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1920 20% 20% 210 25% 40% 700 10% A 10% B B C 7 % C ...

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1. A dealer buys a product at Rs. 1920, the sells it at a discount of 20%, still he gets profit of 20%. What is SP of that product? 2. Difference between SP & CP of an article is Rs. 210, if profit% is 25%, SP = ? (a) 95 (b) 1050 (c) 1150 (d) 1250 3. A merchant fixed SP of his articles at Rs. 700 after add- ing 40% profit to CP. As sell was very low, he decided to fix SP at 10% profit new SP ? (a) 500 (b) 550 (c) 750 (d) 470 4. A sells an article to B at a given of 10%, B sells it to C at a given of 1 7 % 2 . C disposes of it a loss of 25%. If price cost of manufacturer A was Rs. 3200, then price obtained by C is (a) 2800 (b) 2580 (c) 2670 (d) 2638 5. A loss of 19% converted upto a profit of 17%. When SP is increased by 162, CP = ? (a) 450 (b) 600 (c) 350 (d) 540 6. A shopkeeper offers 15% discount on all plastic toys, he offers a further discount of 4% on reduced price to those customer who pay cash, what does a customer have to pay in cash for a toy of Rs. 200 (a) 135.7 (b) 129.8 (c) 163.2 (d) 153.3 7. By selling a cycle for Rs. 2850, a shopkeeper gains 14%, if profit is reduced to 8%, then SP will be? (a) 2600 (b) 2800 (c) 2700 (d) 3000 8. Percentage of profit when article is sold for Rs. 78 is twice than when if is sold for Rs. 69, CP = ? (a) 49 (b) 57 (c) 51 (d) 60 1920 20% 20% 210 25% 40% 700 10% A 10% B B C 7 1 2 % C 25% A 3200 C 162 19% 17% 15% 4% 200 2850 14% 8% 78 69 9. Two items A & B are sold at profit of 10% & 15% re- spectively. If amount of profit received is same, then CP of A & B may be? A B 10% 15% A B (a) 1000, 1500 (b) 5000, 2000 (c) 3000, 2000 (d) 2000, 5000

1. A dealer buys a product at Rs. 1920, the sells it at adiscount of 20%, still he gets profit of 20%. What is SPof that product?

2. Difference between SP & CP of an article is Rs. 210, ifprofit% is 25%, SP = ?

(a) 95 (b) 1050(c) 1150 (d) 1250

3. A merchant fixed SP of his articles at Rs. 700 after add-ing 40% profit to CP. As sell was very low, he decided tofix SP at 10% profit new SP ?

(a) 500 (b) 550(c) 750 (d) 470

4. A sells an article to B at a given of 10%, B sells it to C at

a given of 17 %2 . C disposes of it a loss of 25%. If price

cost of manufacturer A was Rs. 3200, then price obtainedby C is

(a) 2800 (b) 2580(c) 2670 (d) 2638

5. A loss of 19% converted upto a profit of 17%. When SPis increased by 162, CP = ?

(a) 450 (b) 600(c) 350 (d) 540

6. A shopkeeper offers 15% discount on all plastic toys, heoffers a further discount of 4% on reduced price to thosecustomer who pay cash, what does a customer have topay in cash for a toy of Rs. 200

(a) 135.7 (b) 129.8(c) 163.2 (d) 153.3

7. By selling a cycle for Rs. 2850, a shopkeeper gains 14%,if profit is reduced to 8%, then SP will be?

(a) 2600 (b) 2800(c) 2700 (d) 3000

8. Percentage of profit when article is sold for Rs. 78 istwice than when if is sold for Rs. 69, CP = ?

(a) 49 (b) 57(c) 51 (d) 60






40% 700


A 10% B

B C 71


C 25%


3200 C


19% 17%


4% 200

. 2850 14%




9. Two items A & B are sold at profit of 10% & 15% re-spectively. If amount of profit received is same, then CPof A & B may be?A B 10% 15%


(a) 1000, 1500 (b) 5000, 2000(c) 3000, 2000 (d) 2000, 5000

10. A trader bought two horses for Rs. 19500. He sold oneof 20% loss & other at 15% profit. SP of each is same,then CP are?

(a) 10000, 9500 (b) 11500, 8000(c) 1200, 7500 (d) 10500, 9000

11. A man purchases two fans for Rs. 2160, by selling onefan at profit of 15% & other at loss of 9%. He neithergains not loss. CP of each

(a) 710, 1450 (b) 1530, 630(c) 810, 1350 (d) 1340, 820

12. Dinesh bought two radios for Rs. 1920. He sold one at a

profit of 20% & other at loss of 26 %3

. SP of both is

same. CP = ?

