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50 years of - Chen Su Lan Methodist Children's Home

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Annual Report 2018 50 years of

Annual Report 2018

50 years of


Message from Executive Director 1

50th Anniversary Celebrations Bishop’s Blessing Service 2 Visit from President Halimah Yacob 3 Fundraising Dinner by Chef Heman 4 “A Musical Feast” Concert 5 Flag Day 6 50th Anniversary Charity Dinner 7

Programmes & Services Care & Development 9 Art Therapy 10 Pilot Small Group Care (PSGC) 11 SafeandStrongFamilies–Reunification(SSF-R) 13 Spiritual Development 15 Education Support 19 Project Give—Community Service 22 Volunteerism 23 Childcare 25

Resident Programmes Annual Camp 28 Thanksgiving Concert 29 Annual Carnival 31 Enrichment Programmes 32

Appreciation from Residents 34

Valued Partners 35

Financial Performance 39

Corporate Information 43


Message from Executive Director

2018 was an eventful and blessed year for Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home (CSLMCH) as we celebrated our 50th anniversary. To commemorate this event, we lined up many events: Bishop’s blessing of our renovated premises, a visit from President Halimah Yacob, a fundraising dinner by Chef Heman, a concert entitled “A Musical Feast”, Flag Day, Anniversary Charity Dinner, and our annual tradition of a Thanksgiving Concert to close the year. These events were planned and organised to thank God for 50 years of his faithfulness to our Home and recognise those who have been a part of God’s work here.

To build upon the good work that has been done, the Home embarked on various initiatives in which we looked at how our Home can continue to better serve our mission of “providing loving, Christian nurture for needy and disadvantaged children of all races and religions, so as to prepare them to be happy and responsible members of the family and community”.

Withthismissionfirmlyinmind,theHomeimplementedthenextphaseofthe“HomeWithinaHome”concept—the physical transformation of the premises. The vision was to provide a space where residents can feel at ease while they journey with us to heal their psychological and emotional wounds, and past trauma.

The Home also continued to embrace our new model of carecalledTrauma-InformedCare(TIC),whichrecognisesthe trauma stemming from the residents’ family background. This model of care enables the Home to help the residents to regulate their behaviour and, in the process, lead them onto the path of healing.

InApril2018,anewManagementCommitteewasformed.We are honoured to have Mr Clifton Tan, who was previously the Vice Chairman, to step up and take on the mantle of Chairman.

CSLMCH certainly had an eventful year in 2018—none of which could have been possible without the unwavering support of our donors and volunteers, the wise counsel and direction of our Management Committee and the hard work of all our staff. Most importantly, we are deeply grateful for 50 years of God’s faithfulness to our Home.

Thank you to all of you who have supported Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home over the years.

God Bless,Ms Wong Ming Sze Executive Director (Head of Home)

Events were planned and organised to thank God for 50 years of his faithfulness to our Home and recognise those who have been a part of God’s work here.

Ms Wong flanked by outgoing Chairman, Mr Lee Ping Shih (on left)

and incoming Chairman, Mr Clifton Tan


Bishop’s Blessing Service50th Anniversary Celebrations

We thanked God for the successful completion of the renovation of the dormitories and development centre consisting of therapy rooms, tuition rooms and multi-purposehall.

The Home was honoured to have Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung, Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore, to bless the premises on 10 March 2018. The Management Committee Members, invited guests, staff and residents gathered for a short Blessing Service. The service started with worship, followed by a short exaltation by Bishop.

During the service, appointed representatives from each dormitory carried the crosses to the altar for prayer. The crosses were later hung in the dormitories during the blessing of the dormitories by Bishop. We were glad to have Cantate Domino Choir put up a wonderful performance during the service. Our very own Hope Voices Choir also performed a song entitled “Bless This House”.

WetrustthatGod’sloveandpeacehavefilledthenewpremises and our residents will grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Home was honoured to have Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung, Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore, to bless the premises on 10 March 2018.

Blessing of the dormitory

Unveiling of Plaque by Bishop

Cantate Domino Choir PerformanceBlessing the Development Centre, House of Wisdom

Bishop interacting with the youths

Hope Voices Choir Performance


Visit from President Halimah Yacob50th Anniversary Celebrations

We were honoured to have President Halimah Yacob visit our Home on 14 April 2018. This was part of her monthly Tiny Bites seriestomeet,interactandencouragethebeneficiariesofChen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home.

During the tour around the Home, our staff introduced President Halimah to different ways of intervention incorporatingmethodsofTrauma-InformedCarethattheHome provides for our residents. A sumptuous lunch was hosted by President Halimah during the visit.

InappreciationofPresidentHalimah’sgenerosityandtimespent in our Home, our Hope Voices Choir and a resident soloist put up two performances for her.

After her visit, President Halimah’s posted on Facebook saying, “There are pockets of society that need our help and our attention.IhopeallSingaporeanscanrallybehindmetoshow compassion and empathy and to bring hope to those who need our help.” She is truly someone who walks the talk and goes the extra mile to spend time with the less fortunate among us.

An artwork created by residents and staff was presented to President Halimah

IhopeallSingaporeanscan rally behind me to show compassion and empathy and to bring hope to those who need our help.


Fundraising Dinner by Chef Heman 50th Anniversary Celebrations

WewereblessedtoworkwiththeIronChefHemanTan, who hosted a dinner with donors and supporters of CSLMCH.

What a splendid evening it was! Diners were treated to a fusion menu prepared specially and meticulously by Chef Heman. He even stepped out of the kitchen to serve the guests personally. What a wonderful touch by Chef Heman!

Before the event, Chef Heman went the extra mile to mould, glazeandfirethreepotterypieces.Thesepotterieswerethenput up for auction that evening. The generous guests who successfullybidfortheseone-of-a-kindpiecesdonatedthesebeautiful art pieces back to CSLMCH.

During the dinner, the guests were treated to a live harp performance by Ms Dora Lim. Dora graduated with a Master in Music from the Royal College of Music in UK. Since learning the harp at age 13, Dora has given solo, ensemble, chamber and orchestral performances around the world, including countries like Singapore, France, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. She has also played in several harp festivals in Singapore as well as the Camac 40th anniversary celebrations at the Théâtre Quartier Libre in (France). What a treat for everyone who attended.

We are grateful to everyone who participated and supported CSLMCH through this fundraising dinner.

Before the event, Chef Heman went the extra mile to mould, glazeandfirethreepottery pieces.

Chef Heman serving the guests personally

Chef Heman presenting his pottery pieces to the successful auction bidders Dora Lim performing on the harp


“A Musical Feast” Concert50th Anniversary Celebrations

As part of the 50th anniversary celebrations, the Home organised a Thanksgiving Concert to appreciate God, friends, partners, donors and volunteers. The concert was organised by the Home with Cantate Domino, who anchored and conceptualised the programme.

The concert was held on 18 August 2018 and was entitled “A Musical Feast”. The audience was treated to a full course, beginning with a delightful appetiser of a vocal performance by Ms Shimona Rose Thevathasan. The main course was a multi-layeringofflavours—fromtheclassical,totheexcitingrhythms and lyricism of John Rutter to African American Spirituals,presentedbyCantateDomino.Thencamealine-upofmouth-wateringdessertsofperformancesbyVocalSoloistJuwita Suwito, Guitarist Ernest Kwok and Hope Voices Choir.

A resident also shared a testimony of his life in Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home. His life story truly touched the hearts of all who were there.

We were blessed to have Trinity Methodist Church as the venue of the concert and it was full house that evening. We thanked God for a blessed evening of music and fellowship. Thank you to all donors who gave generously to the event!

Management Committee Chairman, Mr Clifton Tan welcomed the audience and thanked all who supported the event

Cantate Domino Choir Hope Voices Choir


Flag Day50th Anniversary Celebrations

ItwasaWednesdayandmostpeoplewerebusywithworkand studies, but some 300 volunteers were on a mission and it was to raise funds for Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home duringitsfirst-everFlagDayon21November2018.

Intotal,weraised$41,943.75fromstreetcollection.Thankyouto all our superheroes who spent their precious time helping to ensure a better future for the children and young persons we support.Notallsuperheroeswearcapes,someholdtins!

