN Siu-oi, GBM (since 6th October 2017) (1st row, left 3)Mr Henry WU King-cheong, BBS, JP

榮譽會長陳兆愷法官,GBM ( 自 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )( 前排,左三 )


Hon. AdvisersProf. Kenneth CHAU Kin-lamDr John E. STRICKLAND, GBS, JPMs Maria TAM Wai-chu, GBM, GBS, JPMr William WAN Hon-cheung, MBE, JPDr WONG Chung-kwong, JP

名譽顧問周健林教授施德論博士,GBS,JP 譚惠珠女士,GBM, GBS,JP 溫漢璋先生,MBE,JP黃重光醫生,JP

Hon. ChairmenDr Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, GBS, BBS, JP (1st row, left 2)Prof. MOK Bong-ho

榮譽主席鍾志平博士,GBS,BBS,JP ( 前排,左二 )莫邦豪教授

PresidentsThe Hon. Mr Justice Patrick CHAN Siu-oi, GBM (till 6th October 2017)Dr Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, GBS, BBS, JP (since 6th October 2017)

會長陳兆愷法官,GBM ( 至 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )鍾志平博士, GBS,BBS,JP ( 自 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )

Executive CommitteeChairmanDr NG Yin-ming (1st row, right 4)Vice-ChairmanMrs Pamela CHAN WONG Shui, BBS, JP (1st row, right 3) Hon. SecretaryMr David YAU Po-wing (1st row, right 2)Hon. TreasurerMr Paul YEUNG Wai-keung (1st row, right 1)MembersMr Daniel CHAN Hing-yiu (since 6th October 2017) (2nd row, left 3)Ms Anna May CHAN Mei-lan, MH, JP

執行委員會主席吳彥明醫生 ( 前排,右四 )副主席陳黃穗女士,BBS,JP ( 前排,右三 )義務秘書游寶榮先生 ( 前排,右二 )義務司庫楊偉強先生 ( 前排,右一 )委員陳慶耀先生 ( 自 2017 年 10 月 6 日 ) ( 後排,左三 )陳美蘭女士,MH,JP

Hon. Legal Adviser Mr Mathew HO Chi-ming



About Us

27Corporate Governance Members 機構管治成員

AuditorDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Certified Public Accountants

核數師德勤• 關黃陳方會計師行


Corporate Governance Committees 機構管治委員會

Audit CommitteeChairmanMr Peter WONG Kau-on, BBSMembers Dr CHENG Man-yungMs Alice LUK Sai-lamProf. MOK Bong-ho (till 6th October 2017)Mr Frederick WONG Tat-cheong (since 16th March 2017)Mrs Judy WOO (since 16th March 2017)

審計委員會主席王球安先生,BBS委員鄭文容醫生陸西琳女士莫邦豪教授 ( 至 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )黃達昌先生 ( 自 2017 年 3 月 16 日 ) 胡湯文潔女士 ( 自 2017 年 3 月 16 日 )

Nomination CommitteeChairmanDr Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, GBS, BBS, JP (till 6th October 2017)Member Prof. MOK Bong-ho (Chairman since 6th October 2017)Ex-officio Members Dr NG Yin-ming (Chairman of Executive Committee)Mrs Pamela CHAN WONG Shui, BBS, JP (Vice-Chairman of Executive Committee)

提名委員會主席鍾志平博士, GBS,BBS,JP ( 至 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )委員莫邦豪教授 ( 自 2017 年 10 月 6 日擔任主席 )當然委員吳彥明醫生 ( 執行委員會主席 )陳黃穗女士, BBS,JP ( 執行委員會副主席 )

Standing Committees 常務委員會

Management CommitteeChairmanMr Mathew HO Chi-ming (Member since 6th October 2017)Members Mr Daniel CHAN Hing-yiuMs Anna May CHAN Mei-lan, MH, JP Mrs Pamela CHAN WONG Shui, BBS, JP (since 28th November 2017)Dr CHENG Man-yungDr Patrick IPMs Lucy KWAN Man-sanProf. LAM Ching-man, MH (Chairman since 6th October 2017)Dr LAW Chi-kwong, GBS, JP (till 20th June 2017)Mr Andrew SHUM Man-kitMr Eugene WONG Yu-chingDr Katherine YAU HO Yan-takMr David YAU Po-wingMr Paul YEUNG Wai-keungMs Grace YU Ho-wun

管理委員會主席何志明先生 ( 委員自 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )委員陳慶耀先生陳美蘭女士,MH,JP 陳黃穗女士,BBS,JP ( 自 2017 年 11 月 28 日 )鄭文容醫生葉柏強醫生關文珊女士林靜雯教授,MH ( 自 2017 年 10 月 6 日擔任主席 )羅致光博士,GBS,JP ( 至 2017 年 6 月 20 日 )沈文傑先生黃宇正先生邱何恩德博士游寶榮先生楊偉強先生余皓媛女士

Mr Mathew HO Chi-ming (2nd row, left 1)Mr Laurence HO Hoi-mingDr Shirley HUNG Suet-linDr Patrick IPMs Angel KAM Siu-lamProf. LAM Ching-man, MH (2nd row, right 3)Mr Lawrence LAM Yin-ming (2nd row, right 1)Dr LAW Chi-kwong, GBS, JP (till 20th June 2017) Dr Frances LAW Yik-wa (since 6th October 2017) (2nd row, left 2)Mr Samuel LEE Ka-yue (2nd row, right 2)Ms Nikki NG Mien-huaMr Andrew SHUM Man-kitDr Katherine YAU HO Yan-tak (1st row, left 1)

何志明先生 ( 後排,左一 )何海明先生洪雪蓮博士葉柏強醫生金笑林女士林靜雯教授, MH ( 後排,右三 )林彥明先生 ( 後排,右一 )羅致光博士, GBS, JP ( 至 2017 年 6 月 20 日 )羅亦華博士 ( 自 2017 年 10 月 6 日 ) ( 後排,左二 ) 李家裕先生 ( 後排,右二 )黃敏華女士沈文傑先生邱何恩德博士 ( 前排,左一 )

BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報28

Camp CommitteeChairmanMr Lawrence LAM Yin-mingMembers Mrs Pamela CHAN WONG Shui, BBS, JPMr CHEUNG Koon-lam (Representative from LCSD)Mr HO ChamMr Frederick KUNGMs Lilian LAW Suk-kwan, JP* (since 28th November 2017)Mr Trevor LEE Tai-waMr LEUNG Kam-cheungMr Alan LIU Yee-tongMr WONG Chi-ming, JPMs Michelle YE Min (since 18th May 2017)

營舍委員會主席林彥明先生委員陳黃穗女士,BBS,JP張觀霖先生 ( 康樂及文化事務署代表 )何湛先生龔彥豪先生羅淑君女士,JP* ( 自 2017 年 11 月 28 日 )李大華先生梁淦章先生廖義棠先生黃志明先生,JP葉敏女士 ( 自 2017 年 5 月 18 日 )

Estate Management and Development CommitteeChairman Ms Angel KAM Siu-lamMembers Mr Bernard Y.S. CHANMr Mathew HO Chi-mingMr Edmon LAU Cheuk-yinMr Felix LOK Man-faiMr Andrew SHUM Man-kit (till 6th October 2017)Dr Katherine YAU HO Yan-takIr Gabriel YU Lin-keung (since 20th March 2018)

物業管理及發展委員會主席金笑林女士委員陳宇信先生何志明先生劉卓然先生駱文輝先生沈文傑先生 ( 至 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )邱何恩德博士余鍊強先生 ( 自 2018 年 3 月 20 日 )

Finance and Investment Committee ChairmanMr Paul YEUNG Wai-keungMembers Ms Anna May CHAN Mei-lan, MH, JP Mr Benson CHENG Sin-bun (since 28th November 2017)Ms Jenny CHIU Suk-king (till 6th October 2017)Mr Edmon LAU Cheuk-yinDr LAW Chi-kwong, GBS, JP (till 20th June 2017)Mr Samuel LEE Ka-yueMr Andrew SHUM Man-kitMr David YAU Po-wingMs Grace YU Ho-wun (since 28th November 2017)

財務及投資委員會主席楊偉強先生委員陳美蘭女士,MH,JP 鄭善斌先生 ( 自 2017 年 11 月 28 日 )趙淑琼女士 ( 至 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )劉卓然先生 羅致光博士,GBS,JP ( 至 2017 年 6 月 20 日 )李家裕先生沈文傑先生游寶榮先生余皓媛女士 ( 自 2017 年 11 月 28 日 )

Human Resources CommitteeChairmanMr Samuel LEE Ka-yue

Members Mr Josiah CHIU Sung-keiMs Jolie CHOW Mei-kwanMs Tracy HUI Yee-chuiMs Josephine LAM Wing-szeDr Terry LEUNG Tse-fongMs Alice LUK Sai-lamDr Francis LUM Choong-kein Dr Agnes YEUNG LAW Koon-chui, JP


Branding, Fundraising & Resources Development CommitteeChairmanMr Andrew SHUM Man-kitMembers Mr Josiah CHIU Sung-keiMs Jolie CHOW Mei-kwan Ms Isabelle LAM-yiang Ms Annie LIANG BENTLEYMr Eugene WONG Yu-ching (till 6th October 2017)Mr David YAU Po-wingMs Grace YU Ho-wun

商譽、籌款及資源發展委員會主席沈文傑先生委員趙崇基先生周美君女士林盈女士梁安妮女士黃宇正先生 ( 至 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )游寶榮先生余皓媛女士

* Received the Medal of Honour (MH) on 1st July 2018 於 2018 年 7 月 1 日獲頒授榮譽勳章


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29Corporate Governance Members 機構管治成員

Advisory/ Special Programme Committees 顧問 / 特別計劃委員會

Mainland Services CommitteeChairman Mrs Pamela CHAN WONG Shui, BBS, JPMembers Dr CHAN Kam-tongMs Lilian LAW Suk-kwan, JP* (since 28th November 2017)Mrs Justina LEUNG NGAI Mou-yin, JPMr Paul YEUNG Wai-keungMs Michelle YE MinMs Grace YU Ho-wun (since 28th November 2017)Ex-officio MembersDr Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, GBS, BBS, JPMr Henry WU King-cheong, BBS, JPAdviserMr LIU Sing-cheong, JP

內地服務委員會主席陳黃穗女士,BBS,JP委員陳錦棠博士羅淑君女士,JP* ( 自 2017 年 11 月 28 日 )梁魏懋賢女士,JP楊偉強先生葉敏女士余皓媛女士 ( 自 2017 年 11 月 28 日 )當然委員鍾志平博士,GBS,BBS,JP胡經昌先生,BBS,JP顧問廖勝昌先生,JP

Internet Learning Support Programme Advisory CommitteeChairmanMr Philip LEUNG Kwong-hon*Members Mr Victor CHENG Pat-leungDr Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, GBS, BBS, JPMs Lucy KWAN Man-sanMr KWOK Tin-mingMr Daniel LAI, BBS, JPMr MA Siu-leung, BBS, MHMs NG Mei-meiProf. WONG Kam-faiDr YUEN Pong-yiu (till 6th October 2017)Mr Joseph YU Shin-gay, BBS, MHMr Christopher YU Wing-fai, MH

上網學習支援計劃顧問委員會主席梁光漢先生 * 委員鄭弼亮先生鍾志平博士,GBS,BBS,JP關文珊女士郭天鳴先生賴錫璋先生,BBS,JP馬紹良先生,BBS,MH吳薇薇女士黃錦輝教授阮邦耀博士 ( 至 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )于善基先生,BBS,MH 余榮輝先生,MH

Research and Advocacy CommitteeChairmanDr LAW Chi-kwong, GBS, JP (till 20th June 2017)Members Mr Mathew HO Chi-mingMr Laurence HO Hoi-mingDr Patrick IP Prof. LAM Ching-man, MH (till 6th October 2017)Dr LAW Hing-chung (Chairman since 6th October 2017)Dr Frances LAW Yik-wa (since 28th November 2017)Dr Francis LUM Choong-kein

研究及倡議委員會主席羅致光博士,GBS,JP ( 至 2017 年 6 月 20 日 )委員何志明先生何海明先生葉柏強醫生林靜雯教授,MH ( 至 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )羅慶琮博士 ( 自 2017 年 10 月 6 日擔任主席 )羅亦華博士 ( 自 2017 年 11 月 28 日 )林中鍵醫生

Information Technology Committee(Since April 2017)ChairmanMr Philip LEUNG Kwong-hon*Vice-ChairmanMr Andrew SHUM Man-kitMembers Ms Jennifer S.Y. LAU (since 24th June 2017)Mr Stephen LAW Tat-ming (since 24th June 2017)Ms Catherine YIP linEx-officio MembersMr Mathew HO Chi-ming (Chairman of Management Committee)(till 6th October 2017)Prof. LAM Ching-man, MH (Chairman of Management Committee) (since 6th October 2017)

資訊科技委員會( 自 2017 年 4 月 )主席梁光漢先生 * 副主席沈文傑先生委員劉嬋儀女士 ( 自 2017 年 6 月 24 日 )羅達明先生 ( 自 2017 年 6 月 24 日 )葉連女士當然委員何志明先生 ( 管理委員會主席 ) ( 至 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )林靜雯教授,MH ( 管理委員會主席 ) ( 自 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )

* Received the Medal of Honour (MH) on 1st July 2018 於 2018 年 7 月 1 日獲頒授榮譽勳章

BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報30

Pre-school Education & Service AdvisersDr CHENG Man-yungDr LUK CHIU Kwan-hung, Angela, BBS, MHMs Geraldine NG Wai-bikMrs Grace WONG CHAN Yuen-yin


Steering Committee on Early Childhood Intervention(Since November 2017) ChairmanDr Patrick IP MembersProf. LAM Ching-man, MHMs Nikki NG Mien-hua Dr NG Yin-mingDr Katherine YAU HO Yan-tak

早期兒童發展督導委員會( 自 2017 年 11 月 )主席葉柏強醫生委員林靜雯教授,MH黃敏華女士吳彥明醫生邱何恩德博士

Team Challenge 36 Organising CommitteeChairmanProf. Lobo LOUIE Hung-takVice-ChairmanMr Randy YU Hon-kwan, MH, JP MembersMr KWOK Tak-yinMr LAU Yau-kuenMr Dick LI Kam-YiuMs Sherry TSAI Hiu-wai (till 6th October 2017)

團隊挑戰 36 籌備委員會主席雷雄德教授副主席余漢坤先生,MH,JP 委員郭德賢先生劉有權先生李錦耀先生蔡曉慧女士 ( 至 2017 年 10 月 6 日 )

32 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Southorn Stadium is highly esteemed as it is a Mecca for basketball fans. People who play here are like “Superheroes” with extraordinary skills. As it is every local singer's dream to hold concerts at Hong Kong Coliseum, it is every basketball player's dream to play in Southorn Stadium. In 6 months' time, the 160 teenagers who have joined the BGCA CARE Basketball League have gone through a lot together. They fought tooth and nail in 56 matches, from basketball training in each service unit to inter-unit friendly matches, to make it to this “Palace of Basketball”. 修頓室內運動場是眾多籃球迷心目中的聖地,地位超然。能夠在那裡打籃球的,都是球技出眾的「勁人」,所以每個籃球員都希望可以在修頓打波,就如每個本地歌手都希望可以在紅館開個唱一樣。從單位籃球小組訓練,到進行聯單位友誼賽,最後殺入這個籃球界的殿堂,參與 BGCA CARE 籃球聯賽計劃的 160 名青年,在 6 個月的時間內,與同工一起經歷了 56 場比賽,一起拼搏,一起成長。

“It is All or Nothing” 「一係唔去 一係就去到盡」


BGCA CARE Basketball LeagueBGCA CARE 籃球聯賽計劃

34 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Igniting the Inner fire in Teens As the proverb says, “Where there is a will, there is a way“. Even for a goal that seems unreachable like making it to this “Palace of Basketball”, there is always a way to achieve it once your mind is set. Three social workers, Adino, Kit and Rey, are the core members of this programme. They recalled how they came up with the idea of this Basketball League in a social gathering among colleagues a year ago. They said, “Most of our service units have their own basketball teams. We took the concept of “positive youth development through sport” as our core value. We created BGCA CARE Basketball League because we thought that such a concept was worth implementing”. Based on the belief that “It is all or nothing”, they set Southorn as their ultimate destination. During the summer holiday of 2017, the basketball players from 11 service units of BGCA joined the basketball training camp of the programme. Different kinds of trainings helped the participants to learn and improve their basketball techniques, enhance physical strength and master teamwork skills. Rey hoped that the participants could gain something more than just physical strength and skills such as fostering cooperation in order to build interpersonal relationships and team spirit.

Marching Towards the Goal with Team Spirit TAM Man-ho, TSANG Ho-yin and CHAN Kam-pui are from the basketball teams of three different service units. These three cheery fellows are all passionate about basketball. The social workers discovered them at some local basketball courts and invited them to join the basketball teams of the service units and subsequently the BGCA CARE League. They all said in unison that they found basketball really cool when they started playing it. Basketball requires swift reaction and a lot of special techniques. Being able to get a rebound, dribble through defence and shoot a layup in one go is fascinating. After countless training sessions and matches, these three teenagers have finally realised the core of this sport: cooperation and team spirit, which are also the keys to success.

助年青人燃點內心那團火西方有一句諺語:"Where there is a will, there is a way"。只要有目標,一定會有方法達成,那怕是看似遙不可及的香港籃球聖殿。BGCA CARE籃球聯賽計劃三位骨幹成員 - 社工鍾威麟、林崑傑及徐民政表示,本計劃緣起於一年多前一次同事之間的聚會,他們說:「因為大部分服務單位都有籃球隊,所以我們就構想以透過運動帶出正向青年發展的理念作為聯賽計劃的核心。大家都認為這個構思可以一試,於是就促成了 BGCA CARE 籃球聯賽計劃的誕生。」因為一句「一係唔去,一係去到盡」,他們就以修頓為終極目標。 2017 年暑假,本會 11 個服務單位的籃球隊隊員參加了聯賽計劃的籃球集訓營,透過不同的訓練,讓隊員學習和改善籃球技術、鍛鍊體能,並提升團隊的合作性。徐民政表示,希望隊員能提升體能和技術水平外,同時培養出良好的默契,從而建立人際關係及團隊精神。

體現團隊精神 朝目標進發 譚文浩、曾浩賢和陳錦沛分別來自本會三個服務單位的籃球隊。三位陽光男孩都熱愛打籃球,最初在街場被社工邀請加入籃球隊,後來參加BGCA CARE 籃球聯賽計劃。三位年青人異口同聲表示,初接觸籃球的時候,覺得這項運動好有型。 籃球運動講求敏捷的反應與優秀的技術,搶籃板、運球突破、上籃直接得分,一連串動作一氣呵成。然而,在參與無數的訓練和比賽後,三位年青人明白到與隊友的配合和無私的團隊精神才是這項運動的重心,也是致勝之道。

◀ TAM Man-ho(Left), TSANG Ho-yin(Middle), CHAN Kam-pui (Right) agreed that BGCA CARE Basketball League had positive impact on them. It made them more patient and self-confident.

譚文浩 ( 左 )、曾浩賢 ( 中 ) 及陳錦沛 ( 右 ) 認為 BGCA CARE 籃球聯賽計劃為他們帶來正面影響,使他們變得更有耐性和自信。


Feature Stories35


Man Ho, a member of the Cheung Sha Wan Team, noticed a change of his attitude after joining the team. He said, “I used to show off my skills a lot. I went my own way. It wasn't until the coach awoke me with his words of wisdom when I realised that we can only play well if all five of us work together as a team.” Ho Yin recalled how nervous he was in his first friendly match. He was glad that his teammates had taught him a lot of techniques about layup, offence and defence so that he could improve his weak points. Kam Pui said that the programme provided him with an opportunity to meet people from different fields. The spur from the coach and the encouragement among the teammates motivated the team to keep progressing which showed him the importance of teamwork.

The Chemical Reaction between Gamification and Big Data Nick Cheung delivered these classic lines in the film, “Unbeatable”: “You can't be afraid once you step on the stage. If you are afraid, you are destined to lose for the rest of your life”. The most important factor in competitive sports is one's mental quality. Self-confidence is also indispensable. These three teenagers all agreed that this programme had positive impact on them. Ho Yin said with a smile that the strengthened communication with other teammates had made him more patient and self-confident. Kam Pui said that he had become more mature. He would try different ways to perform better and support his teammates. Man Ho claimed that he had a much better temper as he had more tolerance and trust in his teammates.

遊戲化和大數據的化學作用 演員張家輝在電影《激戰》中有句經典對白:「行得上台,就不要怯。怯,你就會輸一世。」投入競技運動,良好的心理質素至為重要,自信心是不可或缺的元素。三位年青人都認為本計劃為他們帶來正面影響。浩賢笑言,與隊友之間加強溝通,使他變得更有耐性、更自信。錦沛表示思想變得成熟了,會想辦法在球場上有更好的表現,與隊友互相扶持。自言脾氣改善了不少的文浩,學會包容別人、相信隊友。

▲ Youth participated in the training camp of the programme, practicing basketball skills and enhancing physical fitness together with forming mutual understanding. 年青人參與計劃的訓練營,練習籃球技巧和鍛鍊體能,從中建立默契。

36 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Adino said that the goal of this programme was to promote positive youth development, 5C, through sport. He explained, “The 5C includes Competence, Confidence, Connect ion , Car ing and Character. ” They hoped that the participants could recognise their own abilities through the 5C so that they could reach the sixth C, Contribute. Therefore, besides fitness training, basketball training and matches, the programme also included group training and voluntary service. “This is a personal growing experiences. We hope that the teenagers get to learn more about themselves and understand themselves better through the group training so that they can build self-confidence and empathy. Someday, they can contribute to the society by serving people in need,” said Kit. The three social workers implemented the concept of gamification in this programme. They applied a scoring method akin to that used in video games to record each team member's performance in training sessions and matches. Rey explained, “Team competition has made the programme much more exciting and interesting. It allows the participants to compete and rally to the realisation of their goals.” The Basketball League was organised on a double round-robin basis with a group stage and a knockout stage. After rounds of practice, the coach and the team members would set some short-term goals and work towards them. Sun Tzu once said in “The Art of War”, "Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril”. The three boys said that the detailed data such as the numbers of free throw, assist, foul and turnovers were recorded in every match, like in the world of video game. The data were useful for future analysis and critics. Combining gamification and data analysis, the team members could review themselves and understand the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents. To the colleagues, coaches and team members, every match was a valuable lesson that demonstrated their growth.

