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140201 Laying a Tice 1 PADES

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TICE In Croquet a ball sent to a location that will entice an oppo- nent to shoot at it but miss. SPRING1274 B.C. The Egypt- ian army of Ramesses II met with the Hittite army of Muwatalli be- side the Levantine city of Qidš (of- ten vocalised as Qadesh; nowTell Nebi Mend) and fought over two days. FIGURE 1.1 — Pharaoh Triumphant – OR – The Ego has landed? FIGURE 1.2 — The topography of Tell Neb Mend. © 2014 Ian Russell Lowell Page of 1 6 Laying a Tice: Qadesh 1274 B.C.

TICE — In Croquet a ball sent to a location that will entice an oppo-nent to shoot at it but miss. !SPRING1274 B.C. — The Egypt-ian army of Ramesses II met with the Hittite army of Muwatalli be-side the Levantine city of Qidš (of-ten vocalised as Qadesh; nowTell Nebi Mend) and fought over two days. !!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!! !FIGURE 1.1 — Pharaoh Triumphant – OR – The Ego has landed?

FIGURE 1.2 — The topography of Tell Neb Mend.

© 2014 Ian Russell LowellPage " of "1 6Laying a Tice: Qadesh 1274 B.C.

FIGURE 2.1 (ABOVE) — The political geog-raphy of the major powers as revealed in Akhenaten’s correspondence (EA 31) and the historic preamble to Hattusili III’s De-

cree (CTH 88).

FIGURE 2.2 (LEFT) — The political geog-raphy after the Hittite conquest of Mitanni under Suppiluliuma.

FIGURE 2.3 (ABOVE) — The po-litical ‘hot spots’ of the Hittite Empire under Mursili II (1321-1295 B.C.) and Muwatalli. (1295-1272 B.C.).

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❝I have heard that everything is finished,

and that the country of Hattusa is paralysed.❞ !

Pharaoh Akhenaten to Tarhundaradu, King of Arza-

❝In earlier days the Ḫatti lands were sacked by its enemies. … From the Lower Land came the Arzawan

enemy, and he too sacked the Ḫatti lands, and he made Tuwanuwa and Uda his frontier. … From afar, the Armatanan enemy came, and he too sacked the Ḫatti lands. And he made Kizzuwadna, the city, his frontier. And Ḫattuša, the city, was burned down.❞ !!

From the historical introduction to a Decree of Ḫattušili III dedi-cating the Rock Sanctuary of Pirwa (CTH 88, KBo 6.28, obv. 6-15)

FIGURE 3.1 (ABOVE) — Geo-politics in the Late Bronze Age.

1295 MUWATALLI becomes Great King of Ḫatti.

1290 SETI I becomes Pharaoh of Egypt.

1290 to


Seti campaigns in Amurru and captures Qidš, leaving a stele, and depicts the conquest in a temple relief at Karnak. BENTEŠINA becomes King of Amurru. Growing discord between Ḫatti and Amurru. Treaty between Muwatalli of Ḫatti and ALAKŠANDU (Homeric Alexandros?) of Wiluša (Homeric W/Ilios?). Muwatalli completes the move of Hittite capital to Tarḫun-tašša? His brother Ḫattušili given kingship in the north, but the old capital Ḫattuša was put under the control of the Great Scribe Mittannamuwa.

1279 RAMESSES II becomes Pharaoh of Egypt.

1277Ramesses stops and defeats Širdana raiders: Širdana are in-corporated into the Royal Army (as Bodyguard?).

1275Ramesses’ ‘First Victorious Campaign’ against Amurru. Bentešina renounces Hittite rule.

1274Ramesses’ ‘Second Victorious Campaign’ against Qidš. Hittites occupy Beqaʿ Valley and gain the land of Upe.

1272MURŠILI III becomes Great King of Ḫatti, moves capital back to Ḫattuša and begins to reduce Ḫattušili’s power. Ramesses campaigns in Amurru and attacks Dapur.

1270Growing unrest between Muršili and Ḫattušili. Ramesses’ second campaign against Dapur.