A big Thank You to our Superheroes with Tins:• Lions Clubs Singapore

• Anglo Chinese School (Independent)

• Pause For A Cause

• Protegie Group

• SG Serve

• RafflesInstitution

• Temasek Junior College Choir

• InformaticsAcademy

• Singapore Polytechnic Architecture & the Built Environment Club

• Methodist Girls’ School

• All dedicated and passionate individuals


50th Anniversary Charity Dinner50th Anniversary Celebrations

“Indeed,itwasablessedevening.”Thesewerethewordsofone of the guests who attended the Charity Dinner event held on 1 December 2018 at One Farrer Hotel. We were honoured by the presence of Mr Desmond Lee, Minister for the Ministry of Social and Family Development, who graced the event as our Guest-of-Honour.

The evening started with an exhibition that featured artwork and art & craft items lovingly created by the children at CSLMCH, a photo booth and a history corner. One key highlight of the art exhibition was a series of pottery pieces that was inspired by the Kintsugi, a Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. While the children did not have the chance to use actual gold in the process, they mimicked the process with gold paint laced with glue. This process of repair represented the healing journey of our residents and the beauty that they findinthemselves.

From the time dinner was served, guests were revelled by the performances by our residents and staff as well as the children at our Childcare Centre. The guests were surprised byaflashmob,andtheysmiledandcheeredatthevariousperformances in dance, song and drama. The evening closed withtheheartfeltsong“PassItOn”,anemotionalnumberled by the Hope Voices Choir. Our Management Committee Chairman, Mr Clifton Tan, then lit up a candle and passed on the light to everyone including residents, staff and guests, until the entire hall lit up. A symbolic gesture of a community that reached out to each other.

“Indeed,itwasablessedevening.” These were the words of one of the guests who attended the Charity Dinner event held on 1 December 2018 at One Farrer Hotel.


At the dinner, we gave out the 50thAnniversaryAwards;long-serviceawardsforourstaff and volunteers. The recipients include Mr Adrian Soh who served as a volunteer for over 10 years, Mr Shon Yap, a volunteer of 20 years and Mdm G. Aylandam, who served as a staff for 30 years. Each recipient was honoured to receive their awards fromourGuest-of-Honour,MrDesmondLee.

CSLMCH was established 50 years ago, and we would not be able to celebrate our golden jubilee without the unwavering support from individuals and groups over the years. We are deeply grateful for everything that has been bestowed on the Home and the residents—these contributions have been woven into the tapestry of life of our residents, both past and present.

Thank you for the gift of you.

Clockwise from top left: Long Service Award Winners Mr Adrian Soh (10 years Volunteer Service), Mr Yap Shon (20 years Volunteer Service), Mdm G. Aylandam (30 years Staff Service), Mr Clifton Tan, Mr Desmond Lee and Ms Wong Ming Sze cutting the 50th Anniversary cake









Care & Development

The Care & Development (C&D) department comprises Social Service Executives (SSE), Social Service Associates (SSAs), andHouse-parents.Together,theylookafterthedailycareand welfare of residents who are housed in eight male & female dormitories. The department focuses on the care and development of the residents, employing tuition, enrichment programmes, rehabilitation and Christian nurturing.

In2018,thedepartmentcontinuedtoreceivetrainingtoapplytheprinciplesofTraumaInformedCare(TIC).Withtheapplication of the staff’s developing skills, it is our goal to understand the trauma of the children and lead them onto the path of healing.

TICutilisespositivebehaviouralinterventionandmodificationtoimprovethechild’sself-judgement,dysregulationandself-efficacy.Italsohelpsthechildtobeawareofhis/herowntriggers to dysregulation and learn ways to calm or regulate themselves. This model is backed by a clear and consistent system, rewarding children for good behaviour, allowing thechildrentocollectbonuspoints.Thebenefitsofgoodbehaviour are made very tangible to the children as they save theirpointstoobtainneededanddesireditemsfrom“in-houseshops” and other services.

The department not only reached out to residents, but also shared their knowledge with other stakeholders in the child’s care, such as schools and family members.

TICutilisespositivebehavioural intervention andmodificationtoimprove the child’s self-judgement,dysregulation and self-efficacy.

Total Monthly Resident Count

Case Types

Children with Disabilities












March Ap

ri lMay

June Ju







Statutory Cases

MSF Referred Cases

Compassionate Grounds

Total Residents

With Disabilities


Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder

Muscular Dystrophy

Austism Spectrum Disorders

Global Developmental Delay


Art Therapy

One of the key initiatives of 2018 was the formation of the Art Therapy team. This intervention platform enables our residents to explore and process their emotions and past trauma through the use of creative techniques such as drawing, painting, collage, colouring, or sculpting.

To meet the needs of this new team, the Art and Play Therapy room was setup with a variety of art materials, playdough, sand trayandvariousfigurines.Theadditionofthisnewroomhasfostered a safe and secure environment for residents to process through situations and tap into their creative expressions.

Partnering with three lecturers from LASALLE, four workshops were run to help residents create craftworks for the craft stall at the 50th Anniversary Dinner in 2018. Residents were engaged in painting using acrylics and mixed media to decorate and create art pieces to thank Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home’s faithful donors and volunteers.

The Home continued to run Artist in Us, an art programme specificallydesignedtodevelopresidents’artmakingskills.

Itexploredmediumssuchasceramics,acrylicorwatercolourpainting, screen printing, paper marbling and much more.

Our residents also used this opportunity to prepare for their nationalartexaminations,portfoliosforpost-secondaryschoolapplications, and art pieces for auction by the Home.

Art and Play Therapy supplies available to the residents

Artist In Us

Craftwork for Charity Dinner

Children with Disabilities

Lasalle Workshop


Pilot Small Group Care (PSGC)

A pilot project initiated by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), the Pilot Small Group Care (PSGC) was established in CSLMCH in June 2017. PSGC takes in children with higher needs from 7 to 12 years of age for a limited period of12to18months.Ithasamaximumcapacityof15childrenand young persons (CYPs).

TheobjectiveofthePSGCistoprovideTrauma-InformedCare in a safe and nurturing environment to help the CYPs recover from their past traumatic experiences and promote overallwell-being.InPSGC,weworkonaPositiveBehaviourInterventionandSupport(PBIS)framework,whereweseekto build the residents’ executive thinking skills, emotional regulation, body regulation, interpersonal skills, and safe resources.

InPSGC,apersonalcoachismatchedwitheachchild.Thecoachwillmeetwithhis/herassignedchildinsessionstocoverpsycho-educationandsetbehaviouralcontracts.Thisalsoallowsthechildthespacetopracticehis/herinterpersonalskills, emotional and body regulation.

The sensory room is used to provide occupational therapy for children who lack awareness of their bodies and have difficultiesinregulatingtheiremotions.Thechildrencanengageinthesensory-motoractivities(safety,gradingof activities and hands on activities by the children) with the support of the staff. The children discuss topics such as sharing, privacy and responsibility. The goal is to encourage communication, collaboration and acquisition of new skills such as leadership. For example, the swing equipment provides the movement sensations which helps children with high energy levels to calm down.

Inthepastoneandahalfyears,theteamhadmanyextremely challenging moments. However, we are encouraged byeverylittleprogress/changethechildrenhavemadeintheir behaviour. Due to these children’s past early childhood traumas, the manifested behaviours are aggression and a lack ofsocialskills(conflictresolution,takingturnstoplay,hurlingvulgarities & etc) among their peers. We take comfort and encouragementinthemoment-by-momentimprovementsinthe executive functioning we see in each individual child who comes into our care and protection.

The objective of the PSGC is to provide Trauma-InformedCarein a safe and nurturing environment to help the CYPs recover from their past traumatic experiences and promote overall well-being

Boy M, 9 years old, exhibits social skills & anger management issues and does not havemanyfriendswhenhefirstjoinedthe Home. He continued to practice balloon blowing (his favourite coping tool) to regulate his emotions. Today, he is welcomed by most residents, participates actively in all activities, and has many friends.


Key Initiatives

WehavedesignedaRewardSystemtoencourageandaffirmthechildrenfortheirgoodbehaviourandforthosewhomakepositive/outstandingcontributionstoourHome. The staff reward them with tokens for good behaviour and good academic performance. These tokens can be exchanged for attractive educational toys (e.g.miniLego—todeveloppsycho-motorskills),games(e.g.monopoly—tolearnbudgeting) and stationaries (e.g. for school use).