鍾威麟表示,聯賽計劃的目的是透過運動帶出正向青年發展,即是他們所指的 5C。他說:「5C包 括 Competence ( 能 力 感 )、Confidence ( 自信心 )、Connection ( 聯繫 )、 Caring ( 關懷 ) 及Character ( 性格特質 )。」他們希望隊員從 5C認清自己的能力,從而帶出第 6 個『C』,即是Contribute ( 貢獻社區 )。故此,本計劃除了日常的體能、籃球訓練及比賽外,亦設有小組訓練和義工服務,「這是一個個人成長歷程。我們期望青少年透過小組認識自己、了解自己,從中建立自信和關懷別人的心,希望他們可以回饋社會,服務區內有需要的人。」林崑傑說。 三位社工亦將遊戲化的概念注入聯賽計劃,以類似打機的計分方法,記錄隊員訓練及比賽時的表現,徐民政解釋:「小隊競賽形式能令計劃內容變得更刺激、更有趣味,讓隊員一同比拼,向目標進發。」整個聯賽計劃實行雙循環賽制,分小組賽及淘汰賽,經過重複的練習,教練和隊員制定和實踐短期目標。《孫子兵法》有云:「知彼知己,百戰不殆」,三人表示,每場比賽都記錄球隊的詳細數據,例如罰球、助攻、犯規、失誤次數等,以便進行賽事分析及點評,就像電玩一樣。結合遊戲化和數據分析,讓隊員回顧表現,以及了解對手的強項與弱項。無論對同事、教練甚至隊員,每一場比賽都是寶貴的一課,印證他們成長之路。

◀ Cooperationandteamspiritarethekeystosuccessforbasketballgame. 隊友的配合和團隊精神是籃球運動致勝之道。

▲ (From left to right) Kit, Rey and Adino, the three core members of BGCA CARE Basketball League hope to promote positive youth development through the programme.

( 由左至右 ) 林崑傑、徐民政及鍾威麟三位 BGCA CARE 籃球聯賽計劃骨幹成員表示希望透過計劃帶出正向青年發展。


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Making it to Southorn is not Just a Dream After many intense and exciting matches in the previous half a year, Kam Pui from the Kwun Tong Outreach Team and Ho Yin from the Sau Mau Ping Team were qualified as finalists in League A and League B respectively. They were happy and excited about playing in Southorn. Ho Yin said, “I was so happy that I couldn't even sleep after knowing that we would be in the final. Making it to Southorn definitely boosted our morale.” Kam Pui never thought that they could play in the final. They had extra training sessions in preparation for the match. “We are really grateful for the continuous encouragement from our coach. He always reminded us not to give up so easily.” It is never pure luck to win. With the passion and determination to fight, the players have made the impossible possible. BGCA CARE Basketball League has come to an end after the final. With their positive attitude, skills, physical fitness, team spirit and their enterprise in moving forward, the three teenagers will keep advancing with their teammates. They said with determination with a clear goal in mind, “We will endeavour to progress with our teammates in hopes of making it to the final next year.”

殺入修頓 不是夢 半年來經歷多場緊張刺激的比賽,屬觀塘外展隊的錦沛和秀茂坪隊的浩賢,分別取得甲乙組決賽的資格。二人表示能夠打入修頓,感到開心又興奮。浩賢笑說:「得悉有機會晉身決賽,開心到睡不著。能夠打入修頓對我們來說是一支強心針,士氣倍增。」錦沛坦言沒想過球隊能晉身決賽,為應付比賽他們加操練習,「感激教練一直以來的鼓勵,勸勉我們不要輕言放棄。」奪標非僥倖,球員憑熱血和意志奮力戰鬥,將不可能變成可能。 BGCA CARE 籃球聯賽計劃隨著決賽落幕,三位年青人抱持積極的態度,憑藉技術、體能和團隊精神,以及一股向前衝的拼勁,與隊友繼續努力。他們目標明確,堅定地表示,「希望能與隊友一起進步,來屆打入決賽。」

▲ Snapshot of BGCA CARE Basketball League final. BGCA CARE 籃球聯賽計劃決賽花絮。

38 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報38 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報


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Life is like a planet in the vast universe. While each planet has its own orbit, all planets are somehow in resonance. For people with autism, however, life is like a planet far away from the galaxy. Their innermost thoughts are often misunderstood or neglected. The sense of lacking connection and resonance with the outside world makes them feel like a planet rotating on its own axis.

人的生命就如浩瀚宇宙中的星體,各自有運行軌跡,卻又互相牽引。 可是,自閉症患者就像遠離天河的星球,他們的內心世界往往被誤解及忽略,未能跟外界和社區產生連繫與共鳴,恰似獨自在其軌跡中運行。


Mind and Thoughts Beyond Words 盡在不言的思與想

Peering into the Inner World of Autistic Teenagers through Art

“An Aesthetic Encounter with Autism Project”以藝術窺探自閉青年的內心世界


40 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Funded by the Labour and Welfare Bureau, BGCA’s Counselling Centre and the Jockey Club Southern District Children and Youth Integrated Services Centre implemented a project entitled “An Aesthetic Encounter with Autism Project”. Through school-based exhibitions and workshops, art therapy groups and “Rotating Planet - Community Art Exhibition”, the Project enabled the community to get a better insight into the unspokable inner world of teenagers with autism.

A Sense of Loneliness in View of Social Dysfunction Social inclusion is the shared vision of the general public. A society in which different groups of people respect each other mutually and all differences are resolved does not happen overnight. Most people do not know much about autism. They are under a false impression that all people with autism do not talk that much; they are unapproachable; they engage in repetitive behaviors; they live in their own world. Bob and Danny (a pseudonym) appeared cheerful and talkative like other teenagers. Despite quite some unpleasant experiences in the past, with the support of their peers and social workers, they have overcome it and they both got to know themselves better.

People with aut ism may not good at in social interact ion and communication. Due to disruption of brain development, some patients suffer from sensory differences such as heightened sensitivity to a sound and Danny is one of them. He said, “Because of these differences, I often got misunderstood and isolated by other classmates in school. That made


社交障礙 感覺孤單 社會共融是大眾的願景,但要社會上不同組群的人達致尊重差異、消除歧見,卻非朝夕之事。大部分人對自閉症並不認識,許多人都誤解,以為自閉症患者只有不愛說話,難以接近,喜歡重複做某些行為,活在自己世界的一面。但眼前的阿博和 Danny ( 化名 ) 予人開朗、健談的感覺,與一般年青人無異。在成長階段,他們雖然都曾有過不愉快經歷,卻因為得到同路人和社工的扶持,更加認識自己。

自閉症患者在社交和溝通方面的能力較弱,由於腦部發展有障礙,部分人的感知體驗會較異常,例如對聲音特別敏感,Danny 是其中一人。他說:「因為有這些特質,在學校常被同學誤解和孤立,都會感到不開心。」自言有「自閉症兼過度活躍症」的阿博,中五時試過被好朋友絕交,「我的專注力較弱,有時候說話會滔滔不絕,往

▲ Danny wanted to express his sense of helplessness through his works. The “Mickey Mouse” made of clay was his ‘holy grail’ which helped him overcome difficulties and contained his happy memory.

Danny 的作品表達他曾遇到的無助困境。用陶泥做的卡通人物「米奇」就是他解難的「法寶」,盛載著他一段快樂回憶。


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me pretty sad.” Bob, who admitted that he has “autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”, was even unfriended by a very good friend when he was in Form 5. “I have attention difficulties. Sometimes I just talk endlessly without paying much attention to other people's responses and feelings. I do not even realise when some friends get upset.” Due to these cognitive and communication challenges, Bob and Danny find it difficult to make friends as they differ from social norms. This has troubled them a lot at different stages of growth and learning.

Darkness is Gone after Seeing Themselves in a New Light Through the recommendation of the school social worker, Bob and Danny have taken part in a lot of programmes and services provided by the Integrated Children and Youth Services Centre of BGCA. Activities such as “Playback Theatre”, “Circle Painting” and art therapy groups have enriched their experiences. They both agreed that they have learned a lot of communication skills through participation in different social groups. They have shared their experiences in those groups where they made friends with people alike. Danny said, “I am so glad that I have met some new friends. We are like companions who understand, accept and support each other. That has made my life so much easier.” Danny had a lot of happy and unforgettable experiences: his first theatre performance, his first visit to a theme park with friends, and his first participation in an exchange tour in Taiwan. He has also done a lot of voluntary work such as visiting kindergartens, primary schools and elderly centres where he played games, sang songs and did circle painting with the children and elderly there. “Serving different groups of people in our community provided me with a chance to interact with others and understand them more.”

Bob has been in the Playback Theatre for 6 years. Not only has he learned a lot about acting skills, he has also acquired skills that help him communicate better and build relationships with other people. Besides performing, he also coached other new members. That was how he had earned his title as “Big Brother”. Bob takes the title as a recognition of his ability by others. “I have made friends with a lot of people through this theatre. It has also given me an opportunity to learn about other people's stories. I feel really grateful for the support and encouragement from the social workers which helped me understand myself more.” The programme has broadened the horizon of Danny and Bob, allowing them to know themselves better and gain more self-confidence. Life is never lonely again after seeing the bright side of it.

往忽略了對方的發言和感受,朋友感到不高興我也察覺不到。」因為內在認知及溝通障礙,影響阿博和 Danny 的一些常規表現,難以結交朋友,令他們在成長學習階段面對不少問題和困擾。

認識自己 度過困難 阿博和 Danny 在本會駐校社工介紹及邀請下,數年來參加了本會青少年綜合服務中心不同的計劃及服務,例如一人一故事劇場、圓圈繪畫(Circle Painting)、藝術治療小組等,豐富了他們的成長歷程。他們表示,透過參與社交小組學習溝通技巧,從中分享自身經歷,結識到一班同聲

同氣的朋友。Danny 說:「很開心可以認識到新朋友,大家都是同路人,彼此會互相了解和體諒,亦會互相扶持。我覺得人生路好行好多。」第一次參與劇場演出,第一次跟朋友去主題樂園,第一次到台灣交流,種種的愉快經歷都叫Danny 印象難忘。他更參與義務工作,例如到幼稚園、小學和長者中心,跟小朋友及公公婆婆玩遊戲、唱歌、畫圓圈繪畫,「服務社會上不同的群體,讓我有機會與不同人交流,了解他們更多。」

▲ Through theatre performance, Bob has made some good friends and got to know more about himself.


42 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Bridging the Gap through Public Education Misunderstandings originate in misconceptions. Most discrimination against autistic patients stems from lack of public education. “Rotating Planet - Community Art Exhibition”, a 15-day exhibition, was a key component of “An Aesthetic Encounter with Autism Project”. The exhibition took place in January 2018 at “Form Society”, “a local art and cultural space that connects people and stories within communities”. The autistic teenagers who participated in this project had created art pieces related to their own stories so that they could express their inner thoughts by means of art for the general public to better understand people with autism. Paisley LEUNG, a social worker, said, “We realise the power of art. That is why we use it as a medium of intervention to bring some local artists and autistic teenagers together for co-operation. We hope that this exhibition can help the general public to raise the level of understanding and concern about autism.' Bob and Danny both took part in the exhibition, and Danny even took the role of a tour guide at the launch ceremony of the exhibition by sharing his experiences as an autistic student and interacting with the audience.

阿博參與一人一故事劇場已 6 年,除了演出技巧,他還學會溝通及建立人際關係的技巧。他參與演出的同時,亦會教導新的組員,大家都稱他為「大師兄」。阿博認為別人給予他這稱號,是對他能力的一種肯定,「憑著劇場演出,我可以認識到一班好朋友,同時有機會了解別人的故事。感謝社工對我的支持和勉勵,讓我認識自己。」參與計劃服務不但擴闊了阿博和 Danny的視野,更令他們認識自己、建立自信,發現人生光明的一面,生命不再孤單。

公眾教育 拉近距離  誤會源於誤解,部分人對自閉症患者存有歧視,只因公眾教育不足。為期 15 日的「自轉星球」社區藝術展覽是「尋找.獨覺秀:與自閉症以藝相見計劃」的重點項目,展覽於 2018 年 1 月在藝文創意空間「合舍」舉辦,參與計劃的自閉症青年創作與他們日常小故事相關的藝術作品,讓參與計畫的青年人以藝術表達內心世界,使公眾對他們有更深入的了解。社工梁惠茹說:「我們肯定藝術的力量,藉此作為介入手法,結合幾位本地藝術家與自閉症青年一起參與藝術創作,希望透過展覽讓公眾對自閉症有更多的了解和關注。」阿博和 Danny 都有參與展覽,其中Danny 更充當展覽啟動禮的導賞員,與觀眾互動交流,分享自閉症學生的故事。

▼ ‘Rotating Planet – Community Art Exhibition’ provided an opportunity for the teenagers with autism and local artists to co-operate with each other. It aims to raise public awareness about autism in society through art.



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▲ Paisley LEUNG hoped that the general public can have a better un-derstanding about autism. Social inclusion will be possible when they get to understand the inner world of people with autism with a sense of acceptance.


“Misinterpretation can lead to discrimination. I hope that people can try to learn more about the differences of autistic patients. If they put themselves in our shoes, they will understand our feelings more,” said Danny. Ms Leung explained that sometimes autistic people have restrictive behaviors. Other people can hardly understand it, and the patients do not try to explain themselves. She said, “It is not easy to change stereotypes. We would like to create a space for the teenagers with special educational needs and the general public to communicate and express their thoughts.” She also hoped that public education can lead to better understanding about autism and more empathy for the patients.

The United Nation has designated 2nd April as World Autism Awareness Day which aims to improve public understanding of autism and promote autism acceptance and support for the people with this disorder. Ms Leung said that they were glad that with the support of the fund, they were able to co-operate with different groups of people in the society, offering a platform for autistic teenagers and artists to share such a special experience, with parents, people in the education field and the general public understand more about autism. When autistic people can connect with the community, there is hope that the rotating planets can revolve like all other planets as their orbits cross.

「錯誤的想法是歧視的源頭。希望社會人士可以多了解自閉症患者的特性,易地而處,理解我們的感受。」Danny 說。梁姑娘表示,自閉症人士有時候會有固執行為,別人不理解,他們亦不會解釋,她說:「既定的印象很難一朝一夕改變,我們希望能創造一個空間讓 SEN 年青人與公眾對話,表達他們的所思所想。」她補充,期望透過推展公眾教育,讓大眾了解自閉症之餘,亦有多一點體諒。

聯合國將每年的 4 月 2 日定為「世界自閉症意識日」,希望提高公眾對自閉症的認識,對自閉症人士給予接納和支持。梁姑娘表示,本計劃有幸獲基金支持,有機會與社會上不同界別人士合作,讓自閉症青年和藝術家共同經歷一次特別的體驗,更令家長、教育界人士和市民有多一分理解。期望像太空中自轉星球般的自閉症人士,可以跟社會上其他持份者產生連繫,交織出公轉的軌跡。

44 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香�小童群益會年報44 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香�小童群益會年報


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Despite the steady economic growth and the improvement in the earnings of the employed population in different sectors, the problem of wealth disparity in Hong Kong is still very serious. According to the Hong Kong Poverty Situation Report 2016 released by the Census and Statistic Department, the population of children in poverty was about 171,000 in 2016. Even though the government has implemented various policies, which aims to help the disadvantaged, in order to alleviate poverty, the underprivileged children still need to face quite some challenges and limitations as they grow up.

儘管香港整體經濟持續穩健增長,各階層就業人士收入有所改善,但社會貧富懸殊問題仍然嚴重。根據政府統計處發表的《2016年香港貧窮情況報告》, 2016 年的貧窮兒童人口約有 171,000 人。即使政府已推出多項扶助弱勢社群的措施,以減輕貧窮問題的惡化,惟兒童在成長過程中,仍需面對各種挑戰及限制。


Insistence on Learning in a Tiny Cubicle 斗室中堅持學習

Reaching the Real Wide World through World Wide Web

Internet Learning Support Programme靠網絡接通大世界  上網學習支援計劃

46 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

資源匱乏 阻礙學習 香港具備一流的資訊及通訊科技基礎設施,有關設施有助教育與學習,促進教學成果。但資訊科技為日常生活帶來方便的同時,亦帶來其他影響。當其他同學都能透過網上學習獲取所需資訊時,生活於低收入家庭的茵茵卻因欠缺網上學習資源,未能接觸網上豐富的資訊,以致未能探索世界之大。

自從丈夫身故後,茵茵媽媽與女兒相依為命,生活捉襟見肘。居住於只有 40 餘呎的劏房中,空間只能容納基本傢俱,只有睡牀、衣櫃、洗衣機等,連放一張固定的椅子的位置也沒有。活動空間有限,二人需躡手躡腳才能坐在牀上。茵茵媽媽說:「環境狹窄,女兒平日都只能在牀上做功課、有限度活動和玩耍。」茵茵表示,就讀小一時已需要用電腦做功課,可是當時家裡沒有電腦和上網服務,她只好到學校的電腦室或公共圖書館借用電腦。茵茵回想:「每次使用學校的電腦都要向老師申請,亦須媽媽陪同使用,而公共圖書館的電腦同時供成人使用,每次都需要耐心輪候,有時更要等約 30 分鐘。」資源匱乏大大減低茵茵的學習效率及動機,擴大了和其他同學的學習差距,對學習和成長帶來一定的阻礙。直至茵茵媽媽從本會青少年綜合服務中心得悉上網學習支援服務,才為她們的生活帶來了一點轉機。

A Hindrance to Learning in View of Limited ResourcesThe advanced information technology infrastructure in Hong Kong has facilitated education and enhanced the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Information technology has brought a lot of convenience to our daily lives as well as other impacts. Unlike other classmates who get a lot of information through online learning, Yan Yan, coming from a low-income family, cannot get the same access to the abundant information from the internet as she lacks online learning resources which hinders her from exploring the world.

After the father died, Yan Yan and her mother could only depend on each other while living in hardship. They live in a 40 sq ft subdivided unit which can only accommodate basic furniture such as a bed, a wardrobe and a washing machine. There is not even a fixed place for a chair. With the limited space at home, both of them have to squeeze themselves to sit on the bed. Yan Yan’s mother said, “Because of the cramped living environment, my daughter can only do her homework, move a bit and play on her bed.” Yan Yan said that she needed a computer to do homework since Primary 1, but she could only use the computer in the computer room in school or in a public library because she did not have a computer or internet access at home at that time. Yan Yan recalled, “I had to apply to the teachers and be accompanied by my mother whenever I needed to use the computer in school. Since the computers in public libraries are also for adults, I had to wait for my turn patiently all the time. Sometimes, the waiting could take up to 30 minutes.” The lack of resources lowered the learning motivation and efficiency of Yan Yan tremendously. It also widened the gap between her and other classmates which hindered her learning and growth. Yan Yan’s mother learned about the Internet Learning Support Programme (ILSP) at our Children and Youth Integrated Services Centre and that has turned their lives around.

▲ Itismucheasiertogetaccesstointernetanddoherhomeworkaftergettinganewcomputer. 茵茵獲贈全新手提電腦,上網學習和做功課都比以前方便。

▲ Yan Yan, who likes drawing, has learned some drawing techniques on the internet in her spare time.



Feature Stories47

獲贈電腦 方便上網學習 初到本會秀茂坪青少年綜合服務中心,茵茵感到很開心,因她可以在圖書角借閱圖書及借用電腦做功課。減省了到學校或圖書館排隊借用電腦的時間,有助提高實際學習時間。茵茵於 2016 年參加了「上網學習支援計劃」,並參與「i100 電腦贈學童培育計劃」的遴選,獲得企業及熱心善長捐助購置的全新手提電腦。茵茵媽媽笑言女兒得到新電腦時如獲至寶,並表示以後不用花時間到學校或公共圖書館排隊借用電腦,學習比以前方便得多,故覺得很開心,並承諾一定會用心學習。


上網學習 發掘興趣 茵茵是個好動的女孩,臉上常常帶著笑容。她最愛上視藝課及體育課,尤其喜歡畫畫、摺紙和做小手工。她曾參與中心舉辦的繪畫班,訪問進行期間主動分享她的畫作,笑逐顏開。茵茵更喜歡利用電腦搜尋別人教授摺紙的短片,學習不同地方摺紙特色及技巧,增加她對研習摺紙技術的趣味。她更會上網學習畫畫的技巧,然後自行練習,發展興趣。茵茵笑著總結:「網上的世界,除了可協助做功課外,更能找尋自己的興趣,令人非常興奮。」


Online Learning Made Easy with the New ComputerYan Yan was very happy when she first came to Sau Mau Ping Children and Youth Integrated Services Centre because she could borrow books and use the computer for homework in the library. Consequently, she could spare a lot of time waiting for an available computer in school or a library for actual learning. In 2016, Yan Yan has joined the ILSP and the i100 iNurturing Programme in which she got selected as the recipient of a brand new laptop sponsored by some enterprises and benefactors. Yan Yan’s mother said it with a smile that her daughter took the laptop as a treasure. Yan Yan was so glad about not having to line up to use the computer in school or public libraries which had made learning much easier. She promised that she would devote herself to learning.

The social worker TSANG Siu-ling said that the programme provided not only new computers for children like Yan Yan, but also computer and internet training courses as well as maintenance and support service. Besides, volunteers from tertiary institutions conduct home visit to teach the children how to use internet properly. The programme aims at catering the learning needs of the children in order to facilitate self-directed learning. Yan Yan’s mother added that her daughter’s social skills had been enhanced as she got to meet other children of her age through the participation in this programme and other activities such as typing course, photo editing course and InnoCarnival. Yan Yan’s mother thought that having a chance to visit places outside their district instead of confining her in their small home had broadened Yan Yan’s horizon and relaxed her. They got to spend more time with each other which contributed to greater bonding between them.

Discovering Interests through Online LearningYan Yan is an active girl who smiles a lot. Her favourite subjects in school are visual art and physical education. She really likes drawing, origami and making crafts. She has joined the drawing class in our centre. During the interview, she took the initiative to show us her works while beaming with delight. Yan Yan enjoys searching for video clips with origami demonstration to learn more about the characteristics and techniques of origami from different countries. This has deepened her interest in origami skills. Through internet, Yan Yan has developed her other interest – drawing. After learning about the drawing skills online, she practices a lot by herself. Yan Yan concluded happily, “I am very fascinated by how the online world can help us with homework as well as exploring our interests.”

Despite all the learning difficulties that Yan Yan has to face, she and her mother have been very optimistic. With the help from some charitable people, her learning situation has been improved significantly. There are still a lot of children like Yan Yan who do not get the opportunity and resources to realise their potential due to poor economic conditions in the families. The problem mentioned above cannot be solved with only the effort from either the government, the business sector or the social welfare sector. It is more effective to create social inclusion and eliminate the digital divide through the collaboration among the government, the business sector and the community. Helping underprivileged children to make use of technology can definitely enhance their potential. It will also enable them to get the opportunity to learn in order to give a full play to their abilities.

48 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報48 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報


Feature Stories49

No matter which era we live in, social problems are unavoidable. The 21st century is an era full of changes with never-ending challenges such as ageing population, wealth disparity and insufficient social security. We need to gather our strength to face all these challenges. Besides politicians, policymakers and social service organizations, our society still needs some new blood to bring in changes. Young people, as the stakeholders of our society, can put forth some new ideas to alleviate social problems and make use of their innovative thinking to tackle those problems.