1267 After civil war, ḪATTUŠILI III becomes Great King.

1258 Formal peace treaty between Ḫattušili and Ramesses.


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❝After (the death) of my father (i.e. Muršili II), my brother Muwatalli took the royal throne. To my brother Muwatalli,

Bentešina [in the land of] Amurru was (reckoned as politically) dead. Bentešina (nevertheless) took the royal throne of the land

of Amurru, (but) Muwatalli, my brother, removed Bentešina from the kingship of the land of Amurru (and) deported him to

the land of Ḫatti.❞ !!From the Treaty of Bentešina with Ḫattušili III (CTH 92), who restored the

renegade to the throne of Amurru after he claimed the Hittite throne.

The Armies of Ramesses II at the Battle of Qadesh

Letter to Hattusili III (CTH 156) The Temple AccountsComments

Akkadian: KARAŠ.MEŠ – ‘armies’ Egyptian: mšʿw – ‘armies’

In AMURRU (lines 20, 32)

En route to Ramesses’ en-

campment (lines 20, 32)

skw wʿ.w tpy ... mšʿ.f !“First battle-force ...

of his army” (Poem, line 63)

On the shore of Amurru

(Poem, line 64)

The description, in CTH 156, of one ‘army’ in Amurru equates with the Poem’s force of the select troops sent (by ship?) to join with the forces of Benteshina.

nʿrn (Neʿārīn) (Relief ‘caption’ 11) !

(biblical nʿrīm – ‘young warriors’; Ugaritic

nǵrum ‘guards’)

From Amurru (Relief ‘caption’ 11)

In [… … …] (lines 20, 32)

En route to Ramesses’ en-

campment (lines 20, 32)

pʾ mšʿ n stḫ !“The Army of

Sutekh (Seth)” (Poem, line 58)

En routeThe remaining three ‘armies’ of the Tem-ple Accounts do not

easily divide into the two ‘armies’ of CTH 156, unless we discount Sutekh as having played no

part in the first day of battle. !

But if it is included there are three possibilities. ‘In

Taminta’ means one of the following:

(1) Preʿ alone (2) Preʿ + Ptah

(3) Preʿ + detach-ments of Amun not

in ‘First Army of Amūn’.

pʾ mšʿ n ptḥ !“The Army of Ptah”

(Poem, line 61; Relief ‘caption’ 11)

(1) South of Aranama (Poem, l. 61) !

(2) Still marching, not out of wood of Labwe

(Relief 11)

In TAMINTA (lines 20, 32)

En route to Ramesses’ en-

campment (lines 20, 32)

pʾ mšʿ n prʿ !“The Army of Preʿ”

(Poem, line 61; Relief ‘caption’ 11)

(1) Crossing ford, south of Shabtuna, 1 iter from Ramesses (Poem, lines

59-60) !(2) Marching, unaware, not prepared for fight-

ing (Poem, line 73) !(3) Army of Reʿ with

army of Ptah still marching, not out of wood of Labwe (Relief

’caption’ 11)

KARAŠ.MEŠ ša pana !

“Armies of the front”

(lines 24-25)

Vanguard setting up camp and manning it

(lines 24-25)

pʾ mšʿ n ỉmn !“The Army of

Amūn” (Poem, line 57; Relief,

’caption’ 11)

pʾ mšʿ tpy n ỉmn !“The First Army of

Amūn” (Relief, 1) !šrdnʿ/Širdana !

Sherden/Shardana (Poem, line 26)

(1) Marching behind Ramesses (Poem, line

57) !(2) Pitching camp, around Ramesses (Relief, ‘caption’ 1) !

(3) Not finished pitching camp

around Ramesses (Relief, ‘caption’ 11)

Amūn is travelling with Ramesses as

the Vanguard; therefore it is not

one of three armies of CTH 156. !

The Shardana are nowhere referred to

as a bodyguard.

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FIGURE 4.1 (LEFT) — the army of Ramesses according to Egyptian and Hittite sources.

FIGURE 4.2 — map show-ing the posi-tions of the opposing forces.

FIGURE 5.1 (ABOVE) — The Battle according to the Temple Accounts of Ramesses (post-1265 B.C.?) and his later letter

to Ḫattušili III (post-1258 B.C.) !!!!!!!!!!!

Temple Accounts of Ramesses II’s ‘Second Victorious Campaign’

Letter to Ḫattušili III !

(CTH 156)The ‘Poem’ The ‘Bulletin’ Relief ‘captions’

YEAR 5, 2 SHOMU, DAY 9 [c. April 1, 1274 B.C.]