WeconductdailyCircleTimebeforebed-timewherewereinforceimportantvaluessuch as expressing gratitude to their family and peers (e.g. saying thank you for the Christmas gifts they received). We also practice our 5 core values (Respect, Responsibility,Integrity,ServiceandPerseverance)throughrole-playsandhearingfrom each other’s experiences. Circle Time also includes Emotion Regulation Drills (ERD) where the children will build on their emotion regulation skills including pleasant imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, body awareness, mindfulness and meditation.

For example, one of the children aged 8 years old was diagnosed with dyslexic and undiagnosed ADHD. To calm herself down and cope with her emotions, she was taught during Circle Time to use different coping strategies that she would practice before leaving for school. Over the course of a few months, she has improved in calming herself down and has learnt to regulate her emotions.

Key Statistics

A Child’s Token Container

Manhours spent on Home Visits• Weekly for 1 resident on extended

home leave

Resident time spent on life skills• Weekly for all residents on weekends

Manhours spent on Therapeutic Programmes• SocialWorker/PersonalCoachone-

one session with the residents – Weekly

• Art Therapy with selected residents – Weekly

• Occupational Therapy (sensory room) with selected residents – Monthly

• CircleTime/EmotionRegulationDrills(ERD) – Daily

• Clinical Psychologist conducting sessions with selected residents – Weekly

Emotion Regulation Drills Chart



The children and families we work with were often dysfunctional and unstable, while facing many family issues. We had work with families on areas like drug and alcohol use, family violence, mental health issues, housing issues, and parenting challenges. All of these issues contributed to a chaotic, unstable, and unsafe environment for children.

ThefocusoftheSafeandStrongFamilies–Reunification(SSF-R)Teamistoprovidepurposefulandtimelyinterventionwithfamiliestocreatelastingsafety,stability,well-beingandcertaintyforthechildwhoisgoingtobereunifiedwithhis/herfamily back home. Some of the children found it challenging to communicate and connect with their parents, especially when they have been away from their parents for many years. In2018,wehadsevensuchfamilieswhowentthroughtheFunctionalFamilyTherapy–ChildWelfare(FFT-CW)conductedbyourSSF-RClinicalPsychologist.Thisformoftherapyhelpstoreduce negativity in the family, increase motivation to change, andfacilitatelearningofnewproblem-solvingtechniquesandcoping strategies. All of these are aimed at improving family communication and relationships.

In2018,wereunited19childrenandyoungpersonsfromvarious children’s homes and foster homes back to their parents’care.Afterreunification,thesefamiliescontinuedtobe supported by their nearest Family Service Centres and other communityagencies.TheSSF-RTeamcontinuedtotracktheprogress of the families for another 12 months. This served as a safety net for the families to ensure that the progress achieved was sustained and lasting.

Despite the intensive work done for some ofthefamilies,reunificationwaseventuallyassessed to not be in the best interest of the children. Outstanding concerns included insufficientsafetyathomeandinadequateparental insights. As a result, nine children couldnotprogressfromtheirout-of-home placements back to parents’ care. Nonetheless,theparentsandchildreninvolvedfeltthatitwasallstillworthwhileastheSSF-Rprogrammegavethemafightingchancetobe reunited. Although it did not happen, that does not mean it will never happen. Some families require a longer runway, as we believe thatreunificationisnotanevent;itisaprocess.

Child-centric and family-focused therapeutic tools used during FFT-CW sessions

Summary of what a family had achieved with SSFR support and their future goals

Astheproverbsays“Ittakes a village to raise a child” and in our case, it was very evident to the team that it takes a village to reunify a child.


ItwasahumblingexperiencefortheSSF-RTeamasweworkedwith many government agencies, community organisations, foster parents, grandparents, uncles and aunties, and most importantly, the parents and their children. As the proverb says“Ittakesavillagetoraiseachild”andinourcase,itwasvery evident to the team that it takes a village to reunify a child. Despite all the challenges, it is certainly a worthwhile experience!

Testimonials by Clients

Child XL:“MySSF-Rsocialworkerhastaught me the importance of being responsible to attend work regularly to savemoneyformyfuture.Ialsogota lot more opportunities to bond with mymummy,auntyandtwosisters,soIunderstand how to communicate with them better and love them better, and they the same.”

Father A:“MySSF-Rsocialworkerhasbeen a big help to my family and in bringing my children back home with us. He helped our family to become closer and stronger and does beyond his duty tohelpevenwhenotherscannot.Iwantto thank him and his colleagues for their help in our need.”

Key Statistics

1. NumberofCYPsserved 33

2. Numberoffamiliesserved 23

3. Numberoffamiliesreunited 19 CYPs

4. Numberofcasesterminated 9 CYPs

5. Case types (i.e. how many 13 CSL, 16 VCH, from CSL, from VCHs, 4 FC from foster care)

6. CYPs demographic (gender, age) Male: 19, Female: 14

7. Numberofchildrenwhore-entered 0 child protection system after case closure

8. Numberofparentswhoshowed 10 improvement in Parenting StressIndex

9. Man-hoursspentonhomevisits 1,103 hrs

10. Man-hoursspentoninterfacing 132.77 hrs with stakeholders and partners (e.g. case reviews, meetings)

11. Man-hoursspenton 213hrs FFT-CWsessions

Notes:CYP: Children and Young PersonsVCH: Voluntary Children’s HomeFC: Foster Care

SSF-R worker and family celebrated case closure over home-cooked food prepared by parents

Age Range of Children and Young Persons (CYPs) in SSF-R Cases

< 7 yo

7 to 12 yo

13 to 16 yo

> 16 yo

< 7 yo

> 16 yo

7 to 12 yo

13 to 16 yo


Spiritual DevelopmentOur Ministry-in-Partners

We thank God for our partnering Methodist churches who supportedintheareasoffinance,programme,prayerandministry to our residents through camps, small groups and individual ministry. The partnering churches are Wesley MC, Trinity MC, Toa Payoh MC and Paya Lebar MC.

The churches play an important role in demonstrating that God loves everyone, even the disadvantaged children. The residents need to see that God’s love is real out there, in the community where the church resides.

ItisthewishoftheHomethatultimatelywhentheyaredischargedfromtheHome,theycanfindthechurchastheirsecond home and receive support in their lives.

We are grateful to other organisations, such as the Methodist School of Music, who showed support by helping us in our worship ministry and inviting our residents to their Christmas concert. The experience of watching a concert in the Esplanade concert hall was invaluable.

The churches play an important role in demonstrating that God loves everyone, even the disadvantaged children.

Resident sharing testimony at Wesley MC

Top and Bottom: The youths attended the youth camps

organised by Trinity MC and Toa Payoh MC

Toa Payoh MC extended free vouchers for the residents to enjoy at their community carnival



We thank God for Trinity MC, Outreach & Social Concerns Ministry for their time and effort in running monthly programmes to bond with the residents. They played games, dined with themandorganisedenergeticactivitiessuchasrock-climbing,bowling,rope-climbing,trampoline,etc.

The team ended the year on a high note when they brought the residents out to shop for Christmas wear and treated them to dinner.

Rope walking and rock-climbing activities organised by Trinity MC

Filipino Volunteers presenting a song item

Children doing craftwork with Filipino volunteers

A group of Christian Filipino volunteers also supported the Home faithfully through their monthly spiritual programmes. The volunteers were highly creative and passionate in reaching out to our children. Through their years of volunteering, they have bonded well with our children and the children looked forward to having them


The Youth Guidance staff and volunteers led small groups of our youth boys and girls under the Care Group ministry. They would meet weekly to learn God’s words, watch movies and play board games. Once in two months, they would go out for a meal or for recreation. The objective of the small group is to provide pastoral care and spiritual growth for the residents.

“Keep on sowing your seed, for you never know which will grow – perhaps it all will.” Ecclesiastes 11:6 (TLB)

Care Group Outing by Youth Guidance

Children participated in children ministry programmes in church

Washing feet ceremony during

Good Friday service

The regular programmes organised by the Spiritual Department are Chapel services, Devotion services and weekly care group time. The residents also attend church services in our partnering Methodist churches on Sundays.

Intheirrespectivechurches,theyparticipatedinchurch ministry programmes such as camps, Easter and Christmas programmes. The youth camps have provided our youths a platform to be renewed and to dedicate their lives to God.

