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2011 Year-in-Review - Temple University College of Education

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2011 Year-in-Review RiƩer Hall/RiƩer Annex (215) 2048017 1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue www.temple.edu/educaƟon Philadelphia, PA 191226091

2011 Year-in-Review

Ri er Hall/Ri er Annex (215) 204‐8017 1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue www.temple.edu/educa on Philadelphia, PA 19122‐6091


essage from the Dean

This is an exci ng me in the history of the College of Educa on at Temple University. The College of Educa on’s success in developing accomplished and highly qualified educa onal professionals is linked to our strategic vision and investment in the infrastructure of the college.

In April 2012, the College of Educa on celebrated the opening of the Shimada resource Center, dedicated to the academic and extracurricular support of our students. The Shimada Resource Center is an example of the commitment of the College of Educa on to offer the personalized experience of a small college with the resources of a major research university.

Our support for the research mission of the college con nues to grow leading to substan al increases in our research produc vity. The visibility of the college and its renewed commitment to educa on issues in the city and in state, regional and na onal policy also con nues to rise.

Since our founding in 1919, the College of Educa on has been a proud leader in urban educa on and provider of world class teacher prepara on. This historic commitment con nues, as we con nue to take advantage of new rela onships with city and regional schools to ensure high achieving educa onal professionals.

James Earl Davis, PhD Interim Dean


Temple University’s JumpStart program hosted .


Temple University’s College of Educa on Student Ambassador program hosted a screening of the documentary film American Teacher with a panel discussion following featuring current teachers and academics to debate the myths and truths of being an educator today. The College of Educa on Student Ambassadors are current undergraduate College of Educa on who excel academic and volunteer their me to represent the college at various events.

tudent community S

First of two student pages or addi onal room for alumni accomplishments

doctorial students going on the market/recently placed


Faculty Faculty accomplishments ................................................................................... 2

Grants awarded ................................................................................................ 3‐4

Faculty peer‐reviewed ar cles & proceedings ................................................. 5‐7

Books & monographs .......................................................................................... 8

Chapters & entries in edited volumes ............................................................ 9‐10

Alumni Alumni accomplishments .................................................................................. 11

Students Graduate students ............................................................................................. 12

Undergraduate students and student organiza ons ........................................ 13












Faculty accolades Jennifer G. Cromley, assistant professor in the Department of Psychological Studies in Educa on, was honored by the White House as a recipient of the pres gious Presiden al Early Career Award for Scien sts and Engineers. The award, established by President Clinton in 1996, is coordinated by the Office of Science and Technology Policy within the Execu ve Office of the President. Awardees are selected for their pursuit of innova ve research at the fron ers of science and technology, and their commitment to community service as demonstrated through scien fic leadership, public educa on or community outreach.

Cromley has also received two Na onal Science Founda on grants to con nue her research, which includes three large research projects involving middle school, high school and undergraduate students. These studies examine the effects of modifying middle school science and biology curricula, explore different teaching methods for maintaining student interest at the high school level, and assess why undergraduates con nue or opt out of chemistry and biology majors.

Annemarie Hindman Temple University College of Educa on Undergraduate Teaching Award, May 2011

Tricia Jones the William Kreidler Award for Conflict Educator of the Year, awarded by the Associa on for Conflict Resolu on,2| the largest professional associa on for conflict management and dispute resolu on professionals in the United States

Erin Rotheram‐Fuller awarded the School Psychology Research Collabora on Conference Early Career Scholar Award, honoring Cita on from the Council of the City of Philadelphia for volunteer work with the Word of Life Interna onal, Inc. church in Southwest Philadelphia

Joan Shapiro recipient of the Great Teacher Award, Temple University, April 2011 Joan Poliner Shapiro and Jacqueline A. Ste ovich, Authors of the Month, Routledge Publishers, New York & London, July, 2010 for 3rd edi on of the book: Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Educa on: Applying Theore cal Perspec ves to Complex Dilemmas