(a) 800, 1120 (b) 840, 1080(c) 860, 1060 (d) 900, 1020

13. A shopkeeper calculates his profit on buying price &another calculates on SP, where their SP are same, thendifference of their actual profit is Rs. 85 & both claim tohave mode 20% profit. SP of each?

(a) 1700 (b) 2100(c) 2550 (d) 2750





15% 9%


20% 62


85 20%

14. Marked price of a watch is Rs. 800. A shopkeeper givestwo successive discounts & sells watch at Rs. 612. Iffirst discount is 10%, second will be?

(a) 10 (b) 15(c) 12 (d) 20

15. A company offers 3 types of successive discounts?(a) 25% & 15% (b) 30% & 10%(c) 35% & 5% (d) None of these

16. List price of an article is Rs. 2000 & it is being sold at asuccessive discount of 20% & 10%. Net SP will be

(a) 1900 (b) 1700(c) 1440 (d) 1400

17. An article is listed at Rs. 900 & two successive discountof 8% & 8% are given on it, how much would seller gainon loss, if he gives a single discount of 16%

(a) 4.76 gain (b) 5.76 loss(c) 5.76 gain (d) 4.76 loss

18. A bicycle marked Rs. 2000 is sold with two successivediscount of 20% & 10%. An additional discount of 5% isof fixed for cash payment. SP of bicycle at cash payment

(a) 1368 (b) 1468(c) 1568 (d) 1668

19. Difference between a discount of 40% on Rs. 500 & twosuccessive discount of 36% & 4% on same amount is

(a) 0 (b) 1.93(c) 2.00 (d) 7.20





20% 10%


8% 8%



20% 10%


500 40% 36%


21. CP of an article is C & SP is S, Z is profit on loss%. IfCP & SP both increased by same amount, then

(a) Z (b) Z (c) Z = cons 17 (d) Can't be determined

22. Raju purchased a scooter at 1315

of its SP & sold it at

12% more that its selling price. Find its gain?

(a) 30% (b) 20%

(c) 381

13(d) 329


23. A shopkeeper fixes his selling price at 33% over cost ofproduction. If cost of production goes up by 12% &manufacturer raise his SP by 10%, percent profit = ?



(c) 35 (d)3


24. A sells an article to B for 450.0 kg losing 10% in trans-action. B sells it to C at a price which would have givena profit of 10% to A by what % B gain ?

25. A shopkeeper sells two articles are at a loss of 10% &another at a profit of 15% but finally there is no loss norgain. If total SP of these two articles is Rs. 30000. Findthe difference between then

26. Pepsi & coke are two companies, selling packs of colddrinks. For same selling price Pepsi gets two successivediscounts of 10% & 25%. While coke sells it by gainingtwo successive discounts of 15% & 20%. What is ratioof their MP

(a) 143 : 144 (b) 19 : 11(c) 136 : 135 (d) 73 : 77

27. A merchant maker a profit of 20% by selling an articlewhat would be % change in profit % had he paid 10%loss for it & customer paid 10% more for it?



(b) 120

(c) 133.33 (d) 150

20. An article is sold at certain price fixed. By selling it at 23

of that price one loses 10%. Gain % on selling at originalprice will be?










A B 45000

10% B

A 10%




10% 25%

15% 20




28. The sale price of an article including sales tax is Rs. 616if rate of sales tax is 10%, if shopkeeper made a profit of12%. CP of an article is

(a) 500 (b) 515(c) 550 (d) 600


10% 12%

29. CP of an article 'A' is Rs. 160 & selling price of article Bis Rs. 240. If SP of A equals to CP of B, than profit afterselling A is 20%. Profit of B ?

30. If 7% of SP of an article is equivalent to 8% of its CP &9% of SP exceeds 10% of CP by Rs. 1, CP = ?

31. A shopkeeper sells a TV at profit of 25%. Had he sold itat profit of 25%, SP, here profit have increase by 5% ofCP prices Rs. 100 determine CP = ?

32. A TV & refrigerator were sold for Rs. 12000 each, if TVis sold at 20% loss & refrigerator was sold at 20% profit,the entire transaction resulted in

(a) No loss no gain (b) Loss of Rs. 1000(c) Gain of Rs. 1000 (d) Loss of Rs. 1200

A 160 B

240 A

B A 20%


7% 8%


10% 1



5% + 100


20% 20%

33. Two toys are sold at Rs. 504 each, one toy brings thedealer gains of 12% & other at a loss of 4%, then gain orloss % must be?