WegivethankstoGodfortheharvestin2018wherefive residents accepted Jesus into their hearts and another three residents were baptised.

We will press on in doing God’s work in CSLMCH and trust in His timing that He will bring about the harvest.

Baptism of a resident

Weekly chapel service


Testimonies from Residents


Resident JH:WhenIwasinPrimary2,Ihadfoodpoisoning.Iwashospitalised.IwasnervousasIhadtosleepwithotherchildren in the same ward. A nurse who is a Christian came to the ward and read to me the bible every night. That was when IstartedtobelieveinJesus.IwasafraidtotakethePrimary2examinationasIwasawayfromschoolforawhile.IprayedtoGodandGodansweredmyprayers.Ipassedmyexaminationwithflyingcolours.God helped me.

IcametoCSLMCHinPrimary3.MyfirstyearinCSLMCHwasreallyscaryasIdidnotknowthechildren.IstartedmakingfriendsandGodsentme2goodfriends.Duringmystay,Ihavea care leader. She taught me from the bible and prayed for me. One day, my Principal told us that our school would be mergingwithanotherschool.IwassadasIhadbeenintheschoolsincePrimary1.ItwasneartheexaminationsandIcontinuedto prepare for my examinations diligently.IprayedtoGodtohelp me pass my Chinese Mother Tongue paper. God answered my prayerandIpassedtheoverallChinesepaperandIgothighestfor English. Even after some setbacks,Iwasstilldeterminedtotrust God.

Testimony from Staff: Be a Channel of Blessing

Staff William Chua: Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home is a “heavenly place” for our children and youths. Christians from various churches had been showering them with God’s love. Staff also extended them with daily care from morning till night. Besides providing daily care, one of my roles was to support theirfamilies’needssothatchildrencanfindcomfortandbesafe when they are discharged to their own home.

Often, we hesitate in helping someone in need. Whenever God opens a door ofopportunitytohelpafamilyinCSLMCH,IwillobeyandseehowGodblesses.Irecalledhelpingtopaintaresident’sfamilyhomebeforeChristmaslastyear.Igathered the 5 children of the family during their school holidays to paint their home. Itwasagoodtimeofbondingforthechildrenandparentsastheyhadfunpainting.Although it was a messy two days of work, it was all worth it as a few brushes of paint couldbrightenupthehomeandtheheartsofthewholefamilyforChristmas.Ithasbeen the father’s wish to paint his home for 7 years. Being wheelchair bound, he couldonlydependonotherstohelphim.Iamgladtofulfilhiswishandbea channel of blessing for this family.

1 Peter 3:13 says:

“Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?”

Resident LK: One early morning, my father fell and was rushed to the hospital. He was bleeding in his head and the doctors had to do an emergency surgery on him. The doctor said that he might have suffered a stroke and was rather serious. They prepared us for the worst and said that that even if he recovered, he might become a ‘vegetable’.

IwassadandprayedtoJesusforhelp.IprayedthatJesuswillmakehimwellsothatIcouldbringhimtochurch.Itwasamiraclewhenmyfatherregained his consciousness and his body was functioning a few days after surgery. The doctors could not believe themselves when they witnessed my father’smiraculousrecovery.Isharedwith my father about Jesus and how He answered my prayers. My father was touched and he accepted Christ into his heart a few days later during his birthday.IthankGodfor His help in giving life to my father.


Education Support

The Education Department provides education support to our residents with the focus of helping them bridge their learning gaps, work towards achieving the best academic outcomes,andimprovetheirself-esteemthroughpositivelearningexperiences.


a) providing structured study time for all residents to do their schoolwork with guidance from staff and volunteers

b)Identifyingandreferringresidentswithlearningdifficultiesforassessments,targetedinterventions and learning support

c) Providing additional tuition support to residents who require extra guidance through paid tuition services and involvement of volunteers

The Home saw the need to create new functional spaces for learning. The residents were delighted to have their regular study and tuition programme at the House of Wisdom which included a main hall, 2 classrooms, 1 counselling room, 1 Art Therapy room and 1 Sensory Play room.

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Funded STEM Programme

Using AMD STEM funding, the Home organiseda2-dayroboticsarmworkshop on 16 & 17 October 2018. Thecontentpacked2-dayroboticsprogramme was run by Kodecoon for 20 of our primary school residents aged 8 to 12 years old. The programme aimed to equip residents with the basic skills in 3D modelling and Arduino programming, which allowed residents to create theirveryfirstroboticsarmduringtheworkshop!

STEM PIPER Workshop and Python Coding Workshop

Notable Programmes

The Home had arranged for a number of enrichment programmes to support the literacy level of our residents as well as stimulate the residents’ interest and equip them in learning a new skill. These programmes were: WonderRead programme byNationalLibraryBoard,in-housereadingprogrammewithvolunteers,Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics(STEM)PIPERworkshop,Codingfunthroughcardsworkshopsponsored by Kodecoon, and Python coding workshop by Dr Kenneth Lim, a research scientist.

Top Left: Residents paying attention to the trainer

Top Right: Completed Robotic Arm

Bottom Right: Resident assembling the robotic arm


Testimony from Study Grant Recipients

IamaformerresidentofChenSuLanMethodistChildren’sHome.IwasarecipientoftheCSLStudyGrantforthe past few years. The study grant has lifted a huge burden off mybackforthepastfewyearsinITEandPoly.Sincethen,Iwasable to commit to school and serve in various areas in school activities.IwouldliketothanktheHomeforhelpingmethusfarandprovidingformewheneverIneeded.TherearemanywhojourneyedwithmeandgroomedmeintothepersonIamtoday.Myheartisfilledwithgratitudeandthankfulness.WithallIhave,IgivethankstoGodforHealoneprovides.

IalwaysdreamttobeapilotandIhavestudiedAerospaceandAeronauticsinmytertiaryeducation.ThisissomethingIhave always worked towards. Another is to be a Commando in theArmy.IalwayshadthefascinationofbeingaCommandoandSpecialForcesofficer.IlikeworkinginteamsandthisissomethingIwillconsiderdoingifIdon’tbecomeapilot.


– KT

CSL Study Grant Updates

Since the inception of CSLMCH Study Grant in 2011, there havebeenmorethan26recipientswhohavebenefittedfromthisgrant.In2018,therewere10youthswhoreceivedsupportthrough this grant, among them 3 were supported by our key partner Huttons Asia Pte Ltd. Thank you Huttons Asia!

I’dliketotakethistimetosayabig thank you to Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home for giving me the study grantin2018.Iamveryappreciativeof this opportunity as it has given me a pathway to achieve my dreams, one stepatatime.IhavealwayswantedtostudytheatreandnowthatIamgiventhechance,Iamgratefulandithasbenefittedmeinafewdifferentways.

Inthefuture,IplantocomebacktoCSLto volunteer my time, to give back to thecommunity.Ialsowanttobeableto teach drama in CSL one day as that wasthereasonhowIstartedtolovethe wonders of theatre and drama, as Iattendeddramaclassesinprimaryschool and went on to make it my CCA in secondary school. Drama has gotten meoutofbadplacesandIwanttobeable to help children through drama works someday.

– HS ...Fortunately for me, CSLMCH never stopped helping me,thehomeurgedmetoapplyforthestudygrantsoIwouldbeabletorelievemyselfofanyfinancialburdensduringmystudies...

Bygrace,Iwasgrantedthestudygrant,Icouldnow worry less...

ItdefinitelyhelpedtoberelievedofthesefinancialburdenssoIcanfocusmoreonmystudiesandlessonmyworries.Iamveryfortunate and grateful for it.

– KW


Special School, 8

Kindergarten, 2

Primary Level, 34

Secondary Level, 29ITE, 3

Polytechnic, 3

University, 1

Other, 7

Key Statistics

Overall, the residents of CSLMCH were able to progress to the next level of academic pursuit. The Education Department will continue to explore ways to help our residents with their weaker subjects. The academic updates of residents are as shown below:


2018 SA1 Primary Pass Rate 70.0% 40.0% 64.0% 26.9%

2018 SA2 Primary Pass Rate 75.0% 46.9% 51.7% 38.7%

2018 SA1 Secondary Pass Rate 77.8% 55.6% 72.7% 17.4%

2018 SA2 Secondary Pass Rate 87.5% 47.8% 71.4% 47.6%

Therewere14residentswhotookPSLE,1thattookNLevelandOLeveleach. With the grace of God, all of them passed and progressed to pursue their secondary educationandInstituteofHigherLearning(IHL).