Chris ne Woyshner First Robert Walter Lecturer, New DEEL Conference, March 25, 2011

Tricia Jones Erin Rotheram Fuller Joan Shapiro Chris ne Woyshner

Pa ence Lehrman, Temple University alumina with a Master’s Degree in Adult and Organiza onal Development and na onal director of Temple’s Project SHINE (Students Helping in the Naturaliza on of Elders), was named a White House Champion of

Change and awarded the E Pluribus Unum Prize in 2011. Lehrman, compe ng against 450 applicants, was one of four to receive the award for excep onal immigrant ini ates. The $50,000 award, sponsored by the Migra on Policy Ins tute, for fied and expanded Project SHINE’s ini a ves.

She joined President Obama and 12 other Champions of Change on April 26 in an event highligh ng the great accomplishments achieved by alumni since ini ally being honored as White House Champions of Change. The program was created by the Obama administra on to “honor ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things” and has recognized more than 500 people from all 50 states.

Sidney M. Clearfield, 1961, was inducted into the South Philadelphia High School Cultural Hall of Fame. During his career, Clearfield served as interna onal director of B’nai Brith Youth Organiza on and execu ve vice present of B’nai Brith Interna onal.

David A. King, 2005, was named the 13th president of Malone University in Canton, Ohio.

Joan D. Lynch, 1980, published Women

of the Passion, a novel abou the early church with Acta Publica ons.

Patricia P. Madeira, 1978 & 1990, joined the Department of Educa on at Immaculata University in Pennsylvania as an assistant professor of educa on.

Randy A. Peters, 2001, was one of the 61 elementary and middle school principals named by the Na onal Associa on of Elementary School Principals as “2011 Na onal Dis nguished Principals.” He is principal of Orange Street Elementary School in Berwick, Pennsylvania.

Pa Rocchi, 1977, released The Six P’s of Change: A Handbook for Managing

Transi ons at Work, at Home and in

Ourselves as an e book. It is available for purchase online.

Gloria Garvin Rubin, 1972, is a counselor at JEB Stuard High School in Falls Church, Virginia. She also servies as first vice president of the Fairfax County Federa on of Teachers.

Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

Source: Michele Aweeky

Jaqueline Z. Shulman, 1966 & 1969, presented at the Greater Po stown Area HR Associa on, an affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management. She |11 is a partner in the law firm of Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP in Philadelphia.

Roseann Termini, 1979 , published new edi ons of Food and Drug Laws: Federal Regula on of Drugs, Biologics, Medical Devices, Foods, Dietary Supplements, Cosme cs, Veterinary and Tobacco

Products; Food and Drug Act, Related

Laws and FDA Resources CD; and Instructor’s Manual CD.

Source: Temple University Magazine












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Chapters & entries in edited volumes

Wasik, B. A. & Hindman, A. H. (2011). Iden fying cri cal components of effec ve language and literacy coaching of preschool teachers. In D.K. Dickinson & S.B. Neuman (Eds.), Handbook of Early Literacy: Volume 3 (pp. 322 336). New York: Guilford.

Horvat, Erin McNamara. (2011) Pioneer Parents and Crea ng Pathways for Involvement: A Historical Case Study of School Change and Collec ve Parental Involvement pp163 187. In Including Families and Communi es in Urban Educa on. Catherine Hands and Lea Hubbard Eds. New York: Informa on Age Publishing.

Pavlenko, A. (2011) Chapter 1 Introduc on: Bilingualism and thought in the 20th century. In Pavlenko, A. (ed.) Thinking and

speaking in two languages. Bristol, UK: Mul lingual Ma ers, pp. 1 28.

Pavlenko, A. (2011) Chapter 7 (Re ) naming the world: Word to referent mapping in bilingual speakers. In Pavlenko, A. (ed.) Thinking and speaking in two languages. Bristol, UK: Mul lingual Ma ers, pp.198 236.