無論身處哪個時代,社會都不能避免會出現各種問題。21 世紀是個多變的時代,新挑戰接踵而來,例如:人口老化、貧富懸殊、社會保障不足等。我們需要集結彼此的力量,共同面對當中的挑戰。除了議政人士、政策制定者和社會服務機構外,年青人作為社會的持分者,亦是推動改變的新力軍,構思改善社會問題的點子,運用社會創新思維以應對各種問題。


Thinking for Social Innovation Driven

by Social Participation社會參與初體驗 帶動社會創新思維

Youth ImpACT Award 感創敢為 – 青年社會創新服務獎

50 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Experiencing the Difficulties of the Underprivileged A lot of young people nowadays are innovative thinkers with independent thinking. They are not afraid to think outside the box and try new things. Jointly presented by The BGCA and The D.H. Chen Foundation, and supported by the Education Bureau, The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong Island School Heads Association, Kowloon Region School Heads Association and New Territories School Heads Association, Youth ImpACT Awards aims to encourage young people to get involved in building a better society with empathy and their innovative thinking that can help solve social problems.

We have received 230 proposals from Secondary 1 to 6 students in Hong Kong. After choosing one of the three designated topics, “population ageing”, “challenges faced by disadvantaged children” and “difficulties experienced by people with disabilities”, each team was asked to introduce an innovative solution to one of the listed problems. Four teams have received Gold Award in the 2016-17 Programme. CNC was one of the teams with their innovative proposal entitled “Stick Signage”.

Ching Yi, Huen Huen, Cheuk Yu and Yan Yi got to experience the difficulties encountered by visually impaired people in their daily lives through participating in the workshop. They recalled how they were blindfolded and given a white cane to experience the life of a visually impaired individual. Cheuk Yu said that their task was to walk blindfolded from the service unit to a supermarket in the district for grocery shopping. “Even though someone was guiding me, I still felt very uneasy and scared when I couldn’t see the surroundings.” Ching Yi thought that she would be able to complete the task quite easily as she was very familiar with the district. However, she felt very frustrated after experiencing how difficult it was to complete the mission. After learning about the difficulties faced by people with visual impairment, they wanted to help them tackle the challenges concerning medication use.

體驗弱勢社群的生活困境 不少年青人擁有創新思維,他們有主見,而且勇於創新和嘗試。正因如此,本會及陳廷驊基金會於 2016 年攜手策動「感創敢為 – 青年社會創新服務獎」,並得到教育局、社會創新及創業發展基金、香港社會服務聯會、香港島校長聯會、九龍地域校長聯會、新界校長會的支持,希望鼓勵青少年參與,由同理心出發,為社會帶來解決問題的新思維,期盼建構更美好的社會。

本計劃收集了 230 個來自全港中一至中六學生構思的服務方案,各隊伍需針對「人口老化」、「身處不利環境下兒童的成長挑戰」或「殘疾人士面對的生活困窘」其中一個範疇,構思改善問題的新點子。本計劃 2016-17 年度共有 4 隊隊伍獲選金獎,CNC 是其中一隊,他們的創新點子方案名為「貼紙記號」。


推動人本設計思維 從試驗中成長


▼ Aftergatheringtheopinionsfromsomevisuallyimpairedpeople,thestudentsdesignedtheformatofthestickers. 同學們在收集視障人士的意見後,設計出貼紙記號的樣式。


Feature Stories51

Encouraging Human-centred Design Thinking; Learning by Trying Most medication containers provided by public hospitals and private clinics are identical in shape and size. Visually impaired individuals might take the wrong medication when they cannot identify the medicine correctly or when they find it too much trouble and embarrassing to ask the healthcare professionals for a clarification of the prescription. In order to help the visually impaired people take medication more safely, the team members have designed a set of Braille characters and symbols that can be applied on pill pouches indicating the directions for use and the name of the medicine. Ching Yi explained that even for visually impaired people who live with their families, they still have time when they are alone. When there are symbols with raised surface or Braille characters on the pill pouches, it is much more convenient and safe for people with vision impairment because they can get the information such as the frequency and number of doses based on the symbols. The team has made reference to a set of symbols used on prescription drug labels in Taiwan and contacted some clinics for pilot testing.

It takes a lot of trial and error before a new concept can be implemented successfully. Hence, obstacles are to be expected. They were showing us the stickers while talking about the difficulties that they had experienced. They said that they had been rejected by a few clinics after sending them invitation letters for pilot testing. “We were glad that the Jockey Club Wo Lok Community Health Centre, a subsidiary clinic of the United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service, agreed to work with us. The Hong Kong Blind Union also helped us arrange meetings with some visually impaired people so that we could get their opinions to understand user needs,” said Ching Yi. After talking to the visually impaired individuals, they discovered some potential problems. Some people with acquired vision loss cannot read Braille. Some people with thickened skin on hands have weaker sense of touch and they could not feel the Braille characters and symbols well enough. Some people misinterpreted the symbols used to indicate directions for use. They tried to find solutions to different kinds of problems in order to improve their final products.


與持分者通力合作 優化點子 為了優化點子,同學們得到賽馬會和樂社區健康中心所提供的一套藥用指引,讓他們選出較常用及普遍的服用類別以製作貼紙記號。此外,在收集視障人士的意見後,他們反覆修改貼紙記號的圖案,又嘗試在印製貼紙時加深凸紋效果。經過三次修訂後,最終取得共識並確定貼紙記號的樣式。


▶ ChingYi(right),HuenHuen(middle)andCheukYu(left)hopedthatdifferentsectorsinthesocietycouldputmoreresources intohelpingpeople inneedtoimprovetheirlivingconditions.

婧怡 ( 右 )、萱萱 ( 中 ) 及卓瑜 ( 左 ) 希望社會各界能投放更多資源,幫助有需要人士改善生活。

52 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Collaborating with “Stakeholders” to Optimise Ideas

大膽創新 推動社會進步 從構思點子到獲得網上投票支持,到面見評審及得到金獎獎項,同學們都是「摸著石頭過河」,一步一步的實踐。婧怡笑言:「回想起來,我都不敢相信自己可以行到今日這一步。」他們表示參與計劃的過程,覺得很有挑戰性。雖然目前正面對印刷成本的問題,相信仍需一段時間才能真正實踐方案,但他們都感到很開心和有成功感。



▲ ChingYi(right)andHuenHuen(left)werepresentingtheideasfromtheirproposaltothejudgesonthestage.

婧怡 ( 右 ) 與萱萱 ( 左 ) 在台上向評審介紹點子方案的內容。

To optimise their ideas, the team has got a set of prescription medication labels provided by the Jockey Club Wo Lok Community Health Centre as reference material. They selected some commonly used categories of medication from them for making the stickers. After gathering the opinions from the visually impaired people, they have revised their symbols for several times and tried to intensify the embossing effects when printing the stickers. After three revisions, they have come to a consensus and finalized the format of the stickers.

LAU Shing-kwan, the project coordinator of the Hong Kong Blind Union, was very impressed by this proposal. He found the idea of “Stick Signage” very original and it meets the actual needs of visually impaired people. He saw how serious and focused these students were when they were working together. “They took the initiative to see how visually impaired people really live and listen to their opinions. I could see how enthusiastic they are.” He hoped that these students would keep trying different ways to help the visually impaired individuals in need.

Think Big to Promote the Advancement of Society From conceptualising the idea, getting online votes, meeting the judges to getting the Gold Award, these students were taking baby steps all along the line. Ching Yin said, “In retrospect, I can’t believe how far I have come.” They found the whole process of the programme very challenging. Even though they are still facing the problem concerning printing cost and it might take some time until the plans can be implemented, they still have a great sense of joy and success.

Our society needs innovative thinking. With this kind of mindset, even a totally bizarre and imaginative idea can be realised. The students hoped that the public could pay more attention to the world around, show more concern for others and help people in need. They also hoped that more resources can be allocated into supporting the underprivileged in our society. This programme has put the proposals of all the participants together to form the “Idea Bank”. Some relevant learning resources have been uploaded on the website with the aim of inspiring new thoughts through sharing the gathered ideas. We hope that people from all walks of life can come together and support us. We can work together to solve the social problems by pouring more resources and new ideas into our society to make it a better place.

54 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Jockey Club Trauma Treatment Service for Children 賽馬會兒童心理創傷治療服務

Though we are living in a relatively stable and safe city in Hong Kong, we are not lucky enough to face no trauma in our society. From our previous clinical experience, we have found that traumatic experience is prevalent among children since their early childhood but sealed and left unattended. It will cause emotional and behavioral problems among children, it will also shape a negative and distorted world view and value system in our young people and most unfortunately, it is the root cause of many mental health problems of the adult population. BGCA is grateful to receive a donation from The Hong Kong Jockey Clubs Charities Trust to start The Jockey Club Trauma Treatment Service For Children in Sept. 2017. This three-year project will take a broader definition and perspective, employ innovative and multi treatment models (Art, Music, Drama & Play Therapy) to deliver treatment service for children aged 3 – 12 and their families. This project also aims at moving beyond direct service level, we will conduct a survey with CUHK Department of Social Work on the issue about “Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma”. We will introduce an assessment tool on trauma treatment “Child And Adolescent Needs And Strengths (CANS) – Trauma Comprehensive Version”. We aim at creating impact on practice, research as well as professional development level. This year, 545 children and 540 parents were served from the project.

香港雖然是一個相對穩定的社會,但心理創傷其實不一定是遙遠的事。特別對兒童而言,大事件固然可能造成重大心理影響,但不幸的成長經歷和日常生活的事件原來也可以造成兒童的心理創傷。童年心理創傷不但影響兒童的情緒和行為,也會影響其世界觀、價值觀,甚至埋下成年精神困擾的禍根。 香港小童群益會於本年度得到賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,開展為期 3 年的「賽馬會兒童心理創傷治療服務」,以一個全面而宏觀的角度去處理心理創傷對兒童所帶來的影響,服務對象為 3-12歲兒童及其家庭。 是項計劃不單止以創新及多元化手法提供直接服務(包括藝術、音樂、戲劇、遊戲等治療模式 ),同時與香港中文大學合作進行「創傷跨代轉移研究」,也會引進一套創傷治療的評估工具(兒童及青少年需要與資源-心理創傷全方位評估工具),務求在實務、研究及專業發展方面都有具成效的影響。本計劃於本年度服務 545 名兒童及540 名家長。

New Initiatives 創新服務


Service Overview

55New Initiatives 創新服務

Joyful Adventure Day – A Pilot Project 「好動•樂共享」計劃

本會於 2017 年中獲香港大學公共衞生學院邀請推行合作計劃,在香港特別行政區政府食物及衞生局健康護理及促進計劃支持下,舉辦為期一年的「好動 ‧ 樂共享」計劃。本計劃向青少年、家庭及學校推廣 SME 的概念 -「與人分享」、「正面思維」及「享受生活」,期望社會大眾以積極樂觀的態度面對不同的生活挑戰與困難。 本計劃於 3 間中學舉辦「好動 ‧ 歷奇遊戲日」,運用鍛練個人體能的活動,以生動有趣及團隊競賽的形式,鼓勵青少年多做運動和養成鍛練個人體能的良好習慣,培養積極樂觀的正面思維,有效裝備青少年面對不同成長的困擾與挑戰。本計劃有 30 名義工參與,共有 505 名兒童及青少年受惠。

The Joyful Adventure Day Project is funded by the Health Care and Promotion Fund of the Food and Health Bureau and co-organised with the School of Public Health of The University of Hong Kong in mid-2017. This project mainly aims to enhance mental well-being of youths and their families by creating a positive, happy and joyful environment in the community. It promotes the concept of SME - "Sharing", "Mind" and "Enjoyment". Joyful Adventure Days were held in 3 secondary schools in the form of physical activities and competitions with fitness assessment, adventure games and interactive talk on mental well-being. The project is designed to encourage students to do more exercise, develop good habits of exercising and positive thinking, in order to overcome challenges and obstacles in everyday life. There were 30 volunteers participated and 505 children and youth who had benefited.

56 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

"Fun-Feel-Share”Lyrics-writing and Singing Show – A Pilot Project 「唱作•樂共享」計劃

The Project is funded by the Health Care and Promotion Fund of the Food and Health Bureau and co-organised with the School of Public Health of The University of Hong Kong. The Project provides a series of activities, including an interactive talk on SME, lyrics-writing workshop, “Lyrics-writing and Singing Competition” and “Lyrics-writing and Singing Show and Award Ceremony”. Students are encouraged to use SME as theme for lyrics-writing. Through the activities, students can understand better the concepts of sharing, positive thinking and life enjoyment, and enhance the caring culture that supports their peers to meet their life challenges. The project started in mid-2017. 1,843 secondary school students have benefited from this project.

本會獲香港大學公共衞生學院邀請,在香港特別行政區政府食物及衞生局健康護理及促進計劃支持下,舉辦「唱作.樂共享」計劃。計劃運用「舊曲新詞」的手法,以流行音樂的旋律配以由青少年自行創作的歌詞,將 SME 的概念 -「與人分享」、「正面思維」及「享受生活」融入歌曲中,藉此勉勵青少年於困難中為自己及朋輩打氣。同時透過極富感染力的互動專題講座及填詞技巧工作坊向青少年倡導 SME 理念,帶動參加者與其家人有更積極、更正面的思考和生活模式。本計劃於 2017 年中展開,共 1,843 位中學生受惠。


Service Overview


An Aesthetic Encounter with Autism 尋找 • 獨覺秀:與自閉症以藝相見計劃

People with autism are often depicted as emotional unstable, mental disable, and lack of social interaction, thereby being criticized, isolated and even bullied. Concerning the issue, South District ICYSC and Counselling Centre co-organized the project “An Aesthetic Encounter with Autism” and it was subsidized by Labour and Welfare Bureau. The content of the project included Expressive Arts therapeutic group, art making groups, school exhibitions and workshops, and “Rotating Planet” - Community Ar t Exh ib i t ion . The exh ib i t ion functioned as project closure to share the project results.

“Rotat ing Planet” , as i ts name indicated, suggested people with autism was like a rotating planet and they might have their unique orbit, speed and pattern of rotation which differed from other “general” planets, and was lack of gravity that brought them towards one another. We might not resonate in their rotation, but could interact with the rotating planet in a revolution. The core message of the exhibition is “our distinction may never be eliminated, yet we can mutually stay with each other in many ways”. The exhibition was a collaborative effort by social workers, artists and teenagers with autism, presenting a series of art works as well as real stories related to teenagers with autism and had a social inclusion message as its core.

The exhibition aimed at creating a social space, in which allowed the general public to 1) have positive contact with the people with autism, 2) increase understanding, thereby improving attitudes towards people with autism, 3) take part in building an inclusive society. 750 audience visited the exhibition. We gathered written feedbacks from 105 audience and got 6 media coverage. It was observable that people did attend, engage and appear to appreciate and make reflection of the topic. To investigate how art elicits make transformation on attendees, we briefly developed five themes among the feedbacks collected, which are 1) being connected, 2) appreciation of the power of art, 3) generating empathy, 4) clarifying stereotyping, and 5) reflection on personal values and identity. It indicates that the mean of art would encourage reflective thinking and promote shift in attendees’ attitude towards greater empathy and understanding.

自閉症譜系障礙患者某些的言行舉止,可能被誤解為情緒不穩定、精神異常、缺乏社交溝通,因而被批評、孤立、甚至欺凌。為提升大眾對自閉症的認識,南區中心及輔導中心申請勞工及福利局康復服務公眾教育基金,合辦「尋找 ‧ 獨覺秀:與自閉症以藝相見計劃」。計劃內容包括表達藝

術治療小組、創作小組,巡迴學校展覽及工作坊,並以「自轉星球」社區藝術展覽作成果總結及展示。 「自轉星球」如其名所喻,自閉症譜系障礙患者就如一個自轉的星球,有著獨特的運行軌跡,旋轉的速度及模式皆與其他「一般」的星球有異,未能和其他星球產生連繫。然而,我們期盼,縱使未能在他們的自轉中引發共鳴,但卻可嘗試與他們產生公轉的交匯軌跡。「雖然我們之間的差異或許沒法消除,但我們可以透過多種方式與他們互相保持聯繫」便成為展覽的核心信息。是次展覽結合社工、藝術家及自閉症青年人,藉不同藝術媒介的作品及青年人的真實故事,讓大眾走近自閉症患者的視角,增加對他們的理解,從而醞釀出社會上多點包容。

展覽目的是希望透過創造社會空間,讓大眾(1) 與 自 閉 症 譜 系 障 礙 患 者 有 正 面 接 觸;(2)提升對他們的理解,從而改變對他們的印象;及(3)參與建構共融社會。展覽吸引了750 名觀眾參觀,收集到 105 份來自觀眾的回應紙,並有六個傳媒媒體報導。觀眾真實的參與、投入、並透過展覽對議題作反思。為了解藝術為觀眾帶來的轉化,我們以回應紙的內容將其分類,得出五個主題,包括:(1)感到與患者連結;(2)欣賞藝術的力量;(3)衍生出同理心;(4)澄清患者刻板的形象;及(5)反思個人價值觀及身份。這突顯以藝術作手法能鼓勵反思,並促使觀眾有更大的同理心及了解。

New Initiatives 創新服務

58 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Our 75 community service units in 17 districts and Guangzhou offer a variety of professional service to 2 to 35-year-olds and their families. Every centre directs their resources to target specific social issues in order to address the needs of each local community efficiently. Our regular and special service are designed to complement each other to ensure children and young people get the most relevant assistance. BGCA’s network of community service units consists of 20 Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres, 3 Children Centres and 5 Self- Funded Centres, 5 Family Life Education units, 4 Nursery Schools- cum-Kindergartens, 7 Small Group Homes, 2 Youth Outreaching Social Work Teams, 2 Young Night Drifters Service, a Youth Action Network programme and the Bradbury Camp. There is also stationing school social work service at 39 secondary schools, 8 primary schools and 4 kindergartens.

現時,本會共有 75 個服務單位遍佈於全港 17 區及廣州市,為 2 至 35 歲人士及其家庭提供各類專業服務。而每個單位的運作亦與所處的社區息息相關,我們希望既能回應社區的需要,亦能有效運用各方資源。各單位除了提供恆常服務外,亦提供不同類型的特別服務計劃,以達相輔相成之效,為更多有需要的兒童及青少年提供適切和深入的服務。 本會社區為本的服務單位包括:20 間綜合青少年服務中心、3 間兒童中心及 5 間非資助中心、 5 個家庭生活教育單位、4 間幼兒園暨幼稚園、7 所兒童之家、2 隊青少年外展社會工作隊、2 隊深宵外展隊、青鋒網社區支援服務計劃及白普理營等。此外,本會亦於 39 間中學、8 間小學及 4 間幼稚園派駐學校社會工作員。

Regular Service 恆常服務


Service Overview

59Regular Service�恆常服務

Integrated Services Centre 中心服務Operating as neighbourhood centres, BGCA’s Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres and Children Centres can deploy their resources flexibly to address each community’s unique needs. Operating in 17 districts except the outlying islands, the centres have 71,124 registered members, and have served 82,052 people in 95,318 sessions.

本會綜合青少年服務中心及兒童中心以鄰舍中心的形式提供服務,因應社區的轉變靈活調配資源,使服務能更全面地回應社區的需要。除離島區外,本會的中心分佈於全港 17 個地區,登記會員人數達 71,124 人,服務受惠總人數達 82,052 人,核心總服務節數為 95,318 節。

Total 總數

88,632Total 總數


Core Service Statistics, Children Centres, 2017-20182017-2018 年度兒童中心活動節數統計

Counselling Groups / Activities輔導小組 / 活動


Social Responsibility and Ability Development社會責任和能力發展




Support Service支援服務


Core Service Statistics, Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres, 2017-20182017-2018 年度綜合青少年服務中心核心活動節數統計

Counselling Groups / Activities輔導小組 / 活動

8,480Social Responsibility and Ability Development社會責任和能力發展


Counselling Cases輔導個案




Support Service



Membership Statistics, Children Centres and Integrated Children & Youth Services Centres, 2017-2018 2017-2018 年度兒童中心和綜合青少年服務中心會員統計

Children Centres兒童中心

Children 兒童

Youth 青年(15-24)

Youth 青年(25+)

Integrated Children & Youth Services Centres 綜合青少年服務中心

3,080 29,195

139 6,533

14 377

Parents 家長3,272 29,114

Total 總數6,505 65,219

60 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Core Programme Statistics, Centre Service and Objectives Achievement Rate, 2017-20182017-2018 年度各類型中心的社署服務指標統計

School Social Work Service 學校社會工作服務Our stationing school social work service at 39 secondary schools, 8 primary schools and 4 kindergartens offers academic, social, and emotional support to young people. We encourage them to seize learning opportunities, adopt good moral values, and enjoy a balanced development. Carrying over from last year, 18 independent-mode secondary school social workers have organised 1,255 activities and offered 9,670 consultations to enhance secondary school students’ capability to combat hardship in life, to boost their confidence, and help them resist the temptation of drugs.

本會為 39 間中學、8 間小學及 4 間幼稚園提供駐校社會工作服務,協助學生面對和處理在學業、社交或情緒上的問題。我們鼓勵他們善用學習機會,從中獲得身心健全的發展,並建立正確的價值觀。承上年,18 位獨立模式的中學學校社工舉辦 1,255 節各類活動及 9,670 諮詢次數,以提升中學生抗逆能力、增強自信及免受毒品誘惑。

Service Statistics, Independent-Mode School Social Work Service, 2017-20182017-2018 年度獨立模式學校社會工作處理個案分類、諮詢及人數

Primary School Cases



Total 總數 1,436

Secondary School Cases



Consultations諮詢次數 9,670

Case Summary, Independent-Mode School Social Work Service, 2017-20182017-2018 年度獨立模式學校社會工作處理個案分類及人數

No. of cases (Primary)

個案 ( 小學 )

No. of cases (Secondary) 個案 ( 中學 )

School-Related Issues 學校生活問題 11 385

Development Adjustment 個人發展或適應問題 17 78

Emotion / Mental Health 有關情緒管理或精神健康 47 479

Family Issue 家庭問題 40 175

Social Norm 與社會規範有關 3 8

Sex-Related Issues 與性有關 1 38

Peer Relation 朋輩相處問題 8 146

Drug-Related Issues 與毒品有關問題 0 0

Total 總數 127 1,309

New / Renewed Registration新登記及重新登記會員

Total Core Programme Session


Total Core Programme Attendances


Core Programme Objectives Achievement Rate


Children Centre (1 Unit)兒童中心 (1 間 ) 3,327 1,833 25,915 100%Children Centre and Libraries (2 Units)兒童中心及圖書館 (2 間 )

3,178 4,853 58,106 100%Integrated Services Centres (20 Units)綜合服務中心 (20 間 )

65,219 88,632 846,916 99.9%


Service Overview


Pre-school Education and Service 學前教育及服務Our four nursery Schools-cum-Kindergartens in Wan Chai, Kowloon Bay, Tseung Kwan O and Wong Tai Sin offer quality pre-school education to 2 to 6-year-olds, plus support to their parents. Based on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, our syllabuses and diverse range of activities are designed to harness children’s potential, and to galvanize their learning initiatives.