34. A man sold two articles at Rs. 504.38 each, are bringdealer gains of 75% & other at loss of 30%, then gain onloss% will be?

35. If sales mass purchase a watch & wall clock for Rs. 390.He sells making profit of 10% on watch & 15% on wallclock. He earns a profit of Rs. 51.50. Difference betweentheir original prices?


12% 4%






10% 15%


36. Ratio of SP of 3 articles A, B & C is 8 : 9 : 5 & the ratioof % profit is 8 : 7 : 14. If profit of A is 14.28% & CP ofB is Rs. 400. What is overall gain%

(a) 14.28 (b) 14.87(c) 16.66 (d) None

37. CP of 12 oranges equal to SP of 9 oranges & discount on10 oranges is equal to profit of on 5 oranges, what is %difference between profit & discount will be?

(a) 20 (b) 22.22(c) 16.66 (d) 15

38. MP of an article increased by 25% & SP increases by16.66% the amount of profit divider. If original MP beRs. 400, which is greater than corresponding CP by 33.33,what is increased SP?

(a) 240 (b) 360(c) 600 (d) 420

A, B C


3 : 7 : 14 A 14.28%

B 400

12 9

10 5



400 33.33%

39. A company allows 15% discount to his customers & stillearns 19% profit. If production cost increases by 12%.then company increases list price 10% higher than previ-ous list price, company still give 15% discount to cus-tomer. Find new profit % ?

40. A man sells an article at 20% gain, if he had bought it at20% less & sold it for Rs. 5 less, he would have gained25%, CP = ?

41. The cost of 4 books & 3 pencils is same as that of 8books & 1 pencil. This cost will be same as that of fol-lowing?

(a) 2B + 6P (b) 5B + 5P(c) 6B + 2P (d) 12B + 4P

42. The marked price of an article is 50% above cost price,when MP is increased by 20% & SP increased by 20%,the profit doubles. If original MP be Rs. 300, OriginalSP ?

(a) 200 (b) 250(c) 240 (d) 275

43. A man sells 3 articles at same price. Ist on 20% profitIInd on 10% loss, IIIrd on 25% loss. Drawing wholetransaction he bears a loss of Rs. 120. SP of each ar-ticle?

44. A shopkeeper sells his article at certain profit %, if he

sells his articles at 13 of his actually SP then he occurs a

loss of 40%. What is actual profit % ?

45. Ratio of CP & MP of an article is 2 : 3 & Ratio of valueof profit & discount is 3 : 2, discount = ?

46. Ratio of CP & MP of an article is 2 : 3 & ratio of %profit & discount % is 3 : 2, Discount % = ?

47. A shopkeeper has to buy & sell goods in range of Rs.500 to Rs. 999. He can't buy on sell goods for amountthat contains digit 9 and for the amount that aid upto 13or are multiple of 13, max. possible % profit ?

48. Company C sells a line of 25 products with an averageretail price of Rs. 1200. If now of these products sellsfor low than Rs. 420 & exactly 10 of products. Sell forless than Rs. 1000, what is greatest possible SP of mostexpensive product?

(a) 2600 (b) 7800(c) 11800 (d) 3900







20% 5


4 3

8 1







10% 25%




2 : 3 3 : 2

2 : 3

3 : 2




13 13

C 25 1200



50. LG electronics finds that it can sell x TV for week at Rs.

peach, where P = 2 ²100 –


. Cost of production of x

TV pen week is Rs. ²120


. Find its maximum

profit per week.

(a) 1200 (b) 1700(c) 1600 (d) 1000

51. An article listed at Rs. 800 is sold at successive discountof 25% & 15%. The buys desires to sell it off profit of20% after allowing a discount of 10%. What would belist price?

(a) 620 (b) 600(c) 640 (d) 680

49. After offering discount of 37.5, Pankaj sold rice at profitof 25% had he offered a discount of 41.46% his profit onloss % would have been

(a) 16.66% profit (b) 12% loss(c) 29.17% loss (d) 8.33% profit


25% 41.67%


LG x


𝑃 = 2(100–𝑥

4) X TV

(120𝑥 +𝑥2


25% 15%


20% 10%

52. A man purchase some oranges @ 20 for Rs. 60 & sameamount @ 30 for Rs. 60. He mix them & sell @ 25 forRs. 60. Gain/loss%

53. A trader sold an article at loss of 5% but when he in-creased SP by Rs. 65 he gained 3.33% on CP. If he sellssame article at Rs. 936, what is profit %?