Demographics of Students

Awards and Achievements

We celebrated with 39 residents who received their academic awards such as outstanding resident award, Best in SubjectsAward(Pri/Sec),MostImprovedAwards(Pri/Sec),DistinctionAwards(NationalExaminations)andDistinctionAwards(IHL)duringtheCSLMCHChristmasConcert.

A total of 11 residents received Edusave Awards; namely, Good Progress Award, Merit Bursary, Character Award and EAGLES (Achievements) in consideration of their good academic performance, demonstrating good conduct, exemplary character and outstanding personal qualities.

We are grateful to God for blessing our residents with these awards and achievements and we would also like to thank all volunteers, tutors and staff for their unwavering support, assistance and belief in helping our residents succeed in their learning.



Project Give – Community Service

Project Give is a time to expose our residents to the needy andlessprivilegedcommunity.Itisourhopethattheycanlearnlife-skillsandempathyforothers.Mostofourchildrencome from broken families and carry around with them a low self-esteem.ProjectGiveactivitieswouldteachthemtobethankful and help them understand that there is hope for all, even for the needy and underprivileged.

Project Give activities would teach them to be thankful and help them understand that there is hope for all, even for the needy and underprivileged.

Residents helping to cut vegetables at Willing Hearts

On 7 September 2018, eight children and youth helped to prepare meals at Willing Hearts. They washed and cut vegetables and helped to distribute meals to the needy.

Our children and youth were surprised to know that there are so many needy people out there and looked forward to do more for them.

InDecember2018,someofourresidents,includingHopeVoices Choir members sang carols and brought love, joy and smiles to the community at Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH) and Singapore Cheshire Home.

Our children invited the residents to join in the carolling. Thosemomentswerespecialandheart-warming,seeing them smile and interacting with our children.

Our children shared that Christmas carolling can be a fun way to celebrate and spread the Christmas cheer of giving.

Carolling time

CSLMCH residents interacting with the visually handicap



Working alongside the CSLMCH team, volunteers are a critical part of the community of this Home. They provide additional support for the residents by bringing with them their work and lifeexperiences,impartvariousskillsandareaconstantfigurein the lives of the residents. We thank our volunteers for their selflessgiftsoftimeandeffortandshoweringtheresidentswithan extra dose of love and care.

We are deeply grateful for our dedicated volunteers who took time off their busy schedules to spend time with our residents.

We are deeply grateful for our dedicated volunteers who took time off their busy schedules to spend time with our residents.

Our volunteers from New Balance in action, bringing

joy to the children through a day of fun

games and gifts!


Regular Volunteers: Tutors and Care Group Leaders

This group of volunteers provide invaluable support for CSLMCH and it is through their service that our Home is able to provide each resident the needed support in two key areas: education and pastoral care.

These dedicated volunteers are with our residents at least once a week, for a committed period of at least a year. Many of them havecontinuedtoserveformanyyearsandreceivedlong-serviceawards for 3, 5, 10 and even 20 years of service

We are truly blessed by their service!

Volunteer Reflection

IhavebeenavolunteerwithCSLMCHforover10years.Through volunteering and working with the staff in CSLMCH, Iwasabletobroadenmyknowledgeandexperienceinhandlingchildren.Ilearnttoseesituationsfromthepointofview of the children, which then allowed me to gain their trust and respect. This enabled me to better help the children in their school work.

Throughoutmyyearsofvolunteeringwiththehome,Iseethechanges in how the children are managed. They are now givenself-awakeningreflectiontoponderontheirattitudeandactions. This approach is particularly useful for youths in helping them to build their own value systems and beliefs.

IlookforwardtocontinuingmyservicewiththeHomeasitcontinues to grow with the children.

– Adrian Soh, Volunteer Tutor


ChildcareLearning Through Play

The focus of the Childcare Centre is to facilitate the learning and development of children through play. Play experiences enable children to learn about themselves, acquire concepts and skills in language, literacy and numeracy as well as foster theirsocio-emotionaldevelopmentandskills.Teachersaretrained to observe, facilitate and guide children to pursue new levels of thinking and creativity through play. They plan play activities that are relevant and meaningful for children.

Teachers are trained to observe, facilitate and guide children to pursue new levels of thinking and creativity through play.

Learning Through Outdoor Activities

Inplayingoutdoor,achildgetstoexplorearangeofmovements and develops skills such as running, jumping, throwing, catching and even balancing. Outdoor play also affects a child’s ability to think creatively, learn and solve problems and gives them valuable bonding time with friends and teachers.


Learning Beyond the Classroom

Children’sconfidenceincommunicationshouldtakeplacebeyondtheclassroom.Educationalfieldtripsbeyondclassroom teaching provided opportunities for children to interact,cooperateandcommunicatewithoneanother.Itincreases their interests and understanding of their immediate environment and the world around them by allowing them to acquire and validate information in a more authentic environment.Itenableschildrentolinkpriorunderstandingandhelp them apply what they have learnt in different situations.

Learning with the Community

Collaboration with community partners helps connect the children’s learning and creates valuable opportunities for morein-depthexperientiallearning.Theearlyyearsisacrucialtime to develop children’s sense of belonging, respect and empathy for others. These are important aspects of children’s social and emotional development. The children reached out to the elderlies in Ling Kwang Home for Senior Citizens and also raised funds for the Children’s Home during its 50th Anniversary.


Learning Opportunities for Staff

Teachersbenefitedfromprofessionaldevelopment opportunities through bonding with other teachers during workshops. They also shared best practices among fellow teachers in the Methodist families and also during their overseas learning trip in Seoul.


Resident Programmes –Annual Camp

The Annual Camp 2018 was held at Sembawang Water Venture from 20 to 22 June. The residents and staff were split into eight teams and took part in various games and activities. Throughout the 3 days, the teams collected points through completing tasks and competing with one another. At the end of the camp, the team with the most points was crowned the winner.

Thethemeofthecampwas“Iam(value)able”.This theme consisted of 3 parts:

1. VALUES – The residents learnt what values are but more importantly, they learned which values are important to them.

2. I AM ABLE – The residents learnt that they are all different as individuals and that nothing could stop them from holding on to the values that are important to them.

3. I AM VALUE-ABLE – The participants discovered that they were all valuable in their own unique way.

Inlinewiththetheme,gamesforthecampweredesignedtoenable the residents to explore the values that are important to them as well as to rediscover themselves as individuals.

Itisatraditiontoendtheannualcampwithacampfire.However,thisyearwasslightlydifferent—thecampfirefirewastinted with different colours!

After the champion team was crowned, the residents gathered aroundthecampfiretosinganddancetotheirhearts’content.

The residents learnt what values are but more importantly, they learned which values are important to them.


Thanksgiving Concert

2018 was a memorable year for our Home. We celebrated our 50th Anniversary and we are thankful to God for many of His blessings and favour upon our residents and staff.

We are grateful to the Lord for keeping watch over each resident as they attended schools, programmes, outings and for each staff as they diligently discharge their duties of caring for the residents either directly or indirectly.

We ended 2018 with a Thanksgiving Dinner and Concert where we celebrated the Lord’s faithfulness and goodness. We also invited parents to join us to celebrate the academic achievements, to witness the performances of their children, as well as to bond with their children through craftwork. As we celebrated a year of bountiful harvest, welookforwardtoanotheryearofgreaterfulfilmentanddreams coming true in 2019!

We also invited parents to join us to celebrate the academic achievements and to witness the performances of their children

Handmade cards by the residents to remember the celebration and good times they had that evening


“Working in CSLMCH for 24 years. Christmas Thanksgivingnightisaveryspecialday.Itisa time for residents and family and staff to celebrate Christmas together.

Itissoheart-warmingtoseeparentsdoingcraft work with their children, eating together, taking photos and videos as they performed with big smiles on their faces.

Iamveryproudofallthestaffthatworkedtogethertoorganise this event. Thank God for all the sponsors who made this event a meaningful and unforgettable one. Honour and glory to God.”