本會設有 4 間幼兒園暨幼稚園,分別位於灣仔、 九龍灣、將軍澳及黃大仙,為 2 至 6 歲的幼童提供優質的學前教育,亦為家長提供各類型的支援服務。本會幼稚園採用多元智能作為課程理念,按主題安排多元化活動,讓幼兒在有趣的環境中發展潛能,學習主動追求知識。

Wan Chai灣仔112

Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園Monthly Enrolment Figures 每月平均入讀人數

Family is the cornerstone of a child’s development, and family support is extremely important for a child’s growth. However, some children cannot reside with their family members for various reasons. To this end, BGCA’s Small Group Home provides a family-like residential service for those children and youth aged between 4 to 18 who are in need. Houseparents and social workers take care of the children’s daily living, provide education and counselling service, organise social, recreational and growth activities for them, to help them build the right values and to promote the children’s holistic development. At present, there are a total of 7 Small Group Homes under our organisation’s management, providing a total of 57 places (including one emergency/short-term place). The average occupany rate is almost 93%. Last year, we served 80 children in need.

Small Group Homes 兒童之家

家庭是兒童發展的基石,家庭支援對於兒童成長極為重要,但社會上有些兒童因為種種不同原因無法與家人同住。為此,本會轄下之兒童之家正為這些有需要而年齡介乎 4-18 歲兒童及青少年,提供一個與家庭環境相似的住宿服務,由家舍家長及社工分別照顧宿童之日常起居生活及提供教育和輔導服務,更為兒童安排各種社交、康樂及成長活動,協助他們建立正確價值觀以及促進全人發展。現時本會轄下共有7 所兒童之家,共提供 57 個宿位(其中包括一個緊急 / 短期宿位),平均住宿率近 93%,去年為 80 位有需要的兒童提供服務。

Regular Service�恆常服務

Kowloon Bay九龍灣


Tseung Kwan O將軍澳


Wong Tai Sin黃大仙


62 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Our Kowloon City, Wong Tai Sin, Sai Kung, Sha Tin and Tsuen Wan/Kwai Tsing district Family Life Education Units aim to help parents improve their parenting skills and parent-child relationships. Our Family Life Education officers campaign against family crises through community education through the promotion of family cohesion and reinforcement of family bonds.

Family Life Education 家庭生活教育

FLE Service Hours and People Served, 2017-20182017-2018 年度家庭生活教育組服務人數及時數

Number of People Served服務人數

Number of Direct Service Hour直接服務總時數

Family Life Education Unit (Wong Tai Sin)黄大仙區家庭生活教育組 5,962 274Family Life Education Unit (Sai Kung)西貢區家庭生活教育組

Family Life Education Unit (Sha Tin District)沙田區家庭生活教育組

3,052 405

Family Life Education Unit (Tsuen Wan / Kwai Tsing)荃灣、葵涌及青衣區家庭生活教育組

4,181 496

Family Life Education Unit (Kowloon City District)九龍城區家庭生活教育組

3,133 461.5

Total 總數 16,328 1,636.5

本會共有 5 個家庭生活教育服務單位,分別位於九龍城、黃大仙、西貢、沙田及荃葵青區,以親職教育為重點,協助父母改善其管教技巧及親子關係。同時,家庭生活教育員亦致力進動具預防及發展功能的社區教育工作,推動家庭凝聚,強化家庭功能,以預防家庭危機的發生。


Service Overview


Outreach Youth Service 青少年外展服務Targetting the needs of street youth, BGCA’s Kwun Tong District Youth Outreaching Social Work Team (the Kwun Tong Team), Sham Shui Po District Youth Outreaching Team (the Sham Shui Po Team), the Young Night Drifters Service (Kowloon East), and the Youth Action Network offer assistance to marginalised young people who face integration issues.

為針對街頭青少年的需要,本會另設立觀塘區青 少年外展社會工作隊(簡稱觀塘隊)、深水埗區 青少年外展社會工作隊(簡稱深水埗隊)、「夜 貓子民」東九龍深宵外展服務以及「青鋒網社區 支援服務計劃」,旨在協助一些未能融入主流社 會的邊緣青少年。

Case Load, Outreach Youth Service, 2017-20182017-2018 年度地區外展隊的個案量

Sham Shui Po Team深水埗隊

Kwun Tong Team觀塘隊


Total Cases, Yearly 全年總個案

Cases 個案 409 528 937

Potential Cases潛在個案

540 306 846

Total 總數 949 834 1,783

Average Case Load, Monthly每月全隊平均個案量

Cases 個案 337 424 761

Potential Cases潛在個案

271 179 450

Case Types Handled by the Outreach Team, 2017-20182017-2018 年度外展工作員處理服務對象主要問題百分率分佈

Service Statistics, Young Night Drifters Service, 2017-20182017-2018 年度夜青服務數字

Sham Shui Po Team深水埗隊

Kwun Tong Team 觀塘隊


Family 家庭 19 112 15.2

Academic 學業 34 54 10.2

Vocational 職業 58 60 13.7

Peer 朋輩 78 44 14.2

Identity 自我功能 91 208 34.8

Social Norm 社會規範 52 50 11.9

Total 總數 332 528 100%

Kwun Tong觀塘

Wong Tai Sin黃大仙

Total Contact Hours接觸時數 5,687.5 4,768.5

No. of people served服務夜青 ( 人數 ) 1,236 775

Referal轉介服務 37 32

Regular Service�恆常服務

64 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Camp Service 營舍服務Sai Kung Wong Yi Chau’s 112-bed Bradbury Camp has a signature Youth Observatory. Its telescopes and instruments provide an ideal setup for young people to learn about astronomy. Bradbury Camp and its range of adventure facilities, such as the climbing wall, high rope courses, high wall, canoes, dragon boats and bamboo rafts are open to schools and the public to enjoy and experience the fun.

白普理營位於西貢黃宜洲,設有 112 個宿位, 公開予會內服務單位、會外學校、團體及公眾人士使用。營地最大特色為有一個設備完善的天文台,備有多項觀測天文儀器,供營地使用者學習天文知識及觀測天象。營地另一特色為具備各項歷奇訓練設施,包括攀石牆、高空繩網、高牆、獨木舟、龍舟和竹筏等,讓營地使用者享受歷奇活動的樂趣。

Age Distribution of Campers, Bradbury Camp, 2017-20182017-2018 年度使用白普理營營友年齡分佈圖 ( 人數 )

Below aged 1414 歲或以下

7,930 (43.2%)

Aged 15 to 2415 至 24 歲

7,032 (38.3%)

Aged 40 to 5940 至 59 歲

955 (5.2%)

Aged 25 to 3925 至 39 歲

2,380 (13%)

Aged 60 or above60 歲或以上

57 (0.3%)

Total Campers 使用營地總人次 24,447

Types of Users, Bradbury Camp, 2017-2018 2017-2018 年度使用白普理營之機構類別


109 (27.2%)

Religious Group宗教團體

22 (5.5%)

Community Organization


20 (5%)

Community / Industrial Sector


35 (8.8%)


36 (9%)

Self-organised Group


0 (0%)

Total 總數 400 (100%)

Voluntary Agency志願機構

175 (43.7%)

Government Department


1 (0.3%)


2 (0.5%)


Service Overview


Mainland Service 內地服務

本會內地服務已邁進第十個年頭,一直為內地社會服務機構、事業單位、大專院校等提供督導及顧問支援。本年度的服務包括 :

‧ 為廣州市成長動力社會工作專業發展及資源中心、廣州市殘疾人安養院、廣州市救助保護流浪少年兒童中心、廣州市社會福利院、佛山市順德區均安鎮社會服務創新中心、佛山市南海區獅山鎮啟夢家園青少年活動中心提供員工督導、服務計劃諮詢、管理架構建議及培訓,合共 3,796 人次受惠。

‧ 為社會服務的事業單位及機構社工提供專業課程,以提升內地社工的專業水平,超過600 人次受惠。

‧ 與內地事業單位 / 民非企 / 社會組織進行專業交流活動,以提升兩地的服務質素,超過400 人次受惠。

Our organisation’s service in the Mainland has entered its tenth year. We have been providing supervision and advisory support to social service organisations, public institutions and universities in the Mainland. The service we provided this year include:

‧ Supervising employees, providing consultation for service plans, and advising on management structures and providing training at Guangzhou Growth Dynamics Social Work Professional Development & Resource Centre, Guangzhou Nursing Homes for the Disabled, Guangzhou Rescue and Protection Centres for Homeless Children, the Children Welfare Office of Guangzhou Municipality, Foshan Shunde District Junan Social Service Innovation Centre, Foshan Nanhai Shishan Dreams Youth Activity Centre, servicing a total of 3,796 people.

‧ Providing professional courses for social service public institutions and social workers, to enhance the professional standards of social workers in the Mainland. A total of 600 people benefitted.

‧ Conducting professional exchange activities with Mainland public institutions, social enterprises and social organisations, to enhance the service quality of institutions both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong. A total of 400 people benefitted.

Regular Service�恆常服務

▲ Community exploration journey for children living in the Children Welfare Office. 福利院兒童社區探索之旅。

66 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

‧ 督導支援廣州市成長動力社會工作專業發展及資源中心的服務發展 :

. 承辦廣州市社會福利院「類家庭」孤兒兩所成長天地中心、農村寄養孤兒服務兩所成長天地中心,為寄養家長提供親職教育,為孩子提供課業輔導、成長小組、心理輔導、社區活動共 18,619 人次服務,強化超過 80 名孩子社會化進程,使其在成年後能獨立生活。

. 承辦廣州市社會福利院成年孤兒生涯輔導 -青年公寓項目、殘障青年職業培訓及創業輔導項目,由社工以個案管理形式跟進超過100 名青年的個人生涯輔導,同時提供職場社交、時間 / 金錢管理、職業技能培訓等小組訓練,聯繫企業安排就業機會及就業適應跟進共 11,298 人次服務,協助青年自立成長。

. 承辦廣州市社會福利院成年孤兒安置評估項目,配合中央成年孤兒安置政策目標,協助政府部門制訂執行流程及評估量表,年內為35 名符合基本申請條件的青年作出申請前評估,提供針對個人強弱項的認知、技能及知識層面培訓,協助申請及入住公租房之後,繼續作出 3 年的跟進服務。

. 承辦廣州市社會福利院開展寄(送)養評估工作服務項目,優化評估寄養、送養申請的執行流程及評估量表,年內同時以第三方專家身份為申請寄養、送養的家庭作出家訪及審查,以及為寄養、送養後兒童適應新家庭作出個案跟進服務超過 1,200 人次。

. 承辦廣州市民政局全市散居孤兒輔導及支援項目,為散居於全市與親戚或由村居 / 企業撫養的孩子提供全人成長輔導,也與所在村居部門人員及地方服務機構結成支援網絡,培訓當地義工,共同為孩子作出生活的保護及支援,年內由社工提供的電話 / 網上輔導、家訪及活動達到 14,344 人次。

. 承辦佛山市里水鎮政府里水中心小學、旗峰小學、里水小學、麻奢小學、綠欣小學及展旗小學駐校社工服務,為合共超過 14,000位學生及其家長作出全人發展的小組、校內群體活動之餘,亦為超過 300 名有成長困難的學生提供治療性的個案跟進,年內服務達18,429 人次。

‧ Providing supervisory support for the service development at Guangzhou Growth Dynamics Social Work Professional Development & Resource Centre:

. Operating the Children Welfare Office of Guangzhou Municipality’s Two Growth & Counselling Centres for Orphans (Family Foster Care) and Two Growth & Counselling Centres for Orphans (Village Foster Care), providing parenting education for foster parents, providing students with academic counselling, growth groups, psychological counselling, and community activities for a total of 18,619 people, and also strengthening the socialisation process for more than 80 children to enable them to live independently in adulthood.

. Operating the Children Welfare Office of Guangzhou Municipality’s Guangzhou Children Welfare Home Adult Orphans Fostering Service and Vocational Training and Counselling for Disabled Orphans. Social workers followed up on and case-managed the personal career counselling of more than 100 young people. At the same time, they provided small group training in workplace social skills, time and finance management skills, and vocational skills, and contacted enterprises to arrange employment opportunities and employment adaptation. They served a total of 11,298 people, to help young people grow up independently.

. Operating the Children Welfare Office of Guangzhou Municipality’s Evaluation of Resettlement of Adult Orphans, in line with the targets of the Central Evaluation of Resettlement of Adult Orphans, assisting government departments in formulating implementation procedures and assessment scales. During the year, 35 pre-application assessments were conducted for young people who met the basic application requirements. Training on cognition of personal strengths and weaknesses, skills, and knowledge were provided. After assisting Adult Orphans with applying and moving into public housing, we continue to provide a follow-up service for three years.

. Operating the Children Welfare Office of Guangzhou Municipality’s development of foster care assessment service, optimising the assessment for foster care, and implementation process and assessment scales for fostering applications. As third-party experts, we also conducted home visits and checks on applicant families, and provided follow-up service for more than 1,200 children who were fostered and adapted to new families.

. Operating the Bureau of Civil Affairs of Guangzhou Municipality’s Citywide Counselling and Supporting Programme for Dispersed Orphans, providing whole-person development counselling for children dispersed in the city and raised by relatives, villages and enterprises. We also formed a support network with local village officials and local service agencies, to provide training to local volunteers, in order to protect and support the daily lives of children. A total of 14,344 people were served by telephone/online counselling, home visits and activities provided by social workers.


Service Overview


. Operating social worker service stationed at the Foshan Li Shui Town Government Zhong Xin Primary School, Qifeng Primary School, Li Shui Primary School, Mashe Primary School, Luxin Primary School, and Zhanqi Primary School. We provided whole-person development groups and group activities for more than 14,000 students and parents. We also provided therapeutic follow-up service for more than 300 students with growth difficulties. We served a total of 18,429 people during the year.

. Operating Foshan Nanhai Dali Town Yanbu Integrated Family Services Centre, providing group and community activities for the community’s young, middle-aged, and disabled, as well as families, serving a total of 6,812 people, motivating community connections, forming a support network, and growing together.

. Operating service project for Guangzhou Rescue and Protection Centres for Homeless Children. During the year, for four days every month, we served 498 children by providing growth counselling activities and trauma counselling to temporarily-housed children, helping them overcome their difficulties during this time of crisis.

. Organising Hong Kong-Guangzhou youth volunteering programme, outstanding students adventure camps and Hong Kong-China student exchange tours. By arranging exchange activities for 2,026 people, we expanded the vision and knowledge of youths in both Hong Kong and the Mainland to prepare for future development.

In the past year, BGCA continued to play its role as an “incubator”, carrying out “experience transfer”, providing quality social worker service to disadvantaged children and their families in the community, with “nurturing a new generation of professional social workers and innovating new social service” as our mission.

Looking ahead, we will strengthen and develop our key projects, to achieve an even more effective demonstration of our support and service. We will continue to work closely together with governments, businesses, academic institutions, people, and organisations from all walks of life, to promote the innovation and development of social work service in the Mainland!

. 承辦佛山市南海區大瀝鎮鹽步家庭服務中心,為社區提供幼、中、青、殘、家庭的個案、小組及社區活動共 6,812 人次,引動社區聯繫感,結成支援網絡,共同成長。

. 承辦廣州市救助保護流浪少年兒童中心服務專案,年內每月四天到點為 498 人次的暫住孩子提供成長輔導活動及創傷心理輔導,引動孩子過渡危機時刻。

. 舉辦穗佛港青少年義工項目、智仁勇交流營、香港學生內地交流營等,透過共 2,026 人次交流活動,以擴展兩地青年的視野及知識,為未來的發展作出部署。

過去一年,本會繼續以「孵化器」(incubator) 為角色定位,進行「經驗轉移」,以「培育新一代專業社工、攜手創新社會服務」為使命,為社區及其他身處不利處境的兒童及家庭提供具質素的專業社工服務。


Regular Service�恆常服務

▲ Promotion of school educational activities through drama. 以劇場手法推行校園教育活動。

68 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Work Foci 服務重點

Alleviating Child Poverty 關注貧窮兒童

Assisting Children with

Special Educational Needs 支援特殊學習


Fostering Child and Youth Mental Health







Service Overview


Encouraging Social

Participation 鼓





Career & Life Planning 生涯


Work Foci 服務重點


70 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

In life, although we start at different starting point, each child should have an equal opportunity to develop one’s potential no matter how rich or poor his or her family is.

BGCA continues to apply the “Asset Building” model, to optimize and consolidate the internal and external assets of children from poor families. “Human capital” of internal asset include physical and psychological abilities, such as health, self-esteem, positive emotions, and learning abilities. Aside from accumulating money, “financial capital” also include financial management knowledge and career planning skills.

External assets mainly include “social capital”, including social and community mutual support networks. At the same time, children’s ability and potential in various aspects are enhanced through strengthening the family function and relationships with teachers and friends. With individual-based development, we help children find their own paths in life.


本會持續以「資產建設」模式 (Asset Building),優化及鞏固來自貧窮家庭的兒童的內在及外在資產。內在資產中「個人資產」包括身體和心理上的能力,如健康、自尊、正面情緒以至學習能力。「經濟資產」除了金錢的累積,亦包括理財知識、生涯規劃等。


Alleviating Child Poverty 關注貧窮兒童


Service Overview

71Work Foci 服務重點

Alleviating Child Poverty Special Projects in 2017-2018 2017-2018年度關注貧窮兒童之特別計劃

Project Name計劃名稱

Service Target服務對象

Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構

Internet Learning Support Programme 上網學習支援計劃

11,102 7,354 159 / Office of the Government Chief Information Officer of the Innovation and Technology Bureau (OGCIO)創新及科技局轄下政府資訊科技總監辦公室

PFD-Mead Johnson Feeding Hope ProjectPFD -美贊臣童懷希望計劃

3,147 104 73 / Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged,Character Education Foundation 攜手扶弱基金、品格教育基金

Treasure Trove群益寶庫

1,626 50 100 / OKIAN Optical Company Limited, EF Education First, GS Internal Audit team, Clorox Hong Kong Limited, Early Childhood Organization of Hong Kong, Cola China, Western Shipping (HK) LTD, Emperor Motion Pictures, Happy Moments, Smart Education, Eugene Group, Joyful (Mental Health) Foundation, SHKP Reading Club瞳視一家眼鏡有限公司、高樂氏香港有限公司、香港早教協會、信報市場部教育組、英皇電影、香港大球場、荷花集團、心晴行動慈善基金、新鴻基地產(新地)新閱會

Caltex Project - Fuel Your School加德士 - 推動學校

1,400 / 50 / Chevron Companies (Greater China) Limited, Hong Kong Aerospace Society, QnS Consultancy Limited 雪佛龍 ( 大中華 ) 集團有限公司、香港航天學會、科量顧問有限公司

IMC - Project STAR週末學趣成長坊

78 315 308 20 IMC Charitable Foundation

Growing Partners 2 - Child Development Fund IV ( Sha Tin / Kwun Tong) CDF -結伴再成長 ( 兒童發展基金計劃第四期 ) ( 沙田 / 觀塘 )

225 194 175 / Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong), Chartered Insurance Institute Hong Kong, Sha Tin Junior Chamber, HKU Alumni, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, The Hong Kong Financial Planners General Union, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, Royal Bank of Canada, Legacy Training Limited 蘇黎世保險 ( 香港 )、英國特許保險學會、沙田青年商會、香港大學校友、香港工程師學會、香港財務策劃人員總工會、香港測量師學會、加拿大皇家銀行、里程同學會

Project CRADLE「攜動.明天」計劃

55 150 / / Hong Kong Lacrosse Association 香港棍網球總會

Mustard Seed 2.0芥菜籽計劃 2.0

63 63 31 / Zheng Ge Ru Foundation, Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School鄭格如基金、秀茂坪天主教小學

Sharing is Caring Music Scheme「童譜同樂」音樂學習獎勵計劃

28 48 8 1 Lok Wah Foundation Co. Ltd樂華基金有限公司

Hearty Express - Fulfilling Personal Developments Scheme愛心全達 - 成就未來個人成長發展計劃

33 50 8 1 Love U All Charitable Foundation 愛心全達慈善基金

Family Milestone家庭新里程

16 15 7 / Mrs NG Kuen-wah and Melody Chiu Chow Restaurant Limited吳娟華女士資助、醉樂潮州酒家有限公司

Children / Youths 兒童 / 青少年 Parents 家長 Volunteers / Mentors 義工 / 友師 Others 其他

72 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Assisting Children with Special Educational Needs 支援特殊學習需要兒童



Each child has unique qualities and potential. Children with special educational needs are no exception. They can find their strengths, and their paths once their motivation and potential are stimulated through suitable methods.

BGCA has long believed in “early intervention, evidence-centric, multi-disciplinary approach, and family support” as the most effective ways to support school children and their parents. Through the “Family, School, and Community Collaboration model”, we help them integrate into schools and communities. Ideal environments for children’s growth was created to help school children overcome various challenges.


Service Overview

73Work Foci 服務重點

Children / Youths 兒童 / 青少年 Parents 家長 Volunteers / Mentors 義工 / 友師 Others 其他

Assisting Children with Special Educational Needs Special Projects in 2017-20182017-2018年度支援特殊學習需要兒童之服務計劃

Project Name計劃名稱

Service Target服務對象

Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構

HSBC TSW Children Learning and Support Centre滙豐天水圍兒童學習及發展支援中心

1,419 335 3 30 Hongkong Bank Foundation 滙豐銀行慈善基金

"Smile" On-site Pre-school Integrated Services「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務

240 465 453 / Lotteries Fund 獎券基金

Kaleidoscope of Life - Creative Arts Approach for ASD and ADHD Students生命萬花筒 - 藝術 ‧ 共融│支援 SEN 學生創意藝術計劃

164 27 / 462 Peter Chan Jee Yat Charitable Foundation through HSBC Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited 匯豐銀行慈善信託基金

"SMILE" Tai Po Early Education & Training Center 「樂牽」大埔早期教育及訓練中心

320 128 / 181 Race for the Kids, NTF Charitable Foundation童心競賽

"He & She for ASD"ASD 大個仔大個女-異性交往篇

/ / / 443 Queen Mary Hospital 瑪麗醫院

SHKP-Science & Innovation Project for Gifted新地資優科學創意發展計劃

150 100 / / Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, Hong Kong Aerospace Society, Eco-Education & Resources Centre新鴻基地產發展有限公司、香港航天學會、生態教育及資源中心

74 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Special Educational Needs Support Service, 2017-20182017-2018年度支援特殊發展需要兒童之服務計劃

ADHD專注力失調 /過度活躍症(人數)

Autism /Asperger’s Syndrome

自閉症 / 亞氏保加症 (人數)


Gifted Children


Developmental Delay



Community Support Network發展社區支援網絡

Family activities親子活動

194 82 94 / / 370

Parents support group and activities家長互助小組及活動

51 64 64 / / 179

Support groups / activities for children people兒童 / 青少年支援小組及活動

6 15 / / / 21

Seminars社區 / 學校講座

321 728 409 / / 1,458

School-based support groups (primary & secondary schools)到校支援小組 ( 中、小學 )

133 206 25 9 / 373

Individual Counselling個別輔導

145 115 77 / 2 393

Training / Treatment Groups小組工作


364 342 183 / 100 989


47 / 36 / 10 93

Parent-child parallel親子雙軌小組

70 121 148 / / 339

Secondary students中學生小組

/ 73 / / / 73

Sensational sports training感覺運動訓練小組

88 52 / / / 140

Developmental Activities發展潛能培育活動

12 8 70 / / 90

Parents’ Hotline兒童身心發展專線家長服務

982 982

Social Inclusion Activities共融活動

413 413


Service Overview


Fostering Child and Youth Mental Health 關注兒童及青少年精神健康

隨著社會愈趨複雜,兒童及青少年正處於較以往競爭更為劇烈的成長環境,因此所承受的精神壓力也不比成年人少; 本會提倡以「能耐為本」(Strength Base) 的策略,協助孩子發掘自身的強處及潛能,並加以發展,使他們從中逐步建立自信﹑自尊和解難能力;結合推廣「正向心理學」,增強青少年的抗逆力,鼓勵他們以樂觀的態度,坦然面對生活中的起跌,建立正面積極的價值觀。


As society becomes complex nowadays, children and youth grow up in a competitive environment. Their stress levels are not much lower than those of adults. BGCA advocates “Strength Base” as an intervention strategy, to help children to discover their strengths and potential. By developing their strength, they can gradually build self-confidence, self-respect, and problem-solving skills. We also promote “positive psychology” to enhance young people’s resilience and encourage them to face ups and downs in life with optimism. Ultimately becoming confident youths with positive value of life.