Pavlenko, A. (2011) Chapter 8 Thinking and speaking in two languages: Overview of the field. In Pavlenko, A. (ed.) Thinking

and speaking in two languages. Bristol, UK: Mul lingual Ma ers, pp. 237 257.

Pavlenko, A. (2011) “I’m very not about the law part”: Non na ve speakers of English and the Miranda warnings. In Li Wei 10| (ed.) The Routledge Applied Linguis cs Reader. London/New York: Routledge, pp. 454 475.

Rotheram Fuller, E. (2011). Four entries for the online au sm encyclopedia: Ecological Validity, Symbolic Thought, Exposure to Peers, and Symbolic Behavior. Au sm Online Encyclopedia. Springer

Rotheram Fuller, E. & Kasari, C. (2010). Peer Rela onships: Challenges and Interven ons. In Hollander, E. Kolevzon, A., & Coyle, J. (Eds), Textbook of Au sm Spectrum Disorders. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.: 555 564.

Smith, M. W, (2010). Foreword, In G, Hillocks, Jr. Teaching argument wri ng (pp. ix xii). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Tincani, M., Bondy, A., & Crozier, S. (2011). Teaching verbal behavior. In W. Fisher, C. Piazza, & H. Roane (Eds.), Handbook of applied behavior analysis. New York: Guilford.

Improving Students’ Skill at Solving Equa ons Through Be er Encoding of Algebraic Concepts (Julie Booth PI), with Kenneth R. Koedinger and Kris e J. Newton, $1,048,204, US Department of Educa on R305A100074 (July 2010 June 2013).

Transforming Algebra Assignments (Julie Booth, Temple PI), with M. Suzanne Donovan (PI), Kenneth R. Koedinger, Andrew Elliot, and E. Juliana Paré Blagoev, $1,491,949, US Department of Educa on R305A100150 (June 2010 May 2013).

Na onal Center for Cogni on and Mathema cs Instruc on (Julie Booth, Temple PI), with Steven Schneider (PI), Kenneth Koedinger, James Pellegrino, Mitchell Nathan, and Neil Heffernan, ($9,998,406), US Department of Educa on R305C100024 (July 2010 June 2015).

Teaching Effec ve Use of Diagramma c Reasoning in Biology (Jennifer Cromley PI), proposal submi ed to Na onal Science Founda on, January, 2008 ($999,535), NSF award # 0815245, funded for 9/15/08 8/14/12

A mul method approach to understanding dropout from STEM gateway courses (Jennifer Cromley PI), proposal submi ed to Na onal Science Founda on, January, 2008 ($999,853), NSF award # 0814901 funded for 12/1/08 11/30/12

21st Century Research and Development Center on Cogni on and Science Educa on, proposal submi ed by the Math Science Partnership of Greater Philadelphia (Cromley is PI for Temple subcontract) to Ins tute for Educa on Sciences, November, 2007 ($717,788), IES award # R305C080009, funded for 7/1/08 6/30/13 |3School of the Future: Documen ng the Journey of an Innova ve School Community Funder: School of the Future: Documen ng the Journey of an Innova ve School Community Amount: $20, 000 (supplement to original research $225,000 Microso award; Steven Jay Gross, PI; Joan Shapiro, Co PI).

Dropout from “Gateway” Science Courses Cogni ve and Mo va onal Predictors: An Empirical Research Proposal; Jennifer Cromley, Principal Inves gator; Erin McNamara Horvat, Jacqueline Tanaka, John B. Michel, Co PIs; December, 2008 June 30, 2012; Na onal Science Founda on; $999,810

United States Department of Educa on, FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Educa on), “ Dissemina on of CRETE.” Total amount awarded $512,480 for October 2007 through September 2010, funding awarded October 2007. Tricia Jones, Principal Inves gator.