– Nancy, CSLMCH staff

“Ifeltnervousatfirstwhenmyparentswerewatchingme.Afterawhile,Ifeltabitcomfortableasmyparentandtheotheraudiencewerecheeringmeonexcitingly.IthinkIputinmybest for this performance as me and my friends have been practicing for a very long time with our wonderful teacher who was a great teacher, a hardworking teacher without him we wouldn’t have done it. So overall it was successful concert and it was unique day.”

– R, CSLMCH resident

“ChristmasThanksgiving.Myfirstyearjoining in the Christmas celebration. What an amazing night for parents, residents and staff to gather together and give thanks for the blessings that we are blessed to have.”

– Sean, CSLMCH staff

“Ienjoyedperforminginfrontofmyparents!ItwasveryfunandexcitingtodoitatfirstbutIwasalsoquitescaredof performing on stage. CSL has taught mehowtodoitbravely!IfeltIhadaccomplished something, because ItookquitelongpreparingforthisperformancesoIwishthatmyparentslike what CSLMCH has prepared!

– J, CSLMCH resident


Resident Programmes –Annual Carnival

The Annual Carnival was held on 14 December 2018. The staff took 2 months to plan and organise the carnival; gathering volunteers, preparing decorations as well as food and games.

During the carnival, the residents exchanged their bonus points for carnival points. These carnival points were used to play the various games to win attractive prizes as well as to purchase food, snacks and drinks.

At different intervals during the carnival, the staff performed a variety of songs that were popular among the residents. The residents could use their carnival points to pay for song requests.

OneofthemainattractionsatthecarnivalwastheNerfWar.ThestafftransformedHouseofWisdomintoabattlefieldusingrecycled items such as newspaper, cardboard boxes and black trash bags. The residents gathered and formed teams of threes to participate. The objective was simple; to collect as manyglowstickswithoutgettingshotbyNERFgunsinagivenamount of time.

Clockwise from top right: Staff performing on stage,

Resident navigating the Bouncy Castle, Food and games booth at Shaw Hall , Residents getting

ready for Nerf War


Resident Programmes –Enrichment Activities

Enrichment programmes at CSLMCH are aimed at providing the residents with a safe and fun environment to pick up new skills, or gain exposure to different activities that will enrich their life experiences.

These programmes were organised mainly during the school holidays and over the weekends. With the support of kind donors and volunteers, we were able to organise a variety of activities that range from art and craft to sports and games and even coding workshops.

Rock-climbing with Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) students

Thebigbrothersandsisters fromSITorganisedarock-climbingactivity for our residents. This activity exposed them to the sport and taught foundational rock-climbing rules and safetyprecautions.

With the support of kind donors and volunteers, we were able to organise a variety of activities that range from art and craft to sports and games and even coding workshops.

Coding Workshop by Kodecoon

Inthiseducationalworkshop,ourresidents were engaged and learnt how to code through the use of cards!

This interactive workshop was organised with two objectives: to provide exposure to residents who had no previous knowledge of coding and to deepen the knowledge for those residents who are already familiar.

The team from Kodecoon also conducted another programme for our older residents to build a robot through coding.

Coding with cards

Building robots


Soccer with Singapore Lions

Ourlittlesoccerenthusiastshadaonce-in-a-lifetimeexperiencetoteamupwiththe professional players from Singapore’s NationalTeamforagameoffutsal.

We were honoured to receive the Singapore Lions at our Home. Our residents were inspired as they spoke about their careers as athletes and to shared personal stories of their journey.

Thank you, Lions!

Chinese Puppetry by Esplanade

Thank you to Esplanade for bringing Traditional Chinese Puppetry to our residents!Itwasaculturallyrichexperience to learn about what goes behind the scenes of such performances.

The children enjoyed the performance andformany,thiswasthefirst-timewatching a traditional puppet show. The sessiondefinitelyleftanimpactontheyoung ones and taught them something new about the Chinese culture.


Appreciation from Residents

“DuringmyPSLE,Ihadgonethroughalotofthickandthin,but all thanks to CSLMCH that had provided me with volunteers to help me with my school works. Without their endless support anddeterminationtohelpmefindagoodtutor,Imaynothave the opportunity to promote to secondary school.

The staff had shown me the power of love through prayers and wordsofencouragement.IamthankfultothestaffinCSLMCHfor not giving up on me, although there are times they really feel like it. Because of the effort they had put in for me, showed me the purpose of not giving up during the actual day of PSLE. Onceagain,IthankthestaffinCSLMCHfromthebottomofmyheartfornotgivinguponme,butmostimportantly,IthankGod for giving me the wisdom and knowledge during the PSLE.”

– FC

“..Iwouldliketothankastaffforbuildingup my foundation...thank all those volunteers who taught me and tolerate my unreasonable behaviour at times…thanks all for the support!”

– XL

“…Withoutyourhelp,Iwouldnothavepassed and did well for my PSLE…


Thank you for not scolding sometimes whenIgetrowdyortoostressed…


Ipromisetocontinueworkinghardanddoing my best.”

– AN


Valued Partners

The Home is very grateful to all our generous donors, sponsors, volunteers and friends. We would like to thank them for their love for our children and for the consistent support and contribution.Itwouldbeimpossibletolistallthenamesoftheorganisations and individuals involved, yet we would still like toacknowledgethefollowingfortheirsignificantsupport.Allthose whom we might have inadvertently left out, or those who have contributed anonymously, we thank you warmly.

Donations by Organisations

$30,000 And Above

Far East Organization

ICAPManagementServices Pte Ltd

TheSingaporeIsland Country Club

Wesley Methodist Church

$10,000 To $29,999


AscottInternationalManagement (2001) Pte Ltd

Huttons Asia Pte Ltd


Leap Foundation Ltd

M+S Pte Ltd

The Community Foundation of Singapore

TheGraceShua,JacobBallasIICharitable Trust

$5,000 To $9,999

ARA Trust Management (Suntec) Limited

Barker Road Methodist Church



Express 21 Pte Ltd

Faith Methodist Church


Lee Kim Tah Foundation


Paya Lebar Methodist Church

Providence Law Asia LLC

Tan Chue Tin Clinic Pte Ltd

Toa Payoh Methodist Church

Visionnaires Capital Pte Ltd

$1,000 To $4,999

3R Logistics Pte Ltd

Academies Australasia College Pte Ltd


Advanced Micro Devices (Singapore) Pte Ltd


Airsearch Technology Pte Ltd

Allen & Gledhill LLP

Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church (TRAC)

Aswani Group Holdings Pte Ltd


Bowsprit Capital Corporation Limited

Chinese Women’s Association

Christalite Methodist Church

Cotecna Singapore Pte Ltd

Covenant Community Methodist Church

FairfieldMethodist Church-Singapore

FourSeasonsAsiaInvestment Pte Ltd

Health & Fertility Centre For Women Pte. Ltd.


Kampong Kapor Methodist Church

Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse @ Cactus

Kyoho Marketing Pte Ltd

Lee Foundation

Mellford Pte Ltd





OutbackInternational Singapore Pte Ltd

P S Resources (S) Pte Ltd

Physio Eight Pte Ltd

Quick Credit Pte Ltd

Ricoh (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Sengkang Methodist Church