(a) 15 (b) 16.66(c) 20 (d) Can't be determined

60 20

60 30

60 25






54. A retailer bought 20 kg tea at discount of 10%. Besides 1kg tea was freely offered to him, now he sells all tea atMP to customer profit?

55. A trades wish to gain 20% after allowing 10% discounton MP to his customer. At what % higher than CP mustbe marks goods?

56. What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article cost-ing him Rs. 153 to gain 20% after allowing a discount of15%

57. A shopkeeper sells TV set for Rs. 17940 with discountof 8% & earned a profit of 19.6%. What would havebeen profit%, if no discount fixed?

20Kg 10%


10% 20%






17940 19.6%

58. On allowing a discount of 10% on article shopkeepergains 20%, if a discount of 20% allowed to it what willbe profit?

59. If SP of an article is doubled, then its loss% is immertedinto equal profit%, loss = ?

10% 20%

20% %

% %


60. If a customer get same profit% on selling a good at Rs.832. Which when he get loss % on selling at Rs. 448, CP= ?

61. By selling an article at Rs. 2331 profit is 20% more thenloss on selling at Rs.1000, CP = ?

62. By selling an article at Rs. 1110, profit is 20 times theloss on selling at Rs. 900, CP = ?

63. On selling an article at Rs. 1060, the gain is 20% morethan loss increased on selling it at Rs. 950, in order togain 20%, SP = ?

64. A person bought some articles at rate of 5 pen rupee &the same matters at rate of 4 pen rupee. He mixed bothtypes & sold at rate of a for 2 rupee. The total no. ofarticles bought by him was. In this business he suffered aloss of Rs. 3.

(a) 1080 (b) 1080(c) 540 (d) 545

65. A man bought oranges @ 8 for Rs. 34 & sell than at 12for Rs. 57. How many oranges should he sold to earn aprofit of Rs. 45.

66. By selling 45 oranges for Rs. 40 a man loses 20%. Howmany should he sell for Rs. 24 to gain 20% in transac-tion?

67. After selling 10 candles a man earn a profit of SP of 3pens, while selling 10 pens a man loses SP of 4 candles,numerical value of profit% & loss% is equal & CP ofcandle is half of CP of pen. Then ratio of SP of candle topen?





68. A man would gain 25% by selling a chair for Rs. 47.50& would gain 15% by selling a table for Rs. 57.50. Hesells the chair for Rs. 36. What is the least price for whichhe must sell the table to avoid any loss on two together?

(a) 51.2 (b) 58.5(c) 62.5 (d) None

69. If a person sells a house for Rs. 6200 & a cow for Rs.2600 then he got 10% profit on cost of both. If he sells ahorse for Rs. 6000 & a cow at its price. He get a profit of


%, CP of both = ?




1000 20%


900 20


950 20%



1 4

2 9


8 34

12 57


45 40 20%



10 3




25% 57.50



(c) 5000 (d) 550070. For a consumer, a single discount of n% is more a down

ranges than any of following discounts?(1) two successive discount of 15%(2) three successive discount of 10%(3) a 25% discount followed by 5%What is smallest possible positive integer value of n?

(a) 27 (b) 28(c) 29 (d) 31

71. A man mixes two ltrs of cold drink to 6 ltrs of rum &sells the mixture at CP of pure rum. If he earns a profitof 14.28%. On selling 8 ltrs, then find price of one litrecold drink, given that price of one litre of pure rum is Rs.10

72. A shopkeeper gives a discount of 12%. Whenever a cus-tomer makes cash payment . Let 'P' denotes the percent-age above CP that the shopkeeper must mark up the priceof articles (P is an integer) in order to make a profit ofx% (x (100). Which of the following is not possible valueof x?

(a) 154 (b) 146(c) 176 (d) 132

73. A person increases the SP of their product by 20% be-cause of which his profit percentage increases from 10%to 15%, what was corresponding increase in CP of prod-uct?

(a) 14.78 (b) 11.11(c) 9.09 (d) 7

74. CP of an item increased by 10% first, then 10% next &by 10% yet again finally the last 10% increases is equiva-lent to an increase of Rs. 121. What was first 10% in-crease equivalent to?

(a) 100 (b) 110(c) 113.31 (d) 120

75. a dealer buys dry fruit at a rate of Rs. 100, Rs. 80 & Rs.60 per kg. He bought then in ratio 12 : 15 : 20 by weight.He in total gets 20% profit by selling first two & at lasthe finds that he has no loss no gain selling while quantityhe had, what was % loss h0.e suffered for third quantity.