JAMS Founda on, “Building Partnerships for Educator Support of Conflict Resolu on Educa on: A Collabora on between CRETE, Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR) and Crea ve Response to Conflict (CRC).” Total amount awarded $300,000 for September 2008 through August 2010, funding awarded September 1, 2008. Project will develop pre service and in service educator partnerships in four ci es – New York, Chicago, Washington, DC and San Francisco. Tricia Jones, Principal Inves gator.

rants awarded G













Grants awarded

CIBER funding ($5,000) – to evaluate the program for the 2011 academic year (Janice Laurence).

Kris e Newton, Co‐Principal Inves gator, Using adap ve so ware in math support classes to boost achievement. Grant funded by the Na onal Council of Teachers of Mathema cs, 2011‐2013. Principal Inves gator: Daniel Imaizumi ($6000).

Kris e Newton, Co‐Principal Inves gator with Bethany Ri le‐Johnson, Helping teachers to use and students to learn from contras ng examples: A scale‐up study in Algebra I. Grant funded by the Na onal Science Founda on, 2008‐2013. Principal Inves gator: Jon R. Star ($2,006,604).

Kris e Newton, Co‐Principal Inves gator with Diane Jass Ketelhut, e=mc2: Educa ng middle‐grade teachers for challenging contexts. Program funded by the Department of Educa on, 2007‐2014. Principal Inves gator: Kent McGuire ($3,014,360).

Aneta Pavlenko, Program Director. Center of Interna onal Business Educa on and Research (CIBER) (2002‐2010, renewed in 2010 for 2010 ‐ 2014). Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University. Grant funded by the US Department of Educa on, approximate value $ 1,100,000 over each 4 year cycle.

2010‐2011 School District of Philadelphia, $64,894. Improving Inclusion of Children with ASD, Staff Training, P.I. Erin Rotheram 4| ‐Fuller, Ph.D.

Elvis Wagner, Principal Inves gator. A Valida on Study of the use of TOEFL iBT Speaking and Listening Scores for Interna onal Teaching Assistants’ Placement (September 1, 2009 – September 1, 2012). CITE Department, College of Educa on, Temple University. Grant funded by the Educa onal Tes ng Service (ETS) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Cer ficate of Examiners, approximate value $104,000 over three years.

Temple University Summer Research Award ($7,000). Understanding 10‐10‐2010 Teacher‐Child Interac ons that Promote Vocabulary Development in Preschoolers. B. Wasik (PI) (submi ed‐ funded)

Temple University Provost’s SEED Grant, “Community Collabora ons: Temple University and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania’s PhilaPlace Project,” Christopher Harper, Principal Inves gator, Chris ne Woyshner and Edward Trayes, Co‐Principal Inves gators, 2010‐2011 $50,000

Gold, E., Simon, E., and Cucchiara, M. (2010). “The Prospects for Public Engagement in a Priva zing System: A Case Study of Philadelphia, 2001‐2007.” In J. Rogers and M. Orr (Eds.). Public Engagement for Public Educa on: Joining

Forces to Revitalize Democracy and Equalize Schools. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Hale, J. B., Wycoff, K. L., & Fiorello, C. A. (2011). RTI and Cogni ve Hypothesis Tes ng for iden fica on and interven on of specific learning disabili es: The best of both worlds. In: D. P. Flanagan & V. C. Alfonso (Eds.), Essen als of specific learning

disability iden fica on (pp. 173‐201). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. November 30, 2010.

Fiorello, C. A. (2011). “Psycheduca onal Evalua on of an Adult for LD and ADHD: Integra ng Neuropsychological Measures into Cross‐Ba ery Assessment.” In N. Mather & L. E. Jaffe, Comprehensive evalua ons: Case reports for psychologists, diagnos cians, and special educators (pp. 610–618). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. December 7, 2010.

Robert A. Baruch Bush and Joseph P. Folger (2010). “Transforma ve Media on: Theore cal Founda ons” In Transforma ve

Media on: A Sourcebook. Joseph P. Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.), Associa on for Conflict Resolu on and The Ins tute for the Study of Conflict Transforma on.