Singapore Press Holdings

Singapore Press Holdings Foundation

Stamford American InternationalSchool

Sun Holdings Ltd

UK Online Giving Foundation

Venus Beauty Pte Ltd

Wing Tai Foundation

WL Tay QS Services

Women’s Society of Christian Service, Paya Lebar Methodish Church


Church PartnersPaya Lebar Methodist Church

Trinity Methodist Church

Toa Payoh Methodist Church

Wesley Methodist Church


Donations by Individuals

$30,000 And Above

Chin Kim Pang

Christopher Ong


Janet Ong

$10,000 To $29,999

Bee Hong Sally Ong

Bee Hoon Margaret Wee

Beng Mei, Mildred Sim

Beng Wan Sim

Boon Heng Ang

Boon Hwee Koh

Chang King Thang


Chin Lien Lew

ChoaSoChinC/O Tan Soon Hwa Estate

Chuan Ann Tang

Doreen Saik

Geck Chin, Mavis Lim


Heng Wee, Andre Loy

Hie Wu Ho

Hsiang Yu Matthew Tan


Keh Chuan Loh

Keng Seng Fong

Kok Hua, Daniel Cheng

Mavis Khoo


Ooi Lin Lum

Ronald Suwandi

Sock Koong Chua

Soo May Jacqueline Ong

Soo Mong Tony Yeo

Theng Kiat Lee

Tiang Hee Chua

Tze Peng Lim

Wendy Ong

Yew Lin Goh

$5,000 To $9,999

Aik Kian Loh

Alvin Chow

Boo Leong, James Khoo

Chee Meng Toh


Chuen Hwee Wendy Lau

Dong Sheng Hong

Ei Ling Tan

Elizabeth Khoo

Fun Choo Chung

Hong Yap Kelvin Koh

Hou Wai Fong

Hui Ling, Karen Kwee

Joo Boon Lim

Kee Yang Woon

Koh Wee Mian

Kok Sin, David Quark

Lai Siaw Wee

Leonard Goh

May Lin Chua


Roy’s Group

Soh Yi, Martha Tan

Su Ling Deborah Tan

Takashi Kousaka

Tan Wee Kiat Terence

Teck Chee, Anthony Goh

Toh Chieh Chu

Yeok Koon Quak

Yew Choy Wong

$1,000 To $4,999

Adrian Cheong

Adrian Tan

Ai Hwa Chia

Ai Wah Toh

Alfreds Ravi

Anthony Wong


Belynda Tan

Beng Ee Chua

Beng Siong Lim

Candice Ling

Carolina Sanchez Chen

Casey Tan

Catherine Lim

Chan Tat, Bryan Loo

Chan Yew Meng

Cheah Saw Pheng

Chee Khiong, Charles Loh

Chee Koon Lee

Chee Meng Chu

Cheng Siong, Stanley Lee

Cheng Soon Poh

Cheong Fook, David Wong

Chin Shyan Tan


Choon Yee Toh

Choong Seng, Daniel Chan

Christian Philippsen

Christopher Heng

Christopher Tan

Chu Hoon Chang

Chun Eng, Terry Ton

Chun Hoong Koh

Chun Meng Tee

Clarice Tan

David Lee

Dennis Tan

Edwin Ling

Edwin Tan

Ee Eu Wong

Ee Leng Chan

Elizabeth Loh

Foo Chee Guan David

Fook Weng Wan

Geok Lan Ho

Geok Ling Goh

Gi Kim Sung

Govindasamy Shiamala

Guan Hong, Stanley Gan

Henry Beng

Hiang Meng Gn

Hong Hui, Timothy Chan

Hong Kim Lim

Hua Liang, Dennis Soh


Hui Lin Karen Goh

Hui Ling, Diana Tan


Hwei Fong Hsu

Jam Meng Tay

Jamie Phang

Jennifer Hong

Jia Han Phua

Jia Wei Mak

John Lim



Jun Qi Tan

Jun Theodric Lee

Kah Woh Paul Ma

Kai En, Rachel Leong

Kai Hsien Yang

Kee Heng Chew

Kee Joo Basil Chew

Keng Hoe Lee

Keng Yang Betty Wong

Khai Hin Toh

Kiem Kiok Kwa

Kim Peng Tan

Kok Wee Louis Tan

Kuan Hoe, Leslie Lai

Kwee Cheng Ong

Law Elliot

Lawrence Tan

Lay Khiem Low


Lee Woon Tang

Leong Chuan David Tan

Li Wen, Tracey Lim

Lih Ping Yap

Lim Soon Goh

Lim Yu Her

Lo Mun Fun

Lorna Lim

Lulu Cheah

Lynn Lim

Margaret Alfreds

Mary Tan

May Kuen Joanna Chan

May Ling Juliana Soh

Meimei Eugenia Koh

Miah Khiang Ang

Min Chow Sai

Min Wei Tricia Tong

Min Wei, Candice Lim


Ming, Edwin Lee

Mong Siang Ong

Mui Leng Goh





P James

Paul Gwee

Pearl Huan

Peter Ong

Ping Shih Lee

Ping Wen Lee

Poh Choo Angeline Ong

Poh Heng Tan

Qiao Mei Ong

Quee Ching, Karen Leong

Raina Grey

Rodney Lee

Rosemary Sanchez Wee

Samur Alvaro Sanchez

Sap Pho Shui

Se Hok Tan

See Heong Koh

Shao Guang Sheldon Lee

Shelino Suripin

Shimin Jasmine Chung

Shing Chai Chew

Shou Woan, Rachel Yong

Shou Yong, Jonathan Quek

Shu Yan Woo

Shuh Khoon Lim

Shum Poey Meng Joyce

Siang Guan Foo

Siew Ping Justin Wee

Sim Kih

Sim Pin Quek

Solomon Sim

Song Dai

Soon Ann Spencer Teo

Soon Tuan Chew

Sow Peng Cheah

Su Lin Tan


Sugihara Jonathan


Swee Hock Heng

Swee Lai Tan

Tan Chin Meng

Tan Yew Ang

Teck Chai, Danny Lim

Teck Siang, Christopher Lam

Teng Kew Khoo

Teng Peng Khoo

Teow Leng (Deceased) Lim

Terrence Wee

Ti Seng, Desmond Lee

Tong Hong Khor

Tze Rui, Ray Goh


Vandiappan Thevar

Victor Koh

Vin Sing Chay

Wai Keong Wong

Wai Khin Joshua Lee

Wai Mun Wong

Wai Ying Theresa Yap

Wee Lin Leo

Wee Ling, Betty Lee

Wee Sin, Andrew Chan

Wei Yee Tan

Wei Yi Gerard Yuen

Wei Zhao, Benjamin Kong

Weiming Tan

Wen Yuan Leong

Wendy Chew

Wenguang Seow

Whee Leng Katherine Khoo

Wilfed Wee

William Lim

William Tay

Woo Li Chun

Woon Yeok, Janet Ang

Yang Lin Mabel Ho

Yang Tuck Meng

Yee Keong Tam

Yeow Chong Chin

Yew Meng Wong

Yew Ping Goh

Yong Joo Tan

Yong Yau Ong


Yu Wen Michael Alan Lo

Zhao En, Joshua Lee

Zhi Pei Ho


Programme and In-Kind Sponsors


ACS 1985 Alumni

Advanced Micro Devices (Singapore)


Angliss Singapore

AscottInternationalManagement (2001)


AXA Singapore

Bellezza Aesthetics

Blossom World Society


Buddhist Life Mission


Chai Jun and Friends

Charles & Keith


Chong Pang MPS

Covenant Capital

Dennis Soh and Friends

Dentsu Singapore


Eastern Green Marketing

Emmanuel Assembly of God

Far East Organization

Filipino Group

Food from the Heart

Footbal Association of Singapore

Go Ahead Loyang

Goodwood Park Hotel

Grab Rentals


GSK Singapore


HQ Commandos

Hup Yew Seng Plastic Mould

Hwa Chong Junior College





Jason and Friends


Jujie’s Happy Kitchen

Koon Kee Duck Rice

Land Transport Authority

LASALLE College of the Arts


Lighthouse AM

Lion’s Club

Lo & Lee Clinic

Luncheon At Big Box


Mencast Holdings Ltd

Mindchamps @ Marina Square

MOE Kindergarten

Mr Pek

Mummy Yummy











Pawsome Joy

Peck Eng Huay Pork Wholesaler

People’s Association

Prestige Valet

Prime Gym


Protegie F&B Marketing & Branding Consultancy

Ricoh Singapore

Rotary Club of Garden City

Roy’s Group


See Hoy Chan




Singapore Taekwondo Federation

Singapore Taxi Driver Group

Sinoper Lubricant (Singapore)

Skyworks Global

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Singapore, (Youth Division)

Song Lin Restaurant


ST Engineering

Stanley Black & Decker Southeast Asia

Sugar Daddy Group

Super Q international


Syntech Chemicals


Tata Consultancy

Tenten Partners

The Esplanade Co Ltd

Tibco Software Singapore

Tong Seng Produce



Venus Beauty

W & Lee (S)

Walterson World

Willing hearts

YEC Game Toa Payoh Central Community Centre

Yong Zhen Foodstuff Enterprise


Young Men’s Christian Association

Young Women’s Christian Association





$344 $89 $15




$377 $337




Financial PerformanceAudited Financial Statements

The accounts were audited by Fiducia LLP. The Home has provided a summary of the Financial Statements.