In addition, BGCA has been striving to improve campus culture. We aim at improving the peer relationship among school children through different activities, and cultivate a supportive environment on campus.

Work Foci 服務重點

76 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Fostering children and youth mental health Special Projects in 2017-2018 2017-2018年度關注兒童及青少年精神健康之特別計劃

Project Name計劃名稱

Service Target服務對象

Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構

Healthy School Programme健康校園計劃

16,277 745 / 129 Beat Drugs Fund禁毒基金

Walk Together in Adversity-Joyful@School Project尊重生命、逆境同行「好心情 @ 學校」計劃

9,525 2,020 1 883 Quality Education Fund,"Share Respect for Life, Walk Together in Adversity Project" advisory panel 優質教育基金、「尊重生命、逆境同行」計劃顧問團隊

Project Respect友愛總動員

7,653 1,197 / 3,170 Lee Hysan Foundation利希慎基金

Joyful School Project喜樂校園計劃

6,508 169 164 / Quality Education Fund優質教育基金

School Support Scheme全方位校園支援計劃

3,042 1,168 / 66

Life Buddy生命同行計劃

4,453 921 / / Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, China Merchants Charitable Foundation 攜手扶弱基金、招商局慈善基金

Health Angel - Child Health Promotion Project新地識「息」 天使健康生活提升計劃

2,780 255 25 504 Sun Hung Kai Properties新鴻基地產

Project Touch性向無限計劃

715 80 / 1,215 AIDS Trust Fund, Beat Drug Fund, Special Prevention Program, Department of Health愛滋病信託基金、禁毒基金、衛生署特別預防計劃

"Open the Heart" Holistic Child - Focused Counselling Project香港賽馬會社區資助計劃-童展心窗-全方位兒童為本輔導計劃

526 2,142 / 121 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 賽馬會慈善信託基金


Service Overview


Children / Youths 兒童 / 青少年 Parents 家長 Volunteers / Mentors 義工 / 友師 Others 其他

Work Foci 服務重點

Project Name計劃名稱

Service Target服務對象

Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構

Jockey Club Cyber Youth Outreach Service - BGCA Nite Cat Online賽馬會網上青年外展服務-香港小童群益會夜貓Online

968 988 69 80 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Applied Social Studies, The City University of Hong Kong, Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Caritas Youth and Community Service, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing, Hong Kong Game Development Association, Fantastic Dream, i-ONE Technical Services Limited, Smash Lead Hong Kong Limited香港賽馬會慈善信託基金、香港中文大學社會工作學系、香港城市大學應用社會科學系、香港理工大學應用社會科學系、香港明愛青少年及社區服務、香港青年協會、香港互動市務商會、香港遊戲創作協會、 網 ‧ 想 ‧ 正、智研香港有限公司

Understanding Adolescents Project (Primary Schools)成長的天空計劃(小學)

1,127 546 / 105 Education Bureau 教育局

“Fun.Feel.Share” Lyrics - writing and Singing Show - A Pilot Project 「唱作 ‧ 樂共享」計劃

1,843 / / / Health Care and Promotion Scheme & School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong 香港特別行政區政府食物及衛生局健康護理及促進計劃 及香港大學公共衞生學院

Jockey Club Trauma Treatment Service for Children 賽馬會兒童心理創傷治療服務

545 540 40 200 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust香港賽馬會慈善信託基金

Joyful Adventure Day - A Pilot Project 「好動 ‧ 樂共享」計劃

505 / 30 / Health Care and Promotion Scheme & School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong 香港特別行政區政府食物及衛生局健康護理及促進計劃 及香港大學公共衞生學院

78 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Project Name計劃名稱

Service Target服務對象

Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構

Stationing Pre-school Social Work Services (Nursery Social Worker) 幼稚園駐校社工服務

480 240 / /

Power Up Positive Psychology Training Program正向心理培育計劃 - 陳白沙

270 30 / / Quality Education Fund優質教育基金

Path-finding Adventure Project創路雄心計劃

160 100 / / Beat Drugs Fund, JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Fire Services Department 禁毒基金、香港中文大學醫學院 賽馬會公共衛生及基層醫療學院、香港消防處

Psychological Support Service心理支援服務

116 174 / 113 The University of Hong Kong香港大學

Growing Partners Project - Hung Hing Ying and Leung Hau Ling Charitable Foundation (2017-19) 結伴成長計劃 - 孔慶熒及梁巧玲基金

75 7 63 / Hung Hing Ying & Leung Hau Ling Charitable Foundation, HKU Alumni 孔慶熒及梁巧玲慈善基金、香港大學校友

Art Psychotherapy藝術心理治療服務

40 169 / 167

TEEN Project on Positive Psychology正向心理「TEEN 天天晴」計劃

58 / / / Hong Kong Athlete Mr LEUNG Yuk-wing, MH, Winner of the boccia gold medal in Rio 2016 Paralympics Games,Local Band: Supper Moment, Yusobeit, BGCA Band: Chopstick, 海底碑 ,Miracle, Stay Tune, Unknown,Dustykid Ltd., Verbatim (Hong Kong) Ltd.殘奧硬地滾球金牌得主 香港運動員 梁育榮先生,MH本地樂隊︰ Supper Moment、Yusobeit、本會樂隊︰Chopstick、海底碑、Miracle、Stay Tune、Unknown、塵有限公司、香港威寶有限公司

Keswick Foundation - Counselling Services Scheme「輔輔得正」先導計劃

60 20 / / The Keswick Foundation 凱瑟克基金

Positive Thinking Children Anxiety Disorder Project「踢開兒慮,樂對明天」兒童心理健康成長計劃服務計劃

9 13 / /


Service Overview


Encouraging Social Participation 鼓勵兒童社會參與

喚起兒童及青少年對社會議題的關注和反思,鼓勵他們積極參與社會事務,進一步瞭解不同社群的特定需要,透過和不同持分者協作及點子構想, 以身體力行倡議及實踐解決社會問題方案,從而培育兒童及青少年獨立思考的能力、建立同理心,以及對社區的歸屬感和使命感,成為負責任的公民及世界公民,持續推動社會進步、構建共融社會。

Project Name計劃名稱

Service Target服務對象

Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構

HSBC Young Financial Planners Programme滙豐青年理財師計劃

12,111 / / / Business-School Partnership Programme of Education Bureau, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 教育局商校合作計劃、香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司

Youth ImpACT Award感創敢為-青年社會創新服務獎

1,170 / / 44 Education Bureau, The D. H. Chen Foundation, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund, Hong Kong Island School Heads Association, New Territories School Heads Association, Kowloon Region School Heads Association教育局、陳廷驊基金會、香港社會服務聯會、社會創新及創業發展基金、香港島校長會、新界校長會、九龍地域校長聯會

Project for Development of Learning & Teaching Strategies to Promote Students’ Deep Learning in the Study of Life and Society(S1-3) Curriculum生活及社會科促進學生深入學習教學策略發展計劃

110 / / 800 Best Practice Solutions Global, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, SKH St. Mary's Church Mok Hing Yiu College, Service Learning Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, Playright Children's Play Association, Oxfam Hong Kong, Concern for Grassroots Livelihood Alliance, Hong Kong Social Workers' General Union, YMCA, Macau, Riding Cultural and Creative LTD, WEDO GLOBAL香港威裕環球集團、香港社會服務聯會、聖公會聖馬利亞堂莫慶堯中學、香港中文大學 服務學習中心、香港中文大學社會工作學系、香港教育大學、智樂兒童遊樂協會、樂施會、關注草根生活聯盟、香港社會工作者總工會、澳門基督教青年會、策馬文創有限公司、愛同行有限公司

Encouraging social participation Special Projects in 2017-2018 2017-2018年度鼓勵兒童社會參與之特別計劃

We stimulate children and youth to pay attention to social issues. By active participation in social affairs, they can further understand the specific needs of different communities. Through ideation and collaboration with different stakeholders, we encourage them to take the initiative to propose and implement solutions to social problems. We nurture children and youth’s ability to think independently, build empathy, develop a sense of belonging and mission to the community, so that they can become responsible citizens of the community and the world. With children and youth’s participation, we can continue to promote social progress and build a harmonious society.

Children / Youths 兒童 / 青少年 Parents 家長 Volunteers / Mentors 義工 / 友師 Others 其他

Work Foci 服務重點

80 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Project Name計劃名稱

Service Target服務對象

Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構

Sham Shui Po Holding Environment Project For Youth 2017 「深」連心社區承托計劃 2017

171 10 33 51 Sham Shui Po District Council, Home Affairs Department Sham Shui Po District Office, Hong Kong Police Force (Sham Shui Po Police District), District Fight Crime Committee (Sham Shui Po District), Sham Shui Po District Council 深水埗區議會、民政事務總署 ( 深水埗民政事務處 )、香港警務處 ( 深水埗警區 )、 深水埗區撲滅罪行委員會、深水埗區議會

Junior Financial Secretary少年財政司

197 / / / Business-School Partnership Programme of Education Bureau, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited教育局商校合作計劃、香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司

Junior Chief Executives 香港小特首

80 80 / 8 Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau 政制及內地事務局

Junior District Councillor (Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing)荃葵青區兒童區議員

50 30 50 /

Junior Advisor兒童諮議員

35 / / / Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau – Children’s Rights Education Funding Scheme政制及內地事務局 - 兒童權利教育活動資助計劃


Service Overview


STEMCA 六系創技 世界一直在變,社會不斷冒起新的趨勢和需要,而 STEM 教育(科學、科技、工程、數學)正正是現今世界發展的最新趨勢,因此兒童必須充分裝備自己,以迎接時代轉變所帶來的挑戰。 本會透過將職涯 (Career) 和藝術 (Art) 元素融入,成為本會「六系創技」的發展方向,孩子從中獲得更多機會應用相關的知識和思考模式,學習以創新思維和嶄新的角度,為社會尋求更貼合時代需要的新出路。

Project Name計劃名稱

Service Target服務對象

Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構

Children and Families Digital Project for Fun and Innovation 2017童•尋•作• 樂-親子數碼創意體驗計劃 2017

15,692 1,375 / / Innovation and Technology Commission 創新科技署

Community Creativity Learning Centre社區創意學習中心

9,798 1,136 34 6,031

Maker Faire Hong Kong 2017造大世界

1,500 700 / 2,000 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design 香港理工大學設計學院

HK SciFest 2018 - Maker & STEM香港科學節 2018 -動手造與 STEM

542 980 2 / Hong Kong Science Museum, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design香港科學館、香港理工大學設計學院

Children Digital Creativity Project, DC@7DC@7 數碼創意發展計劃

672 / / /

STEMCA Special Projects in 2017-2018 2017-2018年度六系創技之特別計劃

Work Foci 服務重點

Children / Youths 兒童 / 青少年 Parents 家長 Volunteers / Mentors 義工 / 友師 Others 其他

The world is ever changing. New trends, challenges and needs arise. STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is the latest focus in the world today. BGCA has added the elements of “Career” and “Art” to STEM education and “STEMCA” is developed. Children and youth have more opportunities to apply relevant knowledge, and learn to explore the world with innovative thinking and new perspectives, which in turn create more possibilities for our future society.

82 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Career & Life Planning 生涯規劃本會相信每位青少年都具備突破自己的能力,透過與不同行業的機構合作,我們積極為青少年提供不同的興趣培育、義務工作及多樣化職場環境體驗,讓他們深入認識個人的價值與態度、提升技能與知識,及早掌握未來志向,開拓個人志業,成為社會未來的主人翁。

Career and Life Planning Special Projects in 2017-20182017-2018年度生涯規劃之特別計劃

Project Name計劃名稱

Service Target服務對象

Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構

CLAP for Youth @ JC「賽馬會鼓掌 ‧ 創你程計劃」

1,036 328 145 1,151 Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Hong Kong, Hong Kong Trade Development Council Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Aviation Academy 賽馬會慈善信託基金、香港貿易發展局、香港國際航空學院

Tap Seac Craft Market澳門塔石藝墟

40 4 / 3,060 Cultural Affairs Bureau, Government of the Macau Special Administrative Region澳門特區政府文化局

Band Union音樂同盟

188 8 / 2000 Renaissance Foundation文藝復興基金會

An Experiental Carnival of Aesthetic Industry美業探索體驗旅程

142 / / / Education Bureau, Qualifications Framework, Hong Kong Hair and Beauty Merchants Association教育局、資歷架構、香港美髮美容業商會

We believe that every youth has the ability to surmount themselves. Through collaboration with organizations in different industries, we actively provide young people with interest exposure, volunteer work, and diversified workplace environment experiences, in order for them to deeply understand their personal values and attitudes. Hence they can enhance their skills to grasp future aspirations to become our future masters of society.


Service Overview


Areas 範疇 Researches and submissions 項目名稱 Date 日期

Health 健康 Survey on the Child Happiness and Sleeping Pattern 兒童快樂與睡眠調查


Service Development 服務發展

Evaluation of Pre-school Parenting Programme on Parents of Children with Development Disorders/Difficulties of SMILE 「樂牽學前到校服務」- 學前發展障礙/困難兒童家長小組成效評估


Evaluation of Creative Arts Approach for ASD and ADHD Students 「生命萬花筒」 - 《藝術共融》支援特殊學習需要學生創意藝術計劃服務評估


Agency Image 機構形象

BGCA Brand Awareness Survey 2017 香港小童群益會品牌認知度調查

11/2017- 8/2018

Social environment 社會環境

Survey on the LIFA 低收入在職家庭津貼計劃調查


Submission on "Rights of Children and examination and school work stress"在考試及功課壓力下兒童的權利意見書


Submission on “Child Care Service” 幼兒照顧服務意見書


Submission on the establishment of the Commission on children 成立兒童事務委員會意見書


Organization Level 機構層面

Research and Advocacy 研究及倡議To advocate our views and stands on various issues affecting children welfare, we have adopted both reactive and proactive approach to voice out our professional opinions on children’s growth and development.


BGCA’s efforts and submissions on child-related issues in 2017-2018本會於 2017-2018 年度進行了以下研究及倡議項目

▲ (From left to right) BGCA's Executive Committee member Dr Patrick IP, Former Executive Director Ms Lilian LAW Suk-kwan, JP*, Executive Com-mittee Chairman Dr NG Yin-ming and Deputy Executive Director Dr WONG Kwai-yau, MH announced the result of survey on the Child Happiness and Sleeping Pattern.

( 從左至右 ) 本會執行委員會委員葉柏強醫生、前總幹事羅淑君太平紳士,JP*、執行委員會主席吳彥明醫生及副總幹事一黃貴有博士,MH 發佈「睡眠與快樂 – 香港兒童快樂調查 2017」結果。

* Received the Medal of Honour (MH) on 1st July 2018 於2018年7月1日獲頒授榮譽勳章

84 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Competitions and Fundraising Events 比賽及籌款活動

RBC Race for the Kids is an exciting series of charitable runs held in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Trinidad & Tobago, United Kingdom and the United States every year to raise funds for children and youth service. BGCA was very pleased to be invited by Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) to organise this event in Hong Kong to raise funds for supporting youth upward mobility. On the event day, we had 10km and 3km race, a fun run and walk followed by a carnival for all participants, supporters, friends and their families. In 2018, the event attracted 3,750 participants and raised over HKD 1 million for the children and youth in need.

「RBC 童心競賽」慈善步行跑步比賽,每年於全球各地舉行,為澳洲、加拿大、香港、盧森堡、馬來西亞、千里達及多巴哥、英國和美國的兒童及青少年服務籌集善款。本會得到加拿大皇家銀行的邀請,擔當「RBC 童心競賽」香港站的主辦機構,活動由加拿大皇家銀行贊助活動舉行。當天設有 10 公里及 3 公里跑步比賽、輕鬆跑步步行及嘉年華。所有活動收費用作協助提升青少年向上流動,活動去年成功吸引約 3,750 名參加者,並籌得逾 100 萬港幣善款。

RBC Race for the Kids RBC 童心競賽


Service Overview

85Competitions and Fundraising Events 比賽及籌款活動

「全港兒童故事演講比賽」經已踏入第 44 屆,希望藉比賽鼓勵學校和家長攜手合作,培育兒童養成良好的閱讀習慣,讓他們透過演繹富有教育意義的故事而得到啓發。本屆比賽主題為「愛地球」,本會希望兒童透過撰寫、演講和聆聽與主題有關的故事,可以發掘各式各樣愛護地球的方法,培養認識全球性議題的意識。環境局局長黃錦星,GBS,JP出席總決賽作主禮嘉賓。

今屆比賽共吸引 970 位參賽者,合計多於 730 個參賽單位參加。在云云參賽者中,15 隊精英脫穎而出,晉身決賽爭奪每組的冠軍、亞軍及季軍獎座。今年亦有頒發特別獎項,包括「最佳演說獎」、「愛地球故事大獎」及「最具創意故事大獎」。

Entering the 44th year, “Children Story Telling Competition” has strived to encourage schools and parents to collaborate, nurturing children to develop good reading habits, thus to inspire them with educational and meaningful stories and develop their future goals. We adopts the theme “Love Our Planet” for the year. When writing, telling and listening stories on the theme, children would be able to discover different ways to “Love Our Planet” which develop their consciousness of learning the global issues. Secretary for the Environment, Mr WONG Kam-shing, GBS, JP is the guest of honour in the final competition.

This year, we have received satisfactory responses with 970 applicants, composing more than 730 groups. Among them, 15 entries had been entered the final and competed for Champion, 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up of each groups. Special awards namely, “The Best Presenter Award”, “Love Our Planet Story Award”, and “The Most Creative Story Award” were also presented.

Children Story Telling Competition 2018全港兒童故事演講比賽 2018

86 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Co-organised by BGCA and the Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation, the 53rd Hong Kong Healthy Children Competition aimed at raising public awareness about children’s and youth’s development, their physical and mental health, was held in October and November 2017. In the meantime, it raised the importance of providing our young generation with a good environment for growing up. The competition received generous support from various professional groups across different disciplines. Collaboration parties included The Hong Kong Paediatric Society, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association, Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association and Hong Kong Nutrition Association Limited. Over 350 children aged 3 to 11 took part in the completion and they were divided into 5 groups to take tests on their physical conditions, vitality, agility, flexibility, muscle strength and eye-hand coordination, etc. They were also encouraged to participate in a talent show.

由本會及香港兒科基金合辦的「全港兒童健康比賽」於 2017 年 10 月至 11 月舉行,目的是希望喚起社會人士對兒童全人發展及身心健康的關注,為兒童締造一個健康的成長環境。活動踏入第 53 屆,一直深受家長及兒童歡迎,並得各界專業團體的鼎力支持。去年活動的協辦機構包括:香港兒科醫學會、伊利沙伯醫院、香港職業治療學會、香港物理治療學會及香港營養學會有限公司。比賽吸引超過 350 名年齡介乎 3 至 11 歲的兒童參加,共分為 5 個年齡組別,參加者需接受多項基本健康檢查、活力測試、身心智能測試,有部分參加者更參與才藝表演。

The 53rd Hong Kong Healthy Children Competition第 53 屆全港兒童健康比賽


Service Overview


Team Challenge 36 began in 1998 and remains as one of the largest amphibian charity races in Hong Kong. Each team of 3-5 members must visit all the designated check points within 10 to 36 hours depending on the team category. They must also accomplish all the challenging tasks, including canoeing, orienteering, abseiling and cycling. In 2017, Team Challenge 36 has been held across Hong Kong Island and Lantau Island. Over 510 people in 109 teams completed the race in deep winter. The routes of the challenge for Elite teams and Challenge teams were 70.6 km long, The Champion of Elite Team – Open spent about 15 hours and 52 minutes to finish the route. Our Title Sponsor was Henderson Land Development Company Limited. The supporting organization last year including China Amateur Radio Study Club, Challenge Course Association of Hong Kong, Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited and Santos Soccer Training Limited Hong Kong.

「團隊挑戰 36」自 1998 年起舉辦,是其中一個全港最大型的水陸越野挑戰賽。每隊參賽隊伍以 3 至 5 人組成,須於指定時間 (10 小時至 36 小時 ) 內自訂路線抵達大會指定的檢查點,並完成各個挑戰項目,包括划艇、野外定向、緣繩下降和單車等,與隊員一起挑戰自己,訓練團隊合作能力。「團隊挑戰 36」 2017 路線跨越區域限制,路線橫跨港島區及大嶼山,吸引共 109 支隊伍、逾 510 人在嚴冬下攀山越嶺,挑戰自我。精英組和挑戰組賽事的路線總長度達 70.6 公里,精英組 - 公開隊的冠軍花了約 15 小時 52 分鐘完成賽事。本活動去年得到恒基兆業地產有限公司冠名贊助,並得到中華業餘無線電研究會、中國香港挑戰網陣協會、新菱工程香港有限公司和車路士足球學校 ( 香港 ) 等機構支持。

Team Challenge 36 團隊挑戰 36

Competitions and Fundraising Events 比賽及籌款活動

88 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

The scholarship aims at recognising the personal development of children and young people who have made remarkable progress or contributions in the areas of creativity, or who have overcome great adversities in life. The Scholarship has been made possible with a generous donation from Mr W I Cheung, JP, past Chairman, Executive Committee of BGCA and his family members. 10 scholarships had shown outstanding performance in creativity and overcoming adversities. HK$5,000 scholarship was awarded each as a token of commendation this year.