Robert A. Baruch Bush and Joseph P. Folger (2010). “Transforma ve Media on: Core Prac ces” In Transforma ve Media on: A Sourcebook. Joseph P. Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.), Associa on for Conflict Resolu on and The Ins tute for the Study of Conflict Transforma on.

Joseph P. Folger (2010). “Transforma ve Media on and the Courts” In Transforma ve Media on: A Sourcebook. Joseph P. |9 Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.), Associa on for Conflict Resolu on and The Ins tute for the Study of Conflict Transforma on.

Joseph P. Folger (2010). “A Transforma ve Orienta on to Team Development Work” In Transforma ve Media on: A

Sourcebook. Joseph P. Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.), Associa on for Conflict Resolu on and The Ins tute for the Study of Conflict Transforma on

Joseph P. Folger & Robert A Baruch Bush (2010). “Transforma ve Prac ce in Ethno‐Poli cal Conflict: An Emerging Ini a ve” In Transforma ve Media on: A Sourcebook. Joseph P. Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.), Associa on for Conflict Resolu on and The Ins tute for the Study of Conflict Transforma on

Joseph P. Folger & Robert A Baruch Bush (2010). “The Development of Transforma ve Media on: Past Challenges and Future Prospects” In Transforma ve Media on: A Sourcebook. Joseph P. Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.), Associa on for Conflict Resolu on and The Ins tute for the Study of Conflict Transforma on

Chapters & entries in edited volumes








Books & monographs

Joseph P. Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush & Dorothy DellaNoce (2010, eds.) Transforma ve Media on: A Sourcebook. Associa on for Conflict Resolu on and The Ins tute for the Study of Conflict Transforma on.

Laurence, J.H. & Cleary, M.A. (2010). Educa onal/academic outcomes of military children. Harker Heights, TX: Military Child Educa on Coali on.

Valli, L., Graeber, A. O., & Newton, K. J. (2011). Upper Elementary Math Lessons: Case Studies of Real Teaching. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Li lefield.

Pavlenko, A. (ed.) (2011) Thinking and speaking in two languages. Bristol, UK: Mul lingual Ma ers. University of California, Berkeley

Shapiro, J.P. & Ste ovich, J.A. (2011). Ethical leadership and decision making in educa on: Applying theore cal perspec ves to complex dilemmas. (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge.

8| Tincani, M. (2011). Posi ve behavior support and effec ve classroom management: A prac cal guide for inclusive se ngs. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Booth, J.L (2011). Why can’t students get the concept of math? Perspec ves on Language and Literacy, Spring 2011, 31‐35.

Booth, J.L., & Koedinger, K.R. (2010). Facilita ng low‐achieving students’ diagram use i algebraic story problems. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Mee ng of the Cogni ve Science Society (pp. 1649‐1654). Aus n, TX: Cogni ve Science Society.

Azevedo, R., Cromley, J. G., Moos, D. C., Green, J. A., & Winters, F. I. (2011). Adap ve content and process scaffolding: A key to facilita ng students’ self‐regulated learning with hypermedia. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 53(1), 106‐140.

Cromley, J. G., Snyder‐Hogan, L. E., & Luciw‐Dubas, U. A. (2010). Reading comprehension of scien fic text: A domain‐specific test of the direct and inferen al media on model of reading comprehension. Journal of Educa onal Psychology,102(3), 687‐700. doi: 10.1037/a0019452

Cucchiara, M., Gold, E., Simon, E. (2011). “Contracts, Choice, and Customer Service: Marke za on and Public Engagement in Educa on.” Teachers College Record, 113 (11).

Flanagan, D. P., Fiorello, C. A., & Or z, S. O. (2010). Enhancing prac ce through applica on of Ca ell–Horn–Carroll theory and research: A “third method” approach to specific learning disability iden fica on. Psychology in the Schools, 47, 739‐760. August 2010.

Ellio , C. D., Hale, J. B., Fiorello, C. A., Dorvil, C., & Moldovan, J. (2010). Differen al Abili es Scales–Second Edi on

predic on of reading performance: Global scales are not enough. Psychology in the Schools, 47, 698‐720. August 2010.