R. II & army leave Tjaru (Sile) to march to Djahy

Reaches town of “Ramess-es II … in Valley of the Conifers” (Kumidu) in

Beqaʿ Valley

R. II & Amūn encamped on ‘Ridge of Qdš/Qadesh’

YEAR 5, 3 SHOMU, DAY 9 [c. May 1, 1274 b.c.]

On ridge south of Qdš/Qadesh in Djahy

R. II & Amūn ford river ’Irnṯ (modern Nahr el-ʿĀsi,

classical Orontes)

R. II questions šsw/shasu deserters south of Šʾbtwn/Shabtuna: “[King] of Ḫatti is in the land of Ḫrb/Alep-po, north of Twnp/Tunip.”

R. II reaches Shabtuna, captured suti of army of Ḫatti: “King of Ḫatti is in

the land Aleppo.”

R. II encamps by Qdš/Qadesh

R. II encamps north of Qdš/Qadesh, west of ’Irnṯ/Nahr el-ʿĀsi, captures Hit-

tite scouts

R. II in camp, captures Hittite scouts

R. II sits enthroned [west] of Arantu/Nahr el-ʿĀsi !

Vanguard setting up camp

AMŪN marching 1 iter to rear of R. II !

PREʿ fording river ’Irnṯ/Nahr el-ʿĀsi, south of

Šʾbtwn/Shabtuna !!PTAH south of ’Irnm/

Aranama !SETH/SUTEKH “along the


R. II summons council of officers !

Vizier sent out to south of Šʾbtwn/Shabtuna

Royal family sent to safety !PTAH in line of march, not

clear of the wood of Labwe (RȜbw)

3 armies en route: !in Amurru !in [… … …] !in Taminta

Hittite and allied chari-otry attack and rout Preʿ

from south of Qdš/Qadesh !Hittite and allied chari-

orty attack and sack Egyptian camp

Hittite and allied chari-otry cross ford south of Qdš/Qadesh and attack

and rout army (Preʿ) !and attack Egyptian camp

Hittite and allied chariotry attack and rout


nʿrn/Nʿeārīn arrive from Amurru !

Army (Ptah) spurred on by Vizier !!

Army (Ptah) spurred on by Butler, & scouts

Temple Accounts of Ramesses II’s ‘Second Victorious Campaign’

Letter to Ḫattušili III !

(CTH 156)The ‘Poem’ The ‘Bulletin’ Relief ‘captions’

R. II holds out ‘alone’ against 2,500 Hittite &

allied three-manned char-iots

R. II holds out ‘alone’ against Hittite & allied


R. II holds out ‘alone’ against 2,500 Hittite&

allied chariots on 4 sidesR. ii holds out ‘alone’

R. II pushes back Hittite and allied chariotry to

’Irnṯ/Nahr el-ʿĀsi

R. II pushes back Hittite and allied chariotry to

’Irnṯ/Nahr el-ʿĀsi

R. II and nʿrn/Nʿeārīn at-tack Hittites and allies

Hittite counter-attack with 1,000 chariots

R. II holds back Hittite counter-attack at’Irnṯ/

Nahr el-ʿĀsi

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FIGURE 5.2 (RIGHT) — Ramesses had reliefs of the battle made for all of his major temples – Luxor, Karnak, Abydos, Ramesseum – but the Abu Simbel relief is succinct and clearest in its depiction of the event.

FIGURES 6.1-2 (L - R) — Battle chronology and topography.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FIGURES 6.3 (ABOVE) — Qadesh gceo-politics

DAY 1 – After DawnRamesses & Amūn break camp on

the ridge south of Qadesh.

Mid DayRamesses & Amūn encounter

Shasu/Sutu south of Shabtuna who state they are deserters from the Hittite army and Muwatalli is to

the north at Aleppo.

Mid AfternoonRamesses & Amūn north of Qadesh, setting up camp, when two Hittite

captured scouts tell that Muwatalli and the entire Hittite army is the

other side of Qadesh.

Preʿ routed by Hittite chariotry, who then advance on to the camp

of Ramesses & Amūn.

Late AfternoonForce from Amurru fortuitously arrives and leads counter-attack

against by Hittites.

Second wave of Hittite chariotry encounters Egyptian advance

against Qadesh.

DAY 2 – MorningIndecisive clash between Egyptian

and Hittite armies.

Muwatalli offers Ramesses terms of withdrawal.

Mid AfternoonRamesses & Egyptian army head

south to Sidon, followed by a Hittite force under Ḫattušili, Commander

of the Hittite army.

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