「張永賢律師奮進獎學金」旨在表揚兒童及青少年對個人及社會所作的努力,嘉許他們在堅毅奮進及創意思維兩方面的傑出表現。「張永賢律師奮進獎學金」由本會前執行委員會主席張永賢律師,JP 的家族成員贊助。本年度甄選委員會選出和頒發 10 個在堅毅奮進及創意思維兩方面表現傑出的獎項,每個獎項的得主獲頒港幣 5,000 元獎學金。

Categories of the Scholarship提名範疇

Name 姓名 School 學校

Resilience 堅毅奮進

CHAN Chung-kin 陳頌喬 Elegantia College (Sponsored By Education Convergence) 風采中學 ( 教育評議會主辦 )

HOSSAIN Fahim 浩笙 St. Joseph's College 聖若瑟書院

LI Cheuk-ning 李卓嚀 St. Rose of Lima's College 聖羅撒書院

NGAN Shu-sum 顏樹森 The Society of Boys' Centres Hui Chung Sing Memorial School 香港扶幼會許仲繩紀念學校

SEE Chi-shing 施智誠 Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary School 將軍澳官立中學

WONG Ka-cheung 王啟祥 GCEPSA Whampoa Primary School 葛量洪校友會黃埔學校

WONG Sze-on 黃思安 China Holiness College 中聖書院

WONG Yue-ching 王愉程 United Christian College (Kowloon East) 滙基書院 ( 東九龍 )

Creativity 創意思維

CHAN Hon-hung 陳漢雄 P.L.K. Chong Kee Ting Primary School 保良局莊啟程小學

WONG Chi-kit 黃智傑 Wa Ying College 華英中學

Scholarship Schemes 獎學金計劃 W I Cheung Scholarship 張永賢律師奮進獎學金

List of Awardees 得獎名單


Service Overview


The “BGCA Caring Award for The Most Outstanding Improvement” encourages the constant improvement amongst children and youth who took part in BGCA’s After School Care service, recognising the personal development o f those ch i ldren and youth who have made remarkable progress and outstanding performance in the areas of morality, behavior and school studies.

為鼓勵參加本會課餘託管服務的兒童及青少年,在求學及成長期間努力學習,並公開表揚他們在品格、行為、學習和人際相處上有顯著進步,本會榮譽會長胡經昌先生,BBS,JP 特設立「群益關愛學童飛躍進步獎勵計劃」。第七屆「群益關愛學童飛躍進步獎勵計劃」選出 16 位傑出表現的學童並頒予書劵及證書,以茲鼓勵。

Junior Primary Division 初小組 Name 姓名 Services Unit 單位名稱

Champion 冠軍

WONG Sheung-yan 王尚仁

Shaukiwan Children Centre and Library 筲箕灣兒童中心及圖書館

First Runner-up亞軍

WONG Hei-tung黃俙彤

Kornhill Children Centre康山兒童中心

Second Runner-up季軍

SIU Yu-yeung蕭宇陽

Ma On Shan East Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre馬鞍山東青少年綜合服務中心

Third Runner-up殿軍

Lam Yat-hei林溢希

Jockey Club Southern District Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre賽馬會南區青少年綜合服務中心

Certificate of Merit優異獎狀

LIANG Yi-tao 梁逸濤

Jockey Club Cheung Sha Wan Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre賽馬會長沙灣青少年綜合服務中心

ZHAO Miao-yu趙妙予

Jockey Club Fanling Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre賽馬會粉嶺青少年綜合服務中心

MA Sum-yat 馬琛一

Jockey Club Ma On Shan Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre賽馬會馬鞍山青少年綜合服務中心(錦泰)

FONG Chun-tung 方晉東

Jockey Club Sau Mau Ping Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre賽馬會秀茂坪青少年綜合服務中心

Senior Primary Division 高小組 Name 姓名 Services Unit 單位名稱

Champion 冠軍

LAM Wing-yan林穎茵

Jockey Club South Kwai Chung Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 賽馬會南葵涌青少年綜合服務中心

First Runner-up亞軍

LIN Ming-pan林銘彬

Jockey Club Cheung Sha Wan Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 賽馬會長沙灣青少年綜合服務中心

Second Runner-up季軍

LIANG Tse-kin梁子健

Tai Wai Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre大圍青少年綜合服務中心

Third Runner-up殿軍

YIP Ming-tung葉明東

Ma On Shan East Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre馬鞍山東青少年綜合服務中心

Certificate of Merit優異獎狀

CHEUNG Yuk-ming張育銘

Jockey Club Sheung Wan Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre賽馬會上環青少年綜合服務中心

CHENG Tsz-tsun鄭梓浚

Jockey Club South Horizons Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre賽馬會海怡青少年綜合服務中心

CHOI Yuen-chun蔡源晉

Jockey Club Cheung Hang Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre賽馬會長亨青少年綜合服務中心

LEE Lok-hei李樂熙

Jockey Club Tai Po Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre賽馬會大埔青少年綜合服務中心

Scholarship Schemes 獎學金計劃

The BGCA Caring Award for the Most Outstanding Improvement 群益關愛學童飛躍進步獎勵計劃

List of Awardees 得獎名單

This award is sponsored by our Honorary President, Mr Henry K.C. WU, BBS, JP. Sixteen students with outstanding performance were selected in the 7th “BGCA Caring Award for The Most Outstanding Improvement”, they were awarded book coupons and certificates for encouragement.

90 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

本會主席吳彥明醫生設立「吳李旺音樂培育獎學金」,為低收入家庭兒童提供學習樂器的機會,助他們發展音樂的才能。30 名學童獲資助參與不同的樂器課程。本計劃與青苗琴行合作,由青苗琴行導師提供義教服務。

Founded by the Chairman of Executive Committee of BGCA, Dr NG Yin-ming, The Ng Lee Wong Music Scholarship provides children from low-income families the opportunity to develop their music talent. 30 children were awarded the scholarship to learn different instruments. The programme was supported by Greenery Music in sponsoring music instruments courses.

List of Awardees 得獎名單

Ng Lee Wong Music Scholarship 2017-18 吳李旺音樂培育獎學金計劃 2017-18

YIM Sung-ming 嚴崇銘 Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School 迦密愛禮信中學

LAI Sum-yi 賴心怡 St. Mary Canossian College 嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院

WU Wing-kei 吳潁姬 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fut Nam College 東華三院黃笏南中學

CHUNG Wai-sum 鍾慧心 Queen Elizabeth School 伊利沙伯中學

WONG Hoi-nam 王凱楠 Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Primary School 旅港開平商會學校

WU-shu 胡樹 S.K.H. Kei Fook Primary School 聖公會基福小學

OU Lok-yiu 歐樂瑤 Wong Tai Sin Catholic Primary School 黃大仙天主教小學

FUNG Taz-yau 馮芷柔 Po Leung Kuk Ngan Po Ling College 保良局顏寶鈴書院

LAM Yik-man 林易旻 AD & FD POHL Leung Sing Tak School 博愛醫院歷屆總理聯誼會梁省德學校

LI Yun-tong 李蕓彤 Fung Kai Liu Yun Sum Memorial School 鳳溪廖潤琛紀念學校

TUNG Yuen-chun 董元俊 S.K.H. St. Michael's Primary School 聖公會聖米迦勒小學

CHEN Ka-man 陳嘉敏 Assembly of God Leung Sing Tak Primary School 基督教神召會梁省德小學

LIU Ka-yiu 劉嘉瑤 Canton Road Government Primary School 廣東道官立小學

LUK Tin-yan 陸天欣 Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School 慈雲山天主教小學

CHONG Taz-ching 莊芷澄 Alliance Primary School - Whampoa 黃埔宣道小學

YU Hao-ming 余浩鳴 S.K.H. Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary School 聖公會呂明才紀念小學

YEUNG Pui-yin 楊沛然 The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong Wo Che Lutheran School 基督教香港信義會禾輋信義學校

WONG Hao-nam 黃浩男 Island Road Government Primary School 香島道官立小學

LAM Yau-chun 林佑晉 Chun Tok School 真鐸學校

SHUM Sze-wing 沈思穎 S.K.H. Kei Fook Primary School 聖公會基福小學

LAM Yau-sum 林佑芯 Chun Tok School 真鐸學校

HO Nga-man 何雅雯 Our Lady Of China Catholic Primary School 天主教佑華小學

LAM Sze-ming 林詩銘 Buddhist Chung Wah Kornhill Primary School 佛教中華康山學校

HON Cheuk-lam 韓焯藍 Chun Tok School 真鐸學校

HO Cheuk-tung 何卓桐 Wong Tai Sin Catholic Primary School 黃大仙天主教小學

NIE Kwan-wing 聶君穎 Chun Tok School 真鐸學校

LAW Pui-kwan 羅沛筠 Chun Tok School 真鐸學校

LEE Yuen-ching 利婉晴 Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Primary School 伊利沙伯中學舊生會小學

CHAN Yu-ying 陳雨瑩 Kam Tsin Village Ho Tung School 金錢村何東學校

CHEUNG Yat-hei 張逸希 Si Yuan School of the Precious Blood 寶血會思源學校

Hong Kong 港島

Kowloon 九龍

New Territories 新界

Hong Kong香港


Mainland Services 國內服務









31 1530



29 22
















Stationing School Social Work Services are not included 以上並不包括駐校社會工作服務學校

Service Units List 服務單位名錄


Service Overview


92 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

HEADQUARTERS 總部 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 香港灣仔駱克道3號 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 Website 網址:http://www.bgca.org.hk Email 電郵:[email protected]



1a Internet Learning Support Programme 1/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 上網學習支援計劃 香港灣仔駱克道3號1樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 1b Joyful Adventure Day - A Pilot Project 1/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 「好動‧樂共享」計劃 香港灣仔駱克道3號1樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332

1c “Fun.Feel.Share” Lyrics-writing and 1/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 Singing Show - A Pilot Project 香港灣仔駱克道3號1樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 「唱作‧樂共享」計劃 1d Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten 2/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2529 8484 (Wanchai) 香港灣仔駱克道3號2樓 Fax 傳真:2529 8482 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(灣仔) Email 電郵:[email protected]

1e Parent child Hub / Growth Education Centre 3/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2529 3322 親子匣 / 成長教育中心 香港灣仔駱克道3號3樓 Fax 傳真:2529 3353 1f HKJC Childhood Intervention Progarm 3/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2529 3322 賽馬會早期兒童發展計劃 香港灣仔駱克道3號3樓 Fax 傳真:2529 3353 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1g Counselling Centre 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2520 2950 輔導中心 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 Fax 傳真:2143 6843 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1h “Open the Heart”Holistic Child-Focused 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2520 2950 Counselling Project 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 Fax 傳真:2143 6843 童展心窗-全方位兒童為本輔助計劃 1i Parents’ Hotline 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2866 6388 「兒童身心發展」家長專線 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 1j “Smile” On-site Pre-school Integrated Service 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話: 3709 8810 Team (WanChai) 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 Email 電郵:[email protected] 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務隊(灣仔)

1k Psychological Support Service 6/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 心理支援服務 香港灣仔駱克道3號6樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1l Art Psychotherapy Service 6/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 藝術心理治療服務 香港灣仔駱克道3號6樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 1m Jockey Club Trauma Treatment Service for 6/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 Children and Youth 香港灣仔駱克道3號6樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 賽馬會兒童及青少年心理創傷治療服務 1n Youth ImpACT Award 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 感創敢為-青年社會創新服務獎 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1o School Social Work Section 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 學校社會工作部 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 1p Mustard Seed Project 2.0 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 芥菜籽計劃 2.0 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332

Service Units List 服務單位名錄


Service Overview


* After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務

2 Kornhill Children Centre G/F, Block 2-3, Kornhill Garden, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2886 1916 康山兒童中心* 香港鰂魚涌康山花園第2至第3座地下 Fax 傳真:2535 9855 Email 電郵:[email protected]

2a Internet Learning Support Programme Tel 電話:2569 7399 上網學習支援計劃 Fax 傳真:3997 3170 3 Shaukiwan Children Centre and Library UG/F, Block A, Ming Wah Dai Ha, Shaukiwan, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2569 9732 筲箕灣兒童中心及圖書館* 香港筲箕灣明華大廈A座地下高層 Fax 傳真:2567 2463 Email 電郵:[email protected]

3a Internet Learning Support Programme Tel 電話:2569 9732 上網學習支援計劃 Fax 傳真:3997 3170


4 Jockey Club Sheung Wan Children & 11/F, Sheung Wan Municipal Services Building, Tel 電話:2850 7237 Youth Integrated Services Centre 345 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Fax 傳真:2541 8077 賽馬會上環青少年綜合服務中心* 香港上環皇后大道中345號上環市政大廈11樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

5 Jockey Club Southern District Children & 1/F & 3/F, Wah Kwai Community Centre, Tel 電話:2550 3622 Youth Integrated Services Centre Wah Kwai Estate, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Fax 傳真:2552 3993 賽馬會南區青少年綜合服務中心 香港仔華貴邨華貴社區中心1及3字樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

5a Jockey Club Southern District Children & Flat 120 - 124, G/F, Wah Tai House, Wah Fu (2) Estate, Tel 電話:2550 7200 Youth Integrated Services Centre Hong Kong Email 電郵:[email protected] (Wah Tai Branch) 香港仔華富邨華泰樓120至124號 賽馬會南區青少年綜合服務中心(華泰分處) * 6 Jockey Club South Horizons Children & 2/F, Neighbourhood Community Centre, Tel 電話:2552 2111 Youth Integrated Services Centre East Commercial Block, South Horizons, Fax 傳真:2552 8666 賽馬會海怡青少年綜合服務中心 Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong Email 電郵:[email protected] 香港鴨脷洲海怡半島東翼商場海怡社區中心2樓

6a Jockey Club South Horizons Children & G/F, 9-13, Low Block, Lei Fook House, Tel 電話:2555 2165 Youth Integrated Services Centre Ap Lei Chau Estate, Hong Kong Fax 傳真:2580 9567 (Ap Lei Chau Branch) 香港鴨脷洲邨利福樓低座9至13號地下 Email 電郵:[email protected] 賽馬會海怡青少年綜合服務中心 (鴨脷洲分處)*

KOWLOON 九龍 KOWLOON CITY AND WONG TAI SIN 九龍城及黃大仙 7 Lok Man Children & Family Integrated G/F, Block G, Lok Man Sun Chuen, Tokwawan, Kowloon Tel 電話:2714 3200 Activity Centre 九龍土瓜灣樂民新邨G座地下 Fax 傳真:2768 8490 樂民兒童及家庭綜合活動中心* Email 電郵:[email protected]

7a Kowloon City Family Life Education Office Tel 電話:2711 4650 九龍城區家庭生活教育辦事處 Fax 傳真:2768 8490 Email 電郵:[email protected]

7b Internet Learning Support Programme Tel 電話:2768 7070 上網學習支援計劃 Fax 傳真:3997 3170

8 Jockey Club Tsz Wan Shan Children & Rm. 203, 1/F, Lung Poon Court Commercial Centre, Tel 電話:2320 4005 Youth Integrated Services Centre Diamond Hill, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2328 6401 賽馬會慈雲山青少年綜合服務中心* 九龍鑽石山龍蟠苑商場2樓203室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

8a Wong Tai Sin Family Life Education Office Tel 電話:2329 5102 黃大仙區家庭生活教育組辦事處 Fax 傳真:2328 6401 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1a Internet Learning Support Programme 1/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 上網學習支援計劃 香港灣仔駱克道3號1樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 1b Joyful Adventure Day - A Pilot Project 1/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 「好動‧樂共享」計劃 香港灣仔駱克道3號1樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332

1c “Fun.Feel.Share” Lyrics-writing and 1/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 Singing Show - A Pilot Project 香港灣仔駱克道3號1樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 「唱作‧樂共享」計劃 1d Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten 2/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2529 8484 (Wanchai) 香港灣仔駱克道3號2樓 Fax 傳真:2529 8482 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(灣仔) Email 電郵:[email protected]

1e Parent child Hub / Growth Education Centre 3/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2529 3322 親子匣 / 成長教育中心 香港灣仔駱克道3號3樓 Fax 傳真:2529 3353 1f HKJC Childhood Intervention Progarm 3/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2529 3322 賽馬會早期兒童發展計劃 香港灣仔駱克道3號3樓 Fax 傳真:2529 3353 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1g Counselling Centre 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2520 2950 輔導中心 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 Fax 傳真:2143 6843 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1h “Open the Heart”Holistic Child-Focused 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2520 2950 Counselling Project 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 Fax 傳真:2143 6843 童展心窗-全方位兒童為本輔助計劃 1i Parents’ Hotline 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2866 6388 「兒童身心發展」家長專線 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 1j “Smile” On-site Pre-school Integrated Service 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話: 3709 8810 Team (WanChai) 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 Email 電郵:[email protected] 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務隊(灣仔)

1k Psychological Support Service 6/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 心理支援服務 香港灣仔駱克道3號6樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1l Art Psychotherapy Service 6/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 藝術心理治療服務 香港灣仔駱克道3號6樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 1m Jockey Club Trauma Treatment Service for 6/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 Children and Youth 香港灣仔駱克道3號6樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 賽馬會兒童及青少年心理創傷治療服務 1n Youth ImpACT Award 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 感創敢為-青年社會創新服務獎 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1o School Social Work Section 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 學校社會工作部 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 1p Mustard Seed Project 2.0 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 芥菜籽計劃 2.0 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332

94 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

8b AIDS Project - Project Touch Tel 電話:2320 4005 (Peer Counseling, Online Intervention, Fax 傳真:2328 6401 Parents support, Public Education and Professional Development, Testing and Partner Support) 性向無限計劃(朋輩輔導、網上輔導、 家長支援服務、公眾教育及專業發展、 測試及伴侶支援)

8c Internet Learning Support Programme Tel 電話:2755 6555 上網學習支援計劃 Fax 傳真:3997 3170

8d Jockey Club Tsz Wan Shan Children & G/F, Lok Yan House, Tsz Lok Estate, Tsz Wan Shan, Tel 電話:2326 6555 Youth Integrated Services Centre Kowloon Fax 傳真:2351 9992 (Tsz Lok Branch) 九龍慈雲山慈樂邨樂仁樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected] 賽馬會慈雲山青少年綜合服務中心 (慈樂分處)

8e Tsz Wan Shan Small Group Home Tel 電話:2320 4336 Social Worker Office Fax 傳真:2351 9992 慈雲山兒童之家社工辦事處 Email 電郵:[email protected]

9 Cheerland Nursery School cum G/F, Tat Sin House, Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate, Tel 電話:2216 4216 Kindergarten (Wong Tai Sin) Kowloon Fax 傳真:2216 4811 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(黃大仙) 九龍黃大仙上邨達善樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

KWUN TONG 觀塘 10 Jockey Club Sau Mau Ping Children & G/F, Sau Lok House, Sau Mau Ping (III) Estate, Tel 電話:2348 0636 Youth Integrated Services Centre Kwun Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2348 0696 賽馬會秀茂坪青少年綜合服務中心* 九龍觀塘秀茂坪邨第3期秀樂樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

10a Internet Learning Support Programme Tel 電話:2775 6969 上網學習支援計劃 Fax 傳真:3997 3170

10b Jockey Club Sau Mau Ping Children & G/F, Wing C, Sau Mong House, Sau Mau Ping Tel 電話:3565 6564 Youth Integrated Services Centre South Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon Email 電郵:[email protected] (Sau Mau Ping South Branch) 九龍觀塘秀茂坪南邨秀旺樓C翼地下 賽馬會秀茂坪青少年綜合服務中心(秀南分處)* 11 Jockey Club Yau Tong Children & No. 1, 3/F, Carpark Block, Ko Cheung Court, Tel 電話:2343 3554 Youth Integrated Services Centre Yau Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2343 3615 賽馬會油塘青少年綜合服務中心* 九龍油塘高翔苑停車場大樓3樓1號 Email 電郵:[email protected]

11a Growing Partners Project Tel 電話:2343 3554 結伴成長計劃 Fax 傳真:2343 3615 11b Growing Partners 2 - Child Development Fund IV Tel 電話:2343 3554 結伴再成長-兒童發展基金計劃 第四期 Fax 傳真:2343 3615 11c Internet Learning Support Programme Tel 電話:2343 3554 上網學習支援計劃 Fax 傳真:3997 3170 11d Project STAR Tel 電話:2343 3554 週末學趣成長坊 Fax 傳真:2343 3615 12 Kwun Tong District Youth Outreaching Unit 212, Kwong Tin Shopping Centre, Kwong Tel 電話:2347 2733 Social Work Team Tin Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2347 4450 觀塘區青少年外展社會工作隊 九龍觀塘廣田邨廣田商場212室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

12a Overnight Outreaching Service Tel 電話:6776 3343 夜貓子民東九龍夜青服務隊 Fax 傳真:2347 4450 Email 電郵:[email protected]

Service Units List 服務單位名錄


Service Overview


13 Cheerland Nursery School cum G/F, Shops 11-13, Chevalier Commercial Centre, Tel 電話:2796 2122 Kindergarten (Kowloon Bay) 8 Wang Hoi Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2755 1355 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(九龍灣) 九龍灣宏開道8號其士商業中心11-13號地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

14 CLAP for Youth @ JC 3/F, Tamson Plaza, 161 Wai Yip Street , Kwun Tong Tel 電話:3692 4470 「賽馬會鼓掌‧創你程計劃」 九龍觀塘偉業街161號德勝廣場3樓 Fax 傳真:3692 4474 Email 電郵:[email protected] SHAM SHUI PO 深水埗 15 Jockey Club Cheung Sha Wan Children & Room 101-120, G/F, Lai Ho House, Lai Kok Estate, Tel 電話:2729 2294 Youth Integrated Services Centre Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2725 5726 賽馬會長沙灣青少年綜合服務中心* 九龍長沙灣麗閣邨麗荷樓地下101-120室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

16 Youth Action Network - 2/F, 54 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon Tel 電話:2304 2401 Community Support Service Scheme 九龍大角咀必發道54號2樓 Fax 傳真:2304 3702 青鋒網-社區支援服務計劃 Email 電郵:[email protected]

16a School Support Scheme 3/F, 54 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon Tel 電話:2527 3226 全方位校園支援計劃 九龍大角咀必發道54號3樓 Fax 傳真:2395 9595 Email 電郵:[email protected]

16b School Crisis Management Support Scheme Tel 電話:2527 3226 校園危機支援計劃 Fax 傳真:2395 9595 16c Understanding Adolescents Project Tel 電話:2527 3226 成長的天空 Fax 傳真:2395 9595 16d Project Respect Tel 電話:2527 3226 友愛總動員 Fax 傳真:2395 9595 Email 電郵:[email protected]

16e Path-finding Adventure Project Tel 電話:2527 3226 創路雄心計劃 Fax 傳真:2395 9595

16f Joyful School Project Tel 電話:2527 3226 喜樂校園計劃 Fax 傳真:2395 9595

16g Walk Together in Adversity-Joyful@School Project Tel 電話:2527 3226 尊重生命、逆境同行「好心情@學校」計劃 Fax 傳真:2395 9595 16h Jockey Club Cyber Youth Outreach Service- Tel 電話:2396 9447 BGCA Nite Cat Online Fax 傳真:2395 9595 賽馬會網上青年外展服務- Email 電郵:[email protected] 香港小童群益會夜貓Online

17 Mei Foo Children & Youth Integrated 4/F & 5/F, Mei Foo Government Complex Building, Tel 電話:2741 6294 Services Centre No.33 Mei Lai Road, Shamshuipo, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2370 0747 美孚青少年綜合服務中心 九龍深水埗美荔道33號美孚政府綜合大樓4及5樓 Email 電郵:[email protected] 17a Healthy School Programme Tel 電話:5492 7226 (Kowloon District Government Schools) Fax 傳真:2370 0747 健康校園計劃(九龍區官立中學) Email 電郵:[email protected]

18 Shamshuipo District Youth Outreaching Unit 2, G/F, Un Kin House, Un Chau Estate, Tel 電話:2729 2262 Social Work Team Shamshuipo, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2708 2422 深水埗區青少年外展社會工作隊 九龍深水埗元洲邨元健樓地下2號 Email 電郵:[email protected]