Hale, J., Alfonso, V., Berninger, V., Bracken, B., Christo, C., Clark, E., Cohen, M., Davis, A., Decker, S., Denckla, M., Dumont, R., Ellio , C. Feifer, S., Fiorello, C., Flanagan, D., Fletcher‐Janzen, E., Geary, D., Gerber, M., Gerner, M., Goldstein, S., Gregg, N., Hagin, R., Jaffe, L., Kaufman, A., Kaufman, N., Keith, T., Kline, F., Kochhar‐Bryant, C., Lerner, J., Marshall, G., Mascolo, J., Mather, N., Mazzocco, M., McCloskey, G., McGrew, K., Miller, D., Miller, J., Mostert, M., Naglieri, J., Or z, S., Phelps, L., Podhajski, B., Reddy, L., Reynolds, C., Riccio, C., Schrank, F., Schultz, E., Semrud‐Clikeman, M., Shaywitz, S., Simon, J., Silver, L., Swanson, L., Urso, A., Wasserman, T., Willis, J., Wodrich, D., Wright, P., & Yalof, J. (2010). Cri cal Issues in response‐to‐interven on, comprehensive evalua on, and specific learning disabili es iden fica on and interven on: An expert white paper |5 consensus. Learning Disability Quarterly, 33, 223‐236. Vol. 3 of 4.

Petruccelli, M. L., Fiorello, C. A., & Thurman, S. K. (2010). Comparison of teachers’ and school psychologists’ accuracy in assigning basic academic tasks to underlying CHC‐model cogni ve abili es. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 26, 230‐246. July 2010.

Haviland, J. (2010). Planning for effec ve classroom management: A story. New Teacher Advocate, 18 (1) 2‐3.

Hindman, A. H., Cromley, J. G., Skibbe, L. E., & Miller, A.L. (2011). Growth models in large‐scale datasets: Insight from the FACES data. Evalua on Review, 35(3), 204‐239.

Faculty peer-reviewed articles & proceedings

Faculty peer reviewed articles & proceedings Hindman, A. H. & Wasik, B. A. (2011). Morning Message me: Teacher talk and contribu ons to early literacy learning in Head Start preschool se ngs. Early Childhood Educa on Journal. DOI: 10.1007/s10643‐011‐0459‐8.

Wasik, B.A., & Hindman, A.H. (2011). Low‐income children learning language and early literacy skills: The effects of a teacher professional development model on teacher and child outcomes. Journal of Educa onal Psychology, 103(2), 455‐469.

Hindman, A. H., & Morrison, F. J. (2011). School‐family partnership and its associa ons with early literacy and social skills among Head Start preschoolers. Elementary School Journal, 11(3), 359‐386.

Hindman, A. H., Skibbe, L. E., & Morrison, F. J. (2010). 6| Teacher outreach to families across the school transi on: Rela ons to academic and social skills. Early Childhood Educa on Journal. DOI: 10.1007/s10643‐010‐0410‐4. (Reprinted, at the request of the editors, in M. R. Jalongo, J. P. Isenberg, & B. A. Fennimore (Eds.). Educa ng the young child: Advances in theory and research, implica ons for prac ce. Norwell, MA: Springer).

Horvat, Erin McNamara and James Earl Davis. (2011) Schools as Sites for Transforma on: Exploring the Contribu on of the Habitus. Youth and Society 43(1) pp. 142‐170.

Kanno, Y., & Varghese, M. M. (2010). Immigrant and refugee ESL students’ challenges to accessing four‐year college educa on: From language policy to educa onal policy. Journal of Language, Iden ty, and Educa on, 9(5), 310–328.

Chang, Y.‐J., & Kanno, Y. (2010). NNES doctoral students in

English‐speaking academe: The nexus between language and discipline. Applied Linguis cs, 31(5), 671‐692.