TheSummaryFinancialStatementsdonotcontainsufficientinformation to allow for a full understanding of the results and the statement of affairs of the Home.

Forfurtherinformation,thefullfinancialstatementsandtheAuditors’ Report on those statements should be consulted. The full report can be viewed at the Home’s website: www.cslmch.org.sg

Total Income 2018 (‘$000)

Total Income 2017 (‘$000)

Total Expenditure 2018 (‘$000)

Total Expenditure 2017 (‘$000)



Charitable Activities










$71 $23


Summary of Total Income & Expenditure

2018 2017 (‘000) (‘000)Income 6,667 5,761Expenditure 5,291 4,450

NetIncome 1,3761 1,3111

1 Includes$645,155and$1,173,595incapitalfundsfor2018and2017respectively.

Conflict of Interest Policy

TheHomehasinplaceaConflictofInterestPolicyinitscodeofconduct.AllmembersoftheManagementCommittee and senior management are required to declare their interest yearly. Whenever a member of the Management Committee, directly or indirectly, has an interest in a transaction or project, the member shall disclose the nature of his interests before the management committee.

The member concerned should not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter, and should also offer to withdraw from the meeting and the management committee shall decide if this should be accepted

Summary of Financial Position for the Financial Year Ended December 2018 2018 2017 (‘000) (‘000)Assets Current Assets 9,453 8,255 Non-CurrentAssets 11,696 11,403 Total Assets 21,149 19,658Liability Current Liability 702 586

Net Assets 20,447 19,071

Unrestricted Funds General Fund (Home) 10,078 9,519Designated Funds Childcare Fund 272 179 CSL Scholarship Fund 140 188 CSL Trust Fund 92 116 Huttons Scholarship Fund 0 (9) Lion’s Club Fund 12 18 Home Within Home 197 197 10,791 10,208Restricted Funds Building Fund 6,007 6,101 Capital Fund 100 100 Care & Share Fund 2,324 1,568 Children Disability Fund 38 165 CST Fund 643 582 Safe&StrongFamilies-ReunificationFund 136 73 Pilot Small Group Care Fund 408 274 9,656 8,863

Total Funds 20,447 19,071


Notes to Financial Statements


Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home (the “Home”) was registered under the Societies Act (Chapter 311) on 12 March 1968. The Home is a charity registered under the Charities Act on 28 June 1984. The Home’s registered address and principal place of operating activity is located at 202 Serangoon Garden Way, Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home, Singapore 556057.

TheHomehasbeenaccordedanInstitutionofaPublicCharacter(“IPC”)statusfortheperiodfrom 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2019.


ThefinancialstatementshavebeenpreparedinaccordancewithCharitiesAccountingStandard(“CAS”) and the disclosure requirements of the Societies Act (Chapter 311) and Charities Act (Chapter 37).Thefinancialstatementshavebeenpreparedunderthehistoricalcostconventionexceptasdisclosedintheaccountingpolicies.ThesefinancialstatementsarepresentedinSingaporeDollar(S$),which is the Home’s functional currency.


General Fund (Home)

The General Fund is for the purpose of meeting the operating expenses incurred by the Home.

Childcare Fund

This fund is used to pay various expenses related to the services offered by the childcare division.

CSL Scholarship Fund

This fund is used for the purpose of the residents to pursue tertiary education.

CSL Trust Fund

The donor has directed this fund to be used for approved programs.


This fund is used to pay for school and tuition fees for certain residents.

Hutton’s Scholarship Fund

Hutton’s Asia Pte Ltd has generously offered to sponsor selected residents for tertiary education.

Lions Club Fund


Building Fund

This fund was established for the purpose of the expansion of the Home.

Capital Fund

This fund pertains to the initial capital started for the Home.

Care & Share Fund

This fund is used for programmes and activities submitted to Care & Share for capability and capacity building, or to fund new programmes to meet emerging or unmet needs as well as enhancements to existing services. The fund may also be used to cover the cost of meeting critical needs up to 20% of the grant.


Children Disability Fund

This fund is used for the purpose of meeting operating expenses incurred by the Children Disability Home.

CST Fund


Safe & Strong Families-Reunification Fund

This fund is used for the purpose of program initiative for children and young persons who transit from Out-of-Homecarebacktotheirfamilies.

Pilot Small Group Care Fund

This fund is used for the purpose to provide appropriate levels of care for children and young persons with higher needs and who therefore require small group care for a limited period of time (within 12 to 18 months).


TheHomeisgovernedbytheManagementCommittee,whichisthefinalauthorityandhasoverallresponsibility for policy making and determination of all activities.

Duringthefinancialyear,noneofthemanagementcommitteemembersreceivedanyremunerationfromthe Home.


2018 2017

S$100,001andabove 1 0

S$10,000and$$100,000 0 2


TheprimaryobjectiveoftheHomeistoensureitmaintainssufficientcashinordertosupportitsactivities. Itsapproachtofundmanagementistobalancetheallocationofcashandtheincurrenceofdebt.Available cash is deployed primarily to cover operational requirements.


The primary objective in the management of the Home’s reserves is to ensure that it maintains a strong and healthy level of reserves and working capital ratio in order to support its operations and future growth.

The Home targets to maintain an optimal level of Accumulated General Fund, which is equivalent to three years of its budgeted expenditures in relation to its operations. The Home regularly reviews and manages its reserves to ensure that it has optimal working capital, taking into consideration the future funding requirementsoftheHomeandprojectedoperatingcashflowsandprojectedcapitalexpenditures.



Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s HomeAnnual Report for Year Ended 31 December 2018

Chen Su Methodist Children’s Home was set up under the Societies Act on 12 March 1968.

UniqueEntityNumber(UEN) : S68SS0016KRegistered Address : 202 Serangoon Garden Way Singapore 556057Management Committee : The Management Committee as of 30th April 2018 comprises of the following:

There are 4 Management Committee meetings in 2018. The attendance of the following appointed persons at the management meetings are as follows: Attendance at no. of meetingsChairman : Mr Clifton Tan Tiong Jin 4Hon Secretary : Mr Eddie Ong Chin Hin 4Hon Treasurer : Mr Yow Chi Mun 4Member : Mr Yap Shon 4Member : Mdm Lim Hwee Seh (Mrs Tan) 4Member : Mr Low Kee Hong 4Member : Rev Stanley Chua Huang Seng 0

Auditor : Fiducia LLP, Public Accountants and Chartered AccountantsBanker HSBC, OCBC, SCB


The Home’s revenue is derived from grants by government agencies, income from childcare centre, publicdonationsandothermiscellaneousincomesuchasfixeddepositsinterests.


TheHomeendedtheyearwithatotalincomeof$5,879,588,(ex-capitalgrants)a31.3%increaseyearonyear.Alldivisionsregistereddoubledigitgrowthinincome.Netsurpluswas$730,590versus$137,510for 2017. Last year, the Home celebrated our 50th year anniversary and initiated several fundraising activities,resultinginanincreaseindonationsfrom$1,522,637to$2,071,361.BothPSGCandSSF-Rdivisions had a full year of operation in 2018. For Childcare, we saw an increase in student enrolment towardsthesecondhalfoftheyear.TotalexpenditurefortheHomeincreasedby18.6%to$5,148,997.StaffcostswerehigherasweupgradethelevelofcarefortheresidentswithmorequalifiedstaffandincreasedstafftrainingtowardsTraumaInformedCare.Wealsoemployedspecialistsinthefieldof Art Therapy & Clinical Psychology. We would like to thank donors, friends and supporters who have madesignificantcontributionstotheHome.


1) Land & Building at 202 Serangoon Garden Way: Property was purchased by the charity in 1983 for the purpose of running the Home for disadvantaged children.’

2) TheHomerenovationprojectwascompletedandTOPobtainedon6April2018.TheCertificateofStatutory Completion was received on 5 March 2019.


Fullstatementofaccountsforthefinancialyearended31st December 2018 are available on our website.

202 Serangoon Garden Way, S(556057)T 6713 9150 F 6713 9155 W cslmch.org.sg

Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home

Our Mission

To provide loving, Christian nurture for

needy and disadvantaged children

of all races and religions, so as to

prepare them to be happy and

responsible members of the family

and community.

Our Core ValuesService