NEW TERRITORIES 新界 SAI KUNG 西貢 19 Jockey Club Tseung Kwan O Children & 2/F, (East Wing), Po Kan House , Po Lam Estate, Tel 電話:2701 4388 Youth Integrated Services Centre Tseung Kwan O, Sai Kung Fax 傳真:2701 0309 賽馬會將軍澳青少年綜合服務中心 西貢將軍澳寶林邨寶勤樓(東翼)2樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

* After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務

96 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

19a Family Life Education Unit (Sai Kung) Tel 電話:2703 5955 西貢區家庭生活教育組 Fax 傳真:2701 0309 Email 電郵:[email protected]

19b Internet Learning Support Programme Tel 電話:6744 6555 上網學習支援計劃 Fax 傳真:3997 3170 19c Kaleidoscope of Life - Creative Arts Tel 電話:2701 4388 Approach for ASD and ADHD Students Fax 傳真:2701 0309 生命萬花筒-藝術‧共融│支援SEN學生 創意藝術計劃 20 Cheerland Nursery School cum G/F, Tong Wong House, Tong Ming Court, Tel 電話:2177 0265 Kindergarten (Tseung Kwan O) Tseung Kwan O, N.T Fax 傳真:2177 4830 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(將軍澳) 將軍澳唐明苑唐煌閣地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

21 Bradbury Camp DD 257, Lot 642, Wong Yi Chau, Sai Kung, N.T. Tel 電話:2792 1409 白普理營 新界西貢黃宜洲257約份642地段 Fax 傳真:2792 0721 Email 電郵:[email protected]

SHA TIN 沙田 22 Tai Wai Children & Youth Integrated 1/F, (Carpart Floor), Tai Wai Social Service Building, Tel 電話:2694 9322 Services Centre 1 Mei Tin Road, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2606 4135 大圍青少年綜合服務中心 * 新界沙田大圍美田路1號大圍社會服務大樓1樓 Email 電郵:[email protected] (停車場層) 22a Tai Wai Growth and Development Centre Room129-140, G/F, Mei Yeung House, Mei Lam Estate, Tel 電話:2697 6989 大圍成長發展中心 Shatin, N.T Fax 傳真:2636 4072 新界沙田美林邨美楊樓地下129-140室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

22b Caltex Project - Fuel Your School Tel 電話:2649 5113 加德士-推動學校 Fax 傳真:2606 4135 Email 電郵:[email protected]

22c Mead Johnson Feeding Hope Project Tel 電話:2649 5113 美贊臣童懷希望 Fax 傳真:2606 4135 22d Growing Partners 2 - Child Development Fund IV Tel 電話:2649 5113 結伴再成長-兒童發展基金計劃 第四期 Fax 傳真:2606 4135 22e Internet Learning Support Programme Tel 電話:2633 5433 上網學習支援計劃 Fax 傳真:3997 3170 22f RBC Race for the kids Tel 電話:2649 5113 童心競賽計劃 Fax 傳真:2606 4135

22g Project CRADLE Tel 電話:2649 5113 攜動計劃 Fax 傳真:2606 4135 23 Jockey Club Ma On Shan Children & 1/F, Kam Tai Shopping Centre, Kam Tai Court, Tel 電話:2641 7999 Youth Integrated Services Centre Ma On Shan, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2640 1048 賽馬會馬鞍山青少年綜合服務中心* 新界沙田馬鞍山錦泰苑商場1樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

23a Internet Learning Support Programme Tel 電話:2641 7999 上網學習支援計劃 Fax 傳真:3997 3170

23b Family Life Education Unit (Sha Tin District) Tel 電話:2641 8454 沙田區家庭生活教育組 Fax 傳真:2641 2550 Email 電郵:[email protected]

23c Jockey Club Ma On Shan Children & 1/F, Commercial Centre, Chevalier Garden, Tel 電話:2641 7994 Youth Integrated Services Centre Ma On Shan, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2641 2550 (Chevalier Branch) 新界沙田馬鞍山富安花園商場1樓 Email 電郵:[email protected] 賽馬會馬鞍山青少年綜合服務中心 (富安分處)*

Service Units List 服務單位名錄


Service Overview


24 Ma On Shan East Children & 2/F, Ma On Shan Lee On Community Services Complex, Tel 電話:3525 0440 Youth Integrated Services Centre 23 Sha On Street, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:3168 2767 馬鞍山東青少年綜合服務中心* 新界沙田沙安街23號馬鞍山利安社區服務大樓2樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

24a Internet Learning Support Programme Tel 電話:3525 0440 上網學習支援計劃 Fax 傳真:3997 3170 25 Community Creativity Learning Centre G/F, Fook Lam House, Kwong Lam Court, Shatin, N.T. Tel 電話:2338 0160 社區創意學習中心* 新界沙田廣林苑馥林閣地下 Fax 傳真:2338 0005 Email 電郵:[email protected]

25a Finance Wise - Financial Education Tel 電話:2396 9835 Programme for the Youth Fax 傳真:2395 9595 「理智識財」- 青少年理財教育計劃 Email 電郵:[email protected]

25b SHKP-Science & Innovation Project for Gifted Tel 電話:2338 0160 新地資優科學創意發展計劃 Fax 傳真:2338 0005

TAI PO AND NORTH DISTRICT 大埔及北區 26 Jockey Club Tai Po Children & 1/F, 2/F & 4/F, Tai Wo Neighbourhood Tel 電話:2651 4987 Youth Integrated Services Centre Community Centre, Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po, N.T. Fax 傳真:2650 6904 賽馬會大埔青少年綜合服務中心* 新界大埔太和邨太和鄰里社區中心1、2、4樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

26a Internet Learning Support Programme Tel 電話:2656 5599 上網學習支援計劃 Fax 傳真:3997 3170

26b Tai Po Early Education and Training Centre 4/F, Tai Wo Neighbourhood Community Centre, Tel 電話:2653 8772 for Special Education Needs Children Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po, N.T. Fax 傳真:2650 6904 「樂牽」大埔早期教育及訓練中心 新界大埔太和邨太和鄰里社區中心4樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

26c “Smile” On-site Pre-school Integrated Service Team ( Tai Po) Tel 電話:2653 8772 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務隊(大埔) Email 電郵:[email protected] 27 Jockey Club Fanling Children & G/F, Fuk Tai House, Ka Fuk Estate, Fanling, N.T. Tel 電話:2676 2392 Youth Integrated Services Centre 新界粉嶺嘉福邨福泰樓地下 Fax 傳真:2669 8287 賽馬會粉嶺青少年綜合服務中心* Email 電郵:[email protected]

27a Internet Learning Support Programme Tel 電話:2669 3909 上網學習支援計劃 Fax 傳真:3997 3170

27b Jockey Club Fanling Children & No.19, G/F, Ching Long House, Ching Ho Estate, Tel 電話:2663 5088 Youth Integrated Services Centre Sheung Shui, N.T. Fax 傳真:2669 8287 (Ching Ho Branch) 新界上水清河邨清朗樓地下19號 賽馬會粉嶺青少年綜合服務中心(清河分處)

TSUEN WAN AND KWAI TSING DISTRICT 荃灣及葵青 28 Sham Tseng Children & Youth Integrated Level 5, Commercial Block Bellagio, 33 Castle Tel 電話:2496 0116 Services Centre Peak Road, Sham Tseng, N.T. Fax 傳真:2496 0068 深井青少年綜合服務中心 新界青山公路33號深井灣畔碧堤半島碧堤坊5樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

29 Jockey Club Shek Yam Children & Youth G/F & 1/F, Yam Yue House, Shek Yam East Estate, Tel 電話:2481 3222 Integrated Services Centre Kwai Chung, N.T. Fax 傳真:2420 6278 賽馬會石蔭青少年綜合服務中心 新界葵涌石蔭東邨蔭裕樓地下及1樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

30 Jockey Club South Kwai Chung Children & 3/F, Block D, 6 King Cho Road, Cho Yiu Chuen, Tel 電話:2744 2123 Youth Integrated Services Centre Kwai Chung, N.T. Fax 傳真:2310 2153 賽馬會南葵涌青少年綜合服務中心* 新界葵涌祖堯邨敬祖路6號D座3樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

30a Jockey Club South Kwai Chung Children & G/F, Yeung King House, Lai King Estate, Kwai Chung, Tel 電話:2742 8736 Youth Integrated Services Centre N.T. Fax 傳真:2310 2153 (Lai King Branch) 新界葵涌荔景邨仰景樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected] 賽馬會南葵涌青少年綜合服務中心(荔景分處) * After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務

98 BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

30b Project for Development of Learning & Tel 電話:2742 8736 Teaching Strategies to Promote Students’ Fax 傳真:2310 2153 Deep Learning in the Study of Life and Society (S1-3) 生活與社會科促進學生深入學習教學策略 發展計劃

31 Jockey Club Tsing Yi Children & Youth G/F, Yee Kui House, Tsing Yi Estate, Tsing Yi Island, Tel 電話:2433 2319 Integrated Services Centre N.T. Fax 傳真:2435 6326 賽馬會青衣青少年綜合服務中心 新界青衣島青衣邨宜居樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

32 Jockey Club Cheung Hang Children & G/F, Hang Yee House, Cheung Hang Estate, Tel 電話:2435 2113 Youth Integrated Services Centre Tsing Yi Island, N.T. Fax 傳真:2435 1830 賽馬會長亨青少年綜合服務中心* 新界青衣島長亨邨亨怡樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

33 (Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing) G/F, Fu Ching House, Tai Wo Hau Estate, Tsuen Wan, Tel 電話:2481 6316 Family Life Education Office cum N.T. Fax 傳真:2401 3445 Tai Wo Hau Family Activity Centre 葵涌大窩口邨富靜樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected] 荃灣及葵青區家庭生活教育組 暨大窩口家庭活動中心 TUEN MUN AND YUEN LONG 屯門及元朗 34 Jockey Club Tuen Mun Children & Youth G/F, Tower 1, Phase 2, Tai Hing Gardens, Tuen Mun, Tel 電話:2462 3161 Integrated Services Centre N.T. Fax 傳真:2466 1400 賽馬會屯門青少年綜合服務中心* 新界屯門大興花園第2期第1座地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

34a Tin Shui Wai Small Group Home Social Tel 電話:2462 3619 Worker Office Fax 傳真:2466 1400 天水圍兒童之家社工辦事處 Email 電郵:[email protected]

34b Tuen Mun Small Group Home Social Tel 電話:2461 8917 Worker Office Fax 傳真:2466 1400 屯門兒童之家社工辦事處 Email 電郵:[email protected]

35 BGCA HSBC TSW Children Learning and Unit 104, 1/F, Tin Ching Amenity and Community Tel 電話:2445 5899 Support Centre Building, Tin Ching Estate, Tin Shui Wai, N.T. Fax 傳真:2445 5829 匯豐天水圍兒童學習及發展支援中心 新界天水圍天晴邨天晴社區綜合服務大樓1樓104室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

35a “Smile” On-site Pre-school Integrated Service Team (Tin Shui Wai) Tel 電話:2445 5899 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務隊(天水圍) Email 電郵:[email protected]

MAINLAND SERVICES 內地服務 36 Guangzhou Growth Dynamics Social Work Room 507, No. 68 Huan Shi Xi Road, Guangzhou, Tel 電話:(86) 020-8197 0694 Professional Development and Resource Centre Liwan District, Guangzhou, China Email 電郵:[email protected] 廣州市成長動力社會工作專業發展與資源中心 廣州市荔灣區環市西路68號廣州市社區服務 中心大樓5樓

* After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務

Stationing School Social Work Service 駐校社會工作服務學校


Service Overview


Kindergarten and Primary School 幼稚園及小學

Secondary School 中學

Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten (Wanchai)樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(灣仔)

Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten (Wong Tai Sin)樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(黃大仙)

Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten (Kowloon Bay)樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(九龍灣)

Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten (Tseung Kwan O)樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(將軍澳)

Stationing School Social Work Service駐校社會工作服務學校

Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School浸信會永隆中學

Buddhist Hung Sean Chau Memorial College佛教孔仙洲紀念中學

Buddhist Tai Kwong Chi Hong College佛教大光慈航中學

Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學

Carmel Holy Word Secondary School迦密聖道中學

F.D.B.W.A. Szeto Ho Secondary School五邑司徒浩中學

H.K.W.M.A. Chu Shek Lun Secondary School香港布廠商會朱石麟中學

Ho Lap College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)可立中學(嗇色園主辦)

Hotung Secondary School何東中學

King’s College英皇書院

Kowloon Technical School九龍工業學校

Lai King Catholic Secondary School荔景天主教中學

Lee Kau Yan Memorial School李求恩紀念中學

Farm Road Government Primary School農圃道官立小學

Fukien Secondary School Affiliated School福建中學附屬學校

Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學

Kwun Tong Government Primary School (Sau Ming Road)觀塘官立小學(秀明道)

Sau Ming Primary School秀明小學

San Wui Commercial Society School新會商會學校

St. Patrick’s School聖博德學校

Taikoo Primary School太古小學

Lingnan Dr. Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School嶺南鍾榮光博士紀念中學

Ma On Shan Tsung Tsin Secondary School馬鞍山崇真中學

Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School天主教南華中學

N.L.S.I. Lui Kwok Pat Fong College新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學

Po Chiu Catholic Secondary School天主教普照中學

Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School保良局蔡繼有學校

Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College保良局羅氏基金中學

Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College保良局羅傑承(一九八三)中學

Po Leung Kuk No.1 W.H. Cheung College保良局第一張永慶中學

Po Leung Kuk Yao Ling Sun College保良局姚連生中學

Pui Kiu College培僑書院

Queen Elizabeth School伊利沙伯中學

Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School皇仁舊生會中學

Renaissance College啟新書院

San Wui Commercial Soc Chan Pak Sha School新會商會陳白沙紀念中學

Semple Memorial Secondary School深培中學

S.K.H. Leung Kwai Yee Secondary School聖公會梁季彜中學

S.K.H. Li Ping Secondary School聖公會李炳中學

S.K.H. St. Benedict’ s School聖公會聖本德中學

St. Clare’s Girls’ School聖嘉勒女書院

St. Margaret’s Girls’ College, Hong Kong香港聖瑪加利女書院

Tak Sun Secondary School德信中學

The Independent Schools Foundation Academy弘立書院

T.W.G.Hs. S.C. Gaw Memorial College東華三院吳祥川紀念中學

T.W.G.Hs. Lui Yun Choy Memorial College東華三院呂潤財紀念中學

Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School仁濟醫院王華湘中學

100BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報




Government Departments / Officials政府部門

The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China中華人民共和國香港特別行政區政府

Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R.中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室

Office of the Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region People’s Republic of China中華人民共和國香港特別行政區行政長官辦公室

Acknowledgements 2017-20182017-2018 鳴謝The Association wishes to express its grateful thanks to the following, whose support have made its work possible:本會謹向下列機構及熱心人士在過去一年來,竭誠協助本會推展工作,致以衷心的謝意:

Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau政制及內地事務局

Education Bureau教育局

Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region Education and Youth Affairs Burea澳門特別行政區政府 教育暨青年局

Home Affairs Bureau民政事務局

Labour and Welfare Bureau勞工及福利局

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department 漁農自然護理署

Auxiliary Medical Service醫療輔助隊

Beat Drugs Fund禁毒基金

Business-School Partnership Programme 教育局商校合作計劃

Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau – Children’s Rights Education Funding Scheme政制及內地事務局 - 兒童權利教育活動資助計劃

Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau Equal Opportunities (Sexual Orientation) Funding Scheme政制及內地事務局平等機會(性傾向)資助計劃

District Councils各區區議會

District Fight Crime Committee各區撲滅罪行委員會

District Fight Crime Committee (Sham Shui Po District)深水埗區撲滅罪行委員會

District Youth Programme Committee各區青年活動統籌委員會

Employees Retraining Board僱員再培訓局

Office of Film, Newspaper and Article Administration電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處

Fire Services Department香港消防處

Office of the Government Chief Information Officer政府資訊科技總監辦公室

Office of the Government Chief Information Officer of the Innovation and Technology Bureau (OGCIO)創新及科技局轄下政府資訊科技總監辦公室

Department of Health香港衛生署

Special Prevention Project, Department of Health香港衛生署-特別預防計劃

Home Affairs Department民政事務總署

District Offices, Home Affairs Departmen各區民政事務處

Home Affairs Department Sham Shui Po District Office民政事務總署 深水埗民政事務處

The Hong Kong Housing Authority香港房屋委員會

Estate Management Advisory Committee of Lai Kok Estate, Wah Lai Estate & Tsz Lok Estate, Hong Kong Housing Authority香港房屋委員會-華茘邨、麗閣邨、慈樂邨屋邨管理諮詢委員會

Innovation and Technology Commission 創新科技署

Labour Department勞工處

Child Development Fund, Labour and Welfare Bureau勞工及福利局-兒童發展基金


Leisure and Cultural Services Department康樂及文化事務署

Hong Kong Police Dog Unit香港警犬隊

Hong Kong Police Force香港警務處

Hong Kong Police Force Police Community Relation Office Shamshuipo District香港警務處深水埗區警民關係組

102BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Charity Foundations慈善基金

AIDS Trust Fund愛滋病信託基金

Apple Daily Charitable Foundation蘋果日報慈善基金

Bright Future Charitable Foundation 鵬程慈善基金

Character Education Foundation品格教育基金

The D. H. Chen Foundation陳廷驊基金會

Chi Heng Foundation 智行基金會

China Merchants Charitable Foundation Limited招商局慈善基金會有限公司

Fortune Pharmacal Lai Yung Kwoon Charity Fund 幸福醫藥黎用冠慈善基金公司

Health Check Charity Funds Limited 體檢慈善基金有限公司

Hongkong Bank Foundation 滙豐銀行慈善基金

Peter Chan Jee Yat Charitable Foundation through HSBC Trustee (Hong Kong)匯豐銀行慈善信託基金

The Hung Hing Ying & Leung Hau Ling Charitable Foundation孔慶熒及梁巧玲慈善基金

IMC Charitable Foundation

Inspiring HK Sports Foundation 凝動香港體育基金

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust香港賽馬會慈善信託基金

Joyful (Mental Health) Foundation心晴行動慈善基金

The Keswick Foundation Limited凱瑟克基金

Lee Hysan Foundation利希慎基金

Lotteries Fund獎券基金

Hong Kong Police Force Kowloon West Regional Crime Prevention Units香港警務處 西九龍總區防止罪案辦公室

Hong Kong Police Force (Sham Shui Po Police District)香港警務處(深水埗警區)

Narcotics Bureau, Hong Kong Police Force香港警務處-毒品調查科

Qualifications Framework資歷架構

Quality Education Fund優質教育基金

Narcotics Division禁毒處

Sham Shui Po District Council深水埗區議會

Sham Shui Po District Youth Programme Committee 深水埗區青年活動統籌委員會

Sha Tin District Council 沙田區議會

The Joint Council of Parent - Teacher Associations of The Shatin District沙田區家長教師會聯會

Social Welfare Department社會福利署

Social Welfare Department - District Social Welfare Offices社會福利署各區福利辦事處

Social Welfare Department “Opportunities for the Elderly Project”社會福利署老有所為基金

Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, Social Welfare Department社會福利署攜手扶弱基金

Social Welfare Department - Steering Committee on Volunteer Movement社會福利署義務工作統籌課

Love U All Charitable Foundation愛心全達慈善基金

Mindful Heart Foundation 全康澄心基金

Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation 黃廷方慈善基金

Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation香港兒科基金

Remad Foundation Limited紀恩基金有限公司

Renaissance Foundation文藝復興基金會

Sir David Trench Fund For Recreation戴麟趾爵士康樂基金

Sun Hung Kai Properties Charitable Fund Limited新鴻基地產慈善基金有限公司

The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund社會創新及創業發展基金

Support! International Foundation 國際青年學融基金會

Ten Percent Donation Scheme Foundation 十分關愛基金會

Vita Green Charitable Foundation Limited健靈慈善基金

Zheng Ge Ru Foundation鄭格如基金




Individuals / Donors贊助人


Laurent Baumgartner

Dr Dorothy CHAN 陳鳳英副教授


Mr CHAN Ming-yiu, Samson陳明耀先生

Dr CHAN Yee-men, Anne陳綺雯校長

Ms CHAN Yuen-shan, Clara* 陳婉珊女士*

Mr CHARK Chi-wing, Alexis

Mrs CHAU Fung-mui, Wendy鄒鳳梅女士

Eleanor CHENG

Mr Mathew CHENG (MH, O.StJ) 鄭木林先生,MH,O.StJ

Ms CHEUNG Miu-wan張妙雲女士

W I Cheung Scholarship張永賢律師奮進獎學金

Mr CHEUNG Wing-sum, BBS, MH, JP張永森先生,BBS,MH,JP

Mr CHIU Chun-leong, David

Mr CHO Ming-lung, Samson曹明龍總警司

Dr CHOI Yuen-wan, Philemon, SBS, JP蔡元雲醫生,SBS,JP

Dr CHOY Sze-Tsan, Clifford蔡詩贊博士

Mr Peter Corry

Mr Andrew Gordon

Mr Karson HO何嘉新先生

Mr Frankie HON 韓仕鵬先生

Ms HUI Like-sea, Ruby許禮詩女士

Mr Rodney Darran Ireland

Mr JIANG Jian-qiao

KEUNG Siu-fai

LAI Ming-fung

Mr George LAM林其東議員


Ms Hidy LAM

DR LAU Sui-lun, Silas劉瑞麟醫生

Prof LAU Tak-fai, Joseph 劉德輝教授

Mr Damian LEE, JP 李國雄先生,JP

Ms Iris LEE

Mr LEE Pok-man, Frank 李博文先生

Mr LEE Wing-man 李詠民先生

Mr LEUNG Kun-hang

Dr LEUNG Siu-hong, Raymond梁少康博士

Mr LEUNG Wai-fung 梁偉峰先生

Mr LEUNG Yuk-wing, MH梁育榮先生,MH

Mr LI Hon-hung, BBS, MH, JP 李漢雄先生,BBS,MH,JP

Mr LIE Ken-jie, Ricky

Mr LI Pui-leung 李沛良先生

Mr LO Chi-wah 盧熾華

Mr LO Chun-yip Edmond盧駿業先生

Dr LO Hay-ming, Herman 盧希冊博士

Mr LOUEY Pak-hin, Raymond

Ms MA Ling-cheung, Lillian

Douglas H Moore

Mr NG Kwok-shing, Peter 伍國成先生

Ms NG Kuen-wah 吳娟華女士

Mr NG Siu-on伍兆安先生

Mr ONG Cheong-teck, David

Mr PONG Yat-ming 龐一嗚先生

Mr Rusy M. Shroff

Mr SHUM Siu-hung, William 沈少雄先生

Dr TAO Wan-yee, Winnie 曹蘊怡醫生

TSANG Kok-ching曾珏澄小朋友

Ms TSE Kim-lan 謝劍蘭女士

Mr TSUI Hon-ming徐漢明先生

Mr WONG Chung-fu黃仲夫校長

Mr WONG Chung-leung 王頌良先生

Dr Simpson WONG 黃緯立博士

Mrs WONG TSANG Chi-heung 黃曾自香女士

Professor WONG Yeung-shan, Samuel 黃仰山教授

Dr Clare YU余頌華博士

Dr David YUEN 袁大偉博士

Mr YEUNG Chi-hung, Johnny, MH 楊志雄先生,MH

Mr YEUNG Kwong-shing 楊廣成先生

Dr YEUNG Siu-sze, Susanna楊少詩博士

YIP Ka-ho

* Received the Medal of Honour (MH) on 1st July 2018 於2018年7月1日獲頒授榮譽勳章

104BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School浸信會永隆中學

Buddhist Hung Sean Chau Memorial College佛教孔仙洲紀念中學

Buddhist Sum Heung Lam Memorial College 佛教沈香林紀念中學

CCC Kei Chun Primary School中華基督教會基真小學

C.C.C Rotary Secondary School中華基督教會扶輪中學

Canossa Primary School嘉諾撒小學

Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學

CCC Kei Heep Secondary School 中華基督教會基協中學

Chi Lin Buddhist Secondary School佛教志蓮中學

China Holiness Church Living Spirit College中華聖潔會靈風中學

Cognitio College (Kowloon)文理書院(九龍)