Lich nger, E., & Kaplan, A. (2011). Purpose of engagement in academic self‐regula on. New Direc ons for Teaching and Learning, 126, 9‐19.

Patrick, H., Kaplan, A., & Ryan, A. M. (2011). Posi ve classroom mo va onal environments: Convergence between mastery goal structure and the classroom social climate. Journal of Educa onal Psychology, 103, 367‐382.

Kaplan, A., Lich nger, E., & Margulis, M. (2011). The situated dynamics of purposes of engagement and self‐regula on strategies: A mixed‐methods case study of wri ng. Teachers College Record, 113, 284–324.

Ben‐Asher, N., Lich nger, E., Kaplan, A., & Ben‐Asher, S. (2010). Assessment of self‐regula on in wri ng processes as an instrument for promo ng students’ achievement in school. The Educa onal Counselor, 16,132‐150. (Hebrew).

Bergey, B. W. & Kaplan, A. (2010). What do social groups have to do with culture? The crucial role of shared experience. Fron ers in Cultural Psychology, 1, 199.

Newton, K., Star, J.R., & Lynch, K. (2010). Exploring the development of flexibility in struggling algebra students. Mathema cal Thinking and Learning, 12(4), 282‐305.

Newton, K. J. (2010). Sweetest chocolate milk. Mathema cs Teaching in the Middle School, 16(3), 148‐153.

Newton, K. J., Star, J.R., & Perova, N. (2010). Learning by teaching: Using a model teaching ac vity to help teachers learn to use comparison in algebra. P. Brosnan, D.B. Erchick, &

L. Flevares, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd annual mee ng of the North American Chapter of the Interna onal Group for the Psychology of Mathema cs Educa on (pp. 1437‐1445), Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.

Pavlenko, A. & B. Malt (2011) Kitchen Russian: Cross‐linguis c differences and first‐language object naming by Russian‐English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cogni on, 14, 1, 19‐45.

Pavlenko, A. (2011) Language rights versus speakers’ rights: On the applicability of Western language rights approaches in Eastern European contexts. Language Policy, 10, 1, 37‐58.

Levin, D., & Rotheram‐Fuller, E. (2011). Evalua ng the Empowered Curriculum for adolescents with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairments and Blindness.

Rotheram‐Fuller, E., & MacMullen, L. (2011). Cogni ve behavioral therapy for children with ASD. Journal of Psychology in the Schools, 48(3):263‐271.

Kasari, C., Locke, J., Gulsrud, A., & Rotheram‐Fuller, E. (2011). Social networks and friendships at school: Comparing children with and without Au sm. Journal of Au sm and Developmental Disorders, 41(5):533‐544.

Rotheram‐Fuller, E., Kasari, C., Chamberlain, B., & Locke, J. (2010). Social involvement of children with au sm spectrum disorders in elementary school classrooms. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51(11):1227‐1234.

Shapiro, J.P. (2010). Commentary: A school divided. In Ontario College of Teachers and Ontario Principals’ Council of Ontario. Explorer les pra ques déontologiques et le leadership par le ques onnement professionnel. (115‐116).

Laval, Canada: Les Presses de l’Université.

Dobbins, N., Higgins, K., Pierce, T., Tandy, R., & Tincani, M. (2010). An analysis of social skills instruc on provided in teacher educa on and in‐service training programs for general and special educators. Remedial and Special Educa on, 31, 358‐367.

Wagner, E. (2010). How does the use of video texts affect ESL listening test‐taker performance? Language Tes ng, 27, 493‐510.

Woyshner, Chris ne. “Inquiry Teaching with Primary Source Documents: An Itera ve Approach,” Social Studies Research and Prac ce 5, no. 3 (2010): 36‐45.

Woyshner, Chris ne. “School Desegrega on and Civil Society: The Unifica on of Alabama’ s Black and White Parent‐Teacher |7 Associa ons, 1954‐1970,” History of Educa on Quarterly 51, no. 1 (2011): 49‐76