(a) 20% (b) 30%(c) 40% (d) 50%

(a) 4500 (b) 4000



10% 6000




1. 15%

2. 10%

3. 25% 5% n



1 1




P x%



10% 15%


10% 10%

10% 121


12 : 15 : 20

100Rs, 80Rs, 60Rs


76. When an article is sold for Rs. X, loss percentage is equalto L %. However when same article is sold for Y profit% is equal to P%, what is CP of that article?

x 1%

y P%

(a) 100

Ly x


Ly x

(c) 100 –y x

L (d)

–y xL

77. Ramesh marks up on article by P% & gives a discount

of %4

. Had he marked up by %2

& given a dis-

count of 6

%. What would be his profit%

(a) 25 (b) 3313

(c) 50 (d)2663

78. The cost price of dozen mangoes is equal to selling priceof 10 mangoes. The SP of apple per piece is equal to CPof mango. If profit % made on selling apple is half thatof selling a mango, then what is cost of an apple , if SP of







79. A shopkeeper sells his goods at 50% profit. If he increasedhis CP by Rs. 32 & by Rs. 12 he earns 10% profit, findoriginal CP of article

(a) 70 (b) 78(c) 60 (d) 58

80. A man purchased 450 pens of 3 types such that he earneda profit of 9%, 10% & 12% respectively. On each type.

He earned a profit of 3

9 %7 on first two types & 10%

over all profit on all in types. Find no. of pens in all types

(a) 200, 150, 100 (b) 350, 250, 100P% 𝑃







% %



CP 32 SP 12


(c) 300, 100, 150 (d) 400, 350, 150


9%, 10% 12%




81. A & B purchase are article at same price, later on Cpurchase both articles at same price of Rs. 240 each fromA & B. But profit % of A was P% whole profit % of Bwas Q%. Since B calculate his profit on SP. If C sellsone of article to D at P% profit. What is cost price for D

of Q = 4123 % P

(a) 500 (b) 550(c) 576 (d) 625

B A P%

B Q% B

C D P%


𝑄 = 412



C 240 A

82. A purchased article 'x' of Rs. 8000 & another article 'y'for Rs. 2000. He sold them to 'B' & 'B' sold them to C insuch a way that on selling 'X' article there is a profit of25% & every 'y' article there is loss of 10%. If 'P' soldthem directly to 'C' at price at which 'B' sold to 'C', thenhow much profit%

(a) 41.2 (b) 40.2(c) 38.2 (d) 44.2

83. CP of 16 apples is equal to SP of 10 apples, CP of 12oranges is equal to SP of 16 oranges & CP of 6 mangoesis equal to SP of 4 mangoes. If ratio of CP of 1 apple 1orange & 1 mango is in ratio 1 : 1 : 2. Find not profit onsale of 1 apple, 2 oranges & 2 mangoes

A X 8000

Y 2000 B


X 25%

Y 10%



84. A shopkeeper bought two cycles at Rs. 1600. If he soldfirst cycle at 10% profit & second at 20% profit he earnsa certain profit. If he sold first at 20% profit & second at10% profit he got Rs. 5 more, price of both cycles?

(a) 825 (b) 600(c) 900 (d) 850Direction (85-87) : By selling 144 articles, Mahesh suf-fered

85. A loss equal to SP of 6 articles, loss% = ?, SP = Rs. 1

86. A gain equal to SP of 6 articles, Gain %, SP Rs. 1

87. A gain of CP of 6 articles, Gain %

16 10

12 16

6 4

1 1 1

1 : 1 : 2 1

2 2

. 1500

10% 20%

20% 10%







A man gives articles at 4% discount & give 1 article free with 15 articles, thus gain 35% profit, MP : CP ?


4% 15 1


A man gives an article at 20% discount & give 4 articles free M, 12 articles



12 4


Direction (90-94): A dishonest milkman used to sell milkat CP how uses 20% loss weightat 25% P how uses 20% loss weightat 10% loss but used 990 gm in place of 1 kg.at 10% profit but used 990 gm in place of 1 kg.at 6% loss but uses 14 g instead of 15 g.

A trader sells goods to a customer of k% profit over CP, besides it he cheek's his customer by giving 880 g insteadof 1 kg.Thus his overall profit = 25%, k = ?



1 kg

880 gm

25% K

If SP becomes doubled profit increase by 300% initial profit %(a) 50 (b) 66.66(c) 75 (d) 40