Community College of City University香港城市大學專上學院

Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University香港理工大學應用社會科學系

Department of Applied Social Studies, The City University of Hong Kong香港城市大學應用社會科學系

Department of Information Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education香港專業教育學院 資訊科技學系

Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 社會工作學系

Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired心光盲人院暨學校

Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong香港中文大學工程學院

Farm Road Government Primary School農圃道官立小學

Junyi School of Innovation 臺東均一高級中學

Ka Ling School of The Precious Blood寶血會嘉靈學校

Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School潔心林炳炎中學

Lee Kau Yan Memorial School李求恩紀念中學

Ling Liang Church M H Lau Secondary School靈糧堂劉梅軒中學

Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School樂善堂王仲銘中學

Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary School樂善堂余近卿中學

Maryknoll Fathers’ School (Primary Section)瑪利諾神父教會學校(小學部)

Ng Wah Catholic Secondary School天主教伍華中學

Our Lady’s College聖母書院 PHC Wing Kwong College五旬節聖潔會永光書院

PLK C W Chu College保良局朱敬文中學

PLK Celine Ho Yam Tong College保良局何蔭棠中學

Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College 保良局唐乃勤初中書院

Pui Ching Primary School香港培正小學

Salvation Army William Booth Secondary School救世軍卜維廉中學

Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School秀茂坪天主教小學

School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學設計學院

School of Public Health, The Chinese University of Hong Kong香港中文大學公共衞生學院

School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong香港大學公共衞生學院

Semple memorial Secondary School基督教四方福音會深培中學

S.K.H St.Benedict’s School聖公會聖本德中學

S.K.H. Holy Carpenter Primary School聖公會聖匠小學

S.K.H. Holy Nativity Church Kindergarten 聖公會主誕堂幼稚園

SKH St. Mary’s Church Mok Hing Yiu College聖公會聖馬利亞堂莫慶堯中學

SKH St. Thomas’ Primary School聖公會聖多馬小學

Society of Boy’s Centres Hui Chung Sing Memorial School 香港扶幼會許仲繩紀念學校

St Bonaventure College & High School聖文德書院

St. Francis of Assisl’s Caritas School聖方濟愛德小學

St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School (Po Kong Village Road)聖博德天主教小學(蒲崗村道)

St. Patrick’s School聖博德學校

Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School香港神託會培敦中學

Sun Island English Kindergarten太陽島英文幼稚園

Sung Tak Wong Kin Sheung Memorial School大埔崇德黃建常紀念學校

Tai Koo Primary School太古小學

Tak Sum School德信學校

The Chinese University of Hong Kong香港中文大學

The Education University of Hong Kong 香港教育大學

The University of Hong Kong香港大學

Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School慈雲山天主教小學





Caring Partners合作伙伴


Alliance for Children Development Rights關注學童發展權利聯席

American Embassy.US Disbursing Office

Beyond Vision Projects

Box of Hope

Boys and Girls Club of Cumberland-Lincoln

Caritas Elderly Centre - Lai Kok明愛麗閣長者中心

Caritas Youth and Community Service香港明愛青少年及社區服務

Centre of Rehabilitation & Exercising Specialist健衡物理治療及專項訓練中心

Challenge Course Association of Hong Kong, China中國香港挑戰網陣協會

Chartered Insurance Institute Hong Kong英國特許保險學會

China Amateur Radio Study Club Limited中華業餘無線電研究會

China Construction Bank (Asia) 中國建設銀行(亞洲)


ChingChun Warehouse青春工藝

Chung Sing Benevolent Society, Fong Wong Woon Tec NEC鐘聲慈善社方王換娣長者鄰舍中心

City University of Hong Kong Department of Applied Social Studies - City-Youth Empowerment Project香港城市大學應用社會科學系-城青優權計劃

Concerning CSSA & Low Income Alliance關注綜援低收入聯盟

Concern for Grassroots Livelihood Alliance關注草根生活聯盟

CUHK Business School (Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office)中文大學商學院校友及企業事務

Cultural Bureau, Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region澳門特別行政區政府文化局

Early Childhood Organization of Hong Kong香港早教協會

Eco-Education & Resources Centre 生態教育及資源中心


e-Learning Development Laboratory, HKU 香港大學電子學習發展實驗室

Estate Management Advisory Committee, Lai Kok Estate 麗閣邨屋邨管理委員會

Evangellical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong基督教香港信義會天水圍青少年綜合服務中心

Fantastic Dream 網‧想‧正

Food Angel by Bo Charity Foundation 惜食堂

Gold Award Holders Association Hong Kong香港金章會

Golden Z Club, HKUSU 香港大學學生會祟德青年社


H. K. S. K. H. Lok Man Alice Kwok Integrated Service Centre香港聖公會樂民郭鳳軒綜合服務中心

Hantang Netball Club漢唐投球會

Health Care and Promotion Scheme 香港特別行政區政府食物及衛生局健康護理及促進計劃

HK Baptist University Office of Student Affairs Leadership Qualities Centre香港浸會大學 學生事務處 領袖素質中心

HK WeCare香港開心D

HKCSS Institute 社聯學院

HKEC Tai Hing Neighbourhood Elderly Center香港宣教會大興老人中心

HKSL From Deaf Star香港手語來自聾星

HKU Alumni香港大學校友


Hong Kong Aerospace Society香港航天學會

Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing香港互動市務商會

Hong Kong Astronomical Society香港天文學會

Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation香港盲人體育總會

Hong Kong Blind Union失明人協進會

Hong Kong Children & Youth Services香港青少年服務處

Hong Kong Christian Service香港基督教服務處

Hong Kong Council of Social Service, SocTech香港社會服務聯會 SocTech

Hong Kong Fire Services Department Volunteer Team消防處義工隊

Hong Kong Game Development Association香港遊戲創作協會

Hong Kong Hair and Beauty Merchants Association香港美髮美容業商會

Hong Kong Housing Authority - Mei Tin Estate Management Advisory Committee 香港房屋委員會 - 美田屋邨管理諮詢委員會

106BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

Hong Kong Housing Society香港房屋協會

Hong Kong Housing Society Ming Wah Dai Ha Estate Office 香港房屋協會 明華大廈辦事處

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) Event Ambassador香港專業教育學院(青衣)活動大使

Hong Kong International Aviation Academy香港國際航空學院

Hong Kong Island School Heads Association香港島校長會

Hong Kong Jockey Club香港賽馬會

Hong Kong Lacrosse Association香港棍網球總會

Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association香港職業治療學會

Hong Kong PHAB Assocation香港傷健協會

Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association香港物理治療學會

Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union香港教育專業人員協會

Hong Kong Science Museum 香港科學館

Hong Kong Social Workers’ General Union香港社會工作者總工會

Hong Kong Society of Professional Medical Care香港專業護理學會

Hong Kong Stadium香港大球場

Hong Kong Trade Development Council Hong Kong香港貿易發展局

Investor Education Centre 投資者教育中心

iSTEM Ed Association iSTEM 教育協會

Jao Tsung-I Academy 饒宗頤文化館

Jockey Club Neo Education Lab賽馬會創新教育工作室

Just Education

Kelly’s Animal Shelter

Kowloon City Baptist Church Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 九龍城浸信會長者鄰舍中心

Kowloon City District Fight Crime Committee九龍城區撲滅罪行委員會

Kowloon Region School Heads Association九龍地域校長聯會

Kowloon West Youth Care Committee西九龍護青委員會

Leo Club of West Kowloon 西九龍青年獅子會

Lions Club of Happy Valley香港快活谷獅子會

M Moser Associates


Marine Police (Octans) Volunteers Team南極星義工隊

May Ching United Sport & Recreation Association Limited 美青體育康樂聯會

Myforestfun Academy童行森林學院

NCS Chinese Learning Centre學文教育非華語學童中文學習中心

New Territories School Heads Association新界校長會

Oxfam Hong Kong樂施會

Playright Children’s Play Association智樂兒童遊樂協會

Pok Oi Hospital Mrs Cheng Liu Sam Memorial Children and Families Development Centre (Fung Tak) 博愛醫院鄭廖三紀念兒童及家庭發展中心(鳳德)

Project Care Biking 懷愛夢騎行單車義工隊

Queen Elizabeth Hospital伊利沙伯醫院

Queen Mary Hospital瑪麗醫院

Radio Television Hong Kong香港電台

RunOurCity Foundation Limited 全城街馬

S.K.H. Holy Nativity Church Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 聖公會主誕堂長者鄰舍中心

School of Everyday Life生活書院

Service Learning Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong香港中文大學 服務學習中心

Sha Tin Junior Chamber沙田青年商會

Shun On District Elderly Community Centre, Christian Family Service Centre基督教家庭服務中心 順安長者地區中心

Social Service, SKH Macau 聖公會澳門社會服務處


The Board of Management of The Chinese Permanent Cemeteries 華人永遠墳場管理委員會

The Conservancy Association 長春社

The Hong Kong Association of Banks 香港銀行公會

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 香港社會服務聯會




The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups香港青年協會

The Hong Kong Financial Planners General Union香港財務策劃人員總工會

The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors香港測量師學會

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers香港工程師學會

The Hong Kong Paediatric Society香港兒科醫學會

The Human Commons囂民集作

The Islamic Union of Hong Kong 香港伊斯蘭聯會

The League of the Extraordinary Artists 筆尋賞畫會

The Orch Academy 樂‧演奏學院

The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學學生會崇德青年社

United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service基督教聯合那打素社康服務


Wah Lai Estate Management Advisory Committee, Hong Kong Housing Authourity 香港房屋委員會華荔邨管理諮詢委員會

World Vision香港世界宣明會

Yau Tsim district project gemstone 油尖警區寶石計劃

YMCA, Macau澳門基督教青年會





Band: Chopstick 樂隊︰Chopstick

Band: Miracle樂隊︰Miracle

Band: Stay Tune樂隊︰Stay Tune

Band: Supper Moment樂隊︰Supper Moment

Band: Unknown樂隊︰Unknown

Band: Yusobeit樂隊︰Yusobeit

Band: 海底碑樂隊︰海底碑


85℃ Bakery Cafe85℃

Acumen Company Limited雅喬有限公司

Alex Photo WorkShop

Altai Technologies Limited奧泰爾科技有限公司

Amoy Food Limited淘化大同食品有限公司

Artisan Culture Limited銅匠文化有限公司

Athena Education Foundation Limited雅典娜育才發展基金有限公司

Aristle Gifted Institute Limited雅士圖資優有限公司

Aviation Security Company Limited機場保安有限公司

B-52 Limited

Baby-Kingdom.com Ltd. 親子王國有限公司

Baking Workshop 烘焙工作坊

Ballfriend sports Ltd. 伯樂體育有限公司

Barista Hong Kong Trading Company

BCT Financial LimitedBCT 銀聯集團

Best Practice Solutions Global香港威裕環球集團

Bloomberg L.P.彭博有限合夥企業

BPS Global Group香港威裕環球集團

Bravo Learning Education Centre博科教育中心

Bridges Executive Centre Limited協橋商務中心有限公司

Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc.

108BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

C2 Innovations & Research Limited思穎創新科研有限公司

Carrier Hong Kong Limited開利(香港)有限公司

Cat’s Eyes Workshop

Celebrate Club Limited

Centaline Property Agency Limited中原地產代理有限公司

ChelseaFC Soccer School (Hong Kong) Limited車路士足球學校(香港)有限公司

Chevron Companies (Greater China) Limited雪佛龍(大中華)集團有限公司

Chimes Music

Chocolate Rain Jewelery and Deisgn Co. Ltd.

Chinlink International Holdings Limited 普匯中金國際控股有限公司

Chubb Hong Kong Limited集寶香港有限公司

Citrus Growers International (Mr. Juicy) 時鮮菓汁國際(菓汁先生)

City Walk荃新天地

Coca-Cola China Limited可口可樂中國有限公司


Colorganic 水木染

Concord Alliance Ltd. 康盟有限公司

Creativo Design & Contracting Company Limited 活藝術裝飾有限公司

CSL Mobile Limited (1010) 香港移動通訊有限公司


DEF Boxing

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu德勤‧關黃陳方會計師行

Digital China ( Systems Information Technology (HK) Ltd.)

Dimension Data China / Hong Kong Limited達科數據通訊中國/香港有限公司

Discovery Park愉景新城

DKSH Hong Kong Limited (Salonship)撒隆適

Don’t believe in style東朝創意設計有限公司

Dreams Sports Club 夢想體育會

Dustykid Ltd. 塵有限公司

Easy Ring Investment Limited

EF Education First

Emperor Motion Pictures英皇電影

Eugene Group荷花集團

Excel Linkage Limited 越領有限公司

Exodus International Company Limited 依則達國際有限公司

Fitness First (Hong Kong) Limited菲力斯第一(香港)有限公司

Fitter Sports Co Ltd.飛騰體育用品有限公司

Flyingmaid 空中飛傭

Folk Culture & Education Co. Limited 國風教育文化有限公司

Fortune Pharmacal Company, Limited幸福醫藥有限公司

FSD 粉嶺南狗狗加油站

Fujikon Industrial Holdings Limited富士高實業控股有限公司

GardenEast Management LimitedGatheramics Studio 陶‧聚坊

Gazelle Tattoo

Generation HK

Gold Water Fitness Consultants Limited鑫水健體管理有限公司

Golden Mesa

Goldman Sachs

Graphic arts association of Hong Kong香港印藝學會

Great Ocean Tours & Travel Limited

Green Island Cement Company Limited青洲英坭有限公司

Greenery Music Limited青苗琴行有限公司

GROUPM Communications Hong Kong Ltd.

GS Internal Audit team

H L&C Employment Agency Ltd.康樂居僱傭中心有限公司

Handmade Soap

Happy Moments開心時刻

Harmony Education Limited 學文教育有限公司

Henderson Warmth Foundation Limited恒基溫暖工程基金有限公司

Herbalgy Pharmaceutical Ltd.健絡通

HK Dog School 香港狗校園

HK Tramways香港電車





HKJC Kau Sai Chau Golf Club賽馬會滘西洲公眾高爾夫球場

Hoi Yeung Bus Company 海洋旅遊汽車公司Holistic Education Language Project

Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited香港寬頻網絡有限公司

Hong Kong Economic Journal信報

Hong Kong Education City Limited 香港教育城有限公司

Hong Kong Hair & Beauty Merchants Association Limited 香港美髮美容業商會有限公司

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation 香港科學園有限公司

Hong Kong Shatin Industries and Commerce association Limited香港沙田工商業聯合會有限公司

Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited香港電訊

Hoops for hope Basketball Asia 希望種子籃球亞洲

Hornington Computers Company 漢科電腦公司

Holistic Education

IM Creative 創想聯萌

Intelliplus System Company Limited 智家科技系統有限公司

I-One Technical Service Limited 一網絡技術服務有限公司

IPC Information System (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Joan Makeup

Job Market Publishing Limited

Kaifong Tour, HK Community Experience Ltd.街坊帶路

Karvo Sports Co. Ltd.

Kate Makeup

Kel Li Art Gallery

KD Fitness拳道會搏擊訓練中心

Lee Kee Group利記集團

Legacy Training Limited里程同學會

Lenovo (Hong Kong) Limited聯想(香港)有限公司

Lok Wah Foundation Co. Ltd.樂華基金有限公司

Lord Master Limited T/A The Sky Bar

Logitech Hong Kong Limited羅技香港有限公司

Ls Pro Shop 香港潛點

Ludendo Asia Limited

Makeup Imago

Many Wells Property Agent Limited 祥益地產代理有限公司

Manley Toys Limited萬利玩具有限公司


Mattel Asia Pacific Sourcing Limited美泰玩具亞太有限公司

Mattel East Asia Limited

McKinsey & Company麥肯錫公司

Mead Johnson Nutrition (Hong Kong) Limited美贊臣營養品(香港)有限公司

Melody Chiu Chow Restaurant Limited 醉樂潮州酒家有限公司

Memorigin Watch Company Limited萬希泉鐘錶有限公司

Milagros Corporation Limited 美而高企業有限公司

Million Rank (HK) Limited百階(香港)有限公司

Mobicon Group Ltd. 萬保剛集團有限公司

Mobicon Holdings Ltd. 萬保剛電子集團有限公司

Mr. Steak

Mystery Juggling

Mystery Workshop


New Idol Group新偶像集團

New World Department Store China Limited新世界百貨中國有限公司

New World Development Company Limited 新世界發展有限公司

Ngai Sum Wedding藝心婚紗

Nii Studio Limited

Norton Rose Fulbright

Nutriworks Limited ( Acti-Tape)友營堂(肌腱貼)

Nutsy Coffee Bar

O’Farm Limited 綠盈坊有機店

OKIAN Optical Company Limited瞳視一家眼鏡有限公司

Otis Elevator Company (H.K.) Limited奧的斯電梯(香港)有限公司

Overseas Management Company (Asia) Limited奧華思註冊代理集團

Overseas Management Ltd.

Pacific Logic Limited文儀通有限公司

110BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報


Polygon Music HK 圍威喂音樂

Polygon Studio

Powersoft Consultancy Limited圓思顧問有限公司

Pricerite Home Limited實惠家居有限公司

Protrek Company Limited 保捷行有限公司

QBE General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited昆士蘭保險(香港)有限公司

QnS Consultancy Limited科量顧問有限公司

Re:echo Asia Pacific Limited 藝高亞太有限公司

Recruit Advertising Ltd. 才庫廣告有限公司

Recruit & Company Limited

Richful Deyong Corporate Management Limited 瑞豐德永企業管理有限公司

Ricoh Hong Kong Limited 理光(香港)有限公司

Riding Cultural and Creative Ltd.策馬文創有限公司

Royal Bank of Canada加拿大皇家銀行

RunOurCity Foundation Limited 全城街馬

Schneider Electric (Hong Kong) Limited施耐德電氣(香港)有限公司

SDM Jazz & Ballet AcademieSDM爵士芭蕾舞學院

Seamatch Asia Limited海配亞洲有限公司

Seedland International Limited 一口田有限公司

ServiceOne Limited領先科技服務有限公司

Shinryo Technical Services Limited新菱技術服務有限公司SHKP Reading Club新鴻基地產(新地)新閱會

Silverlit Toys Manufacture Limited銀輝玩具製品廠有限公司

Sigma Elevator (HK) Limited星瑪電梯(香港)有限公司

Sing Tao News Corporation Limited星島新聞集團

Smart Education聰穎教育

Smash Lead Hong Kong Limited智研香港有限公司

Spa Resources Co. Ltd.

Sportsoho Media Limited運動版圖

State Street道富集團

Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited 新鴻基地產發展有限公司

Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited新鴻基地產代理有限公司

Sun Ya Publications (HK) Ltd. 新雅文化事業有限公司

Sweet Forest甜森林甜品教室

Swire Properties Limited 太古地產

Systems Information Technology (HK) Limited系統信息科技(香港)有限公司

T.E.B. Company Limited / My Tebie楹慧(國際)有限公司

TC Toys International Company Ltd. 玩具世紀有限公司


Teneo Asia Limited

The Bank of East Asia, Limited 東亞銀行有限公司

The Cecilian SingersThe Chartered Insurance Institute Hong Kong Ltd.

Clorox Hong Kong Limited高樂氏香港有限公司

The Commercial Press (H.K.) Ltd.商務印書館(香港)有限公司

The Express Lift Company Limited捷運電梯有限公司

The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司

The Hong Kong Club Foundation Limited

The Vegvolution Kitchen 感覺‧素意

Thong Sia Watch Co., Ltd. (Seiko)通城鐘錶有限公司(精工表)

TK Group (Holdings) Limited東江集團(控股)有限公司

Trumptech (Hong Kong) Limited 尊科(香港)有限公司

U Lifestyle港生活

U.S Dacos Bowling Centre (Tsuen Wan) Limited 荃灣迪高保齡球館有限公司

UMFun 優滿分

Unilever Hong Kong Limited香港聯合利華有限公司

Urban Coffee Roaster

V2 Fitness Group

Verbatim (Hong Kong) Ltd. 香港威寶有限公司

Videocom Technology (HK) Limited 腦博仕(香港)有限公司

Vita Green Health Products Co., Ltd. 維特健靈




Advisory Committee Members諮詢委員會成員

Buddhist Hung Sean Chau Memorial College, Mr MOK Chung-fai, Principal, MH, JP**佛教孔仙洲紀念中學莫仲輝校長,MH,JP**

Dr KEE Chi-hing, Chair, Fullness Social Enterprises Society豐盛社企學會會長紀治興博士

Mr Anthony WONG, Business Director (Policy Research and Advocacy), HKCSS香港社會服務聯會業務總監(政策研究及倡議)黃健偉先生

Mr Josiah CHIU, Committee Member, The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong香港小童群益會常務委員會成員趙崇基先生

Ms Karen CHEUNG, Trustee, The D. H. Chen Foundation陳廷驊基金會信託人張添珞女士

Mrs Patricia LAU, Deputy Head, Efficiency Unit of the HKSAR香港特別行政區政府效率促進組副專員劉冼靜儀女士

Watsons Water 屈臣氏蒸餾水

WEDO GLOBAL愛同行有限公司 Weirdo Creative

Western Shipping (HK) Ltd.

Winton Financial Limited運通泰財務有限公司

Wofoo Social Enterprises Limited和富社會企業有限公司

Wong Tai Sin DSQ Café 黃大仙合作社茶餐廳

Yellow Bus黃巴士

Zitison Limited

Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) 蘇黎世保險(香港)






Mainland Caring Partners內地合作伙伴











埃森哲 Accenture















** Received the Bronze Bauhinia Star (BBS) on 1st July 2018 於2018年7月1日獲頒授銅紫荊星章

112BGCA Annual Report 2017-2018 香港小童群益會年報

All relevant schools for supporting our school social work service;All sponsors, advertisers, organizations, schools and all members of the public who have supported our annual appeal;The local newspapers, T.V. and radio broadcasting stations for promoting our activities; andAll our benefactors, voluntary workers, supporters and staff.


Acknowledgements 鳴謝
